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one of the most frustrating aspects of being a new plant parent is dealing with soil not only is it super super messy but it also brings with it a host of problems including bugs and insects so i've always tried to minimize my interactions with soil by looking for other growing mediums and in a lot of my previous videos i talked about something called leica which is lightweight expanded clay pebbles basically this is a substitute for soil and i found that a lot of my house plants are really really happy growing in this medium but even simpler than leica you can actually grow a lot of your houseplants in water so in today's video i'm going to be sharing with you some of the houseplants that grow happily in water and even after the propagation stage you don't have to worry about transplanting them into soil first up in my collection is the aglanima and i really love the fact that aglanima has so many different varieties so you can really choose what sort of variety suits your style so this one is actually called the red sam and it is native to thailand i did take some cuttings this is the mother plant so you can see right here i have it growing in a little bit of soil and perlite so what you want to do is just cut it right down here and then take off some of the bottom leaves and then place it into water so this is my water propagation right now and it's about one and a half months old it has been growing really really nicely you can see that the new roots are forming and they are like a green colored root with a little bit of white and then yeah it will form all along the stem right here so this is nice because this actually has a wider opening i actually made a mistake with this one because i put it in a small opening bottle and now i can't take out the plant itself but anyways it's growing in here and you can see that it also has quite a bit of roots so this is the red sam and i think it's really really pretty it adds a bit of color to any sort of very green collection but if you don't want anything in the red color the chinese evergreen is also another aglanima that is very very pretty this one is called a silver bay and yeah i think they're all just called like chinese evergreen when they're green in color but uh this one specifically you can look for silver bay and this one has larger leaves so i have this one also growing in water one of the things that i learned about this plant is actually the soil roots and water roots are completely different so what i tried to do initially is just take this out of its pot and then put it straight into water but unfortunately the soil roots became mushy and of course i had to cut them off and then start all over and grow this guy in water but good thing that water roots did eventually form and now i am going to just keep this growing forever in water so you can see that new leaves are shooting out right there and it's very very healthy and i'm quite happy that this one is now doing extremely well next up on my list is basil and i know that basil is more of a culinary herb as compared to a decorative house plant but i actually like to use it as a house plant simply because it is so pretty and then also it smells really good and keeps away the mosquitoes so these ones i actually have growing in hydrophonics or a semi-hydrophonic system but basically you can just get store-bought basil and cut a stem that is around four or five inches in length and then just take off the bottom leaves just pinch those off and place it into water and then in about five days or so you should start to see water roots so basil has a very delicate root system it's really really pretty i have this one of course growing in my net pot system and then it is just getting the nutrients and the water that it needs from the reservoir down here so i think that is a pretty happy basil plant and like this one doesn't have any holes in the container either so this one is actually growing in perlite and i wanted to grow the seedlings at first so i was supposed to transplant this into a hydrophonic system kind of like this one but then i decided that i just wanted to grow it completely in here because i needed a small house plant for a very small area so i've just got it growing in perlite but i don't really worry that if i over water it or something because i know that these are really just water roots and basil can grow in water peace lily is another really great and easy to grow house plant in water i actually took this one from a cutting and then i just placed it into this net pot you don't really need the net pot you can actually just place it directly into water but i prefer to have a net pot because it makes it so much easier to just grab the plant and then throw out the water from here change it out and then put the plant back in so this piece lily is about a month old it does grow a little bit slow like i haven't seen any new leaves forming or anything and i think maybe it's because i have this in a lower light area but you can see that the roots are growing quite nicely there is this like really long root and then it's growing some lateral roots as well so another thing that i learned also about house plants or growing them in water is that you want to make sure the water doesn't go all the way to the top so if you've noticed here i actually leave the water line a little bit lower and that allows the roots to also get some oxygen next up is the pothos and i won't go into too much detail about this guy because you know i already have so many videos out about it but this is one of those indestructible house plants that you cannot go wrong with you can get either the variegated version or you can have something that is all green and this guy grows in any sort of water it's not even picky whether you use tap water or you use rain water and that's what i really really love about the pothos it's a great beginner plant that