Clarkson, Hammond, May Making Fun of Environmentalists Compilation

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hello and welcome to top gear now we've been told that in this new series we've got to feature more green cars so here's one it's it's really the greenest car we could find really and hopefully it will keep the environmentals happy because coming up now um is what we've got in this series for normal people i've got the air conditioning off because it gives me two extra horsepower it's worth it and it's kinda to the environment and you use less petrol and we don't care about that but and then humvee they've announced they're gonna make a new version which they're gonna sell their send over here there it is it's a lot smaller than the normal humvee hopefully greenpeace will be using that as a company car probably no they won't will they no no now the mx-5 but i have arrived at this conclusion with a simple and alarming fact that came across my desk only this morning electric car sales are down by half which must mean that loonies are fewer between really i genuinely congratulate you for your bravery of course to protect the environment and other road users the top speed is limited to 199 miles an hour and also jeremy you know i think you should start now becoming a little more environmentally aware you know i am very aware of the environment and i'm still not interested in it um you're a businessman now but it's eight and a half thousand quid and really good it's four-wheel drive it's really annoying what did you say it was a donkey it's a donkey it's a little real and it really does annoy the eco mentalists weird beers are good four wheel drive but then oh yeah so on that basis it is cool car yeah it is a very cool car amazingly i was still in the running but my furious pace meant i now had to make a decision do i drive like al gore would want me to drive at 55 miles an hour and possibly make the finish line without having to fill up again or do i floor it go really quickly and then have a quick splash and dash yes yes but look at the field that is ruined yes we did that in just one day and there are eco mentalists who will tell you that that will take about 25 000 years to recover because of our damage because of our damage so to finish off i've brought along a toy that causes no damage whatsoever yep a hovercraft so let's move it on now to brown rice eco cars the trouble is that they're a bit like cod liver oil very good for you but you'd rather have a plate of steak and chips i mean take the toyota price here and the g whiz very earnest but there's nothing here to make an ordinary human being go whoa yeah i want one of those three cylinder 1.4 liter diesel engine there it is look at that yeah it's under the look thanks probably i've just saved you a bit of weight there wow if it's an eco car why they put that on it so that when you open your bonnet when your mates around they don't realize that you've got a pathetic three three cylinder do you know there's one other question there's one so you're only half a second off jk yeah i don't know how you're gonna be able to live this down jeremy that you have the eq mentalist come on the show and you know but i i thought god for j.k mentalists have gone to the top you're really you're barking up they're quite literally the wrong tree because you have a natural gift for it there can be no doubt about it and that's an amazingly quick time made in the 1920s and it's got a 46 liter 12 cylinder error 46 46 liter 12 cylinders i've got a shot of the engine here's the actual engine out of it it's like a turner painting with steam speed and fire it's magnificent i'm going to send that to greenpeace so they can hang it up in their foyer yeah they love it actually because it does 0.18 miles to the gallon so there are many many reasons why you would not buy an sls but there's one why you would because it is fantastic cars these days are all so safe and refined and they're all built in wheat free factories with one eye on johnny polar bear but this just isn't naught to sixty eight point six seconds that's a lot too that's a that's like that's slow he means in fact it's the same as a 1976 rover you still want one um yes i do we do it's like cameron diaz isn't it we know that she's a vegetarian we know she's a committed eco-mentalist would you say no no you might [Applause] that is cameron diaz with wheels on that is [Music] back on the road jeremy and i were busy competing to win the hearts and minds of the snowflakes because you're young you'll care very much about the environment so you'll be very glad to know that unlike the polo and the toyota this doesn't have four cylinders the fiesta only has three and in fact when it's cruising it can deactivate one of them and go down to two as a world first on a three-cylinder car and what it means is it's nicer to polar bears i should be traveling using traditional methods husky dogs sledge and skis yes and i'm going to try and beat him in a car now that's never been done before no one has ever tried to drive to the north pole and here's why on the way he would encounter ice boulders as big as cathedrals polar bears the size of hatchbacks temperatures that would freeze the fuel in his tank and if al gore is to be believed open water into which he will sink no i do not have a put i loathe them with an unbridled passion because what i always say when people say i've got a prize you know because i really care i live in a yurt and i don't care shirts made from leaves is my shirt is uh made from leaves is it no no i tell you the other thing we've got to have is the letter i why because if you put little i not a capital i little i with a dot on it it tells everyone who sees it that it's eco and that's okay it does because economental is stupid if they're safe the fuel consumption doesn't matter which is what those owners are saying yeah why then are ford making a hybrid at all why are they oh well no no they've got to um it's cause there's the environmental rules that obama brought in all the companies have to do yes before they're saying the batteries that are part of the hybrid system okay they're not some communist plot to combat fake news global warming has to say okay it's got batteries in it yes but they are for charging up your miter saw cooling beer and running the coffee maker on a camping trip so the f-150 is a pickup for carrying a big battery to cool your beer um serious point now in the papers this week wiltshire county council have and not just in villages but actually on the a360 as well removed the white lines because they say this will create a feeling of uncertainty among drivers making them more cautious well yeah it will no that's actually a matter it's not a laughing matter seriously someone's going to die as a result of this now i don't mind if environmentalists who dream this kind of stuff up sit at home with their guardians what you're doing in the privacy room kitchen is fine eat your vegetables wear your potato shoes don't bring your idiotic ideas onto the road okay someone will be killed it really is impossible to over emphasize the importance of what has been achieved here today look at what i'm driving a big heavy thirsty four-wheel drive car and the only waste product is some juicy tomatoes you thought greenpeace would save the world but no it's top gear we've done it was it gone it's time for a question