My Most Brutally Honest Video Ever (Why I Dislike YouTubers)

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[Music] stevie has penned a handful of questions about me and i've agreed to answer them as truthfully and as honestly as i can i don't feel embarrassed to tell these stories and i don't feel like i hold anything like i can't say it you know sometimes there's things you keep offline you're like i don't want to throw them under the bus no this is my life and it's affected me to quite a degree i remember the day my dad said he was moving out it was the final of the 2006 world cup me and my mom didn't get on and she kicked me out i didn't have any money i didn't particularly work that hard if you put me in a room with five of the biggest youtubers on the planet i reckon i could hold my own i was brutal to people yeah like i really was back then i did want to just be famous for being famous sake now it's completely different that was kind of the defining moment the fact that i [ __ ] up my media grades to go in big brother not the best decision in the world how did it feel the first ever time someone asked you or recognized you in public do you remember it yeah i remember it yeah we have this running joke on happy hour that obviously i get rid of co-hosts all the time yeah he irritated me i irritated him i felt fake doing it and i can't sit in a in a room every week if i felt fake have you spoke to him since we did the podcast not once not once not a word and i got quite angry and people liked it so i was like okay maybe i'm a ranter then on the youtube channel if i'm being completely honest do i really want to do a rank bank about bryce hall not really well why is he doing it then for money that's the main reason for money i have this deep set worry that if i don't keep the main channel ticking over i'm not going to have anything else do i have more love for the podcast in the main channel yes 100 i do do i still love making main channel videos yeah when they're the right videos so i feel like i'm kind of like just ticking a jack mate box every now and then a part of it was jealousy why am i not getting the subscribers that alfie days is getting i wanted to be like alfie days i wanted to be marcus but a bit that i stand with today is no actually i don't want to be like that i genuinely don't think there's a lot of honest people on the platform the majority of people that are in this line of work are in it for the money memeulous right you used to cuss people up he got he gained a big following from it at the end he goes oh by the way guys um don't give him any hate that's bollocks that's remember if you really care about him that much you wouldn't make the video about it i've just called out bryce hall i'm not gonna say don't give him any [ __ ] i'd literally say in the video can we stop making pricks like this famous he is a prick feel free to tell him he's a prick i'm going to continue to come in here with my best pals and give my honest opinion on things that people want to hear about do i want beef with these big no i don't i admire a lot of them more than you know but i'm gonna give you my [ __ ] opinion on you've been at points where you've debated just binning off jackman yeah what brings you back before i had youtube i didn't really have much of a life you know i mean i had nothing i don't care for my audience in the same way that they shouldn't live their life caring about me yeah i'm here online you can support me all you want and i appreciate it but if you ever get bored just [ __ ] click off do you have any regrets or anything you do differently any specific moment that you might do differently over the last 10 years of youtube hello guys welcome back to jack makes a happy hour a bit of a weird one today because um for the first time ever in the history of happy hour we uh it's just me and stevie in the studio it feels strange it feels like we're doing an intro to well we are but like this is literally the intro to this episode you know when we like sort of like do the app and then we go oh you should listen to this peter plex who's on phone yeah but it does feel like that we did just me and you during lockdown um but we weren't in the same room yeah this time we have to look each other in the eyes as we ask these questions yeah usually i like having a guest that i can look at and be sort of like deters me from having to look at your you literally have nowhere else to look but straight at me i'm gonna stare into your eyes the whole episode and we're just gonna see what happens well yeah i've already broken that because everyone's going to look at your rancid face but we are oh it's already stuck the weird thing about you doing that now is normally you get some kind of like laugh from yeah said third person yeah because it's usually really funny if you do if you do it now just to me it's just straight up bullying that's all right though okay should we do what we're gonna do yeah we're gonna do a weird one today basically um new horizons here at happy hour um which you'll know about in the coming weeks or months or never maybe now you will getting rid of me and today we thought we'd do an episode we'd kind of like flip it on its head usually i'm the one here that asks questions to the guest well i'm almost going to be in a guest role today because stevie has penned or just typed on his notes a handful of questions about me and i've agreed to answer them as truthfully and as honestly as i can and uh we'll just see where it goes i will tell you now i have no idea what you're gonna ask me you don't and also i didn't know what i was gonna ask you just a few hours ago yeah because it was only on the train here you said oh we should do this episode oh all right yeah i just think it's good to like come up with the questions then and there like not to have too long to think about it like 40 questions you've always wanted to know or 40 questions that you think the listeners will want to know and we'll just we'll just see how it goes if if this doesn't go well you will never hear this so if you're listening to this right now it's a good episode yeah well it's suitable we post a lot that's not necessarily good that's true but there we go so welcome to happy hour this is jackmates honesty hour that's nice i like that yeah um the questions i've done i've kind of just done it in the same format as if we were asking a guest okay chicken and bacon lettuce don't care about your meal deal um so as we always do with most guests i've started with what your childhood was like we need to talk about your childhood all right because i don't know too much about your childhood okay other than the fact that we went to the same first school but i don't remember ever meeting you no i don't the only memories i ever view are like in the yearbook when you're like all gum do you know what i mean though yeah you ain't got no teeth yeah there's pictures of us both in like the school book but other than that i do not remember ever seeing your face at that school which is weird because it's a small school i was quite a bland kid though i think i like i i it was weird my mum and dad always gave me this kind of like a skinhead to shave my hair off it's like give me we all did then yeah but it's giving me a horrible start in life isn't it walking around like phil mitchell i always say because i'd like a thin layer of like ginger on my scalp i look like um somebody who's put their thumb in the bottom of a whatsapp bag that's what my head looks like who does that oh we all thumb what's it back stevie come on man not a single one of us do get with the program um the next two questions i've kind of done based on your childhood so we're not just suddenly skipping past that just because i look like what's it next 15-minute episode oh god because we mentioned that yeah i've got two questions that kind of intertwined to do with your childhood um but we'll basically go into i want to know what you're back then school life doesn't really matter obviously we didn't see each other but that's the worst part but outside of school yeah i had no idea what your childhood was like like you just mentioned your mum and dad i know bits of your mum and dad's history jesus christ uh so would you want to know what i got up to after school so obviously they're not together now no so when did that happen in your life they broke up i remember the day my dad said he was moving out um aka just breaking up it was on the i think it was the final of the 2006 world cup i love that you can relate that to a sporting event yeah because i remember it's quite sad but i'll be honest i don't need any sympathy i didn't give a [ __ ] right it was quite clear it was but the reason why i remember because you're going to say well how do you remember then if you didn't give a [ __ ] i know you i'm usually on this side of the table but i'm still in the same seat but really the the i didn't give a [ __ ] that they were kind of like i gave a [ __ ] they're breaking up but i didn't think they were good for each other anyway yeah i guess you were an age by then that yeah i was saying i think it was 13. yeah i think it was the 2006 world cup that's when zidane played his last game and he headbutted matarazzi you remember last year yeah and it was so i knew that after the penalty after the penalties he would be going and the reason why i say i didn't care which sedan or [Music] who would have known that [ __ ] like 14 years later we would be because we'd be mugging off gareth bale every week but um i didn't care they were breaking up but i cared that my dad was moving out you know what i mean so i didn't care that my mom and dad wouldn't be together because for the last like five years of that relationship anyway it was pretty toxic so i just i didn't i didn't care i said my mum was always the aggressor i'd say well my dad was obviously a prick as well at times like it wasn't just i don't i'm not just gonna say it's my mum all the time but my mum was very angry person so i was kind of like not too sure what you're getting at that so so when she eventually get ready yeah so when she kicked him out um it's quite sad because i was actually um she's actually well sad but i was actually buzzing then it went to extra time and then at least so i had longer with my dad that's quite nice yeah i was like big up saddam for getting that red card because that really prolonged the whole event for me by about four minutes that's quite strange for me because for some reason in my mind they always broke up when you were really young oh just because they're so they've always been so separated in your life since i've known you yeah i just automatically assumed it was years ago right it wasn't actually that long before we met no probably not about three or four years something and my dad always wanted my mum back for a while so like i think even once they broke up there would be like hints that oh are they gonna get back together are they not gonna get back together eastenders yeah yeah pretty much uh but then he met somebody called sue and he's been with her 10 years and he's probably happier now than he's ever been so that's the end that's the end of that little arc um but tune in next week to find out what happens with stephen and sue see i don't know if it's this is this could go slightly deep so it's up to how you want to answer it yeah but the reason i felt like it was so long ago is because in the time alone that i've known you you've never from an outside point of view looked settled so just in the time i've known you you lived with your mum for a couple of years right then you went to your uncles yeah spent loads of time at your hands and grands which isn't you know nuns and granddads which isn't normal i had one now but so many grams that that's not a normal thing for a late teenager early twenties to do what's like how surf cat couch between family members when ed sheeran did it buddy and look at him yeah but he was going to like he was going places you you moved from your mum's yeah three roads away a little bit forever to your uncles yeah because me and my mom didn't get on um and she kicked me out and this is the thing like this is the whenever i've spoken to my mates about this it's like we always joke about things on air um but we we didn't get on um and i don't want to say like you know when like you have an argument with someone and then you go you tell someone else that you go but it wasn't my fault it was it wasn't like i was actually a good like all my family know this like my mum had her own issues and she used to project them onto me and my sister but i i didn't do anything wrong so for example like i would like i say mum i'm gonna be like can i have some friends around for my birthday and she'll go yeah that's fine and then because i've always suspected that my mum's probably got bipolar right um my my friends would come round on that day all organized all planned and my mum wouldn't want it to happen so she'd just come home and you got to go kick everyone out and i'd be there on my birthday like what the [ __ ] i mean so and then it was purely just because she might have had a [ __ ] day and she'd take it out on me now as i've grown older because i used to i used to resent her a lot for that and obviously she's got problems with alcohol and whatnot and i used to resent her a lot for that as i've got older i still kind of hold a little bit of resentment but i don't think it's too healthy so i've kind of i kind of look back on it and like if she messages me now like she'll we're on we're on terms where like she'll what's at me every now and then like a picture of my family dog yeah i'll and i'll go oh cute and that'll be like the the she probably feels guilty now to how she dealt with her two kids back then my sister has a much better relationship with her than i do but i think because i was older say i was like 18 when she kicked me out you could leave i could leave and i resented her for like being like that with my sister as well so i think my my sister being a bit younger that she needed a mum whereas i didn't so what i want to say now is although we joke about her a lot on that and she might listen to this i think because of the amount of pain that i went through as a young teenager i'm i i don't feel embarrassed to tell these stories and i don't feel like i hold anything like i can't say it you know sometimes there's things you keep offline you're like i don't want to throw them under the bus no this is my life and it's affected me to quite a degree yeah you're talking more about yourself than her in particular well i but but like there's a part of my brain right now when i'm telling these stories that like oh do you really want people knowing this about your own mom well yes because it affected me like and it might upset her if she heard it and she might be like this is this this isn't how it is well it this is how it was for me so so um so yeah no it's a but this is the thing again as i've got older and i've kind of learned about kind of mental health conditions um addiction problems i've kind of then been more open to the idea that maybe that wasn't really her yeah not necessarily her fault