Terracotta VS Plastic Pots (and everything in between)

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia thank you so much for coming back to my videos we've reached 30 000 subscribers in about nine months time that's crazy i never have imagined this for the channel it shows that my content is relevant and that you guys are enjoying it and learning something good about plant care propagations and all that good stuff and for those of you who are new to the channel welcome and please do consider subscribing and do send this video a like and comment down below if you have any thoughts about what we talked about today in today's video i'm going to be talking about pots and the majority of the topic is going to be around terracotta versus plastic pots and i'm going to give you the whole pros and cons about it and why we use them and in what circumstances do we use them and i'll give you a tour idea and around the house to show you some of the plans that are in these setups so disclaimer here i do have a cheat sheet here because there's a lot that we're going to talk about and i don't want to miss any point but the first thing is that we actually tend to choose pots based on how they look like oh you know does this plant look good or not however it goes far beyond that pots actually will determine the success the longevity and the happiness of your plan so i'm going to share with you all these variables so you can make better informed decision about your plants there are also many types of houseplant parents and i'm not going to poo-poo anyone on what their habits are for example some people may just want to keep plans for aesthetic reasons they want them to style the space for me personally i tend to like plants to thrive and see if how i can replicate their natural environment in my home and have them grow really fast propagate them so looks for me is not as important that's why i'm actually very open-minded to plastic or terracotta pots depending on the plant species and i've tried both and sometimes i would have the same species grown in two different types of hot just to see how they do and i'm here to share with you that experience okay so let's get the first thing out of the way which is terracotta versus plastic what are the pros and cons and i'm not going to be talking about the aesthetics here because that is very very subjective i'm going to be talking purely about the function between these two pots and number one terracotta pot actually dries out two to three times faster than plastic pots this is the same whether you're indoors or outdoors and i want to remind you guys that when you have plants indoors they are going to dry out two to three times slower than when they're outdoors so keep that in mind in terms of watering frequency and the reason the terracotta pots dries up so fast is because they're made of clay and that's actually very porous material that will actually allow air into the potting mix inside and it will also allow moisture to leave the pot if from all over the pot here that's why when you water a plant with terracotta pot you will see that the pot will turn a dark color that's because water is actually leaving the pot from all sides however if you're using just plastic pot water has nowhere to go so when you're watering a plant in a plastic pot excess water will come out from the bottom of the pot the drainage hole but then when you leave the plant alone water is only either evaporating from the top surface or taken in by the plant the water is not leaving anywhere else from the pot so you are stuck with a lot a lot of water for a very long time when you're using a plastic pot number two terracotta pots are at least 10 times more expensive than plastic pot for those of you with big collections or tight budget keep that in mind that terra cotta pots can be very expensive number three terracotta pots are actually very very expensive to ship because they weigh a lot more and there's a lot of packaging involved including bubble wraps you have to box them up and sometimes you even have to put the uh the crate box around it and there's also the price of carbon footprint when you're shipping something with so much weight on it you're actually losing a lot of carbon footprint so technically speaking in terms of shipping plastic pots is going to be the more eco eco-friendly option number four what if i drop two of these pots well the terracotta is going to break it's not going to forgive you it's going to shatter and you're not going to be able to use it anymore but the plastic is very very durable you can drop it pick it up you can throw it across the room it will probably be fine so if you are someone clumsy or your plants are placed somewhere where they can't get knocked over by pets children or even yourself be mindful of that that terracotta pot does break and you can't really repair it number five terra cotta pot tends to get either white uh salt buildup around the pot this is when you have water them and usually this happens when you keep them indoors and a lot of the salt and buildups happen around the pot i personally find them very pretty it looks very aged like an antique and you can also rub them off with like a scrub and some soap i know i would usually keep them on i don't have any on me right now i'm so sorry because i keep my plants outdoors for the most part but when i cut my plants