The Supernatural Power of Sonship Pt. 1

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thank you for choosing this resource by Creflo and taffy dollar our goal is to provide an understanding of God's grace and empower change now listen to the gospel talk with simplicity and understanding and watch it change your life if you have your Bibles this morning go with me to the book of Genesis chapter one and verse 26 I this I'm gonna call this series the supernatural power of sonship the supernatural power of sonship now I'd like to spend my time the majority of my time this morning talking about that word supernatural I've noticed that a lot of church folks always praying from miracles and somebody said to a friend of mine he said he didn't believe in miracles and he responded you will when you need one so I'm not against miracles but I believe that living in perpetual blessings it's higher than miracles I don't want to have to have a miracle to eat my dinner every night I don't have to have a miracle to pay my rent or to pay my bills I want to know how to live in perpetual blessings I want to know how to live above natural things and you know with this kind of new way of thinking that has come into the earth we've come to a place where we're somewhat challenged and believing that you know to be holy means not to be common with everybody else in other word just because everybody else is doing that way thinking that way living that way that that's not what God would have you to do that we have to understand that he's called us to live above the natural systems and operations of this world and if we become content with just living you know in the natural system now you are physical beings and you live in the physical world but there are spiritual laws that will help keep you operating above the natural and I call that supernatural and sometimes we we've received the idea that we're just mere human beings and there is God and then that's there there there we are and there's something to be said that if you think like mere human beings then you're gonna be subject to all the things that mere human beings are subject to and you will find yourself hoping for stuff only to bump into hopelessness because you lack these three things identity you lack these three things approval you lack these three things acceptance identity approval acceptance and when you don't understand who you are and you don't understand sonship you will struggle in your performance and in yourself effort trying to achieve Who am I am I approve have I been accepted and until you come into your sonship there are certain responsibilities that cannot be given to people who don't understand and who have not settled identity approval and acceptance few years ago we begin to talk about this thing about God what do you want me to do and God said who are you because they introduced you asking God about the responsibilities of your life until you find out the identity of your life listen to me carefully now I'm trying to ease into this but my first statement is very strong and the next one and the next one and the next one and then we'll be ready to go but in the absence of knowledge darkness prevails when knowledge is not there darkness will be there let me show it to you this way at nighttime when light is not there darkness will be there and in the absence of knowledge darkness will prevail it's when you don't know something and you don't bother to try to know it that you begin to operate in a way that you think it's all right because in comparing yourself everybody else is doing that way and the absence of knowledge may I may have you for example opening your mouth up and talking about how bad it is how bad you are and how you might not be living you don't understand that death and life is in the power of the tongue in the absence of that knowledge you'll start opening your mouth up destroying your life because when when knowledge is not there darkness will prevail in the absence of knowledge and things you don't know and I see it all the time but people that are walking around and they and really they they really crammed themselves as being intelligent but in the absence of the knowledge of God you've taken on the secular humanistic view of the world and you are you are you are aiding in your destruction and you're aiding in all of these terrible things because darkness will win when knowledge is not there and I'm not talking about the knowledge that you get from from the universities I'm talking about godly spiritual knowledge I'm talking about the light of God's Word and when the light of God's Word is present darkness cannot prevail so with every situation that happens in your life as a Christian you've got to ask yourself this what does the word say about this and some when darkness wants to show up and prevail against you it is your persistence that says what does the word have to say I'm not gonna move out into the words listen what's the word I'd say about this was word I've said about that what does the word after sale buy back do you know you begin to train yourself to begin to go quickly to the Word of God why because when knowledge is presence present darkness cannot prevail but what's happening in the life even in the life of most Christians its darkness is winning because you you don't have any you've not exalted the knowledge of God where it needs to be it's in fact in this day and time you have churches that are not interested in growing in the knowledge of God's work they just want to be inspired they want to have you know a new age experience where we go to church and get out in 45 minutes and there's no altar call and ain't nobody laying hands and don't talk in tongues because we don't believe in that we want to go to a you know a setting where it satisfies up us but I don't want to satisfy your natural I want to challenge your natural so you'll get tired of living on the level of mere mortals and come on up and be where God's called you to be but it starts with this it starts with this simple basic truth that we live by the Word of God and as Christians we conduct ourselves by the Word of God yeah but I don't like to read well