Basket Case Big Block Wagon DRIVES! First Time in 20 Years!

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welcome back to pole bar garage where today we are back on the 1960 Ford Country sedan station wagon with the big old 460 in it we put in last video check that out if you haven't seen it right now we're jumping right in on the interior actually that's Jess's Pet Project she's in here you can barely see her through this windshield I have a glass guy coming tomorrow to swap the windshield from the parts car we picked up last episode into this one and with that being the case what better time to go ahead and paint the dash now the parts car has an aqua interior so we're going to paint the dash Aqua that way we don't get overspray all over our new glass we also have carpet headliner material door panels and all kinds of good stuff for it I just kind of forgot that he's coming tomorrow actually and we should probably paint that before he shows up so yeah it's not quite midnight yet no let's talk that out just going to give it a quick scratch with a red Scotch Sprite mask everything off squirt it with some spray paint there she goes oh e the bug ah yeah no need to worry about overspray goes right in the lungs this thing's going to be so bright in here that is the start of a very long process we're going to paint the tops of the doors paint all the trim in the back recover the headliner uh do it all on a very tight budget look at that window it's so clean that it's almost not even there also it's not even there we weren't able to save the seal for this so I had to buy a new seal we have the window right down there but it's going to have to wait until I get new rubber for it then we can install what do we do in the meantime well let's work on getting this thing running let's start with a fuel system so we've got a fuel cell we need to put in the back uh let's get started on that I don't want to see it so we're have to be a little creative what I want to do is put the fuel cell in the spare tire compartment underneath the floor under this door here is that doable I'm not really sure but let's play with it and find out this will just about fit down in there it's very very close I think even you know if we just cut the bottom of that spare tire hole out it might fit it would just be cool if we could set this down you know and it still looks Factory fixing the original gas tank that's going to cost a lot of money and I don't even know if it could be done frankly it did have it in the car but it's pretty bad I think I'll cut the back out first pretty much in line with that pre-existing rust hole here now we're getting somewhere yeah well that gets that out of our way there's no body brace under here or anything so no harm no foul anything we do is just going to make it stronger that kind of a square peg and round hole situation here maybe we put it in from the bottom actually oh yeah that's what I'm talking about right there so I got my strap kit here and you know we're going to use it completely incorrectly I was hoping I'd be able to use it and actually bolt this down I was wrong and that's okay what we will do is use a bit of their metal here and we'll bolt here to here and get that strap in and then we're going to have to make a little bracket up here where we can Bolt from here over to there it'd be really cool if that was long enough to just be one whole piece then it would work real good so here's kind of what I'm thinking got this here going put a little spacer in between it and here but we drill a hole in the car suspend it here and then this holds in the back part then we just do the same thing on the front here and reach it out to the car there and then it's bolted in and suspended which I would assume is stronger I don't know I ain't no engineer but I think it'll work and I'm of course using the tried and true method of using lug nuts to space this down so a couple lug nuts in between there gets it just about right I've got my very questionable Harbor Freight level in here trying to make sure it's at least half ass level cars in the air so it's going to change but we can at least make sure it's sort of square it doesn't need to be perfect huge storms moving in by the way so maybe this all just blows away and we end up in Oz I don't know pretty sturdy the whole floor moves but the fuel cell doesn't so must be good right I was thinking of welding these together I got a couple pieces of scrap here one bolt and one old bracket or something so at least we just weld these together at least if that side fails or this side fails something will still hold it in the car hey this is flam yeah do you know that yeah I did I just saw I was just trying to teach you a lesson there JD uh about safety you know what I mean yes all about the safety and the intelligence let me not learn from my mistake and just do it again a yeah H yes oh they oh they W Supply this a small one that's pretty good yeah Pookey yes functional very I'm moving the whole car now that's not going to fall out though should we do any maybe we do something about that about what the floor's not going anywhere I don't think it is I hope you're right I feel like that's not very good I feel like with weight on that that could end up cracking the floor and I I don't know it is the gas tank maybe we make sure it's in here pretty well I'm just going to run a brace 38 in Long weld to here weld to here weld to the sides then it's definitely not going [Music] anywhere aha nice that's pretty good yeah yeah so we just tack it down to here tack it here and then tack it on the S side that's going to stabilize that quite a bit oh yeah there's fire there no it's fine you'll note how uh I didn't cut an angle on that so I can't weld to the top so uh what we do is just use this washer that was sitting next to it tack him in place and then we tack it to the car and boom strength look out look at this much better now yeah they don't move a bit we got to figure out a vent system and I need to get a couple aend Barb fittings to just hook a regular hose to it now I was hoping one of these swivels would fit with the way we mounted it I guess I should have paid closer attention it's not going to work too tall I think but then again that's not ideal considering this is inside the car and it'd be stinky what I'm going to do instead I'm going to cap both vents on this like like this and then we're going to run a return line up to the fuel pump since our fuel pump has that provision anyway I am missing the Barb fittings but I have some adapters to take them to a barbed fitting so I think tomorrow those will show up we can go ahead and run everything in the meantime and by everything I mean I've got a roll a 3/8 line here for our supply and a roll a/4 in here for a return and we'll just come out of that return there and that'll be better anyway running a turn is probably worth a mile per gallon and also it helps with heat soak and uh Vapor locking stuff like that there's a reason they do it and put a little bit of a flare on this return line here get it to seal hopefully and we're just going to run it down the frame all the way back I'm going to run the supply line right along with it still storming like crazy out there I got our feed line with a filter up here I run all the way back and then up under here I've got everything just like laying out waiting for our fittings so I guess