Being The Beloved Son 4

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[Music] but the only reason if you want to be a son the beloved son is christ tithe haven't typed irrelevant being good money bad with money irrelevant christ that's it why would god answer this question christ all of them why would god heal you christ why would god give you you've just lost two marriages why is going to god give you a third marriage christ that's it would god give you a marriage yes well how about the two marriages come what's this what's this new religion we're inventing yeah but if you want to be a son of god and father will father you individually into that situation so it adds no sorrow yep you've lost two marriages there may be a reason maybe maybe and god wants to walk work that out than you and this is what sunship is threefold 65 there are ways of getting things biblically but don't change your character you can make money in the 60-fold you can make money big money but it doesn't change who you are you're just using laws mcdonald's can use those laws oprah winfrey can use those laws yeah there's laws and you can use them but if you'll be fathered into it you'll be a son of god then every child will go the way that they should go this has gone down a different track but james peter has denied christ three times jesus is restoring peter yep restoring him do you love me yeah female sheep love me yes feed my sheep do you love me there's different loves in there whatever but feed my yes lord you know i do then feed my sheep deal peter and jesus between them are agreeing to something no one else is that's between those two yep and jesus says great you'll feed my sheep and guess what you're going to be martyred tell them after yeah someone's going to bind your hands and take you where you don't want to go you're going to be mothered and what does peter say it's a glory to that few jesus no he goes ah what about john instant gut reaction what about that guy and jesus says what's that to you i said feed my sheep you said yes what's that to you if he lives forever and there's no record of john's death yep so maybe he's here yeah yeah everyone you you you say yes i want to be a beloved son of god in whom you're well pleased done i'll be a beloved son of god in the human world please listen to him then god will take you on the journey and he will use maybe the desire of your heart is that clever you really want to be a carpenter then god could make you the type of person that can govern 10 cities in the era to come through you being a carpenter because everything's fractal you know fractals are the same pattern on top of each other they're big and smaller than smaller and smaller and smaller smaller it's the same pattern going down from one mathematical formula okay everything's fractal you think about the governed 10 cities you're going to make big cities decisions no how you deal with three dollars is how you're going to govern 10 cities yeah how you get customers for your uh and how you treat your customers in your carpentry business in your dance studio in your orphanage in i want to raise six kids live on the farm how you mother six children on a farm is how you'll govern ten cities and if you want to be a son of god mature son of god in whom god's world please listen to him somebody sends reign on the good and evil who blesses their enemies blesses those who curse him praise their enemies then you can do that in any circumstance and you can do that through the desire of your heart what is the desire of your heart what record you want to release on the earth god you can use that and that's scarier it's easier just to do what you're told rather than step out in the thing that's most precious to you if you step in the thing that's most precious to you maybe god won't help you it's best not to know that's the risk how good is god i'd rather have them live in this life that i don't like and have this imaginary world and actually say god would be that good that i could do that yeah but stepping out into that thing god is so clever so generous that any person of any era of any education level of any standing of any time in any geographic place could become a mature son of god listen to him how the bushmen of the kalahari governs his family and his goats and the trees look at the heaven here so what here's the miramar city this guy what did he do he became like me became like me yeah there's amazing stories uh other people's testimonies not mine so i'll let them share those testimonies but they've met people who really don't behave very well at all according to christian standards and god's never judged them and god rebuked them he said they know god they know me more than you do what do you know my favorite colour is that guy does do you ever like fish that guy does you know how the minister that guy knows what i feel about the weather you don't know you don't know what i feel about the weather you've never asked me about the weather i made the weather are you my friend do you love me for me jesus lord is a certain dispensation jesus as savior is a certain dispensation he wasn't savior before the foundation of the world he won't be saving the next thing going on so who is he do you wanna know that guy who is he what's the new name what's your new name while we're yet sons what we become we do not know and god will teach us that in being a carpenter you won't even know you've learned you'd be very happy that you did who is this guy will you love me for who i am and i express myself through an invisible word yeah because that's who you are everything you learn about god you just learn about yourself not ministry i'm just saying that to say because we sort of see ministry