Baldur's Gate 3 - More of the BEST Mods You NEED To Try

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so I heard you guys like T Lings so today's list of mods for balers Skate 3 begins with astral tling compendium this mod adds a total of nine Yes you heard that right nine tling subraces to bg3 and just to make this mod just a tad more alluring in terms of immersion six of the subraces hail from renowned Arch devils in the Forgotten Realms that being Bible despot Fiera glacia levistus and Mammon then we have the variant links that doesn't have any particular lineage and the last two that of the nightborne tlinks and the f are both Homebrew subraces but they still fit in with the Forgotten Realms lore now what's really cool with this mod is that all the subraces come with their own racial abilities as well as different versions of a new tlink claw ability which lets you swipe at enemies and melee range and it actually does a good deal of damage the Bible tling for example has access to corrupting claws which does two additional necrotic damage on hit choosing the Bible tling also gives gives you access to the Bone chill canant trip then Ray of sickness at level three and Crown of Madness at level five if you want to check out the racials for the other subraces then take a look over at the mod page and just so you know I always add the showcased mods in the description so you don't manually have to go look them up just so you know now while we're on the topic of adding some more DND D 5 ingredients into your game you should definitely check out Feats expanded Feats expanded adds a total of 12 new Feats to your game these Feats all come from the official Rule books Tasha's cauldron of everything and Fs Bon's treasury of dragons so you can add this mob without having to worry about it messing with the 5D experience I haven't tried out all the Feats just yet but metamagic adapt and eldrich adapt just feels like such great feats for both Sorcerers and warlocks respectively and the piercer feet feels like a great option for dagger builds such as thieves or assassins now if you're about to start a new playthrough for the eenth time I highly recommend that you check out additional enemies more encounters than fights and well the mod does what it says it adds a bunch of new encounters to the game in order to provide some more replay value and to give some extra Challenge and I honestly wasn't prepared to fight multiple mind flares just after the Noid crash which was actually a pleasant surprise best be on my way team some of the fights might be cakewalks and some will prove a little more difficult but overall I just love having more enemies to defeat on my journey to Baler skate besides it's nice to have this mod installed if you want some extra XP but without installing an XP mod the additional encounters are only in act one for now but the mod author has stated that he intends to add extra encounters for act two and three in the future so stay tuned for that oh hey by the way if you're enjoying the video so far then I'd appreciate it if you doed the like button right there thanks okay so you might have noticed by now that I'm running around with a big flesh Golem at my side and this here is Buddy hi now buddy isn't supposed to be here at least not this early on in the game because you see buddy can only be summoned if you have the legendary Merkel scythe and Merkel Scythe can only be obtained from this here fella in act three but for the purpose of this video I decided to get around that so I could show off this magnificent weapon for you guys and yes you may have already guessed it but Merkel Scythe is a mod now the Scythe essentially unlocks the full power of all you necromancers out there and aside from just being an all-around powerful weapon to use in melee range buddy the flesh Golem can sacrifice some of his health to Grant you greater necromancy which lets you cast the strongest necro abilities in the game oh and let's not forget about the passive buff you get by equipping the Scythe which adds your proficiency bonus as necrotic damage whenever you cast a spell or cantrip so yeah it's a little powerful but again to organically obtain this weapon you need to make it to act three but there is a version of The Mod that lets you bypass that if you want to role play as that one overpowered Necromancer that Merkel somehow forgot about while we're still on the subject of skulls and bones I can highly recommend getting the skeleton key which is a mod that provides you with an action that unlocks basically any lock in the game to be completely honest after playing balers Gate 3 so much I got to say that rolling for a chance to open a locked door or chest got really really old really really fast and this mod simply allows you to skip the additional headache of having to save scum just because you couldn't open a damn chest another mod that's excellent at getting rid of of headaches is permanent speak to animals which simply removes the necessity of having to recast speak to animals after each long rest so now speak to animals becomes a permanent buff that only disappears if you switch to a class that does not have the spell or if you remove the spell Source oh whoops whoopsie have you ever thought to yourself oh hey look my companions are stuck again and I've ran to the opposite side of the map already that's just neat I guess I'll just have to manually guide them back to me as much as I love laran for adding patch after patch the fact that your companions have a tendency to revert to caveman intellect as soon as you encounter a small Gap you have to jump over is probably the biggest headache of this [Music] game so you know what it activate the teleport party spell no matter where you're located in the game this Nifty little spell allows you to just teleport everyone to you you can of course use this for all of your companions as well so it's not just for tab to use all right so if you're one of the many people that were hoping for some snazzier outfits in balers Skate 3 but fil kind of let down that a lot of the Caster outfits just kind of look the same well then I got two mods for you right here more Mage gear and basket full of equipment both provides you with tons of new clothes and outfits to quite frankly create the tab of your dreams more Mage gear is specifically made for magic users and these armors are all variations of vanilla equipment there's even a version of gort's outfit that just fits perfectly for one Gale of Water Deep now that's one cool looking container for a weapon of mass destruction I got to tell you of course you can dye these armors in any color you want but don't forget about the basket basket full of equipment is an older mod but it's still excellent and contains over a thousand items ranging from armors boots gloves Dice and more none of these items are terribly overpowered as well so it's essentially just a giant wardrobe now as a perfect combination with more Mage gear and the basket I highly suggest you get the transmog enhanced mod as this will provide you with two items one that has the ability to transmar the appearance of any item mod items included and if you want to restore an item to its original form you can use the recet appearance item like so it's a super simple mod one that I'll be using until larion decides to add an actual transmog system to the game and to finish this video off I know some of you have been wondering about that hairstyle my Tav is using and so go get yourself the ultimate hairstyle for any Adventurer out there that being the Lara coft hairstyle mod and as a side note yes this ponytail has all the hair physics you've come to expect of the vanilla hairstyles and I applaud the mod creator for the effort put into making this really excellent hairstyle mod all right that's it for today remember to subscribe if you enjoyed the video and as always have a great day I should go
Channel: MrHulthen
Views: 149,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3 mods, baldurs gate 3 mods, mods baldur's gate 3, mods baldurs gate, best mods baldur's gate 3, mr hulten, mrhulthen
Id: RhTPVm6wisE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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