in the meantime while I wait for parts we should figure out what we're going to do for cooling system I got a radiator I bought the cheapest radiator you can get on Amazon 120 bucks for an aluminum this fan is so freaking close I don't know about it so I'm going to take that off we're going to run with an electric fan which I kind of have an interesting idea for that you'll like that get this fan off of here probably hasn't been off in a minute got it that's worth like 10 horsepower I's go ahe and put the bolts back in and I think they're short enough they shouldn't have any issues with interference allegedly this fits water necks are on the right side at least so we can make them fit if we have to not bad I mean it's close to the holes I don't know what bolts the top of it in but I can get the bottom bolted in that's something oh I don't know if our electric Fan's going to work there is so little room maybe maybe that does slip underneath there I don't really know now it's weird it's like this motor is absolutely not supposed to be in this vehicle strange this is my go-to electric fan this fan is for a '90s cougar or Thunderbird and these flow a stupid amount of air and we'll keep anything cool back to the drawing board there I think we're going to have to go with one of those cheapy 16in Universal fans that's not going to fit no matter what we do I kind of kind of hate this but I I don't see any other option this is a flexalite fan actually just robbed that off the holy goat to see if it would fit I can put it over here off center it to the right and it'll just barely clear the pulley I mean maybe an inch I kind of have to lean the radiator in here it will bolt in place like that I don't think there's any other option you really don't want to use a pusher fan as your only fan cuz it blocks airflow uh you want air flow to get through the core and then into a fan not pushed through cuz you're you're blocking surface area best but bad situation I hope we don't get caught in traffic around Dallas I don't mind keeping one of these babies on hand that is no loss to me I'm going to put that on the holy goat that those fans kick ass they're like 5,000 CFM this little guy here is 2500 it's like bare minimum for a V8 much less a 460 well I got the bottom part of the radiator bolted in and I think this is going to give us enough room I did go ahead and order a 3000 CFM flexalite pan that puts out a little more juice than that one I'm not going to commit to this yet but that's where it's going to go it's just going to have to overlap the tank just a bit and that gives us plenty of room put a couple of zip ties in it just to hold it in place but I'd like to get the bigger bigger beefier fan I don't know if I mentioned it we're driving this wagon to Galveston Texas in about 3 weeks is we're going to need all the cooling we can get 460s aren't exactly known for running Ice Cold anyway I'll go ahead and finish off the installation by shooting a self Tapper into this bracket on the top of the radiator that is we're Rock freaking solid at least pan ought to be here on Saturday today's Thursday so let's go ahead and get some hoses on it and maybe try to rig up a transmission cooler uh we're going to run an external cooler for that well I've got a flex hose that pretty much takes care of the upper hose lower hose is going to be a different story I don't know what the hell this is for but kind of looks like if I cut this right about at that bend there it'll make it there so I don't know 2584 you when you're doing real hot riding like this there's no how-to manual on how to do it right but maybe you can use this as one if you ever wanted to try this I don't know actually don't do anything I do I don't have a hose clamp big enough for this hose so I'm going to make one out of two hose clamps I don't know if it'll work or not but we'll find out two clamp method wins a little bit hokey but I think that'll work I'm reasonably happy with it it's on there just don't ever go bad and we'll get along just fine what we got for a trans cooler just one of these Universal jobs here and we just zip tie them straight to the front of the radiator with the kit they've got for it oh mighty double clamp method don't fail me now transmission cooler up here somewhere I guess where I think it'll be out of the way of that fan right there I use the special zip ties to hold it through the radiator out the other side and you won't see the hoses it's you know I don't know I'm not very picky about things usually but that's one of them I had ever seen the sunshine I suppose I wouldn't cuss the rain but here we are I'm cussing it miserable miserable we're going to run off out of the back of the building and the roof's leaking again great uh I'm trying to replace the ignition switch here and I don't know how it comes out I drilled out the tumbler it came out clean but I don't know how to put the new one in or oh maybe it's the wrong one I don't know oh it is the wrong one oh well that explains everything I guess I got to change the whole thing well I ripped my thumbnail off in the process but I guess if you just push on the switch and then this bezel unscrews yeah I got it little guy here just kind of like push and twist that's all is all right let me slam the new one in this is a necessary part of make car run I'm sure this will be easy especially with a ripped off thumbnail does anything hurt quite as bad as that it's just like a minor inconvenience but it hurts like a mother did I do the thing didn't really feel like I did the thing oh yeah I did I did it I'm a mechanic well I got it installed and it seems to work but it doesn't return off the start I don't know why it'll work fine and just have to remember to let off next stop here is going to be wiring uh this is cabin power I think so that hooks to the solenoid runs over here and it would have landed on the regulator which we're not using right now cuz we have this regulator so I I think this will work stand alone no problem uh we'll just take this off and hook it to whichever one of these is cabin power I think it's this big yellow one here I might have to break out a schematic but we'll see what I can burn down first I've got the battery hooked up got all the mystery wiring laid in here now I'm going to touch this big yellow wire to this other big yellow wire I have the headlight switch pulled and I have the blower motor on which I doubt works I'm going to touch them together this will tell me if it's cap and power blower motor works okay so the big yellow one is probably cabin power we're going to figure this out we're going to figure it out old school and by old school I mean we're going to guess a lot trying to figure out what our crank wires are for some reason those wires seem to be powered all the time I don't know why maybe something's wrong with the switch I I don't know what that's about I guess I need to run these back I did verify on the parts car that these are the crank and bypass wires the headlight switch was on unplugged and uh those actually work so that's pretty cool uh but that doesn't help me with what I'm trying to figure out uh let me get to the back of this switch here see what's going on I just tested for continuity and the switch is working fine uh the start position works with the start and on doesn't send power to the start so something else is shorted in the wiring causing those