but yeah brain because i mean like i i've been a [ __ ] to people and i've been drunk and like done stuff to people that i just drug uh which are which i regret but when it's a lifestyle you constantly don't know what you're gonna get with a person yeah does that make sense so yeah so she kicked me out just before christmas and my uncle which is her brother he kindly took me in and i just i didn't enjoy really living there it's not the best place in the world but he's i will always respect him for what he did for taking me in but he's not the most well-kept house um i don't think he really gives a [ __ ] about it i mean like yeah he just works in his shed all day so the house doesn't really get kept looked after and i'd float between there and my nan's and stuff and it was only until since i met fiona five six years ago that we moved into where we are now and i'm settled now aren't i yeah well to an extent you're still obviously not particularly happy with where you are now i know only because i wanted to yeah yeah move on in life and stop renting and whatnot but i'm the most settled now that i have been but i will always say to anyone who is at home and is perhaps struggling with home life i [ __ ] i didn't have like so let me preface this with you know when youtubers are like um guys you can be what you want man yeah [ __ ] off you got lucky you know what i mean you got lucky so you can't sit here and tell people but what i will say is eight years ago or however long it was maybe longer nine years ago when i got kicked out of my house i didn't have any money i didn't particularly work that hard i didn't i worked at bella italia like i didn't do anything special but before i got kicked out i worried that i would never be able to do it on my own you will be able to do it on your own like if you're in a toxic environment at home you will find a way like as long as you have the basic means to get a job just to meet to tie ends if that makes sense yeah you think oh without my parents like i have nothing you do you can i've succeeded far more out of the out of my family home than i ever did at home and and that that's mainly because of my mom and that but like also because when you have to when you're not comfortable anymore at home under your with your parents you have to kind of fly do you know what i mean you have no choice yeah you have no choice so you'll be surprised at what you get done when you have to do it if that makes sense but just i think i told this story before on the no maybe i didn't actually but i've told people off there but my mum and my dad are so contrasting so obviously i have a great relationship with my dad he's like my best mate and i can tell him literally anything about my life like no matter how weird or bad it is i can tell him and he's just like oh he he instilled a lot of good morals in me but how cool is this yeah because i remember when i first started making youtube videos it was 10 years ago so no one knows where youtube's going to go there's not a chance there's no idea you can make a penny out of it or whatever i was making videos on my mum's webcam in my mum's computer and i was editing all night and stuff and sometimes if she thought i was up too late she'd switch the internet off i'm not going to claim that i was so hard done by a lot of mums probably did that yeah it's annoying when i'm like actually trying to build something and uh i got my first paycheck free which is like 60 pounds that's the youtube threshold of when you'll get paid and uh my mom wanted some rent at this point it's like fair enough fair enough and i was like i've only earned 60 quid she went i want 60 quid then i was like that's all i've but that's all i've earned that's all the money i have and then the next time i got paid 60 quid i went and bought a t-shirt and then i gave her what was left and she had to go and she was like what you don't need clothes you don't need blah blah blah or you don't need more clothes because i have a handful and my dad went yes he does and he come in he went he does he needs loads of clothes and i was just like do i what what and he went because he he does youtube videos now so he needs to look different in all of his youtube videos he can't have the people that watch him thinking he's just wearing the same clothes and i probably had about 12 subscribers and my dad had no clue where my youtube would go he had no clue it'd be my career but i think he just saw he believed in me that i believed in what i was doing so he really gave me that push so i i guess it was a bit i guess like when i said oh you can do it on your own i was lucky that i still did have people my nan and granddad are great and stuff so i did have people around me that could help me thrive but um yeah it's not the end of the world if if you get kicked out six days before christmas because you can you can make things happen i guess well we'll move on yeah get away from the family stuff yeah i want to go to the classic question we ask any youtuber or comedian type person that comes on here yeah and go back to school and uh that's so funny i actually wrote one here whatever you youtubers who think they're funny um would you say that you were the class clown at school oh was you yeah probably very respectfully because i was also teachers liked me yeah so i'd be the class clown to friends and to i've always been more of someone with words rather than like fighting or anything so if a chav did something stupid or mean i'd just say something that they couldn't understand yeah and i i'd know i got yeah my way i think that's often more of a success though if you can beat them with wit if you can beat them with intellect rather than insults yeah that probably goes down to my youtube channel as well back in the day just calling people [ __ ] whereas now i actually want to try and think of witty ways to kind of just call me a [ __ ] yeah that's pretty much what i do but um was you popular then why are we going this is about you yeah fair enough um no thing is yeah i was a i was a really good model kid like not a model oh definitely no i meant model student that's what i meant i was a really good kid i remember my at the end of first school which is yeah three so yeah one of my teachers told my parents that i was um a born leader and they said that he is born to [Music] do well succeed and then in middle school i kept remembering that like that teacher what they said so i was like i'm going to be good i'm going to be good i'm going to be good all through middle school great top grades clever then it comes to high school i started caring more about what others thought of me than i thought of myself and what like grades i was getting yeah that's pretty normal for that age of course yeah because you're going through puberty like and especially when you're review biting you start seeing your face and body changing the way that mine was well this jaw stopped growing uh long ginger hair got a lot of piercings at a bit of an identity crisis if i look back at a picture now of me fiona will probably put one up if this makes a youtube clip and uh i look completely completely different but so i started worrying and then when it got to year 1011 i was in all the top sets i moved now i didn't know where i was moving but maybe they were putting me down to the middle ones because i wasn't trying out and they moved me with the cool kids and this was the worst move ever because it was like well now i have to impress them so i went above and beyond to try and impress the cool kids to fit in which has both helped and hindered helped and hindered me in the long run the way it's helped me is that i am very good in a room of people that can sometimes seem intimidating socialized yeah well i can if you put me in a in a room with five of the biggest youtubers on the planet i would i reckon without standing arrogant i could hold my own and i would and i i reckon i could have probably more character than half of them at least right but where it hindered me and something that i had to learn for a long way and you might disagree with this now especially when i have this like running theme of bullying you on the podcast but it's from a place of love i think but where where it hindered me is i was brutal to people yeah like i really was like i wouldn't like if me and you weren't doing a podcast every week and seeing each other and as being as close as we are now i wouldn't be hitting you with these jokes like so it's it's like because we're so close i feel like i can whereas before i would just be in a classroom and to make the cool kids laugh i'd pick on the other kid and i would i would i just want to say i would never bully anyone where it would be repeatedly at them i'd never but if i saw a joke or if i saw an opportunity to elevate my state of standards yeah by putting someone else down i would do that and what and what what i never realized which is insane is i never ever thought about them ever which is mad nobody in that situation does though do they but the bully doesn't no they care about what they're getting out of it but like i could never understand like i'd i'd go like oh how funny is this joke boom on this person get a big laugh here i can almost see my like it's almost like sims bars i can see my sim bar going up like that and then and then a year later that person will go you're a prick or i don't like you and i'm like what what what i don't get it and then you feel like the victim yeah really i've met people that i went to school with and they're like oh yeah i was in your class and you're 11. i thought you was a [ __ ] at school and at first i was like i never really spoke to you but that's because you don't think about the comments that you you said to people now that's me being extremely harsh on myself like i didn't i didn't do these jokes all the time i was not a bully i wasn't and no it sounds it sounds weird because i'm now saying i didn't i didn't think of them but what i mean is the one or two times when people have told me that i'm like i do remember saying the odd comments yeah you just being targets yeah just being a little snarky bastard and it just was so it wasn't good so yeah at school i think the last two years i become the class clown but the whole class probably wouldn't say that like it was only the the cooler kids the cooler kids yeah um which isn't good if you are at school and you do feel like you want to fit in worry about that after school because the people that you go to school with you are not going to probably see again yeah it's so rare i don't i don't know anyone that's still friends with school friends do you feel like because we're 27 now we're in that age where it's like we're now starting to give advice to to younger people when it feels like yesterday we were the ones being given advice to yeah and you hated that advice yeah you know shut up you never listen to it yeah yeah do not worry about what people think of you at school because i as soon as i left school and i remembered well i [ __ ] up all my grades because i was predicted top in everything i got five gcses i barely scraped in one was a little [ __ ] b-tech thing they give you just to push your grades up i was basically handed the fifth one and all the other ones was like s d e e l f whatever i was like this is [ __ ] i remember seeing it going and in that moment i was like well i [ __ ] up my last two years for nothing what i will say going back to why you shouldn't care about people at school i then applied for college and i got in by the skin of my teeth and i was studying a media course there's a couple of cool kids in college you could tell they're like the stoners go around the back of the bike sheds now obviously college people are there to listen it's a completely different social construct isn't it people want to learn because that's why you've chosen to be you've chosen to be there but they're still the cool kids that would [ __ ] about a little bit and i could see me wanting to be with them and i didn't do that i just thought i put my headphones in i thought walked into the classroom and i thought i [ __ ] up once before i'm not going to [ __ ] it up again and i sat at the back with a guy called john and he's a lovely lad this guy but he'll be the first to admit nerd bit of a game yeah right but it'll tell you that himself right he's aware he's not an idiot and i was like i don't give a [ __ ] if i'm now the nerd the geek whereas i would have hated it in school but it shows that how quickly i've i've matured to suddenly flip and i had more fun with him than i did with any of them cool kids but on my bibo page or whatever i can tell you what page would have looked cooler to the outside world yeah social status doesn't [ __ ] mean anything at school so what point did you first upload to youtube was that late school or was that once you're in the college late school how did you do that trying to be in a call group uploading to youtube they it was kind of like a bit of a poison chalice especially what can you do with a banana which was my first one of my first videos was a piss take of um tyler oakley did what can you do with a pimp cup so i did what can you do banana what can you do with a banana if you wish hard enough it could turn into something nice and uh i i i kind of almost tried to keep it to myself but a few of the kids at school found out and they did banter me quite a bit and it probably was a bit like this this guy's been a bit [ __ ] cringe now any but i think because i've reached the status of class clown i'm almost laughing at myself so like they're coming in i probably wasn't aware just how much they were actually taking the piss out of me i remember going to play football for a thing called furside they'd rinse me all the time like i was very much not the cool kid at that football club i'd go from school to that and it would almost flip on its head and i told everyone at school because i was like look how funny this is and as soon as i saw people change and they were like he's a bit [ __ ] weird like this is before everyone did youtube yeah imagine doing it 10 years ago it was matt i thought it was weird so when i went to college i didn't tell anyone yeah no one maybe john it was talking about he wouldn't care he was too busy playing [ __ ] dragons and players dungeons and dragons yeah so i didn't tell anyone and then it was kind of like the complete opposite reaction from what i got at school because i came in one day i'd been there about four months five months i came in one day and we were all working on the computers it was like a photoshop lesson and i come in i walk in my heart sank because i could see they were all watching my videos and i was like i just want to turn around and walk out this classroom because they're all going to be rinsing me and they were all just like this is sick mate this is sick and it was all it was like completely different reaction to what i was getting at school and then from that moment on i just never really gave a [ __ ] because it was it was a day after i got you probably thinking how'd they find out no one told them and it wasn't like oh sounds wanky but it wasn't like now i get recognized