The 5 Falls of Genesis #5/5: Jesus vs the Giants, Transfiguration and The Antichrist

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[Music] so how is everyone yeah was the week did the week have different content than what you were expecting did you come for a week on [Music] fasting diets and bio hacking and get a week on nephilim pole shifts back through creation creations oh my goodness okay so what we've been doing is laying a platform and the platform is for one reason is that the human body is what the battle is for the human body and now we understand why and the oh they have to express this the the hidden narrative of scripture which is so plainly there and you've been clearly robbed from robbed of has been removed from our consciousness once seen can't be unseen you can see it so clearly now and you understand what happened in genesis 1 to 11 5 falls which is the halfway point of the bible and then genesis 12 to now to now jesus 12th year in the bible it's another 2 000 years and from end of the bible to now 2 000 years 6 000 years six days we're going into the seventh day which is rest if you're here now i believe you agreed to be here now yep so you don't need to fear anything coming on the earth you have to be as scared of it as the risen christ is scared of it yep yep your soul has never seen it before and that's okay but you are not your soul you are your soul but you're not yourself and you feel trepidation don't feel condemned just think of that's interesting there's an area in my soul that has not experienced god's faithfulness and goodness yet but it will and when you do you get a new record your dna changes your frequency set changes your cellular memory changes what you are changes you begin to transfigure become to look like your spirit man and that's what's happening and we've seen that the old testament was a battle to contain this so that mary could be of a lineage that could receive the messiah and they understand the old testament to prepare for the messiah but the old testament is a battle to prepare mary to say not my word but yours nothing is impossible with god not my word about yours and then we see the new testament and yesterday we went through just how jesus addressed all these things yep and today we're going to see a bit more of jesus versus the giants aka jesus picks a fight yeah because that's the other two we need to have what's coming now on the earth and just so you know with you and god there are things you can say god on behalf of my nation i ask that doesn't happen and you can say yes but some things are decided because their sin is full and that system must come down for the sake of the next generation yep you can't hurt one more generation when that system comes down that transition affects everybody and if you as a son of god are connected in your security to those systems you will shake as much as they shake and that's okay you've never you've always had walmart that's not how dare you rely on walmart okay it's not a problem but when walmart goes well their supply chain goes and you can't get to walmart was a four hour lineup for chicken at walmart where's your soul then and now then you then you find out we didn't know beforehand there's nothing wrong with that you know there's lots of things if you've never seen it it's not a problem but you will see it we will see it you'll hear you'll feel your soul's response and go wow wow i'm really scared right now that air of my soul has not yet seen the faithfulness of god in that area and now it's a chance so you can voluntarily walk across these things but sometimes the clock catches up with you and what happened very quickly but we know we are faithful father and all the things that say god would not do that for me is a record of another father and it's just interesting because you're you're righteous there's no condemnation of those in christ jesus so the things of me and go god would do that for me god do that for me or he wouldn't do that for me and then terror comes in you know reach with your own hand for an answer yeah and that impulse that moment now you recognize it and say how do i get out of that situation i'm going to see that tonight at the end but the bowel is for human body and the environment speaking to you preaching to you and what's it saying you will die all fear is fear of death relational death financial death relationship death opportunity death it's a fear of death and god wants to break the fear of death of you okay that's your overcoming that's the final overcoming you're overcoming this and this and this and this and you will overcome that all these two together basically breaking the fear of death off you if you don't fear death the devil does not have a hold on you because you held bondage the devil by your fear of death if you don't fear death there's nothing they can do take your food take your identity take your money so what they've got nothing that you need but they have something that you need then you will trade for it they'll take away a bit of your self-control or self ability to make decisions which gives them control which is wishcraft it squeezes you down as a human being you have to sign contracts and make vows about you yourself finances and bring control that's not you you're a life-giving spirit you're a spirit you live like a spirit but we're here we chose to be here during this generation and all the resources you need between overcoming in this generation are yours if you just put your name on it and they're accessed by believing a word that's how they're accessed that's all god wants to be just be believed how i get out of this situation god says believe an invisible promise make a call on my character haven't been a good christian it's not about you it's about making a call of my character in fact you've been a really good christian they'll probably get in your way because you think you deserve it right just it doesn't matter even the worst or the best you still make a call in his character and you receive from him is a credit to yours to you as righteousness he came from heaven he can't be taken from you we're spirit beings we live by the word even our physical body is nourished by the word yep all right let's watch the last bible project have you enjoyed them they're good yeah all right we'll do it that's the one all right welcome to the last night i can't imagine what you've been through over the last four days all the things you saw and have heard and now you're finishing with this tonight we're going to do jesus versus the giants transfiguration the antichrist and living off the invisible word would you go to that conference if you if you put that on the title we had to uh call it biohacking just to get you here all right so we're seeing how jesus is fixing up these situations and doing it very well and we saw many things i want to show you some more what we're doing down what we're doing now is laying a absolute foundation just so we know about the dna from the start the over covering over hovering over of satan he's full as as a heavenly being yep and he hates the father he's given to death and then adam and eve instead of waiting for the promise reach with our own hand to take something took his fruit his seed came under his covering and that nature's in them yep let me see cain was of the evil one okay he's of his father the evil one that does doesn't mean that satan slept with mary had a physical child it means he presents that nature presents that nature and he murdered someone we'll see it i say that because that's how jesus expresses it as well yep and then we saw that all they went through and were clearing the land of giants when their sin was full well not before they'll fall you know abraham couldn't kill the amorites their sin wasn't full yet okay but later i think that moses or joshua joshua has to kill the amorites yeah he has to go and take him out yep because their sin was full then so we can see what's happening lots of trading trading and god wants everyone to turn turn to him turn to goodness turn to a good father but they don't so he picks a nation for himself to express this what's it like well these gods have their own elohim but what's it like for a nation to have an elohim of elohim the big guy what's he really like he's a good loving father that loves life he lays in a marriage contract make him a peculiar people a separate people a royal priesthood separate and live under blessing and live under rest without sickness or disease not especially a whole nation without sickness or disease who lived and rest in the great provision who led from no nation but bro uh borrowed from no nation but led to many all these things like that that was on offer but they couldn't handle it they kept reaching their own hand they kept turning away turning to golden calves turning to other nations turning to others rather than believing god would do what he said he would do the god which they had no statue of one of the statue that other nations in fact he wanted the king and god's like please don't have a king just accept me and say no we're the king like other nations they want to taste touch see they didn't believe an invisible god would look after them they want to be like the other nations will use their flesh and engage in sacrifice and trade rather than just receive and it cost them and we see that the 10 tribes went north remember north north is bad north mount hermon north is where dan and ephraim were north is canaan north is where baal's from yep north is the gates of hell and then the last two tribes end up going into babylon as we saw daniel have his dream and then babylon is run by an elohim the prince of persia and then daniel's there asking for help another heavenly being has to come in is resisted so we can see how it's all happening yeah and the trouble is it mixes up human dna it messes us up so we need the plan the plan was start again with a brand new son the monogenesis the unique son of god there's lots of benign elohim going around lots of sons of god this one's unique he is literally of yahweh el elyon the great most high god the lord of lords the god of gods this guy has his own son not created being his own son his word has become flesh and that's his own son and that starts a new pure heavenly line of beings and then the seed that made that heavy line of beings the word of jesus christ is the same seed that you receive when you believe it and then that is now your new nature and all we're doing is letting that see grew up in us that's all we're doing yeah and works by promises how do you