10 Houseplants That Cost Less Than $10

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hi everyone my name is nick and today we're going to highlight 10 house plants that would each cost you less than 10 even in today's climate of course this video is subjective to the area that you live in when it comes to the exact pricing of these houseplants however i'd say wherever you live most if not all of these houseplants are going to be easy enough to find and inexpensive enough and most likely if you have to buy it online i would say pretty much all of these you'd be able to find for less than ten dollars i would i would be daring enough to say that so the first one i'm going to talk about today is one that's actually rather unusual as far as house pens go i don't think this is one that's often thought of as a house plant but this is a ruellia macayana and the name the common name of this plant is slipping me at the moment i know it's got velvet in the name because these leaves have such a soft velvet velvety texture to them it's so wonderful specifically the undersides of these leaves are just super super soft but not only that it's just the most stunning house plant and like i said it's not really usually thought of as a houseplant i think this is typically something that people would use in their window boxes but i can tell you that this is really performing to me as an excellent house plant because it really doesn't require that much sunlight in fact it does a little better in lower light scenarios when i got this house plant i got it at a greenhouse that i like going to and because it was in a greenhouse it was receiving a lot of light and when i got this plant it didn't look as beautiful as it does now it had a little bit more of a darker leaf color it had more purple which you know sounds nice but i really just enjoy this green leaf with the silver sheen on top of it and then it kind of holds on to that purple color on the back side of these leaves and it kind of like appears and disappears as you look at the plant it's very it's very interesting it's like a magic plant i absolutely love it but it's such an incredible houseplant and i didn't even like realize how great a houseplant it was until i brought it home i've been wanting to try it for a couple of years until like i said i found it at a greenhouse that i like to go to and it costed cost i know i always say costed i'm so sorry guys it cost it cost 4.95 when i purchased it so really not an expensive plant whatsoever obviously less than 10 i could have gotten two and it still would have fit the money for this video so absolutely love it if you see this plant i would highly recommend giving it a go i think it's such a fun house plant you can see just like all of these little bits and pieces that are starting to grow here and there as i've only had this plant for a couple of months and as the springtime is approaching in a couple of months at least this plant really seems like it's going to start kicking into gear and i think i'm going to have a really nice beautiful specimen of like a hanging plant version of this reliana i'm absolutely thrilled i think it's such a great house plant super inexpensive it's everything and anything that you would want so the next one is a much more common house plant this is one that you're going to see um you know definitely sold in the house plant selection at your stores but this is a synthapsis pictus and this particular variety is the argerius and i would say out of all the varieties of syntax has picked us this is going to be the one that is the most inexpensive and lucky enough for you i think it's still one of the most beautiful varieties out there so this is one that you would still find probably at your local big box stores your home depots and your lows if you live in the united states and it will cost less than ten dollars i'm sure you could even probably find a hanging basket of them for ten dollars there but a four inch pot if you go into any standard garden center or house pant store should cost you 10 or less if not in that ballpark maybe give or take two dollars the thing i absolutely love most about this houseplant is how aggressive of a grower it is out of all the houseplants i'm talking about in today's video this is absolutely the one that grows the most it's going to give you the most length over the shortest amount of time i've probably had this one in my home for about a year maybe a year and a half and it's given off at least six feet of vines for me which is incredible given that amount of time not a lot of houseplants are gonna do that for you so for the smallest amount of money you're really going to get the most plant with this one it's really the best bang for your buck as they say i think it's a great color with this blue color and the silver variegation that it gets so it's always a nice pop of color and a sea of green that a lot of us are accumulating in our homes sorry my vine is getting tangled in my microphone wire but such a great plant of course i have to talk about syndax's pictures this is one that's very prevalent in my home i probably have between like seven and ten syntaxes everywhere around my home because if i have a low-light area and i need a great trailing houseplant for it i know what to choose but speaking of trailing houseplants there's of course another one that i want to talk about which i think is also a great contender and i think it's often just like overlooked when you go shopping at a house plant store and that's the pothos this is the golden pothos right here because this is the easiest one for me to pull down for this video but there are so many other types of pothos that are going to cost less than ten dollars at your local house plant stores like i said