by people but i'm talking like i probably had about 3 000 subs yeah so the amount of people that i've never been recognized in the street but youtube featured my video on the home page 25 things everybody hates i went in and then found it now whether or not they found the content funny or cool or not i don't know but it was probably helped by the fact that youtube had put it on their home page and they'd clicked on it and seen it so yeah that was that was a there was a bit of a different vibe in in that room that day would you say around that time there was a defining moment where you thought youtube could be more than just random uploads to the internet yeah because i was already making a little bit of money from it i remember i bought some nice trainers and that i thought oh this is going all right youtube i mean up until like five six years ago there was no real it wasn't big big money at all like i don't think for any i'm talking for anyone not for me yeah like pewdiepie has been a millionaire for a number of years now but i mean that you have to be top top gravy basically like if you're if if you had a million subs five years ago i don't know if you're making that much but i don't know i don't i don't know but the defining point was i did well through college i did like enough to pass it and then i because you know how i use how i've said to you before that back in the day i just wanted to be famous yeah now it's completely different which we might get onto later but i i hands on my heart don't care now i literally said to westy on saturday i was outside the pub and a couple of lads come up and ask for a picture and he was like i don't know you can do that i would and spencer owen said this in a video a few weeks back and spencer if you're listening i completely related to what you're saying i'm at the perfect level now the perfect level like if we walk through london all day one person might say something two people yeah in norwich obviously it's completely different but if it went to like ed sheeran level i would hate my life yeah i'd hate my life and what i'm trying to say is so back then i did want to just be famous for being famous sake it was probably before i got into gervais and learnt a lot of his morals and whatnot and then two weeks before college a couple of months before college i'd applied for big brother and two weeks before college i got told that i was going in i went in the house obviously as a guinea pig but i didn't know that they didn't tell me that during the application they said you will be needed to do this time so i said to my um college tutor cara lovely woman i said look what do i do because i can't do my exams if i go and she went are you kind of happy doing youtube i was like yeah she went well what what more what what are you getting this course for like if you're already on the cusp of doing something what you want to do so that was kind of the defining moment the fact that i [ __ ] off my media grades to go in big brother not the best decision in the world but when i come out youtube sort of picked up a bit more and yeah that's good the rest was the rest was history based on the famous part that you just mentioned how did it feel the first ever time someone asked you or recognized you in public do you remember it yeah i remember it yeah it was the best feeling ever it still is the best feeling ever like sometimes you have to remove yourself from the situation and and realize how mad this is this whole world that we're in is but it was in um primark in norwich it was yeah it was just before i was due to go to the festival and i remember at the time i really liked bruno mars and me and my mates were going to go watch bruno mars and the lazy song had just come out so we went embarrassingly we went to primark to get um four onesie uh monkey onesies because in the in the video i think he's with monkeys yeah and um some mum came up to me and was like my daughter really liked her youtube videos and i was buzzing i was trying to like probably try and hide a grin and she was like can she has can she have a signature so it's like to this day it's probably the only time i've ever given an autograph apart from summer in the city and whatnot but i was like yeah sure and the best feeling is with being recognized yeah is at the start maybe it was a bit of an ego thing and it's like oh yeah look at me i'm i'm this i'm that now it's not that at all because it's because i i have to kind of i always try and proface things with by saying like not in an arrogant way i think we have to leave that statement at the door now it's because i'm talking about myself so i'll just tell you honestly how i feel about it but like it's never an ego thing now often when people come up if anything i'm more anxious to meet them because i'm not that great um meeting new people but the best thing about it is it's a constant pat on the back that i'm doing something right and i love the reaction of like people that are closest to me so like friends family i've been out and like my dad sent me get pictures and that and like it's always their reaction i care more about what they think of it than what i think of it it's not that i've become numb to it because obviously i just said sometimes i have to remove myself and realize how cool it is again but it's a moment to be proud whenever someone comes over and saying nice things yeah i found that's also quite a good moment to realize who your real friends are as well because i know you've had certain friends over the years who have seen that and hated it hated it it was it was that through jealousy yeah yeah it was like it was at that festival so i said we were going to v festival because it all happened pretty quickly obviously the zoella advent calendar video put my channel to the next level but before that v festival when that girl asked me in primark for that autograph i think it was around the time when that youtube featured my video that was at college 25 things everybody hates part two or something and um so she's asked me in primark i've got everyone's like even the jealous guy who i know you're talking about was a bit like it's pretty cool whatever then we go to v festival that summer and because it was just an accumulation accumulation of um young people i think i got asked like 15 20 times for a picture at that festival which is like mental if you think of the numbers back then and he hated it i've got i had two two of my best mates back then there's a guy called westy who i'm still making with now and a guy called mark but i'm still making him now and um this other guy this jealous guy yeah and i remember these girls came over and they asked for a picture and westy and mark were like that is so [ __ ] cool and they're like what the [ __ ] like how has this happened what the hell and my other mate was like this is [ __ ] stupid like i'm not wasting my festival time for this it took about 30 seconds yeah that's not a long thing yes that's that's there's that but i also now become i get proud when me and you get asked for pictures and stuff because of what we've built here yeah like it's not just i've always been somebody that likes to do stuff with people that i care about yeah you've tried quite a lot yeah up to this point yeah of course but you you have to you have to go through a few to find the golden ones yeah you know what i mean so like and and we we have the we have this running joke on happy hour obviously i get rid of co-hosts all the time we've had alex right and alex is still my mate today the reason that he's not on here is is we've gone over before but the main reason if we boil it all down is because originally this was going to be a youtube drama show and i soon discovered that i didn't care about the drama that much yeah so that's what that's all that was and then we had jordan on who we got like we got like a house on fire for the first six months of our friendship he moved into my apartment and the pro the issue is when you live with someone and you're in a close confined space with someone you rub each other up the wrong way you irritate each other yeah he irritated me i irritated him does that mean i dislike him now no it doesn't but like it got to the point where we were doing the show and we just it was almost in a weird way because i do still i love him as a mate i love you as a mate right he did nothing wrong to to leave the show but what it was you know when you lose a spark yeah it's that and i could and i was watching the episodes back and something's gone something's gone and and and what it what the people didn't see what people think that oh i'm like i'm a um dictator like oh oh he's done one thing to irritate you and he's gone no that's that's not the cat that i i would i wanted him on the show i've said this the other day to alfie right we've had people fill in as guest hosts robbie alfie fiona um alex has probably been back on the odd occasion and stuff like that jordan was a better host yeah than any of them right was a better host he knew what he was doing but it got to the point where we'd meet up because but he'd be spending time at his girlfriends he wouldn't be at the house anymore we'd meet up we'd meet up here and we'd be out there and we'd be like all right they go right and there wouldn't be nothing else said no none of us could really pinpoint what had gone on but from being like you you you're with each other all the time little things add up and become bigger things like some of the things that he did to like irritate me and i did to irritate him we've probably done to each other before but because we can just leave we can go home it doesn't matter and then we get home we're like all right get on full guys it's completely different it was like a blessing and a curse him moving in so to turn up and go all right yeah and then come in here and go hello guys welcome back to jack makes happy hour i'm here with judy reiner hey like that it was like i felt fake doing it and i can't sit in a in a room every week if i felt fake so well what i said to jordan the statement was completely true as well i didn't want any [ __ ] like alex did jordan want to go no it's a source of income and he's getting to meet youtubers he perhaps wouldn't uh wouldn't wouldn't otherwise like to meet wouldn't otherwise get to me i should say um so did he want to go no was it more my decision of course it was more my decision right of course it was but it was to try and protect the friendship now obviously when this when that happened i put out saying we're going to focus on a friendship then lockdown happened yeah a global pandemic happened where i couldn't physically see jordan for five months or so i didn't message him he didn't message me now i don't know if i pissed him off because of everything but i thought the way in which we left it was just as mates going like i remember i spoke to him the day when we decided we weren't going to do it anymore and he was like i love you mate i love you too mate and then that was it so it's like this weird kind of like everyone online is going do they hate each other and i'm like no no i don't like and i'm like does he hate me and i'm going i'm thinking like i'm saying to fiona has he said anything about me on a stream like i thought we tried to do this as adult as we could and then fast forward six months i messaged him and he's i could see he's putting like up the atma on his twitter i was like i worked that i read between those he's doing another podcast so i messaged him was like good luck with the podcast because i want nothing more than for him to succeed yeah of course i dedicated a year of my life to trying to push his channel out like if i don't want to just be like oh praise is me because i've got a lot of flaws but ultimately i got rid of alex to get jordan in now financially right or business in a business mindset it doesn't make sense does not make sense yeah but it's because obviously the format of the show changed which we got on with but also me and jordan really got on do you know what i mean so i spent a year i said to jordan when i met him i was like right you got to do a year of saying yes to every opportunity that comes your way because that's what i did back in the day and it was it found me the foundations to grow from so i spent a year helping him and stuff and then that's why i wasn't too like i didn't feel like i was throwing him out in a [ __ ] cold alleyway by going you're not coming on the podcast anymore he's welcome on again whenever he wants to do to do whatever he wants um so that's that made it easier the fact that okay i've given him a good push now and then we went our separate ways and i wish him nothing but the best i messaged him going good luck with your podcast mate and this was a couple of months ago he was like wow thanks mate i was like if you want to come on and promote your podcast come on and i think he was taken a bit back by that because he was like can i call you so i was like yeah call me that was the first time i'd like her it sounds like a [ __ ] romantic like novel it was the first time i'd heard his voice in about eight months this is someone that i used to see every single day and he was just like mate like i don't know what the [ __ ] happened i was like no i don't know even then he was like um i should have messaged her and i went well i should have messaged you there's just been a global pandemic like i think also the thing that made that difficult is the viewers the listeners because like even to this day there's still comments constantly but those comments could be read in a way that one of you might perceive badly so jordan might have read something from a viewer or a listener then he's going oh yeah that's just brought it all up again well you know me you you're on the receiving side of this all the time i make jokes about the most uncomfortable things because that's how i deal with stuff we talk about my mum being an alcoholic i make jokes about it all the time i've given jordan a lot of praise there because he's he is a great person he didn't do anything wrong but i will say two things two flaws why that made me kind of see the cracks in the foundation start to go one i knew it was clear from the start that he didn't ever really love you like he didn't he is it's awkward i don't know if you want it in the podcast or not no i don't know i'm just i can't say anything about it we should get it all out in the open yeah i don't know if it was because of how close we were and then kind of like jordan came in i don't know if that was a weird dynamic but jordan was never and he might be he might be open and honest as i am now and he might say the same thing this is not again a bad trait but this is the god's honest truth he was never 100 told on you now we did the show way before he came in right and it was under the it was under the premise that like if we have like a two man or two woman guests come in that one of you based on who i thought was gonna be better for the least best for that episode would have to sit out yeah but it soon became apparent that like if i asked him to sit out it i don't know if if he felt comfortable with that and he felt like i was trying to