WillNE x JaackMaate x Stephen Tries x ImAllexx | True Geordie Podcast #107

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how much are you going to make on that tour boys oh yes let's all just love each other that's it bro it's Christmas why you hold back [Music] knowledge and to take you oh God no Fitness surprise the Lancers I thought I'd dress up so I'm just gonna have to put these on I mean it's a cheap shitty Sunset did you knock Santa off the room when I asked for a Sunday suit I said the 3x sound they were like I will see what we can do I think they could have done better yeah to be honest I've been getting this belt on was all right sure if you wear just the trousers you might look like some sort of WWE character from the mid 90s I do feel like that though yeah yeah where's will and Stephen Hey Stephen will look at this all right Merry Christmas yeah huh you too would actually look great as a team now come on or the porno-based podcast seem to bang [Music] welcome back to choose early podcast Christmas Day episode all the biggest [ __ ] I could find on YouTube are here in one room together thank you cheers to all the million subscribers and and the friends brilliant well done Lads yeah thanks for coming uh me and Alex were talking last night right hitting a million subscribers sorry about the Stevens thing you can just ever yeah you just do it and you're like number it was a bit like that especially for you because I remember you grinded your bollocks off not literally but almost to get there uh you were working like a Japanese prisoner of war but a happy one it's not even been a minute yeah again you want it and then you just like oh you had the Charisma everyone as well yeah drink up this is gonna be if you're expecting a good podcast oh you're in for a [ __ ] show we're just gonna drop off one but yeah I'll actually watched yours hit a million dollars I know I got between unfortunately so I had me heard that I was going to be the million so I was like uh you weren't subscribe no no yeah I refreshed it at like 99.997 and I was like yes and then I just I was about it and it went to one million and one of them you instantly unsubscribed yet like I literally I was annoyed though because I had it I wanted to be the guy who like made you a million subscribers that was going to be my thing but that's the funny thing is in in your mind you're Central to everyone else's story I made him a million very much like the Jew and JJ documentary yeah not 100 do you want to go for a walk on the beach Alex there is a great moment during the JJ documentary it's mid fight and it's like really building up and then it just goes to the beach and Brian just goes yeah I love the beach the funny thing is it was your idea it was such a good bit though that we didn't miss it out it goes from this hits him with one two yeah I love them it's nice just skimming a stone he was nature when it comes to hitting a million I'm not I'm not openly annoyed at other people's success but I guess it's hard not when you've got a dick look at other people's dicks do you know what I'm saying and think do I deserve better do you know what I'm saying like so there was a little bit by the time I hit the million I thought well yeah like the it's like 100k now you might actually feel that way it's not the old 100K it's nothing really what's she doing when you hit a million did you have a party or anything no no I didn't even do that um video flopped on the day did it yeah my video flopped on the day I hit it and it was really annoyed and then I hit it that's good and then I went to it I was gonna say you must have done something I mean to me it was really weird because of the fact that because obviously the challenge the way too well uh I already got the like feeling of hitting it while I saw that arrogant yeah unsubscribe it projected stats I was like I was gonna happen now when I was like oh it's kind of and obviously keemstar's all told us that you're just friends with him yeah so this expose you now you're out it's only downhill for me yeah just call you and go was that all right yeah I got some balloons really oh yes because I did the same this is my 30th and I was going to post the same picture well I got one and an m and my sister bought them and my housemate came down and because they'd like floated that way around he thought it said M1 am I celebrating the M1 because it was a long journey Jack you know it's a metaphor no one really did anything special for mine I'm still not waiting for that to be I went to one to 1.4 like within a day there's no point in hitting a milestone if you don't take the lips off the way you hit it if you're not hitting it by like [ __ ] smashing it well I I my 900k podcast ready a release and and I hit the million before I could get the podcast out so it was like really uh I was in thanks Logan by the way for that um but then again he's ripped my podcast off now it's a fair play to him you know I mean give and take I've done it better yeah it must be nice to have a a guest book on all these nice things and he got deji on yeah yeah and sort of a pull of having that kind of you know I'm Logan Paul come talk to me whereas we're just basically sorry can we have a chat yeah it's annoying you know you're struggling when you've got me for a fourth time yeah think there's a few people here I think Will's got the record right now well I mean Lawrence technically yeah I'm just a lucky hanger on cheers thanks for joining us today that was the Christmas podcast soon let's promote that promote that get it well um all right Stephen's funny so I brought Mommy to her thank you very much you're banging on the table a lot uh this week after one of the best series that I've done and people can't wait to see it this week on the Internet it's not gonna be about the week the show yet to be honest you can actually know what it's about yeah we'll see honestly we don't even know so it's going to be and yet people have bought tickets Alexa suck on that that's right you're not wrong what have you ghost writers come up with uh I don't know Alex what sort of things have you got down all right so I obviously I'll just end up writing it foil in the end anyway that's what that's what I've got not genuinely one of my mates from school like taxes are the only girls or me uh me nieces wanting to kind of this YouTuber have you have you ever heard of these two Lads and I was like 30 good for VIP yeah by the way Chuck sorry it does yeah did you get a Yankee Candle with it as well no so they're going to meet you afterwards you get a wanky handle all right I think it's before I think it's before what um have you ever had any weird meeting we've had people tweeting and saying what we should talk about weird fine interactions myself but we were out on a Christmas party last night oh no like last week right [ __ ] out and there's one [ __ ] drunk book literally hanging onto his shoulder gun you've got to beat that Logan Paul it's literally [ __ ] in one hand and like on his shoulder that's how my meeting yeah I will yeah be fair calyx is a real mess so that was that was a recent experience my worst one was because of you that's my worst one and we were both insomnia and you tweeted everybody who goes to make time Alex today punch him and the thing is this world said it to do it people actually went and did it I have one guy come up to me and just start boxing me well not quite uh I put up a fight I always punch my fans that's what I did I will clip that out but oh I had someone turn up at my house and she was from Cambridge and I'm from Norwich and you've got a lot of women fans by the way a lot of women have like said on my comments like um I I phoned you through Chuck Smith I was like maybe there is a benefit maybe there's finally an upside of having this conference it's just [ __ ] hell I think my emotions she like knocked on the door and was like um oh yeah I can have a photo because this was way back when and I used to put my actual address in my banner you [ __ ] no no teacher so people would send me like Christmas presents I could open and she just rocked up and she was like can I come into your house such a different time in it yeah I know and she came in I was like I'm not too sure and then I was like yeah can do and she came in because apparently the light was better I was like how did you get here she was like my parents dropped me off America how old was she was [ __ ] young she was about 11 12. I was like I don't know what to do but the lighting was better inside my Chad's still there now you're my million friends I've watched a documentary about [ __ ] like that last night where this uh this last got kidnap and uh like she was 14 and then 18 years later she turned up she'd had a couple of kids with a [ __ ] kidnap her and uh the mortgage for the Steve he got arrested he got arrested but the kids were so attached to him they thought like dad's going to prison and like the kids didn't want to go to prison they were like ask me dad well it was it was Sweden Sweden um we're sending me videos of him um he's petting something else in the video uh it was it was basically it was a dog sled so you get like four really eager dogs and then the dogs just pull you around the Arctic Circle for example how'd they make Amiga what if one of them don't want it I want to be fair some of them didn't want it and they they were talking candles one in the head to be fair while I was out there I thought this would be a really good XO video this would be a great trip anything with dogs I just said I'd [ __ ] anything with dogs anything with dogs the dogs are so sweet dogs am I right just a sec we had Segway is your biggest video the one with the girl with the dogs imagine your biggest video ever being the last shot [ __ ] dogs that is honestly that's what I said in the video somewhere in the city some girls dad come up to me and went you're that guy that does the videos about the women [ __ ] dogs oh that's my life yeah that's good yeah but that's everyone what's like the main main one just name it Emma chamber yeah yeah well she's like an American vlogger who does like I mean we've did uh we've got the karaoke machine so I'll get out at the end we'll all have a good singer we're gonna go in Christmas carols yeah do this you destruct run repeat Yeah well yeah we did EXO secret santa I got um Stephen um remote control Audi R8 so oh no your friends that your mate's got an Audi all right and and also a Batman mask someone got them a Batman mask as well and it but it's a level up on mine yeah I think uh was there anyone get a peep from from Al jezza no no no no nothing like that I get tagged in videos boxing now we've all been there for about three weeks the dodgy shoulder I've got a dodgy shoulder uh I'm not sure boxing's for him he's still not over getting dropped by Arsenal have you seen that video where he says he was the best footballer on the ball yeah during the year that the inventor yeah that guy buying that video there's a there's an I think there's a new culture on YouTube and really everyone in in this room is typically up for it where it's like if if if we take on a big YouTuber and make them look a complete [ __ ] then you're banging views and you're starting it's like vultures yeah you're starting your career I was going to say role of a million but sorry uh people got to come after us next and that's not okay when do the crowd turn when they go hold on a minute you guys are guys you guys are the ones we [ __ ] don't like anymore yeah that's when the next Generation come up how do you avoid that then how do you how do you I'm not saying the n-word's a good show yeah yeah don't be shout definitely shout that's right that's a building block try not to be a sexist [ __ ] that's what I'd say yeah sorry I do get a lot of comments in me video saying um are you still sexist yeah so why are you I'm not it's a joke though in 2018 you can't even joke about the differences between men and women anymore it's ridiculous like you can talk about anything else other than that pretty much pretty much apart from other differences we'll find out what we can't joke about in this podcast yeah you can't say that at 2 43. uh Japanese war slave not you sorry Brian sorry this is good and how much about you ABS I don't know are you excited for the tour Lads yeah we're a bit nervous not really I feel like once once we've written it and we've like got really good jokes that we know will work it'll be exciting we haven't got that yet so yeah nervous when is it March or something uh yeah end of March April uh yeah how many days 12 no 10 but 12 nights it's a lot of money for that 10 days two shows in one they're really working as hard the second chair is going to really struggle let's be honest good luck yeah yeah we have a great live show story don't we jack what's up we're not supposed to mention this are we not no because you're meant to make out like it went really well it did go well it says that now well it went better than we expected the actual show went well right um I carried you uh but but the tickets were free so obviously people just got them and then just didn't Rock up so we've had about a third of the capacity and and I think we didn't put many on anyway because we just wanted to be a little show just to see how it was going and what was that it was meant to be 100 yeah now I think you'll find if you look closer most of the tickets were bought by one person yeah I bought the first five rows just something thought okay came down a peg or two all right there's one podcast in Castle set up your own podcast again about um what 30 tops yeah it was like a mini conference meeting but it was like it was really awful it was really yeah right and there was a bit where like