Baldur's Gate 3: War Cleric & Beast Master multiclass build

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this multi-class build combines War cleric 7 with Beastmaster Ranger 5 and is absolutely incredible to play up to three attacks per turn are at my disposal while Spirit Guardians damages everything that gets close this alone is amazing already but when you add a total of up to four summons to this then it gets really insane considering they are all able to soak up some hits deal extra damage and provide a variety of useful effects now let's dive into the build creation as always in my build I leave rays and background to personal preference they usually do not matter a lot and without focusing on these two minor aspects the build is more easily applied to both custom characters and existing companions I start with cleric and the first thing to pick are three can trips for maturity isn't something I personally use so far as other can trips always seem to provide more value including dialogue boosts where this is meant to shine sacred flame is a clear pick it's good damage at range that doesn't cost the spell slot and top of that it does not require any attack rolls but a saving throw instead so it excels against anything with low dexterity in particular guidance is another clear pick for me ability checks play such an important role in the game whether that is doing dialogue or activities like lock picking the lack of ability restriction makes it incredible versatile as well resistance can be useful in very specific situations but I personally do not recommend it only one concentration spell can be active at any time and there are much better options available light is another can trip I do not recommend while darkness is something important to tackle in order to avoid penalties on attack rolls for example there are other options for that blade war on the other hand is a solid pick for the third can trip its protection lasts for more than one turn and it doesn't require any concentration reduce flame is otherwise also a solid pick not only allows it to generate a light source out of nowhere the flame that is created it can also be thrown for damage or to ignite things like smoke powder barrels it's a matter of preference to pick blade water or produce flame here as a third can trip whatever isn't picked will still get added a couple of levels later there are several amazing options to pick a subclass depending on the desired play style for this particular build which is more melee and weapon damage Focus I'm going with war Clary War cleric adds two spells to my Arsenal these spells do not have to be prepared by choosing them as part of my Spellbook they are available all the time the first one is divine favor early on this can be a great option it gives me an opportunity to make efficient use of my bonus action and the effect lasts for multiple turns it does require concentration though so it will later have to make room for other spells in many instances the second spell is Shield of Fate while it says this is a better version of the spell that all clerics get access to the only difference here is that it does not require any Spellbook slot it simply is always prepared depending on the fight this can be a good alternative to Divine favor as it increases my survivability and is less spell slot costly by lasting until long rest rather than just three turns the most important part of War cleric at this level is war priest though at level 1 I received three warp press charges that replenish with a long rest each chart can be used to use my bonus action for another attack whenever I attack with my weapon already the permanent attack from Barbarian Paladin fighter or Ranger is obviously much better but neither of them gets this before level 5 which makes this situational bonus attack from war cleric so powerful especially early on noteworthy as well is the fact that the regular extra attack from the classes mentioned earlier does not stack whereas the situational bonus attack from war cleric can be combined with them allowing for up to three attacks in one turn as early as level 6. as a war cleric there are two main abilities wisdom and strength wisdom is needed for spell casting and synergizes with the ranger here who also uses wisdom for spell casting strength is needed for melee attacks both of these I do raise to 16 to unlock a plus 3 bonus modifier right away next up is my Constitution this is important for my overall health pool but also for any Constitution saving throws which includes concentration ideally I almost always want to have a concentration spell active so I'm raising this to at least 14 here now the final ability points are somewhat flexible personally I like to push dexterity to 12 to increase my initiative as well as my armor class as long as I'm not using any heavy armor but either way here is more or less fine proficiencies can be chosen pretty much as her personal preference as well especially since they might be further affected by the chosen background at level 2 I pick another class right away and that is Ranger 1. all level apps come with an increase in health points this is true here as well even though it doesn't say so specifically due to branching out into a multi-class first to pick here then is favorite enemy boundary Honda grants Proficiency in investigation and punishes enemies with disadvantage on their saving throws if hit by engineering strike considering spells like sacred flame that require a saving throw rather than an attack roll this already opens up some synergies keeper of veil grants proficiency on Arcana and the spell protection from evil and good that spell I already know from Clark Rondo so this pick is not an option for me magebreaker also comes with