JOE WELLER | Full Honest Interview

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joe weller how are you yeah not bad your most popular series internet mounts like how did how'd that come about mate it was inspired by jackman what was it straight up mate you're probably one of the only youtubers i watch the last good video i felt like i made was about three or four years ago [ __ ] hating every minute of it i meet earlier in starbucks you didn't know him before that no no he was he was a he was a fan oh wow and he would write on my cup kitty [Music] i just saw him become someone i didn't like yeah pretty much like very cocky arrogant thought that the reason why he was big time was because of him it's because he was in my video i haven't spoke to him since the incident um obviously where he rang up ksi obviously we rush in there the gopros got it on camera like and at the same time the emf meter [ __ ] pings off going and that goes off when apparently there's spirits about without a doubt for me there are spirits probably that can hear us right now i believe people always ask do you fake stuff and things like that um i was continuing to live go to bali and all this stuff and my bank balance was just going down and that man i got a point where i barely could afford to live my lifestyle i don't truly know who i am right whereas i used to be so sure like i've got the potential that logan paul has and i remember i made a video about it he was saying it's fake mate yeah i know yeah she like jackman [ __ ] [ __ ] what are you all about because at that point i was thinking you're sour whether it be my driving test am i like playing football playing cricket i always bottled it growing up anyway so we're on this holiday and vic who's got his like iphone 57 out next thing you know this guy's darting he's gone he's off and vic oh bless him no come back obviously you did your roast yeah video yeah now what like went through your head when you first watched my clip for me in terms of like the whole fighting thing what do you think if you won you'd be in a different position probably wow hello guys welcome back to jack makes happy hour i'm joined again as always by doodie we're also joined by joe weller how are you yeah not bad you are great to be in london you are our most requested guest ever really comments after the comments that and duty rhino basically i'd love it would you ever get duty rhino on yeah he's always well come on whenever we're still pals yeah he's joining the fans i think joe's seen the memes and he's seen like people like tweet me all the [ __ ] time asking where he is he's just we're just two different people swimming in different lakes baby [Laughter] joe we always ask our guests the same thing oh he stays done his research he knows straight in what is that what will she go to so i'd go a little bit right eminess straight into eminence showing his true colors here and we're getting a ham cheese and pickle sandwich wow right so that's what we're going for and then probably some more no m s own salt and vinegar crisps okay what is that that chardonnay vinegar yeah not all of that bollocks and then probably a grenade protein bar yeah because you're leon well two snacks no you can get that can't you sam and she do what you want that's a ten pound meal deal as well so you're allowed that no it is no it isn't how much is it it's not it's gotta be like one seven quid yeah it's a bit extortionate and then i'd probably get water on top just because i didn't know i did yeah i brought some waters in and then um we were going through the twin yeah we're going through the twitter questions and i realized that it wasn't buxton what is that because i've been i've been a fan of you for years and i've seen the whole buxton army and stuff but where what's the origin story behind that literally it all started where i was you know i used to do fifa videos right back it yeah back then um i scored a goal on fifa and literally had a bottle of boxer next to me and i was like yeah it's because of the good stuff it's because you know i blamed it all on this that i was actually good uh in a game and that was literally it and people like loved it they were like yeah i want to get smashed on buxton as well yeah [ __ ] so do i and then we just yeah it just it sort of took off i guess any of my sort of like catchphrases or you know the legitimate and all that [ __ ] it's always just sort of happened accidentally i've never really like yeah gone you know what i'm gonna start thinking like you with the old brie and honeycomb and all of that it's sort of you know yeah it sort of just took off so yeah that's pretty much where that came from you just you just find a way to monetize these things sometimes that's the thing did you monetize you had t-shirts once stickman t-shirts didn't yeah yeah yeah literally like all of that took off but like if i tried to formula uh like no yeah i i guess plan something like that now i feel like it would be so almost more forced whereas then because it happened so naturally it was like yeah it just it sort of took off it was very organic so you can kind of tell when someone's trying to like you can't just make a catchphrase really can you unless you're that way inclined but like like stephen tries his one six one like that was just so organic so [ __ ] funny but i'm surprised he hasn't monetized it yet to be fair but i'm glad you know about my um honeycomb on the brie kind of thing decent i like you're probably one of the only youtubers that i watch oh really wow straight up because like there's just that level of authenticity i feel like yeah you want to maintain that level of being who you are yeah not being youtube jack or like a different jack or whatever like you are just tr you try to be you and that's what i rate and that's what comes across on camera for me oh nice one so i i do feel like i fell into the trap um for a little while of like so way back when like making videos slagging someone off and then like i fell into the trap of oh people like this so i'm just going to do this on steroids sort of thing like 10 on times 10 and then you you give the people what you think they want but by doing that you're going further and further away from what you want to make do you know what i mean and then you end up just resorting to like form and just doing the same thing over and over again like your your most popular series internet melts like how did had that come about because you've always seen somebody like seen you're quite a friendly character on youtube but that is quite like a bit of a jack mate type thing yeah like mate it was inspired by jackman what was that straight up like it was i can't tell if he's joking i can't i'm being deadly serious so you used to make like things everybody hates or whatever was it yeah i was actually right i'm gonna take this but do it about things i find on the internet wow so i was literally like honestly mate uh and basically from there like that that actual first one was a oh i haven't got a video this week i'm just gonna [ __ ] try this yeah it wasn't like this is gonna be a banging series it's gonna like that it was just let's give this a go see what happens a little four minute video and just people loved it yeah it was just but it was on paper bullying right you know that's what it was it was and yeah there's always been that thing of like you know i like building people up and making people feel like they you know they mental health and all of that and then i've got this series that tears people down yeah i mean so that sort of like contradicts itself like massively and yeah it's always been a thing it's a hard one because i guess you are right when you say it's i i wouldn't class it's brilliant but i completely get why you would say it is but it's just you were doing it in a very harmless kind of way like someone spells washing machine wrong and you go wash your machete you're not actually going like a 2016 jack mate might have gone look at this [ __ ] [ __ ] well that's the thing like back then like was that 20 2014 something like that it was uh everything was a lot more tolerated wouldn't it yeah you could make a joke about things and it'd be a joke yeah like whereas now i take the piss out of someone typing something and it's like oh you don't know if they've got dyslexia yeah you don't know if they've got a condition and yeah it ends up being a bit more it's a hard one but then where the [ __ ] do you draw the line i know do you know what i mean like my my most popular video ever is obviously just ripping zoella's advent calendar but like imagine if that was bullying well hang on well hear it this way yeah so imagine if one day it comes out oh she's actually on the autistic spectrum right well why are you bullying an autistic yeah they could say why are you bullying an autistic kid and i was like i weren't bullying an autistic kid i was taking the piss no because that's different yeah yeah i don't know when was the last time you didn't internet melts i know you did a summer version was that last year yeah it was last summer so would you do another episode of that again honestly mate the past four episodes have been the most forced videos i've ever made in my life really probably about like a total of 20 hours of filming each one [ __ ] hating every minute of it purely doing it because this is what the people want this is joe weller and that video video i made like recently yeah where i was sort of like breaking down and you know just saying look i'm trying to be like how joe weller is meant to be rather than being like my actual self mate it's been yeah that's what sort of i've been doing over the past like few years to be honest wow that's been quite toxic when you yeah because when you said that i texted you the other day and was saying like not to lick your ass but i don't think there's another youtuber that i've related to more because people often hate to bring it back to me again but like people often thought that i was this little like rat that was like oh i'm going to jump on everything and like like i said to you before on the podcast the reason why alex isn't on her anymore is because he was this is like kind of like especially with you and waffling you use it as a bit of like a therapy session in a way yeah you come and you talk about how you feel and you have a laugh with your mates alex bless him with nothing against him but he'd come on and he'd talk about all these little things that these youtubers have done tana mojo's done this jake paul's done this and at first fair enough that's what we branded the podcast as yeah but when i realized actually i'm not really about that like now like i'll take the piss out of youtubers but i'm almost meme and myself and meme in the calendar thing i can't i can't jump on like oh james charles is just [ __ ] up on a makeup thing like you'll get two million views if you do that i people subscribe to my channel because they know that's the kind of stuff i do so i'm exactly like yeah i'm in two months if i wanted to now i could leave here today make a video about youtube and [ __ ] up and bang a million views yeah but really i'd prefer just to get alfie and do a [ __ ] piss take comedy song about ksi yeah i mean so it's hard what does the views get to you they do get to me and i wish they didn't yeah because that's that's exactly where i'm at like you know like you've just said in terms of i could do a video titled internet mouse 10 yeah i'm getting a million views in the quickest time yeah and that feeds that bomb that like yes okay we're on it but yeah it's doing something that i don't want to do and it's that that sort of constant battle like youtubers you know every established youtuber you ask they'll they've probably had that same battle um but yeah i guess i'm at a point now like yourself where i i'm almost wanting to prioritize my own brain in what i make because that's the only way i'm going to have like longevity and consistency with it yeah because if it takes so much like mental you know forcing it and stuff to get one video out i feel like i need like [ __ ] three weeks to [ __ ] simmer down afterwards i mean and that's not healthy yeah like you know especially where video you know video making started as just a pure passion to see that passion go away from me and me now resenting the process is horrible yeah like when i look at that how much of your videos or let's say like internet melts how much of that is or that how much is joe weller on screen like joe weller off-screen waffling really waffling that is that's me being like around my you know with my mates just being like a bit of a weirdo yeah um and i found as i'm getting older that's sort of like the content say like right now where it's not like right we've got 10 seconds to get this clip and it's got to be all choppy that that i've almost like grown out of that and it's more like this long form content where we can sit and actually have real conversations and be like our real selves yeah that's what i enjoy more right i'm through enjoying it more like it's turning out making better content more like engaging content like people come up come up to me now and say i love your podcast i love your videos yeah it's like my podcast is sort of like becoming my main thing now yeah and when people say that to me on on a night out i love that like that's more of a buzz to me than someone going i love that time you said like oh you've done the calendar i was like that's not really me i'd rather you love the podcast and stuff so i get proper buzz off of that it's mate it's actually made like whenever people say about like my videos oh yeah i've been watching the videos recently like i'm almost like don't genuinely like don't like because yeah the last good video i felt like i made was about three or four years ago like in my mind like that and i know that sounds like even my last video mate like i look at that and i'm like not fully like yeah really genuinely i've actually i've seen myself i've got a bit of a problem with the whole youtube thing it's become very toxic for me because sorry mate your last video was the one where you sort of like turned your hometown into like a holiday resort yeah yeah i thought it was a sick video and i thought that was shot really nice yeah and like as you said the views aren't like a million like what an internet melts would get so if that video would say it bangs yeah got like five million would you have a different opinion on it would you be sat there thinking i'm proud of that video no let's see that's where it's a big toxic yeah because i probably would have more of a yeah yeah i would but at the same time like my obsession is mate i want to make funny videos as well like i haven't made a funny youtube video [ __ ] ages i disagree though because i think you're i think you only think you're funny when you're playing up to the joe character stereotype where i think as somebody who's watched you for years and i know alfie is a big fan of you as well you're funny with your little mannerisms and stuff so before you came in today alfie was sat there and we're going through some of the questions and he can do a decent impression of yeah he just went uh no theo and he's just done that this voice and it was like that's like so when we watch waffling what i'm trying to say is that's when we find you the funniest that's what i'm saying like waffling yeah yeah yeah so not waffling that's obviously the podcast separate thing but i'm happy with that as it is i'm talking like videos yeah i made a funny video where i feel like i'm being 100 authentic right so do you not find yourself funny then well on waffling i i can appreciate yeah i've i've done welled out you know we've made some funny sort of like whatever moments yeah but yeah in terms of like when it's me and the camera and not my mates around like it's like i get zapped but that's energy mate that's a difference of being able to bounce off of someone but then also you're getting that appreciation straight away like if i say something and make jack laugh i know i've done something funny but your camera's never going to laugh back at you yeah the thing why i was i used to be able to do it i used to be able to be on you know with that camera on my ones and feel that vibe whereas now it's like now i can only really do it with people but was that because you were getting all of that appreciation from those melts videos but you've started to resent that no no not even it wasn't like oh i know the comments are gonna be whatever it's almost it almost feels like i've grown out of the ability to film solo whereas when i was younger i could never film with people right the cameras were rolling right now and i'm like 17 years old i'm bricking it i can't get my words out i can't probably look you in the eye yeah do you know what i mean and and now it's almost like flipped yeah which is like cool because okay i'd rather be you know start working with other people and grow that sense rather than only film on my own yeah but it is a bit frustrating when you're like how have i gotten older yet gotten worse at an ability that i used to have i just think you've as you've got older you've matured and you've set better standards for yourself so like now if you were to go for example washing machine you might go i don't find that funny where a 17 year old joe might have found that funny yeah and then you accept lesser standards i think but at the same time the difficulty as well is when the viewers they loved that old weller yeah that's what they want it's that age-old question popularity versus integrity do you stay true to what you want to do and lose the views or do you go out there and get the views what do you think what do you think you're gonna do at the moment i'm literally focused on waffling yeah and i literally my main channel is almost like that's my money maker yeah because waffling doesn't really turn over anything right whereas like you know my main channel i get quite a lot of brand deals come through um and but then again that's another thing where it's like make people won't stick around if all you do is branded [ __ ] yeah it's a weird one because i i think people are more accepting of it now like i think i think they kind of expect it so like i get monetized all day monetized all the time i've got a video going out on the day of recording now that's meant to be monetized uh meant to be monetizing it's not and that's got a brand deal in it and like i don't want to post it especially now after