What did I find this week? today's truckload of treasures!

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hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was nine years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in edmonton alberta canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity from home honey [Music] morning everyone i just came off of having probably one of the biggest auctions we've ever done we sold over 86 000 worth of merchandise just this past week with the take-home of over 70 000 after auction fees now that money is gonna go towards putting up a new building um well most of it we're still a little bit short which means i still can't give up on buying and selling and looking for cool stuff so i'm going out on more pics and more adventures looking for more stuff that i can buy and flip and put towards our dream of putting up that little building next to our shop but for now i've got to head to the shop and unload some of the things which i've already bought this past week and then uh we're gonna go to another person's house and hopefully go buy more so follow along in today's adventure uh while i offload the car we'll see what i bought the other day and we'll see what we can find who knows life's an adventure uh you never know what's gonna happen by the end of the the day here with this kind of business so with any luck we'll have some surprises and hopefully some good profit well i've unloaded boxes from my car and i pretty much made a bit of a mess for myself i have an hour to clean it all up before the store opens and that's going to be tight we've got all sorts of stuff that i've been picking up over the last few days and i've got to get it priced and put out on the shelf so that people can actually walk around and maybe see what's on this counter so what sort of things did i buy well a vintage national parks badge this would go on your grill or your car back in from 1940 nice little piece like coal miners lantern those are always kind of fun pocket watches um this is neat this is actually a little handheld compass so when you open it up nice little handheld compass really good shape so some fun little odds and ends mechanical pencil the early 1900s with what appears to be a gemstone i have to see what type of stone that is in the top it looks almost like amber at the top there but that would be a nice you know that would not be in every man's pencil this would have been a very fancy pencil to use and an actual old-timey police badge constable from the village of war spite that be right around 1900 to 1910 somewhere around there early police badges are very collectible and yes they're legal to own as long as they're antique or they're not in current use can't own a modern police badge that's still in use but you can own an antique one like that and some of you might recognize what that is if you're saying it's a rock you'd be correct but the reason why it has that little groove cut out of it was that this would have been used and made by indigenous peoples to be used as a hammer so you can see the impact marks the wear on this from being used that was once lashed likely to a stick using uh leather rope and made into a hammer so uh that was found and dug up in a farmer's field many years ago and uh this gentleman i got it from had it on display since he was a kid now i've got it here but uh cool piece indigenous artifact you do find those every once in a while especially if you're out uh touring around old farm fields you come across these items and that's a sign that there might have been a village there might have been some people living in that area so it's kind of cool you can look around farther and see if you can find uh sometimes arrowheads or other items in the ground too and you might say alex that's pretty new for you to be bringing into an antique store i remember having these as a kid is it truly an antique well antiques and collectibles are usually what you find in an antique store it's not always an antique and antique has to be 100 years old or older to qualify as an antique this is certainly not that old mind you some days i feel that old uh but this sadly is just the box um but it's for the first nintendo entertainment system now you can find the the units for these pretty frequently but finding the box can be a challenge i was able to get that plus a whole bunch of games um haven't found the system yet but uh if we do um that'll be pretty good but i'll show you what games uh were in there and kind of uh what to look for when you're looking for old nintendo games now of course when i found a box full of nintendo games had to pick it up now you might look at it and go well it's just to use video game maybe you've got some in your basement well certain games are more collectible than others so uh when you get into games like super mario brothers there's a big following and a big fan base for that when it comes to legend of zelda the big following for that as well now certain games this one the box isn't in the greatest shape but it does have the original box and that's a bonus i'll show you why this one's a little bit more special this is the gold edition of zelda 2 the adventures of link it has the original instruction booklet in it it's in phenomenal shape other than the fact the box has somewhere a game like that could be worth hundreds of dollars to the right collector uh so when you come across a a bit of games like this it's worth picking up because you just might have a couple uh you know in here that are surprises that uh you know a person might not uh normally come across so we um certainly were happy to find it and we're gonna end up sorting through these and getting them priced and out the door hopefully before too long but a fun little box of treasures plus heck there is a couple star wars characters in there too just for good measure why not this old radio might not look like much because of how filthy and dirty it is this is actually kind of a neat radio it's called the crosley dashboard put out the 1950s the reason they