like insult him in some way when i thought that was what the case was at the time and he never moaned about it so i don't want to seem like a bad male for him but i know he wasn't 100 completely fond of you and there was sometimes a little bit of friction um i remember years ago when i when i said i went through that weird stage where i questioned your intentions yeah and i and i was like oh you do the self-deprecating stuff which i find funny now but it took me a long time to warm to that kind of stuff yeah and i don't i don't think jordan got over that so when jordan's like oh god that's irritating that's this is that i'm like well we're meant to be a free we're going to be a free dynamic so it didn't work so there was that there was that and then um yeah and then there was there was another so so that's just me saying if i have to pick something for why i thought the podcast would be better without him because that's what people are ultimately going to be thinking if he was so great like you say why is he not still there yeah well the dynamic changed yeah it felt uncomfortable at times and i know you felt uncomfortable about it and i also just want to take a moment to say like i don't owe you you this but i will say you never you n you knew let's get it all out on the open ear you knew that you were getting uncomfortable vibes from jordan right you knew that he probably didn't like you that that much and you never ever once told me to get rid of him you never ever once you know how influential you are on me if you say if you say oh we don't say our book james a castro and you go for some random i'm picking someone out the air here right because i know you love james akas but imagine you go jack i really don't want him on then i'll listen to you and the chances are we probably won't have him on then because i'm not going to do something that makes you uncomfortable you could have gone to me three months before it makes me really uncomfortable and even if in that moment in my life i was like right who is my better mate out of these two you have been here since the start you're the foundations of the podcast without you it's not happy hour it's not the same it can't be happier about me it can't be happier without you you could have easily gone i i i don't feel comfortable you could have given me an ultimatum and gone it's either him or me and you were you couldn't have been 100 sure which way i'd have gone like it would have been a coin flip for you you never said that you never badmouthed him you only just went i know he doesn't like me so then when the i knew the cracks were there it made it awkward when he and me when we started having that weird like i say would be outside right yep cool and then do it that's when i was like maybe it's time to just move this along and that's where we are and that's the first time i've spoken about that uh didn't expect to go there at all no but i wish him all the best he has smashed his youtube channel since we've been doing stuff i haven't shouted him out put him in a video thumbnail any of that and he's gone from strength to strength so i wish him all the best i'm sure he'll be sat in this room again in the future and yeah let's uh let's move on let's go back to the episode yeah yeah yeah and it's just weird because like there's they're they're that's them two hosts yeah that's like there's been both perfectly valid reasons for both and people obviously i understand why people meme it but i don't really get it i don't get it that much because when you know it from the inside i think it would be nice for the comments to stop i'd say well maybe once we post this clip it will where's doody he's doing just fine he's doing absolutely fine he's probably streaming go and watch his twitch or something the other thing with that is that it can't be that comfortable for him no no neither like he knew it he wasn't comfortable at the end either i knew it i mean even to this day like someone commented on my instagram that had nothing to do with him saying oh why's jordan and i was like surely him opening his phone and seeing that as a bit like why is someone commenting on stevie's like it's so irritating like it's irritating for us yeah is it because it's been spoken about already yeah it must be irritating for him especially since he's now doing other stuff yeah and he seems happy and he's doing well yeah like it just hopefully yeah it will all end i messaged him the other day and said i'm back this is after bristow i said i'm back in norwich now if you want to do anything at any point yeah it's not it's not the end of the world and if people comment where's jordan where's doodie like it's fair enough if you want to meme it you can meme at the [ __ ] you want to me my i mean my bad relationship with my own mum but also be aware that i might just go [ __ ] off mate because i'm not and people read between the lines with that as well because if they go where's jordan i go shut the [ __ ] up like they go oh you must really hate him it's like no i'm just bored of the comments and to add to the final bit about mine and his relationship even to this day now yeah if you wanted to get them on for a conspiracy episode yeah fine cool it would be a good episode i know yeah and i've said i openly said if you were going to get the guy from don broco on get jordan it'll be a better episode yeah you don't need me for an episode i know nothing about him which is yeah and i'd be happy to take a step aside and let him come in for that yeah exactly so from my end and i'm sure by this point we don't care have you spoke to him since we did the podcast not once not once not a word i couldn't be the middle man in that and i i know and yeah he's i've said what i need to say on the matter but i couldn't be the middle man in that and and i've given you both your credit that you deserve and it was just a weird mix up of p m mix match let's move on i think we're just two different very different people for sure let's go back to your youtube channel yeah yeah somehow got what it was now something i actually can't think back to your channel was looking back at it now quite a questionable channel to blow up yeah who was the first person you slagged off or was it the collective because obviously you started with your whole 25 things videos yeah but can you remember the defining moment in my mind i have cher lloyd yep you're probably right so that would be like the big sherloid frankie cacosa i started slagging i'll tell you my granddad was the first one who inadvertently made me slag something off because i was doing videos like a new banana and then um he he went look at this and he give me the newspaper and it's like the sun or something and it said free tin of corned beef for every list and he and he made me laugh i can't remember what he said but it was it was just him going on a rant going what a [ __ ] job what the [ __ ] do i want to kind of [ __ ] tim b for paper costs more than the [ __ ] tim beef doesn't i just remember finding that funny so i literally took the paper went home and i made a video going why are they why are they giving up as a 60 second video yeah why are they giving away tim b and i got quite angry in the video and people liked it so i was like okay maybe i'm a ranter then and that's what i did and when the youtube channel first started i really sold my channel around rants i was like i know now i've got like rank bank but they're more comical don't know what i mean whereas like back then i was like oh it [ __ ] pisses me off cher lloyd frankie cacosa i used to call him frankie coke up the noser which is great at least that was a joke yeah some of the side where you're slagging people off you didn't necessarily tell jokes to make it funny no and i went a bit far it was the personality that was the funny thing yeah it's an act jack mate isn't jack dean no well at least jack mate back then at least was just a character now the the lines are kind of blurred because sometimes i'll say to fiona like you know how you are when you're just with your partner you just be stupid yeah i might go like hey hey like a [ __ ] get get jack made a cup of tea over here yeah like that and she'll go who the [ __ ] jack mate and she'd be like you're not jackmate and i'll be like no you're right i'm not jackman if you now if people like saw but the lines are blurred now because this is jack makes happy hour so i've learned to be myself and i think people really buy into that that's probably why we get more views on my main channel now but people really buy into that and that is a great honor that people want to subscribe for me yeah um i will kind everything i say in this room i believe unless i'm clearly joking about something do you know what i mean like i can say i took a lot to heart no no but i mean i can stand behind the reasons why i do things and say things but on the youtube channel if i'm being completely honest do i really want to do a rank bank about bryce hall not really is that my passion now i don't want to lose a lot of the audience there by going well why is he doing it then for money that's the main reason for money because i'm worried i have this deep set worry that if i don't keep the main channel ticking over i'm not going to have anything else this this podcast is the most [ __ ] beautiful thing i've ever done like what we've managed to do who we've managed to pull in like where we are on the charts consistently spotify all of this stuff yeah it came because i was jackmate so i feel like if i don't have the main channel i don't have this anymore do i have more love for the podcast than the main channel yes 100 i do do i still love making main channel videos yeah when they're the right videos when but that's when they're right for you rather than for the audience so i feel like i'm kind of like just ticking a jackmate box every now and then like bryce hall don't get me wrong please do not get this misconstrued if you watch my bryce hall video i mean every point in that video i think he's a prick he pissed on his fans he's an idiot it does irritate me but if i had a choice um i probably wouldn't have done the video like but it's just like i want to i want to give the the the viewers the fans what they want um and and luckily a lot of them are absolutely lovely and i'm not saying this to panda but a lot of them will comment and go we can tell when you're happy when you're making a video and they can now the bryce hall one is a weird one and i don't want to backtrack i was happy making that video i enjoyed making the video fiona watched it last night she laughed a lot and it gave me a little dopamine hit which i've not had in a while but what i'm trying to boil it down to whereas if i could this podcast would be my everything like i feel like i'm funnier in the podcast like put more effort into it and whatnot but yeah i've kind of gone off piece so i forgot what your question was but um it was just about the difference between jack mate and jack dean yeah now the lines are very blurred because it would have been jack dean was the quiet kid that goes to college and doesn't tell anyone and jack mate was be the person that gets online going alfie dazes as a [ __ ] for no reason other than he's a [ __ ] whereas now because i bring jack mate it's you know what i'm trying to say this is jack makes happy hour but i am me 2020 jack mate yeah so the character of jack mate is no longer 2013 2014 jack no he's a different person so back then we'll go on that so 2013 2014 you used to label yourself quite often as the anti-youtuber yeah can't do that anymore do you believe that you were an anti-youtuber whilst being a youtuber yeah 100 because i wanted to be like alfie days i wanted to be marcus butler i wanted to [ __ ] hang around with them and then i'd go to it was all about the times when i'd see them at youtube events and realize that i don't know what they're like now i've been told by a lot of people that i respect that they're lovely people now so i can't i can't judge them as people now but back in the day i'd see them walking about this is when you when the money started coming in walking about the first thing they'd say to someone of uh an event how many subs you won and i'd be like i'd be taken back like hang on i genuinely just want to be your mate because i think you're cool because i i've always wanted to be a youtuber and you're a youtuber and you're coming over and you're looking at me like i'm a piece of [ __ ] because i've only got 10 subscribers i thought you were cool i thought you was interesting i thought you had a bit about you so then when you when you see that enough times i started there was two things a part of it was jealousy it was like why am i not getting the subscribers that alfie days is getting why am i why have i not got this new car why am i not going on a tour with fun for louie in a van like all of this stuff yeah but there was a big part of it where i can't just i can't discredit myself the biggest part of it and the bit that i stand with today is no actually i don't want to be like that no i don't want to be like that i've always had friends that are just normal people outside of that world yeah i can't i don't want to be like alex would come in here and he'd be talking like oh mimula said this or um i never said this and and it was almost like hang on mimulus do you mean do you mean let me get this right do you mean george and [ __ ] what a sign uh fraser do you mean george and fraser because it was like you're mixed up you're in the youtube world mate like i don't want to live in the youtube world i'll come here i'll speak to we speak to like bazinga yeah but really when we leave this room and we're chatting to him i like him more outside of this room yeah as ethan as i do when i chat to him here everyone's playing the game and we're all kind of parts of this big larger puzzle but i i like to see people as for for real people and i find it weird because you you were asking me the ques the question was uh any youtuber and a youtuber am i any youtuber not anymore no i i'm i'm a youtuber there's no way getting around that i we host a youtube podcast but i i can't claim to be an anti-youtuber anymore because i don't hate enough youtubers i've grown to just mature to the point where it's like yeah it's you just don't care enough i don't care enough because it is irrelevant yeah we mentioned and i've proven it because like i've said this before but james charles yeah we got into that big controversy last year year before whenever it was with tattie and everyone was like oh jack do a video on this that'll bang yeah probably would bang okay i to this day i can't tell you what the james charles beef was because i didn't care it got to the point where alex would come in and we'd go right alex um what's jake paul done then and he'd just sit and he'd talk and he was great at it that's his [ __ ] that's his forte but my brain used to switch off because i'd be like i don't give a [ __ ] about this so i'm not i'm not an anti-youtuber i'm still very much invested in youtube i watch more youtubers than most do but it's only because i need to have a bit of a finger on the pulse need to know what's going