Will it run after 80 plus years 1926 Mack model AB truck

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today we have a 1926 model Mac ab and this old girl's been setting for at least 80 years I'm sure this old girl was probably parked at the beginning of World War II she's been setting just about forever as you can see the bumper if you look right here on the bumper you can see where cables have been pulled through here I'm going to say there was a pulley here and it has a road winch thing on the back so it's probably used for pulling stuff out of a field or it might have been like a Old Wrecker recovery truck she does have this neat little plaque here on the side the other one's missing it says Mac and it's in the dog's mouth it's got a book that says hauling cost and it's tearing it up so I guess these are supposed to be the best thing to haul with the engine's locked up dead solid I mean locked up solid it's a 471 cubic inch motor let's see here as you can see that's a pretty big old four cylinder that thing is bigger than a d Diesel and she makes like 50 or 60 horsepower so she's not real efficient for cubic inches to horsepower but she is neat to look at she's missing I think this was a starter that went here but the fan goes spin but the engine don't says drain and renew oil every 500 Miles I'm not sure where the oil dipstick is this here might be it I haven't even checked the oil in this thing man that's well I just think that's where the dirt dobbers live uh yeah that's all that's down in there all the plugs look to be intact as you can see this one here is a plutonium plug that's why it's that weird color these started making these back well they use uranium I think back in even the 20s but these were around 1940 so it was probably running in like 1940 but probably parked around 41 or so maybe later on but it's got each plug in there they don't look rusted off these are older style Champions all this looks intact and the dirt dobers have plugged that up for us so I mean it's all here for the most part but she is stuck solid around on the interior here we do have well she's pretty complete we got the transmission it is stuck in neutral luckily because if it was stuck in gear it'd make a world of problems this is your uh parking brake and this is something else maybe another brake say that's another parking brake I'm not real sure this might be a shifter of some sort we'll have to look at it it ain't paid a whole lot of attention to it I don't know how to check the oil like I said because I don't see a dipstick on this thing underneath the oil pan does have well it kind of looks oily so that's a good thing but all in all she's all here the drums are locked up like I said and them tires are old as can be we're going to go ahead and pressure washer off and uh see what we get at least the Magneto here hopefully it works and we'll take the hood all the way off and clean this up get some stuff soaking in it fill it with diesel it'll probably take a good I don't know 30 gallons of diesel to fill this thing up but that'll deunk the inside and hopefully it won't be too hard to get this old girl whirling over and running cuz I got to say she's one of the neatest Vehicles we've ever had to get running pull these little side caps off right here you just kind of after you un loosen it or loosen it you just pull that right there and uh as you can see there's some dirt down in there from that dirt dber Nest but these right here so you can inspect the rods down there you can see how big the rods are we'll get a light here in a minute and uh this one here just kind of wiggle wiggle and it comes out and right there's the rods and I mean they look clean you got a lot you can see the rods here and they're massive it's 471 cubic in and the crankshaft is absolutely huge in this thing everything in there looks good that is oil down there it's just weird colored cuz it's probably 100 years old it's probably trying to turn back into a dinosaur or something and on this side here you can see there's a bunch of stuff that's falling down that old dipstick we're going to get a rag and clean up all that we can and well we're going to wash this out with diesel fuel but first we're going to crawl underneath there pull that old drain plug and see if there's any oil in it and uh after we get that with quite a bit of diesel in it that ain't really going to do anything for breaking it loose but it will help clean all the crud out of that pan Which needs to happen then we'll pull the plugs and put some acetone transmission fluid down in there and maybe some PB Blaster and hopefully in a few days might take a week but this old girl should come loose cuz doesn't look like water has ran down rods and that's normally what happens when they if they get water or a lot of moisture it'll run down you can see a rust line on the rods and everything in there looks pretty do G good looks like water right there get that ready and Moment of Truth here Welly that's warm water oh well didn't need a drain plug uh well I mean a drain pan hand she is bone dry on the oil unless it's got some oh oh yeah it's got Gunk it's Gunk oh uhoh yeah that's what a 80y old at least oil that's just set looks like it's basically turned to grease oh there's quite a bit in there oh man good thing we had the big drain pan it turns that weird red color I'm not sure why but uh that's how chunky it was them chunks are performance though so nothing wrong with them we're going to let this drain for the next probably 24 business days it's looking like on this one cuz we're going to have to come in there and clean the chunks up well out of the drain hole probably four or five times this thing's been draining for hours now and well it's still draining we have one of these little fancy uh battery operated liquid transfer pump from uh the harbor fright we got this thing we was going to buy one of these just