Baldur's Gate 3's HARDEST Challenge | Act 1 Honour Mode - Solo Stealth Ranger

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with patch five came a brand new way to play balder's gate honor mode full of Boss changes and challenges I'll be stopping by every boss on the way discovering their new abilities and how to best deal with them somehow this run is going to be even harder than last time where we were jack of all trades that being said let's go over the [Music] rules huh oh There are rules I normally limit myself in runs taking away certain abilities though honor modeus supposedly a true Testament to game knowledge so let's use everything I've learned up until now to beat honor mode Lone Wolf now let's go over the build gloomstalker assassin this is an absurdly powerful build and I've been looking for an excuse to justify playing it surely honor mode counts regardless we'll be taking Ranger levels up until level seven upon reaching level eight we'll re spe into five Ranger three Rogue and rounded off with fighter for what I have planned our race of choice will be the dwar on top of their dark vision and resistances their Nate invisibility is broken to say the least will also be the dark urge which allows us certain story decisions and gives character specific loot we'll be a beast tamer in order to summon a variety of useful summons with fine familiar favorite enemy doesn't really matter too much though I do like taking Bounty Hunter since it gives us a good passive and here's our stats we'll be rocking with maxing dexterity of course now let's move being the dark urge is perfect lorewise run the ends justify the means meaning being a jerk lorewise for XP is perfectly in character and as always our first Target and encounter is Lazelle who wants to kill demons and get off this thing we physically can't say no so she tanks all the hits while I deal all the damage afterwards it's time to remove her and her armor from the Party lel's Armor is the best for this period in the game giving 15 AC plus X and so is her underwear it fits me much more I feel now all that's left to to do is shove her in the pit I'm too lazy to do the math but these are all 58% chances so do let me know how unlucky I am oh for [ __ ] with lasel dead we meet another important Ally locked in a magical prison crab crab here will be our only Ally for the discernable future so let's put them to work we have several forms of familiar as we can cast but crab is unquestionably the best as you can plainly see we don't care about Z for this build so we rush out of here to get to the real meat of the run the Helm's alien transponder a quick crash land later and we appear on the sword Coast with a bad case of cmorph our goal is to cure it without dying a single time given our troubling backstory it may complicate things so far our only saving grace is an artifact called the astral prison it'll be following us against our will but do note it for for later we pass by lelle who's doing some daily GI Yankee yoga and set my crab to deal with the locals while he does that I'll stoutly be moving along something I often ignore is this portal since it has a very large burden inside however lucky for us we can cut him out of the picture alt together my mistress eyelids stop this Stone has saved me so much time maybe I should try luring a boss here one day with that it's level two and with it comes some spells and a fighting style I'm a short dwarf so I have less movement than normal so long Str to help with that thog cloud is an allaround good spell so we'll grab that too and archery for our fighting style our crab is Bravely fighting off these enemies a conveniently placed nautiloid tank will be the perfect relief oh well that was disappointing regrettably our cra grab Falls but his sacrifice will not be forgotten brains are kind of scary early on but we level to level two just in case so we spawn another crab and move on to the first large combat as usual good strategy to succeed here is to isolate the high ground and go from there we do have the almighty crab at our disposal so we surely can't lose early on it's mostly just hitting each other until one side runs out of HP so let's get to level three as fast as we can we outnumber them have more healing and a rally so not too much to say other than I'm glad bar died bar has a hand crossbow on him which are one-headed crossbows meaning we can do wield them we'll be dual wielding hand crossbows for a good portion of the ACT since we don't have a real use for our bonus action currently there are several in character things to do before progressing exhibit a and exhibit B now that those crucial steps are dealt with we stop by the local blacksmith who fortunately has our secondhand crossbow in store these things fire two shots at once and they'll be even better if we can put poison on in the lake I try out some more familiars this time a giant spider and I agret it immediately crab would have hit those in the end though the Giant Eagle statue helps the most being short has its downsides first downside of tiny legs are tiny jumps there's some boxes around so make make shift booster seat and get across fine if everyone else Minds up we finish looting over here and move just outside to some absolute cultists some weird cult