Palworld With Only Humans - A Truly Impossible Challenge?

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ever since the game power world released on both Xbox game pass and steam the internet has been fascinated with the fact that you can both capture and tame humans ignoring the fact that people are way too hyped over slavery being a gameplay mechanic this raised a question in my mind are humans actually good aside from a few Niche cases not really sure you can capture a merchant and have your own personal 7-Eleven at your base but when it comes to combat they mostly just just suck human stats are significantly worse than practically every pal attack defense HP everything they also don't get any unique attack skills they just simply attack with whatever weapon they're caught with even if they have a gun they won't even shoot it they just do this leaping Hammer fist so this raised another question is it possible to beat power world using only humans is this truly an impossible challenge that's find out now me being hip with the kids I decided to go with the timely Game of Thrones reference calling the world slavers Bay and I'll be playing on the default normal difficulty settings since kisi Mother of Dragons Breaker of Chains has decreed that slavery is evil my created character is going to be Satan Lord of all evil hi Satan after Satan wakes up from his long Slumber he's on the prow for some souls to corrupt and my God does he look good doing it luckily there's a juicy Adventure right outside the first door just rip for the taking I quickly make a workbench and start making a weap uh um sir can you like back up now that Manny the mammoth is gone I craft me up some good oldfashioned po spheres and go for my first catch unfortunately humans have an insanely low capture rate so this is going to take a few attempts after attacking and catching the adventurer this GTA wanted level appears and guards pop out of nowhere trying to send Satan back to hell where he belongs these guards are kind of stupid so I simply just run around for a little while until the Wanted Level goes away now that the 5 O are off my buns I can build the PO box and take a look at my new slave I mean friend right off the bat there are two main things that are going to make this challenge incredibly difficult humans have no work suitability other than handiwork since I'm not allowed to catch any Pals I have no way of automating pretty much anything I have to do all the logging all the mining all the cooking everything all by my myself forever and always the second thing and this is a big one since capturing fire Pals is a big no no I will never have a way to make ingots so much of this game's crafting is locked behind ingots meaning I'm going to be extremely Limited in the weapons I can make and the base items I can build I'll never even be able to craft a pal spere better than the original one but regardless let's not get too far ahead of ourselves I've got myself a wooden club and a slave what more could say an ask for normally the best way to level up is to get the First Time Capture and repeat capture bonuses for Pals but since that's not allowed I'll just beat up on some of these hair chickens in shape luckily Pals can still give up their delicious delicious Meats since YouTube doesn't seem to like gratuitous nudity I make Satan some clothes and I spot my next victim capturing my second human has got the fuzz all over me again I try to lure them into the nearby Syndicate Camp hoping that they would fight each other but it didn't really work I did manage to snag a Syndicate member during the crossfire though I don't know why these guards were so much more persistent than the last ones I tried running away for over 10 minutes and they just wouldn't leave me alone eventually I just let them kill me to reset my wanted level to prevent this going forward I'm just going to focus on capturing Syndicate members as often as I can because it doesn't trigger guards apparently human slavery is okay as long as you only do it to criminals I wasn't sure if it would actually work but I turned in some of the Effigies at the desolate Church to increase my capture rate I tested it out and it doesn't seem to have any effect on humans which sucks cuz I'm going to be stuck using regular pal spere for quite a while even though I'm still a pretty low level I decide to see how my team will Faire against chillet and I quickly get decimated after I respawn an aptly named wandering Merchant wanders into the base and offers himself up to me like a prize turkey what I thought would be an easy capture go south when he suddenly pulls out a gat but at the end of the day he still ends up in the ball like all the rest I craft myself a bow and head off for a rematch with chillet and it couldn't have possibly gone better well except my armor breaks because I forgot to repair it and then I'm hungry because I forgot to eat food and then I'm on fire and I'm dead now this is the highle gameplay you all came here for before I try again I decide to hit level seven and unlock the baseball bat I also put a stat Point into attack to see if I can squeak out some more damage during round number three I strategically use the environment to my advantage hiding behind a rock while shooting arrows and I'm dead it only took three deaths for me to realize that chill is ice type and I have access to the fire bow so yeah yeah I should probably use that who could have guessed that the key to victory was just set the bastard on fire chill it gave some good experience but now I have to wait out