Inauguration Gay Feat. WeezyWTF | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh

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[Applause] what's up everybody welcome to flagrant two it's your boy schultzy here with akash saying alex media mark gagnon we even got taylor in the building today thanks for coming to work late and high you [ __ ] are you going to be late and hot she came 30 minutes late and just told her before we started did you hide she was getting high for 30 minutes you had to give her that yo that's another good point you had time to get high now wow was that why you were late taylor you had a dream you were sleeping in yeah that's what happened you're dreaming for sure you had a rem cycle that's [ __ ] up that you're gonna dream the same day martin luther king was born bro yeah on his birthday come on yo he fought for the right to do what worked together what was it it was my mistake though no [ __ ] it wasn't mine how dare i start the podcast on time how dare i do that i apologize to taylor for not knowing you were gonna have weed butter yeah and not know how to find parking because you were high where'd you go don't do that no don't do that don't make it about the parking lot don't give it a valid excuse yeah her car's got the blinkers on in the middle of the street right now i'm worried about no question i think your car is gone guaranteed your car is getting towed guaranteed yeah so it is it is taylor i you what i switched to butter by excellent so when i made my breakfast today i mean with the weed butter instead of oh that's such a lie i'm not i heart be flagrant about it yeah you took the butter you know the difference between the butter that's in the [ __ ] jar and the one that you put in the [ __ ] no but lululus dude she takes one trip to the capitol and then totally changed everything we saw you you were one of the black people starting a capitalist that's why the blackfield should have said they were there i didn't get my 600. you know what and the black me like i could see that i could see that why they went there like no one else will see i know you guys still shouldn't have went they'll understand if it comes to the stimulus check can you say something about storming the capital yeah [ __ ] was fine that [ __ ] was exhilarating uh this is my my thing about the storm of the capital i might have already said this but i'm not sure you do a lot of podcasts those people that did it are absolute [ __ ] idiots i don't want insurrection in america i don't want this to happen i don't want a coup correct you know i don't want any of that to happen correct okay but i also kind of hate every one of those senators yo it is like i i do like the fact that they felt terrified and had to run into their bunkers little [ __ ] yeah that's the one thing i thought is at least they're not trying to hurt human beings and they're only hurting that's all right yeah you went after the lizards yeah you were exterminated i'm just saying there's a little part of me that like relishes in the fact that you know mitch mcconnell and nancy pelosi and chuck schumer are all terrified and hobbling their old knees in halls trying to find safety there's a little part of me that's excited about that what does that say about me am i politicians i i don't want to become that i hate all politicians guys but there's guy but there's certain ones they gotta go and all the ones we have now are those yeah literally all of them gotta go i don't wanna i don't wanna be that i hate all politicians i just sip water i was like i am gonna i'm that guy yo but certain ones gotta go though right yeah like yo i'll be honest with you are we out of new york bruh [Laughter] were we down there in florida at mar-a-lago we down in florida if we're down there in florida it's if you know what i mean no confirmation is just made just yet but as if we're down there in florida i think one of mark's buddies said it best bro oh no in desantis we trust oh yeah yeah wow my man just said people gotta die sometimes bro yeah i texted my buddies from back home i was like yo how's florida you said the santa sweet trust that was it everything's busted open son uh-huh run on guys come on guys oh they busted open and we finally get a little thotty bro we gonna get daddy out there in my if we go to miami we're gonna get super thotty out there i'm not having brunch with a scarf on anymore i had brunch with a scarf wrapped over my mouth and i would take it down yeah to eat and then put it back up [ __ ] mortal kombat yeah [ __ ] scorpio it was a scorpion that [ __ ] get over here he was ready for it like stay away from me that's something yeah but damn no taylor not yet when we're 30 minutes in then you can start talking about the capital no we're going to get back to the capitals my point is you like to know that the politicians are a little bit like on edge i want you to feel on edge the rest of the country's feeling right so the country feels anxiety the rest of the country is like i don't know if we're gonna be able to live next month i don't know if my business is gonna be done i don't know if i'm gonna die from corona i don't know if i'll ever get a vaccine i've been trying to get my parents who are over 65 a vaccine have you tried to get your folks a vaccine go to texas i told you this people are flying to florida to get the vaccine can you do it florida less non-residents get it you just gotta go to florida and risk getting it before the vaccine then it takes ten days for the [ __ ] no florida florida we've been talking all this [ __ ] probably crazy these people they just want to heal the old yeah that's all that for florida in the world they just want to vaccinate people right now two red states are killing it yeah two residents but all the red states are going yeah that's us it's like when somebody takes christmas my red state and it's his best it's a group project they're in a group project right now but that's the same [ __ ] like when like you take credit for like like when a black person takes credit for like what lebron does yeah like lebron will do something black black excellence yeah that's our culture we're on excellence like excellence like excellent songs we never do that [ __ ] martin luther king i did that that's my people bro i gotta start doing this out there you gotta somebody gotta carry that torch for white people and not a tiki torch what do you mean don't they do that for trump like doesn't trump speak for all white people no no as in like for the trump supporters don't they be like oh that's my people yeah but i don't think that they take um they take credit for the act based on some sort of like genetic lottery but we don't look at the iphone and go yo we did that well because they we're not asian but if they they might go maybe they do what are you talking steve jobs made the iphone that's kitty though we did that [ __ ] diddy though we did that the first one he made in his ride look look look i know some white guy made this but did they though i'm pretty sure an asian put this [ __ ] together bro and they killed it yo asians keep it up bro y'all be murdering the whole world with your viruses don't write a blog about me anyway so i don't think that that's that bad a situation like to feel so much animosity towards these politicians they should be on edge that's when everybody's work performance is the best you're worried about getting fired all the time yeah we ain't gonna vote but we'll kill you that's kind of cool yo hey you can get overthrown at any moment now you better get it together let me ask you a question okay if and again i don't want to harp on this more but i'm just so infuriated by just the job that's been done right if you worked at a like a packaging plant right and your job was to make sure that there are enough boxes boxes to put the packages in right okay you get told by your boss in eight months we're probably gonna have a lot of packages to send right make sure that there are enough boxes for all those packages you have eight months to prepare for that moment okay and you go i got this that's my job it's my responsibility to prepare for this yeah you don't worry about anything i'll take care of it exactly and you go on tv every single day and you're like i'm in control of this i take responsibility i take accountability if you said that every single day for eight months and then eight months came around and you didn't get any more boxes to put those packages in i [ __ ] up would you get fired at least bare minimum fired at least politics is the only job where you could [ __ ] up over and over and over again and not lose your job you give yourself a raise you can give yourself aways it's unbelievable you know i'm just i'm looking at cuomo going on tv every single day yapping his stupid fat [ __ ] mug talking about what he's gonna do i really in the beginning i kind of liked him because i liked it a little like alpha italian energy yeah and i was like yeah you want to whip the country into shape i need a guy who's going to [ __ ] gabba ghoul every once in a while it's going to be fun and the fact that he's been yapping for eight months about accountability this that the other i think we got more corona than any other place in the country not that more than florida la max dinner la's maybe la's top the other [ __ ] cuck out there in florida [ __ ] that right single guy 50 no kids hanging out in pelosi's district a little bit gavin oh [ __ ] the point is that it drives me [ __ ] crazy pelosi's district of san francisco for all yeah that is what it is we will explain a little bit point is i'm infuriated by these guys that have acted as if they're somewhat presidential during this time for faking to care about the people and doing nothing in the eight months that they had the opportunity to prepare for this second wave that they told us about when you have these people down south florida uh who's uh uh who's the governor of uh is it sperry or something like that of uh texas i can't remember wheelchair [ __ ] yeah it doesn't matter point is you have you have desantis you have perry you have these guys greg abbott greg abbott abbott right so desantis and abbott right nobody's talking about them as potential presidential nominees right nobody's even entering them in the discussion yet the entire country who can afford to do it and it's not everybody who can afford is a luxury to be able to move in any time in your life especially during a pandemic but the entire country that can move is moving to those states the people in those states are happy the rest of the country the can is gravitating to other states how the [ __ ] are we considering new sim and cuomo where people are fleeing their [ __ ] states and everybody in the states are absolutely furious how are we even considering them as presidential using your box analogy i [ __ ] up all the boxes and you're like you know what you might get promoted that's what we're talking about unbelievable potential cuomo won an emmy for what for his uh about chris cuomo nah andrew chroma andrew cuomo received international emmy for masterful covet 19 briefing that's not even an abortion no he deserves it he deserves it because if you could give a masterful briefing while doing absolutely nothing and convince people that you were doing something you deserve an enemy that's true everybody's getting an emmy i don't want an emmy anymore hey emmy committee i don't want it al wants his enemies but that's just politics though i think we just learned that like the name of the game is just whoever can make people feel the comfiest even if you're doing nothing yo you know i feel comfy florida texas i'm just saying i want to eat i'm starting to get furious have you heard your friends back in texas i'm furious right now i'm absolutely furious you gotta give a shout out though to like don't say it no to whom get that like what has happened with like politics and everything now i learned some new words i didn't know what a coup was and [ __ ] that's a good point shout out to the writers according to taylor taylor's saying a shout out to the rioters how do you feel about the coup what is it again though oh my god yo come on taylor's so high bro go back to your butter i just what is it what is a coup yeah it's just when people try to take over the government take over insert insurance yeah they're the same thing it's the english language there's like all these words that mean the same [ __ ] yeah like woman and [ __ ] is this just joking guys it's just jokes they're just comedic joking things right i laughed immediately you did i didn't even hesitate at all no no i know because i think it's real no but in all seriousness uh we have every right to be incredibly frustrated right yeah and that's my feeling it's like we're we are incredibly frustrated by these people and there's nothing more infuriating than being incredibly angry at someone that other people are exalting like that's how like my girls got to feel like when we're fighting but we put out a new clip this fire all the comments are like man you're the best yeah yeah she's just looking through his comments like y'all don't know [ __ ] he never cleans anything yeah yeah like but for real like it makes you that much more pissed off like if everybody was [ __ ] on cuomo as they should yeah right if everybody's just trashing him then i'd be fine with it i'd be like okay he's getting what he's supposed to get who he's getting emmys [ __ ] again some people think he's handling a brilliant thank you for your briefings stop briefing me do something it's always brief yeah yeah it's too much briefs not brief enough make it more brief and do more do yeah get some [ __ ] some beds out there some colby beds yeah i can't believe you all can't eat new jersey's still 25 percent right across the [ __ ] river you can go eat indoors in new jersey florida you can get the coverage i got to send my parents up to binghamton new york to go get the vaccine in april whoa nothing's available until april i had to go through five different sites when i say i my girlfriend did all this okay i went through five five different [ __ ] sites you're putting it off everyone's like oh no there's no way you can't do it it's unbelievable you had eight months to organize this you knew we were gonna get a vaccine eventually you did nothing to prepare but brief you talk about oh two thousand dollar stimulus check that's cool but why don't you just let them keep their business open and prepare so they can keep their business open two thousand dollar check one time ain't [ __ ] yeah when you got to pay new york rent that's a reason that's a great ass point bro that's a week and you've been locking them down for months should we coo yeah should we cool but different yeah should we do like yeah a business coup where all of us open up the businesses at the same time every restaurant does it actually they can't shut down every single restaurant they can't stop us all yeah said yeah wherever we go one we go all right yeah i don't know one of those the point is it's like should we do this should we organize that like [ __ ] storm in the capitol just open up the businesses yeah well there's that one one guy yes he got uh arrested for that talking about martin luther king yeah but one guy in staten island like opened up his like italian restaurant got arrested yeah because there wasn't enough people doing it everybody got it we got to organize oh yeah it's true they can't get all of us they can't get a few of us though they can get a few of us some of y'all got to be the front line that's what it is some of us got to move to miami so the rest of y'all can do it yeah you know i mean we might be the front line of that yeah that's all it is from a distance you know i mean we help him from a distance yeah safe distance yeah what should we just do it i think we should just bust it open [ __ ] it everything open apparently i was talking to emilio from new york comedy club yeah amelia told me like the pool hall association in new york i guess there's an association for pool house because you need a [ __ ] association for everything so stupid why do i need permission to have a pool table that's wild new york a pool table oh [ __ ] did he actually mean the real like pools like yeah he might mean a pool he might be me an actual pool public swimming pool oh i gotta look that up i thought it was like pools yeah yeah i think i'm pulling halls oh [ __ ] well it doesn't matter they sued the state and then they got the right to open that's what everybody got to do but here's they lost money they got the money do it not every mom and pop shop has the money to like sue new york state how does the pool association have the money there's a lot of pools also in order to have a pool you got to be pretty wealthy pools are fire matter of fact in miami a lot of houses have pools no austin got lakes it does but it's also a little bit colder mm-hmm no canals no it's like 50 degrees out there bro you're in a parka he's still trying i don't want to win parker i don't want to wear a party you ain't wearing no parka but i want to i don't know what a parka was until new york but yeah you've never been to austin austin warmer than dallas that's actually not true i made it up i know i made it up hey you wanna go to dallas let's go houston now houston kind of lit houston wide open houston kind of late i got it i got it the hardest thing for me honestly about leaving new york potentially is i just became street certified i don't know if you notice about me [Laughter] i'm certified by these streets bro really what happened you see when the new york legends met up in bridgewood oh [ __ ] i want to hear all about it yeah wait keep coming you didn't see one i saw your id story i know the [ __ ] was going on though yeah can you break down what's going on i was just saying no big deal i was hanging out with my boy calm from kid super he asked me if i pull up you know do this little shoot with another new york legend you know i don't know how to pronounce his name just perfectly but fabio foreign [Applause] i didn't even know what the guy was before i did the shoot it was just it was just uh calm was like yo can you uh come by and do this thing because he's doing they're doing like a digital uh paris fashion week because obviously he can't and column runs this like clothing brand yeah fashion brand williamsburg so some people call him column his name is spelled c-o-l-m yeah so i just call him kong so that's how we're doing it but he's probably calling his column you there the whole time just that's my boy saying his name bro son i was calling him nar in the beginning brother he dude bro so he asked me to come by and do it and i was like all right for sure you know and uh i guess we do this little scene with me and this guy fabio foreign and um the dude is like like a new york rapper popping yeah in the streets but like really streets like i've had like people come by breakfast club and that kind of [ __ ] that they're it's like pseudo street this guy came through and like just out the sewer bro like he was the sweetest dude but like he had guys around him that were like in the street watching cars come by every time he came out the little deli we were doing the scene outside of he's looking over his shoulder like yo yo watch that like it felt as if he was under attack and i'm there like what am i doing here how streets this guy got dances to to move out the way to bullets i couldn't do it but bro the guy every time he pop out we do this little scene and he'd be looking over his shoulder another guy on the street like it was crazy yeah and i kept thinking like is that a way to live life um of course not really on two but i thought about two ways i wonder if he's like every day is purposeful oh leave each day like it's your last thanks you really gotta do that you know everything's good to survive like he goes out to the store he's looking over shoulder eventually that anxiety might build up and like crush you but in the meantime it's it's exciting it's like you're a human being in nature you're like what the [ __ ] is someone trying to hunt me is he living weirdly the most natural style life in terms of our biology yeah all right guys we're going to take a break right