Travis Scott's DisASTRO WORLD | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh

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just [ __ ] up to admit but i'm like i gotta see travis scott concert how has nobody killed this [ __ ] guy i'll say it but i need you to bleep this [Music] i'll bet a bitcoin on that let's better bitcoin what's up everybody welcome to flaker two your boy schultzy is back uh i'm here with akash saying we got mark gagnon on the [ __ ] building the truffle miles ain't even on camera but that motherfucker's here vala shifty in the back i just want to say right now this is our second time recording the intro uh because i didn't go hard in the paint enough okay uh acting sucks yeah i miss a few podcasts because i was acting that will never happen again it is not worth it okay i asked to be in this movie i asked to be in this movie because my comedy heroes in the movie eddie murphy's in the movie right okay i know i said it on a patreon episode and there's a few of you on the patreon here comes hippocrates i said acting's the worst [ __ ] thing you should never do it i was right 100 i was right um but i started comedy because when i was a [ __ ] child i listened to eddie murphy on a cassette tape with my father uh we were sitting on a bed and he was doing his like you know who'd be a funny f-word you know what i mean he's just bleeping yeah yeah yeah the ralph got humming hum and humming up right uh and it was the funniest thing in the [ __ ] world mr t was gay yeah you know clinched my butt cheeks snappy dick off yeah like and i saw my dad crying laughing and i was like oh my god comedy is the [ __ ] i gotta be funny i want my dad to laugh when i say things and i promise you from that moment on i valued humor in a different way yeah i get the opportunity to be in a movie with eddie murphy i i was cool enough i had a cool enough relationship with kenya barris who's the director i hit him up and i was like yo put me in this movie and he was like bet right yeah and um i'm in it and [ __ ] man thank you kenya so much i really appreciate the opportunity kenny seems great i wish he said no i wish you rejected me i wish you said you're not right for this movie because i'm not i'm not right why are you you know why are you not i'm not good at acting this is not good at acting this is great wait wait let me just talk about what happened can you tell us everything i'm going all right okay i'm not invited back to set uh listen if not only is it eddie murphy right eddie murphy's enough yeah this is the movie that i just asked to be in and then they said yes stupidly they just said yes yeah right it's eddie murphy jonah hill's the star julia louise dreyfus elaine elaine yeah the best show and uh i got a great elaine show a story oh my god uh mike epps who's a legend yeah yeah yeah yeah mike is the [ __ ] man yeah dude mike epps turned the whole set around yeah like he came in his trailer he's got music blasting weed smoke coming out of it like it's a nightclub his [ __ ] trailer we're on this dinner scene i'm sitting next to elliot gould the old guy promotions eleven twelve thirteen legendary yeah yeah yeah yeah like i'm sitting next to him he's talking to me about life like going deep about life i'm trying to memorize this thing that i got to say you know the most important thing is being present i'm like [ __ ] i'm thinking about 15 yeah okay [ __ ] needs to get done so i don't get thrown off this goddamn movie mike epps comes down he's so loose so chill cracking jokes he's making eddie laugh nobody is is engaged with eddie because everybody's so terrified of that right and uh myself included and uh but mike evans is busting balls making jokes like eddie's in the middle of his [ __ ] monologue that he's taking very seriously and he's just popping one-liners in like cutting off the [ __ ] goats and being funny about it right um at one point when we stopped down this big dinner scene epps is sitting like across from elaine from julie dreyfus and he goes uh she goes he goes hey so uh hey hey uh so uh what's it like working with uh tracy morgan [Laughter] what because it's obvious who she worked with no oh yes yes yes he thought she was tina fey bro i [ __ ] lost it fam i lost it i lost it bro i thought i thought he's doing some [ __ ] you would do her i'm not gonna give seifeld no credit no oh my god i saw the thirty minute dead she kind of started to realize it and it was just like she ain't saying nothing i haven't actually worked with him in a while or something like that she's like very polite and professional about it yeah she's a hawks brother she's a beast yeah you can see who's a beast and anybody who's on the greatest show of all time seinfeld has to be a beast david is that what bothers you about science [ __ ] what bothers you about seinfeld is he makes acting look so easy and then you go in there and stumble through a scene like a [ __ ] [ __ ] dude i did stumble through a scene i [ __ ] up a scene with eddie i had a scene with eddie yeah yeah and ken i think i've told you this okay and first of all okay i'll tell you why i was completely shell shocked i probably told a couple of this already but i'm gonna tell the people at home you guys deserve to to understand okay you guys know my opinion i'm so funny i'm so anxious i'm so [ __ ] excited to even see eddie murphy okay i saw his stunt double and i got excited because he looks like him obviously but like even in the face down to the goatee right yeah and i and i was like getting nervous on how to approach the stunt double he was just sitting across from me this is like an hour and i finally said something to him and then he like wasn't like looking like eddie murphy no i thought it was that you might get him yes and that's something you cannot [ __ ] up yeah like because that's the one time you're it's like you do look alike yeah right so one time it's okay so i'm i'm i'm in this basically first day we're all seated across from one another and you know shout out to jonah hill because jonah hill is like he's the star of the movie and like he's just kicking it with us we're the guys in his bachelor party right and he's just kicking with us like he don't have to yeah you know what i mean like he don't have to and he was kicking us and like creating a vibe and trying to make people comfortable and i appreciate that like that for sure you don't have to do that yeah you got lines you got to memorize you got you were carrying the movie you could be in your head a lot of stress yes so but we're all kicking it's fun keep in mind it was a walking scene there's no lie but still he was very good it was a walking scene it was but you got to make choices when you walk how are you going to walk right what's the deal with what all right so so so we're all sitting there's like four of us on this side for those of us sam jay is in the movie love sam jung taco you know travis yeah really funny kid good kid he's in him but there's like a really great cast you are so hollywood my boy bg brian greenberg in america how to make in america he's great jordan first but like dude there's people who are really talented far more talented than me in this movie okay and that sucks when you're sitting there knowing it yeah and your line's coming up like oh boy i'm about to tank this scene ruin it for everyone when you bomb on stage by yourself it's on you yeah yeah but when you bring a scene to a screeching halt in front of petty murphy dog like it's crazy okay so anyway first time i meet eddie murphy we're sitting down four people on this side four people in this sorry three people on this side one empty chair all of a sudden the goat walks in eddie murphy walks in [ __ ] you sits down okay now before he comes in i'm trying to rile everybody up i know i'm with like hollywood folks so i'm asking them things like you know do you uh recognize taiwan like i'm just trying to get everybody uncomfortable because that's just how i know how to you know socialize really exactly yeah actors socialize differently they socialize through acting like so they'll like make a fake scenario and then like play in it so they'll be like uh oh yeah actually like i lost my leg in the war oh yeah which war was it and they'll do like the improv games but like for fun that's so awful it's odd it's super peculiar but it really helps like in terms of when you've got to do the action i mean comics do the same thing right but do that if you hang with comics but i mean like they're just making jokes and like tagging up jokes yeah but jokes i don't like that that's just how comics are no no i don't like that i always feel weird with that i'm like what are we doing like i like making fun of somebody or justifying something awful yeah but the thing where we like play the game we're like i'm a pilot and be like oh yeah you are you're a pilot it's just weird for me i don't know how to do it i don't know how to do it but it helps them be better actors they're practicing they're warming up and it must work okay right i'm trying to do it i don't know how to do it yep do what i mean they're setting up these little scenarios yeah so new york you know you grew up like what was it like like seeing crack addicts all the time and i'm like uh taiwan i don't know what to say right you recognize taiwan or not trans people how do you feel about that right so this is i i get the group discussing chappelle's the closer and asking what their opinions on it yeah okay we're discussing it everybody's discussing we're having this conversation it's cool everything's interesting boom everything's fine all of a sudden eddie comes in everybody silent i mean voldemort entered the [ __ ] room i mean there is not a single [ __ ] fire it's a casino i don't even think the slots machines was like you didn't hear nothing when this guy walked in it was unbelievable and he sits down and i'm like okay i got to break the ice so i lock in the sentence in my head right i go i'm going hey eddie what do you think about [ __ ] that's that was what i was gonna say okay that's what i was gonna say eddie what do you think about trains i'm like it's going to break the ice he's going to know we're comedians he's going to laugh a little bit and then give his opinion on the chappelle thing because he knows what's going on yeah but and then a second before the sentence is locked in my head right ready to go ready to go right the second before i say i remember that a few decades ago yeah he picked up a trans prostitute yeah and gosh the trans prostitute got arrested right when he was out for a ride back before was like acceptable to do that bro and he got [ __ ] dragged for it he got dragged dragged get it yeah yes i got that like the pun intended and so i don't say that because that would have obviously ruined but once you lock in a sentence and then you can't say it you've got nothing left i haven't said anything since i haven't said anything since i just look at him i stare at him like a baby i'm like a newborn baby i've heard that's eddie's effect i've heard that about eddie and michael jordan when they sit anywhere even if there's other famous people everything stops and everybody looks at them you just stopped you look at him i was listening to him have a conversation he's not even talking to me yeah whenever he said something kind of funny i would laugh i'm not even in the conversation he's having a private conversation and he's like yeah it's just like when the motor turns on and then he starts acting out the motor and i'm like just sitting across from him like laughing awkwardly at this so i'm i'm like frozen out from that and that i didn't know what the [ __ ] to do that was kind of wild experience and then um after that bro we had one scene and i had one line and it was a little bit i didn't know how to get it out i didn't even know what it meant i didn't even know the line meant i didn't know how to get it out this is on me i should have found a way to [ __ ] deliver it i'm saying the line to eddie i said line to him once he tried to like improv back with me once but it was so weird he was like wait improv back so you improved no the line was like kind of like the director was really great he gave me a line in a scene that i didn't have a line he's been really awesome kenya's been awesome and uh and i said the line to your eddie and i say the line to you right yeah and uh let's say the line is oh well i'm gonna go get some paper you want to go get some paper yeah let's get some paper let's say that's a line and he just looks at me he goes [Laughter] i asked jonah i asked jonah right i'm struggling i'm [ __ ] feeling hot i got sweat dripping down my body there's [ __ ] sex everywhere dude i'm wheezing we're in a strip club there's there's strippers everywhere this girl's tits ass ass it's already an anxious scene you know what i'm doing [ __ ] i'm like i'm getting married in a few weeks you know what i mean i got surrounded by selections [ __ ] eddie murphy right across from me right i'm bombing this [ __ ] line he just said yeah and then just stopped and nothing else and then cut can you try it again you know they're never like they don't tell you nobody's ever nice to you uh no one's ever like real with you on a set yeah they always go great great but can you try it that means horrible great great but can you just try like a you sound like dove that's a dove move right there well enough is la baby devil's hollywood he gets it 24 hours before this andrew was in his head eddie murphy was joining the infamous tour like we're going on vacation with eddie like this is what he did the movie for 100 24 hours before 100 i was thinking it was gonna be a pop-in guaranteed radio city music hall eddie murphy's gonna be there he's gonna do stand-up for the first time there's no chance there's no chance there's no dude the way that i delivered this line i think he was like comedy's dead i think he felt in that moment i asked jonah for help i asked jonah hill for help with the line i was like dude you have any advice on his line i'm kind of struggling he goes he goes yeah just don't say it so people turn off the movie immediately he's like i go he goes he goes could you try to say it in a way where they just don't stop streaming the movie immediately like see the way you're saying it now like the way you're saying it now they'll just stop the movie and then he just is he's dude he's on a run he said you're getting bullied so i was getting bullied by him bro i was getting bullied by him and i don't even know what's going on because it doesn't click at first because i'm like he's not gonna bully me right i'm body slam this kid right and then and then he kept on going in he's like yeah so you just say it so it doesn't suck like you know how you were saying it where it sucks try not doing that like i mean like hammer after hammer there's slots everywhere they're like stopped twerking they're just seeing me get [ __ ] bullied right like i i honestly didn't know how to talk for like 24 hours after that i was super nervous bro you should have slapped jonah just to get you back yes i almost had to i almost if you go back there you got to slap him in the mouth so i had i had a couple in front of eddie in front of eddie just to get the respect yesterday get the respect back comedy's not dead you're [ __ ] the king is here yo it's game of thrones you did the walk of shame cersei like the [ __ ] that you are cersei and now you got to get your dick back dawg slap that [ __ ] in his mouth that was day one dude all right sonny ain't been back since ain't no day i was broken after day one absolute fever i sent us a four minute patreon question the next day yeah two takes [Laughter] still needed two takes you look at yourself in the mirror like oh good good can we try that again bro it is the hardest hey this acting [ __ ] you're just sitting there you have no clue if it's good if it's bad like i knew it was bad but like you just have nobody they knew it was bad yeah eddie let you know eddie let you know john let you know that i did one take with him while he was there and then uh the next thing he had the stunts he just left i had a chair they were just like look here for eyeliner i was like all right i mean at least this chair don't look disappointed look at me like there's no point in him being there am i wasting his time that's a i mean whatever acting sucks is this how you imagine meeting your child oh my god you probably dreamed of meeting your childhood hero a lot right say what you probably dreamed of meeting your childhood hero a lot right how did you think it was gonna go you just died yeah no i thought it was gonna go different don't ever meet you know what i say never meet your heroes yeah really just don't let them meet you don't let them meet you because they'll be disappointed yeah because this was a big deal for him oh yeah yeah this is a big deal for him i'm sure he's hurt he's probably heard of you he probably heard of you you don't think you heard of andrew schultz it's the andrew schultz of the of andrew schultz's flagrant two that's a fact uh let me tell you something hollywood don't even know anything exists outside of hollywood yeah yeah i could do it like that i know there's nothing yeah no that's not hollywood doesn't know anything exists outside of hollywood that is the most important thing in the world and once you're in that world you realize why they act this way like you guys why they have like these kind of like warped opinions like if everybody just kiss your ass all day and nobody gave you any pushback you're just going to start saying anything it seems kind of good or right let's help the environment let's do an environmental march how are we going to get there with our private planes yeah but they won't register that nobody will even go well maybe you shouldn't take the private plane because yeah the emissions from the private yeah nobody says no never put yeah whatever that [ __ ] is carbon footprint nobody ever what am i eddie murphy you can't say the [ __ ] line to me i'm nervous around here yo can you also say the story about the other comedian that was on set what happened what happened uh philippa sparza oh that oh yeah yeah so felipe esparza if you guys don't know he's very funny oh yeah he is very funny yeah you said that yeah uh after i bombed the [ __ ] out of my life right they brought eddie back in reluctantly they brought him back in and keep in mind all he has to do is look at me and [ __ ] all around him and he was still like [ __ ] this i'd rather be in my trailer with no [ __ ] than watching this guy just mumble through his [ __ ] line um oh [ __ ] felipe esparza has one line right um he comes in and he goes uh it's [ __ ] it's great he comes in and he's uh i don't want to i don't know how much i can give away he just has a line right can i give away the line [ __ ] it and uh he got he comes in he goes uh thank you for the edible arrangements right that's really funny and with his accent and it is really funny awesome dude he's just [ __ ] so funny and uh go check out felipe funny dude uh stand-up comic and he comes in bro he comes in delivers the line the first time he delivers it delivers it to jonah eddie's next to jonah and they say cut and eddie looks at felipe esparza he goes man you are one funny [ __ ] i watched you with my father i mean listen to you i listen to you with my father on cassette oh [ __ ] dude it was unbelievable i wish that you all were there i wish you guys were just there supporting me so you could see