The Fastest Growing Houseplants

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hi everyone my name is nick and today we're going to talk about in my experience what are the fastest growing plants for your indoor jungle so these house plants are perfect for the inpatient plant parents out there and i'm pretty sure all of these for the most part are very inexpensive plants which is fabulous so the first one i want to talk about today is really a tried and true it's one i talk about to no end here on my youtube channel and that is the golden pothos or the epipen orion now there are a ton of varieties of pothos there's the jade the marble queen the mangela the blue pothos although that is a different species technically but none of them are as fast and reliable as the golden pothos i would be daring enough to say while there are some that are great contenders by all means like the blue pothos and the neon pothos are very very fast growing but still i don't think either of them can keep up with the golden pothos and this is a very inexpensive house plant if you're going to walk into any houseplant store or probably any grocery store in any hardware store you are going to find some small pots and hanging baskets of golden pothos it is the classic hanging basket plant if you're moving beyond ferns and spider plants so this is one that's going to really give you trails and legs for days this one that i have here is probably the smallest one i have in my home which is why i always like to bring it on here for my videos because it's a lot easier for me to handle because the other ones have really just like gotten to know their space so well and i have just meandered all throughout and kind of like weave around plants along the floor it's a plant that really is not shy it's going to get to know your space and it's going to feel its surroundings out and see where is the best conditions for it to grow but those are the ones that i have that have like completely grown to the floor and are really just working their way around when you start off with this plant it's going to slowly creep its way out of the pot and then start to work its way down with some vines i kind of like to tuck this vine in here to make it look like a nice full plant it's the illusion you can practically put a golden pothos anywhere and it's always going to grow for you of course the more light exposure you give it the faster it's going to grow and the more often you're going to have to water it and speaking of watering this is a plant that has a very great telltale sign as to when it needs water the leaves are normally very waxy and they almost have like a little bit of succulents to them they hold up very very well and they're very robust but when this plant is in need of water the leaves will just kind of wilt very slightly it'll look like it's inuit of water and you just go ahead give it a nice drink and it'll perk back up in a day's time which is just such an easy way to care for your plant because even if it's hanging up out of reach you can see very clearly when it needs water without having to constantly go up there and check it with your finger or moisture meter or whatever you use to check when it's time to water your plants so a very great visual aid a very excellent plant for learning if you're trying to learn like the habits of plants and see how they grow throughout a year now there's an adage i always bring up speaking of which that i talk about here on my channel the first year they sleep the second year they creep the third year they leap which is a classic uh phrase for growing house plants because typically you bring a house plant home and it usually is just kind of feeling on its surroundings and is taking its time for like a year as i said the first year they sleep the pothos and every other plant that i'm talking about today does not abide by this adage and almost doesn't abide by the laws of mass because it just grows so much so constantly it's like where is this coming from because it wasn't there a week ago so it's really quite wonderful i have to talk about pothos uh first and foremost specifically golden pothos like i said all pothos are contenders but none of them are going to grow as fast and as vigorously and aggressively as the golden pothos i dare you to try out if you don't already have one in your home because really a pot of golden pothos isn't gonna cost you any more than like five dollars if you're at the right place so give it a go it's a plant i slept on for a couple of years when i first got started with gardening because i saw it everywhere and it wasn't until i brought it into my home why i realized it's everywhere so stop sleeping on pathos if you're sleeping on it oh another one that's a very very fast grower and this is one that's gained a little bit more popularity in the recent years this is a peperomia ruby cascade and this is the fastest growing peperomia i consider peperomias to be like very like slow growing diminutive plants that just like don't really feel out their space in the way that this one does it will form a nice curtain of plants this is actually the third peperomia ruby cascade that i have because i have grown two of them out to the floor and that's actually one thing i do want to say specifically about these i kind of struggle with them because they are such fast-growing peperomias they look fantastic for like the first year and then once they reach the floor it's a plant that just gets really tired from the top and starts to work its way down and kind of die back and of course you could just cut it back to the base but i seem to get a little forgetful with them i guess i i don't know what's the deal what the deal is but this is a plant where i feel very confident at least with it for the first year or so that it's going to become a very nice fun curtain of plant uh so this is pepperoni ruby cascade as i mentioned which has the red back side i believe there's a very very similar