Ghislaine Maxwell… More Powerful Than Epstein | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh

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Alex missed editing one of those F-bombs lol.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/blane490 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Can somebody tell them Epstein wasn't a pedophile? He's an Ephebophile. They spent an episode about not lumping sexual assaults into the rape category but lump all people who are attracted to people under 18 into the pedo category 🤣🤣🤣

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/theone2089 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Anyone else find the voices echo on this? I tried youtube, overcast, spotify, with two different headphones

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/curbyourenthusiam 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Apparently the Megan fox being 15 isn’t true.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ContinCandi 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

This has been one of the best episodes so far. Praise God for The Flagrancy!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/VishIsBoss 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

That's the thing they call him a pedo when he isn't hahahaha

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/theone2089 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Can someone tell this dude to stop trying to sound like Aziz, the pod is dope, but that shit gets annoying af. Is like he watches Aziz’s highlights before he records

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FMJ1985 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's up everybody welcome another episode of flavor sue Schulte here akash saying Alex Mediamark gag 9 a lot of [ __ ] going on today ok a lot of [ __ ] to talk about obviously we got ghilane Maxwell locked up still alive currently currently still alive as we record this we're not gonna get there just yet we got Redskins might change their name long overdue huh long overdue finally Native Americans are you listening put down the Jack Daniels you [ __ ] it's just a joke what do you think with what if Redskins was the name as a joke yeah like I'm gonna see Kimmy I want to talk about a bunch of different things here today but I can start with this no we don't even have to start I just want to go this obviously Kanye run it for present there's a lot of [ __ ] that we got to talk about but in all seriousness the [ __ ] thing is the one that perks me the most because I'm white right yeah because my skin is white al is black let's say because the skin is black you're Brown right because your skin is brown okay what is wrong with being red are they red are you brown is he black and my wife nobody's the exact [ __ ] color I'm for sure Brown you're upset because you don't have America anymore that's the thing like it's not about [ __ ] or being called Indian or Native America and any of that kind of thing it please be honest it's not about that everything about America is offensive Native Americans not the [ __ ] name [ __ ] but we don't even know if they're actually offended because none of us know any Native Americans we're all just guessing yeah any surveys on some [ __ ] newspaper yeah none of us knows a Native American to even ask yeah so it's just a bunch of white people trying to cover their [ __ ] asses right and this is real this is the real [ __ ] that this is is like I've realized what the [ __ ] these things are we did a piece kind of about it last week but we touched on a little bit but this is what it is all the heads of these organizations all white right Hollywood 93% right only white in the executive roles I think the Nike executives we looked at it was a hundred percent while every one of these businesses right now every football team guaranteed like us and the executive roles they don't want to lose their jobs right so they're like you know we got to get the smoke off us if we don't do some some painter and diversity [ __ ] right now they gonna realize that we've been only hiring white people for executive positions only promoting white people executive positions they gonna realize who the real racists are out here brah they gonna figure out that we've been creating this little boys and girls white Boys and Girls Club just for us if we don't throw out some races little cars or whatever some chips so whatever the [ __ ] it is I don't know make it rain you make a rain with singles now hundreds yeah here's a little morsels exactly Don these filmies [ __ ] they'll keep eating right and all these all of us just strippers out here gobbling up all these little rolls oh my god you stop being cartoon characters thank you so much oh my god you're gonna stop calling the Redskins win the real root of the issue right it's putting a bandaid on your looking artery that's severed yeah right it's like you gotta you gotta cauterize that artery like that work cause it jay-z - so you got to go you got to take care of the [ __ ] artery but they understand what's going on in that artery and they're like we cannot let [ __ ] know executives anjala we can not let [ __ ] know how [ __ ] goes on are they hateful of black people no do they want black people get shot by the cops no none of these things do they like hiring their friends that all happen to be why absolutely right do they like looking after their people and create a nice little commune just like anybody would in their situation absolutely do they care about diversity enough to hire people that don't look like them and they're not in their little friend club so how do they get the smokeoff done you could be Bart Simpson you could we're gonna change the name of the Redskins but we don't forget who all the producers of The Simpsons are even Lord Simpson they go pretending or they got four I'm Matt Groening white-ass or whoever else white people behind the camera mm-hmm Dan Costello whatever and here's the thing it's okay that's what people realize it's okay you're allowed to be able to white people to own a business right now fact this is America if the majority of people are white majority the people their own business is probably gonna be white that's they're allowed to do that what it when it's not okay is when you do the performative diversity [ __ ] and you get on your [ __ ] high horse and act like you're this like leader of this new progressive movement and then you go back to your office because then you take away our ability to judge what you're doing fairly but devoid of it objectively yes then we get if you stop give do this pandering performative [ __ ] we can look at your positions and say oh is that a company I want to still support or I go to Reebok that's less fire but maybe they got some black people in or that yeah now you're just giving me something I can be like oh yeah okay look all those matters are black lives matter they got the Kaepernick billboard yeah let's keep buying Nikes yeah Disney doing that same [ __ ] right what Disney being ahead of that curve for years dawg what they do they were always mad diverse if you ever watch like oh you're trying to make up for [ __ ] won't use anti-semitism yeah and also I'm pretty sure they did that clam movie or some [ __ ] like that they did a claim what we think so I think so Song of the South something like that yeah yeah what was that are you talking about x-men they did a movie about the clue say klu klux that's what you know they not Supremes the Ku Klux or klu klux mark you would know most like white supremacy [ __ ] is the brand Supremes sneakers they super look they got they literally they don't do nothing they don't change nothing they just take a glass and they're like but now it's supreme like why is it better and they're like well because we are in it what color are the letters what of supreme what color the letters on white and what they built on rn8 of America why different colors the Mac hey Boyd of red Remus for Trump no [ __ ] hey kid oh hey what color is kiss logos I don't know white what on black background flip sides you know can I be honest with you I don't not only do I think the Redskins should keep their name I think I should make it more racist go I think this is the perfect like racism that reminds people racism exists but doesn't hurt anybody yeah it's not financially [ __ ] people over it physically [ __ ] people over yeah but if they were like the Washington [ __ ] white skinheads you would be like yo racism still exist huh hurt anybody but it still exists interesting so it like shines a light in a way that like it's the Home Depot Center yeah that's it so you put that threat to all lives matter arena yo the Chicago Black Lion Black Hawk lives don't man that's what I'll talk about you know Indians are murdered so yeah so what's the Cleveland Indians you can't even call them Indians I don't even know brother thing about walnut why how do we name so much [ __ ] after Native Americans like what was going through if we're so racist I don't know like if the people back then was so racist why they name in everything after natives no Ted you know the Cleveland Indians it's like internet like taking down a statue of a Confederate soldier like you're doing that because that's a bad person the Indian is is he a bad person that y'all sound it's the team reminding you all we gonna come conquer your [ __ ] yeah you wouldn't name yourself after the conquered it's a weird strategy in Nashville Nazis it is a weird strategic now be a fireteam and they saw the [ __ ] out it'll be hot not like that crosses they burn all right but not for real you would name it after the victor true right right which is Cleveland blankets the Cleveland Caucasians sneezes you know it is weird like part of me that to me shows you how foul we must have been to Native Americans Native Americans yeah repopulated is a Native American remix it's hot yeah I'm gonna cross the ball across the river in Texas just cause it's hot they just wanna take a little dip in the pool imagine that you just trying to take a little dip current man rough you end up on the other side you suppose I'd not get out back the other way stop calling me a [ __ ] I'm trying good job can I be a drive back can I do that is that possible but for real man it's something so we need to get Native American expert on here dude I'm saying is there a Native American expert better get a [ __ ] what's the guys who do the excavation the fossil [ __ ] that's we eat paleontologists are they I got we are talking Americans dead acid I truly want to know how y'all feel about like white people just [ __ ] being horrendous to you wiping y'all out and then name in every street after y'all like naming all these teams I feel like I said odd thing to do weird that's and they're weird that's weird thing to do you know how do you even feel after the fact maybe they took the land and they're like oh whoa whoa remind you guys that like this was your land even maybe that was the little white move back in the day that you drive it down Channel Oak Street and you're like man we used to own like tearing off the [ __ ] band-aid we need to name them a listen if you're Native American your [ __ ] army you're part of the gang holler at us I know we've got a couple dudes are from Arizona they always come out to the shows when we're in Tempe so if you listen right now DM me I need to know the history this [ __ ] I really need to know I have a Native American community feels about one the Redskins to the Blackhawks to all the Braves all these Native American things and three I mean you know why the [ __ ] something's hateful or not red skin black skin white sand white skin brown skin gay seriousness like what the [ __ ] are so away yo you translucent you trans skin yo mark mark explain it to me mark use that [ __ ] brain of yours yeah I was strongly that [ __ ] I like of fun it nothing right you think it was the win it did you look up do they have a boxer they got right in when they take away your box on the census website they still got a boxer they yeah fill in a couple of boxes to try to make it you know like what it's like when you try to make purple with like red and blue you got to just put him where where your people exists man it should anyway so basically there's no reason why nobody spoken about I can't find it but apparently everything's named after Native Americans half the states got their names from Native American Minnesota Oklahoma Oklahoma Texas I did I think is the cosmic yeah there's a valley for Nia that's probably right Mamie Mae yeah mainly so we got nothing bro babies I'm gonna get it to his wife yo you my main oh you're you think that's what it was yeah now he's known about ours here called Oh horses hair is mainly when it looks like a horse what the place I'll be honest I don't know what Maine looks like me neither I don't know Vermont is and I don't know New Hampshire is I don't know none of them that whole area up there Boston Boston be honest is New Hampshire a state or not no New Hampshire's is an amp shock he's at a state it's a province it's a state it's a province okay okay what is [Laughter] we are geographical Jesus on this show any stain is i'ma tell you go North Dakota in America it's also North probably North to South Dakota what was it above South Dakota I did go where's Virginia east of I could get there if you get me to Virginia stupid-ass [ __ ] States with names with the direction wait till you get to my theory about kidnappers your state has the direction in its a show it can't be that's the main [ __ ] yeah North Dakota South Dakota West Virginia what else is there you know what I think no South Carolina North Carolina Oh true ok back to the risk of New Jersey only reason why we need to go to do a tour of all the old like go to your there has to be fire I want to go to Jersey where's York I want to go to England I think York to England okay they're all in England is Jersey in England that is all Jersey in England I think yo I'll be honest I think New Mexico is the only notice more trash than if I'm being honest like New York bodies York yeah oh yeah bodies it for sure right not New England yo New England step it up you lop stay [Laughter] seriously that's right if you're not better if