Elon Musk Wants SNL For ONE Reason… | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh

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Time stamp the shout out cause I'm not watching all of that

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/BuddNugget 📅︎︎ May 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

What do you call an Indian wigger?? There's no punchline i would just really like to know.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Lambros666 📅︎︎ May 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Shulz lookin old as shit

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/majorBotHead 📅︎︎ May 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Andrew Schultz is fucking terrible.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/Mellowcane 📅︎︎ May 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Damn. They have a framed picture of Patrice, they’re extolling Gilly and Keeve’s amazingness, and they have crossed machetes on the table. I should love everything about this...then i see the purposeful high water pants and the checkered shoes and my rage grows

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Guyincognitoe87 📅︎︎ May 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

The fact that you’d waste your time watching this is extremely depressing

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/analrapemeplease 📅︎︎ May 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

bout time he says something right

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lallana_Del_Rey_8 📅︎︎ May 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
if your ancestors knew what good dick was i would be better looking you show a little your top of your titty and the whole world is having conversations about you steph curry by himself could be in wnba go to anthony's pizza what's up everybody welcome to flagrant suits your boy schultzy i'm here with akash singh alex media mark gagnon we got the truffle in the [ __ ] building we got that color blind bat miles over there editing some [ __ ] he doesn't even get a mic okay you don't get a mic miles but you do have a name on the podcast we're here we're talking about whatever the [ __ ] has happened this week let's talk about the uh snl situation i don't i don't understand it i don't understand it i've been i've been asking people about this for the last seven days nobody can explain to me i hate what's the what's the issue why do they not like apparently some of the cast members don't want to perform on the show because elon musk is there because he's rich they're upset that he's rich who do you work for do you think the person you work for is that much less rich yeah than elon musk the head of nbcuniversal who i'm pretty sure owns like ge or some [ __ ] like that like yeah everybody works for billionaires cut this [ __ ] out you don't want to support billionaires every single person with a job is working for abilities i prefer my billionaires to have visibility so they can have some level of accountability the guy who's the head of nbc i know the [ __ ] he is he's doing whatever he wants on whatever epstein's island exists yeah and none of us know his name so we can't hold him accountable yeah give me that billionaire elon musk over that other guy that you've never heard imagine being a comic that's like i don't want to do jokes with that guy what a but what a monumental [ __ ] though god yeah dude but who is it it's the bow and yang yang tweeted something and then another guy tweeted something and i know bowling's yeah i know bowen's young's names because stop agent hate but i don't know the other guy's name because it's snl so if you didn't get fired for snl i don't know who you are yeah did they fire the minorities no they fired shane they fired that's how i know who chain is yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sounds like shane who has by far the best sketch comedy show on the internet or tv gillian keeves go right now everybody listening to this podcast right now go to and uh google youtube whatever the [ __ ] you want gilly and keeves g-i-l-y and keeves is k-e-e-v um i'm telling you it is the most unique funny beautifully produced it's not like some shitty little instagram sketch it's literally like they're tiny little movies that are absolutely [ __ ] hysterical go watch them he's doing a new one every single week or they're doing a new one every single week like full production that they put all their money into this he puts his philly guys on he's from philly it's unbelievable reggie's always in every schedule yeah reggie's really funny in it he's so funny yeah so just go check it out and this guy uh mckeever is like a really brilliant director yeah he directs them all and him and shane write them and then shane stars on them all but like he's a brilliant [ __ ] director man you gotta give that guy some flowers so go check that out snl i mean like listen obviously we all know they [ __ ] up by not having shane on but they they did want to have shane on yes but they're also a public company that has to succumb to whatever the [ __ ] internet tells them to do so of course they're gonna fire shane but it's not like they didn't also think he's funny you know what i mean like they're looking at shane they're going yeah that's why we wanted him they're just have to be [ __ ] because that's the nature of the game it is i guess i very reluctantly agree with that uh you're right i just hate i would love to see one company be like guys handle it with a gray like something we would like to yeah but all i'm saying is like i i'm trying to i'm trying to i'm trying to like we're act we're asking like nbc to be like a revolutionary brand like they've built their money not being revolutionary they build their money by literally going along with the rules maybe the difference what are the rules hey what is it called fcc yeah what can we not say okay we don't say it let's make the funniest thing within the confines what they are is like a honda civic or a toyota camry yeah you know what i'm saying they're the car that's built within the specifications of uh gas allowed like what is it miles per gallon allowed you know they have to have a certain amount of aerodynamics so they don't use too much gas etc like that's what the show is supposed to be honda civic toyota camry they're not a muscle car that just wastes [ __ ] gas but goes fast and sounds awesome yes so i don't expect them to operate like a monster the internet is a muscle car the internet's the [ __ ] muscle car creator on the internet who's not beholden to anybody's a muscle car now maybe the difference is it's not a publicly traded company but i love that the oakland raiders had that tweet where they [ __ ] up with the no no i'm giving an example of one that i like of a company standing for the oakland raiders yeah i liked what they did when they had that i can breathe uh tweet after the derek chovin verdict we were all like what the [ __ ] are you doing that's a crazy tweet and they're like yo you're right we didn't know the history of this tweet stays up no no that's not what they said they said this is what eric garner's family said or something like that yeah well they said we didn't maybe they didn't say you're right they said okay i understand we do know the history of this you misinterpret it because you don't know the history we're not taking no al davis's son whatever the [ __ ] his name is said i didn't know cops put out these shirts after eric garner's death that were i can breathe a bunch of cops were wearing that and that's where people were offended and they were like oh okay i didn't know that that gives some context to it i understand why you're upset but they didn't take the tweet down people were upset and they were just like are you sure that's the history of it i mean i read one compliment because it's like multiple things like cops did it in a negative way and then like the family of george floyd did it in like a positive way and yeah yeah sorry not eric honor so it's garner so like the family of george floyd did it and they were i thought the family like a cousin or something said like i can breathe or something like that exactly i feel like we can breathe yeah they're quoting somebody who they're on the right side with they're they're not taking the side of the cops in that situation it was misinterpreted by other people that's fine but at least they know who they're quoting and then they just go yo that's not on us that's on the floyd do you gonna take it up with the floyds they're not being brave they're not going out he said a whim here he said some [ __ ] like i didn't understand the history of it whatever like with the again post eric garner cops without shirts that said i can't breathe yeah i can breathe which is after eric garner that's [ __ ] up he was like i didn't know that this is what george floyd's brother said and then i stick with it yeah i stick with george ford's brother i don't want to belabor the point too long but the general point is that was maybe a not one-to-one example but that was an example of somebody public saying hey guys i understand you're upset about this i'm sticking with it now maybe it's not one-to-one but i would love to see more of that from companies that are closer to snl i would love to start trending in that direction about that you don't want to see that not at all why is that because i'm burying you okay i'm grateful for your ineptitude right fair enough okay i was having this conversation with with uh with ben nuita who's going to be on flagrant you uh this week he's our smartest friend you hear us talking about him all the time he's just a genius and um and he was talking about like the thing that annoys me most in life are people who are like incompetent and i've chosen to be grateful for them because that's the only reason i can make money because there are incompetent people so instead of being annoyed by the thing that's most in life that's the thing i'm most grateful for oh [ __ ] so he like flipped his own uh annoyance if you will i thought it was like a real real good split so i'm grateful that they have all these rules sign it in i'm grateful that they have the fcc i'm grateful that they can't say anything funny and it's so hard for them to be funny because it allows us to have this we've literally built this entire thing on the fact that comedy on tv sucks if tom comedy was if comedy on tv could do everything that we could do yeah it would be hard to compete we can't be flagrant if everything's flagrant i understand your point and that time yeah but yeah okay guys what you said to jordan peterson the duval thing which is uh basically just change your perspective yeah situation so we just yeah that's a great perspective oh these guys exist but they allow us to win so i'm grateful for them i love the fact that these rules are here i just think it's so interesting like these are the people you're going to go out on a limb on like elon is the one that you don't want to deal with i i don't understand i completely understand why elon has to go on there because this guy has realized that he can save millions and millions and millions of dollars in marketing if he's the marketing yes like he's tweeting because that saves him millions of dollars in buying a [ __ ] super bowl commercial yeah do i spend 10 million by a super bowl commercial or do i talk about dogecoin until everybody keeps saying my name and then they buy my car and to your point how many tesla commercials have we seen none you know what's the most valuable car company in the history of the united states tesla right now yeah this is the new thing right it's like so afford one f-150 whatever is gonna have a car in the desert there's gonna be fire and he's gonna drive a [ __ ] spiral right it's gonna do all that [ __ ] you don't need it as long as you're the head of the brand a lot of people don't wanna take the smoke and he gets a lot of smoke for it but but what i think is brilliant about him specifically and maybe i'm only saying this because i'm invested in the company now he was annoying before i invested but now that i'm invested the guy's a [ __ ] genius but uh but i think he's brilliant is he's willing to like stir up the water cause some controversy cause some gravity and then also create these amazing projects which you want to be tied to like back in the day like the formula one thing right you wanted to win formula one or le mans like you want to win these like really powerful car races because it gave so much equity and value to your car company and then the average person like me or you goes well [ __ ] i want a porsche yep well mclaren or something i want a mclaren i want a williams right i want a bmw right now uh what is it mercedes wins so it's like oh well i want a mercedes because then i can drive the same type of car that lewis hamilton drives they must be good cars they must be the best cars exactly they're the fastest of all the formula one cars exactly 100 so now i think elon found a way to go even further with that i think he does want to go to mars there's no question he does want to do all these things but like i don't want to buy the car from the fast car maker i want to buy the car from the spaceship maker that's a good point i want the guy who makes my car to make spaceships yeah that's cute did you have a little formula one car goes vroom vroom you could take off the tires quick and put it back on that's adorable yeah this guy takes off the rocket yeah and then puts it back on similar to the corvette thing moz was telling us what's that remember how they were taken like corvette was basically sponsoring all the astronauts and giving them all corvettes so basically any time an astronaut came back it was like you know when they win the super bowl where you going we're going to disney disney world corvette was just like yo here's a here's a corvette and that's how they they basically leached on to the equity of an astronaut because those were the coolest people in the world at that time we still underwrite how cool a [ __ ] astronaut is they've become a little bit more nerdy you know what yeah like fly in a [ __ ] space here's a thing you gotta put up with to go there but here's the thing about astronauts a lot of people don't realize like in the movies they're 6-2 they're jocks that are brilliant yeah right in real life they're five six and they're nerds because you can't be too tall to fit in the cockpit you're an astronaut you are an [ __ ] like i said we sleep on how cool they are math skills are up there to be an astronaut yeah that's true yeah he doesn't have nice enough masks he's not white or asian well no if he was whiter saying india's going to space suck my dick how do you go to space but you can't even get corona vaccines bro you got your priorities so [ __ ] up also also scottish people are on our own i did some research okay we got our own [ __ ] people on our money who not all of them no we we deliver we have our own like bank the bank of scotland puts out our notes and i guess because we're part of the comm level we can put our thing there but man that was [ __ ] debilitating man i had all these scottish people hit me up like tell me all the cool [ __ ] we do etc i want to get into uh the india thing in a second but just with the elon thing so he has to go on snl and cause all this [ __ ] stir and he doesn't have any pressure to be funny because the show's already not funny yes like if now is the time to do snl like if you're a not funny person yes now is the time because nobody's gonna go man it wasn't funny this week the reaction to snl is yo it was actually funny like if a good snl sketch goes out it's 100 percent it's actually funny 100 no i'll be honest i don't watch the show i only watch the sketches that come out and are funny and some of them or people say i'm funny some of them are funny some of them are not funny i don't watch enough to actually make a real statement about it i think a lot of comics hate on snl because uh you know it seems like a a convenient source of frustration and it's like it's a time of revolution we can before they kept us out but we couldn't say [ __ ] because they were gatekeepers yeah now and you're a big part of this people are realizing there aren't gatekeepers right so now that they lost their power and they were kind of mean to you it's like watching a bully lose his power and they're like you know what [ __ ] you buddy this whole time i want to say [ __ ] you now i can say it yeah exactly it's like we want to say [ __ ] you all the people said no to us yeah and now that this thing no longer has the same power it's like safe to say [ __ ] you too exactly there's no risk involved yeah yeah and i get it i get it 100 being like i want to [ __ ] on this show but if i do i'll never get on it if i got on it that's a career it's like the nightclub that starts to fall off yeah yeah and now all of a sudden they're hanging out flyers in the street asking you to come in you're like yo suck my dick avenue yeah i never want to come in there anyway where you did originally that's my dick every club [Laughter] anyway so it's just interesting what's happening with them man like i i see i see snl and i see like it's still for whatever reason a conversation topic yes like who's on snl it's a staple of our culture man 40 plus years 45 years at this point probably yeah [ __ ] nuts but there's no one who goes i love snl yeah i actually have not met i truly have not met people to say i love snl truly so so i guess what i'm curious about is like how is it still this conversation topic if the unanimous feeling about the show is it wasn't as funny as it used to be yeah because i think there's also some frustration because before it was such a cultural driving force and this isn't entirely their fault communication or entertainment has just spread so thin now but back when there was 10 channels 20 channels even just we just had cable and we started getting satellites yeah snl was still like driving culture it still had [ __ ] superstars yeah will feral eddie murphy even later like even jason sedakis and yeah he's the girl um kristen wiig like they had [ __ ] people even toward the end as it wasn't that funny yeah but they just all adam sandler like chris rock they just drove everything dude what what the [ __ ] do they hate about elon so like apparently no one from the cast officially said anything yeah but they all sort of like kind of sub tweeted him or whatever yeah specific people in the cast so like bon yang retweeted something he said what the [ __ ] does that even mean or something yeah so basically elon musk goes yo we'll see how live saturday saturday night live really is with like the devil emoji and so i was i assumed that that was like oh yeah like we're gonna see how crazy we can make it let's like really push the envelope and do something wild yeah and then bone yang retweets it and goes what the [ __ ] does this even mean i think he pulled down the tweet and then another cast member like shared a story the day that elon was announced that was like a bernie sanders critique on billionaires bernie sanders is basically like chris reid like the three billionaires in this country have more money than 50 of americans like just illustrating the health disparity whatever and then that person shared it and then another cast member posted like a horrified meme face and so they're not even that bad they're pulling all that in to say what exactly is the outlash or like the backlash we don't exactly know but like so i'm assuming it's the billionaire thing fans are saying it's like the anti-union stuff and like the covid quote-unquote kova denial yeah earlier he was denying the [ __ ] out of coke he was not feeling that cold but what makes it funny is that snl now is able to do full shows with audiences still in like the quote-unquote pandemic in new york dude it was so funny the uh yeah i was talking to ben about this yesterday actually and it's like if you cared that much about covid you wouldn't have any audience members at the show and apparently the way that they're getting yeah exactly right like you just wouldn't do it if you really cared about yeah sharon kovet you wouldn't bring these people into an enclosed space and then have them laugh with their mouths open right and just shoot covet all over the production they're mashed up been spaced out massive and spaced out whatever i mean like look i'm all for having people at the show but i don't [ __ ] about it i'm a bit of acidic i'm pretty sure that all this elon hate is just to draw