indoors in the past i did have all those salt buildups and i find them quite beautiful another problem when you have pots outdoors is that they can grow algae on the outside of the pot and those are green and slimy which means that they're sometimes difficult to handle and there are times when i would pick up a pot and be so slimy i would almost drop it and this green slime you can actually scrub them off with like a a rough sponge with and some soap they will come right off and the algae is actually relatively harmless for the plant so i actually don't mind it there it makes it a good look to it like a very outdoor sea kind of jungle type vibe so i don't mind it at all number six terracotta pots are made of clay which means that it's made of renewable resources and it's also naturally biodegradable that means that when you're done with these pots if you break them they will go back into the earth very quickly they will be broken down well plastics raw material is non-renewable and this does not really break down at least not in our lifetimes so this will end up in oceans in our landfills for a long time and it's going to pollute our seas and our lands and our children's worlds so if you want to be a bit more environmentally conscious definitely do keep in mind that plastic pots does have an environmental price on it number seven plastic pots can be put inside decorative pots to make them look good we call these cash pumps and they can be made of ceramic woven baskets or anything literally so you can put them in there and then it would look pretty nice you can do that you can put terracotta inside another pot although nobody does it because that sounds really ridiculous so if you like the flexibility of styling and moving your plastic parts around and moving them to different cash posts definitely do consider using plastic pot instead because you can't really do that with the terracotta pot you're basically stuck with what it is and the next thing is that terracotta pot doesn't really tip over as you can see here they can hold a trailing plant really well if you have a plant that's heavy on one side and trailing and you have this in a plastic pot the whole pod will topple it will just fall off but terracotta pots are relatively heavy and it can support our plant that way and also if you have like a bigger plant let's say we have a ficus here and i give my ficus a terracotta pulse because the terracotta pot will give them a sturdier pot if you have it in plastic pot the wind may knock it over very quickly because the plastics are actually very light so just keep that in mind for more sturdiness you can use terracotta pots instead number nine you can't really ship plants that are in terracotta pots i have never seen anyone do it technically speaking yes it's doable but you have to bubble wrap or i don't know you have to wrap it really well because things get jostled this is actually very very heavy things just get things go wrong in shipping basically so you only want to ship plants when they're in plastic pots and uh they will weigh less which means they will cost a lot less to ship and it's going to be a lot less damage done to the plant if something goes wrong with the shipping so if you're considering selling your plants or sharing your plants to others definitely plastic pots will be a better way to go number 10 terracotta pots can come in many many shapes sizes and designs they can be molded they can be handcrafted and painted and it's quite beautiful where else your plastic parts going to just be you know black whites or your colorful parts in various sizes but they don't usually come in designs number 11 plastic pots does come in see-through or at least opaque uh finish so you can actually see the roots form this is good for propagating plants and i can see that there's actually condensation inside here to know that there's humidity but i can also make sure that this is not sopping wet or soggy wet rather so this is very good for propagation i can keep this relatively humid but not over water and this can only be achieved with plastic pots one benefit of plastic pot is that you can actually lift the pot and when you feel the weight of the pot you know that the plant is well watered because a plant that is thirsty let me see this one is actually a little bit everything's a little bit heavy rain today but water is actually about 80 percent of the weight of the whole potting mix so when the plant is dry you can feel the difference just by picking up the plank so this is when you know you don't over water that plant and you can't do that with terracotta obviously because it's already so heavy that you know you won't be able to feel if there's dry or not however there is a hack that i heard from a podcast that with terracotta pots you can actually feel it first of all if you look at the surface and it looks a little bit darker sometimes you know that it is actually still pretty humid feel pretty moist inside because water creates a darker stain around the terracotta pot and another trick is to feel it if it feels cool to the touch there's probably water in it if it feels like it's room temperature it's probably dry and the last thing is that terracotta pots that are like much larger let's say you have a giant monstera or ficus they can be really really difficult to lift up with the plant because they're going to be so