it happen oh just watch me crumble dude you thought we were gonna support you no no no no no no no no no who are you here with him at jonah hill yeah oh my god oh [ __ ] dude it was it was a brutal experience man it was a brutal experience hey yo acting is hard yeah dude don't put me in your movies dove is losing his mind don't put me in your movies don't put me in your movies dude it's a great experience i'm gonna suck i'm gonna suck and then you had to go back to your hotel room alone oh you had to go back to my hotel room i bought i went to i walked up a hill to um a gas station yep and bought a uh ice cream uh cookie sandwich that was dipped in chocolate oh i've done that yeah that's my biggest bomb ever i took down a whole pine ice cream okay i looked at the pint and i was like no and i got an ice cream cookie sandwich with vanilla ice cream it was dipped in chocolate and i um ate it so strategically oh yeah you know saving that last dipped chocolate bit the end yeah you prepared for it kind of like you wish you prepared for your line [Laughter] dude at one point at one point i asked the script supervisor this is the person to make sure you say the line the same way every time i just i i couldn't get the line out right at this point eddie's not even looking at me right it's like and listen let me tell you something it's not like he has his phone or anything he's just purposely not looking at me right he's like i think he thinks i'm making him nervous or something and i just go i go what's the line and i hear her go i literally hear her she's far away and i hear her go wow you almost went full alec baldwin huh yeah you know what we have a hot gun this is how it happened this is how it happens my girl saw alec baldwin like an hour ago on my way here she texted me she saw an old guy she was walking like somewhere saw an old guy dropped something couldn't pick it up picked it up for him he said thank you very much he says thanks doesn't think anything of it everybody's turning around staring at him she looks is alec [ __ ] baldwin what did he drop sunglasses sunglasses probably to hide his identity yeah he said he seemed like a nice enough guy she said thank you very much and she didn't think anything [ __ ] baldwin these famous people when they get canceled become the nicest people i love cancelled people once they're fit they become so good they'd be so they they're so kind to you yeah i'm telling you everybody that i've ever met that has been canceled has been the sweetest version of themselves it allows you to access the better part of you if you were a scumbag if you were a scumbag comedian if you were scumbag and i'm talking about amongst other comedians if you're a scumbag actor any of these things the cancellation humbles you uh you know it's beautiful you become the best version of you it's balance yeah i'm pro-cancellation you broke cancer culture yeah you and ken williams unflipped yeah we flipped it no no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] the kansas culture but it does make you a very humble person like he's i mean he still won't pick up his glasses he'll make a minority do it but he still is he's still he still saw his glasses he was like oh there's a brown person here they'll they'll help me out i'll say thank you yes very much as opposed to hi hilaria i'll be honest with you maybe thought it was his wife it's like gracias all right guys big announcements infamous tour we added another show at radio city musical that's right new york y'all sought out the first one in a [ __ ] day we added another show that's up right now dangerous make sure you get that [ __ ] another big announcement very important um toronto we come in toronto we are coming we are coming we were supposed to play massey hall in toronto which is an iconic venue in toronto but these [ __ ] [ __ ] at the venue uh were scared they were scared they were scared they said oh we can't have this show we had all contracts done everything our board we got some new board directors we don't want any controversy we're a little bit nervous we're a little bit we're a little bit worried he could say some offensive things canada you know what we said we said [ __ ] it we're gonna go to a bigger venue okay if you're not gonna have us at the small event we're gonna go to even bigger venue because this is what the people need okay the people don't need you [ __ ] coddling them cut that canadian [ __ ] out we're going to the meridian okay we're going to meridian hall toronto canada march 5th we are coming out there uh and that's just going to be what it is and now it's going to be extra flagrant now i got to be extra flagrant i can't believe massey hall you guys should honestly you guys should just ban what is it cancel massey hall or macy hall whatever the [ __ ] you pronounce it literally boycott that [ __ ] i can't believe it i can't believe they would cancel the show they're a little bit worried after the whole chappelle thing they think that we're just gonna go up there and say trans jokes the whole [ __ ] time not gonna happen okay well actually it might now that's what i was gonna say it might now but now we take it to you in bigger venue uh meridian hall toronto canada that's march 5th um also uh we're adding another show the infamous tour uh oh by the way we added another show to portland we added another one to seattle those two shows are on sale as well and we're adding a few more dates um you can come see us in oxnard we'll be in brea and we'll be in san jose all those will be available uh going on sale this friday this friday they will be on sale the make sure you get those tickets bright and early this friday especially you toronto toronto have y'all always showed me a lot of love so we can't wait to get back out there and make that infamous show extra extra extra special uh but make sure you get on that and and get on it quick this friday 10 a.m i'm just making sure that this friday 10 a.m locally that's when those shows will be going on sale make sure you get those tickets quick akash what you got first of all thank you so much atlanta that was it was a great time my first time ever headlining a comedy festival that was dope being like top billing we sold out both shows standing room only was so [ __ ] fun thank you guys so much uh this weekend i'm gonna be at fairfield comedy club on saturday uh next week or actually the week after thanksgiving november 26th and 27th i'm going to be at zany's in nashville december 9th through december 11th dc i'm going to be at the comedy loft cop your [ __ ] tickets next year january 7th and 8th i'm going to be at hyenas in dallas january 7th 27th through 29th i'm gonna be at the comedy vault in batavia illinois and february third and fourth i'm gonna be in richmond virginia at the sandman comedy club get your tickets at now let's get back to the show all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because uh i need to make sure you're making some money if you're gambling if you're gambling you're gonna be doing it with my bookie and that's it okay that's what you're gonna do and you're gonna use our promo code flagrant not only do you support the show you support yourself they're matching your initial deposit bonus up to a thousand dollars that's a free one thousand dollars so if you're gonna gamble you might as well get free money to do it right no 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funds to double your winnings bet anytime anything anywhere with my bookie now let's get back to the show i'm shocked your girl picked up his glasses she just saw she got a soft spot for older people anytime yeah that's what it was yeah and he was like struggling and she was like if it was a 35 year old white guy no not a [ __ ] character pick it up if it was you yeah no chance pick it up pick it up pick it up for me dude i asked my girl for tylenol last night she was like yeah it's in the kitchen described where it was i go babe do we have any tylenol which is get me some [ __ ] tylenol and like nice fiance language right it means get me some [ __ ] tylenol my head is hurting i'm making money okay my head hurts for making us all the goddamn money okay and i said do you know where the tylenol is right which means get the [ __ ] up off this big up california king bit california king feet you never hang off the end of it yo son ever bro you done did it california california king okay where's the tylenol and where's in your cabinet that's what she said oh is it oh is that where it is okay why don't you inch yourself off the end of this bed which might take a [ __ ] while because the california king longer not wider like your bully [Laughter] and give me some goddamn tylenols please do i mean you don't even have a [ __ ] prenup yet you gotta be on good behavior you don't even have a premium why are you playing games right now santa's making a list that's how it goes there's no prenup she just gives half say what you know if there's no prenup that's what i'm saying you should be on good behavior until i get the prenup then [ __ ] it up [ __ ] it up what are you saying no i don't have the prenup yet he says it's coming and it might be coming yeah it's like when you know i got the ring but i haven't proposed okay i got you now please believe if i had the ring but i hadn't proposed guess who's gonna be hop skipping and jumping over and get some [ __ ] tylenol might get cold for christmas who knows hey she might be what's in the stocking what's in a stocking this time oh god damn so when you got the tylenol huh you got the talent yeah it's next up some motrin some [ __ ] advil i don't know which one to take crawl all the way over there yeah i got a headache from making all the money pass the [ __ ] out do you know what i mean i'm sitting here sunk into this real expensive mattress did i pay for it for making all the money do you know what i mean i'm running out of making all the money excuses man i'll be bringing that [ __ ] up california king where's your girl from you did that for her yeah you did that for her where are you never going back to california yeah that's another thing i learned i can't even mention some [ __ ] to my girl no more what you mean i can't even think i can't even be hypothetical i can't be like i can't say this sentence i'd be like it's kind of nice in california i can't even say that it's kind of nice in california in her mind means we're moving to california within the year yeah and she just starts looking at property oh i can't wait to be around my mom like she just starts saying all these things now i gotta pull back and i gotta i gotta go we're never moving in california i know and what sucks is i was looking forward to moving to california but now that there's no hollywood opportunities for you ever again it's over we're here and this is l.a he said yo dove stop [ __ ] talking about la around my girl i'm like my family's from but she can't talk she can't talk about it too much homelessness that's what it is ellie's full of homeless ptsd bro yeah it's a terrible city we don't go there by the way you're flying there tomorrow but i'm going back to do the rest of the movie tomorrow i have one line tomorrow can you run the line by us bro let me tell you i'm going to bomb this line bro would i tell i'm just going to start speaking mandarin you got to play to your strengths bro that's your issue you got to play your strengths well i had one thing that was actually fun you gotta be like yo let's do some crowd work you got a hit was eddie there say what you got everybody had already left were you in your hotel room it was a rehearsal dinner and i got to like give a speech and i was supposed to but again kenya's been looking out for your boy and uh he was like hey you'll give a speech and we'll just put the camera on you and just like make up something so it was good yeah oh was it anything i don't know if they'll ever leave it in and like they probably shouldn't because i'll be canceled forever yeah but i just pretend i'm like my character storm the capitol [Laughter] and the look at all the faithful spaces like these like super liberal hollywood people like like the the the the people who are like really industry were like whoa that was edgy you know what i mean and then all like the key grips and the light guys are like we like that [ __ ] yeah recount the votes okay so that's again we're done with the tragic hollywood story oh my god that was the best story i've ever heard i'll say this i think if you're directing a film if you're writing a film or or a movie like if you're involved in every scene anything you would be good at what is that anything you would be good at well also like brain capacity like if you're sitting around set for 12 hours you'll be at 12 to 14 hours and you'll say five lines on camera that's rough that's rough especially for us because we work every second of every day yeah right so that was hard for me but if i was if i'd written the film where i was directing it or something like that and acting in it as well yeah i think i could do that because every scene matters every scene is important not just scenes with me in it but just everyone is going to help push the story yeah yeah so i think that i could potentially do that yeah you know what it does expose what one you're not a good actor two uh when these these actors are like oh you had such a wonderful time filming the movie no you didn't i'm not a good actor i'm a star bro not that i believe you always put the camera on me though yeah and we put you on a stage with a microphone yeah magic and no other people there yeah i think i'm good at stand up yeah yeah that's what it is i think i'm good at standard yeah there was a movie where i just got to do stand up yes you're good at you you're very good at you yeah and you're a crowd your show will be a curb style show if you do one yeah like soft scripted did i think the scripted version of him playing a stand-up he can't even do one line it's a nightmare yeah but you getting to be you you're larry davis i think mark said it you're larry david but you know how people watch curb and you're like yo larry's right people watch you and you're like this guy is wrong every time that sort of felt yeah that's what it felt like but that's you that's your show that is me that is my show don't curb your enthusiasm don't curb your enthusiasm there you go verb has really become like the new thing where you just go i want that show yes like everybody describes their show as it's this version of curb yeah yeah yeah it's like uber like for the longest time it was like oh it's like uber for weed yeah yeah everything was like uber and private jets yeah everything's uber really just one type of comedy show now yeah it's curb yeah but black yes curb but like white rapper guy yeah curb but yeah that's really interesting like nobody's trying to do like old school sit nobody's like it's friends but right it used to be its friends yep larry david larry legend yeah he's a dream guest here two of the greatest [ __ ] shows of all time i mean that's crazy to create the two greatest tv shows ever it's not they're not even i mean they're not the greatest tv shows the greatest comedies yeah yeah but don't don't say great tv shows ever it's not even [ __ ] close breaking bad yeah seinfeld [Laughter] breaking bad none curb breaking bad curb science game of thrones game of thrones game of thrones uh one yeah up until the last one last one drop down one through crazy one through five game of thrones yeah his first mile come talk first mile contribution first miles contribution uh you know what's crazy about game of thrones i think you talked over him anyway i didn't know he barely got it he like leaned over to the mic too like he really committed perfect yeah yeah yeah game of thrones man game of thrones is a [ __ ] crazy show it's really interesting because like you can be progressive in pockets mm-hmm like i'm watching it now like the girls in the first few seasons are just getting [ __ ] right oh yeah there's no consensual sex for the first three seasons yes and then every girl character in the show yeah just becomes this beast yeah right yeah rape is the gateway in game of thrones rape is the gateway drug to royalty to royalty and to greatness yeah that's i think what the guys what is his name the guy who wrote game of thrones or whatever no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no martin tolkien is the other nerd yeah but like you'd think a guy like that would have a lot of animosity to women right he's like a short fat troll guy not very good looking like you think that he would write all these female characters to be like you know just obsessed with like money or yeah you know they just want to marry the richest guy whatever right but he actually writes like the best female characters yeah victims to victors yeah yeah they do that well it's a good arc i'm curious about that like most losers hate women because women are that source of rejection for them yeah but he clearly doesn't and he lets him get raped a couple times but well you know it's interesting he makes sure of it he writes it in and then by the end of detail too yeah detailed by the end of all of their arcs you're like this [ __ ] you gotta die this is a problem you can't give her you shouldn't give her no power yeah if you think about it they ascend to send ascend and then when they get power you're like yo this is get get this [ __ ] out of here got you it's too much power yeah so yeah yeah you want you to be strong to a point yes that's a good point except sansa they let sansa have some power you're right about that right i forgot about redheads yeah yeah but she went through hell she went through the worst hell yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa santa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa are you talking about ramsay bolton what ramsay bolton did here ramsay and then what's her name before joffrey before yeah joffrey was a wild little boy yeah that's a great actor right there that's something i could never do apparently he quit he quit acting yeah he's done acting is that true yeah what that's sad dude he was good yeah he was really that makes sense though if you hate if your character's the most hated person yeah he can't do anything else entertainment ever like yeah you're getting harassed on the street people probably hate you in real life bro he could be a marvel villain take that same hatred and just be the bad guy in everything you got enough money you don't get hated forever how much money did they really make these [ __ ] they got money yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't think they made much yeah i'd be looking at the cars on set you know what i'm saying pocket watching they forgot my car at home twice i think they might have genuinely forgot it once the second time they're like i'm a [ __ ] one they said i think i deserved it got the city bus coming inside they did send me home in the bus yeah they sent me home like a transportation vehicle or whatever like that i don't give a [ __ ] there's more room but like low key two nights in a row yeah like like meaningless a sprinter van kind of thing like for disabled things this boy is meaningless never if i felt more meaningless in this whole thing oh yeah dude i was looking up game of thrones salaries and it just got stuck behind the business insider paywall damn i can't even afford that good job that [ __ ] is a hit piece good topic change um let's talk about it what y'all think about uh