Alex was talking it was like one bit where he was talking but I got um a celebration and ate the chocolate and was just like flicking it off not thinking anyone was looking at me and then everyone started laughing and I was like that is the biggest laugh I [ __ ] got tonight that I can't flick a wrap her off my finger that's not gonna happen every [ __ ] week yeah live podcasts are awkward because they're not scripted though so like it must be the easiest hour and like hour and a half's worth of money you've ever made the live podcast Stephen's the problem Steven's the real problem um moving on Stephen you've done a gig that uh field once uh when you booked to do um you were booked to do something after a religious meeting once it wasn't I wasn't told it was a religious meeting it was a it was a you know Christmas party I was told all right on a company based in Saint Helens however the headquarters was Saint Helens and there was only six employees from there the rest was from all over the world and they were sort of like uh they're like pharmaceutical experts uh and just before you're all exactly and the guy goes uh there's a large like it's largely Muslim based right okay I saw my tattoo Merry Christmas it just said like they won't be drinking so you know it might be a bit of a weird gig and I was just like okay anyway it might not be drinking I go on an hour late and uh well they were late an hour so not you but unfortunately just before I go up they'd had a briefing on the year and they did badly apparently so they got told off then they had to read him from the Quran and that's talking about his non-sex life did not go away Brian uh I did a show for BBC three that was about moving out oh yeah can you move out with your mum and dad without your mum and dad I remember no and then they needed like a story arc no yeah so halfway through they were like what do you want to do what's your career I was like be a stand-up I asked you halfway through halfway through it was almost like they hadn't planned it and then it got to like the second to last day you know what he does yeah so they um they booked me a gig it's a little Pub in Norwich I've never been to and they told me the morning off so they were like you got a gig tonight [ __ ] it now so I was like I don't know what to do so I just I don't know if anyone knows the Twitter account Uber Facts yeah and they're clearly not yeah yeah so I just got loads of that those and was like I'll just rip these off yeah and then I got to the pub and there was a grown man on the floor in a suit crying and I was just like first time you met Ryan yeah I was like what's this deal and then the bar his dad's died so I was like cool um but my um there was like three people stood there watching me and um I was in the corner and my first joke which was obviously [ __ ] was if people don't laugh at your jokes statistically they're more likely to find you attractive brilliant so I was like so so I was like so if you're not laughing hello like that but there was one guy and it's not a boner in the corner there was actually a Muslim guy in the front and I don't know why but I don't know why so I looked at him as if to say like so if you don't laugh you clearly fancy me and he went and walked off and then there was two people well I spoke to him after yeah yeah and I went sorry about that joke and he was like that's fine in my face whatever no I did speak to him your career is over yeah it's all over I spoke to him after do you still and he said he really liked my Facebook video yeah yeah yeah yeah the call to action do you do you um do you still Harbor like hopes of being a comedian in the long run he's a comedian 1 million subscribers yeah in the long run do you still want to be fine no like do you still want to do like stand up stand up or do you still want to go on tour and do that there's a lot of money on that by the way the plan was to do stand up and then we done this podcast and it was really [ __ ] easy and I thought I'd just do that we haven't exactly the same yeah um but seriously would you I would like to do it yeah yeah and have you sort of got things oh yeah yeah yeah Humanity I'm going to call the first one yeah this is Ricky gerace from 10 years ago yeah it's like karaoke but the jokes that's brilliant that's really good you just mailed along to a Ricky Germaine's act yeah doing that every two minutes with a [ __ ] we've been asked to um talk about other like awkward moments generally if you've got any uh awkward moments Lads why are you looking at me in Lawrence yeah I feel like Lawrence would have a notebook the other day where I was at um the other day yeah where I was at a station and the guy went uh anyway can I have a selfie I went yeah sure and my friend was with me I was like what and he and he was like oh man and we both just stood there and he went gone man I was like well you went it's gonna have to be on your phone because my phone's died and so I had to take the picture and then send it to him that's a pistol don't even post it I've got too much I was actually on the [ __ ] train the [ __ ] train not the Virgin train train banter that's good I'm glad he didn't say nothing I was on a train I was on a train you guys already watched my words with Stephen and Lawrence around just scare me they'll attack anything I say don't make a cup of tea I want to try Lawrence McKenna must be some some kid just walked past and like screams at me look at him like well I'd just sat on the train George [ __ ] off Josh please leave me alone and then it was an empty Carriage I heard a pitbull with nobody on it on purpose I don't talk to anyone uh I don't know Brian calls it oh yeah now I've got a million better than everybody I know uh so I was just sat there and he screamed and before he said anything to me I'd already pulled his phone out to take a picture and I'm looking at him and I don't even know what's going on I was confused like what I'd even done at that point um and then he just took a picture of him he walked off didn't say it didn't say a word oh I heard that but I had a boots meal deal in my mouth as I was doing it so he went oh and he had his iPad and he went over and took a pic you have the whole meal deal in your mouth I actually had someone do this similar thing come up to me I was walking along the Victoria Station and he goes you're that YouTuber I'm like no I mean because I'm thinking if you don't know who the [ __ ] I am you don't watch it that much [ __ ] you [ __ ] so I'm keep walking and he goes I was like what's my name then he's like no I'll see you later so ironically that man was Adam was with me Paul was just cringing but actually it's it's funny we should bring this up because when I tweeted this out used two both noticed this there was a guy on saying yeah what should we talk about my favorite thing was in that in that in that tweet you guys I go by the name of it yeah yeah by the name anyway Lawrence uh because uh talk about people coming from nothing that have now earned what they have and ignoring people that are coming from nothing check your Facebook I go by Jonathan Hubbard I did check your face because I thought what's your biggest what's your problem hello TJ I have a proposition for you I'm a 19 year old actor and I have I've been acting for five years and every day in some way another I knock on the industry's door I have a concrete mindset and I sharpen my craft to an obsessive degree to be honest with you I haven't got many rules recently shock but um however I have been creating I have been creating work that I post online those videos consist of different characters and scenes that I created on myself I will send you the links if you're interested I am determined and I like this one I am determined as an ox is that really I mean literally every character I do in a film is a part of my legacy so I ask you true Geordie will you have me on the true Geordie podcast [Music] advice 11 year olds into his house so I wouldn't think anything else you said it just skip this podcast I love I'm gonna release this as a clip with no reference to that at all um [Music] I imagine this is what Wills like when he goes back to Newcastle aren't you what yeah is there a YouTuber in the house yes yeah apparently I'm a model these days whilst we're bragging Toby carvery DM me on Twitter offering me a free jumper thank you I'll take it you can come in the post oh well next year I know but they can see they're watching behind the cameras I got a VK Christmas jumper sensor really yeah PlayStation really love you as well yeah I know yeah you sucking them up VK VK is in not even wkd VK gives me horrendous flashbacks from uni I [ __ ] yeah hey I've just got to play my PlayStation classic by the way shout out to them um everyone got one apart metal gear solid playthrough just started it coming out on the second Channel soon just promote it's not on the little one yeah yeah it's tiny I was a bit disappointed by that I mean it's gonna be an actual replica it isn't the grid system what's the point tiny controllers as well I've received nothing from any brand the controllers are the same size aren't they I think they're the same as the old PlayStation they're not the jaw shot ones the jaw shot ones felt bigger because they don't have the oh situations uh by the way a confession I once uh met a girl's parents for the first time uh actually it was a Christmas time they all sat around having their like a dinner on Christmas Eve or whatever and I'm just stood up like yep I don't know like I was here 18 19 quite awkward you know what I mean you're meeting them for the first time I had a bit of a beard but it wasn't she was a beard she was hot actually um credit to us she had uh anyway I'm about to say I um I talked to them for about half an hour stood up in that and uh just before I'm about to go her brother pops up and goes just so you know mate you've had your fly down the entire time you've been talking to her and I was like and you've been wanking why did you get what was happening um she's with you bro it didn't go very well do you consider yourself to be a bit of a smooth talker I mean I could talk to women so back in the day when you were going out were you like chirpsing isn't it yeah were you a big trip I never thought I'd let you say that yeah were you a big church up until about 17 it you know I was nervous as any guy would be but I don't know if something just clicked and we had where I stopped caring for sure Alexis no I was um I was having believe it or not sex with a woman once and um you know like sometimes when like for a change I just want to see what all the fuss is about and I'm very awkward at the best of times but like um people think I'm making this up I've told it in so many videos I wouldn't keep on with it that's why this happened it's a good bit though and um she her mum came was like shouting at her through the dog she had a bald socks correctly have you come yet she was like you keep throwing the socks the wrong way she came in the room there was no duvets this was in the summer and and I've just gone because the door was there I've just gone and looked at the wall because I can't bear to look and she stood there I reckon it must have been 30 seconds which is a long amount no I'm just saying instantly I'm barely up anyway and then she's going are you the way you bought a socks like the orange don't go with the black and I'm like what the [ __ ] is going on and that man's wearing no clothes he's got Odd Socks and then uh yeah and then she left after 30 seconds she knew you were there oh she knew I was there yeah that's good that's good that's good yeah that's weird though isn't it I've been caught but not that bad uh there was a girl I used to see um me and her dad got on really I obviously I grew up without a dad relationship and her dad didn't have a son he had three daughters or whatever so like me and him were bonding all that and uh we used to go like fishing and stuff like that so I was getting on well to sleep with him no no I was getting on sucking him off I have the three daughters walking I was absolutely stop and leave it in his mouth just wait until they're done just you just gotta let it go so genuinely that I I had a real thing for this girl all right this was one of the fittest girls I've ever [ __ ] in me life right and her dad was sewn and I was like you know what it is this is going really well I'm really happy with this but anyway she had um she had a bedroom that was upstairs and her window faced out onto the Main Street and uh one day one day we're uh we're getting down to it and the blinds are sort of tilted and upward angle and apparently and I didn't realize this but whenever I died used to drive past the house and turn around and park up he'd always look through the blinds and they were angled in such a way that um on one lucky day or in luckiest for his maybe um I was eating our ass out and I'm talking into her ass like I've got a serious illness and the Cure is in her butthole do you know what I'm saying so um so anyway uh we're here sort of the dog or and then that's when we realize like oh [ __ ] he must have seen But then I'm like probably not you know you can't look at the window every [ __ ] time you talk it's in great form fellow yeah no I mean this the smell would have still been on my face as I'm coming downstairs anyway so anyway she he comes through the door and I'm just thinking just act like nothing's happening just Breeze this he never made eye contact me with ever again I thought we had something special I I think but the enemy had I thought afterwards would it have been better if I was just [ __ ] uh what is it is it the fact that I was a rim job's weird do you know what I mean neither way okay situation