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hello everyone and welcome back to spore so today I have some good news and some bad news we'll start off with the bad news okay the bad news is that Fiegel snore fizz dead okay he yeah he died in a skiing accident he's no more if you go to her if you go to our planet now it just shows this thing I messed around with the game a lot okay I was trying to get mods to work and I was trying to fix the framerate in this game and that's what the good news is this the good news is that the mods are working and the framerate is fixed this game is now in 60 frames per second so if you're watching this video you can you can you know go to your 720p 60 and it'll look way better than it always did okay so that that's a good thing now what we're gonna do today since Fiegel snore phys dead is we are gonna start a new creature okay a lot of you guys told me you really want me to use mods in this game and I found a mod called the epic mod or something along those lines which allows you to be an epoch in the game and I tried that a little bit and it's really freaking cool so we are gonna start a new creature it's gonna be an omnivore this time I think so that we can use different mouths I'm not really sure I'm not really sure how this stuff works but we're we're gonna switch it off a bit we're gonna create an epic and we're just gonna stop the crapping of everybody all right so I don't know I planning I'm gonna go to this time I'm not gonna go back to this one because you know we just were on that one maybe this one with red water hmm we could choose from these weird looking things but I would rather go make my own obviously because my ideas are always wonderful right right okay so we can't really do anything now guys we we don't have the technology to do anything here we can get an omnivore mouth a proboscis who wants a proboscis I want to put it on the top of my head and pretend that they're actually like an 10a could you make like Gary from Sponge Bob I could make Gary from Sponge Bob I could totally do that oh my god guys I actually did it oh man okay so this is these are actually mouths but I put eyes at the top of them and now it's scary what color is scary I gotta look up a picture again I think he's I think he's pink okay I was wrong he's actually he's blue with the pink shell I don't think we can put shells on these guys so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna leave him this color I suppose is there anything else we can add to him we could add some legs but I'd rather him like move around like this for a bit he needs a way to attack though right I think it needs a way to attack oh hang on a second hang on he can bite he can bite with his eyes okay okay we'll leave him like this okay he's perfect away he is let's bring him on the land and get started oh man look at you look at those eyes sticking out of the water hey everybody let's go [ __ ] some [ __ ] up oh god his eyes popped off did you see that his eyes popped off but the good news here guys is that we are epics Oh his eyes popped off again great I wish that wouldn't keep happening look at us look how big we are in comparison to our nest now we have a thousand health this is what you start off with guys a thousand health and then you work your way up from there oh man the eyes keep popping off every time we move the eyes pop off don't you just hate it when that happens happens to me all the time go for a walk eyes popping out of my head so I guess our job now is to kill some things okay which is really easy to do because we got a fastest in health they can go really high - it goes to like it goes to like 10,000 now look at these guys down here look at you Emmy or something I'm gonna eat you buddy I'm gonna eat you you see it's advantageous now guys to kill our neighbors because we can't dance and do all that fancy stuff but we do know that we can't die because we're so freaking big so that's what we're gonna do get into our our evil stance here and fight the crap out of them excuse me while I kill you there ya go well done what the hell was that oh yeah that's right he yells from his eyes so now his eyes are gonna go out weird hey guys wait for me I'm just a big blob I can't get around that well come on don't do this I need your love you guys can run all you want I will eventually kill you okay and eventually guys we are gonna find ourselves an epic okay we're gonna find ourselves an epic and we were going to fight them I'm probably gonna kill him because we're gonna have more help than they have by then what am i doing come on Gary all right here we go come on let's do this we're gonna be friends there ya go I am I am doing this you see it's actually pretty easy when you first start the game okay plus these guys are not gonna these eyes aren't gonna decide that I can't be friends with them look at me I'm freaking huge I must be terrifying to them one more come on I need the DNA so bad I have nothing thank you this is painfully slow holy crap someday someday we will get there okay hey are you the girl of my dreams I'm not making any noise I guess they don't have a noise for the epics