Beating Palworld with the WORST Pal - Finale

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welcome to the finale of the chiap only hard mode power world challenge this is the final episode and our goal is to beat the game by defeating all Alpha pal bosses and the five Syndicate Tower bosses we have five Alpha bosses left and three Tower bosses and still to this very moment I don't know if this challenge is even possible but we're going to try last episode I began to farm low vanders who have a 1% drop at cake which is required for breeding I got my first cake and left you all with a pretty big Cliffhanger on what the first egg hatched into so let's clear that up right now come on come on oh let's go muscle head ferocious I've got to rename him Main Chick it makes it totally makes sense this is so massive you guys have no idea with this new Chickapea we are inching closer and closer to our optimal setup for the Final Bosses the goal now is to continue breeding until we can get one with lucky on it as well as maybe hooligan which also increases attack a secondary goal I have is to get to level 50 to make sure we are maximizing our damage output let's get to work Welcome to Night number seven there is no time to waste if I'm going to make the best chicken in the game you know this is our final low Vander of the night and it is mushrooms we're going to have a lot of mushrooms we have 53 so far today yes I just died on King Paca yes I'm still farming him for experience and yes I died again walking back to King Paca who's asking by the way when I did get back into the the tunnel and get my stuff uh King Paco was dancing I was going to try to fight him again but honestly the fact that he's dancing kind of scared me so I decided to leave she dropped two two bags oh it's strange juice no you know guys it's getting kind of late and I just don't know if I'm going to be able to get this level tonight just kidding o just in time also I didn't realize I had no shields uh that's level 38 and it took any guesses do you guys have any guesses on how long that took it took let me pull it in here 2 hours and 51 minutes to go from level 37 to 38 two bags oh [ __ ] strange juice it gets me every time two bags yes we got a cake I'm so happy dude I don't know why it's so amazing put in this lucky Chickapee with what is going on oh he's huge I forgot he's Pig wait low vanders are are raiding the base dude if they drop cake I'm losing my mind Pals go in together throw him in there let's give him a cake and have at it all right it has been 10 minutes our egg is done come on please please please be good please no no we got ferocious and we got masochist which literally almost cancels out ferocious so these two are a terrible match all right you know last night we got a cake I don't know oh double bag double bag double bag double cake oh let's go a backto back cake night all right it's ready to go come on give us the good chicken how about new what is that has every trait but they're all terrible what uh that is a bad chicken thanks for nothing hello and welcome to the North Pole I decided to take on Frost Stallion and she's not easy but I got her glitched on this rock I know this is lame but a frost stallion gives a lot of experience for killing it it could be something I come back to and farm when I need a little break oh 20,000 experience we will not be coming back to frost stallion but still that means we are down to the final four Alpha Pals it is night number 13 we've gotten some luck lately with the cakes and oh my God to yes yes wait that's like oh we had a night in between but guys we're getting so much cake we get another try at making the most most overpowered chapi let's go all right here we go again I love this part of the game come on oh what is that wait oh workaholic no workaholic is not good oh I got so baited I saw three of the golden traits and to top it all off coward is actually one of the worst traits we can get cuz it just reduces our attack anyways so that could have been the best chicken ever if it was hooligan and ferocious damn it all right let's uh let's keep going then oops I forgot to record it but that is level 39 I didn't time this one but uh yeah it took me like half the day I don't know 3 4 hours something like that it's only going to get worse let's go uh so I've done some research on something that's going to be extremely beneficial for the success of this Challenge and it seems I will need 377 ingots I don't have an exact counter right now I'm at like eight or something in the inventory but I have a few at base we have a lot of ingots to go but all of these ingots are going to pay off in the end I promise I know it might seem kind of crazy to get that many but uh it shouldn't take me too long I don't know maybe like 5 6 hours or so I don't I really have no idea but since I have to wait for night time anyways for the cakes this is what I'm going to be doing but yeah this is uh my route for killing Bushi and if you're someone who is extra observant you would notice that there are two Bushi on my screen yep up there on the mountain top there is one that can spawn up here basically any spawn point can be a Bushi so I just have to kind of reset the Zone every couple of uh minutes and come on back and redo the route on night number 17 things got a little bit crazy these low vanders as I've