called it that because it looks like the dashboard of a car in terms of radios it's fairly collectible uh condition on this looks really poor right now but i'm going to give it a bit of a clean and we'll see if we can make it look like the former showpiece that it was at one time i have to find my cleaner we'll give it a go because this stuff looks like it's on there really good i'm using a little bit more of an industrial cleaner called spray nine those of you that aren't in canada i think there's something similar the united states it's just a good degreaser but look just wipes all that grime right off of there how satisfying is that to watch you need a heavy duty cleaner to get rid of heavy duty grime looking better already i'm going to go over and do basically the whole thing get it all cleaned up and then we'll see just how she looks well there that looks better already no cracks no major condition issues we'll just give it a uh probably get into our friend greg the radio guy so he can clean it up on the inside to make the internals work again but that looks pretty darn good just the way it is so a little cleaning and a little sorting can take a radio like this which looks like it's trash and make it worth approximately 150 to 200 even in the shape it's in right now imagine you're at a yards hill and you see this set and you see that set now one you'd go hey that's silver that's probably the cooler more desirable set versus the copper set however that's not the case this is silver plated now it is old um if you look at the marks on the bottom um it says well this one's easy because it says silver plate but if it says epns you'll know that it's electroplated nickel silver the reason somebody had these all wrapped up is because they didn't want them to tarnish that's fine for me to sell them i'm going to unwrap them take the plastic off and show them the other set though is a very cool art deco copper set there's three of them in a row there a well-known designer well-known maker and if we flip flip it upside down uh you can kind of see the maker's marks on the bottom doing a little research on it tells it that this maker which is meridian company uh out of hamilton ontario made very stylish art deco style um pots and uh teapots and things of that nature and they're quite collectible to this day so that set worth hundreds of dollars that set may be worth uh you know ten twenty dollars a piece if you're lucky uh maybe a little bit more for the uh for the teapot but if you're ever out sometimes uh fashion and style wins over uh what you perceive as collectibility cool little set though still put them out for sale at the shop and we'll probably find a home for them but i've got to get them off the counter because i got to get some of these bigger boxes put away top piece here is a nice turn of the century i'd say like late victorian or you know early 1900s carving set it has the sort of crown motif on the top this is likely a horn handle so maybe stag horn or something along those lines and a good sheffield english blade forged now this would be pretty fancy for using to grab your your turkey dinner with so you can see it's got the little grabs there so you can cut and grab onto things and serve [Music] pretty nice little piece something like that you know not terribly expensive might just be a little over 100 or so this is a nicer one than your the usual set you're gonna find and still has a good sharp blade on it so it's ready to use we'll get that off and on display when i first saw this i wasn't even really interested in it until i opened it up and found it was a jeweler's lathe why why would somebody be interested in a jeweler's lathe well especially an older one they're very precise tools um you can turn very small objects you can build stuff really cool precise work can be done with that not an easy thing to find you know the price was really reasonable on it i think the fellow just wanted it out of his garage and all i'm sure very easily be able to find somebody who's wanting a nice little lathe like that to put in their shop so that will go on display at the back there price of a uni-matte lathe like this can range from a few hundred dollars and up depending upon condition this one's definitely seen some use but it's all there it's all intact of course it's always fun to find some toys this is a uh johnny west a mark's best of the west action figure it's one of the larger ones they had it's complete with all its accessories which is nice i should say he is and he does not look impressed to be sealed up inside of a plastic box right now um hopefully it doesn't try to come to life like in toy story at the end or also be little claw marks on top of the plastic there that'll be disturbing um but figure like that totally complete with every accessory probably worth around 100 canadian um of course you always have to take offers on these things and get whatever you get sometimes there's rare variations in colors like there's one that's sort of a turquoisey blue that's worth a few hundred dollars um so the color of the plastic and the color the body can make a big difference this guy's in such good shape i think 100 ought to do it the other thing i found while i was out was this old cardboard box which i must say the box is kind of cool itself it's from a company that made bottle caps and look they have a 1950s coca-cola bottle cap right on it with the patent date you know it's kind of a neat box on its own that said um what's inside 1950s dress patterns actually some of these are older some of those are probably 1940s um people buy these why if you're making a costume for a set if you want to have some vintage style clothing this is the way to do it you buy your fabric you follow the pattern and uh and there you go so uh patterns we put them out for five dollars each and you know what they sell really well they sell a lot of them so uh i am gonna fill this drawer completely up full of patterns and uh hopefully we start getting some customers through looking for some cool old-school designs now this