up attention so people watch this that's kind of what i feel oh that would mean debbie's smart yeah i'll respect that everybody just do some little stuff please awesome like he would encourage alec baldwin yeah you know what i mean like alec baldwin got way worse [ __ ] like you could listen to phone calls with him like berating his daughter yeah he's he's like physically assaulted people right like so if your limit for having a guest on is how they treat other human beings start with your own house whatever jordan peterson said make your bed you know what i mean like if that's where your moral compass starts to get a little out of whack then talk to the dude is playing trump yeah every single week but they don't really have a problem with that i think it is that i think they're like stirring up the water to catch the fish and it's one of them has been on this entire season i think this is the first episode we spoke about yeah baby yeah but alan is like hyper sensitive he doesn't like when people come at him at all like he gets in twitter really i would think he wouldn't give i think he understands how it moves twitter he would have marketing to it so i think that like i think that he claps back on people on the internet because he's like oh that's cheaper than doing an ad if i clap back and i put a [ __ ] eggplant emoji after somebody said something about me the entire internet's gonna talk about it reddit's going to talk about it's going to go viral news stations are going to talk about it and you know what they're going to say tesla owner elon musk i wonder if you could even tie tesla's stock price to every time he insults somebody with a tweet so apparently whenever he walls out on twitter this is at least before the stock would dip for a few days and then come back up interesting it's it's just it just whiles out on twitter means like he's tweeting about companies or going forward with another human being i i don't know about the back and forth that's all i care about okay i know when he's like said the corona [ __ ] and all that and like no no no no no i'm not talking about like actual business stuff i'm talking about like when he acts like a soundcloud rapper on the internet trying to like drop [ __ ] up spark beef yeah i don't know man i think it's all and i think to his point i'm not caring if they're gonna do this there's no way elon musk doesn't know there's no way these bone yang whatever's like yo i'm gonna do this on my own snl doesn't have to know and elon nah they need to know your job is on the line if you say some [ __ ] elon's like yo get this guy the [ __ ] out of here yeah you know what i mean i also think that elon musk is a lot of his like personal branding and like trying to get his pr [ __ ] right so i think a lot of it is marketing but also like trying to establish himself as like the cool billionaire you know i mean like billionaires are under so much scrutiny from like the government and society especially as like people like bernie sanders are bringing up wealth disparity [ __ ] he's trying to be like oh i'm like a cool guy i'm nice i'm relatable i'm fun and i think that's where a lot of it comes from too yeah yeah yeah i bet i just um i think he's really savvy and i don't think he cares that much how people feel about him as long as he's successful yeah i don't think he can i think people that are that smart aren't usually super sensitive i don't think he cares about people like is that smart scientifically business-wise like they tend to give the least [ __ ] emotional but if public opinion sways policy and legislation then it affects his money exactly yeah so as long as he is cool enough that it helps his businesses he's good and i don't think he needs to be any cooler than that and uh if he dips below it he's like oh i got to do some [ __ ] so people think i'm cool again right like i remember when he sold all the houses and stuff yeah it was super smart because now what are people clobbering supposedly rich people for having multiple houses right black lives matter chick how many houses you got bernie sanders how many houses you got yeah well if you're just the rich guy that rents [ __ ] well we can't talk about all the houses he got yeah i don't know how many cars he got i mean he's got plenty he's got teslas yeah but he owns a car company so can he can have all the cars the rockets i guess he's doing something with america but like he situated it well he sees the traps that a lot of these rich people fall into and he's avoided them he's got this like you know kooky girlfriend that like checks him on his pronoun usage on twitter yeah like is that on purpose no probably i wouldn't be surprised i'm sure they've discussed it they need to check me in public we'll have a discussion about it he's probably yeah that's good that makes me that much more likeable yeah and you know what this could also be this could also just be like our respect for his intellect like this [ __ ] happens a lot like when people admire what you do they often assume everything you do is for a smart uh reason yes you know what i mean like anytime i watch one of these like uh you know stupid like youtube videos or like break down my marketing plan or whatever like that they always add this crazy like problem-solving ability to everything i'm doing when like half the [ __ ] is just luck we just tried some [ __ ] and it worked right but like the real reason why he made you turn your phone is because it would stop the scroll and all this other [ __ ] and i was like yeah we figured that out afterwards yeah yeah you know so i think that that's what we do we like ascribe genius to every action right when some people are just you know yeah doing [ __ ] half of the tweets might just be ah [ __ ] on board doge coming to the moon could be you know it could have them could be boredom yeah it could be it's way more fun what's up baby say what dodgecoin is up baby nobody knows how to pronounce that doge bro doge dog dodge is up i'm kind of stuck what do you guys think about uh caitlyn jenner uh what she said about the trans athletes it's just so funny her whole approach with all that [ __ ] why like because like republican against same-sex marriage against trans athletes and sports has she said specifically she's against same-sex marriage i believe so yeah yeah i think she said that early on yeah it was a while ago i got to see where she said that probably reverse her stance because she got it when she started pushback no i think i think she followed up with i'm a traditional woman or something like that i thought that she was against homosexuality uh because she doesn't see herself as homosexual yeah exactly i'm a traditional woman and like but then didn't you say she's not attracted to men i don't know what this [ __ ] is but but i know that i agree with her when it comes to the trans athletes i do they basically ask her like do you think that trans athletes so for example a a man that becomes a woman should be able to now compete with women in like high school i think they were saying yeah but i think let's just take this to all sports um and and yeah of course not why is why this is an issue is absolutely besides me men and women cannot compete in sports because men are better than women in most sports in the things we're not better at them at we compete together there's no like women's chess and men's chess there's just chess women happen to not be very good at it except for netflix is the only place they're very good at but but they can compete together because there's no uh there's no difference in the cognitive ability that men and women have at least when it comes to playing chess right but when it comes to lifting heavy things men can do that more yes we are better at lifting heavy things i'm not hiring an all-female moving company you can judge me if you want to but i'm not doing it why not dude i just don't want to pay that hourly rate for so many more hours oh dude i would watch this every single day just a little lift more to do so yes god came looking like me i kicked that [ __ ] out of my house amazing all female moving companies just watching like 30 of them move a couch like ants moving a banana peel right that would be amazing unless you get them on the one week where they're all synced up oh then they got that super strength yeah then they're able to go super saiyan they're just moving eat chocolate between moving [ __ ] yeah all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because uh you need to get your lives together okay and the first way you get your life together is by eating fresh nutrient-rich foods okay and you know what you can do you can do that without cooking it yes because freshly's gonna do all that for you i'm telling you this is the no-brainer if you're trying to lose weight you're trying to get into shape you're just trying to add a little bit more structure to your life but you don't have time to cook you're a trash cook and you want to impress your girl or your boyfriend like you actually can whip it up but don't even tell him all these things are possible with freshly the truffle got his body back by going on freshly okay this is the fact is it not trough fact during quarantine for a single guy three minutes in the microwave easy easy mr snapback mr snapback they were calling him in l.a so freshly offers chef made nutrient packed delicious meals delivered fresh to your door no cooking required okay no cooking required you're a busy [ __ ] you're on the go you got [ __ ] to do or you just don't like cooking and cleaning up all those pots and stuff freshly yours right there cut the grocery store shopping out have the meals delivered directly to you ordering is easy you visit freshly.com okay slash flagrant and right now freshly is going to be offering our listeners 40 off your first two orders when you go to freshly.com flagrant not convinced just yet let me tell you something you're going to get freshly for literally six dollars and sixteen cents per meal that's incredible unbelievable a healthy meal even fast food is like 12 13 14 bucks minimum right and you got to go there or do door dash and spend eight dollars shipping yeah you don't need all that it's too much you're getting a healthy nutrient-rich meal for six dollars and sixteen cents it's unbelievable this is a no-brainer it's absolutely delicious you're gonna [ __ ] love it you're gonna feel better be healthier and you're gonna eat well finally in your life that's done you go do this right now okay freshly.com flagrant you're gonna have 40 off your first two orders when you go to freshly.com flagrant okay go there right now now let's get back to the show anyway it's like it seems like such a no-brainer i don't understand why what if we based it on when you started the gender change what about if we don't and we just say you're a guy and i understand that you want to masquerade as a girl and that's fine and if we have to call you a girl because it makes you feel more comfortable cool if you want to wear girls clothes that's amazing but you don't get to beat up girls that were born as girls because you could [ __ ] hurt them because you have a huge advantage it's like no brainer hypothetical what if you go the other way that never happens tony hinchcliffe has a great joke about this so i don't want to like i don't want to touch on his joke but he basically does say that uh there aren't a lot of athletes that go the opposite way yeah there's not a lot of trans men that choose to play men's sports yeah because they can't right simple as that you there is a difference like why are we acting like there's not a difference but that happened though there is like that story that mauricio there was that story so basically a girl transitions to a guy that's on testosterone and like all the hormones to transition into a guy yeah and then wants to compete in wrestling yeah and then like the state athletic commission was like no you have to compete against women yeah and so now dominating the world now this guy is like i don't want to beat against women because i'm going to dominate them yeah and then he goes in and dominates everyone now did he get to wrestle the guys no because the athletic commission said you have to compete with the gender that you're born with and so he goes well [ __ ] and now he has all this testosterone exactly so it's a huge advantage and it's like lifting crazy like bone densities going up muscles going up yeah you don't get to compete is that the girl in the tick tock that she goes like that somebody out the frame no that girl is ripped that girl's amazing i love those tic tocs uh but no in those situations you don't get to compete yeah sorry dude what if you started the uh whatever the process that whatever you call it at like age three so now your parents should be shot in the head your parents should be shot in their [ __ ] head if you're a transitional kid at three so after we whatever before puberty before [ __ ] really starts to go hormonally one way what if you start then seven eight years old the kid is like i know what i am this is what i want to do your parents should go to prison how are you not seeing this okay so now after you send the parents to prison would you allow that kid to compete in sports no not at all um because you're not allowed to okay i understand what you're saying now what he's saying is if he transitioned early enough where you wouldn't have the positive side effects of having extra hormones in your body testosterone disparities exactly yeah so so essentially you would uh present like whatever gender you chose in that moment right that's what you're saying yeah yes i guess that should be good but nobody should be allowed to transition at eight years old i mean you don't even let your kid choose what food goes in their mouth at eight years old you literally go no candy until after you eat your vegetables right you're not gonna go no [ __ ] growing out of your body until after you eat your vegetables right like so it i mean are you supportive of that like kids getting testosterone therapy at eight i don't know what the age is but i don't yeah i don't think you support it at 18. like if we're being entirely honest here i understand the argument nothing yeah no no hey listen once you turn 18 do whatever the [ __ ] you want with your body if we can send you to war then you could send you i mean you're losing things in water like people come back for more missing [ __ ] that's what that's what trans people should really do like all i said i was you know i was dry humping some dirt and kabul and there's a mine went off and uh you know what do you [ __ ] out there right it's not like they got brothels when trump banned trump from the military i was like that's [ __ ] up you should just do encourage trans people to go in the military why just soup them up like give them all the testosterone get them [ __ ] jacked yeah in america yeah like go full like cyborg with it do we allow roids in the military that's interesting i don't know why we don't i think we should everyone should just be on peds it's the next disney is the next disney movie just captain america but trans yes like they walk in they take the super serum goes from a girl to a [ __ ] brolic ass that's a good point yeah killing it if you're already transitioning you're like yeah [ __ ] transition me with you know cyborg parts give me like a [ __ ] gun in my arm i mean can we look it sucks obviously if you feel like you're born the wrong body i have tons of empathy for that because that much [ __ ] suck but you're a douchebag to compete against the new gender like you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] dude are you not hit it now okay go how many women's sports do you watch right now oh that's a good point you don't watch every woman's sport i watch every woman dude i've been watching the cooking channel nonstop that's upset it's like we don't watch them now let them compete it might get good um oh you're saying like have actually mark has a joke about this how dwayne wade's daughter is gonna [ __ ] save the wnba yeah yeah it might get good it's gonna light up yeah but it's not gonna get good because there are women doing it it doesn't matter i guess i hear what you're saying you want to be a detainee [Music] but i'm still not going to watch like a little bit worse dudes do the sports g-league yeah like do you watch tv nah what if they start like that i guess i heard what you're saying but like we can't have that conversation like we can't sit down with the trans athletes just be like hey bro or whatever just like yo you really want to do this to girls bro like you really want to do this with their head they're a girl but are they when they got to go pee do they squat behind a [ __ ] toyota tundra yeah and hope that their friend blocks them every time i see a girl pee it's behind a toyota tundra and their friend is blocking them is that what they do or they just pull that [ __ ] dangling out and piss like a dude on a brick wall in a [ __ ] alley what about post-op can they compete huh if they got the dick chopped off it's not about the dick or not it's really just about the competitive advantage that a man has over a woman because of testosterone yeah but you gave a little leeway for if they started the hormone therapy earlier son can i just give you let me say let me let me ask you this question would you be fine you know them slap competitions where the people just stand in front of each other and slap the [ __ ] at each other would you be fine if a trans woman so a man that transitioned into a woman was in that with a bunch of women bro ufc that [ __ ] would be hilarious i might prefer that that was hilarious [Laughter] i would just like to have like an honest sit down i understand that you care about sports i understand that you want to compete and i understand you're not at a slight disadvantage with the dues because you've been taking this estrogen that sucks but don't you feel like you kind of cheating being with these girls bro you don't feel like that come on dude not at all i mean they're not going to care who's not going to care the trans person that you're asking this question to they're not going to care they want to play the sport that they love and they feel like they're a woman in the head so now my question is why can't they play in the men's league i just say you're an [ __ ] they can't it's just not good enough but like 100 percent i mean 100 jenner did and she was really good at it she's the greatest trans athlete of all time when you think about it yeah so it's like she was a trans athlete she excelled she won all the medals all that [ __ ] you can play with the men nobody's saying you can't play with the men bruce could have done that [ __ ] with nails on with [ __ ] heels do whatever you want there's a play there's a play where you can win with wokeness and say you know what we're just taking gender out of this forever all leagues are whoever's the best is the best and then you got the wnba they don't i mean the nba again there's no wnba anymore it's just all dudes smoke bro that's what that but you can out woke it you can get in front of the location like you know what guys you're right gentlemen here's a social consciousness we are eliminating the wnba the nba will be open to all genders whoever's the best can play yeah that's it now it'll be you'll get the [ __ ] giant pat on the back and then you got the nba and the wnb's then you're going to see the reverse level what can we have a women's league we wouldn't do that to you gender is a social construct why would we do such a sexist backwards thing yeah so that's you just got to get in front of them because they can't they woke themselves into a circle these people so you just got to get in front of it and just trap them you know the real issue is that like we build sports into this thing of value that's really what it comes down to like sports don't have to be the thing of value we could create sport a sport out of anything like if giving birth with a sport was a sport and like pushing the baby out as fast as you possibly could if that was a sport women dominate yeah yeah they absolutely dominate and like if for whatever reason we just chose that that was the coolest thing to watch and then we were watching on tuesdays and fridays on tnt and charles barkley and [ __ ] ernie johnson will be talking that [ __ ] every single day and barkley's like damn you got some strong [ __ ] lips squeezing that baby out real quick that if that was what society cared about they would have this huge advantage they'd be making millions of