Chris Blackeby - Three Realms

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all right Chris my dear friend hmm we met yesterday yeah this guy's great um I actually probably like some of you my knowledge of Chris is the message that's been circulating the three realms sermon which I think has kind of developed a bunch of eager people to hear what Chris has to say so anyway I got to spend probably a three-hour lunch with them yesterday which is a major blessing and I left completely wrecked which is definitely true and today I'm just excited so thanks for being here man well pleasure thank you hey y'all y'all you all y'all two words I'm not sure I've had a few accents since being here I met a guy yesterday his name was tiem now where I come from Tim is one syllable Tim but he was TM which is ta why am as far as I can tell that's two syllables I'm loving being here this is amazing being Birmingham I'm just I'm sort peace I'm so happy it's just it's just the right thing I'm really I'm really happy to be here thank you for coming thank you it was great meeting you Jeremy yesterday it's really wrecked that's what the gospel does it's too good to be true it was not too good to be true it's not the gospel it's completely offensive how good it is I think I'm speaking here roughly in this place four times so I doubt four things in my head I'll do the three realms twice once today once tomorrow I'll go a bit further over the next time is I can't remember with the accession one the accession to go into it deeply and just show you how it works everyday life number three we'll go into what the new creation is what has actually happened to you it's amazing and number four will just do questions and answers and we'll just who's asked questions we just wish aren't some we just thrash some things out and you to see how it really applies when your concept of God changes everything changes okay you can learn something about music and that era of music changes or you can learn something about cooking and cooking changes but when you learn something different about God everything in your life changes when you realize here's good or better than you thought that applies to everything it applies to getting a car park it applies to getting a job it applies to worship it applies to everything in your life applies to reading the Bible so what's going to happen today is we hear the gospel expressed in an expression and it will change how you see God what he's done and then it will affect everything so how long does it take to talk about we could talk and two non-stop until tomorrow midnight because it affects everything in your life everything in your life because Jesus redeemed everything all of creation has redeemed yeah so everything you know taste touch feel experience hope for anything that's possible in this room Jesus has redeemed so it's gonna affect everything if you have to leave early I just want you to know one thing that you and now if you believe just by believing and what Jesus has done you are now the very righteousness of Christ that's what you are you haven't received some righteousness you put on he has become your righteousness we didn't receive righteousness you received Jesus himself and he is now your righteousness that's all I want you to know it says God made him who knew no sin to become sin that we might become the very righteousness of God so he became man sin you become his righteousness that's how righteous you are and nothing you can do can change that your actions in the qualify you your actions don't disqualify you your righteousness is completely apart from your actions because it doesn't change Jesus if I kick Jeremy it doesn't change Jesus it doesn't I'm still righteous it doesn't actually change what God does for me or to me how he feels about me even my attitude of a gap up in the morning don't care about a stinking thing it doesn't change God at all he's not manipulated or changed by me he's the initiator there's no such thing as the attitude that attracts God he attracted us yeah he's the initiator he initiates everything we love him because he loved us no one comes the son as the father draws him so the father even drew you it says he even causes us to we learn to act according to his good purpose if you desire to do anything good for God that's because he gave it to you you were completely wretched and you were completely saved and saving is complete it is finished there's nothing more to do he has made you perfect because you now have his spirit because any man be in Christ he is one spirit with the Lord so I have Chris's spirit in a gas tank and God's Spirit the gas tank Nepal for me the one they are one spirit I only have one spirit and it's the Lord spirit which is my spirit which is the Lord spirit I only have one spirit that's all I pull from and that spirit is completely righteous so what happens to your spirit when you die nothing it's perfect it's as perfect as Christ because it is Christ your spirit is Jesus Christ when you receive salvation you received him because it says he has become for us righteousness and the some translations say our salvation he has become for us sanctification the factual holy is because you have Christ inside you that's what makes you holy nothing can make you unholy nothing can make you unholy and because you are Christ you have the same access to heaven as Christ has because you are Christ because you're one spirit with him you no longer a separate being you are one with Christ you have a union with Christ a mystical union and effortless Union it was given to you as a gift as what Christ always wanted because when he created us he made us in the image of God so when God breathed life into Adam he was looking when Adam wake up is looking at the image of himself because he's an image of him yeah they're looking the images of each other so Adam was compatible because he could hold the Spirit of God so this thing that humans are can hold God okay but that's for a different purpose not for Adam it was for us that we are compelled with God we hold God we are one thing with God we are one there's no difference as Jesus will know that Jesus came from heaven to earth the word the second part the Trinity became a human being still fully God still fully man he was but he was one yeah that's what's happened to us the Holy Spirit's come to us and we have got fully God and fully man we are one if you accepted Jesus Christ you were no longer human you are whatever Jesus is because in the same way he was born you were born again God sent His Word his seed his per Matta he spent his word from heaven and conceived inside Mary and heaven the earth became together when you accept Christ that same word came inside you and now you are heaven and earth together and if a child is crabbed by the same seed it's an identical twin yeah so at the least that's what you are the weakest metaphor we can say is whether your identical twin of Christ but what actually saying is we are Christ because we are one yeah it's good isn't it okay so that is that is the gospel that's the good news the good news is good news it's not good instruction this is very important good instruction is good instruction that's good that's good instructions thank you but it couldn't uses what's being done the good news is not you hear about Jesus you believe in Jesus you love Jesus you serve Jesus you die for Jesus that's not the gospel it's not even close to the gospel the gospel is Jesus knew you Jesus loved you Jesus came to you Jesus died for you Jesus served you that's the gospel unless you wash him what let you let him wash your feet you have no part of him he served you Jesus came down stooped down and made you great and he has he's made you great he's made you one with God you are literally one with the Trinity and that's what you have to accept the goodness of God if you're one with Christ and Christ as part of the Trinity then you are part of the Trinity in that jewel one with Christ it should never regard yourself as anything different as Christ regards himself and that's the plumb line of everything in your life does this apply the Christ yes that applies to me this is applied to Christ as he is now no that