quick and we are going to change your life let me tell you something india is backward in a lot of ways but one thing in which they are very forward is taken as [ __ ] you know everywhere else in america when you take a [ __ ] you get a bidet we live in like third world countries over here taking shits wiping our ass with dry toilet paper and then that's it that's all we do but that is all changed now thanks to tushy tushy is a bidet it is a line of products designed to clean your [ __ ] better so you feel better throughout the day there's nothing worse than when you took a [ __ ] and now you're walking around with a toilet paper wipe and you still feel a little bit in between your cheeks that's gone with the tushy they have a brand new tushy 3.0 that doesn't just clean your butt with a precise stream of water it also cleans itself before and after it's used with the smart spray automatic self-cleaning nozzle guys that's that's a game changer the bidet itself already a game changer now double game changer you attach it to your existing toilet it requires no electricity no additional plumbing and it cuts toilet paper used by 80 so it saves you a little money but honestly you just want a cleaner [ __ ] that's the main thing sanitation is simple the schmutz shield offers easy cleaning and the knobs are naturally anti-microbial and because we're flagrant two we're gonna hook you up with a with a discount code that's what we do so go to flagrant to get ten percent off plus free shipping al you got a tushy tell us a little bit about it i love the days man you've been telling us about this for months and i felt embarrassed to say it because i thought you were going to look at it like some weird indian [ __ ] no it's the greatest nah it's the best like i'll spend more time in my bathroom just because i have uh the day absolutely mark is [ __ ] disgusting and he doesn't have one yet but we're making them cleaner so we're gonna get him one yeah i need one i really do i'm still on my single wipe game i still got one ply toilet paper it's pathetic i'm sorry i'm gonna get him one we're gonna go to hellotushy that's hello h-e-l-l-o tushy t-u-s-h-y dot com slash flagrant if you can't spell flagrant you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] you get ten percent off plus free shipping it is a no-brainer now let's get back to the show are you scared was i scared no i had my girl there and [ __ ] though it was a little weird like what if my girl got all shot up [Laughter] so i've been stressing bro yeah he brought a lot of energy in here i know i gotta get a lot of my chest and then i'm done this is the last one a lot of interesting energy i gotta get it all out bro i i literally was having the most stressful week of my entire relationship this year oh [ __ ] this year my there's two years ago okay my entire relationship [Laughter] no i literally um bro i started busting fast i started busting fast and i couldn't control my bus oh you're doing the busted challenge right i was doing i was busted challenged i wasn't doing this but i was i don't know what happened she learned a new [ __ ] trick or some [ __ ] like that but it was i i honestly she i i swear to god literally no they'd be learning tricks bro usually when the girl's on top that's my domain that's that's my name enter www and you climb on this dick it is my domain wide web [Laughter] [Music] i don't know what was happening usually in that position i've already told you i'm on the back guy yeah i go on the back you're like a flow state you them lips getting cracked [Laughter] i'm telling you bow movie virus so listen street's verified verified from the streets okay that's usually my [ __ ] bro nothing could stop me in that position maybe if it gets real good feeling good i can do the distraction we can go sailing we could go you know neighbor or across the street something like that wait what baseball looking at neighbors you know what i mean like across the street or just look somewhere yeah i don't know what the [ __ ] happened these last couple weeks bro i lost all control no control i'm taking like three or four pumps i could bust i'm trying to hop off every [ __ ] second whoa bro i started to feel incredibly insecure really why are there insecurities i could because i'm not able to satisfy my girl i was busting too fast and i don't go round two it's a compliment to her until it ain't yeah you know at first the compliment and then the second it's like kind of a compliment and then the third it's like yo you better get me off loser now she didn't come to me with that energy but i in my mind i'm like oh i can't make my girl come like i started feeling insecure in like other areas of my life and everything it was crippling and i was like how the [ __ ] do i get around this am i going to start wearing condoms again like [ __ ] that like i was like do i have to like go down and eat her out and like calm down i literally was going crazy did you feel a little good though like be like a young man like you know nope not even a little son not even at first i was like oh that's kind of lit but the fact that i had no control of the situation of satisfying my girl mm-hmm how much did you guys try though like a day but bro i was literally going through it i was starting to feel like super insecure like yeah it's your job to be able to satisfy your girl because that would be scary if it just keeps happening over and over and now you don't know [ __ ] am i a quick comer now for the rest of my life literally that's what happened that's terrifying yeah and i was a cowboy dog say what he's a cowboy quick draw bang i hit him quick quick bang hey you know you're the best cowboy in the east what is that song a cowboy's life is a short life or something like that yeah i may have made that up you're in the wild west i was in the wild west but here's the problem i was panicking on the inside and i was starting to go like should i jerk off before like going back to like high school techniques like college techniques to last longer like i was like should i start using condoms like i'm literally going through it it's so funny like when i'm satisfying my girl and that's easy there's so much more calm in the rest of my life but the feeling i'm not now i'm over compensating and satisfying in other areas right like i think i like cleaned up after myself or something like that like well that's how it is though there's so few obligations that you physically or like literally have to do so i started thinking about a date i was like maybe i should plan a date or something like i started like thinking about other [ __ ] whole dynamics yeah like i just give great dick yeah and i pay for an amazing lifestyle yeah make sure it's done exactly great but now when it's just oh god it's terrifying even to think about and literally this morning um she's up she's on top right not we're not slow clapping them cheese yet but she on top and i realize she's kind of riding a little high she's a little high in the saddle okay i'm like wait a minute she's a little high in the saddle and i'm like maybe since i got all that sensitivity up at the tip of my dangling it's that extra pressure from being high in a saddle is like rubbing against the walls in some crazy way so what i do is i slide her a little deeper in the saddle do you know what i mean bro your boy is back let's go let's go so this is just a little message to all y'all out there if you are coming mad quick um remember back in the day on patreon i gave the technique and all that kind of [ __ ] hey make sure she sat deep in the saddle bro that position is for us yes okay deep in the saddle what are you talking i'm talking about guts you should see her belly button she can't even her man's dick is so big she can't even comprehend it would just be coming out her [ __ ] mouth you like you weren't doing that before say what what yo it's a lot to handle yo the kid out here son i don't think you understand i have inches of dick [Music] but sometimes it's hard to handle you know what i mean that's his domain like why are you acting like it's not his domain i'm on my back and i got i'm flat and i'm also slim i'm just trying to figure out y'all i'm a terrorist i'm a terror it's crazy down there it's crazy do you know what your tempo is are you a faster no no no no no no i used to do that [ __ ] i used to finger girls mad quick remember we were talking about fingers yo back in the day i was so bad at fingering she was like street fighter like mad crazy dude and why would girls put up with it i don't know why but yeah what is that you just go for it like guys no one ever teaches you right yeah i guess we put up when they suck our dicks weird yeah i don't i think only recently did i start correcting and i don't even correct it's more like positive reinforcement you ever like reinforce something that isn't even being done yet like you're like yeah yeah when you put it all in your mouth and they're like i didn't do that yeah yeah but it's great i was thinking about it in the future when that would happen yeah that would be great though all right i'm adam that's all out of my system i cannot tell you yeah i i i it's amazing how that one field i don't know if you guys feel this way but like that one field of your life can like trickle into all these other things yeah that's what they say like if you're like if you have a healthy sex life sex is like ten percent in a relationship and if you have unhealthy sex life it's ninety percent ah like yeah that couldn't be i mean it's it couldn't be said better because it is so true yeah when it's healthy you're not even thinking about anything else but both of you guys are like so happy and satisfied and you feel like really fortunate like we've had conversations we're just like you know it's really we're like really lucky that we enjoy doing this with each other because there's times where you might click with somebody but like sexually it's whatever do you guys know you guys ever had that i've heard that before i never i didn't believe it to me it's like this guy yeah yeah i don't know why i look like if you're emotionally compatible like it fits it ships right like yeah but sometimes you know it stinks and sometimes it's just not long enough it's not long enough or fat enough or you know it could be not lasting long yeah i know that but al does that does that make sense yeah absolutely like having that like mutual sexual chemistry just they i'm sure have so much anxiety relieved because i imagine women are going on some level they're like i want to god forbid my boyfriend's not into me sexually like that would crush them i imagine their their confidence their self-esteem would be crushed and then also i think a lot of women don't realize like we do care if you were satisfied especially us yeah like akash says this all the time it's just like yo we're pleasers naturally like as comedians yeah so if we're in a situation where we're bombing son yeah that [ __ ] at your favorite clubs i get a mom in my own clothes i might not get asked back why are you performing here i guess there is a lot of pressure for y'all let's think about it yeah but y'all don't care all right that's off my chest now now we can we can uh actually i'm curious about that though from a female perspective why do women put up with bad like uh i love you first like that's gay my first my first boyfriend he was not good at sex small [ __ ] first though small [ __ ] yeah yeah he had the small kind of johnny small cops he had that sc he had that south carolina the small cars he had the small park the south carolina small cox it wasn't what i call average so what do you call everything so it was ever started okay so you gotta average on like a hulk when she's angry scale yo your average is stupid but it is it's stupid if taylor wants to measure a dick she brings out a yardstick i'm just saying though but actually i think that's where that [ __ ] like i think there is something to it though where like guys will learn [ __ ] from porn and think that that's normal yeah and but i always assumed only guys unlearn that when you're with a girlfriend unlearn how normal that is i was [ __ ] back in the day when it was just your boy out here in these streets street certified [Music] [Laughter] but yeah and then and then it stops but you were saying but i'm wondering if guys do that but i never thought oh [ __ ] girls probably do the same thing girls probably watch porn and then think oh yeah when i get jackhammer fingered that's all that's what's supposed to happen so so i've always thought and i'm sure this is not a unique thought but that like um because porn is for men that when women watch porn they're probably not watching one the same type of porn we're watching that's not true and i've also heard that a lot of women watch girl on girl porn that's not true either because that is actually made for women like the woman's pleasure is first because obviously a woman is being pledged that's the consumer too that and that is it for women by women exactly yes the fubu of porn but yeah you might not do it but i did hear that i've heard that with girls that they're into girl and girl and i make sense because guy young girl is not made for you it's made for this guy to whack off to and he's [ __ ] in the way why don't we like go on guy born saying again why don't we like god and god porn then [ __ ] wait what if girls like girl and girlfriends too many questions yeah yeah i know but but i wonder about this theory though we might like guy on guidebook but i've heard this before in college we might in college every girl like two dudes just on each other like because i've heard this new virus definitely a virus but i've heard this theory like in college all these girls like yeah i watch lesbian porn blah blah blah like that's the only porn i watch but then i'm like if you can just watch that because it's like oh yeah female pleasure or whatever in my brain i'm like yeah it checks out but equally we would probably like k-pop so maybe we would we just haven't we haven't watched it have you all watched any gay porn not intentionally i will say this when i see when i see guys kissing that [ __ ] is gross yes so judging by just that part of the porn i'd be like nah i'm not into this i don't think if they get to dick sucking no you know what i mean yeah [ __ ] mustache rubbing up against the top of a dick bro that's a little serious that's my point it's gross does guys know how to suck dick though i've watched okay all right whoa taylor what do you mean you watch gameplay come on you're taking your job to you you're taking every job yeah that is [ __ ] disrespectful like do you think the first guy chef was treated like the first like wnba player because dudes didn't cook until like what like 20 years or something no we yeah we come a long way very quickly as cooks and then now the whole chef's channel or like ninja's chef or whatever that [ __ ] is ninja chef what's it called chopped yeah yeah yeah chopped i think it's the show top chef yeah and is there a ninja one or the guy's just japanese whoa it might just be giro jeans or sushi or something that might be what you're thinking was all dudes right tables old dudes where are these female chefs at i don't know that's [ __ ] up they don't even come out of the kitchen you know why it's [ __ ] up this is why it's [ __ ] up because the show adds commerce into it all these people well not the ones that are on like the trial show but the actual like official chefs are not only graded by their food they're graded by how well they could market and sell their food you know what i'm saying like the best surfer might not be the one who even competes just like the best cook might be you know your your aunt you said is an amazing cook yeah she might be nicer than some restaurateur yeah she might not but obviously yeah so maybe that's it maybe women are like yo i just bust it down in the kitchen is this light work for me but i don't need to have a whole restaurant and [ __ ] ah that's a good point that's what my mom does what do you what do you mean she doesn't have that mom busted down in the kitchen [Laughter] oh okay what are you guys thinking man what's going on what have you been thinking about inauguration have you been thinking about football what do you want to touch on because football love football i'm down to talk football did you watch this weekend i did i know this is rare but i did yeah sweet of you okay i did because i knew we were gonna talk yeah okay take take me through sunday sunday was a better day sunday was pretty exciting sunday was lit let's just do sunday so you had the chiefs and you had the browns playing the browns won their first road playoff game in legit like 50 years last week yeah this year they're going up against patrick mahomes so this week patrick mahomes you think he's gonna [ __ ] dominate he gets hurt pretty early hurts his big toe yeah yeah like they said turf toe or some weird thing where you like stub your toe have you guys seen that and you can i don't know what the injury was i haven't seen the dog but you you can see he like normally he's the perfect quarterback yeah he's mobile [ __ ] rocket arm all this but you see him like hobbling around just trying to make it work and then in the third quarter he gets taken down i've watched his replay a few times you said the football hits him in the head is the softest thing i've ever seen in my life the guy breathed on him the guy went like this and he just started wobbling i mean it was unbelievable you thought that that was a hard hit i thought i've had three concussions every single one harder than that sure just three maybe more i've had three diagnosed concussions boxing forget it i thought he just landed weird i think it was a hard concussion i just thought he landed weird because he's already running weird i don't know why you having him run on third and one when he [ __ ] up his toe like you're a big toe you can't do [ __ ] without a big toe yeah and you having them run on third and one then he gets taken down by like his neck head first and then he just gets up and he's just wobbling and then the michael jordan football he's just gone this guy's perfect why are they making him run anyway that's what i'm saying he's too valuable right yeah if he's already hurt he can run if he's healthy yeah he's hurt but it should be a last option [ __ ] that protect him and then he goes out and that [ __ ] turned into a game real quick the browns would have won if they didn't get they got one call where they got [ __ ] out of a touchdown yeah and like the guy was diving for the end zone the receiver i think higgins is his name and then a safety for the chiefs knocks the ball out of his hands it's like the one yard line comes out of his hands but then it goes out of bounds in the end zone and the way football is set up for some reason instead of getting the ball at like the one or whatever that means you turned it over and now it's the other team's ball at the 20-yard line so they lost what should have been a touchdown because the guy that knocked the ball out committed a penalty but that kind of rule makes sense just because what if you're on the 10 yard line you're about to get tackled and you just shovel past the ball so the rule in the nfl is you can't move forward if you fumble the ball forward and it goes out of bounds you get the ball where you fumbled you can't be rewarded for fumbling that's what they say even though it happened on in the end zone so if the ends of the end zone now it's the other team's ball but like if i'm at the 50-yard line i fumble and it goes out of bounds at the 40-yard line yeah we don't get the ball at the 40. we keep the ball at the 50. yeah yeah because you just you're not supposed to get more yards for fumbling the ball yeah okay okay so it's protecting against that so it protects against that but then at that point just keep it at the one that's it out of bounds out of your hands at the one keep it at the one or maybe move them back to the 20 if you want to really penalize them that's what bill cower was saying like that's a strong penalty sorry i don't understand what happened in that place so if i if i'm on offense and you're on defense go over the play one more time for me uh