partake in the divine nature by promises by a word which has nothing to do with your morality has everything to do on making a call on his goodness morality has an effect on the earth okay make decisions things happen but it doesn't change the way god treats you you make a call in his character alone that's faith that's the credit to yours righteousness but if you think your morality achieved it it's accredited you as wages and your reward is on the earth all right so we see that jesus cleaned all this up he's done a very good job so like noah the birth of noah signified the end of the watchers jesus birth signifies the end of them and all their line what he's doing is giving them an opportunity to choose him through us like israel was a good nation supposed to be a good nation that's us wants life like forgiven in intimate knowledge and unity with yahweh himself with a new heart given by him yeah but we haven't really done that because it hasn't been framed up that way it's been framed up received christ behave as good as you can and you will die and go to heaven and who cares about that in fact christian life and worldly life are very similar how can that be we're different species of being how can it be so similar well we're given a poor gospel because the gospel is the power to salvation you need to understand what the gospel has done for us we literally are born again from above the beloved son and that is what gives you access to god and your confidence to live and move and breathe in him and that results in your actions on the earth which would be a lot more amazing if we knew that from the start imagine two thousand years of believing the gospel what would the church be like now yep all right so we can bring up matthew 4 35 41. we're just following the narrative now looking at what jesus has done what jesus is doing we're still cleaning up dna we're still uniting the nations we're still taking care of the five fools of genesis and jesus is picking a fight that's what he's doing ah 35 to 41 or to the end no there is no 41. 40. or you just bring up matthew 4 and scroll down to 35. all right oh hang on all right all right that's right oh no that's right can't be mark matthew four hang on maybe it's mark just go down to the bottom again yeah let's try mark then let's bring up mark iv sometimes i write my notes by memory i think i know what that is as that's the one all right jesus comes the storm i'm just becoming a storm right now jesus comes a storm on that day when the evening had come he said to them let's go across to the other side okay jesus is shifting areas we can show you the map where this happens but we won't do that now he's shifting across he's moving across another area okay he's gone from the islight area which is still under god most high even though the romans are there it's shifting to a place we have stopped worshipping yahweh another land is heading north and when and leaving the crowd they took him with them in the boat just as he was and the other boats were with him and a great windstorm arose and the waves were breaking into the boat so the boat was already filling so what's happening they're taking a boat and they're going into land of another elohim so a storm whips up okay it's a demonic storm that illumine has power over the area the people have given him power of their area and so they're trying to resist him but he was in the stern asleep on the cushion and the word came and said to him teacher do not care that we are perishing and he'll awake and rebuke the wind and says the sea peace be still all right so lord most high just took out little lords yep and the wind ceased and there was a great calm he said to them why are you so afraid have you still no faith and they were filled with great fear and said to one another who then is this that even the wind and the sea obey him let's go to mark 5 mark 5 1-17 so moving straight on remember there's no chapters in the bible okay this is one narrative so they came to the other side of the sea it's the country of the gerasenes all right they've moved to a different section and when jesus stepped out of the boat immediately that met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit with unclean spirits disembodied nephilim spirits okay it ran to him why could calm the storm he knows what's going on he lived among the tombs and no one could bind him anymore not even with a chain so he's supernaturally strong and he had often been bound with shackles and chains but he wrenched the chains apart he broke the shackles in pieces no one had strength to subdue him night and day among the tombs and on the mountains he was always crying out and cutting himself with stones and when he saw jesus from afar he ran and fell down before him and crying out the loud voice he said what have you to do with me jesus son of the most high he knows who that guy is did you watch the on the news on twitter this is the first time and the only time jesus goes up here this guy comes along the storm protecting the nephilim in the area gets defeated jesus steps onto the land it's very important he says steps onto the land this unclean spirit knows exactly what's happening right now this whole narrative that we just learned or relearned or rediscovered which was just general knowledge for probably four thousand years okay we somehow lost it you can see exactly what's happening jesus son of the most high god okay we know what's going on so i'm the most high god i adore you by god do not torment me because he knows what's going to happen when the time is up for he was saying to him come out of the man your unclean spirit and jesus asked him what is your name he replied my name is legion for we are many and he begged him earnestly not to send him out of the country can you see elohim have land nephilim have land demons have land don't send us out of this area okay and jesus is cleaning up geographic land and human land yep this is what we do that's what we do now our great herd of pigs was fitting there in the hillside and they begged him saying send us into the pigs let us enter them so he gave them permission and the unclean spirits came out and entered the pigs and the herd numbering about 2 000 this is that'd been great to see rushed down the street bank into the sea and drowned in the sea the herdsmen fled and told it in the city and in the country and people came to see what was that happened do we know we know they're not jews why two thousand pigs all right so okay it's a it's an area to worship other crew yeah they're not following the law their body is not protected hence legion yep and they came to jesus and saw the demon-possessed man the one who had the legion sitting there clothed in his right mind and they were afraid and those who had seen it described to them what had happened and a demon-possessed man entered the pigs and they began to beg jesus to depart their region yeah fascinating isn't it all right matthew really i believe it's going to be matthew this time matthew 16 13-24 very good and can you bring up that map we'll do that map now same map as last time all right jesus has gone right up the top there and why is he going up the top there perfect thank you because what's up there mount herman okay and then the cross up the top what else happens jesus heals the canaanite woman's daughter through a word yup that's what he's doing he's going north to make a statement the son of god's gone north he's gone to where the tribe of dan lived and they're gone where ephraim lived and they're gone where bow was worshiped and where the gates of hell were on mount hermon he's going to mount hermon for a reason he's gone north all right back to the scripture then when jesus came into the district of caesarea philippi that was that section we saw just then he asked the disciples who do people say that the son of man is and they said some say john the baptist others say elijah others say jeremiah one of the prophets he said to them but who do you say i am that's always the question okay for every individual human some of he replied you are the christ the son of the living god i'm making a distinction here okay this is who you are you're not some other guy you're not an anointed guy you're not a magician okay you haven't traded with demons to get some clever powers you're the son of the most high and jesus answered him blessed are you simon bar jonah for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my father who is in heaven this guy told him yep and i tell you you are peter and on this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it or i'll say will not withstand it there's a lot of argument about that let me clearly not withstand it and where are they mount hermon and i'm at home and we saw yesterday the picture the gates of hell and you can go there now yep the gate to hell will not prevail so he's saying he's right there amongst the gods making a point i'll give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and wherever you whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever you loose on the earth shall be loosed in heaven that he strictly charged disciples to tell no one that he was the christ from that time jesus began to show disciples he must go to jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and on the third day be raised who is he going to he's going back amongst people who are controlled by the beast system as we saw just before yep instead of defeating him he's going to let them defeat him they're going to take it all into himself and peter took him aside and began to rebuke him saying far be it from you lord this shall never happen to you but he turned to peter and said get behind me satan you are a hindrance to me for you are not setting your mind the things of god but the things of men okay what's happening now the record in peter of taste touch and sea he wants a king with him in the flesh to overcome things yep so it's not that's not sound bad okay but it's not of the word it's not of the spirit he wants jesus to stay and jesus calls that satan and satan's rebuked out out mount hermon yeah and also that record in peter is rebuked we'll see that later okay very important very important the jesus told his disciples if anyone would come after me then deny himself and take up his cross and follow me great right john 8 39-47 so jesus said i've got to go to jerusalem to see some people who's he going to go see he's going to go see the priest class do you know what this seedline loves power loves control and it loves religion it loves creating distinction between nico and laity