speaking to you and you saying about how it affects the reach i don't care about the money the revenue aspect because of the brand dylan anyway so i'll earn a good amount anyway yeah but when i posted saying guys i'm not going to upload this until it gets monetized pete and then i put him brackets at the end i was like this isn't about the money they're like [ __ ] off [ __ ] off it is about the money it's like it's not because i'm getting the brand deal money anyway but i want to get the reach out there so i think the proof is in the pudding i would rather a million views and it'd be demonetised than 300k and it be monetized wouldn't you wouldn't you rather well yeah i mean yeah because essentially your video gets more views on paper when it's more entertaining right people are sharing it people are all of that it's like a director like sort of indication of how good the video is or is it or is it that there's a certain type of video that does well on youtube like everyone's got a different opinion and like you're saying about people no matter what you write there are still people saying [ __ ] off jack you're [ __ ] money grabbing like whatever like that's the other thing you you're never gonna be able to like uh what's the word please everyone please everyone that's the one youtube comments overall and my youtube audience like my waffling audience i know i can visualize who they are yeah my main channel i don't really know who's watching that's a good way to put it weird that is a good way to put it up because i look down that lit like well i could be sat here if i pick up the camera no i know when i'm speaking to the waffling audience boom i feel comfortable i feel like i'm talking to my friend if i pick it up knowing i'm talking to my main channel it just it's something comes over me i like i don't feel as like confident you know with it which is [ __ ] up no it makes sense because because the the people that have followed you over to waffling must have been a fan of you to follow you over rather than just a fan of that niche series on your channel so it's i reckon there's people that watch me just hoping that i'm going to slag off zoella again because they've seen that one advent calendar video yeah whereas like it's actually more of a pat on the back to me when people like the podcast because we just sit here and talk so if they're a fan of your podcast you know they're a fan of you rather than joe weller the performer yeah on waffling the audience is a lot smaller yeah but each of those viewers i know are like they're true fans and they're true supporters and you know all of that whereas you could have yeah my main channel which is much bigger more you know subscribers but feeling like it's a lot more like just face value in there you know they're maybe just after they only want to watch because they want to laugh at what something that they don't actually give a [ __ ] about me yeah you know maybe you know realistically i'm not as you know i prefer the idea of connecting people more on a level like i do with waffling yeah than that concept on the main channel i spot on do you think there's any way to have both anyway like you're you're not jackmate on here no you're just jack on here and i'm not sure i can't think of any youtubers really that can be themselves and be massive like ksi's crazy on his channel but even when he was here i found him waking up on his like second channel now he's mellowed out a lot yeah on his second channel now like if he you know i've seen him watch a video and not find anything funny yeah we [ __ ] felt that didn't we oh recently yeah literally right but you can see that he's just a lot more like i don't give a [ __ ] yeah but that's because he's hit a point yeah until you hit that point like you're you're still you still need that payday he doesn't he doesn't need youtube really he's just doing it and he can do what you want whereas you you're not in that position i think as well what uh what i'm trying to say about your podcast because i listen to your podcast and i really like it and i listen to true geordie's podcast and i really like it and i get on with brian and i get on with you i think when uk when you come like when you come and you quote with the podcast at the start yeah i'm not i'll buzz and he likes the podcast yeah right i'd much rather you like the podcast than the videos because cause because that is me right yeah and me and alfie have this thing where now he's come on my channel and we're taking the piss out of people in a more of a comedic way so like when we went to um the fight the miami um jake paul gibb and we tried to kiss greg paul right and that was my whole video just trying to kiss greg paul a lot of people didn't get that right and it's like we're taking the piss out of him being a creep around girls right so so the joke is that we've pushed it to the nth degree that we've traveled all the way to america to try and kiss this guy and then this brings us on to my my last video where we did a comedy song trying to get in to the sidemen and i did a whole like serenade to jj and it's really weird because he didn't he didn't like it this is fire was that a cardboard car this is very painful to listen to this simon this this is a simon's serenade i don't know if you saw it but you watched it yeah and he didn't like it and he bind it off and this is going to sound like i'm being really bitter i'm not i just want to say i [ __ ] love ksi as a content creator right he's an inspiration and probably a reason that we're sat here you know what i mean like i know i know for a fact that i watched him before i did it he is great i don't find him funny right i don't find him i watch some of his reddit videos and some of the stuff he laughs at i think like a kid would laugh at right and i'm not trying to throw him under the bus i like him so when he didn't like that video to me it was a well you know i'd much rather you get it or i'd much rather robbie knox get it or stevie get it than than that and that's not me so i think what i'm trying i'm kind of lost my train of thought here but what i'm trying to say is there's people that you can see and respect for different reasons i've always respected your humor your personality whereas i respect jj's success and the way he's molded he's molded it so as i've got older i don't want to cast a large net anymore and get i'd much rather five u's like the content five robbie knox's five alphys than well that's exactly what you were saying about you prefer the audience technically to waffling yeah if that was bigger it would be great because you know that type of person yeah if they're getting waffling you know they get you yeah that's what yeah that's what you're trying to say and that's what i'm kind of saying people were messaging me about the ksi thing i know he's mugged you right off i don't care i don't care it was a comedy song where i was like basically trying to bum the sidemen you know what i mean so when people get happy hour when people get waffling you know they're the ones yeah you know they're the ones that you can relate to whereas if you wanted somebody to get a joe weller internet melts video you know what joke you've got to kind of write and you're playing into their hands rather than just being yourself for real yeah yeah yeah so yeah with that i think i can't see me doing any more internet melts type stuff yeah but then it's like okay what like i really do want to find something that i am like boom this is the youtube video that i want to make because i felt like that yeah like saying about three years wow like where since i did the exploring series yeah that was so organic i did not have to try a lot of internet melts when i first started doing it didn't have to try it was just like this feels like natural and i know i'm making fire here like i know this is sick how did that come about what the explorer yeah what was the first one so obviously i meet earlier in starbucks yeah and then i'm like quite at quite a low point to be fair and i'm like mate yeah i don't know what i'm going to do with youtube don't know what videos i want to make blah blah blah oh hang on so because i knew he worked in starbucks you didn't know him before that no no he was he was a he was a fan oh wow and he would write on my cup kitty and like and things and i was like okay he knows he knows and then obviously you know we started chatting uh he took me on a date but yeah basically like what did he write his number on the cup call me no he wrote his uh he did ask me to watch a singing cover that he did oh a drake song right and i remember watching it figured right okay there's there's two things here either he's trying to become friends with me so that i promote his [ __ ] yeah or he's just being nice yeah anyways so we uh yeah he then suggested this idea of going to his old primary school to explore it for a video and i was like mate dead vid were you on about going to [ __ ] primary school so at this point you're good pals now well uh yeah yeah we're still getting to know each other in terms of like as mates like he seems safe he seems funny laughing and joking like you know he gets me on a youtube level in terms of like he i could just tell basically he could see how i was feeling and he had creative ideas that you know let's give it a go yeah sort of thing so yeah the exploring was something that i didn't believe in at first but i thought let's do it got nothing to lose obviously i missed one against everything i've done in the past ie filming quite raw yeah because my thing like i said off camera i was like you know it's always been very choppy to the point edit in you know fast and this exploring he was like mate look trust me film it really like raw don't over edit it because it makes it more like suspense and all of that and i was like all right sick anyway so yeah we film it and it and it goes well like things happen it's funny and it bangs what what was the first one we're exploring that price primary school yeah right here's old primary school and it absolutely banged everyone's like please make a series out of it and you know yeah it got like what five mil views like very quickly wow what what happened in the video i can't remember each one we encountered a horse and then we you know the building i think at this point obviously exploring videos weren't big on youtube so the idea of seeing a creepy abandoned building was there was a bit of a wow factor about it yeah whereas obviously now you do one and it's like there's no there's it's got no whoa because everyone's [ __ ] rinsed it yeah um but at that point yeah no one of rooney seen that sort of stuff so for us to go in a building like that when it's so like [ __ ] that is nowhere you ever want to go that was sick and it got the viewers like very engaged like the retention on the video was sick like everyone would watch all the way through well they proper long form yeah it would be like 15 minutes 10 15 20 i think we did one but um yeah so they banged and then obviously yeah we we did them as much as we could and then naturally it sort of got to a point where right we've exhausted that now how many did you do i must have done about 10. [ __ ] was you traveling all up and down the country yeah what was the scariest like place to go or the scariest thing that happened oh mate it's probably like i mean some like hospitals that are massive videos that didn't even go out so like a lot of them you know people always ask do you fake stuff and things like that um never because like i'm just as interested about like ghosts and all that stuff as anything and like i was saying about the whole you know i need to do my videos for me not just to make good content like that's where i had a good balance because i wasn't pretending to be someone i wasn't i was just being legit and being real and having a laugh yeah and having a laugh so it was you know it was a good little formula and yeah things did happen obviously with the ouija board and you know there was one place we went into where we get up we get we got there the fire alarm went off the fire brigade came and we're like yeah this this has never happened what a slight and abandoned so this one wasn't abandoned right but the fire alarm went off uh yeah they they came and were like yeah nothing this has never happened um nothing's caused this we do the ouija board and it spells out fire what and at this point my stepdad was slightly had he had quite a hard grip on it but we were like surely he's not why would he do this like he would you know i had my family there yeah for that exact reason so no one does any like bollocks right so who was it in the video you me crawford my sister my mum and my stepdad right and we're doing this ouija board in this haunted manner and and you're pretty certain no one would no one would no one would [ __ ] around and even if you did try and push it like if you got five people with their finger on it like it would start you know where where there's pressure from you know either side it would start doing like spin rounds yeah whereas this thing was moving like that oh [ __ ] this thing was moving like proper and it spelled out fire leave go anyways in that area of the manor apparently back in the day there was a fire that killed people wow and that was like yeah that was one of the most like mental moments i've had i was doing it with like like one of my mates and that happened i would like be 99 sure that they were pushing it but as you say you were doing it with your family who like you smell like people say oh yeah like oh apparently it's scientifically proven that ouija boards are bollocks but then i'm like i'm like okay but how did that happen they you know that video that i did i will never be able to explain that is that the scariest thing that happened [ __ ] out something else that happened that really proved it for me my latest my most recent ever exploring vid we set up a bear that has a like alarms in it so if you touch it or go near it it goes beep and lights up right and we leave it in the most haunted room of this haunted inn right and um we say like our spirits like please grab it you know all that bollocks anyways just as we uh we leave the room shut the door lock it [ __ ] goes off like goes off like a prolonged like eight second period obviously we rush in there the gopros got it on camera like and at the same time the emf meter electromagnetic field meter [ __ ] pings off going and that goes off when apparently there's spirits about so yeah that was it and it was like wow [ __ ] me okay anyways we decide right this is you know we need this to happen again it needs to happen more than once so we leave it set up on the bed again leave go down to dinner obviously leave cameras rolling literally like 25 minutes in goes off again and the only way to go to set this thing off is if you touch it is it if you grab it so it's a little thing that you had made up or it's like it's yeah it's made by like ghost hunting people like especially like it's put sensors all over the bed like it's a little cuddly bear yeah and they put sensors all over its body so that if yeah anything grabs it from any angle it goes off and that for me that was like well that's that's it well yeah what how can you explain that yeah that you you can't did you have to proper touch it or can you just brush it you have to yeah you have to like so a wind wouldn't be able to do no wind bear in mind all the windows are shut it's this isn't an abandoned building either this is just a haunted active inn that's still operational and that is like certified like they are like yeah yeah they're the stories that are at this place are like not just told by one person sort of thing it's like this is quite an active place that is mad i don't know what i do because i i'm very much anytime anything like that happens for me my brain automatically goes there's a reason like i cannot accept anything that's what we're doing like well this no there's got to be something there's got we tested everything we got the [ __ ] bear we you know see what what was around i mean we made sure this that there was nothing that could interfere with this and the fact you had the bear and the electromagnetic field meter going off at the same time well and that was in that was in it in an inn that that room wasn't in use no no the room was in use right but that was that was they're allegedly one of one of their most haunted rooms it was the elizabethan chamber that's mad so i assume you're a heavy believer not a heavy believer i tried to be very realistic with it like if something's bollocks it's [ __ ] bollocks and a lot of people that's the other thing that's like ruined our credibility because obviously we've never faked anything yeah but what did what has everyone else done faked it yeah because they they saw obviously you know we started banging views with the exploring bids and then you got old like you know a lot of the american youtubers jumping on it and all of that and they all faked it yeah people even went into the mental asylum that we did our thing at and started faking things and then it just yeah that that then obviously like ruined any credibility that we sort of had in the eyes of a lot of the audience so you never like added anything in turn like even in terms of like throwing a stone down a corridor or what mates that's a thing like [ __ ] that yeah [ __ ] anyone that does that like i say it just ruins the credibility credibility of it for sure like those people are obviously just doing it to try and bang views whereas me and me and elliot had a genuine interest in wanting to like [ __ ] prove [ __ ] yeah do i mean so that's mad have you ever heard of harrich 4 no we went to we had these ghost hunters get in touch and they took me and jordan to um this fort at night time they were proper like ghost hunters that's how they make their money and we went and we had a whole night there from like nine until like three in the morning and the scariest thing that happened was right at the start of the evening so you walk in and it's like this courtyard like this round courtyard and each courtyard's got these different things in the room so one will have some like old bunk beds one will have like some mannequins which are [ __ ] [ __ ] scary at nighttime and i i i very much went in as like i don't believe in any of this [ __ ] at all but the weirdest thing was the camera you remember me talking about the camera so that was weird so she this this lady bear in mind we've since like