peperomia called pepperoni at pepper spot which is uh just a plain green version of this so i don't believe it sports the red stems and if it does sport the red stems it doesn't at least have the red on the back it's an all green leaf i'm not as familiar with pepper spot but just in case you have something similar at home and you're kind of wondering why it looks so similar but it's not the same plant this is a plant where i grow it in a bright window typically i have mine sitting near a south-facing window but i have tried it out in west facing windows like directly in the window i used to have this like uh toothbrush holder that i got from ikea that like sticks on i think it's supposed to be your mirror but i stuck it on the window and because it was a toothbrush holder had some holes in the bottom i've talked about this in my ikea plant hacks video that i did last year but it was a great planter for my pepperoni ruby cascade because it got such good light exposure in that west facing window on the window that it just completely enveloped the toothbrush holder and it actually looks fantastic because i don't really love the idea of having a toothbrush holder on my window but if a plant's completely enveloping it like the way that this plant grows it really wasn't too bad of an idea i will say but i kind of prefer in a pot i think a pot is more of my desired um vessel compared to a toothbrush holder anyway that's not important at all this is a plant that very similar to the pothos has a telltale sign a lot of house pens really do have telltale signs as to when they need water which is great so the way you know how to water your peperomias is something i like to call the taco test which is well something i probably should have trademarked a couple of years ago but it's where you take the leaf and i have this nice leaf right here and my plant is very very well watered at the moment and the leaves are very succulent as a pepperoni normally would be but if this plant was in need of water and was dry i would try to fold up these leaves like a taco shell now you can probably see very slightly that i'm trying to fold it up like a hard taco shell or any type of taco shell when you're going to eat the taco and it's not budging right now and if i squeeze a little bit harder than i am right now this leaf would snap and break so i know this plant does not need water however when my pepperonis are in need of water specifically this ruby cascade this leaf will have lost all of its succulents i would be able to fold it any which way bend it backwards without the leaf even remotely snapping and breaking it has lost that much succulents and that's how i know when it's time to water so it's a very very easy way a great telltale sign like i said similar to the pothos it's an excellent visual aid and a great way to kind of learn how to get more familiar with watering plants that are a little bit more i guess finicky with the watering like a peperomia is a plant that if you over watered it it would rot very quickly so to stop yourself from rotting it you can just use the the surefire taco test and it will always make sure that you are doing a good job with your pepperoni so give it a lot of light and trace amounts of water use the taco test and you will be really thrilled when you start off with a little tiny pot of pepperoni ruby cascade which is how they all start they never look like this when you buy them they're always just inside the pot like when you buy any trailing pepperoni like a pepperoni a hope or a pepperoni or kubensus if that's not gibberish for you but um this one is one that very quickly in comparison to those pepperonis those are a lot slower this is the fastest growing pepperoni that i have ever grown in my home and i feel like i'm going to be growing many more of them in my home because i feel like every year if they start to poop out on me i'm not going to be willing to not have my peppermia ruby cascade in my home because it's such an incredible houseplant so this one i don't think i can necessarily prove how fast it's growing with this little plant of course if you follow me you've probably just seen me recently feature this one in a recent houseplant haul so i've only had this plant for a couple of months this is monstera addensonii by the way the swiss cheese vine very similar to the monstera deliciosa which is probably one of the most well-known and popular houseplants out there this monstera and sonia it's just like that book you give a mouse a cookie you give a monstera ad and sonyi a moss poll and you can finish the sentence from there it's going to grow a lot this is something where i was so surprised when i purchased a monster as in sony eye a couple of years ago i'm pretty positive i did a video here on my channel that was like staking my monster adam sonia eye to a moss poll and i just had like two vines that were long enough in that video to put the plant up on the moss pole so it really was barely staked the moss pole and within a couple of weeks i kid you not that whole entire plant i think there was like 10 vines in the pot it worked its way over to the moss pole and started to climb up it like without me even attaching to it and to this day i still have that plant i had to extend the moss pole so it's like a four and a half foot moss pole at this point and has grown off of the moss pole into the window of course i'm including footage right now but so you can see so i can prove it since i said this little one is definitely not going to get the job done but it really is such an aggressive plant and it's a plant i will say that when it wasn't staked i don't have the same experience they really want to grow up something that's how they would grow in the wild they would find a tree or some surface that they can grab onto to grow their fullest potential but they can't really do that in our home sometimes if you're lucky they'll grab onto your wall but is that really being lucky because that's just kind