Can I Get The Rotary Bike Running That Almost Killed Suzuki?

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in 1975 Suzuki designed and built a bike that was so futuristic they had to redesign it again in 1976 before stopping the production and it actually became known as the bike that almost killed zuzuki it's the re5 the most complicated Suzuki that I've ever worked on now I admittedly know nothing about these bikes but luckily earlier this year at the swap meet I met somebody that does Max this is Max Max owns two of these bikes and he dug them both out of a barn went through them got them running and back on the road this is one of them and uh this is what we're hoping to get to by the end of today we got a lot of work if we're going to go for a ride yet today let's get [Music] started all right I guess we're just going to start at the front work our way back dude there's a lot of wires hanging out yeah a little bit of a mess looks like the signals aren't hooked up right now yo these signals what do they call these the globe yeah the globe signals Y and they're expensive this thing probably $1,000 wor the turn signals on it anyway yeah about yeah roughly we don't have any sort of front brake that's shot tires are shot nice Chrome Fender though little little bit of a crease looks like might be able to tap that out from that bracket underneath but we still have the uh rubber mud flap that's kind of cool radiator guards real nice looks like it might have been repainted before these had like a super cool like Space Age well here actually let me show you so that bike would have had this setup on it which is really cool Dan look at this so it has a cover yeah when you turn the key it shoots up and ready for action it's like getting your fighter jet ready for fighter jet stuff oh your front brake Works ours doesn't your clutch Works ours doesn't okay back to the task at hand so we're Miss in all that fun stuff but we do have the gauges I don't know to probably replace that whole Contraption we're looking at somewhere between $1,500 in a gazillion billion all right what else do we got we got two mirrors got some wires hanging down over here not a big deal though we do have a key for this one that's good we got here Fuel and radiator oh this looks like our filler neck's loose I don't think that was supposed to pull out of there how's the inside of the tank not terrible not terrible fingers crossed that's not horrible looks like all the signals are going to need wired up not a big deal uh we got a really nice seat this side cover is not right yeah it looks like a kz900 or z1900 or KZ1000 yeah it's not accurate the frame looks like it's been painted too somebody painted it gray so it's like somebody pulled this whole thing apart to make the frame look nice to put it back together to sell it this bike came from an auction and apparently it ran at some point but yet nothing that needs to make it run work so figure that out this thing holds 1,600 cc's of oil yeah it's actually got the transmission oil and then over here there's another oil St that it pulls from you have to so it has a separate transmission oil from engine oil yep and actually has the same transmission as the water buffalo so the gt750 so all the parts are interchangeable terms the clutch and gears and stuff okay so yeah here's our oil cooler underneath the radiator so it's oil cooled and then water cooled this thing is modeled after the wankle I'm sorry the what the wankle say that again wankle and the Piston looks like this but the way this works and we'll get into this more as as that is spinning you have fire and you're getting fire on both sides of the engine case and you're having exhaust so you're getting heat on both sides of the engine case and then you have your intake which is your cool side so there was a lot of going on here with Cooling and different materials and things so that they could keep the cases actually together and with standing that temperature fluctuation and also the exhaust have these air intakes here that blows air over the exhaust as you're running to help cool that CU it gets so hot yeah yeah so this is open but then there's an inner chamber here so this is this is bringing air in and running that fresh air over the internal pipe right and they also have the cooling fins on the manifold up here yeah okay so where were we so we have that that's not right but yeah that's okay shocks look good A little bit of a crack here and put some new silicone style hoses on that makes you go faster good news is we have a rear drum brake so we get this thing fired up and working yeah need a little bit of adjustment but it's it's there it's there we are missing a center stand this one doesn't have the center stand that's a bummer Road winner HS tires stands for high speed we got the awesome tail light which is intact a little crack on the lens but again these things are somewhere around a gazillion dollars so that's that's good enough Chrome chain guide oh we have the right side cover here the correct side cover look at the size of that chain it's all that rotary power you got to maintain it somehow holy mackerel like this thing's only 500 cc's must have all the