BG3 - BEST Open Hand Monk for Honor Mode

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hey guys Omaha here today I have an open hand monk build for you guys for Honor mode and it's probably one of the most overpowered builds in the entire game you'll be able to one deal between 300 to 500 damage per turn reliably two with an armor class of around 22 combined with some of the passive bonuses you'll get from this build be incredibly hard to kill and reliably be able to Out Tank the entire game three have one of the highest mobilities out of all the builds in the game and four have a high enough dexterity to be able to perform most of the dexterity actions for your party like stealing and pickpocketing okay the end goal for this build is to go eight in open hand Monk and four in Rogue Thief which will set us up nicely for some insane burst damage which is what this build is going to excel at now if you need AOE damage like you don't have a spellcaster that does really high AOE damage in most cases they will do more AOE damage than this build if you don't have that for some reason you can go nine open hand Monk and three thief and that'll get you your key resonance ability and that does some really respectable aob damage just not as much as you could possibly get from some other classes so you can fill either rooll with this uh preferably the single Target damage okay first I'm going to go over the the origin or race that you should pick for this build and it's really simple there's not much to it if you know the storyline of a staran and you know kind of what I'm hinting at and you want to minmax this build that's the way to do it through his storyline if you don't know the story line and you already have an idea of what you want to be good or bad for your storyline I would recommend either finding out what his story line is beforehand if you want a min max or just rolling another character you don't really need to do this this is just if you want to squeeze out some extra damage um other than that I would say dark urge for the cloak but again that's not needed and for race really you can go any race with this build it's extremely powerful no matter what you choose but I'm slightly partial towards the wood half elf and the wood elf just because you get the extra movement and that's what benefits this character the most so we'll start out with Monk and it'll get you weapon proficiencies and simple weapons and short swords you'll also get Flurry of Blows which punches twice in quick succession and that'll use a bonus action and a key point then you have your key points which is the resource you use for flurry blows as well as some other abilities later on you'll have unarmored defense that'll add your wisdom modifier to your AR Armor class when you're not wearing any armor dextrous attacks whenever you attack with a monk weapon or unarmed attack it'll scale with your dexterity instead of your strength if your dexterity is higher and with this build we're going to be running elixir of strength anytime we can so your strength will pretty much always be higher than your dexterity there's also martial arts death strikes attacks with your monk weapons or unarmed attacks will deal one to four bludgeoning damage unless the normal damage is higher that's just a baseline for your damage and then bonus unarmed strike so when you attack with a monk weapon or while unarmed you can make another unarmed attack as a bonus action okay we're going to move on to our abil ities so these are the ability points we're going to be using until level seven where we're going to do a Respec because when we Respec we want to open up with Rogue instead because we want the expertises and the four proficiencies that's going to provide but until then you'll want to open up with Monk and for our ability points you're going to want to dump strength because we're going to be using the elixir of strength the whole time so you really don't need to put any points in that if for some reason you don't want to do Elixir um you could put 17 points in strength now and then I don't know you could put some more into dexterity really just depends but for this build I'm not even going to focus on that you're going to dump strength you're going to want to go into 16 dexterity by putting 15 plus one and then Constitution you're going to want to get to uh 17 and the reason we're doing that is because you're so Squishy in the beginning of the game you need survivability until you get to level seven so this is just a temporary thing for now you'll go to 17 here and then we're going to add another one with Tavern brawler which will get you to 18 that'll help you survive the other three don't matter too much right now up until level seven um that's where wisdom will really kick in is level seven or six I think uh yeah so you can put at 14 for now and then intelligence or Charisma whichever one I just go intelligence to help with intelligence saving throws cuz I don't care about Charisma on this class so that's what mine looks like and then skill proficiencies if you're going to be using this class for your dexterity based stuff like lockpicking and stealth and all that I would select side of hand and stealth I already have the urch in background so those are already selected for me and in that case I'm going to select acrobatics which will help me resist being shoved and I already have a high dexterity so that works really well and then you could choose