Barstool N-Word Review | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh

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Loved it. Sacha baron cohen part had me frustrated though. He did do a fully left character on Who is America. He made fun of jewish people HUGELY in Borat.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Edod 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Anybody got a link to the ayoooo NY video about the hot dog???

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/DeezyLoco 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

just watched Good shit Shulzy and co!

Al good job not catering and staying true to your pov. I love this segment

Edit: Akaash funny af 😂😂

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/postwtfiwant2 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Andrew hates the like of John Oliver and Sasha Baren Cohen who make fun of America. I believe John Oliver is a US Citizen, unsure about the others.

Thoughts on Andrew's hate on those from out the country who judge or talk about America?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MaveInfinite 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
all right guys my review time you know the rules one listen and then we're gonna judge this M word comes from uh Dave Portnoy he's the president of bar stool again one listen you know the rule scores one between one and ten we're gonna rank it and go okay I mean it's got a lot of crunch I would say it's more of like a New England New England people are much more comfortable saying that word really you think there's a slight discomfort there was a little awkwardness with it level of racism would you say level of racism is low I think below yeah more like a donde my daughter yeah mediocre a mediocre like don't move in my neighborhood but you know you could play it's cheesy your cheese a little cheesy like you could play on the same AAU team is my son don't really infiltrate the family okay okay let's see wow I would say that one al you are the final judge on that one but that would have I would say about a six point eight oh six point eight what would you what would you go on six point eight and it came in a little hot the execution give them some points for style style points out points there you should style point a nice like one point six whoa more races yes oh okay like that n-word would carry a noose with it you know it's not like a news in it might be like you cut me off hey yeah yeah yeah that's more like you are in my you're in my late you cut me I and I don't know anything else about you this is my lane what are you doing here what are you doing in my lane whoa whoa the elevated voice that's how I talk to my puppy if you raise your voice multiple octaves if you go into like apologetic like girlfriend mode like yeah yeah apologize that's like that's like when marks lying Oh Marxist that's your voice what would you rate that n-word right there was cute and it has high cuteness factor yeah I do this high cuteness it was like crispy around the front end so I give that like a seven point one you go we're Aiken and words or n dicks out you are the final judge on these n words obviously this is not our place to judge so go that one I don't know it started hot smooth delivery I got a the cancel culture came after a bar stool owner and see the owner I think he's still the owner CEO or something no the CEO is a woman they got a nice little smoke screen that was genius like you get called sexist and [ __ ] and then you just get a woman to be your CEO I mean she is that shield that was called her daddy's leverage I thought what was it that their women that are like the forefront of this network they're like they're the big eyes that's why he was offering deals in his apology he was like I never would offer this deal anybody else yeah cuz I got two women right here that are like the people for my network my bad Dave man a bad 2020 but so basically the cancer culture came after I'm they probably went through every single thing bar stools ever put out and they're trying to I mean that clearly looks like a targeted hit they're like editing the video see my problem yes please go first of all well it's not getting the serious part yet this appears to be some kind of stand-up comedy situation the way he's holding the microphone the way he's holding the mic stand you can't release open my footage that's not his good material yet not good at the polished he didn't understand like the genius thing of taking a bite of pizza revolutionary innovation and content which is and he didn't wait till he got to stage and delivered like a creme or n-word that's that's a strong six point one I'll scale so is the scale is the scale based on how racist you really think the person is or how well executed the n-word is both oh so it's like if I'm a six son does this bit some nine say like two years ago you'd heard about a white lady in a grocery store being told to put a mask on like what kind of an where does that go that's like that's a measly two point two that's it whether to oh dude we need to show the video later I think her name on Twitter is Tina forty this is my like dream woman I mean this is dr. Drew you know who she is I don't know my god we got to get this up but we'll stay on this right now okay um so yeah so they go through all his stuff find everything he said they're like hey let's cancel and let's get this guy outta here I don't think barstools fans really care i from when I watch it I don't think that he's saying this in a hateful way if anything I just think he's a you know arrogant like sometimes you think when you don't have any like white friend or sorry up black friends like you think that this word is less harmful than it is yeah and I don't expect Dave to have any black friends you know I'm sure he grew up in a place is quite segregated maybe of New England or something like that and and then you don't know that it's that bad and you hear it in like music and you hear by people saying it all the time yeah okay well they're saying it all the time and it doesn't say yeah and I think that a lot of white people do that and I think if maybe you're someone like us it actually grows up with black people you hear how upset they get when someone not even them like a friend of theirs or any black person is called VMware by a white person you're like [ __ ] I could never say that word and it's really easy not to say the word like I've been on podcast for [ __ ] hours a week every single week for the last I don't know six years of my life and you only drop five there's only five and one and it was a Trinidad James song dude I respect you like you've never even slipped yeah I respect that a lot I don't do it but it's something I just never never did that's you know that being said I think we do draw a distinction between like a hateful person and someone who says that in terms of like repeating someone else's seemed like he was repeating I'm not about to put the indictment on hate on him you know I don't think he's a hateful guy no I just think they he just doesn't have any black friends and probably didn't grow up with a lot of diversity and just doesn't know I'm not giving him that easy of and you haven't yet so what everybody knows you don't say like that's you know never black friends I know you don't say it and the only reason why he felt comfortable to say it in that room because there was no one no black the room so it's like also probably knew he was doing something wrong and he probably just didn't think he thought that was like just for the show probably won't live forever in the mic I did okay go I wanted I think I get away with this arrogance it's like I think but I think a lot white people look at saying the n-word no different than like making a [ __ ] joke we're making a sexist joke that loud why people have no black friends right just don't know any black people right so I think they're like oh this is taboo just as taboo is me making a [ __ ] joke just as taboo as me making a sexist joke the more lights aren't only white people in your life you know what I mean like boat to whites if you will like they don't know anything about how this word affects people outside of like a history textbook right right or what they see on worldstar something like that and he knows he's never gonna run into any black people well now things are probably different but in the initial stages of arsal I don't know if there are any black people there so we have one black guy there the [ __ ] yeah he can handle him is that worry what his reactions gonna be and I think they sponsored him to come here from Africa yeah he checked all the boxes with with that higher like let's just get this one guy we got a black [ __ ] we got one with SIA they know what they're doing so um so that I think is the question that we got to look at when we look at like how people say things especially if they're like in the guise of getting a rise or getting some laughter yeah I didn't buy intent exactly we always say don't that what is the intent not the intention I don't think the intention was hateful it maybe is a learning moment and you know maybe his reaction to it now is like yo that was stupid I was something I would never do now I think he even said that on the thing yeah now what is your thing what is your feeling on that the idea that like his apology you mean yeah like where he yeah he basically came out he was like look these are just using that in like he was based like yo these are jokes that they do in the office bombs around in the or like they had racially insensitive jokes in the beginning of the office but none where damn bomb was dropped right like like to try to group it with that it's like he's trying there's one way allude to him doing like the Chris Rock and Wars versus black people bit but the point is but he stopped they stopped yeah for that and he's getting in trouble for saying yes I was like just having fun so is back were my so my assumption he's like is like a rich white kid who just never had any minority friends and now he's in this world where he's forced to interact with people who are from all walks of life and they probably has realized later on in life oh [ __ ] that word really affects people I'm not gonna make that as a taboo joke yeah but it's just typical like you know like spoiled white kid I would just respect any white person more well especially if they're not using it in a hateful way but just be like yo my bad at the time I knew it was wrong but I was around people that I I knew they were mine like just own up for take fully accountability and don't try to take full accountability for it there's like I you realize you [ __ ] up yeah yeah also can't really speak up if you pay them you know what I mean like if a white person it's just a tough position if you get if you're a white dude that's my boss he's saying it in a way that I know isn't hateful I'm a white dude he pays me do I just risk my job back yo don't use that word even if it's joking yeah so everybody's trying to pay their bills essentially yeah man yeah yeah that's bad if you have this yes people yes man keep that same energy about the Nazis I mean trying to be crazy you know I mean you know isn't that how people always jump to [ __ ] like you do anything like you don't become Superman in any moment and they're like yeah that's what happened with the Nazis like someone doesn't recycle their [ __ ] you're like oh you're just gonna let it happen yeah what about the Nazis oh you're just gonna let it go to the landfill get incinerated huh how hilarious Christ yo so are we done with the Portnoy discussion anything else yeah just you know it's not that hard to not use a word like you said I feel like you should be able to say as a rule you should be able to say whatever you want and then then where does the exception that proves the rule keep going on that what do you like everywhere they always say oh that's the exception that proves the rule I think say whatever you want the n-word is the one is the one exception and that's the exception that proves the rule yeah we have exceptions in life right like the December 25th is no more an important day than any other day but we decide it's Christmas and we decide everybody doesn't work and we decide that we hang out with our family it is a myth that we all choose to believe in right now I'm not saying the N word being a bad word is a myth but it is something that we've kind of like culturally all accepted and it's this weird way of like atoning for like horrible behavior does it make up for it is it the 40 acres and a mule absolutely not but it's this it's this way we're like every race especially white people can go look some fucked-up things have happened to black people yeah the very least that I can do is avoid this one [ __ ] word yeah right and I think when you say it as a white guy I don't know you explain to me how you feel but my imagine the assumption is like you can't even do that yeah say one [ __ ] word a lot of shitty things have happened we barely asked for anything you know yeah that's why when you that's why our reaction is like really like that's why I think that our reaction is over-the-top yeah because it's like oh you're really just you already got your foot on our neck or knee and you're just like digging it in yeah it's like you don't have like you that is such an easy thing for you yeah not it and then the people always be like yeah but if we'll treat people equally we would all say the word and it's like yeah that'd be nice if we were all equal yeah ideally in an ideal world and someone will cut this and like snip it out but in an ideal world but I'm imagining that that word meant nothing yeah yeah yeah like that's the ideal world is that there was so much equity there was an equitable relationship of all races where you could save whatever you want to him you could say whatever you wanted me I could say whatever I want to you unfortunately because there is this kind of class and race dynamic that exists some of these words [ __ ] sting extra and it's just too much history tied up with that particular word so it's like you I don't think you'll ever if you're non-white people but also not black so just say it's a [ __ ] sand crackers be honest be honest what happens it when the black guy came into GMC to get some creatine and then ran out without paying your mom's hey you ain't gonna need the creatine in the first place look pretty goddamn Chinese kids steal some I'll get him catch that [ __ ] mark your thoughts just black people your thoughts about the n-word or like what happened here yeah I don't know I mean poor boys just like being arrogant irreverent same deal like doesn't have black people to know but I've seen something I don't really grow up around that many black people and I also just knew like yeah don't say it like who specifically in a public forum yeah on the Internet where it's broadcast like I don't really