of kind of cling and destroy parts of your wall but if you have monstera add in sonia and you are disagreeing with me that it's not one of the fastest growing plants that you have in your home get in the moss poll and i guarantee you with this upcoming growing season on the brink you are going to experience a lot of growth of your plant and the best part about growing monster add and sonia in that setting as you can probably see from the plant that i shared is once it really gets higher up like once it's at the top of that moss pole for me and off of it too because it started to grab off on the things in its vicinity off the moss pool those leaves are at least like four or five times the size of these little itty bitty leaves here that i have on this specimen so if you are in to those specimens of monster and sonia that you see when you're at the botanical garden that have those foot long leaves with tons of fenestrations get yourself a moss pole you're not going to achieve that with a little plant like this although it can become a nice fun binding plant it really just doesn't grow the same way in my experience except when you have it climbing up the moss pole and another plant that kind of is very similar to that that i want to talk about is the raphidophora tetris burma so i have a little cutting right here i actually have it back here although i don't want to talk about this because some people like to point out the fact that the lower part of my plant does not look very good but rest assured the whole thing goes up to the ceiling like eight feet up and it's full and overgrown this is a cutting that i took that went off the trellis at the top so this plant is something that really takes to a setting just like the moss pole but raphael four tetrasperma i don't think really needs the moss pole to grow to its fullest potential because it's going to grow no matter what i got this trellis to help me out because i could tell how fast my wrath was growing when i first got it that i was like i'm going to have to work with this this is not going to be something i can just have in a pot sitting on a plant stand it does not work like that it's something you are going to have to train because it is going to go up to your ceiling i would say out of all of the airoids i'm talking about today i guess the golden potholist might be the fastest growing but the raphaephora is definitely the most aggressive i guess that's the word i'm looking for it's the most aggressive grower because like i said it's going to grow no matter what it's going to find its way to grow up to your ceiling or across your floor or whatever so plan ahead even if you start out with a little 4-inch pot that you get from the the plant store and it's just got those couple of small underdeveloped leaves on it i'm telling you in due time you're going to have an overgrown specimen of a plant you're going to be taking many cuttings as i'm going to have to do because literally it's overgrown it's grown off it's tangled throughout itself i will show you some footage of course but this little cutting right here is not going to do justice from what you can't even see behind me here and just like the golden pothos this plant does kind of experience that same wilt if it is in need of water so i kind of just wait to see when my rapid four leaves are really just starting to kind of curl in on the sides and since these leaves are so split they will kind of be noticeably like curling in on themselves of course i can't really demonstrate it but it is a very easy plant to grow for the fact that it tells you when it needs water it's going to grow extremely robust and aggressively no matter what and unfortunately it's very very readily available when i first got my hands on raffle four tetrasperma probably like two or three years ago it was not easy to get your hands on i remember i got it from a specialty site and i was shocked to even be able to get it in the large pot that i did then but nowadays you find raphael four has already grown up like six feet on a trellis and it's excellent so you can start off like that but really don't waste your money because you can get just as much in a very short amount of time probably like six months the plant i would say could grow from the base of the trellis to the top given that it has adequate light so just keep that in mind i have my soltec solutions aspect light which i'll include my discount code nick 2021 on screen if you want to get 15 off your own and it really does give all of my plants here in this back corner the light that it requires so much so like i said that my raft before has completely outgrown it and now that it's grown beyond the light i really really need to consider cutting it back because these leaves that are up top are just not nearly as big as the ones that were at the bottom when it was reveling in that wonderful grow light and oh this is a fun one so this is one that i can't really talk about that much on my youtube channel anymore because the way i have it in my home it's just up there hanging and i cannot pull it down it's scrapped onto so many things around it i cannot dream of pulling that thing down until i move out of this space so this is a senecio macroglossus and this is what they commonly refer to as wax iv and i'm sure if you were unfamiliar with this plant beforehand when i pulled this up you probably did think it was just a piece of ivy that i was going to talk about now i kind of slam ivy a bit here on my channel i don't love english iv well i love english ivy like it is the vibe it is absolutely the vibe i'm looking for but it is a horrible house plant it's a pest magnet it requires a lot of light i'm sure there are going to be some people who have different experiences out there but i have tried endlessly to grow iv in my home and it's just not something that i find feasible senecio macroglossus however is an incredible replacement to your english iv it is a succulent so it still requires