horsepower clutch doesn't work so I'm hoping it's just something in behind here it's not hooked up correctly cuz that's going to be a thing we have that big old complicated carburetor I don't even know like what's going on here there's hoses coming in and out of this petock all over the place that one's King we got tubes and hoses here it looks like it's got like I think four throttle cables going on we got the down here's the port valve so as you get to a certain throttle position that opens up and allows for the secondary to activate there's a little cover there that's a push pull set up on the cable and then up here you have the vacuum secondary operates that secondary valve with a off vacuum and back here's the spark plug looks like it's running the original style and then this air cleaner tube it runs all the way from here all the way top the motor back to the airbox here that's where the mice like to yeah they like that spot four throttle cables yeah I think there's four or five cuz you got your push pull here on the carburetor itself we got the port valve here and on the other side there there's the u oil metering pump that's also driven off the cable sounds like three too many if you ask me all right well we don't have leaky fork seals though so that's a plus all right let's pull this thing apart let's open the seat here starter sw's looking just a little bit ratty wow I'm starting to think they tore this bike apart to paint the frame why I don't know and put it back together to get to the auction looking for that sucker okay let's pull the seed off and let's get that out of the way okay well this is what a wankle looks like inside is Suzuki all right yeah let's pull the spark plug I'll pull the seat too so there's your oil injection tank which actually that's not hooked up so that's kind of not a good sign so to speak wait could we be missing the oil pump some people block them off and all that this wiring I almost would have rather had the mice just chew it off rather than whatever this is so the uh re5 has a specific spark plug made for this engine and nowadays it's pretty tough to get them there's like one or two guys that have some NOS ones but other than that you just have to get really lucky and here's the style of the plug so we just go ahead and check the transmission world too just to see what we have for fluid in here there's a little Port over here you can pull out and see oh so if it leaks out you're good if it doesn't put four gallons in and it's actually you got nothing coming out so sweet yeah it might have been drained before so this is the original spark plug and like Max said these things are like you can't find these things so there's a fella that makes an adapter see how that's the same that screws in and then you can use an R1 yahala R1 spark plug and screw that in so now look at that how cool beautiful machine work too all right so do you want to start working at Fuel and I'll start working at electrical should we just go ahead and straight pull the carb and figure clean it I would imagine what's this we're trying to start a bike and it says cold start video are we trying to start a bike that was already started I think so let's see how it runs on this video did somebody make a tutorial for this bike specifically I think it was for like a selling point in terms of auction oh yeah yeah see here they got the time and date on there it's a little hesitant to start wait is that that's this bike I'm moving the camera so fast okay it's got that blue line on there's the headlight yeah so yeah let's pull the carb all right all right so here's this big intake tube here start putting some Hardware here oh so that's that wasn't horrible and actually if we're pulling the carb it's just a lot easier to get this fan out of the way so I'm going to go ahead and do that got two bolts over here I'm just going to do what He suggests I kind of want to see what's in this behind here because this doesn't work so maybe while Max is working on that I didn't have clutch but it's cuz the clutch ca's unhooked here sooo that's doing a loto seems to me this bike was kind of somewhat quickly put together almost to make the auction or something there we go all right clutch is almost fixed oh we got some a little bit of fuel leaking out of the accelerator pump is that good yeah that's pretty old Oh that's oh that's good stuff there dude I can smell that from here do you have gasket material Craig I have some I think okay we might have to make one here cuz it's actually com compromised we can Schmutz for sure yeah because if that doesn't seal that looks like an air leak right yeah that on yeah so the thing with these carbs too is when you take it off you got to hold it up and get these cables off the side and when it comes time to put it on it gets a little bit tricky doing it solo I guess this is what's going to the battery I like how Max is very sure about what he's doing and like charging forward and Craig's just still confused everybody needs a Max I met Max he's like hey are you Craig I'm like yeah he's like I really like that gt550 you did and I'm like cool when Sean got to Rotary re5 he's like yo he's like I got two of those r5s I'm like