two wires to have power uh okay so I'm working on wiring but then I just realized there's nowhere to put antifreeze in the radiator uh it needs a surge tank from like a 390 I ordered an inline radiator fill cap thing from maroso should be here tomorrow I think it'll work anyway that takes care of that I hope let's get back to wiring traced wiring back here red is the crank trigger because it runs through the neutral safety switch which we will bypass but Brown is the ignition bypass that bypass is the resistor for the coil that also has power we've got power all the time coming into the engine bay so we can see that the red and brown here they are on the same pin it's that middle one on the bottom so something is shorted between the ignition switch and here causing that to do that I don't know what the hell it is let me clean up this plug maybe it's just this corrosion it's got on it could be acting up brake cleaner makes a pretty decent contact cleaner yep there's a cut on my hand finds it every time if I turn the key crank let off that should be fine let's see if it cranks honestly I have no idea why that's working but I've learned enough in my life to know that just don't question it after getting the key switch figured out I decided to tackle the dur spark 2 ignition I think I've got it figured out uh this is our resistor wire here out of the factory harness and then we also have the bypass wire off the solenoid that's going to our coil the ignition module needs 12 volts in run position we're getting that there it also needs 12 volts while cranking which we're getting out of our start circuit to the solenoid I'm just going to squirt some brake clean at it see if we have spark if it goes v then I'll tidy all this up [Music] yeah we did it we freaking did it we're kind of at a standstill till we get our fuel system wrapped up then we can kind of work on the charging system so we can play with trial by error I'm going to wrap up the wiring on this side of the car with this New Old Stock Acro teac I bought this at a flea market for like $10 I mean it's so cool it's just perfect for this car shifter delete yeah so we're just going to eliminate this C shift here cuz that's lame looks pretty good just got to wire it up I'm going to ground the tack shoot a self Tapper into the firewall naturally the buff has returned he's hooking up our fuel lines now then maybe we'll put a windshield in it or maybe we'll actually get it like running running for reels and see if we can get a charging system let's do that so underneath here we've got our fuel cell some a in fittings that we've added here we've got a little bit of rubber fuel line Conn connecting that to the hard lines and uh yes we double clamp this one cuz it's not flared it'll be fine but I want to go and secure these so I'm going to find some stuff laying around and see if I can't at least secure these up so they're just not moving freely dug around the parts bin and I found this beauty right here and a piece of rubber that will insulate the fuel line within that it'll help keep it from rubbing a hole in the fuel line which would be especially bad what the hell is this only one self Tapper I'm going to knock 10 points off for that he didn't cut the Tails of the zip ties I'm knocking off another 10 points for that uh I'm going to give you a c I bet it works though well you did the double clamp method that's worth Five Points so redeemed B minus we might have to make a fewel run I only got like a gallon but let's see what happens so this is a a little in convenient uh and I'm only going to have to do this about how how much you figure 100 times on the way to galve right cuz it's going to get like 5 mes per gallon this is convenient though not to mention the wonderful fumes you'll have when you have to move all your luggage out well there shouldn't be any cuz we got the vents capped and we have a return line so it should be a seal it's a sealed System point no you're right if I've done it right we it shouldn't be any fumes at all from the NH side underneath you guys saw it looked really good not as clean up here but now it's gone but now it's gone problem solved our fuel filter is over here buff if you want to watch that watching let's see if it starts sucking some fuel oh it's not sucking anything up yet it's trying to did you you already put fuel in it right no oh try again there we go yep oh yeah look look fing up now so we know it'll run now that's a plus what we're going to do next is we're going to make sure we have a charging system right yep so I'm going to take a Bas line off the battery 13 volts that's about right and basically all I'm going to do is take this wire here and I'm going to let it run and I'm going to touch it to positive and I believe this is the excer wire uh for the alternator which would then let it charge through the regulator and this should just be a own little self-contained harness if I'm not mistaken I might be 14 it's working it doesn't even need that it's garsing you can hear it K off then the elevator drags it down so this makes zero sense at all I don't know why it's charging without the exer wire I don't know if I care but I do know that we'll go ahead and hook up the this is the exer wire it's the ey terminal on the regulator so it needs a key 12vt switch which will provide it even though it doesn't seem to want it but maybe it'll change its mind someday so just in case it does it'll be here for it more importantly than that lame stuff does the tack work oh it does [Music] so here's our solution to the coolant filling issue it just arrived uh in one hand here I have a Chinese inline filler upper thingy and in my other hand I have an americanmade Moroso filler upper thingy I bet this Moroso one probably weighs a couple ounces more it's thicker but more importantly and the reason I ordered both is because I read in the reviews that caps won't seal on these Chinese ones and here's why you can see this ring here that's not fat enough for the Rubber seal of the cap to actually seal on whereas the maroso has a big fat one that one seals good so we'll run the americanmade maroso it was an extra $10 I know we'll throw that in the scrap so it can get turned into Miller Light cans again we're just going to have to adapt a hose to this which is going to be a little interesting uh but it's the same size as our thermostat outlet which is helpful it is much smaller than this which is not helpful I'm thinking with this random hose laying around here it'll just kind of angle directly towards our dangle there if we can spit on this enough to make it fit you know what I mean it's pretty good man look at that it might work this is why you don't ever throw anything away this is all just random used hose I had laying around forever you never know when the day might come I'm fairly pleased with that it doesn't even look that bad kind of hard to fill here but it does work well we'll have to run it and burp it of course but at least it's got something in there it can eat on stagged a set of cheapy gauges from O'Reilly I say cheapy but they're not cheap anymore we probably ought to have something to keep an eye on it if we're going on a 2,000 Mi road trip so I'm going to hang these under the dash some self tappers well no that's now I'm doing all this so I can procrastinate not putting the windshield in myself which I'm going to try and uh I'm just not