Antiquing in Nova Scotia! What will we find this week?

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I followed my dreams and open an antique store to have adventures and spend time as a family sometimes you have to climb a mountain and open some new doors to find the treasures inside this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc this week we are going on an adventure we are headed from our home in Edmonton Alberta Canada and headed 4820 kilometers if my car to Halifax Nova Scotia but we have decided to fly because well heck that's a really long drive and we've decided to take the kids with us on the trip but there's lots to see and do and lovely Nova Scotia Nova Scotia is on the eastern part of Canada on the Atlantic and sits just above New York State in the United States and it is about an equal distance from us to Nova Scotia as it would be from Nova Scotia to London England so it's a really long way to go hopefully we're gonna have a great time out here and see lots of very interesting things but while we're here I'm not just doing sightseeing I'm also looking for some antiques so follow along on another adventure while we explore the stunning scenery around Nova Scotia Canada and hopefully bring some really interesting stuff back home for our shop [Music] and I'm headed out because I met a fellow online who does have some stuff in a bar in about 10 minutes from where we are so after we suffer I'm going out on another adventure to see what I can find inside this guy's barn so with any luck this little collection we've got going on here will do nothing but grow by the time tonight comes it [Music] I thought I would stop because I drove by what is an overgrown lot and what appears to be an old gas station I'm not sure entirely what station this would have been but it would have had a post a sign on top perhaps somebody's been using it as a house the old garage door it's certainly overgrown and abandoned looking kind of that 1940s Art Deco stucco style and I can see why they had it here because it's right next to the highway but definitely not something that's in use anymore [Music] and within an hour the fog has really rolled in here in Black Point omikoshi I'm still on my way to see this fellow with the antiques but I had a stop for the view because well this is kind of pretty to see all this fog in the ocean so I think I've had about enough we head back to the car yeah I'm here help my window that old barn board while that's attached to a barn which I assume is the one we're going to this full of antiques so just waiting for my contact to come by and we'll get rolling okay so we went through the barn I did end up finding a trunk full of goodies there and he's got another property where we'll have a look at and hopefully there's a little bit more there as well so on an adventure have no idea really where I'm going just following a vehicle here and it's about a half-hour way and hopefully there's gonna be some other neat stuff that'll make the trip worthwhile and I better call my wife and kids because they are back at the cabin waiting for me probably wondering what's going on so don't want them to stress gonna give them a call let them know where I'm headed and yeah then see what we can find so what's funny is that he said he has a friend that actually drives from Alberta where I am here bringing antiques for the prairies and then goes the other way bringing nautical antiques back there so I guess there is a market for people just have kind of transfer each other's stuff around because when you do come out to the coast you do hope to find a few nautical antiques and I did pick a couple things so far a little miniature ships wheel and a couple other things that you don't see back home too often and I guess the reason for that is that if you lived out here and now you're living transplanted an expat living in Edmonton or Calgary on the prairies and there's a lot of people from Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island out there they probably get a homesick and want to have a little bit of that nautical flavor in their homes so yeah it's it's kind of neat why they would want our stuff I don't know maybe they want to feel landlocked who knows but either way I guess that this happens on a regular basis so we're off to his house hopefully be there pretty soon and fine I don't know what I'm gonna find hopefully some nautical stuff jeez I don't even know what's on my bucket list of stuff to find maybe some old oil cans advertising stuff that we don't see back in our neck of the woods and yeah nautical that would be great too so we'll see we'll see and we'll see what we can see but before I head off to this fellow's other house there's time to take the family to a couple antique shops just around the corner let's see what they have inside [Music] it's actually a nice little writing desk with drawers on top so what they would call the captain's desk on sale for a two hundred forty seven dollars it's not a bad price I've noticed a trend the last few antique stores that have gone to out here have all had one thing in common they've all had a lot of dishes and a lot of glassware so at the last shop I finally asked I said you know I noticed that there's a lot of glassware and dishes out here they must sell okay and they said actually glassware doesn't sell very well at all in fact the only reason they have it is when they go to clear estates that's the one thing that no other antique person or family member really wants so their stores are packed full of things that I guess they don't really even want to their own shop and if I were to give any advice to anybody who does this kind of for a living you got to keep with the trends there was a time when glassware was really hot and very popular but my theory on that is that there's been 30 40 years of don't touch grandma's dishes or her China that have stopped people from collecting that kind of stuff and now it's not really in demand at all you could probably pick up a beautiful stunning antique china set to flatware you know dinnerware the whole thing plates dishes teacups for under 100 bucks which is way cheaper than even you know an inexpensive set at a at a department store even at Walmart you know the quality be fantastic people still psychologically don't use that stuff so my theory is save your money and get the best things you can buy and yet the most interesting stuff you can buy and that will keep the people coming in your shop and if you're a collector it keeps the cool stuff on the shelf so there's a tip for the day [Music] and I am blown away by the amount of early license plates that this fellow has collected over the past decade or so some of these plates go back over a hundred years and are very rare some made out of leather now aside from the license plates here there's signage oil cans all kinds of great automobile 'ya and stuff that we can really sell in our shop so I'm gonna have a look around see what we can pull off the walls here and add to the collection to bring back home but I can see this is gonna be a little bit of a while because there's lots of cool stuff to see it's late it's a 11 p.m. here it's foggy it's dark and I'm glad to be back it was a busy night when the morning comes around I'll give you guys a view of what I picked up tonight there was a lot of really cool stuff I'll lay it out for tomorrow and show you guys what we got but for now I'm tired I'm gonna go to bed we'll catch up again in the morning [Music] and at our shop we sell a lot of automobiles we got some nice old oil cans some really early porcelain license plates some old signs lots of tobacco tins flanges for muffler shops all kinds of stuff that sells well and decorates a shop some early folk art including this fish license plate offers from car clubs and advertising from John Deere Pepsi these are fairly unique and you don't see them too often old car club badges the small ships wheel all sorts of neat stuff one of my favorite things is the big mermaid back there that's a really neat item and even some vintage pistols we had a really great time and we able to get some really interesting stuff and even a pail full of 1954 Parkhurst hockey cards this is almost the entire set with some really great early hockey stars in there the mermaid like I said early folk art about hundred years old and folk arts really popular out here in Halifax and Nova Scotia so you do find it every once in a while it was a great haul lots of neat stuff which would look great in the shop but now the trick is going to be getting all this stuff home without it getting damaged and it costs me an arm a leg for shipping to well I'm really happy with all the fines I got on today's adventure and I'm gonna keep looking around while I remember here and beautiful Nova Scotia who knows what else I'll find inside of these old houses and buildings thanks again for watching don't forget to subscribe and check us out online at curiosity Edmonton dossier or on instagram at curiosity Inc yeg we'll see y'all soon and bye for now you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 22,661
Rating: 4.9756837 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, curiosity inc, curiosity incorporated, antiquing, american pickers, discovery channel, history channel, full episodes, television show, collectibles, nova scotia, alex archbold, treasure, pirate, buried treasure, pickers, cool find
Id: 2FJqdBh4RxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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