listen to it on tape we don't have tape anymore listen to it all you don't even know what you listen to no more just listen to it but it's been made available I hear people talk and I think oh my god isn't that so sad they don't have a clue that darkness is prevailing and one day when I see them again darkness will have had some victory of their life because they have no initiative to find out the knowledge concerning this thing why is it that divorce is higher in the church than it is in the world because church folks won't get the right knowledge ohad live together so you got to say man you can say old me so we must come to the point at this point in time in 2019 you're going to see an abundance of ignorance with the wisdom of God is concerned it's already started and when there's an abundance of ignorance where the Word of God is concerned confusion takes place but where the Spirit of the Lord is you're going to be liberated from the performance and self effort of the law and you'll be put in a place where you'll begin to see and understand what other people cannot see and understand why because you believe that in every situation that everything that goes on me even when I'm listening there's a there's a spiritual alignment that needs to take place do you know when when your mind your soul and your body doesn't line up with your spirit your life is gonna be out of line sickness can come depression can come disease can come because you're out of line and you know what happens when a Christian tries to live is life soul and body and ignore the spirit part of them we have to tell the truth that I have to preach the truth this year at all costs if everyone if everybody in here decides to leave because I'm preaching the truth I will sell this building to the city of Fulton County turn it into a civic center and keep preaching it why I already know who I am why God's already to prove me I don't need nobody else's approval now I gotta bring you where I am because I'm trying not to leave you this year as far as go up to another level here but I'm weird one and you say now why he'd do that now here's the next statement what you see of your physical self is not too real you it's only a covering what you see of your physical self is not the real you in fact let me say this folks whatever is not working in your life is not God's fault whatever is not working in your life is not God's fault the problem is your knowledge is inadequate that's a strong statement you mean to tell me what's not working in my life you're trying he's trying to say it's not God's fault or we blame the devil it's not the devil's fault no it's your knowledge that is inadequate what happens in the life of a person when you have inadequate knowledge you ever heard somebody say this well I did all I knew to do except settle down to think maybe I didn't know enough you doing all you knew to do what what is that it's just saying to you over and over again your knowledge is inadequate so you can afford not to spend time with God really you can afford nothing to read your word really you're gonna for it not to come to church really well pastor I feel like you're condemning me no I'm not trying to condemn you I'm trying to enlighten you Oh what's going on so in every issue of my life I'm not looking to God and say God that's your fault and every issue of my life I'm looking at God and say enlighten me show me there's something I don't know there is something I don't understand help me to see how is it that we meet people who are so arrogant to think it's God's fault and I ain't gonna do with it you see people when crazies and stuff happen in life you hear people all the time hey prevent senior while go to church on trust I'll believe in God no more why because God let that happen no you can't never ever blame God for what happens it's not God's fault for what's happened it's something about God and something about the system that you are inadequate when your knowledge is concerned and your inadequacy where your knowledge is concerned is allowing things to prevail in your life because of what you don't know you don't want no church in here nobody teach the Word of God or tell you about the word you want to be you want to be entertained you want to the same old same old stuff that Entertain You God is a rock in a weary land he's a shelter in the time I ain't gonna get it let go get it you've got to feed your spirit with the Word of God what is it that's gonna get me hold on man what is it gonna get me what is it this will get me to church every Sunday is it gonna be the music gotta cry now it's gonna be the lights in the place now what gets me to church is revelation baby it's the revelation of God's Word it's the enlightenment of God's Word it's an explosion of understanding that gets on the inside of me that when I walk out of here I now understand something I didn't know when I walked in here that's what gets me to church that's what gets me to church when it's raining when it's snowing and when they said it's flooding outside I got to get some revelation praise God and it didn't always come from the pulpit that revelation can come through the fellowship you have with one another it's alright to look at it on the street but both you can get here amongst the Brethren ain't no telling who God will use to come and give you something that you need in your life because I've still since forsake not the Assembly there's something about this assembly but this generation is trying to knock out the assembly well I can do it on streem you can't do it on streem you live miles away you live in another country you live in another state something going on with your life you at work this morning you can but if at all possible that you can come together in the assembly doesn't a corporate anointing that works in the assembly praise God that you can't get on YouTube Facebook or none of them other stuff something about the assembly that that you can feel a thing you can sense a thing you you hear something in the assembly the word that's gone forth and in this past December night light I know something now learn something last Sunday that when I have a loved one to go home