his respawn timer at this point I'm looking for any way to level up that doesn't involve bashing chickens harder than you should bash that like button I randomly come across a dungeon so I head inside and I'm dead after all of these deaths my stock of arrows is getting a little low So Pro tip if you add a captured Merchant to your base you gain access to all of his wears and he's dead I guess I'll use the new found free time and unlock some more fast travel points I stumble into the small settlement and I probably shouldn't be flaunting my slaves in front of the police I still need experience so I reluctantly go back to killing Pals while simultaneously using my human as a meat Shield when I accidentally aggro Manny the mammoth hitting level 9 unlocks the tundra armor which will help make my repeat chillet fights a little bit more consistent I also come to my senses and put my stat Point into Health instead of wasting it on attack again I keep grinding away until I hit Level 10 which gives gives me access to the feathered hair band and the three shot bow which is going to be the best weapon I can make for a while I also take some of the small souls to the Statue and power up some of my better party members each chillet kill is only giving about a third of a level feeling a little impatient I decide to give The Syndicate Tower a shot but first I'm going to need a lot of arrows as I sit here and mindlessly hold the craft button for three straight minutes I take solace in the fact that at least I'm earning experience while doing it h Silver Linings attempt number one goes about as well as you'd expect the combination of the fire bow and the three shot bow just isn't doing enough damage I level up to 11 and try again instead going with the baseball bat this time it's at this moment that I noticed something weird my humans aren't doing any damage they're attacking but nothing is happening are they missing is gris Bolt's model too big for their attacks to register or something regardless this is not good even though they have crappy stats I at least thought that they were contributing something something now I have to kill this boss and maybe all future bosses entirely on my own this is probably a good time to mention that I did find a random skill fruit at some point while exploring before anyone asks yes you can teach humans new skills but it doesn't really work it actually seems to break their Ai and stops them from attacking entirely luckily this doesn't just turn them into a hungry brick though because as long as you unequip the skill they'll start attacking again I try the tower once again this time rocking a spear hoping the faster attacks will somehow make the difference and it's not even close let's do some math even with my strongest weapon the three shot bow I'm dealing somewhere between 120 and 150 damage a shot GIS bolt has 30550 HP assuming I didn't miss a single shot I would need at least 255 arrows to bring him down now this is certainly doable with a bit of grinding but there's another issue the timer I only have 10 minutes to complete this fight 10 minutes divided by 200 255 arrows leaves me roughly 2.35 seconds for each shot I don't think this is possible I actually went and counted the frames and while technically you can fully charge and shoot an arrow in less than 2 seconds that leaves practically no margin for error I literally wouldn't have time to dodge and some of his attacks can paralyze you for a few seconds this clearly isn't going to work if you're wondering if the challenge stops here not quite yet I definitely still have some options available to me my first idea was to C catch an alpha Crusher hoping he would be able to damage GIS bolt but after seeing that he was 10 levels above me I decided I was not going to choose death this day instead I happened to cross another nearby camp with some more reasonably level grenadiers I decided to capture one just for the sake of filling out my imaginary human Pokedex got to catch them all am I right I take my new Grenadier for a test drive and um excuse me did you just do almost 2500 damage was that a bug I try again just to be sure and Yep this Grenadier is doing just disgusting amounts of damage where have you been all my life not to look a gift horse in the mouth but I had to ask the question why is this happening the only thing I can figure is that I incorrectly assume the attack stat was the only thing that determined damage however it appears as if human damage is augmented by whatever weapon they're holding since frag grenades have a base attack of 750 this is being tacked on to their damage calculation somehow this is gamechanging this challenge went from probably imp possible to maybe possible obviously I capture four more grenadiers so I can have a full team but now I'm curious I try the tower again with my new party of nukes and sure enough they're doing some spicy damage I guess it wasn't that my earlier team was incapable of doing damage it was just that the damage they were doing was so low it wasn't even registering either way victory dance at this point my main goal is to unlock and beat the other Towers even with this team it's not going to be easy chill it isn't super efficient for experience anymore so I work on unlocking and fighting some of the higher level Alphas starting with pink King I then make the long and treacherous Journey over to ice wind Island since my next Target is the mud I'm probably not going to redo this fight though cuz it is a long hike from the closest fast travel point I make sure to slaughter some Pals