400+ Hoya Houseplant Tour — Ep 113

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/marizzle89 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
many of us plant enthusiasts have a tendency to fall in love with one plant whether it be philodendron Zoar peperomia but one woman here in sweden whom we're about to meet is obsessed with Hoyas to the point that it's all she grows so I want to see how she does it hello so good to meet you I already see some Hoyas in here yes they are everywhere oh my goodness so this is the Hoya Haven some say so yeah how many ways do you actually have here oh I have a little more than 400 400 yes Wow holy crap is this all species or some cultivars or I think I have maybe 2 or 3 cultivars 2 or 3 cultivars and the rest are species yes well should we step in and just see a little bit of what you have here where are most of your is actually coming from any particular country are you just collecting them through other collectors I have from other collectors but I know all the big collectors so it's easy to get to me I've been to a see I think it's 12 times I've been in the Philippines once back in 97 on my first trip and then I've been to Borneo four times and I get friends everywhere so I have friends there and in Malaysia and in Thailand and Indonesia and I've been to Sumatra twice and to Laos twice so so you know your way around in order to be able to get some of these beautiful Hoyas and I heard you know from folks that there is a strong Koya collective here within Sweden yes and are you a part of that I've been the president or part of the board for 20 years Wow how did your love for Hoyas start because right now I'm kind of looking and it looks like you have all Hoyas here and you're almost exclusively growing but did you grow other plants first or did you just dive right into Hoyas I asked my mother once when it started because she was not growing any pots yeah and she said as soon as I started to walk I was crazy about Hoya about every plant with balloons my flu flower so when I moved out from home I started to have pots everywhere any kind of plants but in the 70s I discovered that I had three Hoyas I had a Bella multiflora and karna so of course okay he saw common ones yes but I could see they were very different the way they grow the way they look but they are the same shape in the flower and that made me interested and I thought it must be many more and I couldn't find any yeah but I tried yeah and then I read in a book in this 80s I think that in USA you can find seven eight more so I asked every person going to USA if they can search away for me I had never any luck yeah because later I understood that all only the correctors has 'm it was not in the shop but in 96 I discovered we had a society in Sweden and that was like Christmas Eve for me so in just a few weeks I bought 25 new species oh my goodness and then the girl who started this society I asked her about going in Syria somewhere I thought about gardens in Denmark or Holland or something and she said I'm going to born your next spring do you want to fall be with me on that trip and I did and then it started then it really started well it sounds like you know over a decade you had really had this intrigue and curiosity for Hoyas and then all of a sudden as soon as you saw more you're just like I have to have them all yes exactly it was like that in the beginning yeah tell me what it is about the Hoyas that really you gravitated to you said a little bit more about how their flowers are developing similarly but I'm sure now that you have a collection of 400 of them you have a deeper appreciation for the nuances of the Hoyas as I've been the editor for The Bulletin of this video show a society for many years I'm very interesting to get to know the Hoyas the new ones and also to see the flowers and take pictures and even I take out the Polly Nia to take picture of the Polly Nia through microscope I like to grow them and see them and so I can describe how they behave also in a room because some are easy to grow when others are really terrible those Hoyas growing on a high level from thousand-meter and above they have very cool low temperature at night and very hot in the day and the humidity is dry in the morning and very wet in the evening so for growing them here and having to flower you need cold nights and I don't get that in this apartment because it's always too hot in tonight right unless you set them outside exactly what I do in tune when we don't have freezing nights anymore I put them on on the floor on the balcony so the in the shade of the Sun so it's not too sunny oven burning and then I can get flower in the end of the summer and have you ever experimented you said you have three cultivars but have you ever experimented with crossbreeding or doing any things yourself so you're just you're really a species person yes exactly yeah I don't like the hybrids for another reason and that's the people who has a seed pod I or because we're if you make the cross and know who is the father I see yeah so mostly like this he put I had lost openness a few days ago it I have no idea who is the pollinator oh really okay I just found it it's on here only see this yes because one of the things that was really interesting about seedpods is that you don't usually find seed pods on high it's very hard to get you