to be with the Lord it's what I recognize spiritually speaking let's go set me on top of anything that happens in this physical natural world oh oh yeah just I'll just say how great that I just worship God thank you Jesus so the problem is not God is that your knowledge is inadequate so when your attempt to try to make God look like he's a failure trying to make God look like he's stupid trying to make God look like he don't know what he talked about just back up and say I just did some stuff I just don't understand and I'm gonna pray for some light so what you see if your physical self is not the real you it's only a covering the real you is the spirit I said the real use of spirit you are divine in nature you are divine in nature you have been created in the very image of God you are I'm going somewhere with this you are divine in nature which means you right now our supernatural beings but the wrapping makes you think that you are just a natural being you're a three-part being you are first well well let me correct that you are a spirit say I am a spirit you possess the soul I possess a soul you're wrapped in a physical body my body is the house that I live in you know if you see your best friend of something and you know the car and you see the car going down the street you might say devil feel that's not exactly Thiel that's the car he rides in just like when you see me I walk there there's pasture no this is just the car ride and this is just the house I live here you ain't met me not to real me listen to me carefully now Genesis chapter 1 and 26 I'm gonna bring you back to something that God tried to get into earth 25 years ago and people had to fit now just cause people have a fit don't mean I'm gonna stop preaching it I might just chill out a little bit until they can give you a little time to do it but I'm always come back to it this is what's stopping people from operating above the natural the limitations of their view of the natural it's stopping them and and containing them in the inner natural place I am Telling You you are supernatural beings and because you're supernatural beings you can be in control of certain things that happen in the natural but until you recognize that you are supernatural beings you will be subject to the same things that people whose mindset keeps them trapped in the natural and this year I need you to come on up and look at the stuff that's happened in your natural and remind yourself I'm a supernatural being I operate by laws that can control this but you won't do that because I keep hearing stuff well you know we just human and I'm just a man I just I'm not standing there no more I'm done with this thing about just human I am a born again man I am what makes when I'm up when I be when I got born again and even before then God has created me - I have God's divine nature I am a supernatural being I cannot be contained you understand what I'm saying in the natural and all natural things came from a spirits of God and and everything that you see came from something that you didn't see and you have access to that round and you won't you won't live in it because you know to me that just don't make sense but it makes faith and God said let us make man how you know what hmm so what part of us is in God's image spirit but then he said this he says and then let's make man like us and then he said and once we give him our image and once we give him our likeness let's give him our authority let's give him our Dominion let's give it my authority let's give him the right to command that's what Authority is the right to command he didn't create you to put up with he created you to be on watch this a while changes [Applause] some of y'all ain't change nothing the last fitted somehow hot year been waiting for the good men to do it for you if you recognize your Dominion and authority you'll change the government instead of waiting for the government to change but you won't receive who you are your identity until you learn your sonship you're not going to be trusted with certain responsibilities coz I can put responsibility in a hand of a person who doesn't understand that he's a son and you're still operating as a servant Moses was a faithful servant servants operate under the law Jesus was a faithful son hallelujah Jesus was a faithful son about in the covenant of grace we believe in Jesus which makes us a son so the son of God became the son of man when he took a body on only so that the Son of Man could become the sons of God [Music] y'all don't understand what I'm saying y'all don't know somebody cool cuz I'm not now so give him Dominion give him a party over the fish of the sea give him Dominion and authority over the fowl of the air give him Dominion and authority over the cattle the right to command over all of the earth the right to command over all of the earth the right to command over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth which means the right to command every creep 27 27 so God created man how now somebody else is in this in the image of a statue God created man in his wat he created man in his own image in the image of God created he him now watch this now I need you to understand this throughout the rest of the series when I say him or when I say sonship I am NOT talking about male only see when I say servant it's not male only so when I use the phrase sonship it's not male only its female and I'm saying this because I don't want to have to be conscious throughout the series that every time I say son you know the son of God I gotta say a daughter of God because I think he's been messed up that we're we're thinking you know it's it's it's it's gender inequality he made them he called the specie of male and female man one with a womb and one without one or when you see the female species its whoa man either way it's the specie of man and he created he created him male and female male and female made in his image male and female made in his likeness male and female having the authority ain't no way in the world is it ever gonna be right to say only a man has the authority to cast out a devil honey I don't know what you've been looking at but there's something