Apartment Tour (Old Apartment) | Two Bedroom In Philadelphia, PA

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hi everyone my name is nick and today i am just going to do a little apartment tour video i've done so many houseplant tours here on my youtube channel but i've never really done a video actually on the whole space itself like the bigger picture so i'm going to do exactly that and if you follow me here on youtube you might have heard me recently say that i am moving out of this apartment so i figured what better way to document this current space just before i start moving out if you look at my hallway back here it's starting to be full of boxes i'm just starting to pack but i have not started to dissect my space yet so everything is technically still in its place so before i touch anything the last thing i really want to do is film this apartment tour video so let's just go ahead and get started before i get started with the tour and really share with you guys my stuff i wanted to start out over here in the hallway because this is actually where my front door is so this just goes out to the stairwell and down to the courtyard and the first thing i see when i walk in the door of my apartment is i will be daring enough to show you because it stresses me out a lot is this really messy built-in shelves here so up top is where we keep our recycling and then we just have a bunch of knickknacks in here that we tried to look cute at one time in our time here and it just never really worked out and then i have all my shoes and crap down there laundry stuff so let's just move on from there so the first thing you're going to see when you turn right is going to be down to the living room there's also the kitchen right here and the kitchen does have a little bit of a wrap around area so there's a little hallway that goes out to the living room as well and then if i turn around this leads down to the bedrooms this is my bedroom right here and then there is my roommate's bedroom right there and the bathroom down there now you might notice that there are windows pretty much everywhere in my apartment other than this wall right here so we do live on the corner so this uh down there has west facing windows and then the kitchen and the living room as well as the bedrooms have south facing windows which is very very bright and then the bathroom does have a little east facing window that is frosted for privacy as it does go down into the courtyard so it's really nice having all this light and we live in just a standard um like one floor home in philadelphia so we just have like one floor of a house um and it's really nice the way it's laid out i really like how it's the bathroom and bedrooms down here and it is the living room and the kitchen over here and i don't know if i should really be sharing this but our rent is about 13.50 for the whole apartment just to give you a rough idea of what an apartment like this would cost in philadelphia so where should i begin so if i turn around right here i have this fun little thrifted coat hanger thingy and it has a hole cut in it i don't think it was originally like that it seems like the person who owned this prior may have cut it out for some reason and i originally bought it because i was like oh that would be perfect for like a low light plant to hang in here but this thing has fallen off our wall a couple too many times for me to consider putting a plant in it but maybe i will find something else in the new apartment as to what to do with this mysterious hole right here because i feel like i could get pretty creative and directly to the right i just have some prints i think this one's just from ikea so honestly i'm probably gonna get rid of it but this is a fun little thrifted print or not print i'm sorry painting that i have and then these are two prints from aaron apsley who is a great plant watercolor artist i really enjoy his work as well as my youtube plaque thank you guys so much for getting me to 100 000 subscribers i really really appreciate it and as i pointed out there is just two closets right here so or maybe i didn't point out but there is a closet right here that's just a normal closet and this one's more of a linen closet which is rather nice before we go into any room i'm just going to turn around and walk the other way down the hallway i have my fun no girls allowed poster which was like a vintage print that my boss back at the plant store when i worked there gave to me and i also have this print from urban outfitters hanging up on the wall here which is actually covering up the breaker panel because i'm actually standing in my kitchen and i don't like when i'm cooking in the kitchen and i just look over and there's the breaker panel so i'd much rather see this nice earthy print from urban outfitters so it's quite nice actually especially for urban outfitters so this is little bells little fun bells and they're just from urban jungle the old plant store that i used to work out i really liked them it's just a fun little boho vibe i guess and my little vintage black cat that was also a gift from my boss back at the plant store she was a very good person to know she had a lot of vintage stuff and she was always getting rid of stuff on top of my refrigerator i just have some low light house plants so there's a zz plant and a couple ugly nemas and if i turn to my right you will see this lovely south facing window in my kitchen that is full of house plants so we do have our stove and oven over here uh toaster and toaster oven and all that stuff some spice racks and then our sink i just keep some cutting boards behind it those are old cutting boards that i