sunlight i don't think it requires nearly as much as iv seems to require i think you could probably still get away with growing this in an eastern north facing window of course it wouldn't grow to its fullest potential but as i mentioned it is a succulent it's a senecio as i said it's very closely related to like string of pearls and string of dolphins and all of those wonderful plants which you can kind of tell in that similar trailing matter that gross just broke the plant that's okay it's just a cutting but this is such a cutie it is something that really gives a different vibe than your ivy because of its aggressive manner where it kind of is just like trailing over the place it'll kind of like spindle up things similar to the way like la jolla grows and not like the way iv grows where it kind of clings to stuff so it definitely gives you a different vibe and the succulent leaves are really great i think i failed to mention that there's this really thick cuticle layer on top of the leaves which really gives it that waxy succulents to it and i really really appreciate that it's a plant when it's well watered and the leaves are just so super succulent some of the most developed leaves are like a couple millimeters thick and it's just like so fun just kind of squeeze them obviously you don't want to damage the plant but this plant is such a fast grower it's one that i feel like i could take cuttings of it practically every week and give them to my friends and i probably wouldn't even notice because it just seems to regrow that fast every time i cut it if you ever do stumble across a nice little plant of sinister macro glasses i highly recommend giving it a grow it's such a rewarding plant to grow and it's so fun that it's an imposter plant to ivy it's definitely a conversation piece people when they come into my house and they see my very robust and sunnyview macro glasses they're always like oh you have an iv plant and i'm like actually technically i don't but kind of technically i do because it's a wax ivy so i guess technically it's ivy but it's not the ivy that we all know and love so it's very fun and i've been so thrilled that this is a plant that's been becoming much more readily available it's one that i've been seeing a lot more often in the past year at house plant stores which is great because it was a very under-appreciated house plant and i i think it still is really it still needs to catch on a little bit more but if you've struggled with ivy and you want that iv vibe i highly recommend trying out and sending to your macro glasses you will not be disappointed and this is another plant that i talk about i feel like practically every video but once again that's for good reason because this is a good ass house plant so this is a syntaxis pictus and this is the standard version or the most common version that you would typically see oh we've got a jumping a plant that's jumping out of the pot here so this is syndopsis pictus argeria so this is just the one that kind of lacks any more variegation than just this little bit of splashing right here so it's just your your standard one that you're gonna see if you go into home depot or lowe's or the grocery store typically this is the variety that's going to be there for like five dollars or less and just like the golden pothos this is a very very fast growing house plant i really like the vibe that this one gives in comparison to the golden pothos because i think golden pothos with those thicker waxy leaves that kind of hold themselves like more upright it's got more of that like aggressive vibe that like the wrath of the four tetrasperma has but i think that uh syndapsis has just more of a relaxed vibe it's more like bohemian it's not going to be in your face it's still going to grow honestly i'd say faster than the golden pothos yeah i would say faster than golden pothos this is a really really fast growing plant is it the fastest growing plant i have in my home i think it might be rivaled by the plant i'm going to talk about last but it's still a huge contender to the point that it is in this video just like the golden pothos this is a plant that you can put practically anywhere in your home just keeping in mind that if you put this in a very dark corner it's going to grow a lot slower and require water a lot less often versus if you hang it up next to a bright window it's going to grow ridiculously fast and require water a lot more often and it does have that same similar telltale sign with the golden pothos and the rafalephora when it's time to water it these leaves will kind of just curl on the edges so they're normally quite flat i guess mine are like not the flattest of flat leaves but it's not any of the water i can tell you that much you can see the pots pretty wet but these leaves will really start to curl in on themselves i believe in my last video that i posted my plants that will turn your home into a jungle my syntaxis that i was sharing in that video was in need of water and you could see very clearly that those leaves were curling up and that's a great way for that syntax is that i keep high up on a shelf that i can say hey it's time to pull it down and water that plant so another reason why these are just such great plants to have high up hanging in a macrame hanger or up on a shelf or somewhere that's just not easy to reach because just like i said with the golden pathos you're not going to have to go up there to check when it's time to water because it's going to tell you it's fantastic there are a bunch of other varieties of syntaxes picked us on the market all of the small leave varieties grow ridiculously fast in the same way that all of the large leaf varieties for some reason grow ridiculously slowly sometimes they get chugging along i've had some exoticas the larger leaf version once i've had them for a couple of years they start spitting out some nice vines but the first year or two that you have them it is not going to grow