as the avenue was a hierarchy of some sort there's some go with the microphone there's some hierarchy there we just default to it or ministry fruit we default to it but as dwight was saying when the gifts taken what are you will you be his friend will you become like him as he's asking yep and so going to god boldly is the first step in saying you are who you say you are and you did what you said you did i'm coming to you and i need ten thousand dollars yep and this guy goes say you can have ten thousand dollars fine and this person goes say yeah i know what you did with fifty dollars so uh yeah and we're gonna walk you through a process so you're the type of person that can govern ten thousand dollars or a million dollars yep a million dollars yeah have a million dollars you a million dollars you're a million dollars okay you really want a million dollars yes okay well you've got 20 000 at the moment and you love that fact so i need to take that from you cool you ask for a million dollars get it today you ask for a million dollars you lose your business but god's preparing you to be a person that can handle a million dollars when you see you don't need the money at all then you can have it you have a different childhood you're a different childhood god's taking every child the way that they should go but that person's got a million dollars what's that to you this is the idea yeah imagine there's some guy and he says god i want to serve you take me to where it's most needed i give my whole life i lay it down and god says will you go to cambodia and work on the slums there and live on the garbage and take your family down there and look after people every day he goes yes i will done goes angels are assigned accordingly favor uh terrible things happen and reckless things come through people come through to kill him angels hide them you know no one sees them they go out and pray and eyes are open and then their visas try to get taken away then then they kill them the army general's son so they get visas you know he's doing all this stuff and it's hard work and it's hot and their kids are growing up in the slums too and you know and uh and then another guy says god what do you want for the earth what what can i do my whole life and god says you love engineering here's a design to make fresh water out of salt water boom designs it brings it to the earth multi-millionaire get your own jet got his own houses around the world meets president yep doing really well and uh one day he gets out charisma magazine flicking through it sitting there on his jet you know just trying to work out money transfers and things like this and deals with governments and he sees this guy that lives in cambodia on the slums and he's prey and the eyes have come back and legs have grown angel visitations have come through things that turn to gold he's like oh man what's this stupid jet i'm on the jet i want to see miracles anyway this guy's in the slums gets charisma magazine out opens the page this guy's got a jet i'm the stupid slum just say yes and do your thing become your sound as a rumor saying reveal the manifold wisdom of god on the earth what you agreed to do before the foundation of the world bring it and you're qualified you're qualified and you can get it through three four ways very difficult 65 ways heartbreakingly difficult or a hundredfold through being fathered you just boldly go and you see the father and you know you say will you do this yes then that's it he said yes and you rest in that fact it's happening it's on it's started it's on and he will take you the way you should go the way you need to be and he will open those things for you yeah if you want to be a mature son listen to him he needs to deal with what's in here if you're 34 and you're 60 fold then you better be looking out for the antichrist but if you're 100 fold the only antichrist you're concerned about is the antichrist in you that's what you're worried about luther said the only pope i'm concerned about is the pope in me spurgeon said spurgeon's only problem spurgeon yeah you only deal with this because if you can't buy sell trade travel blah blah and you're a life-giving spirit you don't need food you can trans relocate who cares it's irrelevant this coronavirus this king corona virus was it's just a little shot over the bow just the churches that money out this how that just just a quick shake yeah where is your source from can you boldly just go if who cares if that's your dad and heaven's your source you're an ambassador if i'm the ambassador of australia to america okay then australia pays for everything i need a car australia pays for the car and he puts a party straight pace of the party in the house australia pays for the house i need new suits australia pays for the suits the kingdom pays for everything and the american economy goes up it doesn't affect me it goes down it doesn't affect me stock market crashed in america and then chronovirus shuts everything down there's no money i roll on i'm living from a different kingdom okay it doesn't affect me my source is from somewhere else yep so you're ambassadors from heaven and not just ambassadors but you are as the ambassador of the beloved son as the ambassador that's better that's the job the person the job you've got the dna is the beloved son that's your ambassador if i was the beloved son of the king of australia and i was ambassador here that's a closer metaphor you belong to someone else yeah and you're everything over the years nothing of these not has jesus had three abortions no than neither of you is he's addicted to pornography no neither are you has jesus fallen from ministry and disgraced himself no that neither have you you're him