need to know what he was thinking but also I don't know what these what the media was like what was that thing wasn't a live thing was it something else if it's gonna be recorded and put out and you know it is why why I even risk it yeah yeah you're probably leaning into the taboo of it like you're almost using it as like a marketing tool yeah yeah yeah I just don't get it I'm using the flagrancy is a marketing tool what kind of I mean honestly classless behavior let's just build your whole content moral fiber have some class character you white cracker man what do we have for white people oh yeah you gotta say it not out the base solid seven three right there anyway what's up y'all you know it's flavor to man Akash sing I'm Andrew Schultz we got Alex media in the building we've got mark Gagnon in the building you know so here's the thing we all had a pretty interesting weekend I went to a bachelor party and can I say where they put her where to Rico yeah okay and Mark arkasha myself did stand-up comedy for the first time in three months three months so clearly what's more interesting we roll horse that alpha let's describe what happened and I bet you it's the exact same thing like I was a little nervous at first but then I got into it honestly think you're acting [ __ ] you guys were doing in the green room was probably more excited we got a key I did that with my girl once and we were away yeah you have is are you a girl away you just run out of [ __ ] but you know it was if y'all didn't see it on the Instagram basically what we did we challenged each other you had to take it emotion and then walk in the door with that emotion yeah and yeah now what'd you get well I got a crestfallen yeah you couldn't tell [ __ ] is graceful son I didn't know either I gave you this like super sad video game [ __ ] come in France box how'd you give up sub you ate even know I just heard of the word nothing that's a fire word as Maddie and I really you're mark smart enough to know what that means I really just want another definition with that asking them figured mark will walk in a day I bet I can use that word now my performance is good enough that you knew it it was nice fresh yeah you flipped your hair back I got you're defending Shane Dawson boys represent the whole Smith family came at some you who they came at hot for youtubers right now you know it's not for everybody right now really is climate they're gonna try to come for me we can see how much you love me mo everybody listen we're gonna see how much love you got for the kid cuz they're gonna come for me let me tell you if they do I'm releasing a sex tape with mark now I've got to not be racing on [ __ ] I get acha [ __ ] and I'm smoking her out they're not playing no games hey Laverne Cox holla I don't know about her I need a fresh scooped yeah you got to take down that [ __ ] you gotta take down that trains trans what do you got to take down the [ __ ] goat so it could be like oh I thought the trains Caitlyn I got to take it out Kaitlyn Kaitlyn or Laverne Cox sighs would you eat that pause I feel like that's I need that pause just got the market look like a sourdough low sourdough lava hey bro it'll got yeast what we supposed to do out here girl [Applause] [Applause] over here look like elf [ __ ] Aerosmith's daughter was that [ __ ] named tastes like vanilla symposium that nymph puss man were they a sexual say what more the elf's a sexual that that don't depend on them if a lesbian is a lesbian I'm straight and we decided consensually [ __ ] there you go what your as long as we both can set Jude you could be a long time like I like [ __ ] I lie again we don't get it [Laughter] you like [ __ ] gonna change my mind [ __ ] out there Porto Rico not didn't it was like because everything's still pretty much locked down it's like 50/50 how it is here in New York right but one thing you know Puerto Rico they might not have electricity but they're handling kovat like them like better than any place I've ever been yeah why off the airport they I mean altar plane the question there you take your temperature max if you were around anybody who had it every push Minh to have a mask my [ __ ] hotel they [ __ ] take your temperature to come in once they taking your temperature way that they don't got no [ __ ] electricity the big they just put the back of their hand to your forehead [Applause] infrared good oh yeah like that on it on it and I actually hoped I was like you know what if one of us had a temperature I you can't come in well yeah now did you lead into your Puerto Rican this there I tried it out I saw you wore sunglasses inside a pool like underneath the water and I was like that might be the most now we had a good time in you know hose though no no okay just chilling you know reading books and stuff you know I got you feeling the pages yeah flip through your girl's [ __ ] like that you ain't got no yeast dirty ass fingers floki bro so we went to stand up man it was great to be back on stage a you were miss obviously we love having you on a row but I can't wait to go back you know my going back yeah we go back I think July July's next gig we gotta Orlando hopefully the corona [ __ ] gets figured out out there I know that's it but uh but yeah man it was great to be back on stage did you enjoy it sounds great the best mark yeah it was cool it was like it was weird being back out there the ball I was heavy in the room we talked about that there you go there's just so much [ __ ] going on in the world and everybody's battling this this virus so the Friday shows for sure it was just like everybody's a little bit more tense you're gonna fight through that know if y'all bombed it's all good bro a bomb like four out of the five we slap it I'm not gonna live mark2 on a last show Matt McCoy Matt McCoy was there I even know what the [ __ ] Matt was talking was some Matt gotta be the funniest [ __ ] bro he's in hot videos we asked him on the Friday show we're like yo you want to go up he's like nine now I got to prepare a little bit I'll come by tomorrow [Applause] [Applause] [Music] cuz he's not here to defend himself and how hard he [ __ ] pop nothing goes payback for how bad I bombed his corporate gig he talked about on the podcast god bless him what we never talked about Matt got me this corporate gig man hang on Akasha and we're making stupid money and Matt was just so great he flew us down there and it was in Florida and I and I don't know what a gig for something like real estate company yeah like rich real estate nice regular [ __ ] you have rich people and we were down there and I cos went up and I coughs smashed and I went up afterwards I had a good first maybe like two minutes oh yeah like decently enough was a shitty setup you did as well as you could do whatever you get off I thought you did John Breaux Andrew goes up there and I'm like listening a little bit and he's crushing something like oh he's good and I just walk off I see him crushing no sudden I walk back by and it's just mad quiet so there was a change him in the energy and energy was there was one boss that like nobody really likes I was making fun him and then this other guy went to the bathroom and then I thought it would be really funny if when the other guy went to the bathroom if I if I looked at the boss and I was like hey why don't you follow him to the bathroom and when you're there bend over so he could [ __ ] you in your ass they told us to be clean oh yeah that's another part so they yeah we could curse I don't know why I felt comfortable doing that because he was kind of dirty up talygroes I was dirty so sometimes you're up there and you just you just take a shot yeah and this that was a weird shot because there wasn't even anything clever about it talking about the CEO or like the number two in the entire company yeah and he's talked about him getting [ __ ] in his ass but not in a clever way hey go get [ __ ] in your ass yo said it was so quiet like you know when they're like you could hear the record screech right dad ass no no this how quiet was I heard in another part of the restaurant somebody asked him for more bread and nobody's anything and I distinctly heard here's some more bread please thank you no that's not a good sign and then I had to do another 25 minutes at which point this is the craziest I've ever bumped bro and I start going into material right and it's just not the right place for material especially my material right at one point the owner that I said about the [ __ ] to the ass yeah goes up stands up in the middle of the joke walks up to the side of the stage as if he's being like sneaky there's no stage we're just in front of table yeah she wants to the side he goes I think that's enough I think that's enough yeah I'm even getting hot thinking about it like I'm getting hot underneath this shirt and reserved for one of my biggest bombs ever I can't even say the biggest but you know Singapore raffles oh boy you know that [ __ ] we did a show in Singapore we did a couple first oh boy second show the England Club yeah we're at this like English club in Singapore you know they colonized Singapore back in the day or something else yeah but this is like a colonial ass club with colonial ass British white people and I go up there and I start bombing and then I start realizing like these [ __ ] colonize is really are like they got like a colonial mentality and they don't like me and I know that and I'm like trying to still win them over and it says horrible ass experience to try to win over these people I think are racist and they are just not having it and I just keep bombing harder and harder and I think I yelled at somebody another comic after I got off stage that Australian guy he said something mean he was being annoying the whole time and I had such a bad set I was like no shut the [ __ ] up folks I remember seeing you up there and it wasn't the great scenario but I knew that it was like you felt like you were dancing for your like oppressive right you felt like that right you killed me yeah and then you just started lashing out and I'm like bro these guys paid us to go around the world like around the way put us up in Singapore we like we're a pain in the ass to deal with kind of low-key because we demand it to be in Singapore not Malaysia remember that and I remember oh that was me that guy that brought us loved Andrew even though ed was a pain in the ass and he liked me and tell that show and then after that I felt him cool off really I felt him being I was like hey man thanks for the show sorry about that one he's like yeah man it happens so here's your ticket to Malaysia world yeah anyway matt baume worse than that [Applause] we love you could come with us any time bro I didn't hear laughter we're joking we're [ __ ] around there was a couple anyway so it was cool being back on the stage I'll be honest I like being nervous again for the first time I miss being nervous yeah and I felt some nerves I mean it was it was good in the crowds were there and there's an interesting energy switch in the crowds that I've noticed whereas like when everything was good and life was good right and I understand what I'm saying life is good that yes is a relatively you know the [ __ ] release yeah doing well yes exactly right so we focus on all the things that are bothering us yeah right and when life was good we focus on like how words are bad yeah and how behavior is toxic and all these other things that might grow aggression microaggressions yes and when we were doing comedy during that time we were fighting for the right to do comedy yeah and it was a cool we were like at war you know we're like fighting for the right to do these jokes and fighting for the right to say we want right and now the energy is shifted now that you have something that is a [ __ ] global pandemic that people are anxious they don't know what their futures gonna be you know what they want riots like it's their race right you know what they want they want to release want silly they want they want silly they want fun they want a party it's like when in the 80s like after or kind of like a detail into the the Vietnam War yeah you know people wanted rock and roll and hair mental and just like let's party all night long and that's the type of music that came out of it because we realize [ __ ] can be really [ __ ] up out there we have perspective about how [ __ ] up the world is so we value fun again and it was really cool to see that shift in the audience like they just want to have fun yeah you know not for men but they really mad did not bomb bad bro a little bit but he did not bomb bad anyways did you feel that - yeah I did and then I said this you it kind of reminds me of like watching Bollywood movies growing up it was always so colorful and bright and everybody's rich and everybody like they have problems in whatever but it's all rich people [ __ ] and I was always like curious about that and in America you see like these gritty ass films and I realized you know in India you want to get away from life life is [ __ ] hard all the time let me get out of this and go escape this is an escape again what was the like industry that popped during the Great Depression movies film right yeah and I would imagine that all the films were aspirational probably probably yeah you know I mean I'm sure you're gonna see what's the [ __ ] thing and say Lenny and whatever of mice and men of mice and men that kind of [ __ ] you know but I imagine there's gonna be like fun aspirational films which show a showcase a life that you know you would like to be living and give you a [ __ ] break yeah and it's interesting to have that shift a new car actually with the biggest movie in the biggest cut most like highest-grossing comedy in the American history is the hangover and it dropped like right as the the stock market was collapsing in 2008 no thank you and the hanger was not the greatest comedy of all time but you just need that fell in then really [ __ ] yo this just silly dudes getting drunk somebody gets lost like always wild stuff let's just forget everything seems to be collapsing around us unless our minds off of the misery yeah and I love having a role in culture this important at least comedic we yeah like what I mean important I'm not talking about essential work or important I'm talking about like having you remove some of your stress because life is [ __ ] stressful now yeah like not that your stress out about microaggressions you're stressed out about job and macro aggression macro issue this macro yes well so it's cool to be existing in a time where comedy is valuable and comedy is important and yeah thank you guys everybody who came out man we are more shows on the books go check about the Andrew shows calm for the for the schedules and aqus I hope you'll come with us man I want you to come on the road it was so much fun having you there and not Alex yeah had the green room sure looks fun yo did you get a little jealous you miss it