doesn't apply to me and it is a very simple thing but in our heads in our hearts we want to do something to be righteous but righteous as a gift if we do anything to be righteous we're saying Jesus that's great thanks for dying on the cross so it's your cross trust me giving 10% of the gross of my money that God every week that makes you happy with me that qualifies me for the blessing that's what the same things the cross plus 10% of my income or the cross plus me reading the Bible or the cross if righteousness could be cheaper behavior than Christ died for nothing if you think that you were 10% of your wages does anything for you and God you know saying Christ died for nothing you're saying there's heaven and righteousness here's me my unrighteousness and the cross got me to here and this last gap is gonna be made up of my 10% and me not swearing and me wearing appropriate clothes and me not watching Glee or whatever it is whatever the thing at the moment is you know that's what you're saying you can send the cross that make you take you all the way there the divot it is finished he who has entered Christ rest has finished from his works as fears from his striving there is nothing more to do it's a rest and everything's a bonus now and everything comes from God so what we're going to do we're going to talk about the three realms because there's been so much teaching all over the place and we've heard it from here and here and here and there's so many things in their head what we're going to do is frame it up really quickly because there's so many questions how could that be if I'm if I'm completely perfect how about this and why does this happen and what about this happening and God doesn't judge me outcomes if I do this then these things happen to me there's all these questions we've taught so many things we framed them up we'll see what they said we'll see if they apply to us or not but remember this the gospel is for every person in every culture at any economic level where any education there were any such level at any time in history if your understanding of the gospel cannot be explained to the Bushmen of the Kalahari then that's not the gospel you need to know something extra you need to have special knowledge which is Gnosticism that's what the Bible is pretty harsh on Gnosticism it doesn't like it yeah if you need a book to explain to you how generational curses work and a worksheet that show you can work back through all the generational curses they have that in the Kalahari they don't have it it's not the gospel it might be good instruction but it's not the gospel if you take that to India high Indian person is I think there's a possibility that your family may have some generational curses you have to repent back for generations that's 16 people that's full was that ever modeled in Scripture no can you do it yes you can do it it's gonna take some time but you can do it or you can have the gospel it's up to you all right so let's get started there's God okay he always existed and we're going to call that the glory realm don't worry if you don't can't read that I'm just I'll do lots of pointing and I'll I'll say the words every time I do that so that's the glory I'm God always existed this is eternity there's no such thing as time here it always is it's always this forever this is God wherever he was we don't really know he doesn't tell us just that he always was Genesis one ones not the earliest scripture in the Bible there's ones that could even go before that and John tells us things up before the foundation yeah these things happen like there's lots of stuff that happens before Genesis 1:1 the Bible so it talks about it and lots of things that happened after the end of Revelations and the bubbles doesn't talk about it it says we don't know what happens then it's a big secret it's God Himself the glory Rome is God himself now it says in Colossians that Christ created all things seen and unseen so Christ created everything that means Christ created Satan that means Christ created you it means Christ credit would Christ is our Creator isn't that crazy yeah because God set the word web app of the word but who's the word Jesus when God said let there be light that's Christ and said let there be light that's the first thing there's some things existing before them which freaks people out because it says there's water and don't worry about it but there is let there be light but it's not the Sun in the moon clear and the stars their Creator it's what's light it's something completely different so it's a will made up of this thing this word this frequency where physics are catching up very quickly now discovering what the Bible's always said that think everything's map of frequency everything is made up of a vibration yeah string theory everything's the only way that can happen and the only way for that to work is that this is mathematic is is that there is ten dimensions and God says let there be ten times it's just one of those crazy things anyway neither here nor there the bob was true I don't care what math sees so there's everything god crap Jesus create everything unseen and sane so now we've got three things going on the glory realm which he just uncreated it always was and we've got the the unseen or the invisible was the Bible some translations say which is created and the scene which is created Jesus creds all these for his glory and then we have our rooms that's the third room the second room and the first room Paul says I know a man that went to the third heaven yeah master he went how look around yep so there's their rooms three two one when we understand how these work we're going to solve ourselves a lot of problems a lot of problems and a lot of energy okay so a little bit a thority for a second because the whole spiritual room works on authority like Jesus really press the Centurion good work dude like everything works on Authority in America do you have do you have like a local council and then a state council then you've got the Federal Council oh that's gonna work really well okay so Birmingham City Council's I saw the Town Hall who they are yep they're there and they say you know we're going to do we're going to take all the forest land over this section and we're going to turn it into a housing development I've done all the research had done the planning we're going to do that no problem and someone here protests and they take it to the Alabama council state council state government what do you call it state government yeah yeah take it to the parliament state Parliament and that Parliament has look and goes Parliament okay Parliament Oh and they they say I see what you've done there we don't care we've got a plan for Alabama it's a green state and they just overrule this school has lots and lots of work but people lots of money into it everything they go no stays forests over all just that they got no recourse except if they appeal to the highest court the federal court and the federal court they look at all the a year and may look at all the parliaments gear and say oh I see you got your natural stuff and they've done environmental impact statements and all these things they go you know what we're giving it all to the military as a testing ground does it matter how much thought they put into it how much research they put into it doesn't matter how right their argument is it doesn't doesn't matter how right their argument is it doesn't once the highest court is ruled with over it it's done if they say that belongs to the military for defense purposes Alabama can not stop it they can't its military stamp done overruled Sam the court system you'd have a local court in a state court and the Supreme Court you've seen it happen if the state court overrules you your local city council its overall if your federal court is supreme court with all your judges they if they over all this Court's decision it's over all it's done there's no recourse doesn't matter how much thought how intelligent how deeply they do that how much local knowledge they had Supreme Court from miles away said nah it's not gonna happen that's it that's how a thority works there's so much further above the same works in these