BEST OF Bob and Wade

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Bob: I'm excited. ARE YOU EXCITED? Mark: *laughs* Wade: Yeah Bob owo B: just lets have a GOOD TIME M: Frames FRAMES Frames Frames M: FRAMES M: FRames M: FRAAAAAAAAAAAAAMES M: Aw no way B: Hilarious Automated Mark: Aw no way Automated Mark: Aww me too man Automated Mark: Yes I agree Bob&Wade: *Dying* M: *giggleplier* B: Yes yes Ethan: I'm going to go M: Tha- *dies with laughter* Wade&Bob: *also laughing* M: FRAMES frames FRAAAMES frAAAAAAAMES. M: Okay, we're back. M: FRAME– W: I feel like this is all just Mark recording. Automated Mark: You Right. Actual Mark: *agrees with his automated self* Bob&Wade: *starts laughing* M:I-It's like you hate me, it's like ya' hate me. B: [laughs in background] M: I don't get it. W: It says thank you or fuck you. W: I'm trying to help you figure out which one. M: You tryna to thank fuck me. I don't think that's a FUCK style. B: [dying of laughter] W: Oh fuck you thank you. M: Thank fuck you. M: THANK FuCK mE AND FUCK THANK YoU. B: Aw thanks, fuck you. W: *singing* It's the thank fuck-iest time.... M: Look it's gotta be a PG thank fucking stream. W: Oh WHOO-OO--*coughs violently*. Mark and Bob: [laughs] B: How do we restart th- how do we play W: I do it. B: Okay. M: oH, WaDe DoeS iT oh OkAy. W: Well I hosted the server. W: What do you think? M: oH WAdE DoeS IT. M: Oh OKAY. B: Mark? Mark? M: Yees? B: Don't walk like that, it's terrifying. M: (bad accent) What's wrong? You afraid of my FleXiBiLiTY? M: (accent) I'm ready. M: (accent) Okay, goodbye. M: (Questionable accent) Wade, WADE. M: (Questionable accent) I'M READY FOR YOU. M: (Questionable accent) WADE GET OVER HERE AND FuCK ME. W: Oh fuck.? B: You right. M: [giggles] W: Alright. Automated M: You right. M: [giggles] W: Stop. B: Goddammit. Automated M: Uh huh. W: Is that really mark? B: No it's not. Automated M: Yes! M:...and then I'mma do this move. W: Oh, I was gonna go here, you asshole. B: Oh you unbelievable, cUCk monster. M: W-What did I do? You- I- Was trying to- [stutters] W: You fucking dick! M: WHAT DID I DO? W&B&E: [booing sounds] M: I don't deserve this hate! W&B&E: [continous booing sounds] M: I don't deserve this! E: Wade...Wade would do great in medieval times. *M&B laughing* He would be such a great peasant. *M&B still laughing* M: By the way, I know you guys were concerned but the frames are...bAD BAD. M: Frames fra-FRAMES. WHY? WH- THIS IS NOT FAIR. W: Ah, hearts- M: Hearts of my cards B: Oh... Oh, no W: Oh M: Watch this, I'm- I'm immune! M: Aw W: Ok alright that's a pretty even distribut- M: OW W: Alright, I'll take it [Mark groaning] B: [mockingly] I'm immune. B: [mockingly] Watch me, I'm immune. B: I think I'm getting my GODDAMN SPOT BACK! W: No! B: Get off me! B: *Struggles* M+W: *laughter* W: *laughter* can't hurt me but I'm just saying we're b-buddies, right, we're buddies, it's okay. M: I'm seeing blood. *chuckles* W: *laughing* B: w-wait on who? B: on who?? M: My eyes are shooting blood out of 'em. W: [in shock and confusion] B: EAT B: A B: GIANT B: PILE B: OF SHHUT THE FUCK UP! M: *laughing* W: *sputtering, laughing* B: But am I right though? Automated M: You right. W: agh- *unintelligible* stop W: GRAPES? M: Get anything going on here W: GRAPES? M: OH x10 M: Okay, alright! x2 Okay. B: *distressed* You guys playing UNO over there? B: *distressed* what are you guys doing over there? Is it uno? W: We're good, Bob! Watcha talkin? B: *distressed* Looks like fun!... B: *distressed* I was gonna play some of that too... M: Ow...Fuck! Why? M: Wha- ew B: *normal* 'Cause fuck you, thanks M: Aw, right? M: Has everybody watching followed Bob and Wade on their Twitch channels yet? B: 'Cause if you haven't, FUck YOU!! W: Yeah!! M: *Laughing* This is the slowest game we've ever played. W: Well, we're teaching Ethan