insight if you want which will help you read people in situations detect lies but you can offset the Athletics here too and get it to plus one from minus one and that's baseof strength which will be boosted from your Elixir anyway so that's a good one to put it in as far as leveling goes for this build it's pretty simple you're just want to stick with open hand monk up until level seven and then at that point we'll resp but level two monk we'll see you get another key Point that's like three key points total you get unarmored movement so your movement speed will increase by 10 ft when you're not wearing armor using a shield patient defense so attack rolls against you will have disadvantage and you advantage on dexterity saving throws and that'll use a bonus action and a key Point paent defense is going to be a really good tool especially in the beginning of the game like act one and two until you get some of the better gear then you have step of the win Dash which will double your movement speed it's basically Dash but uses a bonus action and a key point also jumping no longer requires a bonus action and then step of the wind disengage it's basically disengaging but jumping won't require a bonus action either and then that uses a bonus action a key Point okay level three this is where you're going to choose the subass choose wave the open hand that's definitely the best one to choose this is going to Grant you Flurry of Blows topple stagger and push all different variants of your Flurry of Blows use the same amount of key points so topple is going to possibly knock the target prone which will give you advantage on attacks against them then you'll have stagger which will let you stagger the target making it enable to take reactions and then push which will let you push a Target 17 ft away you also get another key point which is typical and then you'll get deflect missiles which is actually extremely good but late game I would focus on using it on abilities or attacks that you know are really strong like if you can predict a really strong attack coming use it for that because it does use a key point to deflect the missile back you can use your reaction to reduce the damage from a ranged weapon attack by 1 d10 plus your dexterity modifier plus your monk level if the damage is reduced to zero you use a key point to deflect the missile back all right level four you get another key point you get slow fall so that'll let you use a reaction to get resistance to Falling damage which will just make you take half damage from falling damage and then you'll get your feet and you're definitely going to want to choose Tavern brawler for this when you make an unarmed attack use your improvised weapon or throw something your strength modifier is going to be added twice to the damage and attack rolls so that's going to give you more damage and it's going to have a higher chance of hitting and with the elixir of Hill giant strength that'll give you 21 strength so that's going to give you like 10 extra damage per punch so that adds up really quickly and then this is where you're going to want to select another point in Constitution bringing it to 18 which will give you a little more HP and keep in mind that 10 extra damage per punch is going to apply twice because your Flurry of Blows punches twice so that's 20 extra damage every time you use Flurry of Blows if you use the elixir of cloud giant strength that's 27 strength that'll give you 16 damage extra on each punch all right here at level five you get another key point this is where you're going to get an extra attack now you'll get two attacks per action and then you'll get the action stunning strike melee which will possibly stun the target for one turn and when the stun they can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions that'll use a key point in an action and then there's stunning strike unarmed which will possibly stun the target as well it's just the unarmed version of stunning strike so both of those are pretty good all right level six is where you're really going to come online so you get the key Point again you get improved un armored movement so your movement speed will increase by 15 ft when not wearing armor using a shield keep powered strikes your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming enemies resistances and Immunity to non-magical damage and then you'll get the three subass features manifestation of body mind and soul so you can basically add necrotic psychic or radiant damage to your Flurry of Blows or your unarmed attacks now you're only going to be able to have one of these active at a time so you can basically freely switch between the three of them depending on the situation like act two manifestation of soul is incredible so for manifestation of body mind and soul the damage is calculated 1 D4 plus your wisdom modifier so right now I have a wisdom of 22 which gives me plus 6 to wisdom checks and that will give me 7 to 10 extra damage on any of those manifestation passives and keep in mind that's per punch so it's really like 14 to 20 extra damage per use of Flurry of Blows and then you'll get wholeness of body so how this is going to work it's going to heal you for three times your monk level in HP so at level six 3 * 6 is 18 regain half of your key points and you enter a state of wholeness where you regain key points and have an extra bonus B action so for three turns you're going to get another key point every