really looking forward to it what do you say about mounting some tires after this buff I say we do that let's do that and let's not do the windshield so how do you feel that uh under dash yoga works for you pretty good my bag hurts all the time when land our tips in right here I'm pretty sure the oil cender is in the back of the engine on a 460 so we'll try to land it there so you can't get a socket over these cuz of the nipples so you just break all the nipples off then you get a socket over it hey look there's water in there um of course put a little pipe dope on everything that way it's really hard to take apart later gauges are in City units are hooked up and that's good enough we don't need lights on those it's fine should we do the windshield no let's do tires let's do [Applause] tires I have full set Cooper cobras from Priority I partner with priority tire for tires like these and I do that for one reason and you guys saw me reach out to them trying to get them to partner with me and they listen to you guys I have not found anywhere to buy tires for less money than priority yes these are sponsored I also buy all the tires for all my cars from Priority because they're the it's the cheapest place to buy them and they're the same Tire why why pay more we got 25 704s to put on the slots that were on that wagon when we got it uh the fronts are 14s the rears are 15s so we'll go with a 2257015 on the rear and a 25714 on the front I think it's going to give it a pretty good [Music] stance woo all right that was pretty painless they hardly ever go that well my lug nuts from Lugnut I also have center caps coming from them too cuz they deal in pretty much everything related to Wheels including wheels including wheels these are Anson real Anson slots uh they kind of had to go find the center caps for them so but they did find them for me and they'll do it for you too all you got to do is call and ask well obviously it'll look a lot better with the center cap but I honestly just want to get all the tires on it put it on the ground and see what the damn thing looks like bu Mount that damn Tire how how do you did we tip it up how do how what's I did it show you it's done yeah come on jie show them how it's done I just kicked it is this oh well I didn't think of that that side you know these cars aren't perfect so this side might be a little tighter I think this is a little bit tighter oh well you got this if I would have just done that God I hope I don't have to change a flat on the side of the highway oh the car had no shocks on it before so the axle could drop further just kick it harder JD it'll be fine but you got the other side on it's another new morning here we're about to put this thing on the ground for the first time but before I do that I'm going to change the oil I had already changed the oil in the Mercury so it's not like super crucial but I want to start fresh it's very humid and muggy and foggy here by the way that's why it looks weird I've got 2050 VR1 here VR1 oil has all the zinc and stuff you need for a classic car um it's better than diesel oil so I'm going to dump this in then let's put it on the ground oil looks pretty good actually nice and clean not that it has any miles on it so it's time for an extreme oil change yes we're real car guys here I can put oil in an engine yeah look at that extreme extreme funnel action thing hasn't been on the ground since we did part one buff yeah I'm ready I want to see it it's down that looks great it looks level it even has suspension travel no it's pretty low low and slow man well let's go ahead and get the hood for this that way we can lay the windshield on the hood while we attempt to install the window hood has just been chilling out here narrowly avoiding death as I nearly back over it almost every single time easy dust it out don't break the glass I'm high over here but this looks good yeah that one's fine what do you think of that JD looks pretty good it's tough isn't it then you just walk around open this Hood oh I got to put some that at the gas station yep that's always been there it's bone stuck this glass is almost half an inch thick and I have personally seen them stop a 38 some super clean and steel wool will help us get some of this old weather strip off of this the smoother we get this the easier it's going to be now I've done truck Windows I've definitely never done anything like this this could get interesting to say the least step one here even though I noticed there's another crack in the glass we'll ignore that we have to put the seal on the glass we have to put the trim in the seal and then we put it in the car car just that easy there you go you know I was kind of hoping to have a professional do this so people can see how it's supposed to be done instead of two idiots trying to figure it out but here we are the upper and lower trim locks in here and I think that holds this on the window packing our rope around this lip here the idea is you set this up on the channel and then you pull the Rope through it opens up that lip and then it sits down in the car just that easy see rubber seals falling off the window mhm it's actually doing the thing remember false hope is still hope you'll note that we uh didn't put the Chrome in the top and that's cuz it wouldn't stay there which means I'm going to glue it on probably later is it pretty close I think that's it okay it's not perfect no but that's that's not bad we shoot the screws in it and I think I mean I think that's it dude so the factory secured this in with self tappers just shoot a self Tapper I mean just like Ford did I don't know I make it up putting trim back on it's looking pretty sharp putting the interior trim in this is the rear view mirror holder thingy and I think the parts car has a day night mirror in it let's go rob it easy to do when there's no window in here day night mirror W fancy I don't know it is an option it's kind of cool the seal plates are a lot nicer than the other car too we should take them as well this thing is going to give us a lot of good stuff here's how you set your mirror adjustment on these it's got a little pivot ball in here and if they're real floppy you just tighten up that little set screw there and it pulls down on this piece of metal here then that's how you do it it's a little Contraption you know that a lot of thought put into everything on old cars next I want to see if we can get headlights working we have currently one bright and nothing else JD took the headlights out of the red mercury of which only one was any good I have another low beam here and one good bright from something here there we go four headlights no driving lights yet so maybe we work on that too but now I can put the grill in I don't know if this Grill is better than the parts car's grill or not I think the parts cars grills a little fancier show them our new friend so here we see the wild house in it's natural habitat oh look how cute he is all his little eyes oh he's looking at the camera hey buddy bet you weren't ready for a David attenburrow special but here we are I'm going to take a short break from the wagon right now to go help buff swap a transmission into his van Brian vantana if you want to check that out uh go to Buff's garage to check that out got my fancy new fan today you see how this thing is like corrugated this is flexy s fan I don't know it's not not sponsored