Mount and Blade II Bannerlord Very Accurate Faction Guide

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This is golden

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/walaz89 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wait, the Sturgians can actually hold their own now?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Nahkuri 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Are you the author of the video?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ketchupinsausagedog 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Every game I played so far had Vlandia and Khuzait snowball, as well as one of the southern or western empire.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JimSteak 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is the best Bannerlord video yet.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/snouz 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
we should have known some was up with 2020 when mountain blade 2 actually came out bannerlord is a game that seems kind of simple at first but involves a lot of complex decisions like what color should your undershirt be and should you ride a camel because it's funny even though they kind of suck fortunately you can have all your decisions made for you by joining a faction factions are collections of clans that all try to maintain some form of visual cohesion on the battlefield though that can be kind of hard when your party has 53 different types of infantry with no easy way to sort them still joining a faction has several advantages you can own land force friendly armies to fight for you and develop a deep-seated hatred of your chosen liege but with so many factions to choose from which one is the one for you you'd probably be better off just picking the color you liked the most rather than taking my advice but here it is anyway every fantasy world needs a generic empire in banner lord the creatively named the empire is split into three factions because that way they can say it technically has more factions than warband following the mysterious death of emperor renikos who was presumably assassinated because his name was hard to say his wife rahagay which is not an improvement declared that she should be the new empress because she was the rightful heir two-thirds of the country got a real kick out of the idea of a woman having power but the southern portion of the empire thought you know what maybe the emperor should be hereditary because that always works out well ragaei also has a daughter named ira who is a top marriage prospect because her horse has really good armor you may wonder why the daughter of the empress would marry a guy who has no castle and makes his living by wandering around killing homeless people and she wonders that too but i passed a charisma check so she doesn't get a choice the southern empire's troops are blue which is my favorite color and the name rahagaya kinda sounds like a bionicle but she'd probably be one of those bionicles that has a lot of blue pins showing so i cannot in good conscious condone joining her and also if you say anything positive about her faction you get an army of people who've never had an original thought in their lives spamming simp in your comments section speaking of old used up jokes lukan is the leader of the northern empire a faction that believes the senate should control the empire because that always works out so well come on dude you're in a roman empire analog and you're really gonna advocate for democracy okay grandpa if he only would have used the classic roman red as his faction's color then i'm sure everyone would think he's the best faction to be defending the virtues of the senate but as it stands you'll probably forget he exists and the next time you start a new character you'll be like wait there are two purple factions the other purple faction is the western empire led by the mighty military general garios his political philosophy is a bit more nuanced you see he believes the army should be in charge because they have swords his legions are fiercely loyal to him because he promised they could have some land when they retire don't know why you'd ever want to live outside of a city in mountain blade but whatever floats your quadra rim i guess if you want to back the guy who's the most like julius caesar garios is your man just look out for stacks of a thousand vlanian knights looking to give him the old brutus special if all this empire stuff sounds really boring then consider joining the battanians their faction color was green so it's not possible for them to be anything other than the barbarian guys battania is a loose organization of clans that technically work for king kaladong but retain a fearsome independent spirit at least that's what the flavor text says in reality they play exactly the same as every other faction with one notable exception behold the battanian fian champion legendary bowman who can fail entire armies three times their size in mere seconds they're so good you can even use a perk to get them without even joining betania which is good because in my experience betania tends not to last too long all their cities are really close to each other so when an enemy army shows up and takes mario nath they think eh cara bansith is like three minutes away might as well grab that one too if the celtic flavor of barbarian scum isn't to your liking consider looking north to the frigid wastes of skyrim the nation of skyrim recently went through a civil war and the stormcloaks also known as the sturgians came out on top with their distinctive blue garb and 50 resistance to frost damage they make fearsome foot soldiers and their leader ulfric dragon vad stormcloak uses his position as high king to wage devastating wars across the northern half of the map he usually wipes out grandpa lucon and then spends the rest of the game repeatedly failing to invade the south because sturgeons are allergic to grass or something as far as factions go they're a pretty solid choice especially in the heavy infantry department but you do got to be aware that half their nobles wear candy cane pants that look terrible so you know pros and cons unlike the rest of the factions who want to constantly get in wars the azera are content to just chill in the desert the entire game after losing the city of hussein falk which they do every single time in a matter of seconds their only way to reach pretend to europe is through this tiny land bridge and all it takes is one guy parking their army there to completely grind the azeroth economy to a halt so aside from the occasional horse archer army that devastates the imperial countryside they largely stay out of continental politics and nobody really cares because their recruits look really out of place in any biome other than desert also they have camel cavalry which makes them the best faction by default the vlandians got their start doing mercenary work for the empire and in return the empire gave them a lot of castles one day the empire was like all right vladia come help us with this war and vlania was like ah no thanks we're good the empire was like what you guys can't do that come on let's go kill them oh right we gave them castles the vlandians wasted no time preparing copious amounts of olives for the coming of their prophesized messiah the olive lord but little did they know their holy text was mistranslated and they were actually supposed to be preparing butter for the butter lord eventually this error was discovered and those who accepted the new buttery catechism form the kingdom of swadia with the city of praven without the d serving as their holy capital those who remained loyal to the olive called themselves the kingdom of the rodox and took green as their color because betania was wiped out in the first hour of the game so green was available wait this is warband not bannerlord sorry there i go talking about warband again you know maybe i should do one of these videos for warband if that's something you'd like to see do not let me know in the comments section if this video gets zero comments i'll make a warband video but any more than that and i'll assume there's no interest anyways i think that about wraps it up that's all the factions in bannerlore thank you very much for watching come on do i have to i really don't want to i hate those guys fine okay the koozais are a faction that has been scientifically designed to be as annoying as possible this is because their favorite unit is horse archers and as any total war player can tell you horse archers are a blight upon mankind when i'm playing a game like this i want both armies to be a nice perfectly straight line so it looks aesthetically pleasing when they fight but when the koozais fight they send a million horse hunters everywhere and my guys get all like turned around and it just looks awful they also have a tendency to snowball and dominate the entire eastern side of the map because when they besiege a city all of the enemy armies surround them but refuse to actually attack because you know fighting horse hunters is freaking annoying and as a result the koozai's ought to resolve their way to a massive empire if i could go back in time and change one thing i would kill the first ever horse so that when i came back to the present there wouldn't be any horse archers in my video games and also so my car would stop being measured in horsepower like how am i supposed to know how strong 300 horses are it's not a good unit of measurement for the modern era anyways that's all the factions for real this time hope this video helped you decide which ones to join slash exterminate and uh looks like you are going to have to join one of them because you've been watching this video so long you automatically failed the main quest you
Channel: oboeshoesgames
Views: 470,459
Rating: 4.9306078 out of 5
Id: 1vv6BdPXXLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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