dollars and we would be out here like [ __ ] we got to find ways to like i don't know squeeze eggs out of our [ __ ] or something like that like we'd have like the male version of nobody will watch it nobody's like how can we not watch it why don't we get paid the same as the women and we'd be subsidizing they'd be like because you're just squeezing eggs out of your [ __ ] it's not even a real sport you're not even really giving birth we've made up what sports are yeah it's bitcoin it's crypto we've just decided that this thing called sports has value and it sucks because women are at a disadvantage in those things their sports but if it was something that women are at advantage of you know i don't know like [ __ ] doing more more than one thing at a time or something whatever they say they're good at multitasking multitasking multitasking was a sport you know or if like remembering where i put [ __ ] was a sport yeah yeah that makes sports out of that ladies remember where i put [ __ ] it's uncanny babe where did i put my shoes in the drawer in the drawer behind the bottom left yeah we go back to the back of the drawer left corner cooking the meal cleaning feeding the dogs babe where are my glasses you left them in the studio on tuesday all right they should be here how amazing is that but but if if we decided as a society to build things around women's strengths and i guess the reason we don't is because if what what it's just what you classify as women's strength as well that is one of their strengths remembering everything that's very funny we talk about about how they remember everything in fights but they also remember other [ __ ] like where we leave things around the house right how many girls you [ __ ] between age twins yeah even though i think they cheating though they know where they should just talk over that one i ain't getting caught in that game why don't we talk about her passively stop i see what you're doing i know this game y'all come out chill out come on we're not doing this [ __ ] uh they be knowing where everything is because they moved it that's because they might have moved yesterday but even if i moved her [ __ ] to try to like trick her i would have forgot about that yeah that's a good point son i gotta i gotta leave i gotta take [ __ ] with me i can't leave [ __ ] in my own house because i'll lose it i can't leave in my own what is it a little uh glove compartment in the car first i can't even leave [ __ ] there because i know i forget there and they'll be there until we give the car back and i'll be like oh [ __ ] my credit card was in there that's how forgetful i am about stuff i i guess we've created like um how do i say this like men we also value the best of the best with women right right like i i think that we i guess they'll compete on certain things that we value obviously like look i have a list of 14 things women are better at than men i want to read it one second i just want to get this point out but so because male hierarchy dictates what woman we get yeah right and because society was structured around male hierarchies because our role was i guess more important in terms of like the protection of women and the providing for the family for yes you know tens of thousands of years hundreds of thousand years probably whatever like these things that are kind of based around our ability to like protect and provide which have become sports yeah right have value yeah but if it was the other way around we'd be doing this exact same thing yes with the 14 things that women do better than men go what are they all right university of georgia and columbia found that women have a better approach at expanding minds more open-minded boom yeah also higher iq tests believe that i 100 wait what no higher iq tests study of iq tests from around the world women of a higher iq than men on average no no that he's reading for cosmopolitan oh dude come on check your sources here's the iq thing they could have a higher average i believe that's what's good and then the outliers tend to be men that are the highest yeah but on average average girl i do think smarter than the average guys people tend to be guys yeah most women go to college or more women are going to college uh they're cleaner apparently their desks are cleaner at most workplaces they're better at handling the stress of their cleaner but they're [ __ ] bathroom counter disaster disaster bro their bathtub disaster so they just put all their dirt in one little place and we spread it around conveniently throughout our entire space yeah i mean so it doesn't overwhelm us we have a higher uh clean average that's what it is yeah we have a higher cleanup but the cleanest woman is just cleaner than cleaners yeah exactly the cleanest one the cleaner the cleanest guy and the cleanest area is going to be a woman's area but if you look at overall we're higher yeah higher clean average okay go um women are getting better looking through evolution whereas without a question because they haven't valued our looks so we just stay the same and try to make more money like but anytime women were like oh blah blah you're ugly or something just like [ __ ] be shallow [ __ ] like i am this way because your ancestors don't know how to [ __ ] good dick i don't know about it if your ancestors knew what good dick was i would be better looking my ears would be poached back to my head my nose would be regular but because you and your [ __ ] stupid ancestors were sucking off sixes you made me this way i had to pay for it yeah i inherited charisma i got i gotta be funny as hell these yeah [ __ ] it's your fault stupid-ass grandparents can't suck no good dick you know what i mean oh you're good yeah apparently women are more likely to survive car accidents why because they be in them all the time yeah they're used to it you know how like a skateboarder when he falls off his board he knows how to roll real well but like someone who's never skateboarded they just stand on it flip and then bust their head that's when we're car accidents they've just been in so many cars i actually bet because the man will sacrifice himself to save his girlfriend we're [ __ ] killing the blindfold i got two airbags airbag and my girlfriend i'm trying to win here come on go go all right um women are better at uh resolving arguments yes they're more agreeable in argument but they know how to get themselves resolved by them being right and that's just whittling away they're better emotional communicators according to this they can communicate more emotions yeah yeah okay 100 yeah 53 percent of women are willing to talk to their friends about what's dressing their mouths she said the same [ __ ] three times in a row yeah no it's the same stat yeah yeah that's true so there's really 11. there's 11 things they're better at actually 12. they're better at saying the same [ __ ] multiple different times a woman definitely wrote a good point uh-huh um all right 80 percent of women what is it according to the bureau of labor statistics 80 of those who have lost their jobs since december have been men so women are better retaining their jobs that's sexism you know why aren't they holding on to the men in these workplaces that's cause they all aren't only fans so they had no job no that's because we work outside women don't work outside and all the outside jobs got shut down because of corona why would the outside job construction why would construction stop it's outdoors it did stop initially with corona yeah everything outside when you're around people you can't work remote with construction yeah anything where you couldn't work from your own apartment women eat healthier on average 100 percent yeah 100 allegedly oh yeah they have stronger immune systems i believe that and a higher pain tolerance i believe that also with the pain tolerance but also everything's painful to them so we don't know if they got higher pain they say higher pain tolerance but they're also freezing all the time yeah yeah i mean like so it's like you've decided what is painful ah that's what it is we can handle more average what is what is the yo but they'd be giving birth that's what you said they're the outliers they can handle about this before but like i don't believe it i just don't believe it hurts bro like you're telling me don't believe it i don't believe it you either believe in evolution or you don't believe in evolution you make the argument for then you make the world okay real quick real quick real quick let me just get this out let me just get this out okay i feel you on this side let me just get this out right now think about it baby no no no this is a fact this is this is evolution this is science it's darwin bro listen if i told you yo every time i take a breath that [ __ ] hurts yeah if i said to you every time i walk it hurts right you'd be like how does just walking hurt for you this is something that we've evolved to do over millions of years it actually doesn't it might feel good it might be a pleasurable experience okay it looks from an outside perspective like that sure hurts i'm sure but it can't hurt that much i'm saying when it's wrong when the baby comes out sideways or whatever her feet first you know what i mean if you haven't wanted to [ __ ] slip and slide babies maybe it's maybe it's maybe it hurts but just regular head first baby how yeah yeah the sparta baby that should make sense sparta baby's bad but if it's regular baby yeah explain to me how how it how it how it hasn't gotten less painful over time explain to me characteristics go if you have like an andrew knows that she might get caught that's possible also maybe more hormones in the food so the babies are getting bigger inside and the canal is not big enough maybe babies are smaller back in the day it's a hot take boom but women are also bigger so [ __ ] and their [ __ ] are bigger big ass [ __ ] yes that might be a wash yeah you know what i mean so it can't hurt it hurts but not as much as they say it hurts not as much as it looks like you know how they like i mean like look we're not trying to take away birth we're not trying to take the pain away i don't know how you could how are you gonna get there but i'm very excited i'm not trying to take away the pain and birth and i'm so grateful that women will go through this and that we have human beings because of it i'm grateful of my mom okay it's it's amazing but i'm just saying i'm just saying that science would show that eventually the body would become accustomed to this behavior yeah right would it not yeah it does the hips widen out the hips wide the the body gets ready for that act yeah it's it's ready for it the [ __ ] diagram is is completely when it when it's dilated then it's you're fine yeah so you're good so what's something you think about painful how much is eight centimeters miles do you know oh i actually do know this that is that it's that much nothing that's eight centimeters right there bro that's eight centimeters yeah between your middle finger and ring fingers yeah yeah you're saying that baby can't fit out of that bro you're trying to tell me a little ass baby bro you you if you're seeing a baby how cute their little hands and feet are you're saying that can't fit out of that but look at that that's a joke i had shit's bigger than that and i wasn't crying i was in lamaze i only do if it's hot if i have a hot [ __ ] if whatever reason i ate spicy food and my ass is on fire like the [ __ ] itself is on fire burning my butt lips then i'll do lamas but if it's just a large poop i can push that through son are you kidding me dude [Laughter] i damn near think i could get through that i do and the head is still soft yeah the head's not even hard the head can squoosh that is true it's got a hole in the middle so it squishes yeah why we even yo how it takes you that long yo how does it take you that long like if i'm being deadassed 48 hours get off your phone get off your phone you on your phone too much i know what happens when i'm in the bathroom for half an hour taking a [ __ ] i'm on my phone for at least 15-20 minutes of that half hour if i could not what do you say to me if we're in a russian i gotta take a [ __ ] what do i say you say give me your phone oh yeah sure yeah yeah you say give me your phone double go give me your phone because they know we're out of there quicker yeah you're on your phone why are you giving birth bro they probably got the tv going you're watching netflix or some [ __ ] like that and that's why i saw this guy talking the real housewives been you just lost focus that's another thing also why are you why are you giving birth laying on your back if i try to take a [ __ ] laying on my back it's going to take way longer to take a [ __ ] use gravity fam get a get a little one of those bouncy things that actually is a legit thing bro what do they put kids in uh no well only when they're behaving misbehaving uh but no no what are those little things they put kids in uh oh they bounce around it's a bounce around the bounce around yeah it's a bouncer in the doorway they just start bouncing around but and there's like a little uh circle that goes around and they could kind of walk it's before they can walk but it's almost like training them to walk i think that we have women give birth like that i think they do it over a tub or something like that and they just bounce up and down like this and then squeeze if you bounce up and down like that and squeeze you could be out of there in 45 minutes dude i don't i don't see a whole lot i don't see a hole in the logic yeah i mean this argument crazy turn because that's correct wait what [ __ ] wait a minute your wife gives birth no i mean eventually she helps give birth yeah that part yeah she's a birth giver i mean in an abstract way yes okay so she helps with that she's a doctor for birth giving yeah so tell me why i'm right they should be twerking in the shower yeah exactly yeah no because basically you go on your back so the doctor can see in so like the doctor is like yo go on your back no doc we don't need you bro it's easier to give birth when you crouch down but you can't do that [ __ ] like a mechanic other little thing that slides down [Laughter] so we're making this just convenient for him because he doesn't want to slide on the ground standing hospital bed stirrups like that put that [ __ ] aside and then he slides underneath he don't even need to slide under you just cut the the the hospital room in half so you have her sit on the top half and then he can walk in at regular height catch the baby yeah like some winnie the pooh [ __ ] like yeah she's sitting here you gotta have some you gotta imagine a floor halfway it's a loft bed imagine a loft bed you've never been a broke bitch's house imagine a loft bed right oh a milking table a milking table yeah exactly you guys seen that right yeah the long bed is like that legs are hanging here she's just bouncing up and down the baby's flying through for a cow right uh i was talking about more like the sexual position yeah yeah i don't know what that is shout outs to dave yeah that's where you get a table and you've got a hole in it at the end of the year and then someone goes under there and jerks you off yeah oh wow that's crazy i was literally thinking that finally farmers realized they didn't have to bend over to milk the cows if they just build a platform four feet and they could just milk at regular they still do that they're still sitting on a bucket these idiots yeah i hope monsanto replaces all you you deserve it yeah okay let's go start with the farmers dude my bad my bad my bad i know y'all going through it but yeah i found a way to shut up the farmer yeah that's just fire you put them in the floor cut it off put their waste around it i mean it's mind-boggling imagine trying to take a really difficult [ __ ] laying on your back yo i'm to be honest i think you revolutionized birth giving you fixed it at the very least it's easier you letting gravity do the work men are better than doing we figured out perfect i'm just saying i'm basically a doula bro uh-huh but you should be a dude i am good at that you are i just became it andrew andrew oh yeah yeah maybe it may be just andrew okay that's all i'm saying so caitlyn jenner you're right caitlyn you're right okay i i don't even understand why this ends up becoming this like huge talking point why do we care so much about the trans [ __ ] caitlyn jenner that's when it started that was a tipping point fascinating song it is fascinating i created so many issues with like society in terms of how we viewed it for so long yeah and this thing even though it's such a tiny little anomaly that affects such a small amount of population yeah it completely [ __ ] with the whole way everything's structured and everyone just goes we don't know what to do yes yeah yeah that question will come but how do you answer it there's there's what is the way we're running for office how do you answer that question of how do you feel about this how about i feel about what right he just answered it right yeah i mean you think he's gonna be more diplomatic what is the diplomatic this is the rule by all means you want to be called you know gwyneth i'll call you gwyneth whatever you want you want your pronouns this that the other you whatever you're not going to be in an mma fight against a real woman it's just not happening now what if they're not better like still you're not allowed like if they're getting pummeled sometimes we got to make rules for everybody what if akash transitions and he's fighting ronda rousey i would never be so stupid as to go i understand there's no genetic advantage what guys i i hate to say the obvious thing here she's a girl it doesn't matter it does kinda too like she's just she's stuck yeah but he could just say one thing she'll lose all confidence like you got kind of big shoulders she's like you know odd guys could use that that sharp wit yeah he'll take her down and then she'll [ __ ] him up i honestly don't think that uh ronda rousey could beat you up i i'm not saying this really don't think so no i don't think that's why that's the wildest thing you've said this podcast a small amount given what just happened i disbelieve it's almost his belief bro i mean i just don't think but i don't generally agree with you yeah you know how like like chimps are small but they have like all this power yeah that's men do you know you know what i'm saying like you know like like you look at a chimp you're like you're not that strong you just eat branches like you're literally a vegan like all you do is he leaves all day how the [ __ ] can you have protein enough to be strong right that's the disparity between like a man and a chimp is the same as a disparity between a woman and a man so a weak looking pathetic human being like akash is still a [ __ ] chimpanzee compared to ronda rousey i love where you're going with this i don't think i agree but i like the idea bro have you never helped your girl with anything yeah that's true but my girl's not ronda rousey like ronda rousey's a big girl dude i'm i'm gonna be completely honest with you ronda rousey cannot open up jam i'm gonna be completely honest with you when i say that ronda rousey needs her boyfriend if she wants to make peanut butter and jelly sandwich i mean that since i sincerely feel that i think actually you might take her she's five seven one thirty five five seven one thirty five you what what what what what oh what wait a minute you might be what you might be able to but that's the google weight so she's probably like a good ten pounds yeah she's like 145. still 145. how much do you weigh you weigh like 90 95. i weigh 110 on a good day thank you 45 147 whatever honestly that's going to be a fair fight i will say this though i will say this straight fight you beat her if it's like some jiu-jitsu type thing yeah that's what we're saying no we're not jiu-jitsu is different that's a different thing because in a jiu jitsu works in a jiu jitsu fight i'm talking mma yeah and mma i don't think it works if it's just jiu-jitsu then they can win this later in mma in mma he beats her yeah he does he beats her he beats her actually easily she wins a single round how does he how does he win how does he win because she can't open jam she can't open comments i don't think i can always open i don't think he can i can't always open between the both of you she starts it and you actually crack it open she's like oh i loosened it that's the whole conversation that would go i would commentate the fight like how long would the fight go i wouldn't do