Fist Test Drive Of Our DIY Camper Truck - Is It Too Heavy??

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hey what's up guys welcome back to another episode of BS for build here here working on the camper truck we uh we went two steps forward and then three steps backwards on this thing so we uh we made some mistakes on the electrical side we made some mistakes on the uh waterproofing side and um or I I don't know about mistakes let's just say opportunities to learn in today's episode we're going to fix all that stuff uh we're we're pretty close to getting it nailed and then we are uh going to continue with building out the interior a lot of what we're going to be doing today is going to be focusing on wiring uh building out sighing like the interior paneling getting it to look a little less like a crazy uh ice cream truck on the inside and more like a camper truck let's get started so as you can see the truck was pretty wet we had it outside we were doing lots of water testing it was a nice rainy day here in Oregon we found some more spots that have some leaks some of them need to be fixed from the inside some need to be fixed from the outside so we got to continue to do that to make sure this thing has zero leaks before we start doing all the interior paneling and siding or else it'll hide them and then um we might not find them until we just have a moldy mess the other thing that we made a mistake on so that was one mistake and I'm going to talk about that oh I got mad and threw magnets at the truck don't don't mind that um the that was one mistake that we made and on a more meta scale I'll talk about that mistake and how I would not hopefully not run into it as much in the future another mistake that we made that I think is a really pretty big one was our electrical we just made a real amateur mistake with running too big of a breaker and two small gauge of a wire so Oscar's going to jump into starting that I can't start uh seam sealing anything while the truck is wet so we're kind of all waiting for this baby to dry while that's going on I'm going to start looking at routing our DC wiring for our DC 12vt Systems that are going to run through the truck and the rest of our 110 wiring to get to the rest of the outlets that we need to [Music] run all right guys we got the first stage of wiring done so you can see when I hit those Amber there which we may have to deactivate later I'm not really sure um gosh how far back do we have to go it activates the amers up top I think you can see those on the camera anyways they're working only interesting thing about those lights it really sent me for a loop is the the white is the negative and the black is the positive so I wired them in backwards and then I had to I had to rewire them well I mean I had to like flip a wire around so that's good I also did some other just running of wires here to get the uh 12vt system prepped and ready the bigger wire uh we got to run through here but in the last episode we did make a mistake on the electrical system and you know here at B bu we're not Pros got to stress that we're not Pros I was a software engineer Oscar's a welder fabricator we jumped into the world of cars to learn and to enjoy and to experience things and this isn't even really cars this is a lot closer to home electrical uh so we uh we made some mistakes thank you guys so much for uh letting us know in the comments so we did some more research we figured out how we wanted to fix it and then we actually consulted with an an electrician friend of ours uh who came and took a look at it so um I'm confident that this way is cool although I do have to say probably just for legal reasons if you're fallowing along for any of this stuff definitely consult with your own electrician and just don't do any of this at all but the mistake that we made was was pretty simple and it's something that we probably would have easily caught in the automotive World um whatever gauge of wiring that you're running it needs to be matching for the right amperage that you're running things through so we talked and we said oh we did a 30 amp uh switch right here like an RV style switch and then a lot of electrical people out there noticed that it was like immediately running into stuff like this which is only safe for 20 amps so that's all been upgraded so now that's all 30 amps running through here and then we ran it into a breaker that was a 40 amp breaker so the breaker wouldn't break before you heated up the wires and overheated the wires so what we have now is a dual 20 amp breaker going into 20 amp wiring so the 30 amp wiring runs through into the breaker to protect itself and then it goes into 20 amp wiring that runs throughout the rest of it we've upgraded to 20 amp switch 20 amps receptacles and everything's all 20 amp rated so everything's just about you know matching the wire gauging with the rated um the rated pieces did I say that all right Oscar uh another thing we did is uh we the 40 amp switches we wired them on a single leg instead of both legs and you're not supposed to do that because it leaves the the white leg open and it can shock you very badly so don't do that okay yeah Oscar obviously took all this on did a great job and I don't understand any of it so it it's good now good job Oscar so Oscar and I are going to jump into two uh new things now um I'm going to be working on wiring all the red lights into the brake and tail light system that's down here uh it's only a little tricky because those are in a hinging door so you got to leave a little extra uh I'm going to do that and then um I think both of us in our in our like off time are going to be doing some seam seiling we both kind of identified a few different leak spots now