yeah poor portnoy i think this is further proof portney is going to be president whoa let's go whoa okay let's break down the story real quick okay so dave portnoy uh head of bar stool there is a 4 000 word piece uh uh written uh by somebody at the business insider right business insider is essentially like um like a patreon i guess for uh it's like a business it's like buzzfeed for money yeah but you have to there's nothing wrong with being behind a pay wall i'm not going to hate on that but essentially they wrote a a hit piece about him saying that there are women that were coming out and they said that he was having like extremely violent sex with them there's a couple girls that was mentioned this uh this girl madison uh started uh messaging him over like text and snapchat the messages got explicit apparently he sent videos of him [ __ ] to her uh she says that she has like a rape fantasy uh you know uh poornoy flies her out to his house this is all alleged he films her while uh she's blowing them uh they have sex she claims it was too rough said uh said it was a too much yeah she slept on the couch that night portnoy says that it was all consensual they disagreed about everything after having sex and that's why she slept on the couch yeah madison texts her friend a few few days later saying it felt like uh she was being raped yeah and what porno basically said with this is this this is he said she said this is not true he says it's not true at all she says i guess it is and then we gotta figure that out and a little extra detail for the couch thing is that was after a few weeks like he was like we talked for a few weeks after having sex couldn't agree on anything and one of those nights she slept on the couch it wasn't even like the same night it was just like we had sex we have nothing in common nothing we're still trying to make it work it's not happening and she wanted to have sex that night again and he was like we're not going to have sex we don't agree on anything and then she slept on the couch i'm pretty sure that's what he said in his statement and then there's alison uh basically uh she said that her friends put her up to messaging portnoy she wanted to bring friends for the first time uh they were to meet important i said it would be weird for them to have friends there if they're gonna be having sex uh they don't meet up then they meet up she says they have sex he spat on her uh choked her she felt like she was a preyed on and uh then took a selfie with portnoy and her leaving his house uh like so i guess that picture starts circulating she feels suicidal and depressed the mother finds out her mother finds out uh and starts going after point portnoy portnoy releases dms of him and allison talking after um you know he says miss my dick yet she goes hahaha of course she replies uh allison herself has said that it's uh not sexual assault uh so it seems like the mom was kind of really stirring these things up to protect her daughter maybe she felt like her daughter was would obviously hurt i didn't know allison had said that because i do know she said she felt suicidal and depressed three days later and then the mom said she went to the police police say they have no record of maybe called the police but police say they have no record of anything yeah and porno basically uh shared some texts or like dms between him and the girl okay so really interesting thing uh here um obviously we don't know who's telling the truth um there's really no way for us to know yeah right so we can't really speculate on what the truth is but we can talk about how it's being handled and an interesting thing that we saw from portnoy is he went straight at the business insider yep they try to uh you know assault his character is that the term assault my character yeah i guess yeah yeah and uh assassinate his character assassinate yeah assault and uh and they tried to assassinate his character so he immediately goes at the writer he goes at the ceo of the business insider apparently is this guy who uh got like kicked out of wall street you know the sec said that um he had like these securities violations and he's a real scumbag also there's some people that like might have a shorted the penn stock pen as this gaming company that uh there's a gambling company that he's partnered up with barstool it dropped 20 once the story came out now also they didn't meet certain quarterly earnings projections they thought they would so that was part of the drop right it wasn't just because of that but uh an interesting thing is that he started he went on the attack right and if you really want to talk about like cancel culture and cancellers the canceled culture fight is not really from the talent working within corporations perspective okay so like when people are like dave chappelle is fighting cancel culture it's it's not really dave's fight right because dave gets paid netflix if they choose to keep the special on right is fighting back against cancer culture but once dave has put out the work there's nothing yeah right to fight yeah right like so poor noy is an interesting position because he is the corporation he is barstool yes he's choosing to fight back now he's also fighting for his brand he's fighting for his livelihood right right like of course he has to fight but this is a good example of going i don't care what these brands are saying i don't care what's going on i'm gonna push back i'm not gonna apologize for this i'm gonna push back and i'm gonna fight for the the you know to stop this cancellation if you will right i'm innocent and i'm going all out right it's on some 50 cent [ __ ] you know if you [ __ ] with 50 cent he's exposing everything yeah and it seems like that's portnoy's approach and what's really interesting about that approach is you switch the conversation from did he rape these girls to is this a hit piece right it used to be did he rape these girls now the conversation is this is a hit piece by the business insider they charge a monthly subscription if you really cared about these women you would put this out publicly wouldn't you want to stop somebody who's out here assaulting women but no you're going to charge for the information about someone who's assaulting women they did the same thing with david dobrik like they put a article about him in the vlog squad there was like alleged sexual assault like rape charges against in that crew yeah and they put that [ __ ] behind a paywall as well and it's like who do you really help huh like who is the predator here like if you want to help these women wouldn't you put this information out in the world right yeah like why do you need to pay to know who the alleged rapist is yeah and also tim dillon had a release a screenshot of someone dming him said hey business insider asked me to write an article about you but i stepped away because it became clear was a hit piece so there tim dillon is getting people telling him they're trying to get me to write a hit piece about you and i've also heard that these are like guns for hire business insider like it's easy to like get an article written in the business inside uh okay okay um quick question do you know if that hurt david dobrik's brand a lot because it seems to me like it did it's over i don't think it's over but it did affect it but i heard that app that he was like he had an app apparently that was yeah it [ __ ] his money up for him the smartest thing you can do to monetize on youtube now that's [ __ ] gonna kill him it's over the the smartest thing you can do in these situations is what portnoy did which is the direct response and i don't know if lawyers tell you not to say anything but i know it helps when you start it by saying my lawyers are telling me not to say anything but here goes and then you get to tell your entire story uninterrupted for uh 12 minutes whatever i did yeah yeah so now you just get all of your side out they wrote a article that takes six minutes to read you get to rebut it for 12 minutes and nobody can interrupt it and i think that's the best move whereas a lot of these actor types or whatever probably david drawbrook is going to be like yeah i don't know i just i'll just keep quiet trust people this motherfucker's like nope let's fire her back and he got the barbs he got the bar stool bar yeah yeah he does the ball [ __ ] rock with portnoy yeah to the end of days so if he goes hey cancel insider or whatever he put it was like oh you won't cancel me no we're gonna cancel y'all yeah and then that [ __ ] starts trending and what's really interesting is it it basically sets a tone it's like if you're gonna do it it was very easy back in the day to just write an article right right you can write an article about any actor or that kind of stuff and they can't really fight back yeah but if you write an article about portnoy and your name is on that article it's not an anonymous article be ready for smoke yeah that's what he's saying you would call me rapist we are gonna make sure you are infamous this blodget guy the guy who's the ceo of business insider is the laughingstock of barcelona and the whole community is gonna devour that [ __ ] because at the end of the day he's the one responsible actors are going to be like well i'm sorry if she misunderstood maybe i misunderstood and porn was like nah [ __ ] you [ __ ] them hit him up with tupac hit him up yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] you as a whole crew whatever it is let's go all right guys we'll take a break for a second because look i know there's a lot to be thankful for like how policy genius can check out if you're paying too much for home and auto insurance yes you should be thankful for that okay it's never a bad time to find ways to bundle your home and auto insurance 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cancer culture it's like if someone expendable is canceled and you're just like yeah you tell them like yo you gotta you resign that's a good point that's a really great point you know so it's like don't it's not like a fight against cancer culture it's a fight to save your life yeah you don't want the scarlet letter you are yeah rapist that's done it's over yeah you have to fight you gotta fight you ain't got choice you know i want to fight back against cancer culture nah fam and you know if you don't sell pizzas you can't be a rapist you know what i thought i had is i'm more inclined to believe him because we've already seen that video of what kind of sex he normally has so if that's normal sex for you i think if you're well you got that much to lose you have to be 1 000 sure it's all consensual beforehand i think i mean it's definitely possible to abuse the power but i also can see you a guy like that being like i need to get proof that all of this is consensual yeah so i i tend to believe somebody who has sex like that normally is probably going to make sure it's all consensual yeah he's got his safe words and all that so risky it's such aggressive like violent sex yeah that it's a anybody saying i was raped look i have marks on my neck or some [ __ ] you probably do the guy had a [ __ ] dog collar on you yank it on you know what i mean like so you yeah you just bring up in a spur of a moment you're saying yeah and like you're gonna make sure like look i'm doing some [ __ ] that could be easily perceived if i'm not a thousand percent sure she's with it and then she might not she might be very not with it very not with it so i got to make sure i get a yes on at every step yeah like i at least that's what i thought giving him some credit i also had the thought of a guy who can beat a me too this many times that's president doug best president trump i knew trump i should have known trump was going to win when grabbing by the [ __ ] didn't take him down yeah or grab her by the [ __ ] that didn't destroy him yeah it's important away buddy it's not he don't give a [ __ ] he's untouchable now here's the question does a guy like that end up having a similar fate to trump where it becomes so divisive and there's so many people that are against you and angry at you just because you are you then it becomes hard to function as president or even as somebody it could but one thing he does differently than trump trump doesn't explain things ooh and and poor noi explained everything a salesman so if you're a moderate you can get with that easier than you can with trump trump is a little bit tough to get with because he won't explain the [ __ ] he's just like nah that's how i feel [ __ ] you if you don't agree yeah that's cool that's going to win a lot of people portnoy will say that but also explain yeah this is how i feel here's why i feel this way yeah i mean the dude might be uncancelable drop the m-bomb mad accusations i mean it's insane nothing sticks nothing still hustling to pizzas that weekend he was like yo we and i think he donated 350k like they sold 50 000 pizzas because they're doing this like um what is it called at home pizza or whatever it is like the frozen pizzas frozen pizza whatever yeah and uh they sold like 50 000 of them this weekend i think maybe they were in walmart for the first time this weekend and they sold 50 000 he's like i'm donating 350 thousand dollars to the bar still fun this is the fun that like helps oh yeah yeah yeah yeah boss move yeah made all the money on the [ __ ] pizzas he knows exactly and people are going to go out and support you extra they're going to buy the pizza just because they don't like the cancelers it's like the goya beans thing yes yes exactly yes right so it's like anti-cancel marketing is a very powerful form of marketing i don't think he's uncancelable i just think his audience is predominantly like young white fraternity college kids yes and all the allegations brought against them whether it's like the n-word thing sexual misconduct that's a good point like if he starts going off on trump and he's like yo [ __ ] trump or whatever i think all of a sudden the pen stock dips a lot more oh wait go on that what do you think just because like he interviewed trump and like that got great reviews yeah and like he's like catering to an audience and i think the audience is predominantly like college age white kids and things like oh sexual misconduct where there's not a perfect allegation but there's a story he said she said yeah i think they're willing to look past that in large numbers if it's like if his whole audience is women i think this thing comes down to him a lot harder if his audience is predominantly black and he says that word i think that comes down to him a lot harder so you're saying that his audience is okay with rape and the n-word no i would say uh college frat white kids if we're saying that's his audience they'd probably be using the n-word and their rap songs at least in the rap songs i doubt they edited out of the rap songs when no black people are around you know what i mean i don't think that's a crazy thing to think yeah i just think probably more likely to look past those types of things or like at least justify them in larger numbers than if his audience was some other demographic the one counter argument i have and to just him being really good at this and like smart and good at navigating remember the clip of him in the rapaport deposition where they're trying to where he's being sued and he just [ __ ] destroys those lawyers yeah like this is a smart guy he navigates all this [ __ ] so well it's honestly what i wanted from louie when louis went through his thing oh yeah when louie went through his thing i was like okay this is a really good comic who's funny as [ __ ] yeah and smart as [ __ ] he's like thoughtful like yeah lou is a thoughtful dude right he's going to take all this information and he's going to push it out in a version of comedy that is going to be so flawless that it's going to get him out of it like nobody's going to be critical of him again they're going to see his side and they're going to be dying laughing yeah and i'm like this is the first time we have someone canceled who actually has the skill set yeah to get themselves out of it right right based on their profession yeah based on what he's been working on for 30 years so i was hungry i'm like ready for louie to just deliver this [ __ ] amazing joke that shows beyond a shadow of a doubt how innocent he is how preposterous it is to cancel it preposterous it is to cancel him and how [ __ ] hilarious he is and i'm like okay we're all back on i'm just waiting for a three-minute bit right and maybe that was delivered in the special that he put behind the paywall i didn't really i didn't get a chance to see it i didn't feel like it had that big effect because it was behind the paywall yeah but like it didn't it didn't happen and it felt like he was maybe more taking like the apology route right yeah he never actually said i'm sorry but wrote an apology so he almost did the worst of both worlds yeah yeah i think the words i'm sorry yeah it's like the people supporting you aren't happy and the alleged victims aren't happy so like you satisfy nobody and like portnoy is the second person who actually has the skill set yeah who's like smart enough thoughtful enough knows the internet well enough like knows how to like create like meme culture knows how to create conversations like he shifted the [ __ ] narrative to the ceo of business insider to see a business insider might have never even looked at the [ __ ] article yeah right do you think the ceo reads every article that comes out he has no clue he's just waking up this morning he's seeing a clip of him on the [ __ ] soup with joel mchale roasting his ass right and he's like what is happening to me why is every why are my kids sending me these pictures like what the [ __ ] is going on yeah he's good enough to get out of it and you're actually seeing it happen and he's gonna be out of it oh i think he's already out yeah i don't think i i think the stock might still be down i bet the stock lifts up in a few months and i think him personally is out you want to talk about investment strategy buying cancel stocks yep yeah yeah i had that thought about investing in penn right now oh dude i tried to do it but i was on california time i tried to put money in pen but and i was like okay the market's still open but i realized we're three hours back right but like buying cancelled stocks is really interesting yeah because like if it looks like the cancelable offense isn't gonna stop the company yeah right like buying tesla after he smokes weed yeah would have been a great move yeah right that is a strategy right there and it'll bounce back quickly and then here's another thing you got to think about when united drugged that asian off the plane yeah we should have bought it should have bought right there yeah that moment hate united so much i can't support the best it sucks dude it sucks but that's a moment to buy they're stuck yeah because it will bounce people aren't going to stop flying they're not so you guys it sucks i'll stop buying i'll stop flying for a couple of weeks but eventually they're going to be a hundred dollars cheaper than anybody else and how does [ __ ] take it yeah cancel stocks so then here's the question do we cancel people and short the stock yes or do we cancel people so that we can buy a cheap and then come back both right yeah do we like try to like bait elon into something on twitter let it dip buy the dip yeah yeah i thought about this with art like you should kill artists like the second yeah i'll be