it because it's against my moral code your religion i i wouldn't commentate the fight unless she identified as male 1 uh but no because she can't fight in uh yeah i thought this they can bite in that it could only work the other way around yeah i've been democracy i've amended my rules you can do it if you're at a disadvantage not at an advantage see i've i kind of wish they did this with sports in like the 60s yeah you know what i mean why yeah because if they just said like yo like we let black people play they're gonna [ __ ] destroy us in every sport i would have been like all right well you know i don't want to get destroyed in basketball every single every game yeah okay that's my point keep going with that they did do this in the 60s mark yeah yeah so now i'm agreeing with you the better athletes came into the sport and now the sports look different i don't know if you noticed maybe we learned from the past yeah we're not trying to let it happen again we're protecting female athletics okay exactly because if you really look at basketball the way god intended it to be played by white christian men college basketball yeah college basketball by white christian men uh it's no longer that way yeah and it is a tragedy yes it is an absolute tragedy so the wnba as it was intended to be played by big [ __ ] lady that will no longer be the case if we let these dudes get in there i mean think about it you're gonna let ron artest join until the nba you're gonna let ron artest join the wnba you're gonna let robert just join the wwe calm the [ __ ] on brav come on bro you know all these girls are just getting rinsed prof if if the big three is still a thing one big three team retired nba players first contest versus a wnba team five of them yeah so who wins that victory really stephen jackson and whoever else nah i'm being honest with you it's steph curry to have steph curry is not a dominant that makes a difference let's say full steph curry's not a physically dominant player yeah steph curry by himself could be in a wnba team the only problem would be inbounding the ball to himself but once he inbounded the ball to himself i mean this sincerely i mean you guys think that i'm like being hyperbolic here as long as you could as long as you could get around it's not making it not make it take it not make it take it full court game full court game he could beat a wnba team without another question hey blowout blow out oh man blow out would you would you fight would you fight ronda rousey no would you why not he's dude i don't hate women what about nunes amanda nunes i don't have one now would you go on a power lifting competition versus ronald rousey or amanda nunez no why not i'm not good at power action is that hard bro squats and dead lips all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because it's time to get cushy okay let me crack this open we're gonna do an unboxing live on air of the cushy dream cbd let me tell you something this smells oh wow cushy is the best in the business when it comes to cbd okay they have the leaf they have the pre-rolls they have absolutely everything um they've been trying to work with us for a while and we 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on an episode he's he's got amazing stories he used to be like a bouncer and like the clubs in london just like crazy [ __ ] stories so we're gonna have him on but he's a legend but yeah she could dominate me in any lifting category not even a question but i'm sure like the an average like guy who can lift a lot like maybe al could probably be competitive with the best female there's some guy i forget his name some british guy who like was like i'm identifying as a woman and then zooby or something like that and then he broke every woman's powerlifting record and he's not even a powerlifter yeah he's just black isn't that crazy that's absolutely crazy really crazy so that's why you can't do it i mean i'm shocked there's not more pushback from women that are in athletics i'm sure like mind-boggled that they're not going you you you you this is this is what we do we can't we can't let people in here because then it's going to take away our entire platform is built on social if it wasn't for social justice you'd have no league so how can you suddenly come out against social justice but at the same time deep down they're like yo [ __ ] this [ __ ] yeah you know what i mean like that's the feeling but they can't express it yeah but once they start losing their jobs they're gonna start expressing expressions like white landscapers yeah okay i like this they build a wall they're like hey yeah it's like they're not yeah of course the mexicans are [ __ ] really good at they do it for way cheaper so the only way i can combat that if i create a wall so i can solve a job yeah because i'm not gonna do it one that hard and i'm not gonna do it for that little money so like build a wall use the power structures to stop greatness so white landscapers are the reason why they're building a wall and white bus boys and wipe um dishwashers yeah yeah yeah dude they're white bus boys white dishwashers that are on the streets now they are on the streets i'm telling you we're going to go to phoenix next weekend you're going to see dozens of white busboys landscapers on the streets entire tent cities of white bus boys white landscapers white dishwashers bro with not a single other skill okay in the world it is a tragedy what happened yeah i bet if they built the wall the america side the landscaping will be mad shoddy and terrible white people just being lazy and the mexican side will be pristine well of the wall yeah yeah that was and otherwise there'd be a full-ass garden you know what i mean well manicured and the american wall we'd be like let that [ __ ] go yo that is a good point like i don't know i can ask lawns if you keep them out yeah but i'm wondering like i don't as great as mexicans are at landscaping like i don't think of like mexico as like the most beautifully landscaped because then we got the best landscapers yeah we took them yeah yeah is that what's happening with like india right now and like doctors and [ __ ] like yeah there is a brain train yeah the bright flight wow yeah so all the most brilliant talented indians get sucked up by like europe america america 100 yeah australia multiple uncles who got paid by like american companies they were like come here we will pay for your college education we'll give you a stipend and then after you graduate you are with us because they know like this is like they're from like the best engineering school and then in india they can't compete because they're like we can't afford to pay you even the successful companies there cannot afford to pay you what they're going to pay you and this is america like everything the infrastructure is infinitely better everything is better life is easier like yeah i'll go to america why would i not [ __ ] yeah yeah that's tricky that is tricky that is very very tricky i heard that something similar is kind of happening that in the uh countries in europe that have super high taxes like you go like denmark sweden norway a lot of their most successful guys will leave because they can make the same amount of money but not get taxed at 70 or whatever the [ __ ] it is yes that is the tricky thing about taxes man because people are just gonna find ways around it yeah there's no way around it unless there's a [ __ ] global tax and there's just one global government none of us want that yeah it's all there's always you're gonna get [ __ ] somehow or you know i mean there's a downside to everything yeah [ __ ] a we should talk about cove in india because we were talking about on on patreon and uh we just got in this huge you know geopolitical combo geopolitical combat yeah yeah got a little heady yeah got a little it was a little eyebrow like it was a little bit highbrow yeah um but yeah it's just kind of crazy what's happening yeah i don't even think there last i checked they're at 400 000 new cases a day and i heard that that could be underreported in this under and this is the thing there is no infrastructure which at that point why under report that you know what i mean like the numbers are that high well they're definitely like going out of their way to under report deaths like we cremate bodies so crematoriums are just non-stop bodies coming in and then they just write sickness sickness sickness because they won't make it harder to breathe yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and they're like doing it in the streets yeah and now they're just doing it on top of buildings because there's no room in crematoriums there's videos i couldn't even watch of like a politician like taking some like hospital worker takes an oxygen mask from a poor person like a ventilator and just takes it off of them and you just see that person dying and then they go give it to apology you know what's [ __ ] up uh the uk said something like uh you know we're here to to help yeah we're here to help india uh through these hard times you know we always having his back and they're like sending like a few ventilators and [ __ ] like yeah um but they also had a few thousand doses of astrazeneca produced in india yeah and then sent to great britain oh [ __ ] so it was like it was there yeah had the cure there well there a lot of indians are upset at the us for not sending their stuff but i also you got to take care of it i get it yeah that's what i'm saying like yeah you got to take care of it to their point it was the astrazeneca [ __ ] that we're not even giving out but it's like look we're gonna have to look out for our own people first and to be honest if the indian government did that the situation there wouldn't be so bad indian government just try to profit and be like hey well hey everybody else come get this money one percent of our population is fully vaccinated and now you're [ __ ] so i don't you can't if i'm gonna [ __ ] on them i gotta big up america for being like yo y'all looked out for your people that's what you're supposed to do that oh here's the water that is the tricky thing is like yeah we have all this like infrastructure you know put together we have borders and that kind of stuff and like you have the olympics and you have different rules and regulations but we all pretend that we're in this together we're in the world together right um but when push comes to shove and there's actually like lives on the line yeah you get to see like what a country is yeah and a country is essentially my people or more valuable yes than your people yes and that's what everybody's doing right now and can you blame them no would indian do anything different i'm sure if they could go back in time they'd be like hey let's do what america did let's keep our vaccines for ourselves get our people taken care of and the rest y'all can figure your [ __ ] out later yeah and then america would probably you know put some crazy pressure on them and we would bully them and get some vaccines and then we're all okay with that because we're american your tribe is just based on whatever the threat is outside of you like my family over your family at the end of the day but if some new [ __ ] comes into the studio trying to get now we're all family against them yeah you know what i mean if there's a country against country now the country is my family against your country in a war if [ __ ] aliens came now humans are worth the tribe all humans versus these aliens like this is that's what it is yeah and like it's so funny because people can see it now how like the internal like national tribalism comes up but then they don't apply it to history and like when all these conquests and wars are happening they're like oh man it's tribalism it's so [ __ ] up and then they see it now they're like oh yeah oh yeah it has to be that's the only way humans survive yeah and again the indian government i think [ __ ] i'm talking to the funniest comic in india to me aka smith is keeping me like posted on what's happening he said the government yeah i know and it's it's threatening how funny this [ __ ] i ride with you bro she makes me insecure but that's my guy but uh he was saying the government like sold a bunch of like rendezvous and [ __ ] to private companies to make money then they're selling it at crazy markups to citizens and most of the time it's not even from this severe it'll just be like [ __ ] tylenol like it's just [ __ ] at every level so what i'm hearing is every level failed you know what's crazy about this i think for the average american is the indians that we experience in america yes are either business owners doctors dentists yeah engineers or tech people right so you see this community of people that are always in successful positions yeah leadership positions yeah positions that have unbelievable organization yeah okay and what is happening in india is completely the opposite yes it's complete disorganization so i think for a lot of people the expectations of india are somewhat based on the expectations of indians in the west in the west which is not the [ __ ] case at all indians in america in particular are the most elite indians who wanted to get out of india which i understand why but like it's hard to get into america and that benefits america we're only taking the best indians yeah yeah yeah so yeah you see indians here and you're like oh this must be india i grew up thinking this must be indians everywhere it's not and india everywhere became a country with all these people like america had such a small population when it was a country it got to build its infrastructure with its population india did not we got we were a country like 70 years ago so we're just trying to catch up with everything and this is something that it was gonna happen i was [ __ ] in all and you got to give the government credit for a long time it didn't blow up you have this expectation of india and i just wonder if like the average american is kind of baffled at what they're seeing because i understand like we do have like two ideas of india we have the poverty that you see in uh slumdog millionaire yeah which to a lot of us was exposed through the movie yep right and besides that you have the tech excellence right even when you watched that show uh the brown dating show what was it oh indian matchmaking indian matchmaker like any matchmaker didn't really show poverty in india no no these were elites yeah it felt like the west or it felt like it could have been italy or something like that like it wasn't it wasn't like super bougie i mean some of them were but you didn't see the [ __ ] poor poor no no right and so i wonder if like the average american has seen what's happening in india and like for the first time in their life really understanding you know what it is what is the life experience in india yeah and and also understanding why we can't just jump ship from china in terms of making things to india that quickly yeah right like i think we spent on this exact podcast we're like yo yo [ __ ] china stop making your shirts in china just make it in india india's not there yet no it's unfortunate yeah it is unfortunate but it's it's not there yet china we had sagar sagar came to the show this weekend shouts to sagar and he's like [ __ ] he's like bro here's the thing china literally this is the difference between democracy and and communism yeah right is china literally lock people in the building when cove it happened yeah and said if they left they might not live yeah and if all the people in the building had covered and one of them was running out of oxygen and dying they just said that's just what happens in your building yeah maybe we'll bring a few maybe not but the whole building can [ __ ] die right democracy you can't really do that yeah and when you can't really do that and you don't have the sophistication of like a western government and western organization in there you have a situation like this and it's [ __ ] yeah yeah it's [ __ ] uh i think a lot of people i would try to explain like the level of poverty that exists in india you can't you truly can't understand it until you see it yeah and i think this is the first time people are starting like oh i think i see what you're saying because i would tell that to people and they'd be like nah man poverty in america is the same and i'm not trying to like marginalize anybody's struggle here but it's not the same it's just not like you see [ __ ] there you're like what the [ __ ] is going on and i think that's part of why indians especially like immigrant indians don't have the sensitivity because it's like i know what real struggle is it's not your pronoun [ __ ] you like i've seen a real struggle yeah so poverty and relative poverty yes and like you might be in america poor but you know that relative to how poor you were in india you are popular yeah you made it yeah and there's also a thing here where like there's a glimmer of hope to escape poverty it's yeah there's structures in place i'm not downplaying any of that but i have seen truly inescapable poverty there is nothing you can ever do to climb out of this and i don't know if in 10 generations down the road you're probably still going to be doing this that's just what it is right unless we fix the infrastructure and all this other [ __ ] falls into place it can take 100 years do you think that we should just uh feed them billy elish's tits we love milk we're milk drinking people yeah that's a mango lassi yo can we uh can we talk about billy how old is she she's old enough right yeah she is find out i mean yeah she's on the cover of vogue and bro who knows maybe putting young girls on the cover of both problems of age she's of age okay you're dude catholic [ __ ] over here what's your magazine the heavies she has super heavies and and she's dyed her hair she's not doing that whole like uh green yeah what was the the mortal kombat character not scorpion not uh sub-zero shiva their green brother that's taking way too long for this joke reptile holy [ __ ] al was he in the new movie no you just knew that from back in the day video games yeah that's what i was wearing okay anyway so she's out here um and for whatever reason it's a big [ __ ] deal that she's uh on the cover of vogue yeah i don't get it i don't know much about billy eilish i like the songs i hear that's all i know yeah she seems like an artist but that's you know i was reading what she said it was kind of cool what she said what'd she say she it like i mean like i'm probably gonna misquote her but it was something like uh because i didn't wear like super sexy clothes yeah when i was younger people thought that i was all like for like body positivity and stuff like that and now that i'm older and doing it like they feel like i've kind of like sold out yeah and she's like i just i want to be desired fire i think she kind of said that good for you maybe look at the quote just to make sure but uh mission accomplished maybe she wasn't desired because she was a [ __ ] teenager yeah that's the way you should do it yeah bag you ass clothes until you're of age and then wear what you want bro i think we had a podcast where i was literally saying that i get to choose what my daughter wears until she's 18 years old yeah like this is fine yeah yeah you over here want to inject your kids with [ __ ] [ __ ] hormones okay she gonna be wearing some tits okay i can't wait wearing some balls but uh but yeah i don't know i think it's i think it's kind of cool let's see what she said so she's got this thing i don't know 83.4 million she's also homeschooled she's so she didn't get that typical high school experience of like being desired trying to change her looks a billion times like she just learned from her older brother and in fairness like i actually thought the like the photos were like tasteful i guess yeah like they're not like they're like sexual but they're not like she's like marilyn monroe yeah they're not overly professionally done yeah yeah i mean you know it's just a big change from what she's put out in the past like this is the first time she's put out like sexy are people upset about this uh i think people are standing in it they're like some people kind of feel like she's switching up on them yo what happened to her body her choice okay why is it that like this annoys me about the feminist movement a little bit i'll be honest like they always say ladies you could do whatever you want with your body as long as it's what i want you to get your body yes yes kind of affect like yo if you want to dress like that and show