Adele Is Blacker Than Beyonce | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh

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The Adele part was the most hilarious, but the rest of the episode was kinda weak. And I'm a huge fan!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/papakop 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

"She doesn't listen to this trash."

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/elizarraras87 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

hold that Mark Gagnon age bit just a joke? Or did he actually date a 14 year old??

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nomoretangles 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] hello everyone there's been a new introduction to the podcast we need to raise the stakes okay it needs to get a little bit more intense in here we're resting on our laurels i don't know what just happened right there because my brain was telling me i need neurolink my brain was telling me to do it yeah to say laurels yeah and then it just did not come out and i tried three times yeah anyway point is mark saying dunkin donuts yeah don't he can't say don't don't i say it normal so mark does say dunkin donuts normally but we started a little thing to make him think that he says it weird okay this is all before the podcast so shut the [ __ ] up so i could introduce this thing everybody anyway we have this nerf gun here okay this nerf gun is filled with exactly three bullets okay these three bullets represent three fuck-ups by somebody on this podcast okay that could be akash that could be alex media that could be mark gagnon that could be andrew schultz okay upon a [ __ ] up a nerf bullet might fire but keep in mind mr akashi keep in mind alex me to keep in mind mark gagnon you run out of bullets there's nothing you could do okay well we don't know maybe we'll amend that rule but at the moment at the moment that i'm making the rules up as we speak there's nothing that you could do when you run out of bullets so make sure when you're saying your [ __ ] that it's on point that doesn't mean you can't be wrong yeah wait what doesn't mean you can't be wrong you could be wrong especially when we're doing feelings no facts okay if you say something i don't like yeah then you can get shot okay that's all give me what enough has been shocked i know right oh i abused it this way nothing black lives matter yeah i mean i'm not using that idea we need to restore order you said law and orders no heat over here i'm out here in the turquoise what color is this seafoam seafoam i got women's green i'm wearing my girl's sweatshirt yeah you guys see what it is sporty and rich sporty and rich i'm not afraid i'm not moving out of new york seinfeld do you good to see y'all agreeing on something that's it we're we're good we're with it i don't know i don't agree on what you said i didn't even hear it and it's totality fix your brain today i don't know what happened how could i put something don't condone it's worth mentioning at home we also all have guns oh yeah everybody has a gun yeah you didn't say that well if i said something wrong you could shoot me you know what i'm saying we'd be shooting you the whole episode maybe maybe okay a little peaceful protest that's what it is okay what al got a kyle written house tattoo you remember for you ryan house tattoo shut the [ __ ] remember that little pudgy white boy he shoots up people at the market he got a kyle rain house tattoo that kid is chubby bro yeah he got some little titties bro you didn't you know who kyle trying to protect a gas station from dangerous whites before okay he was protecting it from dangerous whitetail because you know how that whites get down and what did he start to do with them whites when they was bucking off well he do he killed him dead yeah he killed a couple he killed a couple whites dead how he killed white people he killed white people bro that's what i'm saying now let me ask you this that's proof that all lives don't matter that is proof wait what white protesters lives do not matter white black lives matter supporters do not matter hey dude white black lives matter supporters shot and killed a couple white people i think he shot one more white guy this [ __ ] hates white people bro yeah but the group that is which side was he what that's why i don't know why you're right white conservative wouldn't you hate white liberals more than black people holy [ __ ] yo [ __ ] you first of all you traitor second of all you mad annoying started shut the [ __ ] up everybody's like yo he went there to kill black people no i went to the house watching important but that's just like what you say you don't trust uh hindus with white names i don't trust indians with white names indians are white names and that's what conservative whites they don't trust whites that are out there the black lives matter march yeah so kyle ryden house was like hey it's on and popping started bucking off on whites they're dead now now this gas station are you happy rip allies that's what you just said you see because he doesn't care if they rest in peace al yes i do of course what are their names say their name say their names what is this what does the ally ship get you say their names we're not gonna disrespect them like that you know let them rest in peace what are their names peter patrick paul if we say in the pewter pumpkin eater we say it three times they're gonna come out of here damn time i swear guys three times what's going on what happens if you say it three times a loaf of wonder bread appear we're not gonna laugh bakery pops up in a rough neighborhood nowhere we're not gonna laugh at this kyle ray in the house is a murderer murderer right i'm just saying whose side claims him i mean it's kind of clear what it's kind of clear he was killing the white male patriarchy bruh but the side that's paying for his lawyer fees and [ __ ] like that i think they're the ones that which shot the right the right is paying for it yeah they're paying for his lawyers are they really yes are you positive yes are you sure i'll be knowing that [ __ ] i was listening to daily yo that was a fun started for him yeah they oh they started a fun yeah do you know who started that it could have been george soros oh you know who he is al i know actually yeah you gotta get on a little youtube wormhole if you want to figure out about that is george soros real i've never seen a picture of this guy bro i don't know who that [ __ ] is that's just who's he's like the big bad guy on the left you know the koch brothers are the big bad guy on the right right he's a big bad guy he's professor x koch brothers are magneto right that's all it is okay george soros out there funding all your [ __ ] because you let [ __ ] know it's about to go down you would think they would make guns that didn't need that oh they need that why because for that exact reason oh to like set the tone oh that [ __ ] yo bro that's like uh when a snake rattles his tail right there he's about to go down that's when you tear the condom yeah yeah i'm about to feel nothing you this is the both of us look at each other stone face i gotta try [ __ ] with a condom again it's been so long since how long has it been bro hit it tomorrow throwback tuesday everybody have to throw back thursday that [ __ ] for real my brother i haven't had sex i haven't had sex why she gonna think you cheated no no no no she's not she is yo my girl hit me with this [ __ ] the other day we were walking in uh she's like do you think that we're gonna have problems um reproducing i go why she was well i'm not a pill or anything like we haven't ever used condoms whoa girl on the inside it's going to be lathered you know she's trying to bait and switch you that's what she's trying to bait and swim oh you won't you won't oh my where's she at she's smart you got a couple shots to fire up in there about three million give her always a little waxy coating but for real that's disrespect but then whose size you rooting for because she said pre-cum has come in it and like i've stayed on this podcast i've heard you can get pregnant from pre-columbus you'll get pregnant from no pre-cum and then don't pee then there could be sperm in the pre-cum if you go if you go round two you know round two we're not worried about that over here bro talking about round two sometimes it's time to stop saucing come on bro you can't run it back it needs to be one round and you're out but that's exactly right you [ __ ] there's still some [ __ ] left in your dick right because you ain't toothpaste it yeah if you kiss after you gotta go gogurt you gotta go go gert yeah ooh drip drip drip drip no that's that drip you never go get that [ __ ] out come on mark is 14 years old you know he knows about these fruit snacks and stuff [ __ ] still drink applesauce out the little thing with the top of the screws off he got the apple sauce pouches i love those those are actually mad good they're delicious bro yeah and they're really easy to travel with and i thought applesauce was good for you because i thought it was just apples punched yes i thought but it's not it's not yo what does it have in it mad sugars sugars you would think the apple would be sugars enough healthy uh-huh you thought didn't you we all thought [ __ ] but it turns out no okay a lot of things have been turning out no lately ow you've been all up on this [ __ ] cdc you've been all up on that website you didn't share that information the truth that came out about it what happened what the [ __ ] are you talking you know what happened when they be lying to us about corona all right this whole time liberal owl no what's coming listen you could tell drew bark have been his name he's not even involved in this i went to the doctor to check on my finger that i broke a long time ago but i never got fixed what kind of doctor i had a doctor that was indian okay valid information okay yes that sweden guy really handled you like that what sweden guy when he sideswiped you your finger's still broken no this is from a skirmish with my brother okay this happened over two months ago my finger's still not straightforward it was a skirmish bro it was a skirmish mark you put that gun up in the air one more time i swear it might fire a warning shot just okay okay anyway so there's this skirmish you know about the skirmish my finger i believe is broken everybody's saying it's sprained i go to the hospital finally because i can't bend it all the way i can't protect my girl from the new york that's about to happen which is quite dangerous i can't make a full fist with this hand okay this [ __ ] comes out a little bit like i'm about to frank underwood a table it's not like is that girls make a fist you know girls that's how my thumb goes down how do they always make a fist like i think they think if it's pointier it's gonna hurt more like girl girls want to fly like this nothing hurts your feelings like al when he hits that laugh yeah that [ __ ] disrespected me bro that [ __ ] really disrespected me bro hey bro hey oh man calm down now so i'm at the doctor ow and you were holding out information you ain't gonna shoot just like you ain't shooting at your shorty oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that disrespect i mean you're right i should be like you i'll be like did i come you know how the girl used to ask did you come here i'd be like did i so so all right i'm at this hospital right i'm getting my finger checked out clearly broke a bone that's the type of force i punch with i broke up snap the bone right off my bone it's right that [ __ ] is is that how he said it bro it's called an abrasion that's what you got i chipped the bone right off my bone bro oh word yeah oh [ __ ] it's called an abrasion i didn't know that's what that was an abrasion yeah you better brace yourself for this information i'm about to give you right now because seriously you lost a legit piece of bone a piece of bone came right off my bone i don't know where that [ __ ] is well it's in there abrasion is just a scraper that's what i thought an abrasion was like operation operation son i don't know it was one of them it was it was severe and you said inspiration in harry potter when you go from one place to the other shut the [ __ ] up with us he was indian you didn't know he was and yeah he could have said anything really at that point right so my man told me how much i [ __ ] my [ __ ] up i had to go get the x-rays and all that then he starts telling me his political views i got a feeling he's listening to the podcast maybe before maybe or not maybe he's seen some of the weekly pieces i'm not certain but he felt very comfortable talking to me about the world as he sees it [Laughter] guy said that what's happening right now with coronavirus is a cool this is a doctor oh a coo he's a cocoon you think [ __ ] i gotta shoot you for that i really got i'll go to the wide open another indian in your life oh was okay ready yeah that was just that was that how was that i'm mad you did that to my friend al all right relax we're not doing retaliation shots okay this is how this is how things get dangerous this is montague capulet [ __ ] we gotta stop it right now truce [Laughter] no true truth hey truce anyway so hey that's why he's still angry me to