was kind of a cool piece uh sitting in the basement of a guy's place on the floor you can see it got a little bit of mold damage i don't know if i'll be able to clean much of that up but it's a poster from 1971 um it's mounted on board it's from the world heavyweight championship between joe frazier muhammad ali and i thought cool well that's an old fight poster that's really neat but what's even more cool i didn't notice that at first look it's signed by muhammad ali himself so pretty neat um so if i can get some of the uh the musty grossness off the bottom i think that'll be quite a special piece it's a good size too it's like you know three feet tall two feet wide it's a good sized poster any boxy fan would love something like that when i'm in someone's garage or their shed a lot of times people say there's nothing in there just a bunch of junk and they don't want to show you but you always have to go look the reason for that is that oftentimes people use old containers or tins to put nuts and bolts and other sorts of things in and they don't see value in it but the truth is there's good value in it i was uh in a place the other day and i found a few of these absolutely mint uh lappolina cigar tins with the lids great condition and they were used for storing nails in didn't want the nails mind you i'll probably use them for something i kept them at home but i ended up with a really cool tint and that was the case all throughout you know old tobacco tins and look at the shape it's like in perfect condition so maybe not the world's most valuable thing but it's something that may have been thrown out had i not gone in and bought it always worth checking those garages and sheds because you never know when there's an old oil can or an old tobacco tin that's worth big money in certain oil cans and certain tobacco tins be worth thousands of dollars and many times those rare pieces are turned up just like i did someone's garage with a bunch of nuts and bolts in it you can almost see the top of my counter again other than a few little things that need to be put away coming along but i still have a couple things to research picked up this clock this is quite an oldie this is uh probably like a late 1800s mantle clock it's parisian in style trademark is listed as a on it so i'm not overly familiar with it but we're going to wind it and see if it's in working condition i don't know if it's a fuse like a chain drive or not but those are very fussy hopefully we can get this cleaned up and uh get that going and i was going through this little box of stuff look at this boyd bowie's original harlem stars you can see there the fellow on the front there he's missing an arm it's autographed by each of the harlem stars and i'm guessing this is uh sort of like the harlem globetrotters so who do we have big john barber scoring sensation and he's got showboat buckner it looks like he's having a good time i didn't know better it looks like he's taking a selfie does that look like a cell phone and he's taking a selfie i have times have changed and boyd bowie and showboat team up to entertain the fans so harlem globetrotter's been around since 1926 or so uh entertaining people with their athletics and with some comedy and um you know i have to research and see if harlem stars is associated but i'm guessing that's the uh that's the idea right there anyway that's pretty cool let's see what else is in this box in the train with uncle mac little kids book boat trains fun little story book looks like it dates to the 40s or so this is kind of neat royal canadian air force 1942 royal canadian air force notebook and it says the navigation log a lot of times these are missing the notes so there we go it actually has the notes in it rear gun turret so these are navigation notes from the second world war and it looks like i saw some drawings in there somebody's kid might have gotten a hold of it at some point interesting looks like code work hmm this is probably going to be an interesting read it's a good little piece of history right there and does it say who's this was message to base if i look through this i might be able to find who this belonged to and then you can trace back and see exactly where where he fought and what campaigns he was in that's pretty cool looking at the back of the clock i can see it is in fact a it's an american clock from the ansonia company and the cool thing is it's dated 1882. now it doesn't have the little weight for it so i can't get it going without that part um but it does seem like the spring is winding and might have hope and potential it's a really neat piece but that's a very early american clock in fact it's so early that i didn't even think it was american i thought it was french or english because you just don't see too many old american clocks like that cool piece so that's it guys a busy day of getting stuff in and putting it away and all throughout the day today i had probably another six or seven people bring more stuff in so what am i gonna do find places for it and pile it up behind the counter like this until i can put it out tomorrow but you know it's always fun to get cool stuff and it keeps people coming back to your store when you keep things fresh so thanks for watching today guys i hope you enjoyed today's episode don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and um yeah we'll see you all soon if you're in the edmonton area edmonton alberta canada uh come down and say hi visit the store and come see uh come buy a camera caught a few of those uh but come check us out and say hello it'd be great to see you have a great day guys and bye for now you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 48,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, Curiosity inc, Antiques, Vintage, American pickers, Mike wolf, Canadian pickers, Antique archaeology, Full episode, Tv show, Television, Unboxing, With me, History channel, Tlc, Discovery network
Id: OkjG_Atz-hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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