no but like if you're looking at your daughter in a certain way is it better because then you know she's a bit of a freak then do you know what I mean is that not the kind of child you want to read at least you know she's clean though I'll tell you you bought her up properly household you could have eaten your dinner off of that thing you did oh damn I forget this is a Christmas party if people are watching this on Christmas Day if you're doing a rim job the stuffing was [Music] I'm gonna eat my Christmas dinner and put this on for the family especially now I know this is gonna happen oh it was good times how do you have um because you did something um we'll record it after and then drop it in cheers so do you have any Christmas traditions that you go through that is one of them yeah he goes around to a house every year and he goes I'm back uh I'm I'm PR I like to watch The Godfather after I've had me dinner and I have it with them a bug of a bag of toffees and I just sit here like do you know I've never had though when we're talking about women in that Christmas do you know obviously girls dress up like Santa Claus like uh never had that can we talk about what you just dressed up as just before we do this it's downstairs no I would have done but I'll put it in the video they'll see it they'll see you'll get and many he's lying I never checked on a roundabout you can relate to this have I have you do you remember that do you yeah do you remember that a little bit tipsy bribe but we went for it no is that you referring around about I thought you were saying we shagged on around here I need something to stop me from getting [ __ ] [ __ ] stop it this is Christmas sorry yeah Alex has gone through two pint pops of champagne I mean I'm impressed to be fair Jack did say that this was going to end up being um five men on Alex by the end of it spit roasting them are you up for that one I'm gonna be pouring more then I do not want to be sober [Laughter] have you seen our picture of Stephen tries dressed as you by the way I wasn't dressed as you this isn't an attack yeah I'm going to show Chad the picture of Stephen just as Alex uncanny yeah I see your complexion and we've got Vodka in there where is it all right is it in the it's in the fridge isn't it go and check the fridge so we haven't really made any topics for this one we've got um people have asked us to review the yeah we've kind of done a lot of this before do we do we do this I had a good question YouTube Rewind or somebody somebody said what you reckon the worst thing a YouTuber's gonna do next year is that's a good one I was thinking about this because I was asking about my repair in a script where I could like be fill in the blanks so that I could have like 10 videos prepared for what day to me I was in 2018 is it's kind of like one of those years that will stand out I think I'll be surprised if in I think I think this is going to be one that people look back at because so much Monumental good and bad things happen we will never top this summer the [ __ ] Heat Wave pints and Kieran trippy has right foot yeah it doesn't I was texting me like where do we go from there yeah she was like that's a [ __ ] I'm being [ __ ] serious I can't actually watch the recap of it on either like the summer of love thing I can't watch it because it'll bring back so many memories prove your heart is that the fact that times were so good yeah it was sunny and [ __ ] pints just YouTube for that summer didn't you I just remember Jack hasn't made it made a video in ages I checked Instagram and it's just him in the bar everything just an absolute State an absolutely do you love your country do you love you all right you've seen his Facebook videos yeah yeah I've got a funny joke that's causing a bit of trouble I've got a funny Tommy Robinson Story actually go on to do with um weirdly the Logan fight um I'm at the weigh-in um and uh weirdly we're all like sort of you know doing my thing oh everyone come on stage waiting but uh and you just see Tommy Robinson in the audience before it was one of the weirdest like random moments in my life and um we're Furious if we'd normally was coming we would have like not allowed him in who this is Tommy which stuff uh you know to be fair that would do views um so uh the the studio Stuart stuff who runs beside myself they're like we wish we'd known he was crumbly used a fake name or whatever anyway thank you very much as you remember uh the former heavyweight champion of the world was knocking around um let's go champ I thought you're talking about Tommy Robinson Shannon brexit bearing in mind like Shannon Briggs is one of the few human beings that I've looked at and thought [ __ ] hell you are big like he just he's a huge man he's like he's just massive right after after we finish the day I go to the bar naturally I grab a drink and I'm like [ __ ] me thing [ __ ] that's all there Tommy runs [Laughter] I was like yeah fair enough um no worries uh Shannon comes over he spots Tommy Robinson and he goes and I'm like what am I about to win like in my head I'm thinking the heavyweight champion like this yeah and Tommy Robinson looks tiny next to him yeah racist to black man an Irishman walking and he goes uh Shannon goes to Tommy you that guy that hates Muslims and I'm just like [ __ ] they I I didn't get my camera or something this is yes that's me Tommy looks at his eyes like like the look The Only Could Be fear that is all I can say I didn't say no what the hell is about to happen and he just nervously giggled and and as Shannon's going towards him in almost slow motion Tommy just sits there and just I think he just prays at that moment he's just thinking what the [ __ ] is wrong he converted to Islam and Shannon just grabs him and hugs him and puts this tiny little head into his [ __ ] huge Chestnut it's all right man I don't mind I think you funny and I'm just saying that's exactly what time he was going for yeah and Tommy's just like his little peanut head's getting squished between this [ __ ] boyfriend and all this oh I don't know someone else had him or something it was just it it was mental I was like that could have gone so many different ways that is amazing imagine saying to somebody you're the guy who hates Muslims and then your next action is to embrace them in a hug uh that was surprised at that I was like you know I don't know what faith Shannon Briggs is but I thought it could have gone [ __ ] I mean let's be honest a fight would have been over very quickly between those two yeah Tommy would have won yeah but but Shannon I don't know he just didn't seem to give up video of uh Tommy like beating up them three gazers to come up to him in the street though I have never seen anything like it there's like three guys obviously come up to him like call him a racist whatever you win he just takes his jack off and starts fighting him and he's he's handled himself well I thought I'm not gonna sit here and go fair play but fair play no I was watching I was like do not I don't like the Muslims the only one I've seen is where this is a guy gets out like a guy walks towards him yeah I think the thing is to be Tommy Robinson you have to be game at the very least because you are going to be attacked Tommy Robinson because you two are sort of first time we met he told me he played for Bournemouth no I didn't I didn't yeah I said I played in Bournemouth as in the area that works in gay but it isn't these two have a lot of fun all right are you can you actually play football though yeah it's got a lot of football boots no the first time we met you and oh yeah I was playing Sunday League it was 1-1 no I'll stop myself back on 90th minute scored a goal yeah that was my second goal of the entire season if we were doing a Fireside team I could pick the first player I'd go Brian in five aside really good you played yeah I'm weird and weirdly good it could be something to do the fact that you'd have to run much in five years that's it though no because actually you you do move a lot inside the side so there's not much room and he takes up halfway this is where the Bournemouth story comes in because the reason why I don't have to run so much in Fireside because two of my mates used to play for the Bournemouth Academy so I let them do all the work and I would just I would start and you know in five or so it's fine you're getting off sides in five or size so I just stand by the goal they cheat it hit a goalkeeper to come back I put it in it's a surprise Jack makes happy hours as good as it isn't it because [ __ ] me do you know what like foreign did you leave them Alex and move on to proper place he was the best on the ball player at the club at the club yeah yeah oh good times good times I don't care about you I've got alcohol left I was gonna drink my sorrow away there's milk and gin there yeah a beautiful place um I sort of seeing her a few times because he used to go like every week desperate for [ __ ] bushes yeah I was in this club and uh there's like the there's a proper Ketty place it's St Helens we've all been there yeah and and I went to I went oh could I buy your drink she's like yeah uh so I went to buy it and they just go uh yeah we don't take card so I just turned to her and go oh at least yeah yeah I thought you didn't have enough money no that's a Sprint of the street came back and uh that was tragically [Music] I can't believe that when Stephen said a Ketty place you went yeah we've all been there yeah see if I joke about everything nobody will know what I actually do and don't do oh right okay that's like me yeah we've all been there mate didn't mention Ollie White's merch in your million subscriber video I was just I was just wearing it you know it's [ __ ] depressing Hollywood white owns a percentage of the company that do my merch Ollie white is creaming off of willingly invest purely because body weight is the Suge Knight of YouTube merch he's sitting there like a Don just watching all these minions make his money yeah you [ __ ] person he's sitting there in a bath of beans I am the [ __ ] [ __ ] that's in there I am the table you know what I mean it's just brother Paul said another team speaking of that group there's some beef that we have to talk about now have you seen Casper versus Josh Peters I thought you were getting in the boxing thing with Josh Petersburg Josh came on our podcast um last week did you chilling no it's not out no I would have known yeah yeah no you're a big fan I am actually I do watch you again what's happening I don't know what's happening are you gonna box him well I've done [ __ ] all for the last three weeks since October why why is Casper are they just trying to make something happen for the sake of some views or something I Dimensions [Music] going out Christmas Day oh yeah it's real now no it always it's real now but when it's not real anymore it's not real no genuinely I think um it just looks like a really fake I saw a tweet the other day I thought that hit it on the nail on the head and it was KSI versus Harry was you like cocaine and ketamine KSI versus deji was [ __ ] brother beef or whatever and then KSI versus Randolph was like literally dead she's a pedophile these lot have set it up as oh you didn't flush the toilet yeah like come on I didn't really write that though yeah super cyber and beef is fake they faked the cutic daddy of being a pedophile and that's the new level you've never done that would you no I don't Fake It generally the amount of people or YouTubers Alex is out there does Peter foils are you really like he's yeah so I have a really terrible track record at befriending Peter Park don't say that everyone always asks me what does he look like pedophiles how is your roommate uh no George is what do you like to live with it doesn't really leave his room does he yeah I say well more than I say George oh really see when I met him when he came on the Pod last week whatever I felt like because he's got a very distinctive voice because you can't see him yeah you all know him I'd never seen what he actually looked like so when I met him I thought I was trying to think the voice don't match the person but it doesn't the [ __ ] handshake does the do you shake his hand I think so this time over shook his hand he now he took me hand off really it's quite a serious slug when you talk to him so when when I met you and him in the pub and he was quite like serious and straight like you were I was an idiot I was losing my mind he was off his tits when I first met him no I've had we've all been there you told will that you thought I was on drugs I wasn't obviously I didn't say is he on drugs William or is that the after party's name it was your it was Stephen's fault so when I first met you I was losing my mind because Max turned up yeah he's your friends what happened he encouraged me to do two shots of I don't know what it was two shots of Cattleman to be honest for the entire party I just felt like I woke up the next day uh after meeting you and I woke up outside my apartment either I didn't wake up outside my out like in the in in the apartment building I woke up I looked up and I went that's the top of my apartment building that's concrete yeah I was I was very confused at where I was and it was like nine o'clock in the morning I had no idea what was going on you're not normally up there one of the questions we've had about you specifically is um the other YouTuber who is called Charles um people are asking has he [ __ ] you what James Charles yeah that was one of the questions I mean Eric I uploaded uh well I'm saying you thought it was very funny didn't you well because you were the only first pointed out do you think do you think men with men is funny do you will wow what happened I uploaded a