realms we've got three rooms and they're all rule over the other that one that one that one rolls over that one that one rules over them both which ever caught you will appeal to you'll get a ruling from that court and there's wiser and Dumber ways to do that okay the scene created room the first room is everything that is physical everything that has a Higgs boson particle if you're reading the news lately everything that is solid or physical can be felt or touched everything that is the physical world speakers dogs ourselves air particles comets the moon the floor cars anything that's the credit roll is a sin created the unseen created is the invisible room all those things that affect us that we can't see angels demons curses blessings all those things we know they affect us some Christians don't believe that some Christians do it's the unseen creator realm and it's full of all the laws or the spiritual laws you've ever heard about are all here they're in play if you're in the physical realm it doesn't matter what you believe the laws will affect you if I am believe in gravity it's still going to affect me if I don't believe in trucks I go sit in the highway it's still going to affect me yeah it doesn't matter so all the laws physical laws here are going to affect you it doesn't matter you believe in them or not heat transfer an object in motion will stay in motion anything that's a physical law is going to affect you sunburn it doesn't matter unseen created has its laws to forgiveness blessing curses sowing and reaping in the spirit all these things whether you believe in them or not they're going to affect you whether you believe in them or not okay and then there's the glory room God's realm and whether you believe it or not lots people don't but God is going to affect you okay it's going to affect you have all these going on all this going on here what he's gonna heaven if God's would come see him whatever it's just seamless but then he fell so let's look at that we relate to each one of these areas so we're a three-part being like gods of three-part beings I made in His image so the glory realm you interact with your spirit because God is spirit and that's a interact with the glory realm with the unseen crowd roam the invisible realm you interact with it with your soul and the physical realm you interact with the physical realm with your body okay my body is the only thing keeping me here if I lose his body this stuff goes okay your body is your anchor to the physical realm okay you lose that it all goes so we'll see how these work so let's have a look at some things that you understand Adam fell and when Adam fell what happened we were separated from God and now we are two-thirds what we're supposed to be or gonna be little bit clever where point six six six of what we're supposed to be reoccurring because our spirit although we have it is effectively dead because not connected to God so now we're dead in our transgressions how many sins you have to commit to go to hell none are you born into Adam's sin well already disconnected to God already so Adam and every person every single person the Old Testament is just this that's all they've got to go on the glory Rome works by The Tree of Life now because Adams separated us from the tree of life by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that's all is God there's no life so both these realms work by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the toe coach okay so this is all theory at the moment that let's turn it into life okay let's turn into the things we do every day so we can understand it things we understand is money and health they're things we all understand sync really works by physical laws Anson Craig works by spiritual laws invisible laws so money for example in the sink Red Room money is actually cash but have I got my wallet know that it's actually physical cash he can touch it you can feel it or it's gold it's a physical thing okay so here money in is like cash here money is is finance finance is a spiritual issue so if you want to work in this area with cash you can take your cash in the physical room to the physical bank and now we'll pay you a percentage a tiny percentage and how much you make depends on your ability to use the tree of the knowledge of good and evil what do you understand about money from $20 if you're really good you might get $25 with a gear if you're not really good you might get $18 with a gear you know by how much you know or you might be a really good investor really snap you've got a really good head with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you might invest that $20 and make back another 10 that year another 10 the next year when your hundreds of thousands 100 thousands 20 with tens where you invest but depends on your access and your ability who you know what country you in the times are in it depends on some very circumstantial things but you'll get a percentage return less or more depending on your knowledge of good and evil if you take money up here it depends on finance and now you can use spiritual laws and spiritual laws they multiply they multiply so you can sow and reap you can give money away and it will come back to you you can bless things and speak over things I will have that house all these things like this I will I will I will and if you hold your confession things will line up because a higher law is ruling over this law over there house because house ownership ownership it's a spiritual issue you need some physical cash about how so it was a spiritual issue so you start lying things up in the spirit it will work money here is that you're in a covenant with God and everything he has is yours as a free gift as you go up everything multiplies and becomes easier to make a trillion dollars with physical cash by investing it and getting percentage returns gonna take a lot of time to make it by sowing and reaping giving things away and receiving basket me a lot quicker but still effort or God could give it to you as a father yeah okay health what's health a Red Cross health down here works for the knowledge of good and evil in the first realm and the tree of knowledge of good and evil had one fruit didn't have good fruit and evil fruit he had one fruit you ate that fruit you ate good and you ate evil at the same time what's knowing good and evil is to know the law the law is known what's right and what's wrong before the full Adam and Eve were innocent they didn't know what was right and wrong like a baby doesn't know what's right and wrong if the baby touches the flat-screen TV it has done anything wrong then we introduce the knowledge of good and evil to touching the TV is wrong now it does the same action now it's broken the law before I hadn't broken the law we bring in the law now it's a naughty child before was an auntie was just innocent and God wants us returned today innocence this work with the knowledge the good and evil which is law these two will the crowded realms because of Adam he separated us from life so now that's all we've got left thanks for nothing so I'm sick the knowledge of good and evil in the crowd realm on the go to the doctor then Western medicine is a great example they have taken what's freely available in nature changed it patented it and sell it to you the price and it fixes your symptoms which is good that's the with evil too isn't it it's the one there's one thing you take it and it fixes your liver and damages your lungs it's good and it's evil and it's probably designed for the not to heal you but to maintain you on life saying it a refund on their money for their shareholders it's good and evil if that chemical in your body doesn't fix the other physical chemicals in your body they get a knife and they open your body and they remove it everything is physical yeah everything is this that's the knowledge of good and evil and it's gonna cost you as a lot of effort because that's what this room is sweat on your brow a lot of effort or you can move up one level and you could face it in by applying the spiritual laws spiritual laws I apply it a spiritual laws I am not sick on faith thing with him I'm not sick I'm healed in Christ his blood is heal