That Does it, Off-Road Jeep Axles For The Bombi!

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good morning it is another day of working in the shop and today we are working on the bombie and that means we've got to go outside and harvest some parts from the old stock pile I don't know exactly what's happening but we're on tell Handler and we're grabbing that axle I got here about 2 minutes ago walked over and he's like hop on the T Handler that's what happened to me too yeah so we don't know what's happening we just know to grab the last accent let me show you what's going on we are now on our second set of seals out here and they are they are leaking so I'm done with Ford 9in seals like I'm just done with them I'm going to go to something that I know works and that's full floater Dana 60 stuff so my plan is to cut this off and put a full floater Hub on here so that I can fix my leaks the question I'm having is can I get a Dana axle to spline into a ford9 in and that's going to take some research I'm going to check that out right now but let me show you what I do know I know that these axles aren't going to work in anything these are the large spline Dana 60 axles so we're going to get this stripped down we're going to do some research to see if we can make this work because the bomi will be epic oh yes not saying it's not already epic it'll be more epic it'll be more inconceivable it will be it will be inconceivable coming scriver and a half that over [Music] and all right goodness hold on hold on sister okay go for it there it is we got it out okay so this is all junk right throw this [Music] away that's pretty good it's decent okay we need that exact cut on this other side okay well they're looking pretty pretty dang close they're within an eighth of an inch that's scien measurements on it well they've got like two Ines of play oh yeah so being exactly on is not as important as doable being sort of close these studs are all messed up they're bent the threads are messed up so I'm just going to take them out and put bolts in okay let's see if we can do this oh yeah oh yeah okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right it's going to be perfect we've just got to figure out if this is going to work axles are the hard part I need to talk to somebody at youon all right it's a new day I was able to sleep on this problem and I don't know if you remember the problem but we've got to cut this off we've got to put that on and it has to be straight and it has to also be centered um I think we're going to worry oh it's Johnny Boy yo hey we're just coming through toker Bill oh all right I forgot to tell you Johnny boy's coming to town he's working on his Bronco we're going to the maze he's never been had it through the maze last time we tried it didn't work today it's going to work so here's the deal we have to Center this I don't mean to use like aeronautical terminology but we have um yah pitch and roll that we have to have perfectly in Al line who made up those words Sailors so here's the deal this is splined into that end so we know it's centered in there and we use the centering staff of Justice to put these right here centered so we know these are centered so now we're going to eyeball this Center we're going to build a template jig that will hold this right here and that'll hold this so when we cut this off and then we put this all back together we will know that it's perfectly Square I think this is the most precise thing we've ever done in the shop you not hear me say we're going to eyeball this but we know we need tomt back we know that the factory we know that the factory one was off over 38 of an inch on that side and a quar of an inch on this side when we put these new ends on we put them on perfectly centered with like I said the straightening Rod of Justice I know this is square and we're going to keep using it if you make I don't want you to make any errors but but if you do make an error I want you to error this way but I don't want you to but if you do I'm going to leave these guys to work this out cuz they are completely capable so call and the diameter is 1.34 so we're going to hurry to make this jig we got to drill the hole we'll find Center and go burp bur with some self-tapping screws and we'll be done then we can whack that sucker off Johnny boy oh yeah Johnny Boy's [Music] so now we just got to cut it the right length so it'll sit up so it will sit up here and we might be putting a little tab on it to make it wider so it's more stable hey hey we got a lot of comments about Johnny boy and his minivan when we went up to pick up the race car and people think you're pretty tough drive that thing around pretty cool it's pretty cool yeah you think it's cool but really it's tough so we're going Wheeling today a little bit later last time we tried to go Wheeling this wouldn't run but today we're putting a holly EFI on it or Johnny is I'm not going to I'm going to be working on the bombie okay let's get it there [Music] all right we got it in there with barely any incident there's an array of tools here good luck shouldn't take much oh I like that okay it's going to be 5 and 38 from the back of this should I double check my work yes let's double check my work we're going to double check it by eyeballing it a we're doing so good that's it good job I feel good about it now [Applause] [Music] for those of you that are worried about the filings and putting the differential don't worry about it we've got to take this AP part if you remember we we seized this like friction welded it together and then it came apart again the side gears and the housing the whole thing's getting replaced I'm going to imagine that these are like tiny little ball bearings and they're going to help the