you want to be best friends and he's like yes I'm on my way no but really that gt550 that we picked up in Pittsburgh and got running and took down the streest stre Street in America steep the steepest street in America anyway Max now has that bike the gt550 because I think that bike was really awesome and I knew I was never going to get to it so when we met and got the talking and stuff I thought you know what here's a guy that's actually going to do something with it do a good job and whatever so anyway the gt550 is in good hands and it is on its way back to the the street I know a lot of people were asking about it in the comments so now you know yeah actually have a I'm going to take it back to Pittsburgh and do a Redemption ride once it's fixed yeah dude Craig Craig you want to finish that ride kind of we tried twice to finish that ride and failed both times we may have roasted a cylinder that's how good we are all right so we got the carburetor off oh jeez well that didn't take long here it is so you got your primary and your secondary and as you go along this is the there's a limiter here this opens up by vacuum here you can see the limiter here stops it so if this if throttle's shut this won't open but once the throttle's open this vacuum comes on it opens that second port and then that's when warp speed happens yes it's got choke unloader the main throt accelerator pump go and take the secondary off just going to carefully pop these [Music] hoses so just test this put Finger here and see it holds [Music] so right now just taking all the Jets out we got the accelerator pump needle goes down in there all the various Jets they're all coming out of these little ores here we'll take all those out and then take off these plugs here there's more jets in there probably drop the accelerator pump off too and go from there you loving these old bucks loving it there's a thing that's the more I pull these wires apart the not better it gets we need to get power from there up to the key switch from back here through this mess check so we know we have a ground this here is our hot to the starter solenoid this is our ac [Music] voltage so this has been leaking here see all that varnish and may it wasn't tight enough for maybe that's just worn out what are we hearing anything okay I already hear that okay that's the CDI we have a loose look wiggle it into the right spot yeah then just tape it there right we have zero lights on on the dash we got tail light see is does a brake light work yep got some Life coming out of it okay there I'm seeing some dash gauges okay that's cool that sounds awesome but I don't like this guess those don't need to be hooked to anything right who needs that to be hooked to anything not me what about this that doesn't need to be hooked to anything either I'm sure look that that's not hooked anything this isn't hooked anything I'm hoping this is all turn signal stuff they can't all be turn signals I'm sorry everything that's unhooked is turn signal related oh that's not hooked anything there is so much that's not apparently this bike only needs three wires to run all right well I think this thing's as far down as it needs to go for right now you see this thing let's look at this carburetor so we got the flat B there we got some crud in there not too much call the Jets out that's the accelerator pump yep and actually this is kind of uh I wouldn't say rock hard but it's pretty stuff yeah actually if you have some brake flu we could try to revitalize that just try to soften this up a little bit my buddy Tom taught me that good job Tom works pretty good you got a can of carb cleaner oh do I have a can of carb cleaner get some of his dirt off the outside all right now I'll blast it with some air and go from there I'm going to make a new wire to go from the battery to the starter solenoid cuz that seems like a good spot to start oh no that's not good so it's actually turning the whole post oh that's bad yeah that's not great so we may have to just figure out another starting solenoid all right well that being said let's try to pull this other one this is nice having help so I'm working on the electrical side of things while Max is working on the uh fuel side of things so hopefully he'll get finished up there in time to then come over here and figure out the electrical side of things he's about to get those carbs done before launch that's better than we usually do there's no knock against you no the the rotary carbs when you get the hang of them they're probably easier Craig with their five throttle cables yeah this carburetor is looking pretty good I think run with this so right now I'm just putting all the Jets back in right now I'm putting in the valve for the accelerator pump we'll force it down through there there's also another check valve there and it comes up past the needle and it goes down into injects right into there into the bution chamber so whenever you're cleaning carbs you always want to make sure the screwdriver is nice and clean before you go driving Jets back in so it looks like somebody put a Harbor Freight aftermarket uh o-ring in here cuz it's just not fitting just right but I think it'll work he seems to