women around here who have gotten ahold of their authority and they'll cast the devil out of you in a moment there's no way God ever put it to one gender and ignore the other every authority every Dominion that God has made available to the specie of man he has made it available to the female man just as much as the male man which means the female man can operate in any anointing or call or gifting that God has made available to the specie [Applause] and he created them and his image in his likeness and gave him a party and gave them Dominion and gave them control gave them control gave them control turning your neighbors say you're in control well my brother dollar God is in control I mean you heard that God see that there there it is the absence of knowledge will cause darkness to prevail so now the absence of the knowledge that you have been given control is what's allowing darkness to prevail and you're being whipped because you have the control and the Dominion and the authority and you don't know it and you don't use it so one who doesn't have Dominion and authority takes advantage of your ignorance and darkness prevails because you who have the Dominion and authority won't do nothing and won't Satan nothing because you think oh well I see the problem but God is in control and God says yes but I've given you for six thousand year at least I've given you control you can control the earth you grow if God was in control then God would be responsible for all this mess that's going on in our world today you don't believe God would be responsible for every war you can go all the way back to a Revolutionary War God would be responsible for all of that why is all that stuff happening in the earth where all these crazy things happening in the earth you look at society today you look at entitlement today you look at all these things that are going on at all it's either God or the devil and what you don't understand is that when God moved you in on the planet he gave you the key [Music] and you won't lock up nothing and you will unlock nothing you just sit back back and that darkness prevails it prevails because you won't accept and receive I have authority yeah no you won't you sit up then listen to the news men talk about a tornado coming straight to your house and you know you go hide never even dawned on you to go on the front porch and announce to that creation listen here I don't know if you got the memo but I have been given Dominion and authority in the name of Jesus so now in Jesus name I command you right now to cease right now your movement not a bit of my house will be destroyed in the name of Jesus you thought about doing that why cuz you don't recognize who you are you won't you won't believe it you won't receive who you are so you Apple you operate as a mere man a mere mortal a mere human who's been given the authority of God meaning the likeness of God made in the image of God but because you got an afro that just can't be true [Applause] I cannot go to heaven and look at my father in the face and know that what he gave me as his son I didn't receive it because I didn't really believe or ever believed that I had a right to sonship I mean I heard him say it yeah we are children of God he has something with that I'm gonna deal with that tomorrow the children of God children operate by the law sons operate by Greece a child even though he might be an heir do you understand until he leaves the law and get into the grace of God he's only an heir apparent he's a pray he's a Prince Charles Prince job looking at him mama said she never gonna go nowhere cause he can't be an heir until she go oh he can be as an heir apparent but that's not you the day you got born again I'll show it to you later I'm Way ahead of myself but the day you got born again you became my heir that day you the word translated adoption is a word that means a an adult child excuse me an adult son it's not adoption like in the natural you adopting somebody else with another parents DNA when God adopted you he created in you that exact D and E [Applause] I can't look at God and no you gave me in a sense the throne the right to command and I continue to act like a servant servants sweat to try to get the approval of their father sons already have it and with no sweat they just do what they know the father do God will never break his covenant he will never break his promises new covenant with you you will always be a son in the house of God and you'll always be loved by God in his house no matter what my children will be my children I don't care what they do might you tell me to go to hell they still gonna be mine and they will be forever loved but you allow that the religion to tell you that what you did was enough to cause God to break his promise and stop loving you and to no longer consider you a son of his house so you keep going back and forth with who you are I'm a son one day oh I've been throwing that I'm a son one day I'm a house lady you remember the field negro and the house Negro one day you feel like you a house Negro the next day you feel like you lay stop I am a son forever to be that whatever stupid thing you can do in your sonship God will be right there and do just like a father help you out a little bit as Abraham God know how to give you a little let alone y'all getting where I'm going you're going to go to another place you're gonna you're gonna dare look at a circumstance and instead of letting it master you you'll remind yourself wait a minute you don't control me I'll control you you look at sickness and disease say hold on a minute oh I'm not ready to go yet now in the name of Jesus now I'm gonna teach on that in this series - because you slippin over is one of the easiest thing that can happen sometimes people slip over don't even know they slipped over I personally know this 18 years ago I was in a car accident in Sacramento California when the car hit me I said let me keep my eyes open so I can see how this works just in case this is the last one I want to see the whole process the car hit it went airborne I kept my eyes open my eyes were open these angels came cross my eyes they the clothes and their skin is the