this one is called the golden pothos this is the pepinum orium but there's also the pippernomorium neon which is the neon pothos and the marble queen which they call the marble queen pothos you can get the idea of where this is going so there's a bunch of other varieties some of them these days you know are going up there in terms of price there's a couple varieties that people i think consider a little bit more coveted than these standard ones but i guarantee you if you walk into your local house plant store your local hardware store even your local grocery store you're going to find some pots of golden pothos and it's going to cost next to nothing i would say that a nice four inch pot will probably cost you like four or five dollars maybe upwards of like six to eight dollars if you're like a plant store boutique and a six inch pot of course is going to push that a little bit but i'd still say if you're at the grocery store or the hardware store you're probably going to find a nice hanging basket of golden pathos for probably around ten dollars so an extremely inexpensive house plan you're going to start off with a lot of it and once this plant gets chugging along it really does give you a lot of length similar to the synthapsis pectus i don't think it grows as aggressively as the syndaps has picked us but it still will give you a lot of that length and like i said i do think it's one that gets passed over quite often at the houseplant stores at least in my experience when i got started with indoor gardening i just kind of looked at it and would see everywhere like every single houseplant store had it and i was just kind of like i don't think i want it like it just seemed a little too common but it wasn't until i gave in and started to grow at my home and i realized how much i was missing out and i would just say if you feel that way all about the golden pothos if you think it's a little too common for you to grow in your home just try it it's going to cost you less than five dollars so just give it a try and you're going to be amazed with the vibe that it brings to your home it's really the plant that i think is most responsible for turning my home into the jungle that it is today so such a great house plant and the thing i love most about it is it really does tell you when it needs water these leaves will just kind of wilt and be just a lot less you know these do have even though they're just leaves they really do have some nice thickness and waxiness to them but once it is time to water this plant it really will just kind of lose all that slightly wilt it won't be like completely like wilted and brown dead but it'll just kind of look like it needs water and you'll go ahead and water it and by the next day it'll be perked up and look good as new just like it does now so incredibly easy to grow a really tried and true house plant that i would always recommend to anybody who's growing it and if you haven't started growing apothosis yet i highly highly recommend giving it a try okay so let's discuss let's discuss this one next because i think this is a little bit of a different vibe than we've had going so far so this is asparagus cetacean sometimes they call this asparagus plumosa i think or sometimes they even call the plumosa fern but often this is known as the asparagus fern and kind of a disclaimer this plant is not a fern even though it looks a lot like a fern they call it asparagus fern because this is an asparagus plant that looks a lot like a fern so i think it's great it gives you that vibe it's really probably the most like bohemian plant vibe that i'm going to talk about today i really absolutely love it it just is such an interesting way the way this specific variety of asparagus just kind of lays itself flat you can see i'm sure the way that it kind of just like in layers it's like you know like layers of the canopy of the tree i absolutely love it of course this is a much smaller asparagus but this is one i've actually had for years as you can probably see pretty clearly from all these brown stalks that i've cut it back immensely over the last year and let it regrow as i just wasn't really happy with its appearance this is one that of course you can see with these little frilly tiny tiny leaflet needle thingies that they can probably easily turn yellow or brown and that's absolutely true this is one that's of course acclimated to my home over a couple of years i think this was actually a gift for like my 22nd or my 23rd birthday so i've had it for quite some time and this like i said has gone through life cycles so i have probably forgotten about it at some point in its life and while it was a big beautiful plant all of the leaflets turned yellow and would start to kind of shed which is something that this this plant is known for and like i said i just cut it back because i wasn't happy with the way it looked and this plant is known for its very tuberous or like thick uh rhizomatous roots where they really just store a lot of energy and those roots actually are known for getting so robust that they can actually even break terra cotta pots so i used to have this in smaller terracotta pot in the last year so i gave it a six inch pot but honestly in the next year or two i'm probably gonna have to consider giving it an eight-inch pot because i don't want any busted terracotta in my home but because of those thick roots that store a lot of energy that is why this plant responds so well to being cut back so if you're just not happy with the way your asparagus fern's looking but you feel pretty confident that you've maintained a healthy root system just go ahead and cut this plant back in due time you're going to have a really beautiful plant and i'm very thankful that i didn't just toss this