turn and you'll have an extra bonus action for that for those three turns so this is really good for bursting down enemies and keeping your key points up once you get to level seven you're going to want to resp so just accept that you go to Withers and resp and you're going to want to go into Rogue and the reason we're going back into Rogue like I said before is because you get all these bonuses to your skills and you get the expertises as well now kind of like before you'll want to go and probably get slide of hand in stealth because you're going to be providing that role for your party most likely but like I said before if you already have those you can add acrobatics and Athletics again and you'll actually have two more you can use on whatever you want really it doesn't matter all that much with this and then your expertises I would put those into slide of hand and stealth as well and what that's going to do is going to double the bonus you get from your proficiency so your ability points are going to be different this time around you're not going to need the Constitution as much as you did before you're going to need the wisdom CU that's going to be probably your most important stat now at this point dump the strength dump intelligence and dump Charisma and you'll want to go 17 dexterity use the plus two to get there 15 Constitution cuz we're going to get that back up to 16 again with Tavern brawler anyway and then wisdom at 16 by using the plus one to get there and then with a rogue you get the sneak attacks and you'll actually get more proficiencies with this as well proficiencies and light armor simple weapons hand crossbows long swords rapers and short swords but you're using your Flurry of Blows mostly anyway so it's not that big of a deal so as far as leveling goes you're going to want to take the same general structure as you did before your first levels in Rogue from the Respec and then you'll want to get back to level six monk so add Monk and just keep going until you hit Level Seven then at level three monk don't forget to choose your subass as the way of the Open Hand level four make sure you choose Tavern brawler again and then buff your Constitution up to 16 and then once you hit Level six monk you're back to where you were before except you have a level in Rogue now then at level eight you'll go back into Rogue so you want to be level six Monk and then the next levels you want to go into Rogue so you'll go Rogue level two which will give you action hide action Dash and cutting action disengage you don't need the dash or disengage cuz you already have the better versions from the monk but the hide can be kind of nice I guess if you're trying to go stealthy it'll let you hide with a bonus action and then at Rogue level three you're going to want to go subass Thief which will give you an extra bonus action which will let you use Flurry of Blows again just the main point of going thief and then you'll get Second Story work so you've Master the art of falling and gain resistance to Falling damage now you always just take half damage from falling level 10 you want to do one more level in Rogue that'll bring you to level four Rogue and that'll get you another feet and here for your feet you're going to want to choose ability Improvement and you want to get your dexterity up to 18 and then your wisdom up to 17 now now if you didn't use the hag's hair on any of your other companions or party members then putting it into wisdom with this character is a good option so you could always do that and have it at 18 now and if you didn't do that I would still put it into 17 because we're going to buff it again later okay after level four Rogue you're going to want to put the rest of your levels into monk level seven monk is going to give you another key point it's going to give you evasion which is extremely useful it's part of the reason we put a lot of points into dexterity so your agility will let you dodge out of the way of certain spells when a spell effect would deal half damage on a successful dexterity saving throw it deals no damage if you succeed and only half damage if you fail so most AOE spells in this game are dexterity based they're going to rule a dexterity saving throw and normally if you pass a saving throw you take half damage and if you fail you take full damage now if you pass the saving throw you take zero damage and if you fail you take half so at most you're taking half damage from AOE spells so this is amazing and you'll also get Stillness of mind so if you're Charmed or frightened you automatically cast Stillness of mind to remove the condition and then finally for final level the last level in monk you're going to get another key point which is your final one and then you'll choose another feet and you'll go back and do ability Improvement again and with this you'll just want to put both into wisdom so if you have the hag hair you'll be at 20 and really there's no point in putting your second point in anything else it doesn't really matter cuz it's not going to buff you anyway so you might as well just put in wisdom another source you can use to get more wisdom points is the mirror of loss in act three so you can use that for a plus two and use that on your wisdom which will bring it up to 22 if you use the hag hair to get it to 20 or 21 if you didn't use use the hag hair either way you're still getting up to 20 which is going to help you get more damage out of it as well