Best RETRO GAMES Moments! (Part 2) - Game Grumps Compilations

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buy my book buy my book buy my book buy my book buy my book buy my book buy my book [Applause] and to find another blue pipe that brings me back hey whoa whoa - I'm excited he has just got like suburban like single dad all over it Oh oh my god this is really how big the map is that's ridiculous dude this isn't fun I wish I hadn't used their entire budget on that Sun so the Sun was created in our image yeah I am worshiped as a God among the tribes here oh yeah you gotta get more mustard on your juice I know exactly what I've been saying all these years where the okay go and go that one really wait well there's the knife this game Oh a key yes yeah sure why not Oh meanwhile children are dying but I can open a door this is so stupid thought of this garbage okay so go to the left Hey Oh a potion a drink whoops oh it's up to you Laura it's just falls over just use the torch to light the fireplaces do we have a torch no you get that whoops next time on game bro we're gonna have a good time Aaron I do believe that may have been your shortest player of all time congratulations on that oh that does not look like a solvable situation okay see you then I feel kind of bad that we we do a show where people watch us play video games and I just explicitly said escape is not fun to watch sorry at least we're all in this together everybody totally what are you throwing a feast of bear everything I'm throwing everything disgust am i trying to kill this what is I oh god that is some that's not even nightmare fuel that's nightmare fuel too cool like for the nightmare bus they drive off the nightmare American Oh God can we do anything about this Jesus man boy it is so disturbing that the head cam moves completely so it's ever gut what what is the purpose of all of these foods I know dude I'm having like a silent nervous breakdown let me go no no I'm holding a tornado right now that being said I'm cool with death now yeah just because of this yeah well in general but also certainly because of this wait what are you getting existential on super troll adventure just happened one day I was like I think I'm ok with this whole like life situation alright the fact that it ends is what gives it value and that's really beautiful yeah exactly I agree with that and then also playing this game made me happy to die do I have health or like what I guess you must I'm go well no I guess you just get shot once and that's it man Wow have I been going through this game without getting hit at all yeah cuz you've been swinging your sword with a half screen arc in all directions [Laughter] good news Matt dinah purpose no more Prakash names subtly game got suddenly hard use your ax use your distance shot no Aaron Waugh Aaron it's like ah over you're definitely going the wrong way but and dude let's this forest okay great bad watching boxing let's box right Pole punch Right punch duck left punch okay you got all that sure why not choose men I'll make my own choices thank you woah that's not a man - that's a monster okay one two three four six three six choose your man this is a Christmas fight of the ages it is it is some festive yes yes I got you in the loop no no no you have me in the loop no my Lube man we really are just like using all of the techniques yeah such as duct a little head punch indiscriminately take it take it come on come on I need the points god damn it Papa needs scratch I picked a singles match Aaron so this is just gonna be me for that s'what you wanted because you wanted to practice you can creamy this is I'll cream you in other ways I've never played I mean I had a friend who I used to go to cons with sometimes so I didn't go with the cons with him I just see him every so often mm-hmm and then one time he was like he was like I gotta go rip a deuce and I was like really and he was like he was like yeah I reproduce it every con I go to ya and specifically craps it convention bull not only that but like a for some reason the way he said it I immediately imagined he just like goes over to a corner and like takes a in the corner oh and I was like dude that's awesome but but then like later I like Eagle I was like dude did you like where did you and he's like in the in the bathroom and I'm like we it's like I was so disappointed I was like I reproduce it every con I go to cuz I poop all the time you do so what the is special about oh I would reproduce at a con you're one of the poo penis dudes I've ever think it was single thank you okay cool look at the detail they put in here right yeah so I'm right-handed even if I go this way all right handed yeah yeah advanced needless to say Aaron's in the white shirt I'm in the blue shirt oh sure and the pink shirts are our enemy I wanna go get you I'm gonna get something I need you to stay on your side I'm gonna get you get out of there no sorry okay yeah you're a disaster oh my god whoa whoa whoa they saved it well stay up there dude yeah okay no it's good everything's good huh yep yes I love tennis dude this game is good yeah I'm gonna welcome this time yeah yeah see that see that we them I'm learning we're having intercourse I'm a neural net processor a learning computer [Laughter] we're gonna we're gonna get Wimbledon