think still look nice but to be honest i don't think i would put food on them anymore but i think they look really cute back there and it's kind of a nice little like farmhouse vibe i guess with the little cutting boards and the dried flowers so i have some eucalyptus and some crespedia and lavender inside just this i think this was like a ginger beer bottle that i got from trader joe's so it's not even vintage but it just gives it that vintage look and of course have a couple of houseplants here going down the side of the refrigerator and just hanging out next to the sink there's also this little sponge holder which is really fun sorry i'm not even filming it it's a little sponge holder which i just keep my my sponge in of course which is really fun that was a gift from my roommate i forget exactly where she got it from but i know she got it from somewhere like urban outfitter-esque and then i just have a couple plants right here really into the dark terra cotta the basalt terracotta and then this is a pot by bergs which you're gonna see a lot of these in my apartment and that's one of my favorite brands of pottery even if i just pan up you're going to see another berg's pot right there in green but this as i mentioned is a south facing window so i do really take advantage of this really bright light and i grow a lot of succulents in this window so this one's very open compared to say this other south facing window that i have over here beyond the little hallway so if i just turn back around you'll see there is out to the hallway and then if i turn to my left this goes out to the living room so this wall right here gets a lot of light so that's why i grow my mounted plants on it as it's literally like four feet off of the south facing windows so they get some really good light throughout the day but then i have against this wall which is in between the two south facing windows this whole set of crates right here which i will show you from the other angle out in the living room as well and these are all actually from ikea and i just stained them all to not look like unfinished wood because i'm not really a fan of unfinished wood myself i'm sure you're going to hear me griping about that in this video and future points but i really enjoyed the way they look but i think you'll get a better look from it from the other angle and then up here i have this shelf i believe this is from pottery barn i think it's a picture ledge and it works perfectly for just lining it with a bunch of just like four inch pots and just having it spill down so i'm really excited to utilize this in my next apartment i think this is really adorable this is an air plant mount that i made so i literally just had the stick and this piece of cork bark and i hot glued the stick to the cork bark i had some mosses so i glued hot glued the mosses to the cork bark and all of that and i just stuck some air plants inside there's some just spanish moth that was once alive but now it's dead and yeah i think it's just kind of like a little living art piece and it was super incredibly easy to do extremely inexpensive and i think anyone could do it and it was super fun i have a little smaller one over here that's not quite as showy with the talansia tectorum which is a super fun talanzia what else do i have oh a sono speaker not really you know part of the decor but highly highly recommend a so no speaker if you like listening to music it is just like the cleanest sound this is in our kitchen and i listen to it in our living room and obviously it's like not that far away it's just down the hallway over there but it's just so incredible how the sound sounds like it's in the living room but it's coming from the kitchen it's quite wild and you're also going to notice i use a lot of macrame in my home so these are just some macrame wall hangers as well as some plant hangers and i really like using both white thicker cord as well as finer jute ropes so you're going to basically just see those around my apartment and let's see i also have these oh pardon me there's a truck going by as i mentioned that i live on an intersection that's one of the main reasons why i kind of want to move because i make youtube videos for a living now and it's kind of frustrating when it's very loud all the time so i have these hanging ceramic planters there's a gray one there's a yellow one and there is a green one i got these back at urban jungle when i worked there but i know that they're from a company called creative co-op and i believe they are available online if you are interested in those i know people ask me about them a lot let's see oh and all of the amount of plants i did make myself except for this one right here i purchased this one as is back at the plant store and where should we go from here i don't know if i should go back around this way or go back around this way but i think there's going to be a little bit more this way so let's head over here i think this would be a good time to just turn around real quick and share with you guys this space from this angle so these are the ikea crates from the living room looking into the kitchen and if i work our way up there is once again the pottery barn shelf and then this south facing window versus the one that i have over there that one i said i'd keep much more open for those light-loving plants well this one i kind of abuse my thematophylum by panetta fetum which is this big fingery leaf plant some people call it a philodendron hope and i use that to kind of block a lot of the light that's coming in so that these plants that are more like medium bright indirect lights they really seem to thrive in the space not being