as increasing your armor class from your unarmored defense so at level 12 if you follow everything perfectly and you get everything you can possibly get as far as gear and everything your stat line should look like this eight strength 18 dexterity 16 Constitution eight intelligence 22 wisdom and eight Charisma and then you can pop the elixir of cloud giant strength or the hill giant strength potion which will buff you up to 21 or 27 strength until your next long rest all right for the next SE we're going to be talking about the tadpull powers so spoiler warning if you haven't completed the story or progressed into act three at all this is your warning now okay so for tadpull Powers there's really a lot you can do but some of the ones that I recommend the most are going to be psionic overload so that's going to give you an additional 1 to four psychic damage but you'll take one to four psychic damage every turn that'll last for 10 turns stage right can be good because your armor class is going to be pretty high around the 22 is range with all of your gear and everything maxed out so they'll be missing a lot already and they're going to have disadvantage so they're going to take 2 to 12 psychic damage every time they miss for three turns if you're not in honor mode hairless Stakes is great because it will cause whoever you target to take double damage from all sources but they'll be able to heal every time they attack but you're going to be out damaging that by a significant margin so that doesn't matter honor mode it doesn't work like that but that'll last three turns displace can be really good if you're using Flurry of Blows push a decent amount when you get cause falling damage on a creature they will take 1 to eight psychic damage on top of the normal falling damage and that's just a passive feature that's always active unless you toggle it off kind of going out of order here but favorable Beginnings is a passive that's always good pretty much in every class your first attack roll or ability check you make against any Target gets a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus there's no downsides to that every time you attack any creature for the first time you're going to get that bonus luck of the Fall Realms also good on pretty much every class once prolong rest you can change a successful attack roll into a critical hit nice if you need the extra damage to finish somebody off hold the weak is excellent for burst damage when you bring it down to fewer hit points than your number of evolved athid Powers it dies and all near by creatures take 1 to four psychic damage so the more Powers you invest into this the more powerful this will become so with the amount of powers I have here like 19 or 20 basically if they reach under 19 or 20 damage or HP they just instantly die and all nearby creatures will take one to four psychic damage pretty strong obviously fly is a good one you can already get that if you take the astral tadpull that'll help you get around easier M Sanctuary is great because it lets you interchange actions and bonus actions so you can use your Flurry of Blows as an action or you can use your stunning strikes as a bonus action and then probably the other one that I'd say maybe two more black holes good on everything that's pretty uh given and then free cast yeah this will let you use your Flurry of Blows without using a key Point once PR long rest okay next we're going to go over the gear and I've divided it up into AXS 1 2 and three so if you're trying to avoid spoilers uh it'll be pretty easy to do so so we'll start with act one and first we're going to go over the consumables that you're going to be using throughout the whole run the elixir of Hill giant strength so this is the one you're going to be using pretty much through acts one and two every time you long rest it's going to increase your strength to 21 which is going to help with your Tavern brawler and key here is anti ethyl in the Druid Grove or in her Shack she's going to sell three of those per long rest every time you long rest you can just go to her get three more so I would save her fight to the end of act one you get enough of those that'll last you through acts one and two easily especially since it's one prong rest just don't drink anything else otherwise it'll override it so that's what you're going to be doing just milk anti-thy stack up a bunch of these get through acts one and two maybe a couple for act three if you want but once you get to act three you're going to be one to using these ones the elixir of cloud giant strength these get your strength set to 27 there's a few quite a few sources where you're going to get them I'm not going to read it all but you guys can feel free to screenshot or whatever if you want basically you'll easily be able to get like over 10 of these so I would save them for the act three for sure and save them for like some of the tougher fights but you don't have to be like super super conservative with them but yeah strength set to 27 that's going to increase your damage by a lot only drink these two Elixir I wouldn't bother with anything else with this uh build okay so for Act One your chest piece really the only thing I would go for in act one for for your chest piece is the graceful cloth this is going to give you an advantage on dexterity checks and you'll take half falling damage you'll also increase your dexterity by two so that's going to be a big one that's going to