shown before have not just a cake drop but a couple other items that really don't do anything and uh every time I see a double drop on the ground I get excited except I often will see not the cake and this one had two of those drops in a row and I got both the strange juice and the memory wiping medicine both of those drops could have been cake but you know what the memory wiping medicine is cool because it'll let me reset my stats uh from leveling up so it is something that we're probably going to use in the future yes we are back at the buies with the big hat and there is level 40 that took a couple of days worth of playing I am starting to get a little bit annoyed at how slow uh these levels are it is starting to wear on me a little bit I know I haven't shown a lot of it but I kill a lot of alpha bosses outside of uh what you see on recording I just kind of rotate through them I kill a new pretty much every night because he respawns after I kill those low vanders and it's a long grind it's a it's a very long grind wait what what is going on why is this Chickapee just casually walking over a fire right now oh wait a second do you guys see that its traits are abnormal and distructive okay it is confirmed that the traits in power world do actually uh change the personality of the chicken this dude just tried to turn himself into KFC oh my God another day is coming to a close we have been farming ingots for this entire in-game day we got 23 ingots that's not too bad we've had better but off to the beach to kill some l vanders oh man guys it has been a lot of nights this is night number 26 I haven't really seen anything in uh many nights it's kind of unfortunate oh my God double bag double bag double bag double bag double bag come on oh suspicious juice I've seen so many of the strange juice and suspicious juice and I don't know why these L vanders drop such suspicious juice I don't I even know what that could be but uh we've had a very unlucky streak of nights it has been a lot of in-game time without a cake guys it is time we have a discussion about something I'm level 40 at the moment and the last three levels have taken about 20 hours of in-game time to get if I'm going to beat this challenge I will need to be level 50 I'm pretty bad at the math but some rough calculations show close to 100 hours to grind from level 40 to 50 the amount of time is absurd considering all I would be doing is running around in circles killing Alpha pal bosses so I put up a poll on my YouTube page here and you guys had a vote on if I should increase my experience rate and skip the insane Grind Time I know I said I would never touch the in-game settings again but the grind could be a huge time sync there's really no fun in that for both me and you as the viewer and the vast majority of you agree and think it would be better to skip the massive grind and increase my experience rate now I've thought about it a lot and I think I'm going to accept this on one condition you saw me kill Frost alion like a little [ __ ] so the deal is this I increase my experience rate and get to level 50 but I killed jetrion patus and necromus straight up no glitches no cheesing just me and my chickas those three Alpha pal bosses are the three level 50s that are remaining which means that I have to kill aagon before I do any of the experience changing and aagon is no joke I talked about him a little bit earlier on but for some reason he he's a little bit tougher than a lot of the other Alpha pal bosses so far I don't want to panic too much this is the lowest I've ever gotten him he's so difficult man these abilities that I have to dodge are insane but I think I've got a pretty good Rhythm oh no no no not this one this is the hardest one to dodge I'm out of room come on come on chicken no no oh this guy is so difficult there's literally just no room for error I hate that we're in a cave right now for this all right we'll try again I grabbed my stuff and went in again and got immediately clapped but the next attempt was basically flawless I had full Shields almost the entire time I played incredibly well my chicken was doing tons of damage and we got the kill and almost enough experience to level 41 and with that kill we only have three Alpha Pals remaining and on top of that I have some good news and I have some bad news the good news is the 377 ingots that I needed to collect for a secret goal of mine is actually only 337 the bad news is I don't have the recipe yet for what I want to spend these on and I think it's finally time I tell you guys what the 337 ingots are for it is for a legendary handgun schematic this legendary handgun can be crafted on the weapon workbench and is my best in slot weapon going forward for the rest of the challenge the only problem is that it is dropped from Beacon a level 29 Alpha pal boss on a 3% drop chance I've killed Beacon over 30 times or so so far with no luck but maybe today that will change come on Beacon you know you want to wait that's a lot of bags wait did I get it did I get it oh there it is yes that's the handgun schematic oh there it is I have farmed this stupid boss for way too long oh my God guys this is my official best in slot gun for the challenge going forward I know you guys don't really need proof or anything but I just want to show you how many precious plumes I have this will make yes 