or anything okay it's just supposedly a 3000 CFM fan which should cool the 460 is it going to go there that's where it's going to go okay I don't see why it wouldn't work it's so close I think we need some additional holes so I'm going to drill these and make some more that'll let us mount it a little bit closer I might be able to get all four basically zip ties and it's not great I've got about a finger between the water pump pull in the fan there's no other option so that is what it is and we're just going to live with it so to go with that fan you uh never want to run a fan off a toggle switch it's too much current you need a relay I mean I know how to wire a relay but this makes it so much easier you can buy these relay kits on Amazon for like $112 and it has everything you need you plug it in you're good to go also this one has a temp sender so we'll put this temperature sender in one of these coolant passages here and the fan will just kick on automatically whenever it gets to Temp so that'll be kind of nice no need for toggle switches under the bag we need the grill from the parts car cuz it's actually in pretty good shape I'm going to take this out and then we'll put it back in the wagon after a long long fight we finally got it out there's a whole bunch of bottom ones that were round it off and you even have to take the headlight bezels out this sucked you pulled the grill out of that part car I don't know how to put it in though so how does it go in okay so these stupid things here yeah nice hell yeah dude it's look a killer what do you think no bumper I mean does look pretty cool though I know and our bumper bent and the parts car bumper bent too I say we just leave I think we just leave it off until I find a good one maybe yeah that looks good dude we'll figure out the bumper situation later now I think it's interior time yum yeah it's the best okay yeah so you're pulling those like baton strip things off is that all that hold well it maybe the dome light in that one but yeah I cannot believe that's coming off of there she's going to do some interior things here recover these panels which are in reasonably good shape and you'll probably have to replace that one yeah we'll get crafted let's just see what we're working with cuz it might be entertaining I accidentally put my hand in that and I never want to do it again e did you see the new day nightmare we're pretty much uh we're keeping up with the Joneses mhm look how it's so Crystal Clear I can see the reflection of you removing it it's perfect oh my god oh there's so many spider sacks oh no those are just uh cotton candy they're cotton candy cotton cotton candy oh yeah there is some life going on who no no it's a brown recluse kill it got like bend it back and see if there's brown recluses in it mhm this first so I can bite that first I don't know what that is another spider you say I'm not even a but these things like really they're horrible that's not being a that's just rat poop though so that's a good sign rats eat those yeah actually those are like seed pods of some s squirrel them I'm fine with that these things stink so damn bad I think we're just going to remake them uh with whatever Jess can finded at Home Depot she's leaving now JD you and I are going to scuff and paint all the side trim and whatnot and tear all the crap off the roof oh holy ant colony yeah yeah that'll kill him ammonia will kill them for sure get most of these sprayed looking pretty sharp we need to take these off too top parts of the door here okay that comes off with just a few screws all right and then we can paint those too there's a dead spider there and egg sacks and spider webs everywhere let me get my spider killer right here I guess this is a good thing I mean at least at least we won't have to deal with this while we're driving this is what I mean by taking a little extra time on these projects to kind of take care of the the normal horrible things we have to deal with you know like I can get all this out and we clean it before we drive it usually all this stuff is already rotten away in a wagon had to prevacuum the whole thing had some more kill mat here this is thinner stuff than I used on the floor but we can get a little more coverage out of it for cheaper I'm just going to put it up on the roof and maybe inside the doors even hell maybe under the hood we're going to make this thing pretty nice inside I'm not too worried about them button up or anything you just kind of need a tile every so often often up here I'm going to double up underneath these Batten strips here with an extra chunk here kind of like the factory did just to keep them from shaking around too much ah you know this is kind of nice it should help with temperature too I think oh yeah so like the Texas sun I don't know we need a little bit of assistance with that I think yeah we might as well peel that off I guess huh yeah it's not doing any good we'll just sand and paint the wheelhouses that looks better yeah it does off whoa that's what they look like that's a brand Reus that's a baby Browner clothes oh that was a big one oh spray in there there we go the brake clean purifies all more so when combined with fire but we're not to that point yet I bought a lot of this kill mad stuff I'm going to put some in the doors I'm going to put some under the hood in the tailgate and we're just going to make this thing solid as a rock you know feels like it is anyway the hood is pretty tinny and it should also maybe help with heat I'm not really sure how that works I'm not a scientist that looks pretty damn cool how's the sound oh yeah much better hell yeah I used all my leftover scrap pieces inside the tailgate that ought help with some rattles and I started spraying some blue on those wheelhouses JD's removing door panels from our parts car they're in okay shape we're getting our money's worth out of this thing yeah we are Jess is working on our headliner panels Southwestern flavored kind of material you got from Hobby Lobby yes 40% off professionally installing it with duct tape yeah it'll work well I guess I might as well start on carpet Jess and her friend went up to Home Depot and managed to get them to sell them this carpet for one penny I'll put the receipt right here so anyway here's our Penny carpet it's like indoor outdoor carpet should be just fine for this obviously I wasn't going to spend actual money on a carpet kit when you're installing house carpet in your car don't do anything stupid like measure just guess so I could see the lines of the carpet run sideways and we're going to keep them going sideways and what I'm going to do is get this side side set then I'll cut that side to fit we're going to get our length rough cut here and so I'm going to cut all the way to about the edge of the seat somewhere in there it's some kind of adhesive for carpet I mean glue is glue right so we've got it rough cut I'm going to go in under here spread a bunch of glue around in the enclosed space you sniffing glue tastes funny why are you eating it well we kind of screwed up we've got a few gaps to fill also that carpet adhesive stuff doesn't work at all it just bled through the carpet and like I think it started to eat it so I quit using that and started using some spray adhesive like my grandpa used to say Mark of a good Carpenter isn't how few mistakes he makes it's how many mistakes he can cover