on yeah but any youtuber no not not not at all really i also hate the way in which the word youtuber has gone i think i i genuinely don't think there's a lot of honest people on the platform youtuber isn't really used anymore is it it's all content creators now still a youtuber influencer that's because they got tick tock as well technically just the youtubers tick every box yeah it's it is a weird one everyone is every i can't speak for everyone the majority of people that are in this line of work are in it for the money and i just happen to have a podcast that gives me money but i [ __ ] love doing it right my main channel gives me just as much if not more money but the proof is in the pudding i don't upload there because i'm not super i don't upload that as regular because i'm not that that bothered will annie right we've had our differences in the past he's somebody that i look up to i respect he knows the youtube game inside out and ultimately i think he's really really funny and every time i've met him he's been an absolutely top guy top guy the reason why all that beef come about and i don't want to dig up old stuff because i've said it until i'm blue in the face yeah but this sums up everything right he's a lovely funny guy and when we've been on the podcast and he's had a few drinks he's very witty and he can cuss people up in a way in which i enjoy i think it's funny he he can pick the flaws out of people he doesn't do on his youtube channel now because he's playing he's class on a larger net like he his channel's a bit i know he does like the bell delphine stuff and the eye tracker to not look at the boobs but really it's a bit of a cbvc channel i think yeah he doesn't do what he used to do he doesn't memeulous right you used to cuss people up he got he gained a big following from it at the end he goes by the way guys i don't want you to go over and give this hate any channel that's bollocks that's [ __ ] but you've just spent 15 10 15 minutes usually 10 over the one minute like the second one and um you and and this isn't me causing any beef i like these guys i admire them right they're doing more in the space than perhaps i am but you can't do a 10 minute video calling someone out and then go and to cover your own back go oh by the way guys um don't give him any hate put that at the start then and even if he has put it in the start if you really care about him that much you wouldn't make the video about it yeah it's counterproductive will has adapted his channel and moved on in a great way and he's transitioned better than i can i could ever yeah because you're doing the same thing essentially but but but this is what hurt me a bit and i think it did hurt me i can't pretend to be the big look at me i'm jackman i don't care this is what hurt me and this is why i snapped back to that infamous comment about have a day off mate why that hurt me so much and i know i've said it but this is the right time and place to get this all out it's it was i'm i'm trying to make a living doing what he was doing and he's he was he was bullying kids pretty much right in the old days i wouldn't say it was bullying i found it funny and there was a comical element to it but the average imagine the mainstream media looking at that we were taking a piss our kids right and then he started taking the piss out of other youtubers and and and then he realized actually this isn't what i want to do and full [ __ ] credit to him for just going no this is what i want to do anymore and he successfully made that transition and i admire that but then it was almost like he was trying to call me out for something he used to something he used to do and like now it's hard for me to call out people like kavos although i think i disagree with a lot of what you say why i was quite i think i was quite respectful about him in the one with christian yes you are i'd like to think so because although i don't agree necessarily with him just calling out everyone i understand that that's what i used to yeah you weren't there yeah i was there yeah so i can't go to i'd sometimes and i get this is this is exactly the same point that i just made about will i do sometimes look at kavas and i'm like chill out mate [ __ ] you now which is what will would have thought to me but to put it publicly it was a bit like um i don't get it so now i'd i've got nothing but praise for them honestly i i think they're brilliant um i think will's brilliant i should say but um yeah it was just it was just a bit of a weird time or whatever transitional period where i was just biting to people that would say things which strike a chord yeah will will's channel has changed massively um and i used to love his this week on the internet stuff and i still quite enjoy his stuff now which is strange for me to say not because it's him yeah i don't watch youtube yeah but if i see her with any videos gone up i probably will watch it yeah for his genre he is the best at it yeah he's created that genre i've tried to copy it elements to it like when bel delphine buys him a car i'm there going [ __ ] you know buy me a gun because look at the content it's great it is good content eboyz i think naf it's not for me i was saying this if you're on the way up right maybe we can go i'll give you my opinion on this because i think we can call this jack opens up on the wheel it's gonna make a good clip i did put a question in about the boys because i know you've mentioned to me that you don't enjoy their content yeah and this is because individually they might all be great people right and as i just said will is someone that i look up to so but this is the difference now and this says more about me than it says about their channel i that was the kind of stuff where like if alfie days was going like we're gonna do a video where we sign up to only fans whatever i don't know i haven't watched it because now this is the difference one i don't watch stuff i don't like whereas before i'd watch it purposely to get angry at it and um two i'm aware now that i'm not the demographic so you know when because i find that as a four they do they're very me me right for me one's called memeulous yeah but like e boys i'm a 27 year old bloke i don't know what an eboy is i have to ask um kieran carlin which is coming out next week i asked him um who belle delphine was i know a bit but i don't know enough yeah they play on that kind of culture of the eagle e-boy cam girl like um all of this kind of like silly stuff which is completely and utterly fine it's fine when i say i don't like their content that's not me beefing them they smash views they smash numbers alex has been called out numerous times by hundreds by loads of people in the community he's still got such a loyal fan base that must tell you about their content of who they're managing to get on site you can't knock them for that but that's the difference in jack mate now i don't care because it's like it's not aimed at me i feel bad for cutting up alfie dazer's like um content like and actually getting angry at how [ __ ] it was is that me saying that i don't think it was [ __ ] no i'd think it was [ __ ] but i'm also where it wasn't for me does that make sense yeah it's like you going to watch the teletubbies and get angry but you're not a three-year-old child yeah so it's mental yeah so yeah if the boy's content isn't for you yeah then that's fine but this is why i've actively spoken to to my mates like i'm not it's not for me like if if i that we should be in a domain now where people can honestly give their opinions on things without instantly thinking it's beef like i i i'm pretty sure that will and he doesn't like my content does that mean i would respect him any less no not at all right i dislike the e-boys content i think it's nothing content does that mean i dislike them as a four no or them individually do you know what i mean i'm trying to say no so so that's where i am now i'm trying to call people out if i'm sure guys like anyone yeah you can find flaws and a lot we say a lot of things in this room in the confines of this room sometimes i forget that people are going to hear this i think i'm just talking to you right you can find flaws in most things i say most things that anyone say if you look hard enough but go on my channel and have a look at the last 10 15 people i've called out i guarantee they've done actually problematic things bryce hall pissed on his fans has beat up his mate [ __ ] covered 19 parties prick yeah um jeremy lynch well it goes without saying what that comes down and people forget that it's often a lot of the stories i know about him offline that's making me want to do this content not always stuff you see online um you've got loads you've got um and even if they haven't done problematic things because i do want to cover myself by saying this because you've got morgues he's not really done anything problematic right but i'm not i hope i'm not actually that harsh about morgs i'm just i'm just you speak to him occasionally yeah i'm cool clearly in a position that i get what he's trying to do i get what he shouldn't do but comedy is now my main focus and my main point would i take back the zoeller advent calendar not in a million years it's still one of the funniest videos i've ever made i still stand by it 100 and that's why i keep regurgitating the same jokes because it's almost a meme of itself at this point um would i take back the alfie days one pound video no because i think it was inconsiderate and out of touch and i stand by it would i take back the times when i've gone um oh alfie's videos are [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah because they're not for me it's like me turning on postman pat or bob the builder and going this is [ __ ] [ __ ] like i'm not a kid yeah but but it doesn't even necessarily have to not be for you you can dislike something yeah regardless yeah it's like i don't like the joker it's a film that much no you love it and it's clearly designed or like it's meant to be for an audience like me as well yeah i just don't have to like something no exactly so i don't think that that's the issue with the beef side of things it's like yeah you're allowed to dislike something yeah and then i hate like fans of music like the 1975 fans i know i hate matty healy anyway but i've hated it when like they just won't admit when a song's bad no band can do 100 good songs no why pretend yeah everything's good yeah you probably you i know you don't like some of your content i probably don't like some of the videos you've put out yeah and i'll normally tell you if there's certain bits i'm ability or maybe not yeah um like you can't like everything no but it doesn't mean i hate you yeah there's no beef there at all but this is what brings me back to this podcast we meet up every week we give our opinions if we stop giving i'm quite an outspoken person anyway if i stop giving my opinions on things then the podcast becomes a lesser product this is what this is the e-boys analogy that i keep using it sounds like i despise them i don't but they're the perfect channel to make this hit eight minutes yeah they're the perfect channel because uh the the underlying statement there is they're four people who individually i'm fine with but the content i don't like so what i'm saying is if i cut because we give our opinions all the time i don't i want to be able to come in and go i think that's a load of [ __ ] mate that's not me trying to influence anyone else and that's not me trying to cause any beef beef's going to come from this beef's not from this but but the beef would be because of the listeners yeah from the listeners so when you watch my stuff fair and like i've just called out bryce hall i'm not going to say don't give him any [ __ ] i'd literally say in the video can we stop making pricks like this famous he is a prick feel free to tell him he's a prick right i don't want to do the memeless thing of going on like don't do that because it's it's it's um hypocritical kind of thing i wouldn't make the video if not but what i'm going to do is i'm going to continue to come in here with my best pals and give my honest opinion on things that people want to hear about if that offends somebody like willa knee or the e boys or pewdiepie or ksi if that offends them then i'm sorry do i want beef with these big no i don't i admire a lot of them more than you know but i'm gonna give you my [ __ ] opinion on them and that's that i've got a question that i think people want to hear and it's kind of based on all this so i've just spoken about willingness i'm alex inaba um when joe weller was on here he said that you were an influence behind internet mel yeah based on that content you made back then would you say you started the commentary community in a way i think so more than people realize yeah yeah they were the original because i can't think of anyone around your days when i was when i was doing it yeah i remember saying to my dad that i found a niche i was like i have found a niche here with insulting people online you can blame every troll that's ever existed on me but i was like with like commentary and stuff and and like in the way in which joe's referring to with the internet melts i'd i think i found that obviously i didn't find the niche but i think i was one of the first wave of people to do it and what i was going to say and i bit my tongue a little bit about will annie's um 20 i don't know i don't know if you'd ever admit this but i reckon there's a bit of jack mate in there i think yeah it was it was a mix of that and internet melts it was you're just reacting to stuff on in and in fact i think when will came on my first podcast with tom norris i'm i'm 90 sure that will mentioned me and joe as like not inspiration for his channel but like that he took bits of that in his channel i'm obviously a big fan of videos and from watching them i feel like i've learned a lot from when i react to videos i'm very conscious of like it's quite funny because i probably took quite a lot and then the two people i've really found were you and joe but i probably i don't know i find so that was early days and then just moved from that from that but i think my content probably stems a lot from more what you did than a lot of people compare it to job i i don't think it's too much honestly like if the i can see the similarities but the inspiration i probably wasn't so much you're the founding father of commentary um do you regret being the possible reason for anyone on the channel on youtube right now what do you mean there's a chance you're the reason that someone's making videos so joe made it and it melts because of you yeah do you is there anyone in the commentary community that you feel well at fault for so kavos for instance yeah he does your old videos no i'm probably going to be arrogant enough to say that there probably is a bit of me in in kavos like i think kavos probably does did take a bit from me um but only because i'm the old [ __ ] now that's been doing it a while but to take an issue with something kavos is to to to take a fault for something kavos is doing would would show that i have an issue with something he's doing