help you um with your armor glass and all that in the beginning of the game you also get a plus one to your dexterity saving throws and your jump distance will increase by like 5 ft so that runs really well with your bonus actions where your jumping doesn't cost a action or bonus action so yeah for gloves really the best option here's the gloves of Cinder and Sizzle that's going to add 1 to four fire damage to your unarmed attacks so that'll St back up pretty nicely with your punches and then it'll give you scorching Ray which you can use here and there but it's not really the reason we're going for these so that's an act one sold by Lady Esther in the rosor monastery Trail kind of around the same area as the graceful cloth well actually it is the same area it's the same person so you get both of those there your other option is the sparkle hands which can be found in a wooden chest in the sunlit wetlands this when you hit with an unarmed attack you'll get two lightning charges and when imbued with lightning charges attacks against metal constructs and foes wearing metal armor will gain Advantage so it's going to roll two dice and use the higher value so these are pretty decent especially if you pair them with some of the other gear act one I'm going to go over I'll just go over it now actually the water sparkler boots I would use these with those gloves if you're going to use those when you're standing in water during combat it'll become electrified if the wear starts your termin electrified surface they'll get three lightning charges is going to help you get more charges that's found in a gilded chest in manar's area of the shattered sanctum and then you're going to want to pair that for sure with the Sparks wall if you're going to use those this going to make it so you can't be electrocuted so standing in the water and it's electrified it won't electrocute you and you'll get resistance to lightning damage too which is pretty decent on the monk like I was saying before my preference is to go for the gloves of Cinder and Sizzle just for the extra damage on punching you're trying to burst down foes as quickly as possible another pair of gloves I would definitely take and use them occasionally is the gloves of thievery this will give you advantage on slide of hand check so lock picking and pickpocketing these are amazing when you're trying to steal stuff with your paired with your high dexterity you're not going to have any issues stealing anything in the game really so yeah I would carry these throughout the whole game and just put them on when you're about to steal something or lockpick and these are bought from brim and the ZM Hideout after completing finding the missing shipment in the zent's favor and moving on to boots there's two pairs of boots I would focus on in Act One the boots of genial statting are the ones I would go for if the other pair of boots I go over aren't already taken by another member of your party this is just going to make it so your movement speed is unimpeded by difficult terrain it's sold by blur in the mikid colony so the disintegrating night Walkers are the boots I would try to go for unless it's somebody else is already using them these will give you night walker so you can't be in webbed and Tangled or in snared and you can't slip on Grease or ice and then you'll get Misty step you can use it once per short rest these are worn by nare can be attained after clearing the cave in at Grim for as part of the free true n quest line so either one of those boots are good as far as amulet goes this is the amulet you're going to be using the whole game this or the other variant of it so this the sentient amulet you get it in act one it's locked in adamantine chest in kind of the lava area by the Grim Forge it's near the lava Elementals so what this is going to do it's going to give you shatter as a level two spell you're going to be able to talk to the sentient amulet which is the guy that's going to give you a quest to upgrade this later on you'll get key restoration you can use this ability to restore two key points per long rest which is pretty great especially later on in the game when you kind of have to watch your key points a little more the only downside is the High Spirits so you have to succeed a wisdom saving throw when using the amulets power or become hysterical which is the same effect as Tasha City's laughter for one turn uh later on your wisdom is going to be so high that it doesn't even matter if you don't upgrade this if you do the quest it's going to unlock the very rare version which lets you have shatter as a level three version instead of a level two version and that's once per long rest and then you'll get key restoration greater so it's going to Grant you a random number of key points equal to your Martial Arts die rather than always restoring two key points so for for example a level 99 monk your Martial Arts die will be a 1d8 it'll restore 1d8 key points so you have a chance of getting like up to eight key points back which is pretty insane and then to get that you just have to complete the help the cursed monk Quest and you have to refuse to take on his Madness and fight him and beat him not that hard of a fight though okay for Rings there's not a lot of options that are super crazy on the monk actually but the Ring of protection is a decent one so this will give you plus one Armor class and plus one to your saving throws this is rewarded from Maul by