Starfield - Ultimate CHARACTER Guide (Spoiler free) | Skills, Backgrounds, Traits

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you can sell the data you gather for big money so exploration is rewarded in Starfield making this focus a viable one hey guys dad success Starfield is an absolutely massive game with an overwhelming amount of meaningful choices what might be the single most important choice though is how you build your character it's not as straightforward as picking a class and pressing go you can't change your background once Chosen and you can't refund your skill points so in this video I aim to give you all the information you need to make the most informed decision possible without any spoilers we'll be going through the customization skills backgrounds and traits for your starting character from some of that as of this recording has played the game through a few times already time stamps are below if you need to skip to a particular section laughs after a short tutorial you'll be allowed to create your character now how your look is completely up to you and has no impact on the game you can also completely change this after character creation at particular shops so don't stress too much if you don't look perfect this one is on the planet Paradisio in the parama system for a small fee you can completely change your face body and gender why not your background and traits however cannot be changed selecting a profile in the biometric ID tab is a rough template start so pick one and move on to body here you can choose the shape of your character as well as if you're a male or female this will impact your voice there are two walk style options a more masculine or feminine stride then you have skin tone and you can move on to face there are a ton of customization options here from here to face shape when you highlight each tab some have further detail to play around if you really want to get granular tips make your character suit what kind of role you'll have them play in the Galaxy a fat space pirate with pink hair might not work wait actually I take that back it might work really well once you're done you'll move on to choosing your background backgrounds tell the game what you were before this current point in time it will add unique dialogue to the game to reflect your choice and in rare situations will Aid you for example bounty hunters negotiating better Bounty rates this effect even applies to traits and rarely some skills backgrounds also give you a starting point with skills getting you three right when you begin almost like starting level one with three skill points already placed skills aren't easy to come by you only get one skill point every level up and there are five trees with four tiers in each to access a tier you have to put four points into the one before it so 12 points total to access the capstones of every tree also each individual skill has four ranks within them that you need to complete a challenge with like killing X enemies with Ballistic weapons in order to progress to the next rank with one skill point there are 82 skills total across five trees with four ranks in each so that's 328 points needed to fill out the skill tree if you play through at a normal Pace with a mix of side content and Main you'll be around level 30 when you're at the end of the golden path though this could be drastically higher or lower depending on a lot of factors so for argument's sake let's say you're at 30 which means you'll have 29 skill points to place on top of the three skills you started as per your background that's around 10 percent of the skill tree which is not even close to denting it if you want an in-depth look at every skill in Starfield check out this detailed video here it's useful as you can't refund skill points so the sheer number of skills available means you need to make hard choices where to put your points this means backgrounds will give you a head start in the area you want to specialize that being said I'll give recommendations but the beauty of the game is you can play however you want and be just fine the first background up is the Beast Hunter a also there seems to be One Direction you can take it and that's a build focused on combat and food it starts with a combat skill in ballistics but a physical skill in Fitness and a social skill in Gastronomy which is very spread out I recommend this background if you plan on using ballistic weapons and to play solo as in without a companion as having a point in the social tree will put you one step closer to the isolation skill which gives you 80 more weapon damage and a 120 damage resistance when you don't have a companion or crewmate one point in Fitness puts you one step closer to nutrition which will make all the upgraded food and drink you craft 50 more effective so this background is for the self-reliance soloist bouncer is the ultimate background for those who want to play unarmed it gives you boxing which improves your unarmed attacks it gives you security which is a core skill for any build and it gives you Fitness which is another point in the physical tree so it's one step closer to martial arts and neuro strikes which is what you want if you want to crack skulls with your fists unarmed has natural synergy stealth so you'd pick up stealth and since you're already heading to the Capstone tier of physical pick up concealment now you'll be getting a crazy 10 times damage multiplier on the already 100 more unarmed damage you're doing with a high crit chance so pick this up if all you want to do is smash things with your fist the next background is the Bounty Hunter you think a bounty hunter would be all