everything else that happened on that night was bollocks you could tell that they were trying to fake it and stuff and uh when we came away we did a podcast about it and they basically tried to sue us for like [ __ ] them up but the weirdest thing that happened was we she said that sometimes the footage goes a bit funny and i just had a little canon g7x i was like how is the footage ever going to go if i i've filmed on this loads of time she was like oh maybe it's the spirit it's not what i was like alright maybe it is i don't know and we set up in the middle of this courtyard wisted one end and then in the middle is this green electricity box and it's like slanted up like that so say it was like say you're you're there the box is like this right so i set the camera up filming us and it's like slanted up almost at the sky yeah so i'm like trying to get it to like point down anyway i go back i thought it's just a bit of b-roll of just us stood there so we stood there talking and it was like getting dusk so i was feeling a little bit spooked yeah and um after about five minutes we just hear this smash so what the [ __ ] and i look and my camera's my camera's on the floor but i [ __ ] you not mate it's fallen over that way and it's like that so it's quite windy in there but the slum is going up and it's fallen over the slant so i i put it back on the box and i'm like well surely it would go that way because it's a bit wet as well but how's it going to go that way and i get behind it and i'm going trying to blow it i can't move it and there's no way that heavy camera can get over and it was recording and it was recording for about five minutes and i thought any time it's recorded before and the camera stopped it's kept the bit of footage it was already on there so i was like let's see what happens on the camera i went there was nothing on there was no footage on on the whole memory card and the whole memory card on the whole memory card mate because jordan had another camera and you can see in the video because it's been i promise you it's being filmed by this bit big camera that robbie knocks had and i'm like i'm like how could because the camera broke so i was like how can i play the footage back i need to see it and then fiona goes jordan's got the same camera put the memory card in i'm like oh yeah obviously so i take it out i put it in i'm like jordan how do you get this to play on yours things like it's exactly the same camera i'm like i don't know how to get it to play and then i'm like there's nothing there's no clips on there what the [ __ ] so it's mad there's gotta be there's gotta be like uh a reason for it but this is the thing it's always there's always that element of just it's unexplainable but it's not 100 a ghost yeah everything every time it's like well there's got it's got to be a reason you know and that's yeah that's the sort of like i guess interest about it that it is so like there's got to be something there's been so much evidence so many stories like why everyone's not just made it up do you know what i mean so do you do you believe in ghosts i believe in spirits hundred percent yeah without a doubt i mean i don't know how they like the whole like seeing a ghost i mean i don't know about that but without a doubt for me there are spirits probably that can hear us right now i believe that's strange i believe i believe that probably probably all over the gaff i i reckon so really because whenever we've done anything as well like say the ouija board stuff or you know contacting whoever it's not always been necessarily someone that's died in the room that's come through right on someone's brother that died as they were being born allegedly came through well and that's the thing a lot of it has got to be down to trust that someone's not having you on yeah that does happen yeah i doubt um but yeah basically i've experienced i've been in the presence of times where people people have come through that have no reason to necessarily be in that specific place but yeah it makes you think like where if there are spirits where do they go where do they chill out like what is that i don't know but it is interesting yeah first and then you you mentioned crawford doesn't make video from one ghost town to another really like he doesn't make um content anymore no abandoned youtube channel anyways do a video joe well exploring that but uh do you speak to him i haven't spoke to him since the incident um obviously where he rang up ksi yeah i thought i will admit yeah back in the day when i when i was listening to that so if anyone doesn't know this is your mate that you got from starbucks he became a youtuber i got from he picked him up at starbucks uh he became a youtuber you were about to fight ksi in the first boxing match we'll speak to we'll speak about that in the second half of the show but elliott called him up and basically one just said i hope you knock joe out basically something along them lines i would have bet my house and i don't have a house but if i had one i'd bet it on the fact that that was staged but clearly three years on now whatever it is it wasn't was it no what happened so that was pretty much uh the would you say like the climax of a series of events right basically i noticed the elliot that i met in starbucks humble normal guy as i thought um but yeah basically over an amount of time of you know i don't know whether it be the followers the success the attention i just saw him become someone i didn't like yeah pretty much like very cocky arrogant thought that the reason why he was big time was because of him it's because he was in my video yeah um that's not me being an arrogant [ __ ] about it but that is the reason it's because we had a series that banged and you know that exploring series but it's where the way he started acting like he was the bollocks and you know all these chains and smoking weed all that you know yeah and i was just like yeah i don't really want to hang around this guy anymore like that's and i don't want to go up to him and say mate you need to change you need to be this if that's who he wants to be fair play mate yeah but i'm not going to come and give you an explanation i'm just going to sort of do my own thing yeah so i think he thought he had a level of confusion on like okay why have i sort of ditched him right did you just not speak to him as much uh yeah i just sort of started you know hanging out with different friends sort of thing and doing my own thing because you because didn't you go to america and do a song with them or something yeah yeah we did all of that like we did a lot of stuff mate and those exploring videos like they were the sickest thing like our dynamic on camera was amazing like so good yeah you know we got on really well and anyone that i tried to make you know i've tried to make exploring videos with since then i've it's not it's not been the same dynamic yeah as me and him and that's that it does like get to me like i do sort of almost wish like [ __ ] i wish we were just still mates and we still banged you know videos out whether they're exploring or not we had a good sort of like chemistry on camera yeah but anyways yeah so i obviously start distancing myself and then um we were at a nightclub and he he uh had contacted the nightclub to be put like on you know the door as like special guest what what oh my word yeah so that's that that's an ego issue that's and i remember seeing that it's been like mate what the [ __ ] what you saw it on the door i remember seeing that and i was like is this it's a joke it's gonna be real so it was like yeah so it was like cameo featuring ellie uh elliott crawford and i was like okay fair play to him i think i might go like go so basically i went uh and obviously we get there and like all the attention he's got a booth that's like elevated and you know everyone's around him we go in there and like it's sort of the crowd goes from there they sort of come over here yeah yeah now a bit of a [ __ ] move like i was going purely for that intention like i just was yeah i wanted to be like no mate like you need to remember your roots yeah get back down to like the real world sort of thing yeah anyways i you know at this point we haven't spoken in a while and all of that and he he sort of said oh yeah mate come here yeah come join us no no mate i was in no so i just i just sort of didn't really pay attention i went off and had my night out on the other end of the club anyways he got limited at this started on my mate um well he's come over at that that lawrence my friend walked past their booth at one point he started on him because he thinks my mate lawrence is the reason why i've like distanced myself but um yeah uh then anyways we leave and it was following that i think he was obviously probably smashed away i don't know but he calls up ksi and then does what he does [ __ ] hell have you heard that did you hear the phone call no so he called him up and i i mean it's been a many years since since i've heard it back but he's basically like joe's about to fight him and he's like i hope you knock him out and stuff like that and then i think he even says joe's got too big for his boots because i remember watching it thinking you you joe did actually make you though like it i know that sounds like such an arrogant way to look at it but they're the facts they are the facts it's it's like if if like you started acting like that with me like do you know what i mean that's like yeah i always find that quite strange whenever i even like hit another thousand followers on something i'll tweet saying thanks to you i'm just like every single follower another follower thanks i remember once i did i was doing i started to do this series called click bait like way before i did the new one and i was trying to get these guests on and i asked him and he was like this was before you fell out and uh he come and picked me up in this new mercedes and that and it was like i got in the car and um he was talking it talking about it and he's like blasted this like drake tune whatever and he had all these chains on and i was just like mate like i said outside i just drive a 2001 or like to teoris i was like they sent me at all and i could tell that he thought he was like big time like bigger than ksi almost so that was [ __ ] it was weird but i did think going back to the call that it might be staged to try and sell the fight more which i thought would have been a genius movie i mean on paper it does sound genius then yeah no that's the thing like and building up to that fight like i if anything i should have made more of a [Music] sort of i guess like marketing sort of strategy in terms of like after this fight i need to use what i've you know the the publicity and everything to propel my career whereas instead all i did is think i just i'm only thinking about the fight i didn't make any videos really on the build up to it i didn't think about yeah any of that i just wanted to beat ksi and that was it and even if i did beat him up then i'd then be like right what now yeah so yeah i've yeah so you so just before we get on to the box then yeah would you would you how you you mentioned your latest waffling you'd have elliot back on your back on your podcast just just to have it just have a chat just to have it out yeah i mean it would be interesting it's weird it's like it's one of them ones where who contacts who first yeah yeah i think you've already put your olive oil out but as in like yeah i i mean yeah i haven't heard anything back no what's he doing now i'm not sure i don't know he looks very different i mean i don't know i don't know last thing i'll say about it but i don't think he because he could have whether or not you were mates anymore he could have used that platform and and tried to at least run with it a little bit i think the abuse was too much yeah because he did snake here big time but he he i mean he did a video where he was just eating an ice cream on a on a spinning roller coaster and it was 40 45 second long video him just eating an ice cream on on a roller coaster and at the end it was like sponsored by the ice cream it's just like you're just killing your anything any kind of platform now yeah no it was i think yeah like that's what sort of showed it showed itself like when when we stopped making videos and he just made he just made videos yeah it was like didn't really come out of anything that was like boom this is worthy of you being a big time youtuber sort of thing did it did it ever some of the content he was making on his channel because he was so closely connected to you yeah did it ever embarrass you like like some of the stuff he was doing like not embarrass me nah not embarrass me like at the end of the day he's his own person he can do what he wants but yeah all i know is probably the reason why he did eventually stop i feel is that my everything you post like instagram youtube whatever i was just snake emoji snake in my that must have just been toxic like yeah when you feel like literally the world hates me like not just doesn't like me they [ __ ] hate me they think i'm a snake like that must be horrible to live with and that's where i'm like i'm to a point now where i'm like mate i almost want to see like is he all right yeah is he all right like after all this time like you don't hear anything of him now right so it's like yeah that shows you it shows you as a bigger man that you've moved on and you want to actually check in on him consider this the olive branch then yeah get him on happy hour oh get him on waffling you need a more muffin first yeah yeah no you're right we'll see we'll see what we tend to do we tend to let guests go another podcast and then we snake in and get them [Laughter] right i think there we'll go for a break when we come back we'll be speaking to joe about more about waffling we'll talk about the boxing yeah um because you've probably never spoken about that before and we've got some hypothetical questions and some twitter questions so come back after this hello guys welcome back to jack makes happy hour still here with stevie still here with joe stevie yeah you're right i like doing that just putting you right under it's weird doesn't it well i never really know what i'm doing here so those moments you have you seen much of joe's content online i saw all the melt stuff back in the day yeah um it was quite strange because as we just said during a break i know nothing about youtube youtube's not really my kind of thing but back probably when youtube first started coming out was quite a big thing and ksi did all of his welcome to beast videos yeah i'd see all of those and then when your internet melt stuff came out i'd always see those but now i watch nothing i find a lot of people sorry to cut you off but i find a lot of people that don't even like youtube know who you are like you you kind of like that that series was so popular i felt like it broke out of like the youtube world but i think because that that those videos went viral on facebook as well so that was that was where people who don't go out of their way to go onto youtube you're still seeing it well yeah i mean i think like at that moment it was like it almost bridged the gap from people that don't even watch youtube it gave them like it was because when i when i started watching youtubers they were all gamers it was almost like you had to be like a gaming sort of person to watch youtube that's what i felt and i remember putting that series out people that were like you definitely aren't a gamer you definitely don't sit on the internet all day but you what this this connects to you i felt like that that's what that series sort of did it was sort of like funny for just sort of everyone um rather than just like a specific audience yeah i think so yeah did you did you make any money off the facebook ones because i saw a lot of people ripping your content yeah no never it's mad like nowadays yeah and nowadays like obviously yeah there's a lot of money in facebook i know people that have made [ __ ] millions yeah so yeah and they people would just rip your videos and just be able to make money off it whereas now i think facebook has like cracked down on it and you're you can only upload content that you either have permission to or that's your own do you do you have a facebook page yeah mate i i have a company run it like just posting they they basically have permission from like loads of viral companies yeah like like they have like viral videos and they just [ __ ] churn content out it's almost just like a passive income my facebook is just right basically run by another company like i'd recommend it if you want to yeah that's into it that's what i've started doing yeah you've started doing that as well yeah yeah doing it yeah so my mate tom runs my facebook page yeah and at the moment because it only recently got monetized at the moment we're just uploading old jack mate clips putting them on and like podcasts are like clipped with duvets that we put on like bangs and eddie hearn banged yeah so we're using all of that but we're now starting to license other youtubers that are like me so there's this guy called game face ed who's like this up and coming youtube he's on like 30k but i love him i think he's well funny so we're licensing his content putting it on and stuff because i i know what you mean about just using it as a passive page but i don't know if that's what i want to do but i'm sure off camera when you tell me how much money you make i'll be straight i mean that is yeah i mean if there's potential there yeah if it's i almost just completely disconnect myself from facebook because if i look at it my i have that thing of like integrity like what the [ __ ] am i doing that's an actual like joke why is joe weller's facebook page posting about an asian ladies [ __ ] eating frogs or something i mean it's loaded but at the end of the day i just go you know what that's another just passive revenue of income yeah and i think that's that's something that as i've gotten older as well that business element which i hate like i hate the business side of it i'm all about just the creative but being a bit more business savvy has yeah just i guess become more a prominent thing in my mentality having several avenues of income so that i can then do what i enjoy like waffling because waffle makes no money and if i only did that well no money it makes some but not enough to like live you know for all of us and all that so yeah that's why i'm yeah staying on