same it's light and they can cross my eyes when the angels came across my eyes I didn't close it now my eyes there's a picture there right there I don't know they still had that picture but that's the car that hit us if you have the one of the thing the vehicle that we ran so that and that that's still the car that sheep that person passed that's the vehicle we wearing right there my eyes were wide open but I couldn't see what was in front of me what was in front of me shifted I'm now looking at a group of people coming towards me but they were out of focus I was coming towards them they were coming towards me just when I thought I was recognizing some of them our voice said no too much unfinished business everything looked reversed and my in front of me now I'm upside down seeing the car what happened what happened so before you want to get mad at God when a loved one went home to be with the Lord you don't know what they so we my grandmother what big momma went home to be with the Lord big bubble and then she turned to her left and she said oh that's so pretty she starts verbalizing what she saw scared my Uncle John he ran out the room that's so pretty oh look at him and she should go she's gone that's a temptation and God knew I couldn't he knew I couldn't wait to see the focus come in cause what I saw I might have slipped on over there you know what I'm saying but now that I'm here and I've kind of seen a glimpse but where I'm going somebody said how you know you're gonna go to I'm a son I'm a father forever son I'm forever son not about what I do and not even by my performance I am forever son get that I'm a son I've always been son in his house my son ship to stay in this house he will not evict me my performance doesn't make me a son he's giving me the power the word there means right and privilege to become son but now before I see my father face to face I want to make sure they operate above the natural and not operate in my likeness and in my image and in my dominion and in my authority and when stuff happen I pause see LA and I think what's the word say and then I respond in agreement with what that word says and I walk in authority of the believer and when you walk in the authority of the believer you are not talking to God about your problem you are talking to your problem about what God has already done well I thought you gonna finish the sermon on how to get free from hurt God is saying that until the truth of your divinity dawns on you and you walk in it you can't be in control you will be subjected to the same limitations as other mortals understanding your divine nature is the way to the release of the supernatural and this will give you the confidence you need to operate like God in the affairs of this life so understanding your sonship is the key to operating in this supernatural you see we live in a kingdom of choices not chances choices not chances your lot in life is determined by your choice and I choose to live as he's created me in my divine nature and not my physical body in nature so things are gonna get a little weird around here the Bible called us peculiar people well what makes you a peculiar person you ain't acting like everybody else something happen to you you respond totally different on a whole nother system than written everybody else it blows people mind something I said passed on what do you do when you lack something in the minister in your church what do you do give what yeah when I'm in need I saw I see that's what I do I don't care what your thing about prosperity that's what I do that's what I've been doing for almost 40 years I ain't gonna stop now what do you do when the doctor pronounces the sickness or something on you I rebelled against what he said and I say what God says let me show you something folks you already know how to operate or you already know how to activate the supernatural I've already talked to you things you you're not you're just not recognizing you're not people they they know spots of truth but they don't know how to how to accurately apply it in its in its in its con context real quick before my time's up I said this is this isn't really deep it's it's you already know how to activate the supernatural the issue is will you dilute will you do it and I'm telling you if you question your identity question whether or not you approve question why'd you accept it you're not going to activate it because you're gonna begin to operate in the law and work hard to try to perform and use your efforts to try to earn those things that come and are satisfied through sonship for example number one speaking God's word activates the supernatural this is heart speaking God's words do you know what happens when you start calling things that be not as though they were normal more in the natural they don't do that stuff happens or don't happen and it just kind of sit back but when you activate the supernatural and you'll receive who you are then you understand that when I speak God's Word I am activating supernatural things do you speak God's Word if you want to turn it on speak God's Word we keep saying what we have when we can have what we say we keep calling things that be instead of calling things that be not as though they were you activate the supernatural when you speak God's Word you know that just use that number two eight things they want to give me right now eight eight ways - eight steps to activate just assume financial things you know number - faith in the finished works of Jesus activate the supernatural faith in the finished works of Jesus activates the supernatural it is the mindset that says I already have something so I am NOT going to try to get God to do what he's already done I have faith that that's finished doctor says you are sick somebody says you are broke you say no I've already got that done it was done 2000 years ago on the cross you say oh I got to get God to forgive me for my sins so I need to go home and later lay in the floor for two hours so you can forgive me no no no no here's how you activate the supernatural I'm already forgiven you know powerful that is a divine supernatural being carrying himself not out of panic and