differential man I hope this works I hope my hairbrain plan works there it is right there oh wow it's a serious Gap I need some tape oh beautiful that's as close as it get right there heyy hey do what' you guys chop up the bombie the whole everything are we having another going away party like what's going on I'm just going to keep coming back as long as you're going to keep having them okay you sure that's where you want it I feel pretty good about it okay here we go oh wow look at that look nice that fancy that does good so this is going to be the break upgrade we're going from that size to this size look bolt on the hat again yeah the same thing yeah perfect and on the back we're going to be upgrading from this size to this size wow this bombie is going to turn whether it likes it or not all right this will illustrate how much stronger these full floater hubs are than they semiat so this is the small bearing in this in the full floater it's bigger than the only bearing on the semif float and on this side there another big bearing then you got this nice seal right here that won't leak instead of this leaky seal right here that does leak I'm done with semi float axles I'm an off-roader dang it and we need tough axles and there's only one way to get them we're going to take a quick break and take Johnny through the maze he's never been able to drive what's the name of your truck it doesn't have a name it's Bronco the blue bandit has never been through the maze the Bandido the Bandido yeah so the Bandido the blue Bandido the Bandido has never made it through the maze yet and today is the day let's let's go do this and then we'll be right back on the Bombi don't worry we will get this done [Music] eventually all right I'm getting out to spot this is where the trails so we're doing the maze light we skipped the first the whole like a mile of of tracking the first one of these days we'll do the whole maze we'll show you what that is but we're always in a hurry so we always just do the maze lights but the second half of the maze you can't skip stuff you have to go through it and that's starting right now [Music] for those of you that think you could bring your stock Bronco out here and run the maze this should be a little bit of an eye opener all right we're sending Johnny and Trevor back to the great white north um thanks for coming down thanks for having us good time it's going to be nice to be able to move that thing around without having to tow it so we did learn quite a bit um about the Bronco and its current Wheeling abilities um they up and we definitely have some improvements to make make but the good thing is we know how to make those improvements so Colin got these welded on um I hope they're in the right place I think they're in the right place there's a good chance they're in the right place anyway so this should solve our leaking problems all of our wildest dreams are about to come true cuz we're going to be able to steer this thing reliably and uh we don't have too much more work left to do before we can go out and test it again I think we should take it to the top of the world cuz we've had a bus there we've had a race car there but I I've never seen a snow cat at the top of the world but we've got more work to do but that's not till tomorrow we'll see you like this as promised we are back in the shop working on the bomie this is the crew right now I think Caitlyn's coming in later we might even see Rhett no one knows so today Jake and I are working on brakes and hubs we're going to be taking off these small brakes and replacing them with bigger brakes we're getting rid of this this this this this and possibly this we're also going to be cleaning these up and painting them today and then we're going to be taking these getting them a little fresh little paint all right so Colin's about to get started on the on taking apart the rear axles on the bombie and I'm going to get started on this freshening this bad boy up because it is crusty we're going to hit it with the wire wheel we're going to spray it up with some paint get it all fresh and ready to go on the bombie so it's been just a Non-Stop cleaning process for the past hour or so got these two this one still got to clean up a little bit more this one Jake got pretty dang good so we're going to cover everything up and then I think he's going to paint it Caitlyn has been pulling all this apart almost got it completely stripped so let's go see what Jake's doing I think he's getting a spot ready to paint Jake hello I just made us a paint booth the highest quality you want to see it yeah let's see it look at this this this doesn't get any better than this right there so Matt teamed up with the guys over at Nasa to build one of the most amazing paint booths the world has ever seen and here we are today sorry Robbie one day you'll get a nice paint booth like this put the wind just go straight at Blue Steel please don't go on Blue Steel so these are the brackets off the front we're now going to be moving them to the back so we got to cut these off and put them on these brackets originally came from Barnes four-wheel drive if you need brake brackets for your ride they are an excellent source if you use the promo code more you get 10% off at checkout thanks Connor [Music] [Applause] [Music] two all right okay put that through there SL down I smell cologne is that you right probably I'll be dipped okay Colin are you ready mhm put a would you weld it just weld the top really quick going do okay how does that look fast that looks really good or should I say slow it looks SL slow that's what it's supposed to look like exactly okay Colin can you build up in there kind of on the inside so that it pulls in instead of to one side of the other [Music] all right we are in