Baldur's Gate 3 Randomizer makes me want to cry.

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welcome to one of the most unhinged playthroughs of Boulder's Gate randomizer if you're interested in seeing pure unadulterated chaos you've come to the right place on today's tactician mode run we're running two mods the combat and item randomizer which if you don't get the gist already you'll soon learn if you want to play along at home I'll put the links to the mods in the description and do not play on honor mode trust me for the fun of it let's roll for our starting character Landing us on a drought cleric and I don't see a better God to pick than the goddess of luck Tamora we'll need it our appearance will also be randomized and I think I'm quite happy with our looks a random name and we're ready for the road we get a taste of our random item mod a pretty Tiara to Adorn our heads with our soaring intellect of nine this is a pretty good first item but the random item mod is only a sideshow to the combat randomizer let's see how our first combat with LEL goes oh what the hell is is that why is just a steel Watcher Titan of course just a casual 369 HP Menace the Imp are unchanged either each having a random buff I send LEL in to take out the imps and tank as best as she could while I valiantly run away laselle doesn't exactly live long but it was enough time for me to run away and take out the last imp fortunately for us this hulking monstrosity is too big to get to me which leaves us with an exciting game plan 14 rounds of sacred flame not the start I was expecting but we do get a little bonus this boss actually drops the legendary item the g yep all drops are randomized but still ring of poison resistance is something let's see what our Second Battle has in store for us well that's a very large Earth Elemental and zal is a 1 HP illusionary double the game taketh and the game giveth an easy zel kill instead of a cool flaming sword zel has a bunch of random stuff which we take before getting off this forsaken thing we don't need to take every fight they'll be trying to do the ones with lots of enemies for more chaos before anything we want level two since storm cleric has one of the best Channel divinities allowing us to do maximum damage with our lightning or thunder spells before I forget let's actually equip this armor that we picked up now we look Regal let's head up the back door of this ruins and see if we can't loot the random Treasures within an old classic Strat like to do is to barricade the Dory with this chest blocking all the en enemies except this time around a shrunken enemy is small enough to jump through and uh anyways second attempt we get a more reasonable array of enemies and the game gives us a spell M's acid Arrow which seems to have infinite cast and is better than anything I can do this enemy has a cool lamp which I want so we command him to drop it and take them out after the miket among them has a random bundle of items but the one we're interested in is this amulet normally we don't get early access to this quest line but it's pretty funny take me home well his home is in act three so we'll be denying his quest though his amulet gives us a free shatter cast a blessing for a storm cleric time to head to the emerald Grove the combat if you can believe it is chaotic L here cast web on Sak anev who's here apparently and come my turn I make the realization that I have transformed into sanv well I've got got two dash actions and a powerful attack I can't use but I have a bajillion HP armor class and stats and a cool sword which I'll attempt to save for later with our fortunate transformation the fight isn't a threat but it's a showcase to some of the enemy modifiers like leeching which is pretty broken consistent AOE heals every turn there's also a teeny a crug still as deadly as ever fortunately we deal with them easily enough and revert to our original forms and the game took my sword away from me great well let's head into to town and check out the shopkeepers their inventories are also randomized but in our case they still had a whole load of Nothing Even Damon and Auntie Ethel didn't have much well let's head to the next area the randomizer only works when combat starts so assassination tactics do work which is powerful with our Channel Divinity I won't do this a lot since it's fun to see the chaos of combats in here we get the bracing band which I don't think will prove very useful but it's better than nothing let's go kill an Al bear and a say albear but what I mean is a half-eaten gnome her cub transformed into something with even more HP but fortunately this fight has a scripted ending a the albear Cub looks so distraught right now our collection grows I won't go over every item or we'll be here all day so feel free to pause as we progress to the goblin Camp our dry Heritage shows itself to be quite helpful though it's no fun to avoid the fights quick get him it's becoming very very apparent that our solo playthrough is going to be reliant on luck so we'll be picking up a party soon to even the odds until then lump is looking a little different than normal and M's here to help sorry guys lumps weapon looks fancy so we'll have him drop it after killing him on his corpse is a mace which is better than the moon Lantern we've been using and it's better than the legendary item we picked up how because the game tug it from me again H well let's assemble the party Shadow heart aarion and carlac will do some of the more chaotic characters let's level Them Up Normally for now and divy up our random garbage let's head just up the road for carlac Quest some so-called paladins of tear here to collect carlac head the guard outside turns into an ice staff wielding demon and the Man In Charge turns into a widow Goblin the demon proves quite the challenge tons of AC and health and a top it off carlac gets