you're knee-deep in hooker [ __ ] okay what else we got cooking boys I mean this has been an interesting week I got a couple little things that I want to discuss with you but uh holler throw them out there okay so um obviously white women are going through it oh it's tough it's a tough time to be a white woman yeah there's white women obviously the Kanye [ __ ] I want to discuss the Kanye gap thing also released a music video oh I didn't see well just drop an extra hour oh with Travis yeah the UFC fights were going yeah so let's get into it um let's first talk about these uh these white ladies man do you feel like this is the new version how do i how do you how do you describe this it's like the media the news specifically latches on to an idea or concept and then pushes everything out there that fits the narrative a bad idea or is there a term for that but do you know what I'm saying like you know this happened obviously after the George Floyd shooting you saw like anytime there was police brutality or any instance of that it was pushed out by every media outlet now these things have been happening the Brianna Taylor didn't even get closer to a she didn't even get close to the amount of attention from the news media until after George Floyd is that fair to say yeah who the what's-his-name Elijah McLain - months ago now we're hearing about it right so it's like now I feel like the same thing is happening with like in raid two white women yeah right yeah like any girl that gets upset at a grocery store because it is mask yeah white women been throwing fits that's what they do yeah they don't know how to exist without it they don't I think there's something about was that our door don't exist okay I think there's something that we should acknowledge with white women which is uh they're not a fan of inconvenience oh and I think they they a lot of times mistake harassment with inconvenience interesting do remember a white [ __ ] who's walking through New York City and people were saying hi they were like hello or something like that or something horrible like smile it should be absolutely evil right diabolical like remove that how are you how are you how was your day just a disgusting Pig of a [ __ ] human being a real Dave Portnoy if you okay she made a whole [ __ ] viral video about like you know chivalry yeah I mean that's what that video just about how nice [ __ ] are in New York City like this and but that to me she was like look at all the street harassment I'm feeling right oh gosh take us to India right show us a whole new world and what would the street harassment maybe never I have a bit about this right you know I say you know speak her asthma looks like an India and then I just do this say rape with your eyes better than that yeah Senate I had a guy do that to my mom for an entire train ride no and I was just like do I need to kill this person yeah the [ __ ] wife just let that rut why did you say something you don't know how many [ __ ] this guy got with them you don't know like just cuz I can beat up beat up everybody up mob so I said you gotta prove to your mom she's safe bro was your mom juggling her tits or something you don't want to beat up your new dad you know like I get that part though everybody talk about my mom juggernauts gonna be a problem she was so unfazed by though she was just like yeah yo but do all of our moms have huge asphaltene thirds now does everybody in this room's mom a big [ __ ] third she don't feel comfortable talking about this cuz I haven't seen y'all's mom so if y'all could pull up pictures wait hey Mark does your mom have big eyes does not know I haven't seen them yeah yeah talking about bombs is my n-word I'll talk about my mom's flat ass big-ass titties it's like they flattened turns it down she got some tongue plus yeah my mom got to Rainbow sandals on her chest Bieber to her tails yeah is that it term is I think so Oh anyway so um we're worried before I may be inconvenience yeah so I think there's a big distinction that white women need to learn there's harassment and inconvenience yeah and and the difference between a misdemeanor and a crime what is it called a not a that maybe not even misdemeanor there's something that's like illegal and something that can be fined but what do you mainly both our guests are legal like you get it yeah or somebody meaner and then there's like a something else I mean or yeah like something like um for example like parking in the wrong place you get fine for it but it's not you're not going to jail yeah does that make sense yeah so I think that's a civil law versus a criminal law yes not criminal that's what I'm trying to say so you're not a criminal for parking in the wrong place and I think that white women mistake those things they're like they're barbecuing in a place that they're not allowed to be barbecuing right they think that's criminal mmm that's not criminal I believe I think that's just a civil law or like a rule that everybody has agreed and that we find for it but you're not going to jail for that kind of thing and the same thing with like harassment where it's like inconvenience is not harassment you know now where it becomes harassment and my girl went through this the other day she was walking down the street and some guy go smile and then she just looks away she is acknowledged when she walk away the guy was like [ __ ] you damn [ __ ] and I was like already on his car in a nice car what am I supposed to do what 10 I'm trying to go to Indian Jail let me say that about Indian jail Indian jail it's loud though huh that's allowed low key why would you bring your mama India bro that's on you your heart of it hanging on the outside the [Laughter] [Applause] is really like vampires right you gotta be invited in strangers like Yahweh show that's why your mom don't love you ibailo you need to get knocked out but if y'all make me is understandable i'ma cry after I've come to learn that with time I've come to learn that with Tommy CBT know you've come to learn they're like you can poke fun at certain things no like if I laugh about something then it's fair game here and there's been stuff that I laughed about outside the podcast that Hannah's got brought to the pocket now I know is like oh yeah yeah that's all you know you were asking for why do you laugh that way we've made so many jokes on us his dad then he told me you finally saw picture what'd he look like ah we Father's Day we just make that joke Oh change his name I thought is awesome like [ __ ] you things oh I was especially for my job what just happened I had a [ __ ] marina laps i brochure Sal's dead yeah sounds bad yeah me too yeah I'm sorry mr. Al's death that's crazy did he treat you unlike some Drake [ __ ] really he came back after you poppin oh [ __ ] does he call you Alex media he just learned how to text a couple years ago he has some time before he makes it like all trees girls I gotta get them below now to write back how you right now by your name she's on YouTube man no water he was just double tap it on my text message yeah just a question mark oh okay all right in all seriousness I don't even know the last thing we talked about my white women oh so white women so I think that is something important we got to teach white women the distinction between inconvenience and harassment yeah and what was their thing civilly illegal and criminal what was that yes we're gonna be completely wrong on this thing all the comments would be like it's all crimes of substrate we're wrong so all crimes matter yeah yeah what was the thing you were saying I'm in criminal crime civil crime or civil laws and criminal laws civil laws criminal laws Yeah right so Martin you better be right yeah it sounded good okay so I think that's an important thing to understand I think when they understand that listen wearing a mask is not criminal you're not a [ __ ] criminal if you don't wear a mask but you're being civilly disobedient if you will and if they want you to wear a [ __ ] mask in the grocery store just put on the [ __ ] mask how hard is it dude you don't even have to get a mask you realize you can get like the thinnest piece of [ __ ] napkin you want and just cover your [ __ ] face with it yeah it's just regardless if it works or not and I understand these you know the slippery slope Theory whatever it is if you just make some people feel uncomfortable during this [ __ ] time clearly haven't figured out the pandemic isn't it the right thing to do yeah why you being so difficult just make everybody else happy is it matter to you to have a masculine face that much that you're like [ __ ] everyone else and their feelings and their discomfort I need an hour man I understand you just bought new lips so you wanna show them on you paid a lot of money I know you don't have these suckers what I call them suckers I texted you this joint what a doozy McGlinn oh I think I said you did this is guys and I know I'm digging this up right now so it's gonna ruin it for all y'all but I need to stall a little bit while gets up the video this is the funniest thing I'd add a saw Andrew watch this clip for five minutes straight and laughs every single time in the green room at least I'm not exaggerating at least five minutes so this is the most New York [ __ ] ever right tell me almost all you need out so I came out my stall this [ __ ] is that we're working okay it's the gram on the desktop I can't pull up my dear [ __ ] it so uh this is the most New York [ __ ] ever it's a dude chillin alone in peace he takes a bite out of a hot dog in his mouth like a bird like get that [ __ ] [Applause] I couldn't wait we can't even have this fun anymore man oh god like that a clip like this is like oh you can cancel this is a celebrity and people's worth if they're worth getting cancelled try to come for you think yeah welcome [ __ ] them yo that's why we got this that's why we made this [ __ ] so we can a yo but talk about throwing food what happened why we back to white women here [ __ ] off being inconvenience and not knowing what to do this is so good it's in Dallas yo all those dollars in Dallas I can't believe this surprise you or not know a little bit you know it surprises me and I think this is why it's a little [ __ ] if she at Fiesta which is a Mexican market now I'm making Mexican clean up after you somehow I don't feel right somehow maybe that's why she felt so comfortable every other Thursday he'll be fine Wow she wasn't wearing a mask yeah go for below Sarah whatever they form with the throws though Biggs is launching a little she's a little skinny my links broke my legs right look cute the toots and we got a rate all the Karen's we got I do a power ring so you the hottest Karen is who the hottest Karen it hot is Karen the most Karen Karen the hottest no hottest Karen like how to serial killer remember when we did that yeah hottest Karen not something do you think Central Park Karen was all on that list yeah she's loved it's like amy klobuchar yes she kind of boost are though i will you take a break for a second man because you guys need better essentials and I'm not [ __ ] around when I tell you this I've you know we've said this before underwear shirts hoodie socks the men's essentials Mac Weldon has it on lock they believe in premium fabrics they believe in premium quality and they believe in premium experience okay you should not have to go to fifteen different websites and ten different stores just to get underwear socks shirts hoodies all that can be done with Mac Weldon this is all things that you know your size you know you're comfortable you know your cut and then you never have to worry about it again that is what we do as men we don't want to worry about [ __ ] because we got to worry a lot already okay the world is falling apart I don't have time you worried about my [ __ ] undershirt just be efficient put it all in one place let me know as high quality I'm too old for shitty underwear and socks let me buy some good stuff underwear that waffles at the bottom Borachio come on bro then ass socks dinner sucks toes stick it out you know you look mad childish you look stupid Mac Weldon is gonna have you nice go too Mac Weldon calm em ack wel do n comm 20% off your first order if you use the quote flagrant you hear that 20% off I just want to make sure that we in these [ __ ] points okay smart design premium fabric simple shopping it's very simple website put it in the [ __ ] car get out of there all right silver line of underwear and shirts that are naturally antimicrobial I don't even know what that means but that just sounds wack it means it doesn't smell as bad it's huge son it's huge son and it's you don't have to think the worst thing about men is we always got to think about every [ __ ] decision every the second thing is thought out here I'm just in I'm out you do the [ __ ] I know it's gonna be good I got damn it the closest we get to living the easy life of a woman so that's all you want hey just come live the comfort of a woman's security security what else you know to it look I'm telling you guys it's that simple you can get all your essentials in one place okay they were popping with essentials before essential workers even became a thing right Mac Weldon been on that essential life yeah so you and Mac Weldon calm use that promo code flagrant I'm telling you we wouldn't have it we wouldn't [ __ ] with it if they weren't comfortable and fit beautifully you go there you get it right now if you need that real let's get back to the show okay guys okay so let's let's talk about this Kanye gap situation mm-hmm so for those you don't know Kanye has partnered with the gap he's gonna bring easy over to the gap I think that this is the most genius business deal that I have witnessed in the last decade I just put that timeline up now so I'll probably ready I'll tell you why gap is struggling right because the other like super fast fashion places are biting it the zara is the Topshop the H&M Zara eh and I'm still in business but still like it's a cheaper clothing but it actually has more cachet because they're doing cooler Styles etc and then gap kind of just became like bland yes right you know it's just like kind of like regular clothes like when we were growing up like a gray gaps wetsuit was kind of fire I don't know right like they had some hot come on they had a run they had a run rooms they could have a nice crewneck [ __ ] where it's just a gap on the chest remember the sweatshirt yeah they had the original MacBook commercials with just a white background and then I got talking in front of completely White's career and she was kind of fired so and everything went downhill when they stopped dancing in a commercial remember when they were doing like swing and [ __ ] in the commercial it was fire but basically what happened is as these new things pop up cap kind of gets lost in the sauce because it's not as elegant as like the sister company Banana Republic I think Banana Republic is owned by gap