completing the quest to steal the sacred Idol in the Druid Grove then there's the Crushers ring this one's actually pretty decent this will give you movement speed increased by 3 m or 10 ft this is worn by Crusher in the goblin Camp so that's a pretty easy one to get and then we have the helmet or Helm is the haste Helm is really the only one I would go for so this is going to give you momentum for three turns at the start of combat and you'll find this in act one inside the locked chest near the ancient digil Circle Waypoint in the blighted village for melee weapons I didn't list anything here you're not going to be using melee weapons at all there's no reason to your Flurry of Blows is significantly more powerful and then for ranged there's the bow of awareness what this is going to do is just going to give you plus one to your initiative roles help you go earlier on in the turns this is is sold by Royal Moonglow in the shattered sanctum all right moving on to our act two gear there's not a whole lot here versus the chest piece the yti scale mail so this is a medium armor that has an armor class of 15 and normally your medium armor only adds your dexterity modifier capped at plus two so you can only get plus two from your dexterity normally so that would cap you at like Armor class of 17 but this has the trait exotic material so you can add your full dexterity modifier to your armor class additionally this armor doesn't impose disadvantage on stealth ability checks and then it'll also give you a plus one to initiative roll so you can move earlier on in the turns so this this is going to be sold by quartermaster tally in the last SL in so you can get it pretty early on next for gloves the flawed hell dust gloves your weapon attacks deal additional 1 D4 fire damage that doesn't matter cuz you're not going to be using weapons your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1 D4 necrotic damage and can possibly inflict bleeding and then you'll get strength saving throws plus one so this is given to you by Damon in the last sight in after you give him an infernal iron so also something you can get pretty early on and then over here for ring we have the shiting Corpus ring this will give you invisibility and blur can catch each one once per long rest dropped by flaming fist margus in the last slide in again something you get pretty early on invisibility you already probably know what that does attackers will have disadvantage your attacks will have Advantage your invisibility will break when you attack cast spells or interact with items and then you'll get blur which is the better part of this ring for the monk you'll become blurred attackers have disadvantage on attack rolls against you for 10 turns and this is a concentration spell you're not really using your concentration for anything else at this point and so if you get hit there's a chance of your concentration breaking but with your high dexterity and them having disadvantage on attack roles already they're probably not going to hit you so that's what makes it great on the Monk and then finally we have the dark fire short bow if you're not already using this on somebody else like a ranged character preferably you'd put it on a ranged character but in case you're not the bonuses to this are really good on the monk you'll get resistance to fire damage resistance to Cal damage so you'll take half damage from both of those and then you'll get haste which is amazing on the monk whether somebody else cast it on you or you cast it on yourself and that's sold by Damon in the last Light in so again all these things you can get pretty early on in the last Light in all right finally we're moving on to our act three gear and this is where you're going to get some pretty insane stuff so first for the chest piece we have the vest of Soul rejuvenation 10 Armor class plus your dexterity modifier it gives you def's Rejuvenation whenever you succeed on a saving throw against a spell you'll regain 1 D4 hit points greater Kush counter the wearer can use a reaction to make an unarmed strike against any attacker that misses and then you'll get plus two to your armor class you'll find this in act three if Roland's dead it's sold by lorin's projection in the sorcerer Sundries if Roland and lurin are both alive sold by Roland and sorcerer sundies if Roland is alive but Lorin is dead can be pickpocketed from Roland and rasimus Tower next is gloves and there's quite a few Elemental gloves you can get kind of early on in Act but there is one pair of gloves later on that are Far and Away the best gloves you can possibly get but I'll go over these Elemental gloves so the cific pilus gloves these will give you 1 D4 radiant damage on your armed attacks and guiding bolt which is level four spell you can cast once per long rest so you can find these in the southernmost lock chest at the foot of the beds at the West End of the Open Hand temple in Rivington that's pretty early on snowdust Monastery gloves these will give you 1 D4 cold damage on your unarmed strikes an ice knife is a level three spell once per long rest sold by the trader in Thal danelon and danon's dancing at in worm Crossing also pretty early on in act three Thunder Palm Strikers these will give you 1 D4 Thunder damage and Thunder Wave is a level three spell you can cast once per long rest sold by bump nigle in angon Cellar accessible via cave entrance in Rivington hopefully I said that right servator of the