If We Can Get This Giant Abandoned Excavator Started We Can KEEP It!

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we are off on a recovery Adventure what we're about to do is a combination of like heavy equipment recovery and a will it start video because we're going down to take a look at a polan excavator it's a big 300 pan 300 it's essentially like 130,000 lb machine just a massive monster we're going to fly down there and uh let's see if we can get it to start [Music] this is the machine uh like I said it is a keep forgetting the name pan pan I'm sure I'm saying it wrong um I've actually never dealt with one of these machines I believe this machine was either built by kamasu or kamasu bot pin and then I think cnh industrial which is like New Holland um I'm pretty sure they acquired it don't quote me on that cuz I could be way wrong but either way it's a very rare machine it's a very big machine and it is a very uh just kind of a cool unique old machine so I'm really excited to see if we can get it going and figure out what to do with it from there I mean if it runs well it's a big enough machine it's probably worth keeping around check that again yeah there we go sounds good that intake see we can find the filter and see if it's a filter it's definitely uh dry the bone on hydraulic hydraulic it's all way on [Music] [Music] jeez is a decent tank it's got to be I thought that was a weird cap for fuel tank yeah it looks like it's dry as a bone what you do I thought we were going to lunch we are in fact this is the perfect opportunity for me to talk to you about something that we call skinny fat first off that's a little rude I've decided to take his health in my own hands with the sponsor of today's video I'm a bit of a health and fitness kick I take these just Meats they've got all these different options between beef pork chicken I just put this in my little hot box this morning just Meats basically sources the best meat from the most high quality sources like ranches in Colorado they pre-cook it for you they pre-season it for you all you have to do is reheat it so it comes seasoned full of flavor all you got to do is warm it up you can click the link in my description below and place in order for whatever you want right now use the promo code heavy 15 or just click the link below you're going to get $15 off a single order or $15 plus 25% off recurring subscription order cheers nice we out of it'll happen when you're trying to put fuel in it h it's got a dutes uh V12 aircooled diesel so it's a monster got six cylinders per side the handles are so far apart I can't push both buttons at the same time got you the hood prop right here nice oo got oil it's a good sign right here motor oil looks full and it looks relatively clean one of the tricks that I like to do is I'll take a sample of oil out right here you'll see I can just take some of this oil and put it right here in the sunlight and then just give her one of these right here and this will generally show you if there's metal in the oil and on an old diesel engine like this it's pretty common to see some metal shavings like every diesel engine makes metal small little shavings are normal for a machine of this age it's when we're looking for like sludge or looking for bigger chunks of metal and with the sun shining as bright as it is right now you'd be able to see yeah you'd be able to see if there was glitter in there and it looks pretty clean which is a great sign I don't want to rush it I want to make sure we get it done or we get it going the right way first so we're going to wait for the oil wait for the water Hans and Allen are on their way right now to get that stuff to us so as soon as they get here we'll be able to get topped off all right so we showed you guys this trick before but for those of you who haven't seen it diesel engines run off of really high pressure fuel systems those high pressure fuel systems push highly pressurized fuel through injectors those injectors have tiny little nozzles so if there's any impurities or anything in the fuel they can get sticky or they can get plugged up also old fuel can kind of start to just get sticky and that will make the plunger and the injector uh basically not function so an old trick that a lot of people use is you take some ATF and you put it directly into the fuel system so you don't want to do a ton because the you know an old old diesel like this it'll run on pretty much peanut oil me off man um but you know we're going to fill these filters up about 10 to 20% full of ATF then we'll fill them with fresh Diesel and then I'll probably take this ATF and pour uh into the tank cuz that'll help just kind of clean up the diesel um luckily the fuel's not that old it's really only they said it's been running Within in the last year which is awesome uh and dumping these filters out just now the fuel looks pretty good so just to be on the safe side we're going to use this I think ATF also has uh some special detergents and stuff that help kind of keep things clean so not only will it lubricate but it's also going to scrub all those internal components um and diesel fuel has that as well but ATF just has uh has all the good stuff that the diesel engine needs and a lot of lubrication diesel engines especially two-stroke diesel engines rely heavily on the fuel for lubric inside the cylinder so when you shoot that fuel into the cylinder the diesel fuel if you ever felt it is very oily um so