desperation but out of confidence and faith it's already done yeah number three praying in the spirit activate supernatural what am I gonna say it like I want to see it praying in tongues three Beaupre stop that or both or activates the supernatural but you keep letting religious folks who don't even pray in the Holy Ghost tell you it don't exist and look at them I've been there with something you are the minister ken years ago took me to this apartment where all of these Maranatha members were around and they have people downstairs and upstairs and you know I just became saved I wasn't used to the turtleman coming up and hugging me I only hooked my dad about two or three times but as far as I can remember you know dude gonna come up hook me and do came my big old do big white guy came up and hugged me and when he went that way I'm like hold it do don't do that I don't play that back up I'm looking at King what is this man what is this feel like I'm in a cult all this weird stuff going on people hello brother how are you like banjo brother we got the same mama just so carnal and they realized yeah you're born again but you need the Holy Ghost I'm paying I said I thought y'all said I had to hold it goes when I got born again you do have the Holy Ghost with you you need an overflow with the evidence of speaking in tongues and they be going over there when you began to speak in tongues you begin to build yourself up you begin to pray for things you don't know about when you begin to speak in tongues wisdom is made available to you that you didn't even have and understand when you begin to speak in tongues I mean I said wow I'm interested so he set me down in a chair and he prayed and asked then I pray it after him and he said now speak I said what what you want me to say he said I'm not an English speaking cause I said I look I'll speak by Bond language English and then I must have had a little devil hanging around after I got saved you know about how was real resistance speak in the name the and then the do blames me to my devil come on I'm like it's on now boy were you calling the devil who you call him the devil crazy but I knew this was God and and I just struggled with it because the absences knowledge was causing darkness to prevail and I just knew I had to stick there so finally I got it and here's where was our first word in tongues Allah he said you got it I said you got to be kidding me a lot so I just what I had how many you know sometimes you just got to go what you got la la la lalala Lala fala Lala lalalala but he said don't say nothing that you know I said la la la la la la but it wasn't me doing the la la it was something different with this law been before and la la Lily who they cook I was like whoa what happened he said you received it I said can I do that anytime I want to he says not only can you do it when you want to but it's going to increase and it's gonna sound like you speaking another language and then he says in fact you will be speaking in a little land and the Holy Ghost teach you I'm bleeding on that man I went home and I closed the door make sure nobody went around and I started with them laws again la la la la la la baby they let it go but I looked up two hours they're going back so just cause you don't know about it doesn't mean it ain't real cause of your limited finite now but that turned on the supernatural in my life it turned on supernatural start giving me revelation open me up to a supernatural vision concerning this ministry I said an open-eyed vision that God knew he knew me and he took me into you remember mr. V's it was a club over there back counting wrong but don't y'all somethin [Music] like yeah I went to the club I came home my first year of college I took my mother to the club we went to the club and now looking over there some I know trying to hit on my mom cause you know you had to renew your mind I thought the club was the place you where happened where you meet folks all that I know God has some done you some of y'all realize but you came to a club this morning we're not drinking liquor but this Holy Ghost will get you high then that GMO we [Applause] hallelujah there's a new wine up in here in this clue somebody go walk on somebody that was what's going on with you girl I've been drinking that new you just don't know yet do you understand we can no longer have Church as usual that's over and the anointing is not just gonna be coming from the pulpit it's now gonna come from the congregation the gifts of the Spirit are gonna be turned on some of you got gifts that you didn't even know you had and there's gonna be a switch that's gonna be turned on by the Holy Ghost and you're gonna find yourself proper sign you will find yourself playing in total outside the church you will be find yourself calling things you don't find yourself walking in the supernatural people that's been there for 20 years supposed to get there then the promotion and you've been there for two years and God supernaturally promoted you that'll be some things happening praise God because you've received your identity your acceptance your approval [Applause] y'all better get ready [Applause] hi TV Jake's used to say something years ago get ready get ready get ready get get get get ready number four patience will activate the supernatural patience I'm sitting on the beach writing this down I mean you can see it right there and whatever I say where's Carl you know Haim brookside staying at the motel 6 [Applause] [Laughter] so I'm on the beach in the low speaking he said there are we didn't know how to turn it super that's all there's no deep thing it's just recognizing what you got and it said patience now patience this is not worldly patience patience in the world is defined as putting up with you in traffic well you just you know just be patient you're putting up with traffic no Bible definition of patience is being consistently constantly the same about what you believe in God for or what you're standing on from his word so if the word says you're healed then you're gonna stay the same about believing you're healed when the pain going to come when the pain is not there well you're just staying