there's no of you that love us christ lives in you all is christ the only thing that counters the new creation the new man that's what you are just believe it will you believe me yes just like sit in the chair i am the righteousness of christ nothing i can do can change that i received as a gift i'm a new creation this being is the righteousness of christ i'm just going to get on with it okay we're going to talk about that i've got background to my sermon but do you want to say that it's very important so condemnation jesus uh died for our sin it took our sin and our shame on the cross yep yep and uh or sin and iniquity i should say and this is my take on the matter and as i researched it some people agree with me some people don't they're wrong it's okay but sins iniquity in transgressions okay so jesus was pierced blood on the outside for your sins naughty things yeah outside things and pierced on the and bruised for your iniquity iniquity sin sins and sin all the naughty things you've done gone but the only thing that you were also gone okay it's the complete package the action's gone but also there's nothing uh sinful about you and that will say there's nothing shameful about you and that's where we're going guilt is i've done something wrong okay and we know that jesus forgives us for those things but shame is there is something wrong about me there's something faulty about me when one goes to see god god's happy but not when he sees me this is something a little bit foggy about me yeah inherently faulty if you believe that it doesn't matter what you hear you're forgiven or grace because every time you go there's something a little bit faulty about you and you won't boldly go to the throne of grace in your time of need it destroys your faith shame erodes your faith like this and the trouble is shame's hard to pick because you grew up in it it's like growing up with a funny eye and you just can't if you don't know or you're colorblind you know until someone tells you what there's a difference they're different colors yeah you grow up so guilt i've done something wrong shame there's something wrong about me and jesus scorned the shame of the cross for the joy set before him the shame of the cross he became ashamed that we be perfected and holy and delightful in his sight there's no shame left for you for your sins or your sin it's gone you're in the next era whatever that is you're already there and you can boldly go to god at any time you don't regard your sins you don't regard your sin you don't regard you you're good stuff either if you think you can go to god because you fasted for 10 days christian did jesus does jesus fast for 10 days no it's christ in heaven now that's the only thing good and bad irrelevant enemy be silent and take those filthy rags clothes off that man your best priest garments the worst thing you've done it doesn't matter you're it's your dna that makes you walk in there and you say god this thing that i am this thing i am on a manifest on the earth i become exactly like the father in heaven who laid his life down the sun laid his life down before the foundation of the world that's the love he had everything is happening out there jesus lay down his life for that he's very paid for all of that it's good news and that's what you are and so lots of things in christianity didn't work for me or i couldn't sustain them like the clouds apart like the simpsons oh and then i'd see it i'd get it and back that go i couldn't maintain that so the time i commanded healing done and then you lose it and then there's a time you know anything it doesn't maintain it doesn't maintain cause it wasn't based on my new nature in christ it was based on my capacity to maintain this revelation yeah and then to feel good in it but as soon as you felt shame the road your faith gone yeah and so uh i've had many uh health battles in my life and this whole living off communion thing which i heard a long time ago or it's from the christians have done it through history and then i found out there's a guy on the earth who's doing it now and he's a christian like there's a guy on the earth that doesn't need to eat he's a christian and you can go see him what is this madness i thought i'm going to do that so i went to see uh kirby and um i got it we speak the same gospel in fact that's actually how i met kirby because i was preaching and a guy said oh you obviously listened to kirby delano i was like who's that he's what do you mean who's that you just preached his sermon i'm like i've never heard of him like it was a very weird moment and um so we met that way and uh the point is i did the 5dp um two times very low success i did not enjoy it it was very difficult for me yeah and uh whatever gains i gained in that moment in the community in the group context i lost in the next couple of days yeah and you feel stupid and then you feel stupid for feeling stupid yeah i just couldn't access it and then three times on my own regard i started i did my own fire dp at home like right it's on yeah and every time i get a little bit closer learn something new every time i've come up against this is why it didn't work that's why i didn't work yeah and then on my sixth attempt which is the one he did over the internet november two years ago yep um it worked i lived for a month on communion i didn't lose any weight i just was what i was it's supernatural i can teach a lot about that i can do a 5dp troubleshooting separate program yeah i really can because i made every mistake you could possibly make but i understood it so well but and this is what this is the difference and this is exactly what enabled me to get in and maintain it king david [Music] was like just favorite of god