be going in all right now yeah I think I got it somewhere I have starter solenoids I think I can make that work okay so this is a kind of a generic starter solenoid it's going to work just fine I hope all the starter solenoids are doing is taking power from this side to this side and it does it via a trigger wire push starter button trips this and allows the power to go through okay so we're going to have to mount this somewhere maybe we'll go right about to where it was we're just going to zip tie it right there where the old one was okay let me grab zip ties see now I'm winning again Max how many how many things have you zip tied so far oh it's probably at least 50 today no not today not today but throughout in the past no how many how many things have you zip tied today nothing today yet see I'm winning hasn't used a zip tie all day yet that's the performance counter here number of zip ties used yeah are you even getting anything done oh no nobody saw that right that's what you want to hear when somebody has little tiny carburetor bits these gaskets tend to get hard throughout the 50 years you see it's kind of worn there so we tracked down a new one all right so new versus old you can see the difference there one's just completely hard and not good and this one's ready to roll like that all right so what I'm doing here is checking the float height controls how much fuel is in the carburetor very close we're going to go ahead and put the accelerator pump on so we can test that before installing you know I brought in the professionals when he was talking about testing things before doing stuff guys we are really going above and beyond here on this one so this is the accelerator pump we just soaked in some brake fluid to try to soften it up uh it seems like it helped a little bit but may not long enough but we'll go ahead and put it back together so I use this thing a lot when it comes to time working on these it's pretty nice to have it's got all the good stuff in it there is no replacement for having a manual it's the first thing I always say when people are like hey I need you know like do you have advice for this or how do I do that or whatever it's like first thing you got to do grab a manual you don't have to use it but you got to have it what I am learning though with these bikes is they are about as finicky as diesel KRS I would hope the diesel KR is more finicky for all our sakes man me [Music] too now I know why had me do this then the only reason he wanted us to fly out here was to take this one screw out thank God you guys fell for it [Music] all right you got a little bit of fuel I can pleas siphon some off from that IV thing yeah if there's some in so right now I'm testing the accelerator pump it's coming out of this check valve here I'm actually seeing some wetness down here at the injector spot so I think we can assume that's not blocked and I'm going to go ahead and put the top on and we'll be ready to put it back on the [Music] bike all right well the carbs all back together got to do is put the fuel hose back on and or the fuel hose valve thing and it's ready to [Music] install so if we go there and try to pull [Music] continuity good this is hideous I'm good I'm done this is done done wow I didn't know this is what done looked like hey the last guy didn't hook him up I don't have to hook him up that's right this is 100% the messiest battery I've ever filled I think it's a little bit of an issue here with the stud I'm not sure if it's stripped or what but it's shouldn't come out like that what shouldn't where this uh shaft here is yeah this stud threads into the carb and it just kind of stuck in there so it might be stripped let me oh yeah it's clean stripped out so you can see in there just the threads are just gone oh yeah so there's our threads they're wedged in the side there yes they just come clean right off I guess those threads didn't want any more of the shenanigans anymore like I said we'll just go ahead and put on the ones that are there for right now and that's the kind of thing you fix if it Run's good right now we're just trying to see if the motor's good all right so that's ready to go so next we're going to get that insulator block all ready to go and we'll have to uh either fix that gasket or make a new one let's check all the cables and everything choke choke switch is functioning that catches this little tab here your choke and these cables they're kind of a bar good on but we'll get it so the cool thing about the re5 is the only bike that has this car it's meant like the muni built this for this engine it's pretty cool piece that makes them really easy to find and to find parts for everybody's making rebuild kits for them that should be good just where the brakes are little shoo on the top side yeah just SAR the crack don't want to make it a complete mess if we don't have to all right so this is the most fun part here is hooking up the throttle cables got that one riding The Struggle Bus here for five minutes or so do you need four more hands I might see if I can do it there it goes the one she got to get the barrel lined up on both sides all right so that one's there that one's good I've used some