heavy so a lot of people actually put bigger plants in a plastic pot so they can be easily moved around basically the next important thing i need to discuss is your choice of how often you want to water your plants some of us have busy schedules we don't want to water our plants every day some of us live indoors some of us leave outdoors so your pot type will determine how often you water your plants and this is in combination with your potting mix and as well as your environment and watering habits so you have to adjust all those accordingly for example if i put a fast draining potting mix in a terracotta pot i may need to water it pretty frequently but if i put that same potting mix into terracotta pot i may have to water it way way more because the fascinating potting mix with terracotta pot is gonna dry out super fast and your plant may just dry out way too much so some species actually like this so another thing to consider is the species that you are caring for now i'm going to talk about the species that love terracotta pots and a little bit of disclaimer here i'm talking about species that are grown in my environment which is very very high humidity very warm tropical climate and also the fact that i'm a heavy-handed water i water like crazy i hose my plants down i love it it's better than coffee in the morning when i can hose down all my plants so yeah some of the species that really love terracotta pots in my care is the monstera philodendrons and ethereums ficus sansevierias calatheus orchids cacti and succulent peperomia zizi hoya dischidas and jungle cacti and the species that love plastic pots in my environment would be alocasia and i'm quite surprised by this i have allocations grown in terracotta and plastic pots it seems to me that they do like to hold on to a little bit of moisture they don't like to dry out too completely like your philadelphia monsteras so my allocators are thriving in plastic pots with eric potting mix better than terracotta and then there's crotons coleus ferns begonias potos spider plants peace lilies flowering type plants and a lot of the herbs that are very thirsty they do appreciate plastic pots a little bit more now i'm going to repeat something about pot sizes that i mentioned before a long long time ago in my other videos that you should always always keep your pots tight that means that the root ball of the plant because every plant has different size well depending on the species and the age and maturity of the plant but the root ball should not take up more than 50 of the volume of your potting mix that means that in a pot your roots should be maybe 50 to 75 of the whole volume of your you're not gonna be putting a lot of potting mix in the pot and i'm gonna tell you why here are some points number one this is sort of the plan instead of focusing all its energy on pushing out new roots trying to compete space with other plants in the soil which is what they do in nature the plants are going to be focusing its energy to produce shoots and leaves instead because plants actually do get to choose how they want to thrive and survive in the wild this is especially true for a lot of things that are climbing epiphytes aeroids number two when you have a tighter pot you also have less room for pests and fungi to lift with your plant in the pot so it minimizes that incident number three you are less likely to over water it if you're putting your plants in a tight pot because if you put tiny eggs plant in a huge pot there's going to be a lot of water sitting around in the pot and that's going to invite bacteria fungi and pests into like especially fungus nets into the plant number four you're going to use a lot less fertilizer and a lot less pesticide when you're keeping your plants in a tight pot imagine if you have a huge pot you're going to waste all that fertilizer it's going to just drench through the pot not being used up by the plant and this goes the same with your pesticide as well and as you know a lot of the chemical fertilizer pests are actually not very good for our environment a lot of them are made with chemicals and they actually destroy our environment so i want you guys to be mindful of that on top of that it also saves some costs when you're not spending so much money on pesticides and fertilizers number five when you keep your plants in a tide pod it gives you a chance to repot them often and i'm talking about every six to twelve months and this is actually a very joyful process for me i get to open up the plant check for pests and sometimes there's pests underneath so it's a good idea to repot your plants quite frequently and i get to also look at the root pore and see how they're developing study the roots and then move them to a pot that's a little bit bigger when you upsize them when you repot them number six you get to save money on pots because smaller pots obviously cost a lot less money and number seven you can save money on your potting mix because when you have less potting mix to go in there you can save some money number eight you can save so much space look at all these plants that i have here in tide pods you can go ahead and buy more plants because you have the room for it imagine if all these plants were in a big pot which actually a lot of them came in i had to repot them to a smaller size pot that would look terrible and i would just not have enough