me I refuse for this ex to be here it's cancer this whatever and if you're strong and you have the good knowledge of good and evil you know the spiritual laws you've read the right books you had the right teachers you have the right pastors you're in a place where you've got some mental strength and energy and time to do this yeah if you've got a single mother of three kids she can't do this but maybe in a better position because you've got some mental energy and you just keep your confession you keep your confession keep your confession you will get better and it's cheaper and quicker and less messy than this if you have the right resources and the right knowledge and the right temperament and right ability to be that type of person and look at all the faith healers or most of them especially the men were all very strong-headed men very strong headed strong headed Western men who kept their confession we was worth wouldn't read the paper when we only read the Bible to make sure he kept his confession he had no friends so it's not Jesus is it he's just applying these rules I'm not bagging wiglesworth okay I get there having them up use Gardiner I'm just I'm just gonna be very careful but that's how it works here you keep your confession here the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead quickens your mortal body it's Jesus sick know that neither are you he just surrender into it oh it's been really sick hearing this teaching really offended me a God could carry blackest listen to him and he was doing until teaching was being passed through to his pastoral flock he was talking talking to his inner group he's saying Christians heal the sick so they do two categories Christians and sick off oh I didn't on the era who are you doing that's really offensive because I didn't know about my access to God I didn't know that God just loved me I didn't know I could just go to him anytime I thought those things had to comply with and I couldn't maintain this super high standard but I thought he's professing but he wasn't here you were everything that Christ is it's Christ decaying know there's Christ sick know Christ has overcome the law of sin and death so the death has no effect on you whatsoever none whatsoever so Jesus on the cross bridge that gap and made us one again as giving us access to here not just access but he has stooped down and may as great or he has been by Christ in Ephesians raised and seasoned how many places and you are in Christ so where are you you're in the glory room right now your spirit is in the glory realm raised and seated in heavenly places because one of the Christ that's where Christ is and it's in Christ that's right and said with him so this is where you are and this is who you were because you're not just so you're not your body and your soul changes and your body's gonna disappear you are your spirit you are a spirit you have a soul you live in the body this is your person this is who you are this is your nature this is your soul perhaps you're a funny person pressure an angry person perhaps you're impatient perhaps you love flowers okay this just sold in that changes over time used to hate flowers no love flowers it changes it doesn't matter and your body that changes then it goes on the ground okay and then you get a new one but this is who you are you are a spirit you have a soul in the body so who you are it's when they are one with Christ that's who you are one spirit with Christ one being with Christ and you are in heaven so right now your spirit is perfect you can see the throne you can see the angels there's no tears it's full of joy and it's a perfect son because Jesus is a perfect son and so your spirit is only doing what it sees the father doing all we are doing is being transformed in your nevermind to agree with some credible gospel that's a great gift the more you agree with it which is belief like a child child were gone discipline tomorrow we're gonna Disney and tomorrow it's just the fact child your complete innocent yet the rushes of God our care the righteous of God I will never call myself sinful again because Christ is not simple what God is called holy that no man can holy well God has brought together let no man separate this is who you are you are a spirit and you are in heaven and you will always be in heaven when this world wraps up either you get hit by a truck or God ends the world okay it still remains this just disappeared and what you art will always still be that any gap between what you think and what Jesus is will just change because when you see him you become like him yep and our job here is just to believe not to attain not to earn it's just to believe it's not nothing in ins Christianity is earned it's only accessed nothing is earned it's only accessed he was Antichrist rest has fished from his works everything in yours because of you in Christ and you are in Christ because they're Mia being Christ as once proved the Lord you are now razor seeded in Christ in the heavenly places everything he has is yours and you I him and he is you and you're in him and he is in you and you and the foul and the fathers of the him and you have the Holy Spirit and you're all one you were part of the Trinity and that's how you need to regard yourself because that's what God says of you and that's why it's so offensive because you want to strive for own righteousness because we know what's right and wrong how can call me holy cuz I know what's right and wrong and I know what I did yesterday and another I'm doing today if you appeal to this court you'll get its ruling you go to this court God's the judge the Holy Spirit the witness Jesus is your lawyer it's gonna go well for you I ever caught you appeal to is the court that will rule over you if I pull to this court for health that's what I'll get if I pull to this court for health that's why I'll get I pulled this court as well get so this one requires effort or discipline this one requires faith and this one is grace it's just received okay there you get the choice you can effort something in by your own by our committee Harbor scrape your brow you can faith something in by believing by believing by believing by confessing by confessing funny at the spiritual laws I've got kidney disease here's a book that shows routes of all sickness I'm going back to that and bet and that and that and then confess and confess and confess I'm sorry Lord I profess confess renounce and send away though I watched the Smurfs and Gargamel cursed me and then Pokemon and then mr. ed had a demon or whatever you know you have to go through everything but you can do it and that is easier than this to get rid of your liver disease with that it's gonna take some drugs and then some knives and you're gonna have a trouble from there on in because it's good and evil here you can faith it in just by believing it and going use all the spiritual laws and the spiritual without they carry books and books and books on them and it increases your knowledge but the more learning comes sorrow because it's good and it's evil by itself if you just using that by itself it's good and it's evil because if you get it you're awesome and you go on the pride if you don't get it you're you suck I don't know how to use here cuz people would have different things here okay and you got a self condemnation okay well they end up both self if you get it I think I'm awesome and I can do some my own strength whatever no matter what God says so God's wrong and I'm right or I can't do this I'm terrible no matter what God thinks God wrong I'm right that's what I think you've made a a ruling we can go here you receive it as a free gift God has qualified you for everything is Christ allowed to be healed yes ears and so are you freely already in fact the lamb was slain before the foundation of the earth so all the benefits which are going to be yours were already set up before the world began you go on to eternity you can get it for free where are you in eternity all we have to do is appeal to that court you can only appeal to that court or receive and like a child in innocence you don't question it you just receive it a baby can poo on the floor push our avars and you give the