fried completely from the south-facing window although there are a couple leaves that seem to like work their way over in the window like this philodendron mexicanum leaf that's got some browning on it because it just kind of got a little too close to the sunlight but that's okay it's not gonna be an issue in my next place and these crates i really like to utilize them a little bit more in my next apartment my roommate's cat is a little nippy so if i kept plants inside like these i'm sure he would just stick his face inside and start chewing on a couple of them but i'd really like to put some like led bar lights inside them in my next apartment to kind of utilize a couple of them for growing some house plans so that would be great and i might as well show you guys that this is where i keep my handmade pottery so this is just a little hobby i've been doing i've been learning pottery throwing for about a year now and i've really been enjoying it and honestly i just make a bunch of planters all the time i've experimented making a couple other things i've made like a couple bowls and mugs and here's like a little match striker that i made that's not even in focus but um we're trying so you get the gist but yeah i might be starting to sell that soon so keep an eye out and then i just keep the liquor in here and then i keep the router over there which plenty of people have told me good luck when when you spill water on that but i'm moving out in a week and i haven't had an issue yet so and knock on wood okay but anyway i have the desk right here to the right of this area which i will admit gets very bright and sunny in my eyes so another thing i'm kind of looking forward to about not living here anymore when i'm doing my work and i don't keep a chair at this desk i actually just pull one over from the table over there when it's time to do my work because i don't know it just saves us some space and i don't have to worry about it and then i just have a couple more plants hanging up here and i kind of want to point out that i have a lot of these um like weathered terracotta pots in my home i know the sun's kind of blowing it out but i know i get asked about them a lot and i really enjoy them i think if you just like google like rustic terra cotta pot or um maybe like earthware terracotta pot i think something will pop up our farmhouse terracotta if you type in any of those on google i'm sure something would pop up but i really really enjoy them i think they look fantastic i have this fernan one and i have a hoya and another and it's just such a vibe i really enjoy it and i've also been getting really into vanda baskets which is just this wooden basket up here that i'm growing in anthurium inside people often use them for growing orchids but you can grow them for other plants that grow a little more epiphytically like i said my antherium and i also have a hoya growing in one and it seems to really enjoy it so just a fun different way to display your plants and it's extremely light so i really think you could get away with hanging it from a cup hook rather than having to install like hooks in the ceiling the way i have these plants hanging from them and i also have a little basket back there um the san severian and it's a little dilapidated at this point i will admit but i think it's a really fun way to also display your plants and i purchased this one on etsy just from a vintage shop and then directly to the right we have i have another aaron apsi print and a circle shelf that i absolutely hate and i totally regret screwing into my wall but it's there but it's not going to be moving to the new apartment with me so we also have our table right here this is something that my roommate actually inherited from her parents and we have the flowers on the table since it was my roommate's birthday recently and her boyfriend got her some flowers these place mats i know they're just place mats but these are from william sonoma and i absolutely love them they're just so easy to keep clean we used to have cloth ones and i'm like why did we ever have cloth ones now that i have these and they were a really good price so i highly recommend them i know william sonoma is typically kind of pricey but i really love these placemats highly highly recommend and if we move over to this window this one's very very busy i really really love this window i just don't love the bookcase there so if i was staying in this apartment i would definitely be replacing this bookcase espresso is just not my color espresso was my color in my early 20s when i was first buying all of my furniture but now that i've you know been living on my loan some for quite some time now i've been finding out what is more my vibe and espresso is not my vibe so that's another thing that probably won't be coming with me to the new apartment but it has served its purpose and you know holding a bunch of junk and knickknacks and i'm really sorry about the glare that's going on right now but what do i have in here we have a little plant stand up here which is another thing my roommate inherited from her parents we got my little face pot that i love i think that's just a standard um pot that a lot of places have i think that's also from creative co-op if i'm not mistaken and oh i love these candles i forget exactly what the name is but you might have saw in the built-ins i had one with amy poehler and then this one is alexis from shit's creek so it's just a fun little thing i don't know just you'll see them around and i keep my books my handful of books because i only have like four books because i'm i guess not that sophisticated and just a bunch of little things i love my little