you're new and you're not better than that your original [ __ ] yeah failed fam no trash to be fair New England's not a place what is it is a Commonwealth I don't even think it is that a region I think tri-state area what we call tri-state area they call that's their tri-state area mm-hmm yeah but it's only one real state DMV hmm no because I think if you're from New Hampshire you're part of New England I think your parts like Connecticut is doing that thing as parts of whatever I think this is true so we won't know technically it's not real it's not real New England right yeah yeah that being said it doesn't count okay Jersey trash York trash New Mexico I don't know if it's better than Mexico I think no yeah you pop that smizes mission no if you're the hottest [ __ ] you got to this day is the color that the mountains have always been for millions of years and a show about meth yes that's all you got that's really it come on bruh come on bruh you know honestly Mexico can have y'all back that's a that's a conversation we got to start having you know NBA teams a timeout contraction we gotta have some state contraction yo okay get rid a couple of these okay talk to me what are you thinking the the Dakotas could go okay West Virginia what the [ __ ] are you doing here where are we gonna put West Virginia we can't up in prettiest swallows you up okay so now you're just Virginia Virginia you're Virginia yeah okay New Mexico for sure Mexico connects Mexico goes back where actually yeah I bet people in New Mexico trying to escape to Mexico right now swim in the the way cross every what about Texas this Texas go back Texas late yo now Texas is lit I can't let Texas go bro what about Nevada well I have like nothing yo like what's in the Montana like the Dakotas Montana I heard is beautiful the cars lit [ __ ] about you we gonna Dakotas if they let us or Idaho one of them now call me Scoob but you laughing also I take that you [ __ ] [Laughter] Watson you know I say one last thing about Redskins yes that's not my name of this team the Red Tails all the other well cast names the rednecks the what the Red Tails after the black Tuskegee Airmen but that happened it's asked Iggy yeah also if you're a Tuskegee Airmen you think you want this trash as team representing you thank God the name should stay racist you know this team is gonna suck forever and that's a way to punish the races in case you have to earn their not racist name 100 percent oh my god they win a Super Bowl and then they can be some fire ship yo that's a great idea Caucasians Oh your body and I'm go coughs yeah oh but think about that that's a great idea cuz what would motivate the majority of the players on that team who are black whoa that's a good-ass point yo that's a good-ass point also yo real talk maybe you want to take all sports teams and name them some racist ass [ __ ] like where we're going if you don't want to have this team be racist as fuk all yall guys doing it win and then you can name whatever the [ __ ] you want what are some of the names of the tapes sorry Nevada no the black crackers oh just another thing it could be white [ __ ] - what sports are white people good at curling what curling curling that's true what else not team sports sailing right all the rowers like a rowing team yeah but also sailing but also Rowan I don't know sailing was a team sport yeah son you got to get the bow son cuz you got to go that was the first one I think we got them here competition that was probably competition take any time I think they were racing against themselves anything what I think they were like let's see if we can beat a whole record you know man let's get him here even faster and hungrier hungrier you know I mean but I think there's no like two teams going at it if you're sailing it's just the wind I've sailed it's called a regatta what's the regatta that's the sailing race it's called a regatta that's not even real yeah it's called a regatta put some money on it it's called a regatta I believe you I'm saying that's not a real thing it's a real bleep on it now but the real trans lives matter yo that's basically what we're trying to stay on this podcast is [ __ ] what is it black trans lives matter who we started with Redskins we weren't talking about trans wait what I'm sure your skin gets red when you rip your dick off [Laughter] got some red ass in you get that new pink new pig granny puss no black trans lives matter but do black trans get that pink push I'm sure yo yo G big Jay oakerson said black [ __ ] looks like a pastrami sandwich on pumpernickel something I was wondering though you said before that if a racial slur is like has a double meaning then a racial slur right yes exactly that's another thing why things can't be hateful so but like they have red skin potatoes yeah yes so like so what back with the [ __ ] joke yeah but no so right right back with it and we'll get to it yeah what your thing is good but but the trailer it's like the reason why the n-word is a hateful horrible word that we don't say and why that's more hateful than say the word what's it what's an example really I in Kate you you can say in a sentence completely okay there's a [ __ ] in the armchair okay right but if there's an Asian person sitting in an armchair you can't say that but you could say the chair itself has a [ __ ] in it yeah right because it's the word [ __ ] actually by definition means like a like a nick or like a little cut or an abrasion or something like that right so if a word has a completely okay and politically correct meaning as well it cannot be the same level of hate as the n-word which has one meaning mmm right now when black people are using it to each other it still has the same meaning you can act like it doesn't but it does mmm does the intentions of different the intention is different but it still means the same thing mmm what it doesn't mean bundle of sticks nah but you know how the word in dictionary can have multiple meanings like yeah that's the one that there's one that's his point yeah that's why it's the atomic bomb of racist terms I think is what he's saying there's no other way that you can use it black people use the word that they know is [ __ ] up with each other but no one else is allowed to use it because everybody knows what that word means and when black people used to each other my assumption is well he can't hate me because I'm black because he's black so it can't be that hateful so I know the intention ain't that bad that's my assumption thought I just don't like that doesn't cross my mind at all and using the way of course it's like cuz you you're not gonna have that malice towards a black guy yeah but it's like it's not even like oh I know he doesn't hate me that's why he's using the word it's like it's more so just like that's how I refer to my friend yeah it's just such a little thing at this point it's one of those things that has added a second meaning by now just because it's become Norman clay chair for a group of people sure possible you say Norman Norman alive I know Norman clay so um and I do get your point so I guess yeah my point is like so for example you know two different [ __ ] is a great like we can call a transmission a [ __ ] that was the joke that I was making right and or you could say your training is broken you could literally say that right your [ __ ] is [ __ ] up right you could say I looked at you under your hood and that [ __ ] is disgusting you could say that but if you call a trans person a training right then it's [ __ ] up it cannot be as hateful I understand people want to have their word that allow that basically showcases how oppressed they are right but you cannot relate it to the M word which has this one specific meaning skateboarding to like a transition they call it a [ __ ] oh yeah training hit that training yeah I was riding a train that's what it what happened when you rode the train you feel great though did you have the time of your life right and that's important that's important to wear the helmet so point is you have these situations where these people are going oh my god this world is word is so horrible it is we we have so much sympathy for it when you see it with a community we think is truly a press right but then you see white women out here like caring it's just as bad idea as the M word there literally means going around saying please stop using the word Karen it's a pejorative what a pejorative whatever the [ __ ] that where it is just kinda art to it say gasps is that an art you took my arm I did called pejorative but no no yeah yeah so it's like now Karen's are saying you can't say the word Karen yeah and this is how a word becomes fake hateful and all these words are fake hateful like for example in England you can describe a cigarette as a [ __ ] yeah can i bum a fat you can say can i bum a [ __ ] yeah yeah in America you say that you were but [ __ ] a gay person so you can't act like these two things you can't act like these two words mean the same thing right when we have a completely normal use for it yeah that everybody accepts you're saying it can't hurt feelings it can be used hatefully but we can't compare this [ __ ] to the n-word you cannot it's in a league of its own yeah yeah it's a three comedians there's a spot guys right now they're like wait a minute that what the N and NBA Steve crazy that the only one is MLB they don't have an N in it on an NHL got a lot of white folks I was gonna say the end the end of black players and then you got the MLB with of Mad Mexicans so Oh MLB what does that stands for Mexican League baseball Mexican League National Hockey League whoa National Hockey League or anyway look that's all I'm trying to say so we need to talk to a [ __ ] about this [ __ ] and get to the bottom of it just so we can figure out what it is we really have I think please any of you reach out maybe we'll do a zoom call or something like that yeah you know and we get an aboriginal from Australia on the line and they battle it out for what elevator on the way maybe 30 40 M words before the show starts and just gang on reasons that's a joke for a second yo keep your hair man if you're new to this podcast then this is news to you but if you are not new to this podcast then you know this already I've been on the active ingredient that Inc keeps for I don't know the last decade as long as no Meah my hair is [ __ ] phenomenal obviously it's not styled right now but that's how confident I am in my in my genetically modified hair is it genetically yeah yeah like pharmaceutical e modify hair right is that I just let that [ __ ] be [ __ ] up you know people got super thin hair they perfectly craft every strand not when you got that keeps bra and I'm telling you the only thing that lets you know that you are aging well if you're a man is it full head of hair I had people send me pictures and they were on the keeps showing their [ __ ] growing back already don't let it go too far that something is super important you don't let it go too far too many guys wait for their hair to fall the [ __ ] out and then they try to hop on some [ __ ] to get it there is a way to not go bald it has been invented okay if we're [ __ ] smart and self-aware you look at your goddamn self in the mirror and you go okay I don't wanna go bald let me get on this [ __ ] right now not even a question keeps calm / flagrant okay your first month is gonna be free if you use that keeps calm / frigate flagrant use that website make sure you type in flagrant your first month is gonna be free if you do that I'm telling you man this is no-brainer it is a choice now balding is a choice make the choice not to go bald go to keeps calm easiest choice in the world something so simple bro it's so simple if there's a pill to keep you from getting fat you go take that mother for 100% if there's a pill to keep from going bald you take them on absolutely done keeps a cop's eye flavorant alright go get that let's get back to the show alright so a lot of things going on a lot of things going on this week by the way cookies joining us again this week if you see Milo cooks cooks how you doing boy or girl oh that was a big okay so let's talk about the Glenn Maxwell okay yeah I know I know you high for this mark is gonna make sure that we get all this information out correctly because mark has been following this since his birth Yeah right like March mom has been protecting him now this article is something very funny that you guys didn't pick up on but I got shared article in the notes so the article says what does it say oh gosh Neal a Maxwell has tested positive for kovin 19 in New Hampshire jail do I reports DOJ reports now um where is this article from what is it a source Brown valley observer okay now what is a brown Valley I don't know where what would you refer to like maybe like your colon where ship comes out I was just thinking it was the Indian part of LA this is an onion web site okay sharing the story saying that you test positive for coal vid is that the other and I'm like I don't know this is real B it seems too crazy there so I'm like wait brown valley observer is just someone who like stares at [ __ ] he stares at [ __ ] etc and I started looking at other stories if you scroll down to other stories there are a bunch of other fake so she does not have yet yeah right what I love about this article going around and being fake is that it almost calls them out if they were gonna give her Corona right mm-hmm right for anybody listening right now don't know what's going on you probably have heard of this woman Gillian Maxwell who is Jeffrey Epstein is like girlfriend accomplice in this whole like child sex trafficking ring department crime partner in crime right I think so everybody right now there's a lot of things we talked about this let's just get all this little [ __ ] out first of all the fact that they were able to gather this many what we're talking about hundreds of women apparently they sex trafficked without using a puppy is is very impressive I had my dog this weekend I was up and Rotom right and my girl would let me walk her by myself stupid and not this one my other one it looks like a little teddy bear Yeah right when I tell you the way that women flocked it's crazy it's [ __ ] crazy it is have you experienced it