this day okay so the guy says this is a coup we should have opened up months ago he thinks it's a coup to get trump out of office that's what he was saying he goes he tells me as he goes 94 of the people that got corona didn't die from corona they had co-morbidities that other situations was causing them to die only six percent die from corona did you know that information you didn't want to tell it to us no i didn't know that information and you didn't you did i did and you never thought that you could share it with us did you what are you talking about you're just gonna you're just gonna go to your wedding you're just gonna go to your wedding common knowledge well all of us were terrified son you [ __ ] 12 times a day so if you get the corona you're gonna have like floods of [ __ ] flying out your ass so let's not take that chance yeah you get sick every other week so you get corona it might not be good for you one more time i remember as it hit you you weren't even ready like it hit you and you stood for a minute like did he just shoot the [ __ ] out anyway point is this guy's saying that fat people are really the cause of corona being an epidemic or a pandemic didn't we know that that was all pre-existing conditions but i didn't know it was 94 i didn't know the fat people were causing the [ __ ] world to go down it's not just fab it's fat people bro for the sake of this podcast it's fat people now pile on everybody do what fat people do to themselves do what they do to their plate at a buffet pile on no but for real we were talking about this yesterday the one thing the one reason why it's always been messed up to make fun of fat people is because it's self-inflicted right the fatness only affects themselves right now we could tease them be like our [ __ ] with our flights you know they're you know whatever next to us and touching us on the subway this at the other all these other [ __ ] up things that's annoying to look at i don't know whatever you want to say whatever okay can't find a mask that fits your whole face touching on the trains no when that thigh hits your thigh bro and their [ __ ] is mad hot turn cold your thigh out that's your problem but it's not touching someone else's thigh you never had a fat person's thigh touch your thigh and the top is [ __ ] hot the bottom is cold because they don't have that good blood circulation hot pocket ass time she never had that experience for the subway well i have many at times hal sorry not all of us drive a tesla you [ __ ] such a piece of [ __ ] you're blowing all your bullets so fast you're right bro we've never been able to make fun of fat people because what they did only hurt themselves that was the idea right it was a victimless crime being fat the only victim was you okay now that we know that they just caused global economic collapse and that they're putting massive pressure not only their weight but actually like structural pressure on our hospitals and medical system and taking ventilators away from people deciding not to just eat oreos their whole life and actually killing people from being fat i think we can make fun of fat people now i didn't want to agree until you said that last line the ventilators right no now we can make fun of fat people so i feel like if we can make fun of fat people i'm willing to agree with pretty much anything i think it's all no you used to be fat i was a fat you were a fat my jeans are supposed to be fat somebody might call them sweatpants i'll shoot myself so i just understand that it's not something that you necessarily have to do most of us cannot be fat that's right how did you stop being fat shame a lot of shame you know what i mean a lot of family telling me i was fat i had a uncle every time he would see me eating i would stay at his house pretty much all summer every time he'd just be like god enough of that you're going to lose weight he just says god it's just oh my god he was disgusted yes yeah just come on just grab your stomach indians don't give a [ __ ] you get enough shame like i should do something about this so maybe instead of this like love is love [ __ ] all these fat models stomping down the runway maybe what we do is we start going stop killing everybody in the world from corona one you you two ew and three stop being selfish and taking up all the ventilators you need a ventilator just to walk down the street you already own that it's called a cpap yeah [Laughter] real talk imagine that you need a ventilator just to sleep at night and then you're gonna go take a ventilator from a skinny person that got corona it's more emotionally good for you i guess to be nice but it's physically better to shame them and now you've got time to work on the self-worth issues because you're gonna live longer because you're not fat exactly we gotta do the right thing mark which is you tell me click click click click no for real what do you think the right thing is what do you think the solution is if you get it wrong i'm shooting you right in your [ __ ] massive eyebrow bridge what a target that should be casting a shadow on owl what a thing to make fun of i don't even know what the [ __ ] i probably is you don't notice it all the way around he got that neanderthal yeah [Applause] when i was born i was born i look like the [ __ ] guy coming out of the ground this [ __ ] got caught right here his mom is doing that every bill's still documented she's just like is that his shoulders oh that [ __ ] hurt bro that [ __ ] was frozen but more of that game froze it yeah yeah you better watch out oh my god why'd you do that mark because you were making fun of my giant ass forehead not even that giant we just got to make fun of something mark oh that's a rule that you didn't know about you can take bullet's shot at you and repurpose oh my god that was terrifying that was absolutely terrifying the way that y'all ganked up on me like that yeah it's been like gracious i felt like i was eating dinner outside in washington d.c [Laughter] y'all don't know what that is black lives matter remember the girl was just trying to have some caesar salad was she doing this no she wasn't doing that enough and they were like say black lives matter and she was just like i just didn't want any parmesan you didn't see the picture oh man dude [ __ ] dude what do you whack off to you bro [Laughter] um nah but for real is there anything else that we want to discuss when it comes to obesity [Laughter] i mean sometimes it's not their fault whose fault is it uh systemic when yep systemic well some people might be like oh [Laughter] okay okay listen if it's not their fault what are you talking about you want you want facts or feelings i want feelings mark god damn we'll get to the facts later all right well the feeling the single fact come out of your [ __ ] noggin bro i swear to god no no facts no facts go uh it's a lot precious i know that's definitely not a fact sometimes a feeling can be factual but that's not its intended purpose are you pointed at me you want to turn it on the minorities [Laughter] yeah you think that's what black people should do you ever seen brad pitt in fight club well he just starts beating [ __ ] out of himself and nobody knows what to do you think if cops started like would just start hitting themselves when cops came around they'd be a lot gentler yeah i mean they'd be like oh man you're doing our job for us yo just throw these cuffs on no need for extra brutality yo yo that's a good solution bro that is an interesting thing what would you do you just punch yourself right in the face yeah you want to go hard yo if you're i mean well they're not going to tackle you if you already tackled you exactly yo strategy that's one strategy it could work yo our guys trying to save black lives al what are you doing i've been out here soon fair enough son yeah ow took a little break from his black lives saving to go to the kids store and get his drip on point maybe he looted it you never know all your kaleidoscope shirts you got kids [ __ ] drawers sweats i miss going to the women's shop man i got to get me i got to shop with my girl forever 21 and [ __ ] that's the only story y'all don't break into i gotta call it [ __ ] that looks like it's her size too nah this is alyssa xl bro no don't diss me i got i got body scene [Applause] door before you go through penthouse boop not penthouse now you got to get that fixed son if you get into a fight yet oh my god i that's what i'm saying i'm trying to protect my girl but i can't even do this yo i've been trying i got a punch like that oh yeah i got a hadouken [ __ ] out here did you karate chop them oh yeah i could do that new york's gonna be that wild do you think yes maybe i don't know maybe a little while you know what i don't get about rich people yeah they're moving out of new york right right why not just pay the dangerous people to go right but like it seems like that's cheaper right like instead of buying a whole new house selling your house like moving all your furniture give me all your money be like i got a proposition yeah just go i'll give you all my money if you leave you go i'll give you the money you go and then recruit i have a rental property you can stay in here this makes perfect sense because let's say it costs you a million dollars to move out of the city how much is gonna cost that guy yes a million you gotta move moving sucks oh that [ __ ] sucks but you could probably get a thousand homeless people to move out for you it's not the homeless people are gonna come at you they're homeless they're chilling so wait who is it it's the bad guys bro it's that's what it is bro i think we got that you pay [ __ ] to move out the city al you don't think that the guys that are out here robbing on a regular wouldn't like a nice vacation from robin no yeah i think they would they deserve it yeah they deserve it yeah yeah they work hard they work hard all hours mostly night yeah they do night shifts there's nice [ __ ] yeah let's throw off their whole circadian rhythms working those hours yeah i mean they sleeping through sunlight that's terrible for you say circadian rhythm i swear to god you got one bullet left you've got one more left uncomfortable for everybody involved and i shot your titties yeah i shots titties yeah last time the first time oh man no but for real you need to get shot for even bringing up circadian rhythm okay all right i'll accept that you're understanding you said what's coming i'm not gonna say how are you gonna talk about circadian bro black panther just died you're gonna be talking about his most precious metal precious metal bro he's taking that long nap though son come on bro i can't cope i cope al what the [ __ ] i ain't saying nothing do you think i'm just saying the pain like kevin hart said don't do that [ __ ] don't [ __ ] make me look like an [ __ ] yeah he's gonna try to make you look like make you look good oh up great timing drew great topic no in all seriousness though in all seriousness with the chad chadwick bozeman yeah situation i will i had to step into studio two the other day and [ __ ] weep a little bit but it was so sad while we were at work while we were here work you were in here uh research napping or whatever you do yeah robbie was out there and then what did you do i went to studio two and i watched the last scene of avengers you you know the not the last scene but when they take out thanos when all the guys go it's a tearjerker the first person to come back to help cap is black panther so he steps out of that little circle that the chinese man made probably wuhan [ __ ] virus right there yeah stepped out said something we got to back this at the other and i was like oh no bro this [ __ ] got me it's too sad man it was sad and it's so [ __ ] sad i've been thinking about why it's so profoundly sad yeah i can't figure it's like kobe level sadness you know what i think it is i think it is that one it was unbelievably shocking like we had no clue yeah in the same way with kobe right it seemed like someone who was invincible and all of a sudden yeah gone but the age is so close in proximity to ours that we felt our mortality a little bit at least for me i was like 43 it started four years ago that means he already had it prior to four years when they found out bro he's probably filmed [ __ ] the black panther with that [ __ ] 2016 that movie came out 2018. damn sure while he's doing press and everything he knows we saw him at the all-star game in 2018 or 2019 whatever is all right yeah yeah got a huge ovation because you know they're like showing the stars and black panther had just come out he got the biggest ovation by far he just seemed like he didn't seem like phony or whatever he just seemed like humbly smiling or whatever and it was just like oh he seems like a decent dude that's i'm not i'm just whatever but like bruh something about it just ah we had no idea i think that's the thing he hit it for so long i think he was just starting to enjoy like peak fame where like he's a superstar in the making but he also actually really seems like to care about acting and about the art and the way that i don't think most of them do right something about it man i think all of it added to it plus what he meant for black people like black panther meant so much how many times do you see it three times i just