Blowing Up My Car To Keep up With Cleetus!

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[Music] not bad 786 and it just lost the [Music] door oh she's hurt boys put a hole in it yeah there's a little window in the block dang it dude put a big Block in it all right guys we got the MR2 up in line getting ready to make a Shakedown pass out here at Indie last time we were out here didn't go so well the MR2 left some rods in the burnout box going to the 800 tomorrow and of course that MR2 is famous for all the right reasons it's super fast it's [Music] ridiculous I think she just broke we ended up giving our away some rods to the fans that showed up we're hoping we're not giving away any parts this time and all of the rods stay inside the engine and we make a solid a pass we're hoping just to rip off a 7sec rip if the prep is good enough out here in front of everybody we got her T down at about 50 psi right now right where it was at at the Christmas tree Race So this tuneup with a Christmas tree hanging out the top of it to a 770 so we'll see what it does out here at Indie and go from there and then we're going to put it in a little street car shootout that cleer is putting on and see what we can do in there so let's get to it we got to get this thing in line and see what she does all right guys up here for our first test pass and uh we'll see what she does hopefully a good a nice all right baby come on we have a bad history with this Tru from last year hopefully we can go down it nice and good this one pass and then be in the street car shootout come on baby all right boys first RP at Indy see what we can do [Music] oh not bad 786 at 183 and it just lost the door or roof the or roof just came off it [ __ ] me not bad though 780 but uh we got some work to do Greg you ready to panel Bond again again [Music] oh no we lost the other door oh no oh no oh [Music] no oh no we just blew the other door off boys how did that happen the windows were latched in the door still lost the outer skin oh no boys that uh that was not good iy the the fast felt pretty good though overall but uh yeah how'd that happen I thought we got our latches so good this is unbelievable boys both carbon fiber doors have been ripped in half we even redid the window latches made them solid I don't know how that came off that freaking sucks boys it felt like it was a spicy rip at least but uh yeah that was not ideal not ideal boys both carbon fiber doors that were not cheap have been torn in half I don't know if this one's going to be savable like the driver side was or it might be time for some new carbon doors we really need to figure out how to keep these doors from ripping off it's happened twice now well that's not what we wanted nope they have it at the end of the track the door said see you later yeah it has left chat we Revisited the window latches we made sure they were secure so maybe air caught somewhere else that we're not seeing I don't know Indie is just not a it's not our track guess not IND is just some bad juju I guess blow the doors off brother dude the other door now the other door what the fre I don't know how it came off the window latches were solid and I saw that you checked it before we went up yeah I double checked it it was clipped it was ready to go what the TR setting up our should have your door and everything okay thank you thanks sir was it too much clean up no I think the door actually been over the wall okay that's good the window I think the window broke okay okay well it is Lex hand so it shouldn't shatter too bad no there was hard anything we about all right so sounds like the door blew over the wall and itself cleaned itself we didn't make a hey it's a lot better than when that door went and it had glass in it so at least we can't be that mad but that's sucks about good thing we did the lexan cuz now when the door came off it's not shattering glass on the track when did it come off a THS right the right at the end like it had to been right there I was like oh that felt like a solid rip and then the door's like that was a good pass you see what you do no went a 780 183 did it yeah it felt pretty solid it was good rip for 50 lbs turn down 780 damn it dude we need durate you guys real quick real quick D has a side business carbon door repair so that's your door is that the door window mangled window crap dude H the window broke not again damn it the window is not intact the do oh and it fent my freaking frame you kidding me brother what son of a [ __ ] the dang it dude that one's better than the driver's door when it flew off yeah in pretty good shap hey we can we can repair that we know it guy so can you run it like this or no probably not the last time we broke a window they wouldn't let us run so how's she coming in there Greg it's looking mighty fine guess we're still in it after all semiprofessional got her taped up good Greg I have no idea what I'll do we got the inner layer of cardboard just to help make it a little more rigid you got the carbon cardboard fiber it's unit man she's going to rock yeah that's 200 plus I think so man I think so how hard is it to clean tape off a racetrack though I don't know I know yeah hopefully that tape stays on there all right guys well we are still going to run the MR2 in the class we drew our chips and we were able to get it back here fast enough and Wyatt Greg and Jamie made us a new duct tape window they said that we'd be good if we can just cover that window with some tape we went ahead and got the door skin back on there so we are going to run it we got the slip right here though we did