how to play M: HE'S PLAYED BEFORE!!! W: ... Oh and a very good +4, now s– M: Now, you right! M: Yeah, you right. You right W: Shit I didn't get to jump in 'cause fuck everything! B: Now I don't know if it's really you or the recording, that's terrifying! W: You right. M: You right. AM: You right M: You right. x2 *bob laughs* M: God I can't-Oh the one time my lid is open, I can't grab a fucking grenade before you asshole M: GOD THERE GOES MY FRAMES. B: Oh ho ho ho ho no ho ho! B: He's got two in the home! B: 1,2,3,4,5,6 W: Oh yeah he does. M: What I'm gonna do M: What I'm (going to) do B: No, Mark. M: is I'm gonna get this guy-Imma get this guy out B:Mark! M: because I'm gonna use my other role to get away from that. B: No! B: So you're teaming with Wade now?! B: So you're teaming with Wade now?! M: No! M: I'm being... M: OHWOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH W: *rages* B: *distressed* You guys playin' Uno? M+W: *laughs* B: *distressed* You having fun? M: It was for our benefit, good dick. I love good dick. E: Does Mark 2702 work on postmates? M: Yes. M: No, oh YOU lost YOUR pole. Oh, we have to restart it because YOU lose your pole? W: Uh yeah, the boat ate my pole, I didn't just drop it, the boat ate it. M: NO I- B: I think outta fairness, Mark, I think we should restart M: I DIDN'T DROP MY PO- *Solid Snake ! sound* B+W: *laugh* M: Here comes the Sorry, baby! M: AHH!! W: WHAT A PLAY!! M: SHIT!! M: YES!! B: What a play! M: YES! W: What a save! *stock applause plays, triumphant music* M: YES!! *stock applause plays, triumphant music* B: Oh baby, a triple M: YES!! x2 B: Alright, here comes my reverse Sorry. B: Huah, YES! B: Huah, YES! M: NO! *fortnite down sound* B: Wait why? Why would you do this? Idon'twannadothis. W: Oh, oH! I love you computer! M: [in shock and confusion] B: Oh shit. W: [screaming] OH NO! W: [screaming] NO! M: [laughing] M: I understand you. M: I see you. M: Wade,y-your advice is not really that good. W: Are you sure? M: yEeaAh! E: Can I... E: Can I... W: No. M: No one takes longer to take their turn than you, Ethan! M: No one! M: Frames? M: Is that a fr-yeah. M: Is that a fr-yeah B: Noooo B: GOD B: DAMN B: YOU M: Okay, that's the last frames. W: Oh okay, you get to c– five times in a row. B: God fucking– B: I hate you, frames. Frames B: Frames! B: If Mark gets frames I get frames! B: No! B: Everyone, shut up! B: I'm thinking! M: No! W: I-Is this frames? M: No. M: No. B: NO DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE. W: [unintelligible shouting in anger] W: MAKE IT YELLOW! W: YOU FUCKING CUTIE ASSHOLE! W: YOU FUCKING CUTIE ASSHOLE! W: BITCH! B: Thank you so much, I'd like to thank all my fans you really brought me here. I would like to thank everyone for supporting me all these years B: Finally got a click on a fucking card. M: [Laughs] M: Crippling debt? There's an app for that! M: Cockfights? There's an app for that! M: Poor people! [Laughs] M: I'm gonna go with the poor people. M: Oh no! B: Fucking...random douchebag! B: God dammit! W: I get all these shitty cards. W: Yeah I know. W: Yeah I know. M: [laughs] B: I wish I had poor people! B: I wish I had poor people M+W: [laughs] M: My controller is still on and it's just vibrating M: I'm just gonna put this in M: My lap for no reason alright W: Mark owns a lot of expensive property. M: Yeah, I do. Yeah, I do baby I do B: You right M: Holy shit AM: You right B: Holy shit M: I like having my own little crew here M: [chuckles] B: [laughing] B: [laughing] W: Your own group of you's? M: Yeah M: Yeah B: Mark's back-up 'yes men' M: [laughs] M: I just keep laughing b'cus you guys makes life so fun, E: all right, I think my life is over M: Wha- ha haha M+W+B: [laughter] M: Anybody want brick I've got a shitload. I've got a E: I would like brick. M: What do you want for it? E: I want brick