the puppies then you can show the puppies and if you want to cover them with the baggy shirt covered with the baggy shirt yeah i don't know my eight is like you're a role model as long as you do what i tell you yeah or you do what i agree with i just want to model what kind of role you play like i want to yeah you know what i mean yeah yeah that's kind of cool to fit maybe they're like pissed that she's uh like potentially selling out for the male gays yeah cause she goes it's just fat girls upset she's not fat yeah that's right that's all once fat girls lose a fat girl they're pissed you ever notice that nah that's true the second yeah that's a great point yo fat girls do not like rebel wilson suddenly ain't that funny anymore all of a sudden they hating on rebel wilson right adele got skinny they was hating on her too fat girls don't like to lose one bro yeah adele needs to put it back on she looked better when she had a little there are some people look better fat jonah hail adele donald look much better fat much better fat he's a much better looking fat but good for her she want to show it off show that [ __ ] off [ __ ] i think it is unbelievable unbelievable that any girl who has it physically and doesn't use it like that to me is unbelievable because think of how hard she got to work in order to get likes on her instagram posts yeah that part is kind of cool i think she gets more respect for it in that regard like she filled his career off of like talent and personality and then and then she would she did it when she she did it on her terms yeah it's not like she was falling off and then she started popping her [ __ ] right yeah she's at the height of her career and she's like okay i also got the heavies that's cool i'm with that if everything wasn't working out she's like let me put out a sex tape or whatever these cornball [ __ ] do yeah then that's whack you already made it without using your body at all we had to wait for the wind to hit you in a [ __ ] blouse before we knew that you had some big old tits right like [ __ ] on reddit we're nerding out they're like yo did she got some sneak titties nobody knew and then she [ __ ] made it and now that she want to show it after she made it on her own merit on her own talent you gonna hate on her no that's the way you do it yep that's the way you do it she won she won because low-key she could throw the sweatshirt back on and still pop because that's how she was popping or now she can live that easy life just showing off the heavies the question is is she gonna go back because now she knows how easy it is to get attention you show a little your top of your titty and the whole world is having conversations about you we never talked about her before in this podcast that's true you show the top of your titty you get conversation on flagrant too caitlyn step it up keep showing your flavor she's doing it tastefully though because i think there are some women that you know maybe made it to where they're at not being all sexual and now they're trying to be sexual and it looks kind of corny or forced and so the way that she's doing it at least right now it's tasteful and it's like it's not that bad but if she starts if she starts the only fan for example i'm gonna be like nah yeah because the only fan is fans is like yo i need money yeah like she's doing this cover of what is it vogue doing it you don't get paid i think you get nah i think when you do the cover for these magazines you don't get paid no no it's just a clout push yeah so it's like they're tagging you this is the old school tag me in a photo right so she's doing vogue for free for clout which is cool i'm okay with and when you go do it you can't go there with the green hair the whole thing about vogue i imagine this is a fashion magazine do something unique do something different like be different be a different version of yourself and we're going to help you be the best version of yourself that's different and then put you on a magazine we don't want the same image of you before right looking like what is it reptile looking like reptile right evolved she evolved why you mad at her for evolving yeah yo god bless billy eilish and if you really like her music yo we gonna find out if people really like her music or they like that she was fat musician you know what i thought she was a fat musician yeah like if you just stop liking her music now then she just shows her tits that's weird yeah you're body shaming that's body shaming body shaming yo she's getting body shame right now bro for having a great body for having a great body no word that is crazy that's disgusting i hate seeing that yo did we turn into a feminist podcast feminist podcast we're a feminist podcast tucked out just now what else we got going on y'all yo shout outs to dj academics i got a shout out to the [ __ ] goat that's my guy people been sending me clips from his from his twitch stream man and uh man this guy is funny but i think it is underestimated how hard it is to do what he does like because he can just talk for hours without anybody like he's just talking to the screen reacting to things in real time and being [ __ ] entertaining while he does it and um he shouted me out man he shouted out our podcast oh [ __ ] i just love i love dj academy that's where i get all my [ __ ] news from hip hop world if he don't post about it it's not important to me that is the litmus test for what is important in hip-hop right yeah and i do a podcast with charlemagne i go to charlemagne for like cultural black stuff yeah right but when it comes to hip-hop yeah is dj academics yeah that's what it is i'm in there sorry elliott wilson what he said shout out to you elliot but dj academic's my guy what do you say no he's just he's just saying some funny [ __ ] man he's a funny guy he's he's a funny guy he's a funny guy that's all i gotta say he's a funny guy but we gotta have him on the pod let's do it when we're back in new york we gotta get you on man we love you we're big supporters we're big team dj academics on the flagrant two podcast so shout out to all the uh the chat i cannot finish [Laughter] that what do they call out uh uh well shout out to grand wizard chat [ __ ] he's he's he's a real one yo it's so funny bro oh yeah he's been a fan yeah cool yo he's it's so funny because if you watch his stream like this is this is the academics pool like i'm not even on twitch i signed up to twitch to watch one of the streams right right and um if you don't know what's going on he just calls him grand wizard so he's like yo grandmother pull that up grand wizard pull that and like i only know grand wizard of the kkk like that's that's what i know grand wizard so like i knew about graham where's her chat whatever but imagine the person that doesn't that's just tapping on the street does he have a ku klux klan remember doing all his research i bet he does that next level everybody does that on purpose because i'm gonna keep tuning in yeah what kind of this is black excellent yeah they're reclaiming the that's word fire name too grand wizard yo graham wizard yeah that's that's just slaps and they're taking it back good for them damn bro smart how do we feel about that guys i'm okay with the dog i think there should be more black wizards yeah get that [ __ ] back from here more black wizards yeah it's true generally speaking i want black wizards i think he did it out of ignorance because i believe he's from australia so get out of here yeah no way what does he think there's no way that's out of yeah bro nah i think it was quincy there's no way ask him really actually yeah come on he knows what he's doing bro probably funny with it excellent all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because uh y'all need to make some money okay we know we're gonna gamble on sports we know we got some interesting events coming up [ __ ] i know a lot of you want some money on that jake paul fight let's be honest obviously we got nba playoffs coming around the corner what else we got akash son what else you need you got nba playoffs always ufc fights [ __ ] ufc non-stop we got a lot of [ __ ] cooking you know our boy izzy fighting soon we definitely put some money the return of the king okay point is if you're gonna do what you're gonna do with my bookie okay mybookie.ag mybookie.ag you got baseball basketball all these long seasons and 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because that's what makes him the star exactly he's the star he's the star star producer 100 and um called two distance rangers uh and then this chick pops up on on um tick tock right this asian chick pops up on tick tock like yo i'm not saying anything but this story and plot line is very similar to a sketch that i put out now two distant strangers is essentially groundhog day for a black dude he's trying to avoid getting killed by the cop yeah and he's doing all these things different in his life to avoid getting killed by the day he keeps having an overnight the day keeps happening over and over again and the cop keeps getting them right um are you smiling i mean you can't you can't not give that the oscar yeah the white people in that room are like come on yo come on yo last year it's a movie about like one guy getting killed by a cop dude what if it's one guy this is their groundhog and over and over for their groundhog dancers every year we gotta get the black [ __ ] or something next year it's gonna be inception it's black guy's deception where he goes to an alternate universe and then he gets killed by a cop cop shoots him immediately yeah like [ __ ] dude all right so then this asian chick puts out uh had put out a sketch a while back uh called like a day in the life of a black guy and i guess no it's literally called groundhog day for a black man oh which is a worse title it is way worse way worse title groundhog day for a black man and it's a sketch where what over and over again he goes who gets killed by a cop gets killed he puts it on like 20 17. yeah a lot of views now this you've heard of the company now this yes now this comes and asks her if they can post the video on their platforms she acquiesces they post on the platforms now a interesting thing that happened with van's two distant strangers is it was also produced by now this so the asian chick is like hey yo this is crazy she wasn't coming at the creators of the movie but she was like now this is involved is now this taking my product and then getting it made et cetera so i hit van up last night i'm like yo man what's the deal with this and he goes look bro we didn't take that from anybody we didn't even bring in now this until after we had done it so if there's any person here who's a piece of [ __ ] or company it's now this now they saw it pop off on their social media and it goes crazy and they're like oh this idea is brilliant it got all these views and then all of a sudden they hear about this movie that's getting made and they go oh we know that our fans love this or this thing killed let's attach ourselves to this idea that we know is going to do really well that's the most nefarious approach i think there is another approach where the social media team is completely separate from the content acquisition team and the content acquisition team is hey this is a really good thing it goes with our like woke strategy we definitely think that this is going to be oscar nominated it could look really good for us and it just so happened that they reposted a piece of content which they probably repost thousands of different videos every year maybe and because the brand is linear and they all it's in agreement with each other they're like yeah we liked it then we like that's that's what i'm imagining i can't even make the connection to van because uh but whatever but they i remember in her video she said something about hitting up now this and netflix and saying something like hey would you guys like to do something with this short film and then so you they contacted multiple departments i assume and now this yeah probably not the same social media team handling the twitter and reposting as opposed to and what what often happens is when like uh a comedian i think she was a comedian i think she worked for like college humor or something like that but like when a creator doesn't have a big backing and they ask a network for a special or something like that they oftentimes get told no and then the same exact idea can get made by someone who's a little bit powerful a little bit bigger this is experience in our you know professional career and tons of other comics as well uh or creatives as well for example there's a movie someone wants to get made and then every production company's like not interested and then leonardo cabrio signs on to the movie and every production company's like that's a great idea for a movie yeah like this is just how the industry works right so what i think is i think this is like a really shitty coincidence like it looks on the surface like yo they robbed that [ __ ] and went with it yeah but i'm believing it's a shitty coincidence also that's my guy van and that's what he told me so i'm gonna choose what my guy tells me but um what is what is interesting is that van also said like he's like he's like in retrospect like i wish we did our due diligence on the idea like really looking because there have been a couple other like sketches there was even another full-length movie that had a similar plot and i was like bro like put that out there yeah that helps you yeah that just makes this idea parallel thinking if there's only two made in the world then it looks tricky right right but groundhog day things are pitched all the time all the time yeah right i mean if anything you all ripped off groundhog day which is incredible yeah you should be pissed like these black people are ruining everything feeling my ideas white people's groundhog days i'm gonna kill myself every day it really made me appreciate groundhog's day when i saw how many people stole that idea after yeah and that came out in the mid 90s and so they probably stole ground all day yeah yeah the ground is probably ripped off from someone else yeah i'm just trying to have a nice moment about groundhog's day you know he just said it why are you looking at me well because i was looking at you already and then you were like yeah like i'm a [ __ ] idiot for not knowing but what what i guess what i'll finish what you're saying oh i was just saying it's a great idea you know what i mean that's you see it's stolen all the time and everything yeah repeating days whatever and this is the thing about the internet we always talked about this with like comedy jokes etc it was it was uh now that everybody is posting their content there are millions of videos posted every single day millions of tweets ideas etc every single day right you're gonna see how often parallel thinking exists yes before when there was like one special put out a year on hbo or eight specials put out a year on comedy central or something if you saw crossover between those jokes you're like yo these people are stealing i had to know exactly now when you see a topical joke put up like literally all you need to do is go into the comments section of any like reddit thread or even twitter or whatever youtube you'll see the same jokes written i can't almost like kind of stop doing it because like i would think of these jokes that were like deep cut like goofy like silly one-liners i would tweet like search it on twitter yeah and then someone from like 2012 had like a similar-ish idea yeah and then i wouldn't do the joke yeah and then you just do that with every joke and they all have been done in some version on twitter exactly dude and that's what's being exposed sorry but that's what's being exposed by everybody's ability to have a voice is that we're gonna have similar ideas and um and it's [ __ ] it's really tricky and you know kind of gets [ __ ] over a lot of this like if i'm to make an argument for snl is like every time snl has a sketch that's like similar to like what something a comic put out or joker kind of put out or whatever the the first thing we all jump to is oh my god the writers on snl stole that from that comic and that could happen but the other thing we have to look at is snl is competing literally with every other comic in the world who can put out a sketch the next day they don't wait till saturday not even a sketch a stand-up bit a tweet an instagram post a quick little sketch that they put on instagram like they're literally competing with every single idea another comic had in the world and if there is at all reflected in their show then that comic calls him out for thievery yeah which it could be parallel thinking i get why they think that i get what i think that and you also see a company where people making tons of money and usually it's a comic that's not making anything so they're really upset but there is parallel thinking and that comment because it's parallel thinking with other comics etc i think that when when we always look at like ideas as a comic a lot of times it's not as much like the premise it's oftentimes like the vocabulary in words used anytime i've seen somebody like what i thought like nip something from somebody or even myself i'm just like that's a pretty specific word for that premise it's pretty hard to steal a premise i think like but in order to steal like a joke it's gotta be like word for word and you notice it and like specifically the punch work or like an act out or something yeah so do the same movement with the slap or something yes or like uh hypothetical scenarios that are kind of like unrealistic yeah you know what i mean like we can think of you know definitely when jamie foxx took the prior thing yeah like that hypothetical was just the same yeah right so like you just see it you're like oh that's a visceral these are the same things that are going on here um but it's tricky and you're gonna see a lot more of it and i wonder if it like i wonder if it actually like is a better creative world when we realize how often parallel thinking exists because then you'll go okay it's okay that i do this joke even though a random person on twitter in 2012 had a similar idea it's okay because so did maybe 100 other people yeah and i'm going to build out this joke and i thought of this joke myself i i didn't you have to police yourself you're like i didn't go on twitter and look for it this is my idea yeah it just so happened another person thought they understood if you did nothing wrong i actually think it's a nice thing to acknowledge it you know i mean like if you didn't steal like for example uh lil nas x his music video the montero one oh yeah he definitely saw that the graphic it's not even a question it's the same video so the graphics team that worked on his video also worked on fka twigs and they should have said something because they just made the same [ __ ] video in a way yeah so like specifically in like the girls getting abused by gay guys at this point like damn you know yeah way more [ __ ] up yeah no but like montero going into hell or whatever like down the pole around the pole yeah it's like the same like you ever see like the old disney [ __ ] where they take like the old animation and update it new like it's the same thing with this fka twigs girl and her music video yeah but what he did i actually thought was a good approach which was like yo the graphics team that worked on my video also worked on this one i didn't realize it so shout out to her check out all her stuff she's awesome yeah it was cool i'm sorry that there's that i stepped on toes or whatever yeah it's like you already that's the best way to handle you put out the thing already throw them under the bus yeah yeah throw them onto the boat yeah yeah then you recognize what zero accountability for completely stealing that person's work and blame it on the production so that's where it gets tricky is people who do know they're stealing they're still gonna steal i don't know i don't know if he's there if there's a person who's like yo i'm just going to steal and then if i get caught i'll just give it up to that person and be like but in the meantime i'm just going to keep stealing and creating yeah so it's tricky and maybe if you're that production company you really want to do that video and you're pitching your best [ __ ] yeah what is your best [ __ ] the [ __ ] that already worked with fk twix 100 percent i i don't of course i can believe they'd be like let's just do the same [ __ ] like we're trying to think of something new