a 12760 ft which is solid and we went a 78 at 83 on 50 lb of boost pretty tame down we're going to leave it on this same setup unless we go up against a car that we think we might need to turn it up for because we're going to try to keep the exhaust stles happier for longer put it up in line see who we get and let's give her hell boys we're back in it all right we got the MR2 turned around we got that 0% window tint ready to go and we are going up against this Challenger right here for our first round he is on some radials and we got McFlurry up there and uh buet as well these are all of the cars in the class here some pretty serious looking cars this 240 looks really sweet and uh we're going to go ahead give it our best shot see what we can do see what we can do buddy make racing great again that's it I'm the support vehicle yeah BR here with all the stuff we might need to uh accommodate our street car here yeah just barely fit the rules for the street car class but hey but it fit the rules hey it fit the rules so we're in it it can drive back and uh it's going to win today I don't if you know that but it's happening all right guys coming up in the MR2 for round one the street car shootout we're going against the Dodge car over here see what she can do baby should be a fairly easy one as long as we can go point A to point B I believe that car runs about 10 so as long as we can keep it together on this PA we'll be going on G baby we're gone nice letting out early going at 837 and 134 letting out early moving on baby heck yeah all right my guy not bad 8:30 yep letting out not bad 8:30 to 134 right yeah just let out knew we were out on them did another one to eight to the 60 foot did it it definitely spun I was surprised yeah dude ever since we did The Wider tire and the extra weight on the nose this thing's been cutting 1 260 fots every time so we definitely moved in the right direction there you got that slip let's take a look at that real quick I'd love to see that 34 330 518 142 Okay so same e mile coasting an 83 134 okay well I think we just leave it there yeah seems to be doing all right everything felt great might just turn it up a smidge if the rods are still in there the Indie curse is slow nope shut up shut up I don't want to hear about that but uh I think we just leave it there depending who we got next maybe throw a little more at it out the back if we need it I saw James beat MC or yeah Kevin James beat Kevin yep so we'll just have to see we're only going to turn it up once we if we end up going with one of those guys right not though not bad we'll take it all right guys round two we're going up against this stick shift Camaro with some big old slicks on the back got the MR2 ready to go once again ready to go we got the speed tape on the door hasn't come off yet got clous over there too stepping how we looking Greg I think she's solid good for about 250 mph I would think don't faster than that you heard it here 250 mph rated we we took her up to 142 that time maybe a little faster past the eth mile and nothing uh came off so same plan if we're out on this guy we will let out try to save it for the big dogs looks like mullet and MC flurry are still in it so we'll see how far we can go looks like this guy got some pictures of the door coming off on that first pass oh yeah look at that shoot was already out and the door blew pulled the shoe as it was like right at the quarter the door let go yeah you can see the quarter mile cone right there so just a touch before it yeah got her on the big dog camera there nice you'll have to send me that I will cool all right guys MR2 rolling into the lanes for E2 of the street car shootout here at Cletus cars Indie getting ready to do our burnout we're going up against this Camaro over here [Music] well we got pretty loose on that second gear shift but he ran it out to a 91 at 121 [Applause] [Music] tires so we did a 9-1 on that pass letting out once again 128 to the 60t so not too bad it definitely spun a bit but we are moving on to the next round all right guys we are on to round three we're going up against a truck on nitrous this one's definitely a little faster than the other cars we have raced so I got to make sure to stay out on them the track is getting pretty slick it's getting hot out so the traction isn't all there that last pass we were sprinting pretty bad so I just got to do my best to Pedal my way through that but the car still launched good so as long as we can get out ahead on this guy we will go on to the semifinals and mullet and McFlurry are still in it so good chance we will run one of them if we can beat this truck right here well freaking M Flur just oiled the whole track and it is a bazillion degrees outside and we're just we're just cooking out here so we're waiting to go up 15 layers of sweat underneath your 15 layer suit uh but they're getting the track cleaned up right now and we'll be going up against the truck soon not sure if McFlurry is down but mullet definitely moved on so as long as we can take this win here yeah I think mullet and McFlurry went but whether they're going to let McFlurry move on after that I don't know yeah so if M flurry's down then we would get a buy to mull it hey if you want you can get up out of your car it's going to be a few minutes okay okay that way you guys can cool down all right yeah you don't have to ask me again to do that I am dying in here so it's down to Mullet if we beat this truck if you win this it's you and me but the rules are you have to have both windows I mean we have this window we have half that side all right