plant out and i really held onto it because it was at one point literally an empty pot and now i still have a beautiful plant really love asparagus i think it's one that's always going to cost you less than 10 fortunately and it's giving you such a lush vibe if you are struggling with growing like a boston fur in your home but you really like that fern vibe go ahead and try an asparagus plant and there are a bunch of other asparagus too like the foxtail fern and i think they all perform as great house plants of course some of the more thicker leaves asparagus do you prefer a brighter light setting and i'll say i grow that my asparagus in a window i grow it in the south facing window loud truck going by but i used to grow it in an east facing window responded very well there i probably wouldn't put it immediately in the south facing window because it would probably get fried but as i said many many times i've had this one in my home for a decent amount of time where it's really acclimated to the space that it's been living so another house plant that i think is really overlooked kind of as far as like house plants go this is a sisys rotunda flora rotundifolia i think it's rotundifolia it's folia so this i think the common name of this house plant is sea grape vine it's not a sea grape if you're familiar with c grapes it just looks very very similar to sea grapes and it grows in a vining manner so i actually do have another one of these in my home that is a much more vining plant but it's kind of you know stuck in the place this is the much easier specimen for me to share in this video but that one i even got for less than five dollars i'm pretty sure because it's just not often sold as a house plant if you do find it in your local garden center it may be sold in link the outdoor plant section but trust me it's assists it performs very very well as a house plant so this is one that i've had for a couple of years um it's in a broken pot that i got for free back when i worked at urban because they were just going to throw it out and i needed a planter for this anyway this was actually a gift too from my co-worker sue back when i worked at urban 2. so thank you sue my plant is doing still fantastically actually this one has gone through a life cycle specifically you can see this kind of little wimpy plant right here i think this is the one that i started with of course it was a nice robust beautiful plant when i got it but i'm not sure what happened but slowly it kind of dropped a couple of leaves and now it's just what's left here but then out of the blue this thick chunky vine just came up in the past year or so and now i have just this really wonderful plant so i absolutely love it it definitely recovers very well similar to the asparagus fern and also just handles intense light very very well i grow both of my sister rotundifolia in southern facing windows i'm sure that's where they would do best of course you could do a western east facing window and they would do well but i think that these thick succulent leaves really do want that direct sunlight that those windows provide so if you're in the northern hemisphere probably would avoid doing a north facing window but of course i don't want you to just bring home a plant and kill it but if it's only going to cost you five dollars or less maybe it's worth trying you know what i mean i always think it's worth giving it a go but such a cool plant one once again that you just wouldn't normally think of as a house plant but for that reason alone you're probably going to often find it sold for ridiculously low amounts of money and there is actually another one i want to highlight while we're talking about that which is once again just not often sold as a house plant therefore it is ridiculously cheap and that is this tradiscanthia spain they see a varagata i think that the common name for this house plant is like moses in a cradle plant or there's so many names sometimes they sell it as a rio tri color which is like r h r h e o i can talk and sometimes they even called an oyster plant this plant has many many many names but it's a tradiscanthia so it's very closely related to like tradiscantia sabrina and tradiscantia polita which are like the spider warts or the inch plants but this one i think out of all of those plants really gives you the most vibrant color of course because this plant is so vibrant it really does require a lot of sunlight so this is one that i grow in a southern facing window right now i've grown it in western facing windows but i will say that this has joined my arsenal of house plants that i put outside for the summer time just because i think it's where it's going to enjoy its life the most this is something that you're going to see at least in my area of the united states often used in window boxes so like i said this is something that will often be sold in outdoor plant selections in like the spring and summer time therefore it's typically going to cost five dollars or less which i think is really such a great bang for your buck when it comes to such a stunning house plant and one thing i also really need to point out is that this is a plant i've had for years so when i purchased this house plant this was just one little plant literally just one little piece which is normally how you're going to see it sold i'd say you'd be lucky if you find a really full planter of rivet which once again it's not really worth that much money but when i was selling these i would really only see these sold at just one plant in the pot and i remember it got really tall over time i've had this for probably about four years now at this point it got really tall and it started to fall over and i was like why i'm i don't want this plant to fall over i wanted to