video on a YouTuber called James Charles I was doing a response to something he'd done that was controversial um and I decided I guess I decided to wear I mean I wasn't even tight trousers uh you kind of see where this is going I just I am a huge [ __ ] basically now I was wearing uh jeans but I didn't realize I recorded the first minute for the first time ever with my lower half of my body in shock that was a mistake yeah did you have um what was it it all right I wasn't like yes I get to [ __ ] ruin another YouTuber it's obvious you see the outline of his pain right okay okay yeah he's the one with a big penis it's quite obviously an LGBT YouTuber James Charles he does makeup videos I've seen him before is he the one with the shaved sides of the head yeah I think I did um I did a reaction to one of his videos once where he goes um these are all knockoff products yes and he's like really happy with himself yeah that would be James I remember just being like how the hell did I get here I just remember I woke up the next I checked I checked the real time our video's doing really well I didn't read the comments all the girls watch it Joe Charles followed you back and I was like oh cool well at least you didn't take the video badly and the first DMV sent me was oh you got a huge [ __ ] wow it was like I couldn't watch the video I was too distracted by them just distracted by the Bulge basically was what he said and I I read that and I was no [ __ ] weird that must have been the most mental do you know how much money that guy makes though [ __ ] just get I read my wife yeah and a half a month so I I read that I read I read the yeah he's telling us about a YouTuber trying to shut them up I read the DM and I was like oh well oh hopefully it's not that obvious I mean he's a gay man maybe he was looking for it well I read the comments and it had like all of them had like 10 000 likes do you have a big dick then I has anyone else been chatted up by a YouTuber and asked about their dick because I I'm a bit annoyed now I feel like you're the only one here who's being asked about their dick off another YouTube Vic star is a lovely guy and I'll never top him in come on you'll take that to your grave Stephen [Applause] you've been you're being offered some good dick there in terms of money good day good CPM if keemstar is right then I will be making those movies well literally you could literally suck a dick in the story about the Nick Crompton gay prank yeah no Nick yeah Nick message Jack and Steven 's like oh Alex's face oh yeah yeah he texted me and was like uh like the new pod can you it is Alex Kane I was like he's bi so he might be well I mean I haven't made it up no I mean are you Keen I know you buy yeah why do you think George gets all those hickeys when he wakes up and he goes you [ __ ] doing it again if anyone likes um if anyone likes Alex's [ __ ] just leave a like on the videos this is Merry Christmas everyone this is awesome I was the first person that Nick Crompton came out to really yeah yeah yeah really yeah and a funny story you're not the most understanding person normally though well no it's not about that I just mean we're in a collab channel oh really at the time yeah we had a collab Channel called project six Joe Weller was in it for the first week and then he got the World Cup songs he [ __ ] up never saw him again Crawford you don't you know he's one of those people who will you'll not hear from him for a while that's just yeah yeah since that week it's a joke about it let's not do it now all right so you you and Nick Crompton are good well we used to be uh good pals yeah yeah so what was that like well so I have this weird story I'll be intrigued to see what you guys think of this yeah but in a roundabout kind of way I think would you be okay with you sharing this with us though oh yeah definitely yeah I think I am kind of at fault for Jake Paul bringing Jake Paul to the world right wow so I'll give you a little bit alone Nick Nick hated you so much if he moved to Los Angeles very much yeah yeah so Norwich of America so I I told this in a podcast but it never went out so exclusive for you my friend but um I started a collab Channel called project six and there was five of us and we needed someone for the sixth day and Nick Crompton was a fanboy of Jack mate way back in the day so pathetic and um I watched a couple of his videos and I thought he was quite funny like a little Peter K he used to do comedy like Northern what makes you think is open okay like he was just chubby and Northern I knew that I just wanted to hear and see it yeah after Christmas so bread he is actually funny it's quite funny loud I like that when he did the response video the Bazinga calling him out and he turned around in his um his uh chair I think he might have been struck in a cat or some [ __ ] it was funny oh yeah but these two absolutely to be fair this is going to end up in one of those Instagram videos where it does all the weird transitions next podcast don't put those two together yeah we never do we always we always shoot EXO separately with those two apart yeah so your Nick's your fan boy so I had to convince the other guys on the podcast who was well uh a guy called um chip daddy Adam waif was in it yeah yeah this is going back a few years now I fell off but he never got up I don't know who these are but I that's the one that JJ said at the um Elliot Crawford he's like you'll be uh what do you say YouTubers Channel yeah it was funny it was quite a nice restaurant but so yeah so I convinced those guys to get Nick on the channel and he he went to 10K Subs banged it and then um yeah so he then he then tried to get a job at social change so obviously you've had Steve Bartlett on the podcast the guy that runs that we've all tried it big duffed up we got I've been there for Nick's um what's it called um when you try and get a job you need to prove yourself something like that he basically well here I just say this is the most YouTuber he had to prove that he could get x amount of traffic to a certain video so he asked me and Joe and we pushed some views to this video so we got the job at Social chain long story short he landed this great job and then he called me up and I was in my dad's flat and he was like I'm gonna move to America I was like why are you doing that you've just got a great job he was like oh there's a Vine star that I'm gonna start managing I was like who's this he gave the name Jake Paul's I've never heard of this guy so he went over managed him made him a big thing so I think in a weird kind of way you're full in it it's I'm at fault for Jake Paul I made Nick Crompton right and he matched it yeah and he made Jake Paul and Jake Paul wouldn't mind me saying that but you made Jake Paul exactly exactly and that's where Brian's friend's room now so technically you're right you made you made Brian friends with Jake Paul you're welcome I know yeah yeah but when we I was in a hotel room with um Nick Crompton once and Stevie who's the other guy on our podcast and the other one this is the Forgotten man he hasn't got enough [ __ ] subscribers this is before Nick came out so he's in the opposite room and then I said to Steve shut up you two [ __ ] hell I was like when Nick comes through let's leave the jaw the door slightly ajar and we'll be in bed and we'll take our clothes off and pretend that we're up for something right so Nick jumped right in as YouTube is right it's all fake so we let Nick know what we were gonna do yeah nothing we do is yeah it was from a second Channel years ago it's silly and then Nick comes in and then he goes we're in bed and he goes guys you're ready he goes what the [ __ ] you doing what the [ __ ] you and he acted really offended at the fact that two boys were in bed and then all the comments turned against him and were like you're a homophobic bastard and then a month later he come out as gay so I say he's not actually gay but you should come out as gay he's actually homophobic he's just kept that going all this time well I've got him he's having sex I hate this it's a my man going why are you balling socks like that it's horrible yeah that sounds amazing Nick can manage me if he wants and I mean that New Year's carry on I'll go back also if you're it's like Efron game just for the record it requires the other person also is he gay no but no but he's the fittest man I've ever seen why do you keep drinking that yeah there's a mixer for the Vodka do not need oh where are you going where are you going that's like the Rolf Harris set I feel sorry it's nice watching this from the outside this podcast oh yeah yeah I've never touched a kid apart from my uh nephew that's my kids respond he cries when I touch him it's gonna be a lot of editing on this one everyone knows just like I said to my girlfriend keep it in is there anybody else I'd really like else to drink something um I think I'd have one of my songs I think we've got gin uh vodka with mixers we've got beers we've got whiskey we've got cider Stephen bring the whiskey out and I need a little bring out the whiskey I'll have a beer please if you bring out a beer for me does anyone else want food chicken yes yeah when Jack drinks it perfectly normal when I drink it oh look at that [ __ ] [ __ ] I always drink this yeah I know help me highlights of the Year Lads what are the highlights of the Year people are asking Croatia yeah um they're saying on YouTube well everything he did KSI versus Joe KSI versus Logan rise of ninja uh that YouTuber who did that thing with us sake little tear uh that kid who did that thing with this 13 year old sister where he pretend like he's there because he's he's videos are [ __ ] but [ __ ] his thumbnails are so obscene the thing is if I wasn't tuned in so you could be talking about 90 years possibility the stone cold yeah I think with him though I think he is the single worst YouTuber on the platform like I would say that above anyone else because all right okay there's like yeah well I walked past him and then he made a video going oh he didn't say nothing to my face that's what neither did you do we literally walk past each other in a corridor but I think he is the single worst person on the platform I didn't like I'd get my dad to stand next to him and intimidate can we understand why you think he's the worst YouTuber that there is I've not seen this kid so is this is this Colony yeah I get that he's bad but it's just so bad that it's almost like he kind of accepted it again you would my other do you like the ship houses it's because he's so like Unapologetic so he'll like just do it and go yeah I know at the same time it's like it's bad in the terms of like it's misleading your stuff but I mean I do think that there's obviously no form of I I don't understand I don't know this video should be like I'm really happy that this did well but um oh there are definitely there are worse people that was that was Tommy that was Tommy because that was when I met his friends at uh one of the I think it was actually the sidemen All-Stars game I met his friends and he wasn't there really well commentated event yeah and it was good and Millie uh no it was uh Elmo films tonight he's a lovely blind so who's the one who is um like the single worst YouTubers that they've done just who would you say is the worst YouTube I'm not up Stephen I'm trying to think I think the worst thing that happened last year because you know we did the the podcast on it yeah it's a slightly Friday uh but we did the podcast on it and we said that it was either uh daddy 05 yeah um or it was the person who believed that if they put a book in front of their head and if I had a handgun for it what he does not know that what a girlfriend or boyfriend so they were trying to go viral so a girl obviously he puts two books in front of his chest and he goes to his girlfriend fire the [ __ ] Desert Eagle if they upload that that's a buyer yeah well literally died it went through the books and then it was just killed him she's [ __ ] in [ __ ] jail or whatever yeah what coming soon to the chat meeting when did this happen yeah my girlfriend kills boyfriend I think that was this year actually weirdly um an Indian YouTuber just died and I checked his uh yeah and it was weird because the traffic's terrible um shout out to the Fred batch Instagram page because they they cover a lot um why is that so funny he just [ __ ] killed it doesn't he oh don't say it what's your words yeah you'll never get on Good Morning Britain with that if Tyson Fury can do it I think I've got a chance who's your person of 2018. interesting one good question not for that one Maguire like from from YouTube specific no no in general General in the publication not your neighbor Doris um I don't know we'll come back to you can I ask you can I ask you a question because you guys are also well he's already asked one so shall we answer that one so Florence that's all you guys ever end up feeling sorry for the person that you've taken the piss out yeah occasionally I think because sometimes I do videos where I'll kind of go half and half I'll be like well you're a bit of a prick but also I don't think you're that much of a prick uh and sometimes you know if you're pregnant what is the problem between you and keemstar because uh I I personally my experience with Kim has been fine like I think he's been fine with me whatever but you've had a dislike for ages it seems like this is very weird because it's one of those things where I like it came and I'm like I still don't know if it's real does that make sense I I look at Kim I'm like I'll do it does he actually hate me or is it like he's playing with you that's always what he's done so I always took it it's that to be fair I always took