baker mayfield throws it to his receiver his name is higgins yeah higgins catches it where catches it like the four or five yard line five yard line of the chiefs yes turns around dives and stretches his arm out to try to cross the end zone yes chief safety hits him helmet to helmet should have been a penalty ball flies out of his hands he fumbles it flies out of his hands at the one yard line goes into the chief's end zone and then out of bounds ah so this just unfortunately the worst way could happen but here's the thing if he fumbles the ball on that one yard line yeah and the rule is there's no forward progress after a fumble yeah then shouldn't it just be the one just put it at the one there there's so many arbitrary rules like there was this one like you know how you have to do a football move after you catch the ball yeah i forget if it was in this game ah that's so oh yeah this is so unfortunate and that's the difference it's the end of the half so it's either 16 to 10 if the brown score yeah and instead the chiefs end up scoring a field goal so it goes 19 to three so that's a big like you're up against the chiefs and then they ended up losing by five points or four percent they lost by like on margin that the touchdown would have won the game yeah um yeah so that [ __ ] him yeah yeah it's just it's it's unfortunate and baker had a chance that's the thing like i don't think he's getting well he played well but he had a chance at the end on the last drive yeah yeah and he couldn't come through and i do i like baker but i think overall he played well in the rest of the team like his running back dropped like three passes nick chubb yeah but chubb ran his ass off second half yeah yeah but it was just like they blew a lot of opportunities you always feel bad for cleveland but what sucks is the [ __ ] jordan of the football is gone right now this guy's like he's so what is the protocol now does he have to take next week off i think he should i mean they're gonna try to make him play see that's where concussions get tricky right is apparently like when your brain is that sensitive after concussion is when the most damage can happen yes right so if he gets lit up again like you've you've seen oftentimes with boxers they get dropped once and they go down really quick yeah the second time right it's like they're already it's because their brain is already wobbled yeah so if you have to sit a week for a concussion i think that should be the [ __ ] standard rule i don't care how unfortunate it is that's what yeah they say if you get knocked unconscious it could take months for your head to recover i'm fine sitting out a month like this is your brain this is the biggest problem the nfl has is it's giving everybody brain damage yeah if it's a concussion just sit what was ballsy though and what i like one takeaway i always look at like the takeaway from a game there were multiple times where the browns could have like punted or kicked a field goal on fourth down and they went for it yeah converted all of them and that's how they almost won and then the chiefs on the last drive with a backup quarterback yeah one chad henny he was a quarterback from michigan like 15 years ago like when i was in college old washed never good fourth in one and they could easily punt the ball and try to make the brown score and it's good like the browns are going to go a long way to score they don't have a lot of time or they could go for it right now if they convert they win game is over yeah and you run the ball yeah and you run the ball fourth in one with your backup quarterback who just threw an interception in the end zone yes oh yes that's what people aren't considering yeah he did that he busted off that like 15-yard run yard run on third and 20 or something huge but he threw an interception the last time he passed the ball before that yeah horrible interception that but i just love let's go for it let's win this game right now and then the ballsy call from their coordinator eric the enemy was [ __ ] running we're gonna pass it we're gonna fake the run and then we're gonna pass it and they get the fourth down and that's how they win what's uh what's the old steelers coach name cower bill cower yeah it was funny bill cower afterwards when they're asking about that play he goes i'm not gonna lie i would have ran that ball yeah i'm not he goes all the credit to uh uh what's his face andy reid all the credit to andy reid for making that is a ballsy a ballsy play it shows that you have a lot of confidence in your players and your players love that and they play with for you because of that but i'm running that ball with the back up qb yeah if it's patrick mahomes who gives a [ __ ] yeah let him do whatever he wants yeah yeah and it's not like that's an easy like it was what like a three yard out or something like that quick pass out but that's not the easiest play no because if somebody jumps that it's to the house go on yeah and then you lost and then the game like that's it we're gonna take this shot it's like taking a three when you're down one almost yeah at the end of the game [ __ ] it so kansas city wins they should have just curious if you guys are pat mahomes this is playoffs you have a chance for the chip yeah i'm playing you're playing i mean he tried to play at when he was wobbling like he got up he clearly was concussed he could barely stand but he was like nah i'm good i'm good i'm good he know where the [ __ ] he was but like knowing what we know now about cte yeah if i'm the coach [ __ ] like you're thinking about your if i'm andy here's the thing when you normally you're like trying to not get fired if you're coach or gm when you won a super bowl for a city that never won a super bowl you're good for at least five years and if i have potentially the greatest player ever where is always a title threat like there's never a year you can i'm not even thinking from a coaching perspective i'm thinking from a player oh he's going to want to play and he's not going to get to that's if i'm the chief i don't give a [ __ ] i expect to be here every year this is the new brady and belichick to me like they can be here every year you're not playing because i'm thinking about next year in the year after so for the rest of the playoffs you said cause even if they win this if they win this week maybe super bowl because then that's there's another week break yeah so that's like three weeks off and maybe you can bring them back that's to me reasonable so who are they playing they're playing the bills who are good and the bills are good yeah um and lamar kind of choked but yeah we should talk about that he's not yeah but it's it is interesting now the bills have a real [ __ ] chance yeah i think the bills are going to go to the super bowl which is that's crazy and they deserve it yeah those are the best fans in sports oh it's gonna be so great if they go this football gonna be unbelievable oh [ __ ] where's the super bowl tampa tampa bro raymond james baby we might have to be in my baby might have to go away from florida throwing off gosh through a picnic table no questions did you see that they started donating to lamar's charity no you haven't heard about this so this is like he got uh he went down with an injury lamar right yeah hit kind of hard but whatever he just went out for a little bit and then all of a sudden bill's fans started donating to his favorite charity and they donated like a hundred fifty thousand dollars that's great or like maybe it was even 300 by now or something if you remain in buffalo you got character you're not you're a loyal person yes no human being should live there is it loyalty it it is desperation why don't you stay in the trailer park like i'm trying to spin it you would bring a lot of sense if you took the bills out of buffalo i wonder how much longer buffalo it exists that is like the one exists exist i think people might just move out okay yeah there's nothing holding you there that that is the well maybe there's a what are they the sabers or something like that isn't there a hockey yeah yeah yeah the hockey team maybe they care about a little bit too i'm just saying there's like one thing that's holding the community together i mean the fact that they let them have people in the stands new york is shut down yeah for live events and they petitioned to let people in the state because that's how great they are being fans yeah 100 they don't give a [ __ ] about coving so like locations anyway wait what they're barely alive anyway they're gonna figure it out they're like every comorbidity right they're just fat they're diabetic vitamin d deficient is super vitamin d deficient but they're out there man i mean it's just i don't know i would love to see them go to a super bowl i bet they don't even need to win they're so used to losing super bowls oh they lost four in a row like when we were growing up that was amazing to see them lose four in a row and i think the fourth they were like up by like 20 or something like that in the first half yeah do you remember that no the fourth they were up like on the cowboys 13 to six i think okay and then the cowboys were 24 straight yeah yeah yeah but i remember the first half going yo it might fall i was like yo this might be the year we finally lose and they finally went god what was the d lineman's name bruce smith bruce smith and their running back was german thurman thomas kelly jim kelly was the quarterback thurman thomas i don't think ever really ran well in the super bowl and i think he kind of like fumbled in that thirteen yeah yeah i think he had a big fumble i think he kind of choked and that's why i worry about lamar jackson i worry it's a different position but he's heading down the same path oh like i can't do it in the playoffs i picked them to win the super bowl this whole year i thought they're gonna do it and this guy here's what's interesting remember i talked about how baker mayfield made 150 million dollars last week with his win lamar jackson is up for that same extension you're going to pay him at least 40 million a year that's what deshawn got paid that's where it starts for lamar jackson if you extend him if you're a ravens coach or gm i mean do you extend him because this three years in a row he [ __ ] the bed in the playoffs what do you think it is i don't know i thought he just needed to keep learning the position and he would be fine right that's why i picked them this year first year he's a rookie he got thrown in the fire whatever second year okay bad game it happens i thought this year he'd be good but he threw the pick that lost the game yeah you know what's interesting is like i i mean football is a very like fast sport defensively when you watch it regular season but there's something about playoff football it's just different yeah it feels like every single play your entire season is on the line yeah and i guess in a way it is but it's not exactly but like the intensity of which you see a defensive player meet the ball just the speed like you'll see wide receivers that look open that fast it's unbelievable they say if you're in like a lot of quarterbacks who are good in college aren't good in the pros because in college you see a guy open and then you throw the ball yeah in the pros you just have to know he's going to get open he's covered he looks covered all the time there was a play uh in the saints game last night yeah you i think you think of the kamara yeah right where drew brees throws the ball before alvin kamara is even looking yeah alvin turns around i guess what he thought i guess there are some of these plays where like the receiver has to judge the defense yeah and then basically they both have to guess at which point the ball will be thrown yes right so it's like here's this zone right you have the ability to extend your route yeah or to do like some sort of like button hook or something like that if you think that the gap exists there yeah and like you just have to know that the receiver is going to do the right thing that's why the interception we'll get back to that play in a second but that's why i think interceptions are in on in some cases unfair to quarterbacks because sometimes they're committed by the receiver yes but the average viewer doesn't know that you don't know the receiver didn't run his route the right way or whatever and a lot of times commentators who are quarterbacks would be like this one is on the receiver on the receiver receiver didn't run his route sharply enough or whatever like they talk about good route runners and i never knew what that meant but there's so much [ __ ] precision required in running from point a to point b whatever it is if you don't do it exactly right yep it's you [ __ ] now is the coverage trying to read that like yo i'm going to jump in front because i know his route is going to try to be this yes it's a chess match all the time and that's where mahomes is also so good he will like if he's thrown to his left he'll look right all the way until right before he throws and then you'll just look because if you're the quarterback or safety or whatever you're like oh he's going right he's all right last split second he just knows that good division but so what happened with that kamara play right yeah basically basically yeah so what happened so you have kamara breaks he's the running back and he goes out and he didn't break deep like quick like sharply enough like he kind of broke like ah kind of like weak break and then drew brees just threw to the spot and so he threw it to where kamara was supposed to go that was on kamara yeah he's a lion but what do you feel bad for a guy like that yeah that's frieza's last game he's done yeah he's retiring on that brady is probably the goat now though right i mean he's be he's the guy but i mean belichick versus brady it's like i don't even think dude this is weird but like now belichick has to prove his greatness yeah oh yeah you know like before this they're both great if they both have like mediocre seasons they're both great they need each other everything's fine if tom sucks in tampa bay and belichick does well tom is a system quarterback now tom is the goat undeniable goat and belichick gotta prove why every situation he's been on without tom brady he has a losing record yeah burton improves on him well he was 11 and five one year when brady went down still didn't make the play overall record okay overall record without tom brady yeah he is a losing record you got to do it he's got to rebuild otherwise they're [ __ ] and his legacy is [ __ ] and he's old and he's been coaching a while a long time like how long do you think it is before he goes let me hang this [ __ ] up if he doesn't win another chan if he doesn't win another super bowl without tom brady oh it's done i don't know if you consider him the greatest coach of all time well what's also interesting is you're going to see mahomes and reed start to come for that spot like they're the new belichick and brady where you're looking at them ever you're like oh these guys could do it every year if mahomes doesn't get hurt yesterday i think they beat the bills and they probably beat the packers that's just what i think would happen so you think the packers take out tampa i think i would love to see tom go the super bowl but i think the green bay just looks so good yeah they do look good out of control you know one last point about baltimore though that could be a perfect segue into another sports topic we didn't touch on brian my boy brian said well he said i think lamar is james harden why is that first of all they play the game like nobody we've really seen before yeah like at this level but there's just a goat that's always there that's going to be in the way which for hardin is curry for muhammad for uh lamar's mahomes and also in big games they just don't seem to show up it just seems like they're so good in the regular season like you people are defending lamar cause like i guess a lot is asked of him they don't have good receivers you're an mvp i can't hold you to the standard of like even dak prescott who's good but not an mvp yeah you are a [ __ ] mvp that's a game changer you are the player in the league that changes everything i don't care if it's ten to three and you don't have good ratio and you throw the pick six yeah and now 17-3 that's on you yeah and that's against tennessee he didn't do well last year in the playoffs his first playoff game he played badly it's his first game but like if it don't if you don't figure out real quick you're just james harden to me you're not poisonous you're a good you seem like everybody loves you but you know what's interesting though about like especially what happened yesterday in the tampa bay game like we're gonna give tom all this credit for winning the game yeah but he's a defense he's been playing won that game right bail him out he had like 190 yards yeah and he had a horrible first half yeah started to kind of like string it together a little bit maybe towards the end of the first and then the second the saints defense is good though they're like yeah maybe the best in the league okay good yeah yeah but still he struggled in the first half and that's where i worry i'd love to see him beat the pack yeah i would just love to see tom brady go to the [ __ ] super bowl i'll be so lit and gronk is non-existent yeah he's old man i think you're a year off too and football is different than a year off in any way yeah you were saying that on another episode that like so yeah he doesn't look the same he doesn't i mean they were going to what's the other guy where tight end here they have braid or uh cameron braid i think something like that yeah break is it other white boy big white boy and like he was getting way more touches ma i'm sure there's much more attention put on girl he's good though but he is good yeah but gronkowski it seems like his role now is to block and apparently he's very good at that but he's still a red zone threat because he's just huge right and right he went at him a couple times it was like okay one was on tom yeah the other looked like the speed kind of wasn't yeah he could have caught it but it's not it's not there antonio brown still looks pretty good but not antonio brown injured did you see somebody didn't get hurt he did pull up and is he going to be out i it's monday so they're not going to say but like if he's out that's big because he was starting to kind around in the form still not the same guy but starting to kind of round into form football is just different i think taking a year off in such a physical fast-paced constantly evolving game yeah i don't often see people come back from a year off and act like nothing happened it happens but it's rare yeah rare all right um you you brought a pardon yeah i think this hardened situation is absolutely genius for the nets brilliant i think it's so brilliant i think that hardin doesn't want to be a one he doesn't want to be the number one guy that's true he doesn't want to be that alpha and i kind of noticed this when i would watch like all-star games and i'd see him kind of like take that beta roll to you know lebron or k.d or the other guys that were out there he kind of like removed himself even like a giannis you know and i was like okay he doesn't really want it want it but when he's on his team where he has to he'll go out and do it but that's not the role he really relishes the fact that he's on a team where he gets to be in number two a comfy number two and where he gets to delegate responsibilities to guys who can actually score a kd can actually do it himself if he needs great situation but the reason why it's brilliant is is because kyrie has to play now explain if kd and hardin can do it without kyrie and kyrie is useless you're useless now you have to play to be part of this if you continue the shenanigans you're not needed you get waived you get traded you could you could maybe they could make an argument to the league that like you're violating your contract they can figure something out but you are not needed now so in order to be part of this you better play ball before they needed kyrie to go deep in the playoffs now they don't need kyrie to go deep in playoffs it's a brilliant chess