grow up like a tree like a dracaena like a drastic reflector or something but that's not how this plant grows a lot of plants like tradascantia and pepperomia will grow upright until they get too tall and then they'll fall over same like that cystis rotunda foley i just showed you when that gets too tall it's going to start to fall over and form a binding plant and slowly one by one as this plant was starting to just change shape on me and i wasn't necessarily too happy about it those bottom leaves started to slowly fall off they were slowly turning brown one by one and i thought i was killing this plant because you know i was still in my beginning journey i'm still learning how this plant grew and then i started to notice that one by one where each leaf was falling off this plant was starting to shoot off new plantlets and over time this plant has really just become this beautiful mess of plants so this is a plant that's really come a long way and it really does mean a lot to me even though it's just a tradiscantius basically that cost you five dollars or less at your local house plant store garden center hardware store what have it i think this plant has so much character and i really haven't talked about this in a long time if you go back to my really early videos which don't please but if you do this is something i've talked about so many so many times and it was practically a plan i felt like i talked about too much that i probably haven't even talked about it for a year or two at this point but it's making its resurgence and i am very happy to talk about it it's the renaissance of the travis cantia space aca varagata so um the next plan i want to talk about today is the palia peperomioides so this is the plan i just talked about this plant recently in my plant trends video which i think a couple of you took a little too seriously if i might say but regardless this plant it's funny because this used to be like the it's plant in like 2018 2017 this was the plant that everybody wanted this plant back in that time cost 50 plus dollars for this size planter right here i think like logee's was selling literally a two inch pot for 50 plus dollars mind you that wasn't a bad deal for this plant back then it was just not produced in the united states at least at that time maybe it was beforehand and it fell out of production as a lot of these plants do but at that time it was just nowhere to be found and it was just something you had to be lucky enough to get your hands on at least for a good deal nowadays this is something this size you're going to walk into your local houseplant store it's going to be sold in the terrarium selection for three to five dollars i'm sure you can find full four inch pots at your local grocery store for probably even five dollars and if not you can find it at your hardware store your plant store wherever you go to get your plants and i'm sure once again a four inch pot is going to cost you no more than 9.99 so we're at that 10 threshold that for this video so it really does fall in into this category which i think is great because it's really come a long way and as i was mentioning in my houseplant trends video that this is one that we can really learn a lot from when it comes to houseplant trends since a lot of trends lately are just blown out of proportion so maybe if i'm doing this video again in a couple of years maybe pink princess philodendron's gonna fall into this category although i wouldn't necessarily count on it because i don't know why i just don't feel that confident but we will see but nevertheless this is such a great house plant it's super unique with these round leaves it makes an incredible gift and it's really easy enough to grow given you give it enough light you can see with these succulent leaves and this woody stock that it really would prefer brighter light settings i'm sure some of you have successfully grown it away from a window but in my own experience it really does require that bright sunlight of an east or western facing window just to keep this plant chugging along so highly recommend it and when it puts off its babies which this plant is known for it's super easy to propagate and you can trade them or you can as i said give them as gifts so it's really a great house plan i don't think that it should be looked over just because it's fallen out of the fashion that it used to be so um let's discuss this lovely little thing right here so i feel like i talk about premolina's a lot but i'm going to talk about them again today so this is a primolina young fluency and this is just such an underrated houseplant i just don't even think people really know about them this isn't something that is like common common i mean i'm going to call uncommon it's just like not something you would just see in every houseplant store because it's not the status of like a syntaxis or a golden pothos or things like that however this is still going to be an inexpensive plant if you're able to find it even though it might be sold by specialty growers it's very very common in my area because one of our local growers whose name is gary and he has these blue tags that i feel like i mentioned sometime and you get to see it today because it's living in this plant here but he grows a really excellent assortment of houseplants that are very specific to the area that i live in i think he only like sells within like 50 or 100 miles of his nursery and lancaster pa so it is kind of specific to my area which sometimes i forget sometimes i forget that i'm lucky to have gary who produces like 30 types of pepperoni and all these primolinas and so so many other types of plants that i grow in my home so sometimes i forget like i said but he sells all of his plants very inexpensive so if you