it it's like pixel I was like 50 he does it because maybe he doesn't like what I've said 50 he does it because the fact that he knows it people will enjoy it because they do enjoy it um it's funny you only talk [ __ ] about people yeah it is funny because I I watched him I've watched him before so I can understand it's one of those things where I remember it all started because of the fact that at the beginning when I had like 4 000 subscribers um he did a video he did a debated podcast which I don't know if that's around anymore and he he called why not friends with him anymore right yeah we're not friends uh he caught one of my one of one of my friends at the time he said that he was untalented at the time I thought he was actually the most likely out of all of us he wasn't afraid of fall I will say that but I basically did a video saying that I didn't literally it was a very simple video he just went I don't agree with you here's why and that was it it wasn't I don't think it was necessarily mean or anything and he did an entire two-hour live stream on me and from that point he's just kind of got out of hand you've just like that's how you've got a million tubs yeah uh no it's one of those things where I disagree with him once he didn't I agree with me and from that point onwards I did find a bit weird because that was that was the first thing I said about him on the Pod I just said he doesn't research his his news and then he came he done a whole [ __ ] Twitter video about me and said that I had frosted tips yeah it's [ __ ] terrible what's the first thing I can see it's hair brilliant [Applause] Fiona comes in come on I was in the car with Fiona yesterday and I read an article and it said uh bleached hair coming in for men next year and Fiona straight away went will tell him he never goes against what you've said he goes for a personal jab so why might James replied to his child no I might change he suck your dick out of his mouth I'm gonna sort him out yeah the thing is I would say I'd like to disagree but Jay I make James Murray did a video where he replied to Keem and Kim replied saying that's funny it obviously couldn't be you who wrote it the funny thing is it was me who actually told him to do the joke so then James does a video where he goes oh it was all Alex so you've just complimented the guy who you apparently hate so King so King Kingdom replies again can't remember what we said um so we we do it and it's about the whole sucking up oh it was about a whole I suck people off of views so we did a video where James goes I got my subscribers than Alex and and he and you know why does he talk to me and halfway through the video I appear from his cross because I love men and I go and I just go am I doing a good job and then James push the spirit back down again he goes carry on and the video ends and King went that's funny you can look like that yourself um I mean it goes I mean he made some comment about the fact that I was I was like and obviously you got by 80 the fact that he's bisexual and I was like it's not a bad thing Daniel don't don't go home a favor I like when you call him Daniel that is fine the only reason why I do that is his fault uh he we spoke once in a Discord call uh yeah and he said and I called him I called him Daniel uh as to just just as a joke I was like let's pretend that we're best mates so I was like all right Daniel how are you doing he went don't ever call me Daniel again if you call me Daniel he's like we're not friends we never be friends and I went all right Daniel anyway no don't do that I really don't like it so from that point I've always called him Daniel can you imagine a grown man getting annoyed at someone uses this is the best thing about the whole team every time every time King tweets me my dad sends me a message and goes why is a man my age talking to you on the internet yeah she's like Fair why is your dad follow him does your dad call you on Discord how does your dad contact I mean I think what does your dad think about you being friends with nonsense uh I think at first it was terrible and then yeah [ __ ] off he's gay but he plays football so he's all right but hold on he wears those rainbow laces everywhere I think the worst part is is when will and George thought it was a very funny idea to leak my earnings that's from my dad's got something with respect for me and George didn't lick it I said it did the podcast how does everybody know that you earned 50 Grands more than that now all right I did a joke tweak as well was banned off Twitter the other day and I joke I did a tweet about will uh in all all his his earnings to YouTube from YouTube are about like uh people like oh enjoy that three dollars or that three quid I think [ __ ] off time's up by a thousand and then you're close yeah that's not even before the merch sales yeah Stephen tries isn't his [ __ ] elements no I was trying to play You're welcome I was trying to play well at a game of FIFA the other day and every and I was trying to play well at a game of FIFA and every five minutes he gets this uh-ching sound effects come from his phone for every time oh really yeah absolutely four dollars [Music] come on keep that going baby all of a sudden Ollie White's promoting one of these merch on Instagram look if you like will I need so much just keep buying this [ __ ] shovel it oh that's good that's good that's good because it's ironic that's the trailer yeah that's cracking that's good people he's person of 2018. yeah good question team star's got to be up there for me he's uh he's really changed the community yeah he's one of my mates the community yeah mine's dead G is it yeah I think he's done well for himself at the center of everything yeah and he's really played the character well yeah upset KSI but I've never understood deji like he always seems to be he seems to say the wrong thing but I feel like I feel like JJ watches him and goes the thing is I can't agree with that because when I went to the first uh Sideburn party I ever went to everybody ignored me but Daddy was the only person who came up to me so that's right then she knows how to pick the victims don't look a bit better everybody else pretended I didn't exist but Daddy count to me and hugs me so I was like I'm sorry I look good next to you to be fair though was always very friendly whether he knew who you were it was nice to me I thought that this this old biffing was going to calm down I was like all right that's it it's over and done with then she wrote a reaction all right Stephen job some sloppy toppy going on there wasn't it how are they gonna edit this is a good let's just say it I'm [ __ ] happy we didn't do this for X all because half of it would be gone um just a minute the wonderful brand Xbox latest video he did a reaction to ksi's uh music video and I was like all right it's calmed down now this he's probably going to turn it around and be like oh it's all over and not he just opens up with about two three minutes a slate and Randolph and you're like no this isn't fake like not in his head whatever whatever the reason when I realized like I saw obviously I took a picture suit originally but you take a lot of things with the pinch of salt what's your sodium level make [Music] I watched it the first time I was like if JJ doesn't respond when it has to be real yeah and that was really do you have any kind of beef with veggie then or not because obviously you had all those podcasts come out not the deji one so I didn't ever speak to you about this but from an outsider's point of view I thought there must be some kind of no actually I get on well with them when I see him in person but there was a moment where there was a moment where so I only was supposed to have Logan and JJ but Jake good ones Jake came with Logan and you thought and in your head I'm like all right son yeah yeah all right and then the other one yeah so that was all and then it didn't I I messaged edgy a while back and I was like oh if you've got time he never replied and I was like all right then no problem I'll just do the these three and then they'll put them out and that's it right you know yeah it was your 100th and people yeah well pissed off that Jake Paul some people thought just be clear in the background maybe you should have done a podcast with a person who helped you set it all up the person who said yeah sure was busy that day for the 100th podcast I should have brought on all the girls you'd have spoken about on the entire world there's only one girl he's a loyal Ali yeah she's the guy with him as Brian says boys give me um an escrow Lawrence um calendar for 2018 so thanks boys thank you sir James Lawrence Olcott great Channel James Hawker organized that can I just say July I love it you're making my life way easier keep going we're not an EXO anymore my friend I think you know a lot of you are in relationships but who is your like I've I went with me anybody with more subscribers than me technically technically keemstar is in that uh that really feels like that's your question if you feel like it's not going well I'll just bring out the whole I love the whole place or boyfriend would allow you to [ __ ] yeah if if they came along with a choice Ariana's gaming holy which I imagine she has given her Barbados heritage if you are watching and you are then uh get pondycock you're better than that yeah people are being higher Steve for some reason she's not really funny when I first met Stephen he was this quiet he shot a young man I've just I've just looked what I've done look what I've done my girlfriend's changing the road yeah I'll shag a honey badger at this point oh will who's your hall pass uh Jenna Coleman what she's done what me has done to you is when they know that you like a girl they have to brainwash you and not like her so then they have a term of an endearment in its big round-headed [ __ ] that is literally exactly what Miracles have you got a whole Pastor anyone who you like you ultimate like your who's your dream I've been I've been told not to message James Charles again why because the first message me and James Charles River exchanges about my car yeah so would you I've had his address it surely he's a bit of a pretty boy is is that what you would go for I mean when I looked at him I was like you know he could be female it could be male depends on how much makeup he's got no he generally he does look like a person who could dress either way generally like because his appearance is very he's a pretty boy he could dress up as like a woman and you wouldn't know man I'm just more water they'll see this and then I'll write you off right and you'll see us you know his [ __ ] no James Charles uh oh my God Lawrence do you have a whole place is it jabby uh shabby's my whole passes Alonso it was the most I saw him in the other room and I genuinely remember looking at him interviewing by someone else and I remember thinking I believe it was that [ __ ] should I ask you about are they I remember thinking you know uh I'm gonna be thinking that's gonna peek at 45k views you were there weren't you Stephen what was Lauren's like what was what was what I was like around that I was Lawrence was also a bit nervous but that's that's because it like he's your hero isn't it genuinely uh a peak where I thought I'm so glad that I hung out with these [ __ ] for such a long time no I'm not good with empathy but I could see like shabby Alonso is she's good with him I watched it and it was a good video yeah I just remember thinking if there was one thing that I want to get across today I could say I could tell you this actually ever since Edison Cavani he's only ever played his PSG the annoying thing is if if we'd shown the full footage idea I think we actually held our own massively when it was heads and volumes we were good they did weak foot penalties to be fair um what about have you got a a whole person um Jack's got Ollie white and three days and so well what is this anyone or you can [ __ ] anyone as long as the Mrs would like allow it it's actually really quite like the one that Jake Paul used to be with oh this is Alyssa yeah I'm not gonna lie she seems like a bit of a [ __ ] yeah but you haven't got to worry about that in the moment she wasn't my type by any means but I thought Eric was a really nice girl that's um and apparently they've got beef as well you know like uh Elizabeth's being thrown shade um Erica I don't know why it doesn't seem natural when you get excited about stuff like that yeah to be honest with you the only time I'll get excited is when I look at their Instagrams Brian do you have a you don't need a whole past oh there's anyone that you needed a whole past four aside from my sort of my man and then then you've got to have a home if you were with this girl Lawrence do you lock yourself down yeah who's that I don't know who that is what most people in terms of plus size model but she's she's oh you're I think she's liking her a lot on Instagram Brian will be there what yeah she's trying to say Lawrence is trying to say is if this belongs they just belongs to mg would you replace him with the podcast there's times where we'll be on the kickoff and you know what you have a quiet moment where nothing's really happened on the football I'll just be like there were times where I look over and we're recording something and Brian has gone from I'll go Ryan bring up the offers and he'll go yeah bring up the offers I love The Bravery that's not my instrument yeah yeah this is but my dad got insta about two years ago and he just like tweets every now and then yeah and then someone tweeted me and went you need to get your dad off Twitter look at his likes and I went on his likes he just liked loads of porn videos especially back in the