it with these brands and doing these you know certain videos that i don't really want to do but it's sort of like you have to you have to do them ones that pay the bills as well yeah you don't strike me that's someone that's genuinely like motivated by money not at all and that's my problem as well because like i'll get a big deal through and sometimes i'll be like no because i won't say no but i'll to myself i'll be like [ __ ] because i know on paper i need to i need to take this life-changing amount of money yeah and that's this gonna like open up a lot of doors in terms of freedom that's yeah um but my motivation since day one has always been i want to be gassed in what i'm making yeah i want to know when i'm putting this out i'm gonna have that feeling of like this is sick yeah and i've worked so hard yeah that's what gets me going not not money but that's got me into bother before because you know after the after my ksi fight and i was like right i need to take a breather i need to sort of like get myself together and think about what i truly want to make like when that didn't when what i want to make i never really thought of anything i was continuing to live go to bali and all this stuff and my bank balance was just going down and that man i got to a point where i barely could afford to live my lifestyle really in terms of my house my car etc yeah like it went all the way down wow right to almost rebuild from scratch almost what because you just went uploading and stuff because i wasn't i was like look i i hate the idea of making like creativity for like and money really don't they clash yeah massively if you're doing it for money that creative freedom and enjoyment ain't really there no i it's weird because i i relate so much because i've got a brand deal sitting in my inbox right now and um my last three videos have been demonetised as i say and uh they want me and fiona to play this anime sex game again so i did it before a couple of months ago yeah and they're like it's got to be a bespoke video so as you don't do anything bar play the game so it's not even at the start check out rage rage shadow legends or check out this it's you sit there with your fiance as a 27 year old man and play this anime sex game and i can't bring myself to do it i can't bring myself to do it and luckily i'm so grateful that i'm in a position right now where i can turn down that kind of money yeah i'm not saying that in a big head away at all but i'm thinking one day if this all goes to [ __ ] and you must have that thought in the back of your mind all the time am i going to become irrelevant tomorrow that's such a big word in the youtube world irrelevant that's weird already i feel like i am irrelevant right and that's that's weird that's where i'm all i'm already there so now that's why now i only focus on like what i enjoy doing ie the waffling i'm gonna say do you think that i only do branded videos on my main channel do you think being irrelevant could actually be quite a nice place to be it's weird mate it's weird because when you've been on top of the game like when you've been i felt like i'm on top when i was prime internet melts and then when you're not there that's [ __ ] [ __ ] but it just is because you're like not all the popularity but where you felt like you've been making the best stuff and using your potential to the maximum and then when you feel like i'm now no longer i don't feel like i'm using my creative potential that that just feel yeah it feels and obviously what comes with that is irrelevancy because you're not making you're not making videos yeah that that feeling [ __ ] and that's the thing that sort of like hangs over me more than anything uh do what what defines relevancy to you though is it the views is it being in a youtuber clique nah like as in so like well basically the the times i've been like my most relevant is when the exploring series have been banging obviously my fight but like the exploring series banging internet melts banging both making you know in their prime making videos that i enjoy that people enjoy that's what i'd say for me is relevant right obviously yeah i guess everyone's interpretation is a little different but what do you think the general kind of like youtuber i hate using this wanky town but like the community the uk youtubers what do you think their opinion of you is like do you think they still see you as relevant because i 100 still see you as one of the top youtubers in the uk i'm buzzing to get you on both to chat to you and both because you're going to bang numbers there's no denying that that's how i feel you're you are but you you you doubt yourself don't you like you've just you just sat there and said you you almost feel like you you're irrelevant you're our most requested guest ever yeah so so what what is it what's your opinion of what do you think is your what's your place in the youtube community or have you not got one oh mate it's weird i don't i don't even know like i obviously i like to think obviously people think i'm quite like authentic and real but yeah in terms of like in terms of knowing like where i am yeah i think that's right so i don't really know who i am right whereas i used to be so short yeah where is it i mean i know why i'm off camera as in when it's just me and my mates and i'm with people and i'm very sure of myself there but in terms of creatively on youtube i ain't got a [ __ ] clue right now what videos does joe weller make in 2020 like what is his style of videos [ __ ] notes i think you hit a level of success though where it's not so much about the content so you could post anything and i'll just want to see what you're making because i'm subscribed what do i reckon that is though i don't know but i will agree with you i don't know what kind of content you make now if i had to explain to someone what you do yeah there's not a niche i could put you in it but i but i subscribe for for you do you reckon it's because you've i'm quite open about my ups and downs yeah you almost feel a bit connected to me yeah yeah 100 because that's what i feel maybe maybe yeah there's an there's an element of that of that and maybe it is that that connects me to my viewers rather than just like a piece of content it's more me as a person i don't know yeah but yeah i always try and figure out like what what what am i if i was to say like break down what am i on youtube what do i want to make i wouldn't know what i write down and that's where i look at like someone like logan paul he's got a team around him that are like curating this brand it's almost like if i like i've got the potential like logan paul has that's how in my mind i'm like in terms of like you know ability i have that it's just that i feel like say someone like him has got an ideal team that can bring it to life and sort of help him there whereas i feel a little bit alone sometimes yeah it's weird you you're so bang on because me and me and alfie have spoken about you in length before and and we agree like i i think this year on i did that wanky thing where i was like 20 20 i'm gonna actually make a go of this yeah and i i've i've stayed true to my word but the one thing that i've done differently is i've built a team so i've got i had i know i had you and another podcast co-host but away from that i've like fiona's now left her job in retail to work for me alfie's left his job um in a care home to work for me and alfie's very like-minded person yeah to me so i feel like now i'm actually building like this team i'm be i'm able to now create better stuff than i've ever created before and mentally i feel in a much better place with it because what you said at the start of the show when you said you couldn't ever make a video if someone was in the room you'd like cringe or i was exactly the same but now because alfie's ideas are exactly the same as mine i can sit and do a jack mate video with him in the room because he'll go you didn't deliver that right well you need to do this you need to do that so i think that that would probably be your best guess is to build a team around you and now you've got theo back and not that he ever went away but you're now you're doing something more official with theo all the time and you've got luke you're already starting to build that foundation people that care about you yeah for sure the thing is i've always i've had luke and fear around me for a long a long time and they've seen me i mean even when we film as a group they've seen our i still i do struggle it's almost like uh even though even though i've got the team around me and those guys do support me and everyone supports me i think the thing that's gone a little bit is almost like the passion for youtube as an entity like the place for my creativity yeah it's almost like i break out of it it's almost like oh it's weird man all i know is it is a bit of a mess in my head yeah it just is yeah like i like doing uh i mean yeah i've said i like the waffling because it's just chatting like this but it's not truly creative right johnny it's just me talking yeah so maybe maybe open up and get guests on and stuff like that because yeah i feel like sometimes when we have well strange guests like we've had peter blexley who was an undercover cop for like 24 years and stuff like that and when we have people like that on i find that i'm actually developing a skill and trying to learn how to interview somebody so uh every every one of these is a learning curve because we might have joe weller on then we might have peter blexley then we might have gervais on and it's all different so i think it really does sound wanky but me watching you as you've done waffling i already think you're a different person to when you first started in the terms of like how you open up and how you talk about your mental health and stuff so yeah i think it's good for you i think you should keep doing it but yeah then what the [ __ ] do i know i don't know with waffling without a doubt but it's almost like that is that does seem like it's my side hustle right yeah it doesn't feel like that's my main thing yeah yeah have another fight oh mate that's what everyone keeps saying in there we're not everyone but it's you know people that i speak to they're like mate just do it just do it but for me in terms of like the whole fighting thing what would you have another one i don't know mate i really don't know because like on one hand i'm like i have no interest in going through all that [ __ ] again right who is the left well it would be like obviously the one the one that's there is deji that would be the thing but it's like one minute i'm just like i know i'm not i do not want to fight there is nothing about me that wants to smack anyone in the edge and on top of that the mental like the toxic nature of it if you're not truly like a fighter by nature yeah it [ __ ] you like what it did to my confidence going through all of that putting my heart and soul into it and then me bottling it mm-hmm that [ __ ] man i was traumatized from it like [ __ ] straight up really yeah like big time like that that big reason why i think i lost my confidence on camera my main channel that makes sense that does make sense part of me still thinks if to this day is there a little bit of that still there like where it's like i'm not fully able to be myself do you think if you won you'd be in a different position probably wow and that's where like that's where i'm at i do sometimes think i'm like i make part of me wish i didn't [ __ ] do it but then part of me is like i've grown so much from that yeah i [ __ ] showed that like yeah you know i've changed the game i invented [ __ ] well you did yeah i mean so like you know there's the two ways to look at it but yeah well let's let's talk about it because there's a lot to talk about obviously most people will know the story now um ksi at the moment is probably like the top youtube boxer in the scene um recently beat logan paul last november um before that um beat you yeah didn't he it was like won the first won the first fight well if not it was the second yeah yeah so go on how did the first fight you and fear how'd that come about so that was just me going look bait i think like subconsciously inspired by conor mcgregor versus mayweather yeah i was like well they're crossing over and doing it so let's do it for a video uh go to the gym do it i win um and then ksi obviously commented on my instagram of you know us posing saying let me fight the winner so i was just like right well we're doing this i was like this could be a way for me because at this point was when i was feeling like i don't really want to do youtube videos anymore yeah so i was like this is something that i could now go into i love training like athlete all of that let's do it properly let's do it in an arena and smash it um and at first he didn't want to do it like he was just like oh do it but i'll do it against harry because i wasn't really that relevant at that point right he was like i'll do it against harry who was popping yeah and i was like man obviously i made the videos being like [ __ ] [ __ ] wayne good luck classic um and yeah eventually obviously yeah we did a press conference did you see that upload yeah that was chaos yeah that was i was sick at that point going into that press conference had it already turned into some genuine beef with you and jj i don't know because like obviously on the the stuff on camera on youtube it's a very just like ego all of that trying to outdo each other and all that bollocks but face to face it was it was still a little bit like smiley i think the point when when it went sour was at the press conference i feel like i was winning the crowd i mean in our podcast you know that me and jj we spoke and he said i could feel the you were winning the crowd right and that got to him yeah so then obviously he comes out with his mental health statements yeah to which i'm like [ __ ] you're not saying that [ __ ] mate like a lot of these this crowd like i've gone through a lot of things so yeah that's when that and you were going through a lot of things weren't you oh yeah so it was like i i that was the moment when as a just a watcher i was like [ __ ] this has gone too far and i remember i made a video about it and i was cussing him up for him he was saying it was fake me yeah i know yeah she like jackman [ __ ] [ __ ] what are you all about at that point i was thinking you're sour yeah you wanna you wanna do something sick on youtube and you're bitter oh yeah 100 percent i was like why he filmed the video for your roast at that moment no i i came out and i tweeted about uh a year after that my opinion on the whole thing changed completely because i think at first it was it was not so much there was probably a bit of that i'll admit but i think what it was is me having to play up to well i used to always sell myself as the anti-youtuber so i did think it was fake 100 i did but i knew if i sat there because i'm a boxing fan anyway so i knew if i sat there and was like this is brilliant people be like oh jack like you're there i'm what kavos is now like and kavos is like i'm not fan of kavos obviously but i thought i had to play up to it but yeah you grow and you learn and i'd love to be involved in something like that so maybe there was a bit of a training like or you started training as a result of the boxing youtube boxing yeah i don't know if it was bollocks but i basically had a call from some guy who works in within that and he was like look this fight's coming up you can get on the undercard if you this was for jj's next one okay if you have a if you have a story if you have a bit of a feud so me and josh peters were both called up by this guy and we was both told to start beefing really so we started doing it really yeah then and that adds fuel to the whole thing of you thinking it's fake so because someone's actually telling you basically yeah i went against everything yeah went against everything yeah [ __ ] well yeah i mean looking at the logan paul ksi the second fight obviously you know logan was giving it the biggen and and he sort of like won the press conferences and like won the build up in my opinion the american ones yeah yeah yeah yeah so he yeah i feel like he out did all you know did uh all of that better than jj but i feel like he was just trying that's the part he wanted to win yeah he wanted to be the better entertainer yeah and he was he he nailed it and then you got to the fight and i think that's when he was on an adrenaline dump yeah because he'd done all that all week he because in the first ksi logan fight he got dominated yeah sat there a tail between his legs [ __ ] yeah and then he wanted to i think that's the part because he wants to be the biggest entertainer in the world that's the bit that he wanted to smash and he did second time round he did yeah second to the second time around and that's why after losing a fight he literally didn't give a toss it seemed yeah if anything yeah for me [ __ ] [ __ ] me not because i lost but because i bottled it right that's the bit that [ __ ] me because like whether it be my driving test am i like playing football playing cricket i always bottled it growing up did you yeah i played for brighton i wanted to be a professional footballer i was on track but because every every match i'd get the ball and just think oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] my nerves my anxiety would just rule me i'd bottle it and [ __ ] up every time and then to see to see that happen then when that was meant to be the moment that i conquered it oh mate that i think that's what destroyed me and that set you off on a different tangent to what it could have been so you do you often think about what could have been the other route the other road it's not even like what could have been i mean what could have been in this in the sense of like oh maybe i would have been a bit more like at peace with myself but more of yeah i definitely still think back to that night quite a lot why do you think you bottled it like what no i'm not saying obviously it being the biggest moment but like didn't sleep the night before didn't eat the whole day threw up just before i went out you were were you nervous well yeah it's like consciously i was like i was able to have a conversation i was fine but subconsciously my heart was absolutely doing bits i was like adrenaline like but it naturally i think if you ask jj it'll say the same in a way because it is [ __ ] huge yeah um but he was just able