final assembly and here's the deal if it bothers somebody we're going to let them paint it but right now it's not bothering anybody so we're not going to paint it paint what you see it's not bothering exactly sometimes people say how many people does it take to install a wheel and I say in some cases it takes all of them all of the people look at that that's fast and almost in Balance yeah it's not in balance is it but it doesn't have to be oh look at that performance part right there we'll be able to go slower than ever yes what's going on here hey oh did it work I should be spinning pretty freely this we didn't get this bracket over that way far enough and the other problem is it's rubbing on this pin I don't know how I remember I was frustrated when I was putting this side on fire up that welder we're going to fix this you fix oh my gosh you're cutting that off aren't you I'm just cut I'm cutting this off and cutting this off and we're sliding it over uh let's not hold on hold on hold on let's explore our options really quick that's the I I already have I'm okay hold that like that that's the top one keep it oriented [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay now let's do the bottom [Music] one well I'm not proud of what we had to do but I am pleased with how it turned out we're assembling this for the final time again you really hope so watch this it's low speed low Precision I'm not worried about it low speed low Precision I like it good morning it is a new day in the shop we are still working on the Bombi of course look at this new brakes shiny this would be an upgrade wouldn't you think okay Caitlyn we need to put these together okay so let me show you how that works so they go right there like that and then we press these in behind there okay oh they're not going to work we got to find some different studs all right we're going to have to go to the parts store see if we can get the right studs to the race car [Music] these might work [Music] [Music] Tomy Kangaroo Down sporty kangaroo down look at that that's good all right we're just going to I'm an idiot I put this on backwards it was supposed to be on this side yeah totally did it's okay it's okay we have an air hammer you want to put those in I want to put those in yeah that works [Music] great all right that work for you oh those are that those beautiful is that on correctly yeah I think so okay grab this and this I need a bearing okay that needs to go in the trash col I'm in a dreadful hurry I've got an appointment again and I'm going to be late for it and I just want to make sure that if we can get one side of these done then these guys can do the other side they'll just have to copy my work all right come look at this seal right here this is a this is how the dust deflector works there's a drain on the bottom to let stuff out but that'll keep the snow and water and sand and everything from directly being able to hit that seal so here's the old brake pads with the small rotor you can see we're not using 100% of the pad so that's uh that's not ideal these new ones we're going to be using 100% so one of these they'll sweep the whole area just like that we're going to be changing these brake hoses soon that one seen some some battle yeah we got we have a plan to solve that problem M I was going to be gone for the rest of the day so we're going to be putting on the gears and all the parts and stuff to make sure everything lines up and looks good we didn't think we'd have the right lug nuts we need but we do for this purposes so we're recycling temporarily [Music] so to get this thing back on track we need to get a banjo bolt for the other caliper that we're using so I'm going to head over to motion and flow real quick I don't know what size I need so I'm going to take the caliper over to the store mess around with a bunch of sizes see what fits come back to the shop all right so I went to the store I got a banjo bolt finding a banjo bolt for your caliper is way harder than you would think so don't lose your banjo bolt but now we have a new issue these are the new lines that we're going to be putting in they got this nice little 90 fitting on there but we got an issue that does not fit the banjo bolt this is a smaller diameter oh man Bombi well that's going to work beautifully looks good to me now we just got to finish it now we've just got to take it back [Music] apart it's a new day in the shop we got these brake brackets all welded in they're still warm I can touch them all I want without any repercussions so here's the deal we're going to get these painted because well bombie and then we're going to get them assem led oh we got our stuff we got these from RCV this is going to allow us to adapt 31 spline 49 in to 35 spline axles so like I said we're going to get these painted up we're going to get them stacked up we're going to measure axles we're going to get those ordered and then because it's a full floater we can put the tracks on and everything and Slide the axles in last so let's do that I need my saws [Music] all we're about to paint this also okay that smooth both these cans are almost out and I think we should get the marbles out of them after have you ever done that did you even have a child coat number one done let that dry for 20 30 minutes and then we'll do coat number two and then I think we can put everything together [Music] yes check out who just showed up we got Rhett here he's going to help us today with something I don't know yet I just showed up so back when my dad used to be a t man and we used to do Demolition Derby cars and stuff we'd always have empty paint cans and me and my brothers would get the marbles out of the paint cans and kayln said she's never done that and we've got a little smart we should smash