Proficiency in Arcana and the truth strike spell on Top This is an absolute no-go for me too not only is true strike lackluster in general I also have guiding bolt already that allows for Advantage on the next attack while also dealing damage on top Ranger Knight gives Proficiency in history and armor Proficiency in heavy armor as a war cleric I already have the latter so this is another no-go here with Sanctified stalker grinding Proficiency in religion and then sacred flame as another spell I already know it joins a list of options that aren't viable for me here so the choice is Easy by picking Bounty Hunter next up is the selection for natural Explorer this team allows me to summon a familiar that can Aid me in a variety of ways depending on the choice of Familia while low in health this is still another body that can soak up some hits do a bit of damage and just in general distract enemies Urban tracker grants Proficiency in sleight of hand for this build that is not something I'm interested in the load dexterity alone makes this a bad choice for my main character to lockpick or disarm traps Wasteland Wanderer grants either resistance against cold fire or poison either of these are theoretically fine but they are situational my pick here is clearly Beast Tamer to unlock the fine familiar spell especially since that doesn't require any spell slots when cast at level 3 I stick with Ranger and can choose two new spells the first pick is ensnaring strike while it says ranged here the attack has arranged and a melee option due to the Bounty Hunter pick at the last level hitting enemies within snaring strike adds disadvantage to saving throws as an additional bonus effect if the target actually becomes ensnared this adds lots of other beneficial effects as well such as movement restriction extra damage or Advantage when attacking the creature this has to be used consciously though as it comes with a concentration effect and does caused a spell slot so it cannot be combined with other concentration spells my second pick is Halo Thorns it can deal damage to multiple enemies and even if I miss Thorns still explode to deal at least half the damage if the enemies succeed in their saving throws as a fighting style defends to increase Armor class by one is the only viable choice I play this build more than offensively so that my concentration spells provide as much value as possible the less I get hit the less likely it is for enemies to break my concentration at level 4 I pick Ranger 3. the first thing to choose here is another spell I suggest either speak with animals or enhance Lee the latter has a bit more potential to help you in combat as well so this is my personal pick here next up then is the Ranger subclass for this build Beastmaster is the right pick this grants the Rangers companion action which allows me to summon a beast to fight alongside me the range of available beasts allows for a bit of flexibility as well which can open up opportunities to leverage vulnerabilities of certain enemies at level 5 I continue the ranger path which adds some additional spell slots more importantly though I can choose my first feed the choice is between plus two strength or plus two wisdom either is fine at this stage and simply means the opposite Choice when the next feed comes around while both cleric and Ranger spells use wisdom as spell casting ability I personally go to 18 strings first the reason is that the limited spell slots available are partially meant for supporting skills that don't care about my wisdom modifier at level 6 I pick Ranger 5 which is another reason for choosing strength rather than wisdom as the first ability Improvement Ranger 5 unlocks a free extra attack without any cause and as such works well with the now plus 4 bonus modifier from strength I also get to pick another spell my personal choice here is dark vision since it can be cast outside of combat as well and lasts until the next long rest possibly providing value in more than just one situation last but not least at this level my Beast companion gets a major buff as well my plus 3 wisdom proficiency bonus now gets added to both its armor class and its damage roles granting me a much more powerful Ally the extra attack from Ranger and War cleric interfere with one another if taken in the wrong order until this gets patched somehow a respect at this level needs to be done simply pick the five Ranger levels first as described in this guide so far then add the initial War cleric 1 with the right choices afterwards because of this order the Ranger extra attack now gets triggered first allowing to choose afterwards whether or not the situational cleric extra attack also should get used at level 7 I go back to cleric this adds my first Divine charge including the turn on that spell as a second option to spend the Divine charge I also get guided strike this reaction gives me a high probability of being able to turn a Miss into a successful attack which can be invaluable in certain situations at level 8 I pick cleric 3 which unlocks cleric level 2 spells as War domain spells I get magic weapon and spiritual weapon both now always prepared spiritual weapon is the important thing here it adds another body to the board allows for flexible choice of damage type and can be cast before a fight if necessary requiring only a bonus action it also doesn't interfere with any regular melee attacks during battle in terms of prepared Spells at this level I definitely add 8 here this is another key part of the build with my familia my peace companion my spiritual weapon and my own character this already makes four targets that benefit from a boost in health it can also be upcast as higher spell slot levels are unlocked this grants even more HP for everyone at level 9 