chocolate just accepts it doesn't get I deserve that chocolate it just doesn't know good and evil it doesn't know it that's you you can rob a bank shoot a guard get in the car and go father and he's presents me with you that's the offense of the gospel it's so offensive that people thought Paul was advocating sin that's happened because your righteousness is not has nothing to do with your acts and it's only in this freedom then you can become a God want you to be desires for you because if you fear punishment and there's no love because perfect love casts out all fear and fear has to do with punishment the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which runs both of these is do good get good do bad get bad that's the law smoke get lung cancer do bad get bad you know or eat organic veggies do good get good if you have access to organic veggies maybe you don't it depends on access and money and finance here I'm forgiveness you're going down you really are you're going down it's a terrible place to go because you know if the spiritual law even if you want to appeal to that court each Court is right in here if you post that court it'll give you a right decision from that court it'll be accurate because physics is physics an object emotional stand motion if you want to catch a boulder you'll peel to that court it will give you an accurate answer a bowl will accelerate at 9.8 meters per second a second plus its mass that's what you on the catch okay that's gonna be an accurate answer it's gonna be right every single time you will prove to this court this is the law all the law you see in the Bible it's gonna give you a right right answer Jeremy steals by wallet and then goes around Birmingham and undermines my ministry and says he's a really bad - okay he has taken something from me physically and he has spread words about me about and so gossip and lies and cursed my name okay that's in play now I can do many things I can go physically wrestle him for the wallet realm one well I can realm too I can go around and tell I have to go see everyone until everyone that's not true and pull out those spotfires that's a lot of effort and love so effort and I want this guy to be punished cuz you would think he's great and that's not right because he this guy's hurt me you think he's thinking the truth is lying but you will know him you don't know me and you believe hear me don't believe me that's not right I know good and evil I know he's done the wrong thing so what I want him to be punished people needn't know the truth when do what's right yeah stuff appeal to this court which is perfect perfect the law is perfect and what God's law is perfect I post that court so grab that court let's say this guy has hurt me and damaged me I want justice in this sense it goes right we can do that we can bring that guy justice okay and Chris Blackaby while you're here we've got some things about you here too that we're going to do justice let's do justice okay this week you said that your dad this is about your pastor this one you grumbled about that denomination this is if you want justice you'll get justice for my justice get this sky and was damaging myself if you peel to that Court you'll get its answer if you appeals that court you get disaster you put this court or just by grace and mercy and the blood of Christ I have to take this problem kicking and screaming into here this is when you forgive him the big debt you forgive all debts this one you've forgiven the big debt and you go punch the guy of the small debt remember that story of Jesus what happened to that guy he got thrown to the torturers you appeal to this court you want revenge you open yourself up to things then you're a Christian you aren't Christ because the devil torture Christ no way but if you want to appeal to this court you have put yourself under that core and said to what you will you've done it all in your pill to this court where John says as he is saw you in this world can the devil torture Jesus as he is he can't touch you in fact John says if you're a Christian the devil touches you not now that destroys many many many many books which are all about how to protect yourself from the devil we got taught to pray that armor on every day you're gonna get smashed as we got taught every day if you don't in the lathe I remember her saying one day I didn't say that and then my husband they go hit by a bus and that was just got warning me fear fear fear fear if Jesus was here is he gonna get hit by a bus no guess what Jesus is here Jesus has come in the flesh because I am here he is here in me right now anything else is of the Antichrist Jesus has come in the flesh if I'm here Christ is here 1 Corinthians 6 says don't you know these members your hands and Jesus's hands you are so much Jesus Paul says if you sleep with a prostitute Christ has slept with a prostitute you are him you are him the devil touches you not he has nothing in common dude no rule no agreement if you insult Islam and you go straight preaching and you say Jesus Christ is the only way in everything else is false gods the Islamic community takes to the court they take you court to here to the local court you can go that Court you can hang on no no no I go to the American Court I want to go to the Iranian Court let's take this court Iranian Court and see what ruling they make okay I'll go now to the Iranian Court by my own decision I say Iranian Court I say Jesus is the only way have a ruling while they're gonna do I have a ruling which is just and correct by their laws completely just incorrect by their laws or I could go to the American Court and have a ruling which is my right as an American as in the mirror citizen and get ruling from them which I'm free you belong to eternity you belong to the glory you are one with God you can't put God in any situation that doesn't like to him do not go to this Court which is right and wrong you live here you live from love not from knowledge of God and how he works and all these rules you live from here and the trickiest understand is that you live life down like that down if you try and go up it's religion and offensive to God because Jesus has come down and taking up that's being done every religion on earth including Christian religion works its way up everything you will see it every religion Christianity we used to do this like we much that in this realm created Rome and we used to like fast to please God to get to God and we used to whip ourselves and it's nuanced and say a prayer ten times and up the next stone and they prayed prayer ten times of course people do it now lots of these things to try and get to the top of this to be holy and then what we're that that's ridiculous we're saved by faith faith Rome and with all the faith rules and now we do the faith things to get higher and higher and higher we confess the right things and we we learn the spiritual laws and we make sure we bless and we make sure we don't curse and we try and forgive to try and get higher and higher and higher and higher but you only can get through there is Christ and Christ stoop down to put you there like that bang this is religion it's filthy rags it's works if it worked if you could do that and Christ died for nothing if you do this everything you try and comply to to get to God is horrendous but down is great I'm a Christian am I allowed to use gravity for my purposes yes I am allowed use thermal aerodynamics I flew here I am am I allowed to use blessing and cursing a blessing from a mother you sowing and reaping for my purposes yes I am come here so I'm allowed to use it if it's necessary but I'm using sowing and reaping to get something from God if I'm fasting to get something from God upsets the cross Plus me not eating food if you do anything to reach up to heaven to get it you were saying Christ as either Christ is not in heaven on the one with Christ what are their worship music is here do not shut do not shut do not shut the heavens that's saying I'm here and the heavens are there God don't shut their heavens you are in heaven yet the heavens shot you on the inside yeah you are God in heaven and here am I on earth ah that's so humble a humble rejection of the gospel