know I put it together like this for not blowing away but this is the back side of the older seed pod and here is the cover and so the the paternity we don't have a paternity test yet for Hoyas so unless you do some genetic analysis perhaps and now are you gonna plant any of these seeds to play around or what are you doing yeah maybe yeah yeah sure sure yeah if I have the space when you propagate then you're probably pretty much propagating from stem cuttings yes oh all the time do you typically root in watery did you typically root in a substrate or both both okay and and it's probably based on which ones you think from observation actually going to be a lot of aerial roots they I put in water because it's much more easy here I have a plastic thing with many different things things and I put this leska in an inch water below because then they are not falling well that's a really good idea so these are like little lava stones or pebbles performace yeah you have that that do support them so they're not falling out right and then when you transfer the water roots into the soil substrate does it have any problem rooting then in the soil substrate so it's fairly I don't need very much many roots before a Kranti I don't wait until I have twenty like this rate three four five like this is enough and then you have a certain substrate that seems like you're using very heavy and perlite do you have like a specific kind of concoction that you're using or is it just whatever you have by a missile mix they have in Sweden made small lekha in it and then I put half of that soil mix and half per lead and this is self watering spot so they have a water magazine here in the bottom [Music] so tell me a little bit maybe take me through some of the species that really resonate with you or that may have like an interesting story or that may be just unique all around that you think people would enjoy this one I haven't seen before it has a very succulent and very curved concave leaf these were sold on the market in Thailand from a person from the Myanmar and they call it SP square hmm because of the square leaf so it's not really quite identified yet yes it has got the name the name is Hoya Rotunda Florida rotunda flora because the floor flower is like a ball but it still has the UM balls but then the actual individual flowers are ball like this one is from Papua much tinier version yes this is probably Salani flora Sudan II flora it's not very common yeah yeah very tiny diminutive and dainty leaders I have some more of these very small leaves and they they dry out too quick I was gonna say you know those the succulent leaves are usually the ones get that could take a little bit more of a beating that's the reason why I have one once more long hearing a plastic bag yes the poor man's humidifier right there yes I don't I have already Keylong in here these had to that one you don't you can't even I wouldn't even guess that that would be a Hoya unless it was in bloom how would you even know that soya I guess my friend who has been in Papua has seen anything problem yeah so do you have ones that are primarily vining or do you also have ones that are more shrub like I have some shrub like but I don't like them so much okay because they're coming up out like these half and my half a meter to decide okay maybe I have some come right here oh yeah there you go you sure you're not Bob I mean cease do you have evenings where everything is in bloom and it smells not everything yeah does it have a smell but nothing the daytime I just had to TC but this is B will be fall off any day because it's green when he start open our buds here more buds here yeah that one is bloom here I have one in blue oh here we go oh that's nice looks like a public helix flower yes but public Alex is not a name that it's useful because the herbarium sheet was destroyed oh so there was only one original public Alex herbarium specimen no I think they had two but both are gone oh that one does smell and it's all almost black so do you know what kind of what the species is will be corolla and are these called um Spurs or what are these called so this is where they don't go peduncle so this is where the flower where these these part from here Southeast / but the peduncle start here at the node okay so this is the peduncle and this is because this is really flowering many times so this actually reflowed so anybody who you know is bummed that the flower fell off or whatever I think that you know they shouldn't be so bummed because it will probably will come back yes and when they want to take old flowers away they shouldn't take all this but only from here yeah because this one will be like this one at the time okay I think we can go to the kitchen sure here I have one more this is a small one from Philippines is open very short time sure just a day so this is about to close now how long do they typically flower here in your home some a flower six hours and the best one flower almost four weeks move which one is the four week one lookie-lookie vietnam okay also found by friends of mine Wow well you're friends with everybody so that doesn't count yeah I have one more love just moments from my Papua and that's not the same one that we saw out there that was into the know this is a una flora when this one has a very hairy step is this a little more challenging in order to