space for everybody and the last point which is number nine would be that the plant would look so terrible if you have a tiny plant in a large pot it looks so much better when they're kept in a tight pot like this whether you want to photograph them or you want to style them around the house they just look so much better so i'm going to quickly show you guys a tour to see some of my terracotta puffs that's some interesting ones to show you i'm going to also maybe do some storytelling to share with you some of the species and why they're thriving in certain types of pots and how i care for them in those pots so come along with me i start with this guy right here he's in a sheep pot this is actually terracotta pot that is painted and i got this pot particularly because of this cactus it's so befitting very cute i remember i got this pot in bangkok and it wasn't that expensive and i actually use terracotta pots for my cacti and succulents because they need to dry out faster in my condition calatheas do need to dry out very quickly so i give them a terracotta pot that is actually meant for orchids so it's got holes down here and it's doing really really well this guy was actually struggling for a long time before i moved into terracotta pot i give it very fast draining and airy potting mix and i water it lightly every day so it gets really humid potting mix that dries out really fast because calatheas rot easily in my climate in here we actually have another orchid terracotta pot and as you can see they have these holes here and this is a really beautiful orchid that is doing really well and yeah they love terracotta pots they have to dry out really fast here they don't like to be sitting in moisture over here we have a dracaena or sansevieria i grew it from a tiny plant it was just one of these clumps and now it's given me so many clumps it's really pretty and i gave it a terracotta pot with like a face on it so it looks really pretty from many many angles and since the various they love terracotta pots because they need to dry out very quickly and next to it is a baby ficus elastica taneki it's so pretty and i gave all my ficuses actually a terracotta pot because they do need to dry out relatively fast and this will give them something sturdy because i keep them outdoors and they get blown by the wind so they can easily topple if i don't give it a terracotta pot so over here we have a pencil stick cactus and it's doing really well in a concrete pot and concrete pots actually dry out pretty fast very similar to your terracotta pots and aesthetically i love the way they look it's like this beautiful gray color and as you can see here water is trying to leech out of this pot which is very good means that it's going to dry out pretty fast next to it here we do have a beautiful baby fern and i grow all my ferns in plastic pots because they cannot be dried out and i just put it into this coconut pot that i got this is actually a from a fresh coconut so this is a good way for you to repurpose some of your used coconuts i guess here we have a pepperoni up to sofolia verigata unfortunately i cut the top off for propagation the top looks like this actually all the baby leaves it's really beautiful and variegated but the old leaves become this dull color but not to worry because all these new leaves are gonna become this beautiful yellow variegation but i digress this is actually in a ceramic pot that i got from bangkok so this is very pretty and it's painted over here so i got this homolomina silver not very long ago and i actually did not repot this it came in a really nice fast drinking airy potting mix here and a plastic pot combination which means it's going to drop pretty fast homolominas don't want to dry out too much between waterings this is so pretty and some of you guys are asking like do i repot a plant immediately when i get it well it depends if the plant is happy and if the potting mix and the pot is fine for it i just leave it alone i'm not going to bother it if something's not broken don't fix it behind here we have a begonia this is really pretty and this is actually propagated so i have so many of these cuttings this is one of my favorite bacon it's got really beautiful red bags and it does like plastic pot as you can see here with my jungle floor potting mix which is very very airy so it's constantly humid in there but the potting mix doesn't drown this plant because it's got a lot of air movement in there and here i believe this is an opuntia which is like i think a cactus he's loving his terracotta pot it's doing really well it's grown these two ears over here so for cacti and succulents definitely do give them terracotta pot they will appreciate them especially here in my high humidity climate okay back here we do have a ruffle fern here that is a baby he had propagated it and it's in this really cute uh watering can that my mom got super cute and what you can also do is take this out you know i'm going to put something else in here it's going to look so wild look at that that looks so cool so this is a disciplia numeria verigata that i propagated and i put it in this husk so it looks like really pretty it looks like it's living on a tree and in the tin can i really love this look it's really nice so here's a fern that is in a plastic pot and i do have to water this every day because it lives outside and ferns