right so it's like it would go Banana Republic gap old Navy yeah old Navy would still occupy the bottom rung where a lot of people just didn't have the money you could get close for pretty cheap they had that cargo short run and Old Navy was poppin I think we all world Navy back in a day and then gap with this this like middle ground was like almost like rich kids war gap yeah you know like your parents the rich kids parents will buy them gap stuff and then gap kind of falls out of favor huh but what I love about the deal is Yeezy brings the cool factor mm-hmm gap brings the quality if easy partners with H&M or any of these [ __ ] partner with H&M I think Beyonce partnered with Topshop or something like that yeah she brings all the equity but the quality is still trash Topshop is trash quality yes has a little bit it's hardly to him but like barely you wash your shirt twice that [ __ ] is [ __ ] like the threads are starting to come out it's not good quality the thing with gap is Yeezy is bringing his brand equity to a brand that's quality's already high so now I'm like I would wear this [ __ ] if it's good I would wear this [ __ ] yeah you could buy something from it and it's gonna maintain its [ __ ] value unlike these other things we're gonna take the original gap closed and put a couple holes in it yeah yeah about this was he finally dropped a conscious song today about essentially black lives matter oh really say it but you drop that shoe with Travis Scott the whole thing and that's that the timing of that is perfect no I just partner with the widest clothes on the face of the earth yeah there you go everybody yeah look I'm walk again we're good right black lives matter I mean not the life of my wife hey let me find another black guy who married a white woman as well in the same family yeah black like that does not saying that you can't do that obviously you can't but it is interesting because you're saying this might be more performative and maybe it's a marketing video a marketing video right right right you can't alienate your audience too much Marc what do you thought as far as the deal that thing is smart the gap was gonna be out in five years you think yeah without this gap who had been done five years like their [ __ ] look was like free fallin yeah I'd never getting squeezed so hard between Old Navy and the rest of their [ __ ] would your generation where gap I mean our Gabbar still to this day yeah these jeans really come on bro yeah but you bought them in some store where anyone else wore them and then you got them now I got it from the gap you went to the gap yeah that's my [ __ ] bro I been on yet I don't know about the gap anymore so holy storm mark gets firsthand [ __ ] from you don't make that [ __ ] more breathable bata cheats between any much of a gap brother sweaty what what did you say oh it's like so I was passing by and marks shoe dropped and I picked it up for him and handed it to him and it was so hot and I'm like damn not only giant ass always hide your feet are [ __ ] hot five years they out of here and then Yeezy has prolonged that depending on the success of it yeah and Yeezy revolutionize the dealers I think I think he did revolutionize adidas I'm skeptical that he's gonna do that for GAAP but I've been wrong about easy before I keep doubt in Kanye and then he keeps winning so I think it's guaranteed to win cuz the gaps at the bottom so the only place you can go is you get the stock nice and cheese a penny stock right now like the [ __ ] Louis it will ever be I just depending on how much they paid Kanye can they afford it and he might've just got paid in a ton of stock equity or some [ __ ] like that mm-hmm you know the interesting thing about paying Kanye is like or for this is if the deal is only a year or two years but you bring back the value of the brands any amount you pay him is worth it you know it's a 10-year deal oh really yeah so this is like this is Carly does this and then maybe he's out the game McCartney's gonna be well what does he like 55 Connie in 10 years yeah do something now 5 yeah in 10 years yet but um I don't know cuz he's shaky when it comes to a lot of these business stuff like lately he's been putting out his own [ __ ] and he prides himself in putting out his own [ __ ] with this it's like uh is it more the gap is it more him and I know he has control of the easy bread hmm and this seems like it's a partnership so I think they're gonna let him do whatever he wants yeah for yeezy gap not design all the gap I think easy gap will be like a subset of gap just like I think Yeezy was a subset of Adidas not it if it's like that not overseeing that yeah I'm surprised d-does let this rock if I'm adidas I'm like nah but I like you you want to partner with us you want to do this with us like make your brand within us now but he only has a shoe deal with Adidas he doesn't have clothing his whole thing is straight him you can't go to adidas and get easy clothing is moving selling son I thought uses a billion-dollar company or something it is a billion-dollar company that's interesting because I think they the heat of Yeezys the shoes at least yeah there was a time it was the hottest [ __ ] shoes and now it's not there anymore but the worth has grown so it's like maybe they maybe like heat know necessarily mean money we all know I think you do I know some dope warfare brand warfare yeah let's say I'm Mikey and I want to take out Adidas I get some Karan's to throw some [ __ ] in a grocery store wearing all Yeezy to move right whoever the most hated person is put them in the opposition opposition's gear and now all the sudden though new clogged [ __ ] things that easy put out in there it's like oh those are the Karen sneaker the Karen clogs I mean it's diabolical but if they get caught it's a wrap that's true you're sorted caught it's a rat you guys do I kill him yeah you just pay them so much it's like whatever we didn't do had that long island white [ __ ] or whatever the dude wearing the mag hats and the video is talking to the phone I love her put her in Puri this is how I dress for my sparring races this woman is a legend Tina 40 you love you we want you on a pot yeah yeah yeah yeah Tom loves be mad different now she's coming on everything so what do you think gosh you think it's legit or not I mean listen I like I said I've been wrong about Kanye every step of the way I don't I don't think this is this a big swing to me to make the gap cool again that [ __ ] is like 20 years old my gap being quite think he worked at the gap as a kid baseships he talks about working at the gap yeah exactly so he worked at the gap as a kid he's even wrapped about it yeah spaceship yeah actually the gap yeah go back back to the gap yeah so I think he's on some nostalgia [ __ ] too that's dope [ __ ] you yeah he didn't like work in there what now how are ya beeps oh yeah I think so because uh they threatened him for stealing or some [ __ ] like that really I mean he makes he doesn't retire verse about hating the gap nah I think about it here yeah on his first album spaceship whatever I've been workin his grave I wish I could [Laughter] wasn't no scratch yes you never got caught okay take me to the back and Pat me hmm accent me about some khakis [Laughter] [Applause] compare those to you oh honey I got more white holes in Jason Mraz oh you are yeah but you know the greatest rapper of all time is who is it Marc music means academics and Freddie Gibbs who gives a [ __ ] I just [ __ ] and he was going off on mm-hmm all right um go it's a bad look for academics yo you're a nerd stay the nerd don't take it from a little guy who knows the little guy the second I started talking out of pocket yeah every time it was a voice in my head like you sure we want to do this academics need that voice to be a little louder right I guess funny I actually respect it I love drunk academics I think you're so [ __ ] entertaining and I think he's carved out like a really amazingly oh he's a smart guy yeah I like I have a lot of respect for what he's done um I have no care to talk about this so you guys I just thought it was funny because like Freddie Gibbs isn't like a punk he's kind of known to have like a pretty passed over it's like he's usually not one of those guys you talk [ __ ] to yeah until academics is just like kind of fearless right here and he will eventually have to see him one day and that's gonna be this wasn't wrong though he basically was like Jeezy's more relevant than academics and I mean then a Freddie Gibbs and people like no he's not he's not putting on music and academically yeah but Freddie Gibbs don't sell if Jeezy put out an album it would sell more than yeah that's what the beef was about anything that ran with that how you know it's more boring this or fabless first Jadakiss funny yeah buck yeah it was funny you didn't even watch it how you have an opinion on something you did not do for what first of all let me let me let me clarify something fabless is unique in his ability to be the worst performer I've ever seen in my life like literally the most boring person I've ever seen perform in my entire life it is fascinating how catchy his music is because his music I've been listen fabulous since I'm [ __ ] kid okay yeah I swear to God I remember we saw him matter of fact when we were at this arcade on 40 seconds remember to arcade it was in Times Square was on like the second floor Haven bus no no there was another one that you could go to it like you could drink alcohol we were too young to regale absolutely and we saw him pull up in a car was an exciting to see fat the musics fire watching him perform is trash Jayda hilarious NATO is so funny as a whole it but he's a hilarious dude yeah and genuinely nice guy I remember seeing him once in the street in LA and I Denny adapt him up and he was very cool about it so and I was in my college so very cool but so boring I mean like fab performing was awful yeah man that's usually how he performs but that's his thing he's just always too cool for every day yeah but like be a little less cool and then put something in it you know I made like a family when when Jada had his arm I'm again married to this song and he was doing a close socket and fab had to like put his hat down to block his breath from that's why I was entertaining just to see how [ __ ] drunk Jada was like yeah that [ __ ] was funny no I love watch it nah we're good um what else next me wouldn't watch Britney dancing this poor actually I want to have this discussion because uh I want to have this like bundle discussion you know what they had I think this is really interesting you brought this up out which is like so six nine was being critical of Justin Bieber and ariana grande for using what are called bundles you sell more records right right and I guess what a bundle is you guys correct me if I'm wrong but you basically say yo if you buy merch you get a free album with the merch but billboard counts that album as a merch sale right album sale the album is or if you buy a ticket to the show you give away an album with general right and six nine was critical he was like yo it shouldn't count because they're not actually just directly buying the album yeah they're buying that other thing and then you're counting the album so billboard you shouldn't count that because the person is not choosing to buy the album right it is not the person's choice that makes them buy the album and I started thinking that and I go okay well it's not the person's choice what comes on on the radio matter of fact what gets played on the radio I mean we've known for years is manipulated through connections with record labels and etc so if you don't count bundles should we not count any play that isn't dictated by the consumer radio is a little different because it's supposedly people calling in requesting songs and then if enough if someone gets requested enough they add it to the rotation so maybe in that situation if it's a call and request we do it but still the amount of people that are forced to listen to a song that they actually don't want to maybe shouldn't get counted the same you said I'm saying like it I don't think a radio spin is the same as someone buying a writer it's not a fraction Milla for exactly yeah so what I guess what they've doing is they break up the difference between a spin a purchased a purchase album counts way more than just a stream there's all these different ways to break it up that being said the person listen radio is not making the choice to listen to it and I'm really curious what if you just made it about audience choice and it's just like you know if the audience chooses to listen to that [ __ ] song then that's what we count now that's where that gets dicey though because now with Spotify you have playlists that curate what people choose that's another peg it paying somebody who runs the playlist to put my song in simultaneously so break the playlist thing down mark was talking about that this week a new radio yeah he did so break break how it works that was too full you have individuals that are just like private people that are making playlists that people get on board with and listen to and then people can follow the playlist exactly and it like just like a fall an Instagram account or something like that and then that playlist will change yep and they'll update it like if you fall like Hot Rap 2020 it'll just update with the hottest songs the hottest rap songs of 2020 right and then you also have Spotify who's doing it as well okay and then Spotify will hire DJ's to then make their playlist for them that'll be like a Spotify official playlist right rap caviar is one of like the biggest rap playlist that spawns sponsored by Spotify and they blacklisted six nine oh so they don't have his name or any of his music on the playlist which then like inevitably affect his plays significantly right so if you have millions of people that are listening to this playlist every day that's potentially millions of listens that aren't going to 6:9 exactly and getting on rap caviar is like a big deal yeah like how rappers would be like yo I gotta put on rap caviar like thank you so much whatever so that's akin to like getting played on a hot 97 or power 105 back in the day yeah where it's like my song is on Z 100 or whatever like and there's argument to me that it might even be bigger because you can actually track the metrics like you can actually see oh might like my song has two views it doesn't go to the radio station right whereas the radio it gets played but you know how many [ __ ] I got a radio Spotify and the whole world got so you can actually see oh I got put on this place and now I have 8 million 10 million 100 million more listens interesting so I added why did he get been a black I think it was after like the rest as well as like his allegations like the pedophilia [ __ ] back in the day clarify those cuz we don't want to put the P a word on [ __ ] a taint so I think when