colorful words in the past doing this believe it like red purple purple ah green it [Music] fuchia oh look at that let's check the choke oh yeah we got accelerator pump action too I heard it it went choke is working all right so now just put the rest of the screws on be ready to rumble all right that's that for the carb it's ready to roll now just to get spark and then get the motor turning over and guess we'll try to fire it up yeah yeah that's what we like to hear smoke out the shop here we don't have much oil in the transmission if any we don't have all the wiring sorted out but we're going to put some power to this and see what we get out of it all right so fingers crossed we can oh I heard turn S the Flasher no CDI though so there's the CDI box okay so hit the button maybe and whoa we got crank hey we got crank yeah it seems like got compression too yeah all right so it cranks all right well let's see if it fires or Sparks right did it yep got spark got spark yeah nice blue spark nice all right so this is loose in here so let's take this out and I believe we want to put copious amounts of antise yeah I I agree with that yeah oh maybe we should put the airbox on because they're kind of sensitive towards it well should we see if we have any fire and then throw that together I guess why wouldn't it fire I think it I think it will carb all clean he's the expert if he thinks it will he said the carbs all clean I don't know I didn't see him do anything he could have been over there not doing a thing but while he's doing that thing let's come over here and do this thing Dan I got some boxes here this one here oil filter cutter tool got a couple of these boxes here in the last few weeks and we've been so busy I haven't had a chance to open anything up no way dude this guy sent us old tools yeah man look at that the plugin pump I've seen these before so stop and go is I think still around today and I've seen these kits before but I've never seen a complete one so what you do is it comes with everything you need to plug your tire comes it's got some plugs in there and the tool and the rubber some out and then it comes with these fittings and you screw that into your spark plug hole in the in your head and then the hose to there and then you put that on your tire and you crank your bike over use it as an air compressor so it shoots all that air into your tire to blow up your Tire Max do you ever rece one of them I have't that's actually pretty cool dude that is cool thank you man and and then what else was in here oh wow dude great selection of wrenches oh he sent me an email what does this say Ed Ed and Bill ninth in park 25 cents in trade so they handed these out and I think this here token would buy you a beer at Ed and Bill's Bar on Ninth and park whatever that was oh wow man that is awesome let's go get a beer thank you so much I wonder if that would still work oh we should figure out where that is and roll up with that thing and be like hey and what else do we got here we got SM faces on the box oh little tiny what little tiny mugs no way as the clay is in The Potter's hand so are you in mine Jeremiah 186b that is awesome oh I know what this is I know what this is oh this is so exciting so when we were out in Utah I met a family he was actually wearing an everybody needs a Craig shirt uh when we were out on the trail and then we got to catch up and hang out and his wife makes coffee mugs and he knew how much I like coffee and one day I saw his wife looking at our coffee mugs no way that's so cool I love that color that's is oh my God it's caffeine yeah how is that that's great so I told her I said hey I said why don't you take one of these surprise your wife with it and it looks like they surprised me with coffee mugs cuz my wife loves she has one of these clay mugs that she got got back when we lived out west 20 some years ago and she still has it she loves it and that's I think her favorite verse that's so cool there's another one here you have to get the kids to start drinking coffee look how nice it like a little sticker Cat sticker holding everything together yo check that out pretty rad what kind of bike is that Craig coffee bike actually looks like a uh it's a Triumph I should know what a Triumph looks like it's a Triumph Max do you agree that's a Triumph yeah looks like one some high quality work there man that is so awesome I'm going to make myself a cup of coffee and these little guys each piece of pottery is hand thrown on a miniature pottery wheel and is unique liked each of us with unique gifts imparted to us from the most high god dude this is cool thank you so much she has an Etsy store oh that was fun it's like the Mr Rogers when the mail comes on the Mr Rogers show we got the best peeps now back to work where were we so I went ahead and slid the air cleaner back in put this cover on him doing all sorts of stuff while we're goofing off opening the coffee mugs I think we're going to be really close to starting this thing up now I know how the people feel like when we go to their house and they're like I'm doing stuff and they're watching me like and getting excited that's kind of how I feel now like we reverse the rolls Revol