Baldur's Gate 3 - 17 More AMAZING Mods you NEED to try

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have you ever thought to yourself hey I bet it'd be pretty cool to play as a cambion in balers Gate 3 well today's your lucky day my friend because today I'll be giving you a list of mods to improve your current or next playthrough of bg3 and one of these mods actually do add the option to play as a new tling subrace that of the cambian and the mod in question is aptly named half demon now since this is a mod you might be thinking to yourself oh so you get a pair of wings alongside a few new sets of that's pretty cool I guess but wait the cambian subra ain't just for show the wings of which there are four variations of all provide you with the ability to fly no pesky tadpoles needed fly is not just a powerful ability to use in combat but it's such a cool quality of life ability as well as it opens up exploration in act 1 and two and just makes everything less of a headache now you'd be forgiven if you thought that this was all there was to the cambian sub sub race but if you needed another reason to get this mod then well cambian get a new spell or passive for each level you gain an example here is the devil's packed spell which you gain at level two which allows you to summon a devil concubine of sorts that can help you out and battle and in later levels you unlock some very well extremely cool abilities which I won't be spoiling for you here now to transform your tab or dark urge into the ultimate Dy devil mommy you could always get yourself strong female heads which as the name implies adds two additional faces for female characters with a strong body type and if you enjoyed the orange haod from the last video but if you wanted more variations to the long braid hairstyle then you should definitely check out shiari waluigi's NPC hair edits which adds a variety of new hairstyles with a focus on long braids now to really bring out the wow big lady in your fellow funan make sure you get both loar's Claws and sher's embrace these two mods provides you with a pair of high heels and a bodysuit that actually evolves and grows stronger as you play the game providing you with a new feature to play around levar's claws are given to you by abdar the latar priest by successfully enduring his little massage that's it do one let's l lar herself found your performance inspiring she has deemed you worthy of her blessing and the claws themselves provide you with three new passives and one cantrip with the cantrip being sort of a taunt to make enemies attack you and the walk in pain and remodeled frame passives both gives you advantages and disadvantages on different stats just to make it a little bit more balanced pain mirror is an ability that damages all enemies in 15 meters whenever you take damage and your enemies fail a wisdom saving throw making these boots incredibly powerful for tanky characters sh's Embrace can be found on the spider matriarch below the blighted village in act one and the armor is especially powerful for Charisma builds as you get a bonus AC modifier depending on your charisma level to make this Living Armor a bit more balanced you have to succeed progressively more difficult Constitution saving throws each round and if you fail your character gets uh overstimulated for one round and in it enough sitting around let's [Music] go and finally to really put the cherry on top of this ridiculously seductive tab you should really get yourself Scarlet warlock multicolored eldrich blast and as the name suggest this mod provides with six differently colored versions of the eldrich blast and some of them even have a separate sound and [Applause] animation hey by the way remember to like the video if you're enjoying it it helps a lot thanks all right so moving on from the war Centric mods one mod that I can hardly recommend for basically everyone is the one and only was character movement W ASD or was for short simply lets you break free from the bonds of clicking your way through Fon and instead the mod allows you to run around with your keyboard instead just like any other third person game on PC however if you want to hop back to default controls all you have to do is to press caps lock and you're back to the good old click to move controls there's really no need need in explaining this mod more than that but I just had to put this on this list because I absolutely love it now two mods that might be slightly overpowered but really cool nonetheless are the armor of Vengeance and the holy armor of saloon mods and both of these mods adds two entire new sets for you to find around fairo the holy armor of saloon especially is an armor set many people were hoping to see in the base game but alas we've had to look to the modding Community for this one as I mentioned both of these armors include their weapons can be ever so slightly overpowered early game especially if you manage to unlock the legendary versions of them which is pretty easy to do in any case if you want to roleplay as an absurdly powerful holy Warrior both of these sets provide you with the means to do so as we're still talking about equipment one mod that I'm really liking so far is the Rings expanded mod which adds a collection of 43 new rings to the game all of which can be found all over the different Maps these rings can do simp things like increasing some of your stats or granting you temporary passives or spells and I definitely feel like this mod is worth having since the Rings are all lore friendly and not too strong while still providing you with new options for optimizing your character now in my last video I listed the black d mod and if you're a fan of having some color in your life then you should definitely get infinite Dice and divine colors Divine colors provide some pretty cool new color combinations and I'm a pretty big fan of the blood Baron diey which gives you this cool black and red color combination and yes all the colors are named after Witcher characters so that's pretty cool as well if you're a Witcher faning okay so at this point you might be filling up your inventory with too many things weighing you down and so make sure to get the bag of holding mod ah yes the bag of holding it's another one of those classic items people were hoping to see in the base game but hey at least we got a mod for it bag of holding simply houses its own little pocket Dimension and allows you to store an infinite amount of items inside it while also decreasing the weight of all items held inside and that's all there is to it it's a great little mod that does so much for your sanity and you know what you'll be needing the bag of holding because the next mod you got to check out is jwl drop all the loot which makes sure that NPCs actually drop all the items that they carry in their inventory when you kill them because as we all know most NPCs including vendors don't drop all their items when killed including their gold and so this mod fixes that so hey happy looting now to some minor Quality of Life mods here damage preview is a really valuable mod that allows you to well preview various elements regarding your attacks before casting this might seem as Overkill to many but if you wanted some more detailed info during combat then here you go overexplained interaction options shows all the information you need regarding dialogue options like showing what dice rolls you'll need for the following choice and if your companions will approve or disapprove of your choice so this mod is incredibly useful to have if you want to make sure that you don't accidentally piss Lil off again and ruin your chances of getting some giy action for that culation speedrun you're planning and to finish this video off with a bang you really really need to check out the artificer class mod this mod as you can probably tell unlocks a completely new class with it own sub classes now I'll probably have to make a separate video to go through this class in its entirety but in rough terms the artificier is a sort of engineer type class that allows you to craft different things to use in combat The Alchemist subass for example allows you to brew a potion that provides you with a random spell effect with the strength of the effect depending on the spell slot used the battlesmith subass allows you to summon a robot minion to help you in battle and the artillerist lets you summon stationary eldrich cannons to fire upon your enemies artificers even have a spell that can conjure some very useful things like thieves tools or trap disarmament tools which makes the artificer just a really useful class overall as mentioned I'll probably have to dive into the class in its own separate video if it's something you guys would be interested in but for now I've had a lot of fun with this class and I can absolutely recommend it and yeah that's it for today don't forget to subscribe if you enjoyed the video and have a great day I should go
Channel: MrHulthen
Views: 475,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3 mods, baldurs gate 3 mods, mods baldur's gate 3, mods baldurs gate, best mods baldur's gate 3, mr hulten, mrhulthen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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