for sure that's what you don't get when we're gonna win the Wimbledon it's weak link huh how are your reflexes so fast you're like a cheetah an AI cheetah dude you see that yeah dude my white shirt powers I finally pay it off now I'm just imagining a cheetah like running down the Serengeti playing like nice you the right time you didn't I'm a mess killing him oh my god we're killing him oh dude this is our longest rally of the day that was murder murder my god dude I got it yes you do I got it you did that's three for Aaron I had it dude you're killing it not now yes okay okay my intense need to is good is growing is growing no like five minutes ago relax I've been doing too much bucket uh what do you call a fish with no eyes I don't know what she liked it wait tell me one okay why can't a bicycle stand up why because it's too tired it's like the sarcastic waited way too long on the last level we played because like stage two and three right we had three continues and used all of those continues really yes so we have no continues left and you have two lives and I have three lives hmm so let's not blow it okay oh nice and slow it nice careful oh okay so hard kills you instantly no yes once we did it without dying I'm proud of it yes dicks come on man she's ridiculous dude come on I don't know I've gotta go we gotta go go it's Caroline I feel like I'm in toe jam you know you have your that's Jack look at overworld shack is huge okay welcome to this nightmare its home improvements and I know it must be bad cuz Aaron was like close your eyes when you when you think of home improvement Super Nintendo game yeah what do you imagine probably the greatest game of all time like what do you what is the game that's a really good question is is there some is there some high jinks a fit a foot on tool time and I need to sort it out as Tim Allen Oh God Sarah well here he goes hey come back yep al the tool case is empty call security call the police call the National Guard now Tim calm down the tools were probably sure okay for you to become the tools that have came on them I cannot believe that I was dead right that some hijinks were afoot on tool time and I had to solve them I can't believe that oh my god I'm on a soundstage yeah okay so I could jump mm-hmm I can I can fly Oh use your buy on half a man dope yapping hood I have a grappling claw oh and I've I got tools oh yeah it's tool time it's home improvement do I collect the Cheerios did I win he's totally did he did David just do coke it's just different about you Tim are you talking about he's got like baby powder like from head to toe do you know see them the snake to ants it's a pterodactyl so on my skin this is just his coke dream oh dude coked up nightmare that's a snake I'd like to play the coke coke dream the home-improvement game this is what fun is if a robot talked to me and asked me like what is fun I'd be like just play this you got the crazy screws I'm getting oh throw it screws at me left and right this would kill me I would be dead yeah this is a straight up nut party I'd be a dead man and not the kind of nut party you'll find if you look at on Google search images and and it may or may not be a tall lanky man with with curly hair yes slightly Jewish looking yeah named Dan Nathanael in the picture flaafy done a thing he'll fluffy done yeah I've seen that guy around he's sexy I want to see what the next stage is but apparently I have it looks shockingly like the first yeah but I know there's like an it's like oh we gotta go on the Home Shopping Network channel now it's Tim Allen in various settings we can just have Matt Photoshop in fact Matt Ryan please Photoshop Tim Allen in various settings thank you wow that was nice Wow yeah yeah Schaffer Godzilla Godzilla he's a plant no never say no we're saying in the things that Matt and Ryan we're doing Oh meanwhile probably just despite me they put him in medieval times fighting King Kong just make me look like a I know you're up to Matt Orion's don't worry shakey dog he's like I had too much cozy you did oh just come on fire yeah just for a second I can't survive that it's fine it's not fine you know you catch on fire for like one second and it's fine and then a couple seconds more and you're like oh this is getting kind of hot we've been there yeah no it's my life in a nutshell dude what town are we in where we were like where we played chess it must have in Sacramento and we went to that bar and we saw the the liquor that was just called Mountain gay do you remember that Matt Ryan I'm gonna send it to you put up the picture of Mount Gay the best liquor in the world Aaron it was just sitting on a shelf and Aaron RI were like what the it's called Mountain gays should be called lick him couldn't agree more the direction locks when you keep the button depressed you'll never amount to anything a B uh your artwork isn't as good as it used to be yeah no one likes yellow have you ever have done that hookers and blow yeah I've ever heard I like a prostitute do cocaine off your dick oh yeah yeah no it's the best it's awesome you have to tell me bro they call me Dan coke dick oh my god I'm on the streets excuse me and I and I think there was an HD remake available elevator I could be wrong but seems like something they would have done for like Xbox Live some