be able to propagate these long has been in the plastic bag for two years I just put it here a week ago oh my goodness on life support and then here in case another one what is that little contraption that you may be stretchy pastand easiest way to get you mean feel of how thrifty you are well that's a clever little machine I've never seen anything like that how if you filled that bottle up how long would it take how long does that keep humidity for no not so many hours you might be all these species yes and you new one looks like also another challenging one because it's not as succulent no and this easy set peduncles and and buds but they fall off just before they are big enough to open oh really oh that's a challenge this also from Papua yeah and it almost looks like it's fuzzy but is it or this is but it doesn't feel fuzzy a bit similar to only coleus hmm and this only don't even know if it's high or not oh it almost looks a little bit like a Dissidia yeah but it has not flowered yet yeah but it gets very red if it gets a lot of Sun because I had it in a lighter place before yeah and here I have gigas it's hard to grow oh my oh yeah it's just in a swagman bag right there and that one gets how large are the flowers 11 centimeter this one is what it looks like essentially this was an interesting one that's another thin leaf variety cloudy columns of Philippines it's a lot e---coli so yeah people bloom soon yeah that's nice the flower always hide underneath yeah hey what are you doing under there guy it hasn't fully opened up yet so here's a question for which one has your most favorite flower and which one has your most favorite foliage this one is read my favorite foliage this is a very nice one this is under lotta this is from Borneo and I can see why it has these nice undulating almost crispy edges and some beautiful natural modeling here that has like the silver silver modeling a small pocket oh yeah so it's air pockets within the epidermis or the yeah so it creates like a little different color yeah coloration and then is there anything interesting in these windows that you would like to point out you know this is the one with the smallest flower oh me native flora nicely if it looks a little bit like a curtsy I yes but the peduncle here are so tiny is like a thread and the flowers are so tiny yeah the humble of about 10 10 if you pull it out yeah it's like if I remember 1/2 millimeter either I don't remember exactly this one's quite nice it's got a nice ribbing down the middle the mcvane this is cool Karen Jana this is very close to rock oh no sir and this one I liked very much this is from Laos because the leaves are so hairy it's like searching a cat a very soft cat oh yeah that one is quite nice and it's a it has these ridges as well yes nicely yeah and the flower is pure white but the shape and size is about same as Canosa it's from a place in Laos named one being so the name is wrongly Enghien sisa [Music] this is lucky okay this is the one where the flowers last for four weeks is three four weeks yeah and the smell is very nice like it a perfume but not too too heavy no it's very nice and here's one of the new species going to blue this one's very iridescent this is from Vietnam and the name is Tia twin Avensis tio 2 answers yes and this is from the collection from the girl who worked in Papua it it's flower just a few days ago it's almost grassy you see here and I have P dunkers coming one there one there lots of them very prolific yes I think yeah look at this one it's kind of like yes all the flowers are on the on the floor at the moment wrap yourself up into that one oh this one's kind of got an interesting leaf over here yes this is from the beginning named while my Orianna but it's now a subspecies of CR you know Oh blossom now see I think these are nice and succulent god these are really pretty yes this is a kind of ching-chong ganses anuncio lotta and they have hairy stem and these are can be a little bit tricky to root sometimes they rotten if you put them in water so I used to put my mouse and then where's do you have one that's the name one named after you yes it is not another room okay Wow Wow here I have a photo studio the this small part here is for photos oh my goodness this is the one named with my name new you see it this is a bond that want to have cold nights so it's very tricky to grow well they picked a very high-maintenance one for your name yes this is from about more than 1,500 there's how about see the ethereum yes and it where is that native to and what country on Borneo Borneo Borneo has some really interesting plants then this is also from Borneo oh here you have nose and leaves look the same yeah touch this one this is a no except uncle okay when you can see it's coming about or something there okay see that right there at the base of this peduncle oh my god so grass like and then here you see that yes and the leaves are the same but they are like double flattened double wow it's cool and this one doesn't have a species name or does it yes it's a see the name is Huy la raza never throw sir yes okay Wow and this is something new from Indonesia so unnamed unnamed yes yes ACU interesting which disc it is for others who may not know are in the same family but it's a different genus of plans now that one is really unique it's very what is that one right there's that