ever are in the area i would definitely keep an eye out for the blue tags i think he sells as far as like new york even in virginia and stuff just for for getting specific but what i really love about gary is his premolina's actually what he says he specializes in is primalinas and i think some other guests but specifically primolinas did i mention that their common name is asian violets because i'm not sure if i did but they're called asian violets they're very very closely related to african violets if you're familiar with those but what i love about these while african violets are typically grown for their flowers asian violets are typically grown for their foliage and i think they have such striking foliage hopefully you can get a look at these leaves which is of course probably covered in dust and cat hair unfortunately because it's just the nature of these fuzzy plants in my home with two cats but the foliage is so great this one gets a slight purple coloration on the backside of course if i was probably giving it very specific light settings it would come in very very purple but i'm sure you can get the gist of it but i really just absolutely adore the the patterns on these leaves i think it's fantastic it's something you typically don't see in like these fuzzy leaf patterns but i think plants like this and of course i have to pull back up the gorelia maclaina are plants that are really just like underrated house plants that really have such striking foliage so these are plants specifically that if you really love funky like ritzy foliage i absolutely think that you should give these plants a go the one thing i do want to say about primolinas which kind of is a specific rule of thumb for all gazineriads but it's to avoid watering them with cold water specifically getting cold water on the leaves i usually just water mine with warm or lukewarm water that way as long as the sun's not shining on the plant i can be a little like willy-nilly with watering it but of course if the sun is shining on the plant too you really don't want to get water on the leaves it can really just cause some leaf damage i don't see any leaf damage on mine because i'm very careful but if you've watched my other videos with premolina's i'm sure i've pointed out the leaf damage on some of my other ones to me just being kind of really nearly as i said would be the watering but as long as you're using warm or lukewarm water and not watering them in the sunlight you should have no issue with that but that's just the only issue that can really cause some bad cosmetic damage on these plants which you don't want because the leaves are so beautiful and cosmetic damage will just stick out like a sore thumb okay so i think we have two more left to talk about today so this one is a little difficult because i have to hold it in its hanging thingy anyway this is a peperomia so this is peperomia tetragona this is often sold as peperomia patiolata because i think that's its former common name as well as the parallel pepperoni or the stilt pepperoni and no i'm not getting it well in frame but it's just got such incredible leaves they have this gray green bluish color to the leaves that i love and the stems are this crimson red color i think it's just got a lot of character little things about it that i don't think you typically notice when you just see them right in the plant store but these are incredibly inexpensive usually because they're sold in such small pots when i used to be a buyer really the only way i could get my hands on these plants was in little three-inch square pots and they cost wholesale i think like 95 cents so it was something that just always sold in the houseplant store for like four or five dollars in maximum so i loved that about it and i remember this is one that i got right when i first started working at urban when i became a buyer my first batch that i got in i brought one home because they were just so beautiful and you can see how much that little three inch pot has grown over time it's really become a really nice full hanging basket and i've probably only had it for about two two and a half years at this point so it's really grown a lot as far as peperomias go it's not like the syndopsis or the pothos where they can grow like six feet plus in a year's time but this one i think is a lot like i said it's a lot as far as peperomias go this one pepperoni in general i'm kind of looking to see if i'm sure if i look hard enough i'll find some but this one i find is a little bit more susceptible to spider mites but i don't really find them like they're just a nuisance they don't cause your plant to die like if you get spider mites on your calatheas where they can really just suck the life out of your plants with these i really just find them as like a nuisance they're just there and they're easy to get rid of you just gotta spray them every now and again with whatever product you're using to get rid of your spider mites i'm sure you could even just like take it into the sink and spray it down to try to get rid of them but just something i want to keep in mind because i just every time i'm like fiddling around this plant i'm always like oh there's a couple of spider mites which yeah okay i'm seeing a couple here so there's true to my word there's always a couple spider mites on this plant but like i said it's not something i would worry about but if you're just like terrified of spider mites or something like that maybe just skip this plant but it's such an inexpensive house plant that's such a great house plant for hanging in a window or putting in a bright window it definitely needs to go in a window i would say this is a peperomia that would fall into the more succulent category as far as pepperonis go but the foliage