Basement Treasure Hunting! What Will We Find Today?!?

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I followed my dreams and open an antique store to have adventures and spend time as a family sometimes you have to climb a mountain and open some new doors to find the treasures inside this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity [Music] so I am back today visiting with some old friends I don't know if here called video I did last year but I bought an old front Mac and turned it into a police car so here she is she's far from perfect I've got a little bit of work to do some paint touch-up three just a couple decals but all-in-all it's a running driving car as you can see the heater is kind of even working if it is defrosting the window it's getting into fall here where I am so to me snowy and cold and wintry soon but yeah this is what she's gonna see pull up to her house this morning thank you for having me by again today - and then that hopefully had fun driving in the car of course well I said I'd come by once I had it running so and there she is all right and our new friends Doreen and her daughter Linda are with me here today and they've invited me into their basement to dig through some boxes so with any luck we're going to find some more treasures today other than the car of course which I already bought and see what we can find and hopefully make a dent out of the basement and get some of these boxes out of here oh yeah people do buy old luggage absolutely it's good for theater you know what a lot of things that people kept like this you know you would never think like a little Apple basket but there are cute little things you can decorate I like to buy stuff like this even and put it in the store and you know decorate with it I don't have any new fixtures in my store so even like a little Apple box although it's not super valuable might be a nice thing to decorate with in luggage I Steve got an old sewing machine back over there so just kind of downsizing and getting rid of some stuff and I was looking at this box here and I saw there were some old magazines so let's kind of take this out of the way here and have a look see oh thanks Linda and yeah these are 1940s baseball digest I mean look at the names DiMaggio was still playing Stan Musial and lots of old race car magazines guys love this stuff so I can guarantee pretty much this whole box is gonna be of interest to me pretty much every single thing in there yeah that would be right up my alley so yeah okay Linda so was that yours Farrah Fawcett shirt or your dad had it okay found it in his squash bag okay so he was wearing that playing squash and I think he got it as a joke from his brother and it's been all folded up and tucked away for a problem of the last 30-some years so it would be from the 70s which is of course when they Akana iconic poster came out of her well you know what No we'll take it looks great okay so Lincoln Lincoln 1920s and buffalo browning poster so there's some antique or vintage posters in here let's have a look-see and take that out thanks Linda Hudson Bay stuff is always popular so that's an old Lincoln ad that's been blown up now I don't think that's an original what this would have been would have been like a magazine ad probably in like a star weekly or a National Geographic or something but people do buy these sorts of things what a cute little drawing so this was from the Hudson's Bay Company course one of the oldest retail stores in North America of course Canadian company and he was part of the advertising team and they drew him this beautiful little drawing of all these funny little things happening I guess they're stressing out over the holidays trying to make people come in and shop so what a great little item fantastic and what's happening over there oh yeah he's drawing the bra on the lady looks like they had a sense of humor very cool little frogs and toads you always have to kind of make sure you have a good look at everything because you never know what there's gonna this little spring horse oh yeah well I just have to take some boxes out of the way we can get it out I can work on moving these guys here yeah so this box is marked toys well that's the stuff of nightmares this would this would keep you a gas company okay wasn't that cute oh he's the I like the ATCO blue flame he looks like a genie or something maybe yes he looks like some like if there's any doll in this box this would be the one that I would think would burn your house down oh that's charming that's the voice I would think would come from this guy toys some kind of lose their charm a little bit over the ages doesn't want to go oh there he goes you know toys like that are still very collectible to mechanical wind-up you know how to tell how old it is other than the fact you guys probably had it since new if it's made in Germany or Japan that's gonna be a little bit older than the ones that are made in China so I can tell from looking at it that's probably 1950s or 60s for sure yeah this would have been older than you guys meet oh yeah it still has the instructions and the box is actually there - oh you bear Lizzy I'd be bringing back memories time hasn't been kind to these toys they all sound like they're out of a horror movie Oh little grand piano is this the case you were looking for it looks like you would have dolls or Volvo that's fisher-price that little wind-up TV you know it's funny is that you guys don't have to go to a store you can just drop your own basement just equally surprised by the things you're finding yeah that's really cute that is a Debbie dream house looks like you've got all the accessories bagged up still for it I'll take it out and have a look at that [Music] so finding a few treasures so far watch are really cool early car adds some little toys so so far actually things going pretty good well we're definitely getting a good little pile going here I'm glad I brought the old ambulance so we could load a bunch of stuff into it [Music] well that is quite the assortment of things thank you for having me bye now I just have to load it all up well I ended up with the car completely packed full again it seems to be kind of what happens around here got some really neat stuff I did out of getting a nice old upright radio a couple other little pieces and Dorine was nice enough to bake me some banana bread give me some for the road so Doreen mmm delicious [Music] so back at the shop now let me show you a few things that I got this old majestic radio was sitting in the corner of the basement now the cabinets in pretty good shape it's got a little bit of you know paint splatter and some things on it but the glass isn't broken it has the eye on it and what the eye does is that as you select your station this will glow brighter when you're on the right frequency so that's a cool feature now it does need some repair the wiring is pretty well shot on