78 and he drops like two or three each time all right I think we have all the materials ready there it is a handgun it looks so cool 16,000 workload H that sounds like a lot okay let's let's just see how long this takes oh okay that is not moving at all oh my God I'm going to start a timer um yep you are seeing that correctly an hour and a half it is only halfway done been insane amount of time I've luckily not been physically here pressing the button I I found something I could put on my key to do it for me uh so I have been taking a break I haven't really been at the computer however that is still insane an hour and a half which means we have an hour and a half to go until we get our best gun I will see you in that amount of time oh after 3 hours we got our legendary handgun 625 attack that is why we made this thing so this gun should last potentially all the way through the rest of the challenge but we're officially ready and with three Alpha po bosses remaining it is time to increase our experience rate to 20x so we can get level 50 and this this feels kind of Wrong by the way 308 days I think we're just going to go straight up to to 20 and just kill some sort of alpha boss and get to level 50 it it feels wrong it really does and I I ideally would not want to do this but uh you know I I just it's a waste of time like realistically speaking it is so much time that I would just be going back and forth back and forth everything at this point is figured out we just have to beat the last two bosses and it's over so as wrong as it feels it also feels right there it is level 41 and I'm back at my favorite spot I figure why not just get a few experience in levels off of getting some uh ingots because I'm going to need some more potentially I want to repair my musket before I take on a few bosses 16,000 experience as well that's super nice now I thought it through a little bit and I ideally I want to use the musket for my first attempts and as I get closer to beating each boss I'll switch to the handgun cuz this thing is going to cost a lot of money to use I have to buy handgun ammo which is a lot more than fire arrows and musket shots this handgun is precious to me I want to make I want to use it as little as possible I've decided that it's probably better just to farm Alpha pal bosses and get the experience so the next little bit of time was spent killing Alpha po bosses getting as much experience as possible we're already level 42 and of course Anubis makes us level 43 getting us 448,000 experience which is a big amount three levels in about 30 minutes or so and so the grind to level 50 [Music] begins does that say 1 million experience to [Music] 47 that is a terrible Chickapee you have no idea how happy I am that you guys voted for the experience rate increas that's level 48 we have 1.4 million experience to level 49 and I actually timed this level and it took 31 minutes even with 20x experience rate that's insane we are almost there though just two more levels to go this has been the best zone for me to level up my fire moves are too strong level 49 one more to go and 1.7 million experience how do people do this I can see why people might quit before getting max level if they don't know that you can increase the experience rate that is absurd yes I'm back killing bushies I found out I have another item I need to make with ingots and I figured why not get level 50 in the most obvious place I just thought that was the perfect way to get level 50 I mean without the bushies this challenge would honestly be impossible and I'm not even sure still if it is possible but I know for a fact that if the bushies weren't in the game there would be zero chance chicken only hard mode was possible all right so so I think it is time let's condense and get Main Chick a lot of power we going to put Main Chick in there it is 64 with plenty of chicken to spare there's the max level very good we're going to go straight over here and enhance Main Chick up as much as possible so let's just go we have plenty of uh Souls by the way so we're going to do this on everything and we are maxed out plus 30% all right now we got everything cleaned up we need to give all of these fruits to main chig make sure she has full moves ready and we're looking pretty good we're probably missing a few good moves but overall I think we got what we need now one thing I do want to make sure we take care of is let's go get some gold and this is going to be the biggest sale of the game so far 168k honestly I thought it was going to be more we have some more in our bank at home yeah we're looking at we're looking pretty good 220k is not bad and something we do need to make real quick with the 15 ingots that we were collecting is this cooking pot for those unaware the cooking pot here allows you to make higher tier uh food and the reason I'm making it is because there is some food out there that will increase your stats temporarily one of them being an omelette requiring an egg and a tomato there it is and uh as you can see there's the omelet we're going to have to buy some tomatoes and of course just to tease me here's a cake that I can't ever make if only if only I could just sit here and let the cakes cook and I could get unlimited eggs but I think it's time we go and take on necromus and patus and get that out of the way and that'll help us get