that's fantastic you have got in heaven and here am I on earth no you are in heaven you were razor seared in heavenly places right now have been have been raised and seated in heavenly places that's where you are one with God one with God one with God and there's there's lots more although those songs I'm not trying to bag they become lyric Nazi no one likes a lyric Nazi okay okay when you see those songs they can come at the judgement of it because they're you're judging right and wrong when you were dragged down here and you won't like that person like you just think praise God that you have told me something praise You God let's just remind me what I know I praise God see any song is for you every songs for you and everyone writes songs they had their revelation at that time now there's the internet your sim is great everywhere if my socks women's from ten years ago or in the Internet I'd be in trouble you know so let let people change at their pace so they don't bag the worshipers right he's nothing but about about worship whiskey taught you go from praise to worship to the glory realm okay so you go through the outer court do the things to the inner court and then through the veil if you're lucky if you do it well enough into the glory realm now you usually start there you start in the glory realm you are the Ark of the Covenant you are the temple of God on earth you are the Holy of Holies right now you can start there now worship leader has to take a whole group of people through okay so let them do their job because everyone's of different places I have to get under everyone and bring them forth but you are there any time you're in heaven right now right now no matter how you're wired I'm not naturally wired as a serum person that just sees the Angels and see this and feel good and have visions it's just not my natural wiring I'm a pastor in a church where people are just wired that way and it counts me going what happened last night ah yeah and they've got to reached Nepal and I preached this through din the POW and stuff like that I could speak Nepalese I came back I'm like good night guys that's biblical like I wasn't there and so I've had to try and shut this down and this down to be it's been very difficult for me but most teachers have to thrash it out and that's why God that's what God does is one of those things but so I had this rug this Persian rug big pink curtain drug-free filthy but at my house and to shut my body up and to shut my soul up from arguing because I'm like I'm in heaven now cuz I am in heaven now my you know I know you're in your living room you know come so sensual and not sensitive sensual you go by your senses what you've touched feel taste or your emotions okay well your problem your soul your soul saying God doesn't love you whatever or you're a bit silly whatever or you grab my sensitive what the spirits saying and that's the truth so I'm trying be sensitive so if I open my eyes I'm in trouble supporting those flying masks on you that when you an airplane because see that open my eyes I'm there because I am so hard for this one I'm doesn't matter there's the rug and I say I'm now stepping through the torn bowel the living bow of Jesus Christ I can I step onto the rug and the rug is heaven I've step for back and forth like this in my body you know it relaxes it's used to action and now I've told my soul the rug is heaven glad and you are actually in heaven you just simple I say I'll do this I know I'm in heaven now and I'm surround by the angels and all these things I don't necessary feel anything and I'll do it a few times and every time I step forward like pins and needles come on my hand I step back and the pins Eagles go visit those go you just say it used to agree with everything Wow those pins and eagles is the very glory realm of heaven where everything is possible I step back in this room and so one day I'm doing this okay and then I've got a friend who is just serum crazy like just flies around the world in the spirit sees things goes to work and already been to work that morning and see what everything happened in the office on their way there they're also they're also here that really not the CEO has said it's met other friends of mine the spirit they've talked to each other you're like okay you know and so I'm doing I'm doing this because I'm a spirit being I'm a spirit okay and I'm overruling all these things I'm doing this em my skype opens up and she says I can see you I like I believed it now I believe it because she said I'm doing this and she could see me in the spirit - tip him and then some telling this story to someone else - a friend of mine called Simon a friend of mine Haley who's completely serum it's angels knows their names - all this stuff like that you know God's saving to do that [Music] I'm telling Simon this is what I do this is how I I'm telling this story I step in you know I step out you know I step in for the torn bow and now I'm in heaven I believe on him like a child because I'm in heaven so I'm just agreeing with that I'm in heaven I can feel God's presence now I take everything which is heaven bring it back in this room I release in this room and Haley every time stepped onto the thing she was having a because in heaven as she always is having these visions every time I stepped in I stepped into a vision and now stepped out I said l of a vision I stepped in I stepped into a vision I stepped out I said nothing do with a vision I stepped in and out so like I'm an accountant if like if accountants can do this you know hey you can do this too okay for accountants so we great doubts when you pray you pray down yeah so we're no longer prank up to God asking God to do something for us to get something for us we're praying down commanding something who are overruling because everything in Christ is yesterday man you're in Christ so everything's just name in everything just name it it is you have to just believe like a rest like a child okay everything just name in and you pray down so I don't pray up to God God you know do something for me cuz he's already done it I prayed out in agreement with God and I pray down on it so he me pray up you're praying from your soul because that's not your spirit your souls going oh god please you know please break these this condemnation and finance problems all around me and stuff like that please rend the heavens and come down and fix up this situation you know all sounds of mighty prayer and your spirit and got up in heaven gone what's that about it's all solved I have a devil's troubling and you come down on it you make a ruling the rulings done that's it yeah Bayes Authority what the Roman centurion understood the throat that Bayes Authority you pray down use a raise and see it in how many places in love because God is love and you are in love and you are one with love and you're one with the Trinity so you have to ask for heaven to come down enough ask God to render heavens well ask for an open heaven because God now lives inside year we will know this from Sunday School God lives inside you and where's God's home God's home is heaven that God's in you and gods in heaven so you are having on earth I am the walking open heaven I am the walking Kingdom I bring the kingdom that's why I am I am a Christ on earth and nothing can change that it's a gift he's made me one with him forever and it starts now if it starts when I die death of my physical body which was a curse is my salvation this thing I'm fighting don't die don't die don't die with the greatest thing in my life that it's now everything religion said to you is yours when you die knowing God peace sinless freedom is actually yours now in Christ otherwise death is your salvation but desolate your salvation Christ is your salvation and Christ lives in you and everything which is his is yours now Jesus died in the cross his sighs pierced water and blood come out war and blood is a sign of birth Jesus his death was our birth okay we're born the church is born then the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost and became one that is this a sexual union that's becoming one that's the marriage contract right there anything what that's the mystery