Baldur's Gate 3 - Why you should let THIS GUY torture you

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so in Baldur's Cape 3 when you're running around exploring the Ancient goblin-infested Temple of selune you can encounter an NPC with a pretty interesting hobby abdarak now abdarak was brought in by The Cult of the absolute because of his penchant for torture specifically masochistic torture because he's a priest of levitar the goddess of pain and so when you hit him up he'll tell you that he can offer a special relief treatment to rid you of your pain and so this is where a lot of newcomers to Baldur's Gate 3 will decline sometimes by sword but I'm here to tell you today that you actually should let abdurek give you a good spanking if you accept all you have to do is face the wall with a bunch of blood next to it and so abdarak will start smacking you with his mace the pain you suffer will cleanse you do not fight it you claim to want more but I feel you flinching deal one don't wear him out entirely priest I might have use for him yet now normally you'll have to succeed with three dialogue checks to make it through the treatment and if you fail any of these you won't get the reward at the end of the treatment also remember if you pick the Constitution check you won't get the reward either come now child do not hold it in Sweet Child while I enjoyed that I'm afraid your reaction was lacking to gain vieta's favor every single strike must be met with an honest cry of pain or perhaps a touch of baking now some classes get special dialogue here like The Bard where you can pick some pretty hilarious dialogue options that lets you pass the treatment with ease your voice sounds so sweet dear one keep going pain is proof that we live Revel in it that's it till one Let's Love you are doing so well do not give in now Let The Sting off wash away your pain Sweet Child you bore the pain like a True Believer I am proud to have served you this penance finally when you successfully make it through abdirect's treatment you'll receive the blessing Called loviator's Love now levitar's love is a permanent buff for the character that underwent the treatment and whenever you reach 30 hit points or less you gain a plus two to your attack rolls and wisdom saving roles for three rounds and this happens every time you reach 30 health for the rest of the game all you need to do is take a long rest to refresh it unfortunately this treatment is only available to one character so you can't have any companions undertake it after one of your characters already have done it a most invigorating session but even as the soul sings the flesh fades so it is with the ladies embraced in any case when you encounter abdarak remember to let him give you a good whipping or don't it's entirely up to you and that's it for this video thank you to my wonderful landsman Squad members for supporting the channel and as always have a great day Mr Alton signing out
Channel: MrHulthen
Views: 86,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, loviatar, loviatar's blessing, loviatar's love, baldur's gate 3 abdirak
Id: cO9kemTOk1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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