the inside but with a new cable and cord we might be able to make that guy work again I also got about five or six of these old bubble glass frames now these are probably you know late Victorian era somebody has put a different picture inside usually what these have when you see them as a family portrait of a photo of a lady or a man or a family so somebody obviously didn't like that they put their own things in so the original pictures might actually be behind there so next week sometime I will take these apart and see if the original pictures are behind them but those are very collectible people will put their own pictures in them and they display nicely so glad to get a few of those and have several more in the Box here to pull out so that's pretty neat and if you're like me you might remember having one of these as a kid now they made these from I'd say the 50s through the 80s so they're not uncommon to find but this one's in pretty good shape it's an earlier model probably from the late 60s and it's still a usable thing you could actually still put a kid on there and they could have some fun on that so nice little piece and here's an instance where the backing is probably worth more than the picture itself so the picture is a bunch of cars we probably cut out of a magazine they're not you know true collectors items or interesting you know it's kind of cool out so I picked it up but when I turned around to look at the back the backing is a Leonard Cohen basically like a music poster it's on board so it was something that was a music world which was a music shop Leonard Cohen of course iconic Canadian artists and well-loved artists you know many people have covered his songs so an original Leonard Cohen poster like this on board from a music shop is worth much more than the car pictures that it was holding up so sometimes you got to turn these things around and see what you got so I did get a pretty big variety of different magazines and ephemera what I have to do now is separate them out into their different piles so Popular Mechanics in one old movie magazines of another sports memorabilia in another and what we'll do is we'll pull out of the shop in the different categories mainly at five dollars each now some are worth a little bit more so we have to pick those ones out and double-check the pricing but generally they go out for about five bucks apiece and people do pick them up these were in a little plastic bag that we're sitting there and they are kind of unusual because they are the original print blocks I believe or when they would advertise a movie so this one is for a movie called unconquered with Gary Cooper there's great expectations a Bob Hope movie called sorweful Jones so there's all kinds of neat ones in here and I haven't seen these before a lot of times print blocks are metal but these must've been a temporary thing that they sent out so the theaters could advertise and create play bills which is what they probably did with them since these folks have a theater back in the day so really really neat and if there's a good movie in here might even be worth a little bit more super cool and at one time these folks owned a drive-in so there's all sorts of these old box-office magazines and promotional items all kinds of neat stuff so as we're going through we're finding some unusual things you wouldn't normally find in someone's basement you know here's some original ads for a movie this isn't like your average car this is a more of a playbill showing the different sorts of things that are available and I even notice this letter here is from 20th Century Fox to the Egyptian cinema scope so it's probably publicity stills and things like that and it's still sealed in this envelope way cool and there's a stack of original car dealership brochures now if you have an old t-bird or you have an old Pony Acura this key it's a meteor and you want to have your original brochure guys will pay money for this we can put it in their glove box from their collection to go along with the car so there's quite a few different ones in here looks like he was really thinking about what to buy doing his research lots of cool stuff and here's something you don't see too often this is the original pricing sheet for some old cars that a Buick and Pontiac dealership and Vauxhall not many people know that some British cars were sold through GM dealers here so it's the Pontiac Pathfinder two-door sedan two thousand four hundred and two dollars and we've got a club coupe Laurentian so what's the top of the line one here so the most expensive one is about three thousand bucks for a chieftain deluxe two-door sedan and let's see the 4-door was a little bit more so three thousand eighty seven dollars yeah that's cool gives you a glimpse about what stuff sold for back in the day so two things that art had in common the fellow whose stuff I'm going through here he was in the hot rods and he played baseball so both he and I were both pitchers and both love old cars in her building cars so going through this stuff it's kind of like going through stuff that I would like to bop myself if I was around in 1951 to seven I think we both would have had very similar interests and just piles of old baseball magazines going way back so I'm going back to the 40s you know this is just right after the war baseball star his first addition to that one it says lots of really cool old ball magazine it's like that one's 46 really really cool some guys would like to actually do these up and frame them summer general sport magazines Wow and I'm glad I picked up the magazines because there were a lot of really cool hot rod books and all sorts of stuff in here and with a little help from my daughter and my wife we were able to reassemble Debbie's dream house and make sure it was all there and it's looking pretty good so all in all some really neat stuff came out of today's adventure so another adventure thanks so much for tuning in my job now is go back to the shop and sort through everything and put the magazines where the magazines go and see what other little treasures might be hiding there so a great trip today so glad you guys could come along with me don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you haven't already and we'll talk to you guys soon bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 87,011
Rating: 4.9755769 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, curiosity incorporated, curiosity inc, treasure hunting, antiques, american pickers, canadian pickers, discovery channel, history channel, television show, TV show, full episode, pawn stars, history, alex archbold, treasure, time capsule, amazing find, discovery, trending, cool video, digging up treasure, storage wars, storage container, how to make money, making money selling antiques
Id: DEscdEsEYIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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