guys MR2 coming up for E3 we got this pickup truck over here and if we take this home we are moving on to race mullet in the finals hopefully she do leave good we did a little bit more to the launch we'll see what she does right here baby [Music] w got exactly what we needed on the leave but all right at 856 at 142 sorry lost track there 856 at 142 we are going on to the finals with o cetus well we beat the truck but the MR2 seemed to come out of lach control for some reason and it went like up to limiter so I had to kind of pedal it to launch it out weird all right so all went well other than that launch control issue went right to limiter it came out of launch control yeah I'm not super happy about that cuz uh we were sitting at like 10,000 RPM on the lead not great but I can't react that quickly so what happened is we have an issue with our wheel speed sensor right now uh you can see it just starts to creep up where is it right bright out right now yeah you probably going to see it but speed sensor 6 M6 M hour and it just like creeps up to like 10 m hour just sits there that's when it's like going crazy on the twostep and you can see the wheel speed sensor is at 301 mph yeah we're definitely not going 300 mph so it might have just been noise jostling it doing something weird unfortunately we're not going to be able to rely on the speed sensor for this this pass so we're going to have to figure out something real quick how to do launch control or it's just going to sit on the limiter and leave so nothing we can really do I tried unplugging and plugging in the sensor no telling if that's going to change it or not um we'll just go from there on kind what it is dude and we're up against mullet y so that's a shitty that's a shitty deal to have in the finals so we should be good instead of referencing the rear wheel speed we're going off the front cuz the front one is working and that shouldn't change anything for a launch control so everything should be normal we are bumping her up to 60 lb out the back this whole time we've only been running 50 so we're throwing 10 more ran it out but once only once so we're going to really see if that tape will hold on this time we we got mullet so we got to throw we got to try to do something for mullet he hasn't so he hasn't made very good pass he's gone like a 50 850 850 that's his fastest so out we might be able to get mullet cuz the track's not ideal right now so you with this you can drive through the little spins and Shakes and get back in it easier than he can yeah that's if his just knocks him on the hit it's harder for him to get back into it or you can't we'll see what we can do boys here we go forer against big block yeah literally the tiniest engine in the street car class against the biggest engine what ailles heel though Hondas it is Hondas his Achilles anything else or just boost we're up in just boost we're up twep that's it that's it okay we're going to leave we're leaving to leave the same yeah I would leave it the same all right buddy be ready to [ __ ] pedal it cuz I think third gear it's going to want to it's going to be it's a slow ramp but the track is really greasy I think by the time it finally comes up on that thing if it's not hooked up good it's going to want to be a little squirly I mean you can push it out a little bit to be safe I slowed it down quite a way it's like four seconds out by the time it hits 60 lb okay so like you're past the Eighth Mile or you're coming up on the the past the 330 so you're third gear but just be ready in third gear it's going to freaking come all right boys we're we're putting some steam to this cast block here so hopefully everything holds on all right guys here we go we got mullet next to us we got the MR2 on a pretty spicy tune we're going to let her eat this could very well be a 190 plus uh rip right here if everything holds up if we don't spin too bad I don't see why the MR2 might not go like 195 it's definitely possible so we'll see what happens boys we're going to throw it down as best we can here just hopefully that cast block holds together living on a hope and a prayer baby yep all right let's do it and hopefully we don't have any little Windows like this in the block either yeah well let's not put that evil on us quite yet all right all right let's go all right guys final round going up against mullet today because all right guys here we go oh [Music] come on baby let's go let's go baby keep going yes 786 at 189 nice heck yeah I'll take that [Music] yeah I me watch you blow it up you're in front of me I had to give her everything she had you did I was worried about this motor pushing it that hard D I was on wa I can't turn my car down anymore I had to unplug plug wires and she just still spins dude every squirrel has is nut congratulations oh yeah we definitely hurt her on that one boys spoke too soon put a hole in it yeah there's a little window in the block dang it dude put a big block in it made a good pass yeah did you see what it ran I did not but it looked good I was watching the smoke come out of your car m but you did get me by a good bit I just eventually gave up said you just could you just hook up just when I race Hondas and Mustangs and mull apparently I just can't hook the tires dude it was spicy you got that weight bias dude that was that was the time you needed it was today having the engine on the back of the car good rip brother see you thank you yep sounds good what you got to say Jack stand I'm going home with a broken car no I'm going home I can say I didn't lose to a hunted well this is true this is true