he was like 17 or he was a minor he was seen in a video with like a 13 year old it was a music video and then the girl was kind of sexualized music video yeah and so then he got like charges that he I think he pleaded guilty but he was a minor at the time right so it's not on his record right so it's not like sponge but right for whatever reason like people use that against him and he didn't [ __ ] the girl or anything guy he's not like making out the girl in fact that she was just sexualized in this video I think there was his video right right which is still [ __ ] up it's if your daughter you don't want that apparently he didn't know her age allegedly I just don't want to put that word on a [ __ ] and then all the sinning but those are the accusations again right and so is that coupled with his arrest and like snitching and everything that they were like yeah we don't want to associate yes so funny what is even more snakish from Spotify because they made the exclusive podcast about him that uh who was Angela Angie Martinez Angie Martinez yes yo yes you make an exclusive podcast about mother [ __ ] and black Lesseps so you make money off him off the podcast and the reality of are we blacklisted him yeah well he's on the platform still he's on Spotify but they just took him off the Spotify playlist which is where you're getting all the views and then for him still to get a billboard is is impressive a billboard number when that being said he bundled his [ __ ] yeah which I get it's like you got a play game yeah the way is being played I actually am NOT against a bundle because someone still has to chew it still has to be a real fan like to me buying the bundle to get the album that's a super fam right there you should be able to be compensated for a super fan supporting your art where is you just being on a playlist you might not be a super fan of that person you might just be on this powerful playlist yeah I feel you but what if and I'm sure this doesn't have poke holes and it pocos it what if you just like the merch what if the merchant is fire and what are the Marches dumb cheap like a dollar now I'm getting to play for super cheap and I sell a piece of merged with it well I guess it would be you'd get an album by which still counts but yeah that's a great point also it could mean it really yeah yeah yeah I'll deliver the whole album for a dollar buy this sticker yeah no that's that's a good point was then I think because of this bundle situation he actually has the biggest drop from week 1 to week 2 so he had a number one and then it dropped all the way down to 37 so I have a I have something about that I think that 6:9 strategy is very similar to our strategy in the game would stand up where I don't think he's going for longevity with an album right like our standard strategy is I want to be in front of you every week here's a new clip every single week and these clips will pop some of them will last forever some of them might fall off but it was like what's more valuable is having each clip and pumping up each clip and albums people like let me put out this great masterpiece Kendra Persians kind of Perkins Kendrick Lamar is gonna come out with a amazing masterpiece of an album people listen to a few weeks then it will go away almost like a comedy special people talk about for a couple weeks and then will go away right like Chappelle's thing last week everybody talked about it nobody talks about right so I think he recognized that and he's like oh if I just create buzz every week or every month a new song every week or every month I stay high and I don't waste 12 songs on one album and then they're done in two weeks [ __ ] album I think he really I think I mean is that fair to say Marc what you think about it yeah no I agree I think his whole strategies like just get hype in the moment and keep chugging away on like like check by check getting the momentary height and then he's like jumping from one lily pad to the next or whatever that uh metaphor is you know in video games who they keep bounce the only thing is his strategy of getting the attention though yep look I wish it was just a music that spoke for it so that's the difference between us right we rely on content he relies on antics yeah so hard yeah but imagine you had jay-z imagine you had a Kendrick imagine you have one of these [ __ ] that every month was putting out up banger of a song there was just fire and like cool features and amazing you'd be like oh [ __ ] this is every single week I get this yeah yeah like or every single month whatever it was that'd be the biggest rapper in the world hands down yeah I remember when a good music was doing those good music Fridays that [ __ ] was fired why you're having like the Lamborghini mercy and then yeah like it was just banger after banger after banger that sure was hard and think about it even to this even to this day you're going good music did it yeah you're not saying the artists yeah you're like good music was putting it out and it blew up good music so yeah and especially when you can't tour oh my god yes can't be on the road like this is your only way to like build like continual height that's right because they can't do big shows yeah you have to keep the hype going you put out an album and think about it you put out an album you're taking that let's say you work on your album for a month right you're taking that month and you're taking that month of brain power and dividing it into twelve different songs imagine you just took a month and worked on one song and then next month worked on one song now you have twelve songs over the year but each one gets all your brain power yeah each one you work on all the [ __ ] rhymes every single I mean it's it's it's different musically obviously but like every week when we put out the piece we are dedicating all our brain power to that piece we're not making 12 episodes of this show the rant right in one month and then spreading them out throughout the year and if we did they would be worse it takes every [ __ ] hour that we put in yeah to make that [ __ ] good imagine an artist like Kendrick Lamar and like a real [ __ ] artist yeah was just one song hey here's one this is my song this month but technically though they kind of do that because they have like year or two or three year intervals between the album job so yeah they are putting everything into that one song they just hold it after it's done if that's their strategy sometimes a guy like easy we'll just go he's so talented okay I'll just do it for a couple reasons like rock musicians used to do that they like alright let's write let's go in this house and like live there and write the album over a month I guess maybe a Kendrick writes his pieces over a certain amount of time if he does I think he also feels like I feel like there's an artistic like the album has a storyline through it it all means something and yeah whatever yeah and you could theoretically do like this year is about this and then this is the year of and then you could have your album title and then it's like a thematic a year no one a month you really said think about that [ __ ] what if you had each song react to the next song based on the new information you know about the world but you still had a through-line going and all of a sudden at the end of the year you celled a full album and you see the connective tissue that exists between all this and it's like now the album becomes a piece of art in of itself and there's a reason to purchase it now you hold the full year hostage attention only your oh [ __ ] Jozy dropping a mixtape I think that'd be kind of fireman if the musicians did that yeah and then and you know what you you would body six nine out of here because the reality is we're into the antics and these things are so [ __ ] entertaining but the content is trashed the reason we're into the antics is because there's not content right now imagine someone would talk to your content came out with that [ __ ] honestly music should be better than ever during quarantine yes you can all record from home yet a lot of times to enjoy the music you want to be out ooh but like artistic music like not some [ __ ] there my friend we need some ballads yeah Kendrick could probably drop now and it'll be a perfect on the job but I really six wit it and you know just digesting it but you just take you go for a ride can't appreciate it I can't appreciate a kendrick thing on the first lesson but like the baby for example his album just drop not too long ago and I should came and went because bangers but all his clothes like you need to be outside see the baby it conscious nice performance he's a he's a like all these ideas to me are creative even the video that he ended up doing like a George Floyd performance but the music video is him and rowdy rich and they're in like a zombie apocalypse situation it's like The Walking Dead he's always got ideas the only thing is that it's funny because he's also the baby but lo baby dropped the conscious one like a week or two and I think he saw how well that did cause I'm on it yeah yeah yeah I give more credit to lobby because he was the first like major artist to come out with some conscious [ __ ] you're gonna see a lot of performative support I think because people gravitate towards what successful and it doesn't mean that they don't also care about the causes but artists generally are going to replicate what they see gives them the most you know I don't know financial success or potential financial success the future by galvanize I don't think you're wrong I think overall even if that's true I like the baby and I like the he approaches his videos in particular with a lot of creativity like that Broadway Bob [ __ ] that one take was fire his team real goats they then like the this of music they just be doing some creative [ __ ] they're always thinking and you don't like hear their name all the time in the zeitgeist but that's a team that's like fine and they're finally putting out fire yeah and I respect it he has he's one of those guys man like where the antics make you are almost like a disguise for the brilliance I think so you know what I mean like I feel that same way about there's this UFC fighter who fought this weekend Mike Perry that [ __ ] was great so I this guy Platinum Mike Perry I'm a fan bro yeah so Platinum Mike Mike Perry did we want him on flagrant 2 man this guy is the epitome of flagrancy but I mean he had no corner al did you watch the fighting not so he didn't have those readin books you were reading books yet so so he had nobody in his corner right except his girlfriend in a cup man so his girlfriend was his trainer and she was holding the pads for him he is same money I don't know if that's reason maybe was but he is a master of antics like almost like Takashi level yeah but also execute when he's out there in the ring yeah so haven't your girlfriend in your corner no one else because you left your team and you're trying to prove that you don't need your team oh that's the reason why yeah so he has his girl like he's like I could have anybody in other words I could have anybody there and I'm gonna do okay I'm the one in the ring I'm the one that has to fight like what don't act like you're bigger than me which is an interesting perspective I I think for training partners is probably advantageous like being one of these gyms but at the end of the day it's like what you do in the ring but he's so erratic in what he says he gave the funniest post fight speech I've done oh my in my entire life also real quick during a fight like in the break or whatever with between rounds he's like having to tell his girl how to put the ice pack on hey where do you want the ice pack he's like where I'm bleeding out of my head try to put it there please thank you so sounds a horrible no no if you're fighting the ring and I hear your girl is but he's so fascinating because he has this way of like speaking like he's apparently 2% black but he says the n-word like he's just he's like super he's this super fascinating character but when I see him in the ring or the Octagon whatever the [ __ ] they call it especially on his ground game he's super disciplined like technically DIF that just try to like brute force beat you out like technically super disciplined and even when his striking he gets caught a lot but his hands are always super high like he has a lot of things that are very defensive and protective but his behavior isn't really consistent with that so most people say yes it's aggressive and most people like ah he's just a wild boy he's just out there and I'm watching the guy I'm like wait hold up he actually is like really technical and like really knows what he's doing so I start going if he's so technical in the ring it's not that crazy to assume he's technical in the press-conference technical in hyping himself post-fight technical and the post-fight interviewers allowing is either he's different is he because he's a masterful technician in the ring yeah but like you see it in every different part he's a platinum Mike pair he's much more of a brawler okay what his ground game was super technical listen does that make sense did you guys feel that way yep and izzi's antics are like overtly clever like when he's talking you know he's a funny guy who's self-aware like you know is he's drunk is he's aware of what he's doing funny like he's older you think he this is just who he is and Andrew thinks I think he knows what he's doing but you think oh this is just a wild boy who doesn't give a [ __ ] about any of this this and this he comes across like Takashi I think I think Mike Perry if I we sat down I think he'd be like I know exactly what I'm doing I'm smarter than all these [ __ ] and I know exactly how to rouse [ __ ] up and I know how to sell fights and I know everything is calculated every single thing I do is calculate that's the best time and I'm crazy to UFC and I think what you said is really interesting about Izzy where's Izzy Izzy is Izzy we are getting Izzy yeah we know he knows who he is and he's funny with the [ __ ] internet stuff the memes and he knows how much happy and funny we know he's trying to be funny we're not like oh is he so crazy about these money yeah at a press conference he purposely means to be entertaining at a press conference when Mike Perry's talking about how you didn't pay taxes last year and he's like yo why would y'all give me the money expect me not to spend it yeah like in the press guys I gotta pay the tax man I stood understand like if y'all give me the money y'all should take your taxes out if you want it don't give me money not expect me to spend it like you're dying laughing but you're like he's serious yeah but low-key I'm like nah this guy knows exactly what the [ __ ] he's doing bro yeah I think he's aware of it I would love to ask just hope he paid them taxes paid em [ __ ] bro that's why you got no corner you got a girlfriend but um anyway fascinating