day there was a picture of your dad yesterday with you as a young kid and I remember looking thinking your dad was a good looking yeah yeah that is the weirdest thing I thought this is the most bisexual podcast we've ever done it love it I always thought I'd try it for a long time because my sister convinced me [Laughter] actually weirdly uh most girls that have been attracted to me in my life have been bisexual because uh they always tell me I either go for a really girly girl or really manly man I mean look at you I'm like oh you're already girly man obviously 100 uh what else have you said if you had to switch laws for any other co-host who would you go for great question hello Brian to be fair you do have two other people but but it doesn't have to be completely for example this is good when you were selecting your co-host I suggested yeah your girlfriend I thought she would have been good and that's why I didn't think it was such a choice yeah all right well he didn't think of a politically as I've said as I've said I would be a great left Winger on EXO so you know if you ever need me for that okay if I had to replace Florence it would be with a woman because I feel like um man when that's that's why I said you and your girlfriend because there isn't a lot of man woman uh Partnerships on YouTube at all that that are good in my opinion there's a gut in the market there and every single one that is I just made a video on very sure you are so off the podcast empty all right two two very different people you know often think though is it it is weird how people pair up because you we could you could have had such a different you could be at 2 it would be a really weird different route if you've gone down the route of someone who you went uh that guy matches My Views perfectly I'll just go down that route I I did think about that and I thought God that would be [ __ ] terrible yeah but then you two were but then I realized how how unique I was how original I was I thought there's no chance of that yeah go the other way but genuinely do you know what I thought when I was trying to find a podcast uh a guy to do the podcast with I only thought of you and it was because I thought I've done enough work for one lifetime who's the person who makes us feel the least like actual work actual work and I just think [ __ ] around with your mate is like that's what we're here for Lads sales for Ollie white we'd only met once before we did the podcast do you know that really no so we met once when we did this it was a difference meeting in the beginning so I'd met you a few times in London uh we also did um the sidemen um it was time in charity match the first one when we've got banned from it before we became oh we did things together we'd only met once and we met on the day I remember taking the train to Southampton and being like actually the first time me and you ever actually met was when we did the first time we did the pilot yeah so we don't we only texted and Brian literally we texted each other and gone yeah it'll be fine and that'll be fine yeah no we literally turned upon the day and went and then charity match was one of the funniest even to this day I can watch that pack and piss me some you know more than any podcast because because we got stuff from doing it again I know we really pushed a few buttons why literally how long you've made this wait you two actually got stuff Joe Weller and Elliot the next year because we pissed a lot of songs I brought it up when I was drunk go ahead [ __ ] drunk do you remember when you two uh pointed out that two people came about to you uh up during the match yeah yeah those are my [ __ ] in real life mates really yes yes when the picture Invasion happened and they bowed no because they they don't come on yeah leave us alone yes don't want to meet you no that was my like George and Kyle because they both went to that game they messaged me off when it's going we got 90 smallest two Geordie and I was like one day you know one day I will uh that was it doesn't know that was really [ __ ] so technically most guys will see this podcast the game we did it first so it's not that impressive so yeah because I in my head like I've I had one mate from back home who um he's like Lauren's tiny bit in terms of like just a sarcastic prick but not the same person it's a [ __ ] but I used to just have such a laugh at him and then when I met Lawrence I was like oh this is the same like me and him just click and then when we did the side man charity match I was just like this is one of the funniest things I've ever done like this this podcast is going to be mint we're going to have such a [ __ ] laugh yeah I remember watching that and then I remember you two of being like why the [ __ ] are these people wherever I'm bowing to me I just got a Facebook message about five minutes after going or just bow to the tree Geordie and I was like you guys have made yourself a lot of complete Pricks I've never had so many people message me and say I hope you get cancer he opened his DMS on the live stream and this was when I'm not saying that mean Lawrence are the biggest YouTubers by any means but literally like we are well known yeah we weren't well known then especially Lauren's Blossom and you got a lot of [ __ ] that did yeah so my DMs were open because I had I think 4 000 followers and you're a big story we were trying to make 25 year olds laugh on a stream full of 10 year olds so in our heads we're like we don't give a [ __ ] that there's two million people watching live as long as we're laughing we don't we don't care we [ __ ] up in absolutely I think that's what you need to do yeah I think if you do a joke that you you deem as clever and you think that 90 of people won't get it when those 10 do you're like I'm [ __ ] yeah I I wanted to meet up again because I was watching the kickoff a few days ago yes I do and I remember Stephen does text me most weeks Stephen talks about 10 I'm thinking myself why don't you just come on that was a that was a joke on the kickoff that went over most people's heads so I very much appreciated that was the sports Personality of the Year joke right because Halal ham does deserve it I've got a question for you actually right out of all the podcasts you've done who has been the best you learned a lot about them that you didn't already know you thought they might be a bit average and they were a bit decent and without really cussing anyone up who's not really telling us I don't want to say who's the shittiest guest but who is it I know who the [ __ ] is straight away no if you can't say it tell me I think the best guess in terms of um I think that we've had some great guests General I think Tony belly was someone I really liked in terms of but that was EXO but I still got them as mine because I was the one who [ __ ] wanted to have him on yeah he was someone who I just loved as soon as I met I thought it was a class Blow from shagging um this is a lot of good sex on this this podcast which is fun in terms of who I didn't expect to be amazing but really was amazing we'll show you showing that one Sean Sean is by far one of the most genuine people I love what you and I have met yeah you've gone to prison do you mean he's been or he's gone but the story so a quick a quick rundown if you haven't seen it Sean Atwood was a guy who uh built his reputation on the stock America made a lot of money then decided he loved drugs he was going to sell them instead ship the Lord of ease ended up dealing with the new Mexican Mafia got caught selling drugs ended up in prison for about six years and then finally got out and now he's trying to educate kids while you should so somebody could say that he lived the same life as a YouTuber does he still deal or is that it's the Wolf of Wall Street as England's Wolf of Wall Street is what I call them because it's very similar sort of story in terms of success and drugs and all that but he was just a great dude to do a podcast with in terms of people who've let me down I think there's been some podcasts which I was a bit uh um there was there was a there was a few people who I was a bit disappointed with and you should get the karaoke machine out and do some dizzy Rascal songs when dizzy Rascal came on the podcast I had this image of him as the 16 year old me who listened to the 16 17 year old dizzy Roscoe who's a real like educated young dude who really had his [ __ ] finger on the pus of how people my age were feeling and and thinking at the time and just felt [ __ ] helpless I mean yeah absolutely in the album right he nailed it genuinely when I met him and when we asked him certain questions and he and he got a bit sensitive and a bit aggressive specifically towards Lawrence and he had in my head I was thinking to myself at the time I was thinking just let it go because he's a big name and I'm trying to deal with that for one of the first times in terms of having someone from the music industry in retrospect I wish I'd just turned around and said um if you don't want to ask the question answer the questions then [ __ ] off me you know what I mean like but I think how much I liked him as a young person influence how I interviewed him and that's a learning curve for me and I wish if you're just gonna act like a dick then you'll get the real me do you know what I mean yeah I think everybody gets that though like I every single time I meet YouTubers who I've been watching for 10 years no matter how many videos I've made on them I always how many videos I told you videos when you meet somebody no matter who it is along those lines you kind of do give them more leeway subconsciously than I think yeah and I didn't realize that until after I watched it back and I was like that's not me really don't get me wrong it wasn't like it wasn't like I totally took me foot off the guy that wasn't there you ask him no I thought we ended it thinking he will know that we are fans of him and therefore he will give us answers which would Merit that and there was a point in the podcast where he went journalists and people like you and I was like oh yeah it's different and I remember thinking you've completely misjos this because actually you don't you don't understand I'll be honest it was just a bit of a letdown right for me and since then it's to the point where I don't even listen to his music anymore because I'm just like oh yeah now then that you've got so this podcast has always been like a thing that you want to grow and grow and grow yeah and now you've hit certain like guests do you feel that so you've had Logan on who's obviously massive blah blah blah you might get someone who's seen him alone now but like um not like huge like Logan do you feel like if you then get them on it will then be like a step down no I don't care I don't care about status it's about chats so I've had people on since then so who seriously are um I can tell they're here for their own interests and that's when I'm like and lately I haven't done a proper podcast interview hardly at all like because I'm just [ __ ] sick of people who come on and they're like guarded and they're like I'm not going to give you what I'm really thinking and I'm just like well don't [ __ ] come here go to the [ __ ] yeah baby say all those other [ __ ] who are going to promote your [ __ ] and give you five minutes and not actually tell your story and not really give you an engagements because if you're not going to give you a real story of me I'm not interested what's interesting is actually I I know that the main I can't watch this but I know there are people in every office that do watch the podcast let's be honest the kids of mainstream media are watching us but I think a lot of people are watching and we watch the kids and part of me is disappointed with mainstream media like BBC ITV all these guys because what they've done is they've seen the formats that we go on YouTube and they've started to rip them off and instead of doing something which is Sky Sports the debate yeah all right all these kind of things where they go instead of coming up with some these guys got millions of pounds we that we had nothing to rub together when we started this podcast I was in a bomb shelter and that's what annoys me is these guys have got rooms of people who go 50 Quid a deer though where was the Japanese prisoner of Wars yeah I rented it from a guy who barely spoke English he was Russian and he has five teeth I reckon back in the like the old school true Geordie podcast days yeah you would have probably loved to have someone like knobby Solano on the podcast but now you've had cheers I don't know if you'd go back down to that so do you feel like all the genres now but to go back to someone like that you're gonna feel like a step down even though when you first started a big get the same way though because actually we've discussed this a lot between the two of us we got offered a lot of guests and Brian gets Neighbors um oh that could be an interesting guy but actually have you Peter Crouch offered himself right he's correct agent offered right and the only reason he did that is because he wants to take off us over on happy hour so the reason was for one reason and it was because he was launching his own podcast and it was like right so let's promote that so perhaps would have come on I'm gone he would have gone oh well I've got the part of I've got stories to save from my own podcast yeah so what we want is people are going to come on and go I'll tell you any story anytime and whatever you ask if you hit upon something so for example Kieran Dyer wasn't um the biggest name in football uh in his day but he was he was a big name he was an England player but to me if I could recreate an interview regularly it would be the