essentially when you shoot that into the engine in a two-stroke engine particularly it allows the oil to actually lubricate it allows the fuel to actually lubricate the cylinder um and assist with the uh with the engine oil the motor oil Cooling and lubrication so it's uh I'm pretty sure it's a two stroke I could be wrong um but even if it is two stroke or fourstroke that doesn't matter so we're going to get some fuel in these and uh put the rest in the tank top off the hydraulic oil and should fire up easy easy was a thirsty one bag of R go that I have I love old equipment like freaking love it especially when it's old equipment that hasn't been ran real hard and it's just kind of sat so this thing does not look like it has a lot of time on it it looks pretty clean this might be the original paint this could be a really sweet machine and if it runs like I think it's going to run I might be tempted to restore it I love the way you're thinking right now Dave yeah yeah the uh yeah uh the uh brain plug for the fuel tank yeah I opened up and we get pretty much clean diesel out yeah I think that the fuel's probably good they said it ran within the last year on the top either way the batteries are good Al yeah the batteries are all 12 Vol batter with jump box oh so it's got two 24 volt Banks sweet that this I don't know because this machine technically shouldn't have any water on board because it's air cooled um however that doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't have any water this could be for auxiliary cooling system or something else so before I get too crazy and pour too much water in here I want to make sure I know what we're dealing with pour chocolate milk in instead we could do chocolate milk that's also an option don't watch Nate did it originally what you watching don't do it watching not terrible not bad not my best work but not my worst Dave right now would take his knife and punch a hole in the top so it could breathe what is this here I don't think I'm going to do that though I thought you weren't going to do that listen man I've learned a lot from my friend Dave over the years you just told me you weren't going to do it that's why I thought you weren going sometimes I'm a sneaky guy follow this out see look it always pour smoother once you get some air in there oh oh oh I got excited so now I'm going to vacuum off the top of these filters or these uh coolers because this is essentially how the whole system gets cooled there's a big fan system right here underneath big hydraulic fans those'll suck the um air through here which then probably cools motor oil hydraulic oil and whatever other systems so with it all being air cooled it relies heavily on good air flow and anything that's on top of these could potentially either block the air flow or um even worse get sucked in there and wedged in and like crack open a cooler then we got a leak on our [Music] hands get it on your hands okay uh no power yet here we go hold on ready yes sir here we go nothing yet turn the nothing yeah baby you like that spray it again spray it again here we go oh baby sounds [Music] good we like that that sounds really really good bud [Music] watch I'm going to try to drive [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] the plan now is we got to go get some more fluid for it and our semi and the lowboy and get it out of here it's uh pretty impressive it is a little sloppy on the boom some of these pins you can see like this guy right here is just completely wallered out um but that's to be expected with a machine this age essentially what we could do if we do decide to keep this thing up and running we would have uh somebody come in with a boring machine basically bore out all of uh the sloppy holes and then put a new sleeve in there with a new PIN to get this thing tightened up the hour meter set it only has 4,000 hours and I actually kind of believe that it doesn't look like it has more than that um but a big machine like this they uh they are so heavy and they have such incredible loads on the on the pivot Points that you know 4,000 hours on a big machine is the equivalent of like 10 12,000 hours on a mediumsized machine just because the amount of weight that these things are constantly moving but this is a really nice bucket it's probably a 60 in bucket I'll bet you that's a yard and a half maybe two yard bucket all the rams look good I don't see any leaks probably just needs a good Grease we get grease on all these pivot Points and it'll probably freaking wake it right up what's cool is it has uh all of these external grease points right here so they're like Central um greasing so you don't have to climb all the way up to freaking you know boom to get to the to the pivot point so these all need new grease zerks and the lines need to be replaced but then once that's replaced we can just shoot grease straight from there and I'm pretty sure I got to go do some homework but I'm pretty sure the hydraulic oil also runs our drives it says something about a transmission Drive oil but then it doesn't say anything about what that oil is so I'm guessing it's probably just hydraulic from the main reservoir which is low when you're dealing with tra machines like dozers and excavators and this is just kind of good advice for anybody who's looking for a new tractor or an excavator and you know you're not real familiar with them the underc carriage is the most critical part of the machine GL now or later