fight interesting you guys should watch that post fight interview if you can man yeah it was very good Sacha Baron Cohen [ __ ] did y'all see it I did okay um we're gonna take a break for a second pay some bills I got a piss but then we come back we talk about that all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second we gotta pay some bills listen I know you're horny mm-hmm I'm saying I know you've been at home you've been all cooped up you've been in your own bubble you know maybe you haven't been cracking them cheeks as much as you have but I know that you probably bent on them went websites you know you might be stroking mm-hmm might be stroking maybe you are doing some stuff with your girl but you need to elevate it a little bit it can get a little boring a little routine and a quarantine that's what I'm saying the same thing every time got to spice it up a little odda god ooh you got to go to Adam and Eve bro I'm telling you the best part of staying at home Akash it's playing at home you take advantage of this downtime you're gonna get one item at almost 50% off crazy half off crazy half off okay when you do you get almost ten free boredom busting gifts including six spicy movies a three piece bonus kit and best of all free shipping delivered discreetly right to your door just remember to use the offer code flagrant that's flagrant a checkout adamant eve has thousands of products to make you glad you are staying at home sex toys make being at home so enjoyable now even shopping from home is more enjoyable when you're shopping for sex toys so go to Adam and Eve dot-com use the offer code flagrant and get that sex life rejuvenated you know the key word was what's that discreetly that's between you and your ladies and oh let's keep that [ __ ] there order nobody gonna know promo code flavor let's get back to Joe alright we back let's talk Sasha Baron Cohen for those you guys don't know Sasha Baron Cohen is he's Borat he's Bruno he's Ali G he's a legend yo ok so and the clip that we're referencing he basically you want you have a clear yeah I guess so it's not gonna be uh he went to it not an alright rally but he went to a group that was like a militia group in Washington State and got on stage somehow and started singing this wild-ass song as a country singer like he put on makeup and all the [ __ ] and then some people started singing along and I don't remember the exact lyrics but something about like giving a give him Obama of the Wu Han flu and cut off the journalists head like the Saudis do or something much like the Saudis do yeah Wuhan flu like is only stills from it on to you now there's a video but it's all good chop them up like the Saudis do yeah yeah um thoughts Akash so here's the one thing that's a bit unfair as I like research it a little more it wasn't it says white supremacist rally in the article these guys are actually very anti racism there like a militia group that's like we believe in guns and all that but we're not doing this we're not doing racist [ __ ] and then apparently once like a few people started singing along they were like you'll get the [ __ ] out of here and Sasha showed up with like a ton of security and [ __ ] yeah I mean it's also I mean these are a group of people that believes in guns you're gonna say some [ __ ] to piss them off right to their face what you're saying calling them white supremacists it's a bit unfair I mean like he needed to get it done and whatever and like not including when they kicked him off for saying it yeah yeah so I thought it was an unfair bit of marketing yeah um but here's that usually what he does so that's the thing with him like I [ __ ] die laughing at some initiative the hardest I've ever laugh is at some of like the Olly ji stuff or like the Bruno or at Borat stuff I mean like [ __ ] die laughing that being said it is the easiest type of humor like he literally does like the most juvenile low-hanging fruit type of humor that exists he basically finds the ostracized people like whoever the leading group or the elites are of that country right he finds the group that they hate and ostracize and then confirms their bias based on the stereotypes they have so in America obviously the leading group are like you know lefties and they run Hollywood etc so he goes okay who do they hate oh they hate these like rednecks so I'm gonna go find white people being racist and then confirm that they're racist right so I'll go to this Trump rally or I'll do another thing etc and it's like first of all you're some [ __ ] spoiled brat that went to Oxford you don't know dick about America right like you don't know anything about people in the south at all all you knew was okay I can make money if I come here and confirm how those rich white people feel about those poor white people so that's well do oh what do Americans hate right now oh they hate Muslims because they're in a war with Muslims okay I'll make a movie where I make Muslims look really bad The Dictator right it's like I don't see him keeping that same energy you know with anything like I don't see I don't see him coming after Jews at all he's a Jewish guy he just points out like white racism and anti-semitism I think that's what he's pointed out I was even looking for characters I was I guess interesting like has he ever done a like a character shows like Israel Palestine relations oh he's who is America show yeah I remember being excited about it did he go at left-wing people though cuz the clips that went viral world I mean there were wild like getting [ __ ] senators to say some crazy shouldn't do some super gay [ __ ] or whatever but like there was one character he did in that who's America show I think was Aaron Murad where he plays like an Israeli anti-terrorist yeah I teaching like people at a corporate offers how to like deal with terrorists I'm [ __ ] dying laughing hilarious I me as the guy dress up as an Indian and then have a snake charm and that's how you I die laughing at it it's stupid it's but it is super like juvenile but it's [ __ ] hilarious it's just so stupid that being said like I don't know if he's keeping the same energy he seems a little bully ish it's bullish and you don't know anything about the culture you're some [ __ ] snob from England you're some rich boy from England and you frontin so you can make money off of this stereotypes that these elites that these elites have that's all you and I got caught up in it because I was this New York elite you know putting quotes on that but like I was one of these guys coastal guys that knew nothing about the south before I really start to learn about these people right and like have family from there so I could really understand their perspective but like before I was like oh yeah look how racist they are hahaha I have these feelings and then I'll go I don't even know if Yuri watch Borat though it's just like some funny-ass antics like the second he gets to New York and he lets the [ __ ] she opens up his briefcase and a [ __ ] chicken comes out and starts running around like he goes to feminist groups and like picks it them like he does go at everybody but he tends to pick on the rednecks I don't think he goes at everybody I think he goes at why people are racist I think those white people are racist I think that's it I think we know that and I don't think we need some guy from England coming here to tell us that but it seems like that's what a lot that that's my I laugh on a primal level and I die laughing again on promote from a laughing perspective I'm [ __ ] crying yeah like that's the end of the goal and that's at the end of it that's what matters that's what matters a hundred percent yeah what I value about us is we're coming to everybody everybody gets comment we've come in Muslims and we'll come in juice we're coming black food will come a white people come in Indian everybody gets these jokes his jokes have a specific target yeah a specific audience and he's not keeping that same energy not even with himself he's Jewish I'm sure there be a million jokes he could make about himself his culture his people throw out the head seeds he could go to but he's not it's all abusers gonna go on Muslims and why you gonna go with Muslims and you're gonna go ahead white white racist like really that's it is there something where it's like he's making fun of Muslims but in such an exaggerated way that it's like nobody actually believes these things like it's almost pointing out like the is there something like that like he's pointing out that I think he's pointing out the white racism the racism I mean he's point out the white reason that they could believe these things about those people right 100% he's doing it um but also you don't who knows no I don't know what he feels I'll be honest I have to look at every single one again I die laughing I die laughing it's no different than seeing like a fat person fall it's [ __ ] hilarious if you listen to seeing like a dude eat a [ __ ] hot dog and his friends laugh at it like that's the type of humor to me but he's not keeping that same energy and it's kind of annoying when people who aren't from here come here and they trash half the [ __ ] country and they have no clue about those people whatsoever yeah and they're doing it to serve themselves so it's like if you here's here's my issue with it at the end of the day is if you're you're not fighting against racism you're profiting off of racism just like white people are profiting off of racism well you're using racism to line your pockets and you're not exposing that people are racist to us [ __ ] we know we're for a mere we know about white racism you've just found out you got off the boat to your points in a little bit to your point I got more annoyed when he started being more socially vocal this year because before I just thought he it was who do I make fun of oh this is an easy target let's make fun of that that's an easy target they let's make fun of that cuz it's I'll also know like the Andy Rooney interview he did when he was pretending to be Ollie G and he's interviewing this [ __ ] elite newscaster and just pissing him off with the misuse of grammar and his stupid ask questions and like I thought hey he just makes fun of people that are targets how can I make fun of this guy let's go yeah but when he started getting more social I was like nobody wants what was he's doing socially what was he like he recently said some [ __ ] like as Sacha Baron Cohen not as a character not as a joke like he went on like he had gave a very long speech about I don't know I tuned that [ __ ] out immediately but like the problems with American politics and whatever how we approach did it I can't recall exactly no initial went Twitter viral to mouth the other boys me about him is that oftentimes the people that he's exploiting making fun of or like typically nothing but like really kind and welcoming to him like specifically in Bora like he like goes into people's homes that know that he's like a foreigner that know he's from what countries from Kazakhstan yeah but still like let him into their home and let him eat dinner with them and like let him sing the national anthem and then intentionally tries to make them look stupid yeah he's a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] but to me he feels like exploitative like he's exploiting him he's really sweet and he's profiting off of the racism that he's accusing them of yeah like want you if you really want to fight racism and you're trying to expose it give all your money back give all the money you made off of showing the people are racist get it back would you say he's fighting against it a little bit by showing how dumb they are I don't think he's fighting at all I think what he's doing is cleverly editing the video to show that these people are racist but if you actually look what Mark was saying is if you actually pull out you'e wait a minute they can't be hateful if they brought him into their home they're feeding the guy they're being sweet to him and a lot of these people like even when he was singing a song at the [ __ ] thing a lot of these people are seeing an idiot on stage and they feel bad for the idiot so they're trying to make the idiot feel better right are they raised the store are they trying to agree with someone that they feel bad for he's like throw the Jew down the world that song what was that one where he goes to the rodeo and he's singing a song like yeah like thinking about trying to kill the Jews so the American can be free this is one of march song just try to remember that yeah yeah rodeo dress yeah that's point he's singing the song going wild and all the people kind of like start saying along with them yeah and it's like maybe the races but maybe like they're just trying to go along with this guy from this country that's a little that's a lot say this I was like I'd be like yo keep the same injury go to Israel and say like I'll throw the Palestine Palestinian down to well right now you think you might get a little support yeah but you're not gonna do that video right or if you even were like hey like if you would do anything that would expose the people that are paying you like he would never do anything that's gonna expose the the the side of Showtime or the side of HBO or side of whatever network is paying him to do his shows I don't think he would ever do anything to [ __ ] the bag up so at the end of the day you're just doing it for money bro yeah you know I mean which is fine but don't act like you're like keeping the same energy don't act like you do you taking advantage of these people just like races take advantage of these people you part of the same [ __ ] thing know if you want to make fun of everybody less [ __ ] go the other wild thing about it is there's one part of who is America what he's interviewing like a high-ranking politician or some like powerful person in Vegas and he's making some Joker's Nicole do you think he could get me a young boy and the guy was like well I can but I know someone that could what and he was like wait what and he's like yeah like I mean like the cameras are off right and they weren't but he was like yeah I could hook it up and basically was like uncovering like this pedophile ring with his powerful dude and he was like yeah I didn't want to include it in the episode because I felt like it was a [ __ ] coward something I don't know the exact details apparently after he gave the interview would explained it people were like well why didn't you say something he was like oh I turned it over to the FBI [ __ ] so you part of it he turned it over the FBI after Bart's because it on something you put that out you'll know protect these people not a hobo to hold up you're in a conversation with a stranger right you make a joke yeah we might have to knock this dude out we may he make we make a joke right you're a conversations train you make a little joke about getting boys and he goes honestly if you wanted to boy I