some experience on Main Chi as well I think we're strong enough I'll see you guys at patus and the chromis I have made the decision to take on patus and the chromis at the same time I figure this is the ultimate test of my mechanical ability if I can handle beating both of them at the same time I think that means I can handle beating the final boss but let's see if we can do it let's see if we can pull it off he's back on fire good stuff [Music] [Music] I need to run I need to run come on [Music] [Music] [Music] 11 Health there we go we we got we got no chromis we got we got no chromis dead down to one chicken but I think we can do this 524 oh we're on fire it's GG's it's GG's I knew we had one more fire it's over guys we did it we killed patus and the chromis both at the same time I honestly I am I might be one of the best players in power world for the time being I feel on top of the world I think if we can beat jetrion like this we have at least proved that we can beat all Alpha bosses on hard mode with chicken only and we might be the goest ever we might be the goest PO player oh I feel so [Music] good jetrion possibly the most badass pal in the game he's extremely fast has unique abilities and is simply the coolest beating him is going to be extremely difficult one pal mechanic I've struggled the most on is when the pal comes racing towards you and takes off your Shields just from the sheer contact jetrion has this ability from what I can tell there is no counter to this if he does it two times in a row while my Shields are down I die we're going to have to get lucky with RNG and we're going to have to play extremely well if we're going to have any chance of beating jetrion and on top of that he has an ability that shoots out projectiles the only way to avoid all damage from these missiles is to roll out on a perpendicular circle around jetrion not only is this mechanically demanding but there's a lot of terrain that can get in my way too and unfortunately on this first attempt that's exactly how I died oh that's so difficult every death on jetrion is a 20 or so minute setback it's a pretty long walk back to where I died and there's no fast travel Point uh once I get there and I did die on my way back and I died again every time it sent me back another 20 minutes or so but an hour or so later I got to attack jetrion again yeah we have to we have to run more uh at a perfect angle perpendicular all right we're probably dead here yeah honestly not much you can do I have to play it 100% perfect this is so difficult this is uh if nothing has prepared me for the final uh Tower bosses this will this will be the final test to even prove that we deserve to be at the uh Tower boss decided to wait till night time to get back safely to my items cuz they're literally in the middle of a uh where he is I don't think jetrion will wake up even if I'm very close to him by the way I didn't record it but I ended up using one of those memory wiping medicines and put a ton of points in my health and stamina I don't know if it's going to make a difference or not but I figured I would try and that's an easy Dodge as well I'm going to have to get better at the timing of what's going on this one I just have to dodge absolutely perfectly and I was able to do it there oh we actually dodged one there I don't know what it was about this fight but I felt strangely calm I guess I was in the zone without knowing it but every mechanic was in slow motion and I was playing extremely well knowing that I had both the fire and the poison crossbow I knew it was not going to take too long to take him down at least everything was going smoothly until it wasn't chicken please come out we couldn't Dodge we couldn't Dodge come on something 47 damage I have 67 health I have 67 health I can't take another ounce of damage we are so close 300 come on he's on fire he's on fire moments to go we did it we did it oh my God all Alpha pal bosses are complete it is possible to kill every Alpha boss on chicken only oh I have chills right now I have chills right now from the relief of being done with the alpha Pals if nothing else we can say that we defeated every Alpha pal boss on hard mode with chicken only the only thing holding us back from beating this challenge once in for all is potentially the damage output it is the last mystery that we have to solve are we able to beat every Syndicate boss within 10 minutes with some of the worst Pals in the game near the final moments of the fight when I got hit by jetrion and taken down to 67 health I didn't realize at the time but putting points into health is the only reason I was able to get jetrion down this challenge continues to push things to the Limit and I can't wait to see how far we can push it on the final three Syndicate Tower bosses I no longer need that much stamina to get across the world and I certainly do not need a ton of weight so let's let's get some health first cuz we're going to need to be able to take a few hits we'll stay at 2K the big thing I want to max out is my attack butar at 175 and that also gets increased by uh Pals in your inventory so I have Vanguard which increases my player attack by 10% and I happen to have two of them and I have one stronghold strategist cuz I don't have a third one yet I want to go in with a musket on the third Tower boss cuz there's a chance that