move that's a good point how do you make kyrie commit make him useless here's where i worry about it yeah i think you're right for harden durant give give him the ball in the big moments that's such a [ __ ] burden awful hard i don't think he wants it i think he wants to go party durant's gonna play ball kyrie though is not gonna be comfortable as number three i don't think he's not gonna but it's the only way to get him to commit and the only way to remove his leverage over the organization is to just remove his power and his power is you need him to win now you don't need him to win you can go into the playoffs in pretty deep with harden and kd you add kyrie now we're at the championship yeah i think they're better without him i've never been a kairi no but now that they lost their bench they need him oh that's right because they just sent [ __ ] yeah i mean nobody would trade for him right because if you could trade him for role players i would do that [ __ ] so fast in a heartbeat so fast cause hardening kd is a crazy squad sudden pretty impressive though first game did you see harden's before and after pictures yeah that was a little like i think it was altered a little bit yeah i think they're just like there's no there's no way you can lose that much weight yeah you're like taking the fattest looking shot of him bro this is really sensitive about harden by the way yeah why why because we're in the elevator i'm sitting there with dove alex and bob just looks at him and goes alex you you kind of look like james harden you know literally the week before james had all those pictures of him super fast oh that's disrespectful though dope didn't even mean it that's the best part he meant it was like a cop yeah he was like yeah you look like an nba player yeah and they don't look anything in life yeah look nothing alike beard black you're not even the same [ __ ] so my question is what's it going to take for you to be a nets fan that's what i was wondering nothing bro why not what did you lose no but you already jumped you already dropped the knicks yeah cheer no gear oh you're a heat fan no i go cheering [Laughter] hey that's not a bad idea i go cheer no gear what does that mean meaning like i will cheer for the nets i'll watch the games but i won't ever buy any merch or anything like that or paraphernalia you're doing that with the cowboys for three years it does nothing really it's useless no no no meaning like like you're still a cowboys fan yeah but you you root for another team and they're football no i just don't i'm not buying anything i'm not going to your games no what i'm saying is i will root for the nets really yeah like i want them to win i think it's cool it's good for the city it'd be great to have you know winning basketball in the city you're right there but i can't put the hat on bro right there yeah you're wearing the colors oh we live in brooklyn now so i live in miami it's still early enough for me to bandwagon i'm team new york new york all day baby yeah you grew up in brooklyn i mean it is stupid to have this loyalty yeah like that yeah like at least you're still loyal to be loyal to new york new york you really want to make the knicks better you abandon them be a nets fan whoa that's years that's 10 years nah bruh three years if the knicks don't get it together you're good you're never seen other people i'm not easy but we can't even watch a [ __ ] game bro now you can get them probably real cheap that's a good point we're always looking for the deal yeah because aren't you locked in at a price he's right he's right right i don't know if he locked in at a price but you're locked into first option so like basically if you're a season ticket holder not only do you get the playoff tickets the first option but every year they call you like would you like to re-up your seats yeah do that so we could essentially get in there my carl lentz's was my hookup but i don't know if that's gonna happen anymore he might get me front row to mecca but now he used to be my next hookup man [ __ ] come on tickets they got that muslim coach they just hired robert son the jets bro we got to talk about robbie's joke robbie son did he send you a joke robbie slovick is one of the writers on uh saves america uh the greatest comedy special to ever hit netflix in netflix's history okay beautifully directed unbelievably directed okay uh now robbie i gotta get this this robbie texts us a joke okay he sends it to the group yeah mark do we have it god damn it now set up what happened uh so the new york jets hired the san francisco 49ers defensive coordinator he's a good coordinator his name is robert sala black but also the first muslim nfl head coach yep so in history yeah so he's coaching for the new york jets right and um robbie just texts us immediately after the news breaks he goes uh hope it goes better than the last time muslims teamed up with jets in new york it's so good so good that's so good that is an amazing joke bro fire and he said he's like no i got a new podcast coming out in a month i'm gonna drop it there i'm like robby what are you doing bro i literally was so angry that he didn't tweet it i texted him this morning i said have you said the joke on any twitter you know i was like can i tell people the joke on the podcast today he's like yeah fine you can do it but that's a good [ __ ] joke right and then we went on this like long we basically got right back into the writers room we're like how can you say this without getting in trouble like could you get away with that joke i think that's okay right maybe a little backlash i i think you're fine that's cleverly enough time has gone by and it's clever enough yeah yeah that's a good joke you could literally what i was saying one more time get offended but more people would be like this [ __ ] is good i was saying another options you could do is like have the information and then quote tweet the tweet that says first muslim head joke and you could literally just write muslims period jets period new york period the joke writes itself like if you really wanted to remove yourself from any like kind of co-sign or whatever yeah yeah but his joke is too good so good though how do you not let that go so good come on robbie [ __ ] light that [ __ ] up robbie what you got to lose robbie you were behind the camera this special come on come on robbie get it out there anyhoo what else we got guys all right guys we're going to take a break real quick so i can save you some money because that's what i do it's a pandemic mad businesses are shutting down a lot of us are struggling well one of the easiest ways to save money is a one-step process that will stop 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hyping it up they hyping it up they not doing [ __ ] they got out their system they said they found someone that like they ain't doing this [ __ ] nothing good there might be one or two people but they'll get caught nothing gonna happen no but no nobody's getting storms they got the whole army in dc they don't want the smoke they do not want the smoke nah bro 25 000 national guard yeah that's happening that's crazy just the amount of military that they have it's sad that we need that and why they got pictures of them sleeping are they sleeping so much yeah all of them are sleeping all day you got [ __ ] to do well you take a picture standing up and then go to sleep where's the pr from the army like that's how you get invaded when it looks like you're just sleeping yeah that's why they broke into capital in the first place the [ __ ] security guards probably sleep uh-huh that's true they post pictures of them sleeping bro trojan horse bro unbelievable did you see the footage that the i think the new yorker put out they had a journalist that went in to all the into the chamber and like all this [ __ ] while the while the siege like the storm in the capital river like it was happening and they filmed that [ __ ] the new york post bro that [ __ ] was so funny bro if you go in with them you're part of it that's what i said i'm a journalist that's what i was saying they stopped me but going it's just so funny like he's filming all these people they're like going through like the binders on the desk and they're like yeah i think this is like this is what ted cruz wants us to do they're like saying [ __ ] like that they're like going through they're like yeah like this is what trump wants like they're like having like little like chit chats with each other about binders bro the [ __ ] they know about the information bro literally they open up one and they're like look ted cruz gonna sell us out the whole time and then they go oh no he was opposed to the bill and they go oh yeah he's still with us he's still with us these people are sad it's just random dudes like talking it's still bad but that's why also what are they going to do with inauguration what are they going to prove like what's the point of improving i don't know like none of this [ __ ] makes any sense to me i do these are losers if you you never have a black vice president because you you know i mean like if you shoot him you just have the black president you shoot biden yeah now you got your [ __ ] worst nightmares present the most liberal black female oh you think howdy mine absolutely i'm gonna pick who they hate more than me because when obama first got elected i thought he was getting murked immediately right i was scared when he was giving a speech i was like all right like he was up there for like 45 minutes beautiful [ __ ] stuttering and [ __ ] it's like hurry up bro like why are you taking all these big pauses yeah yeah why come on bro no that was that was terrifying you just had a little plexiglass stopping them i do think that this plays well for for biden though okay because i think that it'll be a lot smaller because like they have like the wall built to like around the inaugural thing but like they built the whole wall around like the inauguration like where they do it at the capitol okay and like they're doing like it's a smaller thing like the attendance is super limited why aren't they just doing it inside it's cold they always do it outside they got bands they have bands you know they got music people are performing yeah yeah j-lo is pulling up performing what lady gaga is pulling up demi lovato right why are they singing why why do we care uh it's just what happened to them his history with trump it ain't history with biden lifetime politician oh white dude ain't no history yeah it should be one handshake yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cut out the [ __ ] musical performance they gotta treat it like a craigslist deal that's what they gotta do that's a lit parking lot go to starbucks shake hands this is the ps5 this is a 700 done see you later we don't need demi lovato singing a [ __ ] song about how she used to be skinny okay no this is why are we having this this is so stupid j-lo is gonna dance yeah i don't know my name well i don't know if they wasn't she's 50 years old they do super bowl 2.0 if they run that [ __ ] back wait what if they do the super bowl super better pandemic pandemic we can have a [ __ ] what is it called oscars no what's this grammys we're going to do the grammys for the inauguration i'm watching joe biden sniff j-lo's wig you know what i mean but in all seriousness like what are we doing out here you can't celebrate when they're [ __ ] to do right as far as i'm concerned about i see a politician celebrating anything you need to get shot come on son sorry is your birthday you need to get inside of the vaccine yeah because you're getting older every year on your birthday it's your birthday don't celebrate your birthday get the vaccine no you don't need to get shot but you need to be put in prison or something why are you celebrating do something isn't it their job to do [ __ ] you got a job to do bro ain't no celebrating you just got here unbelievable i'm celebrating you got here no you've been here it wasn't even that big of a move and we gotta watch biden stumble through all the [ __ ] vows and [ __ ] nah they're gonna have him doped up bro he could kill that [ __ ] you think so yeah like he [ __ ] ran out last time when he got when he won the election yeah the guy's gonna hobble out to the damn podium i think i think when he talks he's just squinting all the time like you can't see that you gotta cataract you know yeah yeah it is a little bothersome you think kamal is gonna hit that hold on one conversation at a time what is it if i know indian women probably be a pain in the ass how long have we got to be here for this what's going on why is it all about you you like the color of his house why it's so boring the floors no in all seriousness this this whole thing is absolutely ridiculous let's go power switched over done done and now especially because trump's not going to be there that's possible he can't even do half the inauguration [ __ ] wait why was trump supposed to hand him i think they they do a handshake the first lady they tap it up they tap it up real quick they do the peaceful transition they go yo yo that guy's a [ __ ] bro he's a [ __ ] what do you think he's doing on inauguration if you're trump what do you do on inauguration day he can't even tweet dog he's gonna be going crazy because normally he just tweets when he's upset gets it all out now he can't do nothing he's being the [ __ ] he's gonna be on parliament nobody watching just smacking baron around way up here we'll get eight feet long to make a statement like to during the inauguration like if i was uh trump i would make all the attention on me like i have something to say oh steal the attention yeah but how we mean oh i'll do his own inauguration i'm talking about a coup i think i'm talking about yeah i think you're saying so he's gonna re-inaugurate himself yo that's actually not a bad one i'm here for four more years that's what he should do yeah fire but who's going to air it cnn probably [ __ ] definitely because haven't they like lacked news stuff since trump and yeah yeah that's what they will will never acknowledge they got this guy elected just as much as anybody else oh my god because they needed me crazy they need them they love when he goes crazy and yeah absolutely crazy that they could like take a moral um they could take like the what's it called the moral high diagram they could like high ground like after the presidency is over like twitter banning him and all these other like alt-right supremacist groups it's like you built them you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] jack dorsey you built these up you profited off of it you let him tweet on it every single day and now when it's a problem you go oh we need to fix this you knew was going to be a problem you saw people tweeting about it you know every single tweet when somebody tweets something a little too [ __ ] up don't they block it they block my stand-up videos when i make a joke if i was some all-right dude on twitter i'd be so insecure if i didn't get blocked yeah you weren't trying harder there's gotta be one that's like what the [ __ ] i was doing every day [ __ ] clan hoods that's how i would feel if i heard they would brag about that [ __ ] yeah they would be like yo i had 20 pages blocked and [ __ ] like that that's a teardrop one little twitter bird yeah it's just like all these guys that are so baked into it just you're so [ __ ] corny to me when trump was running he was a joke and then he kept getting more and more coverage because cnn and all these other news outlets would say every crazy thing he said they'd give it all the coverage in the world and that's how he reached people bro during his rallies they would just air them they would just air an hour-long rally rating so you fed it that's it you fed your own beast and now you can't continue now they're like oh this is dangerous you knew it was dangerous you knew you knew every single thing all and you know what they're going to come for next i bet you they start coming from podcasts well that's the dumb part is there that's you like oh this podcaster oh they had ben shapiro on their podcast it's like you had trump and whoever else that you hate on cnn non-stop you were filming them for hours just not even with backlash or counterpoints just filming them you're talking about you're talking about the uh news organizations that are calling out podcasters yeah exactly so okay let's talk about this in two in two different worlds right one we'll talk about the news organizations calling them out in the hypocrisy there and then we'll also talk about big tech potentially censoring podcasts for a misinformation let's first call out the news organizations because exactly what you said is true yeah it's [ __ ] it's like you showed up to his rallies with a camera that has a direct feed to your news network yeah and now all of a sudden you're saying we need to silence him because his rhetoric is dangerous the reddick the rhetoric that you sold advertising on millions of [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah and on a podcast [ __ ] you can go yeah you can go back and forth like i think trump on a podcast if i mean if you believe that trump's rhetoric is dangerous i think trump on a podcast is the best way to have him because you can challenge him have counterpoints interview his interviews with people that pushed him were the best interviews yeah just putting him at a rally with all these people cheering him on if you're like an undecided voter you're like oh people seem to like this guy every interview where he had that was unfiltered exposed the con right like and you've got tons of news coverage on it afterwards where people said see this is what we've been pointing out right 100 when you just expose him in his vacuum speaking to the people that support everything in that bag thousands of people in the field sharing them on you make him look like a [ __ ] deity yep you are responsible for this balls on that and if you're a borderline trump supporter and you see all these other people supporting him how much easier is it to go to that side i'm not alone i'm not a freak if i like trump yeah this guy has no people he must be saying something that's got truth to it mm-hmm yeah they built the the cult of personality they they definitely helped build it without a doubt right and then they have the i think that's the thing is the goal to come back and say the podcast and people that are willing to have on controversial figures oh wait wait wait are they calling out the people they're competing with now yeah oh i missed this what podcast they calling out yeah yeah so so i mean they do this all the time but like this is uh i think actually uh the rising we're talking about i think sega was talking about it but basically the ap put out some articles suggesting that podcasts ap is the associated press yeah this is just for anybody listening yeah so basically it is a news network that's supposedly unbiased and it just gives you the news yeah yeah right and they put out actually pretty really i've known them they're normally good and i think the headline was a little bit more salacious than the actual like body of the article but basically what the headline was is that they were suggesting that these people were getting censored and banned off of platforms but they're still able to use podcast portals as a way to reach their audience and they're talking about like uh what they would call quote unquote radical alt-right conservative like commentators mm-hmm and they say these people are dangerous and they have dangerous rhetoric that kind of spreading misinformation yeah misinformation misinformation is key because that's what you can use as a rationale for uh blackballing someone removing something from a platform right so yeah they get banned off twitter but they're able to then just have a podcast and use some rss feed and then push their podcast out and safety yeah we need to silence those voices now these things are very different than having a twitter and a facebook and a podcast because you're not interacting directly with your podcast uh host right like on twitter you can galvanize and organize people and say and communicate and say this is where we're gonna meet