could probably arrange that I mean the cameras are off right the next thing you do is you go to the police and you get this guy arrested or you get this guy locked up in some way where you can find out where this [ __ ] boy ring is and also I would lie and be like yeah cameras are off and then I would put it out online a meeting certain apps are gonna do [ __ ] so hey national TV let's do something now [ __ ] a fraud and then he actually is talking about how you can silence the boy that was his issues like you have Melissa this kid he's like talking what do I do and the guy was like oh I can I can get you a lawyer to like silence the kid I got you that's and he cut that part out of the episode yeah and he talked about it later and then there was some backlash and then apparently released all the information that I feel so come on now yo come on bro you know what time it is you know what's going on mmm that's wild yeah why are you looking it up right now so that's the thing like that's the thing with these guys these like woke [ __ ] is like you know exactly do you come in here to get the [ __ ] bag and this is what Americans do and I don't know why we're so [ __ ] welcoming and maybe we're it were not welcoming maybe we're so divided that if you just appease one side we don't care about the other but like Americans aren't united enough where we've come here and go what the [ __ ] is this foreign rich [ __ ] coming here making fun of us we go oh they're making fun of the people oh he's making other people that I don't like or I'm told not to like ha ha ha we're so loyal aside that if if one side was like now having sex with kids is ok people from that side would be like yeah I guess so like I really believe that but that he'll [ __ ] that like Americans on some level I wish we would come together and be like you know we're not gonna let these foreigners come in here and judge us like they know [ __ ] if you come in you spent some time here and you actually learn about the people you're gonna [ __ ] make fun of ok fine but you're not gonna just hop off and then just know and yah all these [ __ ] like you got go hop off the [ __ ] plane and then appease one side by [ __ ] all over the other side is forever no is you always speak on racism in America and this is how you want to effect change cool there's a lot of racism aside this [ __ ] legit ended after the Simpsons The Simpsons is older than black people being freon's in South Africa it was like if you so that's where it's like and we have to understand is is a comedic show and it has to be a comedic show with the first purpose comedy because if the first purpose was any racism you know where you were stark right you would star in the place where your family's members are enduring that [ __ ] all the time right right but if your first purpose is being like a really famous and wealthy comic then you're here yes and that's how i'ma treat you as someone who just wants to make a lot of money yes and I'm not gonna take you seriously politically because if you really want to help you gonna go your salt way at home and this is the most fertile market for conscious comedy that's how progressive America is you can make the most money here being progressive and fighting racism Africa you gonna make as much over there cuz the white people there project yeah yeah it's it is it is something rubs me the wrong way man something especially with with the Sascha parent baron-cohen dude like it's always I've laughed my [ __ ] ass off I was laughing today when I was watching a clip but there was always something about it that maybe it was what you said mark it was just exploitive and it seemed like it was just exploiting people who I know were being nice and taking someone in see I didn't see it as social because I was like oh he's being straight mean to some of these people were led them into his house but it is still funny so funny is funny and I laugh I hadn't I didn't see it as like trying to push any social agenda recently he started being more social and even then I think I kind of disassociated the two like yeah he's he's being social now yeah right yeah at this point is I want to expose these underbellies of America's like yeah and you can look at it just being funny and kind of see it almost like jackass denigrate that's how in the way he opens Borat with the [ __ ] chicken and then he starts unpacking in the elevator room he's like I won't go to a small and the elevator is like I won't go to a smaller hotel room yeah it's like it's all just to me primally funny yeah you have to try to make some sort of greater deduction about like american society through it seems it yeah shut your mouth if he's doing that that's usually a little rich boy from Oxford shut the [ __ ] up how dare you come here make fun of us eventually Americans we're gonna have enough pride together where we're like yo who the [ __ ] do you think you are the boss that you would have to have though but like how divided our America that we will just let someone who knows nothing about half the country make fun of them and laugh along and exalt them and make them worth tens of millions of dollars we don't identify with that happen we got to start identifying yo that's our brothers bro that's our brothers and sisters right there we just let them get you for myself I say that it's a lot of good people from the south some of them want to kill me mainly good people just small percentage of people got me o list there people want to kill you here go to Bensonhurst go to Bay Ridge time out you tell me Stefan on hyenas will gobble you up throw me to the wolves no in all seriousness like you could find hateful people anywhere yes it's never a question yes you know it's just weird that we got it we got to have a little bit more pride in that regard we got to cut that [ __ ] out or you just come for everybody and then I love it if the people who come for everybody I [ __ ] love you I think you're the man I think that's why John Stewart low-key he was just such a GoPro yeah he's like a [ __ ] would come for everybody man yeah and he talked to everybody go on Bill O'Reilly [ __ ] like y'all what's up bruh let's chop it up he's not gonna hang out his little corner in his safe space and only have the you know the softball interviews thrown to my [ __ ] no I want to smoke and we know a guy who worked with the Jon Stewart and was like through and through he's just the best dude yeah like in every way just a [ __ ] real dude yeah you remember before the podcast we were talking about comedians after they have like a really big hit you wanna talk about that yeah I brought up a very interesting point which is like is it hard for comedians once they have a big hit to maintain that level of funny it's not just stand ups like comedic actors yeah all these people you brought up Steve Carell yeah you think that Steve Carell office days great hasn't had a hit since I don't nothing as good as the office uh Shep L he hasn't done TV or movie since so right I think he's I wouldn't say afraid but I don't think he's willing to come back to the screen because they're just gonna compare it to Chappelle Chappelle's Show ooh afraid of not living up to ya expectation and so I was digging up Jon Stewart cuz I'm like alright he might see all like all the missteps of other people that's why he stayed away from TV he hasn't done TV movies right really he that yeah boy Robbie work on the show it was a cartoon show but the technology for the cartoons didn't exist it was supposed to be a cartoon new show that made fun of both sides of no media but even that it's like uh it's a cartoon sure it's not him yeah so what he would say is like when they would have these conversations just talk politics he did like all emotional and then he would say like you see why I can't do this for a living be in front of it was literally killing me like this guy really cares yeah and it's not fake it's not phony like he's doing this in a [ __ ] barn where he lives or wherever like he's not going to New York he's not that guy he's just like really cares and when they talk about he get all [ __ ] worked out over and he's like I can't I couldn't do it anymore man it's actually killing me oh I respect that that's what's up yeah now he's a [ __ ] beast but to your point when he felt like this isn't gonna be what I wanted to be quality-wise cut it that's why he cut it the technology isn't good enough this isn't gonna be quality of like I wanted to be quality cut it I'm Martha so don't take your money back whatever we need to do is find the same I wouldn't go that far but I definitely I definitely keep that money but a movie right or produced a movie or yeah this is a movie going around his PR company actually hit us up and they were like would you like to have John on four brilliant idiots and I was like yeah love to and let me know and then they hit me back and they're like John Pass and I'm like y'all ask me what you can't pass on asking me and at the weirdest want to go to prom yeah actually I pass do breakfast yeah well I guess what happened is they got I they got they got Breakfast Club interview he interviewed on my Breakfast Club so I guess that it would be redundant or some [ __ ] but like I thought that [ __ ] was so funny the nerve to ask me I say yeah and then hit me back like he pat like [ __ ] fun what a shitty wants to do first yeah we would love you all flagrant two all right yeah we would not from you [ __ ] go director John yeah that's like beyond it how I used to be on dating apps well yeah we just swipe right on everyone yeah you like you and they all right in all seriousness um we got a couple sports things do we gotta discuss cuz come cool interesting things happen yeah so our cos bring us in so Patriots or yeah you want how the [ __ ] do they find a way but you want to talk about great marketing go so the Patriots got caught filming another team again the bangles they said it was for a part of some TV series that ride and they accidentally caught their footage I love the Patriots I love Bill Belichick but they are for sure cheaters it's too many times and you can't have this many excuses so they got caught they got a million dollar fine no and they lost a third round draft pick which third round that's like good players you're still getting a good starter in the third round yep so to cover for what all I'm sure the blowback would be they signed Cam Newton for less than what they're getting fined and now you don't hear about the fine you don't hear about the draft pick all you hear about and I think it's a great signing regardless but all you hear about is you know the Patriots got Cam Newton for nothing here we go again let's go let's get them a suit now it's funny because that is all I heard oh you want him hear about this fine I wasn't an avid fan of Tiki Wicki I wouldn't know about well it is unbelievable how they manage to do it every single [ __ ] time and I don't so a lot of people are saying like you guys hear this can y'all hear it probably just raining so it just started pouring rain like a torrential downpour man we're on the highest floor in our building really high and so you're actually hearing it on the roof if you hear that but it probably go away but anyway go on so Cam Newton I was a massive Cam Newton fan he has not been the same since that Super Bowl well everybody's trying to make us a race issue and like why'd he get paid so little he got paid like a million dollars because he hasn't been really good incentive Laden though you could be it is heavily incentivized with Richard Sherman was like this is a travesty he's a trend transcendent Talent how'd he get paid so little yep why quarterbacks get paid so much black quarterbacks getting paid Teddy Bridgewater got a 33 million dollar signing bonus right few months ago right right what Cam Newton was in 2015 when it when he won the MVP he has not been the same since yeah and he also has not played in a year and a half because his shoulder was shot right [ __ ] up his foot with a serious injury Liz Frank like he's not the same but the Patriots went 11 and 5 with Matt Cassel when Tom Brady got right I don't give a [ __ ] how Cam Newton is feeling he better than Matt Cassel all right so I think they're I think they're contenders again I just do I think that we I grew with you there and also not as much as gonna be asked of Cam Newton if he's on the Patriots yeah Patriots had an amazing run game last year right yeah and I think cam will have to manage the game and he is more than capable if he comes close to his prior form yeah of managing a game especially when you have the offensive line the Patriots have and you have a coach in the Patriots have so I think it's the ideal situation for him to potentially make a comeback and make more money and I think that was the conversation I think the conversation is look we're gonna make you a great [ __ ] you're not gonna have to do [ __ ] we're gonna make give you the easiest throws to complete we're gonna do the best but you're gonna manage the [ __ ] game you will play one year with us and you're gonna make you're gonna get a three year deal after this for crazy money which we're not gonna pay for right because we're gonna be developing a new quarterback under you or this that the other yeah um so this works better for both of us what you you could do is go make 15 million on another team and suck because that other team sucks yep right and then you don't get another contract after it's I think this is it's Richard Sherman is talking about this in in a too short of a time window he's not he's actually not giving cam enough credit for how intelligent a move this is I think this is like with Teddy Bridgewater did Teddy Bridgewater could have probably started for a lot of teams especially after one year sitting and getting healthy with the Saints yeah he said let me sit one more year let me learn a little more and then he got his chance shine and then he got thirty three million guaranteed which is a great moment if you looked at his 1 year thing and you'd probably like hey you play well you did amazing like why you think it's such short money this is what they do to black quarterbacks or if you look at Teddy like oh he's actually really brilliant guy he's got a plan here and the next year he makes that 33 million guaranteed you like oh this is worked out but I don't know the cam was getting 15 million dollar offers but the best move is to go to Bill Belichick and to be honest his coach his old coach Ron Rivera gets a lot of credit and he's like everybody in Washington is happy he's there I think Ron Rivera ruined kambou hmm-what because Cam Newton is massive so they would run him all the time too much here and Cam Newton also this is on him just because you're bigger than most linebackers does I mean you should just try to run all of them over because eventually that damage adds up yeah but if you have a coach that's willing to say like you know what like Tyler Murray's