uh right yeah I mean the the the undercarriage is one of the most critical parts of the machine and what happens is over time it's just metal on metal so metal plates rolling on metal rollers and over time it kind of starts to mushroom out and flatten out but you can see right here it's very minimal normally these things are like they've got like a big uh smoosh tip on them from from all the weight but this underc Carriage looks like it's in really good shape actually and it's not sloppy it's not banging around this machine might actually be worth saving so once we get it topped off with hydraulic oil do a full service on it get rid of all the old fluids and then we see what does and if it's running good then we'll put some time and money into the uh pivots uh all the pins and everything like that then we'll have ourselves a monster of a machine just for whatever problem with a machine like this is being 120,000 lbs it is a pain in the to move like just a freaking nightmare oversized you know overweight permits everywhere you're going um but worth it what a sweet machine this is such a pleasant surprise we didn't know anything about this machine until this morning when Dave got a from his neighbor who's like hey I got this old machine you want it absolutely oh which Speaking of guys this is something that we haven't done for a while the whole will it start videos and you know picking up old equipment because we've been you know we try to mix up our content um and it's never really us trying to mix it up it just kind of happens like different opportunities like the Boating series and the you know searching for missing people and the recoveries and the will it start So the plan here is to do a good round of will it start and heavy equipment recovery videos we got one down in California right now that we may may get the green light to go recover it's two giant excavators stuck in the salt and sea which is a doozy they've been stuck for like 3 weeks now and it started by one machine being stuck and now it's two or three massive machines stuck so we're going to get you guys tons of that content but what I was going to say is if you have a machine an old piece of equipment sitting on your property old new whatever burnt down whatever it is and you want it gone hit us up shoot an email to info heavyd sparks.com and we may come take your problem off your hands for you hell if it's in decent enough shape we might even buy it from you typically all of the recoveries and stuff we're doing right now are on the west coast just because it's like really hard to get our equipment on the East Coast for one job but if we get enough of you guys on the East Coast or the Midwest or you know basically anywhere west of Colorado or east of Colorado um if we get enough of you then we may do kind of a tour with our equipment and go round up 10 or 15 different pieces of equipment and we want to do that because we want to meet all you guys um and one thing that we've been doing a lot of lately that's really working is inviting you guys to come spend the day with us last week down in Florida we had a kid named Luke uh from Texas he won the Blackhawk experience So based on what I was hearing it was one of the coolest experiences of his life uh same thing with like Michael Sullivan off another fan that we brought to the cabin for the Snowden series we want to share our passion with you guys that is a really important thing for me to be able to have uh you guys be part of this journey because ultimately without you guys we're nothing I mean we can make videos all day long but if you guys aren't watching them then what's the point so I want to thank you guys for that and let you know that it really does mean a lot which is why we're trying to return the favor so now we're going to jump in the helicopter and head back to the [Music] shop what's up man you Ethan I am ni meet you man nice to meet you appreciate this so guys this is Ethan with Western trailer here down in Salt Lake since we got this big machine we got to move I was looking around for a trailer we could rent and they had some on the local classifi called them up and he's like hey is this you know diesel Brothers I was like yeah that's us he's like come get a trailer we'd love to work with you I love companies like this just laidback they understand the value of the marketing and everything that we do so if you guys are in the market for a truck trailer mostly low boys side dumps belly dumps anything construction we sell everything cool low boys side dumps yeah all that and it's a western trailers you guys have an Instagram Western Truck and trailers Western Truck and trailers pull this up here I'm going to follow on camera uh Western Truck and Trailer guys on Instagram check them out we're going to test out their uh XL specialized right now it's the three axle 55 ton we're going to get hooked up and uh get her out of here all right we're back uh this is a day later yesterday we came down and got it running today we went and picked up the uh lowboy which I by the way I really like that specialized trailer it's a nice one huge shout out to Western Truck and Trailer for hooking us up we're going to jump start it now hopefully we don't have to go through the whole process of trying to get it going like yesterday hopefully it just cranks and fires up still has a fuel Prime so we're going to put a bunch of hydraulic oil in it cuz it was low we're going to hook up the jumper