is just so incredible i really think it's just absolutely to die for so it's so great to see such interesting and funky foliage on such inexpensive house plants so yeah and a lot of these like i said just start small like i don't think you would typically see a pepperoni tetragona that size for less than ten dollars i mean like it probably wouldn't cost that much more than that but when i purchased that it really only cost probably like four or five dollars i almost said costed right there but i tried really hard not to okay so the last one this is this is such an incredible house pant so this is a flabodium rem or the blue star fern so this and i'm sure you just heard the fern once again and you're like red flag going off because if you are like me when i first got growing house plants i tried growing a couple ferns i remember boston ferns button ferns i think i even like tried a couple staghorn friends unsuccessfully they were just not plants i was apt to growing i was unable to successfully grow them but it wasn't really until i learned how hardy ferns are that i really had to go ahead and give them another go specifically some ferns like i want to back up and say do not grow button ferns and do not grow boston friends i mean you can if you want a headache go ahead and get a butt in front and a boston frame but i would just not advise you to get those ferns instead i would say grow a plant like the blue star firm this is such a robust houseplant this is one that i've only had for probably a year and a half actually oh my god i might have had it longer than that i might have had it for like two years no that's not true i've had this for probably it's not even important but i um just really love the way the plant grows it's so robust and you can see i have it in this large pot it's really grown quite a bit i mean i got it in a four inch pot for probably like four dollars when i purchased it whenever the hell that was but it's really grown immensely since then it's got such a robust root system they call it flabodium aurium so if you remember the epiperineum orium which is the golden pothos so orium i believe means like yellow or golden and the in latin and you can see probably not because the leaf was just in the camera but you can probably barely see that there's these little fuzzy things in here i literally have no idea if you can see or not but there's i'll try again there's these little fuzzy things in the soil that they're probably like brownish to you but they're they're a little bit like golden yellow when i'm looking up at them and that is where this plant gets its name it's a very my very long explanation of telling you where flomodium orium comes from so while it's the blue star fern it does have these golden rhizomes but this plant has such a robust root system that you can probably see here that there's the drainage hole right here and this fern frond has grown out of the drainage hole so that's something i would often see with the pilea pepperoni oils chair that i talked about earlier when i was working at the houseplant store there would always be a plant in the batch that had a baby coming out the drain hole at the bottom of the pot but i've never really certainly seen my ferns grow like that at the houseplant store so i think that's such a nifty little thing and of course i'm going to keep this frond here and let it grow to its fullest potential which is probably not much more than it is now but it really is such a beautiful houseplant similar to the syndopsis pictus it really gives you that nice blue coloration that i absolutely love and this plant handles light a lot better than other ferns i actually grow this blue starfront in a southern facing window believe it or not my southern facing windows get hot but this thing was growing in a hot greenhouse when i found it with a lot of light so i figured i'm gonna give it what it's been getting and it really doesn't seem to mind at all of course sometimes a leaf will get scorched every now and again but honestly the proof is in the pudding i think this plant looks fantastic and i'm absolutely obsessed with it i think this is proving to me that i need to get more ferns but the thing i love about ferns is they're so inexpensive you're going to find four inch pots of ferns for maybe seven or eight dollars even at the most expensive plant boutique so i think they are just so incredible house plants just skip the button ferns skip the boston ferns and go for the hardy ones like the blue star fern so that's going to do it for today's video ten house plants that will cost less than ten dollars and be easy enough to find hopefully in your area and like i said maybe they're not gonna cost ten dollars maybe they're gonna cost you twelve dollars but in my area they're going to cost ten dollars or less so if you're struggling to find them just come to the philadelphia area and we got you covered don't do that right now because of covet but thank you guys so much for joining me today let me know in the comments any other plants that you think are super excellent choices for plants to grow in your home that cost less than ten dollars they're budget friendly house plants but i don't think they are slacking on the beauty so thank you for the fourth or fifth time if you don't already follow me on instagram at phillyfolio to subscribe to my channel and i will see you guys in my next video have a great day
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 57,031
Rating: 4.9661536 out of 5
Keywords: houseplants, ten, dollars, $10, inexpensive, plants, plant, houseplant, nick pileggi, pothos, scindapsus, peperomia, cissus, tradescantia
Id: dxN3F9k1810
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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