head and laity priest and laity it loves standards it loves self-righteousness this is the nature of having satan as your father rather than a family received as a gift acceptance received as a gift so just what we're seeing now is that jesus is directly addressing genesis 1 to 11. yup they answered him abraham is our father who the levites and the sadducees whoever that the script is at this time jesus said to them if you were abraham's children you'd be doing the works that abraham did i i.e if abraham is your father his nature be expressed in you you'll see this over and over again the nature that you express you're expressing that is your father okay now if you receive christ yahweh is your father and we have to express his nature okay you're already righteous and clean so relax no one here is the son of satan all right but what we're learning is just how to test for this idolatry is adultery to him okay and religion is to express the nature of satan which brings death and that's how much we should be repulsed by it that's why paul says if everyone preaches a different gospel than this even angel from heaven may they be eternally condemned you receive by believing alone start to finish that's why he's so furious about it yeah he calls it witchcraft any other gospel outside you receive the holy spirit and receive freely from heaven because you believed any other gospel is witchcraft if someone preaches it he says may they be anathema wiped out it needs to be that offensive to us you only receive because you believe the word yep they answered him abraham is our father and jesus said to them if you were abraham's children you'd be doing the works abraham did you express the nature of your father but now you seek to kill me a man who has told you the truth that i heard from god this is not what abraham did okay you're not expressing the nature of that man so he's not your father you are doing the works that your father did they said to him we are not born of the sexual i shall get that right they said to him we're not born of secret immorality we have one father even god and jesus said to them if god were your father you would love me because that's the nature of that father okay god is your father you are love you will love light and spirit like your dad if god were your father you would love me for i came from god and i am here i came not of my own accord but he sent me why do you not understand what i say is because you cannot bear to hear my word you are of your father the devil okay another metaphor they're expressing the nature of hastatan they want to kill they're for religion they want to separate and when a loving father is in front of them or the loving son the exact representation of the father murder comes same as satan you you did this to me i want to destroy him when i take his throne they get an opportunity to take his throne yep that's the crucifixion and they go for it is because you cannot to bear to hear my word you are of your father the devil and your will is to do your father's desires he was a murderer from the beginning it does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him when he lies he speaks out of his own character but he is a liar and he is the father of lies but because i tell you the truth you do not believe me which one of you convicts me of sin if i tell you why do you not believe me whoever is of god hears the words of god the reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of god that's pretty harsh yeah that's as harsh as enoch's book yup you've heard god's word you've believed it guess what you are of god ah relax everyone it's gonna be all right yup matthew 12 33-35 either make the tree good and its fruit is good or make the tree bad and its fruit is bad so what's he talking about you express your seed yep for the tree is known by its fruit you brood of vipers what's he saying you're snakes like your father the devil how can you speak good when you are evil for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks the good person out of the good treasures brings forth good and the evil person at the evil treasures brings forth evil you express your nature yeah and now you know that what is your nature what's your true nature you've been born again remember the sermon on the mount describes you it's who you are forgiveness is your nature blessing your enemies is your nature sitting around on the good and the evil is your nature you've already got it love light and spirit is your nature all you're doing is hearing a word another frequency another seed is going to this set that you are if you believe it it overrides it by the foolishness of preaching we go to matthew 8 29 i just threw this in there because the book of enoch not scripture but true okay and behold they cried out what have you got to do with us o son of god have you come to torment us before the time before the appointed time okay that's a direct reference to enoch yeah they'll put aside for an appointed time yep so i'll throw it in there okay yesterday we saw in john 14 31 won't go there jesus says the prince of the world is coming okay and authority here he has nothing in common with me we're going to see that nothing in common in our dna nothing in common in us yeah all right let's go to john 10 25 to 38 and you'll recognize this jesus answered them i told you and you do not believe the works i do in my father's name bear witness about me but you do not believe because you are not among my sheep that's pretty harsh yeah my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me i'll give them eternal life and they will never perish that's you and no one will snatch them out of my hand that's you my father who has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand i and the father are one okay he's just claimed equivalence with the lord most high why because he called him father then jesus says to you call god father you're of this family the jews picked up stones to stone him why murder it was also the law that's their interpretation jesus answered them i have shown you many good works from the father for which of them are you going to stone me the jews answered him is it not a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy because you being a man make yourself god which god this one okay and correct and that's what we do as well jesus answer them is not written in your law i said you are gods here we go remember this psalm 82 god's bringing it up remember this remember this council that happened and the elohim were given lands in deuteronomy 32 they talked about that and some of them messed it up and they didn't do they didn't do well they did wicked things and they traded with these people and allah elohim came up and dobbed on them and then god made the judgment you guys i said you were gods but now you will die like men and what jesus is saying they know that they know this divine council he's saying he's he's equating these people who are not his sheep with these gods yep that's what he's doing he's bringing up this time jesus answered them is not written in your law i said you are god if you called them god to whom the word of god came these guys okay if you call these guys gods the scripture and the scripture cannot be broken do you save him who the father consecrated jesus and sent into the world you are blaspheming because he said i am the son of god. so what he's saying is by your scriptures god called these little elohims gods okay they're your scriptures okay and now i'm the son of god what's your problem with that i came from the father i am god if these little gods can be gods how about why is it blasphemy for me to be god i came from the father i'm one with him if i'm not doing the works of my father then do not believe me but if i do them even though you do not believe me believe the works you may know and understand the father is in me and i am in the father i'm expressing this nature yeah once again jesus is referencing that divine counsel we saw earlier one of the many we saw earlier unless we understand this we don't understand what's happening in the scriptures yep all right can we bring up 1 john 3 11 to 12. love one another for this is the message that you have heard from the beginning that we should love one another we should not be like cain who was of the evil one yep what's the opposite of that murder love what's love to lay your life down for someone else rather than take it so now we know that's the opposite and murdered his brother and why did he murder him because his own deeds and were evil and his brothers were righteous right okay matthew 28 19-20 go therefore make disciples of all nations by fixing this up baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit and teaching them to observe all that i've commanded you and behold i am with you to the end of the age right uh and just before that anyway he says and all authority has been given to me that's the one that's the one to make a point of all authority has been given to him that's what he's saying these gods these are whims over that system has gone it's been replaced by the monogenes by the son of god or authority and then you just see jesus continues and what's the name of the guy that that that the court case is exchanged for you remember there's two guilty people i'll let one one free barabbas that's right barabbas what does barabbas mean son of the father ba son of abba okay yup that's us we got set free the guilty ones yeah and he took sin into his body he took into the earth he's rose and glorified came back in that body he was so glorified mary couldn't touch her at the start what is this body though remember he walked on road to a mass and people couldn't recognize him and he walked through walls appeared in places then ate food this is the glorified body and that body could ascend into heaven all right cool what's our response easy transfiguration okay and we'll go home transformation changing our soul and our body to look like our spirit man how by believing a word he's a good father okay and we're a privileged generation because we're gonna get lots of opportunity coming up to believe a word of what we can taste touch and see yep privileged other generations just rolled through yep not us we've got a great opportunity coming up so jesus took three people to go see him transfigure who were they peter james and john correct yeah and what do peter james and john have in common oh yes old fisherman let's look at uh let's look at luke 9 46-56 we're about to find out who could go do it barabbas who is the greatest let's see what nature's being