revelations Oh a marriage supper of the Lamb and it heavens a marriage suffer but you're already married now when you received the Holy Spirit you became one so you are now mrs. Christ and everything which is his is yours and now there's a supper in heaven in the Jewish weddings they would say alright you and you are getting engaged you would sleep with each other first in the tent and then you'd go and have your supper afterwards do they had to be locked a true marriage and go out to be a virgin all this stuff had to be proves and little stuff it's the same thing you get consummated once you become one and they give the supper afterwards you're already mrs. Christ you're already one with Jesus already already there's nothing more that can happen and how much it receive is how much you just surrendered to him believe we're sitting completely offensive to us because we won the worker way up we're gonna cover ourselves with fig leaves and wet way up but he wants to give to us freely as a gift freely as a gift we will know what that we all know how this works this what we want our children to do but not us we know what love is love is the plumb line what will perfect love doing this situation I've got to forgive this guy I'll take it to this court and that court says you're forgiving his forgive him let it go I say as your little kid a little kid and it says you know Johnny broke my my car Johnny broke my car you know a little kid is furious and angry and distressed and like Johnny's not your kid this is your kid what do you say yeah say yes the smashed Johnny no he say let it go forgive it's just a car I'll get you another one you know just don't worry about he didn't know he's doing and he's this is Johnny has to apologize to me he may never apologize to you it doesn't even know what he's done it doesn't care let's do this between us between parent and child let's just do this now everyone knows inherently what what to do here you say I'm really no it's just a car it's I can afford another matchbox car whatever call here Hot Wheels I can get you another one no problem and then the kid goes no this is ok look if you stock I can't do it because it's gonna you know it's gonna condone your soul king so stop talking a bit and like just be happy and I'm gonna get you a car because that's how wealthy I am and how strong I am okay let's go up one level Alex Johnny broke my heart for a girl Jackie broke my heart I know you're God it's okay get you another one it's really easy for me no I want justice and Jackie what Johnny has to apologize to me Jackie oh johnny present day not they do and i won't care and i never ever apologize to your life it doesn't matter I've got so much resources I can just give you a new heart that's that's this ruling and we are all from here everything want your kids to do is everything God wants you to do you know it's not fair and that's really wrong what's happened to me and that's true in that court it's really rot and God says look you're gonna soak I can't do this think it's gonna condone your soul King come up here where there's lots of Matchbox cars and lots of hearts yeah any perfect love is the freedom any performance brings fear can you don't perform you can get punished they get rid of the whole thing performance to qualify your performance doesn't disqualify you it's a gift Jesus really did it all on your behalf and it says as he is now as he is so we now on this earth as he is Christ up there that's how we are as he is now so in this earth as a scripture we get Christianity from Scripture we don't impose us on Scripture we read from Scripture scripture says as he is now 1 John so we now in this earth we add that now right now don't we die now whatever is of Jesus's of me and you can like every villager with that okay guys we're going to have to repent through generational curses I am one generation from God God did nothing wrong I have no curses yeah now do you curse has come up every now and then they do it but that's because we've been taught to apply the here whatever you agree with will happen if you if you says it's good and evil you learn these things okay I learn about I read some Derek Prince was amazing revelation it's time about about blessing and cursing and words my mouth and they'll never where's my other powerful so I start saying good things and the good things are happening Monday I go haha brain-dead Oh knowing that that was going to get me because then brain did well it was good it's gonna have an equal and opposite reaction because all from here you just go receive it as a gift all this knowledge here it's good it's gonna come and get you in the end you know you can you can't you cannot maintain that you can't maintain the law it's been proven we cannot maintain the righteous God desires receive it as a gift as a gift hmm that's gonna be the scripture and I don't know what people want to do it what suppose the time now okay well look always have a chat and see what people want to do that's where one I've got semi scriptures here it's what I want to see that this is in Scripture or to the Bible and so next session I'll probably just read scriptures okay okay one Caribbeans one 32 31 so your overall to him through union with Christ Jesus he has become our wisdom from God and righteousness and sanctification and redemption as it is said in the holy writings if anyone's going to boast then boast only what the Lord has done he is our righteousness don't get righteousness the gift here's your gift rush this is him okay you've got him you will always be righteous that's happened already second Corinthians 5:21 for God caused Christ who himself knew nothing of sin actually to be sin for our sakes so that so that we through union with him might become the righteousness of God you are the righteousness of God Ephesian force is pulling a new man that's created to be like God that's offensive isn't it 1 John 4:17 this is how love has been perfected among us we will have confidence on the day of judgment because during our time in this world we are just like him whoa maybe the gospel they preach will be different to ours we are just like him and believing it you become it does the gift you can't change anything you can't even worship Him without coming first my friend the river comes from the throne second Peter 1:4 but which he has granted us his precious and very great promises said through them you may become partakers in the divine nature having escaped from the corruption of the world because of simple desire you've escaped this boy's promise the ebert you can partake in the divine nature what's the divine nature God you can partake of God you are one with God Romans 8:29 for authority foreknew he also predestined to be the conformed to the image the likeness of his son you are the exact image of Christ but this was figure of spirit your spirit is exactly like him that was his goal welcome to start that you'd be exactly like him it goes on to say for he might be the firstborn among many brethren so you are what he is he's just the first is your oldest brother you're a brother but here's the first you're his the King of Kings you're a king the King of Kings the Kings that he's king of are you he's a king of kings you're the Kings but he's the king of kings your priest is the high priest but we're all priests we are exactly what he is they who was first send quickens 5:14 says either way Christ loves controls us since we believe that Christ died for all we also believe that he we have all died to our old life he died for everyone so that those who received his new life will no longer live for themselves and said they will live for Christ who died and was raised for them Galatians 5:17 for the desires of the flesh are against the spirit and the spirit and desires the spirit are against the flesh so these are opposed to each other to keep you from doing the things you want to do therefore is two seconds 5:17 therefore as anyone is in Christ he is a new creation the old has gone the new has come and this is a gift from God who brought us back to himself through Christ and God has given us this task of reconciling people to him some say if a man be in Christ he's in a whole new world you're a