cleric 4 first allows me to pick another can trip as mentioned earlier in the video this is where I picked blade Ward after preferring produced flame as third can trip at cleric level 1. I also get another spell slot which actually is at level 3 already despite no level 3 spells being added yet this can still be utilized by upcasting a spell like aid though the choice of the additionally prepared spell here is up to personal preference I personally like to add blindness here as my next feed I now push wisdom to 18 as well considering it not only improves some of my damage spells and saving throws but also boosts the I'm a class and the damage of my Beast companion by another plus one at level 10 I keep boosting my cleric and get destroyed Undead as an improvement to my turn on that spell next to the radiant version of spirit Guardians this is very effective against any Undead Spirit Guardians is what gets unlocked at this level as a domain spell that is always prepared in many cases this is also the spell that is meant to be active as a concentration spell going forward when it comes to additional spell preparation I do add two of the newly unlocked level 3 spells first I add Mass healing word as an additional heal option to put my bonus actions to use and to spread healing across multiple targets the second pick is up to personal preference again animate that can give some opportunities to add even more bodies to the battlefield while speak with that is incredibly useful throughout the entire game in case it hasn't been unlocked in a different way yet saying that can also be a form of a panic button in a particular situation when an ally needs additional support personally though I pick anime add here at level 11 cleric 6 adds a second Divine charge and level 4 spell slot also I receive War God's blessing that now also allows me to spend Divine charges as a reaction to boost attack roles of others with no level 4 spells unlocked yet I personally picked feign death now usually I have other means of speaking to the dead at this point already at level 12 I get additional spell slots including one at level 5. also Stone skin and freedom of movement are added as domain spells that are always prepared Stone skin is usually less interesting but freedom of movement can be quite useful in certain situations when it comes to the final spell choice I pick guardian of Faith with adds even more summons to my Arsenal even unbuffed this can be quite powerful if placed properly the cleric plays a bit differently in a group setting but just to Showcase its potential I attack solo half a dozen walls at level 11 and 12 on tactician difficulty the wolves are further aided by a dozen Critters and two humans I entered the fight with my familiar my Beast companion and my spiritual weapon summoned and spirit Guardians active already several of the critters immediately die when failing their saving throws against Spirit Guardians after being damaged by Spirit Guardians as well one of the werewolves takes another hit from my wolf companion the Wolves clearly tried to stay away from my cleric due to the area effect my crap misses its Target and shadowhunt afterwards cannot move because she's afraid of wolves and failed her saving throw so I bring out guardian of Faith instead to take some hits and deal extra damage next up is my spiritual weapon dealing some nice damage on its own faith of Guardian immediately gets to work right after which obviously is related to the placement that I choose here this was meant to keep some of the Wolves back a bit even if only for one or two turns my crap tanked even more damage than which brings me back to my wolf who gets rid of the rat that kept staying outside of the spirit of guardian's range after faith of Guardian is going down it's time for mclaric to get back into the fight for Rio first spirit of God Guardian triggers and kills the remaining Critters then I run into the midst of the battle dealing even more damage before attacking I then killed one of the humans first do some additional damage to a werewolf and heal some of the damage to my entire group overall a pretty efficient turn spiritual weapon then brings down another enemy with a major hit while my own wolf companion is doing everything it can to sacrifice itself for me by keeping the majority of the door blocked after dealing some extra damage its time has come though leaving me with the cleric spiritual weapon and my crack by now it isn't too much of a fight anymore though my cleric gets closed for free damage and kills the first remaining enemy while reducing the HP of another one even further spiritual weapon manages to deal significant damage right after as well again before tanking several hits while remaining on the battlefield after killing the last human in a reaction my cleric kills another enemy with a melee hit leaving only two wolves to attack me the first one dies to a reaction with the last one following shortly after the amount of additional bodies combined with Spirit Guardians and up to three attacks per turn is really incredible to play there's so much utility allowing me to flexibly react to the needs of different encounters without sacrificing raw power I really hope that others will enjoy this build as much as I do thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe to the channel for more content like this in the future see you in battle Escape 3. [Music] together
Channel: Polemos_RPG
Views: 23,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: balder's gate 3, balders gate, balder's gate, baldur's gate 3, boulder's gate 3, boulders gate, cleric, rpg, cleric ranger build, build guide
Id: gXRctcYdack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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