too there are dogs like a celebrity like circles of peeps on it's unreal what I listen I'm not saying I'm famous but some people know who I am maybe they say hi on the street that kind of stuff like that if you just want to be famous you don't care about the art you don't care about the craft you don't care about truth you don't care about sharing information you just saw one of these people want to be like an actor and that's it just get a [ __ ] keep rotating puppies rotary boxes are not unbelievable the amount of girls feeding they go [ __ ] crazy they get on their knees already you get on their knees faster than when you see a puppy you just pull your [ __ ] right out if it was the 90s you pull your shirt right out now you can't do that anymore but if you just touch my puppy without her consent what's a big deal if I just pull my [ __ ] up you didn't ask if I was okay yeah just grab up all my puppy yeah no but it all Sears this it was unbelievable the way that women are drawn to being done [ __ ] how safe and secure they feel around you with the animals yeah and it's really made me think like how could serial killers not you this in any way shape or form like maybe they like the challenge you have it you talk about it Ted Bundy had a [ __ ] what do you have an echo don't know say it don't say I don't give away a bit but like but in terms of in terms of like getting girls to you know it's the easiest I'm shocked that dynamite it really is it's unbelievable this was my theory with the babies and dogs on social media what you mean like if you want instant attention from especially from women you just put up either baby or a dog and like you have loads and loads of attention it's like it's like the like this the easy in order to cheat on your girl the best way you got to have a baby winner and then take pictures of the baby yeah with you that is exactly what I'm saying that's [ __ ] genius I have a child with her and then post pictures of you in your job you know say you know I don't believe in mother [ __ ] being good parents because he sees he sees men with their kids on Instagram he's like are you trying to get [ __ ] out I know all right anyway hold me on text message last week when you finally start talking to me a little bit it sound like a body shot all right so let's get back this [ __ ] Gillian Maxwell okay everybody thinks okay they're gonna kill her she's gonna die etc yeah or people like she's about to snitch [ __ ] goofy ass complex complex thought they're the scoop complex tweeted out some [ __ ] it's looking like Gillian Maxwell is goodness it's Anna snitch on higher-ups and you know give up the whole operation you work with hot sauce you [ __ ] corn balls you think that you got the scoop on some geopolitical news egoriy tweet about it the sneaker and hot sauce company got the scoop yes like you know anything shut the [ __ ] up shop for sneakers and don't even pay for him stupid ass show do you really make the celebs pay for their own sneakers on this show Wow you making probably millions of dollars in advertising off of this show and you will make this lives by their own cyber they don't pay their talent properly anyway complex however this if you want to be complex we know we're not working with simple numbers now we got selling out saying y'all [ __ ] so point is people say that she could be snitching let's let's lay this thing out right now this is an OG second-generation spy maybe third generation we don't know what granddaddy did her dad I believe Robert Maxwell mark was a spy for the Mossad right so that's Israeli CIA her dad got murked allegedly fell off a boat and drowned [ __ ] come on night by the Mossad the exact people that he was buying for got murked she is part of the system I believe her two sisters is that confirmed made the software I believe so so this we don't know if is 100% confirmed will tell you [ __ ] that's confirmed tell you the [ __ ] does not confirm you guys can go look at yourself two of her sisters have made software for the FBI the CIA and the DIA and the DEA all of our intelligence agencies they make software for currently these people are baked into the system so this [ __ ] magically pops up a New Hampshire okay she's my doing that [ __ ] on some oops they got me they pulled her card they said sweetheart it's time to come in and a thorough ass [ __ ] who's been a spy like this forever she understands the system she's in it's like when a mafia dude goes to the meeting that he knows he's gonna get murked at he don't go on a run he goes to the [ __ ] meeting and he goes have a good night guys do I do I say my last word so we have a meal you just take me out so this [ __ ] either knows she's out or that she knows nothing's gonna happen to her and either way she's not telling on nobody unless she's told to tell mmm go go go hurt during her like initial position deposition she was like yelling and screaming like houses happening like she was sound surprised like why is she here she anything that she's doing right now and the information that's getting out about it is completely is completely calculated and I will say this is possible there's a few people maybe at the FBI or the state uh what is it uh Sdn why what does that call the state district of New York or something like that oh the New York judicial system it's possible there's a few like righteous people there they don't realize who they really work for yeah yeah and they haven't been tapped on the shoulder yet and said hey calm down down boy damn boy you a little excited you excite because you're a knock on the door and now you want to get your arrest down boy hmm right yeah if you were know another person's coming into the house owns it oh yeah you're up Sam so this [ __ ] might die but that's what she signed up for and she knew that was part of it is she was bred into it her whole life so this sex trafficking ring that she's in my opinion she looked after Epstein that was an Epstein accomplice that was the person that's entrenched into deep CIA or Mossad or whoever the [ __ ] it is deep government organizations or the people who have influence on those government organizations they placed her with Epstein Leia watch out for this [ __ ] I don't know what's up with him she's his handler she's his handler she might have called the hit on him son might have been like nah he can flip we gotta get rid of Loki I think it's possible I think it's possible one other thing I'll say and this is where [ __ ] gets interesting mark please fact check if you want to know how deep this goes the current Attorney General of the united states is william bar right that's the guy that trump appointed okay okay trump appoint william bar william bar tries to fire the new york state I believe it was District Attorney Berman New York Attorney General sorry the New York Attorney General Berman okay who's like really entrenched into like the democratic scene of DNC and Democrat politics he tries to fire Berman says family you're just the sitting you're the interim attorney general you can't do that to me so the Trump goes all right boom I'll fire you so they fire him right William Bar father Donald bar hired who as a teacher at the Dalton School in New York City Jeffrey Epstein mmm if you want to know how deep this [ __ ] really goes we're not talking about oh we found some people doing a little sex trafficking ring and we're gonna you know go prosecute them or kill them or do whatever it goes to the top all this goes to the top and everybody involved knows exactly what's going on a picture came out this week of Gillian Maxwell and Kevin Spacey mm-hm sitting on the throne the royal throne in Buckingham Palace okay they were there in Buckingham Palace as guests of Bill Clinton and I believe the Rothschilds perhaps on the fur right I think it's mentioned in it it's said I thought they were they were invited by the dude Edwards or whatever who we want to speak to but he's like I'm not speaking to anybody right now Oh Prince Andrew yeah Prince Andrew but Clinton was there yeah he was they were guests of Clinton right and I believe the Rothschilds as well right so you want to add Rothschild family that's global banking right yeah you look at Prince Andrew who is scared for his [ __ ] life of being caught up into this this so now you have the royal family and the royal family protecting Prince Andrew but now they're all friends you have this random actor Kevin Spacey who is accused of sexual assault by multiple people recently right and that's where we put those weird videos out mark how many of his accusers randomly ended up dying yeah three of his accusers have done so three of these accusers what yeah yeah I think it's crazier it gets crazier son so Kevin Spacey gets called out for sexual assault three of the accusers randomly end up that maybe one is a car crash a couple other little situations Mark Wilson couple from suicide a couple little suicide yes yes the one I heard that story cuz I was like oh [ __ ] he's really playing the character on that show that mark would you mind telling us when so he put out those videos after he was accused as Frank Underwood right yeah mark could you tell us some details about those videos that are quite interesting oh yeah in the videos people are saying that the mug he's using is a from like the Royal like from Buckingham Palace that it has like royal family insignias on the mug and that apparently puts on a ring at the end which some people are suggesting is a freemasonic ring kind of is like like allusions to the people he's speaking to which would be the royal family and he's basically saying you know y'all better clear this up yo y'all better yeah I'm not taking the fall for this y'all better clear it up and he did the video as Frank Underwood now what is Frank Underwood based on Frank owner and his wife are based on the Clintons right that's the loose assumption now it's base a said it was an old English TV show actually which is no but the characters within American politics I think the first season at least or like whatever it's a pretty it's based off an English show right right with but the fact that they're like mirror and whatever doesn't you think okay and I think they're mirroring off of certain Clinton [ __ ] but it doesn't matter let's say excuse that cut it outlet so it doesn't have you know we can't cut the legs off anything you're talking about people now granted who is Kevin Spacey right and a [ __ ] nobody actor he just happens to be ruffling feathers or like you know what is it rubbing shoulders whatever it is with these very powerful people and they can kind of tie up loose ends and he makes one [ __ ] video and then all these accusers go advantage if they die after the video I I mean it's crazy all three of them died regardless and I think that's beyond coincidental but I would be curious to know if it was you think their wedding said there the video I mean senta we can look and find the timelines and that being said you don't got to make a video to get them mmm-hmm right he did make a phone call to get them out here but another thing very important to note has anybody else accused Kevin Spacey since those people died no no I wouldn't I mean would you if the three other people that accuse him end up dying would you nice this is how deep this [ __ ] goes so when you think ghilane maxwell is caught in apprehended and she didn't know any better and she's in new hampshire this [ __ ] was in france [ __ ] was in brazil this [ __ ] was in israel she couldn't be extradited in certain places and chose to come back to New Hampshire cuz they told her to and if she sells on anybody it's because that's Eleanor to this scheme that was done this child sex trafficking thing this is where I think a lot of the conspiracy theorists get lost right all the conspiracy theorists they go oh Hollywood is a bunch of pedophiles and politicians and global eats they're a bunch of pedophiles and all this kind of [ __ ] I honestly believe it's not that they're all pedophiles it's this is the thing that they use to compromise people to maintain power over them and control over them this is what they use now in the past it was maybe being gay right like you catch someone doing some gay [ __ ] and then you go eh we're gonna out you as gay and now it's okay to be gay so okay you could out me as gay and I get a bunch of PC points and I'll be okay right before maybe there was a time where they just killed people flat out right now we're at a time where I you cannot think of anything more horrible than [ __ ] kids it's absolutely disgusting and that's what they used and I think they're using as a power and their power tool and I think that these people who are part of generational spy families right general let's say William bar is part of it we don't know and his dad put em suit that means that's two generations as well it's not just Gillen Maxwell I don't know if William Baris but let's say his dad Donald was tied in right and now William is also tied in that's two generations this is not some like old rain of people are doing a sex trafficking ring this is how do we compromise people in positions of power and manipulate them to get what we want out of the taboo of pedophilia exactly and I think these cuz Maher said if okay saw if we became okay with it like people okay with homosexuality then they'd have to find something oh my god the Romans and in the whole empire just weeks - that's right once guys found it was okay to [ __ ] guys our deal with these [ __ ] anymore deal with this [ __ ] all the time bleeding all over the [ __ ] place little trickle book comes out an [ __ ] anyway point is I think these conspiracy theorists crazy I think that they lose a lot of the common folk when they start going everybody in Halle was a pedophile right that's where they lose the common folk in my opinion I think if they said they are using pedophilia and they're using child sex trafficking as a tool they themselves could no it's awful and that's why they're using it because of how awful it is does that match up mark can I ask you guys a question yeah this is not to say that there aren't pedophiles that are like Prince Andrew is probably a pedophile and they know that he is so they're targeting him specifically because they know that they can compromise him