expressed right now an argument arose among them as to which of them was the greatest all right so you can see what's happening right now yeah but jesus knowing the reasoning of their hearts took a child and put him beside his side and said to them whoever receives receives this child in my name receives me every receives me receives him who sent me but he was the least among you is also the great all right god's establishing the rules of a different kingdom here this is how you overcome this dna john answered master we saw someone casting out demons in your name we tried to stop him because he's not follow with us okay see this nature expressing itself exclusivity where the in crew you know the out crew but jesus said do not stop him for the one who is not against you is for you and then the important point here and these are put together for a reason okay expressing your nature expressing in nature and jesus rebukes when the days drew near for him to be taken up he set his face to go to jerusalem and he sent messengers ahead of him who went and entered the village of the samaritans to make preparations for him but the people did not receive him because he's because his face was set towards jerusalem and when his disciples james and john saw it they said lord do you want us to tell fire to come down from heaven to continue them but he turned and rebuked them and they went to another village oh what translation is that okay but he says you know what spirit you're of remember the headline it's in the bible you rebuke them you know know what spirit you're of so what happened is these people didn't receive him and james and john say let's cool down fire and punish these people yeah hey they knew they could you say do you want to do it jesus they said should we do it yeah and they wanted to they're excited about it how do you feel when you watch the riots yeah you'll cool down fire on these people okay what nature's being expressed and jesus says you do not know what nature you're of yep what spirit you're of you don't know what spirit you're of what options are there there's him or there's these guys he's saying that's these guys peter james and john both had the dna of half the time rebuked in them and those three got to go see the transfiguration yeah it's amazing yeah and what does peter do was transfigured he wants to make a taste touch and see tabernacle and he gets rebuked okay all right so what's the opposite of calling down fire what's the opposite of keeping people who aren't your group from performing miracles which is denominationism what's the opposite of uh trying to be the greatest yep can we go to acts 6 8-15 this is one of the keys mary is missing from our consciousness for reasons we understand okay we don't understand mary but mary's a spiritual giant the other spiritual giant we need to understand is stephen yep and stephen full of grace and power so he's a powerful christian yep he's a knockout guy he's doing lots of stuff was doing great wonders and signs amongst the people then some of those who belong to the synagogue of the freedmen as it was called and of sirenians and of alexandria and those of cecilia and asia rose up and disputed with stephen but they could not withstand the wisdom and the spirit of which he was speaking then they secretly instigated men who said we heard him speak blasphemous words against moses and god so what they want murder they stood up the people and the elders and the scribes they came upon him and seized him and brought him before the council they set up false witnesses as per their father it was a lie from the beginning who said this man never ceases to speak words against this holy place and the law we have heard him say that this jesus of nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs that moses delivered to us and gazing at him all the councils saw these face was like the face of an angel that's not like oh like a baby's face oh that baby's an angel okay a messenger from god what's happening to stephen right now he's transfiguring okay we're about to find out why if we go to acts uh 7 the 51 to 60. the 50 verses that we are skipping is him telling this story okay you're saying the story of israel and how they were promised and they couldn't couldn't do it okay so he's just told the whole story of the history of israel whilst transfiguring on the inspiration we're about to learn some two very powerful points okay you stiff-necked people uncircumcised in heart and ears you always resist the holy spirit as your fathers did so do you okay as your fathers your line which of your which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute and they killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the righteous one whom you have now betrayed and murdered you received the law as delivered by angels and did not keep it what you're saying you keep the law what happens if you don't keep the law beings with access to your body okay now you're of the evil one they are the watchers now you have to fall in the whim i like your fathers so you killed the prophets that's what that nature does now when they're jezebel killed the prophets yup who was her dad king of tyre remember the king of tyre all right same nature all the way through and now stephen is about to come against that nature in in great form now when they heard these things and they now when they heard these things they were enraged and they ground their teeth at him but he full of the holy spirit gazed into heaven and saw the glory of god and jesus standing at the right hand of god he's saying this yep he said behold i see the heavens open and the son of man standing at the right hand of god so he knows that this they want to kill him he says and i can see god right now yeah just to make sure what he's decided to do is done he's made a decision we'll talk about that in a minute but they cry with a loud voice and stop their ears and rush together at him then they cast him out of the city and stoned him okay killed him executed him and the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named saul and as they were standing stephen he called out lord jesus receive my spirit like jesus did and falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice lord do not hold this sin against them and there it is do not hold this sin against him the same as jesus christ that that heart is a transfigured heart because that is none of this we saw what this was who's the greatest shall we cool down fire why are those people forming miracles they're not part of our group stephen is the opposite he was performing miracles great miracles and here he lays down his life because the son of god can't be martyred he can only lay down his life willingly this is going to be important things to know you can like if you have something in common with murder then murderous people can have something in common with you but they are love love light and spirit that couldn't seize jesus the the prince of this world had nothing in common with him yeah you jesus have no authority over me that's what's given to you he could call down angels and smash that place but he didn't he let the beast touch him he got let go right into him and he defeated it and here is stephen who's of that heart and because he's of that heart he can walk in great signs wonders and miracles can you imagine the church right now got great power what would they do with it would they lie down their life for their enemies they'll call down lightning that's exactly to do as their father yep as their father would big secrets there this nature that we're talking about is you you received it as a free gift and all you're doing is bringing it to your soul making free of a decision which brings it into your body yeah we bring up um philippians 2 5 to 11. now you know though how do you beat this thing okay you have beaten it you died and rose again with jesus christ and you're born of a different line you raised the seed to have your places it is finished the gift has been given to you how do you bring it to earth by believing the word partaking of divine nature by divine promises by good and precious promises blessing your enemies jesus said those who love me are those obey my commands okay there's no difference he's not saying if you obey my commands that's love or love but he's not trying to make a pattern it's just make staying a fact yeah believe my words if you believe him you'll do him believe me it's my love language forgiving your enemy on the night he was betrayed he gave up his body on the night he was betrayed he washed their feet yeah as he was being murdered he said forgive them lord they know not what they do what's he doing he's making a call to this court yeah afterwards he found all those who deserted him and cooked them breakfast on the beach restored them and levites and pharisees came to christ okay philippians 2 have this mind among yourselves which is yours and jesus christ though he was in the form of god did not account quality with god to be grafted by emptied himself taken in the form of a servant right we all know this and this is how i was taught to in church had the same mind of christ who was like god but empty himself like paraphrased theology theology became a servant you were taught have the mind of christ be a servant close what they're saying is have the same mind of christ don't grasp equality with god that's been given to you and be a servant you see the importance what's been said there have this mind amongst yourselves which is yours in christ jesus okay so this is the mind you should have though he was in the form of god do not account quality with god something to be grasped but empty himself by taking the form of a servant that's what is your role you're going to be divine for a very long long time okay and from here we serve but empty himself taking the form of servant being born in the likeness of a man and being found in human form he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on the cross therefore god has highly exalted him bestowed him on him i was bestowing him the name above every name okay it says go up here again so the name of jesus every now knee should bow in heaven and on earth and every tongue confess that jesus christ is lord the glory of the father that's you romans 8 says those are led by the spirit of god the sons of god why you're led by the spirit you're expressing the nature of your father that's what we need to do so you know is your father is a spirit playing to rob the bank today okay or just then neither are you what's the spirit doing laying its life