i just [ __ ] yeah that's not even that many real talk that's very white if you'd only see it three times it was just something man i was like colon cancer that i have in my family and i'm 36 he's got diagnosed at 30. he got diagnosed at 39. that means he probably had it at 38. that means i'm a year and a half yeah away from when he had it yeah i think that [ __ ] hit me like oh my god bro like i think another thing happened in corona times where it's like oh you just died from corona or police brutality yeah those are the only deaths that happened and then we saw this other death that would be normal pre-corona yeah but now seems so out of the blue and she's like oh yeah yeah dude you're just out when you start learning about a lot of the things that he did like he would go to children's hospitals that were actually dying from cancer as well as he's dying from cancer all right we're gonna take a break for saying because i need everybody to get their balls right i need everybody to get their dick right i need everybody to get their pubic hair you can damn there see my pubic hair through these shorts you're welcome okay you're welcome okay what are you talking about what pubic hair it's groomed oh you're right you got no pubic hair i'm manscaping my whole [ __ ] listen lawnmower 3.0 i mean this 100 sincerely stop acting like girls don't give a [ __ ] about your pubic hair you should got to be on point you should got to be right you want these girls to be bald and you out there and your hit [ __ ] is just straggly or looking like j cole you want dick looking like j cole is that what you want girls look at you like who that okay you're not getting on this [ __ ] looking like j cole with your dick you need to shake that [ __ ] up get it nice and tapered have your dick looking like bobby shmurda do you know what i'm saying your dick looks like bobby sure you could take that condom throw that [ __ ] right in the chair i'm telling you need that manscape lawnmower 3.0 it's not a [ __ ] game out here i get it all in shaved everything up have it looking absolutely beautiful you get the trimmer inside the perfect package 3.0 which also includes them the manscape crop preserver ball deodorant the crop reviver the ball toning spray both super practical they smell absolutely amazing and for a limited time when you order the perfect package kit you get two free gifts the shed travel bag i use it for manscape and the anti-chafing boxer breeze i use them as well i'm telling you all these products you're going to get 20 off and free shipping when you use flagrant 20. that's our promo code at it's get your balls [ __ ] right let's get back to the show what get your [ __ ] checked that's all i'm saying son i need to but do you think there could be any cancer that stays in my [ __ ] yeah probably you don't think it'd be flushed out yeah there's nothing in your ass no i think more likely because it's constant [ __ ] just oh wait you never give it a rest give you an [ __ ] plus you have that hemi yeah yeah i mean this you got national problems yeah yeah i think we got to document that you got to go get the uh i should go get my uh pap smear or whatever it is what is it called uh uh colonic nope no colonoscopy colonoscopy just an anal check and a recognition a rectal exam and you gotta get the [ __ ] i gotta get the finger up there too say again you gotta get the finger up that's right now you gotta get the process yeah you gotta do that bro you know i scratch my ass pretty deep all right when i go in there i scratch my ass pretty deep okay i like scratch through the underwear sometimes dude right scratch it nice and deep like you'll rip your underwear no no no no but like i push the underwear into my butthole a little bit when i scratch if there's like super itch down there and i just scratch around it i like to scratch my ass i'm into that so you just have to be having like a big dark [ __ ] spot on you all my underwear yeah always dark [ __ ] spot so it's to the point where like i have black underwear that i've seen a stain on that's why i impress me that's a wire yeah like i reverse the color of the other one with a clean ass if you go up you're gonna come down you're gonna come down with some [ __ ] yeah so i have that and uh i do that often i'll like forget that i even do it and i was cuddling my girl last night and i was spooning her from the back and i put my arm around her to like hold her like that yeah and then she goes did you just finger your ass [Laughter] i go what and she goes your hands smell like you just punched [ __ ] oh my god and she smelled it right through dude you're the nastiest way that's nasty right you're a mark oh don't know me and mark that nah you are too no but he got better yeah i shower i wore this exact same outfit yesterday down to the shoes with no socks take that owl same one switch my drawers that's that's [Music] how do you repeat when you don't have underwear on and secondly he doesn't wear underwear you don't remember that like oh every day i thought it's just when you run it's uncircumcised it's got underwear you [ __ ] need underwear for we gotta wear underwear so she doesn't crawl up in our nickel he got that [ __ ] thing zip locked is it true it's sweating no is it true foreskin that like if you line it up right you can just like ziplock is that true a little package of almonds yeah you can do that sometimes but look he's a fully formed person okay i'm just a kid i'm just a kid sometimes and sometimes i don't shower as much as i need to yo you wanna know some wild [ __ ] mark's been lying about his age oh i know that you knew that yeah how am i 28 years old and he's been like he's 23 years old wow wow mark mark seriously say be honest what be honest you're like yo i'm gonna take five years off my age thomas thomas did that well he actually knows how to do that oh yeah yeah you didn't want people know he was 63 and he was hanging out with us [ __ ] 63 years old he had one of those [ __ ] hipaa shits or whatever i didn't know you were going down i don't know al speaks my language how that's what i mean when i say the exact opposition that's what i'm making it's weird oh man i'm 23 and i wear underwear okay mark is 28 years old canadian bruh canadian offends me more oh i thought he only took like two years old yeah he's he's 28 years old walking around like he's 23. and what benefit would that give to me well i think we should have a little discussion about that because next week and he will be getting married to a bride right who is 23 years old no 22 years old the only problem is he's been dating her for eight [Applause] but can we even believe it the kid wasn't even born in america oh oh that's a good ass point you don't know if you've been trusted photoshopped he's nice as [ __ ] with photoshop he could have fixed his whole [ __ ] id and also why would anyone believe this can we always be wondering how he gets away with so much with this girl oh because he groomed her he birthed her yeah that's his daughter dude we're figuring it out it's the most florida [ __ ] you've ever done in this [ __ ] studio bro he is following the footsteps of another great comedian woody allen's oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god and what evidence do you have to support that i'm not the age i say all the evidence all the evidence i need i got it right up here right in my heart all right i know it in my gut i don't trust your gut bro i trust you you don't trust my gut no i trust his gut thank you he got a good gut i got a i think we're clearing up a lot of stuff here i think we are going to beat up a lot of stuff here mark so your age is tbd okay what your age is tbd all right it's tbd bro do you know what that stands for i don't know i'm trying to figure out something else besides to be determined keep thinking andrew thank you okay oh god you got anything for me nothing too big two big dicks no i can't give them that why not did you tell them the story about um when you said two big dicks you mean like two fourteen year old post people guys guys my mom listens stop hi mrs gagnon does she really listen no lizard is garbage oh my goodness i see i got you next up how many bullets you got in your gun yo you got too many nah that's the perfect amount take the [ __ ] out yeah my mom wouldn't listen to lies okay and that's it that's what you're doing about me right now it's not a lie that [ __ ] look at his sneaker choice he dresses like the years he was born what's your [ __ ] 70s retro you know skateboard issues he knows all this other stuff about the past oh you do know mad [ __ ] about them have seen it exactly wikipedia [ __ ] you lived it you might be the oldest person on this podcast you might be well i determined that before when i said i was old [ __ ] it's on his thick ass eyebrows all that is just some botox to hide the wrinkles oh oh my god mark is actually oh yeah yo you do got some old ass eyebrows what does that mean that [ __ ] yeah like if you were the thinker man that fist would be like [Laughter] you can't even make a fist you couldn't even be a thinker man you were trying so hard for the [ __ ] too bad your dumb hands got an abrasion so now it's broken i think it was stronger than it was abrasion what i think it was stronger than abrasion what's what it was i don't know a brogan is everything joe rogan to you you gotta put rogan in everything a broken dude a brogan that's what he got to call his fans that's true brogan brogan's is good yeah that's nice oh shouts to rogan man the first app on spotify is uh today let's go and yeah and he showed uh pictures of like the studio it's [ __ ] sick it's different than the ones i showed y'all i'm sure though it's like like red and got these like crazy statues it's just [ __ ] sick the studio it just looks like it's in like a trailer i don't i don't know what it's in he probably got mad with the shape the shape of it yeah yeah yeah yeah it would be imagine if that [ __ ] was mobile oh [ __ ] [ __ ] that's the movie i understand what you're saying yeah freaking bad for podcasts yeah just had [ __ ] in the rv and take it everywhere that would be [ __ ] amazing he got the baldy yeah that'd be kind of fire i don't know if he's leaving texas but that would be kind of fire he could he could ah i'm stoked for it i'm stoked for it anyway what else my what else guys what else going on al oh listen peace chattering bozeman yo rest in peace though chadwick boseman real talk man that [ __ ] was absolutely [ __ ] true tragic man it was really tragic man maybe i'm not tapping the main vein of like why it was so tragic but maybe i just don't want to believe maybe i just don't want to believe that anybody can get cancer i've had so much cancer in my family and for some reason it's normalized without within my family but i guess in my mind i'm like now when you're rich and famous you get to beat cancer when you're famous you could beat murder why can't you beat cancer and this guy had every single resource at his fingertips he probably had every expert uh you know marvel i'm sure was willing to spend any amount of money to keep him alive so he could continue doing the movies and then cancer could still get him is this like i did like oh god man that it was handled like he's it seems like a private guy it was all like nobody knew i like i respected just like everything was so private robbie said something uh great he was like especially for an actor who would milk the [ __ ] out of this like an actor breaks their pinky and there's a cast in every picture yeah oh my god they're like just milking public sympathy and none of us even knew and the dude was getting roasted online for being losing weight yeah it feels so bad tragic now do you have any respect for a circle that they didn't leak anything absolutely how do you think something like that even happens it's just his family tight circle proudly tight circle and i it actually makes me think that when you get information leaked from everybody else that it's on purpose like there's all these celebs it got to be on purpose bro like it's so easy to keep a secret yeah that's a big secret to keep yo no but i'm talking about you know how when they say oh someone close to the celeb or something like that like tmz always gets their news from somebody close to it no it's always just there they're pr people they're marketing they just sent the thing out because if would any of y'all in this room release a secret about somebody else in this room that like something real no we wouldn't yeah i would tell them i hope that we wouldn't but yeah absolutely i'm just saying it's like it's got to be connected bro it's got to be and that's why i don't like it when you hear these celebs bitching about paparazzi because it's like you called him yeah well your manager called him yeah doesn't not live in l.a you know what i mean like paparazzi ain't moving to austin to follow rogan not much of a career in that yeah but i mean there's celebrities that live anywhere and they'll still call them like you remember when [ __ ] angelina and brad lived in new orleans and you would see pictures of them there like yeah they call ashes yo their divorce is about to be lit their divorce is about to be yo little brad pitt's new girl oh he's sharing a [ __ ] yeah she's married but it's an open relationship and