about combat its actual Focus though is ships and the tech tree you get three Tech skills to start so pick this background if you plan on building and piloting the best ships in these settled systems piloting is a core skill to fly the best ships as it gives you access to class B and C ships which are strictly better than Class A targeting Control Systems is great for extra damage or disabling enemy ships in order to board and boost pack training is core on any build with three skills in Tech it's easier to get to Starship design which allows you to install increasingly better modules on your ship Bounty Hunter is the perfect background for those wanting to engage in smuggling ship combat and building Chef is hard to categorize background it uses dueling without a skill that supports it and chooses two social skills focused around Scavenging without the payoff the only route I could suggest is to focus on the melee weapons you don't need many other points in the combat tree since you have dueling getting Scavenging early pays off more as the extra resources you get adds up so leave those points in Social and start heading down the physical tree with stealth martial arts and concealment much like I mentioned for bouncer the one big benefit of two points in this social tree though is you can opt for isolation as well if you plan on being a solo sword wielding stealthy ninja companions can actually reveal you while you're sneaking around so this would work well the 80 extra damage multiplied by 10 will mean you one shot almost everything while stealth combat medic is next and you might want this background if you plan to utilize combat research and modding you start with pistol certification giving you a head start in the combat tree and you get medicine which will eventually lead you into spacesuit design and weapon engine nearing then chemistry and finally the Capstone special projects all these granting you powerful mods for your gear and weapons as well as strong chems that help you with a range of things like sneaking negotiating and damage mitigation Wellness is the only wasted point but at least the extra Max Health it provides isn't useless cyber Runner is up next and it's in my opinion the best background to use if you plan on a stealth focus in fact I'd say it's the best background period it gives you three very useful skills for any build without one point in stealth you can't hide at all the first rank adds a stealth meter so when you sneak you'll actually be hidden without it you won't be able to steal things and unlock doors and look through computers without raising an alarm from NPCs who seem like they can't see you but they'll certainly hear you there are a lot of instances in the game where you want to be stealthy in Starfield security means both lock picking and hacking letting you open locks and breakthrough computer security I don't need to explain how powerful this is in a Bethesda title without one point in Theft you can pickpocketed at all it occasionally makes missions a whole lot easier if you use em or electromagnetic weapons it also means you'll be able to loot the enemies you stun without having to kill them pick cyber Runner if you don't know what you want to pick or if you plan on going a stealthy ranged character not much more needs to be said [Music] cyber nurses is a combat medic with laser weapons instead of pistols except they get a very useful security skill rather than Wellness if you want to focus on combat specifically laser weaponry and mod the hell out of any or all your gear this is the background for you the Diplomat comes with two social skills and wellness let's just ignore Wellness as this background doesn't lean into the physical tree instead with this background you want to lean into the non-combat route persuasion diplomacy intimidation instigation and manipulation are all skills you may want to consider as well as the Commerce related skills in Social pick Diplomat if you plan on being well diplomatic pretty straightforward if only that Wellness skill was elsewhere Explorer is another background that is exactly what it says in the label you'll have lasers to help while you're exploring you'll have astrodynamics to let you get around a little quicker and surveying which drastically cuts down how annoying surveying flora fauna resources and anomalies can be without it at 50 meters you no longer need to get up close to things you want to dive deeper into the science tree with scanning astrophysics and then decide if you want to focus on building outposts in which case you can pick up the skills relating to them or if you want to focus on resource harvesting and modding both of which are in the science tree you can sell the data you gather for big money so exploration is rewarded in Starfield making this focus a viable one gangster is up next and I'm just going to recommend you stay away from this background at least for your first playthrough there's no point having two different melee related skills up front and then theft instead of something to support the close range bouncer's skill points are spread across three different trees so you'd want them to at least have some synergies these don't why would you go fist weapons if you have shotguns and why would you go shotguns if you have fist weapons there's no point having both of these together Homesteader is similar to Explorer and you'll want to focus in the science tree Gathering materials exploring modding or building outposts simple weightlifting means you'll be incumbent less often but check out my top 20 actually useful tips video for ways around this I like geology more than astrodynamics and lasers more