Best Pals For Each Job In Palworld (Full List)

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in today's video I'm going to break down the best Pals for each job in power world I'm going to list all of the different jobs and the different Pals that are kind of best for this so first of all what makes a good pal in power world to do a job well although it might seem really good if a PO has a lot of different skills this is actually kind of not that good so if we go into my power box here we can see this guy here this bushy here can do fire hand work um I think that's something to do with um you can do uh logging so cutting down trees and they can also do like Transportation now this might seem really good at first but it's actually not that good because it means that they are going to get distracted by all of these different tasks so they're not going to focus on one task instead I found it's a lot better to find PALS which can focus on single tasks overall this would make it more efficient and you know you get more stuff done so let's talk about what the best pals are for each job so the first off is the best power for kindling so the overall best power for this would be German tide ignis now when you um see this pal this is one of the only Pals that has just fire as its um working thing they often also have um mining or lumbering with them but this is one of the ones that o one of the only ones that has just Flames so this is like a really really good one he's got level four if you've not got this then you could go for ragn Hawk it's a level three kindling level and the other job that it has is transporting so it's not an awful secondary job it's kind of always useful but yeah the next one you can get is feris which is a level three kindling and it can also do transporting and the last one is rep Tyro which has level three kindling and its secondary job is mining so the next one we're going to talk about is watering now there's a lot of different powers that actually can do watering but they often have other things that they can do as well so one of the keys to actually making this efficient is placing your Crusher and other stuff that needs watering in locations where the poers are actually going to see them so the best poers for this number one we have the German tide again it's level four watering and it doesn't have any other jobs next up we have a a robe this is level three watering and it has no other jobs next we have Broner aqua so this is a level three watering it also has no other jobs and then lastly we have suzaku Aqua which again is level three and has no other jobs all of these guys are just going to be able to solely focus on watering in your base so either Watering your plants or your Crusher is a good job for them now next up we've got planting and when it comes to planting it's actually kind of useful to have a pal that has more than one job and the reason for this is because once the crops have been planted there's going to be a little bit of waiting time for them to grow so so it's useful to them to do something else while they're waiting for it to grow so with that being said the number one we've got is the liline it's got a level four planting level and it can also do handiwork Gathering and Medicine production next up we have Broner it's level three planting level this one doesn't have any other jobs so although it's got a good planting level it won't be able to do anything when when it's waiting next up we have patalia it's level three planting and it's also good at handiwork Gathering medicine production and transporting and lastly we have Violet which is level two planting which is good at handiwork Gathering medicine production and transporting as well next up we have generating electricity this is one of the easier um jobs to get poers to do because they tend to just stick at doing it you can see I've got this guy here he has literally not moved from this station at all so this is getting a lot of power which is great so the best um poers for this or are o orar relaxus Lux GIS Bolt and Beacon now first of all orer has level four electricity Gathering or generating the other jobs it has is handiwork and transporting as I said it doesn't really get distracted we have relaxus Lux which is level three generating electricity and it's other job is transporting next we have GIS bolt which is level three electricity and it can do handywork lumbering and transporting and lastly we have Beacon which is level two electricity and it also can do Gathering and transporting but as I said if you throw this down here it kind of doesn't get distracted just gets stuck to it and just stays there this guy has just been there for ages and as I say that it just started slacking off nice next up we have Pals for handiwork now handiwork is a bit of a weird one because obviously you don't really need handiwork that much only if you're crafting specific things now it can be useful if you're crafting things in bulk so the number one the best um Power for this is Anubis but obviously this is quite hard to get he's got level four handiwork level um and he can also mine and transport now once you take him away from the mining cuz that's what he kind of likes to do if you put him next to some handiwork benches or whatever he's going to you know be so fast it's going to be it's going to be really worth it obviously it's quite hard to get so next up we've got lilen um that's a level three handiwork level they can also do planting Gathering and Medicine production next up we have lunaris which is level three they can also do Gathering and transporting and lastly we have Vixen which can do level three handiwork and also does kindling and transporting next up we have Gathering now Gathering again is one of those things that kind of needs to be done the short bursts unless you've got some kind of mining uh or like farming base now the best one to go for in the case that you do would be frostillon or Frost Alan knocked that's going to have level four Gathering and it has no other job so it'll literally just focus on that which is going to