and revolutionary before we did that trying to save time on new graphics yeah maybe 100 yeah like it's one scene and one little thing like who's going to care yeah yeah it's yeah exactly it wasn't the whole concept of the video but it was just one thing but it was cool to see him go out and talk about it and i think you're going to see a lot more than if it's done i think you can acknowledge it if it's something that's ongoing you can do it differently like the way kevin hart did with uh yeah inside jokes and he's like yeah yeah this thing already exists my bad for stepping on it yeah i realized should have searched it and i want to change the name yeah yeah and i think it's like i don't know if you're not intentionally stealing i think it's a good approach to like acknowledge it that's what i said with kevin i was like i don't think that this is on you i think that your team could have looked and i also think this would fit similar to the now this i was like siriusxm like you know because it's come to you like uh right like so like this is where people are so excited like i'm sure siriusxm was so excited to do a show with kevin hart they were just like yeah whatever you want to do we'll do it and um but it was cool with kevin to do that i thought it was great right so i think if you're that oscar team i would just be like yo this pre-existing short film came out it's a similar concept and they do a great job of illustrating black strife in america yeah check this out and the point was not the oscar of the credit the point was the message so check this out check out these other guys that have a similar idea check out these other guys because it's for the greater good for illustrating the more this idea is out there the more people it touches the better so check out all of it yeah the worst approach of being defensive saying like like if they came out with a public statement being like this woman's clout chasing blah blah like that's the worst yeah it was mad funny though like because the reaction to the girl was like oh yeah i mean it won't go away because normally with these like live-action shorts that it won for like that can become the full full-length feature so it's not it's not done but let's see that happens all the time that's why companies in hollywood are like we do not accept unsolicited material don't send it [Music] that intern that opened up something yeah so what happens with this i i mean they keep the oscar and i think it just goes away i think van will acknowledge it in some way in his pod but like can she sue can she get anything i mean you how are you going to prove for a fact she's like a writer that's the thing the little advice for any writers out there register your projects with the wga it's free it's quick at least you're like you have a record boom yeah but then you'd have to prove that somebody like saw that and then chose yeah you have to do it really well you can at least say i did it first whether they stole it or not i didn't steal it that's for sure yeah because i have this idea registered then it's like having a joke on tape somebody puts out a joke and you have a joke you're like yeah but i got myself doing it in 2015 so exactly that's the one of the coolest things about like videotaping every set is that we got the timestamp copyright yes of like when a joke because first time you ever did the first time ever so it's like i know even if anybody put something out like kind of similar to me it's like well we can go back to the tapes yeah when did you start working on it yeah cause i'll show you when i was was doing it you know so that's nice thing but obviously not everybody has that ability but it is cool once you have it like that was the cool thing about like twitter and instagram you get a copyright yeah there's your work yeah there's your timestamp yeah yeah to your point about not stealing ideas and how hard it is not only does everybody have a voice with twitter you have a constant access to that voice like you can just constantly vomit your thoughts thousands of thoughts a day like every thought you can just put it out there even if we all had a voice back in the day with just tv you had to wait till [ __ ] said hey lights camera action now it is non-stop every person has avoided the blockchain bro it's a public ledger yeah yeah yeah and you could just like vomit out all these premises that are half-baked yeah they're not even like real jokes you're like oh this is kind of a connection yeah and then if anybody writes a joke that's similar you'd be like yo i tweeted this one idea yeah i was like yeah you didn't do anything like yeah where's the work yeah that's put into it yeah yeah it's it's it's a it's a tricky one but this is what's gonna happen now that everybody's putting their content out all the time yes so i apologize uh why don't you break down this whole lebron thing all right so the nba i don't know if they're gonna do this every year yeah or if it's just this year but just with covet and the shortened season and all that they decided for the playoffs this year the first six teams in each conference like the first six seeds automatically you're in the playoffs seats seven through ten are going to have to play into the playoffs it's a playing tournament if you're the seventh and eighth seed you play each other and then the winner of that game goes to the playoffs and if you're the ninth and tenth seed you have to play and then the winner of that plays the loser of the other seventh and eighth oh so if you're a seven and eight you're only gotta win one game to get in the playoffs if you're a nine and ten seed you gotta win two games to get in the playoffs so then now you've eliminated two teams so everybody thought this was fine everybody thought was gonna be fun i didn't hear any complaining about it until the season started getting close to the end and then you were one of the seventh eighth ninth tenth seeds the mavs love mark cuban but he could be a real baby no the mavs were like seven eight seed the whole season and now this playing idea is horrible horrible idea never mind the fact that it's gonna drum up more interest and get more ratings and get more money so everybody can everybody shifts lip lift he's like not a terrible idea lebron never said a [ __ ] word about it when the lakers were first in their conference then he had a high ankle sprain he was injured for weeks anthony davis the second best player on the team injured for weeks they fell all the way to six six seats tied first tied for succeed and if there's a tie breaker i think they have to go into the play-in tournament and now lebron says whoever came up with this idea should be [ __ ] fired all of a sudden this great idea becomes bad when you are seven or eight lebron let me just preface this by saying lebron is such a [ __ ] amazing player okay i can't wait for the word however much he compliments him is how much he's gonna insult him so i'm curious enough yeah like it is unbelievable and like and listen do whatever you want with the activist stuff like i don't think he's saying anything unique i think we all kind of support what lebron is saying he was a little goofy when he posted a picture of the guy yeah who uh who shot makia mikaya bryant or whatever names but uh and maybe he went out a little bit too early at that he's a little emotional but like yes everything you're saying as far as activism i think most people agree with yeah you know i mean like we're on your don't shoot black people yeah you're not saying anything novel but sure if you want to use the platform of that that's great but the [ __ ] incessant crying about it oh my god it's unbelievable and it is he's a guy who wants to be liked yeah and i wonder if he's starting to realize he's as he gives more of himself he's less likable yeah like the more we're seeing him tweet the more we're seeing him involved like saying get rid of this tournament just because you're a succeed you wouldn't give a flying [ __ ] if you were two seed 100 would i think it's great for the league i think it extends the playoff excitement dude i love it i think there's more people about basketball right now this could get me interested yeah right a nice little bit of momentum right into playoffs that could be great tell me which teams are out there which teams are looking good i'm with it it hurt the mavs in every way and i like it because now teams didn't tank at the trade deadline which kind of makes things more exciting because they're all like dude [ __ ] there's only 12 seeds i just got to get to 10 and then i have a shot at the playoffs so unless i'm like there's a probably a couple teams really tanking but the trade deadline wasn't that crazy because people weren't like let me just dump whoever we're not gonna make that's a great point so it maintains competitive edge yes you go out throughout i think it's a good thing i don't love that the mavs i get if you're a seventh and eighth seed it sucks but you still only gotta win one game also it lends itself to teams that have an incredible player yeah let's say that you're a bomb team but you have one absolute superstar an absolute superstar can get you a victory in 100 percent one guy getting hot to be honest a ridiculous jj reddick shooter getting hot one game get you in the playoffs you're in the playoffs it becomes like college basketball yeah one game and you advance 100 this is i think this is a really interesting compelling idea they should be fired lebron why should they be fired because they're making the game more interesting because they're stopping tanking which will ruin seasons and i get why you tank but it's not fun to watch for 82 games stop tanking because teams that are like an 11th seed before we're three seeds away from the playoffs that's so [ __ ] like realistically yeah they look at the number that's just 10 games in a row now there's more now the smarter move might still be to try to tank and get the best player and teams might do that if there's like a generational guy but if you're like a 10th seed now you're like oh i'm in the playoffs i have a [ __ ] i'm in so less teams would uh result to tanking as opposed to as opposed to eight minimum sorry yeah as opposed to eight teams in the league just not getting into the playoffs now only four are not getting in the playoffs so that's twice as many teams being like yo let's just go for it i mean it's kind of cool yeah and you have like those teams that are just out of playoff contention that are going i'm only one game out yeah and we get to play each other yeah might as well be in the [ __ ] playoffs 100 so they should just extend it for every placement so you get rid of tanking all together i think that it has to be some incentive to be in the place yeah but the further back you are the more games you have to win to make potentially potential maybe because if they do that then tanking's going on but you know you know what actually sorry to interrupt but i just realized this you know who's going to be in the playoff to a play-in tournament right now and the playoffs would be considerably worse without them golden school golden state i'm pretty sure is a 10 seed and you know who could win you a game by himself a couple a little guy named steph curry he wins two games no problem low gardening stuff and if he's in the playoffs it's that much more entertaining i don't give a [ __ ] right and they're fighting for their lives in the game yeah like yeah steph will go off for 60 on that ass two nights in a row and it will be the most entertaining basketball that we will watch all year and he's already we talked about this when kevin durant left oh watch out yeah but keep in mind he's not playing a one seed once the playoffs start you have an eight seating to one seat there's no [ __ ] answer usually yeah but a 10 against a nine oh yeah that's a game waiting just to be in yeah that's a game you could win by yourself oh yeah yeah because they're also a bum squad yes i i like this yes i think it is such a cool idea and it reminds me almost like soccer like the relegation thing that you guys were talking about the past episodes we're basically relegating teams we're creating like a syria a or whatever within the playoffs is our version of the champions league is a champions league that existed like that so like that's our version of it right right and then we have teams that can pop in and teams that can pop out if they're not good enough right i think it's really cool so funny european soccer is trying to make american sports and america's trying to make your opinion yeah i i think it's such a great idea why does it disenfranchise lebron again i don't understand he's a six seed so he has the opportunity of not being it's the same reason why the european clubs don't like the relegation system they're like yo i don't want to have to fight to be in it like just let's create the super league where i'm always in it you know it is literally what jordan peterson was talking about on um on the flight you episode he goes uh like uh the the powerful always fear the great when the powerful were not put there by greatness right because the great because greatness challenges their authority right right and that's what's happening right now if you're a succeed and you know you could go against someone who might be greater than you of course you're like well let me use some like league authority or power to make sure that that greatness can't oust me from my position yep it's so interesting yeah and it's annoying it you're lebron james you're still the best player in the league in the world who gives a [ __ ] you got to do a playing game you got pee mark i got pizza mark got a piece so bad wobble hey bro wait wait stay right there bro we're almost done with this topic yeah we'll wrap it up real quick go how's your weekend mark i gotta go all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because i need to get your essential game up okay and by essentials you know what i mean i'm talking about your underwear your t's your sweats you know all the things that you know you're gonna wear constantly every single day you know you know that they need to fit you and they know these to look right they need to look quality feel quality get your [ __ ] right and the way you can do that is with mac weldon okay mag welding is a premium men's essentials brand that believes in smart designs and high quality fabrics mac weldon offers a one-stop shop for men's basics socks shirts hoodies underwear polos and active shorts whatever you need mac welding has you covered unlike the assortment of department store brands that make up your top drawer all of mac weldon's basics have a consistent fit that you can count on all right remember socks shirts hoodies underwear polos active shorts they got that [ __ ] on lock all right you're not just gonna look great in mac weldon they're underweather socks their shirts perform well too from working out going out going on a work day mack weldon has got you for everything okay they also offer a wide range of customized fabrics that can keep up with you no matter what your day looks like they got 18 hour silver air knit x drying it warm knit all the nits you could possibly imagine well done has created a totally free loyalty program okay level one it gets you free shipping for life when you reach level two by spending 200 bucks mac weldon gives you 20 off every order for the next year i'm telling you it is gonna be so easy for you to reach these because you just re-up your orders oh i like my teas from here i'ma re-up whenever i buy some new tees socks underwear same thing you're gonna be on level two in no time and get that twenty percent off okay mag welding wants you to be comfortable so if you don't like your first pair of underwear you can keep them and they'll still refund you that's unbelievable my god that's free [ __ ] underwear so what you're gonna do is for 20 off your first order visit macweldon.com flagrant and you're going to enter the promo code flagrant that's m-a-c-k-w-e-l-d-o-n.com flagrant and enter the promo code flagrant remember that's 20 off your first order go do it right now let's get back to this all right guys we're back and we forgot what the [ __ ] we were saying before and uh we're not going to stop the whole recordings just go back and listen to it uh so that conversation is over sorry for peeing dude yeah one time yeah mark was struggling over there i saw it in his eyes you guys all peed so you're welcome yeah it did feel better thanks dawg appreciate it i always appreciate the ability to pee always uh why don't we do some felix and no facts before we get out of here boys yes sir what are we thinking all right josh duggar famous for uh being one of the children on 19 kids and counting uh yes arrested on child porn charges wow people 19 kids yes hands one of them could go that way bro that's what i said yeah i mean let's just play the odds one in 19 people is looking up at child porn bro that's funny one is probably gonna be really rich one is probably gonna be a you know a criminal there's a bell curve yeah dog you got an outlier you have 19 kids they're going to be outliers all over the place yeah so we shouldn't be surprised no no this is just probability should we be s should we celebrate the fact that it's only one yeah only if it was more than that then you're like oh it's a systemic issue yeah was he the oldest i don't know if he's the oldest and he didn't touch any of his brothers or sisters okay that's credit right there credit where credit is due i think there was some abuse within the family i think that came out like last year or some [ __ ] i mean it's got to be abuse like how do you take care of 19 kids there's no way you could like accurately i don't care for them that's an entire classroom yo yeah yeah more than a jury bro yeah yeah that's just crazy should that be illegal to have 19. there should be a stopping point for sure but the government has to come in and tell you yeah we're trying somebody's different somebody yeah yeah yeah china said you can't have two we say you can't have 20. 