coach in Arizona I can't Scott or Kliff Kingsbury he's not having Kyla run a lot Kyle was also smart he knows I'm a little [ __ ] I'm gonna take a lot of runs but his coach is also not having him scramble a bunch not having him get hit yeah you need a coach that won't wear you the [ __ ] out Bill Belichick is not gonna run a bunch of running plays for camp yeah I think he's got to know more than that you know he's gonna have cam throwing easy throws set it up we got a great defense run game I don't know if it was great or not but like we'll be good enough right let's just get this done you're gonna make me go make money somewhere else what keep developing q you think he's gonna be disciplined enough to adopt the system yeah yeah everybody falls in line Oh Cho Cinco fell in line mmm right like this is the Patriots I think this is a really smart so at a be say what Antonio Brown yeah but he also got he was falling in line rested or whatever the [ __ ] of the Patriots caught him oh yeah he had a sexual assault charge and he spoke maverick they probably would have kept him but he went on Instagram and spoke about the sexual assault charge yeah I think that was the issue with their like Patriots we keep everything in-house you let us handle it I'm sure the pitchers like yeah we have the PR team here we will put out the fires we had a murderer on our [ __ ] team right we put out the fires but a bee went his way and then they clipped him he begged for his job back he knew what he did he apologized right like he apologized everybody in the organization he's still been on some [ __ ] NFL [ __ ] but he ain't old [ __ ] the Patriots yeah yeah right sure maybe you might have said [ __ ] our call people he said [ __ ] a couple of Patriots but then left a couple out it was like a nod there I think he's just trying to save face because he knew he [ __ ] up but yeah now if I apologize I look like a [ __ ] and nobody's hired me I might as well make it seem like I am in control the narrative which he wasn't well okay last thing before we get out of here Drake's coming into the bubble I think really yeah so the bubble is in Orlando there's a couple things going on that are quite interesting the bubble in Orlando they call it a bubble cause literally no one in no one out mm-hmm right so the bubble is this for the NBA playoffs the end of the season and playoffs they're about to happen in Orlando where the entire league is gonna go to this place in Orlando knowing and knowing out and a massive problem is and apparently this is what all the players are asking about yeah obviously I don't even need you to finish this policy mm-hmm these guys even if they are married are just tearing through [ __ ] on the road they got side chicks in every city where I'm not snitch on everybody but we all know what the [ __ ] time it is you guys just pick up a book so if you're in the bubble they're not gonna be flying [ __ ] in and out that's locked in so the dudes are rightfully asking you know are we supposed to go two months without [ __ ] that being said you're gonna get the best play that you've ever had I mean it's gonna be super aggressive maybes gonna be back in 80s with everything I imagine the most testosterone induced human beings on the planet with not being able to let that testosterone out as a jailable it's jail ball dude this is gonna be the replacements or whatever that movie was oh yeah was it replacement any Longest Yard Longest Yard yeah so they're gonna be in there but at big issues with the girls and then I heard a rumor the Drake might be coming into the bubble mmm breaking news yeah so maybe we get Drake in a bomb yo and I actually think it's a smart move on Drake's part yep but Drake ain't gonna be able to go two months out getting [ __ ] try gonna be bringing [ __ ] in and out so he doesn't have to stay the whole time rules right no I think he's got I think everybody there the person that is gonna come up the most are these [ __ ] that are working like the chicken tender machine you know made a filling for a gun on yo I'm saying if you have a job in Orlando working in the bubble and you are a girl you are gonna catch yourself a ballplayer you might not get pregnant but you definitely gonna get some dick and you're gonna be [ __ ] way out of your league cuz you're the only [ __ ] in the bubbles on you and you better do what you can to be the baddest tender [ __ ] son yeah fry them up into this tenders this tenders dog I wonder if the cheerleaders are gonna go down because they're gonna get bad that's the solution is you bring quietly like a set number of hose in and that's just these are the [ __ ] for the two months if you are a dude in Orlando and talk to your family members if you are doing Orlando they've got a girlfriend is working in the bubble and she's like babe I can't see you for her next couple months I got to work in a bubble kiss that [ __ ] belong to the bubble she belongs to that bubble no real talk it's over yo yo girls getting [ __ ] cracked that's right I was gonna do a sound effect but I couldn't think of one except the whip some of them look like whips I bet you know more like details or rules with this bubble situation nobody in nobody out I mean once you leave you're gone it's gonna be some people ready to lose out that [ __ ] no you not gonna be able to beat the Lakers if you know you're not gonna be done you know the [ __ ] Raptors whatever you might as well just leave you get some [ __ ] Lakers Clippers is gonna be the only good series because LeBron and Kauai are the only guys who want to win yeah everybody else I get me home y'all try to get back to these [ __ ] yeah dude LeBron is like y'all don't got that much time left I could put it on hold for two months but also probably he could get girls in not nobody gonna say [ __ ] and Kawhi didn't have sexual feelings anyway it is interesting though that LeBron shut down all that we're not gonna play talk yo right there are a few players talking about that a man we shouldn't play keep the focus on the issues hold Brooklyn Nets the hold nets and LeBron was like yelling in the playoffs anyway but your bum asses you gonna be protesting does for you there's no families in the bubble either I think whoever comes in stays but can you bring your family I don't know hmm I got a look I got a look you some [ __ ] like that I think they just flying as many hoses they can't is just gonna be a house for the hoes that's what you got to do and I said you can't make it public that's the problem is keeping it quiet everybody gonna run their [ __ ] mouth but quietly you need to bring in 30 to 100 [ __ ] and then just these this is your job so this is what Epstein did I mean they're all too young but that's essentially what they were organizing I've seen legal I need a legal Epstein think about it think about it make people territorial they're like yo that's my side piece like now a little bit but yeah I can hash that out on the court they share all they share all hos but because there's an abundance of hoes when you have a limited number of hoes finite hos finite hoes is a problem someone's got to organize these hoes hey hey I want you [ __ ] watching much yourself - that bubble go parking that [ __ ] you wanna be [ __ ] go walk to the hub [ __ ] bubble bro whose job is it to organize the hundred or so hoes a [ __ ] march to the hotel that's what you need you put them up in a hotel put them up at Magic Kingdom they could play in the [ __ ] Resorts all day or plana then what a Harry Potter world that's universal yeah what about a part of the bubble that's not a part of the bubble could be an animal kingdom the way they finna get dog down it's the interesting thing and it's gonna be interesting to see how things play out I wonder if people sighs again real angry Oh first game July 30th when is this supposed o joy there game but it's like I would be looking at somebody's Instagram hoes I'm gonna see you see where they are any girl posts in there Mickey Mouse son ain't gonna be no poster she for the street no she's for the bubble pay attention to the [ __ ] not posting oh there are the ones that are in the bubble and you can't let anybody know you're if a [ __ ] stops poses she only posts like in the gym and hotel yeah hotel bedroom she's a bubble babe yo damn this is it's like all-star weekend but but for a month yeah these girls could take it how do you go get their birth control in a bubble how they gonna get their day-after pill somebody gonna get all that [ __ ] Frank that's on Drake Drake gotta come through with a Louis Vuitton bag a day after write that [ __ ] in the breakfast buffet all these ready the end of it next to the bread you know you can get the bagel you put in a toaster machine right next today control that setup right everybody taking two months of birth control down there like that's just not God ooh I have a question you got bro and then you just crack and actually to be honest these [ __ ] ain't taking no birth control they're uh they're trying to get got yeah I think that's why you need to test these [ __ ] for kovat and you need to touch them for a day do you not UTI IUD yeah oh yo you got to be I you deed you gotta be IUD DUP you get down Sam get that chip in your arm you could put a chip in these girls on like they're a dog you could chip a girl behind her shoulder no they put it right in this muscle right here so every time she jerks off she remembers every time she jerked that dick she see that chip you should be able to see that chip pop out Real Talk you should be able to tap your dick on it like you're putting food through the ringer at the grocery store just like low key you should be R to put your balls on the chip and then zaps all the sperm in your balls so you could still let it out but they don't swim paralyze them did I just make some fire shut up imagine you just take your balls on the girl's arm and just Boop just imagine that Akash what do you usually do with your balls before sex I do exactly that I don't you talking y'all play no games at your balls now it's you're playing oh dude I always do that [ __ ] take out what you playing oh no sometimes I like turn I like squeeze them again and I'll turn them into a little butt into a little but you know cuz they go like that oh you know I mean or some lips you know I'm saying but it just like some big lips like mine yeah and then I'll just give it a little kiss to my girl I'll just go like on her leg or knee here that's cute you got no top oh yeah okay no top lip mark got better lips than you he's also French Brody's second on baguette but never a top lip I got a bigger top lip than you because I smile I smile goes away but when I'm not smiling when I'm [ __ ] stone-cold yeah with no give my single out disgust I didn't just body that no that was trash come on bruh and you ain't invited in the bubble that really surprised we got through this whole podcast and we didn't have to hear about your golden what retriever doodle you know can I tell y'all something about dogs I didn't realize breath so this guy gosh it's disgust here we go you know like when you get like a honeymoon is over I'm getting like a video game system like this [ __ ] comes with some demos or whatever yeah these dogs don't come with nothing bro yeah okay like you don't even retrieve yeah you gotta train him for everything I thought that's dog I was throwing the [ __ ] and it would just look at it and then we'll maybe get it and then stay there are you sending that [ __ ] back what you gonna send it back no I love them I'm telling you your love minutes give me time you're like let's just let this [ __ ] thing go we just I think that usually is the case if you have to clean up after him but I don't do that so I just love the [ __ ] out of this little [ __ ] frustrating I'm telling you now that it is and my other dog's a [ __ ] so like and she's just being a real [ __ ] yeah she's a real [ __ ] of a dog she's a [ __ ] [ __ ] and she's like [ __ ] my Bobby wants to play and I get that's annoying but there's other dog who's older likes kind of like nips at her yeah you got a teacher though that's how she learns to play so good that's how Wasabi's gonna learn to play with other dogs what is she getting nipped a little bit and she's like okay I can't do too much really yeah that ass they all baby communicating these dogs oh I just I just be abusing the other dog every time she nips in my little baby breath but one thing I don't really abused it but one thing I did learn like you know how parents say like we don't have favorites with our kids yeah that's a lie I have a clear favor with my dog yeah that's your dog though you don't own your dog I adopted is more like a stepson you stepped into a house yes a stepson yeah you wife your girl and yeah you she had that dog that kid and just that's your little yes how much I don't believe those videos you know where the stepdad adopts the daughter after eighteen years of age that you don't love you don't fall for that [ __ ] was that Patrice joke hugging someone sperm he mom asked you to Patrice raise another girl though like yeah but he's like that's someone else's sperm that's what it is anyway more dog talk on a patreon we love y'all a patreon episode last week or and I don't know next week I don't know what's happened but this patreon exploding bro mmm-hmm I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on I don't know if y'all been spreading the word I don't know if the the ether is ready or if people know that the cancel culture is out there so so you know the ass harm he's going to support the one thing that we have to fight against that [ __ ] but like the patreon is [ __ ] exploding yo 10,000 we also Friday now we're at like ten thousand three hundred I think so I don't know yeah [ __ ] is going on but like thank y'all patreon calm if you know if you guys don't know what a patreon is it's another episode that we have and every week there on Fridays and there's a paywall that we put minus five dollars a month there's another one for ten dollars a month and then a captain low for $25 a month each tier gets different things but man we appreciate you spread the word again this is not for everybody did this is just for the people that you know [ __ ] with the flagrancy and we go nuts on a [ __ ] and apparently it's something y'all [ __ ] with man so we're so grateful you would even spread the word about it means a lot to us just want to say thank you man and real yeah it really gives us a lot of security to keep doing whatever the [ __ ] we do because we not worry man we got it we got it held down so we'll see you all Friday alright peace love bless [Applause]
Channel: Flagrant 2
Views: 399,400
Rating: 4.7761345 out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media, eddin, eddin media, Thankyoueddin
Id: xdJbnD6ygII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 32sec (8012 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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