we don't need to use our handgun yet and ideally we keep this at full durability and we don't spend money on the ammo I think we just go ahead and take on the third boss now I don't really feel like there's another reason to wait the first Tower boss is an electrical type so so we need to make sure that our Pals have some ground typing of course and we're just going to go in and test the waters I don't have the handgun on me because I don't want to waste any ammo and because Axel and ozerk are Level 35 I believe uh it's going to be fairly easy for me to beat them uh but unfortunately on my first attempt the purple projectile bomb things were a little bit too quick for me to handle and I I got clapped all right I got clapped on the third Tower boss but it looks like we were on Pace for the damage so I'm not worried about that at all oh oh I forgot he has this MO move I didn't see that last time I totally forgot all right we are 4 minutes or so in and we're easily on Pace for the damage it looks like Axel and orer are not going to be too difficult to beat luckily uh I'm not going to bore you guys too much because up until this point I haven't been hit by even one mechanic until I tried to save my chicken uh and the lightning beam hit me in the toes and I I lost my Shields and immediately after that I had to dodge one of those really difficult to Dodge purple balls and after that we kind of coasted through with 2 and 1/2 minutes left and axel orer was basically dead wasn't worried about this boss at all but we have killed three out of the five bosses now I do not expect the next two syic Tower bosses to be as easy however it is only 10 minutes each which means we could potentially be done with this challenge in as little as like 30 minutes it's just insane to think about what we know about Marcus and feris the boss within is that it's a fire type he's also level 45 which means my damage is automatically going to be less than it was in Tower number three I've got to get through 100 146,000 of Health in 10 minutes this is truly the first test of our damage potential and I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared there is a chance that the challenge could end right here because I don't have a good enough weapon to handle the damage requirement still this first attempt is all about learning the mechanics of the fight and getting comfortable with it before I whip out the legendary Glock nothing too scary yet our damage output is looking very bad though we've done 8K damage in 1 minute that is not looking good we've dodged this type of move 100 times in our life so we're good there let's take the L and we'll come back I I think I think I'm actually already ready I I can't be too afraid to use the handgun you know I got to I got to be using it and I I made it for a reason I spent 24 hours or so making it for a reason all right we are strapped with the handgun now it feels good to have a legendary weapon this thing could be insane I do need to get some ammo though this is expensive this is very expensive okay let's just buy a couple hundred for now oh man if I if I'm not confident I should not using this attackman is out here's the poison arrow we immediately got the poison very good all right let's try this handgun oh that's a ton of damage The Benchmark number we're looking for is about 70k at the 5-minute Mark we were not very close to that so I decided to let myself die and come back in and try again I didn't use that many handgun bullets so I'm feeling pretty good about that attempt even though we uh we lost this is going to be the first real attempt I am going to be using this handgun as as much as I possibly can if I can get head shot and keep my damage output High I think we can get this fourth Tower boss down up until this moment I have let my chicken be do most of the dirty work but now it's time that I participate and as empowering as it feels to have a gun that actually does damage it also adds a lot of pressure and I began feeling a lot more nervous there are a lot more things to pay attention to at this point but I was up for the challenge the 5minute Mark was looking good 70,000 Health remaining we are on Pace to kill the boss however as time went on I was met with a problem we're down to 46 bullets it's not good there's a chance we fail this challenge just because we didn't buy enough okay I need to pull the musket out I have minute 44 left come on 20K damage come on I just got to keep my Main Chick out dealing damage reload come on 13k this is going to be so close we have 40 seconds I did not see that I did not see that 305 come on 30 seconds for 7K [Music] it's so close there's no way 800 damage remaining oh it's my mistake oh I should not I should have bought more handgun ammo I will never make that mistake again that was 2,000 gold down the drain I had it if I just had the ammo oh no oh that's so depressing I can't believe it was it came down to that I knew it was going to be close but that's thought we had it I have certainly had a few setbacks on this challenge but uh this one stung it just feels so dumb to make a mistake like that I could have easily just bought more bullets and been fine luckily I do have extra gold so step one is to replenish my ammo and step two is to actually go and get one more Vanguard chapi although we had enough damage to kill Marcus and feris it's