Rare tractor auction! we sell, how will we do??

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adventure is in my blood finding treasures big or small and having fun is what it's all about with my wife Melissa and our three kids life is pretty full but there isn't a mountain we can't climb together this isn't your ordinary antique store my name is Alex Archibald and this is curiosity hey guys good morning This Is It this is the big auction day it's the day I've been waiting for and I'm already running a little bit late I actually slept in for the first time usually I'm an early riser like up at 6:00 6:30 in the morning today I woke up at 9:00 its 9:30 now and the auction starts in half an hour but I stopped to get a bidder number and all that good stuff so we're gonna zip out to the country which is 30 minutes away and just try and make this auction by the skin of my teeth just about there and luckily for me it's a nice sunny day perfect for an auction sale that was supposed to rain today is what the forecast had and I was really worried I'd scare people off but the weather is good hopefully spirits are high and pocketbooks are full let's roll into the site here pretty soon and go to walk around I'll show you guys what kind of stuffs going through and I'm hoping is that pull in here I'm gonna find a full parking lot because that'll be a good sign looks like we're here got any people parked here oh yeah there's even crowd control okay awesome let's see what she has to say okay this is what you want to see there are a lot of trucks anybody here from out of province or out of state I heard there's a people coming up for the United States here there are an awful lot of people at this sale this could bode very well I can't even find a parking space I think I'll go all the way down at the end okay I'm at the auction site there's a really good crowd of people look there's a concession stand I'll be get my hotdogs and or hamburger later or maybe I'll combine them and have a hotdog ganado burger but we're gonna walk around and check out some of the items that are going up for sale there's certainly a lot more things I would on display than there was when I was here dropping off so let's do a little walk around check things out and get a better number two in case or something I have to go home boy look at this crowd and I see my friend bill over there I'm gonna go say hi to him okay so we got some items set up these ones are not mine but these are actually particularly rare because of the graphics on their redhead redheads uh if you're gonna get one that's the better one to get shooting-gallery game some nice little tractor seats that's a buck on there right they've all obviously the Buckeyes this isn't right on it but the ones that have the writing on to the better ones Jones Cormac these are a little bit more interesting than your average tractor seat there's my little half scale wagon we brought down what a dandy that is five years it took the guy to make that thing Oliver science is already Indian sign that's the biggest dollar sign probably here so we'll see what that goes for oh they're gonna get starting soon Caseyville every case dealer would have had one of those he's saying he's gonna start on the trailer with the antiques so some of my stuff's going up first well if you're a tractor running over here let's go check it out I don't remember there being quite this much stuff track tractor little T's getting some attention here tea truck it's pretty decent actually I like them when they look dusty and dirty like this with the white walls and looks like it just came off a farm Road this little McCormick Deering now I'm told pretty much all these tractors run is the long that's all restored or repainted the Nash just kind of winking at me earlier a little bitter national so you can kind of get a sense of what people are interested in by what they're hovering around that guy's really checking out this truck go Kenworth this is actually not a bad vehicle here don't know why they put the tire on the front when it's meant to go on the side off the road damage your bumper but fairly original looking pretty clean I mean another international 120 darn that the people learned in 2005 25 funny ugly $20 20 min 20 men and women 20 barnacleman 2000 on 20 bomb and now 30 32 users go to be $30 in the sunglasses $30 that 2113 amazing while you bomb another 30 30 2005 Saturday dollar I guess the lady at 25 because we $30 25 $30 now Oh ma'am you bought up $25 150 150 150 150 150 w TP lfd ed are the den den 30 online market 30 online here $40 40 50 50 50 50 down here 16 15 16 17 w dollars that's just the u.s. 70 $20 back to the dunny vivant somebody down here know you over there somebody here you are Lauren and 70 gonna be charged at 79 180 in front here Donnie Gardi sir 89 90 90 100 years okay good luck the end animal here went into into linear McDaniel damn 2020 went over 120 120 110 to 120 good luck to end Bonnie went down over 120 down here one can one floating within 120 120 120 110 right boys too late Bonzo 308 for $90 you found the nun $40 Oh 30 but our that's cheap flat one day your buddy Lauren three feed the people deep only $10 yeah 35 40 50 50 60 $70 does it need somebody to the amount I need um on everybody here 170 Pony when the one phony with white desert even 20 30 40 41 40 and 50 best 15 third plus c1 16 W 71 69 and 70 80 when you all 180 190 199 200 DVDs you can see their long dependence on a 33 people - 30 - 30 people 30 30 50 zloty the reason these donkey plodding 220 Airways or a 3050 2013 AT&T 30 30 people 30 40 50 30 40 43 40 but even maybe these things remain the ping-pong Fe 40 50 51 1959 to take fertilizer signs going okay the truth is Mela more money on subpages lost some money on others the next piece hop I'm worried about Simon nineteen hiding in the money no 1915 both pointed fair valid for 90 heard 131 thank you 475 with little science or plan yeah