down behalf of another calling out the greatness calling what is not as if it were yeah looking at people through your eyes of love through their potential what they're called to be what's their call before the foundation all right and i was run through these just to show you that jesus finishes up all this ephesians 1 19 23 that's that's we know that jesus is above all names all principalities all powers okay once again clearing up all these issues here ephesians 6 12 powers and principalities okay he says we don't war against flesh and blood against powers and principalities what are these guys all right still hanging around okay so someone's giving you trouble is it them or is the powers and principalities the puppets behind them that's who we take out we're finishing the work we're finishing this off yeah god left some for us to do we might overcome in hebrews 2 8 all things are under his feet and can we bring up 1 corinthians 6 1-3 six one to three lawsuits against believers well one of you has a grievance against another does he dare go to law before the unrighteous instead of the saints and saying you've got a problem with someone do you go under this law which is beast controlled or do you stay amongst the saints who are loved controlled or do you not know that the saints will judge the world right that's you he's saying why are you going to these judges who are under the beast system when you go of these people who have been trained to judge the world and if the world will is to be judged by you are you incompetent to try trivial cases like earthy cases do you not know that you were to judge angels do you not know didn't you read enoch you're gonna judge angels these angels okay and your angels what were you doing i'm a son of god and you start working with your angels and let's do step one i've stolen step one from dr o okay because dr rose says would you get yahweh the lord most high to clean your toilet yes no why are you trying to get him to find your keys for a car park that's your angels jobs can't find your keys just go angels because i exist get my keys go on with your job and your keys will be there start trying it out yep donna has experienced this and i yeah we're looking at trying to find stuff we can't find it anywhere angels get it oh we forget about it and then about to go out the door and there it is plan this day yep just start because they're there to serve you but they want their design to serve your original call the thing you agreed to do before you came here your first estate the nature of the manifold wisdom of god you're to express in the earth they're there to do that they're not there for you to be a good christian a good american a good westerner a good baptist a good republican none of those things they know what those things are they can only deal with the son of god if you get on with your call whatever that is probably the desire of your heart those angels are there for it and they operate on the word of god they love to pursue and perform the word of god so if you do something that's invisible that works on the promise they're wrong if you do something doing your own strengths they've got nothing to do with it you're a spirit being do spirit being stuff yep you will judge the angels these guys and the good guys okay so what you're learning to be is like your father we know what the father was like jesus was the exact representation of the father stopped for little children defended women's rights looked after the poor fought religion ferociously picked fights with religion over and over again this is an important point because remember the chocolate chocolate's not how you want it you heat it up you set it and you hold the frame and you set it into that frame as it cools down it cools down in the shape you want it to be i'm not talking about the mold like shaving the easter egg the nature of the chocolate you heat it up all the particles melt the molecular structure melts as you slowly bring it down the big particles set first and the lattice are perfect shape then all the rest small parts sit around it you get shiny chocolate that snaps yep that's what conflict is that's what tension is that's what jesus did because he's the strongest he's worked from heaven and so he would come to a situation and there was no tension he'd created because as the son of god what's inside him he's bringing to the outside but it's not like that now because there's a structure already in place bad chocolate okay it's already there in place it's not how he wants it so he steps in and creates tension raises the temperature and he stands in that tension when it sets again it sets in his shape okay because as christians you are taught to avoid tension avoid conflict don't confront be nice turn the other cheek if you're not choosing to turn the other cheek then you're not turning other cheek because that's not free will you must have the power and authority to act or to choose not to like god okay so i would never send food back ever never sent feedback come out it's a bad meal it's overcooked or something you know what it doesn't matter i'm not sending this back i'm the son of the king i'm wealthy my life's great i'll have a mansion or something you know life's good that poor guy out the back he's probably on five dollars an hour perhaps his daughter's sick i know it's growing in his life i'll just let it go okay not true i couldn't send feedback even if i wanted to because i hated conflict i hated the tension i didn't value myself i wouldn't put my hand up and say oh i'm sorry this food's overcooked or not cooked or over-salted or something and then i bring the manager out and say to them and my voice go up oh yeah no it's okay okay so i feel it so much i made a bs belief system that around me i was being a nice christian i was turning out the cheek as i was doing a christian theology around it i was calling fear love i was calling death the nature of the coward satan i was coming at christ and when god showed this to me i know where i was i can remember where i was sitting and i started selling started seeing feedback and then i got opportunity after opportunity to send through back yeah and now i can send feedback and now if i choose not to it's a free choice but when you call it this is love and it's not you violate your body okay you ever seen muscle testing when you tell a lie your muscles go weak have you ever seen that all right let's do it mike can i come out here do you feel you've got free will you cannot go yeah all right you just um just put your arm out straight like that just straight out like this okay yeah that's fine and put some pressure down on your arm and there's just enough pressure to hold it up there okay good with that okay so i want you to think yes yes yes yes yes and hold firm yep now i think no no no no no hold firm all right okay that was yeah it's more you felt it more than they could see it i think so let's put just a little bit just just about what's your balance point there just enough that balance okay that's the balance point b yep okay i think my name is mike well say my name is mike hold firm yep say my name is susan hold firm oh oh how's it feel to you does it feel different okay yeah okay all right that's right oh yeah okay okay okay hold firm hold firm yeah all right i am an american whole firm i'm an australian whole firm see that and i didn't press you any harder did i i didn't press you really hard yeah and all you said was something american but it's not true it violates the energy field if you're nice you're dying niceness is murder niceness is fundamentally dishonest because you're not there if you're not there christ is not there because you're saying what you believe the other person wants or the other person needs and it's not you you're not even there someone else is there your mum your church society the person you think that person wants you to be is there it's not you okay and if you're nice for the time you're untrustworthy because no one knows what you are and what you're doing jesus wasn't nice your problem is you're nicer than jesus that's a big problem it's the testable jesus wasn't nice jesus used a fence as a ministry tool he invented his mum he found his brothers he offended his twelve disciples he offended peter james and john you just saw he found the levites he offended the romans he offended everybody offended the syrian woman the fence was the fence to heat it up [Music] there's this uh i won't mention it but there's this counselor that i i saw i was watching on the video he does quick transformations on people i don't know how long they last it doesn't change their nature okay so the guy there is in a wheelchair and uh he's saying to the counselor you know in front of all these people in front of a whole stadium he's like yeah no my life's not that good you know i just can't move forward he's in a wheelchair you know and um yeah and i just you know i can't get a relationship i don't know what to do and the counselor goes you got a stupid haircut that's kind of a wheelchair stupid haircut the guy's a what he goes in and starts helping him he had to break that field though oh i'm so sorry yeah you're so sorry no one's ever offended him before your fence shakes everything up and you put in a new frame let's sit down your frame yeah no guys so you want to kill himself he goes with those stupid sneakers i'd kill myself too and the guy's like that's not this is one thing ah it just broke it i'm not saying do that it's just an example of that's what jesus did broke the frame all the time what's inside him what's out there hitler did that what's inside him it's out there so that's a clear one to see we're all doing that if you're not doing that you're not there say it and be wrong but at least say it you've got to get out there say what you really are thinking and saying otherwise it goes in you and it murders you that makes you sick and you you can't hold your arm up your whole frame we'll live under that situation it's called christianity be a son all right so where were we so yeah so jesus yeah lay down his life for others yep and we see that moses the eight will go in order abraham plead on behalf of the guilty solomon gomorrah to god's face the divine counsel if i may be so bold is he playing on behalf of the guilty you know not like california in the sea yeah it's like if there's one righteous person to save california so i still might go i don't know sorry helen that wasn't funny um and then there's moses and god twice offers him to wipe everyone out and start with him again and when he's