honest all these artists like die do what i mean like there's like all these moments all these artists like kill themselves like did they did the guy who bought their [ __ ] painting and wants to make sure that there's no more of those paintings out yeah like the value of your picasso is based on him not making any more right like the it's bitcoin right there's jackson pollock dead say what jackson pollock did i think it's pollock oh yeah yeah but i'm not sure yeah i'm not sure if you're sure that's not pollock i'm almost positive it could originally be that but that's what americans say is pollock it's jackson okay i'm gonna still go pull up but just think about it you buy a piece of art right from this artist that you really like people are always like oh why are all the great artists dead it's like because that's how you secure the value right you gotta have a deadman switch if you kill me i have all these pieces and a vault they're all getting flooded given to freeze this movie like literally you make an artist popular kill him die i'm about to find out a drug overdose right andy warhol how'd he die aids or something i don't know if that's true i don't know died from heroin overdose oh oh there you go really there you go what a shame the artist dies of heroin hmm no way dude that [ __ ] was killed let me find out how did warhol die hate crime spontaneous dicks to butt is it possible he had the sdb spontaneous yo did that happen how did warhol die overdose something yeah yeah like a heart arrhythmia sun arrhythmia killed yeah what's the artist that died of natural causes that popped off all these [ __ ] start going crazy bang got his ear off yeah he had gallbladder surgery and then died asleep from a post-operative irregular heart goes no this is warhol they killed that [ __ ] look think about it like this you buy a piece of art right the value of that art art is meaningless it's not really what it looks like truly useless it is bar stool okay bar stool is valuable because of portnoy but if pornoid does crazy [ __ ] up [ __ ] then the value of barstool will go down right yeah so if barcelo's at an all-time high and that's just a piece of art and you just kill the artist you kill the career of portnoy no you killed a career of portnoy now the art's worth nothing let me use a different example i got you let's say for example picasso is this great artist and then it finds out that he's a [ __ ] child rapist right who wants to have a painting of a child rapist in their house yeah that's a good point no value you can't cancel him kill that [ __ ] before he rapes kids if the thing has value and kill him before there could be more the the what is it rothko whatever there's only a certain amount of roth goes there's only a certain amount of wilkie's i only know this because it's in the jay-z song but there's only a certain amount of them right right pablo picasso rocco wilkies graduated from the kona i didn't even know what them shits were exactly but he only got a certain amount of them just thinking about like crypto there's only a certain amount no bitcoins the cryptos that you could just keep making more and more valueless right mm-hmm but the ones who was a finite number people should be killing artists that's a great point people should [ __ ] murder them the second you buy an expensive piece of art you should shoot the artist in his head or take him to a travis scott concert you should do that all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because uh i want you to be able to get into investing and i understand it's a daunting task it was a daunting task for me as well you don't want to put your money in it looks like the market's so hot and all of a sudden it cools off a nice little winter comes and you lost all this scratch because you don't know anything about investing right you don't know who is even investing what they're investing in you don't know what the company that you're investing with is doing with this data well solves all of that okay that's why we [ __ ] with public over here you can treat not only as an investment portal but also like a social media app you can see other people 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true and you have to think about these pieces they're priceless these people bought jordans and then killed jordan i'll be honest huh you should probably light other other artwork on fire yeah unless it the more valuable yours is right it's not valuable because it looks nice it's valuable because it's rare and this person is super popular that's it that's it that's it the nft thing with the guy with the apes or whatever yeah kill him board api kill him yeah how has nobody killed this [ __ ] guy yo you bring up a valid point why is he alive what if you just deleted everybody else's board ape yeah you can't delete it it's minted to the blockchain oh come on you should know that yeah he really should know that he also said we should kill michael jordan so they stopped making jordans if you want your jordans you think michael jordan's making all the jordans though yeah doug what are you talking about do you think you saw them keep making jordan's posthumously yeah uh they're still making kobe's part they're still making kobe's every day he's buying kobe's right now when's the last time you saw kobe's on the street they were way up after he died women women do you honestly not think that they make you don't think the price of jordans go up of jordan dies yeah i think chuck taylor passed away a long time ago the price of jordan's went up because of a [ __ ] last dance documentary because you don't think if he gets killed the price will go well we just have to go back to the stupid thing you said here yeah we just have to acknowledge everything you said it is possible that for a profit a company like nike might continue producing a sneaker even after the person that sneaker is bestowed to is dead that might have been stupid but my point is but my point is right that's all i need but my point was right what was your point if jordan died the stock the price of jordans would go up that's 100 percent true so that's a hundred percent so you're a dumb ass too mark we're in this together it would go up through for decades for decades i think it would be initial search you're like oh i need a it's like when someone uh like a musician you know what i mean they die all of a sudden they're pop smokes albums number one forever mm-hmm right yeah you want to hear the dead guy well not forever but for a few weeks right you want to hear the dead guy um but yes i still i still think they would make the sneakers yeah fine but the price would go up sure the price would go up but with paintings with this ape person the person who makes the ape i think it's one person right if you really want your nft to have value you kill the artist you got to kill that guy what's his bitcoin guy's name satoshi satoshi he around that's if you don't that's if you don't know him he already made the set number it's already a set number it's already done he can't make any more what a genius doug genius gave away all the power yeah that's why bitcoin but what if we don't know the artists of the nft say again we might not know the artist of that yeah you were bringing up banksy banks is really good that's security that's security mm-hmm banksy has created his own security yeah you gotta hide he gotta [ __ ] hide dude and also make your [ __ ] on the street too like can i say something honestly please if you know how bankies he's all like you know i don't wanna commodify my art or whatever i don't want my art to be sold blah blah blah blah blah so much i know but here's the thing you do want to be sold because if you didn't you would just make replicas exact replicas of the thing that was sold and then it would reduce value every single time oh that one of one is that one of seven it's one of 30. go make some more buddy go make some more of the little girl the stencil the little girl with the balloon go make some more dude it's very easy to make your art worthless make more of it yeah go for it but yeah what's happening i tell you something about that girl the balloon yeah i don't get it why do we love it so much because it got destroyed no it's a [ __ ] dude dude you can order something that's zero of one yeah yeah that's pretty good you can order something that is zero of one that's better than one of one yeah yeah i guess i just don't understand what's so iconic about bro it's bitcoin it's nothing it's a store of value i listen you act like i understand why bitcoin is worth a lot i don't know you don't understand you just happen to be right and it drives me [ __ ] crazy son i'll be having a gut that's right yo my gut [ __ ] be right dawg shells don't even want to say it look how stupid i just said you were right about that i know you saw his wife though what he saw his wife and son you see the white food bitcoin white food come on come on bruh act like your boy ain't out here son oh it's so bad that i'm rooting against it even though i'm pot committed did you sell yours i won't let him still haven't sold it i keep talking him out of it i still got it what's bitcoin at now somebody more yeah 66. you're good oh look so i made money you made money you could sell right now i win dude i mean you're gonna get taxed on right now oh yeah now we're getting taxed yeah yeah how do you feel about that buddy it's all good dude i assume by that point we'll figure out a way around the taxes so elon is such a [ __ ] troll dude son this guy's brilliant dude he's like there's no way for me to pay taxes so i guess i'll just sell 10 of the stock knowing that all the people that want him to pay taxes are invested in tesla and making tons of money no it's actually even smarter than that okay mark i sent him a link and he had found another article but basically he has a 15 billion dollar uh tax bill due if he doesn't sell this stock selling the stock he's gonna have to pay 10 billion in taxes not selling because he got uh preferred stock when he like in 2002 or some [ __ ] like that he got like millions of shares and they're about to expire basically to not pay 15 billion in taxes he's going to pay 10 billion in taxes and make it seem as though he just let twitter decide to do the people yeah yeah why does he have to pay 15 billion something about the the set the stock options that he has are about to expire and he's going to have to get taxed on the realized gain of those taxes and since so that's like 37 percent i'm getting the fine details wrong but 37 federal tax and like an 18 state tax and the because the stock was issued in california yeah so he's gonna get taxed on like 30 billion dollars gain 54 so to not pay that 15 billion he's like let me just sell this 10 billion dollars or whatever and then get taxed and i'm going to make it look like the people convinced me yeah 100 this is small he's so [ __ ] smart dude this is smart anytime elon musk is pretending he's doing something altruistic he's not yeah he's not anytime he's pretending he's letting the people do something he's not does he have any like [ __ ] up kids like like coke head kids or anything i'm sure dude we don't know anything about his kids it's kind of i mean he's got a lot of kids there's maybe one of them that's in rehab or some [ __ ] like that too young i think no he's got like 17 kids not 17 but the guy's got like five or seven he's the antonio camardi of billionaires he really is you got six kids six kids boom that's a lot for a billionaire yeah if you're not a [ __ ] middle eastern oil tycoon that's a lot of kids six son jeff bezos did one of the most likable things or maybe the only likable thing i've ever seen him do outside of get me [ __ ] within 24 hours whenever i need it and uh he did you see what happened yeah yeah yeah it was just amazing so his new wife is like cheesed up talking to leonardo checking him out i mean it's disrespectful and i think leo's like on an apple box or something he's like sitting away he just looks so tiny and like his girl's like looking up to him yeah and then looks them up and down i've heard titties are pointed at you that's a problem that is a problem like she was wild she was being disrespectful like that was super wild and um and and what's his face the next day jeff bezos uh posts a picture i think on twitter yeah and uh what did it say said leo uh we need to have a word or something like he said leo let me show you something actually that was funny wording yeah you know he literally goes yo leo let me show you something i was like that's our line that was our show all right all right jeff and then it's just him on a uh like on a cliff on a sign that says like caution steep cliff might fall off some [ __ ] yeah so he yeah he's gonna set the demons out for leo though yeah and he strategically placed it in front of his upper body except for his arms put on the things that look mad bro he looks like he's way better shape than he is this guy thought it through it was a photo op he went with his amazon number two and was like let's figure this [ __ ] out i'm [ __ ] getting embarrassed out here in these streets now um what do you do in that situation where your girl's like head over heels in love with another man it depends on who if it's leo i'm probably gonna be checking him out with her yeah so i wouldn't even notice leo's a tough one because it's like yeah leo dawg he wasn't even trying that's just he wasn't being flirty he seemed the opposite he seemed extremely concerned no that made it worse that made it more embarrassing but she knows like leo got an age limit that's true yeah he thought that was his mom yeah like shorty's probably around like 40 or something like that or like 50. and like leo's not doing that yeah he was doing 25. yeah 25 tops yeah you know yeah there's no way so leo's probably confused about this whole situation what the [ __ ] is going on here like why is this girl looking at me like this in front of jeff bezos he's probably trying to talk to jeff bezos yeah probably not talking to these 50 year old women yeah definitely not dude the oldest woman he's ever been with is probably kate winslet in titanic yeah he's probably like this this is i really gotta act here never again that was it he made out with kate winslet in the back of an old model t and he's never hooked up with a girl that old ever again you talk about how this guy got such a problem with the icebergs melting but if it wasn't for an iceberg you wouldn't have a career yeah that's a good point am i going to talk about that a hot ass tape yeah that's why he's concerned about them melting he's like yeah we got to bring these [ __ ] back titanic too yo you're right you're right that's a great [ __ ] point or maybe he doesn't want to melt so there won't be a replacement oh he doesn't want someone else to take his he's trying to kill him he's killing the artist you gotta kill the artists yeah but yeah i think this kind of just confirms like basically do you want wealth or fame like that old debate like if you could get one or the other like fame i'm assuming plus like charm personality or just pure wealth yeah you might want fame dog but leo what you don't have because i don't think that leo is more famous than jeff bezos i mean as far as like if you see them both walking down the street i think more people recognize leo i don't think people know what bezos looks like as much as they use his [ __ ] every day man i i think it's i think it's tricky though okay don't you think it's close probably closer than i'm thinking because my initial thought is a hundred people are going to recognize leo out of a hundred and thirty you're going to write if i see leo i like i'm probably being yeah i'm excited to see leo if i see around those actors like her ex-husband is patrick weitzel who like runs wme like has ben affleck as a client christian bailey she's been around these people yeah but this is my dog this is all right i'm in the room i'm glowed up let me just have a look leo looked to me in a certain way this leo delathario dog that's different it's not ben affleck um certain by affleck so you think she was just trying to be charming you think she was just trying to be flirty and fun makes you too old bro she wants to flex if like she could get some attention for sure how old is she i'm gonna look at it because here's the thing leo's 50. yeah but so it's not like like it's one thing when you're playing mom she's 51. she's 51 and leo's what 50. so it's one thing when you're playing mom and you're flirting with a younger man he's 46. he's 46. okay so if you're playing mom and flirting with a younger man that's kind of fun like if meryl streep comes up to me and she starts flirting with me and saying some wild [ __ ] it's adorable she could say the wildest [ __ ] in the entire world i mean just like an old man like can like can say that to a girl in her like 30s or 40s and it's kind of like charming like he can be like old and creepy but it's kind of like funny yeah less less charmer than a woman fair enough way less sorry but when it was i think you're thinking of when your dad doesn't he's not creepy at all he says pretty mild things but yeah like uh no no no i mean like literally like the grandpa in the movie who's like oh okay yeah yeah no that is kind of funny it is kind of funny like a grandpa at a diner saying things to the waitress and the waitress like oh harold shut up right like because they know it's so ridiculous and it could never happen right you know or like the nerd character hitting on the hot chick he can say whatever because it's absurd it's never going to happen right the insulting thing is she might be operating with him as if it could never happen it's ridiculous but they're within the [ __ ] range yeah five years five years i mean most people are in leo's [ __ ] range but like that's an interesting perspective like i don't this is funny she's probably looking to situation like i'm 51 but i'm bad i got the richest man on the planet to leave wifey yeah like i got the richest man on the planet to give away half his [ __ ] for this [ __ ] yeah got with me while he was with her mm-hmm like this is the most fire [ __ ] ever yeah he gave up half of the wealth of the richest person on the planet never in history that ever happened that's how fire the [ __ ] is right so she's probably looking at leo like if i want it i'll get it yeah and look at her like grandma let me talk to bezos for a second what the [ __ ] is going on like they don't understand what's happening leo's trying to steal jeff from her yeah yeah i mean neil would rather be a jeff they both want to solve the [ __ ] climate crisis or whatever the hell is going on yeah even though they're both contributing to it absolutely 100 nobody destroying the environment more than bezos right it's not recyclable on boxes that come to your house i think they are they are you can't recycle boxes yeah you get to keep on that [ __ ] it's legit the number one [ __ ] to recycle those cards it was recycled out of boxes yeah yeah yeah what you have is recycled cardboard a lot of boxes boxes what do you think they make boxes out of tree [Laughter] they make it out of tree bruh why do you think there's no amazon because of amazon dog i mean come on guys this is basic information this is basic knowledge you can't make boxes out of recycled boxes you already know you didn't name a company after the [ __ ] he'd taken out completely no from the jump listen amazon's here now yeah you got to kill the first