facebook is incredibly effective for this as well create these groups and share information podcast is literally an album you're listening to it for two hours live shows at the podcast say again you can do podcast live shows you can communicate to people but they can't communicate back to you and to each other right and i think that's where there is a little bit of a discrepancy and where things a little safer but continue so the article is like i think there were some people that were like quote unquote legitimate dangerous forces that were like calling to kill people and then we're using podcasts as a avenue to do it and so in like this is the tricky part with any type of censorship is that in the reasonable cases it seems like a good idea but then the question is where does it stop and who controls where the line's drawn yeah and no one has an answer to that which is why people get anxious but like if you're like oh should we stop child predators from having podcasts to talk to each other everyone's like yeah yeah should we top people that are trying to kill politicians blah blah yeah probably should we should and then you hear a conversation that we have on here and they go oh politicians should get shot in the head and then all of a sudden yeah they're calling for their fans to to murder politicians yeah and now they have the right to potentially wipe us off yeah it's it sucks this is the over-correction that often happens when there's any censorship but i do think podcasts will be the next thing that they come for and it's absolute [ __ ] and the fact that news organizations that have propped these [ __ ] that they say they hate up and made so much money off them like we're talking about nobody's made more money than cnn off of trump true nobody very true he's included i don't think fox because i think what often happens is you make more money when the opposition is in office he's made more money best ratings of all time like they would have even better ratings i'd imagine if you think oh people hate watching yes no no wait because you want to watch to [ __ ] on so when the person is in power you're watching to [ __ ] on so cnn's killing it because the person in power is not aligned with their politics so you're [ __ ] on that person and they're giving you reasons why you hate them hey feed me more reasons why they're stupid feed me more reasons i don't like this guy tell me why that's essentially what those are just doing on your loss for four years but they're beside that and fox is just doing on like liberal's response to the law exactly so it's like oh aoc said this thing blah blah blah and then they just galvanize the people they create their villains and then they just sell their [ __ ] but couldn't an out for any podcaster just be like oh anything i say on here is in fact it's just my opinion and you're just safe so you could do the bill o'reilly uh excuse and the hannity excuse which is we're just entertainers we're not news not a news organization even though fox's slogan is literally the truth yeah really something crazy like no spin zone exactly and then their [ __ ] asses once they were called out started just calling themselves entertainers now we're entertainers no but you know we've never claimed to be anything else right it's comedy podcast yeah you know was a sports podcast you couldn't even be consistent with that but the point is but the point is it's absolutely hypocritical for these [ __ ] to make all this money and sudden start silencing people and maybe the reason they're silenced i might have one i had an obama moment it was your fault you sounded bad for my homes right now but it's just so [ __ ] infuriating man you are silencing your competition you're taking advantage of a moment to silence your competition that's what i see they see that podcasts have way more influence on these news organizations and they see that so many more people are listening to maybe right wing conservative podcast what's the guy's name uh car uh stephen crowder crowder crowder way more people are probably watching him that are watching you know some fledgling cnn show i think during election night his live stream was watched more than cnn's i think it was like competitive i think it was like cnn another one and then like his like the third stephen crowder he's like uh like a republican like news commentator but there are some that are pretty like there's one uh called like the daily showa which is holocaust showa means holocaust so the daily that's like there's no doubt that they're super [ __ ] up ones that we can get out of here there's no question so that's where it gets tricky is okay that seems reasonable to me that you would get rid of a podcast called the daily holocaust yes but like then where's the line if you're gonna get rid of those how do you know when the end is what i'm saying is i think that these organizations are going to use this as an excuse to wipe out some competition and it sucks man yeah it really sucks because nobody's calling out the fact that they made billions of dollars off of this guy that they supposedly hate like when they were racking in those billions of dollars yeah they weren't that [ __ ] up you know what i'm saying like i thought facebook was like a piece of [ __ ] platform super [ __ ] up and then mark showed me this uh analytics of how much money we make a month and now i think it's a reasonable you know social media platform right that the world needs yeah it's very important mark zuckerberg is an absolutely fantastic job when he's doing the golf yeah he's literally doing god's work so if he needs to go [ __ ] scuba diving or surfing in hawaii and use tons of spf on his face do whatever you need to do as long as those [ __ ] checks keep coming thank you so much that's the beauty of not being a news network yeah all right stepping up twitter i don't make any money off of you at least you're honest if cnn was like hey man we made a lot of money with this guy i don't mind if he gets four more years yeah but i would love that bet it just be isn't it refreshing when these [ __ ] just tell you the truth oh yeah yeah because i don't know what the actual end game is yeah yeah the devil you know it's just i don't know maybe i just see like fraudulence yeah in someone and i know it's there yeah and it just drives me [ __ ] crazy when they won't admit it like you ever know like you ever catch someone in a lie and you're just like [ __ ] yeah just tell me the truth yeah it's up the jig is up yeah it's i get it i see it and if you told me the truth i wouldn't even be that mad but now you're insulting my intelligence by trying to continue to lie to me that's when i'm upset i think i'm back to shooting him bro i think i'm back i think i might be back i don't know maybe it's a hard job maybe maybe it's a hard job being a politician i don't see it as being that hard it's hard is it you need no skills it or not you're a representative noc was making margaritas i know but you're representing a bunch of people you got to please everybody and try to keep your job at the same time it's like like you could never do the right thing i would never do it because i don't think that like that's how you actually make change i think you make actual change way more effective when you can affect culture itself not through legislation but um no you could affect change with legislation yeah but i think you first need to like get the people on your side and then you get legit you're more disruptive outside the system and then the system responds mlk perfect example exactly but then he didn't make any change until he started working within the system right but he changed the culture enough for the people to want to like you look at like a book like uncle tom's cabin harriet beecher stowe wrote this like really graphic novel about slavery and before that up in the north people had this kind of like idyllic look about slavery they're like oh it's not that bad it's just like uh yeah they're working together and everything's kind of cool and you know is it isn't it nice to get to work and have a place to live and eat and then she's writing this this not about them getting like whipped and bleeding and families torn apart and people are like yo what the [ __ ] is going on and you really see that people in like the abolitionist movement at that time start to get galvanized yeah so it's like i want to do that stuff got you gotcha and then you make the legislation that we disrupted into place you could get all the credit if you want as like a senator for making the legislation i don't give a [ __ ] but you do what i do got you you know what i'm saying you do what we create you're not going to impose on us because every time they impose [ __ ] on us without us wanting it we reject yeah that's why they got to trick us into all these wars and [ __ ] like every single war you gotta trick us into you know what i'm saying you saw vice yeah how can they trick us into going iraq yeah how can they trick us into going to vietnam how can they trick us into going to world war ii you got to get us on board with whatever policy you want to change yeah the vietnam rationale was just so [ __ ] weird yeah if they become communist that'll start a domino effect and then everybody will become communist and domino's is fun bro you never you know whatever you're playing it's super fun it's a great game any other takeaways with that with what's what's essentially happening yeah i mean it's just it's exactly what you were saying it's just going to be tricky when like obviously the bad things should go the good thing should stay like the whole the [ __ ] rest of the world's in the middle you know what i mean like hard conversations about like life that are like insensitive but are like intellectual conversations like should they get banned should they not i don't think so hopefully the technocratic demigods that run our world will see the way you see it well here's the thing here's the thing if we're talking about the technocratic demigods i don't know if we spoke about this [ __ ] tech lords that run all right all these [ __ ] you know zuckerberg all these guys so this is an interesting thing that's happening in the world i don't know if we've spoken about it on this podcast maybe we spoke on patreon but like america okay so you heard about like jack ma right yes and the billionaire jack mais the richest guy in china i think we maybe spoke about flagrant a little bit right um and how he was just ghosted for like two months yeah right apparently he's still alive but i don't know if [ __ ] really heard from him like that but they basically removed him from his seat at alibaba which is like the biggest it's like amazon there we spoke about this with the drop shipping and everything like that but china is going through the same thing america's going through only their reaction to it as a totalitarian regime would react they're going yo you're not gonna have more control than us we're the government and america is reacting to it the way america would act but oh i'm sorry big business do as you wish yeah oh you guys want to cancel people off your platforms even though it might technically be a violation of free speech or whatever by all means you know what i'm saying don't get me wrong i'm cool with [ __ ] getting taken off these platforms that are just absolute [ __ ] i don't need a daily holocaust show yeah that being said some people might fight for free speech yeah you agree that there should be some or you believe this should be i just think it's it's tough because you have to look at each situation as each situation imagine being the guy who's like i want to talk about how the holocaust didn't exist every day free speech yeah what an [ __ ] yeah like you are ruining it for everybody yeah it's just also mad boring like to find a new topic what is this how many times can you say this didn't happen every day every day isn't there a metaphor for this there's a metaphor for this like uh when people take advantage of the situation it's like it's like your parents go okay you don't have a curfew and then you like every night stay out till 4 a.m yeah your parents are like why are you making me impose laws yeah why are you making now i got to impose laws on the whole family because you need to take advantage of the freedom that i gave you yeah mark yeah that's a lot of point of view about that honeymoon i know no but y'all know what i'm saying right like how do we articulate that feeling is this yeah it's like a free ridership like ev like everyone else has to you basically make the rule you break the not real rule to then make the rule yeah now yeah you're forcing me to make the rule yeah there should be no law against rape you know what i mean you just shouldn't rape like it's just like you know what i mean everyone should just know that you shouldn't do that but then enough people were doing like god damn it we gotta make this a [ __ ] [ __ ] rape on a technicality that's crazy yeah you're a hundred percent like you should just not [ __ ] young girls yeah then they make it a lot and now some people are out here at high schools just lurking around and we're like are we always here we gotta literally make a rule that says you're not allowed to sleep with these girls you're gonna make us do this yeah that's who you are that's the daily show and that's these other [ __ ] pot you're the people the reason why we have don't rape people yeah same thing we don't need these things we don't need don't murder yeah we don't need it yeah because none of us are going to walk around murdering we're going to walk around going [ __ ] i would kill you if i wasn't crazy if i was crazy yeah because there's like reasonable voices on the left and right that are trying to have discussion but if you are having a discussion that people see is potentially dangerous then you get got and you know what's unfortunate is that like the left and right we'll never be able to see each other for who they really are and how they really feel as long as those extremes exist yeah because and we spoke about in shoal saves america right the opposition will always paint right the other side as their worst case scenario yes right so like to the average republican the average left-wing person is bernie sanders yep they're not just a little bit left to center their aoc yeah even the extreme case of socialist is a communist is it does that mean like this guy wants to take away your freedom they want to make us the ussr right line enough for bread like yeah and the opposite right yeah so like to the average like left wing people can't just be a trump supporter because you don't like high taxes that's it you have to be a racist you are a you are a racist if you support trump in any way shape or form and it's like i don't think that's necessarily true no you don't care about minorities not enough to pay that much in taxes if you knew as few minorities as i know and made as much money as i did you will see where i'm coming from you know it's mad funny because just today the guy from uh florida uh he said mark what's that i think scott something scott rick scott yeah rick scott yeah skeletor skeletor [ __ ] he said um because they're talking about like a bailout for the cities like 340 million or billion dollar bailout so some of these cities can get some money in america and he's like why should florida bail out new york like we don't have anything to do with y'all he's right and it's reasonable right like now don't get me wrong if some country invades florida you're going to want new york to bail out florida exactly right bro who's going to invade florida bro who can touch florida come on son cuban's been invading florida enough for a long time come on in but you all are real policy you're like just get here yeah if you can't beat us join us that's what they say you know how different is the the policy uh for cubans versus mexicans that is hilarious yeah i don't know why mexicans are like trying to just pretend to be cuban literally you're not gonna know the difference yeah literally pull up get okay yeah get a [ __ ] cuban shirt or something like that cubans just need to put a foot on the dry land and they are american mexicans that's true needed live here illegally for 30 years yeah just show up and they go are you mexican and go naw i'm cuban i lost my id i just got here through mexico i'm cuban i got here through mexico yeah no you're not how would you know anything about cuban you know what i mean were you a traitor you're hanging out in cuba you're not even allowed to go there yeah use the racism to your advantage dumb ass mexicans y'all could have been coming here so easily yeah people [ __ ] wrong with you mistaking you guys for different you know hispanic all the time like just use that to be you know that's where pride kills you bro hispanic's too proud yeah coming in with a mexican flag around your shoulders cut that [ __ ] out bro you are cuban a big ass cigar i wonder if that's the plan for some of them they're like i'm gonna go there i'm gonna pretend to be cuban i'm cuban i'm cuban they show up are you cuban mexican [ __ ] dude i had this whole plan viva la mexico that's hilarious like you just at the immigration place and like in the background they just started putting on a canelo fight and you're like well what's happening over here i didn't realize canelo was fighting today bro that's the trick they sit you down they start playing mariachi you know so you start dancing you're like in the other room with some nutella you're like wait what's that yeah that's how they get you all right okay well look um we have a very special guest yeah we do so i think we got a breakdown for not breakdown but like stop down for a second and then bring in our illustrious guests it's been a long time since she's been on the podcast but we need to have her on for a couple reasons one because we miss her but two because alex and her have a very special announcement so make sure you guys stay tuned and we'll be back right after that all right guys let's take a break real quick and let's talk about a product that honestly i don't love why because it's taking away one of the only two genetic advantages i have ever been given in my life number one i have green eyes let's not talk about how that got here but i also have a full head of hair that was the one thing i had on all these dudes with much more testosterone than me walking around tall strapping as [ __ ] i had a full head of hair and they didn't but now they can keep their hair because of keeps keeps is a drug that helps you stop losing your hair mark is already about to get on it andrew's been on it for years it's helped andrew was balding when i met him truly balding not only did he stop balding he grew his hair back he grew a little hair back mark is on the literally on his phone looking up the website perfect here but it is a good product to you know one of those things is true keeps offers generic versions of the only two fda approved hair loss products out there you might have tried them before you probably haven't but you definitely haven't tried them for this price this is a prevention medicine guys typically results take a few months but i guarantee you it's gonna work and it has more five star reviews than any of its competitors out there so if you want to do it it's just ten bucks a month to start and you can get your first month free how can you get your first month free go to flagrant that is k-e-e-p-s dot com slash flagrant again guys makes perfect sense what do you have to lose just go do it now let's get back to the show and we're back like i said big news special guest but big news okay very big news in the podcast world um it looks like all those podcast studios out there in the world are about to go out of business okay can i show something first what can i show something first oh if you want to yeah i want to show you something oh [ __ ] act like i don't know how to hype [ __ ] shut your mouth [ __ ] like i do i'm good at this hype [ __ ] okay street certified street certified are you trying to interrupt can i build up some [ __ ] first oh god you're gonna like this keep building no no but i build up to this you know what this is i assume it's a highlight reel of what