grows in almost anything and i have some this one is actually growing in leica right here wait let me show you guys the one down here this one is growing in leica right here and then even if you just like put in water the water level is actually up to here it this is like an impossible plant to kill so definitely something i would recommend if you are a new plant parent another plant that i would suggest to grow in water is the umbrella tree or the chiflera and this one grows extremely well in water if you can get it to grow so i did have to experiment a little bit uh this is my second time trying to propagate this guy the first one actually died very quickly and i don't really know what happened like the stem just got sort of black and then i just had to throw it out but this one which is the latest stem really has a very nice root system and i've been growing this in water for about three months now so you can see that it's developed very very nicely originally it only had these two bottom leaves and then all of these are actually new leaf growth so very happy with this it will need something of more like a bright indirect sunlight to really grow this one i'm having a little bit of trouble with because i can't find an area that's bright enough so this is also the umbrella tree but it is the variegated version and i really like this i think it's super pretty with the variegation but you can see that a lot of the new leaves are not turning quite as white as the older leaves and i think that's really because it's not getting enough sunlight but anyways uh let me show you the root system of this and i usually like to put my pots in something where like i spray paint it and then i leave a little bit of a window just so that i can see the water level and i can see how the roots are growing but you don't have to do that you can actually just use a regular clear pot or a clear jar the only problem with the clear jar is i find that it grows algae and that's why i started to sort of spray paint some of my other jars when i'm not lazy but anyways this is the root system of this one it's growing extremely nice as well it does have quite a nice root system it's not as delicate actually as the other plants that i have so very happy with this guy and i'm just going to keep them both growing in water next up is the monstera and this is actually a very very easy house plant to grow and maintain i have mine growing in laica but actually you can just grow it in water and what you want to do is basically just take a cutting so let's look for the node area so the node is delineated by this ariel root you want to cut right below there and then place it into water and you can actually just keep the leaves growing in water and it will develop roots over time and then you can just leave it in water or plant it into another medium another really great house plant to grow in water is the sansevieria or the snake plant so i have mine growing both in water right here and a little bit in sphagnum moss and then what you want to do is just basically take the leaves of an older plant put it into water or put it into sphagnum moss and after a little while you will start to see new pups growing which is basically these sort of offshoots from the plant itself i find that in sphagnum moss it actually grows faster than if it grows if you put it into water but even my water one does already have a few pups growing so you can see that's how it looks right there and then what i tend to do is i actually remove the pup from the mother plant and then just place it into its own container in that way i have like a brand new plant that looks really really good and that's what i've done with this one where it is growing in leica but right underneath is a water reservoir lastly the philodendron wend inby and i hope i am pronouncing that right is a really really great house plant as well to grow in water and you guys will recognize this guy from the background of most of my youtube videos so this one is really a prolific grower you can see that like it has so many aerial routes all over the place and what you want to do is basically just take a stem cutting i've actually cut this guy down a lot because he just grows so so massively and it just i don't know i i don't really give it any sort of care or anything um anything special i just remember to water it from time to time but it is growing extremely well so you just want to take a cutting and then place that into water and that's what i've done here again in my net pot and then this jar has a window in which i can see the water level as well and i can see the roots are growing so i know that this one is doing very very well also the roots of this guy this one grows as fast as the pothos so if you are somebody who really wants to see your plants grow very quickly this is definitely a plant that i would recommend very easy to grow in water and it grows extremely fast anyways guys that is it for growing houseplants in water i hope you guys did enjoy this week's video please do give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it if you aren't already please consider subscribing to my channel by pressing the subscribe button and if you are interested in more plant videos i will go ahead and link the plant playlist for those of you who are new to growing house plants anyways guys please do take care and i will see all of you in a future video bye
Channel: Erica by Design
Views: 1,163,265
Rating: 4.9112353 out of 5
Keywords: Plants, Grow Plants in Water, What Plants grow in water?, Plant Propagation, Houseplants that grow in water, Water Plants, Indoor Plants that grow without soil, Indoor plants that grow in water, Water Propagation, How to grow plants in water, What indoor plants grow in water, Best indoor plants, Easy to grow houseplants, Erica by Design
Id: FcCvbRhKqvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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