and by compromising him the royal family has to protect itself the royal family is an entity and of itself right so if any one of those people look like they doing some foul [ __ ] the royal family got to cover that up because that bleeds into the rest of the family and then once the royal family covers up one person gotcha [ __ ] same with Epstein too like he's a pedophile but they're able to use his pedophilia predisposition as a ability like a tool to control him mm-hmm and do their bidding mm-hmm we all saw Princess Diana she wasn't toeing the line took our eyes up out of here out of here actually there's a really interesting tie-in with Princess Diana which is kind of fascinating the guy that she was in the car with can you look this up Dodi Allah and I think it was khashoggi Dhoni - Dodie Al Fayed that was her man at the time and it right I believe he is related to Khashoggi who was that guy that was writing stuff about the Saudis that the Saudis killed in Turkey I believe they're part of the same family interesting tie-ins doesn't matter um point is a lot of this [ __ ] is all [ __ ] interweaved and tied together and it's kind of [ __ ] scary in it incredibly here's the two questions I have and you kind of touched on it just now but like they use pedophilia to control people you can't get me to [ __ ] a kid crying like that there's no level of manipulation Romick not that twelve-year-old that's that's yeah there you go what I think they do like even with Prince Andrew they'll just hey let's have a good time let's all get drink let's all party or whatever and we'll bring the girls don't worry I'm sure in his head er like oh all these girls that bringing are definitely of age like I'm sure it doesn't even cross his mama get the girl that was in the picture with him was 17 or whatever but she's makeup up and dressed up it's like and he's liquored up he's probably not even thinking about that but now we're calling him a pedophile because he has a picture with a 17 year old also these people were these girls 17 16 well you guys we don't know the exact age but we know that they're younger the main one that's accusing Andrew she was seven that I forgot her name but the main accuser she was afraid it was 17 in that picture and they were younger right yeah what what what's most [ __ ] up here is well I don't want to put most but like yes they're younger that is absolutely horrible and they're like pimping them out around the world yeah also absolutely horrible like even if they were above age it's like yeah you're still getting sex rough like imagine thing they came out Prince Andrews like she was 18 when I [ __ ] her what the slave slave that you fought so let me do there's like even crazier [ __ ] if we want to get into it like on global scale what this is all about some people say they're like part of this is being used like tear apart the English royal family mm-hmm why because the English royal family kind of protects England as this sovereign nation within the European Union and now they're trying to briggs it right so the English royal families is actually support apparently and correct me if I'm wrong from England is supportive of brexit and England sovereignty okay whose royal family from my understanding hasn't been leading into this idea of like yeah European Union and let's just go do that and perrolli that's why Trump went over there remember Trump went over and had a meeting with the Queen and people like why are they even meeting remember her troubles there they had that big rat balloon animal that they put up of Trump in England right he went over to England it was a big a big deal so some people are saying that like the European Union the the people who want to make sure there's just one Europe they love the idea of kind of tearing apart the English royal family and using this as a wedge another piece is the red headed prince and his American wife right how they've stepped away from the family they recently just put out like a video where they're talking about how like the Commonwealth has done some horrible things they like trying to take accountability like the horrible thing that British Commonwealth have been doing so maybe they're using this as a way to like drive a wedge between England and the royal family because if you make the royal family the one responsible for this horrible stuff in England have done in their past the people separate from the royal family they don't have the same influence over them and then you convict now we're all European Union work together you guys don't get to say what your country does anymore that seems like more of a stretch to me because I just don't know how effective it is a stretch and I think it is crazy and this is my second question yeah well how does Kevin Spacey fall into this circle he's gay no got that there's a lot of gay people in Hollywood yes yes Bryan Singer [ __ ] mad kids you didn't mean the x-men director you [ __ ] kids there's a lot of rumors about him yeah allegedly and I say sad to say like strong allegations so what's the what's the difference you're not talking about the kid who the guy who made pedophile jokes and like on James Gunn yeah James Gunn no I'm not talking about okay just make the rumor is that Bryan Singer and I've heard this from a few different people it's like a [ __ ] creep and they made a family guy joke about it and somebody tagged me that's how I remember and somebody was like ah you guys says I'm flavor in a year ago or whatever but okay okay more what four men have accused singer of inappropriate sexual conduct so mark what do you think what are your thoughts like how does Spacey get to that level of entrenchment that he's protected and he's with [ __ ] Gillian Maxwell in England so in the throne real real talk I want to throw this towards towards you mark because you synthesized this a lot I will say one other thing plus you're gay awesome because of your homosexuality one of the things which is interesting and maybe it was a different time but we saw that video of Megan Fox when she was 15 years old yeah right mhm Michael Bay wasn't that different of a time so yeah I don't know yeah it was 2000 I was graduating something right so it is it is it is curious that like he would take a 15 year old girl and put her in [ __ ] this movie where she doesn't have any lines or anything she literally just a sex object she's 15 and her only job and that movies to be a sex object right right she's in a bikini at 15 years old dancing sexy at a club she's not even legally old enough to be in when you start to line these things up when [ __ ] go Hollywood's a bunch of pedophiles when you start to line them up you could see how the conspiracy theorist goes okay yeah you don't see it isn't it obvious yeah now there's way more people who are not pedophiles or not doing anything to underage people then are in Hollywood of course I'm puttin that blanket statement I think makes what lie people roll their eyes but to act like there aren't predators in powerful positions of course there are globally and that's why they want those positions when priests want that [ __ ] for the same reason these directors of stuff morning I get to tell people what to do they have to do it globally power positions lend yourselves to being so that's it very behaviour so that's your answer right there when you asked why would they do it why would they beat you can't get me to [ __ ] a 12 year old kid right right maybe there is a slightly higher correlation between people who are into pedophilia and into positions of power because they view that relationship with the kid as a position of power not as it's completely sexualized hmm does that make sense yeah that's a theory I think the other direction is also like a possibility what's that that like if you have power and you recognize that like American media and American entertainment is like one of the most powerful exports that America has and that like through film and music were actually able to dominate on a global scale like how the rest of the world that copper eights like you have like black lives matter protests happening all over the world because in America it's happening you have it happening in places where there are no black people yeah and it's because like America's cultural export is so like prominent so dominant globally and so why would you give the people that are able to control and that are the faces of this cultural export without any sort of tether to control what they're doing so this is really interesting your let's say you're a kingmaker you're an exec right you've exported this type of culture forever you're exhausted bro you can't keep putting up all these [ __ ] different you can't put out all these different ideas and continue to export this culture you need to take a break you need to relax you have a [ __ ] yacht you want to chill out so you want someone else to continue to do your bidding how do you ensure that they're gonna do what you want them to do you make sure they're compromisable from Prussia Trump right if that is true that type of [ __ ] yeah right so how do you ensure that they'll do the exact thing that you want to do you need to have some dirt on that and then the second they try to go offline you go yo remember mmm remember you did that foul [ __ ] to that little kid Scientologists do it don't they maybe yeah yeah they make you confess to like everything you've ever done and then if you try to leave they hold that over your Oh everything you've ever done like priests like in a Catholic Church you have confession and like you go confess your sins and you got absolved and Scientology do the same thing but they record it it's recorded and if you try to dip they're like oh well you know you need help for this thing that you did that we have on record there's a documentary going clear it's [ __ ] wild but the idea could easily be transferred into other so if they need to tether powerful people basically you have the option of give the keys to someone that's broken that's then manipulatable and that's someone that is predisposed to be a pedophile that you give power or the inverse where you break them and then give them the keys yeah either way you need to make sure they're terrible yeah some would say that's the speculative conspiracy part let's split look obviously we're [ __ ] around obviously we're you know we're just talking we don't know every single fact here right and this is flagrant to we're not the news we don't have to know every single fact we're talking about facts i know [ __ ] we made all this up nothing's real yeah Native Americans one of them bocahantas hypothesis and Pythagoras no but for real I think that we have to take liberties right now just to get all this information out so any other things that what I just said mark you're listener I said are there any other holes or little gaps that I didn't it's all speculative like we're speculating okay right now we've already made that clear well we're in allegedly no way am i yeah but the other like the other optimistic side of it yeah Glenn Maxwell was compromised like by the feds six months ago where our year ago whenever Epstein died they also got hurt you know that no no we're speculators you this is one possible outcome this is a more optimistic theory up so what's going on okay and that potentially they got her and they were like look you're more valuable out here on the streets so we're gonna leave you free but you're also gonna be tapped and wired and the whole deal and you're gonna go state's evidence and all these people are gonna call you and they're gonna see what's going on and we're gonna record all the phone calls and then we're gonna bring you in and then we're gonna be able to get all the other bad guys crazy so it's a real quick so that would be what is a like a what is it called double spy or something like that like a double agent double agent right so the opposition believes they still have an agent you turn the agent and then you flip it on the opposition right right now that being said she must she would have to fear I mean this is a real down ass [ __ ] but they would tell her like yo we got you Epstein is dead we got you like you can go to jail forever like you guess death penalty the whole deal or you cooperate you collect evidence on all these bad [ __ ] and then who are you more scared of the people who can put you in prison or the people who can still kill you in prison and make it seem like suicide I don't know I think those people could kill her either way so I'm saying but my feeling is I don't think that our government authorities here are gonna outsmart whoever is controlling Glenn right whoever's controlling Gillan has to know like for example like in Mafia if somebody talks to the cops mm-hmm you assume they told him some [ __ ] right right you don't go well he probably didn't rat no you went into the police station we just saw you go in and you didn't tell anybody that you were going in to notify look at the wire remember in Episode two why where what's-his-face goes in um Brodie yeah Brodie goes in and he just didn't tell people the neighbor he was going in so then one person saw him going in there even though he didn't snitch remember and then they [ __ ] ace disaster words so my feeling is if they think that she's possibly state's evidence out of here right unless she got some crazy failsafe right unless she got something that gets tripped yeah she might have a Deadman switch so she a dead man started dead minutes which is basically if I die you send all this [ __ ] to the news hey here's the thing no organisation that she works for is gonna allow her to have a Deadman switch yeah right if they even got witness she was gonna have a Deadman switch she did but it could just be somebody close to her your personal confidant it's like here here's this flash drive if I die release it I don't know bro like you're talking about what you're talking about these people let's say hypothetically speaking these people control the world and I control the world I don't know I'm not talking about they're in a meeting telling you know what [ __ ] how much turnips are gonna cost in different places I'm literally talking about okay a war would be profitable these people are gonna kind of go to war these people