to fully stay composed whereas my brain fried the second like it's weird because up until the point at which we you know you know when the ref brings you together and says like right i want a clean fight i was saying to him like you're nervous mate i'm [ __ ] i'm gonna do this you're nervous as hell i thought he was i thought he looked nervous yeah and the second that bail went mate i literally i lost all ability to control myself i don't i hardly remember it not because i was getting sparked but literally because that moment i literally yeah whereas he was able to stay composed and that's where i'm like [ __ ] fair play because i know how how well how it was in there the first boxing match and you're in front of that crowd all everything on the line yeah it's mad oh that's mad because i've had times before with nothing on that scale at all but like where i've had to go up on stage and do something yeah and i'm [ __ ] myself and then when it comes to the moment i've just about scraped through i can't i couldn't imagine feeling like that 50 50 when somebody else is trying to punch you in the head like no yeah he's a weird figure i remember when when the ref jumped in i was like thanks mate really oh thank you oh wow get me out of his [ __ ] misery before the fight did you did you have any could you imagine that you'd lose or would you certainly win it's weird because i remember the press conference the day before the weigh-in yeah the weigh-in like the day before like the whole crowd was just team ksi like booing the [ __ ] at me horrible that was [ __ ] horrible i was there think about you gotta get into your boxes and stand in front of them and oh mate it was literally like that was horrible because they were booing the [ __ ] out of me i was i mean i was lowkey shaking wow he was so confident and you could feel it and even though like in the in training mate i was doing well like i was doing all right i wasn't amazing but like i had i had the the ability to beat ksi comfortably yeah my money was on you yeah my trainer put every penny i paid him on me winning every penny stuff like that doesn't help does it no but i didn't know i didn't he didn't tell me only afterwards i found out about it yeah but it's the fact that mate like every you know everyone around me is [ __ ] confident as hell like i was like i'm gonna do this yeah obviously i'm [ __ ] not overlooking him but because i was i'd put in the work yeah absolutely but yeah um overall i just wasn't it was that the moment yeah i wasn't training i was trying to box yeah i wasn't trained for the occasion and that is so key like all the professionals i've spoken to now they say the same thing it's like yes that that performing in front of the crowd and jj himself was like mate i've done a tour before you know during my training i was on stage i was getting used to that so that didn't phase me yeah whereas you know yeah that would be the thing that i guess now i'd work on but even now like how far i've come since then like if i did do another boxing match maybe you know i'd be able to handle it i reckon you should maybe imagine that feeling of me winning yeah and then it'd be like the underdog story you've you've come from the ashes and you've risen do you think that would give you confidence again like yeah that'd be in that mouse 11 or 12 or whatever maybe i mean i don't know it's weird because like i also also told myself well i remember feeling like whether i win even if i win today it's not gonna affect me like it's i'm still gonna be at this point of like what now because the ultimate thing even before the boxing was that i don't really want to do videos anymore yeah so i knew i didn't i didn't want to do another boxing match so i was still gonna always be at that point where it's like i've just had this huge high and now yeah who knows i may have been at that thing again where i'm constantly looking back like oh i won that boxing match and now i've done nothing with it and now i'm yeah i mean so it may have just ended up being at the same sort of point what what did you do the night you lost so two dominoes right okay right so you so you leave the ring leave the ring you go straight to the dressing room cry my [ __ ] eyes out yeah ah did you see jj backstage no you didn't see him no when was the next time you saw him charity charity no no that was before uh a while in real life is it logan paul one oh wow in real life well so so so from the moment that fight was ended you didn't see him again until months and months and yeah wow right so so you didn't see him in what hotel so yeah so i yeah get back to the hotel and it's just sort of like [ __ ] that's all over let's go get yeah like i had food with the family and just sort of like made a laugh of it yeah just made a half of it were you what were you thinking up here though like regardless of how you're acting where are you thinking where you thinking of the repercussions were you thinking you were going to be a meme where you were you getting many texts from people like i may to be honest the support was the mad thing like everyone i'd literally yeah the amount of people that were for weller seemed to absolutely go through the roof almost like it felt like more than jj right and i don't know i don't know how i don't know whether it's like because i came out on the mic uh when they were obviously you know they interviewed the fighters afterwards i came out on the mic in the ring i was itchy i didn't pre-plan anything obviously i don't you don't you don't you don't plan to lose yeah but i was uh yeah i think maybe how i conducted myself there i was like fair play you know bearing in mind people probably thought i was gonna be like a sore loser or something but i think that won over a lot of people and i had so many messages about that that specific moment and yeah there was a lot of support a lot of fan accounts made and all of that and overall i was in a pole position i think i i then recorded a little video a little 30 second video that i put on my channel just saying fair play jj like you one enjoy it et cetera seven million views wow people supported me it was almost like [ __ ] i've somehow come out you know on top here yeah through losing yeah um and that's what you feel that was the wave you felt you should have taken like you should have ridden that wave a bit more after because you said you kind of had that hiatus yeah it was weird because yeah i remember feeling like i was at a point where i did i didn't necessarily want to you know the whole public eye thing being famous all of that really wasn't asked so that's why i think in the moment i didn't capitalize on it i think if anything i wanted to get away from it which is why i went to bali and just went traveling and tried to like just yeah all of that how long did you go traveling for a while overall i mean barley a as it was a month but i think i did like a few different locations like egypt wow what and you're not uploading during this time i think i did an egypt video about aliens in the pyramids which got demonetised right i reckon there's a little conspiracy second aliens are in a title yeah yeah i remember my podcast about aliens yeah it's weird though why the [ __ ] do youtube care about that because they can't let a secret out mate all right susan or whatever her name is before we move on from the boxing um because obviously you were friends with jj before it all happened and stuff and i think you're on okay terms no no we're good now honestly after that podcast that we did yeah was so needed yeah it was lovely to see as well yeah talking through everything like he's calm i'm calm we've you can see we've both matured for sure and that was the nice thing about it and uh yeah that that was sick for me like that i re i needed that i think like deep down i needed that yeah yeah so closure yeah yeah well we had jj on here didn't we uh about a year ago and he told us a story about you in the car park yeah and i just need to get your opinion just for the happy hour listeners how was you was you right so he said that you had you had a underground car park fight off camera yeah how's that it wasn't really a fight basically we were driving home from westfield right in stratford uh i was in my mini cooper and basically he was in his porsche [Laughter] so we're at a red light okay i'm in front and he thinks it's funny to go up to my car and just slowly try and push it with his car but actually push it i put my hair brake on oh god so he's actively like driving his porsche into my mini cooper he doesn't give a [ __ ] i mean why why is he not caring he's probably doing more damage to his car but obviously i'm [ __ ] livid i'm like you think you can sort of just take the piss or whatever i don't know i was i was confused like why are you doing this yeah the the the fight isn't on the cards at this point right but i think this is the thing there's always been that little sort of like alpha battle yeah between whenever me and jojo field or whatever there's that you know yeah so that i think that's always there it was banter yeah it wasn't banter yeah so anyways he does it again at the next red light and then we get to the car park and i can't remember who i was in my car with but i was like the second we get back i'm going for him year eight wheeler was coming back mate i thought i was like so so we get out and i literally just go up to him i just floor him that's all it is i literally just grab him and just shove him to the floor did i do any strikes it's like you have flashbacks i don't know if i did any strikes but i know i'd put him to the ground and that was it and that's all that was he did say you won so did he yeah he said you went who won that one he went joe did but yeah it was it wasn't really a fight more of just like [ __ ] don't yeah i thought he said something about some girls oh mate but that that's something that totally got blown out of proportion based on how he worded it in a this track i believe right but the word on the street is that he got with a girl that i fancied and really it was just the girl that was in cristiano ronaldo picking up girls that video i did oh right it was one of the girls that obviously i kissed in that video that's from my local area um and i think they had a entanglement yeah that was it it was a gaming event we were all staying over in ho in the same hotel and in the morning when he came into my room after doing the deed wait it was a threesome wasn't it yeah that is what he said basically okay he's with his other from my place they're gonna hate it i'm really sorry i am but um they yeah so that when jj comes in i say to like cal frizzy and that like i'm like oh when he comes in i'm gonna like pretend to like be angry i'm gonna start on him um and literally pull up what lasted about two seconds i got up i was like you [ __ ] what you think you're doing and then i was like no i'm joking that's all that was oh well i was like i'm joking about i don't know how did that [ __ ] even get out did he think he was but then but then it is where when he started doing a diss track on me for our boxing he was like yeah i slept with your main chick it was like what no you didn't some girl from the ronald over there yeah but you know that's all that really was fair enough what's your opinion on like the side bend on that now are you cool with them all because i've always been cool with him though i noticed there's that clip going around that bit of b for you and bazinga at the top that was a bit like cool wait like i went up to him and was like obviously you know little interview um and he deferred he was like no no now mate trying to go home he's not interested all right all right this way mate this way bazinga hates it i go around the corner he's doing interview for someone else yeah and i just obviously think like well that's [ __ ] tosser have you seen that clip it's so funny because ethan's doing this interview for this boxing channel and the show comes straight around the corner because oh you didn't out while he's doing the interview you didn't want to give me an interview but you'll do one with bloody boxing daily or whatever and whatever it was he doesn't do weller interviews but he does bloody boxing social interviews it's all right ethan priorities mate and then as he walks off he goes tosser he wouldn't give me one he wouldn't give me an interview but he gives you one but on the on the actual stream you can just see joe in the corner just do that it actually came up on the street it was so funny it was so funny because i think that was the first time i'd met you like in person yeah it was i was and i was just smashed you were awakened and i was all sweaty in that shirt and i put up the did you see how about the picture the next day because i had a loose tie on i said it looked like i was just got out of court after trying to get yeah possession of alex who was my kid i don't know if you saw it when a bit but basically to round it off yeah people thought that me and ethan had beef whereas ah we didn't have beef i think he did actually comment on that video though and then deleted it oh right yeah because people were commenting saying ethan's a wanker ethan's this which i was like [ __ ] you know you know i don't want to yeah like send people on him yeah but um yeah i think that yeah that may have caused a little bit of upset i don't know but overall with the sidemen i'm absolutely fine with them and i believe that they are absolutely fine with me yeah like apart from vickstar because obviously when he was on he was saying that [ __ ] about you yeah what that was awkward he was just saying that he could knock you out one punch and say really i'll tell you a story about big star oh god [ __ ] it no he got mugged and i [ __ ] was trying to back him wow basically we were on holiday in napa yeah the boys classic oh no that was awful because jj paid for that [ __ ] hell he took us all on holiday and then there i am like a year later started on him wow yeah and that was where i remember thinking oh [ __ ] yeah that's a bit dodgy but anyway so we're on this holiday uh and vic has got his like iphone 57 out [Music] all i do is at the time that's the latest model yeah anyways so he's got a you know he's cutting about i'm with him you know because he loves house music i was like he is a session but i never would have thought i never would have thought but um he has his phone out and these two guys come over and they're like mate what's the time oh okay well that one mate obviously at that point i didn't even think about it because i was pretty [ __ ] yeah right okay and um anyways yeah what's the time mate next thing you know and then this guy's darting he's he's gone he's off and vic oh bless him he's like no come back and then i'm just like [ __ ] this [ __ ] and i'm not i i try and run both of us try and run the guy gets away and he's just stolen vic's phone but on that holiday i really realized he's a solid bloke yeah big star so um yeah i felt really bad for him it's fine obviously he didn't say it yeah i assume you know he said nothing about you yeah knocking you out when we um when we met vic start it was funny because he's a bit of a like i'm surprised how much of a like a bit of a geezer he is like because when he's when you see when you see him online he's playing like minecraft or getting like a 75 kill streak on car alfie was like oh bet vic is absolutely lovely i bet he's so sweet and i was like yeah i think he's he's nice but we bumped into him at the fight and alfie was a shock because we went up to him was like you're right mate he's like till his head back and he's like yeah what are you saying you're right it's just like this is vic star like he's acting like a doorman or something it's mad interesting i mean yeah now i mean i'd love to know like what does he does he ever misses is he a player like what youtubers do you know get about which ones are yeah girlfriends that's what i found interesting since doing this podcast because we've had loads of guests on yeah and it's like it's really interesting seeing what they're like in person because some of them are exactly like how they come across and then some are completely complete you get a surprise from quite a few of them yeah like who i i thought bazinga was completely different than i expected what did you expect him to be i expect him to be a bit chavy and a [ __ ] not my kind of person at all because i watched a couple of his videos before he came in and i just didn't i think i didn't like it at all he was just lovely i i really like him i think he's sound he's my i think out of the sidemen the ones i've met i think he he's my favorite and i see what he means though online he i think ethan does put on a bit of a like a i'm not really a gun finger kind of guy i don't think he is no but he's like he's like yo like a rapper yeah yeah yeah that is how we act at least in the video i watched when he came here and he was just yeah completely normal and nice but most people are when they come here i haven't thought of anyone that's been a bit like what the [ __ ] is that i would love i always say until today i would love to do a better podcast with simon because i always say that he wasn't the worst guest but he sat on the fence like constantly so he had just done a video like slagging off commentary channels and he'd got a lot of backlash from that so i was like come on the podcast we'll talk about it and i asked him and he was just like they're all right and it was just like very middle of the road so i would love to get get him an honest interview yeah get him on and be open so wait but on that point of obviously commentary channels turning into my podcast now i'm asking you the question yeah do it but obviously you did your roast yeah video yeah now what like went through your end when you first watched my clip right so i had got alfie and fiona to watch all of them before i watched them usually like i'd probably say that i'm not watching them and then i watch them but i 100 didn't and i went are there any that's really bad and they point they picked two out so they went josh peters won because like we copied this video and he's mugging me off for it and when we when i uploaded that video i was like so healthy is this a bit too similar to josh's he's like that's fine so i was like okay so when he mentioned it i was like oh that's a dagger in the heart yeah but then they went and joe well as one and i was like oh [ __ ] like what has he said because i knew all the other people in that i