that keeps getting name dropped you're a true soul and something about true Souls we'll want to resonate with the parasite here for a later we'll need all the help we can get and parasites are a huge Boon in that regard there's only like three in this entire first area so it's important we get them all at all it experience could nourish you strength one thing our parasite lets us do is dominate creatures now well inspiration I don't want any trouble just before level three with level three comes our subass gloomstalker this gives bonus action stealth a way to turn invisible extra damage turn one and dark vision for being a dagar we can also enlarge once every long rest spells really don't matter I won't even be casting them except for a long strider for the most part but we'll take jump just to have it one thing we want to get at the center of town the haste Helm which boosts our speed even more so far all of our items and abilities are just compensating for our height the next one not so much at the neighboring Walkins rest the whole place is a blaze we help the guard to break in and we work to save the food and any survivors at least ones that will reward me the jolt shooter is our surprise it's probably better than my hand crossbows but you won't see me using it I'm not done compensating for my height so at the goblin camp we pick up some boots that will give us some important UPS we can give our thanks to the swiy shoes 1.5 m is nothing to scoff at and considering we have no boots and these are only 100 gold it's a worthwhile purchase H is out of character but we'll need to save Volo since more importantly than anything he has a very important buff for us there's another buff we can get at the neighboring follower to lar I make it easier by stripping into my [ __ ] clothes to be an ENT Apostle but I roll two natural ones so unfortunately we'll have to do without the buff this go around but who needs Buffs when you have barrels we'll be saving these for later they do big damage in a big area so they'll be useful all game I usually ban barrelmancy but no rules sucker I'm still too short to leave though go go gadget booster seat what I'm doing next is very stupid so I'm sure to buy an invisibility potion just in case we'll park one barrel right here for no reason at all and light it up from a distance Indiscreet so uh as predicted everyone in the camp now hates me I think it's a good time to drink that invisibility potion we just got after coming back we can loot our prize Crushers ring if you thought I was compensating before well how about now three extra meters of movement speed it's such a decent ring to have especially early where there's a lack of good ones now we have something like 15 m in movement speed as a small creature so pretty good I'd say I don't know about you but I love this cut scene I find it so funny that renowned author volothamp just says [ __ ] it and shoves an ice pick in your ice socket your I agree it's a fist STI crit just a little further Volo tear the pick from your brain with a violent jerk your eye plops down into the mud it of course goes poorly but he at least gives us an eye letting us see invisibility I'll come in handy later this after surgery all I want to do is lay down and some stupid part shows up I begrudgingly tell her she can stay go to sleep in she's dead you open your eyes with a lert and you are not in your bed you stand good thing no one is around to see that let's go talk to best girl and help her out with her job menar is a devout power of the absolute and his task to find and kill the goblin Camp we'll help her out with her Ambush and get a head start on some DRS nobody cares about my or this bird Netty also has a parasite in the back and at this point we can leash you can absor it potential there's a whole tree of useful abilities I'll mostly be going for the passives since we only have so many actions the important ones I'll be getting are ability drain luck of the far Realms and colda week in no particular order I do like guaranteed crits though so I'll grab it first progressing on our journey we're visited by the devil Raphael I don't deal with Devils I'm sure he has interesting things to say but I do know if you mash four you get free food One Last Visit to the ruins outside the Grove I hear there's an old and ancient power deep in these walls candles with a candle we can dip our weapon and fire before a combat to add an extra G4 damage to our shots we can also do the same with poisons but this is the easiest and is renewable we use this to kill our neighboring nles since their ears will be useful in a not far future crafting potions of speed again now being this mobile we can disengage if they get too close and shoot them with our bonus action so we're never in true danger often times you'll see me escaping and reinitiating a combat since this helps us play as safe as possible we can often disengage for free because of our invisibility so most large groups of enemies are trickled down ns are also protecting this chest which we'll need for later and as useful as the contents may be we'll be returning it to the owner I'm sure these guys won't mind too much later in camp tonight we can't sleep since it feels like we're being watched and ends up being some guy calling himself