i don't know who said maybe alexis guerrero was like can you imagine being that husband like you probably like i'm in an open relationship i'm about to [ __ ] everybody i'm winning and then she has a brad [ __ ] pit and you're just like oh my god dawg worst case scenario you know where she met him huh at her husband's [ __ ] restaurant wow that's violence that's disrespectful now there gotta be some rules with that's violation bro disrespectful you're not gonna meet my wife i got a different take on this one say again i got a different take on this okay go i think old dude's bragging yep would this be the first time if your wife was dating brad pitt would be the first time you ever wanted a woman to get pregnant shut up that's actually a good ass question you got mad bullets in your [ __ ] that's mark [Applause] but dude gets to brag like this is his fifth you really think he's bragging to the homies like you know what my wife's doing right now throating brad nah my wife's so hot that brad pitt wants her not wants her is digging her out and coming inside of her so what they have an open marriage so he's just haven't opened her open in that way try to keep it open when we say open it means i'm open for business and you have very minimal hours how do they not understand this yeah this is a one-way street the open relationship walmart you office hours you mom and pop shop yeah stop it with this [ __ ] brad pitt that's it's disrespectful honestly yeah you were trying to say before that brad pitt was getting the short end of the stick oh yeah brad now brad pitt gotta share [ __ ] with this that's what i'm saying eight years old from germany way worse on brad than it is on the other dude it's pathetic all parties involved except this girl who looks mad regular in the instagrams that i already masturbated you know what i'm saying i don't think i don't think brad pitt sharon i don't think he's sharing her he's leasing her keep it going you were saying experience it's a live action event it is yes dude you were saying before this i can't save them [ __ ] muslims out there what about muslim what about that how do you feel about that [ __ ] [ __ ] you were saying before that they were sharing i don't think they're sharing i think she's with brad pitt and so he's like all right we're done and then she's gonna go back to homie that's a fact if you're brad pitt you don't give a [ __ ] what he's saying is brad took her yeah and is keeping her until he's done yeah i think that she goes back home to the 16 hour journey even better i get to [ __ ] you and then you go get he gets all the married [ __ ] that's great no no no explain what you're saying again you're saying brad and her are now in a relationship and the german dude gets nothing until brad is finished no i don't think that's it i think he's going back i agree with akash wow what do you think the german dude's winning son i mean clearly he's winning also keep in mind the german guy is like 70. that's what i'm saying he eats on his fifth amount he shot his fifth marriage yeah and it's open he's not trying to fight he's pounding out when hit whenever he can get it up so it's like he gotta lose he's gonna ship to germany al hey you're right he's still gotta just like hey i need to rest up go get piped out for a little bit and then come back when i'm ready but how much can brad pipe he's 53 years old more than a 70 year old i bet breaking pipes yo you think brad got good dick game be honest y'all all right let me open my legs for this conversation i bet that [ __ ] is fantastic yo now real talk you think brad delivers good days giving them guts can i can i make an argument why not i think no fine ass girls beautiful ass girls what [ __ ] trash sometimes bro scoreboard scoreboard starfish [Laughter] no no you're not talking about like i'm talking about these like instagram daddy mcdonald's all that yeah yeah all they care about is the way they look etc no personality nothing right yeah they don't you feel like in my experience they've been i in bed yeah instagram thoughts got the worst dick the worst [ __ ] what i don't know but brad pitt is basically that no but he got some talent to him ocean's 11 fantastic movie no he's talented he has no need to please anybody he got no need to please he don't he he you know what i mean he's not trying to get on that back you give him a give it out back [Music] yeah you know what i'm saying that's true that's true i feel like [ __ ] brad is the treat in and of itself exactly he feels the same way yeah so he might not be delivering the dick the way a 68 year old german man might that 68 year old german man is probably delivering that oh whoa dick like that do you think they even allow their dicks to get hard or do they keep it pointing down when it's hard in germany are they just too scary just go straight up it just goes straight the second that just start to go at nine nine not again never forget never again never again whatever and we're back look here's the thing here's the thing a lot of people have been messaging us um electric cars no i got a lot not electric flying cars i mean i put it on the list just to uh don't don't take a sip like you did something here what are you thinking you did i'm thinking you what did you say exactly 10 to 15 years no you said three years we're going to have flying cars mm-hmm and he said uber yeah you said uber another company if it's lyft which would be a way better one what do you think about it for flying scoreboard scoreboard you [ __ ] nerd i know the future of technology andrew's scared guys andrew's scared i think andrew and i'm early yo i'm early yeah but silver's up yeah i mean no i mean for sure now i mean for cheese no you're saying i got that [ __ ] i started grinning like [ __ ] chris rock you're still wrong on this it's not gonna be 10 to 15 years so yeah you're bugging but you said we're gonna be able to get into an uber like we're gonna call it up get into it fly somewhere yeah yeah and you still stand by that i still stand by that stupid i still say because i think it might be sooner and that would make you you would be wrong in that regard how did you get another bullet yo you shot me you shot it right now you shot against me you shot me oh my god you're shocking into my gun bro you shot it into my [Music] [Applause] you shot one at me and it went into the hole where it shoots out yeah yeah that is oh very rare that's a very penalizable that's a rare occurrence it would happen but it did and we have to accept that as a reality and that is a rule if it gets shot back into your gun it is then a usable bullet once again now we're making new rules can i also propose a rule yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah not allowed to be whispering more secret jokes on the microphones okay oh what'd he say yeah every now and again some [ __ ] will happen he'll whisper a secret joke into the microphone that no one hears but that the viewers at home will hear yeah he and he was saying things about me and home and being gay which is not true yeah i support that actually yeah gay jokes are always fine i think that's not so it's i that's another rule we can propose yeah is it harder for you to fit those dicks in your mouth with that big old [ __ ] cranny on the hit in their bellies oh dude oh bro god i just [ __ ] laughed when i was getting i got my kova test and my antibodies test because i was there getting my finger [ __ ] up yeah and uh i laughed because fa i don't know if we spoke about on the podcast killed me all right that means it's about the jews um so face said uh this is you getting your kovid test to me and he sent me a gif of somebody running to do the pole vault as i'm getting my nose penetrated actually it hurts and they go deep yeah it hurts my [ __ ] got depth you know and that's all i could think of i was just laughing how's your antibodies negative or positive i don't know yet that guy sent it to me just got it today oh okay better yeah i'm gonna get mine tomorrow morning what are you doing why are you doing that because i was at a wedding with a bunch of hooligans oh yeah and we were how were you out messed up oh where are you oh yeah i saw the video yeah i saw the video i saw the ceilings very low i saw people packed in in bunches sharing playing cards this is establishments and we're on top of it yeah we're going to take certain measures i'm getting tested tomorrow yeah don't abort this one oh my god i've been taking shots you know i don't appreciate everybody shot at me yo ow that's it you're out that was great you had that was my second gun that was my second no i haven't shot anybody you shot one of them with me yo he right there point blank range you shot your three already sony shut up you did oh yeah your bullet just went back in your gun oh my god it wasn't my bullet it was good good point your bullet went into my gun [ __ ] idiot don't shoot me like that anymore stupid idiot jerk head [ __ ] dick lips lips got dicks all over them and they probably do yeah they do don't they just kissing up all of them dicks and probably going intimate tucking your lip right under the ridge of the head oh can i tell you one thing batty the other day can i tell you the most impressive part of this what's up so right now we're looking at adele and she's donning jamaican bikini top she's lost a lot of weight looking good yeah she looks i mean i think adele is more attractive fat and i know i went on a little tirade about how they're ending the world but i think she's more attractive fast every day andrew gets more and more black it's what i do i'm wearing green chubby white girls i'm complimenting chubby white women shooting guns at everyone shooting guns at everybody whoa mark that was racial that was racial yeah racial not racial not racist thank you okay now here's the thing about this i am so impressed mind-bogglingly impressed she got eyebrows like marx she has a strong brow she has a strong bra i am so mind-bogglingly impressed with the density of her bosoms i was just thinking that she still got him usually when a fat loses weight their bosoms shrink shrink and flatten they usually pancake they pancake like the things at the end of the 18-wheeler that stopped the mud from mud flaps if you will they mud flap this girl's bosom seemed to be as dense if not more dense than when she was fat which leads me to believe i'm more dense but they're dense maybe all this weight loss was not natural that she was actually in a fat suit the whole time what all right no that maybe it was liposuction oh and that's why she chose not to lipo the titty area no kept her fat cells in the titty area you can't get lipo from your entire body like that why not like you can get it from certain areas what's the freezing one where you freeze fat what's that [ __ ] called cool sculpt yeah cool sculpt she could have cool stuff your entire body she probably had some natural weight loss a little bit and then yeah why not or she got fat inserted back into her bosoms oh that's a great move honestly if you lose a lot of weight i think that's what a lot of girls are doing or she can fluff up them pancakes girl fluff up them [ __ ] put a little butter in them or damn right breast implants but if she put it under the muscle it looks more natural and they tend to hang more so they look real look you're the expert on white women so i'm going to go with what you say and that's possibly this but i don't understand why this is a big controversy she's wearing a jamaican uh flag bikini top who gives a [ __ ] what's the big deal it's the image like it's really not a controversy for people in london and people who go to notting hill carnival it's like a west indian carnival and they usually all dress up like this and they encourage people of all races i don't have to be west indian to attend this yeah but just the imagery that americans are used to like oh we see a white girl doing anything black black appropriation we got to come down here we were saying cultural appropriation yeah she's gotten the brace got the jamaican thing she lost a bunch of weight like a starving kid she did wow no i'm sorry whoa that was crazy ow you okay bro i'm recovering jesus christ okay okay andrew uses that fourth i got four more loaded ready you're all out now i got one left no you shot three shots yeah you're cheating too have i shot at you i got one left hey all right fine just to wrap up this adele thing i think it's important because a lot of people are hating on adele right now she's getting a lot of hate but here's a question that i don't think a lot of people ask but i think it's something that conversation that we should absolutely have who's black or adelaide i knew it i knew it i knew i was calling some [ __ ] right now i don't know that was nice for them malcolm x right now i saw the whole thing it was beautiful lifted his gun at the screen and i was like what is going on and then he just but though that's funny he's covered with some [ __ ] who's black or beyonce adele oh my god who's blacker blasphemy who's blacker continue i'm listening beyonce yeah right okay all right now i'm back who do you think's blacker i'm waiting people are saying adele i'm waiting for you to explain so i can hop on board all right [ __ ] choo choo choo choo names adele definitely blacker than beyonce yeah what