clear that the final boss is going to be very very difficult so heading out and catching one more Vanguard chapi will increase my attack by 10% more I figured while I was feeling a little bit down from that attempt I would do this and break up the time it ended up only taking about 20 minutes to find a chapi with Vanguard and now with two Chiapas based on attack and three with Vanguard I think it's time we head back in there and give it another go just keep the damage output going as much as we can we're rting 200 now so that last Vanguard made a huge difference good head shots okay we're at 100K I think we're on pretty good Pace at the moment feel like we're making like record time right now come on Shields are back Shields are back that's important 39K I think we're on good Pace we're on really good pace and yes is this as fast as the gun shoots I'm shooting it as fast as possible I think we're in really good spot as long as we don't die we definitely got the DPS come on please get out we got our Shields back we did it we did it we did it we did it I wasn't even sure what health it was at I just focusing on dodging mechanics let's go oh we plenty of time I I have no idea what the time even was oh that was so nerve-wracking we have one objective left guys one left as much as I want to celebrate right now I I'm not even sure yet if this is a a doable challenge still at this point it might be too much damage to get out before 10 minutes everything we have worked for so far comes down to this we spent close to 24 hours in total Gathering ingots for this legendary handgun we killed Alpha bosses constantly so that we could afford ammo we caught over 500 chick bees to condense and power up our strongest ones we farmed cake on a 1% chance to have a shot at getting a stronger chapi so many small steps all leading to this moment the only thing I know about this final fight is that another YouTuber out there attempted to beat power world on hard mode with chapi only and he couldn't even with an assault rifle and better armor his damage output was nowhere near enough but here we stand at the final Tower ready to put it all on the line here's what we know about Tower number five this Tower hosts Victor and Shadow beak they are a dark type which means I will need Dragon moves to deal increased damage but the biggest hurdle to overcome is its staggering 200,000 Health about 60,000 more than Marcus and feris additionally Victor and Shadow beak are Level 50 meaning I will be doing even more reduced damage Dage from my guns in Chiapas many obstacles are stacked against us but before we can even begin worrying about the damage I have to learn the mechanics so I can live the entire 10 minutes we do 220 damage what oh whoa whoa whoa whoa wao those are random holy my chicken's like dead Okay this this move we dodged 100 times before we know what to do there so far I'm not too intimidated this is the crazy move so we need to like somehow hide okay so we use to pillars all right so let's see if we can pull our chicken back and just dodge okay dodging is tough cuz you have to dodge at different angles all right attempt number one I think I understand what's going on here I want to do one more attempt at least just to figure out uh a better a better idea on this charge move cuz that's the one thing I'm concerned about the next attempt was not good I got hit by some random spikes and uh it's feeling like it's going to be a lot more difficult mechanically than I initially thought but but honestly I'm feeling kind of crazy I want to get this challenge done and so the real attempts are coming up next okay I think I'm ready for the First full attempt I have some omelets I'm about to eat one and then put them in my food slot so I don't have to worry about eating them during the fight ah it's going to be a costly attempt but we've got to try there is a chance that we are done with this challenge in 10 minutes or less come on guys let's see what we can do oh the damage output is so good oh we got an instant freeze too look at the damage oh this is so oh nice okay here is the first yellow ball thing come on just get around the pillar get the chicken back there we go oh well done there well done that's not good that's not good why'd we get stuck we're 50k down we're kind of on Pace right now give or take backwards okay we got our chicken back we're doing okay that was pretty ideal placement on there I did not see that coming all right let me get some more fire damage going I think Fire's up next he's a we're a little bit behind Pace we did really well there 100K damage we're way under Pace we're way under why am I going this way I don't know if we should if I should stop and mitigate my damage yeah I was I was thinking to myself I I don't have enough damage at this second this is tough this is really really really tough that was a lot of money to spend it sucks to say but I really need to almost put in more uh like I don't think health is really important to me at all I just have to play perfect I think that's the move reroll everything into uh pretty much attack and just dodge everything so let's do Health First stamina and just go straight attack like get it's a 213 attack that's a big upgrade actually by the way this handgun already requires 57 ingots to repair even with the changes to our attack those who can do math will