20. there's a lot of they'd be good kids man i mean it's kind of crazy the child what is it the child porn he had he was watching child porn or possession of it or possession of the porn what is up with that why not just like watch it yeah why you got to keep it that's weird i don't know if you could just stream it i don't know if you just like google images well neither do i yeah i can't fight you on that one mark you have to download it from like uh like a torrent or something on the deep web oh word how do you know that how you do it i've done research on how to avoid it oh research yeah i would have one how to avoid it why would you need to avoid it it does it could be on the internet it could pop up yeah but why would it just double what internet are you on the internet just pops up he's going deep and porn about to take off a bunch of [ __ ] for the same reason and what porno about did a whole scandal where they had to take off mad porn because it was like yeah because mastercard was like yo you can't buy subscription to pornhub no more because we can't guarantee that there's no uh youngsters on that [ __ ] which is kind of fire i dig that yeah like pornhub shouldn't just be this open source for anybody getting [ __ ] on video yeah and do a little bit of vetting kind of a little out here yeah yeah but that is a good point how do this is this is tricky how do we all know we haven't watched underage girls how do you know that you weren't jerking off not donating you probably you the most that's the thing most can't be me this guy's googling how to avoid child porn yeah but you kept it quiet about it you locked it in you lie bro yeah you lie uh you lie your life is a little guilty sounding you know exactly bro not his normal touch yeah my arms ain't going up yeah i'm just saying it is possible that we could have watched child porn nope because the website did not vet the video that's the whole power of pornhub should we be able to sue yo i think we should be able to sue if it comes out that we did we should be able to sue i don't want to see that [ __ ] i don't want that [ __ ] on my conscience yeah how are you dealing with that that's that's the thing that's the issue with pornhub is they got me why are your content is it clear you don't even worry about it mad clear i see you the [ __ ] license plate i mean the id before everything the license plate yeah you can see the license plate before you put them in your stumbling dog he's stumbling this guy is stumbling over his words right now because he knows this is a really tricky topic for him doug if you're into child porn it's okay you know why i think he likes child porn because he's when he's jerking off and looking down his legs look like kids so because his dick's probably like a baby arm yeah oh that was a compliment and a dish yeah accepted yeah i just it's such a it's so weird the idea like you would take it with you i figure it just exists on the internet hasn't said a single thing on any player two podcast out of nowhere off mike he goes no you have to what does that mean truffle can you give can you give the microphone to molester miles over here because thank god you shaved that mustache bro bro he said you have to have it you have to you must you must have child why do you have to have it i used to hold on can everybody tell them hold on hold on before you finish the sentence can everybody take a look at what flavor gatorade he's drinking today lift it up gray [Laughter] good to me right now dude miles has no clue what this looks like yeah it really does not just fog in a cup great dude legitimately i thought it was blue did you really think it was blue yeah hilarious dude that's amazing oh my god all right go so back to what you were saying with the porn hold on so why must you have to have it yo i've never looked child porn possessed child porn let me just start off saying that yeah i used to download a lot of movies illegally like i would uh like blockbuster films i would take them off of what about hymen buster or anything like that download that nothing like that but like the thing is download something illegal you have to hold it like movie i used to download all these movies and watch them because you can't just watch it streaming yeah you can't stream that there's not there's no streaming child porn oh and on top of that i think it's harder to prosecute what do you mean if it's like a stream it's harder to prosecute because you're like you're not in possession of it it's like you could just yeah that's what i'm saying it's like points like why why are these people watching childhood porn need to like have it on their [ __ ] computer why don't they just stream it yeah i'm assuming it's like dark websites because you can't just access the sites on the [ __ ] regular internet well how do you access it on the dark web i don't know really how the dark web works but i think you have to get your research to get a tour browser and you got to go through the [ __ ] tour browser [ __ ] i don't know how it works and then explain it exactly look at his hands [Music] that don't know what consent is how shameful is that crazy people are men now he's trying to do this people don't know consent they don't what is good of course i don't know yeah exactly so what is cause you gotta stop watching kids i don't know what consent is i do know the kid is you do too intimately well listen that's funny you know how to get the porn i'm not saying that you've gotten it but you know how to get it bro you don't know what to do you know how to not get caught he mark knows what consent is because the kids never give it in the video [Laughter] and he's like man it's so much better this way how did it go in the beginning what what consent you just have to ask me what happens and then if the girl is saying he's like he says no what you heard that came from the base right there that's what consent is you have to ask if you want to have sex yeah [Laughter] they're breaking it they're not doing it you're a kid you should still ask for consent before you have sex mark what are you talking about if you're 16 years old you're gonna have sex with another 16 year old you should ask for a consent i don't understand how this is controversial he [ __ ] sweat he looks like me right now this guy's sweating in his room he's like bad cool you have all these grown men in a room not willing to denounce rape it's terrible stand up for women [Laughter] rape and i think that consent should be asked for every interaction and no one here is willing to tell me what consent is bro it's crazy hey we watch break and they're not going to make me they said yeah go short there's a podcast full of rapists man this is what rapists would do is because they're taking away my ability to speak for myself and that's what rapists do and that's why we need the me too that's how it goes man because look i'm saying he just keeps on shooting and i won't let him get a shot up i won't let him get a shot off no that's how it goes you got to keep on shooting what's happening until the round goes up why would you i will die before i get beat in this argument okay because i think this is important threesomes with molesters bro that's disgusting dog two sixteen-year-olds having sex with an adult is still wrong yeah i don't know i would never say wrong it's actually more wrong he is french the age of consensus probably younger there maybe you were in france when you watch us and to this day no one is civil consented bro consent is 18. and how do you know that bro that's so [ __ ] up that andrew knows the age of consent dude how do you know that that is weird right that he would sit here and pretend yeah describe your bliss what is consent what is consent i answered your question consent is what uh those girls never gave bro yeah that is what those girls never gave in the videos you watched you stripped their consent from them bro what is [Applause] what is math math is not history what does that even mean bro you can't just stay with something like people lose bro this is rocky though i'm refusing to lose okay and i'm in my own battle right you're battling for child [ __ ] yeah no you're battling for rape though that's the loss you said no as if you battled for reason you said though as if like i accept what you say but no i never said though yeah [ __ ] but you ready though you're battling for just saying you shouldn't watch tile porn and i'm saying you shouldn't rape that's the point you guys should not be raising hey hey that's also true but exactly hey we agree with you on that one you ready to agree you shouldn't watch child porn i agree with that it took a long time down it did it turned into a real bill clinton thing you're pointing this finger and then you're like what is is mean or whatever the [ __ ] it is you make it so much worse for yourself whatever steadfast determination you had to not get spun you spun yourself the whole time i don't know i didn't that happened the last time he was in the spiral that he was like this will never happen to me okay you know how like asians be training thousands of years for revenge yes like that's what he did like i was in the shower i was just like okay keep going keep going keep going think of something come up with something else you can't say anything about little kids but you can't say that because you couldn't formulate a good idea keep saying the wrong thing like you were trying to prove that you don't watch child porn and you just kept repeating over and over what is consent even and you never answered that's not what you said over and over again we were like you watched alport like what is consent what is it even like why do we even have it like no there's no definition there's no good definition that's what you're telling me but why were you asking me how to find chocolate porn next time i'm in the split size dude back in andrew you want to get yo i don't he goes i don't know how to use the dark bed but i mean you got to go to a torrent and then down he's like you got to get surf shark there sure i could save you 83 percent of you yeah we'll get you there but this is brought to you by shark shot y'all couldn't use a competitive vpn bro that's a different one just ruin our whole relationship no the shouts out to serve shark oh my god i was fighting for my life bro not well yeah no i that's the thing i didn't i didn't get to get the shots off yeah yeah that was a strategy we were shooting bro that [ __ ] was fun and i was booming you kept shooting yourself quite frankly i don't know what world you was just sitting you just got a body i was just watching you fold up that wax bro that [ __ ] was so funny because his hair was that glitch super tense how do you make diamonds how do you make diamonds though i answer that how do you make diamonds pressure with wheels of cheese bruh all right rape is bad child porn is bad i think we i think we can both agree um would you like to suggest another topic the first topic he suggested he said mark feeling so fast take us through it how do you feel about kid [ __ ] and you said we've all seen child porn he's done i said we've made it like he ever been bro that's the most catholic he ever been bro why is that you accuse him of molestation he's just like what what who cares [Laughter] are you gonna beg for your forgiveness of your sins that's what i need to know yeah and then you just shuffle me around to a different part of the room i mean just keep on moving yeah all right what else other topic come on next topic bro next topic you think we got it yeah i think we got oh that's a good one let's end on a high great way to go out we could do one more just uh in case we caught anything oh no that's all standing oh yeah yeah what's wrong with that yeah miles do you not you have a problem with the two conclusions we came to yeah you want some smoke miles wasn't it miles who started it yeah what did he start well you know you know mark gets credit for all miles ideas that is a good point actually it really backfired on you yeah you got your karmic revenge miles i do admire the determination bro yeah you are not going down i won't i'm gonna let it happen i learned that from i mean it didn't happen that's the strength yeah that's the thing you gotta talk over them and just walk them down nah because but then you could cut it why because it only works if i'm still engaging with you but then if i start talking about you fold in the wax then it undercuts it yeah don't think he doesn't know how to disarm his own strategies yeah i don't think he hadn't thought that he almost got me i almost said you did have to you did have to do something with the wax you did have to disarm it or not i had to i had to shake things notice that he did have to disarm it that the strategy was working and he was like all right final disarm no it almost worked on me i almost engaged with yeah i saw you coming in yeah that's why i pulled that out yeah he's like did i do that so it was working that was great i think that was a victory no it did work it was great content yeah it was a victory for the podcast victory for the listeners it was very good i don't even know if it's listenable to be honest it might not be listening but somebody has to do somebody please make a video of the the cheese wax slowly becoming the cube like because i remember you finishing it you finished it i saw you take almost your last bite yeah yeah and then it became that bro it's transformers dog yeah all spark right there all right one more topic one more topic mark all right guys we got some shows coming up man uh the tour is in full motion we got a big announcement that's gonna be coming i believe next week or the week after very excited to share that with you guys but uh go check out what we got right now i know we're sold out in in phoenix this weekend in tampa next weekend but i think we got a few tickets left in virginia beach the weekend after that uh orlando i think we added another show st louis we might be adding another show because i think that's sold out then san antonio um go check that out denver sold out shout outs to denver we got omaha go get those tickets and then charlotte north carolina go get those tickets and then next week or the week after that we got a big announcement i'm very excited to share with you guys dandruff.com for those tickets go get them before they're sold out and you got to pay 10 times the [ __ ] price on the internet it's crazy with these uh what's it called scalpers the scalpers are our charges it's just it's [ __ ] insane so go get them right now akash what you got cooking get there early so you don't pay the crazy market you just got to do it buy early from my shows you can buy pretty much up until the week of but they're starting to sell out so you better get your tickets don't [ __ ] around may 20th miami and problem co-headlining with the homini mesh patel then june 4th through 6th i'm gonna be in phoenix at cb live june 17th through 19th we're in kansas city at the comedy club of kc and july 1st through july 3rd i'm going to be in san diego at american comedy club and baltimore july 22nd through 24th at magubi's joke house so go to akashing.com cop your tickets i'm telling you you got to do it they're starting to sell out so i'm going to be there with andrew soon get scalped get on board and guys if you're in the new york new jersey area and looking for a place to record your podcast head over to wtfmediastudios.com also if you need help um building out your studio or improving your podcast you can book a consult session with either me or weezy also at wtfmedia.com and now let's get back uh morgan whalen not invited to billboard music awards due to recent conduct which is disputable okay it is a tragic tragedy and he like stopped his tour and he took a bunch of time off and put some posts out on instagram saying he's trying to unlearn bad behavior what do you think it seems like there's a lot of support a lot of people got us back yeah this is weird it's uh it's again it's this performative wokeness [ __ ] where it's like we're doing it to say we didn't do it and this is annoying i i thought about the morgan whaling thing because after he said the m-word like his music listen skyrocketed yeah but i don't think that's a reflection of people going finally i found my musician i think it's a reflection of people who didn't know who morgan whalen was googling the country singer yeah who said the m word and then checking out his music right like i never listened to morgan whalen before he said the n-word and then i listened to a song how was it slapped oh yeah it was pretty good i thought the music is pretty good to be honest i'm sure he's pretty good yeah so like is that the right strategy to get your streams up it's not a bad strategy if you can stand in the fire you will win is it an ethical or is it an effective strategy it's unethical yeah but is it effective especially if you know that your fan base will forgive you for that like if your fan base will forgive you but now the whole world was talking about it like he get a he gets another buzz right now people are going to go back listen and you actually got good music yeah amazing and he said all the right things he did apologize i'll work on myself but his name is out there his name is out there there's this rapper that i've that i'm like kind of fascinated with even though i don't listen to music that much i did like one song and ali chapman yeah did you see recently what happened yeah he got into a fight at the beach godzilla fighting to be posted by dj academics let's go they jumped this one kid like but like his friend the kid's friend is there and the kid's friend breaks up the fight but they don't attack the kid's friend at all it's really odd i'm almost like is this set up like yeah i don't know i hate that [ __ ] what is that no i just hate when somebody gets jumped by that many people like come on just shoot a fair one if he's by himself yeah yeah how's honorable in his fighting that's why he's six and four there's honor two of the losses were jumps that's why i don't like the jumps oh you shouldn't have to count it doesn't that was a loss it was two people that's still a jump yeah two on one but i feel that i had i know how many people i could beat up with one of you my record was a skyrocket that actually is a great point yeah it depends on who the one is exactly i just yeah so you're really six and two yeah eight fights yeah any knockout losses no just never never able to drop somebody no losses oh i never got dropped no but i got stomped out in my face that was pretty bad what happened i mean one of the jumps though yeah what happened like you you went like this yeah but they were stunning yeah and then how does that end i think they just had pity on me because i was just on the ground covering my head how did that start uh probably i believe that one was over a basketball okay yeah like i wanted my basketball back and they wouldn't give me my basketball back oh they stole your basketball yeah they were trying now but you walked away with some respect off of that weirdly probably you kept your basketball or you lost your best no i still lost my back yeah it's the principle though you know you stood on prince and even if they're getting you and they're ganging up on you and you got jump you can still fight you know what i mean it matters about the heart that you put into it not about i should have asked for consent for that game yeah that's what it was exactly [ __ ] up yes but you notice how he just took it and then it ended yeah yeah there you go i mean oh i can't wait till the next time we get marks this is gonna be he's gonna have a whole new strategy yeah he's gonna start speaking different languages you can say oh say yeah i thought i had something for this time i think i actually did better than the last time i don't know this is more endearing this is better yeah this is yeah for you it's better yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no no for you it's better that's part of the reason why i wear hats all the time because when i'm in a spit cycle i start sweating when they catch up to that [ __ ] and the lip you get the lip balm you get the lip quiver where your top lip just goes i have empathy for people in the spin cycle because i hate when i'm in it but this time you really [ __ ] yourself yeah no no because this i'll punch myself i didn't have any sympathy for you yeah that's the thing yeah you have sympathy when you just get pitiful and just go i have my no no no no if you're like trying to battle but you're just like you would just try to over talk it was it wasn't creating you just kept overtime saying nothing it was horrible the way it was supposed to go the spin cycle is funny like akash had me in the spin cycle last week about the [ __ ] people in the money and i was crushed there's nothing i could say yeah because you got other people's money i did so you know how many of them reached out to me so many of them reached out to me with facts bro they just hit me with bullet point five people reach out to me yo help your [ __ ] i was like who's on the money then this guy's making jokes about my people dying we gotta go we gotta go bro i had nothing to do and then when he started doing a little boy voice to me that [ __ ] [ __ ] drove me crazy bro oh i should have used that [ __ ] i'm gonna have to probably get your [ __ ] yo do you wanna i don't know if that if we care about that last topic do you want to talk about the fans storming liverpool versus manchester united oh yeah what is that seems wild yes basically liverpool's playing manchester united their arch rival and they're playing at old trafford which is manchester united stadium okay and before the game protesters came out on the field and started going crazy and lighting off like smoke bombs and like yeah protesting with big signs against the glazer family which is an american family that owns liver or owns manchester united okay and basically they're protesting for a slew of grievances that the glazer family has done to manchester united as well as the whole super league nonsense that happened so they're protesting the ownership yes whoa that's pretty effective to be honest and so they postponed the game they're like the circumstances are uh too uh is this common i thought that the city loves the team and like they love the team but they don't like the ownership because even when the owners took on the team when they bought manchester united i don't even remember when they did it through like this like shitty like financial strategy con where like basically they took out loans against the team in order to buy the team in the first place so it was it was like finally they bought out this the shareholders between 2003 and 2005. yeah they slowly bought out the people who owned it so they illegally got by taking loans out against the team it's like oh [ __ ] they bought the eiffel tower of being like hey you want to take a loan against the eiffel tower and they go oh yeah oh my god yeah so like that's the simplified version and so they started with that then they started