versal reversal rolls switching it up switching it up Revol veral is that the triple compounded negative [Music] that was pretty scientific I put two glugs in look at that hardly even drips okay so this is off so we're we're running a little premix oil in with the gas and the reason is because the way this Bike Works is we have transmission and transmission oil here over here on this other side we have engine oil and then back here we have injector oil so what that is doing is this is actually the injector oil but it's just a little bit to lubricate the internal rotor of the in the engine so anyway we have some oil in there we have a fresh battery in Max clean the carb we don't have any coolant because this is rotted away see that's not supposed to do that we have our onee only air filter in let's see if this bike will start all I'm going to turn the gas on all right well I think we give it a shot co chok's on keys on I hear the buzz whoa no way sounds a little rattly oh we don't have yeah say there might be an internal problem with that sound yes yes maybe we should put some oil in here yeah I agree let's do that all right so see what we got for oil in here it's not looking too promising right now but I'm just taking the plug out the bottom here longest drain bolt ever nothing yeah I don't think that's quite 1600 cc's of oil in there so that's all the oil that came out of the transmission that seems pretty thin too I'm not seeing parts or pieces that's a good sign all right I think we got enough in there to start oh we're leaking fuel looks like oh wait so I think what's happening is it's coming like from the intake just overflowing and dumping is it just like a regular float needle yeah is it rubber tipped or is it metal tipped metal tipped could just be worn where is it at right under here oh so it's not yeah so that's like your fuel for it there and then to get to it we'd have to take the top of the carb off which you can do with the carb on the bike okay all right I think that's next step probably well I guess I'll start tearing that off and see I'm going to hit the shopping list so coolant hose gas gas so right now we're looking into this leak kind of see where it's coming from sometimes gas flows and it's hard to tell oh yeah it's puddling in there okay so it is not from the drain plug because you can see in there it's just full of gas all right so we're going to go ahead and just take the top off of this carb again see why and where it's leaking from okay so there's the top just going to take off this little oil injector check valve and we'll try to figure out why it's pouring so much gas in there take this over to the bench all right so I think what's happening is this little needle it's supposed to seat in this little seat here I think it's just not seating enough to where it's not sealing it off there's a couple things we can do to test here we'll put a hose on there and blow into it and see if it's blocking it off but in the meantime I'm just going to take that out and clean it anyway while it's off big thing to check is always if there's dirt in the seat which doesn't look like there is and then also sometimes overflow cuz there's a little spring in here see how it's springing back a lot of times that spring will fail and it just gets weak and then it just doesn't seal right now it looks pretty good there's a little bit of a wear line on the needle not that bad I don't think it would make it leak but that could be why it's it's hard to tell so if you look at this you see that Tang's just like lopsided down to the one side so with that being said it's probably not that's probably our leak right there and it's not pushing it up I guess that somehow got bent when I put the card back together all right so that's back on there it's looking pretty straight I'm going to go ahead and get my float reader thing I'll grab so it's kind of close it's a little bit low so we're going to go ahead and raise that up so to bend the float height you kind of just bend this tab down here not exact but I think we'll run with it as long as it's nice and straight looking you think Dan that look pretty straight to you like this way looks a lot better than it was I guess the only way to find out is to send it and put it back on all right so we're going to go and put the top back on we'll take careful care to not hit the flow things lined up good it's like fishing in Reverse okay now before we go putting everything else on I want to put the fuel line on and make sure that the leak is somewhat fixed Moment of Truth now we wait for it to leak yeah now we wait for it to leak yeah okay right now it's nothing so far but we'll give it a minute it seems to like to leak after you let it sit for a second all right so it looks like we got our leak fixed we got it's nice and dry in there now we got the gas on it's been sitting here probably like 5 to 10 minutes or so but now that it's not leaking I'm going to go ahead and just put the rest of the hoses on and get it back together I'm back I don't know if this is going to work cuz this is smaller than this but that's all they had well then we'll make it work that's what I'm going to try to do oh look at that boom nailed