had an intimate relationship with god and we know you know the story he stopped going to war so he's on the roof of his house of his and he sees both sheba and people slam with sheba for this what were you doing bathing on the roof well guess what that's where people bait on the roof so the question is what was king david doing on the roof that's the only question here okay she wasn't a seductress she was just cleaning for tomorrow whatever maybe even for like the sabbath or something you know so king david orders her he's got time makes objective decision intentionality gets her comes back sleeps with her and you gotta understand that israel kings were like god kings they're like kill that person done you go kill yourself done like this absolute absolute monarchy absolute authority and um so he sleeps with her then sends her away see you later then he gets a message i'm pregnant okay you think oh you work it out then nope he thinks i've got a little plan here uriah one of my mighty men that i've fought with and saved my life you know i'll get him to come back from war which i didn't go to and sleep with his wife and get away with it and uriah wouldn't do that because he wouldn't sleep with his wife while the other men weren't and so he thinks what well i need to kill uriah and he gets joash or joy one of the two and he says put your eye in the fighting where it's worse and pulling up against the wall and the his army general has to obey him he does it uriah gets killed and other men get killed to cover up this thing is done he said all these people will die over here who fight for me you know god in my army and the messenger comes back and says we lost these men against the wall and king dab was like what how did you do that and uh he goes and moreover your eye's dead he goes ah all right then yeah people got killed but your eyes out free and then you know nathan comes and confronts him and says you know a rich man is still a poor man's sheep and david is mercifully angry because that's what happens the senior is a senior judge yep what annoys you is you remember that that's true i've got some funny stories about what annoys me maybe tomorrow well annoys you is you and um uh and he gets angry and then nathan says you are the man you are that guy and he gets it yep i have sinned yeah okay could we have um psalm 51 up this is the psalm that david wrote in that moment yeah that's how you must understand it and i'll show you that it was in that moment and we'll go back to the story in second samuel 12 afterwards we'll see what happens in the story okay david hasn't just sinned there's something fundamentally wrong with him yeah this is shame he's done something terrible he's done until action but what type of broken faulty dude do you have to be to do that to your friends to israel to god to the sheba to the army yep and he's caught but when david's caught he is caught he knows i have sinned his cut he gets it he knows the depth of his sin more than we do more than much that horrifies us it will horrified him much much more okay he must understand he really gets it he's not dismissing it he fully understands the horror what he's done and the repercussions what will happen and he writes this at the time have mercy upon me o god according to your loving kindness it's got nothing to do with him it only makes a call on god's character if you say the word make him call him you know he must have be healed make him call god's character nothing do with you at all doesn't refer to him on this matter refers to god and his nature yep according to the multitude oh can we have maybe not king james we change it to an esv or something okay all right okay we'll stay with it then unto the the many multitudes of thy tender mercies remove my transgressions you're making a call on god's character because you're loving kindness because of your tender mercies because of who you are remove this great sin in all of israel on the greatest tragedies in all israel remove this because of who you are god wash me from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for i acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before you against you and you only have i sinned and done evil in your sight this is a very powerful truth that's hard to grasp when you sin you've sinned against god alone and the bible bible says if you sin against your brother's brother's sin against you we're talking about the cosmic crime of it and david's saying i've sinned against you alone now there's a few people with a good argument against this uriah the sheba their families the families of all the soldiers that also died the trouble that came to israel from there the more people died yeah and all these people are dealing with a fallout of david's sin but for the shame the crime of it against god only has he sinned so have you sinned only against god and god says it's gone it's gone and that's what's happened whatever you've done or haven't done the crime of it is against god alone and if he says is gone if he forgives according to his loving kindness david's not saying they'll do this and i'll do this no it was better the other day and i actually have been pretty good your nature you are loving kindness and have you washed me clean i'm clean against you only have i sinned and done evil in your sight that you may well that you might be justified when you speak and be clear when you judge behold i was made iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me behold you desires truth in the inward parts and in the hidden parts that you shall make known wisdom yeah purge with hyssop and i shall be clean wash me and i shall be whiter than snow god just wants to be believed this is his word this is who he