you're gonna sell these weapons and that kind of stuff everybody's gonna get rich okay coronavirus is gonna happen we're gonna let that [ __ ] go on a little bit longer so you know well to please and we could transfer some more wealth over we're talking about up here what's going on up here I don't think they're gonna put someone in charge of something that's this salacious that could could get all them [ __ ] over without extreme vetting and extreme trust that if it did go down this [ __ ] is going down with it just like her daddy did right no listen I I question this view I question even more the optimistic like the way of living the things like there's a lot of coincidental deaths three deaths around Kevin [ __ ] Spacey I can't think of a less important pedophile what does he know brah something he's in the goddamn throne is this can you send this make sure I just need a look at him in the [ __ ] throne or you ever seen it no check yeah it's both my [ __ ] my son you've got to see the art that's in Epstein's house that [ __ ] is [ __ ] crazy I don't know if this is confirmed but one of the pieces in the Epstein's house well the one that is confirmed as the Bill Clinton dress no Clinton dress one is crazy show the Bill Clinton dress one oh you can get that one up and while we're getting it up mark described the picture what's in it so basically the Bill Clinton dress one is is Bill Clinton sitting on a chair with like his legs crossed real feminine like and he's pointing to the viewer and he's wearing Monica Lewinsky's dress he calmed on it is like a painting of that in his in his place apparently there's another picture that I can't confirm if it's real or not but it was wild it's George Bush sitting in front of the White House desk right in the Oval Office sitting on the floor kind of like a kid he's got a paper plane this is a drawing yeah oh yeah it's a painting yeah okay and you can bring it up and show it to the people bring it up show it to the people he's weird though if you guys have a bunch of pictures together and your friends is this like hilarious to both of you son also you got to feel like a loser celeb if you don't got a picture with Glenn Maxwell right back in today's shoes with everybody and if you didn't have one single pic that means you were not the pop and parties you weren't at the event oh maybe this is why celebrities be like preaching so much mmm cuz you got a cover-up for all your [ __ ] oh oh Akash not to bring a full circle you know but what do the executives of these companies do and reach about all that diversity don't they yeah they preach about how we need to put minorities in these different positions and how we need to change and be more progressive while they know who they're hiring at their office right in their executive office right well what what is going on with these celebs same [ __ ] preaching thou doth protest too much what does it mean things to me thing he thinks he said that so the picture with Clinton is wild you showed it real quick yeah the other one with Bush I don't know if it's real or not but it's him sitting goofy like a little kid in front of the Oval Office desk and he's got a paper plane in one hands he's just holding it like this and there's a paper plane on the ground and then there's two Jenga blocks that are all crumble to the ground yeah do you know what those stand for yeah I thought yes no we don't know if that's confirmed that it was in yeah that's it we don't know if that's confirmed that that was in but I mean [ __ ] is getting real out here bro yeah [ __ ] is getting real out here and then Podesta's girl oh my god well who is John Podesta he's Hillary Clinton's like a close adviser of Hillary Clinton maybe her campaign I mean I'm suspicious off the last name alone Podesta pedophile yeah it's this [ __ ] is too egregious remember that whole pizza gate [ __ ] y'all heard about on Pizza gate right yeah and there's a lot of weird things we don't even got to go in a pizza gate I don't want to go to conspiratorial right but if you want to talk about just random coincidences the dude that owns a pizza place what's his name James elefantes James elephant this right what Haiti you know all that no no no this is where she gets crazy right who's this credibility when I find out Marquis giving you this information so this this ship blew my [ __ ] mind so his name is James elefantes right II just owns his pizza shop that apparently you know DNC was ordering man pizza from in DC where the Obama ordered $100,000 I'm [ __ ] son J Podesta got an email wheeze asking for an hour of pizza you know how you get our pizza you nibbling on his pizza man emails and they were like pizza gate and then of course people I call pizza gates stupid what are you talking about it's not real who cares if it's really not we're not debate might not be kids but it looks like code for language first it's cold for something and pizzas apparently code for pedophiles online or at first for kids online right but uh let's say it's not kids who gives a [ __ ] the accusation was kids the owner is James elefantes mark Elif Elif on ttis yeah L in fonts LM fonts is the kids yeah that baby in font infant yeah I mean hi like are you trying to throw the [ __ ] faces first name is like it was in like Xiaomi Jame James Jame means I love mmm elephants the kids a little too much right know who's getting stretched them kids in that pizza place that's the problem that's the Charlie open your eyes to know my theory on the chick was that she thought she was safe that's why she was like [ __ ] yes very so much less captivating after we tore down the entire globe and then I was like yo she could be innocent go go now just I think she thought she was safe because she had the immunity agreement and explained that that's interesting so when Epstein got charged in Florida he had an immunity for all his co-conspirators from I believe the years 2001 to 2007 when most of that [ __ ] was going down so I think she thought she was just safe that's why she had the balls to come back and live in America who wants to go to New Hampshire yeah but she bought she bought the house in cash under a different name so even the owners who sold the house didn't know they were selling it to her oh yeah so I think she just thought like okay I'm good mm sighs and what they're charging her for I think they're charging her something back in the 90s that's another thing they're only charging her for a space and time in which she has immunity already I believe it's like 93 to 95 they're like two years in which they're looking with that what secret you're trying to just get her to snitch like we're just gonna charge you for some shitty year so like that was everything they don't want her yeah right they want whoever she works for if they even want it they could be the people that are doing the [ __ ] up [ __ ] telling her to do it that's why this is so crazy is it goes up so high you don't mean like if the King does something [ __ ] up who prosecutes the King God is the only person prosecuted King but like I like you said in the beginning I think let's go now's your time I do think it's some lower level guys who don't realize their boss is gonna put the kibosh on his whole [ __ ] you you were lying you work within in the police yeah in that right it's been around very political okay higher up his super political everybody who's gonna get the break it down to us al you're a young rookie cop you're on the streets you try to bust her ass you trying to do everything you need to do you trying to get these collars you trying to clean up New York we call them you're still green still green right and you get you get your collar pull someone's at you let me talk to you for a second yeah what I tell them like if it's an arrest that is not worth it they'll be like I let that one go but in the crime but I'm here to make change yeah but I'm but I'm here to make New York different of you to make New York a safer place he's like nice doesn't add to the stats is not worth it gives us just more work than we need to do it makes New York look more criminal it makes New York look more dangerous well define not worth it like if it's not a stat they want on their record and it's just so much work and money because when you have to prosecute something that's money empty Eitan not just like um I worked in a court so most of that stuff was lower level so it'll be like say two families that are meeting up in the court they're arguing with each other and maybe they might get into a fight that's an assault but that's not a big colorful that's not nothing is like no no we might agree but still it's still breaking you might be this young green guy that wants to make difference you want to make change it's no different than the [ __ ] um the wire in a lot of ways like how Baltimore was organized remember like the car gar scar Ketty or whatever delcatty yeah you know and he's out there like he wants to make change that he realizes the system he's in and when that [ __ ] me up about watching that was he realized he really wants to make a change then he realizes I could move from mayor to governor but if I take this money to help Baltimore I have to take it from the governor he's gonna use it against me when I try to run for governor so [ __ ] it we're not taking the money damn right so that's what's gonna happen I think you started to see feds that they saw all I should they got from Epstein and some good guy cops are just like there's no way we can let this [ __ ] slide so they just pulled our card and now something's gonna happen where she either gets off or they picked the people who she's gonna snitch on and it's gonna be like people they're willing to throw away and that's and that's the reality about these things is there are good people that are working in these units there are good FBI agents good CIA agents there appear people who truly believe in the cause and what they gotta do Yeah right and there are also people who are so on the company line and they know what they have to do and they know who makes their bed every morning right so they want to make sure their bed is made perfect I was listening to a lot of this and at some point my stomach was like turnin and I was like you know why is this this has got to be most people's reaction and I feel like a lot of us just complicit ly-one no we won't make a real difference nothing's gonna change - the truth is so like awful - you live with that it's almost easier to just not think about it and just let's go with the lie son I don't want to do this what did you always say about Michael Jackson and that's I thought about the exact thing we didn't want to believe we've chose to believe Michael Jackson was innocent because we knew we would support him even if we knew he was guilty support him meaning we knew he still listened to music even if he was guilty so I'm just gonna go [ __ ] he's innocent yeah cuz I can listen to the music without guilt if I believe he's innocent no matter how much evidence is against him I can believe it so that's I think what a lot of times we do we just go I don't want to believe that there's like an international collection of people that are like manipulating people in positions of power for their own self-interests I don't want but I want to believe that people who run sex trafficking rings get justice that's what I want to believe I think my initial resistance to believe it at first was it can't be true matter of fact bringing it back to the wire remember when stringer tries to get all the heads of the drug-dealing families or whatever and like yellow C's do this together and then he gets a stout and merked out yep you can't beat the game it's always gonna be competitive like that that's what I thought it was at the highest level and now maybe maybe it's the coop situation we're all just kind of working together and like we get it we're just not going step on each other's toes let's just do this [ __ ] let's run the [ __ ] together son there's a crazy thing I mean I don't know what Tevas say about these [ __ ] things right here but you saw that uh this happened back in 2019 right so to set with it with October 6th of 2019 ten months ago whatever tell months ago but uh Tampa plastic surgeon killed in plane crash right that was at scenes like plastic surgeon right now we've seen pictures of him we've seen pictures of Epstein post that right okay I'm just making sure what the conspiracy is is gonna be is like that [ __ ] never died and they carved up his face gave him a new face and then he was out of here which has been done by like cartel bosses for like years right like if you're a cartel dude and they [ __ ] got you yeah go change my face up it's been in movies and that kind of [ __ ] yeah and yeah anything in like a movie like a Hollywood movie the cartels have been doing that forever like think about cartels in movies they don't even use submarines yet you know I mean they're still losing like drug mules like driving drugs across the border all these cartel leaders are like yo we're sophisticated be like we got a [ __ ] submarine getting the drugs across the border we're not letting some dude driving through and you know but stuff in the drugs inside watermelons like shits on a different level man all right let's stay brave for a second it's not being hungover okay you can literally if you want to choose not to have hangovers and I know a lot of people go oh yeah you just don't drink alcohol that's why you don't have hangovers yeah that's one way but that's not fun so if you want to drink alcohol and then not have a hangover the next day just waste the next [ __ ] the next [ __ ] day some geniuses have invented a solution that's right you can drink alcohol you can have some drinks and not feel like [ __ ] the next day I know me the older I get the less I can drink and the more hungover I am okay that's why there's dhm detox simple as that a lot of people think all you have to do is not be dehydrated and then you won't have a hangover that's not it that's not what caused it a hangover okay alcohols by-product there's a toxic by-product that when that gets built up that is what induces the hangover okay dhm detox if you take it you just pop a couple pills while you're drinking you do it at the end of your night as