consistently the same you know Bible says that patients have our perfect work that you will come out perfect entire wanting nothing do you understand that once you get on the word they're gonna be different things that happen in your life to try to get you to turn your patients off but do you know patients will activate the supernatural it's just you staying the same about what God said and sometimes staying is saying may not be a day or two it might be a month it might be six months it might be a year but if you let patients have our perfect work that supernatural just don't happen in the natural putting up with the natural patients then they go do not even put up with all your life you have to actively resist and in the war the spiritual war is always gonna be about maintaining what Jesus has obtained you trying to do what Jesus has already done patience means to stick with what he's already done number five some of you like this something you won't like it and I'm free like I say I'll need your approval number five giving will activate the supernatural [Applause] give me activate supernatural and that's why the people so against giving and so against what we've taught in this church it'll activate the supernatural yes give watch this and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over shall men give into your bosoms giving will activate wizard giving is the only one thing that has the potential of activating whatever is necessary in order for you to get the job done but you know what happens the absence of knowledge darkness prevails and when there's a spiritual spirit of Mammon that exists in your life you will not activate giving because you always afraid that somebody trying to take something from you and it is actually an avenue of how God is trying to get something to you so you are limited to the natural system because you don't believe in the supernatural activation I know people who were homeless and broke and started giving and they activated something supernatural and God has blessed them like you would not believe you would never believe that was you Rick one day wasn't it that was you one day it's not gonna recall you were homeless and activated the supernatural over his life and this man is a business owner today and has been for quite some time but you yell a whole you oh that's good you always are in fear turning your neighbor and say don't practice fear turn those I say don't practice fear you ever heard of the saying practice makes perfect don't see when you worry you're practicing fear and the one area what we've practiced fear in is in the area of finances we practice more fear in that area than any other area don't practice fear oh you'll perfect the harvest that fear brings number six I got about a minute here number six rest activates the supernatural rest now I'm not talking about staying in the bed all day I'm not talking about I'm not talking about you know sometimes you need to you know stand to bed that's nothing wrong with that please don't but but I'm not talking about inactivity I'm talking about doing all you know to do but not worrying about nothing then something I'm doing all I know to do but I don't worry about nothing yes you notice not activate supernatural when people think you should be worried and should be concerned or should be striving to try to make something up I don't want to get in heaven to find out that this whole ministry was a result of my striving that's why I'm not I'm not playing the number game how many folks came to church how many folks you got here I planned a number game something I played a number game too but I'm not playing on number game the numbers you gotta be careful about that again it could be deceptive into thinking that real success make you think what you feel cause I have some fruit I am actually carrying out the will of God for my life and it could just be a result of you striving well why don't you concerned about the the droves the growth of the church yeah I want Wednesday night Bible study to be 8,000 people cuz there's no people I can teach and change their lives but I'm not playing them again so God asked me and endings again on the beach here God said he said you know you planned a number game y'all know how I got to get honest with you right I'm transparent so before I left on a sabbatical on Sunday that was the lowest crowd I've seen in a long time and it freaked me out someone says I couldn't tell you one supposed to tell be able to tell I had to get in face real quick I said what's the matter with these people and I'll over there looking I was like hmm hmm I'm playing a number game and I told that I said I said baby Phil was knocking on the door they had a new pastor that come to I said I said well Jesus all our members I'm going over that to the new pastor church I'm oh I'm gonna have to wear some kulaks and curb my house something like that man and then I'm gonna have to get with it now boy after hearing I'll get caught up look at all the things listen to me folks when you compare yourself with other people you belittle the gifts and the anointings that God has put on your life and you stretch yourself out in comparison with other people don't do that be confident about who you are and I got on I got on ambition so I said I want to talk to you about about that what I was trying to ignore him what what he said you've you played you playing a number game now you did that in the wild he's I said again he said you were looking at this never see he said you were thinking oh my gosh ain't nobody here you got this budget what's going on he said didn't I tell you how I got that and the whole I met many friends I don't know clap your hand cause it ain't want to be able to clan clapping situation at the time and he said now let me teach you let me remind you and don't ever go there again he said do you recall the book of Acts where three thousand people joined the church and the church grew daily I said yes sir he said well what did they do to grow daily did they have fish fries did they have mow lights did they have mote dancing did they appeal to the physical senses of the age I said no sir he said what they do I said well as