beyonce that's a french that's very common i got the accent on it and everything that's a common french name you mean a million beyonce's you go to the south of france you go to san tropez yeah really you've met a million of them you do man you go to san tropez bro beyonce every other block every other difference you get a little cafe au lait from a beyonce a little cigar with the [ __ ] the black god boom exactly adele historically black name adele gibbons yup wow i'll look some others up okay adele jenkins adele harris adele harris adele johnson uh del phillips i think that's all adele jackson adele jackson yeah i can't just put a black last name behind it what's the black last name that's that is crazy right there what you just said what you just said is very racial and it even could borderline on racists what we're trying to do is have a discussion whether beyonce is blacker than adele i happen to leave these up to the people i can only present the people with the information that's out there adele's name clearly blacker okay oh how many more okay how many more people are named black people are named adele than her name beyonce i'll take that one for 100 alex yeah think about it there's way more black adeles than there are black beyonce's so she wins the name category nah her name is original huh her name is original like come it was a play off her mom's maiden name so it's like they created what was your mom's maiden name it was like uh bientz that don't sound black and it's that don't sound black it's creole french creole is white french's white creole's white i think so it's white for black people it's white for black and the white is black people so way more black adeles they're way more black adeles than there are black beyonce's we just know that because beyonce is just made up so that she still loses she's the losers now but making up a name making up a name very black very very white very black they call their little kids acaibo you never had these hollywood celebrities make up names for little kids but no originality that's not only something that already exists all to call your side mister you say you're gonna marry but you never do beyonce that's this there's a fiancee okay adele definitely wins blackness and then blacker when it comes to name that we know for a fact singing who sings blacker who sings blacker [ __ ] that's a good question who has a stronger beautiful black woman voice gotta be an example we don't know yet why because adele has the fat black woman strong and then white people made her lose weight yeah but we don't know if she could sing anymore she hasn't dropped the song since that's true that's the widest thing she did was lose weight the white listen there's no doubt that now she's becoming whiter and that's why she's trying to grab onto the blackness she's putting on jamaican flags on her titties you know i mean got her hair all up in the twists look like [ __ ] kodak white she looked like kodak white she does she [Applause] yeah so the point is point is in terms of hair who's got blacker hair oh dude i'll give you another point adele is dating skepta that's the word on the street oh [ __ ] black rapper they're both team black rappers that is true you know right but complexion-wise skeptic is darker wow wow complexion-wise shades shaymin out here who says shade we're giving this beautiful yeah darker is beautiful we're saying a scoreboard yeah board scoreboard so we're saying jesse's not as black not as skeptical as black nah they're black jay-z jessica with the helmet backwards jay-z would never do that bro yeah scepter would never do that bro this is a this is a good point adele adele dating skepta skepta trump's jay-z nope in terms of blackness never yes nah yes in terms of their voice bare minimum jay-z sounds like a third grader jay-z sounds like he should be in a john mullaney show so skepticism stop disrespecting jason sounds like he's being a special true i advice know about that but jay-z doesn't he seem like he wants to be in the fourth grade like he's just like [Laughter] what's your favorite thing for china i've never heard jay-z sound like okay ready okay so so far adele's got a little lead adele is listen this is how you game the youtube algorithm just let us roll with it yes okay ready listen adele so far okay give us more things did you [ __ ] accent me okay you look more you got a point dancing okay there you go beyonce has that beyonce clearest day she got if you had to eat one of their macaroni and cheeses or potato salads no i'm talking about fat adele you don't think she lost it you think she lost her skill when she got skinny fat adele cooking soul food over skinny beyonce cooking soul food who do you think makes the better macaroni and cheese beyonce's has been getting a little thick lately so i'm going beyonce she's starving herself she's got private chefs doing all that adele was eating mayonnaise sandwiches for 10 years before she blew down no she wasn't she was frying cat she didn't blow up she was crying one of them is frying catfish fat adele or beyonce where are you going keep it you don't have brains wherever she can every song adele is crying about losing a guide that means she can't cook jay-z is wearing sandals i mean avocado ice cream no she's crying about getting cheated on because she dates mad black dudes nice that i i cannot confirm or draw okay he's a shooter for us everybody everybody chill out okay yeah back to what we're doing what other categories go what other categories are there who's black or adele or beyonce just i could be a hundred keep it a hundred be honest beyonce wears way more colors in animal print that's black italian no that's italian you know has a wider credit score probably beyonce should probably be 100 [ __ ] 899 that's a [ __ ] fantastic point whose bank accounts whiter oh yo beyonce pay me in equity payment equity oh my god man she's a smart black woman there's no question that she's pretty black but compared to adele bro i don't know if you want to compare those two bruh adele's from london okay minority white british oh what that's a great point in london white british are a minority wow is a minority oh she is a minority american in 20 years she is a minority in her home country what's blacker than that wow oh my god bars you stupid [ __ ] idiot so do you admit adele is blacker than beyonce so i can relate to her struggle um it's a hard one he's getting turned on as we speak or turned off anyway free adult man let her live her life man she's trying to scoop up she's gonna scoop up some dangling all right um she's trying to scoop up some dangling bro that's it let her put the jamaican shits on her titties all right so we've concluded obviously adele um you guys believe is blacker than beyonce i do you know and um it is what it is al i appreciate you for being objective and open-minded about these things i know that you have constraints on your opinions obviously because you represent black identity but uh sometimes you got to call a spade a spade skill is killing it tell us this whole thing was just for that i really think the whole thing was just for that oh my god okay so listen the lord works in the steering wheel mysterious ways okay you know i said i went to i was at my uh my crib and it was like girl's name my girl had like all her like friends yeah over and [ __ ] right and um were they dancing to what they were dancing definitely that's what you think girls just do yeah they get together they do the dance it's hilarious kicking their leg so we're there right and um all the girls are there and uh they're in graduate school and [ __ ] like that so i'm like let me just like i like to you know [ __ ] with him a little bit rile things up he's a pot stirrer i'm a pot stirrer pot you love drama love a little drink like a witch just sitting there tackling me so um i uh they were talking about one of these girls that was like a chess master or something like that she was like the number two woman in chess and i go uh she's the number two what she's like yeah number two woman in chess and i go that's weird yeah that is that you know why why do women have to play against women and men are playing against men like aren't you insulted that they would think that you need to play against women because it's not physical it's just mental that's their way of saying you're too stupid to play against the men right right that went well it went and then one now they thought about for a second they're like that is kind of true that is kind of [ __ ] up and then they go our spelling bees co-ed no oh yeah they are coex i go yes they are co-ed and sometimes girls do well yep right i go i go if you really want to make the code if you really want to make the spelling be fair you get rid of the indians that's true that's true i go indians have this like it's like a culture i don't know if this is true but i assume there's a cultural pride and spelling in the same way like cricket is or some [ __ ] like that or i don't know like that's really it math or whatever it is right i didn't know this they were like [ __ ] that's not true i go i'm gonna call my boy akash right now pick any word in the whole [ __ ] dictionary he gonna spell it to you over the phone facetime yeah i call akash onomatopoeia akash spells the word the girls say is wrong akash is crestfallen i'm devastated devastating is like man know i gosh i'll give you one more chance they give him some other word what was it some hard ass [ __ ] i got two out of the three on my oh yes he goes bodies it one more bodies it i was like i told y'all he's nice all of a sudden 10 minutes later my phone lights up oh 50 text messages a facetime i look at it it goes son i spelled onomatopoeia right today i feel [ __ ] besmirched somehow these girls are so bad at spelling that's why they gotta play chess by themselves these girls were so bad at spelling they couldn't even read the letters right so son i was like oh n-o-m-a that's gotta be it i'm fired they're wrong they cut me off at the a i was like no way turns out i got it right i did not know that this is a cultural thing that you guys keep tabs on i don't even know if it is deadass oh i just beat i just be knowing how to spell it might be genetic because i asked my girl i told my girl what happened i said i didn't remember the words onomatopoeia and remember the first one yeah and then i said acquiesce and then she got acquiesced she already just got that even though she's punjabi she got all right even though she punjabi so we all know remember you were telling me they're the dumbest indian stir in the pot but the fact that he was thinking about it means he definitely feels that way i can see myself saying some [ __ ] like that i just completely made it up and he was like man did i see it the [ __ ] is he bringing us well i was just thinking i was like i never seen a punjabi in the spelling bee i've never seen it balbinda or whatever i've never seen one of them in there bro i heard some [ __ ] i actually got it because i commented on khabib nurmagomedov yeah yeah instagram right he had a picture of him and all of his brothers i don't know if there's brothers they all look [ __ ] same they all got that beard no mustache yeah i go champ what y'all got against mustaches not even insulting truly curious muslim thing yes but i see plenty of muslims that have the mustache it's specific and almost uh like i guess muslims from that region have that kind of like beard here but no mustache right then i have a couple guys messaged me back on instagram post it said that that's how the prophet muhammad wore his beard he shaved his stash this was shaved but this let go and it was like a sign of cleanliness so my curiosity is why are all these muslims out there not shaving the stash oh a full beard do we have a little beef going on who's got it right if you got bolita beef it ain't halal that's a fact not halal we need to get to the bottom of this muzzies please message us and tell us what the truth is yeah i want every muslim there to message me so i can delete that [ __ ] and take pride every time i do it i'm really upset about that [ __ ] huh they built you the taj mahal that's something i just learned that it blows my mind that there will be any animosity between indian hindus and muslims yeah i don't actually feel animosity but it's very fun to say i do there never should be because they shouldn't be they build the most fire [ __ ] in india ever yeah and y'all didn't build nothing else yeah we built it i think they made us build it no new muslims built the most fire [ __ ] in india ever indian muslims built it by themselves didn't ask y'all for no help that's true right that's true taj that [ __ ] up that's true okay yeah y'all took that [ __ ] over mm-hmm kind of foul that's a little so imperialistic it's a little imperialistic of y'all yeah and then not even a thanks or nothing like that you want to talk about feeling besmirched the pakistanis the muslims they're muslims in pakistan that ain't it that ain't enough we should have given them a testimony too much too you know how much they love like places wait what do you mean jerusalem and [ __ ] like you know don't they really love mecca they love a place you know what i'm saying location locations the location yeah muslims love location bro oh they do be