Starfield FREE SHIPS | How to get 5 free ships

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okay so here's how to get five free ships in Starfield you don't have to pay a single credit for these ships and once you have them you can either fly them around or you're free to sell them for Cold Hard Cash the first ship we're covering is the star Eagle this is the ship you get by completing the three star Rangers at questline it's a pretty decent ship with lots of space and speed and it's way better than your starting ship the frontier and plus it's free so even if you don't like it you can always sell it for credits or use it as a template and upgrade it with weapons and armor and stuff to your heart's contents always better to have more ships the quickest way to get the star Eagle is just by running through the questline of the freestyle Rangers this questline is found on Aquila if you haven't found that planet yet it's right here [Music] [Music] thank you when you land on Aquila for the first time proceed through the front gate and you'll come upon a bank heist the leader of the three star Rangers asks you to help out so go up to the front door of the bank after you've talked to this guy and then either persuade the bank robbers to come out peacefully or head in round the back and pass them all to Oblivion this kicks off the questline for the freestyle Rangers matter of fact you might just be freestyle Ranger materials next up you're invited to this location which is the main base of the Rangers and here's what you get given all your quests do them all and at the end of the questline your reward is the star Eagle time wise you're looking at a good few hours to finish the entire questline but you can make that a lot shorter just by running through the quests straight to the objective and skipping all the dialogue if you don't really care about the story like for instance in the first mission I was told to take out a gang leader who's in a factory so rather than crawling around and taking out every gang member in turn I just ran straight to the leader and eliminated him and then fast traveled back to my ship the whole thing was a lot quicker because all I want is that star eagle and to be honest is very very worth doing the whole Rangers quest line to get it by the authority granted to me by the Council of Governors I hereby promote you to the rank of Ranger here's your badge where it would cry foreign [Music] shielded cargo hold so you can smuggle Contraband into planets and pass the authorities and even better it can actually make space pirates flee when they see you due to its intimidation Factor that's because this is a legendary ship belonging to a feared figure called the Mantis and when you do the Mantis Quest you'll get not only his ship but also his legendary armor as well thankfully it takes much less time to do this mantis Quest than it takes to do the freestyle Rangers questline as it's just a single one-off Quest as mentioned it's just called mantis and you can find the Mantis Quest by guessing this note you see here now this note drops randomly from space enemies so I can't tell you exactly where to get it but the good news is it's a really common drop I've got two Starfield characters and this note dropped for me less than an hour into the game for both characters so do missions that will put you into conflict with spacer enemies and there's a really good chance the notes will drop interact with the note and it will point you to the location of a secret base you do need the notes before it lets you fly there you can't just fly to the base before getting the notes [Music] [Music] once you land it's a pretty linear 10 minute Quest where you take out some human and robot enemies in a base and then at the end you'll get both the armor and the raise Elite ship so that's the second free ship on our list [Music] foreign thank you the third ship comes as a gift from your parents but only if you've chosen the kid stuffed trait when making your character the kid stuff trait as you probably know gives you two parents who you can visit in the game they live in an apartment in the residential area of new Atlantis the catch is that you do have to send home money every week to them which gets deducted from your funds automatically it's really not that big of a deal though because your reward is a free ship called the Wonder well maybe a little Oasis reference there the Wonder well is valued at eight eighty nine thousand one hundred and ninety seven credits which is way more than the amount of money you end up sending back so the kids stuff traits are more than pays for itself as for the exact moment your parents do give you this ship it is a few hours into the game and you do have to do a few unrelated Quests for it to come up it happens at different times for different people so all I can say is just keep progressing through the game and visiting your parents every once in a while until until they offer you this and your room is just a mess although that's how you left it our next ship is the Kepler or a Class C ship with a gigantic cargo hold really good Shields and loads of fuel so you can go wherever you need to go to get the Kepler R you have to progress through the main story questline until you reach a mission called high price to pay this is the 11th mission in the story so it is quite a way into the game after you do this Mission Walter Stroud will make a speech and this kicks off a side quest called over designed now depending on how you complete this quest You'll unlock one of two possible ships these are either the Kepler s or the Kepler R so to get the better of these two ships which is the Kevlar are here's what you need to do number one pick the larger budget and pass the persuasion check two talk to everyone in the group and positively reinforce their ideas through every complete to destroy or combat missions and lastly choose to use team building and pick the most positive motivational responses doing all of this gets you the amazing C-Class Kepler R so in conclusion do the main quest until you come to the 11th Mission do that one and this opens up the over-designed questline complete it in the manner I've just told you and you will unlock the best a possible ship out of the two options the Kepler are all for free and lastly the UC prison shuttle it's got no weapons no Shields and no real point to installing either because this might be literally the worst ship in the entire game yeah we haven't really saved the best tour last in this video we've saved the most trash honestly there's not really any points even to having this thing but this is a video of the free ships you can get in Starfield and it's my sworn duty to tell you about them so if you did want to get your hands on the UC prison shuttle it's a matter of doing the Crimson of Fleet Quest slide after a few quests you'll get one specific Quest that rewards you with the prisoner shuttle to join the Crimson fleets you'll need to commit a crime on new Atlantis and get caught you will then be sent to jail here you'll meet a military officer who tasks you with infiltrating the Crimson fleets do all of the Crimson Fleet quests until you come to The Echoes of the past mission this is the third mission for this Mission you will escape a prison called the lock and you'll do this in a small prison transport ship called the UC prison shuttle at the end of the mission you'll get to keep the shuttle which is amazing another free ship okay it's not a great ship so I wouldn't really recommend going out of your way to get this ship but it is a cool little bonus for doing the Crimson Fleet questline and hey it is free so those were five free ships you can get in Starfield for the low low price of absolutely nothing besides time of course arguably the most precious of all currencies I say arguably because I do really like Indian rupees anyway thanks so much for watching this video be sure to give it a like if it helped you out and for more stuff or guides subscribe to the channel [Music]
Channel: Gaming with Griff Griffin
Views: 179,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield free ships, Starfield free ship, Starfield where to buy ships, where to buy ships Starfield, Starfield ship seller, Starfield ship vendor, Starfield best free ships, Starfield can you get a free ship, Starfield where to get free ship, Starfield best ship, Starfield best early ship, Starfield best starting ship, free ship Starfield, free ships Starfield
Id: dSGgjZDaC_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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