black hand gloves these will add one4 Force damage to your unarmed attacks and it'll let you cast fears a level three spell once per long rest found in an opulent chest at the top floor of worms Rock Fortress and then these are the best gloves in the game for this build probably the best gloves in the game period definitely up there these will give you Soul Fist your unarmed attacks deal additional 1 d10 Force damage and keep in mind force damage is one of the least resisted damage types Soul catching once per turn on an unarmed hit you regain 10 hit points alternatively you may foro healing to gain advantage on attack rolles and saving throws until the end of your next turn and then you'll get plus two Constitution up to 20 so that's insane and you'll get these for Save hope so that's a quest in the House of Hope and for some reason if you don't want to use the Elixir this is really your only option the Goins of Hill giant strength it's going to set your strength the 23 and it'll give you plus one to strength saving throws stolen from a pedestal in the archive of the House of Hope but yeah you definitely want to be using the Elixir and you definitely want these gloves so for Boots the only boots I would go for are the boots of uninhibited cush youo you'll get these right away in act three the wear deals additional damage equal to their wisdom modifier with unarmed strikes so this is like the main reason we buff our wisdom and this is dropped by prelate lyric as you enter act three that's like the fight right at the beginning of act three so you really can't miss them and then for cloaks we have the cloak of displacement this is the only cloak I would consider unless you're going dark urge that cloak can be good as well up until this point but I would use this cloak instead cuz I think it's better at the beginning of the wearer's turn the cloak activates granting enemy's disadvantage on attack roles that Target the wearer this effect lasts until the wearer takes damage so this combined with all of your other stuff your high dexterity your high Armor class all that stuff you're going to be like impossible to hit like this is what makes this class so tanky it's not even that you have so much HP it's just you can't be hit at all this is sold by the trader and thoral dlon and danon's dancing ax and worm Crossing super easy to get you can get it early on in act three all right and for helmets the way I see it you have two options you have the horns of the Berserker this will give you a plus two to attack roles when attacking creatures that have already taken damage so that'll help you hit more and then unarmed and melee attacks will deal an additional two necrotic damage as long as you don't have your full health if you don't deal any damage this turn you'll take one4 necrotic damage at the end of your turn so that downside is really not that bad where to find act three sold by enal Danon and worms Crossing you can get that super easily and then the other option is the hellus helmet this is arguably better but it's harder to get um this will give you infernal sight so you can see in magical and ordinary distances up to a range of 40 ft and you cannot be blinded magical durability the wielder has a plus two bonus to saving throws against spells attackers can't land Critical Hits on the weer that's the best part of this and it's amazing and then you'll get emulating gaze sear and frighten a target with nothing but your glow you gain an additional 2D eight fire damage against burning creatures so this is found in the House of Hope in act three in a vault across from the entrance of The Bu War I don't think I said that right but whatever and then finally there's the Gunter male um if for some reason you're not using this on somebody else throw it on this guy at least somebody in your party should be using this thing it's kind of ridiculous when you hit a target with the bow you'll inflict guiding bolt on the target but you're not going to be doing that usually you'll get gun mirror glowing so this object shines with a glowing light in a radius of 20 ft you can toggle that on and off if you want and then Celestial haste is what you're going for with this it's basically haste but better so you'll get hastened like normal for five turns which will give you plus two to Armor class advantage on dexterity saving throws your movement speed will be doubled and you get an additional action except you don't suffer the lethargic condition when it ends like you would normally with hastened so there's no downside to this one and that's it for this build video let me know down in the comments what you liked or disliked about it hit the like button if you did enjoy the video and follow me on Twitch at Omaha 01 if you want to catch some cool streams see you guys in the next one
Channel: Omaha
Views: 92,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, bg3 honor mode, bg3 honour mode, bg3 honour mode tips, baldurs gate 3 honour mode, baldurs gate 3 honour mode build, tavern brawler, baldurs gate 3 best class, bg3 honor mode tips, baldurs gate 3 class guide, open hand monk baldurs gate 3, tavern brawler monk bg3, honour mode bg3 builds, honour mode builds, bg3 monk, bg3 monk multiclass, bg3 monk build, bg3 monk rogue, bg3 monk tavern brawler, bg3 monk gear, bg3 monk multiclass build, bg3 best monk build
Id: M6m1o0hVzx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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