that the trucks dry we're going to be attacking those but Oscar is going to jump into a really fun project which is getting our home AC unit to work inside this truck so it goes right there it looks like this and we've decided that it's the front of it we want to stick out from our bench and uh we're going to go ahead and build some ducting around here and duct in cool air ducked out hot air this is going to be a little bit of a cross your fingers and hopes it works type of situation [Music] read [Music] [Music] dude this AC unit thing is it's kind of crazy it's kind of crazy so AC units they pull in air from the area that you want to keep cool they cool down that air and then they spit it back but to cool down that air they pull in other air that is supposed to be coming from outside and then they eject air past the radiator to more outside so where are we pulling air from we're going to cut a hole in the bottom of the floor here uh and use gravity and vents to pull air from basically under the truck through our box that I showed you on the inside into the AC unit and then the AC unit will then spit that hotter air once it Heats it up out the side here where we've been planning on cutting a hole for a long time so that's why we did some heat shrinking and stuff anyway so that's why there's some bumpy Parts there that are a little rough cuz we're going to cut those out so that's the game plan guys this is we're we're on a we uh we could have gone the easy route and just bought a roof mounted AC thing and the reason we didn't do that I have absolutely no re idea but this is where we're at now so we're trying to make a home AC unit work in this truck I bought this one because it's very it runs very low Watts it runs like 400 watts when it works um so I got I just I don't know but I bet an RV one would do the same thing so honestly guys don't follow us on this one but you can enjoy watching along so here's the contraption that Oscar has invented Oscar just pointed out we did run this inside the truck to test it and it works really well but you know who knows how well it's going to work after we do all this so this is the front uh facing uh mounting plate that's going to help us uh Mount this bad boy so we can see it and we can control it and we can touch it and everything from inside the truck under the bench inside the bench this is the ducting that ducts the air into the system so it's going to go from outside literally outside of the truck so this way and down it'll suck up air and run through a hose that's inside the box so we're hopefully not pulling in hot air into our seat box it's going to go into here this thing's going to eat it up and spit it out past this radiator and then it's going to go out of this radiator outside of the truck in a hotter hotter method so I think it looks pretty cool if nothing else this is a really fun project to try I mean interesting yeah it's going to be a good time so uh I mean we'll we'll we'll do it and we'll test it summer right around the corner and we'll let you guys know how it works out and um you know if you see us down the line with another lump on the roof it's just because we bailed on this thing and installed a normal AC unit we are running 110 up to the roof for the television anyway so it's not going to be that hard to run a a roof mounted AC unit as long as it's on 110 which probably wouldn't be if it's an RV uh any uh so next steps Oscar is going to go ahead and get this thing inside the Box more and um welded up and inside the truck and tacked and seam sealed and yeah he said slight SL worry about fire Oscar oh yeah yeah there's a flammable coolant in this thing so so you you probably saw me tear it all apart and put all kinds of uh insulating tape but uh I'm just going to do a few tiny tiny tags to hold it on well seems heal the rest yeah seems heal the rest all right good luck man don't blow up yeah if you're not catching on this is another thing not to do at home this is a big big black truck of don't follow us [Music] what's up guys we're back for another day I want to give you a status update we'll start over here but also Oscar at the end of the day had a really great idea let's take this thing for a test drive we tested out a bunch of other things like waterproofness and other stuff but we haven't really driven it yet so we're going to get it to a point in this episode and we'll go for a test drive later today hopefully so the lights that we're seeing on the side corner so there's like one over there up there on the side and then 1 2 3 4 5 six all the roof lights the Red Roof lights they're all wired together in unison and then the wire is coming down through here and then it's going to get tied into all this now we're also adding one two three four more lights on each side so I've got to get that wire down through there and then we're going to start I got to just I'm going to be under here wiring it takes a while man this actually is like three wires per light it's it's a lot um but I'll get it busted out as fast as I can uh while that's been going on Oscar's got great progress on the AC unit we overnighted some parts and we're getting really close to successfully Reinventing the wheel so Oscar went and got some um some hard ducting so we can run a ducting tube to where we're going to pull the fresh air for the thing and then you can see that he's got his venting and this is for the back of the AC unit to go out to go out the back of the truck um so this is all looking really good it's just some nice fancy sheet metal ducting and then we'll show you how that is going to exit the truck we jumped on Amazon and bought some cheap uh louvered venting stuff which we are going to uh we're going to vinyl wrap these so