Best Houseplants For The Bathroom

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hello everyone my name is Nick and today we're gonna go over my personal picks for the best bathroom plans when the most frequently asked questions at the plant shop where I work is what plant will be best for my bathroom so I figured why not do an entire video devoted to that topic I think it goes without saying that unless you have a literal functional greenhouse attached to your home your bathroom is likely the most humid room in your home daily showers and a smaller contained space compared to many other rooms in your home is going to keep the humidity higher in fact I do keep hydrometers all around my home and the average humidity of my bathroom is roughly 10% higher than any other room throughout my home so that being said you're probably gonna be recommended plants that prefer higher humidity or increased humidity if you are going into a local garden center and asking an employee what plants they would recommend for your bathroom so one of the ones that I would definitely recommend if someone came in to the plant shop where I work would be ferns as ferns tend to enjoy higher humidity so this firm right here is a bird's nest fern and I'm pretty particular about the ferns that I sell in the store where I work just because ferns tend to be a little bit more finicky they are not very forgiving is think it's the best way to put it if you forget about them or if you give them a little too much love they tend to just kind of fall apart which is not very enjoyable so I'm a little bit particular as I said about the the types of ferns that I sell in the store where I work so some of the ferns that I find that grow really well for me our bird's nest fern so this one right here is Anna spleen iam neatest krispy wave or a crispy wave fern is what they refer to it as and this is a type of bird's nest fern a selenium the genus is clean eum's our bird's nest ferns and these are rather low maintenance in my experience they tend to handle neglect a little bit better than some other ferns say a maiden hair firm which is very vine leaved and will not handle neglect in the slightest but this one if it's neglected a little bit I find that the leaves grow a little translucent and pale and upon watering they pop right back up and get that crisp green look to them once again these birds nest ferns are excellent options if you're dealing with a lower light bathroom and may I mentioned that this is pretty much going to go for this whole entire video but you're gonna need a window in your bathroom or supplemented artificial lighting a plant light or grow light if you're going to grow plants in your bathroom I know some people are stricken with a window bathroom which is very unfortunate but if you are dealing with a lower light bathroom this is selenium crispy wave would be really good for those conditions as I find those birds nest friends handle lower late very well don't notice that I have this one mounted on a piece of wood here with moss as ferns are at the fights which means that they grow on other surfaces in nature so these birds nest ferns grow on trees in nature that's why I think it just looks a little bit better growing on this piece of wood and it's also a great space saver for me in my home if you're dealing with a little bit of a higher light bathroom I would highly recommend a footed fern so one of the footed ferns that I grow in my home is this flah Bodhi Amari M which is commonly referred to as the blue star fern and as you can see this has some really bright blue a blueish green pale color to the leaves now this is a fern right here this can handle a lot of light compared to many other ferns if you do research on friends are gonna find that most of them are considered low light plants I'm bald they can handle low light very well I feel like this blue star fern is one in particular that prefers brighter light it's probably due to the color of the leaves with its paler blue color that it can handle Sun a little bit better I actually grow this one in my southern facing window which is probably a little bit too much light as you can see with a little bit of this Sun scarring right here on the leaves but this is a very resilient fern this one and other footed ferns tend to handle drought much better than say a Boston fern or a maidenhair fern which as I said do not handle neglect very well so the two ferns that I'm showing with you guys today can handle a little bit of drought but not too much a few other options of footed ferns would be the rabbit's foot fern and the kangaroo Paul firm which are both excellent options if I do say so myself I used to consider myself a fern killer I was never having very good luck with ferns but I was trying to grow ferns like Boston ferns and lemon button ferns which are just very fine leaved and as I've said multiple times already they just cannot handle any neglect so these two ferns in particular this asplenia Nita's crispy wave or crispy wave fern and this Flo Bodhi amariah or blue star fern I think are much better options as far as ferns go if you're looking to grow some ferns in your home another type of house plant that I always recommend for growing in bathrooms are asparagus so this one right here in specific is an asparagus retro fractus and I think they refer to this as the Ming asparagus fern commonly as the name suggests asparagus fern these are much more closely related to asparagus like we eat then fern so they're just a fern like asparagus uh plant which is why they have coined the name asparagus fern so much more closely related to asparagus than ferns this is a bright light plant so this would be more equated to like the blue star fern that I just spoken about so this is a plant that would be great for a bright windowsill in the bathroom as these really appreciate that added humidity that the bathroom gives but they also will really appreciate the extra sunlight that a windows cell would provide this is a very forgiving house plant in my experience as I find that it doesn't mind a little bit of extra water and it can handle a little bit of neglect but if you go too far on either end of the spectrum I find that these little needles or leaflets I guess I don't know how to refer to it they tend to turn yellow and fall off and then they can create quite the mess so just something to keep an eye out for but I think you have to go pretty far on either end of like watering it like every few days or not watering at all for a few weeks before it gets to that point over time they do shed a few of their branches so a few branches are lower ones I find do turn yellow over time and you can just simply based if you don't want them obstructing the