far as I can see they preached the gospel and people testified about how their lives have been changed because of that gospel he said and that's all they did and he said that's all you do whether there are two people there or 20,000 people there you preach the gospel let it change their lives they'll start talking and everybody will see that their lives are changed and I will cause the church to grow and he says and by the way does that memo of the fear was not the only thing knocking at the door memo was nothing at the door you were concerned about the finances I'm gonna show you something Jeremy called me I said Jeremy you remember that when I left he said yeah I said how does the finances he said oh they were awesome we went over budget in both areas and I said I said huh he said oh yeah oh no what happened that Sunday but you need to keep having I said I know what happened that Sunday God was faithful to do what he said he would do and he doesn't play the number game what am I telling you don't you play the number game or any other game that is of the flesh you trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not into your understanding and he will take care of everything so rain in the day and I came out here I said I don't care how many blue seats I see in the name of Jesus i'ma preach like the place is running over glory to God in the name of Jesus see why would you say something like that you really want people to know that I want you to know that real ministry is an infusion of your life with Scripture I want something just teach you scripture and not let you know higher than what about we're gonna what about you rim what times all gone what's the matter with y'all great just as breeders you want to be [Applause] you know the facile player one year but then going to the playoffs oh you just go sir I can't get his head that's three they're not going to the playoff Dallas is going to the playoff that's alright we'll have it right we'll talk about these tomorrow no no I'll give you these and I'll explain tomorrow number seven is love love turns on the supernatural the love turns on the supernatural you will have every opportunity not to love but you will get no supernatural assistance refusing to love decide to love when it's hard decide to love when it's in the midst of betrayal decide to love when they hurt you decide to love when they stole from you decide to love when they wish you did and you will keep the door open for a supernatural event to be activated because love is one of the greatest ways to activate the supernatural and number eight make the choice in everything to go God's Way turn your neighbors saying I'm gonna go God's Way listen listen listen you will be tempted this year to do things that don't go down God's path don't let the money trap you because whatever money somebody offers you they will never be able to give to you what God can the Bible calls it filthy lucre it's where money is used to buy you into something that's not godly filthy lucre I'm gonna use money to get you to do something that you would not in in other cases do now tomorrow we're gonna zero in to sonship this is the foundation this is so amazing God took me back to a scripture in 1st Samuel chapter 10 and I said Lord we're revisiting this he says I know I want you to see the first verse you are captain over my inheritance and when you are captain over his inheritance there are certain anointings that will be released on the air 2019 is about to be turned up [Music] [Applause] and then once we finish tomorrow stay whoa lift your hands and just give God thanks now let's just thank him right now take this time serious give him the thanks that's due to his name give him the thanks that's due to his name there are some things you heard by the Spirit of God giving thanks they're things that minister to your heart specifically indirectly given thanks for it it is of the Lord that we are able to be here and to do the things that we do given things o God we give you praise we give you praise we give you the couse nonde we give you thanksgiving for who you are we give you thanks given for who you are we give you thanks given for who you are every word every word of a curse that has been spoken over your life I break the power of those words right now in the name of Jesus Jesus has delivered you from the curse but those words that you've not let go of that have been spoken over your life they've been impacting your soul I break the power of those words right now in the name of Jesus those words will no longer carry or impact or affect their life in Jesus name be free from every spoken word that has caused you to feel like you're cursed or to feel like you're inadequate or to feel like you don't even matter all is well I speak a blessing over your life and you are blessed to do and accomplish everything that God has said you are in Jesus name the anointing of the Holy Spirit move up and down every aisle and in and out every row in Jesus name that the presence of the Lord be upon every person that's come to this place and the presence of God beyond them now in Jesus name and I declare all is well now with a loud voice and a big hand clap let's celebrate our Jesus right now today [Applause] thank you for watching this teaching we pray that this message has encouraged and empowered you to pursue God's best for your life His grace is the pathway to living in abundant life for additional life-changing resources or to learn about becoming a 20/20 vision partner visit our website at industries people like you change the world you
Channel: CDM Asia Pacific
Views: 4,215
Rating: 4.9191918 out of 5
Keywords: Creflo Dollar, Taffi Dollar, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Freedom, Christianity, Faith, Grace, Truth, Healing, Jesus, God, Relationship, Blood Of Christ, Christ, New Covenant, Ps Dollar, Dr Dollar, Creflo Dollar New Sermons, Creflo Dollar 2020, bible teaching, pastor creflo dollar, creflo dollar ministries, world changers
Id: ctyUMz4NcB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 34sec (4294 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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