love moisture they cannot be left to dry out at all if i put this in a terracotta pot i may have to water it at least three times a day probably it's such a thirsty plant here's an air plant a tilanzia it doesn't need a pot you can give it one you can give it something to sit on like a throne or something or some books maybe these books are it's hot right now but airplanes don't need pot so if you hate pots they're not your thing definitely do consider getting air plants this is so pretty back here we have a philodendron brazil this is in a glazed terracotta pot and when you have terra cotta pot that is glazed you have to treat it like a plastic pot because the glazing doesn't allow moisture to leave the pot so it's going to dry out very slowly i actually had a zz plant living in this pot before and i over watered it it basically turned to mush so just keep that in mind when you have a glazed pot you're more likely to over water the plants so you have to back off watering for these over here this is a variegated and sony eyes sorry my mind went blind for a minute and i got this as a two leaf cutting and i lost the first two leaves and it just kept growing i have a video on this up on youtube when i got it and now it's grown beautifully and i'm really thankful i didn't lose this plant and this for expensive plants i actually put them in terracotta pots only because i don't want them to uh be over watered especially edinsonic they're very very prone to over watering a lot of monsteras so to be safe i put all of my expensive plants in terracotta pot instead so that i don't really over water them i think we saw this epiphyllum earlier on and this terra cotta pot just makes them dry out a little bit faster and they love it and this pot can also hold the weight of this plant so it doesn't really topple it's a really really wonderful combination and also i love the aesthetics and look at the shape of the pot the color of the pot and also the plant itself it's just such a beautiful visually pleasing combination so i do recommend terracottas for a lot of your epiphylums and your repsalis and here we have a baby past venom well maybe not a baby anymore i got this plan i think six months ago and it's like a teenager now it's getting pretty big it will get huge though and i put it in a terracotta pot and i keep the pot very tight sorry my room is super messy yeah i keep the pot very very tight because this is actually very unforgiving with overwatering uh gloriousness past xanams and all these philodendrons they really hate water so you really have to back away with watering and in my case i do have to give them fast draining potting mix here's an allocation mycorrhizae verigata i have this grown in a terracotta pot as well like a duplicate but this one in plastic pot is doing so much better it's happier here i give it a very chunky airy potting mix and i give them the little bit of direct sunlight and they love it they like the pot i guess to retain a little bit more moisture than the terracotta pots the ones that are in terracotta pot tend to give me a little bit of browning tips too which can also signal a bit of underwatering i've got two huge monsteras here well actually one for now but i'm actually earlier in this as you can see this is trading to the next pot over and i put this area root down into the next pot and i'm gonna cut it right here when this has rooted so it's gonna give me two huge monsteras because i messed up the first monstera i burnt i burnt it really badly outdoors it's just before i knew how to care for them and this is so badly torn so i'm gonna have two plants out of this but i'm gonna digress i was gonna show you the pot this is actually huge and it's a good thing that i go to the gym because i can kind of carry it it's a bit of a struggle but i can imagine a lot of people have a struggle moving this plant around so keep that in mind if you guys are not able to carry such a heavy pot do stick with plastic pots instead here's a peperomia caprada varigata and this one died but they were propagated at the same time and they were kept right here where the conditions are exactly the same but the one in terracotta pot is doing really well so a lot of pepperonis actually do like a terracotta pot that's what i noticed with a lot of the species and this one rotted off and i have a feeling this one may be a little bit too over watered and i kind of leave it outside where it get it gets rained on for pepperonis i definitely vouch for terracotta pot and also it looks so much better on them look at that that's such a good look on them this is a pretty weed hello it's so beautiful so this is a peperomia in kana in a terracotta pot and actually painted this pot in bali yeah i do like painting terracotta pots they're so much fun but i haven't learned how to fixate their paint to make sure that the paint will last although i don't mind that it's a little bit uh aged over time but yeah a terracotta pot painting may be a cool and fun thing to do so over here we have a lot of these zigzag cactus and they're propagating away and next to it we have a lot of potholes enjoy and when i'm working on a project like this i have to use plastic pots because i can't afford terracotta pots for these so i may sell these at some point because i do and so i do enjoy growing them like look at all these tiny buds that are just starting to form