and i don't i have an issue with anything he's doing i have an issue with some of the things that he said but i think there's a place for people like kavos there's a place for people like me there's a place for will and e but we all have our individual places we're not all the same thing so no i don't i don't think so i think if somebody's got the wrong end of the stick right and people take it too far if if you li if if somebody becomes a commentary con youtuber but they're not equipped with enough intellect research wit or even desire to do that because imagine if you just thought there's a lot of money in commentary i'll do it you're a [ __ ] there's no you've no backstory in that like people it's a bit dark i don't know if there's make it in there's a bit dark people attacking caroline flack online yeah is disgusting right is disgusting regardless of what what what you think like she had her faults as well with what she did with her partner everyone does i got a lot of hate didn't i on my love ireland video um after the caroline flak passed away for the lewis capaldi joke for the lewis capaldi joke i'm telling you now i would make that joke again right i would because it's a joke so caroline flack allegedly beat up a boyfriend there was someone else on love island that said that louis capaldi wrote somebody i loved about someone i'd loved or whatever it's called um about um her right so i went oh that's funny because uh caroline flax got a song written about her um by by lewis capaldi bruises by lewis capelle it's a joke on the fact that she hit her boyfriend right which she did i think she did do like that's that's what was reported whether or not it's proven i'm not too sure that's there's a difference there between making a joke about a terrible situation because bear in mind at the time i'm making joke about somebody that's allegedly committed domestic abuse right and then obviously tragically she goes on because of what the mainstream media did in in terms of hounding her every single day which is completely different completely different and then idiots because that's what they are i've gone oh you're part of the problem no i'm not no i'm not part of the problem i never went caroline flack is a [ __ ] carol i never did that i made a joke about her committing domestic about domestic abuse now if we take that as a case study you can never ever make a joke about anyone else again in case they go on to do something to themselves now i hope i've said that as tastefully as i can i hope i've seen yeah i don't think you've said anything in there i i i know people are going to take this the wrong way of me saying i would make that joke again of course in the context of the matter i wouldn't make it again i wouldn't sit here and go look i just told you the joke to explain it for context i wouldn't go listen to this one guys in the pub because of what has happened right but what i'm saying is i fully back the joke i fully back against that and and and that's what p so when you say to me do i feel at fault for anyone on youtube if i've seen inadvertently created trolls that aren't clever enough to think of actual jokes and who just spew [ __ ] putrid hate for the sake of it then one i can never be sure that i created yeah but in a in a metaphorical or uh theoretical world like where you can prove it then yeah i don't want anyone to do that i don't want anyone to do that a good example of that actually would be your jackmate roast and viewers i know you saw my tweet about your hashtag your viewers took it upon themselves yeah stupid to insult people yeah so that's your viewers so i i don't know whether you've necessarily created them but in their minds i guess they think they have the right to do it well because these people have posted a picture yeah for you to insult you you were right your tweet was bang on your tweet was except 100 right and and this this it's it's it's a stupid thing but you can't as somebody who creates stuff as a broadcaster as an entertainer right you can't worry too much about the idiots that you're going to affect you can hope to affect people positively like i like that i hope that what i'm saying now will affect people to go i'll think about that in a different way now and hopefully it will have a positive effect on them but you can't worry about the idiots so basically what you're referring to i do a series on the channel called roast my viewers i get people to submit their photos and i brutally roast them right and the only difference is because i would never usually pick on someone's appearance i would but that's the premise of the show send it in and you're agreeing you're signing kind of like an agreement for you for me to attack you right so when they put that picture on twitter they know that i'm possibly going to attack them they should it's a two-way thing they should also know that they're then going to be open to attacks from other people they shouldn't that shouldn't be the case because they're sending it to me but are they send it to me privately no they're doing it publicly but it is also on the other people like sorry mate who are you why are you why are you calling this girl fat like this isn't what this isn't the yeah as well i guess if the jokes if they were good jokes that they're that as we've just said if a good joke is a joke yeah that's the person who takes it but yeah i think the reason it annoyed me a bit is because i posted a picture of us for your roast yeah and obviously i was going to get loads of people replying to it because it's us um i'm fine with that i openly did that knowing it would come at me but anyone else using that hashtag the people who are replying to mine are people who also follow me or at least they know who i am because of you but the people replying to these other people they don't follow him they've chosen to click on the hashtag go through it see a picture and go huh i'm gonna slag this random person then that's a bit weird isn't it it's a bit weird but who am i to sit on i'm gonna have to sit on the fence for that one one they're posting the picture publicly but also on the other hand too yeah they shouldn't they shouldn't just be insulted by loads of other people online but it's a weird one but it is your fault so we'll move on [ __ ] them um i actually had loads of questions about the whole share lloyd stuff and whatnot because sherloyd's the video you did about her got you on tv yeah that must have been a weird experience back then yeah do you know who was on tv on the tv show i was like was it ramesh no how did you have i remember there being quite a comedian it was a little known comedian that no one had heard of at the time it was joe lice joe lysa was on it basically um and they wanted me to come on to talk about cheryl lloyd i wouldn't dream of doing that now because it was like i was just insulting her i'm good now she's i think you made a funny joke though was it funny you did the the wanking thing was i liked it they said what do you think of cheryloid i said i'm 18 yeah i masturbate quite a lot but even i wouldn't masturbate over it actually that's quite mean yeah i remember laughing at it when i first saw it but i mean back in the day it was like a bit more but stevie uh like i went i've went in too far on sherloyd he wasn't really ever harming anyone and i just didn't like her music um kind of done the same with ellie golden in a way but um well you made jokes about her music yeah turned into an actual beef yeah but it was never beef mind like it's just funny like she said she could beat me up yeah that's a weird reply for a famous singer it's funny yeah but with cheryl lloyd i was being quite nasty about her but even back in the day it shows that i had some kind of moral compass because i made a video defending her when somebody threw piss at her on a festival but to this day i think about it every now and then and i'm not too sure where i see myself because it was quite hateful what i was doing and then as soon as somebody took it physically i had an issue with that but surely i was part of the problem yeah just because i wasn't see just because i physically wasn't throwing piss on her i was kind of doing it online you were mentally throwing pisser yeah so i don't think i agree with that now and they are they're the videos that i'd take back if i could but also the videos that gave you a stepping stone to your career so taking it back could possibly mean no youtube i'd still take it back i'd still take it back i i i've done so much more i've uploaded over a thousand videos and i'll take back probably five of them okay so that's good going yeah and especially in the last five years like since i've been like 22 23 i don't really think i've said much that i'll take back that's really good yeah um should we talk about something people care about if they've got one hour 20 into a [ __ ] podcast i don't care about them zoella oh god would you say that you owe her your career no but i owe that calendar everything i owe that [ __ ] calendar everything if she hadn't have uploaded that i'd still be [ __ ] on 200k sitting at home uh it's funny because it's like it's like a blessing and a curse because did so ella come down and go guys subscribe to jack mate he's really funny and then i get million and then i get a million subscribers in which case i'd have to say go in fair play zoe you you made me um she made that [ __ ] calendar she was so out of touch i took it upon myself to make the comedy video about it i don't owe her my career but i owe a large part of my channel to that terrible product yeah so i wouldn't say oh zoey a career no zoey and alfie definitely helped me more than any post yeah yeah but not from their own accord so i'll never go thank you for that guys but thank you for making that calendar but at the same time it's quite a strange moment for you because in your interview of true geordie he mentioned that you could have rode a wave there yeah that you didn't that stuck with me for a while i'm saying that why did you back away it's a it's a moment where you had everything going your way yeah and you did a very jackmate video yeah on that and you could have continued to do more jackmate videos yeah it comes you didn't it comes down to having to care about the the video so i cared about the calendar because when i um researched what was in it before it had come so i knew opening them doors what was going to be in it what was so funny to me i will get on to that but what was so funny to me about that calendar if we can just get this to eight minutes i'd be great uh what was so what was so funny to me about sorry about that calendar is um just how bad it was right so i knew one of the doors was like a fluffy ball yeah i knew the other one was a pen which people clip out but i never knew how bad it was so i thought like when i read online like oh a gold plated pen i thought still doesn't seem like 50 quid to me but that's what if it's a heavy ball point maybe yeah and then you open the door and it's i laugh now because i can't believe it it was like i literally i was like opening each door it's like 12 doors i'm opening each door again that's 100k views oh it's got to be half a million now isn't it and then like the fact that she gives you a pen and a pencil case two separate doors okay you've got you gotta have a pen for a day unprotected tomorrow you can put it away but um so i guess what true geordie was saying about that that calendar video because that blew up just give you a bit of context about six months before that i was saying to fear about how i might not be able to do youtube again because my goal for every do you remember what my goal was per video not back then 30k oh that's a low goal per video and me and my friend tom norris were doing a podcast jackmate podcast and i did an interview with jimmy conrad who i love to bits loveliest guy on youtube and i posted it and i went on a night out and it had been about four hours and i was like usually i'd be on about 25k and i looked and i can't remember it was on like 3k and i was like [ __ ] my channel's dead it's gone i uploaded that and by the way i filmed that video on a whim because i'd written a whole how mad's this this is i'm not a believer in fate but it's weird how these things work out yeah i um scripted it as a rant i scripted the whole thing as a rant like me sat in my loft in my shed going look how [ __ ] terrible this is a pen without the calendar without the calendar i've no sorry i had the calendar but it was like i was going to have the products and go look this is and tell you and deconstruct why it's about so you weren't going to do it as a sketch essentially yes and then at the last minute i thought i'm going to do this in the the idea was to do it in a style of how zoella would do it about a product yeah today i've got these lovely candles so i got my cousin jamie to come down we did it on a whim some of it was scripted but i probably less was scripted about that than most of my other videos and then it all changed and i was saying about 30k being my goal i filmed it i realized i get quite angry about it when i'm like and i launch it at my [ __ ] window and and i've edited the whole thing i kept in the elements with jamie speaking behind the camera because i thought his comments were funny and i and i had it uploaded privately and i went to the pub and i was with couple of mates and i said to him i'm not sure i'm not sure if i'm going to upload it because bear in mind i'd called them out before but never to that extreme where i'm absolutely ripping and i didn't know the legalities around rip slagging off a product like that yeah and i had a few pints and i just posted it and for the first 15 minutes it was dead it was dead it probably got about six seven comments and i was like my channel is really dead and then over the space of the next hour two hours three hours i think i went to sleep that night it was on 200k and i was like 200k 30k is my goal 200k i had and the thing that really changed for me which i saw in that evening was yeah people didn't like me a lot of the community didn't like me some probably still most probably still don't um to this day i'm shocked that how many influencers content creators dm me that night and when i that's class that products mental so when people think jack mate the big bad wolf like calling out that calendar you'll be surprised at how many people even not i don't want to say close to it that's unfair but like big youtubers that have probably like collaborated and stuff like that so it's like yeah you might think i was the big bad wolf for making a comedy sketch about a terrible product but some of her mates are like even saying the same thing so it's a it's a bit of a weird one yeah but why didn't you ride the wave oh sorry yeah yeah where you actually wanted to go yeah i didn't choose already said that as weird you picked that out because i think about that a lot but um i think that's probably another reason to kind of pat myself on the back a little bit like a little bit of a testament to me because although it was more views and more ad revenue and more subscribers than i could have ever dreamed of it wasn't that video