praying east as [ __ ] they pray east unless they're the other side they may pray west yeah okay they face mecca [Laughter] they do yeah i'm just saying bruh they love locations the most that's their [ __ ] that's why we don't ask for reparations from muslims we got them we got the taj mahal we're good and so that's an even trade yeah that's why we don't ask for reparations there's other [ __ ] which we beef over which is kashmir we give that [ __ ] back what is in kashmir that's so valuable yeah just the sweater i don't actually know but i know we'd be beefing about it so let's go india yeah so it's just it's just a little [ __ ] like if we're being real they should probably have their own independence but we're not being real so yeah all feelings that's obvious you know what i mean yeah you go all feelings no facts that's ours and it's yours but what's valuable there is there like a trade route is there minerals or something me or son oh cashmere really comes from sweaters yeah bruh some we got way better materials fleece yeah you ever heard of sporty and rich sporty and rich whatever this [ __ ] is right here that might have got made it what india does kashmir would have them [ __ ] stain staying on it like that is not from kashmir that's the drip that is from salsa verde i had some mexican food i opened that little plastic [ __ ] and jumped out of me [ __ ] salsa thought it was getting over the border got a little too excited maybe this thought it was more salsa verde i was like oh that's the plate let's start a joint it was trying to join i was trying to join this is a loud sweater guys anywho um so yeah i just wanted you to like understand how you feel about that and like process all those feelings and that's kind of ours hey pakistan you want this smoke give us some [ __ ] mountains i was watching this [ __ ] and um oh you know what else they got light-skinned ass people uh maybe that's why we're i'm arguing about it like nah we get the light skinned people from water for once [ __ ] you gotta keep this [ __ ] it would be called cashmere like of course that's where the white indians are from i think i'm wearing polo shirts and cashmere and [ __ ] like it looks like a [ __ ] bite around their [ __ ] shoulders yeah they're playing we don't even put the sweaters on they just wear them like that and i'm not yeah there got to be some trade route [ __ ] about that man all right guys we're going to take a break fellas you [ __ ] stink let's be honest it's quarantined nobody's bathing like they're supposed to even al getting dirty out here he out here smelling like mark when he comes in half the time i got salvation for you i'm speaking for you i'm speaking for every dude in the [ __ ] army go to that's hawthorne with an e dot c-o they will send you every men's grooming product you could possibly need you take a quiz mark i want you to take notes you match up exactly how how often do i shower mark is almost never they have an answer for that how what kind of lotion do i like how's my skin what kind of cologne do i use every question you answer they send you a product for that it is a one-stop shop for all your men's grooming needs anything else is a waste of time you're sitting here using your girls [ __ ] products you smelling mad like daffodils or whatever if you got a girl get yourself some grooming products and if you don't got a girl let me tell you something the packaging this [ __ ] comes in it could get you laid off rip the soap the hand soap my jamaican ass brother-in-law told me he said yo that hand soap you got that smells a1 that's some man [ __ ] you think you're gonna if it smells a little bitch-ass you think you're gonna tell me no he could be hey this you should switch that [ __ ] up they said that they sent that [ __ ] to the studio it's the only deodorant i use now it's incredible it smells great bruh go to hawthorne that's h-a-w-t-h-o-r-n-e dot c-o use the promo code flagrant and you get 10 off your purchase i'm telling you just give it a shot use all the products i guarantee you you will like it if you don't tweet me you're probably an idiot but i guarantee you'll like it that is promo code flagrant now let's get back to the show all right al i think it's time that you throw us through some topics i think we do a little um what is it called like a speed round of feelings no facts all right all right send it through let's go so did you guys see pictures of bow wow and in these pictures he's caught on his tippy toes this is embarrassing yo just be short as a short guy just be short is he the most insecure rapper gotta be dog i mean he has an entire challenge named after him about pretending to have [ __ ] you don't have yeah the bow wow challenge yeah like that's a bad look what is uh what is weird about this to me is he's been famous and loved since he was a child yeah and it's like he still doesn't believe it i don't know how much love i mean his peak was when he was with sierra and even then people were saying she was a dude that was the height of the sierras of dude rumors probably just because she's so much taller than you [ __ ] bow wow they're like something you're a guy don't date someone who looks way shorter than you right yo she came back from them sierra dude rumors huh bruh squeeze out some kids she did it yo she she had the best comeback she did probably this might be the best comeback of all time yo it literally might be the best comeback in history you went from a guy to a sex symbol after having two children you seen the rioted video ride it that's what did it then we were on that [ __ ] back because it was like after bow out and i think she was with 50 then i think it might have been a little trey songs in there or something oh she likes a little bad boy future yeah but then boom now russell got it yeah she was just waiting for the good guy she just needed to get that out of her system i guess you need to get that but back to bow out on her tippy toes al you have some experience you know how did you feel about this when you saw it this is different because i never take pictures on my tippy toes but i will try to get an advantage in the room currently when i'm trying to shoot my shot at a much larger woman keep going keep going it's happening one time what i'm owning i use your fourth bullet words all right so what happened was and y'all know this [ __ ] story is i was chopping it up to this shorty and um he was there was like a step to get up to the table with the bottles at the club she's a tall girl six foot tall girl right so al stalling she's sad she's italian she's stallion and al stepped up on the step right with one leg but put all his weight on that one leg so the other leg was just hanging in the air okay and that's how he was hitting he was shooting your shot you were chopping it up like that you were trying to get that competitive advantage yeah so you think that maybe that's what bow wow is doing this and you completely understand no no no because he's not trying to shoot a shot at anybody he just doesn't want to look back at these pictures and be so much shorter than everybody else like he's not he's not okay with himself that's the thing is weird is like you don't know you're short by now yeah like like we know you're short he don't want us to know he's we know he's so aware of how short he is he's trying to hide it at all times that's true he's stopped calling himself a little bit first little bow wow every other rapper has a little kept little yeah [ __ ] wayne's still wayne whoever else little baby still gonna be a little baby everybody every other little little bow wow the littlest and he don't want to admit it he don't want to [ __ ] admit it what do you think it is akash you are someone who seems like accepting of your height you never try to front you never try to fake it i honestly don't feel that i know i'm short but i don't feel like i'm like yeah i'm short what are you gonna do and then i weirdly don't think i'm that much shorter than you until you say you're 6'2 and i'm like oh he's seven inches taller than me that's crazy but if you ask me i'm like ah probably coming to andrew's [ __ ] nose i don't know yeah i forget i'm short it's weird and i'm glad because if i remembered i'd be like bow i'm trying to hide it all the time or al i think in the indian community indians aren't typically tall oh yeah 5-7 is not bad for indian i knew most indian girls imagine being black five ten is considered let me tell you this though your dick grew when you took blue chew and if that happened to me i'd be like this all right i'll take five times oh yeah i take it on bluetooth i happily accept it now but i'm just saying it's like it was a struggle you don't happily accept it yes i do why aren't you why'd you lie to that tall [ __ ] you think a girl that's six feet cares that you're six feet you know the funniest hunting right the funniest oh you're a friend right now can i tell you really something like that you got your cap can i tell you something really funny you're a captain crunch i didn't realize that the girl actually works with basketball players right so my little one step wasn't it it was even in the playing field but she's used to a much taller player bro yeah yeah but she doesn't give a [ __ ] i don't think that's the thing tall women will date shorter guys because they don't get hit on a lot tall women because there's a lot of dudes that are intimidated by them yeah so you shouldn't have you should have went even shorter yeah bro i should have kept it harder lean into house short yeah crouch a little bit punch that if you crouch a little next next time i see her you got that out all right that's all i want all right what else we got i'll go a lot of small businesses are struggling try to stay open especially restaurants i saw this um article which is kind of dope this restaurant in san fran they have these bubble uh style tables pods pods there you go don't say one thing i appreciate asians not spreading corona for once so good for you in chinatown no it's in san francisco but japanese folks yeah [Music] but the actual experience seems terrible yeah like you're stuck in this little bubble i mean i get it they're gonna have to figure out something because the big day d-day is november 1st right that's the day that the outdoor dining in new york expires oh [ __ ] so that's not to say that and even if they extend it it's going to get cold in the next month it'll be too cold to eat outside a month later 100 i think they need to get us indoors eating indoors in order to save all these restaurants or at least save some of the restaurants i think they need to do it by the end of september you know what's crazy is even with if you're doing physical distancing most these restaurants still won't make it because we can't get enough people in there to pay the rent and we're already behind and you know landlords ain't giving no [ __ ] forgiveness yeah and on some level i understand the landlord's not giving forgiveness because they bought the buildings at these inflated prices so their mortgage doesn't allow the forgiveness like for example i'm giving a crazy low rent to the person i'm trying to rent my place to right but i'm losing money doing that i'm losing 1400 because i bought at the inflated price yeah so these landlords people are going ah what pieces of [ __ ] these landlords are they're like bro i bought the building at this price point and i can only profit if i rent it out this price point or i can even break even if i rent out this price point so they could come less but someone's gonna have to lose it could be the banks that lose then the bank sees the property i guess and they rent it out at whatever thing but they lent them the money so i guess the banks lose in that scenario somebody's gonna have to get banks could lose we already bailed them out once for [ __ ] losing themselves oh sorry i'm gonna take this l i was speaking to this dude he owns a bunch of restaurants in the city right this [ __ ] it was crazy to me and i got a research this is feelings no facts is his feelings but i guess he understands it right he says this to me he goes um the ppe loan right these restaurants got you can only use that for uh sorry rent in wages rent and wages right so when the banks that lend out this money get the money from the government right they take a percentage of that money of course they do right so the banks get that percentage then they give you the ppe so the bank's got their piece right they give you the ppe what can you pay back with the pp only wages and rent rent not rent mortgage mortgage right so you're paying rent to the guy who then pays it back right in other words they get like this money whom do you pay mortgage the fed lends this money to the banks banks get their percentage give it out to the people okay the people then pay off their mortgages that they got from the bank the bank's making money twice they're making their mortgage back and they're making money for giving you the free money you got to give back to them you have to legally give it back to them or else they charge you more money this [ __ ] is a racket me this is a racket it's not that's crazy it's a racket it's an absolute record and i and i understand everybody like i understand we're trying to like point fingers and people are trying to find who