raton chair i think these are things you'll often find at thrift stores maybe somebody's manufacturing them today but i feel like i usually walk into a thrift store and i see one of these so i picked this one up because i thought it would be perfect for putting a little something something on i think at one point i had a plant on it but right now it's just you know chilling with that little ceramic bowl in it oh and then this is a little three-legged bowl thingy i don't even know what the original intent for this was but this is where i burn my incense i absolutely love burning japanese incense so i just love having the little sticks in the sand it's just full of sand but at this point you can see it's full of ash for like an inch but um at the new place i will of course dump it out and replace it with some new sand but i think this is such a fun way to display my incense and i think that was also from creative co-op so i have to point out this i know i said this wasn't about the plants but this is a shaflera actinophila nova and it's just like the star of the show for me lately i just love these leaves and people keep asking me about it so i want to point it out because i feel like someone at least will be asking about it and i also have another one of those yellow ceramic wall planters and in here i've been recently keeping a bunch of colored glass which i really enjoy and i think it looks really nice from the outside of the apartment actually when i'm walking up because not that it matters i keep we'll get there but i keep a bunch of little plants if i scroll in in the top of the window here and i hate the way that looks from the outside of my apartment so i'm much more of a big fan of this it just looks so much nicer and less cluttered just a little great that i have backed into a chair but yeah and if we move over just a little bit i'm going to work my way around pardon me i really love this i have this trellis right here this is from either home depot or lowe's i can't remember but it was just like their standard white trellis and i have these prints that i had thrifted which are probably my favorite pieces of art that i have in my home i think they just go so perfectly with the decor and if i move over once again we have another window here this is another window i'm quite fond of i mean i think i've said that for like the past three windows but i really love this one this is the one if i'm sitting on the couch like i just sat down right now this is like the view of what i typically have if i'm sitting at the tv and there's the space that we will get to as well but yeah it's just the window that's directly in my vision and it's just something i really enjoy seeing and a really fun thing about this window is that i have this hoya australis right here and i put it on a little bamboo tipi quite a while back and it has grown up and attached to this string that holds this little bottle up to the ceiling and then if i just kind of zoom up you'll see that the hoya is just working its way up and completely off the ceiling so there's two tendrils right there they're all the way at the top but there's a couple more that are kind of just like swirling around the top there so this is one thing where i'm like i don't really know exactly how i'm going to move it as well as my rafter for a tetrasperma but we'll get there as well and i have this synthapsis that just goes all the way around the ceiling which is a total vibe also don't really know how i'm going to display this in the new space because it does look kind of bare in the the mid area where it's going across the window and all the meat is kind of along the bottom so it might need a little chop and prop or something oh hello there's me but um yeah i'm not really sure what i'm gonna do about it yet oh and i really love this orchid pot once again i think this is from creative co-op we did a lot of shopping from creative co-op uh back at the plant store and what else do i have i have a couple of vanda baskets here this is a really fun um green hanging pot this was from a a french store down in miami i think it was called like maison's dumond or something like that i don't speak french but i really enjoy it and i have my sisters in it and it kind of just grabs onto the leather straps and just a little different shape and color than i'm used to seeing at you know most other stores and i have here in in front of the little mirror thingy that i actually really love this mirror that was from a thrift store but this is just two planters that i have hanging in these are from running pottery and that is also another type of pot you're going to see all over my home just like the bergs really love branding pottery as well so i have these all over the place and then there is some prints so i have these um they're more like canvassy like prints than like like paper prints but these are from world market and i really struggle with getting the bottom one perfectly even like the the top two and then the bottom left just like look perfectly fine but i just cannot get that bottom right one to just like be perfect so we'll try really hard in a new place this is my plant corner over here this is where i do my filming and this current space and i have the trellis and the plant stand which are actually both from ikea and the trellis was a nightmare to put up so if you're going to get it you're going to want to hand putting it up just letting you know and i have another berg's pot right here and with the ugly nema in it and this is a frasier fur uh candle from times which is just like the epitome of a fraser for a candle it's just like the best most incredible christmas candle ever i