along the way and rushb you okay you all right I also get stuck in a wall fighting dinum so that happened I come across a Syndicate Hunter who's rocking a shock gun so I make sure to capture him sadly his damage has chump changed compared to the grenadiers my next Target is sweepa Majesty of fuzz a title I've also been known to go by also just to brag a little bit I managed to snag a Syndicate cleaner with a 2% chance on my first ball an achievement that was ultimately unnecessary since his attack isn't that great either next on The Chopping Block is grin tail you know what I've been working hard and I need a me day so I decided to just Frolic in the fields and collect berries while my grenadiers do all the work I also tried to kill this Alpha Nightwing but my grenadiers were having trouble hitting a flyer so I couldn't do much damage after he breaks my spine in half it takes forever to get back and collect my items so I think I'm just going to take the L and let this one live after all of these fights I've hit level 16 and unlocked the mega Shield even though I have the materials to make it it can only be crafted on a highquality workbench which brings me to this guy bushy bushie busy busy is going to be extremely important why you may ask let's not ruin the surprise just yet I try to take him down but he's seven levels above me and even the grenadiers are barely doing any damage time to level up by doing the alpha circuit a few more times since it's pretty easy to get to I've added azobe into the kill rotation I was tempted to invoke the shiny claws when I found this lucky tany but the experience I would get from the capture bonus is technically cheating plus this number up here on the top right being zero is proof that I truly used no Pals in this run though it breaks my heart I have to put them down I come across a pack of wild pea members some of them have crossbows and others have a big stick I capture a couple of each just in case I keep hoping I'm somehow going to find something that surpasses even the Grenadier damage but it is not this day so into the box they go after hitting level 19 it's time to smash that busy harder then you can smash that subscribe button his attacks are still pretty scary so I lame it out and hide behind a pillar to avoid them it takes a while but the grenadiers finally manage to bring him down and what's this ingots but I thought you said ingots were impossible to yet to be fair Satan is a liar and you should trust nothing that he says technically speaking though what I said earlier is still true I will never be able to craft ingots but I can still get them via drops this will give me access to a bunch of new options however just to make the highquality workbench requires 20 ingots and I only got three having to wait an hour in between fights is not an efficient means of collecting them luckily there are wild busies out roaming the Wilds primarily in the volcanic Beach Beach areas I'm definitely not ready to take on a level 37 though I think instead I'll just climb the mountain and unlock the tower while I'm here the nice thing about exploring this area is I can sometimes find hypers spheres inside treasure chests so bonus I make sure to take a moment and pay my respects to the taint of Anubis before I move on another challenging aspect of this run is that I'll never have access to Flying so I have to climb this volcano using nothing but my sheer determination thankfully I had a bit of foresight and I've been dumping almost all my skill points into stamina which was desperately needed once I reach the top I take a moment to appreciate the seam of Creation in all its Majesty I unlock the tower fast travel and I head back down to Fisherman's point this green Merchant is extremely special so I make sure to catch him I also come across an alpha Merchant that symbol is just too tempting to turn down so I catch him too upon trying out the new Alpha I discovered that the merchant is just broken and can't damage anything so this finally explains what was happening with grisol earlier the reason that this screen Merchant is so important is because he sells weapons that I can't craft yet so I buy myself a makeshift handgun and a fire crossbow in between killing bosses I try and capture some of the new human variations finally snagging the long sought after Crusher I was so disappointed when I saw his damage though like how is smacking someone with a giant minigun so weak even with the handgun killing these bosses is taking longer than I'd like it's a risk but I think it's time to take a swim over to the desert this pilgrimage across the sand takes a long time clearly it was not me to be done on foot just before I find Salvation in the form of a fast travel point an exploding Toko Toco almost kills me the fear of having to do this slog again had me clenching so hard I could have made diamonds you're probably wondering why I came out to the desert so early my main objective was to capture this red and green Merchant over in Dune shelter the red Merchant sells ice organs which will be nice to have later but the real prize is this green Merchant who sells a musket sadly I blew all my money on the handgun and crossbow but at least leveling up and earning money go hand in hand I collect and sell some Alpha body parts until I can afford the musket with my new boom stick in hand I start tackling some of the higher level fights I get my first kill on Fang lop and find a defense pendant in the chest behind him I'm able to barter fop's fur to buy a heat Pelt armor and a thermal undershirt I also managed