programmed in but they sound super awesome when you put legs on them guys okay just just get ready oh my oh my look at that bag look at that bag look at the jiggle look at the jiggle that was the greatest sexual experience I've ever witnessed in my entire life here's where it gets crazy guys okay I don't know what we're doing here okay I don't know what we're doing at all but I'm gonna make something it's not gonna be super you know it's not gonna be super ugly or super nice it's just gonna be a thing now people are recommending that I take my whoa what is that that thing looks freaking weird yeah all right Oh oh my god it has teeth that is scary we could be a big old worm thing could we could we tilt our heads down could we do that I want to do that now I want us to be like it's big old long thing that has like Oh wormy a wormy head but then a really messed-up looking body like that there you go so far so good keep it up keep it up you're the real MVP I'm gonna leave it called Gary as well because Gary is just a great name for an epic creature I swear this is not in any way supposed to look like a penis this time guys it's supposed to be some kind of ridiculous looking but scary creature okay I think I did a decent job at that okay look at that mouth I could I could have put that Mouse on anything okay I could have put that Mouse on a ball and it would still look terrifying so we're good we should probably put eyes on it you want eyes empties that's kind of weird-looking that's for sure what else we got optic orb optic orbs oh that's the stuff right there holy crap okay big ol optic orbs on its face no they just look like sunglasses now mmm make him a bit smaller and then back the way they were there you go okay look at that thing I don't know about you but I would not want a giant version of this coming up and eating my face not that I'd want anything eating my face but a giant version of this especially would be terrifying when it's eating your face look at how big it is we're just standing over there waiting to just kill everything come on grow up now now there you go okay man that thing got so big it's amazing you were expected to stop but it doesn't hello children are you ready to play oh that smile is that supposed to be a smile cuz that that is gross okay now we got legs listen listen to those legs that is wonderful all right who wants a piece of this do you you want a piece of this you yeah you're not gonna be a runaway so fast now [ __ ] come on come on stops walking away from me I will step on you you want to die got it thank you very much anyone else want a piece of this there's one more left where did you go where are ya yeah oh yes and now a bigger brain for us now I learned something cool guys okay I learned something cool about this game and that is that if you get a certain kind of body part you will get upgrades to that body part okay so what I'm gonna do is I am gonna use after I'm done killing these guys cuz they're kind of getting on my nerves I'm gonna use the duck feet and then I'm gonna use those duck feet to upgrade to better duck feet okay because now I got the two pond I just unlocked the three pop that's before you've done all that before okay so we're gonna get duck feet instead I found a how to copy things too guys look at that mmm just copied it too - boom now we got double the feet double the fun I don't know how how these are okay you can charge that's good and you can jump these things can't do nothing but dance I don't wanna dance this isn't freaking Footloose okay this is Spore all right let's kick some more ass look at these legs baby it's beautiful oh we're already migrating to a new nest what the hell guys we just got this one alright it's cool if that's what you want to do I can jump now look at this jump holy crap front flips I can do front flips come on one more front flip come on just for me just for me alright forget it never mind hey guys don't mind me just passing through on my way to my new home I might as well just you know make your species go extinct while I'm at it look at that see this I just got the back scratcher immediately after I put on the duck feet this is perfect you alpha I don't give a [ __ ] why you are I'm gonna eat you what is that thing an alpha croctopus' I want to crack the force this thing is so cool look at it it's taking a dump I want it I want to kill it I want to kill it c'mere croctopus' there ya go okay okay thank you very much Oh another croctopus' there are more croctopus' is trying to kill me i have 1500 health you may want to lay off for a second okay you know don't [ __ ] with this guy okay I am the epoca STUV all the epics okay I got skills for days everyone is so terrified nobody wants to fight me oh no someone else is attacking me I wonder what I'll do perhaps I'll kill it it's a pretty nice looking creature though I must say got lots of eyes and stuff eyes don't help you when you're dead though [ __ ] okay I finally found my new home this is really weird everybody is having a bit of a bit of a shake we're doing our dads it's really creepy especially since we're so damn big what had happened and it's done tada okay