up the mountain one of the golden calves that one he says i rather i was written in the book of life like i'll give it all to you and take it from them there's no other way around take it from me and forgive them yeah that's a miracle that had that heart yeah and then jesus of course and then stephen forgive them they know what they do not justice the blood of abel a better blood before the foundation of the world that cries out forgiveness and we know what the blood of abel was saying justice wiped these people from the earth and that's what was happening in the old testament but jesus come and brought a new bloodline in the blood of the lamb slain for the foundation that brings mercy to all and that's you and you look at the tv and practice practice that go wow they're lost kids or see some terrible perpetrator i think what was his childhood like you'll see from god's eyes because that's who you are you're his body on the earth yeah and of course jesus excellent guys we're doing so well oh yeah all right i'm gonna land this easy on time i'm so proud of myself good thing i'm humble it balances it out all right yes that's right almost that humble again antichrist we love this term it's pretty popular yup okay so there's two extremes pretty much in christianity at the moment okay and there's the tribulation crew i'm not against the mock not mocking attacking any of these so i'm just saying these are big frames out there and i believe the tribulation is coming any moment now and that jesus will return and take us out before the tribulation okay so the whole church is going and so they have a bunker down mentality the city not picking fights with the with the demons to save the people they're equating them both together evil people we're out so that's not the heart of the father so whose heart is it okay i'm not saying the theology i'm saying the response to that theology jesus can come and take us if that's the that ends up what it is you know if you don't believe in the rapture and flowing up in the air with everyone you go well i was wrong okay it doesn't matter it's the heart's response to that which is that bunker down escape and pull out this evil world i can't handle this evil world anymore they buried their gift in the ground they're expecting a reward for that they'll be shocked they don't know their father they are saved they don't know their father expressing that nature okay and let's say the other extreme is called a preterism which means all of the book of revelation happened by 70 a.d and the antichrist was defeated when um uh and that was the antichrist was the roman emperor of that time or a general they choose one or the other and then defeated yep and now we're in the millennial reign now it just describes the time well i thought the millennium reigned a little bit better than this okay but that's but the point is it's gonna get better and better and better and better okay and that's your sold response that situation you may be in for a shock hey you're a bad historian but b what's going to happen coming up next may not be better in millennial rain terms it may if you're in a church mindset get a lot worse you won't be ready for it when prepared yourself because the antichrist is a seedline yep it resists the christ resists the messiah it resists the good son the true son of a loving father that's what it's against and repeats itself over and over again you saw over and over again in the old testament shadrach meshach and abednego everyone must worship this thing that's it that's that seedline yep and they said god will save us if he doesn't he's still the lord most high yep that's perfect that's great we have god's a loving father and this is what he will do if he doesn't do that i promise you still a loving father that's our heart yeah okay so there's many antichrists let's look 1 john 2 1 john 2 18. children it is the last hour and as you've heard that the antichrist is coming so now many antichrists have come therefore we know it's the last hour okay so there is probably going to be an antichrist because that seed line must come to its full head be pulled out okay outside that is the pattern that repeats itself okay if you were in germany you didn't join the national socialist party you couldn't buy seller trade if you were in russia you didn't join the communist party you couldn't buy a stellar trade you're in country south australia where i told you before and you weren't part of the freemasons you couldn't have a business you were invited to things you could have court cases it's the same system and now in china they've got a social credit score if you obey the government and speak well of them at all times your social credit score goes down and you lose your job and you can't catch the train and you can't get a loan and you're trapped by your phone and then australia's social credit score to get certain things yep it's control and all it's doing is using the technology that's available and that's what's going to happen again and right now is having a good hard shot at it yep okay there's nothing to fear one john four one to four test the spirits beloved first ones to children now it's a beloved okay this is good do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from god for many false prophets have gone out into the world many by this you know the spirit of god every spirit that confesses jesus christ has come in the flesh is from god and every spirit that does not confess jesus is not from god this is the spirit of the antichrist which you have heard was coming and now is in the world already little children you are from god and overcome them you've already overcome okay that's your nature but he was in you is greater than his he is in the world he who is in you is greater than he is in the world okay it doesn't matter if it's a little antichrist the antichrist supersized antichrist it doesn't matter but here's a good point jesus christ has come in the flesh okay the antichrist can't say that because it's the record here is a point that we'll be making the only antichrist you need to worry about is the antichrist in you that's it you have to worry about your president or the opposition or that guy or that guy or that tech guy or that industrial guy have to worry about those guys you want nothing in common the thing in you that says murder revenge or lie and being nice is lying murder revenge that is religion of the devil it's a control mechanism you're not you you can't be you you can't be christ you yeah that's worth getting rid of the only issue is the antichrist in you the pope that they consider the antichrist and maybe that system is i'm here to comment on that but luther said the only pope the only great pope i'm worried about is the great pope in me yeah so he's directly referring to this history what's in you yup if you're love you're a life-giving spirit fine you have nothing in common you bless your enemies the opposite to this father here i found this quote and i lost it i found it again i lost it again but it does exist spurgeon said spurgeon's only problem in spurgeon yeah and that's the idea of it this is this is my only problem chris's only problem is chris i have a problem well my problem is me what's engaging me you know why i'm upset why am i triggered if i was christ that thing is triggering me i won't be triggered if the love of the father was in that area of my life yeah and that's oh wow that's interesting so what do you do you come in the opposite you come in the kingdom that becomes about your father what happened when people rebelled on him he laid his life down for them before the foundation he lays life down for them that's you that's your nature uh knight was betrayed he gave up his body he washed their feet now you know that's you that's your true nature that's what you do and that removes this and you've got nothing in common you've overcome the world you've overcome the world the earth the soil that record in you yep you're one god you're like your father in heaven we all know the story of uh revelation two and three the letters to the church so here's a thing that was always known in the church now it's gone not some amazing revelation i've discovered and pulled out it's just something we always knew revelation 2 and 3 the lives of the church rewards those who overcome yep you all know that story that's those guys who change their dna the seven overcomes there are changing your dna they're the things that man needs to overcome so we'll pull up that first picture there and i took this um these pictures from a crypt called active christianity i don't know who they are but they got they had some cool pictures there's seven promises for overcoming and you can read the book of revelation and see what was good and against them and jesus is talking to them okay these are new testament verses talking to the church you know behold i stand at the door and knock that's written to christians it's not a salvation verse it's written to the church yep it's written to church but these are the uh that's pretty small that's a tree of life okay here's a promise for those who overcome you can go read read it for yourself blessed is the person who reads this book he who has an ear let me hear what the spirit of the church is saying says the churches to him whoever comes i'll give to eat from the tree of life which in the midst the paradise of god okay we can go back through that flame eat the tree of life and live forever it's great to overcome and uh previous generations maybe had to overcome every love of god well just the stick in this carrot okay a stick might be coming all right what an opportunity to become love to start forgiving so eat from the tree of life that's a good one number two oh that's bigger the second the second overcome he who has an ear let me hear what the spirit says to the churches he whoever comes shall not be hurt by the second death well i'm ahead of you okay you're doing a great job jonathan thank you thanks so much yeah you'll be safe all right there's no judgment you've overcome there's nothing in your body okay there's nothing you are like him your dna has changed you are a loving father all right number three all right to him overcomes i'll give some of the hidden manner to eat i wonder that'd be amazing now we'll give him a white stone and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it forever you have a secret name between you and him this is the he whoever comes not for he who was saved okay it's for he whoever comes now sometimes jesus overcame for me so i'm overcome i say well did jesus