them with rocks but we got a nice bar here to stab in so I have a bar I sharpen it up just a little bit the heck is going on here just a little bit I don't want to get oh dude I'm getting back stand back what w now this is the hard part oh man make make a bigger hole it wants to come out this all day I got it it is yeah so now it's everything to wash this off the for and R oh gosh run run run WD40 I got it WD40 look and now you have a perfect marble yeah you remember when we used to do that yeah look oh wa it is a marble that's literally a marble what I thought it was just a metal ball no it's a it's a little marble anyway that's what we used to do when we were younger and when we ran out of paint I was like we're doing that okay all jokes aside now let's get back to work I think we need to put everything back together and we can put tracks on so these axle shafts are going to be splined on both ends whoa hold how does that work other way around oh you know where the other ones of these are that don't work either this isn't the right part is it sure does we're going to have to trim these down this is going to have to be gr cut off why do we do so much trimming yeah that does not fit and then does this have a cap on the end yeah okay pull this back off don't put that on I need a/4 inch cut off of this thing all right so once again here we are take it apart put it together take it apart put it together but it's all going to be worth it because in the end it's going to be right it's going to be strong it's going to be effective and it's going to be beautiful so we've got to cut these off and step one is to thread on a nut and that way that'll clean the threads off on our way out Colin we got to cut these this is going to take a certain amount of precision and luck and I'm betting more on the luck than the Precision right now L it's doing a good job I want that ready so when I go to use it again it's still running was SC look at the Precision yeah I think I'm pretty happy with that okay let me do the other side [Applause] [Music] now oh you're done wow we cut these shorter which means we probably won't be able to do the jam nut system which is what this is based on but they do make a Nylock for these and we're going to put those on and see if those will work for us we'll do a Nylock locktite we could just cross the thread and it never come off rest them oh yeah okay you think let's put them back together and see if we made them short enough perfect okay okay now we need to get our measurement that's like just just perfect okay go put in the other side and we'll get a mark on it too yeah it was like a full day of boring why they call it that this a lot longer so it's clear to me we're going to have to drill these out like we did on the banana this is the system we used before we wrapped the tape back Caitlyn will this go down a little bit rat oh yeah stop going up and okay ready how far that's good um down just a little bit more we'll try that right there [Applause] it's working it's working pretty good you want some I want the air blowing out blowing the chips [Applause] out so last time we did this we did get a lot of comments about how we're weakening the spindle so you know it's dangerous and if the factory would have been okay with having the walls that thin that the factory would have made them that thin and interestingly enough the factory did make them that thin so for some reason the back axles on a Dana 60 are almost all of them are 30 spline and then the front ones are bigger I don't remember whether it's 32 or 35 whatever so this is the exact same spindle it's just been already bored out here we are doing it because I don't know why and you can see there's still plenty of meat on that spindle so the boring Puck we came over to this side my dad put it in here I didn't realize that and we're going to be blowing air through here and there was a bunch of metal shavings over there so I put the vacuum in there to clean it all out and it sucked the puck into here so uh we got to pull some stuff apart we needed to go in there anyway and fix the differential that we friction welded together so no time like the [Applause] present we have everything has to line needs to be bent oh these are hard to pull out cuz we have to pull off this this is this is something else flashlight have you just put more debris in there we got a fish out yes I did proud of you man we've got some drilling to do can you hit off this a little bit or there but I don't think that's going to do it that silicone hel on there good didn't it yeah [Music] oh sorry that was my finger all right go your way hey look we found it sorry guys this is my bad here's this one what a Treasures in there oh I see what happened this stripped out what happened so it's free spinning yeah glitter oh my sparkly so just a little pixie dust all right this is one of those days where we just kind of got served literally are you okay no no it's been a long day we've made some progress I I don't know we've made some we've made some progress we've made some mistakes we're kind kind of in the middle right now fo move back to we're going to catch up I think we're a net positive but the week is over that means the video's over so we are going to leave you now we're going to go home and we are going to think about what we did wrong and we will be back next week with a new resolve to solve these problems thanks for watching okay we have our clearance that we need I'm not going to say it not going to all right I'll say it we have clearance clearance
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 570,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oR-gma2Ro54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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