well you take that it those pills actively break down that toxin and remove your hangover from even happening they stop it from even happening if you don't believe me that's fine what I do is I suggest that you just give it a try okay so this is what I suggest th stem detox it's risk free okay if you aren't satisfied after taking the product just email them they'll give you your money back this is no-brainer think about this they are willing to let you try the product if you don't like it they're gonna give you your money back you could just see if you could drink and not get all over with these pills no cost if it doesn't work they give you the money back if it does work you don't have [ __ ] hangovers anymore this is like the most have it on hand you can't drink like you could in college you get hungover much more easily if you end up having a few more drinks they thought you were going to bang the HMP Simbel is that listen if you have any questions you could just act dhm detox on Instagram you could just DM them and they'll answer your questions okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna give you 20% off your order okay you just head over to dhm detox and use the promo code flagrant then check out that's d hm Det o XCOM okay hit them up on instagram if you have any other questions but this is no-brainer you could test for free if you don't have to have hangovers anymore you're welcome you're [ __ ] welcome let's keep going let's get to some type of time I'm just interested in right is there anything that we need to touch on to wrap up are we covered yeah we put a real blanket on that wrap it all up you know wrap it up yeah yeah yeah okay are you interested about this 50 cent a little weighing interview yo the 50 cent Wayne thing was kind of wild it's weird here 50 talked to black people he coats which is hello yeah yeah I like him better when he talks of black people sound that [ __ ] was fine I don't like morning show 50 I hate mornings it feels it feels unnatural but we need he's talking to Chi he was just like you see how his charismatic he is when he is like oh he's hilarious yeah fifty-fifty he knows how to play the game very well well you got dirt on somebody bro that [ __ ] got a half dirt and I'm pretty sure they have dirt on him too yeah so everything's cool yeah wait so many interesting things coming out in this one thing that I thought was fascinating in the interview he says that everybody obviously were aware Mike Tyson's rape case right a woman accused Mike Tyson of rape and he went to jail for three years yeah he said that Floyd Mayweather was paying that woman's lawyer fees I could not believe that I still cannot believe it because we're talking 30 years ago he was accused of right now 25 26 27 years ago yeah so that's weird right he couldn't he wouldn't even have the [ __ ] money to do that Tyson was arrested in 1991 Floyd Mayweather's how old now 40 so he was 21 when that happened not even brothers 30 years ago that's 20 20 now so that's 30 of us 43 that can't be real girl that's what when I first heard I was like come on time maybe you talk about senior yeah but why would and also I don't think Floyd senior had money like that they were still living and [ __ ] yeah Flint Michigan or whatever I think four would have been 16 in 1999 like and that's when he got arrested right not convicted yeah so that the whole court case before that he's 1516 amateur boxer goal you making that much I pay off maybe there was a civil suit or something like that that so my thoughts on this like I have a completely different feeling I think this is super lame of 50 superboy yeah I don't like anybody who's like you know when you roll in with somebody your best french buddy buddy it's my brother brother brother you split up and now all of a sudden you want to put his dirt out there industry yeah that's the lamest move for anybody to do if you felt that way say that [ __ ] when you cool them so it's like yes as funny as he is and that's why I think he gets away with a lot of this [ __ ] cuz just pure charisma yeah and like how clever is but that's lame yeah and he's been doing that a lot like he's been it's not the first thing he said about what he said he was responsible to odd release your friend's son is suicide or some [ __ ] like that yeah that they like 5050 it's really weird so 50 got this obviously this beef with Java rule right and I get it because from what Charlemagne explains to me like back in the day like ja Rule I think sent like shooters at 50 and they were like try to [ __ ] him up it was part of the camp that ja rule ran with so I shot up 50 right yeah so like ja rule was connected with this like big-time drug dealer in Queens his name was supreme he's in jail now but so they rolled with him they basically bankrolling Murder Inc because he had that much money oh [ __ ] okay so I was like he had problems with the Supreme screw and that's who had the hit on 50 so 50 targeted that job because like oh you standing next to the guy have beef with and you know how 50 is daddy if you roll with the president I don't like you [ __ ] you too also he knows beef is very monetizing sure hundred percent herbicide he's not shy beef but they do have an actual like threats were made on his body yeah it is legit here's a here's a reason to hate ja rule for the rest is like this fit this fit this point a whether beef don't make sense like why you so angry at what if Floyd do to you it only it's almost like Floyd - smash when his girls or something like that like then they feel like there's a curse a heaviness a personal offending also go back to me and friends and then they go back to being enemies he says it even interview he says it and I think he's doing it to cover for the foul [ __ ] he's about to say but he goes no I love them I love him like a brother like we go back and forth I love him like a brother you don't say that your brother was paying the [ __ ] lawyer bills of yeah of a woman accuses another man or rape yeah yeah like that's a wild thing to say about your brother what I'm saying Fifty's that type of he's ruthless so it's like part of what we love about him is also what makes him a bad guy maybe like willing to do whatever say whatever like go to whatever lengths against his enemies and we've been entertained by that [ __ ] uh-huh but that also that same type of you know so maybe that's why he's kind of like Trump in that regard like [ __ ] bite their tongue around Trump because they like [ __ ] I better be clean cuz he gonna say everything [ __ ] up I ever did yeah yeah man I wonder if that's why Trump went I mean not to bring it back to like the Maxwell [ __ ] but I wonder like if that's why I was so hammer on the Clinton on Hillary and like so hammer on bill like bringing the rape acute bills rape accuser putting them front row yeah I wonder if he was like hold up cuz literally what happen is the ground by the [ __ ] [ __ ] got a leak too by the Democrats right Hillary never holding that [ __ ] they they leak it and then they go oh my god how could you talk to women like this this is so foul and then they're about to have their demand a debate like two days later two days later if everything perfectly time right and then Trump brings the accusers bills accusers and puts them front row but I wonder if he did that because he's like these [ __ ] that clears out here everybody this ever around them ends up dying randomly this [ __ ] bill got mad rape accusations you gonna say I'm the bag Oh like it's one thing if we both know we're [ __ ] up people and then we both don't just don't say anything because we're like yeah I'm usually so destructive but it's like hold up you will hop on your high horse about sexual assault when you married to this guy oh we don't see nobody's presidency has taken a hit post presidency like Clinton Joe that is [ __ ] we loved that [ __ ] when he was in office economy was kicking ass and taking names he made charismatic black people were literally like that's the first black president like he was the guy you know who's done the opposite George Bush jr. yep that [ __ ] is everybody's best friend he mad lovable he do it all is she doing paintings for the [ __ ] troops who got injured in war and you know with Helen yo Justin Ellen Ellen is like less than your [ __ ] killed mad people bro or was responsible for the death of mad people Ellen was just rude I think we cancel Ellen for being rude George Bush out here eating candy with Michelle Obama you mean she's taking a wrapper off man quick strong ass swamp you know he trying to open up the sour patch kids he can't get it open Michelle's like firm handshake her bra son Michelle bow come on [ __ ] she had to loosen up as first lady Barack had to be like [ __ ] you can come on shake [ __ ] is Sally Raven princes hand the ring on her finger but you know she was like give me that [ __ ] boss snap that [ __ ] all real quick she was getting ready for Trump because you remember his handshake thing that he's doing a beginner you notice he ain't [ __ ] shake hurry up you notice a black probably but yeah an eigen son so that's an interesting thing like imagine you somebody in that world matter you're a politician in this world you know how these other [ __ ] are and they go and try to put dirt on your name not swinging for the fences but swing for the fences so maybe that is fifties approach yeah and maybe that's why 50 looks so lonely like 50 don't really got friends it looks like up with don't really [ __ ] with him that's the thing like you will see him with yeah yo banks no no no bank no he left all them yeah he beef with all them I think I think he brings with a couple he can he play the call of Yale crying on the phone yeah phallus [ __ ] my he managed the game obviously fell out so your friends you came up with it yeah like publicly embarrassing these mobile yeah that's the most embarrassing real talk if you play a video and I'm a guy that openly and looks like I cry all the time I'd still if a friend played a video of me crying I'd be like I have to kill this guy like you can't do that [ __ ] to me that's the most embarrassing thing you do to a man play a videotape of him crying yeah that's funny I put on my story when I was crying with Coco [ __ ] out without you knowing yeah a problem not to give you a hug that's worse than the floyd accusation be honest with you didn't you'd also say somebody mike tyson's crew tried to keep was one of the guys who try to kill him or something like that he said in that same interview i thought i heard that yes he did yeah he did she's also that's a that's kind of a trump move like one of your homies try to body me now i'm buying your house because you're in jail and you're broken you can't afford it so [ __ ] you haha yeah yeah that's the type of [ __ ] i like i think when you do those types of moves together you got somebody but it is it is the level that his mentality is like i'm gonna win all the time way that leads to a lot he also said he also mentioned meek in that interview he discussed the same things at us academic said about me meek is gonna have a pose rap career like clam he might be he might be to claim me bill for real dog cuz it is sad academics decapitated him again yeah like did you see the tweets yeah you sent screenshot wait till we talk about that later on we talked about the IG story die Jesus or we see that sweets wasn't it more to say though it was more the same but he really bodied him like not he did oh my god he did he didn't do as well against Freddie Gibbs but he bodied weak Freddie body cuz Freddie might be more more brilliant yeah like Freddie mighty daddy yes savvy I don't think meek savvy bro it don't look like he's savvy like he I don't know man it's Freddie just kept calling him a dork basically yeah meek was like you're canceled for the meet tried to be like intellectual and he's never won that online yes that's already who the smart place you'd be like I pay girl thousand dollars said she slept with you any woman well what did yeah he was just like I'll pay any girl a thousand dollars and she slept with academics that's her Freddie Gibson or five thousand or something like that like you're ugly basically your unsleep you know by your unfuckable and then he said like I've been money you suck Takashi's dick like this is this is hot just like that's how you clap back on a guy like academics who is smart and he's like in the nerdy Lane is gonna be savvy yeah ugly yeah you just you talk like all of his followers talking his comment yeah that's how you know that's that's true what do they say they're like if you want to come at dudes like the most primal way to do it it's like wallet size waist size dick size yes something like that those are the three thing or like hairline or some [ __ ] like that it's like those are the three things they have you come at Tuesday just get defensive you go man fragile oh you broke that's what Hank did I put my house C up against your house that's why Eminem was genius with it when he was just like that yo you are small dick he by fax yeah if you can fax anything if you could just let that [ __ ] rope rush what does it go brush whatever yeah roll right off you roll off your shoulders whatever again if you can do that you're [ __ ] golden man you can't take none of this personal yeah Trump does an interesting thing where like you can say something about him and he won't acknowledge what you say or he will in a big no it's actually the greatest and then he'll dig deep on you he'll always put you on a defensive yeah instead of defending himself when you defend yourself you lost yeah he died ever defends himself but he does doesn't he with his hand sighs he's defending himself with his Harriett somebody come on trust me it's not a problem I think that's what he said about it but he like by defaults he just says like everything that people are saying is lies and then he just says some other [ __ ] I was like the polls right now he's like all the polls are lies and then he said a lot on defense but you know like you'll slip you know I mean like you won't actually like block though like you want to actually provide evidence yeah I don't know like when she's like she's like oh did you say all this fucked-up [ __ ] about women he's like only Rosie O'Donnell that [ __ ] was fired he's like you think I said it but it was only to this one person so he like takes it [ __ ] spins it back out and and and and he stands on [ __ ] that he says enough even if it's foul where you can't hold it against him like when you say some foul [ __ ] like if somebody was like I mean this isn't bad but it was like yo don't say it's only England what lobster eating but if it's like it's like you know did you say that we're training and I'd be like yeah what else are you gonna say if that's their whole argument mmm this man's bad he said the word training did you or did you not say the word training I bet ya I said training mmm yeah what they do after yeah cuz I think on some level 50 Trump a lot of these guys are incredibly aware of what people are bothered by not what the media tells you to be bothered by I think they're the most brilliant like psychological thinkers in the world maybe so this type of guy so wears like a figure Trump right or one of these guys are gonna go I could say [ __ ] because the average person don't really give a [ __ ] they just front like they care at work or they front like they care when they're on CNN or the news but when they go home and I came in a [ __ ] beat so he'll go I'll die on that sort because not a lot of people will care about that so 9 I put them in that Connery yeah he's like yeah marette come on come embrace it and then all these little kids that buy his musical I should I be what jail yeah Takashi might really clean up the streets quite frankly Giuliani broke up the Mafia if I get him to snitch on each other Takashi yo he's a Giuliani in his [ __ ] but he could prove that Retton is more profitable oh wow now a guy who's probably the complete opposite in terms of speaking out of voices his opinion is Terry Crews yes I watch it what are your guys thoughts I watched about half of it mm-hmm because I saw it on the way here yeah and he I didn't think he was making awful points he just makes a couple of points that yeah I'm like I know everybody's jumping on board at this this couple of senses like he doesn't understand marketing he doesn't know how to say like communication and like putting the theory out yeah like I just think it's just dumb to say things that you know is gonna be so divisive if you're trying to actually get an important message yes so let's let's art let's describe people what we're talking about so a couple weeks ago Terry Crews tweeted about like oh if the protests keep going like this it could lead to black supremacy he got killed for that because black supremacy that's stupid and that'll never happen that's what they said about basketball and then he doubled down and he went in the league it won't change at all you talk about the protest how all black lives matter can if we keep going in this direction it could lead to black lives are better right and once again you got roasted because that's not the intention of black lives matter and if you what is the intention of black lives matter like what is the mission statement I think the mission statement is just like hey we are mistreated disproportionately and we just want to be treated equal so we have to acknowledge that we matter - it's not like we're better there is a thing it's interesting because there is a thing in their mission statement that I think is going to get misinterpreted which is Mark you read it was something about like we believe in blowing up the idea of the nuclear family or something like that Marcellus Wiley was like I'd be nothing without my parents I'm not on board of black lawyers black s'matter off of this the same thing that we do to Terry Crews he was heated of that because I think that got misinterpreted let's let's actually mark could you bring up or Al could you bring up the black lives matter mission statement I have it here you want me to read that one yeah or how long is it it's just one sentence no no the whole thing how long there's like problem in about 15 to 18 different like axioms maybe we should just go over so cuz I thought and I'm sure a lot of people this in this podcast right now thought black lives matter is simply we want to improve our relationship with the police and with the judicial system we don't want the police to kill us and we want the police to be prosecuted when they do kill us I thought it was I think that was the only thing they care about because Terry Crews was giving push back because he was like well we also have to care about these kids these black kids that are being shot about black people and a lot of people use that as a like a counterpoint to black lives matter they go but what about black on black crime that's where yeah that wasn't it [ __ ] right and and and he so MN I think Don Lemon said in the interview he goes yes but that's no different which is what we say on this podcast which is like if you're at a you know rally for leukemia you don't run over there going but what about HIV right am I understand with black lives matter a single one single thing which was police brutality and we need to end police brutality and get justice for police brutality and that's why I was all for it but I admit my own ignorance I haven't looked at I think the action statement of black guys well I think there's two different things to me personally that there is black lives matter as a movement and there's black lives matters in institution oh it has an organized body like and I don't know if this is necessarily like people necessarily believe this but this is like sort of the way that I see it like as its unfolding okay break it down that like there are black lives matter protests better sometimes organized by like the official heads of the black lives matter institution but then other times created just by like individual actors mmm-hmm and these protests are pretty much directed at police reform and police brutality as it's directed towards black and brown people great then there is a black lives matter institution which is like an organized body that accepts like donations and they have a website with their mission statement and that's what out pulled up I think the idea is to dismantle systemic racism and like improve Eliza but I think that those two things potentially could be separate and I think they it might be helpful for the discourse if they're looked at almost as like separate but like related things because if they're not looked as separate or related and we find out that black lives matter the institution has thoughts about how to improve the lives of black people outside of police brutality and then you will have detractors go well I don't like this thing I'm off board or black lives matter all right as a movement and you present that and also you might have them go well won't you add you know black crime towards kids to that write a list of if you got twenty things make it twenty one where you know no more black kids get shot because unfortunately you know a bunch of them were shot over the weekend I think in Chicago which I think all black people like you know we need to stop I don't think there's any black person out there it's like we don't need to stop black this is the weird is the concept like of course it's just like it's like Muslims with terrorism it's like yeah we want to stop it we're the ones dying yeah like terrorism affects Muslims more than anybody right so black on black crime affects black people more then of course they want to stop it but there's another institutional problem that also needs to be stopped I think that mark you breaking up like that showcases why it's muddy yeah and I think it's really important for the movement that that gets kind of described or figured out I think you might have been confused because we first heard of black lives matter for the Troy [ __ ] what's his name dude in Florida say Walmart Trayvon Martin yeah yeah sorry about that I think that's I know I know start the episode when it didn't remember the black live salsa I think we first heard about the movement during those protests right and that highlighted that situation and also police brutality situations because Zimmerman wasn't police so that's why people tied in to just that but the initial Reese they got involved was just about brutality against black people it wasn't just about then the question would be if its brutality against black people yeah do they carry that energy towards brutality against black people who happen to be black and like you said I think they wouldn't disagree with that we're just saying if we can dismantle systemic racism that will take care of itself yeah because it's like right crime is gonna happen there's white on white crime right know why he's marching about that it's like we understand that crimes gonna happen it's wrong we need to fix it but things like the police for example this is an institution that's paid by our tax dollars like that shouldn't be right something that we're fighting against right and an infringement on your constituent exactly right no I I understand that I think that is clear to me the in this conversation comes up every time there is any sort of criticism of the police you're always going to have a certain part of people go well what about black-on-black crime yeah and if it had nothing to do with police brutality if it was said in and of itself I think it would actually be a really thoughtful thing to bring up right like if you're saying how can we improve black communities in America it's one saying is sorry you can't bring it up as a retort exactly it's when it's brought up as a retort hmm it doesn't seem like you sincerely care it seems like you're using it as a counter-argument to black to police brutality yeah so so I think that's probably in a ma'am you know I'm not trying to speak for you but I imagine that's what irks black people so much about it cuz it's like well you don't care about you're saying we don't care about black lives make oh you clearly don't care either because we're [ __ ] when the police aren't killing us you know I'm here talking about what about black on black crime and you just hear when they're police person kills yeah so which I get a hundred percent but I do think it's something that all that all politicians should look at and care about anytime there's a heightened amount of crime work also it's black and black why don't like Asian ladies I don't give a [ __ ] what is if there's a heightened amount of crime in an area there should be efforts made to reduce that yeah and I don't think anybody would push back just like you say Akash its the retort that make you resent some [ __ ] you know it's also an interesting retort to that retort is you realize black-on-black crime does tend to happen more in areas where there's a lot of police force so what tells you the police force is really effective at doing as a job if we're still killing each other where there's tons of police well imagine how much more they be killing oh you say mark yeah I think that's completely right like trying to use a problem as a rebuttal to a pre-existing problem it shows like a complete lack of empathy yeah that's how women argue right like [ __ ] like you forget to do some [ __ ] right or like how am i organizing this argument to do some [ __ ] they forget to search it you're like yo you didn't do that and they're like yeah but you don't even listen to me anyway you're right say you're sorry and then tomorrow tell them I don't listen and I will listen 100% exactly that's why we don't like the black on black crime argument cuz you sound like a bunch of [ __ ] ass [ __ ] for real change the subject guys [ __ ] get out of here change the subject [ __ ] real talk no but that is an interesting point and maybe it's important to articulate that to be able to use that argument it's like you'll bring that up within times of peace all lives matters probably annoying it's a retort it's a retort and I saying your life don't matter to save this [ __ ] like hold off yeah yo yeah when all lives matter if you say all lives matter guess who agrees be the first ones going finally all right let's hit another one before we got to get out of here could we just play the the the second sound bite on the second to last topic Oh God did you watch this I know it was so good to hear this is a classic moment from flagrant audio I think but and but we Andrews telling a story about where somebody like it was in Washington DC and the guy passed out during my show but we're not gonna watch the whole thing to get there nah no no there's a second one the second link should just be the ordinal go down go down go down to 71 one tweet right there yeah play this with sound please this is I'm talking like if you a flagrant fan oh gee you know this story about Andrew I guess somebody passed out from laughing or something she don't one of your shows yeah some dude just passed that laughing when I was in DC anybody's part of the story when he retold it was he says he all he heard Andrew heard was his wife going somebody called headlamps yeah we were like should we help him is he dead he's or whatever and then I don't know where his wife just goes cut all that stuff someone called Emily we need look I knew I knew it was but I definitely look at her like now we know exactly what it sounds like damn right son that's right I thought that was a bad job you should you know you had drops on the patreon I showed you that drop matter fact every time I said that other word on this podcast last topic then we got to get out of here boys Oh president oh god how do we not talk about that yeah oh yeah okay Kanye running for president um um okay here's the thing there are two things going on here one thing is why he would do it the other thing is if it's a good idea so let's discuss why he would do um first of all I don't know how I got through this whole podcast with that giant [ __ ] pimple oh you said it I bring it up because I want him to be all self-conscious about the whole every tiny so I think that should gonna shoot all over the [ __ ] YouTube class when I was focusing on his solo I was just like oh huge bro you said no you good side to you good just don't try oh he said okay alright okay so uh here's the thing I completely understand why Kanye would do it because everything Kanye has ever done his entire life he's been told he