amazon control the supply hundred percent smart 100 man this guy's serious have you all googled it yet yeah i think there's a lot of things that you've used those cannot make boxes out of recycled boxes yeah it's confirmed most boxes in the united states or no 65 boxes are made from partially recycled boxes at least oh partially that's 61 percent as partial are partially recycled boxes and i think at least one is probably fully recycled the box is recyclable even if it's partially recycled nope once it's open and put together it can't be used as a box anymore the sixth most recycled item ever is corrugated cardboard is what corrugated cardboard boxes yeah and newspaper is made of recycle boxes and uh jeff bezos's wife is a recycled box which is interesting actually okay maybe you can't [ __ ] watch them for jeff bezos you out here king son you out here um all right should we talk about astroworld all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because i need to tell you about watch gang okay they've given over 500 rolexes away it is the number one watch club in the world okay they give a tag away every tuesday a rolex every friday and a psycho every saturday they like the alliteration kind of it's the world's number one watch club with over 1 million members and you're getting up to 70 off retail when you're joining this club okay they have a plan for every price point by the way and you get to keep every watch all watches are guaranteed to be worth more than the price of the 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have you guys heard this thing about the needle yes yeah this is what's really interesting to me i'm curious the if the people died from the trampling from uh some sort of asphyxiation or from fentanyl or whatever the [ __ ] was in that needle apparently there was a guy walking around just jabbing people at the knee i don't know if that's confirmed yet is it the police say they're still investigating it but i've read the the stories like the really detailed ones of how people were getting crushed in the stampede and you just know if there were some people that were injured from that needle definitely a lot of people were killed within that stampede they were crushed i read some accounts that basically once travis scott got on stage everybody tried to rush to the front and some girl was saying like she lined up dumb early like an hour and a half before the concert even started to be close and then when travis came on stage it was like crazy pain like it was so tight literally i think she said if you jumped you just stayed in the air it was that tight you felt it on your ribs people are shoving in she passed out and then luckily they were like finding people who were passed out and then crowd surfing them out of the way she helped one person then she passed out and then somebody helped her and then the eight who died it seemed like they just got trampled yeah like the the needle thing it would be [ __ ] crazy if it's true right now it's not confirmed houston did confirm that one security guard allegedly he's he said that the security guard claims that he got a needle in the neck and then had to be recessed with narcan yeah now some people are suggesting that the nypd is putting the needle story out and like trying to push the needle store because it absolves them hpd or the pc i mean is is putting out the story and like pushing the needle story because they're like dude there's a crazy guy with a needle it's not because there was poor crowd controls not because of anything else it was a wild attacker and also multiple things can be true yikes yeah it is kind of crazy but there is an interesting conversation which is like responsibility for mob tactics here yeah okay go ahead because i have a so and again i don't hold i don't hold uh travis responsible in the same way that i don't hold like trump responsible for like inciting violence or inciting these things right like you can say something but if somebody actually does it they should be personally accountable for that especially if they're an adult right uh that being said people are going to look into travis's marketing and they're going to show that he makes sure you know every single time that a mob chases him and he is the type of person that mobs create around him and he's the type of person that people will charge the gate and he's the type he is that famous he's that excited 2015 he played uh guilty to i think reckless endangerment endangerment because he told the crowd to hop over the barricades i think 2017 in manhattan a guy sued him because he said he got shoved off a third-floor balcony and then dragged on stage so this is a thing that he's already had part of the issues with yeah so when that happens and you don't do super lit dawg it looks in the astro world promo for this year they used footage from previous concerts that show people breaking down gates and jumping over fences and they're like yo this is the craziest thing ever hundreds of kids just running he says that he wants his shows to be like a wwe show he's promoting that moshing and he's saying that's the release but apparently he tweeted earlier that day encouraging gate crashing when he said we want the wild ones in or something yeah we're sneaking the wild ones in we're still sneaking people in blah blah and apparently the event was oversold yeah so it's like there's a bunch of people probably on the hook yeah we got to figure out what the issue was if the issue was just simply overcrowding then maybe it could be those people that came in through the crash gate yeah and if they came into the crash gate because they felt like travis was telling them to do that is he partially responsible a bunch of issues right yeah that's at least what they're going to say when this goes to a lawsuit right yeah the lawsuits are going to say listen he told [ __ ] to crash this [ __ ] and the people that crash had caused the overcrowding which caused the people to be squeezed and trampled and [ __ ] up and if it was only amount of people that were there right if they didn't oversell it if they oversold it then they also whoever oversold it is on the hook as well it's just a really interesting situation it's like how much can you hype the crowd how much can you reward it like every time travis is being chased i don't even think he walks the only time i see him is he's being chased he's at mcdonald's people going crazy and they're mobbing it right yeah he's in fashion week people going crazy they're mobbing it like almost to the point where i'm like is he paying to like start this kind of thing is he paying a few select people to like chase him when he goes somewhere because it makes it look super hypey yeah right it does look hypey you look like you're the man people are chasing you through the streets yeah that's a superhero you can also just put yourself in a position that that happens like if you're not paying everyone to chase you like you can go through the front entrance of the concert where everyone that's there to see you sees you and they can walk up to and all of a sudden that's going to create panic like he could go through the back door yeah there's other entrances there's better security details there's disguises like yeah but he's intentionally drawing attention to get people to it is also i've been to a travis scott small live performance he did while in out one year and i went to go hang out like 2016. i wasn't on it but i was just saying hi to everybody and that [ __ ] had the whole place shaking like i've never seen any live performance ever like he's actually incredible live and he creates his energy i can't even explain it i walked out toward the end of the performance but you could literally feel the whole venue shaking it was crazy it was the [ __ ] story i ever heard but yeah yeah fire events so live going crazy i got to bed early but it was crazy but i did it about 2 a.m you guys you guys good i'm gonna go to sleep try to get eight hours that is true our guys will go to sleep every night early makes me feel better you did that for travis scott too yeah this event had it's a festival right and it was 50 000 people but normally when you're at a festival you're coachella there's a main stage and then all the people that want house music are in like far off in the sahara tent so that whole crowd is distributed across the field anyone going to astroworld festival the entire show will be there for travis yeah and so that's what dub is saying is there's multiple bands playing at the same time yeah and usually they're bands that don't have any kind of crossover right with the listenership right but at astroworld there's one person you want to see but at the same time like they should be ready for that like yeah when jay-z comes on it i don't know if he's ever played coachella like everybody's going to see jay-z rock the bells you want to just i mean this is going to have a an effect on all of it because coachella has been the same exact fields in in palm springs or in coachella area and the audience uh capacity just keeps on growing they've expanded a little bit but like triple what it was when we were going like 15 years ago and you feel it like people are lined up two hours before there's still room but you're like you know you're that's going to change big time what do you think are you just not going to have these big concerts or the is going to be capacity has to has to be reduced yeah yeah what do you think do you think travis is the greatest artist of all time yes no what i'm saying is i think there's like i've seen examples so i've been like reading up on like reddit stuff and they're like yo i was at a concert that was in uh glasto in the uk let's say and it was a hundred percent barrier whatever yeah yeah it's a hundred thousand people but they had rows that were forcefully like layered in and security would kick people out that would step that's through you're supposed to do it yeah there was like there are people that apparently do this correctly with larger crowds i'm not i like i just imagine people are wild yeah i just imagine that those people maybe are gonna elevate like to a bigger career you know i mean like those people that handle this well i also think yeah travis doesn't seem like he wants that he wants the [ __ ] i want you guys to swarm yeah yeah and you could tell like make for a crazy energy the fervor in the audience when like they're bringing the ambulance through and kids are jumping on the ambulance like twerking and like stomping on it like trying to break [ __ ] and apparently he saw the ambulance stop the music for like uh several seconds of what i heard and then he was like what's going on there's an ambulance music stops and then he goes hey if you're doing all right put your middle finger up and then you went back into 30 more minutes yeah so i i don't necessarily blame him but it ain't a good look yeah apparently the event went on 30 minutes after it was already declared like a mass casualty so it continued for 30 minutes after there was reports and apparently people were telling him like yo there's people we might need to stop and allegedly i don't know if it's true he said no [ __ ] all that let's keep going oh that would be he's on a massive platform and he sees like multiple people getting resuscitated he keeps on doing the robot you see his statement yo here's the i didn't see his thing he's doing the robot bro he was he was hitting the robot he was also killing it too i was like damn i get it murder that [ __ ] there's that you found a nice pocket you can't we gotta let him finish yeah that's tricky man that's tricky because you are at a concert and people are taking drugs and they're going to pass out yeah so i'm sure it's not the first time a massive entertainer has seen someone pass out that's true in the audience and there's 50 000 people there normalized yeah especially when you go to these big [ __ ] concerts especially his concert yeah people are smoking weed they're dehydrated they're doing [ __ ] ecstasy jumping like screaming for two hours like seeing people pass out is nothing death is crazy but how do you know the difference that's what i'm saying he probably doesn't know the difference he's seen it a million times and that's not really facing him that much maybe the ambulance did a little bit but bro like seeing somebody passed out like i'm just thinking like at burning man or even like at a comp at a at a festival or something like that that wouldn't be that shocking to me yeah it just wouldn't i don't know i wouldn't yeah that's a good point that's a good point but that's gonna be tough to explain if you get sued which is already starting to get sued oh in retrospect you look awful yeah you look so cold right like yeah you knew these [ __ ] you knew these [ __ ] dead you kept on singing you kept saying put your mother middle finger and he can't exactly say oh yeah i'm used to people just passing out yeah and they're looking like they're dead oh my god they do all kinds of drugs in my concert yeah you can't say that but how does he know that they're dead he has no clue so that also falls on his management that's like yo are you getting feed and intel from like the medical team oh fam once they know that somebody's dead someone got to go on that stage like hey it's a wrap yeah yeah like that's one person should have flare guns honestly they should be inside the crowd that's a good no they really should and if you see the flare go up be like yo that's it automatic 30 minutes but i'll tell you what's probably going to happen is [ __ ] going to bring flare guns to this [ __ ] party and just be like this [ __ ] is fire yeah that's crazy about that needle though yeah i don't even like that that's a story because it's going to give [ __ ] what if he's ideas injecting him with a vaccine yeah it could be cool what are we just a big scientist i'm just saying like what if you're one of these crazy serial killers you're one of these crazy [ __ ] right like you want to give everybody aids you want to give everybody you know some sort of disease you got some ebola you know you want to give somebody that like you just go around jabbing [ __ ] and you're so close they won't even feel it like honestly in a concert that's that tight you can just walk by people poke and they'll be like oh what was that they'll think it's a bug if that bro you're probably drunk you don't even need to do that you can literally offer people free [ __ ] ecstasy laced with fentanyl like oh [ __ ] yeah true much easier because the poking people you gotta have mad different needles throw one out throw another one out like yeah you can also be on the hook for that people would be like oh yeah i saw the guy that came out to my friend and gave him some [ __ ] he looked like this yeah you just focused in and out secret yeah yo you're gonna return before i [ __ ] won't see the person yeah but when you're this shit-faced you know what i mean you're crazy to travis's defense i don't know if he's drunk like a lot of times performers are on stage like they're faded like they might not be like a fully able to make coherent decisions especially on that scale yeah but again i don't think any of that flies in court that might maybe the court of public opinion maybe but other people are gonna be like yeah but it's still your responsibility you're no i think legally he might be off the hook i think public opinion's gonna be harder on him than the legal president yeah i think that they're gonna treat him like alec baldwin man like i think they're going to be like oh man he's the victim in this well i honestly think that statement hurt him because that was his name his apology was he just literally he's just saying he's just rubbing his forehead the entire time weirdly just doing this and just looks weird visually but also though the [ __ ] he's saying is almost more like hey guys don't be mad at me it doesn't really it's not super awkward but it's like i just want you guys to know my fans mean the world to me and all this stuff and i'm gonna do you know i'm gonna set up a fund and yeah i think i didn't hear a set of buffon i already said like i'm gonna give you all information as soon as i get it and it's like bro we don't care about information i want to take care of the people well he said he was like i'm gonna set up a fun try we're figuring out the families we're trying to help the families in this tough time blah blah but he also put a filter on it yeah don't put a filter on your apology bro it was black and white yeah don't make it black and white bro come on yeah i don't know better super emotional it just didn't yeah he almost looked like he was trying to cry but he couldn't forehead scratch yeah it didn't feel super genuine music a little sarah mcglock he should have been a little help bro before yeah that's a dope name for a female rapper yeah sarah mcglock yeah yeah damn okay so you think that he has to pay any money at all or not no because i think you're like i don't think it's gonna be him personally it's gonna be like the event like vendors like probably like the medical team that was hired because apparently a bunch of them were incompetent right is gonna fall in like the production and whoever produced the event yeah probably his management i can't imagine if like comes out of his proves that the promo there's insurance but then if he was at fault if they could say that he and caused this then they'll turn on him the insurance is gonna do everything in their power to convince the court or whoever it is that travis scott made these people right yeah and he encouraged it and he said this and this this tweet promoter i think yeah so if they can prove that he encouraged the violence then yeah it'll be on him [ __ ] yeah and then how does that change concerts i don't know i don't know if we stopped the mosh pit yeah kind of i don't know if it's going to change it that much though people die every year black friday it that's true that's true but i'm just saying like if you know that you're on the hook for it yeah right yeah with black friday i don't think that the company itself is on the hook but if if what was it called was it best buy if best buy was on the hook every time someone died at black fire please believe that they would have some different rules right and once these artists got to start paying or these promoters have to start paying like if the promoter of this event has to pay please believe anybody else this event that they're promoting is gonna have very different rules so they can avoid another payment i think if you're that type of artist a fire pr move is to say yo you gotta sign a waiver just to come to the concert oh [ __ ] if you're if you're injured in a moshing accident blah blah blah like it's on you and for pr wise that's crazy that's like i forgot what scary movie did that but they were like you got a sign you have to consent to how scary it is people are dying in the theater from fear like amazing morgan yeah what the [ __ ] movie was that the um the something project where there was boris blair blair witch oh maybe we all thought might be real that was there's like there's medical staff at the theater because people are passing out like that kind of thing they're having seizures yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah like that kind of morgan was like yo you wanna go to travis scott concert you gotta sign away and say yeah some [ __ ] happens like it's on you haunted houses do that sometimes like some haunted houses do