Baldur's Gate 3 - 14 BEST Mods you NEED to try

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so by this point a lot of you guys might have finished Ballers Gate 3 and so you might be looking for ways to introduce some variation into your next playthrough or maybe you're just looking for some ways to spice up your current one so today I'll be giving you a list of mods that I've personally played with and that I enjoy immensely and so why not start with some appearance mods because let's be honest killing goblins in style is just the number one priority for most of us the first mod you need to check out is vemporin's other heads which gives you a new selection of faces for your tab and dark urge all of these are standalones so they won't be replacing any of your existing faces and so far I haven't encountered any bugs and other issues with animations so you probably won't have to worry about that now I have not counted the amount of heads you get but most of these are for female drow humans elves and tieflings and there are some male ones for deep links drow and elves as well now to make your perfect tab even more perfect I highly suggest you check out this Nail's hair collection and Alternate horn shapes for teeth links as you can make some pretty or well extremely hot people with all these three combined the alternate horn shapes even provides you with actual cambian and devil horns so your teethling will absolutely stand out in a crowd of NPCs however the creme de La Creme for me has to be the variant of Oren's hair mod as it gives you quite possibly the best female hairstyle in the game the long braid swooshes and swings properly when moving around and when engaging in cutscenes and if you're planning for a dark urge run then I can absolutely wholeheartedly recommend this one before we hop on to other mods to elevate your game You're Gonna Want to grab variant of The Barbarians outfit series clothes and aether's black dye especially if you're planning to play a female character with a slim body type you will then find all these items in one of the starter chests on the notoloid or if you have the gold you can always buy these from most vendors it would seem with the boots from Cirrus clothes and the variant Barbarian outfit I've managed to create the very first runway model in faerun and a bonus is that aether's black dye has unlimited uses and even if you don't run around with my specific setup here aether's black dye can make your armor and clothes look snazzy no matter what you're wearing hey by the way remember to like the video if you're enjoying it appreciate it thanks now you've probably noticed that I'm missing my UI for some reason and this is because I'm using aether's immersive UI and to be perfectly honest this is definitely one of my favorite mods ever all it does is that it makes your UI contextual as in when you're not using it the UI Fades away and all you're left with is the game World in all its Glory [Music] having the UI be contextual really does improve immersion a lot and by removing the noisiness of the UI from your screen it's even easier to find items because you're focused on the game world and not the UI speaking of UI you should definitely get better maps all in one as this mod not only improves your main map but your minimap as well in various ways like increasing your zooming distance and providing options for having a grid or no grid on your map another really cool set of mods that I really enjoy are dice mods like infernal dice sacral Dice and dark urge dice but my absolute favorite are the astral C dice as it just triggers that feel-good place in my brain whenever I roll with these dice this right here is my favorite thing ever in the history of forever I think about this every day I think about this all night long I stay awake not sleeping because I'm thinking about this there are tons of dice mods out there so make sure to take a long look over at Nexus mods for some sets that trigger that happy part in your brain jwl Soul smithing is another mod that really warms my heart as it provides you with a pretty awesome crafting mechanic where you use Soul coins to upgrade your gear this mod is especially useful if you found a weapon that you just absolutely love and that you don't want to just replace later on in the game say like the everburn blade or falara Louvre with the help of anvils of varying qualities that you can buy from specific vendors you can just drag and drop your item of choice together with some soul coins into the slots and voila your thing just got A plus one upgrade yeah speaking of vendor items remember to get yourself purchasable Camp clothes and underwear as this Nifty little mods allows you to buy well every Camp outfit in the game from vendors in act 1 and 2. yeah boy now one mod that's made my current playthrough much more enjoyable is the simply titled fast XP mod as you can probably guess this mod essentially improves your experience Again by having the amount of XP you need to get to max level but that's cheating hey you know shut up because this mod makes repeat playthroughs a blast since you can actually experiment much more with your builds and let's face it at the point where you're close to max level in the base game you're already running out of stuff to kill since at that point you'll also be close to the end game so this mod is absolutely great if you felt that leveling is just grueling in this game besides if you get too strong you can always turn on tactician mode to get more of a challenge okay so you might have heard that larion went and fixed the one and only dummy Mommy and then thara in our recent patch and so you might be interested in recruiting her this time around however in the base game you currently have to either side with mintara in act 1 and Slaughter the thief links or abandon the tiefling vs gobble plotline in act 1 entirely to recruit her and if you decide to skip this conflict the tieflings will end up dying meaning that there is no way to not be a colossal douchebag if you're intent on recruiting menthara however if you install daughter of loaf good recruitment you'll be able to bypass this problematic outcome entirely to trigger this mod after installing it all you have to do is beat mintara during the raid or in the goblin Camp whereby she will flee in a puff of smoke upon beating her oh you will then find her at moonrise Tower and just like in a regular evil playthrough you'll be able to rescue her and recruit her and because of this mod you get to keep your status of being goody two shoes number one I expected to be greeted as a hero but the riches imprisoned me and tried to tear my mind apart I didn't think anyone would come for me I highly suggest getting this mod especially after larion fixed the bug that caused it to be locked out of lots of menthora related content and I myself definitely looking forward to spending more time with her in my party from now on and if you were doubtful on whether you should recruit menthora or not here are some good examples of why you absolutely should because she has some really good dialogue scenes he is exceedingly self-righteous amusing considering he bound himself to a devil I have never known anyone so ferocious and unassailable in battle and yet so fragile and impermanent in their very being I often think of mortality as a curse in time all that I am and all that I have known and learned will be lost in time our cities will be dust does not seem to have such anxiety exists in the moment and she will burn out and be gone in a moment there is something very beautiful and that's it remember to subscribe to the channel if you like this little mod video thank you for watching and have a great day Mr open signing out
Channel: MrHulthen
Views: 681,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3 mods, baldurs gate 3 mods, mods baldur's gate 3, mods baldurs gate, best mods baldur's gate 3, mr hulten, mrhulthen
Id: z_paSWX8OQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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