in any of the manner that the syntax has picked is argerius or like the silver ammo grow so those are the two varieties that i guess i'm specifically talking about in this video today all syntaxes pictures are fantastic house plants but if you are an impatient plant parent like i mentioned i think syntax's pictures are generous or silver and is going to be the one i would recommend for you but they're all super easy they're all fantastic i have a bunch of each of them all throughout my home the last plant i want to talk about today is as i kind of hinted to is 100 the fastest growing plant i have in my home so this is a cerro pegia this one specific is a cerro pegia linearis i think this is subspecies jubilus this is just the standard string of needles plant and i kind of would lump in a string of hearts the sarah pegio linear subspecies woody i in this video as well i just wanted to talk about one of them today to keep it a little bit more interesting i would say like i said 100 cerapega string of needles grows much faster than the string of hearts which i probably would have said before getting this in my home that string of hearts was the fastest growing plant in my home it does grow like a foot a month which is basically on par with like the syndaxes pictus however this thingy i guess because the leaves are smaller and thinner that it's just like an overdrive when it grows because maybe it doesn't have to put that much energy i do not know the science behind it but you can see i'm like trying to get it all in frame it's all tangled throughout itself this plant will grow down to my floor and then grow back up itself and then i take a couple clippings and the same thing happens again it's always a mess i'm never going to dream of getting this thing untangled i'm just going to knock off all the little leaves which is probably my favorite thing about this plant i think it's probably very underwhelming i would say but to most but to me it looks like it's just a bunch of like pine needles on strings it's kind of got that similar like to like hoya linearis or uh hoya ratusa kind of look to it but these leaves are just little needles they literally look like pine needles just all over this string mess and i just think it's so different and it's so fun it's the perfect plant to hang somewhere where you just need a little strip of plant of course you could get more i only have like eight vines coming out of this pot here but you could get a fuller plant if you wanted to if that's more your speed the care for this plant is very easy just like the string of hearts which i think is an incredibly easy house plant it does require light but i don't think it requires as much light as its heart-shaped counterparts as these leaves just don't have as much structure to them so this is one that i tend to grow a little bit further in my home i probably have mine growing like four feet from a south facing window i have two of them both in very similar areas and my string of hearts is something that i usually like to grow inside a window like a south or west facing window just to make sure that the hearts are going to be as large and succulent as possible so definitely doesn't require as much sunlight but it's pretty on par with the watering string of heart to something that i would let go for like a month at a time before watering it this one i probably wouldn't let go quite as long as that i probably watered this about a week and a half ago and the liam the one leaf that's still left in this pot is still very succulent so i know it's not necessarily time to water this but as this soil is very dry i could go ahead and water this and not worry about it rotting in the way that if it was still damp it would probably rot or at least i would have a bunch of these leaves from up here start to fall off the plant turn yellow and fall off and then i would have kind of just like bare vines as you can kind of see right here with these vines that are missing leaves on it because perhaps i wasn't getting the care down for this plant immediately or maybe i neglected a little bit it's beyond me but it's such an incredible house plant regardless if you are looking for something to grow like i said down to your floor and back up this is what you're looking for it's going to stay much more tame it's not like the golden pothos where it's going to like work its way down and just like creep everywhere quite frankly this plant besides the fact that it gets tangled very very easily as you can see it stays very very close quartered and it's not going to be something that is going to take over your home in the same way that my rafter for a tetris burma is so that's going to do it for today's video the fastest growing houseplants that i have in my home of course i'm going to have to talk about the slowest growing houseplants in my home because there are definitely a number of plants i've had for years that have not done a single thing and i cannot figure out what to do to get these plants grown anymore so we'll talk about that at a later time but thank you guys so much for joining me i would love to hear from you guys if there's any other plants i didn't talk about today maybe ones i don't grow in my home that you guys think are incredibly fast and perfect for the impatient plant parents out there because you know a lot of us we just want our plants to grow and we want to live in that jungle as soon as we can so thanks again for joining me if you don't already follow me on instagram at philly foliage subscribe to my channel and i will see you guys in my next video have a great day
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 153,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plants, houseplants, fast, fastest, growing, jungle, indoor, nick pileggi, pothos, scindapsus, peperomia, senecio, rhaph, rhaphidophora, ceropegia
Id: wRJi1i5JYG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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