it was they feed on a dog so this one I have $500 on it I think that historic stone $1,000 more than that helps make up for the loss I just made $1,000 loss on the last one so I'm taking a break a lot of my stuff just sold some of theirs low some of it high grabbing a hot hamburger at the concession stand my friend Tom actually paid for me so thanks very much deal is pretty good hamburger chips and a pop for 5 bucks on a great deal right now they're just bidding on a bunch of stuff pallets of old batteries and things like that which I'm not super excited to watch I do want to however follow when they get to the really good tractors down at this end just giving me a chance to kind of relax and just kind of go with the flow by the time they go from that end and work their way down here they'll be at the pile of my other signs and arcade games and stuff that hopefully will do okay on but the mission here is sell as much as we can get some money for a little store we're trying to buy and you know hopefully end up making a little bit of a dent towards their goal now of all the silly things that I think is cool here this car hauler probably you know 40s or 50s or somewhere in there you just don't see old car haulers if you had you know a big shop and you had a car collection what a cool way to display your cars some guys buy these things and they put old racecars on them or you know whatever really but it's just a neat thing that you don't see too often there's no tractor with it just a trailer but I thought that was pretty cool if I had a bazillion dollars and a bunch of old cars to put in there I'd be pretty looks like they're working their way down here so should be getting these tractors when you click I'm gonna hang out maybe on them on the steps on the grandstands here are the less not so grandstands wait for them to catch up to me this is kind of unique piece what this is essentially it's an aircraft engine propeller on the back it's meant for going on ice or snow in winter they'd put a big ski on the front and you propel yourself along the ice now you'd have to be pretty limber fella you got to step up like you're getting on a horse here and drop yourself down and you can have a passenger who'd be terrified and sitting right by the gas tank like at some point someone had a sense of humor says this machine has no brain I'll have to use yours what a crazy piece of engineering probably originally built back in the 30s or 40s and then people kept it going over the years but yeah crazy things turn up at auctions these are little hit and miss engines I'd actually just bought a John Deere I think I bought a two and a half horse pickup on Monday it's a really big one that's a lot more than the auction there [Music] 41:20 can anybody came an attorney by called I sold it in 27:52 goes to number thank you sir number two three nine we'll do that product okay law number ones honey creamy ice in the back there they gonna wear this little clean up I gotta see this it's a little snowman they're actually gonna start it well they go like crazy yeah this is hooking up your card run down the road with them I'm standing in front of this thing Wow how did you hear that running take a look here that is a beauty all that snow playing 145 horsepower guides you've got your skis there at all I've been one fun you can have that here we go over to $10,000 on it and those of the starter doesn't Notre Dame to be here here doesn't notice on $7,500 on see me with the $5,000 and start me real quick here $5,000 on a nice snow plane 5000 and you won't find another one like it got $5,000 I'll be somebody on the jump on now 2,500 well there's no something that jump to 25 reserve pony but no 335 their deposit about 3,500 3,500 390 35 under a 30-month I think we're going to have to you want to hear - you dirty mom here 37 am I'm in 30 moment I'm in the 3715 done in 35 min - 37 to be 30 min away 37:15 done in 35 minute 37 to be 3611 4042 oh yeah 40 to 50 no you Monica those nine and fourteen to fifteen forty to fifty four thousand dollar 40 typically before ulama 40 10 a.m. we gotta get the 5,000 out of take a look out I'm a 40 given am forty five hundred dollars on a forty moment I'm in the forty five forty five seventy half I'm a forty bumpy Hanuman 4750 Internet you're on 45 47 a half I'm a party mummy Aman Aman seven Hanukkah means overall the I'm 45 $7,000 go - well that's a terrifyingly cool piece to have and if you're in Canada landlocked and have a lot of snow around your fields probably a whole lot of fun - wanna have a look at the next it is signed time everybody's coming around to see what this stuff's gonna sell for hopefully people still have money in their pockets after a busy afternoon of bidding all right here we go here who's got $4,000 to start me here fourth times us or here little further in now 15 13 14 here is a demon amount of 14 14 13 and we have been about 1400 here at the ping between owner donor could be noted 15 owner 14 or 15 16 the Phenom is 1617 17 see Tippin about a 17 it isn't even my 70 nothing to notice to chemo 70 70 70 there no 18 18 here wanna wash a panini t no BP BP neaten owners haven't dat tape there isn't even about 1918 1919 1890 1999 2021 call you on volume on 22 funny one enemy is funny with under 22 patina 21 double solitaire and alder start 20 more than 20 new do between 20 to have a twenty one twenty two hundred dollar 20 able to be at 22 and okay we don't know what is in 22 21 20 to do the to Bolivia 2122 that's a nice sign guys take a look Alex I'm a 21 it is he would you be it's funny but I'll be calling you wondered what you wondered anywhere anybody else here 22 sold more your way $21 1 to 1 what the hell is going alright we got your case Eagle boys there is a huge Yankees here take a look here oh no you don't like these Tobias I'm his PC gold we can turn it on and give me 20 23 Turner's on if I visit 75 km no son I got 75 here honey care 71 Montaine