than weightlifting so it really is a personal choice between them industrialist is another background with spread out skill points in this case it has the always useful security skill but it also has persuasion leading you down a non-combat role and research methods which is leading you down a crafting role all three skills are useful so this background is for someone who doesn't quite know where they want to focus a non-combat focused character just yet long hauler is a bad bounty hunter in my opinion it wants to lead you into a ship Focus but instead of giving you another tech skill it gives you weight lifting which you don't really need if you have a ship with high capacity already just pick Bounty Hunter over this at least for your starting character Pilgrim would be a good survival character when summer mods survival mode into the game you start with Scavenging which helps generate extra resources as you explore gastro mean to make use of the food items you find and it gives you a path down the size tree if you need it I think the best Focus for this background is one that wants you to generate as much credits as possible all three tools here can be used for that you can also make your way to deception to pirate ships for more credits and bribery to make use of all your credits you might as well get Commerce too while you're at it Professor is exactly what you think a background for someone who purely wants to focus on these sides tree with three starting points in it you choose this over Explorer and Homesteader unless you prefer the surveying skill which I personally do but it's nice to have research methods from the start pick one of the three and don't look back Ronin is in my opinion a better Chef starting you off with stealth and dueling perfect for a stealth mellow focused character Scavenging is always good to get early but since Chef has a head start on isolation you'd want to pick Ronin if you're planning on going down the physical tree at least at first better if you still want to use companions so Chef for solo stealth melee focused characters and Ronin for stealth melee that can still use companions ironic given their names then we have sculptor and only see one path for it it's not as good as Professor Homesteader or Explorer for a Science Focus mostly because medicine doesn't help you be on the point towards the next tier only pick this background if you plan on avoiding crafting and research and are traveling down these social and size trees purely for Outpost building in which case you want Outpost Management in the social tree our post Engineering in the science tree and planetary habitation as core next we have Soldier and it's thankfully great at what you'd expect a combat Focus boost pack training is always good and ballistics gives you a start in the combat tree Fitness is the only point that isn't wonderful as stamina won't be much of a problem for you you'll notice that no background has two points in the combat tree so you really need to pick a background with the type of weapon you plan on focusing on up front if you plan on going down that tree ballistics are a good abundant choice for a first playthrough so you'll start specializing in a damage type in a weapon type and make your way through the combat tree ultimately picking up all three capstones space scoundrel is a mess of a background like I mentioned at the start of the background selection you'll have very limited points and you really need to focus this has a combat skill with a non-combat one with a ship skill if you absolutely need to role play a Han Solo type character pick this background for the conversational choices it offers and I guess the split play style that office fits the theme the same goes for xenobiologists it's a bit of a mess however it does offer lasers so if you're interested in focusing on that weapon type as well as getting a decent side skill in surveying go for it however it's my opinion that there are better starting backgrounds especially since it offers the frankly wasted Fitness skill finally we got the file not found background this feels like a better scoundrel start without the role-playing aspect schedule is locked to pistols but pistols can be ballistic em particle or laser ballistics lock you into ballistic weapons but they can be pistols rifles shotguns Etc that's the choice you'd have to make egg when picking between these two backgrounds but that would personally recommend against them both so that's all the backgrounds pick one and don't worry too much you might waste some points here and there but in the end the game won't really care be sure to check out my skill guide if you're still unsure what you want to pick the next choice is your traits traits are game modifications that usually have an upside and a downside you can pick up to three of these meaning you don't have to pick any can pick one can pick two or you can pick three you can't add traits during the game but you can remove them each trait can be removed in unique ways that I'll leave up to you to discover and no you won't have to murder your parents to get rid of them so let's run through all the traits now alien DNA gives you more health and stamina but food heals less without investment in food related skills food barely even scratches your health bar you rarely use food to heal back up so this downside is well worth the upside unless you pick the background with Gastronomy dream home is also a great upside for a small downside homes are hard to come by early in staff here field and having one of the star gives you a place to dump your extra resources and gear as well as set up crafting tables 125 000 is cheap