cables and hopefully get it loaded up you you do that on purpose how'd that happen I me that's what you said yesterday remember when he said it I told you he was coming it was just a matter of time he's a little late why did that do that and we got towel that's a got a that's a healthy healthy Mount today oil pay more healthy than usual now it's all slippery slidy what were you saying yesterday so I said yesterday that Diesel Dave is uh no matter what we do no matter how many precautions we take he always takes a nice face shot no matter what whether it's diesel fuel hydraulic oil uh you know water coolant just don't say the I don't I don't know how or why and it's usually hydraulic oil and it's usually pressurized doing so good you were doing great man and I was like this it's not like I could let go and run away you know what's cool though is it's probably like good for your hair right that actually leaves my hair silky and smooth yeah is that V5 you're using yeah it just came out like Old Faithful right here [Music] come on baby on baby on baby yeah hold on good what's the issue we got like a half an inch of track on the deck on each side I don't think it's going to fit any WP on we needed that 10-footer for sure it's literally the exact wrong size unless we can find some boards let's put all the out rers out and see what it does I don't know about this hey start driving on here yeah all right guys so we got an issue trailer is not big enough um it fit on there but it just it wasn't safe and I didn't feel comfortable with it we really need to go grab a 10ft wide trailer uh which the guys up at Western have one so we're going to take this one back back to them and switch out for the 10-footer bring it back down we're also going to take the secondary uh boom off to reduce some weight and height because right now the way it sits that arm won't fold up enough for us to be able to get that thing below like 17 ft right now and we got to be closer to like 15 16 Max but if we take that arm off we'll be able to get it down to like the height of the cab so that'll be easy it'll take a lot of weight off of it as well so wider trailer take the boom off uh looks like this is turning into a bit of an adventure [Music] [Music] all right let's try this again uh we got the cab over Ford with a bigger lowboy this is a 10ft wide lowboy which is designed for these big machines um we're going to be still right around the max weight capacity for this thing we're going to have to pull the boom off to be able to ship it and pulling the boom off should get us right under the weight but and it's still going to be a big load so we're going to get the boom off see what happens all right it's been a few days since we started this old girl last time we came down after we got started the first time she fired up great the second time but it was nice and warm now it's been cold all weekend so we're going to probably get a cold start video here [Music] I went up myself usually I get sprayed with hydraulic once on every job this job I got it twice awesome why did that do that this hose used to be connected right there where Al is he just just had one hm whack with the sledgehammer it was full I followed it with the bucket I was catching it a little bit on my arms not much just like a couple drips a holding the bucket jumped off of that bucket midair catching more oil as you can see I saved the ground and and all while doing a back flip at the same time you saw the back flip worried if nobody saw the back flip no saw I can't even turn anything it's so oily look not one drop on the ground not one drop on Allen just a couple drops on my slit no there's no drops on Allen my knee and my feet and my legs there something in this area something there not so much here or here but right [Music] here look cool pins out look out look [Music] out got both pins out and so now it's time to pull the arm off and this machine does not have a lot of lifting Force so we're going to be using every ounce of power that it's got so hopefully just let it kind of controlled crash to the ground to your left EG [Music] [Music] good idea mdle [Music] [Music] so with these Outriggers we are now 12 ft wide cuz these are like actually a little over 12 in each so 10t trailer 12 in per side a little over 12T just the trailer alone excavator is like 14 right about 14 ft so we were able to get that arm down just low enough even taking the arm off we barely got it I just I just spit trail mix the camera and I don't know if the viewers saw it I don't think hands did but I'm pretty sure one of you viewers is like oh man close your mouth chew your food before you talk so I apologize it wasn't very ladylike of me let's go it's time to hit the road that's it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 1,302,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5 tow truck roleplay, towing, snowrunner, trailers, family friendly, no swearing, Recovery, Diesel, Diesel brothers, Heavy equipment, Whistlindiesel, Cleetus McFarland, Demolition ranch, Matt’s Offroad, Mud, Adventure, For you, Heavydsparks, Sparks motors, Freedom bus, Dirt, Dirt work, Tractor, Dave sparks, Diesel Dave, tow truck, wrecker, blue collar, excavator, equipment, heavy duty, dozer, hunting, hellcat, JEEP, snowcat, oshkosh, auction, govplanet, public surplus, abandoned, storage unit
Id: QhmqyU4Iv18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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