up I mean it's all right it looks like crap right now but the seed covers up all of it maybe we should have used duct tape oh so far it's great for upholstery well I've been out here piding away this morning got the shifter boot installed looks like crap actually everything just pretty much looks like crap but that's fine you know what we can always do it better later if we really want to and along those lines let's throw the parts car seat in here is it perfect no will it suffice to put our asses upon yes using some random Hardware I found to install the seat the bolt that I welded to the flooor there worked really well and held hopefully the tracks move oh yeah they move really good oops seat install finished needs clean still but we'll do that and I started messing around with the door panel back there those are actually going to look pretty good our colors aren't as halfhazard as I thought they might be we're going to take a bit of a break from interior work though now that we have a seat I want to drive the thing see what it drives like see if I'm going to get away with the front end the way it is I just pulled the dipstick to throw some trans fluid in it uh and it's uh broke off H let me go find one one of these other LTDs probably has one we can use that's probably somewhere I didn't see nothing somebody go back and watch that mercury video from last year and tell me if that was always broke off appreciate it put a gallon a transmission fluid in it at least it won't run dry [Music] [Applause] [Music] stopping the action because we have a pretty good fuel leak out of somewhere my return line hose was a little suspect uh it was a used piece of Hose I had laying around so I replaced it with another used piece of Hose I had laying around it would appear to be maybe the fitting for the line I I just can't get it any tighter oh I suppose I'll rip the fuel pump off at least it's not a big job anymore without all the accessories on top once I got both the rubber lines off I could see a little bit better this dinky little thing it's cracked I mean I'm moving that whole freaking fitting that's welded to the pump from the factory did buy this cuz I figured I'd bring an extra on our trip this one doesn't have a return line though in lie of a return line I'll use one of these filters that has a return line built into it and hopefully that gets the job done sure enough it pulled out of the fuel pump housing it didn't crack anyway let's put this piece of on instead I got a little bit of a service loop going on here but it's buttoned up let's see if that helps us no still leaking how is that still leaking I legitimately don't know what the problem here is it doesn't appear to be damaged or wore out I think I got it maybe a lot better I had to make a new line I don't know we'll see fan kicked on sitting at [Music] 190 that's the first time that car has been assembled and has moved under its own power in over 20 years it was a project left for dead in pieces now it's got a new [Music] life so far that fan is doing its job spunky now Jess you'll notice the lack of seat belts in this car right it never had Grandma and Grandpa never had seat belts they still made Mom and Dad which made me thank goodness exactly thank God for me [Music] oh it hated that why did you hate that so much they it ran out of fuel I won't do that again that's how we don't do that it drives really good yeah is definitely has a 410 gear in it I I bet we're not doing 55 or 60 we're pulling 3,000 RPM stay cool good don't no pressure the brakes work good I mean we got a lot of good things here if we got to figure out a little carburetor trouble that ain't nothing I've driven a lot worse I mean this is I don't know I mean I've not even hesitating to drive this to Texas we pulled off so that I could take a peek at the car and so that Jess could pick some of these wild flowers I think I don't know what they are it's all I need nice so I'm looking for I don't really know what I'm looking for anything maybe so maybe that's what I'm looking for where is that cut from oh it's just valve covers leaking brakes are good enough to hold it I don't think no it took off good I'm going to try again it's not [Applause] [Music] D not a bad one at all okay well why it no go of room now I don't know burnout pretty good uh but uh car want to go like a lot now thank goodness it broke down in the mathematical middle of the road the widest car ever produced too okay quick before the car arrive oh no I'm happy with it yeah maybe you just kind of overdid it and she's like you get one of those that's it everything's still happy I mean still running cool and that was my big concern and we're doing 50 m an hour at 2800 RPM that is a 411 gear we are going to do 55 M an hour all the way to Galveston Texas well it's a little while later also I changed shirts but you know it did really good on this maiden voyage we definitely have some things we got to look at uh I think I'm going to go ahead and rebuild that carburetor maybe I mean or I could throw another carb on it I guess I don't know I think I'll rebuild it I like to keep it all forward I I don't know does something for me I think I got to ditch the 411s I don't want to drive over 2,000 Mi with those I mean I will if I have to but I called quick performance and I got some third members laying around here but I want something that's just going to bolt in you know and I don't have to change the drive shaft that's the big thing I have like the Mercury's third member would work work actually but the yolk is longer and the U joints different and I don't know what we got here works so I am going to kind of cheat a little bit break the budget and go with quick on that you'll see that next video cuz that's going to take some time to get done meantime we have interior to finish but before I do that I got to clean this freaking shop man if you can't tell this is what it looks like when you build a car in what less than 10 days you take a car from a p AP parts to a running driving machine I don't know if I showed you guys this the reason I'm not pulling the axle out of this which would have been a v8 car somebody's already yanked it and it's got a damn truck axle in it and it's chained in there what the hell so I don't know what that is let's not even take the chance JD's out here earning his keep I feel like I can breathe again we'll pick up the interior tomorrow I want to remind you guys that this is a multi-part series next video will probably be the finale where we drive this car over 2,000 mil to Texas and back so that Jess can see the beach for the first time uh so stay tuned for that make sure you hit subscribe like comment all that especially subscribe it really helps out welcome back this morning I've been rating the part stash for the trim and stuff the car is missing some interior components whatnot like that that I'm going to do door panels first and then maybe we work on some of this exterior trim the armrest out of the parts car pretty groy I'm going to spray them down then scrub them up they'll come back around no problem they're just nasty look at that they'll get there I just noticed though that the driver's window is broken it's in there but the glass is broken these are plate glass it's actually laminated glass like a windshield whenever you go through it it cuts you into pieces I found a replacement W 50 bucks for a new glass