they're not full Chrome but we'll be able to line up like three of these right here and uh that will help that um radiator vent out the back of the truck really nicely so this is a sweet grab that we could get on overnight which is really nice cuz uh it's hard to make loued Parts on your own yeah these look really nice yeah $10 [Music] we got the AC done and we got the lighting done let me show you a little test run truck is so big I literally can't get it all in one shot but uh go ahead and do running lights so these are our running lights those have a little bit of a pre-sequence don't worry so that's running lights and then we got the ones up there and then we've got the ones on the side go ahead and apply the brakes and then when the brakes go on they Flash and then they say solid and then and everything gets brighter up there there too and then H go ahead and do like left blinker I'll show you the left blinker I just made it so this stuff oh you got to put the key in real quick that's what the left and right blinkers look like so uh lot a lot of lighting got wired in it took me like 2 days but it's wired in now let's talk about the AC unit this is our our side thing by the way we were going to vinyl wrap these but we're kind of liking the Chrome I mean at this point right now we're going to replace that step and that's going to be darker colored but then we do have chrome wheels we have Chrome that we have Chrome all those so we can either black it out or we could just leave some of the accent pieces Chrome let us know what you think I'm curious what you guys think I I don't hate that but um that's our exit vent where the air conditioner puts pushes out the hot air and let's go inside it's really dark in here we're going to have to go ahead and actually we're probably going to need to pull the plastic off the windows anyway so that might be the next thing we do but um so Oscar got the the rest of the venting done through here so there's metal underneath it and then he insulated at all which is really smart cuz it's blowing like hot air we don't want that filling up the whole thing we'll probably buy some wrap installation for this too although this is where it pulls in its fresh air so it shouldn't be hot at all so this pulls in air from outside the truck pulls it in sucks it into here uh kind of uses it here to go past the radiator cool the radiator down and then expels it there we've tested it out and it works shockingly well and um I joked about earlier like not knowing why we're Reinventing the wheel with this and stuff like that uh I just for just for Giggles I uh looked at how expensive RV radiator or RV air conditioner are and you know like cheap ones are about $7 800 uh expensive ones are 1,000 this one is a little over a 100 bucks and if we need to replace it we can keep all of our stuff here and then pull it out and just put a new unit in so I do like it for that reason I'm pretty happy with uh pretty happy with this I think it's I think it's pretty cool the way it's working so far I like the idea that we are pushing the cool air in at the bottom as well I think that's going to be good and then we're going to vent out the hot air up the top all our lights are running out of batteries I'm going to go ahead and peel some of the plastic off of these windows real quick and and I think we uh I think we try and get going and pull this thing out for a test drive so it's about it's not super warm out it's 63° but I'm hoping that we could you know test kind of heating this thing up and driving around and test the AC unit while we're driving and see how that goes as well um but yeah uh plastic off the windows is going to help that so let's get some of this peeled off hopefully it won't be too hard and given how much craziness we've done hopefully the plastic did its job and we don't have paint covered windows it may not look like it cuz the camera's barely shown it but it is so much brighter in here and it looks so much better with all the windows everywhere they're all open there's no light on here like light in here anymore on and uh it's great let me show you what it looks like from the outside pretty cool so that glass that window glass that we got for it is supposed to be kind of a smoky color of glass supposed to have a little bit of a tint to it and uh I think it it looks great I think it does a good job and I like that it kind of adds a bit of a layer of like it seems like there's some privacy like when the lights are off it's not I mean yes you can see through it but it's got a little bit of tint to it which I like so that looks pretty awesome um yeah it is pouring outside Oscar just said he's like it's raining it's a good time to test this yeah so we're going to go we're going to do a test drive and a water test this two for one all right guys so there is a there's an air pump hooked up that goes to some open hoses that go out by Oscar's feet every time we accelerate it sounds like a supercharger wine but it's more like a kazoo for us it's really funny oh so it's making some silly noises I can see our electrical outlet back there is uh bouncing around a little bit that guy's making a little bit of Racket so when we do our first like stop I'll I'll start to uh kind of take care of some of the things that are making a making a racket but so far we've gone over some decent Siz bumps feels pretty good it's uh we went around one turn and didn't tip over our steering wheel's a little the sideways but yeah we can adjust uh we'll get an alignment done on this thing definitely um but yeah so far we're doing okay how are the how do the brakes feel they feel really good awesome we we are oh big bumps big bums we are heading towards a place that has a scale I know a lot of