look at baby leaves very cute i enjoy growing them but i can't possibly keep all of them here in my home so i will sell them at some point so i have more money to buy more plants here's some aetherium by terryfolium and it's actually very heavy on one side as they trail down so terracotta pots are actually a very good option for them surreal outside where some of these plants get direct sunlight partial direct sunlight and these are loving their terracotta pots and i put some begonias here actually they are a little bit shaded by other plants on top and i give them terracotta pots here but i did notice that the edges are crisping so i realized that maybe terracotta pot is not look at the baby here uh oh that's a la pisca sorry that's not from this begonia so i find that maybe this may appreciate the plastic part if i can repot this because it's drying out a little bit too fast for them and i also give it my forest for potting mix as well so these episkies are just taking off they love being in a forest floor potting mix and in a plastic pot where i guess they are a little bit more moisture loving than your other plants but they cannot be soggy wet just keep in mind look at all these baby pops this can all be propagated i love my peach guys look at that there's another one over here that's purple very pretty they are very very fast growers unstoppable and there's a fern here is trying to unroll a new leaf and ferns live in plastic pots here's the xander orchid and this is such a cute it's not even really a pot is it it's like it's like sitting in an air balloon right and this is just the basket that it's sitting on it's very very cute i like that and over here i'm going to show you a little bit of macrame situation happening and it's really pretty so whether you have plastic or terracotta pots you can absolutely give them a macrame hanger and let them hang so so pretty i love the flower with a little bit of macrame in the background it's such a really beautiful tribal look they actually love terracotta pots they do better in it because it dries out a lot faster and you're not as prone to over watering it i do water this plant every day and it gets some direct sunlight and it's loving it so with your hoyas if you want to give it a plastic pot just back off with watering a little bit don't water them as frequently here we have some very thirsty plants and they're all living in plastic pots this is a coleus a croton they love full sun and frequent watering they cannot be left to dry out this is how variegated hibiscus and this is more crohn's so yeah just keep that in mind if i had this in a terracotta pot they may dry out a little bit too fast they may not be too happy in it and these are my succulents and they're in terracotta or there's a concrete pot over there and they need to dry out really fast that's this one here this is so cute i forgot the name of this crassula maybe it's a moon glow such a beautiful pot that i got from thailand very inexpensive and yeah when you're traveling and you see some cute pots definitely do consider getting them look at how cute this oh this is putting out a baby how nice yeah this aloe vera there in terracotta and these are my succulent bowls down here we have a lot of pothos and philodendrons that are more trailing and we have some skin dashes over there and these are all pretty much living in a plastic pot some of these ferns here are living plastic pots too i do have to water them every day they're very very thirsty and this is some philodendron mexicanum normally i would put them in a terracotta pot because they need to dry out quite a bit between watering look at how big this new leaf is these are all propagates better than feeling that they're mexicans but i plan to sell these that's why they're in plastic pots however i just never got around to photographing them and selling them and they're just growing so i may grow them out here they are just so happy here but it is a beautiful philadelphia i love the red stem patio and whenever they unfurl a new leaf it's just so pretty and i don't have the heart to sell these aha so here's an example of a very very very fast draining situation i have sensitive areas here growing in plastic pot and lekka and over here we have the same species growing in terracotta pot and lecca this dries out really fast i literally have to water this every day but sense of ears they love to dry out quite a bit between waterings so that's really great for sensitive areas and i have these two uh philodendrons this is a palmanii and that's a gloriosum kind of in this corner because it's shaded from the rain i used to just leave it out where it gets rained on and even though i gave it terracotta pot eroid potting mix which is very very fast draining they lost a lot of leaves like look at this this is yellowing and falling off because it's over watered and i lost two leaves and i lost some of the leaves here as well so keep in mind even though you give them a fast draining potting mix and pot combination you some species just really hate water and you just need to keep them away from the rain you just need to back off from watering with some of these plants imagine if i had these in plastic pots they would have died by now because they would be sitting in water so i'm really grateful to have uh terracotta pots for this uh plants here's a maranta kirchoviana living