think i probably knew better because i'd only met you once so i was like what what you you've you're not going anything off my content like you're going i knew it was going to be deep and then when i watched it like my reaction was real i was obviously i'm hyping it up a bit for the video but i was just like [ __ ] that come from the heart like that came from deep down in your esophagus after he finished filming it you sent me the clip of what he did and just went i think well it actually hates me i was like oh yeah there's nothing i could have said i was like yeah yeah it looks like it does go on how real was that no i was just basically from the jack mate that i watched back in the day yeah i remember like any point someone would [ __ ] up yeah and you would jump on it now obviously you've said that a lot of that may have been to do with playing up to the jack mate character et cetera um but i yeah i've just i remember i've had a thought before of like people that aren't happy with themselves often project that onto others like you know attack others you know and all of that so that's why i thought okay how can i roast this guy and like actually make it a solid roast yeah i'm gonna go just down that avenue yeah no it's good to see yeah but like you know do you think uh you know what i was saying made any sort of sense yeah in the past even now i don't know it does any of it like yeah reality yeah 100 that used to be me but now i'm so much more comfortable with who i am yeah like that like i said like the only jokes about other youtubers i make now are just memes of myself so that calendar i will say now i don't give a [ __ ] it's a funny meme now ollie white merch i don't care it was i was three years younger than i am now like now i i'm happy on youtube i've got a following i like doing this i don't really give a [ __ ] if other people [ __ ] up that's not to say that if somebody does something in the future that i really disagree with i'm not gonna articulate my opinion online and verbalize i might do but i think it's just now when somebody [ __ ] up i'm like okay do i care about this does it affect me no i'll just carry on yeah because i remember back in the day like there was of something i did i think i said in a video ah a fan i was at like the joe sugg casper lee like film launch and a a fan no the security were like oh you're a fan or a youtuber and i was like well i'm not a fan i'm a youtuber or something like that and i said that in a video and you made a video about it or a part of a video saying oh joe weller thinks he's like oh it's awful to be a fan he thinks he's above being a fan or something like that i remember watching i was like mate like really wow yeah i remember and that was i remember there were quite a few times where i remember thinking like this kid is literally just he must have been bullied at school or something or just a loser yeah and now he's taking it out on everyone else who has any sense of like popularity wow that's how it felt i think that might have an element of truth in it because when people say that it's like like i've definitely been jealous of you in the past 100 100 when people say you're jealous of alfie and ollie never have i been jealous of that right because they've never made the content that i've wanted to make whereas i've probably seen you take a bit of inspiration from my content yeah make it internet melts and then hit a level i've never hit before so there was probably a part of me in my room going oh [ __ ] this guy thinks he's too big like i'd probably message you you probably aired me and then i've gone i'll [ __ ] this guy we were in project six yeah what was that yeah so i think back then there was there's like i would have done stuff and not really thought about the repercussions like you've remembered that i don't remember that but i'm not saying it didn't happen i quite believe it right but i wouldn't have thought of how long that will stay with you for so when i knew that you didn't like me for a long time i knew that i think i'd heard bits here and there and sometimes more of just like i thought your mentality was not not a positive one for sure i think that's what it was more than anything i was like this this guy's negative vibes yeah i mean that's what i think obviously nothing completely different yeah i think you're proper like decent genuine honest positive guy yeah contribute positively to the platform right um but off camera as well because also that's another thing when people are like oh you're a great youtuber nat call me a good person yeah yeah yeah um and that and that's why when when when me and alfie first become friends and he was saying about how much he liked your videos i will say now like i put that tweet out about you the other day like i'm i'm 27 now i don't care if people go oh you're kissing his ass any of that i'll give my honest i've g i've i've had my years given the negative opinions so now i'm going to put the good opinions and i could always tell from the stuff you were saying that i relate to that i was like i know we would get on i know but like then i've forgotten about the time when i slagged you off in a video i've done this so i've done that so it's weird how then things come back around yeah and that's why i just want to say now alfie days yes hang out [Music] this isn't my podcast but whenever i'm involved in one they often turn into therapy sessions yeah and it's weird how it does it's quite nice i mean it's just unusual it's therapeutic but um yeah i mean i love it i love talking like this yeah i know it's good we've got about 15 minutes left so i think yeah we probably can go a bit longer we'll see how we go but um first guest actually wants to do longer in this hot room all right change quickly double check at least yeah all right we're gonna swap the memory card out we'll be back after this hello and welcome back third part we've done it in three segments because um joe's a good guest yeah do you have to get rid of a lot of stuff for waffling not really because we we keep everything in like i mean is as open as it can possibly be yeah like within reason and that's the thing like we i think that's how we wanted it to be like we don't like the second we have to sort of uh censor ourselves in any sort of way that's when it became well started to feel like it was becoming um sort of not as natural because we did a couple episodes we were like we want to get monetized we want to get ads let's do this a bit more pc you know we can't swear and [ __ ] and [ __ ] that [ __ ] yeah literally like it's dead so yeah before the break we were talking briefly about project six remember that week how did that mate how did that come about i think it was nick crompton did he piece it all together nah that he was the last piece really so it was me and at the time a guy called chip daddy james jamie cottrell yeah yeah and we were like we want to do a collab channel because they seem to be all the big thing back there and that's probably even before the sidemen and then we got some other youtubers involved adam waif the channel where youtubers go to dine now apparently according to ksi that's what you said at the press conference really yeah with you i think except that actually um jake boyz jake boyes lives in auction out the road from me i see him in cameo all the time in what in a club yeah yeah oh really do you ever go up to him and speak about the good old days we'll be like you're right project 6 [Laughter] and then um we had two more spots so i think we got you in for about a day and then who recruited me who was like yeah let's get well it was either me or jamie i think but this is just before you blew up i think literally just before though yeah i was like the week before the world cup song came out or something like that i remember i remember joining and i was like yeah you know what this could be a big thing and to think that nick crop nick crompton technically took the format of project six and made team 10 team 10. yeah yeah because the thing was yeah nick crompton was just literally he'd be the first person to tell you this he was literally a fanboy of me and he used to comment all my videos yeah and i watched one of his videos once and i was like oh he's like a funny chubby little northern peter k type character yeah so i said to jamie on on skype i was like shall we get nick crompton to be the sixth member and i called nick up and was like simon cowell at judges houses was like you're in the you're in the gang basically and he was he was proper buzzing like he was ecstatic and then we did it for a while you dropped out eight early doors yeah i remember like i could barely make my own main channel videos yeah and then it was like to do these extra videos i was like yeah but it was weird because i didn't ever feel like i never felt it was a it was a flop but i never felt like we were a group i never met you no i didn't know who you were yeah i didn't know obviously i knew i was like inspired by you but like yeah we'd never met and i think that that element is vital yeah you know just yes we did so after you dropped out you went and did the world cup song yeah we we met as a group at um the youtube studios and i kind of was dead yeah it was the known chemistry it was funny we all could put it on but i just i was like they are they aren't my kind of people really adam waif and they might they're probably fine now because as i mean we've grown up and stuff but like jake boys he was not my kind of person would be tory or like what no not tory just like hello like old school youtube i love candy floss so random forward roles and that and i'm right up off the floor yeah yeah so just i went i'd never had good experiences with any of them except nick i love nick but and then and then nick obviously sam king nick grew a following and then got the job at social chain i remember i was sat in my dad's flat in fetford and nick called me up and he had this job in social social chain in manchester and he was like i might move to l.a i was like what because you're just this little chubby kid that i thought was just always going to do that and he was like yeah i've got a couple of vine stars that i'm going to manage and i was like okay mate yeah go for it and he's like do you think i should i was like yeah sure and i put the phone down i remember thinking that's going to flop and he's going to be back in two weeks after that and then he births [ __ ] jake paul and logan paul's career which is mental actual mad yeah i've never seen that when nick crompton was involved i was like how does that come about so he's managing people like justin bieber taylor swift look at his face that's mad yeah he's mad but fair play to him he's got millions and millions of instagram followers oh dollars as well oh yeah yeah yeah did you see he had a he went to west coast customs and had his hammer pimped out really yeah he's mad and it was the moment i found it was really weird is i i saw a tmz video come up saying asking nick crompton and he's just walking down the street with these like prada bags and they're like paparazzi and it's well weird yeah i sometimes feel like i'm living in the truman show and this is mad because you know you basically created the whole youtube boxing thing yeah i have a part to play in that as well because i was the first person to my knowledge to show that to eddie hearn and i don't know if you've ever seen the clip yep but me and my old co-host tom show him the press conference because i'm asking him does he think it's fake i saw that yeah so because i didn't think the fight was fake but i thought all the build up and that was 100 fake and i was like dude what do you reckon and at the time he's going so is that one ksi is it oh nash joe weller and he didn't have a clue and i remember looking at him and looking at eddie hand in the eyes and going i can see the dollar signs in your heart in your eyes he's like nah that'll never that'll never take off then he even makes a joke and go who's putting all that on again and now fast forward four years he's running the whole thing yeah it's mad i think that is there like that's the bit not bitter thing but that's the thing where i'm just like if hearn saw then what he obviously saw for the ksi and logan fight that would have been cool yeah because i made a loss on my fight did you i made a loss in money what was it because what you were paying your trainers and stuff like that yeah obviously paying all of that like but apparently jj blocked like advertisers getting involved and i don't know whether he had personal ones but for the actual event we barely scraped like many thousands like at all who put that on it was upload nop talent oh right so it was like combined thing but yeah we struggled to get advertisement and apparently it's because our jj's like how he was then with his you know the faces you know all of that stuff yeah apparently that was the reason why advertisers didn't want to be involved but i was like surely not mate that's a bit old news yeah but yeah apparently yeah he just sort of so he didn't want me to profit from it wow that apparently that that's what our you know we have the same manager and that's sort of so the vibe yeah that was to this day you didn't make much money from it then like no no obviously like since you know the videos i've made about i've made about 20 logan paul ksi videos yeah you know i have made money from it and in the long run yeah but in terms of the actual event you know when you see that jj and logan got paid five million dollars yeah it is i mean that's they've earned that like jj defeated me to earn the ability to earn that's a fair play but that's the thing where you're like if you know we did our event for free in terms of like we people didn't have to pay to watch and at that point i was like i don't want to make people watch we're not professionals we're literally having a youtube thing this is youtube and it should be for free but like i was saying earlier about the whole being a bit more business savvy maybe i should have gone you know what they got to pay a fiver to watch you had an athlete head on yeah i had purely i did not give a [ __ ] about any of the money whatever i just wanted to win but if i did then that could have been a nice little earner or at least made me break even yeah you know what i mean yeah do you have any are you you were saying you're more business savvy now yeah do you have any like business ventures that you think you're going to go into or so with waffling we are we're doing something doing a tour no well maybe but that's not the thing so you know christmas dvd [Laughter] little workout dvd well we're yeah we're thinking of doing a club type thing oh nice bit maverick club-esque it won't be on a scale of maverick club but with the fan base that we have got it is a very connected fan base very active yeah like and if we can do some sort of thing that sort of almost like like that intimate type exclusive club maverick club is like there could be some serious money in that yeah it's enjoyable because like what i'm doing already on like the waffling instagram where i'm interacting with fans like pretty much on a daily basis like that's sick but i can't get through everyone yeah imagine if we just like had the exclusive club and do [ __ ] loads of other things we don't want to just do something that's a money earner we want to make it value yeah but there is potential in that and there is a percent you know potentially to have a lot of money in it as well nice man so do an app or something maybe apparently apps are bit too costly at this point like maverick club is still a website oh okay um yeah we'd probably do it in that format we've we are con well currently in in contact with some developers and all of that that are going to sort of help us curate it nice um but yeah that's the sort of project that we're looking at at the moment sick let's talk a bit about waffling because um we've kind of alluded to it throughout the show obviously it is it's your podcast you do it with your mates theo and luke you got it on your phone case there how long you been doing it you've been doing it i reckon what over a year just over a year yeah how would you if i'd never seen the show before this is probably perfect for me so i never listened to podcasts at all right doing this a year and a half i only started listening to podcasts last month wow i started with that peter crouch podcast which i've now finished right so sell yours to me yeah sell it so that so that yours can be the next one that i start listening just let's say you have a minute right we're we're big investors we can invest in this new wafflin membership thing but you need to sell the sell the show to us what is waffling you've got a minute i'd literally say waffling is a sex education so it's a bit of a sex education sort of adolescence education in between us in a podcast oh nice i'd sort of say that yeah it's sort of you know being open and honest that we that we all [ __ ] up we're all [ __ ] at whether it be sex nights out talking to boys talking to girls you know sexuality and just being a human being right we all have troubles with it and i think what waffling is is it gives the viewers a chance to sort of hear us lads be honest yeah about real experiences and [ __ ] me like the the questions we get sent in as well people open up people open up have you seen any of their video titles that's the thing mate that's in the beginning we used to do just clips so we almost did like 10 minute videos yeah and that was it it wasn't like a full podcast yeah and they banged more because you we could put those sort of titles like would you shag your cousin yeah people because obviously we got a question in was a complaint from someone's mum basically saying i've had my son come up to me questioning his mum and dad so her and her husband um because we are cousins and within our culture it's the damn thing and obviously she was saying i'm deeply enraged our culture and all of this so we sort of like reacted to it and died but [Laughter] that's basically what waffling is we address these sort of things and i [ __ ] love it mate sick it is so funny i like the concept because it's not often guys are honest either but that's the thing as well i think it's giving making people not ever feel embarrassed or ashamed to have these questions or to have these sort of like problems no matter literally no matter what it is yeah so that's why like when you see the questions that come in they are like so