scent outside off the cliff K it's go time his tactics do give me an idea though right back at you demon some more random items for the collection well then how about some hyenas most of them are harboring nles inside of them though this one seemed to have a dry half health and it seems I was harboring my own Trojan revealing that I was Cash Guard talm the whole time who can't hit the broadside of a barn but our tenacity prevails just up the road is another combat for us to roll and wouldn't you do it my Frontline tank is transformed into an 8 HP citizen well she'll be sitting in the back while I deal with this our Channel Divinity is still amazing with shatter and will only get better there's a n with the volatile modifier I wonder what that does ah it looks like it destroys me well in Li of better options a Starion can tank better him than anyone else what I didn't expect was the extra damage to also add two death save fails so Starion actually dies H well farming inspiration I guess I have a feeling this won't be the last time this null seems more volatile than I thought with a detonation impending the explosion rattles our bones but somehow we're fine let's see how well the combat up the road fares the answer is not really not very good we rolled into a raid boss an Unstoppable 222 HP raid boss which basically gives us three turns to kill it or we die at this stage it's a little above our pay grade with AOE fear bleeding so take two fln actually doesn't polymorph this time instead just becoming ginormous but this lets us do dialogue to influence his worm against his fellow creatures and it's a good thing too I don't quite know what's going on but I'm glad it's not happening to me though besides his first turn Flynn doesn't actually do a whole lot getting crushed by his own fist tankerion once again does his job and we finish what was a relatively tame randomizer compared to what to come you should search that corse carlac our chief negotiator manages to talk our way into getting a chest with unknown valuables inside it for those who don't know this thing holds a tool of unlimited power the Subscribe button which compels you to click it alongside it is a mysterious flask which normally contains a spectator but don't forget this is randomizer so all it has is a random flaming fist Soldier moving on let's head to the swamp and visit good old Auntie Ethel now there's a reason boss fights won't be the highlight of this run they're susceptible to randomizers as anything so aune gets turned into an 18hp necrite allowing us for a nice and easy one round kill while we don't get our blessing this way she carried something much stronger the armor of persistence giving us a bajillion AC damage reduction and damage resistance carlac is no longer the tank I am and when I get level four I'll become even tankier we rescue a nearby counselor for a very easy Quest reward there's some good stuff here but the Silence of the suser great sword will be sure to come in handy when any enemy can cast level five spells speaking of level four let's get it quickly in what better way than another boss fight the spider matriarch though to even get there we'll need to defeat a mind flare it doesn't seem to have any mind flare abilities thankfully so we can finish this combat with our limbs mostly intact thanks tankerion let's see what the boss fight has in store this p matriarch does transform into an 8hp halfling but something I kind of expected happens her hatching the eggs around the arena and a surprise bundle of randomises birthed into the world fortunately no endgame bosses I sadly used my action to start combat so I don't have a Thunder Wave available hopefully we can live without it oh also Shadow heart's a war so we'll be without healing this fight remember those level five spells yeah we've got a problem luckily tank Starion does his job our Thunder Wave manages to put in some work and we kill the Spider Queen matriarch preventing any more waves from spawning theion is dead and everyone is low besides me but that's all we need a giant pit is at the center of the room and Thunder Wave is a great spell carlac dies but one more Thunder Wave does the job level four is all around so it's time for some fun I'll be leaning into my heavy armor grabbing a feat making me even tankier Shadow heart is plenty wise so she can have some fun on monk Aion can dual wield to his heart's content and Carla can dual hand to her heart's content now before I forget I should actually loot dti's room which has a half decent flail this one can change Elemental damage which is good since enemies will have random resistances at times let's go stir the Hornet's Nest of Randomness by clearing out the goblin camp we can clear it from the inside thanks to our Dr Heritage you one of those moonrise types thing naturally we'll start with the one in front princess gut I happen to have her Shield which gives me some bonuses while branded so let's get branded true Soul gut takes this time to transform into an elf we can't take her out swiftly so here comes the Goon Squad survival is over Theo Falls against our combined Force though there's a lot of potentially deadly things in here spiritual weapons are very nice for tanking though alongside carlac something I didn't calculate for was bomb but we do survive it and go on to sweep the relatively tame randomizations let's reap our rewards and head to bed we did get absolutely hammered after that one Dr Raglin is relatively unchanged though he's guarded by the most fearsome creature out there the fight was actually going pretty well at first though poor positioning led me to losing my healbot not far into combat this one just got a whole lot trickier the rest of the part is comprised of three tanks so we can hopefully endure it we ourselves are still a cleric and can keep everyone topped off the deadliest enemy here took a lot of