was firmly what i wanted to do nothing else come up what i thought was that interesting like if the james charles stuff had happened two days probably would have been able to do it no i wouldn't oh really no because i'm not that i'm not it's not a case of nothing sorry it's not a case of nothing came up nothing came up that i cared about so it was like i can't do it that's why i used to always think that's mad that like i'm alex goes so and so we need to stop like we need to stop this person must be stopped we need to stop it's like every free time he was doing it every one every three days at one point now of course get that ad revenue boy secure that bag live it while you can but i couldn't do it like i couldn't i couldn't do it i had to find it funny in myself to do it that's why it's three years on i'm still making jokes about the same product because i still find it funny yeah fair enough well since then you've been very love love hate relationship with youtube yeah why do you think that is from that moment because because of what we spoke about earlier because of not caring because it was like i know the audience subscribed to me for a certain reason so when i make a video like calling out the psychics again something i feel passionately about how much they rip people off and i make a video where i'm like this is a funny video like i'm funny in this video and it flops and people are like yeah a good video mate but uh ollie white's just done a video with saffron barker you should really check it out i'm like oh you don't want to come on yeah so i just i don't obviously i don't dislike my audience they're there for a reason they they subscribe to a product but i don't know if i can offer that product anymore so i think it's mentally it's very draining having pigeon holed myself based on that since then and i think even now you've been at points where you've debated just binning off jack mate yeah what brings you back is it is it money yeah a lot of it's money um but then is it because i'm trying to be honest there i'm trying to be honest and go and not shy away from the fact that i do it for money but is it because you get to monetize a lot because 13 out of 15 of my last videos have been demonetised but i think it's it's a trickle-down effect effect like i said whereas i have this weird thing where if i don't have jack mate i don't have this um the podcast and and although to be fair although my videos have been demonetized i do all right on the brand deals on there so it is money i guess but i i feel like i have to keep that flame burning to have all the other flames burning as well do you know what i mean like i i won't quit what keeps me coming back is the money and also that's not lie like i love making people laugh i love having an audience i don't want to give that up i don't want to be like all respect to him he's doing bigger and better one up bigger but he's doing better things charlie is so cool like all these youtubers that have built these huge online empires and then just walked away from him [ __ ] that i love having an audience i love having that if i if i i wouldn't be as happy as i am today if i didn't have youtube so i don't want to give it up that's fair yeah um going on the money side of things i think is quite interesting cause you've always been very open with how you feel about youtubers taking brand deals and selling out so you were back then yeah strangely i think you had a very good transition from not taking any brand deals to being able to and getting away with it yeah don't have getting away with it's the right term yeah but you weren't often called out for being a sellout even though you'd called people out multiple times because they're being sellouts i get what you mean but it's completely different because me and phi were listening to a podcast on the way up here literally on the road outside of this pog um studio and the guy goes the guy goes um do you want to know about your future do you want to know about your um love life well all you need to do is sign up to i used to be a skeptic but now i'm a believer and i thought what the [ __ ] oh and then neddy goes sign up now use a discount called blah blah blah and uh you can get your first reading for one dollar one dollar a minute and after that uh readings will differ uh vary between four dollars a minute to fifteen dollars a minute i was like 150 or 10 minutes like that's mad and and the reason why it's different yeah is i used to call youtubers out for like taking shitty brand deals for stuff they clearly didn't believe in i do vpns and stuff and um pouch like money saving stuff um one i need the money and because i get demonetized and the audience know that so they're kind of like well he doesn't get much ad revenue we'll let him have this and two they're products i actually believe in like i actually i genuinely believe in that's not to say that i'm the perfect person because i guarantee you i've done brand deals before with stuff i don't believe in i'll say that now anime sex games i don't believe in that right you don't play them no but i made it very clear i also donated the percentage to charity just to save my own back really because i wanted to go look i want this money it's mental money and um if some massive massive company in japan or wherever they may be want to pay me this money i'm going to take that from the from the bigger people um but going back to the so there there will be times like that where i where i do a cash grab um hopefully i make an entertaining video with it anyway and to at least give the audience something what i needed to tell this is that this is the underlying thing if i'm getting the audience to buy a product or asking them to buy a product i don't want to rip them off so pouch yeah who i've worked with recently great i'm not being paid to say this by the way no there is no reason you shouldn't have pouch it's a free in like a free plug-in right that you like this is where i'm where i'm not on script now so i have to try and remember the remember how to how they want me to word it but [ __ ] it this is what this is the reason why i get it right and i use it on my computer is because you forget about it you forget about it now pouch might be thinking well that's not good no it's perfect because you forget about it until you want to buy something online and it goes ding and it pops up and goes there you go and we just saved you 10 quid sometimes it will go just saved your 25 p what all right it's 20 it's only 25p but it's 25p i wouldn't gonna get anyway yeah and it doesn't cost anything so i will do pouch advertisements as long as they want to have me because i believe in the product vpn yeah you have to pay a little bit and i do use vpns when i went over to miami i genuinely turned on a vpn to show that i was accessing a server in uh to pretend that i was accessing a server in england so i can watch match today because you can't watch it so there's me using a product that i've best fiends [Laughter] it's it's an app the thing is if i can get the viewers to download a free game and i get paid for it i'll do it it's question marks when i'm trying to get them to download a 999 game or something like that but i think the majority of stuff i've promoted is free for them to do yeah so that's the issue i think i think obviously i can trip up on my words because i say a lot of stuff but deep down that's what i believe and they're the morals that i try to uphold you might find a case where you go back three years and go well jack you advertise this yeah i probably just let one slip through the net then i'm not perfect um i called i've called stuff out that i kind of like think was a bit silly in the past calling stuff out but yeah i mean you haven't got to buy anything so if you can guys if i do a brand deal and it's free sort me out download it can you because then they might do another one and you'll get more money i will also never let the money go to my head though one day when i'm in a nice house that i've bought from money purely from youtube there won't be one night where i go to sleep and i forget who bought me that house everyone that watched my videos everyone that supported me everyone that commented i want i've said this on a live stream before i want to do it again if anyone out there can write a script like a computer script that will let me download all of the usernames of anyone that's ever subscribed to my channel i would love to get them and minimize them and put them over a youtube play button and have it printed out and put it into my house so i never forget where i've come from yeah and why i have the things that i have so yeah i have this thing last thing i'll say on the matter i have this thing with my audience where they know i need to survive they know i need to live and as long as i'm not mugging them off and as long as i'm not ripping them off and going really guys you need to buy this [ __ ] 10 pound 99 [ __ ] anal beads like they're brilliant like as long as i'm not doing that then i think i'm all right i'm sweating now i feel like i'm on paxman i've been asking some good questions prison is boring um i didn't know how deep you'd want to go in this so i have done a small amount on um mental health yeah mainly because i think us together have been on a bit of a roller coaster with that we've had many a nights talking about stuff like that yeah um but i'm trying to also keep it youtube based because you do what you want people care how much would you say youtube has affect affected your mental health both for the good and the bad oh god it's [ __ ] both both so extreme yeah because before i had youtube i didn't really have much of a life do you know what i mean i had nothing so then i have youtube and you get a bit of status and you get a bit of money and um of course i'm fiona's not with me because i'm a youtuber but when i met her she recognized me from youtube so maybe i wouldn't have had that partner if i didn't do youtube youtube has given me a life and youtube has given me everything that i hold dear we get to meet up now we live on the other end of the country but we meet up to do youtube like so it's given me everything and i was probably like a bit of an angsty teenager not knowing where i'm going in life youtube comes along and it helps my mental health but i also know that how low i felt before i had youtube and if that goes i might be back to that low place again when i don't upload for six seven weeks i'll start feeling my mental health dip a little bit but you don't you can never really it's like the chicken and the egg am i at a low point so i'm not uploading because i don't feel funny don't want to make comedy videos or am i not uploading because i'm lazy and that's putting me in a lobe yeah this is a bit of a bit of a hit and miss but with the health anxiety and stuff which i won't go into today because we we went into it with joe you can watch that clip if you want but with with that which is a proper mental illness obviously that has nothing to do with youtube and when i'm feeling low in that kind of aspect i struggle to do youtube so youtube has given me everything youtube has given me far more good than it has bad and if i had become an alfie or someone like who goes up to people how many subs you won that's bad for your mental health yeah i've managed to keep the two very separate and i'm thankful to myself and to my friends and my family that i've been able to do that so i'd say it's about 80 positive 20 negative a lot of youtubers now well a lot of people online in general now are really open about depression and anxiety yeah do you think youtube could be part of that reason for certain youtubers yeah just social media in it on the whole like you know you like well but you know like youtube has that thing where you can upload and it tells you how good your video is performing compared to the last 10. yeah that [ __ ] me that does because if i upload what i think is a good video and it goes oh your video is 10 out of 10 in a bad way it's the 10 most viewed video from your last 10 meaning all over 9 were better than this and because it's slap bang in the middle of you analytics page on youtube you can't miss it you upload something you've been working on for days maybe weeks at a time and and like my love island video where i trick love island starts that's one of my favorite videos i've ever done i uploaded that and it goes oh and that one's not a great example because it was four out of ten but imagine uploading that and it going oh this is 10 out of 10. just because of how many people chose to click on it just because of how many times youtube thought they'd thought they'd feed it into the algorithm they'd post it it's up to youtube well your video does of course you've got a big hand to play in it you've got to make good content good thumbnail but if youtube wants to limit a channel they can do it like that and that can [ __ ] people's heads fair enough so oh so youtube can be at fault for mental health do you have any moments where you feel you were responsible for someone's mental health thanks to your youtube well like i've slagged them off and yeah maybe is there a specific joke you might regret where you think oh actually that might have affected that person no i really still at the point where you don't think about them like when you're in college i do think about them at school at school sorry i do i do think about it but i i think i probably like i said i regret more the jokes i made to people at school than i do on youtube because especially for the last six or seven months a lot of the stuff i've made has been very reasoned and really thought out yeah so if i'm questioning stuff i've said in the last three or four years especially then i haven't done my job right yeah so i know i've grown yeah i don't question it and you could argue i'm not going to go into this i'm going to keep this under [ __ ] 30 seconds if i can but you could argue all but slagging off that advent calendar may have halted her career quite a lot she chose to put it for 50 quid didn't she it's true i didn't so yeah sorry all positive stuff yeah um let's try and go back on the positives now we've not too much we can go into for mental health unless we want to go on a dark spiral so um why do you think happy hour is the thing you've most been proud of after 10 years and why is it because you have me um i just think i tried a hell of a lot of different series and none of them really took off so would i be as proud if it wasn't getting as many views and listens probably not that could go for anything though yeah but i think it's a case of we've had guests far bigger than i ever thought we would have yeah yeah it's made the youtube community hopefully see me in a different light i know a lot of the cybermen probably wouldn't have touched me over ten foot bargepole now they come in they want to be part of the show i think a lot of youtubers respect it as a well respected youtube and spotify show like so i think what i've built with the help of you of course i can't just say me me me but um what what we've built is off our own backs and especially off of my own back because it's an idea that