Kieran dire interview because he gave everything he showed emotion he practically [ __ ] cried he kept up in touch with us afterwards still text us every week like he is the realest nicest [ __ ] block I've had on like here in Dyer I thought he was a total [ __ ] it turned out to be like as nice as any block you say is your best podcast today is the best podcast Standalone podcast every single episode he's had you on to be fair this is why they say Jack yeah that's the best podcast um I would probably have like probably have a top three because uh I wouldn't go on them number three Jimmy Conrad oh Jimmy conrades lovely um sorry to assume it's gender he might be I don't know why a woman yeah I don't know it's really it's hard to do that you can probably get number one can't you what what swings the moment I say true Johnny podcast because you probably want to say Shira but then no Shira wasn't the best podcast because Shira you need people who are going to con completely give themselves over so what's your best friend he can't though he's never left I love the shirts yeah exactly yeah but what there's a there's a wall there with certain people that it doesn't matter how good of an interviewer you are you're never gonna break down and I'm getting to the point where I'm just [ __ ] off with trying I'm just like look if you turn up then just give us what I want I think my my favorite one as somebody who was football for a long time and also has been subscribed to a channel since today's what you did we get it when you have a sexual house [ __ ] off Stephen my favorite I think my favorite one was the Kieran the Karen Dyer one that was really good see you interview Karen dying as a Newcastle fan oh yeah I put myself in the position where I was like as somebody who is a big football fan and has seen England disappoint people time it was nice and I went it's nice to understand how he felt because you don't normally get that you just kind of yeah they're they're on cloud nine and they don't want to they don't care anymore I'm telling you now right when I asked Kieran about as um well Gary speed and his kids like I'm looking at this guy's eyes and I'm seeing like the bloodshot I like you could say you're the emotion and I was like yours real as they come and like I don't know how many months ago we did that interview but like he just texted me recently he keeps like he'll help me out you know I mean he's like if you need anyone like he's a [ __ ] Legend so he'll probably be up there uh maybe Sean that word maybe Nick Yaris for the real life stories Sean Atwood was good I like the little the gangster Bobby comments Bobby Cummins was a [ __ ] Legend Brian get basically it was a great bit wearing the podcast I don't know if it's he texts me every now and then him yeah he what's that group messages me and he says uh he sent who's the nut group every three months he sends me the true Geordie podcast and I go oh that was a good time wasn't it Bobby indigo's best to you and your son he texted me after the podcast and he went um uh sorry text James who set it up I think and he said tell Brian I wouldn't like to have a fight with him because he would beat me and then I'd have to kill him I would be [Music] them like like stories where people just give you everything yeah and that is what I'm looking for it's not about mistakes it's not about like we've got enough subscribers and Views it really that's not what it's about anymore for me I always think because I've always watched the podcast and I always say if you go away and you think about it for a while that's a good podcast like if it like the next day you're still thinking about it and a weird one that we've not mentioned is the geez I forget his name that he played poker oh yeah uh Charlie and he wore those he needed a watch I've got him on Twitter I follow this guy on Twitter and he asked somebody he's like a big acid head wasn't it yeah and that was one that really stuck in my brain yeah yeah that was one that always stuck in my brain yeah Charlie was amazing because Charlie did the first one and Brian and I were fascinated so basically we went from having um an autistic Gambler who was 23 years old and worth six million pounds plus to then he he said he had um a situation where he would just [ __ ] any woman that walk basically that he wondered yeah he was like I'm gonna have multiple girlfriends [ __ ] it I'm living me dream and then next time I'm speaking I'm on the phone he's like oh yeah calm downwards because I can [ __ ] use um anyway shut up man so anyway um and then he's like oh no I've built a calm girl out of a life of hell with her boyfriend she's being [ __ ] having to do cam Girling because I um to feed her boyfriend or whatever she's done a runner I'll give her a couple of grand she's on the [ __ ] run she then went from America to meet him in England and now he's not uh what is it uh poker play anyway he's still a pork I think he's Charlie he quit being a polygamist to be a monogamous and so that sounds basically he dedicates to one girl so when you hour as well when I met her I was like [ __ ] hell okay straight away what I text you was like is she really that no for lack of a better word when she walked in the room Brian literally went [ __ ] I don't think I said exactly that come here you definitely did she had a lovely house Brian literally went I'd [ __ ] her and she had that demeanor of a girl who oh yeah she is very forward so it was she's a very flirty person she's like me as a YouTuber to be fair that's why I managed up she was very she has this is so fake she felt yeah yeah that was the strange side because Brian and I and you can sort of tell him she wants Instagram followers she said she said she had multiple personality disorder dude and within the time that we had the podcast there was one personality the whole time which Brian and I struggled with them I remember sitting there and thinking is her story real or is her story fake I remember watching it thinking that is fake 100 that was the weird thing was she said well when I have anxiety it comes out so a fire alarm what comes during that podcast there were multiple things that I would think the fire alarm went off you're on a [ __ ] podcast with a guy that's going to give you a lot of views that's the moment to get anxiety there were multiple things right I thought this girl should have anxiety right now because yeah I'm feeling angry yes when the terrorist attack happens flared up a little bit no she she should have turned into a she should have turned into a four-year-old at some point yeah but but it was strange because it was a weird experience when we were looking at each other and I remember multiple points where you and I looked at each other and we were like this is so funny do you know what it is that that was one of the most like of all the podcasts I remember leaving and thinking that was mental that was that's what makes the [ __ ] oh dude when you've got a a legit gambling millionaire who's a young kid he's met this fit [ __ ] girl he's rescued her from our life of hell and all of a sudden she's multiple personality disorder and you're sitting there like this is this is a home run I am Joe Rogan I am Joe who knows to say part of that Dynamic was blatantly that they were having a lot of sex oh and a lot of drugs as well and a lot of and you know what it is that was captivating me because in my head I was like well I wish I was you son right fair play it yeah what a life I love them I'll text them the other day saying you've got to teach me how to play Pokemon on this level Ryan's so blatantly respected that guy that it was unbelievable no Charlie you're a [ __ ] Legend son you're a king among men oh God oh my God the point where it is it was to the point where Shira Brian went yeah I love you yeah this book where Brian's looking and he goes and that was the difference between the two of them and that's how I wanted this to go not the Shira one I must the Shiro one was a bit of a um oh that was a I mean like you know what to take will when you grew up idolizing this guy in in Newcastle there's there's a thing about Alan Shira that is there's not about anyone like there's no other place in the world there's no other person in the world that is quite like Alan Shiro Newcastle and Gerald and Liverpool no it's not the same is it the same it is yeah no no I actually don't have an experience like that because I lived in Durham which is very close to Newcastle this is a great story I would like to tell this story sorry [Applause] [Music] can't I lived I lived in the north shut the [ __ ] up again will your phone just went off Ollie white just sold another one of your shirts left at this point I lived in Durham for a for a brief period of time and Darwin was really [ __ ] trying to get some more views yeah so when I was the least explode out of my friendship no I lived in Dallas [Music] uh and obviously that's up north that's as North as it could go I remember one time we lived in Durham and we accidentally got in a car and we drove and we ended up in you know the sign that appears that says you're in Scotland you drive past that I don't know how that happened well I was in I was I was living up north I was in I went to Nando's one day one of the first times I ever left the house which Nando's was it in Newcastle was it the one in the center yes it was in the center in the in the shopping center yes it was I went to that one as well it's a [ __ ] brilliant Nando's very well and I'm sat at Nando's I'm with I'm with my four housemates and I see a bloke walk into Nando's with a suit on you know you see that happen very often in Durham uh a guy walks into Nando's with a suit and I'm looking at and I'm thinking I reckon organize that man because I want to say oh it's very late into the podcast but I'm a Chelsea fan uh yeah yeah am I racist I don't know you could decide I I was looking at this bloke he walked into Nando's I was thinking for some reason I recognize that man I'm from Bournemouth that's as far south as you can go I'm looking at this bloke walk in I'm like it's a Spanish it's Nando's a Spanish restaurant London it's a Spanish restaurant it's a good story it's because people are talking into their Turkey right now somewhere just being like just [ __ ] get on with it yeah basically I'm looking at this I'm looking at this right now yeah he's looking at this brought again I know you're from somewhere I'm looking at and I go do you know I know it's a black but I can't figure out where it is there is Rafa Benitez of all people who have I don't know yeah it was one of those like Liverpool fans can meet the players days he was a nice guy or a big name what's it what's your biggest insecurity people are asking if you uh you have one now it's when people tell me that I've never told me no Smiles are a [ __ ] statement first it's actually I watched you play FIFA I've watched you play FIFA World Stephen you're [ __ ] one kid Alex yeah I thought you remember FIFA Channel which did exist for a few years now my my biggest insecurity is when people come to me and go you've never met raffle but it is before I go I'm sorry guys it's definitely it's definitely you definitely haven't met him you've just seen him anybody got a nice and force before he got his dinner I'll give you another detail he got the knife first then the [ __ ] that's a spoon what are you getting the spoon you've ordered a double chicken wrap watch it in a spoon why are you dabbing that I'll throw you [ __ ] dick I know I need you to um 76 minutes you [ __ ] idiot I feel bad for your editor yeah it's con this week good luck son yeah good luck sir you're not a bad man [Music] biggest insecurity guy normally The Fringe surely you can change that the fact that everyone has a question without Fringe most people who have hair like that have really dodgy hairlines is that what this is which camera do I look into that one all right hello everyone mine starts way higher but it's it's just the way I'm born you know a high hairline and bad ears good old lady but I'll tell you what I can check for years so I mean I I one of the I think one of the things if you watch [ __ ] you you [ __ ] balance not everybody can do diss tracks on the F2 freestylers all right it comes across his face between these two lovebirds that's why you've been quiet for the last five minutes my biggest insecurity is the fact that I'm the I'm the person who's come on this podcast the least amount of times so I'm relying on you to fix it you've got a funny walk but we're just being a fat [ __ ] Sam wow April to Jesus is I have little elf ears is that really your thing your ears ears also um can I just say this oh my beard as well yeah I'm unaware of how incredibly annoying I am oh God how does it hear that annoying at all incredibly so you've spent a lot of time with my girlfriend spent a lot of time with me anyone spends a lot of time with me I become see I I really like your company but living with you must be hell on Earth does she ever wear a shirt or just go to town on you we spent time just taking all the frustration could anyone hear what Stephen just said it was a point where will went I'm gonna go and edit videos and I thought Stephen just said does she ever wear a strap on and go to town on you literally give the motion just to make sure have you ever met him yeah better twice right outstanding woman wait he's talking about your own girlfriend or no no no it's his girlfriend takes me breath away my girlfriend's uh is the one I love so I met Steven's girlfriend and uh did you realize it though Brian as we found out the other way he's [ __ ] tiny I promise you have an idea three times 19. um she is she's she's of age she seems like a perfectly lovely uh girl