beating but we got through to him and in a purely blessed turn of Fate draw Raglin places himself on the only destructible Bridge around that just leaves Menara Who Dares think she can be prettier than me the thought causes me to become a manifestation of tyranny and promptly stay out of combat just a nice simple combat while we head to somewhere completely Godless I didn't know it at first but this combat at the goblin Outpost would be the deadliest yet for one thing draw Ragan's back guess he clawed his way out of the pit he's Allied to a rogue projection of the Mage loroan here's hoping we don't have another Dethrone incident oh and Shadow heart's a tling citizen to the back you go combat progresses as smoothly as possible given the circumstances but Lan flips the script permitting passage for justiciar Avenger to enter the fry he luckily fails to banish aarion but I know there's a problem when it proceeds to then also Dash over to shadart and then cast Firebolt before additionally attacking her oh and Loro can also cast a level five destructive wave H well we can deal with the two bozos over here easily enough but this new Challenger is going to pose an issue let's see what they do on their turn just going to attack 1 2 3 4 five 6 7even eight times oh boy we may have a big problem I do have a plan though I send a St on the tank and watch in horror as the Beast Cleaves through everyone and it still had an action surge it could have attacked 16 times if it wanted but it has left itself in a prime position this is my only chance I haste over for the movement speed and extra action to Thunder Wave this monster into the river below well that hurt Shut Up And Take My Money Withers an unfortunate side effect of this Shadow heart is now permanently an 8 HP T fling with no abilities sorry Shadow heart fans your girl is no more we'll have to replace her with the next best thing meet Zenith our new celite cleric let's just give you all of Shadow heart's things there we go good as new now then let's fight some GI yane on our way to the mountain pass not too many changes this time around and I'm a phase spider matriarch which is kind of strong if you didn't know she can get an additional attack plus two strength and resistance for free for an entire long rest I won't be able to capitalize on it but it even last after combat's over thanks to our spider transformation the outcome of the fight was never really in question and thanks to tank aerin skills as a damage sponge were able to nibble our way into the mountain pass we could head straight to act two from here but it would be a shame not to stop by the crush we pick up level five beforehand and head into the last leg of our journey our relations with the gith yanki sour as their once revered KRA transforms into an undead nurse tank Stan once again does everything in his power to get hit by everything but it's thanks to to his efforts that we can fight Inquisitor ward wargas in his chamber and by w wargas i of course mean Bellar and his assistant Auntie Ethel queen of tempests this first try did not go so well a devastating Thunder Wave destroys our HP and to top it all off I got turned into a piece of cheese which can't be healed so we did have to give it another go and then this time around World War Gaz is a blazing gnome accompanied by a sheep and a relatively normal GI Yankee guard we got a pretty new Lightning Spell for our collection which chunks war war Gaz who manages to get Hellfire absolutely everywhere frankly I'm more worried about this sheep whose presence alone is a psychologic strain on our party after combat vth shows up unaffected by a randomizer curse we won't stay long though one more boss fights are round things off I think most players will agree these Undead just outside have caused a bit of trouble well how do you like them now there's four bosses in this combat there's Thor Orin Menara and me true so gut she has an interesting bonus action which allows us to pull an enemy or object closer which funnily enough works for us Shing we use this to pick out the death Shepherd who would otherwise be a big annoyance constantly resurrecting Undead they're still the issue of all the other enemies iiz the fact that they're all so fat bottling them up in this narrow choke setting tank ston to stall them did I say four bosses there's a fifth if you count them the Mystic Carion who I completely neglected until he started ravaging my backline it's not so much that he does a lot of damage but with this much health and resistance he'll be a permanent Thorn we've still got the rest walled more reasonably with carlac so addressing the carry in would be our first priority especially since he just had to be the other death Shepherd tank Starion is down so we really need to address this I pull carlac off the wall since she does the most damage out of everyone right now with some good hits and a lucky crit we get him low and finish him next turn though something I neglected realized was the other death Shepherd could revive him too wisely this time we kill them back to back letting us finally start shipping at our blockade at this point the action economy is swung in our favor and with isal lacking any ninth level run ending spells we eventually chip him down to zero there's an elith parasite in that corse sure enough men's corpse had a free tadpole for us and I don't know what it is but I feel different than normal well there's nothing left to do here let's head into to for next time are you the true Soul thanks for watching till the end let me know in the comments if you want to see more of this run as Princess gut takes on the Agents of the absolute
Channel: Pheeon
Views: 231,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, BG3 Lonewolf, BG3 Tactician
Id: lKpB1YK3yuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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