open and honest and obviously we don't tend to take the piss but we also like you know the way the boys take the piss out of me the way we take the piss out of theo and all that we show that it's okay to have a laugh about these things yeah yeah you're not it's not all if you've got a problem right everyone has to sort of trade carefully nah take the piss have a laugh yeah that's what you'd be doing with your mates off camera anyway exactly that yeah it was good i was saying to joe like before we started that it's the kind of podcast because it's like just silly and you can have a laugh it's sometimes deep but like you can listen to it and not really focus on it so sometimes like it's funny because i remember i was cooking and i don't often cook but i was like chopping up these onions and it was on and uh speaking to fiona and then it's just like yeah like what like come in your cousin and it's just like hang on i've just gotta go just gotta go back there and go back but it's funny i was watching one before and theo's reaction was exactly my reaction to you because you bring me up and you said you said you're trying to explain what an atheist is and you go you know you know like what jack mate is [Applause] yeah that was embarrassing you made me wear that around norwich so you could take photos yeah i i'm d i deeply regret that but the it was because do you remember there was um there was a shirt in topman at the time and i can't remember who it was i think we've spoken about it on the podcast before but there was a there was somebody on a shirt and it said jesus going across it maybe it was jesus in a pair of sunnies or something you you actively are like i remember you in your older videos you were actively like religion is [ __ ] awful and all this stuff and i remember like yeah there's this kid the devil i was like has he been sent here the jury's still out on that wow i think you're still very much there i'm just not as outspoken about it i said this the other day like so i i'm still of that belief that there's no god but i've changed in opinion my opinion in terms of i don't give a [ __ ] if you are like i listen to bo burnham who's a comedian that we love i listened to him about a year and a half ago on the h3 podcast and he talks about how he used to be anti-religion he used to do songs about it and then he got to a certain age where he was like i don't care and that was a year and a half ago and my opinion was even different because i remember thinking well at least stand up for what you believe in what you don't believe in but now i'm just like just shattered all the time i'm just like i can't be i can't be are you religious no we're not no not religious no but no but you don't i don't go there's a definite this or there's a definite that cause you know who the [ __ ] am i tonight yeah i mean yeah but you wouldn't clash yourself as an atheist i wouldn't say i'm an atheist no really i wouldn't say i mean spirits are about but you know there's a lot of different things are unexplainable yeah i'm open to talk and hear about it all yeah i'm not shutting down anyone i think i think what i've realized as i've got older rather than despising religion or whatever i think i've just realized that i don't like anyone who speaks and tries to force any one of their opinions but then that's surely what i was doing yeah so i disliked you for years you disliked about religion you were doing about non-religion yeah about atheism yeah so you were a preacher for atheism there we go which is a bit stupid right okay i think before we finish um we oh no no no there was something else about waffling um what's it like working with theo and luke sick yeah mate we've had some arguments though don't get me wrong like obviously you boys have fallen out yeah tell me you have oh yeah we didn't speak for a few years that was way before we started working together about six months yeah not really no but i didn't do anything no it was just somebody basically told me that he was a leech and like the crawford thing i started to believe that he was like that and then after a few years because fiona's always been like he's absolutely fine and i was like he is fine like i don't know why i thought that oh i mean at least you're friends now yeah but whilst doing the podcast right has there ever been any beef no i don't think so what has there been with you yeah but it's mostly come from me like i've been the reason right and it's because like obviously the transition from making youtube videos to doing long-form content at first like it was that's the reason why we did clips because i was like i want this to be very concise yeah no ramble yeah second there's ramble and this what would happen like i'd be like right it's a theo this the question and his answer if he's yeah like waffled at all even though it's called waffling if he like waffled at all at least you might know mate it's all right it's starting again like you need to [ __ ] i wouldn't be i tried to like beat around the bush a little bit and be a little bit polite but yeah at the same time what i was doing was it was unpredictable it was doing the opposite of what i was intending if i was trying to make him give a better answer yeah i should build him up not be like your [ __ ] do better yeah yeah yeah and that's essentially what i was doing so yeah there was that and then well so you'd refilm the whole thing if he didn't give you the answer that you wanted to hear no no not the answer i didn't want to hear yeah it was more of just like if we the first in a youtube video like the first minute's vital yeah and i was like if this first minute doesn't doesn't get into something interesting then i feel like we limiting ourselves with you know retention and all that yeah so i was like yeah if if we started off in a rambly sense and it wasn't always him if just as a group we didn't start off well i'd just be a lot more like now do it again wow do it again and that pissed him off i guess well yeah well it's more of just like yeah it's that thing of like me essentially being a bit of a narcissist like thinking i'm better than everyone right and that's that's yeah and i have tendencies to do that yeah with creativity as well because i have these visions of like this how it's gotta be yeah it's a lot like are you ever like that when you have like the people working with you if someone's not in your opinion up to scratch are you ever do you ever get frustrated with them yeah i feel like sometimes i'll show fiona something that i think is funny all good and if she questions it i'll get annoyed at her i'll be like what are you on about when it's like people can have different opinions so with you and being like the champion of your own sort of content did you ever get to the point where you could never film outside of your normal place so basically when i did a series it would have to be there like that so i hated during lockdown that we went in this studio so i could have done it remotely with you and had the same show yeah but i was like no it has to be yeah here has to look the part feel the part yeah yeah for me yeah same like almost that perfectionist sort of like thing but that's that whole perfectionist nature has become very the opposite of productive was that counterproductive yeah um for me because i obviously in that video i made where i was saying ending this now being the old joe weller all of that i said about i always do these retakes yeah your guys so i know i can do that better all right guys so no no i'm not feeling it and then i almost overdo it and i overdo the retakes where i end up making nothing and then i hate the process and i never want to do it right yeah and um yeah when i started like noticing that coming in with waffling a little bit that's like nah that's not what it's about and the boys are obviously yeah they sit me down like joe this is not what it's about like you need to enjoy this number one thing is our friendship that's what makes waffling what it is but i will say as well um doing waffling remotely that [ __ ] it yeah that [ __ ] it in time that made me hate it i didn't like doing that yeah and um yeah like i hated it as well i didn't listen to as many of them when it was like that but for the same reason that i had this like you don't know when to talk you can't read people's uh yeah the flow was missing yeah yeah so and then you did the comeback one if you sat in by the coast wasn't it yeah and then we [ __ ] had the mics that clipped yeah i had the level was wrong yeah you wear headphones yeah yeah like that's uh so that messed up so once we got back in the studio that's when i know we got good audio yeah in the place where the magic happens like there's something about that room like you were saying where we just we find things funnier yeah and all of that and um yeah since coming back like the views once again are going up the interactions going up the likes are going up yeah instagram's popping like waffling is on the rise and it gas is me yeah we're building something special but um nice yeah what's luke what's his story he's just some guy right like just like theo uh in fact me and luke were more friends than me and theo at school oh so all three of you went to the same school oh yeah yeah oh man yeah well for instance school so it was in our my actual group of friends luke was part of that theo uh be honest was more part of the nerds [Laughter] i'm sorry i'm sorry which camera that one i'm sorry but he was yeah very star wars [Laughter] i like how he's apologizing straight away god massive [ __ ] nerd very star wars took a lightsaber to school for lunch not to eat no i mean to use it on his lunch oh he's just sort of like i don't know but as he's gotten older he started helping helping me with videos yeah originally theo was like a bit of a cameraman for me yeah which was good and then he got the old oh i could do this for myself yeah and he actually went with it and put in the work and he's made something of it yeah um so did you ever start to like question him or like like did you have ever have any kind of animosity towards him for like oh why are you starting to do youtube this was my thing i encouraged him did you i was like why are you working at mackie's he's working at mcdonald's when you have this opportunity in front of you to do youtube you like making videos like he used to do like holiday videos and [ __ ] yeah so um i was like mate go for it so he did and that was sick and i was like yeah that was class the only thing that i've ever had a problem with anyone that i've helped is i'm like if they start using my name loads in the title yeah and start just using me as a way to grow their channel just completely without showing that they're also doing their own thing yeah and yeah there was a little actually when we started doing waffling again like when we started waffling and me and theo started hanging around more he started doing that yeah started whacking weller in like a lot of the titles if i started the video at all and i was like mate that's no yeah like that's that what you're doing what [ __ ] that's elliot vibes yeah yeah and i was like you're not that regarding like obviously luke the reason why he is so good like i said on with you guys um having that individual that's not youtube based that's not wanted to pursue a career at all in the entertainment industry like he's studying to be a lawyer at uni right now right um and yeah having him on the podcast like originally he was there to just be almost like a producer role yeah so just making sure things like the camera angles like what fiona is doing right now sort of thing yeah um but he'd be off camera but he like he'd chip in with like funny comments yeah like and that was sick but he was like i don't want to be on camera i don't feel comfortable so we had that dynamic but as you can imagine for the viewers it was a bit annoying when like yeah i remember watching it for ages thinking why is he who is he like yeah so that's always been luke but um as well he was there he had to be there because just me and theo on our own didn't create the same magic right that sounds a bit dodgy but like as in it wasn't like the vibe wasn't as funny yeah whereas there's something about that loot kid that's just like he just makes [ __ ] funny just from being there yeah yeah if you have people in like your friendship group no no you i think a a three is way better than a two because even if like we now start to take the piss out of stevie there's that dynamic yeah then you might turn around and take the piss out of me yeah and if you went in this room right now and i'd be going oh yeah you're a [ __ ] nerd it'd just be bullying yeah that was just weird yeah yeah yeah so literally that and now luke's like on camera and we're a thing and yeah it's sick yeah so long live waffling yeah class waffling on youtube and audio platforms check it out check it out right 20 questions then a few hypotheticals cool because i like seeing the brains of certain people and i want to get into your brain right twitter questions alfie this sounds like a made-up name right i think it's gonna say alfie andrews no i've just seen it it sounds like a made-up name alfie jacques okay it's not it's not me and alfie my little croatia player [Laughter] is nippy on the wing what was the original reason oh we might have covered this but what was the original reason for starting waffling the first day you made one therapy yeah the reason is because there was an opportunity uh in terms of like i i know when we all speak me luke and theo we have good chats but it's mostly because like i wanted to practice talking on camera because i lost that ability i lost confidence on camera so just speaking it once a week or whatever just like it got [ __ ] out it you know i was [ __ ] lonely mate i live alone sounds like you know but it's true and having the boys come around and being productive with it was yeah that was beneficial so more than anything uh waffling is built on a genuine like help for me the boys because theo was feeling low at that point as well yeah um luke obviously wasn't initially meant to be involved in a big way but yeah that's what it is i'd say therapy nice i think from an outsider's point of view i think it seems like it's helping yes yeah for sure yeah sweet okay there's there's two here i think you've answered this one from one to ten how how much from the heart was it when you called jack a [ __ ] sweat that was probably like 15 now from the heart what do you reckon that came through like proper cynical i thought it was real i was trying to be i was what it was real it was real no i thought like you just actually hated him yeah oh no see that was me just trying i was really trying to deliver the roast i wanted to be like i want this going to be the big biggest roast not funny i mean it wasn't funny but it was more like i wanted to actually be like believable it was yeah it was definitely no no no i'm very thick skinned and i kind of already knew that you thought like that of me back then so i was like um i hope that he doesn't think that now but i'm pretty sure that was his opinion once upon a time yeah yeah who's a oh who's a better coach i'm gonna throw another one in actually i've been bottling it but i'm gonna do it who's a better co-host theo or luke well there's just a lot of different individuals at the end of the day like i'll be honest yeah sometimes i'm like definitely luke sometimes like the last episode theo he was on fire mate rinsed me rinsed me and it was like you're sick the comments were actually like theo's actually funnier than willa and i was like you're off the podcast but yeah but honestly waffling doesn't work without all three of us it just doesn't yeah i've tried we have we've tried yeah we've actually experimented and it don't so those boys they're both vital okay sweet um rate the sidemen in preference best to worst best to worst at what uh how you like being a person yeah yeah me well like me it's just like um being a person now like at the end of the day one i don't [ __ ] know them well enough oh do you not i don't mate i've been on a few holidays with them but like how well someone can smash get that right we'll move on to the hypothetical questions yeah yeah i mean i think i missed actually going back to your old videos yeah one of my big issues were you would slate someone yeah meet them in real life and then be like oh they're actually all right once you get to know them i'm like why are you slating them no i don't think i don't think i did do that i think i think you did do yeah yeah that's what it was it was like you'd slate these people but you'd only say people that you don't know and i'm like he doesn't even know him no because i would always i'd always judge them i hope i'd always judge them for what they'd actually done rather than as a person so one thing i was quick to backtrack on with the alfie day stuff is when i mugged off his content because it's not for me anyway but like their actions i still stand by like they've done muggy stuff so caspar lee like he's welcome on the podcast whenever he wants that doesn't mean i think he's like an a okay person yeah so it would be a case of like so josh peters i thought he was a dick because we had a bit we had a clash yeah but when i met him i was like i'm actually that's one of the times when i'm like i'm actually surprised at how similar to me he is yeah and whether he wants to admit that or not me and josh like i reckon me you and josh could go on a night out and have a proper laugh he pulls loads of birds yeah because he's good looking south africa i remember the first because he didn't do youtube when i first met him he was just caspar lee's mate yeah [ __ ] you now like they like casper was like we might watch him i'm telling you he's gonna he'll pull whoever he wants he just does really push peter's ladder dark horse and now like the only thing i had over him i was like [ __ ] youtuber great person and now it's like great yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] um okay we not rating them ideally not okay ideally not who's your top three how about that that's nice not as per as people i'm not gonna rate them i'll write them as youtubers okay all right yeah as youtubers yeah in terms of content yeah um [ __ ] i don't watch any of their videos do you watch any youtube i watch um i could probably name about five that i watch yeah nick or milana yeah waffling yep ed game face that that up and coming guys told you about yeah and then probably