i just thought of randomly is we've made mate such a credible show i don't believe that my youtube my main youtube channel is even in the top 500 uk youtube channels i don't believe that anymore i don't want that accolade so that's why i upload sparingly i still enjoy it but there we go this podcast is a [ __ ] brilliant podcast peter blexley raphael rowe joe weller stephen tries all of the people that have given up their time to come on this podcast thank you very much because you've made this the best thing i've ever done i did like that the clip that we were sent yesterday of will any fair play to him that was yeah even he seemed shocked at how because we were obviously very consistently quite high in the spotify charts yeah and even they were like [ __ ] hell no i don't think they realized yeah well james murray is reading out where the e-boys are in the charts yeah and he goes joe well is two ahead of us [ __ ] fair play joey goes joe rogan six ahead of us and then they go oh and thirty places above that is happy hour and will and he goes [ __ ] hell like they bang views and he goes stevie [ __ ] white which uh will knows where it all comes from they they could they they can meme as long as they want i i i've said it i like all them boys but we should be proud of what we've made because this is this is one hell of a show and of course you get the silly little shows where we talk about sandwiches and we talk about meal deals and and but that's what makes it happy hour yeah are people this means the world to me yeah people like i said with joe weller people come up to me and they in the street and they go oh jack i love your videos mate oh the color on the video that's lovely that's brilliant but when they come up and they're often older they're often older folks nothing against the youngsters that listen but the uh the 20 year olds of the world and whatnot and they go mate and they maybe they will not even ask for a picture maybe they go mate [ __ ] love your podcast i'm like yes yes that's what i want did i tell you what guy said to me in cornwall no he's the coolest guy ever yeah i'll probably remember if he's listening because he says he listens to the show so i met him in a little corner shop on a sunday night i was just buying a little four pack of beers and i had my t-shirt over my face like this because i didn't have a mask with me and he's behind me he's a cool guy he looks like a bit of a surfer dude you know i mean like he's quite a cool guy and he get and he goes and he's behind me for a while and i pay for the stuff and then i'm sort of waiting for alfie and he goes may you are you chat mate and i go yeah mate you're right and he goes mate your podcast is sick i listen to that every day when i'm at work i was like oh thanks mate and then he just went how are you enjoying cornwall i was like yeah really good man and then he went okay make sick and then he gave me a few recommendations of where to go didn't ask for a picture or anything he went have a sick one mate and i was like what a guy like what like that's just the standard normal chair and that meant so much to me that's not taking anything away from the people that go can i have a picture i'll give i have a picture all day long but it was just such a cool j he's just a normal guy going about his life and he listens to us in his headphones yeah he's at work i had a really weird moment like that during lockdown i went to bnm just to go shopping and some guy just goes behind me go stevie white turn and he pulls out his headphone he goes that confused me so much i was and he just got his phone out and he was listening to our podcast and he was like i could hear your voice doubling and because i was talking to my housemate and he got really confused that's man it was the most mental situation and it was really awkward because there's a lockdown so i felt bad because i was just like we had to stay away from each other yeah and i was like oh oh cool that's yeah but like moments like that is so cool for it yeah uh it's it's it's like i went my cousin franco freys frankie dean he's a musician and i went and that exact same thing happened to me yeah and it was like there's this weird moment where it sounds like i made this up but it all happened exactly as i say and say this i was in topshop a top man uh i think i was just coming to do the podcast with tom grenham one was in the evening and i was in topshop um and i was walking through it i was listening to franco frey's on my headphones he's a respected musician but he's not big by in any stretch of the imagination and uh i was listening to him in the headphones some guy comes over and he goes because i'm always proud when i'm listening to my cousin and the guy goes signals for a picture so i take my headphones out and i go hello mate right he goes oh mate love the podcast and i'm like completely ignore him because i'm like oh sorry mate hang on because i'm because franco's still playing and then i'm like what the hell franco's playing out loud franco's got his song on in topman and i'm buzzing and there's a guy that recognizes me for my passion my cousin's playing now and it was just this accumulation of look where you are mate look what you've done yeah and it's the moments like that where i have to sit back and kind of like look at it for a wide angle lens and think yeah [ __ ] hell we've done all right here so you obviously have a very high opinion of this podcast yeah what would you say your dreams for this podcast are where do you want it to go from here because obviously you're already pulling in the guests that you want obviously there's some people that would still love to have on um but what more what so aside from which kind of guests like no ignore yeah let's assume based on how you've done the pulling and guests so far yeah assume we can get bigger and better most people yeah um i don't think i would change much because i think it's kind of like the dream situation now obviously um more money's always good like but apart from that um i'd like guests to feel that they can come on twice so i don't want like bazinga to go i've already done it come on again mate let's have a chat like i want it to be like oh exactly what it is now but just on steroids obviously you've got to keep growing and stuff but that's a strange thing because i think peter blexley was known as one of our best ever episodes yeah i enjoyed episode two with him more did you because i think it was blexley with happy hour yeah yeah obviously by this point they should have heard it yeah they would have been out now yeah um it was the last set yes so it's i just that moment it was like we could just take the piss a bit more blexi was more relaxed with us obviously obviously it was incredible the first time but i felt like we just had to sit back and listen wasn't that the one we said was the most happy hour episode ever the one yeah it was more us we managed to bring that in and blexley joined him with us and it was like a it was a strange thing yeah that a character like he is could also become a host in a way yeah and like joined in with those moments this is why we always ask the meal deal question even though it's a bit of a weak question because it breaks the ice with a guest and it normalizes them and it lets them know like all right raphael ro you've been in prison with murderers i know we didn't ask him yeah yeah it is an awful example that was completely out of me forgetting though otherwise i would have done but all right rafael you've been in prison with murderers but what's your favorite meal deal bring them bring it down normalize it sometimes we will admit that we've had guests that haven't been too comfortable with being on a podcast but thankfully they've still given us the time and it's kind of been jack and stevie interview the guest yeah or sometimes jack interview the guest or guest just talk right the best episodes as you quite rightly put it is when you can interview the guests get the sound bites out of them also get them to open up and feel comfortable in this space but make it happy hour make them be able to laugh take the piss out of them let them take the piss out of us we're british boys we we enjoy british banter and if we can just keep that going i want people to be able to listen at work hear great stories of what blexi's done in his life but also have that light release where they're like them two [ __ ] are [ __ ] do you know what i mean like and then we do some stupid [ __ ] at the same time yeah for sure one week you might get us interviewing undercover police officer peter blexley or wrongly accused murderer um raphael rowe but the next week we'll probably just be talking about how we don't like avocado i don't like avocado no neither do i [ __ ] [ __ ] fiona's seething yeah um shall we finish on a few quick questions yeah because we've covered a lot there yeah um these might not even be quick once i say it so first what is the best thing youtube as a whole has given you everything you can say fiona as well remember technically based on that everything you couldn't pinpoint a specific it's given me a career money a life i never thought i'd have fiance everything fair enough it's a good answer um what would you say the best thing about yours you're in particular viewers and or listeners and that sets them apart from others an open not an open an honest relationship they will tell me if i [ __ ] up and that's why i'll keep it quick but that's why and i know i trust myself that i'm never gonna do anything horrific but i won't be cancelled over anything stupid because they can tell me when i [ __ ] up and i'll learn and i'll also tell them to shut the [ __ ] up if they say something i don't like this is the thing yeah i reply to some negative comments and fiona goes why why are you replying to nasty comments because i don't care i don't care for my audience in the same way that they shouldn't live their life caring about me yeah i'm here on online you can support me all you want and i appreciate it but if you ever get bored just [ __ ] click off or call me you're not forced yeah and that's a great way to be that's a healthy way to be so honesty is what i have okay on to three let's go with do you have any regrets or anything you do differently any specific moment that you might do differently over the last 10 years of youtube not really not really i'd have probably been a lot less harsh at the start but saying that that's where i learnt to grow as a person if i wasn't that harsh at the start i'd probably be harsh now yeah and you wouldn't be where you are now so no no real regrets really no we'll flip that completely then what about a moment if you could take one moment from the last 10 years of youtube yeah and you could relive one of them which would it be meeting ricky gervais for the first time that's an easy answer wasn't it as i was writing that question i was like that's definitely always going to say it was the time when i've become i i left the room and because i was so nervous and it was always my goal and you can find old tweets of me like tweeting him and then he gave me his time and we did this show and the first three or four minutes was awkward as [ __ ] and i wasn't very good i pulled it round and did one the best comedy interviews i've done and i left the room and my mate tom just like give me a hug and was like that's [ __ ] brilliant and i thought i've done it i've done my dream and there you go i'd live that a hundred times over it's a nice dream i'll i'll take gervais this time round yeah yeah um and then what would you say your plans are now moving forward is jackmate dying no jackmate's not dying i'm probably gonna make videos when i want i used to just make them to pay a rent if you oh what i wanted to be a take away from this is if you see a video um i want that the audience to know that i want to make that video so i've if i've not uploaded in six weeks you can moan about my upload schedule and whatnot but i can't i don't care but within that six weeks we would have uploaded 12 happy hours exactly happy hour is not going anywhere okay and finally something we like to ask all of our guests on season four yeah what is the meaning of life i genuinely didn't even think you'd ask me that so i haven't thought it what is the meaning of life um as an atheist you're only here once so live and do whatever you want to do if you're not hurting anyone do what you want to do if you want to go out and get drunk go and do it if you want to make a youtube video do it and this is the thing do it stop coming up to me on nights out and going i really want to make a youtube channel of me drumming just do it and the thing is as well be aware that if you do a new venture in the long run if you're having fun every single this is the thing yeah a calendar see it as red and green blocks if you if you have a day where you've had fun and you've done what you want to do and you've enjoyed it even if you have to go to work to pay your way have fun try and have fun when you're at work banter with people have a laugh and then at the end of the day give it a green tick and a red cross and if you and a red cross if it's not been a good day and if at the end of the month you can look back and and you've got more green ticks than red crosses you've had a good month at the end of the year more green ticks you've had a good year at the end of your life you want to have more green than red who would have thought jack mate's meaning of life involved a calendar brilliant wow that's everything there we go we've covered a lot stevie brilliant great questions it's been a bit of a therapy session for me i've enjoyed it hopefully i'm gonna ask some powers that be so this might just stay with it but hopefully this might go on the main channel oh we'll see that's a big one we'll see what happened thanks mate and uh special mention to you as well because you've been by my side since the start we're gonna keep doing it absolutely smashed it you came on as just a mere member of the pub i know you're my mate but still a mere member of the public yeah of course but you didn't have any hosting skills any broadcasting skills and you're still terrible and special mentioned to fiona who's left her job in retail and now edits happy hour full time and uh the first month she did it we smashed it um beyond belief so we're building a little family here and it's an absolute pleasure to share the ride with you and the last thank you of the day goes out to the audience thank you very much for supporting me stevie fiona all of this absolute legends [Music] and burgers
Channel: JaackMaate
Views: 1,317,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jack, dean, jaack, maate, jaackmaate, jackmate, jaackmate, jackmaate, My Most Brutally Honest Video Ever, jaackmaate alfie deyes, jaackmaate zoella advent, zoella advent calendar, jaackmaate eboys, jaackmaate willne, jaackmaate honest, honest interview youtuber, jaack maate honest, dudeyrhino left, why dudeyrhino left
Id: ZLTsCdnTV2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 36sec (6876 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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