arcade or some yeah yeah do you remember that oh yeah Oh Charlie murder so some of the greatest games that we've ever played where are you now some of the greatest games that we've ever been paid to play oh that what that was you know what it was exciting for me in that sense because I was just like holy like I'm getting paid to play video games oh yeah whose nuts interaction just like the reminisce hour what's that oh yeah yeah a good time remember we were doing something more interesting than what we're doing at this exact moment oh boy oh just all the action dude it says boo - boo Wow that will never happen again no yes No I could I I always try to duck but you can't duck when you're on the elevators goddammit you could you didn't even beat the first level now we got a look at this ass logo yeah I'm embarrassed by my performance who designed this what does nightmare that's a yeah a head coming out of the tiny n that guy doesn't he doesn't even look like anybody in the game going off his magic bag at a picnic in the meadow you can't do that anymore put a kibosh on the whole yeah I don't think you can it let me kill these things broke bricks Adam dude but the pricks are all bouncy and weird maybe you gotta learn Wow the classic McDonald's funhouse game oh my god all right this is crazy if you hello and welcome to wrath of the Black Manta the game that every one of you deserve and requested oh so good they've taken several children including my youngest student Tara but that's me what taro is I take it taro is a sharp boy he left a clue we found a letter at the scene it says I've been kidnapped and are being held near the waterfront oh look at that dude welcome to men the Angela see ya New York City has never looked cooler ninjas have never looked cooler nice huh we sell bullets and dance this isn't a store wait this place is ridiculous we've got a sale on your life going fast I can't I can't take it you it doesn't work it just doesn't work the games lying come now be a good boy what oh my god yeah unbelievable that is stupid is so stupid all right I think is that even the Black Manta he's purple as I think I've had enough I think I can't take any more [Music] that's how you beat them dude yeah that's how you beat them all right tell you what what if you want to do a second episode all right we'll see you tomorrow from rat of a goddamn Black Manta part 2 welcome back to game grumps you go dude no all right let's do it you don't want to play the best game on the planet yeah use your little clone you don't have to get hurt what why is why why why is this a thing I'm kill this son I'm filled with so much hate you can't shoot it while you're jumping I know that oh hello and welcome to monster party what the who are you I'm Bert what's up 1989 NMU Wow oh you gotta watch out his little his flame body will get you oh sorry I'm dead this isn't a party you know what I'm sorry alright well that's it you did it yeah good job Turkey what is he he's died oh no he's dead why'd you pick on him dude yeah now I'm this now I dude yeah oh he's way more awesome I can laser eyes you you you you Oh God pills I've been doing drugs over here oh this is so much better yeah what the foot why did he need your help I'll never be shitty bat kid again work sucks here I go that's the shrimp it's the shrimp what the right in the shrimp I'm frightened the shrimp the this is the don't touch anything challenge cuz the green demon challenge in Mario 64 went so well yeah like we have to revisit this count yeah stage 6 has a spot that's completely on Utley you have to get a coin or kill the Koopa reads this part oh yeah how could you possibly I've tried I tried so I'm gonna go at least damage as possible ah fail Matt Ryan here with four consecutive fails that's a lot of fails gives a good goldurn you know what I'm gonna do this just to get some extra lives giving up stumped in something something something something something something something got a dump I'm good I'm gonna stop in here get some quick lives real fast star planter failure damage all right all right after do the first level of again that's okay you cruise through yeah it only takes two SEC's master do some auto-erotic asphyxiation or something and then like it I mean that is the way I want to go out yeah but right without without the choking alright I don't want to strangle me so you just want to be I just want to die sweet another star maybe I can get another star and get some one man's let's see what happens yeah let's see I don't believe I'm sorry that's not how I Wow that wasn't the thought that I started that was enough Freudian right there as those truly what you felt no I think so whoa I'm sorry oh my god the truth comes out again roid is doubling down in my brain today I was I was wrong I think it's so I can it fail just occurred to you as you've got to the other side of the door that you were dead you know the thing we could happen I'm never seen it before oh man that was a mistake or a me steak like that steak for me look up in the dictionary sheaves and Deeb's isn't anywhere oh wait there it is noobs won who won who's snobbish and Deeb's Deeb's you know like when you're Deeb's what do you mean another mushroom little mushroom has to go into I can't do that though I can't use any stuff alive oh I have to hit this