beautiful green the lushness of your plants so just a tip right there but I really love specifically the way the new growth comes in these plants they kind of present themself like fireworks the way that they just kind of open up and are much lighter in color compared to the older growth so over time this is brand new growth right here that just opened up in the past few days so over the next week or so this is gonna fade back to the deeper green just as the rest of the plant is but such incredible plants there's a bunch of other types of asparagus that are sold on the market this one is just one that I really appreciate for it's just overall vibe it's just it's got a really lush kind of more northeastern vibe compared to some of the tropical plants so I think this is a perfect plant for the bathroom another group of plants I would highly recommend trying out in your bathroom are peperomia so this right here is the peperomia argyria or watermelon peperomia that I grow in my bathroom in an east-facing window sill and you might actually notice a little bit of browning on some of the leaves this from right here in particular and that's because this plant really loves to reach toward the light as you can see if I turn this plane around how all the leaves are facing the other direction and as the leaves begin to press up against the windows they can get a little bit of cold damage from these very cold winter and nights that we have here in Philadelphia so this plant as I said I need to be a little bit mindful about the way it reaches over towards the light and turn it a little bit more peperomia as a genus overall they are tropical succulents so they are really fond of that higher humidity as most of them are growing in South America and the rainforests that being said that they are tropical succulents they do not want to be over watered so while they do really appreciate that added humidity from the bathroom they do not want to be over watered so I'm probably only watering this peperomia argyria roughly every 10 to 14 days in fact it does a really good job telling me when it needs water when this plant gets just a tad bit droopy and I can kind of feel that the leaves have lost our succulents I do have this peperomia or jury actually just sitting inside it's a plastic pot inside this planter right here I find that they don't handle being reported very well so if you have struggled with watermelon peperomia in the past maybe perhaps experiment with keeping it in the plastic nursery pot that you had purchased it in but this is just such a fantastic peperomia and plant for your bathroom I've had some really good luck growing this play on my bathroom over the last year or so so I would highly recommend this plant in particular for your bathroom another peperomia that I would highly recommend for a more humid environment is one that I don't actually see talked about that often this right here is a peperomia try nervous and I think this is such an incredible peperomia as you can see from the way it has grown for me over the last year or a year and a half so this one I actually have really really enjoyed it over the time I've grown it I just recently potted it up and added another little plant in the back here expecting it to kind of just continue to drape over like this one does over time so you'll notice a little bit of different growth with these ones that have grown from you in my home compared to a little bit of larger leaves in the back for the plant that had grown in the greenhouse that I just more recently had brought into my home but this peperomia try nervous really does appreciate the extra humidity I believe this is more of a peperomia that would kind of scramble across the forest floor or whatever surface it's growing on as many peperomia or more epiphytic in nature and they kind of grow on like fallen trees and like little of crags and the bark and stuff like that so this is such a little funky plant this peperomia is a little bit more harder to find than the peperomia argyria but it's just as easy to grow if not easier in my own experience so I did definitely want to point this one out if you're looking for a fun peperomia to grow in your bathroom space something else I think would be perfect for the bathroom are air plants or tillandsia so this one right here is a tillandsia i Anantha and this is probably one of the most common and inexpensive air plants that you would find on the market so these are rather easy air plants to grow unfortunately they are very inexpensive as I said in case you do kill them I often hear people come into the store and tell me they kill their air plants and let's just discuss a few things that could perhaps be going wrong in case you are in the same boat as the people coming into the store is neat but air plants they do require light I think that these things are so alien to us that sometimes we don't treat them as living beings so they do require a watering once a week I do give mine a spray with the spray bottle like a really heavy spray and I'll give them a little a little bit of a shake and set them upside down to dry so that I don't get the water stuck in the crevices and if I can I use filtered or distilled water because I know they don't exactly love all of the ingredients in our tap water so that's something I would recommend doing and I wouldn't necessarily soak them I'm sure many of you have had very good success with the airplane soaking them I just find at home and at the store where I work that if I soak them they just seem more likely to rot so just something to keep in mind like I said I'm sure some of you had I've had different experiences but I just find the spray bottle to be the best method to go as for watering these plants as for light like I said they are living plants so they do require light to a point I kind of go off the rule of thumb that the greener the air plant and the less light it can handle and the wider the air plant the more light requires so this tillandsia i Anantha i'd say can probably successfully grow up to six feet away from a window depending on the window that you have so if you're working with like a south or west facing window up to six feet I'd say would be the furthest you can go but if you're working with the north to the north or east facing window I'd say you might want to put this in or very close to the window to give it adequate light so like I said these do require light I always tell people in the store where I work that these grow underneath trees so imagine you're sitting underneath the tree that's the kind of light that these would prefer so if you think that the light you're giving it is adequate to sitting underneath the tree I think you're probably doing a good enough job keeping