to make things easy but if you bought a 5 gallon gas jugy got one for free so even if it don't work like it's supposed to uh I guess we didn't waste our money cuz we got a 5 gallon gas jug that we needed we're going to go ahead and put some diesel down in there first oh that thing actually works surprisingly well uh some diesel down in there and maybe that'll finish up our uh draining sometime these should be warm enough I think we're going to give them a good spray of the old PB Blaster and yeah that seems pretty warm some of these are almost rusted off you can tell and luckily these have that little inden in there so you can just fill them up well let that Sizzle for a minute we're going to go on to the next one well we're going to skip this one cuz that'll catch you on fire and go to these there's only uh two plugs in this head and there's four in this one because I guess they plug them off for some reason but we'll get them out this in here looks to be the roughest and hopefully none of these break off I'm afraid that's going to break off that's a pull it back some oh yeah it probably broke off but at least we tried and I've cleaned all this out so there's no junk going to go down in there luckily let's do our spark plug test here and see how it's hot we'll we'll do that later woo easy as can be on these ain't that handy hardly any rust on this one I mean that one looks brand newish that's the uh plutonium plug and this one there is quite a bit of stuff on it you can see well now of the scary [Music] plug maybe I can get to it this way now no go Dam it just don't want to come loose [Music] there we go I'm going to leave that plug there for a while cuz uh it's probably 13 million degre unless we can catch it with this we can let's see you can see o you can you see there's quite a bit of rust on the end of it I mean it ain't terrible terrible but I'll show you guys the insides of the cylinders now and looks like we're going to be pulling the intake and probably shot trying to shop back all of it out we can we may leave the intake on for now and just fill the cylinders then do that later depends on how much stuff it looks like down in there so you guys can see down in here this cylinder don't look bad there's some Rust in it this one has just a little bit of that's carbon and a little bit of a rat Nest looking thing same way with this one back here here there's quite a bit of surface rust and stuff on that valve and this one looks clean I'm going to say this had an open exhaust valve and so did well this one didn't and this one didn't cuz the normally the ones with the open exhaust valve look the worst when it's a updraft engine because the exhaust is where stuff gets in and it's a lot harder for stuff to get past the carburetor then up here then inside we will have to pull the intake but I'm going to clean this one out and all these other ones look good we're going to fill them up with the acetone PB blure and anything else we can put in there to help her break loose number one's all nice and cleaned out now so hopefully we can fill it up and it won't just leak past the valve oh I think we're getting somewhere with this one yeah it didn't have an open [Music] valve this stuff does just slip by these Rings really fast cuz I I can already hear it hitting the wool pan and dripping out well that one's still empty it's just going to leak past same with that when it leaks past so fast just for fun we're going to see if it'll budge any cuz the the back cylinders have been soaking for a while I highly doubt it not a lick ain't going to hurt nothing doing that as long as we don't put too much pressure on it well only thing to do is let her set and I'll get back with you guys in a day or two or three or 10 or 20 or 30 just depends on how long it's going to take this stuff to break her loose this stuff normally works in a day or two but this one it seems to really be stuck it doesn't look like there's any real uh rust in the cylinders I think it's just surface rust from its setting and it get getting hot and cold and the cylinder sweating so we've let this thing set for a week or two and well the engine's still locked up solid so I already took the spark plug tube off it was only like two wires and we've sprayed this with PB Blaster and everything else so we're going to take the impact to them pull the heads off of it we'll pull the intake I think it's the valve train that's hung up because these shouldn't get water down in them but you never know cuz it's a updraft system look like today is going to be the day the headbolts just come completely out of there if that's the case that will make our job 10 times easier ain't that something that one got stuck oh it came out and I know a lot of people like the Milwaukee uh impacts but I've had this thing for like 5 years now and I leave it out in the rain every time it rains and it never gives up on me so well crap that's in the way we got it though it's hot too so I think we about have it off here I know someone said that you could use plastic wedges they had that idea to not hurt a head gasket but since these are made out of asbestos and copper and the copper is really thin anything you have that makes direct contact with it that's pushing will fold it so if you take you a sawall blade or any flat piece of metal and lay it in there first on top of that gasket it helps you not destroy it I found out it's not 100% sex success rate but it's about a 83.4% and there we go please don't be Carnage Bo there's a a lot of stuff down in there kind of figured that look at all that nasty stuff boy oh boy this thing's got some big valves in it the dead gum cylinders you can put your fist in them and the dead gum don't even touch the sides of the cylinder walls good Lord but there's all this junk on top of this cylinder which is not good it's was good to pull the heads anyway but we wanted to get her loose first but