clean his teeth for you like you have to not clean your teeth anymore like that's a logical fallacy that's what i'm saying there's a there's a chance to respond to the gospel this great gospel we've been given it's become like stephen he got given great power he wasn't used to crush people in fact he laid his life down for people i'm not interpreting these things like the white stone that's between you and god okay number four and he who overcomes and keeps my works until the end to him i'll give the power over all the nations he shall rule them with a rod of iron they shall be dashed to pieces like potter's vessels as i also have received from my father i will give him the morning star these are big promises when it says he shall rule with a rather of iron for him overcomes jesus is quoting a messianic psalm psalm 2 i believe from memory so a psalm about the messiah he's quoting about you he's taking this messianic psalm and said that's yours now just spoke of me i found myself in the scriptures and now it speaks of you jesus had to overcome and that's how we walk the same walk as jesus we find ourselves in scriptures we believe it and commit our spirits to god he will do it he is faithful this is what the church used to know okay this is this is church knowledge number five whoever comes shall be clothed in white garments and i would not blot out his name from the book of life wow but i will confess his name before my father and before his angels okay jesus is going to talk about you here he's doing remember david says i will not keep quiet in the assembly okay about you lord favor has been returned god's going to confess your name before god and all those beings around there how am i becoming like your father that's overcoming you can read these are more specific like um like tolerating jezebel jesus says you're a great church you're amazing these are the this i have against you you tolerate jezebel not celebrate not act not worship you let it be there you cannot tolerate manipulation and control and the killing of the prophets and jezebel is not necessarily female it just is in that character story yeah the sixth promise whoever comes i'll make him a pillar in the temple of my god and he shall go out no more oh my goodness you'll be in the presence of god forever yeah this is better than having a mansion in the other courts if you want to look at it that way better as one day in that house yeah than any place elsewhere i would be a sweeper in the court of god he whoever comes i'll make him a pillar in the temple of my god and he shall go out no more i'll write on him the name of my god and the name of the city of my god the new jerusalem which comes down out of heaven from my god now right on him my new name so you get your new name you get jesus's new name yeah and the city jerusalem is the city of god okay this is his city there's lots of cities going on lots of things going on in the what's to come and you can be in the presence of god a pillar in that house forever by blessing your enemies while they're killing you you don't have to that's not exactly you know what someone's speaking against you anything you're speaking against you that's judgment you can overcome in that moment number seven the last one to him whoever comes i will grant to sit with me on my throne as i also overcame and sat down with my father on his throne so jesus said i ever came and i sat down with my father on his throne then you get to sit with me on my throne there's no girly bride chair okay we see on his throne there's only one throne not the throne for the bribe but he who overcomes sits on christ's throne a lot more i can say about that but more you're on the naughty preachers list let's ask you a question just don't put your hands up who is gonna be uh a wedding guest at the feast of the lamb to think about that yes or no okay he made a decision on that so he's gonna be a wedding guest okay and who's gonna be the bride okay interesting jesus is coming back for a bride he will not be unevenly yoked it looks like him you can take this land he has said just leave once for you you can do it all right cool man oh we're done so well all right how are we going good it's been five days of teaching and new concepts and new neural pathways as thin as a hair okay but your glial cells are myelinating neural networks they're going to become super highways yeah yeah okay we bring up 1 john 6 45-48 this is it god wants to be believed on his word so i'm going to talk about now when i finish off by talking about the invisible word the invisible god this is a concept that we need to understand god is invisible he's asking you will you love me for who i am i'm an invisible god who expresses himself as word and we just want manifestation because we think you better jesus stayed you know it's better i left that you believe my word and my spirits with you you can't taste touch you know it's not a taste touch filled thing with spirit he reminds you of word and that's who god is saying will you love me if you get it by the word then no flesh is involved it's received as a gift you believe the word your angel has gone to work because they love to perform the word and you live as a spirit being as you will for all your life and in doing that which obey the spirit you modify the flesh you become a son of god you live as a son of god but you are son of god it overrides you if you let a promise go through which requires patience as opposed to reach with your own hand which is opposite of patience was keep it to say wrath to reach with your own hand reaching your own hand is the original problem believing the word fixes it up now jesus fixed it up for us forever but you want that to come to earth you incarnate the word by patience you believe it god will do it you go to bed you wake up it grows versus stalk then the head then the grain you just wait for the word to do the work no flesh it comes from another place doesn't matter if there's a four hour line up at walmart your store comes from another place in fact you're the reserves for other people okay it is written in the prophets oh yeah and they will be taught by god wow we don't even believe that do we all right that's jeremiah 31 31 that's the new testament new covenant everyone who has heard and learned from the father comes to me not that anyone has seen the father except he who is from god he has seen the father truly trusted you whoever believes has eternal life on the bread life nobody has seen the father okay we're seeing glory bodies okay but no one has seen the father except jesus can bring up deuteronomy 4 15 to 20. therefore watch yourselves very carefully since you saw no form okay nothing is to taste touch and see on the day of the lord spoke to you at horeb out in the midst of the fire beware lest you act corruptly by making a carved image for yourself in the form of any figure okay because you saw no form you didn't believe the word you couldn't believe a word so you saw no form so you made something that's what we do that's that's the same process now yep in the likes of any figure male or female the locks of any animal that is on the earth and any wing creature flies in the air et cetera the likeness of anything that creeps on the ground the likes of any fish water and beware lest you raise your eyes to heaven and when you see the sun and the moon the stars the host of heaven you be drawn away and bow down to them and serve them things that the lord your god has allotted to the peoples under the whole heaven but the lord has taken you and brought you out of the iron furnace out of egypt be a people his own inheritance as you are this day so everyone's saying i've chosen you okay you were you used to you your dad was torah used to worship idols i chose you abraham and i worshipper to say i'm the real god leave your land always leave the land pick a fight get some new land with those with those guys okay he says but you saw no form do you love me for who i am you made something yep it goes on talk about how god's jealous of idols you read that forward he calls it jealousy he doesn't say it's a sin it doesn't say it's a crime okay doesn't that's a moral failure he's jealous he wants their heart to believe him for who he is don't make an idol it's another lover that's the words he always uses yep all right exodus 32 1 exodus 32 1. we're just seeing old testament new testaments the same issue when the people saw that moses delayed to come down from the mountain it's taking too long how is the promise received by faith and patience yep okay patience is the opposite of the flesh in fact the longer it takes will learn the minute the better it is for your emotions yeah that patience is the is the heat heats the chocolate to say that when the people saw that moses delayed to come down the mountain the people gathered themselves together to aaron and said to him up make us gods that shall go before us as for this moses the man who brought us out of egypt landed land of egypt we will not know what has become of him okay paid no patience they saw no form they wanted idols they couldn't wait long while the idols that's us dealing with the word okay we see this we go don't do it okay that's us don't do it don't reach for something rely on the promise at the moment we've got lots of options we live within our faith that's okay some of those options for life may be taken from us some things may not be available we used to have a ability to that we're sources for us great opportunity to start living more and more by our promise than by taste touch and see yep all right second peter one three the four okay this is it if you live by the promise the antichrist has nothing in common with you you live by a promise there's no fear of death okay if you're a death is not the evil one by the promises of the nature of the father living by a word the word will produce the fruit then what does he have i'm gonna take away your food business your job and taking your cash away what they're doing now it doesn't matter if the risen christ was here would he be worried that there's no cash he never recognized lack neither you he never recognized death neither do you like my dream what are the gates of hell anything to do with death we only speak life and god will deliver you and give you life if he doesn't he's still the loving father i believe your word into your hands i commit my spirit he couldn't raise himself he relied on the on the nature of the father who he said he was his divine power has granted us all things that pertain to life and godliness here's a word to believe all