true sometimes you don't need the biggest tire and the most horsepower to go out there and win dang you hear that clus I'm just proud our boy had third dude yeah for real didn't miss it once today out there d a he's growing up they grow so F our little guys growing up man they grow so fast the friendly track officials are pushing me back but go ahead and see what we ran here felt pretty spicy out the back boys what do we do 78 only at 189 honestly a little slower than I was hoping for but we'll take it got everyone out here well we may have blown it up but we ran a seven in front of the people twice we beat mullet would have been nice if we could have driven it back on the trailer but we'll take it yeah come to this side ripped the it ripped the water pump oh there's a wrist pin laying down there there's pined down I think we're done coming to Indie dude bad juju here we love you guys in Indie every freaking year man no matter whether you blow it up or not man you guys here at least it didn't happen in the burnout box like last time all right how much money merch make we got expensive fix boys all that merch money is going right into a new motor damn it wait a minute though look at the window I'm going to go buy a shirt right now but Greg's tape job is rated for a certified 189 certified certifi like we said good for 200 plus it didn't come off I mean to be fair you're probably going quicker than that before it blew up a little bit right there yeah dude it ripped the whole water pump plate off oh no there's a wrist pin laying down there that's not good guys the water pump Plate's gone yeah know it's laying here dude I can oh there's a whole ass Rod laying down here no yep a whole Rod way brother give me a rag where's that bucket oh I see itude I got on the r that's the worst we're see dude I literally just said I hope we're not passing out Parts this time and we got more parts than last time all right number one got a wrist perfect condition certified connecting see that dude she's done boys she's good c a little too number three we have the other part of your connecting no D you s that a little too hard this time hey at least we won that's all matters and you got 7c pass yep we did two 7sec rips today what about this piece of block damn wait a piece of block oh yeah oh we're still digging see the see the Carnage right there oh there it is whoa dang it yep it was still running too so I think it was just one robod that like let go that piston yeah that piston was sideways that's what tore that part out it was the number one and it punched the water plate off like done Bud yeah she's done done Bud yeah right was it through the traps or just before it was hard to say it was hard cuz the sound is so different from the starting one cuz it seemed after you know I don't think it was I don't remember we'll have to check I want to say it let go right before I was expecting a little more mile hour than that but it's still about 189 or something yeah 189 I thought it was going to go like 193 194 hey we ran two sevens today for the people and we took out mullet hey we were able to we were we were able to make the MR2 go down better than mullet with a bigger tire y obviously a bigger engine but you know I did say this is probably the one time you're not going to be super sad about blowing a motor up cuz you won bro yeah we got it I I'm not too worried about it I'm happy yeah at least you didn't blow up in the burnout box again yeah yeah and was so fast to blew the doors off so it's awesome yeah we we tore some stuff up this weekend but it's good to know it's awesome Yep dang race break repeat yeah race break well we got the MR2 pushed up onto the trailer and we are winching the Tesla up slowly but surely back tires locked up why I have the jack back under the back so it's taking our time all right let's go boys r on the wheel I wouldn't stand up there oh we're good baby that where it needs to be I mean how far can we go ride boys thank you guys for yeah thank you guys that piece of [ __ ] home hold up well boys we are getting ready to roll out the MR2 and Tesla are loaded up two non-running Vehicles you know wouldn't be us don't remind me blown up K series door blew off we got a Tesla with a massive battery on it and it's dead it's just typical stuff for us so much happened over this day at the booster boys camp we had so much happen over this weekend I don't even know what to title the video but got a dub in the MR2 raced in the n800 didn't to to the car got to race with Tony Stewart had an awesome time this weekend and we got ourselves a freaking trophy for winning the street car shootout and barely pulled away from mullet there cuz luckily the track conditions weren't all there in that midin engine rewh Drive MR2 you know helped us out could put a little bit more power down than they could so we're getting ready to head out boys get back home to Florida and that's going to do it so hope you guys enjoyed thank you for watching and we got a lot of stuff to fix yay hey Greg we need to put that back around us to make it home I have some bad news did you break the eagle you broke a I did not touch the eagle broke off we can't have anything nice CG dude I didn't do it I can't believe you we thought we were going home with one non-broken thing yep turns out focus on us dang it dude not the eagle trophy RIP just put some JB it's all good [Music] a [Music]
Channel: BoostedBoiz
Views: 225,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aL0oIXwI4X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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