for the extra content empath is a hard one to gauge because it's not often that you perform actions that companions like and dislike and most of the time those moments are during conversational periods outside of combat this is definitely one you can avoid as taking up a trait slot is more of a downside than its actual downside I mentioned the playstyle of playing Solo or playing with Companions and introvert and extra traits go well with those focuses they can make it so you use less oxygen or stamina when Eventing alone for an introvert or when with a companion for an extrovert with a downside of using more oxygen when you break that rule these traits sit in the bucket together so choosing one means you can't choose the other there are a few missions where you're forced to use a companion but using more oxygen isn't a huge problem if you know you like one playstyle or the other picking these will help especially if you've picked Chef free star Collective settler neon Street rat and United Colonies native all sit within a bucket they offer increased rewards and special dialogue when doing their faction missions but you have a higher crime Bounty for the other factions if you don't plan on being a criminal and even if you do this downside is completely negligible so the traits are worth it to see the extra dialogue and rewards I recommend trying each of them during different playthroughs hero worship gives you an adoring fan like the one you met in Elder Scrolls Oblivion except this one can join your crew isn't particularly special and offers the occasional gift if you want to take him around and listen to him kissing your ass all day long pick this up it's a free extra crewmate for you to assign somewhere worst case if you get tired of him you can always assign him to an outpost you've made on a hellscape planet kids stuff gives you parents yes a video game character with living breathing parents it's actually insane how uncommon this is you can go visit them they'll sometimes visit you they'll sometimes have a significant gifts like spaceships and guns and you can run into them out in the world this costs you two percent of your credits a week but honestly you won't even notice it's a decent upside raised enlightened raised Universal and serpents embrace all fall under the religion bucket enlightened uh organized atheists and give you access to a chest full of items but you don't get access to the sanctum universum chest which means no downside as you won't have access for either chest if you choose neither Universal believes gods in the stars and we have to find him same as Rey's enlightened you get a special chest Serpent's Embrace makes it so you share the same religion as housefaroon believing a Great Serpent will encircle the universe and kill their non-believers it gives you health and oxygen boost when you grab jump the decrease if you don't jump regularly mostly this trait is good for the conversational aspect and those from house baroon will be influenced by you sharing their religion then we have the bucket of spaced and Terra Firma traits once again health and oxygen are increased space has an increased while in space and decreased while on the surface and Terra Firma is the opposite you'll be spending most of your time on the surface with health and oxygen only coming into play in space when you're on space stations or on large ships so I'd recommend Terra Therma over space but both aren't massive changes or downsides to Warrant a change in play style task master makes it so systems will fully repair when damaged below 50 if you have a crew member that's trained in that area assigned however all crew cost twice as much to hire its expensive hiring crew but you get a lot of free crew members as well and the extra cost is offset by the upside if you plan on crewing large ships pick up task master the want to trait makes it so very occasionally merceries will show up and try to kill you the upside is that you get extra damage when your health is low both upsides really though as mercs are easy to kill and give you ammo experience for your levels and for your skill challenges loot ships and more my only problem is they don't show up often enough and those are the traits you can select I recommend picking three to start with just to see how it plays out then when you come back for another character you'll have more insight to understand just how you want to experience the game next to wrap up don't worry too much about your looks and body damn I just sounded like a psychologist but you can change it later have a rough idea how you want to build your character skills and select your background and traits to complement that hold some skill points until you have challenges complete in the skills you want play and enjoy the universe of Starfield at your own pace it's that simple and that's everything for now let me know your thoughts below if you have any tips funny or interesting Starfield related content be sure to join my Discord and submit them you may just be featured in a video and every month the best features will win a game of their choice I give away a lot of things and those in the community might even win bigger prizes like the constellation edition of the game and more so get in and join the conversations thank you so much and stay tuned to dantix for everything Starfield ciao friends foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Dantics
Views: 129,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, character, skills, backgrounds, traits, customization, build
Id: jl5lgNRSjvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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