the bad guys are yeah but i do empathize don't get married there are people who are like legacy owners of buildings in in new york they've owned buildings for [ __ ] 100 years and they're renting out at the current inflated price they're making handover fists those people that aren't dropping rents are absolutely scumbag pieces of [ __ ] let's be honest right okay if you just recently bought a building and that's the lowest you can rent it for i get that you're [ __ ] too but if you're trying to squeeze [ __ ] out when you're making 100 profit you're a scumbag and i say this is someone who's losing money renting my place out banks are scumbags pretty much always 100 anytime you want to say banks or scumbags you right 100 especially because their ass gonna get bailed out if they [ __ ] up and that's what even we don't yeah even if we did loan forgiveness they would find a way for the government to fund it they're not taking an l ever they're not gonna take that [ __ ] hell i was uh i've been watching all these like little youtube videos that are kind of cool and um there's you know this guy i think his name is jake tran i think his name he like breaks down all these things he broke down this one thing it was really interesting about how uh you don't need to have a monopoly if you get the government to protect your business right and like this [ __ ] was so far so for example um jeff bezos right gets all this pressure because he has employees their own [ __ ] food stamps because they can't make enough money to survive right while he's making billions of dollars right so all the pressure goes to jeff bezos and then finally jeff bezos has to acquiesce he pays 15 minimum wage he goes amazon we're going to do 15 minimum wage yeah everybody's saying oh my god jeff bezos is such a great guy right nope and then he comes out and he goes you know what else we're going to do that should be the standard for all businesses in america fifteen dollar minimum wage and everybody goes what an amazing guy he wants everybody make fifteen dollars slow to [ __ ] roll pump the brakes he wants everybody to pay 15 so that they don't now have a competitive advantage over him when he's paying 15 and walmart's paying 725 they have a competitive advantage over amazon so the only way he can protect his low cost is by bringing everybody up and what does he do he lobbies the government to force the other businesses to give him a competitive advantage again and you know where he's going to double win once everybody comes up you know what he's going to do and he's already starting to do fire his employees get robots that can do the job and you buy it with the [ __ ] robots jesus this is your new tiki wiki clicky you know you deserve it for that you deserve it for that i do now but you're right those are the most replaceable employees absolutely mcdonald's gonna do the same [ __ ] you make us pay minimum wage okay just order at the screen right here and now we save 15 not only not spending 7.25 an hour we're saving 15 an hour and you've seen what we what all these uh fast food plays have done they're like we like to reduce the amount of like person to person contact because of corona so why don't you just order your [ __ ] on these screens oh is that why yeah you haven't been setting this [ __ ] up for the last [ __ ] yeah this is the perfect opportunity to get you used to it remember how long it took for us to get used to the [ __ ] thing at the grocery store in cvs where you do it yourself i hate that [ __ ] actually took years but if we had to do it and we were like oh this makes us safer then you just get used to it you're not mentally fighting it you're like yeah this protects us yeah you're right have you guys ever stole from those machines we should we should all i don't know why what's in me it crossed my mind every single time i've never done it and i won't do it i don't know why billboard why do i have this like i know it's okay it's bad to steal but it's almost like i feel like oh i'm really [ __ ] somebody over if i steal this piece of chewing gum like for some reason i don't know what it is yeah what did they brainwash us to that's a good point maybe it's like it's so obvious that you're like oh something's up here yeah i think you're more likely to get caught at those things one because you're on camera yeah so they have a camera in the thing looking your skin like you if you have a bunch of [ __ ] like oh boop this one didn't get you you could take a pack of gum probably everything yeah wait actually packing them might even be difficult unless you put in your pocket so there is a the weight situation it's not that accurate is it not not really like it can sense changes and [ __ ] like that but if you put half your bags down and be like yo i can't fit any more stuff here so it's like they have to just override the [ __ ] that makes sense yeah it is interesting and it could be that it could just be like it's too obvious this seems like a trap i'm not going to do it yeah i don't feel i don't want to steal i feel like i'm too old et cetera but like mentally i would feel more satisfied stealing from them i don't steal i do consume within the store and not pay and i feel completely okay with it i've done that [ __ ] a lot on accident and on purpose still in it's not stealing what always look at those two minorities y'all stealing run out we eat it in the store and walk out yeah well i've done it on accident where i normally will just go through the store and i'll be like eating [ __ ] keep going and then [ __ ] told you you got a bullet sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'll go through and i'll be eating [ __ ] then i go to the checkout lady and then i'll have her swipe i'll have her scan the trash that's what you're supposed to do but i go hey i ate all these oreos can you scan it and then and then she'll scan the garbage and throw it away and then and then that's it yeah sometimes but then other times i forget and then sometimes it'll just be in the car see i don't forget and i don't do it leaving the place without paying you do leave the place back i actually leave the place without it it's in your belly it's in your tummy and i trust that that's actually not true it's in your tummy it's not in my tummy in your small intestines it's maybe it's in my stomach i don't know if i trust your gut anymore yeah your guts not trustworthy dishonest ass gut is good y'all are really accurate that's a dishonest gut you got there come on son we're not animals come on we're not gonna hurt you andrew come on doc son there's a listed podcast come on this door nobody's even had that gun damn it we're out yo chill out it's a listening podcast people don't like this bro you're gonna get shot yo come on let's talk about bellathorn's only trans no she looked like a he oh something's going on here a strong job are they one of the the hadiths or no no she's just a disney chick strong jaw she got the strong one she was mad cute who are you yo she do look like me a little bit i ain't gonna front that could be me okay that's that maybe are you showing this picture right now that is weird because i let you say that turn your head to the side does he have a bullet in there yes i do have a bullet here boy yeah yeah hey say one more thing you already shot your [ __ ] you shot your third one so you try one more [ __ ] see what happens all right i want more [ __ ] [ __ ] you two acting up i'm only honest winning this [ __ ] no you're not i got both y'all in the face so third so bella thor she gets on only fans and she's like hey i'm gonna show my nude but you have to pay 200 and then the picture that she shows she's not actually new to a bunch of people requests for their money back she's nude but she's not showing she's pushing yeah but she is nude oh okay it's not inaccurate yeah but still we misleading mustache that [ __ ] is duplicitous yeah i'm gonna see your dick yo two million you what just post it like you wouldn't just show your titties for two million yeah so she already has nudes that are leaked so then what's the big deal she got a whole scandal a couple years ago if you remember that she [ __ ] how old was she then because that's important to know i think legally she's illegal she's legal i think she's illegal he'd be audited is what it is but he'll be audit this is like a year or two years ago someone was trying to extort her they were blackmailer they hacked into like her icloud they were like she's gonna send us money we're gonna leak your news and then she just goes [ __ ] you i'm gonna leak them anyway she leaked them first yeah stupid [ __ ] were paying 200 to see this bitch's nudes yeah they probably jerked off to her hailer when they were teenagers yeah it's probably a legacy type [ __ ] i don't get it i just don't get it when you got olive tree cafe of nudes real talk yo you wanna know some weird [ __ ] bro yeah you look like bella thorne i do look like bella thorne what else but this is some weird [ __ ] usually i'm not into pregnancy porn all right when it starts when it starts like that i mean usually i'm not all right i'm not into that but adam 22's girl lena posted an instagram where she's pregnant and looking hot sweet girl lovely girl love lena but she's looking hot pregnant bro she's in like some lingerie is that foul to be into your friend's pregnant wife girl whatever yeah i don't think you i don't think you can nah i think we're not close enough where i can say that i'm not gonna talk about his girl but we could talk about the concept of that i mean she's posting it that's the other thing she's posting it are we talking about this one no that's a little real al come on yeah getting the pictures on it's the most latest one it's the latest one it's like a little video or like a gif you could put it up i think we should objectively talk about this because i've been that's the one category of pornography that i do not [ __ ] with wait there's gay porn well if they can get pregnant then there's a real [ __ ] problem that's the only getting that's all right the only category of male female there's incest porn i'm okay with that all right because it's fake can we show this yeah we can show that i mean she posts it on her instagram i mean you have to admit titties fully melted heavy son she got some adele's right there bro and now i can't get past the belly she's protruding like she giving birth to mark axe can't do it yo i can't do it that's your fifth bullet bro yes it is you wear extra bullets dawg i have two extra i got yeah i got two extra balls he'd been reloaded so i can't believe you're gonna not shoot him for shooting me i got the camera in the way al handle business does shot all his man stop it do something nah but he cheats i can't unsee that she took a train by like five dudes or some [ __ ] like that that's what you cannot see like wait a minute what what you trained by five dudes so recently like uh ack and her boyfriend they got into a little battle adam22 yeah um and act exposed some details that she had a train ran on her but i believe it was five dudes for money or something or what for i mean was it for a porn maybe maybe it was like she's a sex worker right like that's what she does any guy that's dating a porn star if you try to insult him with guys that his girl is [ __ ] it doesn't work because she gets [ __ ] for money exactly on camera because she's in porn exactly so that's not shocking the thing that was shocking to me is usually i do not like pregnancy porn or anything like that i haven't looked at any pregnancy porn that's the one thing i do not click on i do not know all i know is in this one image on instagram because we have a question i don't want to know maternity leave son she gotta get eight weeks at least there's no maternity leave and only fans that's funny that's why that's disrespectful we should say something oh my god okay that being said thank god some of these girls don't do that because there are guys that are into the pregnancy porn i won't even allow myself to indulge in have you ever watched one i can't do it you don't watch it have you ever watched one now be honest be honest honestly you can even put the cursor in front of the video where it gives the little highlight [ __ ] you didn't do that you just scrub through you didn't do no scrub nah mark to pull it up what have you watched any pregnancy porn i have viewed it but i haven't used it as a as a masturbatory device yeah until completion what did you do you just slap your dick on your [ __ ] foot [Laughter] oh i'm all out now oh god so nice that someone else has something big on their head besides me in this round okay in all seriousness you enjoyed it or you did it purely for research purposes mark uh mostly research but i'm not necessarily turned off by it why not because to me i'm thinking like back in the day especially i was looking like like when the the waiter brings the plate and you said no onions and there's just onions all over it be like come on wait this whole time for the [ __ ] sound you gotta mainly for research i like research everyone knows that about me bro if there was a wikipedia for the porn i would have read it okay but they don't really have that feature okay go go what are you doing i'm not doing anything go but tell us tell us tell us you're not reloading right i'm