losing records after alex ferguson retires and then just slowly slowly the essence and the core of the team went from amazing and like winning the premier league to now it being like good and competitive but when i first heard it it just i thought it was just like spoiled fans like man you i always remembered hearing they were so dominant and now they're not and i thought they were just mad about that yeah but having shitty ownership just ruins everything it just trickles down into everything there's nothing you can do this is actually the only way fans can fight back it's fascinating because if you think james going to msg and saying [ __ ] this we don't want to see the game we don't support the team that's fire but let's do it that family also owns the buccaneers and they just won a super bowl yeah so they're kind of like shut your mouth we're going to figure it out i think it's an easy way it's just like americans coming in our turf for such an iconic sports club it's an american thing my understanding is was it manchester united was owned by the russian oligarch one of them got bought by a russian oligarch brahmovic abramovic yeah maybe i don't know what team that is huh okay but uh but yeah this is interesting i wonder if this keeps happening i'm sure it does bother you more than it's american though because it's like first of all you got you kind of got the team through ill-gotten means second of all cool y'all are great in america but you don't know how this [ __ ] works and then that's in the back of your mind with every grievance you have is you don't understand this game and then at a certain point it's like all right fine you can do american sports but you don't understand how the [ __ ] this works over here at all you have no clue that's interesting about like yeah yeah yeah like all the american owners are the ones that were like let's just form a super league who gives a [ __ ] and then they're gonna be like yo i don't [ __ ] get it this is not for you they say what is it winning cures all yeah winning cures everything winning cures everything whatever but losing exposes everything yeah that makes sense so it's like if they were winning i think everybody would be cool with this like american owner maybe they did some shitty things bringing over innovative styles from america they have the techniques that work in the nfl that they brought here it's brilliant yeah but the second you're losing it's how dare you change the culture yeah and do you think this will start happening with all the other teams around the world that also have foreign ownership maybe so long as the foreign ownership is [ __ ] up the culture of the team as the fans see it as the what as the fans see the culture of the team if the ownership comes in and starts influencing the culture in a negative way right but they never do it in a positive way like if saudi money buys manchester city and they start winning the premier league they're not like saudi arabia our culture is losing yeah yeah yeah i'm fine with that yeah if saudi money brought the dallas cowboys and started winning super bowls i'm so okay with it dude that's how badly that's about but there's i don't know how you put that genie back in the bottle but if this becomes a little bit dude because they're sad yeah i could say that i'm close enough right yeah yeah but if it becomes like yo we don't like our ownership we're gonna protest and raise [ __ ] hell and calls mayhem until they sell that's cool if you got shitty ownership but then at a certain point it might get to be like we're protesting for nothing at a certain point you know what i mean if every team like if knicks fans are like oh [ __ ] that storm the court whatever bet i get why you want to get rid of dolan but at a certain point i don't like this one season i'm [ __ ] up everything sell the team it's like you know what i mean okay here's a question if the team is tied to the city and it and it leeches off the identity of the city is it weird to say that the owner should have to be from the city interesting like you were representative of the city the players are no longer represented in that city i'm sure like at some point in time in history the majority of the players from team probably were from that local area and then obviously as you know this game becomes a global game you're going to want the best teams and the teams with the most money are going to be able to buy the best players bubble i'm fine with it but i wonder if you just make it if you really like drive in the identity of the city what the the richest person in that city or the person that can't afford it has to be one who owns it yeah i wonder if that makes sense and maybe that'd be kind of cool or maybe they're you can own the team but there's still like a local board that has some say in it the board thing is always curious to me because now you have these people that potentially are appointed but they're not pointed based on like their investment in the game or their merit like who is the board like and who decides who's the board and how much decision-making power do they have and like if i'm the average billionaire i don't want to board telling me what the [ __ ] i can do yeah but it would be cool if the richest person in the city just owned the next which is you know dull and it sucks but it's like he's i think he's a new yorker is he not i don't know i'm just saying like as the cowboys i know you're saying right now if saudi money wants to win this it'd be great but you know it'd be really great if a [ __ ] dallas native won the cowboys new yorker owns the knicks fire right yeah i guess donald trump was something cool about that i guess dolan would be a new yorker but then he would have been able to buy in the first place would that be a weird would that be a shitty requirement i guess because now it's suddenly not a private thing anymore now it belongs to the citizens of the and is that just what happens if a team gets big enough if a support gets popular enough like now it's suddenly not private now you belong to the citizens and the price of the teams would go way down it would plummet yeah because there's so few people you killed a free market too you would destroy the free market i mean there's no way the teams would actually go with it yeah but yeah there is something interesting he was born in massapequa massive peak of long island yeah wow i don't know if you grew up there but that's like where his parents are it's usually like if there's that their business is within that city like juventus is probably owned by like the the elkin family that are part of fiat and ferrari but then like milan just won or inter milan just won syria uh yesterday chinese owner zhang came in pirelli owns point three seven percent potato point if you're winning hey that's great they're not complaining but if you're losing then [ __ ] that i don't want china on the knicks no i agree [ __ ] that even if they won every year they won i wouldn't want great britain on the knicks i won't want any other country on the knicks i mean that sincerely i would be upset so you're okay with american owners not owning soccer teams internationally yeah i'm fine and i'm totally fine with them being upset about it especially if it looks like these american owners don't give a flying [ __ ] about the sport they just want to make money uh if i were you guys i'd say [ __ ] you get the [ __ ] out of there i'm in favor of the protest i think we're all in agreement here i thought they were just spoiled but that makes a lot of sense yeah especially the way they bought the team is [ __ ] i don't even like foreigners to be able to own apartments in america like i mean that sincerely like yeah i'm against it i mean foreigners like they don't live here foreigners yeah like that's perfect but that's for real value you're just driving prices in china well they because of that they put taxes on if you don't have residency real quick in foreign countries oftentimes poor foreign countries they don't allow non-nationals to own property like i think in order for you to buy a place maybe it's not bali but like uh in bermuda for example you have to be a national to own a place there and i get it because singapore you said i think i think singapore yeah and so they have these hawaii has that role i believe i think you have to listen oh yeah yeah oh is that right and what they're doing is they're protecting the people that live there to a certain extent so that they don't make that land too expensive for them to actually own in new york too bad the average new yorker won't be able to own their [ __ ] apartment never i think costa rica even has like uh yeah they have a heritage thing yeah like you have to have like a certain amount of costa rican blood just to own specific land and i think initially you didn't and they had these like crazy squatters rights down there where like people would like buy places and then all of a sudden they go back there in six months when the rainy season was over and they're just like families living there yeah and i think they have some rights there where they can if you just don't show up at the place but i like the idea of heritage i like that because you're not inflating this market because a lot of these people like especially in china russia they're just taking their money out of china or russia because they don't know if it'll be valuable and they're just dumping it in new york real estate and then the realtors make tons of money and the developers make tons of money but the average new yorker can't live in the [ __ ] neighborhood they grew up in yeah and i'm not talking about like there's a difference between free market and the free market globally like you can have the free market within your country but let's not act like we abide by uh uh what is it not the word abide by the same rules is that like tariffs and [ __ ] no no they're terrorists like you want the free market but you don't want to pay free market prices in other countries right like we got the minimum wage over here you're not paying that for the nikes to be made right right so you are totally okay taking advantage of other uh countries labor practices right but when we go hey we don't want them to take advantage of our real estate market you're like oh no that benefits me yeah yeah maybe maybe i'm missing something here i don't know like how do you prevent that from becoming like just discrimination it is discrimination i want to discriminate towards us in the same way i want us to have vaccines i want us to be able to buy property i want every american to have the american dream no in real estate storage of wealth of some like rich russian oligarch or rich chinese oligarchy it is irrespective of race or even where you're born it is respective of where you live and spend your time if a chinese person moved from china immigrated lived in new york bought property i don't think you'd have a problem with it nope i think he has a problem with people who live in china have money they don't know what to do with buy apartment in america in new york raise the rent and then stay in china and that's just this happened in uh vancouver vancouver they put a tax so in exchange you can do that but then you can put a tax on those folks for not being there yep so 100 and i know there's people probably looking at this right now like well what do you think amer new yorkers do with like the real estate in florida they probably price it up super high because we buy places to be there for a couple months and i understand if you're frustrated with that i i get that totally i just think that maybe i'm sound like some [ __ ] bernie democrat right now but like i you should be able to afford to live in the place you [ __ ] grow up in without any market manipulation from outside sources so if there's legislation against it you'd be like yeah i don't want legislation it's weird i guess you need to i don't know i don't want to have to do that big tax or whatever like that i don't want that but i i understand places that protect themselves i understand the costa ricans going yo we're not going to let all these [ __ ] americans and like europeans go and buy up all this [ __ ] land and then make these resorts and the people have no place to even potentially gain wealth right like you buy up all the land like what do they say the biggest issue with uh the black wealth disparity in america was the inability to get loans the redlining so you couldn't build up that wealth so what do we do we just run to all these other countries and then we just buy up their land and then they don't have the ability to increase their wealth as their value of their land increases i don't mind it nationally if you live in another state you want to buy property maybe because i was looking to do it a while ago but i didn't mind that internationally i see how it's like what are you doing i mind it less yeah it's one country to me but if it's somebody from brazil coming here and buying a spot and it's just empty and then it just raises the property of everything else it's like who is this benefiting in our country outside of that one transaction but the states thing is interesting though go go like just your point like states doing it like if different states were to do it either in america or in other countries would it be the same would you feel the same way i'll be honest i depend on the state like hawaii i really empathize why i get it finite amount of land a specific unique culture these people want to be with not only the culture like their family and then you just have westerners who literally want to be there for a couple months maybe if they want to go live there and like dedicate time okay i get that but if you want to be there for a couple months you just have this lavish pad and then you basically destroyed a whole housing project that would have housed 300 people to build your one home i can understand where they get push back for that yeah i know i'm they're holes i'm missing in this but i do empathize with that and that did annoy me when i was in vancouver like hearing them talk about it they're like yeah it sucks dude we can't even live in the city like we're from here and we have to move out of our city when we get older because they're vacant apartments that's exactly what happens in new york it's exactly what happens yeah if you don't own and you didn't own for a long time through the 70s when property value was low and now it's astronomical you have to move out yeah yeah yeah i don't know it just seems interesting like interstate like if it's the same rules i'm trying to think like what is the difference between a different country versus just like a different state if they wanted to impose the same laws and stuff i wonder if like that's the idea with statehood right each state has their rules and if one state wants to build up a whole lot of you know travel and they want to build up a lot of what are they called snow birds or whatever like that they want to incentivize new yorkers to come down to alabama without increased population or whatever literally that they just go yo please come and everybody in alabama if you already own a home sell it sell some new yorker make tons of money off your [ __ ] you got it we want to get more people down here so the economy can be better and then when the economy is better if they want to switch it up and they go whoa whoa this getting a little out of hand shut it down like you have the right to do that as a state i d bro i'm maybe like an extremist with this statehood [ __ ] like i think if a state doesn't want abortion they should not they should be able to not have an abortion another one does they should just be able to have it yeah and it sucks because there are like young women that don't have the ability to go get it and that is the tricky thing with a with a thing like abortion specifically but i'm using the most extreme example obviously there's hiccups in it but i'm almost like you could create your idea of the world and if more than half of the people in that state want that idea of the world you should have the freedom to do it within the confines of the law yeah you can't strip people of their rights you can't just have a state where like okay india being indian is illegal we're going to kick them all out right but if you want to have a state that you say like everybody can have a gun we have that right right and then new york it's tough to have a gun mm-hmm i kind of like this idea yeah it just gets so tricky it's got to be so case-by-case yeah because then like you don't ban like the people you band the culture where you're like this is like what france did with like hijabs where they're like you can't wear a hijab in public but they're like we do that already kind of in the culture like how many clubs you go to they're like yo no do-rag no tims no hats like you're basically saying you can't culturally dress black in this right yeah but then from the establishment to the state it's just a much bigger thing too you're right country and that's a private business and you're referencing an actual state right law that would inhibit culture right and then it's like yeah what parts of culture do you want to bring over like [ __ ] fighting's illegal in america you go to mexico it's just happening on every corner why is that illegal if we're gonna eat the chickens after why is that illegal yeah why is it entertaining also there's something i'm missing no it's entertaining you been yeah you've never been more puerto rican than that right now i've been into it and why is it like they go at it these [ __ ] are vicious yeah yeah yeah yeah more vicious than you would think a [ __ ] rooster chicken is yeah i know yeah i guess that's why i don't understand as long as like using the chicken for food afterwards why is it bad you're not wasting the chicken we're gonna kill it anyway and eat it like what does it matter if it kills its buddy and then we eat it i think it's like cruelty and torture and [ __ ] what is more cruel than twisting his chicken's head off and letting it run for a little bit then they'll like bleed out oh do they bleed it out yeah it's like they like are fighting like they're like eyes falling out like their head's chopping i assume if you kill the chicken to eat it you try to kill it in the least painful which i don't know if you do like if you're [ __ ] fighting farming is probably not the most ethical thing you don't have that energy inside you but that would be that would be the argument though yeah i guess somebody would say like well if we're going to euthanize the dogs why don't we just let them fight first we would disagree with that right [Laughter] which kind of goes back to the business that we were talking about that if you're going to commit euthanasia and you want to pass away you could let somebody kill you yeah that loves killing yes yes or don't take into your house do the whole thing like a kill fantasy or donate your body to killing yourself in a way to spite someone else in order to teach them a lesson like uh like if you're really mad at like jump in front of a subway yeah exactly you're really mad at your kids because they were like being annoying and like they're distracting because the light's on the back of the car and then you hit a guy and kill him and then you teach your kids a lesson always keep the lights off you hit a guy and kill them yeah but they got one the guy wanted oh my god so he gets to donate his life in order for the kid to learn lessons oh that's great and then you might traumatize the kids but they can deal with that and they don't have the light on anymore and the light's never on again whoa new youtube series by mark life lessons yeah yeah um yeah guys i think we figured it out i think we've solved all the world's problems uh i love you guys very much patreon.com flagrant2 dates um we'll do that earlier we did the dates earlier you guys already heard the dates we're going to record them after but we put them earlier and uh most importantly thank you so much for all the support love check out flagrant you we got a great guy coming on this week my boy benoyada our boy ben oyeda yeah and uh and yeah keep it tight you
Channel: Flagrant 2
Views: 439,586
Rating: 4.8640947 out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media, eddin, eddin media, Thankyoueddin, caitlynjenner, caitlyn jenner, billie eilish, india, liverpool, manchester united, man u
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 22sec (9262 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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