our Butler turns out heals around when a fe that barred from earlier was turned to but a fine Mist but he's got a reward and it's the best cape in the game the death stalker mantle which gives his invisibility after every single kill perfect for our build since we'll be able to whittle down large groups of enemies from relative safety a bad example of this is right at the goblin Camp they've heard of the incoming attack from the goblins and are standing to fight I've infiltrated their defenses and have a Surefire way of ending the fight before Menara even gets here the T Lings have happened to leave several barrels of volatile oil round which I round up and use my cat familiar to attract them all curiosity gets the better of them and they're all burnt to Ash even with their fire resistance we couldn't quite get everyone with that explosion so one guy has to now face off against the entire assault Force which probably could have dealt with the teelings on their own I spare him from that reality one thing you can do with your poisons is throw it on the ground and camp and dip your weapons into it this poison will remain in your Camp forever so similarly we can dip prior to combats do know that if our camp ever changes the poison won't come with us use the poison to great effect killing wrath and one R before you can even do anything meaningful we killed NY earlier so kaga is the only real threat her moon beam does tons of damage to group and she can change the location of it every round if we let her but our two shots are enough to break her concentration we can keep diverting kaga's attention away from the Goblins keeping them alive as much as possible to help tank and inevitably kill kaga as a reward for our transgressions Menara visits us at night for some hanky panky I unfortunately was never good with woman you draw her closer with all the Vim of a Lover's first embrace we get our tadpull at least I'm deciding to grab Co the week next with a new day comes some more shopping this was patched out shortly after honor mode but I was able to do it a couple times so I thought I'd showcase it we can use a container a rib cage for instance and sell it to a vendor by placing the vendor's inventory inside it we can buy it for one gold piece and remove the contents from inside buying out a vendor's inventory for only one gold I did this twice on on to get a good number of Hill giant strengths for later making our way to the next section the end of Dark we get even more movement equipment giving Misty step for free solving a puzzle is be feeling so accomplished I level up to four giving us our first feat we have an archery build so we'll be taking Sharpshooter which removes low ground debuffs and gives us a toggleable ability allowing us to do 10 additional damage at the cost of five accuracy being a dwar we'll want to go to our home the under dark and get some valuable equipment from my brethren for any bosses thanks for watching this far if you want to catch the next part of the series you know what to do we carefully navigate past the mushrooms right into an ambush we don't have invisibility potions but it's dark enough down here to use our umbrell shroud to disengage from combat more careful navigation later we make it to an outpost owned by my brethren have I mentioned how much I love movement items well geek here wants us to go fetch a pair of boots for him and these boots I'll be wearing for the rest of the game there really is a pain to get them violently she's been hit by a poison and geek has the antidote pickpocketing it will wrap up the situation nicely yeah geez so anyways we go bring the antidote to the Deep gnome who in exchange for saving her life gives us the boots of speed letting us click our heels as a bonus action eventually we'll be a rogue so this will be less good but they also help in disengaging so they'll still be very very good later on I spent nearly 2,000 gold on a ring from Darth the costic band what do we get for all this gold two acid damage it doesn't sound all too appealing but a flat guaranteed plus two to all of our attacks is fantastic especially Elemental damage now back to geek he doesn't want to talk to me understandably and I don't want to give him any gold either so I'll just steal his boat we'll need to take it in order to reach the dagger Outpost this Outpost contains some very important items which will carry us through the early ax one dager we need is Corsair Gman he's got a weapon for us so it's important that we keep him alive despite being dagger we can be racist towards our fellow dagger curiously you there's an important ring off to the side and it's fairly easy to grab with the fog Cloud this ring gives us invisibility which we won't need for long but it's good to have on hand Raymond has arrived at his shop and he sells a bow called the bow the Banshee this bow inflicts frightened which is a broken mechanic since enemies can't even take an action if inflicted and a little bonus damage never hurt anyone we have the chance to demonstrate it on our Brethren notice how the frightened one can't do a thing and because it lasts two turns we have a bonus to hit him next turn to reinli the debuff it's about time we retired our hand crossbows since we have several uses for our bonus actions