is persian really hyssop that's what christ did that's the blood on the on the branch that they put over the seat and said you're clean so that's the cross wash may not be whiter than snow if god says you're clean then you're clean if god cleans you you're clean you're wider than snow and now your only job is to believe that and stand up straight and walk on and go boldly to god and say god i would like to be your mature son nothing can disqualify you it's gone wash me with your hyssop if you say i'm clean i'm clean if god says you're clean you'll clean you're wider than snow there's only one time in the bible the term uh rash be rational is used only one time every other time is just believe but god use uh the reason once it says come this reason together though your sins may be a scarlet i'll make you wider than snow there's any time god says to rethink something out reason wise everything else is just believe i said that you're allowed to reason this one if you sin against god alone and he's removed that sin it's gone if he says you're clean you're clean he didn't just take your sins you've done something wrong he took your shame the shame is the something faulty about me that still face god baby if the mother doesn't look at the stool face for long enough he begins to realize i'm on my own i'm on my own because there is something wrong about me i am not of the quality to be looked after and all your child psychologists will tell you this even if they're 12 years old and the family break up and mum and dad dad leaves yeah over financial issues and something else who knows the 12 year old thinks if i was a better 12 year old they would estate this is how humans this because the baby's unfiltered soul and we still believe that even as adults this is how the human soul works we interpret everything through our own existence our own interpretation we make a value judgment on our self yep that's how shame gets in yeah because it's both the mechanisms they're working against us it's supposed to work for us you're loved love love and god's good to you and you go i must be special yeah and because you are but out of eden are that constant gaze anything you didn't receive as a child or anything goes wrong with you today or your tires flat or you lost your money or something like you think you know obviously i've got my whole life and my marriage busted up and that person said god never got jet serving god you know whatever so something faulty about me why me you know and all your spiritual programs and principles and all this stuff and all the books you read and all these things you went to it didn't work the word for other people so there's something wrong about you it doesn't work for you that's a human being interpreting shame i'm faulting the mechanics don't sit on these mechanics it doesn't connect somehow and this is what jesus is removing from you this lie is accusation that you're faulty there's still something stained about you low-grade condemnation because chernobyl in the background there's still low-grade radiation and over you won't feel it today you won't feel it in three months maybe not in three years but in ten years you'll see the effect of it that's what condemnation does there's this low-grade condemnation just sits there and you get used to it becomes your friend when something goes wrong you're like oh that's it yeah things go wrong for me oh i'm not special i mean i'm 90 special that thought it's a soul cigarette it's an addiction to a chemical set shame is a chemical set you can measure it in your blood work and longer you feel shame your cells adjust to it and expect it when you have that shame chemicals going through you it needs it so you'll create a situation or you'll remember something and you feel the shame you know i feel so shameful everybody goes oh yeah sweet shame it works the same way as cocaine works you start having cocaine your body says this is obviously what i need and your cell receptors change to cocaine receptors all your cell receptors trillions of them same as shame or dread or guilt they're just chemicals you experience them as they hit the cell receptors and the more you're in that the more you need that sugar or anything it doesn't matter what it is adrenaline thrills you can literally be addicted to jesus and that's fine just choose your addiction purge me the hyssop and i shall be clean wash me and i shall be whiter than snow yeah make me to hear joy and gladness that the bones which thou have broken rejoice hide my face from my sins i hide thy face my sins and blot out all my iniquities create me a clean heart oh god and renew a right spirit within me and for us as christians that's just clearing our conscience okay we have a new heart next line this is very important because there's a lot of keith green fans here cast me away from your presence and take not your holy spirit for me old testament king i'll cover the king that's a genuine genuine concern new covenant kings impossible the holy spirit dwells in you your body is the home holy spirit can't be taken from you impossible you become one spirit okay so it's good and that's just shows where the church is at we love it cast me another way from from your presence oh lord we love it you are god in heaven and here are my honors great old testament song a good new testament song restore unto me the joy of my salvation yes i can understand that one and hold me with thy spirit and then i will teach transgressors thy ways and sinners will be converted untimothy are you for real your pastor has an affair destroys the church realizes he's healed gets up next day starts preaching the gospel and says hey you two whatever stop mucking around oh hang on yesterday he's had