to get a legendary hairband recipe which has a chance of dropping from pen King I decide to use the excessive amount of resources required to craft it so I can boost my health and defense as much as possible leveling up at this point is really starting to slow down killing Alphas that are equivalent to my level is giving less than an eighth of the experience I need and the hourlong cooldown timers are killing me lower level Alphas like pen King aren't even worth the time it takes to kill them anymore so I start looking for alternative leveling options I try a dungeon and it's the same issue the experience I get just isn't worth the time I spend completing it I honestly think it's more time efficient to just kill normal Pals as fast as possible I head over to Goin grot since the pals here are close to my level and are practically everywhere it's using up a lot of my bullets but at least it's a quick way to earn some experience while waiting out the respawn timers to break the tdum of leveling up I decide to go and unlock the first snow Tower unlike the volcano this mountain has a nice little Pathway to follow up to the top I find a fast travel point and this just makes me glad that the bees are dying off I make it to the top unlock the tower and we all know what that means back to leveling Fang Lop is definitely the best option for experience at this point but getting back after the fight is not the easiest to do even though it's going to require every Ingot I have I think it's worth making a grapple gun if only for the sake of my own sanity I'll be a lot happier never having to free climb this stupid waterfall again after hitting level 26 I think it's time to give Lily and Len a try it actually goes better than I expected I almost kill her on my first attempt but I'm just shy on damage before the timer hits zero I think I can do this as long as I optimize my gameplay a little bit I get close to killing her again but I choke at the last minute and she gets to kill on me and instead I want to try again but I'm wasting a lot of resources on these attempts not only did I use a lot of arrows and bullets but on top of that both my fire crossbow and my musket are almost broken both of them need ingots to repair and I still don't have easy access to them the only thing I can do is buy a replacement and that is not cheap I need to be a little bit more conservative so I wait until I'm level 27 before trying again the extra level is just what the doctor ordered I take Len down with less than 30 seconds to spare Lily is understandably upset about it two towers down three to go ever since I discovered grenadiers being the VIPs of this challenge I have been dying to capture one of these Syndicate Elites they're equipped with a rocket launcher and if the same rules apply to Rockets as frag grenades let's just say that I'm excited I pucker tight as I do a damage test and okay not quite the crazy Bonkers 10,000 damage I was hoping for but it's doing about twice as much as a Grenadier I'll definitely take the upgrade using a hypers sphere only gave me an 8% capture chance though and those things are few and far between I'll have to settle with just one Elite for now with a few more levels I'm able to start farming ingots consistently I make a highquality workbench which finally unlocks the mega Shield the mega glider and the cold resistant Pelt armor I also make a metal Helm and a heat resistant metal armor but since farming ingots can still be timec consuming I'm going to save that gear for Tower fight so I don't have to repair them too often at level 34 I take a crack at the py tower I'm able to survive well enough but after hitting the 5minute Mark I'm nowhere near the damage I need to win I opt to spawn on purpose just so I don't waste any more resources or equipment durability I try again at level 35 and this time I'm coming equipped with a full team of Elites at the halfway mark I'm still over 20,000 damage short of what I need to win so I bow out gracefully now there's nothing that says you have to complete these towers in a specific order so if you're thinking that I should try the desert Tower instead there's a problem feris is the thing that could make this challenge actually impossible you can probably guess why but let me show you being a flyer my Elites are pretty much incapable of hitting him without their damage I have no chance of winning at least not yet my best option right now is to level up and I can't even begin to express how incredibly tedious this process has become killing level 38 Alphas are barely giving 5% of the experience I need to go from Level 35 to Level 36 I need to kill 20 alphas and that number is only going to go up with every level it's going to take hours upon hours to get where I need to be but I'm determined to see it through I had originally planned for this to be one big video however considering how much time I need to invest into leveling up I decided to split it into two parts I'll return after Satan is done cooking these berries so what do you all think will I be able to brute force my way past valeris or is this challenge truly impossible throw your predictions down in the comments also if you made it this far consider hitting that like And subscribe button you don't want to miss part two until next time thanks for watching
Channel: GammaTheBear
Views: 2,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Humans, Challenge, Palworldchallenge, Only, Capture, Breed
Id: hhFqao8b-Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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