in a pot that's the shape of a butt i showed this on instagram before i'm gonna leave a link on where to buy this pot it's actually a potted pot maker in bali that makes them very cute down here we have some allocations jewel allocations i actually just moved this one into a plastic pot as you can see here which is a little bit bigger than before and the other three are still living in these terracotta pots and i noticed that the ones in terra cotta pots while they're doing really well that new leaf is pretty big they have to be watered two to three times a day because they will dry out pretty fast they become very thirsty creatures in terracotta pots this is the fried egg so i may have to repot them into a plastic pot soon because i guess allocations may prefer may prefer a little bit of moisture they don't want to dry out as much i had actually a bigger plant before it died off because i had it in a plastic pot they really really hate moisture that's philodendron ring of fire and this actually is a cutting that survived and i'm so glad it did and then now i put it in a terracotta pot with aerite potting mix to make sure it doesn't get over watered and actually here is a homalomina army i forgot the name of it but i also lost this plant this was actually a stump it was grown in a plastic pot because it was and it was over watered so now it's grown back and i'm really thankful for that and i think i see more than two growth points in here so it's going to become a bushy plant but it's so much happier now in a terracotta pot pomelo minas they don't want to dry out completely like philodendrons but i guess they also don't want to be sitting in water syngoniums they don't care they can live anywhere they can live in both terracotta pots and in plastic pots i have never struggled with any watering issues because i think they're one of the most forgiving plants around so if you have a syngonium and you're torn between plastic or terracotta take it easy they can do well in either so here's an antherium varroa cranium the queen aetherium is doing really well i used to lose some leaves some of them would yellow up or have crisping edges and these are some beautiful leaves that one is actually new it's still hardening up still unfurling it's going to expand in size that's an old leaf but this is actually doing really well and as you can see here they don't really need a huge pot i actually unpotted it earlier to see if i needed to upsize the pot because it may be root bound but no actually this is not root bound at all so don't give your anetheriums or other plants too big of a pot they they're likely to be over watered when you put them in a bigger pot oh and i wanna show you this it's living in really uh bright shade with no direct sunlight look at this peperomia algeria watermelon pepperoni is doing so well i propagated this from a tiny leaf and it's in a very very tiny pot it loves to be in tight pots because it cannot be over water and they love to be in terracotta pot because they dry out faster so there's putting a lot of new leaves but this is a very very happy plant and if you guys are struggling with your pepperoni algeria i do have a video on those and one of my recommendations is to propagate them and start the new plants in your environment because the new plant will be doing much better it will be well adapted to your environment uh compared to the ones that you bring back from the nursery because actually these pepperonis are not very adaptable to uh to being moved that's another one over here actually we also in a terracotta pot very cute this is actually behind my plant studio where i do a lot of potting up and propagation and these are some of the terracotta pots that i have back here i actually did a shopping spree on terracotta pots last week so i have a lot in stock i'm going to show you some of them that are into ours later on oh and i don't have enough storage so i keep all my pots in like every corner that i can find there are some over here let me show you around there some in that corner over here and there's some over here this is actually quite pretty i don't know what to grow in this yet but this is a beautiful terracotta pot they can come in so many designs and let me see there's two over here uh those square ones are really fun let me show you love the way these look so i've got these hanging out here and there's some back there so here they actually make really good background they don't really look terrible actually and there's some over there i'm no i'm very messy i'm sorry i don't really have a designated storage area i should but i don't have time to organize everything i'm going to show you some terracotta pots that are indoors and i think and i think we should conclude our tour because i don't know what else to say about this so i just wanted to show you some of the options and for pots and this is actually very cute this is another dishcare numeria verigata that i think i showed you a pot upstairs before look at that it's actually attached itself to the pot so there's something really cool about terracotta pot and if i want to uh unpop this if i want to move it to a different part i may have to soak this whole thing in water so that the roots will be loose from the pot because roots tend to grip onto terracotta pots too well and you may damage the roots if you yank it out so do soak your plants