now these wer were protecting a passageway leading to a long Forgotten Temple at the end of which lies a curious lava pit this is the adamantine Forge where mythal is used to make some of the best armor in the game we'll be making two pieces this run the shield and the plate since we're using lel's armor still at this point killing the guards Nets us our final bit of XP to level five and we reach our power Spike with level five comes an extra attack to double our damage output and can trip invisibility meaning we can cast it as many times as we want though only once in combat with this new found power we can make the final preparations for fighting bosses and this little Shack outside walking rest has our best bow I should have came here way earlier but I was worried if I didn't have a source of invisibility so I wanted to wait till level 5 we talk our way into the camp and learn that this is where the cargo from before was headed turns out the Zen room an underground Merchant network was tested with its transport whatever is inside this thing must be good since they give us a bunch of gold and ax to our best bow the Titan string bow this allows us to add our strength modifier to our damage so if we drink a hill giant strength Elixir we'll be doing an extra five damage a hit this is on top of our dexterity so we also get an additional plus three damage to our hits and I'll be planning to get my dexterity to 20 by the end for plus five just one more thing to grab before we fight any bosses we kill geek for the mik anded leader to let us into this treasure Vault there's a head piece in here called the shadow of meman which which lets us go invisible just in case I think we're well enough prepared to fight auntie we failed to notice the path behind the fire so we'll need to smack Auntie once so she can open it herself but Auntie doesn't have one but two magical doors blocking our path we're perceptive enough to know that this is a real fake door and can just walk through in the next area is a group of four Mass creatures for the ensuing boss battle we'll want to kill three of them as you'll see in a second I just make sure the Healer is dead at the least since they'll heal Auntie poison resistance lets us run through the traps for one whole damage leaving us fresh for Auntie he's invisible so I'll join her she can't see invisible creatures like myself though and it only takes a second to catch her out she has the legendary action weird magic surge which lets her create more clones every time you cast a spell I don't have many spells fortunately so it won't come into play too much Auntie is susceptible to Der poison so I coat my weapon and miss an 8% chance fortunately this is why we made preparations Auntie's first action is to always summon her mask allies to help her we killed them all though so she just teleports a bunch of corpses to fight me we do want to leave at least one alive otherwise she'll summon her clones instead which is very deadly we missed even more shots and failed to sleep Auntie so we're already in a tricky spot Auntie's gotten around to summoning her clones which can all hold person us so we'll need to wrap this up I drink a potion of speed to give us an extra action to help me escapee casting our invisibility and having Auntie teleport out of the way normally she'd be dead by now but I got some unlucky roles so we'll need to fall back on plan C we Retreat to Auntie's quarters barring the door and hiding ourselves in the corner we can't see anything in the other room but everyone seems to be real confused on how to actually reach me safe to say they can't and after unb barricading the door we can continue laying into auntie I don't actually want to kill her so we turn off our Sharpshooter passive to do just enough of course it's only now at this point that I sleep her but whatever of course I get all the crits when they don't matter as well hiding for one more round auntie wants to give up and we happily oblige her wait just a take she'll give us a single ability score Improvement and we'll want to put it into dexterity this will round us off the nice 18 dexterity or plus4 one boss down let's work on the rest heading back to the the abandoned Village down the well is a spider Den filled with them spiders and of course Big Mama spider as long as we're heading off to the side she'll let us buff up so we dip our weapon just beforehand and enlarge Mama spider has alert so it's best if we just enlarge beforehand just by ourselves we can do a good 100 damage on the first turn our attacks have something like plus 11 damage on hit with our Sharpshooter passive active that increases to something like plus 21 so all it takes is three hits to get her down to half HP and by Hasting and shooting the web beneath her just barely not do enough damage if I was real smart I would have shot the web first to get The High Ground bonus but I'm just not Mama spider's first turn she doesn't even spend attacking us but instead spawning her spiderlings now it's crucial that you don't attack any spiderlings since her legendary action gosar tomb will immobilize you and kill you she's only got 20 hp left though so we can finish the job and move on to the next not before killing her babies we're here at the mountain pass and we have