just highly highly recommend it and what else do i really have to share in here oh of course my soul tech solutions aspect light which i will include my discount code nick 2021 on screen if you want to get 15 off i really love this light it is the only reason why i have plants able to grow in this corner before it was here i had two plants just withering away and dying and now i have a ton of plants that are all thriving so i highly recommend my soul tech solutions aspect light and you're going to see i probably want to point out at this point that you know i have a lot of green in my home and there is a lot of red i guess these are kind of hiding but there's a bunch of red planters you cannot see at all but there's a bunch of red planters in my home and i'm also really getting into yellow as well so i feel like the core colors you're going to see around my home are some really earthy greens reds and yellows you can see another yellow pot up there that's of course going to be blown out but yeah i'm just going to turn around real quick and give you another look from this angle so this is over here um okay so we have this area of my home this is probably i mean it's a total mess because i'm packing obviously but this is probably the area of my home that is just like the spot that i just don't like looking at there is this cart from ikea that i really just can't stand this point there's a freaking microwave on it at this point and i mean granted i made hi again i kind of made it really cute for what i could do for having a microwave in my living room i have the little um mirror which is from urban outfitters and then the blue coat cam the dried flower bouquet in it and then the resurrection plant and all that jazz so i tried to make it cute but it's still a microwave in my living room so i tried but i do have some really cute plants over here another burg spot you can see me really going with the green and a couple other plants here as well as this grow bar from modern sprout which i think they have a different model at this point but i'm sure it works exactly the same and then just some shelves once again that are from ikea and i just i just really don't love the look of this space i think i mentioned that i kind of gripe around unfinished wood and this is all unfinished wood and i just don't love the look of it but it's full of green and plants and loveliness so i tried my best but it's just a couple of things that won't be coming with me to the new space so if i turn around let's focus on the meat of the space i have my natal mahogany right here which is a fantastic floor plant it's a very just like tree vibe just something you would see out in the woods kind of vibe and then it's got a planter which i'm not really a blue person anymore but i've had this planter for a couple years now so i'm kind of stuck with it it's got a little bit of a gray vibe but it's it's very blue and that was actually from home goods and then my roommate has her wood slice table i don't remember exactly where she got it but i'm pretty sure it was just from like wayfair or all modern and then i have my coffee table here which i really love i think this is the newest addition to my home in terms of larger pieces and this was from jocelyn main and i have inside of it or on top of it i guess a glass which was from urban jungle and i have a candle inside and it's a candle from my favorite company which is or my favorite candle company which is finding home finding home farms i think it is and you'll probably see back there i have a stash of them so i just like to keep them handy it's like the most amazing smelling candles ever and the scents are just so incredible my couch turning back around my couch is from ikea you can see this my laptop hiding under there just ignore that the couch is from ikea and then these green pillows are from urban outfitters and the brown pillows are from wayfair i think i think they're just from wayfair and then i have this lovely yellow blanket which is just more of my display blanket it's not really one i snuggle up with which is from terrain and then this is the blanket i snuggle up with i absolutely love this one it's like the softest blanket ever and that's from urban outfitters so it's more of my green and yellow vibes i guess it's missing the reds but i think red would kind of ruin this so i just go with the very earthy tones but yeah this is my living room i think i'm spending way too long talking about all of this but i'll just kind of give you guys another look around i'll just give a spin one final look because from here i'm gonna start taking it all down so might as well really enjoy it oh and that's my roommate's futon i think she just got it from like amazon or something but it's blue i don't like blue and the tb stand is also something that my roommate inherited from her parents as well as the lamp and i really really love the lamp compared to my lamp i'm gonna need to get a lamp that's a little bit more like her lamp i've had this lamp for years and it's just like plastic so time to get a new one oh and this basket's kind of fun i don't know if i'm gonna have use for this in my home but i just got this at a random garden center but i just think it's a fun way to kind of display hanging plants so if we go down this way i guess i'll just stop in the bathroom first i'm not gonna go in my roommate's room so you can just use what you just saw there that little glimpse and you know what's so funny so this bathroom when we moved in it's a blue bathroom so the first thing i said to my roommate was i'm so annoyed by the amount of people who lived here before us that probably turned our blue bathroom into