that oh yeah yeah they do like i gotta go to that [ __ ] haunted house just killing people yeah yeah travis scott sales might skyrocket to be honest with you yeah i'm curious if it affects like sneakers and stuff like that because he's also like beat this before if we're talking about like case precedence like he pled guilty to disorderly conduct and like 2015 inciting a riot yeah you got discharged from that like but this time eight people died and it's a national fiasco like we're all talking about yeah yeah yeah and even in different in his documentary the one on netflix look maggie can fly he has the same thing happen where like it shows him encouraging the mob and like he runs off stage and he's like whoa that was crazy like they've banned him from like that venue or something like that and it was used in the promotion it's like all part of that i do think it's all romantic until people die yeah up until the point people die that [ __ ] is lit as [ __ ] and it might still be lit because more people died and it might be that much bigger but i think it gets a lot more real when you're like oh eight people died at this concert yeah but you're also dealing with a fan base of 15 to 18 year olds yeah they're like i won't die not gonna be me yeah i'm bill different that's so true they think they're immortal but wow i didn't realize that like this could actually help him yeah good the concert is so lit he is so lit that people are willing to die to get close he's the greatest live artist ever there's not even a debate anymore these concerts are killing people how much more lit can you get i mean people died the who people died literally the who you talking about 50 years ago in august yeah but that wasn't because of the artist you say well that wasn't cool there's no motive stuff there's no motive it's trampling is different you still don't know what happened with that right that's a little crazy james paddock bro right that investigation that just never just went away like being away yeah that's weird huh yeah this is interesting man like people are that is [ __ ] up to admit but i'm like i gotta see a travis scott concert that's what i'm saying and now that all like the aren't you glad i left my [ __ ] early i might not be here tonight i didn't feel like i needed to see a travis scott concert no you know until this and now i'm like what is going on here stay back there don't get close satanic panic marketing always helps the artist specifically what's that mean like saying oh they're demonic they're satan it's a ritual which is like the big like prevailing conspiracy on like facebook and [ __ ] what's that and that kind of thing always helps because like it's offensive to like i think christian puritanism but isn't so egregious that like his audience will really care yeah so it's like kind of just a perfect device so all these people calling them satan i think actually helps because it makes it so absurd they're like all right it's not literally satan and so it kind of creates like the it makes a distance in a buffer between like where he's actually culpable because you make him so much worse than what he actually did you know what i mean so if i'm his pr i'm like yo push the satan [ __ ] because then it's like he might have incited of riot but he's not satan and so now you're not saying look how bad he's like well he's not that you're like you're pulling back from house you switch the combo yeah exactly yeah so now we're not talking about dead people we're talking about whether or not he's saying push the same thing push the needle thing push everything except he decided to ride yeah how upset you think kris kardashian is why that she canceled that [ __ ] show this year there's no season imagine how lit that season would be the aftermath of killing eight people they got all those episodes out of kim getting a fake robbery these are the real deaths kim and kanye divorce pete oh there's so much dude the one year she stopped making up [ __ ] to happen real things happened crazy she's the real victim when you think about it this is why what did you think about that kanye interview did you see the camera i saw the drink champs uh highlights the drink champs man yo loved it bro y'all these guys are great man we got a great podcast yeah great interviews there's like they really care about music and they care about the game and they have this insider information but they also have such enthusiasm that's what i love they seem so like likeable and positive and fun excited about it yeah a lot of [ __ ] that like uh you know will do these uh music interviews are kind of like jaded and i feel like they're trying to like copy sharla and that they have to like uh get the artist on something yeah they have to expose the artist like right like i think they saw sharla have so much success when he had a little bit of conflict in the interview yeah and so they're like these charlotte copycats i don't think is good but the way that these guys are like enthusiastic excited and then they will ask questions that are a little bit like dicey but they'll they'll ask it almost like as a friend like you'd ask you're like yo i gotta ask you like yeah yeah and i don't know it just creates this like really fun atmosphere and then yay was going off yeah they asked me they asked great questions they got the best at him like they knew kind of what to ask they knew how to pursue it yeah it was great and yay had to respect them because they're insiders yeah and they got respect no he got respect he got respect so he had to go become correct and then he had his little [ __ ] bipolar episode and it was great to watch bro it was f he can be really entertaining he's he's so funny kanye can be really [ __ ] entertaining and am i a wild boy for liking the new boots the big ones i i don't like anything i don't like any new fashion and they always end up wearing it at some point so who the [ __ ] am i but i thought them shits were trash at first i kind of think they're heat yeah i'm not saying akash's word on fashion but you got pizza grease on your pants right now come on dog talking about this what are you talking about that's not i don't even know pizza that's semen okay um so best part of the interview what do you think big sean without question big sean which i actually thought was unfair it's a big sean yeah what was fair that he said nothing he said was fair i actually get the criticism but i feel like he said it i mean it's kanye so you can't really rationalize what he said but i thought he said it in an unfair way oh yeah the biden they didn't endorse me running for president obviously you crazy [ __ ] yeah but push on look at him like you owe me six million dollars the [ __ ] i'm gonna vote for you for but i'm upset because sean was like i'm apolitical it's like that's not the reason yeah right it has nothing to do with how much you care about politics right it has to do with the fact that kanye was running for president and you're like yeah he's not going to be president he also didn't have to say anything though you know what i mean like if you run for president yeah i'm not going to vote for you thanks bro but i'm also not going to say anything i'll be like yo if you want to run this time but you could be on a [ __ ] cabinet yeah what can i be what can i be if you're president defense bro oh really yeah obviously why why obviously because you're the most republican one here man that's what you're talking about you put all the money into it you should call this as secretary of offense bro because we've been going out there yeah very little defense what are we defending yeah let's go marketing offense i'm gonna be treasury secretary gonna be treasury secretary yeah keeper the coin president first lady [Laughter] all right but for real uh kanye interview it was cool to see kanye making jokes yeah like he was actually being funny on purpose yes instead of like being caught off guard and then it's funny we're kind of laughing at him right like when they asked about the soulja boy thing and they're like why'd you take him all the things like you hear that verse yeah you know what i mean like he was trying to make them laugh he was charming too he was yeah kind of connie back dog what he called his haircut the barber that's what i was going to bring up yeah edward and n word hands so good so good i can't say it i wish we could say but amazing like actually have funny jokes yeah likeable you kind of get it a little bit yeah 100 percent see his new girl too oh yeah he dropped a new shorty oh yeah yeah he's doing great he's doing great both of them upgraded both of them upgraded happy for both of them yo um shout outs to pete man that's a take down i love that kid man you cannot [ __ ] love this kid you cannot hate on it like you cannot hate on it bro and i'll say why he got her to go to staten island bro that's the most impressive part that's so wild he said come over to kim kardashian that is a very impressive thing like usually when you're dating someone especially somebody with status yeah you're willing to accommodate absolutely you're willing to do whatever absolutely you know what i mean also shorty's a mom like she got kids and [ __ ] like that like like how can i make this easier for you like you put the kids in bed and then we're gonna drink around the corner like that's that's what i'm thinking they're not that different in age probably got a lot in common you know what i mean kids and pete they probably got to watch the same tv shows all that so can you come out to stan staten island dog hey i rented out a rooftop in staten island that's a baller move who gives a [ __ ] give me a basement in manhattan also cheapest rooftop well done yeah like a rooftop in manhattan is going to be big money you're spending oh yeah rooftop staten island yeah get a view get a view of the city right now from there right yeah that's true that's true did she have to take the ferry oh no how funny would that be that verrazano had to be if you got to take the ferry that's next level [ __ ] but you know an interesting thing about this is that this is the value of shooting your shot so many people sitting here going oh my god how did this happen oh my god how did he get kim kardashian how do you pull this [ __ ] off i'll tell you how just [ __ ] asking no one is asking kim kardashian on a date people are intimidated by kim kardashian and if they are it's like stupid sleazy dms it's not like actually real but the amount of times that a guy actually genuinely kicks game to kim kardashian is so little like really really little and the dude [ __ ] went for it yeah and clearly got some game clearly charming right and was able to pull it off he also had a previous pedigree yes when you qualify you trade the paper clip for the house you know what i mean like you just kind of level up inch by inch yeah yeah they spent a week i mean you don't just shoot snl on saturday you're there all week probably 15 hours i heard she was really leaning in spending the time there when you know like all right you give her 10 percent of you on monday another little bit on tuesday i mean that's why people always fall in love on sets or at least hook up yeah now what are the answers just fake it's fake yeah what are the eyes like pete davidson makes headlines kim's out she wants to get back in with someone that's gonna be on headlines it looks great for him okay let's just go to disney together assumption was it was like my first assumption is is kim k is going wow mgk and what's the girl's name how dare you how dare you forget megaphone no it's a fire come on that's on me my bad no disrespect to megan fox like dude she's on point but she they're going wow look how much the tabloids love this relationship both of them and her sister her little literal sister is with [ __ ] travis parker her sisters with travis parker their relationship it's so interesting travis barking by himself nobody really cares about uh what's her name courtney by herself yeah nobody really cares about all of a sudden them together making out in public the talk of the town yeah we love relationships for some reason that's weird we love romance i think especially like odd couples odd couples but even the bachelor in the bachelorette they're not odd these are like the most normal relatable [ __ ] people and we watch them religiously there's something that we want to i don't know live vicariously through it we want to see the train wreck we want to know if they make i don't know what the [ __ ] it is but we are interested right by we i'm not really talking about the people in this room but america is interested okay um so it would be the perfect situation to do that it'd be a great way to grab some clout for both of them and he also fits the prototype perfectly yeah right sad boy tattooed like yeah fixer-upper yeah yeah so it would be perfect but i kind of have a feeling that it might be real not real like hey this is gonna be my next husband or wife thing but more like hey this would be fun someone's gotta [ __ ] kim k you think she doesn't get [ __ ] yeah do you think she just stops [ __ ] at 40. yeah someone's got a [ __ ] yeah yeah pete is really he's a rock star trapped in a comedian's profession this guy we talked about eddie being a rock star back in the day your boy eddie pete's the closest thing we've had in terms of rockstar lifestyle right this guy got [ __ ] tattoos does movies whenever he wants does tv whenever he wants [ __ ] everyone women love him he's just a rock star living as a comedian yeah this guy's not he's a rock star dude yeah nothing about him being a comedian makes sense him as a rock star makes [ __ ] sense yeah it is not that he's not funny but just that life that's a rock star's life dude yeah hey let me [ __ ] ariana grande you know what i'm done with her let me [ __ ] cindy crawford's daughter you know what i'm done with her he's just the toy for all these women now but it's a ladder yeah you know what i mean he just kept climbing up that [ __ ] but it is really interesting like relationships are more valuable than credits yeah do you know what i mean like people probably know pete from his relationships more than they do like 100 sketches or something like that on the show and it's really interesting like if you were a young hollywood celeb and you were trying to like formulate your career and find your way to go to the top it would be way more beneficial for you to date a person more famous than you yeah than it would to be in a movie right yeah you need to be in the public eye enough but people are talking about [ __ ] mgk non-stop yeah because of the the relationship with rose and i'm sure he has an album that's doing good and people are into the music but the conversation isn't really about the music mm-hmm it's what's her name again megan fox megan fox can't i remember her [ __ ] name oh no doug sounds like i'm hating i'm not hating i think she's absolutely beautiful been trapped in a hotel room that's what i think i have yeah you got captain fever she was like a line in a movie you can't get it right maybe that was his line megan fox frozen lagunas i was like what yeah i was thinking of yeah yeah we got to talk about the fights but like yeah it's interesting i wonder if like you're a manager these days and you start thinking about you know how you can design your talent's career i think i wonder if you start thinking about relationships they've been doing that for years well tom cruise right yeah yeah who else i mean little zan came out publicly it was like yo they set me up with noah cyrus and i didn't even want to be in this relationship this is when he was like going crazy about the label and all that stuff but like he came out and said it keep going i don't know a bunch and i don't i don't know i think that guy shawn mendes i think they say his relationship is fake who's that girl oh i forget do a little oh yeah i know a fake relationship that i can't say but it's hilarious i'll say hilarious actually matter of fact i'll say it but i need you to bleep this miles make sure that you bleep it right you ready make sure you got this time okay [Laughter] heard that i heard that uh maybe from you maybe okay we said that maybe but that is hysterical yeah so funny it's valuable this relationship [ __ ] is valuable man and effective very it's really effective why i don't know i think it creates like a new like crossover dynamic it's like when you do an episode where like they bring the cast together like a crossover episode you're like wow these two you know we did righteousness and ratchet holy [ __ ] yeah it's like you're tapping into their fan base yeah you have your fan base now you're tapping into their fan base yeah and those fan bases cross-pollinate and both parties win yep and ideally not ideally like usually it's very rare that you're going to date someone who has your same fan base yeah at least you shouldn't no yeah i mean if you're doing it if you're doing it for clout yeah they never do it's always some odd couple yeah oh that's why the odd couples work holy [ __ ] yeah so should we not believe in any of these i'm looking at an article right now of top uh fans thought these uh relationships were fake and number seven is pete davidson and kate beckinsale so people have thought this before about pete davidson oh yeah yeah he was with kate because yeah that was absolutely a piece though yeah yeah yeah yeah he knows how to pick him if they are fake he knows how to pick the fake relationship i mean like god bless and also like what are the benefits with it is it like some green card [ __ ] where it's like you you pretend to be married like maybe sometimes you [ __ ] but it's not an actual real relationship and then the person gets the green card and now you're straight yeah yeah yeah cause i've i've met people that were like that like started out as a fake relationship and they just hung out so much so they could like learn about each other so they could pass the test right and then it was like [ __ ] it all right we out here yeah you know maybe that's what it is pete might just be super charming you spent a lot of time with the point where you know you spent a little time with him yeah spent a little time with him on a setup and then you're like you know what i like this guy i'm in i'm in yes um i don't know what do you think real or fake yeah not really even if it's not let us play dude i mean what are you doing no i like this i think no i'm talking about mark that's what i'm saying i like i i like the the august wants to believe like girls trying to [ __ ] comics he's like yeah yeah he's like finally we're the rock stars get them babe look how lucky you are see it wasn't for you i'd be [ __ ] kim kardashian you're basically you're basically kim kardashian man yeah that's all it is yeah yeah now i understand your skepticism i'm usually skeptical of any hollywood relationship yeah um the only reason i was skeptical is because the picture came out with them on the roller coaster i was just gonna say and it's just like well we're trying to keep this low-key it's like well why go on the ride that takes pictures yeah it's like it's not even paparazzi the ride is the paparazzi yeah right so you want that getting out yeah because it might not even be a picture of you the other person on that ride with you can ask for that picture right right they're in the row three you're in row four and they get to post it on instagram and then the story goes wild it's like oops we didn't know you could also shut down