it is oh you know what that thing did you guys do a sketch oh god here we go all right here we go let's see it's so underwhelmed already new york city august 8th 2020. son we're not doing nothing this covet [ __ ] is crazy people got amazon stores ebay stores what the [ __ ] we got going on we're we're we're doing we're doing stuff like what i just joined the black effect network right like i mean you're a director on netflix wheezy no one reads the credits no one oh my god oh oh my god we're gonna be broke dude oh my god i'm gonna i i'm not gonna be able to stop my whole foods anymore we're gonna be [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] i'm gonna have to do my own nails this is bad i mean i i i can't no more uber i'm gonna have to [ __ ] ride the bus don't even look at me like that because you know what you you're gonna have to drive a honda yeah you like your tesla well you're [ __ ] because it's not just me this is [ __ ] [ __ ] up to clean my own house i'm not going to move to jersey no i no i don't have to jersey we'll just we'll just we're about to level up hold up no uber no i mean i know how to drive men away but i don't want to drive people around overeat no the only thing i'm going to deliver to get eaten is my ass what about flat tummy tea it might be a little too late for that dude i got it only fan god i've been waiting for this moment okay so i'm thinking that we'll do like a nice zoomed in shot of my hold up hold up hold up i got the visuals you just be a horribly good actress like that [ __ ] yes oh my god alex this is it right there right there right there oh oh my god it's so good it's so good it's so good oh my god yeah scrunch them scrunch them though scrunch them a little bit tighter yeah what the [ __ ] are we doing we should be focusing on the talents we already have like what [Music] and there you have it wtf media was born alex media and i created an amazing audio and visual experience for high-end podcasting and content creation we're equipped with state-of-the-art technology mics lighting cameras even a freaking teleprompter in case you forget all your words at our full-scale photography studio we've got everything you need to have you flexing for the gram from the lights backdrops to even the photographer come and visit us in soho new york at 265 canal street book your studio time with us today at okay you shouldn't let me great how long was that [ __ ] bro it was two minutes and it took [ __ ] it took a long time shout out to eddie it did take a long time you got that [ __ ] right here hey hey [ __ ] bro we never roast allen up for his acting back in the day with the fashion videos that he thought he could still act i thought he did a really good acting job because you never get to see alex talk or see him in action you know it's always behind the screen yeah on purpose we see him every single day back there well i listen i don't know what you'll be doing i promise everybody at home watching if the studio is way better than that [Laughter] in all seriousness in all seriousness i like the fact that you guys went for it that was fire but more importantly i like the fact that you guys are doing this business i think it's such a great idea awesome everything okay yeah i just want to center one of the camps which cam uh wheezies okay the point is i thought it was absolutely awesome idea i love that you guys went all for it yeah i mean um i'm upset alley that he was cheaping out on us and the [ __ ] that we need in our studio how'd he cheap out on y'all i don't see our little teleprompter [ __ ] like that you got a teleprompter but not no we got an ipad the glitches during a netflix special was glitching and we said you had a whole studio you setting up you could have taught us how to do it oh no no no let me tell you yeah yeah yeah your influence on alex he'd be talking to me crazy now i'm like that's what i'm talking about [Music] oh you know how to do all that [ __ ] i'm like eddie now you said alex trained me so i mean so you know how to run it and [ __ ] yeah so i know how to run the sound boards record people when they come in and engineer their audio yeah whoa so i don't know it was that easy i didn't know it was that easy to run all this [ __ ] this whole time i was thinking it was difficult because they didn't train me that she's still easy she's still got some lessons to go so she's can she run it by herself [ __ ] down i mean we gonna keep you learning don't let [ __ ] you gotta keep a job you can't explain how replaceable he is yeah that's true you're really [ __ ] on his his whole career he said it's easy from august 8th to now it's not that hard i smell a breakdown i smell a breakup i smell like breakup we already had our first fight yo what happened what was the first fight about that'd be first so you mean what happened you're telling us me we don't need a telephone number for a [ __ ] business you don't i agree with that yeah who's calling what's the number of show studios people aren't booking time at your studio that's my that's [ __ ] right so weird business or people would need to call what if someone's out look anyway people have questions about the business they got a call actually you got a call nah dm me she's actually she's actually right son all right you gonna check the messages no she's not because she don't do you got that you got the time to do this you're getting [ __ ] bro you don't see what's happening right now i know what's happening right now yo alex had me doing [ __ ] i was on youtube oh you know why hey you know what this is all he's getting over on youtube don't put this on me i was thinking about doing a studio and you're like i think something like this you would it would benefit you to get a partner a business partner to help you out what'd i say like that exactly i was probably suggesting me so i thank you can we say how how it happened how i found out about this this is the funniest thing oh i thought you said you this is the funniest thing in the [ __ ] world right so we're planning to go uh to you know florida maybe for a few months right or texas right that was our first time so we planned to go florida texas for a few months right i don't know that this [ __ ] had been building this goddamn studio for the last few months i thought he's working like us on netflix but apparently he got free time okay maybe he didn't have corona at all i got to check to see if we still got oh no that's the reason we didn't we got 60 we got ours this is the all last month so no no no but uh so i'm like yo this is what we're going to do we got to you know get the [ __ ] up out of here if we can you know we're very blessed to be able to do something like that very blessed so because i'm blessed blessed um so so i come and i'm like yo we're going to go to miami we're going to go down there for a couple months so al is not as enthusiastic as i would think right most of al's wardrobe is for miami right now he has three outfits for new york he's been wearing the same three outfits the last friend you do love a button up but when we go down south oh my god yo linux sets it on fire though the button downs all different colors that's your puerto rican strap ig photos would be yes fire fire i think he's going crazy but it wasn't the level of enthusiasm i was expecting some of those off right i come in it's after a weekend i come in al and mark are a little sub dude i'm like what's going on with the mark gets to move close to where he's from he's going to talk about how amazing florida is what's going on al says to me he goes yo you know what it's kind of it's tough this old florida said maybe we should go down for two weeks i go what do you mean maybe we should do that he said we which was not a wee thing yeah that was a week yeah mark and i were talking about he went into it and he goes it's so expensive to do this whole move and then he goes maybe we should do it for two weeks or something like that just check it out see if we like it and i'm like oh that don't even add up the expensive part is moving down you mitigate that cost by staying longer if anything we should stay longer and he's like no no i don't know about that i'm like yo the decision's made yeah we're moving somewhere okay i can't eat in the cold no more i gotta take a [ __ ] let's go do the podcast i go take a [ __ ] like a minute later out comes running into the bathroom can we talk yeah i'm like yeah and that's the best time actually to talk he makes it sound like that's crazy to do that's super normal to do that might be super he takes long [ __ ] he likes company when you ship besides i don't mind it i don't mind he's in a great mood normally and he's a good movie yeah and he can't move so al is scrambling right and i know when al scrambling when he does some [ __ ] that i don't know about because he always blames me right that's some [ __ ] i need to know that's my mother oh yeah he'll do it with you too yeah i know when al's on his little uh adorable manipulative [ __ ] it's the cutest [ __ ] in the world it's so cute like it'll be like this like he knows that he didn't tell me some [ __ ] that's gonna disrupt things because he hit me with this ebay yo schultz you know how you was telling me i got to start my own thing and the funny thing is he thinks i don't know what he's doing like every single time he's the same [ __ ] so i'm like all right now you're sitting there like me today i got to start my own [ __ ] i never said that once we're building some we got plenty of work over here yeah yeah i never said he said build my [ __ ] yeah yeah what we got to do me me okay so he goes yes i really like when you that [ __ ] really motivated me it like changed my life trajectory he's really leaning into this [ __ ] like it's some [ __ ] tony robbins uh you know whatever they call it if you look under the stall he's just walking on coals or something yeah exactly he's like yo so we did it you know we went out we built this podcast studio we're gonna do it i'm like hey that's dope cool yeah we still moving to my hands yeah it is what it is these decisions have been made baby well maybe you should have called maybe you should we should have gotten a fight when i was taking the [ __ ] why what happened what what fight you all get into so i thought you know how to use the equipment not until y'all started moving i was like oh we're going to like what was your original intention well make her earn her money now you're welcome to be clear the podcast dude is not just i mean it's we have a pod class we're teaching to members so they don't even have to be in new york we're going to help people with remote recordings like it's not just are you going to teach them how to remember recordings yes i've been doing it for my own show i mean i had to learn these things buy my own equipment i have another show for fact sake i don't do it with someone local and not to mention like i've been podcasting four years i wasn't a celebrity or anything like that and had to grow my base organically like i mean granted i learned about like youtube wait are you a celebrity now no which is why you just have to clarify you need to clarify that we just had to clarify that all right go on i didn't claim to be one i was saying like celebrities that start pods don't need to do that much work right at all yeah yeah but when you're just like whatever three thousand followers are on instagram and people follow me for tits i'm like how do i translate the tits to like views and it wasn't only fans it was broadcasting and i really want to like show people how to do that and to to your own you know to your horn uh it's hard to get people to care about what you say if they're following you for tits it is because usually people who follow people for tits don't want to hear them make a statement like [ __ ] is so sad sometimes bro i follow these instagram thoughts and they'll be like guys i have this new thing like they'll like come out with something and people just like mine like five likes buy your clothes i wanna see you take them off it is hard to do that very hard very hard but once you grow that base like what do you do and i think that i've over time and maybe even up to a year ago i don't think i could have taught like a class on it but now i understand are you guys teaching classes on making shitty sketches why don't you just call us you know we do this for a living we want you know you're too busy you know you're painting alex's toenails yeah i like him i don't see you guys he tried to say he got the toenails painted for this yeah you lied to us i understand where she's coming from bro that hurt my heart when he tried to manipulate me into being proud of him for leaving what we're doing i mean i mean definitely your intro because you knew how to like do the studio except the [ __ ] sound panels how was i installing sound panels you got to do something with yeah you got to be here for something i'm going to teach a class hey girl build something how do you teach a class about podcasting like point the mic at you you talk into the money one right you guys have a gift where you don't need necessarily a structured structured i gotta give his name right you gotta gotta give he got 1.4 million youtube subscribers one point five two minutes hey merry christmas i know you know okay but um so i wanna know i want to let people know if you are in new york city or you're in the surrounding area and you are trying to look for studio space because a lot of these people went to you guys went to the other the competition we we even started in an engine room yeah i mean trash yes it sucked honestly the worse [ __ ] like literally the last place i recorded my audio for one of the most listened to podcasts i had that year was awful and they were like oh next time you refer someone to us we just won't use that engineer so how are you guys gonna not make the mistakes that these places have made through the experiences we've had there we're podcasters that built a studio now and that's a larger difference bars y'all bars people have been watching alex's videos and yours and seeing that and trying to emulate that i mean everything you do that alex has created from a visual perspective people take the idea whether they're bigger than you have more listens than flagrant they all take it right and i feel like it makes sense to learn to grow your own from someone that's done that i mean i would want to right why would i go to a studio with someone who bought a hundred dollar mic and it's gonna tell me how to do my [ __ ] you're all gonna give away all our secrets and not pay off that's a good business model you inspired me to take all the [ __ ] that we made and sell it to people truffle bro that's a little truffle right there i wonder who developed that little truffle truffle colonizer energy this [ __ ] right here that's the half that's that y'all got some good sandwiches over there we should take them sandwiches and sell them somewhere else but you don't have yours for the public yeah rock and roll music is cool bro that [ __ ] is so dope you guys don't get what white people do no no i don't get it yes he does video i'm just saying this is how white people did it yo elvis was doing this rock music yeah we did not take no [ __ ] from plants i'm just saying but you just said just that the business model is but alex deserves his flowers for making bomb [ __ ] that's why he gets to direct the netflix special okay so don't act like he's [ __ ] stealing [ __ ] from you no you are what the [ __ ] you get to do no what we create over here is collaborated by all of us alex does nothing by himself i do nothing by myself mark does nothing by himself and akash says nothing by himself but we all create some cool [ __ ] yeah but the idea that one of us would have total ownership is not true mm-hmm like even with the netflix special i never say it's mine i think that's very admirable yeah i said this was my talk about i think charlemagne also i always have admired that the both of you always like no matter what it is big that happens to you yeah you don't boast about it being your own you always mention someone else and i think that's a really important thing we need to do i mean it absolutely is yeah you have to do it if you want people to be loyal to you i think they also deserve their credit they do 100 percent so we're all a part of the podcast studio now yeah we just made ourselves a podcast video though like i have a show coming out on tv they're going to produce that show in there i mean scene one is starting in our studio this is for film this is photography on the other end like it's full scale so that it's not just podcasting i love it i think this is great i think it's such a great idea and i think there is a real uh gap in the marketplace for a quality podcast exactly when you look at engine room and i was watching what they had i was like oh this is the void in the market you guys are feeling it yeah it's engine room that looks good and sounds good yeah and if you're doing a podcast and you don't have money for your own flagrant two studio your own hyena den this this is the last time i'm sick of seeing people at a table with mike's i mean i'm not a coffee because you know what i mean i i enjoy this so much it's so [ __ ] annoying yeah i don't want no ikea [ __ ] like dude alex told me i was allowed to design that [ __ ] i was like cv2 bow concept i wasn't playing i want to sit in a place that looks like it's lux because that's the video you're going to get what the [ __ ] is the 4k if you're sitting at an ikea desk like that and you're getting 4k videos that's another thing yeah we didn't we at the first place we were getting [ __ ] what 720 or whatever yeah are we on yeah that's right people are charging prices like around new york or even brooklyn for [ __ ] that's trash like iphone quality is better and so i think that once you like and he's learned how to do it you know through experience of course like why not give it to other people so that they could do the [ __ ] that i did right like i wasn't somebody it took time my [ __ ] was bad too and you made that some of that bad video he learned a lot he taught you everything he knows and now he's leaving for yeah bro i'm gonna have a panic attack like oh yeah so you didn't tell us about the fight oh so he told me like a hint about you guys going to miami louisiana friendship means so much to me yeah yeah oh yo i'm so this is why you yo i'm so proud of you for learning how to do all that you know when you inspired me to go explore and let me know see the country you told me that like i i'm in my zone in warm weather that's when my chakras were aligned yo he starts by saying so it's like he didn't even tell me he's moving to miami so basically like i feel like i'm gonna do the weekends because i work nights so i'm probably gonna do a lot of weekends and i'm gonna fly back on the weekends i was like oh really from where so we're going to miami okay like but when next weekend that's how i told my girl i don't know that's how you do it when did you expect him to work during the week no but i'm saying like to know he was leaving yeah he's out he's gonna work at night let him have his own time we're about to start fighting me and you you guys are in a might custody battle you know alex hasn't been that stupid i might have to fire alex from your business just to make a point you know hey al you're fired from our wtf media it's going to be wtf studios but i mean it's you know it's been hard because like we couldn't start our studio because netflix right right but i totally understand that shucks [ __ ] so seven o'clock he has to come because he's working here so i'm there in the day and then when i he comes in alex is such a [ __ ] [ __ ] dude i'm screwing together a bar cart it took me two hours okay i know it should have taken less time but it's really hard nah nah it took me about two hours to put a basket on my girl's bike because i had to keep the electrical to the front of the basket it's the whole thing y'all wouldn't know i literally should have had a union job to do this oh i'm on some different [ __ ] now that i know i could use a drill oh please he comes in after working all day with y'all talking about doing nothing don't think the wheels came