a beach bathroom and i just realized i'm not even kidding a week ago after over three years of living here that our sink is shaped like a freaking shell it's literally a shell sink and i did not notice this so this bathroom was made to be a beach bathroom and i think you're probably gathering the vibe that i cannot stand beach bathrooms i just think it's like the most overdone thing so i'm so sorry if you have a beach bathroom i'm not trying to be rude to you but it's just not my vibe and it's not what i wanted to go for but i still don't think my bathroom is the vibe i was going for in the end because it's blue and i don't like blue so i have my shelf up here which i think is also from ikea and i have this crappy little mirror which i think was literally like a dollar also from ikea i literally think like everything right here is from ikea so none of it's really going to be coming with me although i think i'm going to be utilizing these brackets maybe to hang plants on from the wall like i have this hanging from here which is a little hanging planter that i actually made myself so i threw the planter and i just put some holes in the top and then i just kind of did this and i think it looks kind of fun and some more dried flowers here in a little hendrix bottle i have my shower curtain which is from urban outfitters i believe and i actually put up some led lights so i just have it up here so i flip it on and then i have these little fairy lights in the shower so it's just like so nice when it's nighttime when i want to take a shower but i don't want like this like a harsh light right here on and i just have these nice little fairy lights on so i'm sure i'm going to utilize these in my next apartment too because they're just so fun and dreamy but this window's an east-facing window i kind of tried to play with the blue a little bit and i have a little pop of yellow just for fun and there's me again hello and just a little basket once again just from a random garden center with a fern in it and just another hanging plant another ikea print i think i overdid ikea in my bathroom i think i've learned as i'm entering my mid to late 20s that with ikea you just can't overdo it like i bought an ikea table for my new place but i'm getting chairs elsewhere so it's not just like all ikea so here's my bedroom and it's really just full of plants um this is my bed which is made a rare occasion and it's not made very well i will tell you that and it's from the the duvet cover and the sheets and all that are from brooklyn and i highly recommend brooklyn and it's very very comfortable if you're looking for just a comfy hotel like bed experience and i have these shelves right here and i gotta close the door because i opened my door and now my roommate's cat wants to come explore my bedroom and eat all of my plants and my kitty's food so i have these shelves right here which are completely covered in plants these are both from ikea so there's actually two of them so there's a double one right here and then you can see where this one ends and this one begins and there's a single one and i don't have any grow lights on this one yet i will have to fix it with grow lights when i move but this one i have with another one of those modern sprout grow bars which like i said i think is an old model and i also put some just standard led grow lights like i said i wanted to put in the crates that i had out in like the living room kitchen area and i have them down on these just to give these some light and i think i'm going to fix this entirely with these led lights i have the bottom shelf i will admittedly show you it's just like my storage area so i i think i would like to fill it up completely with plants and make it look as neat as possible and then if i just turn to my left a little bit i have the modern sprout grow frame on my wall which has been really helpful and just letting me grow plants in obscure spaces so i just throw like plants in here when i bring them in my home and i don't really have a spot for them so i have like this ficus triangularis here and peperomia japonica here which is doing quite nice um this tapestry right here i think this is from urban outfitters as well i've had this for quite a long time and i don't think this is something i'll be using in my new space i don't think it's really my vibe anymore my little tiny tv because i i don't know i just have a tiny tv and that's i guess that's really it for the tour i have this little uh table down here that i got from a thrift store for all my plants but really this entirety of this room is really just plants i think i've told you about everything else oh and of course one more erin absolute print with all the monsteras which is a great one especially since i have the monstera right below it so i think that's it i'll just give you guys a little bit more of a better view of this shelf as i'm closing out this video so thank you guys so much for joining me i guess we'll continue on with the move and getting things packed up and consolidating my plants and then it's going to be time to move to the new apartment so thank you guys so much for joining me today i hope you enjoyed this tour and at least got some ideas and inspiration from it if you don't already follow me on instagram at philly foliage subscribe to my channel and i will see you guys in my next video have a great day
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 82,832
Rating: 4.9490685 out of 5
Keywords: apartment, house, tour, plant, houseplant, nick pileggi, philadelphia, 2 bedroom
Id: gc_jSdoZoE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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