oh yes no mushrooms give me items did the cards give me lies [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] you sure about that yeah sorry I had to turn into Satan to tell you that I've already died twice really yes yeah bad news it's bad news I think you can kill that dog you can you have the duck my game is over dear god this game is hard as you just stole one of my line no I borrowed it there is no fun this game sucks dude this is not a good game difficulties way too it's really really hard yeah but that like sucks all the fun out of them man but you just got to get to the third stage this is level one fight oh it's hard yes yes wait no I didn't kill him nope ah oh my god didn't hurt until just then then we're on the same screen oh yeah how do you even know what oh my god there's our blue Arthur yellow is it this is stupid I'm telling you man it's good I got no love for this man bumming me out bro oh I'm sorry schemes a classic totally my fault wait okay watch out this boss is he'll just like come right at ya yeah and I'm dead cool that was fair what am I even looking at you look at it I don't know just like a spider what really Aaron no [Laughter] [Laughter] okay okay okay I'll save it till the next boss just you just can't have anything nice and I guess we just got to use our big missiles gonna save the big missiles [Laughter] this is one more try and if we don't do it not only am I am I am I done with this game but I'm going to eat the cartridge play it again okay so this is not going to be the most interesting oh well I'm going to watch end the episode well that's what I'm gonna say Matt Ryan can you speed this up like play this at like a fast speed but also play some dramatic music but then slow it down at the end and play some Sarah McLaughlin desk in the arms of an age old music and that's we'll see you next time on game wraps thanks everybody in the arms of the angels [Music] this is the no don't touch anything challenge Mario 3 I don't I can't touch I wish I'd done the no touch microphone stand oh my God my head Jesus that your response to that was just like so alarming well everything looks more violent when I shake my head just cuz my hair it has like Muppet coil also you just sorry the plan is big big I can't take everything is so bad I write song lyrics for a living I didn't I didn't I didn't do anything it just spawned me there oh that's oh this games the coolest yeah the way I work with controllers it's like if I just if I push a button and something happens I remember that something happens when I push that button but I forget I should being like every instruction manual every I'm just gonna follow you okay cool get rid of mr. meatball boy [Laughter] [Laughter] yeah well how would that even are you serious you guys are going backwards dude serious yeah get out of here yeah I have noticed that yeah it does seem very enemy lists right now oh my god I just figured out the controller [Laughter] for directions are two buttons are Lorenza holy this games fun now is awesome maybe need those nunchucks me your arms could damn did I know this is pretty rad he's dope monkeys this guy's great dude look yeah I just figured you know since you're a robot yeah maybe need some of that sweet energy a you gotta like punch punch punch punch punch so satisfying when you won't be able to fight with them you'll be able to suck a game no no no no yes no feel free to use this you say so Hoagy aaron we established this already I know but every time I just have to check so I don't do anything wrong I just don't yell at me it's okay for you to mail today I'm sorry someone came for you to mail today okay okay Deez Nuts oh man it's like the equivalent of someone punching you in the face with no warning and running away and being like I want to fight these nut whoa I definitely thought you fell off the shed no I didn't though so gati she was like a preteen or like not even well that might just be preteen Barbie but skipper was her younger sister oh yeah the commercials I was like mid-90s let me check skipper a horrible name go come on what happened I jumped on one of the balls I was looking up skipper good happy for you we'll look up skipper okay Jesus alright because I died doesn't mean I don't want to hear about skipper put that on your to meet L comes by reminisces with your tombstone about times past Wow which I am yeah this one stand there oh my god Aaron I'm trying I have never I just wanted to get it done you know wait never met anyone in my life like you you are absolutely one of a kind this is awkward yeah alright note to self mark my words dude this is the kind of thing that you're gonna be laughing at like get going at the first couple of times and then two or three lives down the line you're gonna be like here we go Oh oh you might have to here how else could you do you think how Aaron I don't know what if I arced my jump perfectly yet do it you got all all right it's okay no such times resume challenge oh I feel like maybe it's possible what yeah here watch sort of a what do you say Dan I'm gonna I'm gonna lean on you on this one uh-huh should I just go or should I try it again no just go you can't do that okay that's that's on you yeah it sure is Oh God oh yes nicely done baited that yeah boy boy boy college boy okay I'm watching this for