things pertaining to life so it doesn't matter what happens your soul might shake it's attached to a few systems and your body's attached to a few systems great opportunity all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence by which he has granted us his precious and very great promises so that through them through what promises god's promise is him remember his word is his deed okay from from the book of enoch not scripture that's true his word is his deed there's no separation between the two if he says it it is as has revealed himself a promise is him when you don't believe his word you actually don't believe him at his core nature the one who loves you he's a wild lover he wants to be known for who he is and then we reach for another something else a fallen substitute that has death worth into it he wants us to live by his promise by his word but which he has granted us his precious promises and very great promises his precious and very great promises so through them you may become partakers of the divine nature particles of divine nature is there a greater thing not when you die and go to heaven now how by believing a word when the word does the work when the word produces okay you partake in the divine nature having escaped from the corruption that's in the world because of sinful desire people worry about ah the world's gonna get worse it's getting corrupt simple desire you can escape it by believing promises please put up hebrews 11 verse 5. just to tie this all back to where we started by faith enoch was taken up so he should not see death and he was not found because god had taken him now before he was taken he was commended as having pleased god remember enoch he started following god after he had the son this is our father loves he got it he called god good made declaration on god's character so this means adam could have gone back into eden because he's great great great great great seventh grandson did he could go good because he pleased god what pleases god faith believing a word all right let's turn off my alarm here perfect we're going to believe a word and this is how it works the enjoyment is in the fact that that is god's nature kirby in explaining this said if you know kirby's story he wasn't necessarily a good boyfriend or a good husband yep and he's very clear on that and sometimes very clear on that um um at one of these birthdays fiona says i'm gonna bake you a cake okay and i don't think fiona's a cakey type of person and he was so amazed that his wife was the type of person that back him a cake he's she said i'm gonna bake you a cake he's like my wife is gonna bake me a cake on my birthday he couldn't believe that's amazing to him he learned something about her nature he never knew this and she's going to go do it she's going to bake him a cake and he enjoyed the fact that was his wife's nature whether or not she she cooked the cake or not didn't matter to him okay because humans maybe don't get around to it the point is that was her nature he enjoyed the fact that was her nature the promises if you love the promise you enjoy the promise it's yours forever i don't say people's full name so don't associate them with my teaching in case they won't be associated with me but i want to give honorable honours due so i'm always in this balance here okay so a guy called ian a guy called joseph both bring up this point when you receive a miracle that's the last time you can enjoy that promise i was like what that makes sense to me that's the last time once that word has collapsed into wave into frequency into into particle once you've seen it once it's materialized okay it's done it means great and that's also good okay god answers our prayers and we have great joy okay he loves to give us the answers to our prayers we're saying but that's also lasting that you love the fact you enjoy the promise if you by faith you faith in the mercedes mercedes mercedes mercedes mercedes mercedes whatever verse you're using okay if you say you've got it whatever it is uh you know you will see that thing et cetera et cetera and it come you you pray and maybe you're fasting for blah blah blah mercedes comes ah that's easy and someone says but you need to pay tax on that and then you insure it oh need another 10 grand faith faith faith that comes in oh but then now you need to pay for it and then you need to pay for its repairs need to pay for its petrol you've got faith at the end yep all your kids get sick and you pray believe believe believe believe believe believe believe and you fast and fast and the kid gets better boo he has better thank you lord and that kid comes in i'm sick too now okay you're looking for the manifestation your heart is in the collapsed particle your heart is in the idle of the answered prayer you want something taste touch and see i'm talking about that's your source of your joy that's the source i'm saying that's the source not saying it's wrong i'm saying it's twisted yeah remember the twisting in the garden of eden it was beautiful to look at useful to eight the devil started use with eight beautiful look at twisted them yeah i saw the a horrible thing in israel today i saw a slave running a donkey where the prince walked beside him someone's saying that's twisted that's a horrible thing something's out of order here that's the other order the answer if the answer is your joy if the answer is the evidence of god's love for you okay it's now an eyeless become your source and that will hurt you if you get it ah you can't do it again but if your source if your joy is loving the fact that god is the type of guy that would do that for you and that's your joy then you're in joy forever because you love his nature not his act and this is the rest this is the difference this is the son of god faith you know the faith okay this is faith we love his word we love his promise and we enjoy it we enjoy the promise we enjoy his word and so if you believing you love the fact that god will get you a new car you love that about him when a new car comes you go ah no you still love who he is you love who he is and your kid is sick but you know that god is the type of god that would heal you that has healed your child okay and when he's better that kid comes in sick nothing changes you love him for who he is if you love him for who he is that word that undoes all this in your soul and your body it's been done in your spirit done perfect it is finished but believe in the word that patience patience heaven loves patience god when you're going to do this in 7 000 years awesome that's so wise they love it so you you actually love patience it's the fruit of the spirit in you it's the same as love love patience patience you love it you just enjoy the word that's who he is forever could get frustrated i haven't seen that manifest in my life but your god is type of god that would do that for you it's based on his character alone you love his word he has nothing to do with you it's just received you love his word what's happening word is seed that frequency is going in you and overriding all these things and you are transfigured your body has changed you've incarnated the word the scree the scriptures speak of you yeah and god is the type of god that always performs his word and he will do it and if he doesn't you know by our understanding or timing whatever he's still that god into your hands i commit my spirit yep all right let's pray you are a loving father the loving father we declare in the assembly you are a loving father we have no fears of the day that come you've overcome the world are you in us is greater than he is in the world we are your loved little children the beloved we are the children we are the beloved of god we are safe and we look at our bodies and we say to our body christ has come in the flesh christ has come in the flesh lord i speak over these people here and i declare them you are an overcomer you walk in the fullness of the stature of christ in your lifetime you will overcome that revelation says seven times perfect overcoming you will sit on the throne of jesus the same way he sat on his father's throne i'm declaring it mark these people our angels we honor you and we're going to start living by the word and god's going to teach us you know bring us into situations we have a chance to live by the word and each child the way they should go you know our souls know our histories and you will take each one the way we should go we are going to love you for who you are without form you saw no form with patience invisible god no one's seen you except jesus himself has seen the father and we love that about you we love that about you we love the way you revealed yourself we love your heart we love that idolatry is adultery to be we love that about you that you love us so much we love it lord we love you for who you are and we love that we're in your image we want to grow up and be exactly like you i speak over these people and every word they've heard i speak over this theories lord that's been put out there i ask that you just cleanse it through and be heard with a good heart and understood and where i've expressed it clumsily or otherwise i know holy spirit you can make up the gap and i honor these people for being a landing place their bodies have heard the word a lending place to restore this truth that's always been known i say this gospel will be a fruit a hundred fold in their lives father we choose to be like you we'll lay our lives down on behalf of the guilty bless those who persecute us and pray that they not be not their sins may not be held against them and that nature comes from you and we can take this land you have given it to us praise you jesus praise you for the blood the lamb slain before the foundation amen amen so the final left final f is the new foundation it's a new foundation while we're yet sons what we will become we do not know thank everyone very very good [Music] you
Channel: As He Is Ministries
Views: 16,723
Rating: 4.915493 out of 5
Keywords: god, kabbalah, michaleheiser, aliens, pyramids, biblical, doctrine, enoch, babel, cherub, giants, mystery, seraph, principalities, apocrypha, angels, dna, devil, bible, fallenangels, nephilim, mystic, towerofbabel, technology, seraphim, powers, satan, hermon, heiser, gods, mysticism, saint, genesis, cain, abel, blood, jesus, christ, cross, mistic, mystics, father, son, holy, spirit, trinity
Id: jnzGNxnoyqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 53sec (7013 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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