Internet your oh I guess 74 Matheny attending a minute 7 apartment 812 odd hit him in the 12 part you all fought for bean salsa home of Yamano mantra 50 B to B comma B is 17 pot awesome I mean $21,000 31:5 21 fun I mean 21 in one of ours but it was fine $21,000 $21,000 was by anybody else here I'll tell you what that is a beautiful beautiful Eagle tan you me 21 521 250 21 250 anybody else here 21 to 15 20 Madhu could be getting it are you in or out 21 you could be solar 3 down here for $21,000 thank you sir I knew that was a good piece that case Eagle went for $21,000 folks I'm going to sell in my shop [Music] yeah 30 30 30 30 37 35 min to 37 35 37 [Music] [Music] thank you for the help to be here for $5,000 thank you 121 bye thank you Oliver sign one for 1,700 first gallery the sheets that they ever made right there the wagon sold about 2400 read in ensign sold for about 5 grand shooting gallery game went over there birthday 2400 so they really starting this guy up from 1917 case it's when you farm would have had you know 10 20 people working on it's probably start this one machine [Music] more gas is primed it again he's gonna give it another go that's right a big pull [Music] all those moving parts you would want to be the only farmer with the ponytail how many tractors you think you're built nowadays they could sit and appealed for a hundred years and still start and run amazing the technology is very simple from the old days but very effective all around me are antique tractors that have been started or a Reich 1917 case' we saw start has currently been up to 52 thousand dollars only not a bad price for something like that the still runs they've got the Titan running behind me really cool John Deere D for that Gretchen these are all going up for auction right away we're gonna stay tuned we're gonna watch some of this run and started driving yeah watch himself have a jump starting the titan with the pelt so they got it hooked up on the shut this big little felt here they got some tension on it [Music] that rear wheel wobble let me say so they're trying to get this old guy started all work tractor 50 down here beneath the Dino near 50 50 40 50 40 million 40 million 40 1935 thirty thousand thirty done is 33 20 and go camp is $15 a bit down of Dean to the penalty into the pan 15 feet in the tent I get 10,000 15,000 15,000 it 10 here 15 of them Athene's of Mt Needham 10 15 Medina Theory 15,000 that last tractor just sold for I think about 15 or 20 thousand dollars the crazy drum drive tractor is already over $50,000 I'm gonna walk up and have a guarantee bids on this guy are starting around 10 to 15,000 up to thirty thirty thousand so I think practice is in fact at Durant it looks like mash who also looks like he's from the 20s is going to get in here start this thing up I believe there's a $3,000 pre bid online it's like it was something started to restore it and I'm kind of gave give up on it but see if you can't get this guy running well that Durant started right up actually so 1930s what they tell me look there goes even though it's not restored it is a driving car boy does that sound good look at the beautiful body on this little pick up here dolls no rust here there you go 15:15 7555 here honey bum five years of the Obamas done five to five years twenty-five hundred away you go I thought about bidding on that anybody don't need a tow man sir I was gonna bid on that black International but for nine thousand she's not worth it when I'm saved back right now well there's just weaker care 1969 month EMC 920 I think that is the upgraded Springs in the back - here's a little mash debating bidding on this guy 500 know how I feel about Nash's well ina went up to about 6500 on that Nash and went for 7750 not a bad price it's been restored as a decent-looking people but more than I want to spend right now wouldn't try to save up some cash so I'm gonna go check in with the auction house and kind of see how phase fared for the day as I run through the last couple of cars okay so how did we do well I saw probably a few hundred thousand well probably how about a half-million dollars worth of stuff sell today not much of it was mine but we did pull in just over fifteen thousand dollars at auction today that's gonna go straight towards paying down the old debt so that we're a little more of a desirable option for the bank to lend money to but that definitely helps out and I'm excited that I was able to to move the stuff in one day it definitely helps versus trying to sell it over a period of time and I did get a little bit auction fever I put a bid in on the red Nash the car that's why I wasn't filming much when that was happening so I was bidding I went up to about $6,500 the car went for seven thousand seven hundred fifty not a bad deal you know not a bad deal for that car but it's not my dream car and I've got other things to focus on so thanks so much for watching guys it was a you know overall a very good adventure and pretty much everything sold for what it should have a couple things went a little bit under but you know you take those risks when you put things up at auction and I was really nervous that some of those higher-end signs would go for less but thankfully the right Indian sign went for $5,000 well that's exactly what I needed from it so overall very good day so thanks so much for watching stay tuned for more episodes coming soon and we'll see y'all soon
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 92,926
Rating: 4.9529667 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, curiosity inc, curiosity incorporated, auction sale, antique tractors, rare tractors, discovery channel, american pickers, pawn stars, alex archbold, antiques, history channel, full episode
Id: Jdf5dR9IZLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 26sec (2246 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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