a while you do it though you're gonna finish the whole game no touch bro come on yeah you've got it dammit god dammit why what have you wrong but fear and anguish speak not my name backwards lessee spell be broken [Laughter] wow we're kind of losing it we need a hard time cuz it's my birthday really nothing there's no reaction to it what would you say I'm scratching my nose and like my thought my thoughts while mine my nose I thought the thoughts going through my head were what my nose is itchy followed quickly by man this scratch feels good did you not hear what I said [Music] Wow what'd you say I said maybe it's getting to me because it's my birthday [Laughter] which makes it even weirder that you didn't pick up on yeah all right cool happy birthday thank you wow you remembered what up yeah weird that cleared that that's called it scoots good let's go it's good it's good it's good skinny skinny skinny skinny skill my name is Aaron and my friend Dan is [Music] attention to this doing some did I do it right oh oh come on man I I feel like I'm what the hell this is insanity got it come on you monkey bass I got it those rain is head yeah all right all right we can start the game and thank you two triangles for being on the screen twice yeah upside down and had three times if you count that flag there you go lots of things your triangles Aaron you have the magic acorns all right old win if you come back I will recharge your magical powers yeah you got it buddy okay here's your soup [Laughter] [Music] look into my sword dear mr. hawk here's a copy of the article we ran on you next time lunch is on me all my best Ruth sorry I gave this voice my bad I didn't know yikes aunt Margaret where's the green screen phone is it here shovel together figure out where in the yard it's going got that shovel sir get me a shovel I'll take care of it it's like vitamin D right shove it right down oh my god this is more important than our marriage but this is World of Warcraft this thing's gonna be big we can go to another world do you know what this is America online you could be elf and I could be a ranger you could be well here we are again a beautiful CDI in our favorite system the Philips CDI what could be better I got a beautiful game loaded up what treasure awaits us the berenstain bears oh damn and you on your own hold it oh maybe maybe you're a hunter and you're spying on them through a sniper rifle let's close the curtain so we can do some more murder some crack cocaine the snipers like maybe tomorrow [Music] [Laughter] don't get candy get all of the food throw it in the pot they are right out in the open Jimmy take the shot mm-hmm watch the road take the shot it only took one bullet but I got them all ok ha ha ha I win to rescue Miss Piggy you must play again oh my God we're back we've cycled back to the first color of Sunday dude it's like life support machines do you know anything about those what do you mean you know cuz because the the beep you hear the big the they do that in movies but they don't do that anymore right it's silent it no it's not silent they play like a little happy jingle when something bad is happening it makes it that much more disturbing oh yeah that's what this game is oh my god this game is like the happy coat of paint on just just a guy about to shoot exactly it's a colorful candy rainbow gun hahahaha bang your brains are splattered all over the wall I can't believe this and you're in your and your mom is in the other room she runs in it's just like good Lord it's good goddamn Lord it's none of the other games lasted this long no this is forever none of them this is eternal this is like this is more forever than if he went to Jared I will actually murder one by one I will go around stabbing each person and just just watching the Life Drain from their eyes I mean it's certainly draining from my disbelief let's try the river ride do a min looks like I'm up shits Creek without a panda or what yeah this isn't who's that Alf what the where was I supposed to go it was the only place the Muppets were an absolute revolutionary force I don't know because I'm trying to get past it like I don't think you understand how hopeless this actually is once you play it incredibly hopeless I'm done they don't program an end they just put a key yeah oh you got bouncy now oh what a nightmare ah this is one of the least amounts of fun I've ever had playing a game it's like all the things that could possibly piss anyone off games it's like the married John - around and erase your progress what is this what is this I think that's good no very bad there's a diamonds though that's gotta be good you're gonna take a little heat oh god it's so dry no it it it it just it I don't care you're fine I didn't even care to begin with hit it for sake this is the worst yeah whole show horrible goddamn why do your bullets not go through the rocks but their's do I don't know they have super bullets what the is this you're now you cannot get through him - oh my god oh my god it's so dumb
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 357,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: OfBKbSG1qFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 50sec (2990 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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