in water before you take them out of terracotta pots i guess it's a string of dolphins too very cute yeah so here's a frequently asked question this is a peperomia hope it's so pretty and i put it into this beautiful tin can that used to be for tea i believe and a lot of you guys are asking you know oh what kind of potting mix do i use do i have drainage holes in it well the secret is this it's actually living in a tiny plastic pot and this is just a cash poke so if you have any kind of tin can that's pretty biscuit tins or whatever do reuse them because they look just so nice don't throw things away and here's also one that is in an urn like a very oriental looking iron and this is just a furnace living so this is light i may have to water this soon yeah so over here we have some lego situation and i think we saw this in my travis kantianuk video and this is doing quite well it's in a wine or shot glass and this is actually in a jar so this is a pickle jar actually very pretty and drink so well this is pepperoni up to sifolia and that one's doing really really happy look at the new growth this one's in a science beaker i love the way this looks look at that with this lekka and i guess these are considered pots right maybe for lekka the pots setup is actually a little bit different from your potted plants so over here we have a uh i don't know what you call this this is from amsterdam when i went there two years ago and actually people hang this on their door so there is a hole don't don't there you go put a nail on the wall and just hook this however i figured that this actually makes a really good drainage hole and i just started putting potting mix there and uh pepperoni and foliage and hopefully it'll take off and grow really so this part was there and i'm going to include the name of the artist it's a local indonesian artist that made this and it's so pretty and i have don't have the heart to use this yet but i think a san severia would look really nice on top and here's another hot pot at least it's from east java very far away ship everything with crazy bubble wraps so there's so much plastic waste that goes into these guys and i am tempted not to order from them again the price on them are really nice and look at the pot design this is really something they're very very inexpensive i'm gonna leave the name of the store on the screen so you guys can decide if you want to buy them and i do get dm for this very often a lot of you guys are asking if they can buy pots here in indonesia and have them shipped to other countries unfortunately i can't help in that avenue because you know a lot of the indonesian businesses are actually not open to trade with overseas i don't know why and shipping overseas is actually very very very expensive here importing stuff is very expensive as well we're not very very friendly with global trade which is something that hopefully one of you guys are watching here maybe working with the trade commission or the government indonesia is just this is a message that you know hey we need to start opening up our economies and our logistics worldwide so that people can order all these beautiful indonesian crafts this is also a terracotta pot that's painted with this cross stitch that's i so yeah unfortunately now i don't have a solution for those of you asking if you guys can buy pots here the answer is no no a lot of the sellers don't speak english and we don't have any capabilities of shipping them to you in a cost efficient manner and we just don't have to have all those things to enable us all right so sorry about that hopefully that will change and down here we have a lot of uh cash pot that i keep here up here it's from thailand i love it that's a golden uh looking urn let's get weaving as well and some of the ferns look really beautiful in them so yeah there's that but what i really want to show you are these tada that is my mom's mask uh so these are actually bought from the same seller as before from east java very pretty very inexpensive super cute designs and unfortunately i don't think they do ship internationally and yeah this is such a beautiful pot look at that it's stitched into the terracotta very beautiful craftsmanship very very affordable and i don't have the heart to use this yet because it just looks so nice over here and this i love tiny tiny pots they're babies look at them the baby pots and this one have legs i i really love terra cotta puffs actually i know that some of you guys are not a big fan of them this looks like an ash tray actually that one's a little piggy hello very cute and this one has really nice lines to it this is going to be very nice for a small succulent bowl or even as a small bowl of pothos it might be really cool as well so i guess that's all i have for you today i know i rambled on too much and this is becoming a show or video for pots i feel lucky to have all these options in indonesia that are not expensive and i hope that we can open up trade with other countries soon i'm botanist on instagram if you wanna dm me on any questions regarding plant care and propagations meanwhile do take care and stay safe i will see you in the next video bye
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 56,390
Rating: 4.9551916 out of 5
Id: 4MedmTq_ohw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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