the park easily yeah you know what i mean kim kardashian fall out boy yeah yeah maybe it's true love say again maybe it's true love though who am i to say i want to go to the wedding if it is did you guys watch the fights this weekend i watched uh the camaro fight pretty awesome that was great yeah that was great right he's unstoppable kobe did his thing though i thought after the second round he was done come on strong but that [ __ ] fought dude i think he won two rounds at least yeah i think it was i think it was three two three two is what i would have thought but i think you could probably give that second round make it like a 10 8 round yeah cause he got him twice yeah i mean i thought he was it was done after that second round yeah i thought if it was 10 more seconds is over yeah yeah it would have been yeah it was close but to do that and then win two out of the next three rounds is pretty [ __ ] impressive both of them want this is what i love about ufc you could lose and win like both of them law well sorry michael chandler and um colby covington lost their fights neither of their stock went down per se yeah because we watch the fights because of entertainment purposes yeah right we're like i just want to be entertained so who's going to entertain me the most yeah fight of the night that's all i want that's right yeah that's who really wins yeah and chandler was tweeting today with or yesterday with uh conor mcgregor and he's like 20 22 a picture of conor mcgregor after a loss he's calling out right one of the biggest names of the division after a loss and then conor goes i think we'll definitely do that later on down the line great fight mate yeah in boxing you lose you don't get to call people out right you don't get to say who the next fight is none of that [ __ ] yeah right but in mma if you are entertaining you hold the [ __ ] cards nate diaz holds the [ __ ] car it's because he's entertaining doesn't matter he lost his last fight leon edwards the guy he fought holds no cards yeah can't call out nobody you think we can rationalize it easier because ufc has so many different like components to it yeah i mean like if you're up against like a wrestler but you're an amazing striker and you just get like locked out like arm bar in the first round it's like all right yeah i mean it's a bad matchup blah blah blah whereas with boxing it's like you throw punches you get punched like that's all you do so if you get knocked out you got punched more than the other guy like it's one single thing yeah so it's like a single metric whereas like with mma there's so many different variables into a fight where you're like oh well you know technically like you can rationalize a loss a lot easier yeah especially decision loss right exactly like with a decision loss to nate you almost look at it like if it kept going he might got him right even with colby i don't think if it kept going that kamara would have lost still but you could he you could make the argument like colby was coming on right as the rounds went off yeah yeah and so you're like if this was on the street because i think we view it as a street fight like if this was on the street yeah [ __ ] like maybe if they just kept fight there's no rounds maybe if they kept fighting right you would have got gas and that would have been it it would have been it but then you could also say maybe in the second round camaro would have just finished him but yeah there's that i think uh nate diaz even said that after uh his loss to leon edwards like in the fifth round remember he rocked him right and he like staggered him he was dude if this is a street fight it's over it's like yeah you're wobbling around you got saved by the belt yeah now it's still your job to knock that [ __ ] out yeah but yeah there's something different about the sport it's like provide entertainment and i think michael chandler in his fight realized he wasn't going to beat gaichi and i think he tried to win the night uh just put on the best show i think there was a moment where he started like playing to the crowd more and gaitsy's still landing but he's able to take the shots maybe gage is a little bit tired just his legs starting to get chewed up but he's really playing into the crowd like inviting him in and going like i think i saw that moment on twitter when like he's getting [ __ ] rocked in the face and he just charges back at him and like let's go that shit'll make you like somebody yeah chandler's a smart guy like he really understands the marketing aspect of ufc he's just went from i think it was like bellator and now he's there's a huge difference in talent from bellator to ufc right like massive like ufc has really monopolized all the best fighters right and it is a dip when you go into the other promotions so that's why you see these guys struggle when they play they're in the ufc i mean ben askren was a dominant fighter then goes into the ufc and he struggles man yeah he gets worked and uh so there is a big difference so like i think chandler is realizing that you know and he had an amazing first fight against like dan hooker but then after that you know charles oliveira knocks him out right and then justin gaichi it was a great fight but justin justin dominated yeah outside of the first round and but he understands listen i can i can get a big payday again as long as i just make this loss entertaining yeah so i'm gonna bleed i'm gonna swing i'm gonna make it look crazy i'm gonna be out there and you know what i get [ __ ] paid but if i get finished one at least i can finish in an exciting way but if i don't get finished i think i'm good maybe he lost a little bit even if you get finished though didn't whitaker get finished by izzy and then he's coming back and he's getting like they might have a rematch he just built his name back up he had to build his name back up but that next fight with whitaker was almost like uh he was back in a contender situation and like he won a few of those fights right and he won them in like a really impressive fashion and because of that it was like okay he's the next line and then he had to wait for izzy to basically clean out the division and that's kind of what's left and then you're back yeah and i like i like robert whitaker as a fighter like he's a really good fighter i don't think the ufc likes him in other words like i think they like stars yeah he's just not yeah like the ufc loves mike perry just he's not good enough yeah to fight the guys in ufc but like if mike perry was as good as robert whittaker yeah give him whatever he wants [ __ ] superstar yeah like they like the characters they like the stars they like colby colby was talking about this yeah he was about i heard a crazy story like colby was about to get cut no matter win or loss yeah in his fight when he went to brazil yeah he went to brazil to fight uh maybe damien maya or something like that somebody's in brazil win or lost they said they're cutting him they just don't like his character or whatever afterwards he records that promo where he's like brazil i own you this that the other it might even have been after conor did the i own brazil thing okay but he records that promo the promo goes so viral ufc can't let him go because there's already so much free marketing yeah like imagine you got 10 million impressions you literally go to your marketing department you go what would it cost us to get 10 million impressions yeah and they go uh 300 thousand dollars we go okay why don't we just keep him for one more 300 fight and 300 000 fight and then we got it for free yeah or we sign him for three more but it's like you have to create the buzz yeah you know and it's so funny you see the the fighters understand this and then just start to lean into it right and there's very few fighters in the ufc that just go hey man i just come to fight i don't want to deal with the politics and other [ __ ] it's like even the dagestani guys yeah right the dagger saying you guys are the most respectful like muslim you know we have to respect the sport respect this you mean khabib is all out here like why do we even need ring girls what's the point of this i mean like now these young dagger standing [ __ ] yeah hey i eat everybody yeah division is mine playing to the lore like i've wrestled bears like we all wrestle bears like my dad's a bear my mom's like i'm a bear bro 100 so it's it's really interesting how like you can get people to behave in a certain way just by reward yeah you don't even have to tell them to do it they'll see the other people being rewarded for the behavior and they'll just naturally fall yeah because you have to for survival yeah it's pay-per-view we gotta you gotta be worth paying for it mm-hmm and if you're not what are we doing yep you're fighting [ __ ] that's a very small percentage of people who just want to see fights yeah i have to be emotionally invested to watch people beat the [ __ ] out of each other i have to have a rooting interest yeah that's so true a fight for me as a very much a casual when i don't know the for the personalities involved i have no interest you need cardiac or carnage i need carnage and even then i'm like i don't even hate one of these guys just getting the [ __ ] kept both of them getting the [ __ ] out of each other but if i don't like one of the guys or i really like one of the guys do what you got to do man yeah so i think you need to build up persona really well liked and or hated izzy loved and hated you gotta watch it yeah yeah what was what was your favorite fight on the card probably gaechi versus chandler yeah i mean gaichi is just such a fascinating guy the way that he fights is just unbelievable what do you mean just the amount of risk he takes oh yeah like he sits there in the pocket he puts himself in harm's way on purpose stays exposed yeah he he has the skill to not yeah right like he could be a way less interesting fighter yeah like but he chooses to stay in the zone and he counters well he'll slip but he understands he's gonna get cracked and he gets cracked he gets wobbled he gets hurt stays in there yeah and basically says the same thing everything i'm going to take them into deep water i'm going to drown them and that's what the [ __ ] he did yeah and michael chandler didn't drown but he took him into deep water like chandler had gaichi [ __ ] hurt yeah it looked like he almost had him out of there in the first right just like which uh charles oliveira and then he couldn't get it down the first and then second geisha came on strong those leg kicks are just [ __ ] crazy i just love watching the guy fight i'll just keep watching him fight and i think he's fighting for the belt next charles oliveira or dustin pouria and then um we're gonna see what happens man do you think kamaru they're saying he might be the greatest pound for pound ever i think some people are saying they're comparing them to uh welterweight welterweight i saw some people saying he has a shot at being i mean look you look at the numbers it's impressive yeah i mean it's just it's really impressive he's dominant man i think he's only lost one i thought it was like maybe his first it was like his first fight i think her second fight something like that yeah so it's unbelievable he just keeps getting better like the striking that's what i was going to say it seems like he keeps getting better yeah it seems like he just keeps getting better yeah yeah as of now they're saying that if leon edwards is going to fight mazvidal december 11th yeah so you think if leon edwards beats mazvidal she should yeah that's but that would be the next camaro fight that could be the next camaro fight or you make or you make uh colby fight mazvidal or something like that i mean i don't know mozville probably needs a win you know what i mean like mazda doll's lost he's still like times but it's leon edwards 19 and three against vidal 35 and 15. yeah yeah yeah leon should win that fight but there's like some good back you know story to that fight i mean like maz vidal punched him in backstage oh yeah oh [ __ ] yeah so it's like there's like fun build up to that fight and then mozville can promote the [ __ ] out of a fight he knows how to do it he's an interesting guy but if he loses again we're looking at like a few losses in a row and then i don't know i don't know i just i'm just curious i'm curious to see who colby fights next yeah i was wondering that had a lot of heart man and yeah i think he won people over at the end with the the sign of respect between both of them i think even people who hated colby were like oh that was cool it was a cool moment yeah people like to see heart yeah they like to see someone get their ass [ __ ] kicked and keep on going yeah and he did really i mean that's really what rocky's all about right yeah the whole movie is based on this guy who gets his ass kicked and then just keeps on going yeah and i think there's something relatable with that maybe in life mostly it's a metaphor for life life is mostly getting your ass kicked yeah and then you just keep going and you you should win if you keep going yeah but yeah what a [ __ ] card man it was just unbelievable and then canelo obviously fought yeah and uh you know canelo was just dominant did what we all thought he was going to do yeah but plant was the plan was no slouch right playing nasty no good he's good but canelo's on a different level and he's fighting so far above his weight class like canelo's just making it hard for himself yeah you know canelo started fighting i think at 154 pounds i think he fought floyd at 155 floyd dominated him right but like that's that will eventually be floyd's greatest victory what's really interesting happening right now with like floyd and canelo is that the greater canelo gets in terms of his legacy yeah the greater that victory that flawless victory that floyd had over canelo becomes that was the most again don't know much i saw i know floyd's last eight nine fights that was the most impressive one yeah like i've watched everyone from de la hoya on that was the one where i was like god damn this is a clinic yeah but canelo wasn't nearly the same fighter he is now right so they say i mean it seems like he's on a different level yeah i think that's what happens when you fight floyd when you fight everyone else you seem like you're on a different level when you're fair enough but triple g so this is this is what i was wondering about canelo's plays in history he loses to floyd triple g people thought he lost a first and second fight right debatable then they had the trilogy and then he beat his ass pretty pretty handling the third time right i mean all of them are debatable so i thought that the first one was really close and it could have gone triple g okay i think the second one people thought that could have been canelo but they're both debatable okay but he won both of them but then he has a steroid scandal so like this is a guy who it seems like very far outside he's going for one of the greatest ever how much is all that stuff early on heard him just the steroids are the most i think what hurts him is that there's this we don't know his personality that much and he just doesn't speak english so he doesn't like resonate to the american people and just boxing is on the decline we're just not that interested in it right like if canelo was an mma fighter fighting in the ufc and he was this dominant yeah this would be a different story yeah i mean we're talking about global superstar right and right now because there's not that much interest in boxing there's not a lot of american boxers that we're you know super uh i don't know how to say it like uh just engaged by you know like they don't have a promotional apparatus like the ufc is constantly putting out these [ __ ] crazy promo clips that make every fighter on the roster no matter how many losses they have look like the greatest fighter in history right so you're just getting charged up constantly like the wbc who was one of the sanctioning parties for boxing is not doing that with its boxers right there's no promo coming out with boxers yeah unless you're a boxer you put your own promo out and if they're doing it it usually sucks you need the best editors in the world ufc is hiring the best editors in the world to make that [ __ ] look incredible and it gets you gassed up right and the only time that happens with boxers is if they're fighting for hbo yeah hbo or showtime or whatever one of these pay-per-view outlets is but like those pay-per-view outlets don't own the boxer right so they have no vested interest in making that boxer big they're just doing these one-off things yeah like maybe you have a deal with showtime maybe you have a two-fight deal but the ufc owns these [ __ ] so they're like if i own them i'ma make them as big as possible so i can make as much money on them as possible right right like if i am paying them a guaranteed salary no matter how popular they are this is their guaranteed salary i might as well make them more popular so that i get that difference in income yeah right if i make them a hundred thousand dollars popular and i'm paying them a hundred thousand dollars i break even this was pointless right but if i have a hundred thousand dollar fighter a guy i'm paying a hundred thousand dollars a fight and they have a five hundred thousand dollar interest right i just made four hundred thousand dollars yeah yeah get to cooking up clips yeah it's like the uh it's more exploitative but it might be better for the fighter in the long run it's that's the thing it's way better for the fighter because you build your career out yeah like if i'm a fighter i'm going with the ufc even if they pay less it's like netflix it's like everybody who's doing netflix specials outside of dave chappelle is accepting less money to be on netflix and netflix knows that right because that's the golden goose yeah right so then you go okay i'll do it for far less than i would do on some other platform but ideally i get all these eyeballs and then people want to see me on the road they want to see me do these other things right you build your career that way there are fighters that fight the ufc you let the ufc build the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of you even if you don't win go fighting a lesser promotion for more money you've become famous yeah the ufc made you famous you try to sell promotional stuff like there's a couple fighters who actually get it they're like listen i don't make that much fighting for ufc but they made me famous or gave me the opportunity to become famous and then i can sell all these other things sponsorships like crazy ufc's not taking their sponsorship yeah you got a cbd company giving you money get that money go go go ahead izzy got a cbd sponsor go ahead boom sean o'malley's doing it yeah busy got tons it's like use the opportunity use the platform use the leverage because no other promotional company knows how to promote fighters like this yeah now you could always fight for more you know even wages that kind of [ __ ] like go for it i'm not telling you not to right but also recognize what you got yeah if you got in this game to only be a fighter and not do any promo and not entertain you got the wrong game you should have stayed in the olympics yeah like the olympics is for you just win and you don't have to bring anything fun or fancy now you're in entertainment yeah some of you guys know it and those [ __ ] get paid yeah nobody buying your [ __ ] pay-per-view because i'm