off the wheels kind of stunning the [ __ ] did she put it together right now [ __ ] it it's a bar cart let me have it with alex let me help you guys why you ain't cleaning let me help you with that this is something you have to understand get ready for him to never be excited about anything okay no matter what you pitch pitch him it could be the best like yo out we got this idea where you [ __ ] these three girls it's totally great and like we you know we're going to film it we're not going to put it out it's just for you to [ __ ] three girls and then you do whatever you want with it and he'll be like how are we going to shoot it though like that's my exciting face right there so i don't even know if we'll be able to do this like it's kind of hasn't that been done before just get ready for that i i see it i've you've been doing that he'll walk in and like the more he walks in the more [ __ ] set up i'm like you like it yeah it's good it's cool so anyway i'm like yeah i'm not enthusiastic you know it's gonna make you strong it's gonna make you believe in your things yeah everybody thought we were gonna end up together now we're work husband and work wife and probably about to have a divorce so yeah no i don't think you guys will get divorced yeah but you just gotta have defined roles in the business that's when [ __ ] i think it's tricky well we've been trying to figure that out yeah i mean and you know i learned a lot from my first partnership with mandy right we have something so amazing piece of this [ __ ] either we didn't plan anything together no where's mandy's piece that's right maybe deserve a little something we gotta fight for mandy's [ __ ] going on but she deserves a little something you know yeah from alex and i i think she deserves a little son she getting free studios that's what i'm saying she needs a little taste i mean man do you need a little taste also you giving free studio time to horrible decisions hell yeah it's mine she's my partner on that but you only own half but you get half price that's what i'm saying yo i'm just saying you won't have you get half price are we running a business so we're not running a business you're stealing 100 of my [ __ ] the least you could do is pay 50 to ab those cameras made you think of those witty things it's a smart business model honestly no no listen in all seriousness if you're starting podcasts and you want to make it legit and serious well i think it's important to know that this is not only video right so you can also just do audio there yeah you could also do like youtube live streaming like if you're not a podcaster but you're a little like that's fire too influencer yeah you don't have to be a hoe i like influencer hoes though they do the best youtubes they'd be like yeah a lot of you asked me how to do my makeup those are [ __ ] those are the three girls i didn't even think about only fans we just shoot everybody's only fan [ __ ] yeah professional only fan studios yeah i like that actually that's fire we don't discriminate again what about twitch website okay now this is gonna be really interesting i know how important black voices are to you i know how important black business is to you i heard that because it's so important you're only going to be doing business with black people i mean i would love to take white money but i mean we're opening black history month and we're hiring black and brown so i feel like i what about lifting black voices why not just not pay them and make them pay at all the team is black and brown what do you mean but i'm saying what about the podcasters like just let them have the studio free that's because you care so much about the black boys invest in black voices i want to allow them to have a happy life you very much right now which side are you which half of you is running this business you sounded very gila stop it i do i've been getting real jewy every time i i ain't gonna lie to you gila been coming out every time the price goes how much is the rent what's included oh it's been bad i actually think this is really i love this and i'm very supportive of al and this endeavor i think it's absolutely amazing i told him as long as it doesn't affect our stuff and then it could get to a point where that has to be your main focus and when that has to be our main focus i totally understand i don't want anybody to not you know do something that they absolutely love but we also have to have this as our main focus there are people who yeah i think that's where the partnership helps you know i don't have some of the time either i mean we've we've had a lot of help from eden as well shout out to edin like johnson i mean like yeah like we both know we couldn't commit full time to this right i think that's really why it helps with the weight i mean especially knowing that he can't ever be there until night time alex specifically and then i have to help record with [ __ ] during the day so it's nice i think it's been a good balance so far and i hope we can figure out our roles but yeah you know he does good when we fight he gives me hugs that's his song without saying sorry i forgot what i was going to say but wheezy interrupted me what was the [ __ ] thing that's a great idea bro i don't know i learned him oh oh that's what it is just like uh but i wish how do i frame this but like i not only wish i think it's very important that everybody has experience running their own business because you start to it's it's no different than like what i've heard from my friends like once you have your kids you understand your parents way of like doing business with you yeah once you have the responsibility of your own business all of a sudden like the things that people have said to you and maybe you were working with them all they all of a sudden seem a little bit more understandable yeah when they were had like economic anxiety about certain situations that weren't maybe that you didn't feel that way all of a sudden you're like oh now i kind of get that so i think it's just like super healthy experience that's why i'm really supportive because then you understand the tough maybe decisions that you guys are gonna have to make what it's like dealing with people and maybe you guys will also understand you know why who knows maybe uh certain companies make certain decisions that at first you weren't supportive of but now that you're in that situation where you're like yo i would love to take this money like would you take money from a podcast that have used that you didn't necessarily agree with they weren't racist or hateful but just maybe conservative views yeah like republican [ __ ] is fine i don't do racist [ __ ] of course no racist is like unacceptable on all platforms so like for me i mean even with the trump i'm not a trump fan at all but like republicans to me aren't wild people that like are super crazy mega like you know they're the wild boys that's that's wild probably [ __ ] that no but i mean no they won't be allowed in this space you got it's a black owned studio and i think that's like absolutely insane conservatives that want to talk about yo come on and talk about you know god and jesus we're producing a bible podcast hell yeah with brianna mm-hmm oh god she's [ __ ] hilarious she's like i can't wait to talk about jesus i was like apparently i i didn't even realize this but we did a sketch like years ago yeah and every once in a while just goes viral on some random platform and it's this sketch where she's getting i'm the mechanic and i'm fixing it yeah and she's like hitting on me through fixing the car and i'm just acting oblivious like i don't know what the [ __ ] is going on right but this was like hit tick tock and go viral randomly on instagram some account it goes vile and i i remember seeing her on your i think it was your podcast she was on episode of horror yeah she killed it and she was so funny so she's celibate yeah this is what's so this is and she's like really hot but anyway now we became friends and she she's like really into god and her religion but i just you never think someone's gonna look like that so when i had her on horrible i was like i want you to talk about all the sex and the bible references when i'm watching her talk she's so exhilarating to watch like she gave you everything in layman's terms like thou shall not do this okay so basically what that means is you can't sleep with your neighbor's wife yeah i was like she's like bible genius i literally said and i knew we were going to do our studio i was like i want to produce your podcast so are you guys going to start producing podcasts too i mean it seems like a i think naturally that's the way it will happen you already have the space the biggest inhibitor right oftentimes is the space and the time maybe not at like a what we know as like a loudspeaker level yet with like media and like uh advertising it but for her specifically production as in how it'll look visually helping you know guide them you can book a producer on ours as well like to help you with show notes and all that on their site so yeah will you make individual podcasts look different or will they all have the same background i think that we've been awesome we were talking about set design um and not changing it up because of course like we have different furniture we can move it all around we have the space for it so i think that is appropriate if someone wants to run the bread to do that but i gave al some ideas i think that you can create backgrounds that are like different backgrounds for pretty inexpensive claws i just don't like the tv screen it's been done so much i'm tired of seeing that and the tv screen shouldn't be in a shot anyway right like but uh i think that can be like off but i would do it just for your guy's pod i do i will we're already mandy and i are actually creating that okay yeah specifically for your viewer but i just love this i think it's great i think i think it's awesome and like i want everybody listening if you guys are thinking of starting a pod in new york go check it out what's the website are you [ __ ] kidding me you yelled at me about the font not being big enough and you don't even know the [ __ ] website wow wtf go check it out and uh yeah listen if you already have an existing podcast you're trying to step it up they can handle all those things over there obviously alex knows what he's doing wheezy we're going to find out if you know which i pressed i still don't know i still don't know what wheezy brings to this at all how i don't know what you bring to it she teaches the class so take the money for the class you take the money for everything just teach the class you know i'm a little judgmental doesn't she pay for all the equipment only because yes we are 50 50 in this business i don't know what you do for your food you think i don't make money no i know you make money make money you seem like you're taking money right now and now i've been trained to also run it as well as far as the audio and visualization she put up the money i think we can i think we can do the business with yeah i don't think we can do the business without alex bro we gotta support alex bro i don't think we can do the business without alex i think we could do it out week that's fair we're gonna see the next three months you heard that you heard that if wheezy wanted to do it alone she'd hire an alex however alex is the best alex oh [ __ ] but she just said you're hireable she didn't say that i didn't sound like your partner talking no she could hire somebody but to do what where you were to hire wheezy what would she do offering all the in front of the camera [ __ ] oh so you're doing like in front of camera yeah we're doing like offering consulting normally the one who's speaking on camera right so as far as like consulting people take calls with us helping you with your show outline like creating your pod like yeah that's what i'd be doing now do you want to start a business right now i'll invest in it i want nothing just wheezing not to be in it welcome to shark tank you're spinning baby this is the best shark thing ever seriously seriously i had a conversation with mandy yesterday she's like if there's any way that you can carve any way you can carve wheezy out of this situation then let's do it yeah are you down i'll match i'll match it and double the price mark's matching the offer yeah yes you're going to leave me again once already again no i'm talking about when he left horrible hey i thought you got pushed out yeah i did section it was like how alex and weezy met i was like what am i going to say about this and i was like i'm going to say the truth after he got fired from horrible he got better worked for andrew schultz started doing this and bam not bad so now we stole all the horrible ideas because we got alex after right no no no we put horrible on y'all put horrible decisions on come on we gave you a good look on idiots i think we gave you all good luck yeah yeah i think the numbers bumped up after that number you said well she i mean to me like when i walked in to meet chris like i didn't even know how to describe horrible decisions he taught me how to i was like we have a sex pod he's like no like what's your niche who are you how to market like how to do our ad reads i mean actually no chris is chris is a really good producer like he understands like conceptually and structurally how to do shows yeah yeah but um yeah my feet my feet on that water bottle that helped so crazy my relationship with andrew nelson brother sister elise when i look at those clips i'm like i really was like no awesome i have a question for taylor can two half black people start a black owned business that's a good question because she's been thinking it the whole time looking at y'all like what the [ __ ] is this if their power is combined yeah technically they're [ __ ] but they're still only half black yeah they're still even combined like could two half indians start an indian owned [ __ ] out my face never you might as well be pakistani disgusting gross yo what do you think taylor yeah i i hear what you're saying in a way right but at the same time it just depends also how it's gonna sound about how black are you all trying to be oh come on buddy no no more related to on your white side of the black side the only reason why i'm saying that is just because right and on we're gonna have to edit this out i'm just saying people come for anjali trying to say that she because she's half asian she didn't really know and a lie about the black culture that's all i'm saying like so you guys have to that she didn't have that experience i'm just saying like make sure y'all talk black too if that makes sense yeah so talk black let's be clear why do you say what did i say to the landlord before we we moved in there you were right there the rent is going to be late but that's not even that what that's not but that's not black enough because you guys should reach to all different it's not just one type of black person well for one i know we do know that they're not one black person we do know that they're not a type of black person okay go do this to you it's fun you say you want to come on playground cause i mean promote your business you [ __ ] thief i'm never gonna announce anything on this podcast ever in my life if i have a kid bro i'm just going to have a kid why do you think i got married like that i'm going to show up one day with a baby is that your kid yep you've never done anything like that separate from yeah with andrew i think it's exciting for at least people that [ __ ] with you yeah yeah that's that's that's how it happened no they're at apple too when people started doing their own little projects you know what steve jobs did snip snitch okay [Laughter] what type of sesame seed cracker is this over here talking all that [ __ ] it would be a lot of black people are going to be coming in here and i need to make sure that's not like a problem and he was like why would it be i was like like black people okay they're going to be loud as a podcast my whole demographic's black maybe here's a little you know but it's not true i didn't say it like that but i did and he was like i mean okay use the n-word when describing black people no but i tried to give him like you know n-word energy i don't even think you could say the n-word who do you go who's your fan base more and like who do you more relate to yeah who do you want to relate to but you know the answer to that you know where i'm at i'm in these [ __ ] streets your boy's street certified i mean he might have a boy all right white woman shut up [ __ ] black woman's talking you over here yapping out your cracker ass mouth why didn't i do this to me no taylor's just worried that one of those black people come through the podcast you're going to call the cops on them start asking for people yo that's a good asset about it that's a good ass point you know you've been in tulum with them whites oh [ __ ] you what why you've been hanging out with mexican whites i've been waiting you guys are looking at the hotel zone photos i lived oh so you oh so you like black people but you can't live with them you can't stay where they stay in white hotels in mexico do you hear this girl yo you don't know what weirdest girl tulum has a williamsburg i'm telling you it's cool you hear this girl bro every neighborhood in mexico is mexican no it's not it's mexican white people took the [ __ ] over so you guys alone you didn't stay in the williamsburg or tulum you betrayed your jewish half like that so that is a long time she would go from williamsburg you would find a jewish neighborhood in [ __ ] mexico you got to be careful yo at first it's going to be like let's both live here let's both be part of this business and then eventually she might be taking a little bit more your business and then eventually you don't even have a business mm-hmm this is her promised business the female drake house she's the female drake why because drake would take like the weekend [ __ ] and everything else don't you ever call black woman a [ __ ] yo this cracker ass lady called black women [ __ ] bro how dare these how do you do business with these white women bro that's what he does ain't it ain't that house thing he loves white women i mean i bet if wheezy was full black you wouldn't work with him he hit taylor did he reach out to you about this yo did the disrespect that is [ __ ] up y'all got the same hair and everything yo that is [ __ ] up for your hair bro she's coming for your hair taylor oh my god she's coming for your hair to you boys [Laughter] wtf media if you are trying to start a podcast if you want information about starting a podcast if you were just curious about what to do maybe you want to be a podcast producer maybe you don't even want to start you could also do classes on that right absolutely yeah so it's classes but it's an actual podcast location class high class not gonna [ __ ] up your audio like some of these [ __ ] quality because they do before that [ __ ] yeah people listening this podcast right now like [ __ ] flavoring audio ain't even that good relax the point is point is i i think this is absolutely great i'm very excited for you guys i'm very supportive anything i can do to help obviously i will thank you you have my complete blessing in this business and i want to see you guys thrive put that picture back up what's up oh [ __ ] taylor's not done we got problems right taylor can we look at alex's why it doesn't look like his coach swallowing him like i don't know that's not what you gotta look at how tall you are he's on his tippy toes a hundred percent no he's wearing a wheeze maybe it's the ankle no he's on his tippy toes that's why he made wheezy sit so he looked taller yeah and that camera angle mad low shoot us up shoot us up i like the picture though but i'm just saying yo i told alex i was like yeah unless we're all black like leather he's like nah i'm getting minks what the [ __ ] yeah but here's the thing for anybody listening to the podcast there's a sketch that they put on before that will not be for the audio portion because that makes no sense okay no yeah it doesn't make any sense because it's just you know yeah but we were referencing that sketch you guys