Linea it's rcq ladies I see cool artists also from Borneo okay love the ones that are quite thin and then I saw this one as well that has like these purplish red yes from PETA themes margins and it's also quite fuzzy like a cat I think it could be an kyon or or very close it's not the same clone but I don't know this is really beautiful too it has some of that kind of leaf modeling a nice yeah it's it's also got really beautiful leaf venation here here I have a funny one from Filipino hang this guest flowers that is almost black with a little bit yellow in the middle and pretty fun yeah this one leaf oh it's something wrong with that yeah this is one of the only highest growing wild in Japan from Okinawa okay it's a Canosa interesting and then this one I thought it was also really beautiful the way that it's curving it's it's leaf it looks like it just takes water right down like a little slip and slide yes mostly or shape so the water can be like a drop in the end here so they don't stay on them on the leaf that's nice too yes not many leaves on it but it is really nice you get such a nice collection over here you go to the next room yeah sure this used to be my office many years he used to be thanks you got then she got the Jolla kick no I have only your Jolla rooms thanks the next oh my goodness it's just room upon room dedicated to Hoyas i I want to downsize my collection because I'm getting old and it's too much work for me would you be then trading them off or Tom might roll away week they are ugly another one's yours ruthless I sell the plants yeah wow this is so cool oh look at this one this one's like quite he's doing oh this is a multi floor again yes oh yeah a couple here you go good it's hard to pay attention to just like one of the plants and I feel myself like looking around like a schizophrenic at it absolutely everything that you have Meredith the I this looks super cool and this one's got really really dark dark leaves easy so hybrid from Hawaii he's made by Michael Mitchell it's one of the few hybrids so it got lucky but I love it it's got this really dark it to me midnight cleanly between us bald Jana and I don't know if it's only this or Mike anyway I don't know super cool okay how many more rooms do you have no more okay here I have one of the said okay again from the canary an island does it get a leaf on it or is this the leaf this is the leaf this is I dried up I had some leave some weeks ago but it's got a really succulent stem and it's doing just fine yes so Sarah Peggy ax is also up in the same family as as a Hoyas yeah I think this is the most crazy one this is part two eaters they get leaves when they are seedlings and as soon as they start to grow they the leaves are falling off where is this running from Bonnie oh wow - yes yes and it gets orange rubber here at the top and here in the plastic bag I also have one that is very difficult a new one two new ones I have to dispose Rama from the Philippines this one is why I made in Italy Puglia now it's got some nice two leads coming in nucleus when it's traveling from Thailand to Sweden it lose all the leaves they are lying beside in the box so I put a lot of moss here to make them recover and hopefully grow but as you see many of them the stem will rot in short time right this one is gone yeah it's nothing yeah instead it's it's it's rotten yes well this is this is marvelous thank you so much for showing us your very extensive Jolla collection and sharing in your love for highes hopefully more people will follow your path of hoya love I hope so truth about I think 2003-4 I had 850 plants but it was too much to take care of yeah well if you have to start to determine then is this what it is is this worth it is this making me happy is this bringing me joy and there is that kind of line that you cross where you're like this is way too much work yeah but you still want to love and enjoy your plants well it sounds like you're you're finding that balance yes I try yeah yeah yeah well thank you so much I really appreciate it it was nice to meet ya nice to meet you too thank you for making time for us [Music] I love toriel's collection of Hoyas it is so complete and I also admire the fact that she's using secondhand objects not only to adorn in her home but also grow her Hoyas I want to hear what you thought about this house plant house tour and if you have suggestions for more let me know in the comments below and if you want to support this channel the best way you could do that is planting your finger on that subscribe button and hit the notifications bell while you're at it so you don't miss another episode and remember you can follow along on my personal journey on my blog at homestead brooklyn calm and on instagram at homestead brooklyn see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Summer Rayne Oakes
Views: 324,400
Rating: 4.956182 out of 5
Keywords: Summer Rayne Oakes, Homestead Brooklyn, Plant One On Me, plants, houseplants, indoor plants, garden, gardening, house plants, houseplant care, Houseplant Home Tour, houseplant tour, hoya tour, hoya house tour, hoyas, hoya collection, hoya care tips, hoya propagation, hoya varieties, how to care for hoyas, growing hoyas indoors, hoya plant, hoya plant care
Id: 4f_KIujYS0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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