notice that I am a little bit behind Pace here and I can't stress enough how detrimental every attempt is that I fail and unfortunately attempt number two was another one of those failures it's not looking good right now I it doesn't seem like we have enough damage I I don't know how to increase damage much more than what I already have for attempt number three I got a little bit crazy and I made an incendiary grenade hoping that it would guarantee get the boss on fire uh but it you know it did not do that it was something that I thought about a long time ago and wanted to try out and it doesn't even do that much damage so we're going to scrap the incendiary grenade from here and since it just wasn't a strong start I decided to uh let myself die so we get to attempt number four you could tell attempt number four was going to be bad from the start cuz I whipped out this calculator trying to figure out how much damage per second I could do and all that mental energy was definitely wasted cuz I got clapped within 1 minute of attempt number four and sadly my worst fear was becoming true attempt after attempt went by with tons of handgun ammo being wasted on top of that I was also losing durability on my legendary handgun cuz every shot takes away one of the 20 400 durability it has if I kept this up I was going to run out of gold and I was going to run out of durability I'm dead I I don't know how you're supposed to dodge that that's it guys I got to I got to go make some money now I'm so happy that Google exists man I just looked up a good gold farming technique and Power world and uh this is where we're going to get it from this black marketeer here drops a couple thousand gold every death and apparently if you log out and log back in every time you kill him he'll respawn in the same exact spot let's test and see if that's the case all right he is dead there's the bag of money 5900 gold okay not bad at all let's log out and then log back in and see what happens oh he is respawned okay all right I was dreading the gold Farm but this might be uh okay I'm not too worried about that anymore we do have to still repair our handgun so we're going to need to do the Ingot Farm uh regardless but uh this is good this this makes a huge difference it feels like a little bit of a glitch but honestly at this point I don't care I'm going to abuse this as long as I can it's not like I'm doing anything crazy either I'm just logging in and out all right I'll see you guys in like 20 minutes I have farmed just enough gold to do one last attempt if you can notice my handgun is pretty low and durability it sucks but this is the last attempt before we are forced to go back to Bushi and Farm 100 plus ingots to repair the handgun and we started out with terrible RNG with Shadow beak doing this special move right out of the gate and forcing me to hide the bad luck continued and our damage was looking Bleak halfway through and then we died to the yellow balls we're out of gold again we're out of durability and we have yet to get one attempt that looks promising the challenge is looking impossible not all hope is lost as there is a very important item that I have been overlooking uh I didn't really think it was going to be possible for me to get however there are dungeons in this game it's a part of the game I have not done yet I've yet to go into one dungeon they're located all over the map there is one item we need that could possibly help us push to threshold of the damage and it is the attack pendant plus two and it will increase my attack just a little bit more and I have just died as I fall off the mountain talking about the attack pendant oh no it's fine it's fine it's fine we can get back there hopefully if I can Farm These dungeons there is a chance that we can get 30% more attack here we go our first dungeon I've yet to do even one in this entire play through I did a little bit of research I wanted to make sure I'm not wasting too much time I do know that most of them are kind of randomized uh but hopefully I can figure out a way to get through them quickly but I'll see you guys at the very end all right we made it looks like we have a memest here at the very end uh all we have to do is kill this Alpha pal and that door behind him will open up and we're going to see two chests there we go let's do this one first life pendant there we go we got plus two and we got a future technical manual and some gold okay I guess we should go to the next dungeon I think there's one up here possibly and uh we'll just rinse and repeat until we get an attack pennant here we [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no it's our second life pendant yeah we did not get anything good oh I didn't realize we could get two purple chests okay well we keep learning new things about this game that we didn't know before if anyone ever had the question yes you can get two purple chests and will not get a rarer item on to the next [Music] one [Music] defense yes that's there we go our first one attack pennant plus two yes man it took so long oh there we go already 237 attack that's crazy all right 16 dungeons but we got our first attack pendant oh it feels good all right we just need one more now it's already been about three or 4 hours I don't know I haven't really kept count it's been most of the day but that is awesome oh let's go dude