can't do it and then he did it and that eventually lends itself to a way of thinking which is oh [ __ ] I can do the impossible there is nothing that can stop me and I started thinking about what if he was gonna run for president again we're not talking idea if this isn't a good idea obviously Calle has some mental health issues and that's the most dangerous because you don't need him getting all emotional and going I miss the old Kanye like that could be no more Iran Kanye yeah you know I mean like we can't have you buy that the button we got Trump in there like yeah but he's not his mental health isn't as shaky as kindness I think there's a big problem when you have that okay so that being said I think Kanye is the type of person if it is great at HR in other words like when Kanye wants to learn about fashion he was like I won't just intern at Louis Vuitton or one of these like big fashion houses you just want to learn mm-hmm people that want to learn they want to like soak up information these are the types of people that you wanted leadership roles right so he finds Virgil and Virgil was out there he was very good but he plucks original he puts him under his wing and he lets Virgil help him build this brilliant brand right I think that he's great at locating talent and finding talent obviously sometimes you're gonna have a Timmy Timmy Turner or whatever the [ __ ] that guy's name was designer right but like I think Kanye is good with talent and I think he would find and hire the talent that would help him effectively run a business or country if he was going to do it it's the emotional yes is he very easily manipulated yes and that would be the trickiest thing you can manipulate him into doing anything if you just seem smarter them anybody smarter than Kanye can get Kanye to do anything if they're in the same room that's my feeling and that's why it's tough when you're what for him to be president for him to be president that being said a complete understand why he thinks he could do it I really do I talk to my my brother-in-law who's like a big Kanye fan he's like honestly man I just I don't vote for him I hope I don't yeah yeah man I just hope I don't cuz he loves him that much yo people are gonna beat he will get votes dog son oh my god so first thing that comes to mind is this is just marketing for his new music because he dropped a song the day before he knows this uh I think it's just marketing he has new music coming out hey let's have people talking about me I have a picture with Elon Musk Elon Musk says he supports me like this is I think it's just about music second there's a conspiracy theory that he's helping Trump I've heard this by him running he's gonna take away some of the black vote from Biden and that will seal the deal I'll take away the black vote from Trump any black votes Trump would have got and not saying they would have been a lot I think they don't look at Kanye black Trump yeah but I mean right now Biden has more black support than Trump course and Kanye is gonna get from both sides mark thought yeah I've heard like the same conspiracy I'm not really sure it's either a PR stunt or he's trying to like pull votes for Trump I think probably PR stunts yeah the it's PR stunt I'm with you on that but that's another good discussion which is who does this hurt more I think it hurts Biden more yeah you think so absolutely I think that there are black people and white people that are so influenced by Kanye and he has such devout fans I mean like cry at the [ __ ] concerts I fan it's true young black people are gonna vote for Connie over Biden probably hundred percent no there's a thing everybody's been knocking Trump which is fine knock them all you want I haven't had a single seen a single person support by them there is no movement which is Biden is our next hope Biden is a the movement is not Trump is our hope yeah because Biden's not the guy you wanna know some foul [ __ ] that I think just happened look you know how the Kishin Lance bottoms the Atlanta mayor she was gaining tons of popularity she was popping do you think they gave her that kovat I don't think she has COBIT I think that they may they get fake kovat test fake Kobe positive or they gave her kovin but I think that they they said you are not going to be vice president you're getting too popular it's not your job we want that Club achar [ __ ] and I would not be surprised if they start giving kovat or the people that are going to be it's either Kamala or Klobuchar whoever's willing to kiss the ring I would not be surprised if the other people the Stacey Abrams the other people who were like close to the conversation end up getting cold it would not be smart it isn't that a great thing to do because you can't risk by this old ass getting caught corona cuz he's out of here talking about too much this weekend but I've never told him that I'll just say you better your conspiracy he gave up on you you was right he was right yeah it's too different yeah it was like so much thank you different over here yeah no apparently Kanye missed the ballot deadlines already in Texas New York and Illinois which is his home city Chicago it's obviously [ __ ] and it's either to split votes but I don't even think he's I don't think Trump would do that like I don't think Kanye is that much of a tool to try to pull votes from anyone certain what do you mean he's pictured with him big right but then Connie is not powerful enough for Trump to be like yo do me this favor what it what did we talk about earlier this is the most important thing for this discussion what do we talk about earlier mark what did you say before you put someone a position of power they need to be tethered to you hmm I think that Kanye is too emotionally unstable to be tethered and if that's the case he's decide to [ __ ] to go on TV and go George Bush don't care about black people he's that person attacked the establishment like that if there was a conversation where Trump goes yes I'd like you to take some black votes away so why don't you run and then maybe you'll get some we could peel some way from Biden I think Kanye type [ __ ] they might get upset at Trump one day and go nah we had a conversation and he told me to run and take black votes away from Biden Connie is the type of [ __ ] to say that [ __ ] remember we were like yo their point hits out on me yes I agree with Tom Trump I would never trust Kanye to keep a secret or I have money on the table but at the same time Trump is desperate right now so I can also see Trump be like yo I've worked with Kim Kardashian already I'll have a little position for her or whatever if I get reelected I could see that Kim and I could see Kim being the one to commit but Trump can I have or any Trump's people can I have every conversation with Kanye cuz I should gonna come out its Romney in a song it's gonna be on a t-shirt I'm ever gonna love to squeal bro so he's the rat yeah before we go you want to do a couple quick hits cuz that we haven't got to a lot yeah some topics then we hit Halle Berry yes what's going to play a role as a trans man and then a trans community came after her because one they're tired of cisgender people playing trans people and when she was talking about playing the role she referred to them as it instead of he or she like that also should they understand playing someone you're not like we don't get upset when they playing us right we're not giving them the walls yeah you taking on roles not in acting in life you doggy style on the urinal I can't even pee I'm full I contact my [ __ ] jeans my point is nah get over that [ __ ] like this is another perfect example I would say is there a more beautiful person to represent trans than Halle Berry like that's that's a great representative yeah what's the problem also you don't know how she identifies oh [ __ ] why the black lives matter please don't assume everybody's sexual assuming heard gender yeah right yeah why don't you stop assuming gender you don't know what Halle identifies as maybe she identifies as it yeah she has short hair the most of her career right way in light-skinned dudes most of her career that's pretty trance you love Xan because of the backlash she received she turned down the role she turned down the role yeah like she gave it up she's not doing it anymore so now this is actually really interesting yeah now you're only gonna have a trans actor play the role right now trans actors do not carry the weight at the box office the straight actor does so what is more sour say again how he buries a stole Halle Berry is a star so what is more valuable to the trans movement is being on the big screen and people empathizing with this character and understanding the story and understanding what it's like being trans and all of a sudden humanizing trans people right just so many people who hate them for no [ __ ] reason they don't even know them but creating this character to truly humanizes and gets them to think about trans people in a completely different way what's more important that or one trans [ __ ] get in a [ __ ] role what's more important it's like yo look at the bigger picture like one of the things I love about the black lives matter argument is you know we have to go after the system of how policing is done if you just keep on locking up every cop that doesn't change the system that creates this mmm that's the bandaid on the artery cauterize the artery cauterize that you like that alright look let's wrap up on this jorge maas Badal come on I want to see this this is one of the few UFC fights not style bender that I'm like I want to pay for this yeah yeah I mean this guy mas Vidal's is just a great character he's got such a crazy unique career and like he was gonna fight us man and then he stopped his he was like nah I'm not getting the money I deserved and then the dude that was gonna fight Iseman this got burns who's [ __ ] nice we were watching his face recently I guess he ended up getting aronia he can't do it tomorrow woman is much bigger than Jorge Masvidal not only at height in terms of like walking around weight I mean massive that being said you never know I mean Jorge could pull it off he could find a way his hands are better than komaru it's it's gonna be very interesting tomorrow did not prepare for Jorge now granted Jorge wasn't even camp I really think Jorge's taking this fight because he got a much bigger check he got a check closer what he wanted right and then when you get the check closer what he wanted if you lose you can always be like bro I didn't eat on weeks no notice I wasn't even in camp I had spent the entire week losing the weight and then rematch rematch so all he has to do is beak listen if he's competitive and the fight is interesting right and he's competitive and the fight is interesting Huisman isn't nice right Oh Schmitt is nice it looks like it was when it's nice it looks like so I was not a rookie though this is almost as 50th fight yeah he been at it sanctioned lord knows how many fights i'ma [ __ ] around on the street yeah so he's when you have that many fights you know how to exist in the ring yeah right like you know how to get through a fight you know how ok this guy got me I got to stay off my back to set the other he'll be able to make it a fight even if he doesn't have like supreme conditioning I just would love to see him run it back when he's in good shape so I think it's cool man and the whole card is fire well stacked who else we got Holloway Vulcan offski shut up boy max man max Holloway came out to our show when we were in Hawaii I was so dope against a Vulcan offski yep that's gonna be a fire fight their first fight was dope and then there's another one too right Jose Aldo and uh Peter Yan yeah this guy damn Peter Yan who's nice he's nasty in that division he's just knocking [ __ ] out like very strong dude and then of course Aldo is a legend and then they got a rose not honest or whatever they got the girls fight so I'm watching this Saturday it sounds like we're doing a promo for UFC but it shouldn't I know we keep it same we're gonna go but we should discuss oh it shall Patti my Holmes man Oh [ __ ] biggest contract in sports half a bill man this [ __ ] is crazy bro look maybe we will talk about that on the patreon okay um yo patreon uh has been [ __ ] crazy man I guess the word is out I don't know what the [ __ ] going on but apparently we didn't tell people you what you get from a patreon oh [ __ ] my bad yeah fairly man people were signed to patron they didn't even know is how much I'll [ __ ] with us how much I'll support us man that's just touching man people sign up they even know that we have a whole other episode every Friday on patreon you go to to you sign up and some people just sign up because they want to support the frequencies yeah unless y'all man yeah that's the most beautiful thing ever so anyway we love you all and come through if you want to check out next episode we do an episode every single week on patreon where we you know we are there we're wild it's really been a thing to protect us from canceled culture it's been a thing that allows us to keep it flagrant over here because if any sponsors drop us we know we got the patreon to fall back on I know this a lot of podcasts out there they can't afford to do that so you guys allow us to be free you guys allow us to say what other [ __ ] we want to say and the patron are so [ __ ] important to that man so if y'all [ __ ] with us and you think that people really like it you you know spread the word you guys been doing it like crazy has been grown at this insane [ __ ] rate man we're really we're just really blessed man we really appreciate y'all so we will see you Friday on that will talk about paddy Holmes historic deal and all the new [ __ ] that pops out with get some like Elaine Maxwell and everything else going on we'll get to we love you we appreciate you and that's about it man army strong peace [Applause]
Views: 557,324
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Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media, eddin, eddin media, Thankyoueddin
Id: dXCI_wDx7Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 48sec (7248 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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