an affair i'm clean bro he's teaching transgressions he's just community one of the greatest sins in israel's history for an individual one of the greatest he's been given everything gospel god says i could give you more why have you done this terrible thing he says but if you forgive me i'm clean there's no record of it i think it's god alone and he gets up the next day and he can tell people hey stop sinning clean clear conscience boldly that's how clean you are completely clean all right because god doesn't like light and sacrifice can we have um the second samuel 13 onwards up so this is the story what happens nathan's just said you're the guy okay he gets it and david said unto nathan i have sinned against the lord very consistent theology with his own psalm and nathan said unto david the lord has put put pull away your sin thou shalt not die however because this deed you've done on such a great occasion to the enemies of the lord to blaspheme you the child is born unto you shall also die where lords come the prophets come and says the child is going to die now have you done this thing would you accept that i would fair enough does david accept it what's david do next and nathan departed to his own house the lord struck the child that your eyes wife bear bible calls are your eyes wife always even in the new testament born to david and it was very sick david therefore besought god for the child and david fasted and went and lay all night upon the earth he's still making a cool on god's character that nathan the prophet to the nation has called him out word of knowledge and then brought the pronouncement of yahweh on him and said the child will die and god goes to david goes to god to plead for the child's life that in its most correct sense is shameless in its correct sense are you kidding me he's making god's character you are a merciful god this is what you do this is who you are you can reverse this decision and he's fasting in sackcloth and ashes what for for the child's life for his sin no it's gone it's gone david doesn't refer to me you see never again he's forgiven he's not there saying god forgive my sins i've done such a bad thing that's gone it's just a fact this child's dying and i know god's merciful perhaps he will hear my prayer and the elders of his house arose and went to him to raise him up from the earth but would would not neither that would he eat bread with them he wouldn't rise up and he wouldn't eat and it came to pass on the seventh day the child died the sins of david feared to tell him that child was dead for they said behold when the child was alive we spoke to him and he would not listen to our voice and look how badly how much it affects him well if he tells the child's dead he might do something drastic i thought he's going to kill himself what's their thought every time the child is dead but when david saw his servants whispered david perceived that the child was dead therefore david said to his servants is the child dead and they said yes he is dead then david arose from the earth washed anointed himself changed his clothes and went to the house the lord and worshipped what are you for real so he's down there for seven days he's not eating crying crying crying crying not free sin there's no record of your sin just for the baby the baby's dead okay well i forget watch his face get stressed get on with him either he needs to see michael because he doesn't understand any social regulation and capacity or david who is exceptionally emotionally aware has seen very clearly the only issue was a dying child the sin is not there as soon as a child died he gets up wash his face and knows himself and walks on what have you done what have you me what have you messed up you've seen against god alone and he removes it from you that and the shame the sin and the shame sin iniquity and transgression it's gone it's gone against him alone if he says he cleaned you clean if he says you're clean you're clean come let us reason together that your sins be a scarlet i've washed them why the snow they're gone there's no record you can get up and walk on worship god none terrible thing gone he's happy to see you he's happy to see jesus he changed the peril came to the house of the lord and worshiped he came to his own house and when he required to set food before him in the eight worship god had some food then he said to his servants to hear then say your servants to him what's this crazy thing you're doing they are faster than wept for the child while was alive when the child was dead you rose up and ate bread they can't work it out the child died you should be sac cloth and ashes the punishment of god has come to you you should be weeping you should be grieving you should be in sorrow there has to be a punishment to fit the crime here you should still be there what are you doing eating dressed and he said while the child was yet alive i fasted and wept for i said who can tell whether god will be gracious to me amazing nathan the prophet said the child will die he's like well we'll see i know my god he knew his sin he knew that the child should die he knew god was greater even your heart condemns you he's greater than our hearts who know the child might live but that's right that now he is dead why should i fast can i bring him back again shall i go to him will he return to me and david come for the besheba his wife it's changed now your eyes wife his wife and went under her and lay with her and she bare him a son and a son was named solomon and the lord loved him are you for real because a clear conscience he went back to the exact same place of his crime the exact same place of his sin with a clear conscience bore the great king of israel