something to buy before progressing off at lady Esther is the Parry up to wound closure which lets us heal for maximum this is absolutely broken with friends and is very good solo since we can throw potions on ourselves and drink them healing 60 HP with greater healing potions this is a very important item for our survivability in the mountain pass is the GI Yankee Crush home to the next boss World War Gaz we stealth past everyone and make it safely to his Chambers now he has a very deadly legendary action for Lone Wolf and we can probably beat him oneon-one but I'm not going to risk it in case you're wondering his legendary action has him summon swords in retaliation every turn these swords can threaten us giving us disadvantage on our hits and can overwhelm us so it's best if we avoid it alt together instead we're going to kill him with a cat curiosity killed the gith Yanke and we're able to pull Ward wargas away from his guard and over to this nearby cliff and shove him in with a 99% chance okay plan B just throw him in thank goodness we work backwards and proceed to kill his guard that were left in the room our damage output as you can see is really good for this stage in the game and is only going to get stronger once we reach level eight and multiclass into an assassin an added bonus of being a gloomstalker is every time we reinitiate a combat we can get an extra empowered attack really helping with our Hit and Run play style and it's only going to get stronger when we reach level eight in multiclass into an assassin after killing everyone to get the Yankee Queen vath appears and wants us to travel into the astropol to defeat blah blah blah spoilers you don't get any XP for doing it you do get XP for killing all the gith Yankee and I do mean all the gith Yankee [Music] you [Music] okay that's all of them we get a bunch of XP from my troubles and two parasites which we use to get called the weak allowing us to execute low HP enemies ability drain was a close second pick since our boat uses dexterity we can basically use it to lower enemy's Armor class over time but we'll get it soon enough we visit our old friends and the enter Outpost to top off our XP and get level six before the last bosses damn I should have probably grabbed those first whatever we get enough level six doesn't give us much but we'll grab the fire resistance considering where we're headed now the adamantine Forge one more unused familiar shape to use is the bird so let's try it out we use our bird familiar to hit the lever and valve to unleash the defender of the forge Grim usually there's a cut scene here showing our character paralyzed in fear but we just so happen to be up top still so Grim kind of just gets mad at the air I've killed Grim many ways but haven't done it this way yet and it's by far the easiest you'll want to just sit on top of the platform and pepper Grim with arrows from afar he's resistant to piercing so it'll take a while but it'll get it done you'll also cool down after time so be sure to shimmy yourself so that Grim walks back into the lava he has a legendary action that does AOE damage by wouldn't worry about it just shoot him till he dies it's the general strategy that tends to work I'll spare you the compilation but do know it was 57 arrows we drink a feather file potion and jump down to claim our prize the adamantine plate and shield both of which we'll be wearing for a fair portion of the game here's our current load out and stats but we're not quite done yet our last weapon before fighting the last boss is back at the gith Yankee Crush in the mountain pass there's a puzzle that requires four unique weapons to be placed on their pedestals giving us the dawn Master crust returning to the room with w war Gaz a secret passage exists on the left and after using the dawn Master Crest on this platform the blood of La ther is ours this will be fantastic for act two and you'll see why in a second now back to Grim Forge we free near from a cave with a smoke powder barrel and move to intercept he has a legendary action giving him immunity from all physical damage and doing retaliatory damage instead there's a very simple method to bypass this shoot him dead before he gets a shot he'll use it after the second hit assuming you surprised him but keep in mind it only gives him protection against budging slashing and piercing nobody said anything about radiant yep the blood of the ther lets us shoot laser beams letting us one round near before he even gets a we finish up all the dagger around the room and in doing so free the Deep gnomes that were held in captivity they all returned to the mikid camp where Thula the one who gave us our boots of speed is delighted despite all the murdering we did we managed to pull off a good deed let's just hope Karma doesn't come back to bite me in act two oh you got to be kidding me well this runs dead say goodbye to it that's all you're getting what I'm wearing metal oh I'm wearing the cell metal well here's the slow trickle I guess I can always just disengage but it's annoying
Channel: Pheeon
Views: 150,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, BG3 Lonewolf, BG3 Tactician
Id: zfG0RAi9mb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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