well at least we got that one off of there so we cleaned all that up I was hoping that was what was locking the old girl up all that junk that was up there but it but it wasn't packed that tight it was just kind of setting in there from the dirt dobbers living in there not sure how they managed to get in there like that because these valves were closed I'm assuming at one point this motor when maybe when the guy that got it before the guy got it from pulled it out of the woods cuz it was still in gear cuz the guy got it from had it for like 20 years I guess and the other guy had it for over 20 years and maybe when he pulled it out of the woods the motor wasn't locked up and all that stuff was in there and it just pushed up against there and that could have locked it up but it's still stuck so we're going to pull this head off of here it may be a valve train issue as you can see our ratchet strap is still tight so she hasn't moved a lick yet but I'll get back with you guys we're going to take this head off hopefully it comes off fairly easy and we'll clean them cylinders up clean the head surface up clean the valves up and take the intake off make sure there's no junk in there and here in a little while as long as the Magneto works and as long as we're man enough to crank her over hopefully we'll have her loose and running okay it's loose we're good to [Music] go oh man there we goo there's not a whole bunch of junk in this and the cylinders are real nice and pretty you can see there's some little bit of stuff hurt the head gasket so we're doing good there it must be the valve stuck on this thing as you can see these cylinders are really clean as clean as the other ones are there's some carbon buildup but it should just clean right off cuz that ATF and stuff cleans all that out this valve somewhat open it doesn't look like that another one's supposed to open or anything so not too sure what's locking her up and maybe the valve train maybe something like that could be a stuck lifter but we'll clean this up then see if we can get it rolling over cuz it still didn't roll after we clean that one up so I'm not sure what's going on we clean them cylinders up we'll shop vack them out we will take a wire brush and clean up that carbon and Lead stuff build up that's on it but we're going to go ahead and see if we can get this thing to budge any I did mess with the valve terrain down there a little bit to see but it shouldn't be nothing holding it the cylinders are clean as can be oh I think it's move I think she's moving there we go oh it's stuck again nope I just ain't Tough Enough never mind she's moving come on boy this thing's hard to pull ain't it oh man oh that's why we were stuck that old that cylinder's pretty rough so this one has some Rust in it hopefully you guys can see that I think you can but there's a little rust and junk in this and that's what's been holding us up listen to that boy she spines so smooth she wants to live oh no she's stuck again nope she's loose again I think something's binding up it may be may have been one of them valves sticking I don't know they seem to all open oh yeah there we go that's what we want she's rolling easy now yeah so that came undone easier than I thought it was going to it may have been a combination of the stuff in this cylinder and the rust that's around here cuz there's quite a bit of rust and stuff we'll clean all that up and around this piston and clean the cylinders out seems all the valves work she spins over just perfectly so next order of business is to clean everything up take the intake and exhaust off and we're going to to put some oil in this thing cuz it's just Diesel and some transmission flood right now we do have to find how much oil it takes I don't hear the Magneto clicking so we're going have to work on that old girl hopefully she hasn't lost her magnetic powers or whatever it does down in there and she turns over that's the main thing you can hear the Rings there's a little bit of junk in this and scraping but she's she turns over smooth so that's good to know that one's gone forever at least we didn't break anything just yet now this should remove oh boy you can see that is all full of junk the intake valves and all that that's full of stuff that's why we have to pull the intake also it's cracked bad boy should just slip off of there like that we have to take it off so we can repair it cuz it's got a big old spot in it where I guess some moisture got in there it just rusted itself out now we take this out we're going to have the same exact problem trying to put it back in so the best thing to do is wiggle everything out of the way that we can and try to snake the intake V intake uh intake itself out underneath all this so we don't have to deal with all that okay the intake is loose now that's watering that carburetor cuz I caught it on fire earlier so no big deal there now set this back here and this here and try to avoid a disaster here boy that's heavy we go and voila ahead and we've cleaned some more on the engine we also cleaned the intake up I thought the broken piece was uh right there where it's broken I thought that that went into the intake part but it doesn't just goes around it I'm not sure how the fluid was leaking out of that but we're going to make sure there's not a crack in there but everything on the engine looks really really good we've been running it up and down kind of cycling the Pistons to clean the cylinder walls and make sure there's no more junk in in there but I took the cap off of that thing with a bolt and it kind of sprung up so we're going to go check the oil filter over here and see what it looks like I'm not exactly sure what type of oil filter they use but I took that off of there and I guess since it's in the nice warm sun all the grease is going to come out of it and oh I have never seen an oil filter like that uh it's pretty chunky I