you guys want to know how much this thing weighs so we're heading towards a place that hopefully will'll let us come in and uh and scale it I mean really they sell they buy scrap metal but this is close enough go oh no it says closed on that side oh Monday through Friday to 4:00 should we just pull in there like it's I mean it is a scale right yeah yeah let's just pull in and ask let's just pull in and ask if we can scale in cuz we're not trying to sell metal oh right there is it tell us yeah yeah me back up oh oh okay here I'll I'll get I'll get the camera out oh it's right there all right scale fluctuates a little bit I don't know if you guys can see that we're right on the dock about 11,000 I don't know what that means for this truck but so far we're at 11,000 without interior Two Fat Guys in here all right let's get out of here I don't know how we get out of here I'm going to just back up now oh okay wasn't this vehicle good for 177,000 uh yeah gross vehicle W so we've got 6,000 lb of wiggle room yeah Oscar I were just saying it is very quiet for what we've got flying down the road right now like nice and quiet there's a little bit of an air sound coming from up here something that we're going to work on or it could be coming from those crazy hoses by Oscar's feet um but uh yeah overall the volume is very very acceptable it's a lot better than like our race car builds and stuff so I'm really happy about that cuz you know after you add in wall instulation ceiling insulation and siding like on the walls it's going to be a lot better we're trying to get some speed out of this thing so we can hear like judge the air wind noise we're almost to 50 still that same slight noise from the front nothing else but yeah traffic is stopping dang it it is rush hour while we're trying to do this bad I doesn't sell beer we go to IKEA get like frozen yogurt eat in the back and it be like we're camping turn on the AC oh yeah turn on the AC yeah we got to test the AC still to Ikea we made it let's go get snacks and then we'll Pretend We're camping in the back of this just to test out that part all right well we look like the messiest campers uh in history but we've got our hot dogs and our froo and our own little mess now one thing that we just noticed is there was a plane flying overhead as we were getting in and the amount of soundproofing the amount that this blocks out outside sound is really great yeah it's really wide here yeah so once we add in you know all the insallation spray foam walls ceilings everything this is going to be a cozy really nice spot which I'm stoked about cuz that that's just a huge benefit um let's start firing up this guy so right now I've got the truck idling and I want to make sure that the truck even just chilling idle is going to charge the charging system the rodo battery bank so right now the batteries are just completely topped off so they're not taking anything from the alternator but let's go ahead and turn stuff on just max AC Max cool thanks go all right cool it's going it's just using power off the alternator it's not using our battery bank at all fantastic all right let's hang out and eat now one thing I am noticing we have this bench seat here that isn't finished but if we wanted to sit and be able to talk either somebody's got to sit up high on that bench seat or somebody would have to sit up high on here maybe we put a seat there we were going to put a desk there but we're not really sure what we want to put there maybe we just put another bench seat there um that might be that might be that might happen yeah the air coming out of that thing is actually really hot yeah it is yeah all right AC's working great the exhaust air is warm saved us $900 oh do you want to pull up next to this camper van if we can let me show you guys size between an actual normal camper van and where what we're doing so we're a little bit longer a little bit longer we've got like four more feet five more feet hang on let's look at it from the other Angle Way wider we just like it's just gone you just can't see it yeah I'm pretty happy with our decision we have a a little bit more wasted space in the front obviously you could have a more snub nose but in the very unfortunate event of an accident we have a lot of diesel cummin to block oncoming traffic that they don't have I don't like sitting on top of my engine we barely fit in a parking spot though I mean that's barely acceptable well there you are size comparison extra llarge camper versus really extra large camper all right well for needing to to build a giant box a very very large box onto the back of a truck I'm very happy with the way that this thing looks I think it looks pretty good driving down the road and I like our brake lights with the [Music] alerts not bad at all all right everybody thank you so much for watching thanks for tuning in oh Oscar's coming the other way um make sure you subscribe so you don't miss our next episode on this camper truck we are going to be putting some walls in some ceilings in some interior lighting we're going to get that interior busted out now that we know that this thing works like a charm and we fixed all our water leaks catch you guys on the next one peace [Music]
Channel: B is for Build
Views: 169,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acura, aston martin, audi, bentley, bmw, Buick, cadillac, chevrolet, dodge, ferrari, fiat, ford, gm, gmc, honda, hyundai, infinity, jaguar, jeep, kia, lamborghini, land rover, lexus, maserati, mazda, mclaren, mercedes, mini, mitsubishi, nissan, porsche, ram, rolls royce, subaru, tesla, toyota, volkswagen, volvo
Id: 9h_TIqT9jOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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