it all right the fuel leak is sorted for now sweet wait give it a second here and make sure it's not going to continue on Wow as soon as I put that on it starts it said what as soon as I said that it leaked me and Dan just saw it wasn't leaking for like 5 10 minutes there and all a sudden right Max looks deflated can't stop the leak I guess can't stop the leak we're not going to let something like a little car leak slow us down this comes down like so so I'm going to start with uh adjusting the clut all right cool I'm going to go through here and I'm going to tuck all this stuff underneath the tank and then we're just going to have to remember if we don't hear the buzzing of the CDI box to jiggle the wires kind of want to run it again we'll see if we get any bubbles out yeah let's fire it up see what happens jiggle the wires I didn't hear the I hear anything no I'm not even seeing the lights now up here I didn't take it apart we should be hearing of buzzing right yeah you should he something yeah we got like nothing I'm not sure we're getting power through the fuse did that just Arc well this looks a little shoddy here I don't know if maybe that's it could be that's where I'm hoping it's it yeah it looks like that was on the verge of breaking almost yeah okay that's our problem fuse box fuse box cool do you want to maybe delete that while we're at it yeah whoa whoa got like welded to the thing what did you do don't touch the wire hot maybe I should throw some tape on that or something some let's not do that again that paired with the fuel he couldn't oh yeah right yeah don't let's not forget here ladies and gentlemen we do have a fuel leak I'm just going to hastily put these fuses together hastily is my middle name right meow yeah looks good to me this is probably not the way I should be fixing this oh oh yeah we got power yeah see if it'll Fire Let's see if it'll fire ni startling what' you do I touched the wire harness oh did you I did something in here yeah it's flickering again the motor itself like the engine itself sounds good I think it's a transmission you mean if you see this bike at an auction it's Ship Shape dude I thought that would have fixed it might be that red one yeah it is all right that's where my brain sometimes like doesn't work cuz obviously it's the red one that's the power wire like duh there's too much slop in it yeah we might just be at that byass stage oh yeah I guess we didn't say we only have one day to do this because Max has to go back to work work got to go back to work so you can go back to having fun right okay hey yeah sweet sweet workarounds all that not needed stuff is just tucked in there real nice and neat like it's getting closer I think we'll be riding this thing here soon sure hope so we got it running tank fuel filter seat ride [Music] brakes still don't work and we don't want transmission Works sounds like the perfect conditions to ride in let's try [Music] this what's going on here secure indicator works oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right it's running good what's that noise it almost sounds like oil starvation in a way but why don't we just dump more oil in the tank just to be safe in this tank yeah okay and then it has oil down in the so and then we put oil in the transmission so coolant somewhere is that coolant oh we're popping over the flow here here I think this motar has a little bit of a history ofart some abuse I think it could be shouldn't get that hot that quick all right let's fire this up again it must have just been the post burnout Jitters that's what I'm thinking we got a burnout this time you're welcome getting some weird noises coming from the chain that's so cool gear indicator oh no go Craig go I'm trying I'm doing things woo let's just wrap it up I'm blowing cooling out of the top I think we're uh like the fuel system is uh maybe not who hey we're still in gear yeah I can't give it any sort of throttle little unhappy well folks she's a little unhappy at the moment I think we're getting some cooling into the uh combustion chamber but we got it running and it was a whole lot of fun you don't see many of these bikes on the road you definitely don't see two of them together very often so thanks for watching have a great weekend don't forget to like And subscribe Dan's going to put a video here and here check those out I know you're going to love them have a great weekend see you next time so here's a fun fact most guys that collect and play with Suzuki re5 also collect Jawas so max is really in the Jawas so I saw this Jawa com up for sale and I was like hey Max I'm like do you want a Jawa and he said yeah sure it sounds fun so we got this Jawa for Max Thanks Max yeah thank you appreciate it yeah oh I also got something else for you you need one of those for in your toolbox because they are awesome heck yeah thanks Greg yeah dude yeah would be awesome this is the impact style too yeah
Channel: The Bearded Mechanic
Views: 358,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M7fluO1Ohs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 52sec (2332 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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