so our current situation is kind of cool you know I'm saying three heads now I'm thinking three heads now guys okay I'm gonna make them a bit thicker make them nice and juicy there we go oh yeah look at those big strong necks on those things okay now take some outs we can't actually afford any any more than one right now you're just gonna throw one on here unless these are really cheap yeah they are really cheap okay there you go hmm now we have three heads which is what an epic probably should have as for the feet we now have these elevator claws we can't afford them we have the back scratcher so put the back scratchers on for now until we can afford the aw crap I can only afford two okay go back go back we'll just put the Webb waddles on okay let's go kill some more things get some more money money money money wait a second we don't have any eyes on this thing guys where should the eyes go what if we put eyes like right down here but that looks super weird we could put we could make them like good making cyclopses Cyclops this would be so cool look at that look how happy they are to be cyclopses I know they are I know they're happy to be Cyclops who wouldn't be having to be a cyclops yes okay turn it down and maybe make a little bit bigger sure why not look at that it's beautiful look at me now mama look at me now look at all these heads I got guys oh okay who wants to die next Shh don't don't be alarmed don't be alarmed this happens all the time oh he's running away are you guys gonna do that thing where you run in the water you're gonna get eaten by that big old thingy I wanna get eaten by that big ol thingy I want to see what happens okay because I'm a huge huge monster now it's not I'm gonna be able to fit me in his mouth which is a great reason to try and see what happens here he comes here he comes oh my god he still ate me completely with no problem whatsoever dangerous creatures look in the deep don't stray too far from the shore oh my god guys oh my god there's an epic horndog and he wants my ass but I'm not gonna let him have it actually he's probably gonna kill me because he has a really powerful attack and I don't come on man come on Oh nope no crap oh crap oh crap he's gonna get me he's gonna get me I'm not gonna get away from him horndog Oh hound dog I was gonna say horn dog that's not a very appropriate name for this game and I'm dead Wow maybe we can try again to kill him maybe he won't expect us this time come on hurry hurry you're so slow dammit stop taking your time there ya go okay that's one hit try again hurry up hurry up he's not doing anything two hits come on three hits and one more one more you can do it epic killer kill an epic and creature stage I cheated and took the easy way but it's done look at that we just killed ourselves an epic damn I'm gonna eat him absorb his epicness mmm oh my god it's gonna take forever to get our health back look at that really you only get like up to you per second alright well I'm just gonna go I'm just gonna go back to my place and have six that's usually what makes me feel healthy again alright there you go guys for some reason I forgot that you can just walk back to your back to your house and get all your health back I mean it's not like we're gonna be able to die you know what I'm saying it's not like walking around with 600 health is gonna hurt you unless an epic comes around and then you got some problems but it's cool man it's cool we good look at all these guys over here you guys want to die please so fun away I just want to finish you up man he's extinct a verb can you extinct something can I be a professional animal extincter extincter that sounds like a really weird word but I'll take it I want to be a professional animal extincter right now alright I'm back guys it was a great trip I killed a lot of things and just come back for a rest now okay I might even do a little bit of banging while I'm here it's not really a big deal I love how this epic only has 25 points and this one only has 25 points and I have 2,500 I guess you have a hundred times of whatever the whatever the base is or something along those lines but anyway guys this the the epic mod for spore if you guys want to see me play some more this I'd love to to be honest I'd love to go around and just kill things cuz I'm super Opie and it feels great okay it feels great that I had to worry about things coming over and killing you I just want to save up on my points and make my thing even more scary because I haven't even put on any good feet yet and once I get my good feet on that's when [ __ ] gets real so I'm gonna end this video here guys thank you so much for watching this episode of Spore if you enjoyed it don't forget to leave a like and I will see you next time goodbye [Music] Oh
Channel: MattShea
Views: 2,348,641
Rating: 4.8167939 out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, spore mods, spore epic mod, spore gameplay, spore funny moments, spore creatures mods, spore creature creator mod, spore rogue mod, spore ep 1, spore 2
Id: 1mDx2y8MdEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2015
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