new creation what you are you never were before you were in Christ you were now this man God whatever you always say Christ came to earth and was God and man together that thing the great incarnation that's what you are same thing right now that's what you can do those things in greater how good do you have to be but jesus said be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect how much more reading the bar would you have to do to get there or you can receive as a gift yeah Ephesians 2:6 for he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in heavenly rooms because we are united with Christ you're one with Christ you're where he is so he has raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him I think it's good yeah I just did that to frame things up and now you know where you get all your teachings if the teaching doesn't apply the Christ that doesn't apply to you when your emotions say one thing we emotions aren't your boss if you pills your emotions are all over you you pills your body you'll to love you you built this Court will rule over you this is perfect love grace acceptance and all the resources of Christ you want to appeal to this because this is who you are this is your territory don't go to Iran to get a defamation case against the Koran settled mm-hmm don't go there okay everything you have your pill T here your pill to here if it can't affect Christ a car factory the devil touches him not the devil touches you not as the Bible says that goes against all they are teaching we will learn how to defeat the devil not open doors the devil and all these things a lot of effort I love teaching love study you learn it for every area so fish for saying this this works by hope real ones hope Rome to his faith and Rome three is love always say grace okay hope faith and love if you were purely a first realm person really created look as Christians are only believing the tangible what's here now and the demon manifests okay a higher court is ruling over you what happens you a freak out don't you you freak out if you move up here and you start learning some spiritual laws okay you know you can take demons on if you look be a bit here and there demon manifest you think I haven't read my Bible with didn't go to church watch Glee and what's cooler than our heads just try somebody culturally relevant okay you think this devil is going to smash me I can't touch I'm don't touch this you know if you've been pretty good you know your stuff you're gonna use it's a Western shootout may the best guy win but that was there you're there we're gonna take this on you know you know come out and Jesus name you know we're coming come out of Jesus name whoa yes Oh blood of Christ you got eight hours this is gonna happen isn't it like you're on top of your game you smash it you know you you you applied the blood your blood your house you've cleaned your spiritual heritage up you've got the armor on you know your scriptures back to front you know you've got the garlic and holy water you've got everything going on you'll take it out but still S&T for a few people who really got to act together consistently be they take a hit to their soul that their wife leaves them that all goes doesn't that don't it goes well you like Jesus you cut out the immersive world with a with a word when you read the Gospels there's only one person you can relate to in the Gospels there's only one person that's born from above you see minister as he ministers why is this person blind or deaf whether it was is it because he sinned or his parents sinned doesn't matter is he you know is that these laws you know what doesn't matter she doesn't ask anything do that why is this what hey my son's demonized well what have you been doing do use widgey boards have you you know got voodoo when you passed did you read you go to a tarot reader Jesus I think that's questions these laws these laws doesn't care their carnal it's the truth logical and evil he doesn't want to know about that's why he died he doesn't want to know about those things he just cleans it up yet the higher court just rules over so if you were a hope if you were only here you pray by hope list of your highest court you throw up dreams prayers up this money and you just hope that God in His mercy will render heavens and come down at their hope press okay drew you learn some spiritual as you learn some more okay oh yeah yeah okay faith and their faith everything rules over so my hope was going to go as high as my faith I've been a few things okay I see that if I believe safe confess with my mouth it will come you know my hope raises or I see that seed time and harvest always happens all the time before so it will happen I know and your hope to level your faith you live with your faith and rise up hope faith and you can only go as high as where faith is but here you're in love you're in covenant everything he hears is yours here the Lord stirrups in law stirs up sin knowing good and evil always makes us seen you know what's right you want they're wrong about the kid Hey Hey look baby yeah yeah hey you going whatever you do don't touch those guitars don't touch those guitars I'm gonna go what's the bit was never gonna touch the guitars until you said don't touch those guitars it stays up sit net this always does okay there's even some immorality at our church when the Deacons as guy's girlfriend pregnant okay no boys and girls and cars together no it's leather go the movies and these list of movies are wrong and we're gonna have accountability partners very wise according to this you've just stood up sin you've just guaranteed what's gonna happen it's good and evil I've done some good things he was coming or love you were love this is how precious you are this is what was paid for you this is the future you have all sinned he's trying to get what's really available by your own strength that's all of these sexy trying to give us freely available intimacy whatever a guy wants forever girl once stealing money hoarding money Meade to filling my own name and when I get vindication me undermining that person over there to make myself feel better I'm only trying to get what's freely available by my own strength that's all sin is ego that you can get it for free because God want to give you everything everything everything nothing so he's in the hole Becky's son what more will you hold back for me nothing it's all given to you Wow oh the Scriptures are true like oh it's amazing okay I've said a lot that's very good this is the gospel and this is just the start of the gospel actually gets lot crazier than this I need to said this so we can knock out all thinking because I went to the what it is but you think I how about this and how about that and Pasteur said this no and I'll learn this I read this book okay but now you can place it this is given freely less applies the cross it doesn't bother you you everything the other years you're nothing that is not the end yeah the end amen so I just want to pray and then we can just chill out it's gonna be good yeah okay father everything comes with Revelation everything's from you every good and perfect gift comes from above and we just won receive just receive everything you smoke even receive the desire to love you will receive Bazaar the worship you will receive priceless we were to receive everything all comes from above qualified in Christ he has qualified thank you Lord Jesus we receive well man where everything which is good and true find good soil and multiply Lord that's why your kingdom works we a good soil we just say you were good and we know this is gonna happen where it rest and then the word has its effect it comes with everything it needs and it grows the kingdom within us we become tall trees and the birds can rest in us crazy you are so wise you're so wise if you tell us one of the leader thank you lord thank you amen amen thanks everyone fantastic thank you [Applause]
Channel: Superman
Views: 24,031
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Blackeby
Id: NhmDx-Yz0Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 36sec (4716 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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