online that's not too bad smack smack screw and we will of course secure the door card with self tappers see these are better than clips and they're shiny you know so they really add to the effect passenger door panel on uh but unfortunately the parts car only had three armrests in it so we're going to have one Oddball the car came with a whole bunch of armrests but none of them are blue and I have a little bit of blue dye left over from something maybe we just spray it with this if it gets bluish close enough oh yeah that's completely wrong oh well uh we need a new steering wheel that's for sure to the parts Car steering wheel isn't much better but I took the horn ring off we'll use it uh if I'm going to paint a steering wheel I might as well just paint paint the one on the car I guess well this cleaned up nice it doesn't have power steering but we can pretend that it does with this so I've got our steering wheel here it's got a lot of cracks in it I've fixed these successfully a lot of times grind the cracks out use a body filler and then just kind of refinish the whole wheel and it actually works really well I don't have time for that so I'm going to take some 80 grit I'm going to rough up around the cracks like this and it smells like rub as I'm sanding it makes me wonder if the steering wheel is actually made out of rubber instead of plastic I've got my spot putty put a dab on it I'm going to work it into the crack then we'll just kind of feather it out once it's dry with a little bit of 180 grit sandpaper it will hold for a while I'm curious to see how long there we go I didn't go for all of them I just kind of got the big ones you know just going to make it look a little better not perfect we wait for the steering wheel to dry we get these headliner panels up kind of got a start at it here let's try to knock this out I may not be able to film this probably not cuz I need you in here this is such an awkward one person job our plastic headliner idea is not going to work very good it works on some of them but the ones that don't have anything to support them in the middle they just droop real bad so we're going to recover a couple of the original panels but we'll get back to that in a minute still waiting on the steering wheel to cure so I've got some Sil plates here now some of them came with the car these are standard seal plates they don't have a Crest these are out of the parts car they have the Galaxy Crest but it's also in pretty bad shape so we'll just use whatever looks the shiniest and I you know finish off the carpet that way there we go that just finishes that off so much nicer makes our half-ass carpet looked just fine actually at last what you've probably been waiting for it's time to sand the steering wheel so we're just going to knock this spot putty down but I'm not going to knock it all down I mean we're not working the side of a car here it's a freaking steering wheel so what we're going to try to do is just you know if it's got a little lump in it that's actually okay it won't really look any different than it ever did if you just kind of leave a little feathered hump like that on top it'll hold up longer we want a 20-footer out of our steering wheel that you sit a foot away from it turned out better than I thought it was going to I should have maybe put a little more time into it but me oh well the paint's probably just going to rub off anyway so let's spray this thing blue see what happens one last rust hole in the floor to patch here while we're waiting for that steering wheel to dry yeah we'll just cover it right up I'm going to run this license plate covertly somebody was kind enough to send in like a 100 license plates from Nebraska there we go oh yeah that's fixed forever ever we're going to be bringing the dog with us to Texas this is not very comfortable for him it is basically a giant dogghouse or Greenhouse depending which p p could be an aquarium actually with the way it's going to leak carpet much more comfortable for dogs I'm just going to cover up all this rust with carpet cuz nobody's ever done that ever had an issue long term I have enough scraps here I think I can piece it together it's not going to be perfect and I'm just going to screw it in so it's kind of temporary redo our our headliner here I like this better yeah me too yeah so much we're going to pick the best original panels reglue them use the plastic where we can and uh I think it'll work out just fine I have achieved the perfect trapezoidal square it's a rare shape I'm not very good at this maybe I should leave this to the pros when I someday do it for reels figured I might as well throw down a little bit of this stuff I don't know maybe it help something but all right let's go ahead and get the carpet in now are you even living if you're not self-tapping carpet into your car I'm just going to cut to fit with my box knife anytime I don't have to measure I can actually make things look pretty good but if I have to measure that's when things go south quick then you get the octagonal trapezoid Square finishing touches this is a piece of that plastic board I just painted it blue it'll kind of match things found this in the part stash so we can get that reattached cover up that whole tailgate that way the fish doesn't fall in the holes this is the fish by the way fish hello up yes don't you love it what do you think fish yes this for good huh it's an expensive dog housee but I mean I guess it's worth it JD and Jess are going to work on the headliner now I'm going to work on replacing some of the trip on the side of the car using enough self tappers and Two-Face tape to kill an entire School of walruses replace this cuz I keep I'm almost gutting myself every time I walk by this it's just razor sharp and in the car was one and it's not very good shape but it's less sharp and that's I like that better the bolts are so rusted I can't get them off so we will resort to violence so we'll put that on and uh I don't have any of the cloes I'm not buying them so I'll just two- faced tape it on by putting two- fac tape on The Ridges of the door it'll catch the ridge of this it'll work fine well the interior's done it's better than it was it's more colorful than it was You Can't Sweat the Small Things I mean yeah it's not great it's fine who cares it's better than it was it was sitting in like a grain silo for 20 years now it's doing this but dig the steering wheel that was a total success spot putty and spray paint that's like fully restored I got that piece of trim on JD's going to work on putting a battery tray in that was in the parts hoard with it uh it you know it it needs one pretty bad nobody panic I only shot self tappers of this one cuz it was kind of banged up and I have extras so I'm actually going to put the worst trim on the car some this two- fac tape worked really good here on that one but down low I don't think it will so just going to try to fake it as best I can this piece of trim I've been kind of so we didn't have that but we did have the ones off the parts car man they are mangled and the other one was already screwed onto the parts car I just put screws in the holes that were already there even that one you can tell they had to drill a couple a time since the car rotted away underneath it I don't know I guess I'll throw it on here it's better than nothing but we better keep an eye out for some better trim