be really good at next up we have jet dragon so that's a level three Gathering and it has no other jobs then we have verd Das which is level three Gathering it also can do planting handiwork lumbering and Gathering obviously and lastly we have grin tail which is level two Gathering and it has NVA jobs so those are the good options if you want one that can do other stuff as well I'd recommend going for verd dash because it's going to be able to do stuff while it waits next up on the list we have lumbering and this is one of the tasks that can kind of be done infinitely and you you Al you need a lot of wood for all the stuff in power world so this is kind of an important one these are the best Pals for lumbering number one we have wo this is a level three lumbering level you can also do transporting handiwork and cooling next we have wo botton which is level three lumbering again which can do planting handiwork and transporting next we have War sect which is level three lumbering and it can do planting handiwork and transporting and lastly we have bushy which is level three can do kindling handiwork Gathering and transporting so usually if you put these guys at the lumbering they kind of just stick at it and they don't really get too distracted because there's always stuff to do here next up we have the best Pals for Mining and I'd say this is probably by far the most important one and one that you kind of want to prioritize because it's important for getting stuff like ores and all that kind of stuff now with this there's you know these Pals can mine anything so they can mine pit stones or they can also mine ores so you've got to kind of Bear in mind that if you want them to mine ores probably don't have a pit stone around because they're going to probably potentially mine that so you know to try and keep them focus on one thing that being said the best power for this is a aen it's a level four mining level and it other jobs is handiwork so this means it can basically mine anything next up we have Blaze mut it's level four mining level it can also do kindling next we have a nuis which is level three mining it can also do handiwork and transporting and lastly we have ice rep Tyro which can do level three Mining and it other jobs are cooling so those are the best ones to go for I also like dig toys just because the animation's kind of cool now next we have medicine production this is exactly like handywork and that's because you know there's never like a demand for it all the time so you can't kind of want some Pals that can double up and do other things if possible so here's the best ones that we have for it so number one we have felbat it's a level three medicine production and it doesn't do any other job so if you need to make a lot of medicine that's a good one to go for next up we have line knocked which can do handiwork Gathering and is also level three production level medicine production that is next up we have just normal lyine which is a level three production of medicine and it can do planting handiwork and Gathering and then lastly we have Violet which is level three medicine production and can also do planting handiwork and the Gathering next up we have Cooling and cooling is kind of a little bit um unnecessary in a way for this game it's obviously you need it for um incubation but it's not really that useful for anything else other than that but that being said the best poers for this you've got frost Frost alion which is level four calling and it does nothing else other than that next we have ice rep Tyro which is level three Cooling and it can also do mining so it's quite a good combo next we have the Ice King Packa which is level three Cooling and it can also do Gathering and then lastly we have the cry o linkx which can do level three Cooling and also handiwork and lumbering next up we have transporting and transporting is kind of only really useful if you've got an or farm so the best tasks or the best powers for this task are wo which is level four transporting and it it can also do handiwork lumbering and cooling next we have wo botton which is level four transporting it can also do planting handiwork and lumbering next up we have dragus fee which can do level three transporting it does nothing else other than that and lastly we have feris which is level three transporting and it also does kindling now last but not least we have farming now it's kind of difficult to say what's the best power for farming because it depends what resource you're after so you might need some eggs you might need milk you might need honey you know there's there's a ton of different um things that you might want to actually farm so it's it kind of depends on what you actually want to go ahead and farm so for this one I'll just give you a breakdown of what some of Pals do firstly you've got beard which is a level one farming and this can get you honey next up we have mozara which is level one farming again and this can get you milk next we have chiii which is level one farming and it gets you eggs and we've got malist which is level one farming and also gets you gold now another one to add on here is Vixie they can get you um arrows and they can also get you pal spheres so they're quite useful early game but that is the best PO for each job in power world if you enjoyed the video and found it useful be sure to like And subscribe and comment down below that helped you out thank you for watching
Channel: Easy Earl
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Keywords: palworld, palworld guide, palworld best pals, palworld gameplay, palworld tips, palworld tips and tricks, palworld best pal, palworld pals, palworld early access, palworld best pals to get, palworld review, palworld pokemon, palworld base guide, palworld multiplayer, palworld legendary pal, palworld tagbacktv, palworld breeding guide, palworld news, palworld all pals, all pals palworld, palworld breeding, palworld base, palworld xbox, palworld best base
Id: xx8u77czAwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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