joe rogan four and they're not really youtubers oh and robbie knox um he's not really a youtuber i want classroom as a youtuber no he just does them [Laughter] he's a great guy we're not gonna rate the sidemen [ __ ] your question off uh hypothetical questions okay all right let's go i've got three okay first of all i'll do one that alfie asked if you were stuck on a raft outside of a you're like on a desert island you're stuck on a raft and ariana grande is on there and your mum and you can only save one but the one you have to say the one you say if you have to sleep with see you later mum well come on mate [ __ ] me yeah but then you don't have a mom yes i ain't doing that i hate you i realistically think about what are you doing then you're shaking your mum is that how you do it mate i don't really get on with my mum so she's gone early doors but if it was my dad then no uh but all right if i put someone awkward in it like my sister you're probably right see you later yeah yeah probably it definitely is right yeah but then yeah i wouldn't want to do that but then i am from norwich and it is a case of she's dead now because of me yeah but then you'd also have the whole world hating you for having killed ariana grande i think that would cause some serious trauma like if you have to do that with your mum like do not think about it mate yeah right now if it's like right now you gotta go out there and do that yeah it would be pretty bad it'd be right for her she wouldn't remember it she's pissed oh god next one she's an alcoholic bag you have a bag of [Laughter] balls oh god yep a bag of balls uh a hundred balls in the bag right they're all the same size imagine there's a hundred ping pong balls in there 99 of them are blue yeah one of them's red okay you have to be blindfolded you have to take a ball out if you get a blue ball you win a million pounds yep if you get the red bull you die you get stage four terminal illness right would you take a pick for a million and if you would you could have as many goes as you want but as soon as you get that red one game over would you would you take a dip in the bag give it go mate would you what is the thing like this why i've taken up a lot of like extreme activities because i'm at a point now where like that exhilaration that adrenaline like i need that yeah in order to engage me in whatever i'm doing right so i just view that as like an extreme sport let's go for it end of the day it's probably in a hundred that you could have gone that i could have gone down this morning when i was paragliding yeah i think so you're right so i reckon i'd go for one go and that was it and i reckon i'd i'd win yeah you get get the millie i'd do four or five really i welcome def so yeah i mean like what what are your views on it like death don't go into this because pretty bad really yeah so i have ocd and i have um like an extreme health anxiety disorder so i have this thing where like 10 times a day my head will convince me that i'm terminally ill so it's like a proper bad like really yeah yeah yeah it's proper bad so i i've like opened up to fiona loads of times when i've been smashed um but like i i have this i have these certain things in life where i can't so for example like will me and alpha be in the pub and there'll be like a sign and it will say like oh testicular cancer or something like check check for lumps or whatever yeah and when i was younger i found a lump so i was i was it traumatized me i remember i went to like the doctors in the hospital and that turned out to be fine but now it's given me this like mental condition where before that i had ocd anyway so i had a picture of my granddad on the wall told this on the podcast i couldn't go to sleep at night without kissing it 13 times 13 is my lucky number if i didn't do that i thought i'd wake up and he'd be dead so i had all these like things but then after the lump it turned into health anxiety where 10 15 times a day i'll just my mind will just go off and for a minute or two it's like really quick bursts i will be convinced that i'm gonna die so like there'll be i could be driving home tonight and then i'll be like my brain will get i'll start getting these conscious thoughts of oh you better um like you better see your nan and granddad tomorrow because then you ain't got much after that and then and then i'll be like what and then it'll come to the forefront i'll go [ __ ] i just got that thing again i've woken up in the middle of the night before because it's not always about me as well so i i've woken up in the middle of the night before and i've turned over and i've looked at fiona and i thought oh she's going to die and that's mad but i've woken her up and gone you should really get a blood test tomorrow and she's like what what are you on about i'm like do you just need to get a blood test you need to and i've woken up in the morning god i'm sorry i don't know what that was about it's just my head so yeah i have this really weird thing with death which i think i've spoken about on the podcast before but i've never kept in the video yeah honestly mate like opening up in that sense like it's powerful yeah and just hearing you say that like yeah like that is mad and would you say like in terms of mental health like is there any other things that do you feel maybe you do suffer with yeah yeah um well just because of that like sometimes i i've never i will never ever say that i've got depression because i know that's a serious thing and like people that have depression but have you ever felt depressed yeah i felt depressed but only because of the back off the back of that so alfie has been on the podcast before who's obviously one of my best mates now and he he's spoken about um he has a really bad ocd um which is called retroactive jealousy disorder so um he needed to actively seek out sexual things that his current partner's done and it would make him feel so jealous and horrible that he's broken up with um he's broken up with girlfriends in the past because he's had to find out every detail and he's told this on the podcast so i can tell again but because of the intrusive thoughts which are what i get he gets them over and over and over again he's actually suffocated himself with a belt three times to the point where he's passed out and then the third time when it was so bad he called up the hospital now he does therapy sessions every week on skype so he's constantly saying to me like you need to do therapy sessions you need to do therapy sessions it feels good talking about it because at the moment i've gone in this routine where i'll get [ __ ] every weekend and then i'll speak to fiona about it when i'm [ __ ] because it's the only time i can bring myself to like open up about it but because i found that lump when i think i always like describe it to people as like when i've told alfie or that i was like oh yeah i always worry that i have cancer but it's specifically testicular cancer that i think i have and this is mad you didn't probably know this but i haven't been able to like look or touch that part of my body for about 12 years for real yeah big even like sexually sexually no it's like don't touch there but you can't do it and fiona and like other people have said like you need to go to the doctors and get it sorted because the thing is if i went to the doctors and they said oh you don't have this illness you're absolutely fine i reckon all my troubles could go because i could be like well there we go i don't have it in my head right now that from the moment i've found it i've had that illness the whole time and it's like just like yeah so it's just like getting worse and worse and that's why i'm so anti-deaf so like whenever anyone talks about death i don't want to hear it we had my mate robbie knocks on the podcast he spoke about when he found a lump and then he went he went oh yeah yeah you can't [ __ ] about with that he was like if you get a lump down there you got to go to a doctor's and i went all white and i could feel myself getting a bit faint and i was like let's just change the subject let's just change the subject so yeah it's [ __ ] it's mad but yeah if there is anyone out there suffering with health anxiety then i'm with you i'm with you on that one and it is pretty [ __ ] yeah but it's weird because there was that trigger so that trigger kind of yeah i can look back at that and go it was that right right now i'm talking about it i know it doesn't make sense but later on tonight i'll convince myself it does again for sure well anyway let's pick up the mood again just i mean just to end like just to conclude that like would you ever consider talking to like a professional i don't think i could talk to right now i don't think i'm in the position where i could talk to a doctor like a medical professional where they're like a doctor like a physical doctor who would look there and go oh you're fine or give me a blood test yeah because i worry that it's going to come back and not have the answer that i wanted but i think i would speak to a therapist about it and go why do i have this constant thought in my head although i feel like their answer is just speak to a doctor and then you'll be fine but i can't i would probably reckon it would just be speak to a doctor no but like speaking for me like obviously i had different like you know issues but speaking to that believing bruce guy i don't know if you've seen but i obviously he's helped me so much and i was so like there's not there's nothing a therapist can do or anyone else can do that i haven't already thought of myself yeah like that's how i used to always think but um so you'd recommend one mate without a doubt bro really if you think about it do you do you want to look back and go that that side that ate me up like in my brain for a long like for like so much of my life like do i want to look back and say i didn't even try to like do something about it or knowing that realistically like we're realistic and logical there is probably a way that can help you deal with it better yeah like what yeah it's true you know what i mean and it does take and that's a thing like when it's something like that it's like often what you want to do is just [ __ ] don't think about it yeah i won't [ __ ] think about it but the only way to make that progress is to go head-on and go right we're going to address this we're going to [ __ ] deal with this because i need to because i want to live a happy life yeah do what i mean and that's what i had to do with my depression and still it's still a daily battle i'm not cured of depression right cured of anxiety it's still a daily thing that i have to you know um do you have days where where you think about it less or you feel better or is it just a constant level yeah so basically like if i'm doing things i eat this morning paragliding coming up here and filming i'm fine i'm class if anything i feel like i've got my [ __ ] together yeah but obviously living alone and spending a lot of time on my on my own um yeah man it can come in big time a lot i i got addicted to caffeine because it was like a sense of you have caffeine you're up you're high you're hyped boom smash the gym workout do all of that um and i'd feel all right boom another coffee another coffee pro uh whatever pre-workout but recently like that got to a point where it caused me so much angst and stress that that was that [ __ ] me as well like i would so i would have come here and on the way here been like so almost like terrified really like that's where from having so much caffeine that's what it would have done wow whereas i instead like now that i've been like i'm clean like yeah like i'm calm like i'm all right yeah but um but the thing is without that like caffeine hyping me up it's got me a little bit more like i'm deep in [ __ ] a little bit more really yeah like a little bit yeah i'm a bit more just like um i don't like making any videos and that that's that is that's my thing that always happens i don't like making videos and i need to make videos i've just signed a deal with bulk powders that involves making videos i've just signed ufc yeah i've just signed a big 12-month deal with the ufc mate wow huge amazing opportunity yes amazing yeah but in the back of my mind i'm like they're going to want me to make youtube videos yeah and playing the game [ __ ] and it's just like oh [ __ ] yeah and it's like how do i you might not yeah you might not fill up for it once it's not even just like feeling up for it one day it's like it's just knowing that i don't i don't really like i'm not passionate about making youtube vids so it's like now i'm signed into it wow what do you do i know we went on silly [ __ ] but what do you do i was silly about that one silly that's good [ __ ] yeah like talking honestly like talking about that is good what does weller do day to day when you're not making youtube videos like you live on your own so what what are you doing work out exercise cycle gym cycle gym constantly i made that yeah it's when i'm sitting about it's when i'm sitting about it i start to like feel like a dosa become a dosa yeah scrolling through instagram that's the killer as well just scrolling through social media toxic as hell so um yeah that's why i keep myself busy like exercising do you do you go out on the weekends do you drink we yeah we smash it yeah um and that's been you know that is good but at the same time like the hangover yeah and all of that yeah that can then lead you to feeling even more deep about things yeah and uh yeah it's weird it's weird yeah we're in similar situations i think mate to be fair but yeah all good um slug slug question we go from all that so i got a question about a killer slug why don't we just do the final final question no we'll finish on it because i want to finish on a happy hour we finish on a jokey thing okay so you have this little slug right little tiny it's always been a snail snails then right can i say a slug i like the idea of it there you have a little slug and it follows you around yeah if it touches you have you heard this before my fingers are on twitter if it touches you you die instantly what's the question so there's a killer snail yeah chasing after you yep i can give you let's say 10 million pounds right now and then you're you're locked into this battle essentially with this killer snail if it catches you and touches you you die instantly you can go anywhere do what you want but no matter what it's chasing you at the speed of a snail but it can get across water and whatnot so that it can get to you so for the rest of your life you'd be looking around for this snail because if you go and move to australia it's going to get there eventually they'll have to travel there and it'll take time yeah but you'll never know when it's going to suddenly pop up it could touch you whilst you're asleep yep so would you would you take the money or would you how much money is it 10 million 10 mil and you can't trap the snail under a little bucket do you know what uh probably because i think you could calculate um you could calculate the speed at which the snail travels go right australia let's go it's start the snail's currently in england how long is that going to take for us snail to make it to australia few months all right we'll do that then we'll go elsewhere then we'll go elsewhere it is for the rest of my life right yeah that's the only dodgy thing because there's going to be a point where you want to settle down yeah so at the end of the day i'm going to make 10 million anyway that's think that's the mentality i need to have i'm going to make it anyway yeah do you believe you're going to make it anyway yeah maybe not 10 million but the thing is i like this rate like i mean on paper i'm not scheduled to make 10 million but like yeah you'll be comfortable maybe it'll be good yeah i mean i think i'd rather the mentality look i'm going to go and earn that myself if ufc do another 12 months then you'll be there yeah so no bun the snail right what are you doing what are you doing i wouldn't take it either no no i'm scared of death already i don't need another little snail coming for me it's basically like do you want constant anxiety it's always going to be in the back of your head that thing of like snails coming yeah i think i'd take it that is the most reason like the most rational everyone anyone's ever given to that answer do you know what i mean like examples like yeah [ __ ] totally 10 mil straight away but joe was like work out the speed of the snail and the distance and yeah that was good i think we'll leave it there before we do i'd like to ask all the guests in season four you being the second guest joe um what is the meaning of life as told by joe weller it's the journey that's what it is it's not the end it's not the end result of all the things that you're going for or you're trying to achieve it's the journey along the way and i think that is what the meaning of life is it's not the moment you die and the moment you're born that you're born it's everything in between perfect and everything else you do all these little things the goals that you're chasing if just the end product is all you're thinking about then you'll never get toxic yeah it's the journey and that's just like me with videos like you and whatever you're doing like that's what you need to focus on enjoying the most the journey so what a great answer and i think that sums up this podcast because it has been a journey we've gone to places that i haven't been before on the pod um first time really meeting yeah yeah i knew i'd love you and i do bloody love yeah joe weller thanks for coming on the pod mate thanks for having me this has been jack makes happy hour and i'll see you next week oh my god [Music] you
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 1,606,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaackmaate, podcast, happy, hour, jaack, maate, happyhourpodcast, jackmate, jaackmate, jackmaate, comedy, jhhp, joe weller, elliot crawford, jaackmaate joe weller, joe weller podcast, joe weller happy hour, joe weller mental health, jaackmaate mental health, joe weller depression, jaackmaate OCD, joe weller pod, joe weller ghost hunt, joe weller wafflin, jaackmaate wafflin, joe elliot beef, internet melts, internet melts 10, internet melts 9, joe weller ksi, joe weller ksi interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 54sec (8454 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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