and the question is where is the best driving road in the world something that has everything the challenging bends no traffic the great views the long fast straights the lot yeah uh now it's unlikely to be here because everyone does five it's not gonna be here because everyone's on drugs that's all just full of ox uh al gore says that's gone so it's not gonna be down there that's full of spiders signposts are all full of gibberish underneath that sleek it's all carbon fiber that body works it's a v8 two superchargers on it it's putting out a thousand brake horsepower 250 miles plus yeah thousand brake horsepower and isn't it green well here's the clever thing is it runs on biofuel so technically that's a green car right there look at that we could buy algorithm oh yes how much is it it is it's quite costly how much one million and seventy thousand pounds uh oh now uh hilary ben the environment secretary he's been on the television this week and said that he thinks the rise in fuel costs is a good thing because it will encourage people to use their cars less oh brilliant thank you very much let's not worry that they've closed all the post offices the schools the pharmacies the doctors everything in my area because i can always drive to the nearest town no i can't then this i'll tell you what this is i'll tell you what this is this is from chapter one in left-wing dictatorship handbook no this it is stalin okay first thing he did limit movement second thing id cards know what i'm saying third thing is curfews red roof this week in cornwall curfew if you're not at home by nine o'clock you're down the lanca gordon brown will pull your fingernails out we've just proved gordon brown is stalin oh good news what because behind the front seats there are 324 laptop style batteries which power a silent polar bear friendly electric motor this means that even the most frizzy-haired sandal enthusiast would welcome this car into their city center it's like that other two-seater electric car the g-whiz it's al gore with a windscreen wiper this car would be less annoying to eco mentalists if its engine ran on sliced dolphin [Music] fuel economy well i doubt this will be the official transport at the next greenpeace annual conference all i'll say is they thought it best to fit two fuel tanks you change over using this switch up here then you discovered that whitby jet is actually this it it looks like coal it is coal is it it is though they've worked out obviously you can't burn coal anymore because al gore goes nuts and a polar bear falls over so they polish it up and then say it's precious now you ready for this the americans have announced their green car of the year oh good it'll be a toyota prize electric thing it's a prize toyota no it's going to be a prize so it isn't i've got a photograph of it here there you go that's not a prize no that's a six liter v8 chevy tower that's the green car absolutely not joking uh no it's a hybrid they put a tiny weeny little electric motor in it somewhere there you are that's a hybrid and they've fallen for it does 21 miles to the gallon that's green it is very green i'd say the good cars for me lexus particularly actually the gs the one in the middle i'm with you the hybrid one though no no under this one okay this looks like a normal car great thing is okay it's batteries will only take you less than a mile which means most of the time you're on the v6 you know you're chewing fuel you're warming the world up everybody's happy okay it's very quiet it's very fast it's very very comfortable and of course you can drive it to london do u-turns on piccadilly all day long ken livingston can't charge you a penny brilliant it's a properly brilliant car though i'm going to put like a little 9-volt battery and a hummer do you know how many vice presidents have subsequently made it to president two three no four eighty four seven we're going to be here a long time if you know the answer then we won't be we have to wait till you get to 14 then i go well done 14 14. al gore was vice president um and then of course he went on to be a but uh is that largely on his views on the environment jeremy i'm not entirely certain everyone here in this part of london is with me why are you in the environment not the same as everybody's here well i mean if he's right i'm out of a job we're out of a planet former presidential candidate al gore launched a scathing attack on president bush this week he said bush leads a renegade band of right-wing enthusiasts fair enough there's been a gross and excessive power grabbed by bush-friendly business interests can't argue with that and pollution could literally end civilization it'd be lunatic [Music] and so now yes uh you may have noticed this week that some greenpeace activists broke into the land rover factory trained themselves to the production line claiming that range rovers i don't know what they claim they do but they do something wrong anyway so um we're kind of with greenpeace on this we think it's ridiculous that uh town and city centers are clogged up with enormous gas-guzzling vehicles that only have one person on board so we thought that we'd stage a protest of our own and here it is this is hannah smith bus depot at rush hour uh and we've handcuffed ourselves to our bus a week buses burn planet cfcs coming out of the back of that bus are enough to fill the pacific ocean every three weeks you're making this stuff shut up that's what you do to get in the papers you just make up statistics they get printed and you sound really good right what do we want a range rover why do we want it as soon as we can arrange easy finance well as soon as the supercharger bus driver was so angry he had to come up and ask for an autograph yeah and then and then look they put a bus in front of us so we couldn't be seen by all the passengers but we just changed ourselves to that one then cold dead fingers will have to be prized from this bus the only way i'm leaving this bus is without this arm yeah once in a man's life yeah now you see what happened here is with the police really nice policeman they really were and they said they were they've got better things to do really than deal with three middle-class boys chained to a bus and would be mind going away so uh this this is what happened we ran away we ran away we're not as good at protesting i think as greenpeace what's that first go at it we're new to it yeah uh now and that is pretty much the end of the show looking at the bus lane no still nothing going on there i think next week we won't bother doing anything to do with the environment in fact i think we might kick a couple of barn owls to death just for fun
Channel: Mustang150
Views: 1,427,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top, gear, the, grand, tour, Jeremy, Clarkson, Richard, Hammond, James, may, making, fun, of, on, roast, insult, rude, environment, environmentalists, eco, mentalists, mentalist, environmental, green, peace, greenpeace, compilation, funny, moments, montage, al, gpre, President, meeting, meet, up, have i, got, news, for, you, hignfu, eco-, ecomentalist, eco-mentalist, polar, special, episode, bear, Ice, berg, cap, melt, emission, gas, fumes, global, warming, climate, change, protest, joke, joking, activist, activists, 4x4
Id: M0gaS0zctbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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