guess uh you know 80 years I guess it turns back into crude oil is that is that filter that's filter that's filter material there and that's rust so that's filter that's grease and filter and grease and filter and grease and filter and just junk uh we're going to have to pull this thing out of here somehow and looks like it comes out like that and boys it in there good okay that may be a twohand job there to get that off we have to put the camera down what in the world's going on here is it just stuck yeah it's stuck really really well oh D Dam it that made a mess smells terrible we got some of that in the cylinders but we can always shop back it out uh I'm not sure where you get a replacement for one of these bad boys we would P normally pull the head gasket and spray both sides but uh it's stuck to the block and if we pull it off we'll separate the copper pieces and it'll be no good after that so this will have to do no good way to do thato is it on there it's on there just got a wiggle and jiggle on it and just like that goes on a lot easier than they come off now a little bit of oil on these so we can get them to torque down good voila we will have to pull the radiator uh well the connector tube there to put the radiator hose on but all in all we got that one on there o all these bolts up real quick and we'll start putting her back together it's time to drain the diesel oil mixture of all the stuff we have down in this crank case out of it so we can uh well clean it up the rest of the way I'm not sure if this thing will hold every bit of it so we may have to be putting this drain plug back in hopefully it gets rid of all them chunks H it's pretty chunky pretty chunky still we'll have to do this again again later cuz you don't want none of that in the oil pump and now it's this thing's turn okay that's how it's supposed to go and just like that we have a homemade oil filter I'm sure they sold Replacements back in the day to make that thing work but uh this thing's about 100 years old and they probably quit making them 50 60 years ago decided to pour down the rain today but we're about to put some oil in this thing we did have to put a patch on the oil pan there with some JB Weld because this stuff's really hard to weld and we didn't want to take it off there it had a crack in it so we did that so it won't leak out our oil but everything in there's cleaned out we're about to put the covers back on then filler full of oil as you can see on the bottom of this Rod you see that little uh it's kind of like a spoon but it's more like a hook that slings oil up into the rod so we do have to have enough oil to fill that part of the tray so we're about to fill it up with some oil and see how much it actually takes hopefully 5 gallons is enough put that old five gallon bucket of oil in here and as you can see it's touching where it should be there's a little less back here cuz it's leaning that way but I think these take around 17 or 18 we put about 20 in it so it should be more than good enough and at least we're one step closer to getting running again head bolts are now torqued down I torqued them down to like 8590 that should be right there in the range one place said 115 I'm not sure how reliable that Source was so we're going to they're like at 90 some of them may be a little bit more and we should be good to go now we're going to go ahead and throw these plugs in here and see how hard this thing is to turn over with compression because the more stuff we've put back on it like the heads and all that it's getting harder and harder to turn over so hopefully we'll able to whirl this thing around by hand fairly easily no guarantees though after this we have to throw the intake on and the valve Train cover and work on the old Magneto and I think that's the last few steps we will put a cooling system on this once we get it running but right now we're just focusing on getting her to fire up for the first time in 80 years well at least 80 years it's been said I guess it's time to see if she's got compression and hopefully she ain't too hard to turn over oh boy good Lord she's got compression she's got good compression this one is going to be fun to hand crank hopefully she starts good cuz I don't know if we have enough ugad duas to crank on this thing like we did the old 29 GMC and all the other ones cuz she's a lot harder to turn over than you think we put the intake on here we got the carburetor cleaned up the fuel line hooked back up even though the tank ain't hooked up but we will fill the carburetor up with fuel here in a minute plugs are tiing down all this is done on this side the last thing to do is to come over here and see what this old Magneto looks like we do have to put some new plug wires on it and after that as long as the Magneto works we just need to give it some starting floting gas and we should be able to hand crank her over and hopefully she'll fire off pretty easy you can see that is a solid piece of aluminum or something here and that's part of your connector points there this is all brass I mean it is very well made they don't even look very corroded for setting as long as this thing did they look really clean they do need to be cleaned up a little bit and this is the gear that drives your basically distributor bug and this just sits here like that and that locks it into place more or less and that's what gives you the uh spark you need and that's what the timing and all that so I've been cranking on this thing for a Month of Sundays and we cleaned all the points up and it's seems like it's got a sometimes it gets spark we're not and sometimes it don't I'm not going to show you guys all the probably the three hours I've been cranking on this thing but sometimes it sounds like the Magneto's clicking and getting spark but it's not getting sparked to the wires yet if you spray her down real good with starting fluid and Spinner