whenever we go to paint the car then we'll actually install the clips correctly finally got the battery tray in looks a lot better than the old one I stopped at the part store got some sweet quilted pleather floor mats only the best for this H those don't look nearly as stupid as I thought they were going to success also behold the dice valve stem cap also behold the dust covers gone that's uh yeah we need center caps those will be coming soon sorry I'm late for breakfast baby I had to get my footprint gas pedal installed oh cool oh that's awesome is that so you don't keep pushing it with your hand every time you look at it you got to remember it's your foot it's a reminder got the footprint Demmer switch pedal too you know oh okay although I think I broke the dimmer switch in the process but it's okay because we got looks but it's shiny and that's what matters exactly yeah I don't mean to brag guys but I did get air conditioning for this car I know it's over budget you know it's air conditioning in a classic car don't come cheap so anyway here it is this is a uh vintage swamp cooler to prevent swamp ass you you fill it with ice and then it blows air through it and then it's it it's air conditioning cut the cigarette lighter end off stuck it here and it works so we got to put a new cigarette lighter on it uh and then I also pulled the cigarette lighter out of the dash I'm going to clean up the contacts and stuff on it and I don't know well I mean at least the dog will have air conditioning in the back maybe he'll note that it's got a place for cigarettes pen map case and papers pencil not to be confused with pen and sunglasses and Kleenex uh we got to put a cigarette lighter end on that I have this old spotlight which I think we can rob that from now I did try to clean up the lighter as best I could and it's still not working so I'm going to go rob one out of that mercury this thing's bound to have a dozen or so cigarette lighters in it yeah there's one right there yeah there we go that ought to work let's see here hey now we have a working cigarette lighter time to complete the AC install okay it's done W yeah okay let me go get some ice we got to try this I don't have any bags of ice but I've got a couple of trays there we go you'll have that on these It's Perfectly Normal I think it needs more than two trays of ice as well but it does it is cooler for sure that was a lot of fun now on to what I was supposed to do today which is rebuild the carburetor or try to I am not a carburetor expert okay I I mean I like them I prefer them but you're looking for someone who knows the ins and outs of everything I'm not your guy I remember running that mercury off of its original tank and it was really really nasty so I'm just hoping it's just full of some crap we clean it up throw some new seals in it maybe it's good all right let me see what I can figure out real quick I just pulled the filter element out of the uh filter which is built in in a Ford but I just ran a drill through it and pulled it out with this pair of pliers and uh we can reuse that we don't need that anymore uh that filter is completely destroyed I'm going to guess that was the only problem but I'm going to go ahead and take it apart and just make sure there's no trash in it not surprised to find that just just a bunch of crap I tell you what I'm going to pull this thing out and pull all the bits out that I can get to I mean I don't know a whole lot about it but maybe I can figure it out uh blow through everything with some brake clean slam it back together and I mean it really can't run any worse it didn't run that bad it just had those idle issues you know like sticking wide open that's needle and seat what the hell is this also a needle and seat I don't know there's no instructions whatever this thing is had fallen apart stem came out uh and in the new one it is not like that which tells me that it was probably bad carbs back together uh it looks better I forced the choke to stay open to see if that I don't know maybe I know those chokes on those motor crafts get funky I did notice the lower gasket pretty bad like really bad so I'm going to make a new one out of this gasket material and we'll slap it back together see what it runs like we're all button up uh I am going to pop the valve covers off though and change the gaskets on those they were leaking a little bit I don't want to smell that all the way to Texas H not too bad in there definitely seen worse I don't think this has ever had gaskets put on it that's either a good or a bad thing I haven't decided yet but anyway at least it won't leak anymore let's see if it runs I guess I did something wrong it's like the float stuck well I definitely screwed something up there this little dude is supposed to be retained in here instead of just kind of sitting on it so I need to bend these tabs up get it in there that's why I was letting feel through take two with strange needle and seat thing fixed something making the big sparkies over here alternator saw a hole on that wire there it's fine nothing with zip tie won't fix it's not like the whole engine it's covered a Gasol or anything just goes to show you there's no reason to take those safety precautions takes a whole lot to get gas going it's fine starting it back [Music] up big vacuum Leake all right took it back off we had a big vacuum leak over here and I don't know why really gasket looks fine I homemade sure but it looks fine I found it there is just a bit not covered right there probably enough to throw the whole thing off all right take a le7 sand vacuum leak sounds all right yeah we threatened it with that now it's [Music] behaving I guess it's fine I don't know that is more than enough for this video on the 1960 country sedan now make sure You' stay tuned now next week will probably be a a normal like Revival video but the week after that we're going to be driving to Texas so you might miss a week of content I'm just warning you it might be a few days late but we we are going to drive this to Texas so I have an appointment to get exhaust May 9th uh cuz it's going to need Custom Custom Exhaust we still got to put that window in and I do have quick performance sending uh a 323 gear set for it so uh we're going to do all that work and then hit the road for Texas stay tuned for that video that's going to be potentially deadly but you know probably entertaining too anyway make sure you check out the merch site pick you up a shirt a hat and a Etc and uh we'll see you guys next time on pole bar garage I think the carburetor is okay I mean I don't know it seems I don't it idles all over the place it runs great now but it it just idles all over and the throttle sticks and the throttle sticks I sprayed it down with L but I don't know if you know anything about motocraft 4350 is or you have one laying around that runs good I will buy it from you so just let me know or the spread board what Holly 4165 I think uh if you have one of those I I'd be in the market for it so um anyway see you guys
Channel: Pole Barn Garage
Views: 199,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pole barn, car, junk, pile, roadkill, rat rod, project, Cadillac, eldorado, convertible, hack
Id: sRtad52dllo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 33sec (4293 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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