not spending 50 because you're technical yes so you're good at [ __ ] grapples i don't care yeah i couldn't care less yeah make me like you or make me hate you that's it and that's it man that's it what else we got man you wanna do feelings no facts let's do feelings on facts okay miles i'm gonna need you to pull the graph for me all right i just texted it too now this is uh this is apparently from nyc open data came out with which restaurants in new york city have the most rodent violations and the results are not shocking okay if you look at the very bottom indian restaurants yep i believe that 50 of indian restaurants have a rodent violation in new york city you're not paying for that [ __ ] do you have a do you have a rebuttal yeah i'm proud of us okay we're saving money obviously you're still eating the food you guys still love it you guys are slightly above caribbean right most is caribbean though who saw that coming which i kind of it's disappointing wait what do you mean it's not even listen if you see roaches in an indian restaurant it's almost more authentic no roaches or rodents this is rodent yeah we're talking mice specifically yeah mice or rat mice or rat yep which actually makes sense because caribbean this is racist yeah honestly this list is racist well on the other side you have donuts and who owns most of dunkin donuts in new york city oh that's indians take holding it down right there so if indians are making american food no rodents if they're making their own food rodents everywhere son we can't help it if the rodents smell delicious food bro what do you want from us my point with the caribbean thing is that caribbeans can make the worst food taste amazing so apartment thinks that they're just [ __ ] eating the rats they make ox they make oxtail delicious interesting point all caribbean food is like i don't know if i eat that then you eat it you're like oh it's amazing i mean these are staggering i mean it is crazy that all the third world countries are at the bottom of the list they're just not as bothered by rats jewish and kosher food that one's at the top and they hate rats the most just despite it's ironic okay i've studied a lot of german propaganda and they had some choice words for you people the least amount is fifteen percent yeah so only fifteen percent the average was thirty five percent it's new york city bro also wrote a violation might just mean oh this just means you've had one there's rat droppings in the [ __ ] behind the fridge yeah well that means there's that means there's rodents what do you think yeah but i'm not saying that you're not eating there there's [ __ ] rats running over your foot yeah yeah i mean i i managed a restaurant that had uh mice it's not surprising yeah and we had to get the mice out of it they shut us down and we had to get the mice out of there and like you know clog up every hole also how old were you when you were managing these restaurants like 23 or 24 yeah 22 23 24. do you think you were well equipped to manage the restaurant 22. at all at all had as well equipped to convince people i was well equipped yeah but uh i it wasn't good i would love to see 22 year old you trying to [ __ ] manage a restaurant oh god like what do we do with these rats i'll slap them in their faces these bitch-ass rats no they shut us down i remember that we had to get them [ __ ] rats out of there i'm from new york why could you have one rat in a restaurant the [ __ ] what was the restaurant in new york yeah i think you knew me the one biscuit barbecue no i definitely didn't know he was out there in brooklyn definitely didn't know you've worked in brooklyn yeah he works in brooklyn now we're working on that what are you talking about jersey in brooklyn yo this is a studio in brooklyn this is where netflix is yeah exactly this is a netflix studio when i worked in a restaurant uh there would be the rats would eat the poison that was like under the cabinet and stuff that's the idea and then they'd come out and just be like drunk on poison and then a chef would come and [ __ ] smack them with something heavy and kill them but they weren't fast so they'd come out and like a waitress would scream but it wasn't like it was running across her foot it was like drunkenly coming out like worse yeah yeah because if they're fast enough they'll they'll be only seen by one or two people yeah but if they're nice and slow oh yeah that's just mad sad i saw a poisoned rat on the sidewalk and they were just kids just looking at it and he was just like kind of dying like on his side like breathing heavy and i was like god like what a weird way to start your morning like watching children see death yeah new york is a while so i have to go to a podcast be like anyway that's crazy though that the best is donuts and 15 of donut places have had mice yeah yeah dude i'm assuming new york city they're on the first floor i think how many first floor apartments got mice yeah all businesses are on the first floor and there's food everywhere yeah there's gonna be mice yeah i feel like you just found out there's like germs on like coke cans hold on wait a minute what you're like wait a dog's mouth has germs in it that's gross i just knew that there were neighborhoods that had a lot of rats yeah it's called new york city like if you look up like uh first street between first and second avenue that's the most like rat infested area disgusting wait actually in manhattan yeah brooklyn there was like a there was like a there was like a meat factory there back in the day so they just are starting to like create their homes and [ __ ] there and then like you can't walk down that street like we put the garbage on the streets in new york if you walk down the street and just like nudge the garbage you'll see ten rats run out in that neighborhood that specific block first street between first and second avenue if you walk between my house and mark's house in brooklyn under the bqe there's just a huge empty spot it's almost like a zoo they're behind a fence yeah and there's hundreds so much so that me and shifty were walking home from mark's place and he goes yo i gotta take a picture of this and they're just there right hundreds yeah dude it's just they were uncontested during covet they they say what they just weren't contested during covet yeah yeah they did a great idea of it they were the only ones that weren't afraid of the virus yeah they never shut down dude they were florida these rats i don't know we spoke about this on the podcast but like the outdoor dining thing yeah they're all under there yeah it's like this has been the best thing for rats yeah yeah did we talk about this really it makes sense but like yeah so you're basically you're eating on wood that has these little spaces right so food is falling through the cracks and they have a safe secure dark place to go and eat just food is falling on their faces exactly yeah it's like it's warm bro you get heat from the street right it's nice yeah i mean it's just the perfect place for rats to fester right so every time you're eating on one of those little stations outside i don't know what they call them like the uh those little outdoor dining dog houses dining thing yeah the dollhouses so it's like every single time there's definitely rats yeah which that counts towards the road of violation it's 100 100 percent yeah yeah okay what else all right ted cruz was asked about texas seceding from the united states he was like no i don't think we're there yet but i get the sentiment i get why people want to why because if we succeed in texas y'all ain't going nowhere shut the [ __ ] up if he goes if we secede we take nasa we take the military we take all the oil yeah yeah and people are going crazy and then here's the best part before you say that let me say yeah they said all right who would be president and he said joe rogan he might be the president of texas let me tell y'all something right now i mean sincerely texas cut that [ __ ] out y'all not allowed to go nowhere so sit the [ __ ] down and shut the [ __ ] up talk about seceding from the great union what happened last time part of the country wanted to secede crack crack backs got cracked total war to come to sherman we will come light that whole thing up have the whole [ __ ] state looking like austin if texas even dare secede from the union we'll make the whole state austin that's what we'll do we'll send the squad down there the squad will run [ __ ] literally the squad the squad yeah leoc aoc the muslims ilhan omar aoc and the muslims yeah yeah yeah it is aoc in the muslims sounds like a good band actually say what it sounds like a nice band yeah yeah aoc make music that same song [Music] [Laughter] i don't think we could beat the whole union but stay for state we'd [ __ ] up every state yo yo every state one on one ain't nobody care about that [ __ ] yeah that's because you stopped going nowhere that's cause y'all [ __ ] you're not going nowhere this is hey don't don't let us call in some loans we need a bank of bravos out here in this [ __ ] don't let china call us alone don't let china call in some laws on your [ __ ] too they're calling you hey ain't no first you us no we're not trying to i don't want to be trying to loans [ __ ] we don't want to be calling it loans [ __ ] oh okay we just won't pay we just won't pay him what you gonna do not pay him what happened last time someone tried to secede that was different what happened that was dude y'all can't have nothing no more no no i'm gonna take your flag we're gonna take everything i'm not even called texas but you could call it i'll take texas back you'll call it you think joe rogan new york see last time it's called newer york the newest york yeah there it is last time he had robert lee he wasn't as good as grant now we got rogan bro rogan ready for war at all times with us son wrote a name with you dogs you think rogan wants to succeed i don't see a texas flag in this studio i see an american flag that's what i'm trying that's succession [ __ ] cut that [ __ ] out keep it out your [ __ ] mouth i don't want to hear it if i hear it again it's going to be a problem text rogan see if you want to be president of texas right now i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna text him right now see if you wanna be president of texas i'm gonna text who said he's gonna be president ted cruz ted cruz i don't even want to defend ted cruz yo no no that's what i think ted cruz is trying to get in with rogan okay in the podcast will be the president boring ass podcast ted cruz is a [ __ ] loser he also got into beef with big bird ted cruz over what big bird got vaccinated yeah yeah wait is ted an anti-vaxx there's a very funny exchange from a big bird verified saying he got the vaccine and then oscar the grouch the verified from them being like i don't know man i'll trust these vaccines i've been doing a lot of reasoning i think they're using them to make us gay it's a really funny exchange maybe it's photoshop but somebody attempted to send me yeah it's nice fan there's no way i hope it's not why can't it not be can i live in this world you care but oscar the grouch is hilarious ted cruz actually did respond and said yo this is propaganda stop trying to tell [ __ ] dumbass stop trying to get out [ __ ] [ __ ] would you even figure that out big bird got vaccinated for real yeah stupid [ __ ] olivia rodrigo doing propaganda at least this one i trust yo thank god we got this vaccine for for uh people to complain about bro what would they complain about if we didn't have this whole vaccine nothing to talk about like literally what would they complain about what do you think they would what issue do you think that they would make up you talk about masks or something talk about trump for a while mass and vaccines it's done let's say there's no mass or vaccines what's that culvert is good what is critical race theory critical race theory actually thank god we have the vaccine i don't want to [ __ ] deal with that critical race theory yeah that thing is too smart for people like just hearing critical most people go i ain't learning about that yeah yeah i mean like if it was called anything else yeah if it was calling like learn about whiteness like i think people would actually get into it but critical race theory is just too sophisticated it's not worth the time i tried reading about it i was like yeah i didn't have to make it this exactly just dumb that [ __ ] down you know exactly i refuse to learn what it is you read it and you could have done this simpler yeah do you want to tell me sound the the language is mad flowery yeah [ __ ] is mad flowery bruh yeah i don't want to hear it deflower it i don't want that's what critical race theory is what the rest of america thinks when we hear texas wants to secede that's what we think we're like what also puerto rico you're never going to be a state why not why not [ __ ] the flag up son of symmetry you better go and get nine more but we could lose one steak go get nine more strawberries consolidate the dakotas no we need two decoders no we don't i don't think we need one to be honest with you no we need two dakotas wait why because they were there protection shots from the camera show coming up yeah hundred percent we needed two to go through this yeah what are we trying to show in the south in south dakota i don't know which [ __ ] one we're doing what if we give her to oregon fargo north dakota yeah you ain't doing south dakota rushmore's in south dakota make that dakota bro i'm okay with that yeah what about virginia coda people better be going i'm mostly on your side i used to kind of do a joke about that i may have one too yeah [ __ ] i just want to disagree with you but uh i thought it would create more tension and more fun but um but yeah but no no i it needs to be even i care about how the flag looks so if they do it they do have to remember yeah we can solid it we get rid of west virginia put that that's a suburb yeah let's go oh yeah it's just too much work for puerto rico to become a state yeah like getting rid of a state would be too much like all those jobs and the senators and [ __ ] whatever's what are they called house representative everybody be bitching and [ __ ] so i don't know if we'd be able to make it happen but yeah puerto rico no chance all right that's fair yeah interesting qriket match from over the weekend oh yeah you little [ __ ] india india beats scotland by eight wickets a little [ __ ] damn eight wickets y'all gotta put it on you bro imagine we played pakistan how much they would have beat us by son dude imagine what pakistan would have been because we only got a lot we only lost to y'all in your stupid sport by eight wickets that's a lot and also it's probably not even scottish people it's just indians who move to scotland that's like scott's we don't play cricket what are you playing say it's indian b team what are you good at what's college yeah sports name sport you're good at are you though war are you are you though 100 which war inventing things oh really what did you do what did you invent we didn't invent zero that's for sure what would you invent uh golf surgery oh golf oh wow we invented wow the bike like that the bicycle thing that you want to be on again the thing that's dead the thing that you always say is dead what are you to watch it on you're a good show son my big ass computer monitor bruh that's what you watch things on yeah i thought you're successful no you don't have a flat screen yeah i got a flat screen that's just a big ass computer monitor these days i made some big ass box son we said hey india say hey let's make that smaller let's make that thinner oh you coughing out bro let's make that thinner coughing out bro scott made it um what else probably tons of other things bicycles bicycles the bicycle first alexander bell scottish gear i mean alexander hamilton's pops who left him scottish the highland games the highland games he's talking about wait you're taking credit for the pops who left him yeah put the battery in his back come on logarithms come on alexander hamilton's dad stuck around he wouldn't got shot up like some [ __ ] by burr probably would have won that duel oh if his dad started his dad stuck around scottish punk maybe walked off maybe like a [ __ ] he did hey i got destroyed i got slaughtered we don't care about your sports son the thing is you lost in the one thing that you're supposed to be good at you lost to pakistan yeah does it crush you that he pronounces pakistan so well too you know pakistan like the green goblins here but you did lose to pakistan yeah yeah that happened no no no no no it happens in sports don't skirt it happens in sports yankees lose to the red sox sometimes it happens it happens america loses in basketball to rwanda sometimes he never loses to rwanda and basketball didn't they lose this olympics in nigeria nigeria yeah very different yeah yeah yeah very different america loses to nigeria sometimes very different okay it happens here's the thing that happens you guys lost to pakistan that's your arch-nemesis right okay you put your best foot forward it happens i see how accepting you are of it yeah and this is just what you have to do it happens it's what you have to do to get through it here's the reality you lost so if you lose one game in a series did you lose the series is it a series no there's double elimination so we're not eliminated oh but i think you'll get a chance again oh yeah yeah yeah and what do you think will happen i do i think we're going to win it will be fine it's a bad day everybody's a bad day it's a bad day bad day dog okay you want to put some money on it yeah how much do you want a bitcoin one full bitcoin bonus you put a full bitcoin you put one bitcoin on it that's for the full bitcoin okay okay let's put a full bitcoin on one full bitcoin now you [ __ ] yo believe in your people right all right hold on do you believe in your people or not yo do you believe in your people or not even mind you believing in there's only one there's only one bitcoin people just put a bitcoin there's only one shake on it next time they're playing let's go let's go play you guys next time and you guys are gonna lose this tournament you guys are gonna lose oh no i'm putting bitcoin on the turn you get the field one bitcoin bro you get you get the field first season you get the field for a tournament in your country believe in your country dog is it india pakistan india scotland or india wins the whole thing i thought that was the next india pakistan next india pakistan i better bitcoin on that less better bitcoin i ain't bet no partnership crazy you are crazy if you think i'm better than bitcoin i'm putting my money on these [ __ ] pakistanis oh [ __ ] no i haven't been no goddamn bitcoin i just started to make money on bitcoin guys that's been an episode of flagrant two i love you all we love y'all we appreciate y'all and we will see you at uh on patreon this friday flagrant two flagrant two join the [ __ ] army we will see you there if not we'll see you next tuesday peace
Views: 762,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media, eddin, eddin media, Thankyoueddin, travis scott, astroworld, jeff bezos, leonardo dicaprio, barstool, portnoy, dave portnoy, ted cruz, ufc, boxing, kumaru usman, eddie murphy, bitcoin
Id: 8nnP7R1KpMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 21sec (8961 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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