solomon what's your place where have you messed up completely it's gone you can go back to the exact same place wash your face stand up get dressed don't care what anyone else says don't care what your eyes families say they don't care what israel says i even don't care what nathan the prophet says you only care about god's character when he says of you he says you clean your clean so he's clean so he doesn't remove the sheba he doesn't think i want to get that woman away from me makes it his wife and in that place grapefruit is born literally solomon the great king and god loved that baby love solomon yeah sin yep sins yeah but sin shame that little voice that says god's good to other people just not to me or they get for every turn this turn the wheel they get one turn result every turn the wheel will i get like half a result like this harder for me somehow yeah and so i've been a christian for a long time i was a grace preacher when grace preaching wasn't even a thing yeah and but i had low grade condemnation and that's why i couldn't this 5dp kirby crazy guy stuff wouldn't work for me because there's something faulty about me it works for you but doesn't work for me and i've got evidence in my life clearly that god cares for other people just not me or things work for other people not for me i've got evidence i could bring it in the manila folder slam it on the table but who's report my believing as with that this this this phrase if god says you're clean you're clean it's like like a revelation to me i've always known it but sort of for sins yes my sin thank you okay but sin shame i felt shameful philosophers still face god baby reasons that's my chemical set and i grew up inside it you can't see it you don't know even though you're anxious to anxiety goes you go oh this is what life is like other people like this you know shame is what shame's like until shame goes so kirby talking about the five day program which is learning to live off communion and the word of god he talks about if -10 is such a traumatic emotion for emotions from plus 10 to minus 10 0 is neutral minus 10 is like so horrific you want to end your life right now and plus 10 is so ecstatic you'll come out of your body and 0 is dead neutral yeah so i still have zero here i am walking around just zero but it wasn't it's probably minus one or minus two it's a little bit morose but i didn't know that who knows yep you sit there and that little bit here is that shame it's that tiny bit of shame works through the whole batch and you don't receive things from god and you look for the it didn't work and when you pray for something you do in the five-day program and works everyone else and it doesn't work for you you go it does things that work for me anybody goes oh shane welcome back that's right that's what you deserve that's the chemical set you love and just no if god says i'm clean i'm clean this just that this thing that david did he got washed himself boldly went on the aries fairly became his great success he went from just that god says you're clean you're clean don't come before minus one to like zero to like plus one i'm clean it was plus one i felt different and that put me to plus two yeah you feel silly for feeling silly you feel good for feeling good it was amazing and my body wanted to keep going back to what's set and i had to keep saying it over and over again and so in november i did the 5dp over the five day program over the internet and i just had to keep saying god says i'm clean i'm clean and then i actually believed it was would work for me before i i believed didn't i yeah but it's minus two guys believing all right this is communion and this is the very nature of god i'm taking in that goes all through my body i don't need to eat i'll go into fasting symptoms and i do all this and i i've got reasons why i shouldn't fast and then this time because i'm clean i'm clean i realized there's no condemnation i just realized there's no reason god wouldn't do this for me just from minus one to plus one that's all it was i was god will do this for me god has done for me god loves to do this for me if he says i'm clean i'm clean and who what's that romans first who can bring a charge against god's elect who dare not even me it's a great verse and i can't remember it it's good one though it's in romans somewhere and then um and and then i just stayed in that place for a month i said remember god says i'm clean unclean i keep bringing it to mind when i feel a bit down and out or just something i must remember this if god says i'm clean i'm clean oh that's right i'm clean i didn't realize i was clean yeah point being what have you done guess what it doesn't matter if god says you're clean you're clean do you want to be a fully mature son of god on the earth to walk in the fullness of statue of christ in your lifetime do you want to be the beloved son of god in the human world please listen to him do you want to achieve that by pursuing the desires of your heart or god might come to you and say yes i see you and pursue the size of your heart but i have a special request of you you can say yes or no you're allowed to you're allowed to say no no i don't want to be a missionary i want to be a carpenter fine it's okay it's okay oh okay i'll be i'll lay down the size of my heart and be a carpenter that's what god be a missionary or whatever god does different things at different times every different child that's the offer to you now that's what christianity is and what we're going to do now is we are going to expunge that low level condemnation that says i'm inherently faulty there's something wrong about me that doesn't work for me so i've got says you clean you're clean and some of us will