sometimes you'll see a little bit of smoke from the points like they're getting spark but they just ain't getting spark if you know what I mean I'll try to stay out of y'all's way so maybe you guys can see the I can see I swear they're getting sparked I hear it every time now maybe the Magneto just needed to be spun on forever that's every time now I'm here didn't do it that time did it that time did it that time did it that time okay I think I think they're getting sparked now maybe that Magneto is just well I guess it's lost its magic from s for 80 years and maybe it just needed a lot of cranking 9,4 I think 62 or somewhere around in there come on cranked and cranked and cranked and cranked on this engine and she ain't starting still I think she's getting spark so I went ahead put a little bit of engine stop leak in cylinder number one we're going to do that to all the cylinders and give it a little spray of stard and flood before we put the uh spark plug back in it I can smell gas in the cylinder especially on this plug when I pulled it so it is getting fuel it's just maybe it doesn't have enough compression cuz the Maring May may still be stuck a little bit so that engine stop leak should give us enough compression to get her running I'm going to go ahead do that to all four cylinders and get back with you guys and hopefully by then we can have her running come on she go to do it come on old girl come on I'll restore you and make you all nice and shiny if you'll run for me you got to have to run off Ethan for a while till we get you broke backing come on man let's pull her all the way back and see I've cranked on this thing for I don't know how many hours counting yesterday and this morning it's like 2:00 now 1:00 since like 8 this morning on and off so probably been cranking on it four hours a day or five not real sure let's open the choke up just in case that's our problem come on oh girl you caused me a lot of trouble today and yesterday and the day before but nevertheless you got to run you got to run that's all there is to it I'm going give you some more time and if you don't like it I don't know what to tell you we're getting there we're getting there we're getting there crapo come on you come on that stul don't you [Music] come on come on there we go come on old girl come on come on stay running old girl oh boy she going to run go back come on old girl we're going to try this again on girl there we go now woo she's a runner might not have been a good idea to keep them up there but she's a running uh we're going to get some more gas cuz we need more gas she runs off gas really well for I guess as rough a shape as she was in it seems like she runs with about that much choke and it seems she runs that's all I got to say this has been the hardest one I've ever messed with to get running like cranking on it wise I thought I was going to die before this thing would start now we're going to get gas a lot of gas a whole lot of gas and a bunch of little spray bottles and we're going to keep her fed and get her hot and then we're going to let her sit overnight and tomorrow we're going to try to get her rning you can see some steam coming out of the uh engine coolant top I guess you'd say radiator hose metal radiator hose but I'm excited she's running wo she runs she don't like ether at all I'm defining one here now cuz that thing is Extremely Loud we got her running we kept her running for a while let's go around so after 80 something years we got the old girl running and I got to say she runs really good for as long as she has sat and it did take me like 20 hours of hand cranking this thing to get it to run and I mean I thought I was never going to get this thing to start but finally after I cranked on it and red on it she fired up and she runs really good now I put the axle shaft in the rear end we were going to try to get her driving for you guys but we ran into a problem the transmission was stuck in neutral luckily when we got it and uh well she's pretty rough she's not as rough as we've seen up top but the gears are rusted in a way that they will not move either way and down in there's pretty rough too so we're have to soak well you can see there's a whole pile of rust down there luckily a hole had rusted in the side cover and it didn't stay submerged for probably only 40 years or so but them gears are you know pretty good metal we're going to soak this in some vinegar it'll probably take a couple weeks of cleaning on this to get everything loose and we may have to tear it apart but the drums are stuck too when we went to get this thing uh I had to pull the truck up underneath it cuz it would not roll you can see the flat spots there when the guy before the guy got it from got it he pulled the axle shaft cuz he thought the rear end was locked up but no it's the drums and they are stuck dead solid but all in all we got her running she runs good she does need some seals in the water pump we need to replace that piece up there and get the bolts out cuz they all broke off but all in all oil pump and all that stuff works so you guys will see this truck again we're going to restore it put new tires on it and you know once we get her all nice and shined up and on the highway we might even pull a bulldozer or something with it well a small one cuz that's what she was built for to be a Workhorse and well she ain't enough yet to retire but thank you guys for watching please consider leaving a like or maybe subscribing cuz we got a lot more cool content coming to the channel and next week we'll have a really cool old car and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Jennings Motor sports
Views: 147,550
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Id: ufWUJ2tp0w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 38sec (2918 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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