can see that we'll post it on twitter or instagram or these types of things yeah um i love this guys again i'm very very excited for you guys i hope that you guys absolutely kill it and um again all inquiries go to and also obviously they can dm both of you guys yep what what what what we have instagram too dmv www media studios so wtf media studios we'll share that because you're gonna have guys looking at your feet like you don't know how to decipher like what people want from you yeah yeah here's what i need you to hit us up on ig so thanks for having us of course of course i think that i'm very excited i truly think this is a great idea because honestly i'm like [ __ ] up your audio yeah this is a horrible idea it hurts me to kill because i know alex has really wanted to be you know doing sketch and it's sometimes good not to do stuff [Laughter] you saved him really i did i did i did no no in all seriousness uh you guys got this i'm very excited i can't say that enough and i i think that it's amazing i'm trying to think how else that we can help but we'll obviously keep talking about it on on this podcast and i hope that we get a bunch of those pods that we're going through and room getting their audio [ __ ] yeah save mouse dawg i did his podcast in a [ __ ] waiting room oh we gotta have mouse we gotta have mouse we should have tattoos i mean you guys i don't understand why our community that doesn't have their own studio reek i wouldn't move all those podcasts to you guys i mean talk to chris moreau talk to any of the podcasts you guys know why wouldn't they support you guys if it's going to be even better audio better video better quality everything i think obviously that's the goal right is to convert people that need elevated [ __ ] like there's too many good podcasts people that are way funnier than the people with high quality video right like way better but i didn't mean for you to keep talking no no i'm just joking no i'm just joking in all seriousness i think there's a huge void in the market i'm glad you guys went for it seized it and i wish you the most success and you let us know how we can help in any way i love you love you guys for real it's great to see you guys doing cool stuff thanks for having me of course can i still be the uh flagrant princess or is it haley now no taylor is it flagger come on yo we support black queens over here you can't even talk no dick stop you can't take no dick what you talking about you can't i heard you can't take no that's true i heard you guys short cervix wait what that's the word on the street cervix is mad short cervix is dumb short literally everybody on the streets have been talking literally he's street certified i'm street certified they've been coming up to me today yo you know about weezy cervix is good last time i was on this pod guy that listened to flagrant you guys met at woe up oh yeah i love that guy yeah he's great well i do too but we're not together anyway he she couldn't handle it because no because you're cervix master i made room nah you're service man he was probably in there like daddy he was searching for it moving viral taylor already got the room made his man cleared it out her man cleared that [ __ ] out yeah you got the studio of parts you got the studio apart and everything not [ __ ] you this i'm on this show so i feel like i have to say kai let's go stay true [ __ ] i'm okay baby [Applause] how are you gonna tell you hey dick over here you can't take no yeah i ain't right no you can't take no doubt on the show can i ask you a question yeah this is why i don't care why they calling us here she thinks she is no i want to talk about bisexuality yeah talk about that fake [ __ ] she buy everything y'all about he's like yeah you know we should get three sons like just talking [ __ ] i'm like no that's not gonna work so he's like i mean you buy so he thought i've been bisexual this whole entire time you've been dating you're not bisexual you mean [ __ ] but just because i'm not a girl so there's a thing called the kinsley scale and it basically shows you right kinsey kinsey and like you can you can actually switch day to day i know because i'm gay so like maybe the day you ate [ __ ] you was high up on that [ __ ] i didn't eat [ __ ] though i like her like i'm definitely the receiver like you're less gay yeah what is it uh just look up the movie it's starting ralph famous yeah i think it's kinsey whatever i just want to know what you thought of what is bisexual because he swears because if i let a girl eat me out then i think bisexual means you have experiences with both right so i don't it wasn't like oh i wouldn't necessarily say you're hetero if you've done things like that right [Laughter] [Laughter] your sexuality is different from your emotional connection so your bisexuality can maybe just be talking about if that girl eats you out you are great [Laughter] i mean well kind like girls on these songs before and be like oh so i can't do then i guess like right did you not feel like there's a way you straight bro yeah i know you i'm easy on the lesbian side yeah i thought you were just saying i'm easy that's why i i i think you're straight i think you got caught up in all this hoopla who blows a [ __ ] what is that no what hoopla it's hoopla yeah hoopla with all this like [ __ ] okay or whatever oh you be talking about people problematic but you [ __ ] with shows i'm like damn look at him right now obviously hoopla anti-shunts hoopla yo that's hoopla yeah don't listen none of that same with all the you know because you're bisexual right yes yeah wheezy's gay yo wheezy's gay self bisexual because you're also dating you're 100 gay really hundred percent good like he's the only thing that dick from the guy you met no you you liked him he was just gay about it i think you're gay look at mike pence he got a wife and [ __ ] he's gay yeah a lot of gay dudes out there got wives you got kids i mean i'm bisexual you guys have sex but like romantically i think it just depends what would i what you getting no no be honest you're gay be honest you know i threw the heels on because i felt like it was too lesbian i was just saying you're gay right i was like nah let me sex it up no i swear to you i thought wheezy gays [ __ ] when i saw that jacket i really did i was i guess not that kind of energy that energy you know though basically that energy why are you hating on gay people be a little bit more open-minded maybe i'm gayer than i think yesterday we went to philly to see his friends i was like yo like are any of your friends cute or should i dress like i normally dress he's like not a married and so i dressed gay let me ask you this what if you're gay 100 percent gay well i definitely love dick so that's not but the truth loving dick is a is a function of friction you're so narrow-minded about sexuality you were used to dildos no i didn't like that thank you i scissored more i don't really i don't really like toys any in any realm that often like a dick is a tool my ex-girlfriend it was mainly hold up hold up hold up hold up mad crosstalk one question scissoring cut that [ __ ] out hey get that stupid [ __ ] out that [ __ ] is stupid get it cut off cut no but like what's the deal with that like stop it y'all trying to act like that does anything what is this no that's just lit bro it's the [ __ ] to clinch that [ __ ] is way more yeah and maybe that's the issue with y'all and when i had to teach some of your [ __ ] army how to eat [ __ ] the last time i don't talk about the guy that [ __ ] you and you couldn't take his dick like that don't make it short cervix having that bailey's sitting on that seat i got a short ass cervix i'm a fan of scissoring like i think it's super hot but eventually when you say all right let's do something real like when do you stop scissing well most women have clitoral orgasms but actually that's a lot of money that's like the prostate i'm not a loss then that's the prostate that's you got to go deep yeah like you're a boy ain't chased it's the kid i'll be there deep i put my head in my shoulders because it's more dick comes out when i go down right now you just look like a little like uncircumcised dick popping how does that but i go like this i give you i put some neck in my dick [Laughter] that's what i do i literally transfer it that's what i do adam's apple adam's apple yeah you just swallow and that [ __ ] boom ready to go viral there you go but no in all seriousness instagram story and i was like what is going on i'm street certified bro this is what it is look point is this you're certified gay okay 100 the jacket is rainbow i just realized that of course it is taylor bye but here's the thing i love your gayness thank you so much we accept you for who you are we accept you for who you are we just want you to be able to accept that you could still like guys okay but you can't [Laughter] i have a question yeah if you get married to a girl then are you gay or if you get married to a guy are you straight now it depends i feel like you should ask andrew this question your marital status has nothing to do with your sexual orientation there's a lot of married men can you let andrew talk about this i mean she brought up an interesting point but i'm curious to know what he also it looked like stop silencing straight men yeah white men at that [Laughter] if i marry a guy i am gay okay if i marry a girl i am not gay what's that called normal listen i have a lot of gay male friends that [ __ ] a lot of straightness that [ __ ] is so true that [ __ ] is so so i'm sorry gay friend who would only only [ __ ] straight dude and that's because there's a lot of these dudes out there they like they like the takedown they're like on the gay side i get it but i think the straight guys i think that they're terrified of their own homosexuality yeah and locate that [ __ ] as [ __ ] that [ __ ] makes me real sad because i want i don't know like if if that's who you love if that's who you want to be with right be with them you have one [ __ ] life you might as well spend some time with those people and that's what we're trying to say to you yo if you're gay you know what i mean like what makes you stop it from the times that we've hung out have been around each other yeah who does it seem like i'm well you hit on my girl an awful lot if i may say so myself hey yo hey yo look how gay you finish up look how gay you finna sound yeah breezy is like when i got the magnet for your wedding i felt bad i was like yeah you know yeah because your people just got the right to get married no that's your man brought a bad feeling that [ __ ] was it was true that was a little traumatic what we're trying to say is we love you and we want you to be able to be you and you always have a safe environment on this podcast to be that i think we've shown that today you're safe here you're safe here you stay safe here to you know tell black women what to do you know what i mean whatever you want to do that's yo taylor you're not gay yo thank you but you are if you want to be and we accept both of those options we love you what a welcoming getting your [ __ ] lick doesn't necessarily make you gay no it doesn't but it does make people go oh the sizzy gladiator bro that's what she is she's a what the sizzy gladiator like the scissors yeah you're not the glizzy gladiator i got you taylor why'd you look at me like that i'm trying to make sense of what mark just did this sizzy like scissors we know this in our community do we have a community yeah is mark gay i mean hmm he got beliage in his hair yeah that's gay there's a lot of evidence on both sides that [ __ ] is the your jacket of dudes you're like really sporting the williamsburg look right now and the gay ones have like a tote bag normally with them i don't have a tote bag so that kind of like knocks you out of here but i do love my own dick have you ever tried to suck it no really i thought all guys did that like in high school i tried to see if i could i wasn't going to do it what if you could have fit in your mouth i wanted to know if i could it's like a stretch test yeah it was more of that it was more just stretching yeah i would have tried but i'm trying to stretch my dick into my lips yeah inches row [Applause] when i was in tulum a girl was like yo you know andrew and she told me that she slept with you oh [ __ ] hold on her name later and she was like he was really going to bed and i said really now you can keep this in yeah keep that in you know your boy off the market oh he's still out here i did i she was like yeah he was i was like andrew's a goofy [ __ ] are you sure amazing in bed i was shocked amazing scorpio yeah his foot fetish say what no we're not doing fetishes no more that's another thing i like feet well andrew had a conversation with me about someone he was dating the first thing you brought up talk about her feet you've done that a few times like that time we were in that diner so about but i think that shows you that someone might be a good [ __ ] when you know they got like some weird nasty [ __ ] you're like oh you're disgusting this could be good was that girl was that girl cute the one in in uh mexico yeah she's pretty i'll show see if you remember [ __ ] what i do bro taking down bodies out here i thought you're type like for a while when you were single i just remembered the girls honestly that weird thing happened like once i fell in love with my fiancee i forgot all women bro yeah okay i literally forgot you know what's happened i was with my fiance i was with my fiancee i loved very much the other day when we're walking down the street and i mistook this one girl uh that was outside our building for another girl that was in our building right i thought they were the same person and she was like they're not the same and i was like man you know all these all these hoes look the same except you what you called your wife a whole loki when i said that [ __ ] i think i forgot part of that story i really think i forgot part of that that [ __ ] felt like alex's sketch right there [Laughter] that horrible ass story i'm sorry guys hey everybody who listen and everybody's watching at home i apologize for wasting your time that's all on me that's a hundred percent on me sometimes you think you know where you're going and then you like now i got lost on the way bro i started at the end when i knew there wasn't a lot of real estate left you know in a movie like when they're driving towards the cliff and they got to figure out a way to stop the car there was no breaks cut the brakes the brakes were cut so your boy went off point is we appreciate the attempt i went for it i was trying to compliment her and say you're the only girl that i recognize now that's sweet that's what i do and a lie but we'll take it should you gas up wheezy if a girl said that [ __ ] to you you'd probably like it yes i probably would i love some emotional [ __ ] do girls get like super romantic with each other it depends what role right yeah of course it bends with girl but if i'm super over the top like men would assume but it's just i see that women that i've dated have more empathy for [ __ ] like for example probably haven't i will never forget this [ __ ] i was going through a breakup like full on tears calling alex like which guy the mohawk guy oh and alex is like yeah he's like she couldn't handle it yo go on instagram son stop [ __ ] crying go on instagram go find a blue check why are you acting like this and i'm like yo walk it off son yeah she's awesome she couldn't walk why do you think we went to wa-hop bro she was trying to find dicks that fit my god yo that's [ __ ] up for you to take us there while you're dating him what do you mean i'm just saying well i was into him so i wanted him to meet my friends but do you remember the joke your friend told about the helmet looking at me disrespectful what girl what what was that you remember your friend was there that talking about helmets because you were working on you were working on your like town hall [ __ ] at the time and you were like should i say it all the way should i say riri and he was like yo i almost peed on myself that's how hard i was laughing at that you were coming up with us i don't remember trying to think who was with us alex left we went to max fish some some people that built your furniture and one guy that doesn't [ __ ] ben oh and mike mike montgomery that doesn't stop talking he's the sweetest kid in the world i don't know mean to say that that's so mean [Laughter] mike we love you man stop stop slaying mom we got mike yo we here to slander you all right um 100 lies and deflections you know 100 uh look guys we got to wrap up this podcast anything else that you would like to say queen you should always have the last word taylor black queen [Laughter] silenced her you happy about that disenfranchised from this podcast unbelievable try to make herself the princess oh i didn't name myself that she give me the princess i'll be the queen oh you know i really felt like it's gonna be nice taylor's there look what they turn you into you better not be this [ __ ] when you leave here don't be a tailor look what she's done oh [ __ ] you heard so i can take a breath i like suck dick and then i like get up talk while you're sucking dick you know how annoying that is for the dude that finally thinks he's gonna get a moment if you shut i wonder if mike talks when he gets a dick sucked who mike like yo it's so good oh my god this is the best definitely talking about i'm about to build this couch tomorrow all right but for real we got to end this podcast man it's been a long ass podcast but we're very proud of you guys i'm looking forward to this uh business endeavor of yours uh one more time wtf media wtf media was taken well we have two studios there's another they're two encompassed in the same suite that that's not what i asked but no it wasn't taken we have two studios so you have wtf media as well now that was taken when you say all that that's why i just asked i hate her yo but no for real go check it out check out the instagram get your podcast uh game up and if you [ __ ] with us you'll have a podcast in the city and you're paying one of these other podcasts and studios there's not even really a podcaster studio they're music studios their main focus is music they're just doing podcasts on the side they're not even really caring about it that's why your audio's [ __ ] up come to people who actually want to give you the best quality podcast that you could get and that is wtf media studios right here in soho bougie soho manhattan you know who that was let's go to brooklyn i was like we ain't gonna be the black studio uh-uh right now damn i'm telling you guys brooking too black for her everything's been too black for her people i feel like people know when you have a black owned [ __ ] like so karen yeah care i know queen again i want to be in [ __ ] soho i didn't want to be in some place that felt out of the way i wanted it to be central and i wanted to control you really want her to be to face your business he loved it [Laughter] wtf and me where the [ __ ] wheezy going [Laughter] all right guys peace thank you guys for listening actually no there's one more thing we need to talk to you about um we got an extra episode you know every single week over at patreon flagrant2 you know someone's got to generate revenue so alex can spend it on his other endeavors and that's what we're doing over there patreon if this is your first time listening you can listen to a new episode every single week unfiltered craziness over there at patreon thank you patrons for making us the biggest comedy podcast in the world on patreon that's a pretty cool thing we're coming for number one spot in the world just on patreon in general we could do that if you guys take us there we will see you there friday and if we don't see you this friday we'll see you in the future alright guys peace
Channel: Flagrant 2
Views: 424,204
Rating: 4.8484588 out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media, eddin, eddin media, Thankyoueddin
Id: eizuSbHh_b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 15sec (10095 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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