Baldur's Gate 3 VS Solasta – Tutorials and Difficulty [Comparison Series]

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Both games offer a multiplayer experience through cooperative play This means you and your friends can play through the games together, and both of them support co-op for up to 4 players In Solasta, the co-op implementation is quite solid During combat, there's a noticeable banner in the center of the screen that announces the actions of other players You can even see their cursor movements as they aim at targets While it would be nice to have a more detailed view of your partners' actions, the current implementation works well Outside of combat, you can access and view each other's characters and inventories, exchange items, and so on You know, things you’d expect from a proper cooperative experience Every dialogue and event in the game is designed for the whole party So, if one player engages in a conversation or enters an event location, all other players are automatically brought there as well so it is impossible for someone to skip important bits During dialogues, when there is a choice to be made, only the host decides what the party will say Other players can offer their opinions through voting, and the host sees these votes Regardless, they can choose to ignore them and proceed as they prefer I see why it is done this way, but it would be a welcome addition to have an option for a dice roll when disagreements arise, rather than leaving the final decision solely to the host The main negative regarding co-op is that there are some technical challenges with the experience Various issues can arise Such as desyncs, where what other players see doesn't match what happened on the host's screen You might have items in your inventory that shouldn't be there or miss attacks that should have landed The positive side is that addressing these problems was relatively straightforward by using a simple save and reload You don't even need to rehost the game, everything just gets back to normal And desyncs like these were a very rare occurrence Another technical concern was occasional lagging At certain points, the game could start slowing down and lagging without any apparent cause. Although the FPS for both of us was consistently above a hundred, the visual experience seemed more like running at 15 fps At times, the lag became so pronounced that the game practically became unplayable Unfortunately, saving and reloading didn't remedy this issue It would appear randomly and then disappear just as randomly Sometimes after a minute, sometimes after fifteen We did some investigating and concluded that the likely culprit was server overload The European server, in particular, experienced problems during peak evening hours when the majority of players were active Switching to a different server, resolved the problem entirely Cooperative in Baldur’s Gate 3 has a bit different picture I would say that the technical implementation seems fine If you ever played Divinity Original Sin 2 - you know exactly what to expect from this one It is very similar with some improvements here and there In combat, unlike Solasta, there's no way to know the intentions of other players The huge plus though is  that there are simultaneous  turns If you are going one after another in the  turn order - you can make  your turns simultaneously This is really nice, makes combat faster and the downtime between turns is almost non-existent However, sometimes it can lead to confusing situations if there is no proper communication Outside of combat, you always can see other players and their actions Their character sheets, including stats, are readily available, and you can even access their inventories What’s weird is that you have full control of their inventories and can just freely take their items or place your  items in their inventories At first, there was also quite a serious problem with co-op When someone started a dialogue - there was  no way to bring other  players into it automatically Each player had to manually click to overhear the conversation This setup could easily lead to missing out on important dialogues that someone else is engaged in Fortunately, Patch 3 addressed this by enabling automatic overhearing when a party member enters a dialogue When I say “overhear” the conversation I mean precisely that – not participate Other players, their characters, and companions don't make any appearance during your dialogues Other players can vote on dialogue options, but only the initiator decides the outcome This weird dialogue system is the main drawback of the whole co-op experience It makes it so that playing in co-op makes companions noticeably less reactive With two players each controlling a single companion, the experience feels like two separate parties, rather than a cohesive group of four This divide means that companions will be far less engaged with events in the game world and offer fewer comments Additionally, the interactions and banter between companions will be notably reduced In general, I'd say that playing co-op in Baldur’s Gate while enhances the combat, unfortunately, detracts from the storytelling aspect, thus diminishing the overall enjoyment When someone else initiates a conversation, you're completely excluded from the story Fewer companion interactions make the game noticeably worse You get less character development,   less world-building, and less immersion The whole world of Baldur’s Gate 3 feels less responsive and dynamic, companions seem much less relevant Therefore, if you prioritize a coherent story and immersive world-building over combat and group enjoyment, I would highly recommend embarking at least on your first playthrough solo In my opinion, this offers a much more immersive experience, which is essential in a game like this Conversely, in Solasta, the scenario is rather reversed Immersion never was that important in this game, so co-op significantly enhances the experience, rendering it more enjoyable When you're playing with someone else, it makes the game more fun, you tend to overlook the narrative and world-building issues as well as the occasional visual hiccups Hence, if the opportunity presents itself, I strongly advise opting for co-op play in Solasta Thank you for watching till the end If you enjoyed this content, please  consider liking and subscribing I'm a very small channel,  and your support means a lot This video was just a slice of my comprehensive  comparison between Solasta and Baldur’s Gate 3 If I've completed the full video, you can watch it  here. If not, check out another slice right here.
Channel: NapstaCube
Views: 955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Game Review, Cube Fellow, Game Design, Comparison, CRPG, BG3, Solasta, CotM, Baldur's Gate
Id: JPpfuPuqwQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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