in mind that the light that we have in our homes is always going to be less than light outside of our homes as I had mentioned that your bathroom is likely going to be the most humid space in your home people might often recommend that you try a prayer plant in your bathroom as they are known for being a group of plants that requires high humidity however since they tend to be a little bit of a fussy group of plants I usually do not recommend them to beginner gardeners however there is one group of prayer plants that I always recommend because I think that they are such a reliable grower and that is to not these so this right here is a - not the Burleigh mark CI and this is a cultivar of - not the Burleigh mark see I called em agreed and I should say that these are often sold on the market as calathea Zork ilithyia's so you might see this sold as a calathea on online or a at your local garden center so just something to be wary of but if I didn't say this is commonly referred to as the fishbone prayer plant and prayer plants as I had mentioned tend to be a more finicky group of houseplants but these - not these I find are very reliable growers these are excellent low light plants this is actually one of the plants I have growing deepest in my home so one of the plants in the darkest areas and I find it just what stands at really well and even puts off a bunch of new growth for me as you can see right here the one thing I would say about prayer plants is that they are known for being a little bit as I said fussy overall but they're a little bit needy when it comes to their type of water they prefer distilled or filtered water as they don't care for a lot of the things that are in our tap water such as Cora a chlorine and fluoride so I recommend using distilled or tap water or I'm sorry distilled or filtered water however I do water mine with tap water I've had it for between six months in a year and I have barely any round tips so I find to not these are much more resilient than say astro-man theat Rio story which would get brown tips quite quickly if you've heard about prayer plants you've probably heard about the dance that their leaves do throughout the day so during the daytime their leaves tend to be facing downwards or flat as showing off the top side of the leaves and then throughout the day later in the afternoon the leaves tend to start to fold upwards as if they're in prayer hence the name prayer plant and show off the purple undersides of the leaves or whatever underside they have as prayer plants have many colors to them this one in particular just has a purple underside which I think looks excellent with the paler green the upper side of the leaf I don't know how to refer to it as but this is such an incredible plant I really enjoy the look of it I think it's a great plant as I said if you're looking for a lower light plant for the for your bathroom space so highly recommend to not these in particular if you're looking for a prayer plant for your bathroom there are certainly moments at work where I am going over this list of good plants to grow in your bathroom with a customer when they break it to me that they do not have a window in their bathroom and while you can grow any of these plants I talked about today with the addition of a grow light or plant light if you're working with no windows and no light there is typically only one plant that I feel comfortable enough to recommend to people and that is the Z Z plant so this right here is the sameö Colchis zami folia Raven or the black z Z plant and I should say if you are actually looking to grow as easy plant in a windowless room I would probably recommend going with the green variety as those tend to cost much less than this black variety that I have right here I just wanted to share this one with you guys today because this is the variety that tends to be a little bit more popular on the market at the moment but Z Z plants would stand very very low light conditions in fact as I said they're the only plant that I find that can handle a room with no light I actually many years ago lived in a renovated warehouse building that had bedrooms with no windows in it and I had a Z Z plant in my bedroom and I found that was the only plant that was actually able to live in there throughout my time there I found however when you are dealing with a Z Z plant in a room with no windows the secret to them is to water them no more than you pay and I say that about Zizi plants a lot however that really comes into play if you are growing this plant in a windowless room I'm sure if you are growing your Zizi plants in a bright area that they could totally be happy with a watering every two or three weeks but as I said if you're doing this plant in a windowless room if you're watering it more than you're paying your rent it's too much so a zz plant and a windowless room needs minimal amounts of water to survive if you've grown these plants you probably know about their little tubers that they have these little potato like tubers that these stalks actually grow out of so they store a lot of water in there and if you give these plants a little bit too much water they tend to rot pretty quickly which is why it would be really best to err on under watering in fact if you put this is easy plant in a windowless room and water it's a once a week I think this thing would rot on you within just a few weeks it would be very quick to rot and these little potatoes thingies in the soil would definitely just kind of mush and kind of just break down into nothing if I'm not mistaken so definitely be wary there but if you're looking to grow a plant in your very low light bathroom or your windowless bathroom as easy plant would really be the only plant I recommend just as I said if you water it more than you pay your rent it's too much alrighty that's gonna about do it for today's video thank you guys so much for joining me today to talk about my personal picks for the best bathroom plans if I missed a plant that you think would be great for a bathroom please let me know in the comments otherwise thank you again for watching if you don't already follow me on Instagram at Philly foliage subscribe to my channel and I will see you guys in my next video have a great time
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 57,642
Rating: 4.9506407 out of 5
Keywords: bathroom, bathroom plants, plant, plants, houseplant, house plant, houseplants, low light, humid, nick pileggi, tour, haul, unboxing, peperomia, tillandsia, air plant, air plants, prayer plant, zz plant, aroid, fern, asparagus, best plants, how to care, best, how to
Id: cmqwabEVNRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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