we are one step closer I feel so dumb but I missed the recording guys I have my second attack pendant we are officially at our best in slot gear going into this final challenge we're at 281 attack that's like 80 more than the last time we tried unfortunately as much as I would love to try again on the fifth Tower boss we do not have enough durability on our handgun so it is now time for another grind we have to go get some ingots from bushies but that's the first thing we must do before we're making any more progress this place will never get old there are so many ingots we need for this challenge so much more than I thought if Bushi did not spawn out here there would be a 0% chance that this challenge would be possible so shout out to the bushies let's put the first stack of ingots away 22 of them I will see you guys when I get to 115 or whatever the number was okay we have gotten all of our ingots it took a while but I think this is going to be a repair there it is we have 2400 shots now let's make sure we have everything that we need we have our coal resistance gear we have our musket just in case we have plenty of arrows we need to grab our omelets we've got our grappling gun in the right position the food's there let's do it let's just do it let's just see what happens let's go while we got free Dam oh yeah we take this oh we take this we're on great Pace let's get some poison damage going we got to dodge quick on this one nicely done we got our Shields back we're on great Pace right now let's get free damage in running into the wall I'm running into the wall I ran into the wall and I could not get out of the wall what was that but even with all of the increased damage from the attack pendants and even with a fresh mindset going into these kills the attempts were just so difficult any mistake and I was dead if I slowed down on how fast I was attacking with the handgun I would not be on Pace to kill the bosses six attempts went by with no progress at all but then attempt number 16 happened keep him on the wall and Seed mine has to do work it literally just has to be seed mine first time lasting 10 minutes but we 100% failed I it was bad RNG so many things went wrong there every single blizzard was missed yeah just end [Music] it all right reg grind we need a little gold we need the ingots we have a 2 and 1 half hour three hour [Music] setback for the third time we are back at Bushi farming for this handgun I'd be lying if I said that this wasn't getting a little nerve-wracking at this point these attempts are costly and if I don't play well we will have to be reset every couple of attempts but a few hours later we had enough to repair the handgun and just enough willpower to continue the challenge and after a few attempts of Dr rusting it was now attempt number 20 we are getting bombarded with moves to start out holy our damage output is so low right now okay we dodged perfectly let's reload while we got some time he's going to be near the wall which is what we look looking for we're just a little bit behind Pace actually at that minute Mark here all right let's keep our damage output like high and we should be fine we need 15 more K damage in the next 45 seconds or [Music] so we can dodge this perfect well played well played all right we are just a a little bit behind pace and that is bad [Music] news yeah we did it we did it we did it I'm shaking guys I can't feel my hands I had a terrible terrible amount of nervousness but we did it when po world was released on January 19th of 2024 this year I did not expect that I'd be sitting here nearly 2 months later completing the game for some reason the thought of hopping into a new game and immediately throwing myself at a challenge seemed fun I did not expect to spend the next 220 plus hours and 365 in-game days working on this but it has been an absolute blast and the amount of patience and dedication shown was something I didn't even know I was personally able to do from humble beginnings of learning that I couldn't make ingots on my own to finishing on top of the final Syndicate Tower having slayed all 43 Alpha bosses is surreal I want to thank you all for watching and I do have one tiny confession before we wrap things up I have three registered Pals in my pal deck all right don't yell at me fuddler and Toko Toco show up as caught but it's not my fault very early on I went to the cages where pals are sometimes trapped and I freed them not knowing that it automatically catches them fuddler and toot too are useless for this challenge anyways but I felt I had to get that off my chest but everyone thanks again for watching and here's to our next challenge whatever that may be
Channel: Bind
Views: 67,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld Bases, Palworld WORST pal, palworld BEST pal, Palworld gameplay, palworld base design, palworld alpha bosses, palworld syndicate tower boss, palworld video, palworld bind, bind, palworld work pal, palworld guns, palworld stamina, palworld adventure, palworld fastest, palworld slowest, palworld challenge, palworld challenge run, palworld vs, palworld chikipi only, palworld chikipi, palworld chikipi evolution, palworld
Id: ZgpCevV_Wlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 2sec (2822 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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