not reloading all right tell us so basically like i'm thinking back in the day you would have a bunch of kids with your wife right and you and your wife you'd have a bunch of kids and because of that she'd be pregnant a lot of the time and you would be making love to her while pregnant nine months out of the year you're making love to her while pregnant and then two months she's probably got to heal up from that [ __ ] and then she gets pregnant again and then you have make love to her pregnancy so most of her life she probably was pregnant biologically speaking you're more adaptive at making love to your pregnant spouse than you are to her not pregnant oh my god back in the day when you're having a bunch of kids over and over this is a great point pregnancy porn is actually more normal this is a great point now some might say we're not supposed to be sexually attracted to pregnant women because it's a waste of [ __ ] now potentially i've heard that there are studies that say that husbands are mostly attracted to their women when they are pregnant why envy what well did you have me like [ __ ] pregnant person oh yeah you said that being said maybe you're most attractive to your wife's you want to protect her the most because she needs that to survive yeah because you understand oh she's carrying my child that's what i want biologically that being said there's no way that god or evolution or whatever it is would allow you to waste come but we switched it up socially speaking so now we want to [ __ ] with no consequences what is the least consequential [ __ ] is pregnancy yo that's not biological mark is making good points america's making good points that being said biologically speaking i think it is a waste of your come and therefore your body would reject it it doesn't like waste and come and it doesn't care for the same reason why we're not attracted to super old old old women they're no longer fertile a pregnant woman is just as infertile as an old woman so therefore we should not be attracted to them but i don't think it's a binder i think it's probably a spectrum say again i think it's a spectrum i think i think you said that to not lose an argument why would i ever say that why would i ever say something i think so too yeah it's not binary it's not binary it's a spectrum so that's why privacy porn is not the most popular porn but it is a subset that isn't inherently like the grossest thing to me yeah well why are our girls repulsive when they're on their periods [Applause] i see the pregnancy point but how come our girls go through our instagrams mark how come they see who we're following these dumb [ __ ] you stupid sex workers yeah that's he's more like a personal vendetta so is the jury out did we show the picture of her yet or the video of her yeah women can get pregnant on their period no they couldn't no they can't mar stop it with your jesus stuff stop it with your jesus stop women don't even have to get [ __ ] to get pregnant actually a historical president really if three dudes show up to your house on announce your girl pregnant they're [ __ ] angels [Laughter] no but for real you can't get pregnant on your period yeah you stop it you can't your girl is literally a prenatal nurse she knows better yeah you cannot get pregnant on your period your period is the absence of pregnant no it's not yes it is you can't get pregnant on pre-cum you can't be pregnant on your period you can't get pregnant on saturday why are we dressed out on the pregnant on the period thing oh who got more girls pregnant than now now we're doing all facts no feelings dummies okay go can you get pregnant on your period the simple answer is yes the simple answer is notes he can't all right blood blocks it no you can't they can't swim in blood they can't swim there's [ __ ] egg shells all over the [ __ ] place yeah yeah i'll get there it's tough maybe the sperm is as repulsed as al is and it just swims away it might swim back up on your dick and that's why out [ __ ] goes to the left because it's hot it's looking forward and then it's like ew blood and it just goes against the side wall that could be it that could be it that's but that could be true okay our next topic before we run out of steam [Laughter] wait we didn't settle crazy board now we do pregnancy porn oh yeah it's still gross that being said leona look fine pregnant all right two things can be true okay okay i wonder if her only fan subscriptions have gone up or down since pregnancy i bet they went up in like a different demographic oh yeah yeah then she's gonna drop in about seven months that might happen won't talk any sports yeah luka doncic was abusing paul george son abuse did you watch it i didn't watch it to be honest oh my god bro let's talk as we get out of here luka doncic not only see the truth he literally bullied marcus morris or marquis for whatever the [ __ ] which one it was to the point where he got flagrant two out of the game he literally tapped out of the game himself yes in my opinion that's him going i can't guard you i can't have you my ego won't allow you to uh to make me look like a [ __ ] on national tv yeah i'm gonna foul you in a way where they'll take me out of the game because i know the coach's not gonna take me out so he tapped out of the game that was some real soft ass [ __ ] if you ask me and then playoff p right came out there and luca was abusing him kawhi is still that [ __ ] dude like literally there was a point in the game where kawhi goes off for like nine or 12 straight points in the fourth it was like unbelievable but luca is paul is pathetic luca is the truth and kawhi is still a [ __ ] cyborg one of the girls had a good game though i saw the [ __ ] was getting abused bro when i came in the third and fourth quarters abuse oh it looks sad that's without christmas sounds three or six and without kristaps yeah he's their entire offense yeah yeah yeah man but y'all y'all got something to look forward to bro that kristaps trade might be the rare lose-lose yeah everybody might have lost that one yeah chris dabs and tim hardaway jr who's good and trey burke who's good for the mavs yeah you got your little pics that you ain't gonna [ __ ] with and then the mavs got chris stabs but he's just fragile yo yeah you had to do the trade you had to sign him but he mad fragile he is man and that was the issue of the knee right nix didn't believe in the knee i think was the other knee he's just too tall i think over seven three there's like a height where players are just way more prone to injury yeah and he's seven four yeah but it was just it was scary from the beginning i think they got luca so they won but yeah so i heard the announcer saying that the mavs need an enforcer they do teams look at them soft yeah they come at them that's been the reputation for like 25 30 years since it's dark just bullying and the year they won they had desean stevenson who that's that's a guy who you think could get down yeah and he pretend he he used to fight for dirk he used to love dirk so i think they need another one of those but those guys are easy to get but why don't you get one of the morris brothers like that's what i would do i would sign the other one aren't they from texas i don't know i know they play ball at kansas but i'm if i'm the mavs yeah as a [ __ ] you to was it marcus yeah i would sign markieff interesting yeah you need someone to protect luca because it's getting a little it's getting a little rough out there yeah but that's one thing i remember paul george saying in like game two or one even is like let's see if he can do this for seven games he can like you could bully him all you want to the guy i'm telling you he's from hell you can't just like rough him up and he's scared so how soft is paul george [ __ ] talk [ __ ] on a gram oh proceeded to have the worst playoffs in his entire career like that that dude is emotionally soft and i'm concerned what happens deep in the playoffs with a guy he's not he's just rattling why [ __ ] up i think if he's still on the raptors they're a lock for the finals right yeah i mean i think the raps the raps obviously lost to boston but i think the raps can make adjustments and figure that out we're gonna see what happens i hope so yeah we're gonna see what happens i'm tired of boston disappointing us in the playoffs yeah the thing about boston is like their young guns just keep developing jason tatum is impressive jaylen brown is good tatum is there like unquestioned alpha once you got rid of a [ __ ] kyrie yeah see ya let jason grow you had to you had to carry yeah kyrie always gets in everybody's way yeah is there another story that was worth talking about in the playoffs i feel like there was donovan mitchell oh jamal murray oh yeah this kid is the truth bro you know what bothers me about him is he met inconsistent if he goes off they win and they lose my from what i've heard the scouting report on him is um he is a absolute [ __ ] superstar rock star the issue is game 49 on a tuesday mid-season he just doesn't really care so it's getting him to get charged up to play for every single game and the thing about jordan is it didn't matter if it was an exhibition game in france yeah he was going to give everything he needed that victory he would [ __ ] bleed he would bleed for it he would do everything jamal murray is a steel trap like emotionally he's the opposite of paul george he is not scared of the moment he is resilient his brain is unphased the problem is when the stakes are not high apparently he doesn't care that much i think if he's on fire they win it's just that simple yeah but to me he was always inconsistent maybe it's effort but then that's why they need i think they're gonna need to make a trade or hope michael porter jr becomes like a [ __ ] yeah you give him another year yeah that's we'll see what happens but if if next year doesn't happen i think they might need to shake things they might win this yeah i they were my dark horse yeah because of porter jr i thought he could develop if not this year next year but i don't know we'll see we'll see what happens yeah i need to thank obama for letting the season restart oh that's true that's true what was his what was his advice some dumb ass [ __ ] he said shut up and dribble basically basically right like i need some [ __ ] to do all right michelle out here arm wrestling come on i need what what what i need some [ __ ] to do i'm bored yo arm wrestle michelle or barack who wins be honest oh michelle michelle breaking his [ __ ] wrist yeah she's snapping his wrist because he's a gentleman and he'll let her win fair enough yeah but it all seems more at the gym in all seriousness though um shouts to barack for like being available i think when he's done bench pressing she just spots and just does just starts to do he stands over him like that with the barbell i will say that though shout out to brock like just being available like i don't know that many people that have a relationship with just nba players you know like bill clinton would be at all these like uh errors was it arkansas razorback games and she's like yeah i don't know his phone number he's just he's just kind of [ __ ] the girls that were visiting college seniors they're trying to decide what school to go to probably that's his move i'm just saying i think that's pretty dope of brock and giving us advice i didn't necessarily agree with the advice so to say i think i really believe what i was saying on the last step about the um starting uh some sort of lobby to give like actual real economic and political pressure on these organizations that you want to do i think that is the way to go and i think that barack should know better than anybody that that's the way to go because that's what he had to deal with for eight years in dc but um look he's he's got way more experience than me in this so hopefully he gave them some good advice man i just think it's dope that he makes himself available for that he does not have to do that and no one would be upset at him if he didn't do that yeah and the fact that he did is just [ __ ] ill yeah anyway guys that's been another episode of flagrant 2 man we had a lot of fun [Music] and listen what i do have to say i still got one more bullet bro uh you have shot all your bullets i don't think you do here's the thing remember the three bullet minimum was for the episode once this episode is over it's a free-for-all so i just want to point that out to everybody that's here someone's about to get some justice the second we have in this episode this has been flagger 2. and i just want to let y'all know that if y'all want to continue this and maybe see who got got and who got got right in their [ __ ] mouth in her face you can always join us this friday on flagrant2 that's right you know we do a whole new episode a whole new episode every friday that's right starting at five dollars a month you could get four episodes a month four episodes we will see you friday [ __ ] army peace you
Channel: Flagrant 2
Views: 393,204
Rating: 4.7688842 out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media, eddin, eddin media, Thankyoueddin
Id: outO_NqpO4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 21sec (7581 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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