ALL: [laughter] M: The door swings open she walks in legs up to here something in her eyes tells me she's looking for... M: [laughing] fuck mountain! [laughing] M+W+B: [laughter] B: Mark, how much heart of the cards do you have M: Not very much B: Alright, I'm not gonna do it then M: [chuckles] W: Why? Why'd you wanna punish poor ol' wadey? B: Why why would we want to punish you? Why punish you? W: I deserve a win, it's been a long day B: Y O U A L R E A D Y W O N M: [laughter] W: I can't wait to see how this ends– M: dude, you– you you know me M: and I know you, and we know each other M: and you know how this is gonna end B: You done? B: Whoa, whoa, whoa, you don't like the utilities M: Wade, do nOT W: YOU'RE GETTIng two monopolies by the way M: be fooled you are getting M: FOOLED W: I'm getting no monopolies out of this, Bob M: Exactly. 4 for 2, wouldn't be fair for YOU in this exchange. M: He would have to give you ALL of his money for that to happen! B: Mark is overselling it because he's dramatic B: Mark is overselling it because he's dramatic M: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!? W: That is my offer M: [freaking out] B: Yeah, well obviously Im going to take that. M: [freaking out] M: YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT!!! B: Alright let's W: You are jumping B: Oh, buddy that's just– that's unnecessary W: Was gonna– M: I am the funniest M: I am the funniest M: man on the face of the earth W: What will always get you laid? My sex dungeon W: So, um M: [baffled] What? M: What? W: there's a big inside joke with Agent B: Did you just say Asian? B: Oh, okay. Agent. W: Agent M: I-I literally thought you were like, "Asian, that's for you. You know who you are." W: No! Agent! Not Asian. B: I know how you love your sex dungeons, in Asia. Asians, that one's for you. M: Wade, can you make it? M: We believe in- W: [screams] Come on! Bob! B: Just do it Wade, it's fine I definitely won't kill you again. W: Okay. All right. I'm gonna believe you. I choose to believe you. M: Mmhmm, mmhmm W: No one's landed on my fucking, house. B: Giggity, giggity go car. W: All right, nevermind. Go see Mark. M: YEAAAAAAAAH! B: Ooo, I got the bad one. W: Holy shit! B: Ohhh noooo. W: Mark, I told ya! You win on this deal! You win on this deal! You win! AM: You right! You right! M: You right, you right! W: You win! AM: YoU riGHt! yOU rIGhT! You right! W: Buy that fourth house! AM: YoU RiGHt AM: yOu rIGht W: Thank you. Loving you is easy cuz you're...socks. What? M+B+W: [laughter] W: Oh yeah? Well. B: Okay. M: *laughs* M: It's about to go down. I've got... M: Uh, 1 2 3 4. E: That's what you said last time. M: I-It is going down-no, that's a road. It is going down this time! 1 2 3 4. Right? 4 stone. M: BAM! Put those in there. I get two wheat back. Oh, but wait, they're not staying there long, M: cuz here's-here's these, then there's this one, and this is for a city, going in here. M: Let's slap down here, and badabing-badaboom But wait! That's it. W+B+E: [laughter] W: Nicely done, man. Nicely done. E: Okay. Okay. M: Uh, thank you. M: I gOTta dRaW AGaIn B+W: [laughter] M: NooOoOoooOOo M: NooOOOoOoOOoo B+W: *still laughing* M: NOOOoOOoo *starts laughing* B+W: *still laughing* M: Nooo... Heart of my cards! B: I have a gift for you, Mark. M: Yeah? Okay. W: NOOOOOOOOO M: Oh...You right, you right, you right, you- AM: YoU rIgHT B: Sto- *laughs* [Outro Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,813,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best of, highlights, compilation, funny moments, hilarious, laughing, funniest, funny moments montage, funny moments compilation, funny videos, perfectly cut screams, best of compilation, bloopers, blooper reel
Id: Fh1uJx6FMJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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