adorable the one I really got along with was your dad oh David me and him he said he's the he's the best Man based on the stories you've told one you're gonna eat his ass basically right you can you can give my dad a rim job it'll be like an ox wedding Alex the way the way he looked it you you and Max it's just who does he prefer though can we get that out there who would he be most likely I imagine I imagine he probably did you meet him yeah okay he probably loves you as well the fisherman you son of a [ __ ] I love it the fact that we've got an appointment in this podcast where Stephen Chase is calling James Charles the rod provider for I'm Alex Oh yes Merry Christmas [Music] if it's like an insecure thing you know what I'm like to me insecurity is something that plays on your head a lot I'm saying you're very close to great shape that's the thing I would want to change about myself but but it isn't I don't I'm not that bothered it's like uh but it's a lot of efforts is it your general demeanor Shannon Briggs uh I I'd like to make um I'm Alex kind of money on YouTube genuinely he makes at least I think at least seven times if not eight nine times the amount of money per month two times in my case his content takes at least I've heard what you make and it's probably ten times but it's 50 times funny videos EXO is and we have to put that back into the business unfortunately so um next year New Year's resolution stop swearing I suppose everybody should settle on New Year's on a New Year's resolution I want to see Brian wear pink in every single true Geordie podcast because because I shouldn't look like I wear it it works um I'm gonna I'm gonna try the ketogenic diet next year oh yeah no is that meat and fat lots of meat lots of protein fat yeah views a month I don't know the exact number but it varies I think this month I had about seven million views Brian how would you have Alex it's like oh definitely piss off that is a happy hour for you isn't it two million okay so it should it really be called Jack me a tapioa that was a real quiz it's really starting to become a jewel Stephen everyone here sorry boys um someone on this table tried to do a long form podcast the other day didn't work what happened podcast uh just a while off you thought 2018 we've got Max we've got Tom uh Tom's actually better than Max in the video yeah it says lots of shambles doesn't he bless him I love him Max is there no it's just the funniest person I've met Max is the reason that I ended up uh Max is the reason for this person outside my own apartment I woke up no no I was I woke up covered in my own blood that's how bad it was that's how aggressive give me some of that blood uh what happened seriously how did you go no so Matt went so I was when I met you I was already uh [ __ ] hammered when I was yeah basically I was doing I was doing some absolute tacos at the party especially Colombia playing around the world much turned up and he went Maxway Max 10 to me around the world especially Columbia two guys stand up train maps turned up and he went oh I'm a big guy and I've obviously turned up an hour I hate when everybody else who went I'm gonna do two tequila shots of peace and he went you should join in with me uh I don't remember how far we got so all I remember is I woke up and I remember this man came up between the street this is the last remember I had from the southern party James Charles A Man Came watching and went back oh wait your palette all over the place no let me fix it oh he probably could have tried to have sex I mean I would have agreed but actually what happened was he went he went you're covered in your own blood do you want to go to hospital when I went I live over there [Laughter] the first time I met Max he um he had a really long um big black coat on oh my God they're fake tanning Stephen are we gonna say big black sign out the thing is actually rubbing fake what is that from Max thought that Brian hated him yeah it was like Max over thinks everything he was like I think Brian hates because I'm annoying it's like no no Brian Brian will did it and then I did it on my first time bearing it's summer and he's wearing a huge overcoat and I'm looking at him like I'm I'm hot I'm a big guy you're a big guy you you must be sweating and he opens it he goes not to worry opens his coat and he has like stores of deodorant like full huge canisters of deodorant just uh just to give it this underarm sprayer as he goes just it was amazing I remember you looking at me and going [ __ ] yeah the thing is what a guy the best thing about that now uh he got on the coast no it's fine Brian he got on the couch and apparently sir she was flirting with him but I think I think Max is the first person on YouTube to never flirt back no no no no oh Michael Smith shut up she's a legend and max they're both the best I would [ __ ] them I don't want to interactive personality is there a toilet here because I really need it downstairs yeah are you ready for True Geordie problems oh we're starting again we're gonna give some advice to the people James Charles loves to be honest these will all be fresh problems as well they'll be that because I put this out last night so they'll be there'll be real issues that we need to tackle a lot of issues if it's all about tanning I don't need that got it sorted got it lit this one's called I am awkward and I hate it I'll take this yeah no hey there I'm 16 years old and from Germany my problem is that I'm always super awkward around girls I like but it's really easy for me to talk to my friends or classmates male or female I never know what to say and I get really nervous that's why I don't really talk to girls I'd like to date it's a very easy problem yeah same old say I'm older it's a it's each old problem so if I was if I was Jack I'd invite an 11 year old into my house fantastic wow that's so bad he's throwing you under the bus he's your podcast [ __ ] partner it's supposed to make you look good a million you can't yeah that was all the charity tweets from all the big YouTubers going let's get him to a million just in case he blows up I'm gonna tweet this so I can go back and Bank it later uh what is he 16 he's 16. he wants to be able to talk with girls hey I was [ __ ] pathetic till 22 so yeah you're 21 now yeah I'm preempting this coolness I'll take it Jack will do my answer is in a verbal way not literally will don't get jealous when he goes on ubereats he just looks for Steven's bum yummy yummy yeah I don't talk about eating ass sorry we've been in front of girls no the thing is though when you've got to talk to women you just kill me you just need to uh not put pressure on yourself mate not not think to myself all right I'm trying to [ __ ] you now nothing about all of that just think let's be friends if if you're gonna buy them a drink as well make sure they take card otherwise she's gonna run up the High Street place where when you go on a first date is there a specific place that you take someone uh never the cinema mini golf balls are pretty good what's that mini golf balls are pretty good because you can drink and then beat them insert your dominance what are you into and then embrace it so what sort of thing would they say what sort of thing if he's into Pokemon just Stephen my thing is get them drunk oh will you dropped your Porsche Carrington yeah that's embarrassing whoops just for the conversation or conversation flows better when you've got a little bit of confidence alcohol gives you that we call this confidence get them drunk liquid confidence let's take out the sentence get them drunk let's take that sentence you've recognized me and they'll fill you yeah and I always go I can't get over how orange the palms of Stephen's hands are [ __ ] me Jesus I tag quickly these lights do something to me who's gonna be more wrecked Stephen or Alex Alice took it like a [ __ ] jump yeah [ __ ] Steve Austin here in the corner Paul Gasco tries 316. I've got a semi-final in 10 minutes Stephen Stephen can I just say you're my favorite person of 2018 I'm gonna revise that [ __ ] yourself cheers let's move on next problem Dosa next problem in the question uh I've been dating this girl for three months now I'm wondering when I should pop the question no not the marriage question mark no not the marriage question the want to have sex question that's not what people go what will I say is to be fair 11 year olds do it usually that's it right he's come on quick and if she doesn't say yes then frigid little girl get in the bed I'll find another year 11. no that's where we crossed that that's right that's where we go too far we mean prison sentence the problem is is this is a ship that always gets edited out finally we can leave it in yeah Merry Christmas how old are these people I know we're joking this person's I'm looking forward to Brian's advice due to the fact that he's managed to get women in bed within minutes obviously consensus brackets I do like how they've added in obviously consent because most YouTubers they don't need that yeah that's true we're not all your mates Alex calm down thanks in advance uh if this gets red it does hope you have a good Christmas New Year yeah it depends you've got to judge the girl haven't you but you have to basically get to know what they want before you meet up with them and make sure that you're like when you're messaging that you're on the same page yeah so that you're not Crossways because if you are Crossways that can come across the wrong wage I mean she might not like that you can never go wrong if you if you how do you ask her to [ __ ] you after three months 20 minutes what are we talking about I actually [ __ ] have a clue he wants to [ __ ] this girl he's been dating her for three months well you just neck on with her and then oh one thing and he said they don't that's it what leads to what though does the hands go somewhere yeah how old are you when you lost your v plates uh there we go 18 18. I'm disclosed yeah what is it come on Stephen no are you [ __ ] 16. yours and I'll admit I wasn't I wasn't I shouldn't have done it then I wanna I wanna know why you shouldn't have done it just wasn't ready you know what I mean I'm sitting there like a [ __ ] [ __ ] with training wheels on just trying to navigate the skills no but like in my head I think let me subtle I remember just my mind was blown by the whole experience what no no no I remember this is an honest account of one of the worst bits about losing your virginity if you're like 8701 it was a classic album but do you know when you leave a song on repeat yeah this is how bad it was for her not for you you were having a great time no I wasn't having a great time so I had a condom on I could barely [ __ ] feel a thing but anyway there was a point where she turned she turned to me and she goes fisting each other can we put the next song she asked me to put the next song on where were you having sex it was in the club he went DJ next song DJ spin that [ __ ] DJ if Brian went yeah absolutely baby no it was okay next one it wasn't good um so I do I do um I think I should have the thing is you just when you're 16 you just want to get it done I mean you're not bothered learning what a woman wants you're not learning about what she likes having a good time you're just wanting to [ __ ] get it in get it done and that's what I was like and I wish I'd been a bit more like all right how does this thing actually work sorry I mean he's not completely wrong do you reckon I would just want to say one thing about this podcast it's Christmas Day oh yeah Christmas do you reckon you reckon do you reckon for Christmas Son speaks about nonsense it's Christmas do you reckon we're getting ads on this podcast yeah this is about the people all right I'll tell you what oh god my virginity was sadly lost uh how old how old were you oh Brian I'll be honest you're prick don't do that be honest this year I'm not gonna lie I was a sad wet wipe okay uh Anna with put on a song it was a DJ set DJ Cami All I Ever Wanted just instantly if I heard that it was a 90 minute set and we got through the whole thing anyway this hasn't gone well has it fair play not a stallion just a dodgy [ __ ] Andaman that's why though what is that your girlfriend now yeah do you know it is she's watching you so I'm dying no but the thing is part of getting better is realizing how [ __ ] you are yeah we all have to have that moment nobody starts off a stallion nobody starts off a stallions I wanna I wanna fish you mate thanks we had very similar experiences yep right that makes sense I mean that's fine that's right no it's not no one said it says for the day beyond the year of 17 I was like oh this is pathetic no but each day I'd wake up and go no there's a big difference right Stephen you're a YouTuber so it's all right if you're a [ __ ] weirdo that's it that's fine eventually it's okay though I get views sometimes have you seen how to be stormzy there it is in winter okay it never happened this is where we end Merry Christmas you've done really well thank you very much finally I cried enjoy yourself Vesuvius has erupted enjoy your past very good and I want to say I'm not supposed to have been dribbles you've been watching The Chosen Woody podcast merry Christmas everybody Christmas 2018. I hope you've had a good time enjoy your Sprouts I'll see you soon
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 3,909,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: True Geordie, WillNE, JaackMaate, Stephen Tries, ImAllexx, podcast, happy hour, DramaAlert, KSI, Deji, Christmas, Funny
Id: a7iEOUgvNKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 40sec (8320 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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