go from minus one to plus one for the first time and this plus one everything flows because of your confession at -1 god won't do that for me that is your confession but the knowledge of good and evil is very accurate but plus one you know gold would do that for you because you're clean you're clean clean get up wash your face put in your clothes eat food and you can go back to the very area of your collapse and have great fruit or not you can you're clean forever they said if you're born of god the devil touches you not it's only spiritual warfare forget the devil touches you not spiritual warfare done we'll look at the devil one day and say that was the accused of the brethren forget it once you're righteous you're righteous there's no claim on you he's learning what you are yeah i'm always going to pray not me that long but i won't then i'll let you be with god i'll turn the microphone off and if i pray for two minutes another two minutes you're fine great but please if you're gonna talk just maybe go out there to talk give people time and some other people might want to just stand there for five minutes or ten minutes or longer okay and so i'm just going to enter in have you want to do that and then i won't i won't shut down the meeting it just let you just tell it off however you desire all right father we're raised to see that in you and we are clean but we want our souls to know when our bodies to know we want creation to know that's what we want that you have qualified us and lord we take all the sin all the iniquity if we're born in iniquity and all the shame and we just hand it to you and we actually call on your goodness father you are that good you are that god you are that god we know who you are you've revealed yourself to us in the scriptures you've shown your hand it's too late god we know you're good we know you're merciful we might call on your character alone if you say we're clean then we're clean we step from minus one into plus one and you qualify us and all the blessings the double blessings of the of of christ the double portions has come to our life now by our by our own confession but we're clean we're clean we're clean and clean we're why the snow lord against you only have we sinned and if you say we're clean we're clean it's gone evil were born in sin it's gone and father we consider the cost of building a tower and we say we may say i am the beloved son and whom you're well pleased father wanna wrap me exactly like you may be the beloved son in whom you're well pleased listen to him and i wanna make an agreement with you the same way peter did and john did and all everyone did i'd be very bold about it i might take some time on it i'm going to take three months and think about it but i want to pursue the desire of my heart which i may not even give myself permission to know what it is the lord reveals me the desire of my heart and let's drive my heart a hold of my hand open an open hand and now you have a special request of me then also i'd like to hear that as well but you've qualified me you sound clean i am clean you are that god you are that father that would do this you have done it it's on and soul and body receive this reality we are now in the kindness and the goodness of god without shame his delight is looking at us co-regulating our emotions and our intentions the light is always on us nothing will stand between us no accusation will ever come land on us and father ask now fire your fire in the presence of your holy spirit just change our cell receptors in the chemical state of our body our neural architecture our resonant frequency the energetic structures of our body to be here for the sake of faith i'm just claiming plus one is our new set and lord we let you be good to us now we let you reward us according to his great righteousness the cleanliness the cleanness of his hands the light of the son the beloved son i am the beloved son reward me accordingly treat me accordingly i am now just coming to agree with that too i agree with it i'm the beloved son i'll sign angels angels whoa you've been sitting there for so long it's time to perform the word of god stand up the ones assigned to me before the foundation of the world we're getting on with it if i'm 80 or 18 i'm getting we're starting the resources of heaven that sit upon my true nature not a good christian not bad christian this son of god open those store houses open that favor and highlight things to us let the newspaper advertisements stand out let the old memories stand out that that book come back let the prophecy come lord we're new at this where you are being beloved it's a new thing i ask you to give us a helping hand a first step in and we'll say wow i believe you are that good you would do that for me why because of christ and i am christ and father we're just going to spend some time talking to you some of us 30 seconds some of us much longer but we're clean because you've made us clean forever by the righteous of christ and we have a call things planned for us before the foundation of the world in intricately connected to the desire of our heart and whatever it is we know that you can build us the fullness of the statue of christ that we can redeem the earth and all creation in any area baking science raising three children on the farm you are that good and this is what you've done and this is your delight from before the foundation of the world to make us holy and blameless in your sight [Music] you
Channel: As He Is Ministries
Views: 8,524
Rating: 4.955801 out of 5
Id: vJBHo4ZGkG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 7sec (3607 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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